#Flag vs. Map
clairelutra · 1 year
damn, now i'm thinking about what would make SV a less lonely game (note, if any of these have been implemented, lmk so i can give this game a second third fifth shot), and off the top of my head:
require the player to have made friends with and discovered the stories of one household in the valley before the community center bundle can be completed (or one special character, or whatever; maybe they have to come help you sort shit out, which they'll only do because your relationship is strong enough)
the little helpers in the community center having things to say when you visit, and maybe exchanging gifts for blessings, fae style
quests to help set up the festivals (mini scenes for each completed one included)
expansions like the greenhouse or fields (yours or other people's) requiring organization with multiple characters
quest chains involving several characters focusing on helping another character with life improvements
quest chains (from the community center helpers maybe?) for recruiting characters to help you clean up the valley, replant trees, help the wildlife, whatever, rewarded by a blessing from the helpers
tips from characters about what to sell where that raise the value of those items when shipped
tips that lower the amount you can sell something for, but breeds goodwill that may or may not let you unlock other items after a certain amount has been shipped (with the tip-giving character reacting to those milestones, e.g. haley being attached to some indie cosmetics brand back in the city, and shipping those items cheap gets a scene with her being very happy and grateful they're doing well)
probably more idk
i get that the creator was just one guy an he did a fantastic job with it, considering that, but goddamn.
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ofpd · 2 years
truly one of the greatest failures of the english language is that there is no good word for someone who makes/studies calendars. 'calendar maker' and 'horologist' both simply do not cut it.
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uft1 · 2 years
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
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Ya know, just in case the pro Israel group has any doubt for a split second that they’re on the right side of history, you don’t have to look too far.
A good place to start is the internet.
Sentences you’ll see in the feed of a pro Israel activist:
“Bring our women and children home.” “We want peace.” “Every innocent death is a tragedy.” “Rape is never ok.”
Sentences you’ll see in the feed of a pro-Palestinian activist:
“Hitler was right.” “Wipe Israel off the map.” “Gas the Jews.” “The Jews have big noses.” “Jews are Nazis.”
If the internet wasn’t enough to convince you, then go to a protest of both sides. 
A pro Palestinian protest:
Violence. Yelling. Calling for genocide. Tons of masks. Flags of terrorist organizations. Harassing innocent bystanders. 
A pro Israel protest:
Singing. Hugging. Crying. Calling for the return of innocent hostages. Calling for a terrorist org to surrender so the war can end. Flags of the only democracy in the Middle East. 
You really don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see it. 
Those who support Israel support freedom, human rights, and peace. They support a people that was persecuted for thousands of years. 
Those who support Hamas support terror, rape, and pedophilia by calling it resistance. They support the beheading of babies, the denial of the holocaust and the kidnapping of holocaust survivors. 
This isn’t a nuanced decision. 
This is good vs evil. This is radical fundamentalist jihadis against the free world. 
If you can’t see the distinction clearly, if you still think the two sides in this war are equal, if you compare October 7th to the retaliation of the IDF, if you can’t differentiate between one side that does everything to minimize civilian death and the other that does everything to maximize civilian death, I don’t know how to say this nicely so I’m just gonna say it. 
You are an immoral human being who has lost all sense of right and wrong. 
I am deeply sorry for you that this is your existence, and that you have sided with the side Hitler would have sided with. 
That should tell you all you need to know. 
Choose morality, choose Israel. 
Historically, it’s just the smart thing to do.
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vitorroquesgf · 3 months
with the surprise being expressed towards the violence of serbian fans before their match vs engalnd i would like to remind everyone that serbia is responsible for multiple genocides in the balkans. croatia, bosnia and kosova all have horrific stories to tell about serbia.
this might not seem serious until you find out that only in kosova over 20000 people (including children) were raped, most if not all people from kosova had to leave their country to be ruined, tens of thousands of people were tragically killed, thousands are still missing, hundreds of cities, homes, mosques were destroyed, etc.
the reason why this ties into the serbian fans at euro 2024 is because of the banners they put up: kosova map with a serbian flag over it. to this day, serbs continue to claim kosova as theirs, despite the absolute horror they caused. in fact, they continue to be proud of it.
for anyone who doesn’t know, kosova historically has been a part of albania, having over a 95% ethnically albanian population, speaking the same language, having the same culture etc. the reason why kosova was left out of albania was because of the circumstances in 1912, when albania claimed its independence. the balkan wars were ongoing and if albania hadn’t claimed its independence then, more land would be stolen, so they ultimately decided it would be better to be independent with that amount of land rather than lose more.
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our-flag-means-love · 2 months
welcome to elliot flagmeanslove's
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do you have Opinions about stede bonnet's outfits and need to make your voice heard? well you're in luck! there's now a bracket for that!
round one (left half) starts around midday EDT on saturday, july 27th, and each round will last a week.
please consider reblogging to spread the word!
idk if this has been done before but i don't care i'm doing it anyway <3
additional info, guidelines, and image description under the cut!
i'll be tagging all the polls with "ofmd" and "stede bonnet", but if you're not interested and don't want them clogging up the tags, you can block "stede outfits tournament".
voter fraud all you want, i'm not a cop.
there will be no variations of the same outfit (e.g. nightgown with cap compared to nightgown with eye mask) with ONE exception that felt important, which was the full godfrey thornrose outfit and the outfit in the "you wear fine things well" scene, aka godfrey minus the jacket and wig.
there are a few variants with the battle jacket and depression robe, and i didn't want to narrow it down to just the ones with the nightgown or just the ones with a shirt and breeches, especially because those overlap with other entries too, so the battle jacket and depression robe are both just In General.
there were also a few minor outfits i just plain had to cut in order to reach a power of two. sorry to the outfit from when stede left home and both of his childhood flashbacks, maybe next time.
these were seeded partly randomly but mostly by my own judgment, because ime random seeds always feel even less fair. i first sorted them based mostly on aesthetic appeal and general fandom opinions—but also importance of scene(s) to a lesser extent—into groups of four (all the #1 seeds, all the #2 seeds, and so on), then randomized which would be in each quadrant, then played around with them a bit to make them pretty from there (roughly even distribution of s1 vs s2, not all episode 4 flashbacks are in the same quadrant, etc). if you have a problem with this, no one's forcing you to participate.
[ID: A tournament style bracket. It has "Stede Bonnet's Outfits Tournament" written at the top. The background is a half-opacity photo of the bow of The Revenge. The bracket is made up of a series of rectangular white bubbles, connected in pairs. On the left half of the bracket, the first column has sixteen bubbles, the second has eight, the third has four, the fourth has two, and the fifth has one. This arrangement is mirrored on the right half. In the center of the image is one larger bubble with "Winner!" written under it.
Only the thirty-two total bubbles in the outermost columns contain words. From top to bottom on the left are: turquoise suit (1.1); nightgown (1.6-1.8); blankets only (wink emoticon) (2.7); wedding suit (1.4); steve irwin (1.7); dream (2.1); depression robe (1.7-1.8); run me through (1.6); goldfish (2.3); peach suit (1.6); brown suit (1.8); theatre kid (1.6); slut era (2.6-2.8); act of grace (1.9); ed's leathers (1.4); and naval academy (1.9). From top to bottom on the right are: cursed suit (2.5); meeting mary (1.4); back home suit (1.10); battle jacket (1.1-1.6); godfrey thornrose (1.5); anniversary (1.4); cut-open shirt (1.2); red flag (2.2-2.3); YWFTW (1.5); long may he roam (1.10-2.5); blue suit (1.5); fab pants (1.4); ran aground (1.2); treasure map (1.7); white suit (1.3); and british uniform (2.8). All of the inner bubbles are blank. /End ID.]
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pinazee · 5 months
First season wrap up:
Okay, to start, i should mention my general opinion on first seasons for shows, especially cable shows, is not to read too much of it as canon. The writers, producers, actors- everyone- are all trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t, so i give them latitude, particularly when it conflicts with later seasons. That being said, i do enjoy jumping through the hoops to make it all fit haha
So heres a few leftover notes i had as i revisited the eps to rank them:
I bet part of Lassie was craving the father figure in Henry, since we find out later his own father passed away when he was quite young. I wonder if thats part of the reason why he became a cop, as they are portrayed as the protectors and in the 80’s they were mainly men (i don’t really remember if he states his reason later, i suspect he did and im just not remembering). So when Henry didn’t meet up to the expectation he had in his mind, i bet it hurt a little more as it reminded him of what he lost :/
I think the other reason Shawn plays dumb so much, besides hiding his genius so ppl believe hes psychic, or for laughs, is because its how he gets people talking. Like in Shawn vs. the red phantom, he purposely guessed the wrong room number so the boys would correct him. My apologies if someones pointed this out before, i haven’t combed through the internet for everyone’s theories 😬 i only now noticed. I’m not the quickest at picking these things up lol
If i had to guess, Shawn didn’t want to be a cop for halloween, he probably wanted to be something star wars related to go with Gus’s Lando. So i wonder at what age Shawn stopped trying to please his dad. But also, why didn’t his mother ever stand up for him?? I’ll come back to her later -_-
I somehow missed it the first time, but shawn clearly asked Gus to come to the dinner and Gus even points out that it was a big deal for henry to reach out. Soo, yeah, shawn obviously didn’t wanna be alone with his dad, and even henry seemed nervous about it as hes pretty drunk.
Shawn has a right to be afraid of pointy things, his dad hid his easter eggs under glass when he was 6! Not to mention he later gets stabbed 3 times! (Also its just a legitimate fear???)
So far the list of Shawns knowledge (things i wouldn’t expect an average person to know) includes (beyond the obvious observational skills, deductive reasoning, reading people (poker), and all things police (marksmanship, police codes, etc.)):
Incredible spatial and physical reasoning skills (knowing how much money could fit in the duffle bag, knowing to rotate the water pitcher to catch the reflection from the tv)
Kurt Vonnegut (well, I didn’t know who he was at least)
How to spell aggiornamento (and probably all words because of his photographic memory)
Handwriting expert
Casually spoke and understood german
Has every road he’s driven mapped in his brain, and likely all of Santa Barbara
Familiar with paint (enough to know to mix latex enamel for no messy drips)
Animal tracks (i went back and forth on this but ultimately decided he must have known what to look for)
And heres a list of Gus’s niche interests:
Spelling bee
Safe cracking
Historic rifles
Comic books
Astronomy (even though he was going to the planetarium for the girl)
Local tennis
Online poker
Lastly, Ive decided instead of ranking them, im putting them in tiers. I feel like too many of them are hitting at the same level and I can’t differentiate:
Sweetest, Juiciest Golden Pineapple Tier
Scary Sherry, Biancas toast (ohmygod i just got the biancas toast 🤦🏽‍♀️)
Blue Psych Logo Tier
Weekend warriors
Forget me not
From the earth to starbucks
Poker? I hardly know her! (Sorry @pineapple-psychic!)
Pepto Bismo Pink Tier
Spelling bee
She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me oops hes dead
Who ya gonna call?
Shawn vs the red phantom
Oops Canadian Flag Tier
Cloudy with a chance of murder
9 lives
Game set muuurder
Speak now or forever hold your piece
Woman seeking dead husband, smokers okay, no pets
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✯ Round 5 ✯ Match 3 ✯
The current flag of Gallup, New Mexico, United States
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The current flag of Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russian Federation
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Flag goes hard, refers to city’s use as a soviet town containing secret facilities that didn’t appear on maps. Weapon’s grade plutonium and nuclear power was created there
Tournament Policies:
✯ Choose the flag that's more meaningful to you!
✯ Be respectful of place names and cultural symbols in your commentary!
✯ If you want to submit propaganda, you may do so at the submission form linked in the pinned post. It will only be included if it is submitted before the next post with that flag is drafted and will be included in all subsequent posts the flag is featured in.
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aspd-culture · 3 months
ASPD culture is feeling such a pleasant symptoms relief with exceptions, but also thinking… How did they make me care? They manipulated me or something, they're a threat.
^^ Yup, this is one thing I've mentioned in here a few times. Exceptions do not mean they always alleviate symptoms. In some ways, our Exceptions make us the most prosocial we ever feel, which is why they're called that. But they also get the worst reaction out of a select few of our symptoms (and those will vary from person to person as to which symptoms are better and worse), often including our distrustful world view.
I've been here so *so* many times with my Exceptions. And being in abusive relationships can make it worse. There are ways to add some logic and objectivity into that to see how you really feel about them and those often have overlap with the advice people give to evaluate for abuse.
Map every day if it was a good or bad day and keep a calendar for a month to count good vs bad, things you feel are manipulative run by another Exception to see if they see it as manipulative, or think of how you'd feel if those things were said/done to someone you value or care about getting hurt, etc. But nothing will fully get rid of that unsafe feeling, because it's inherent to us, so the biggest thing is to remind yourself that pwASPD are *very good* at protecting ourselves and reading people. Likely, they wouldn't be an Exception if they were terrible people - or at least you'd have willfully and knowingly ignored/looked past red flags.
Plain text below the cut:
^^ Yup, this is one thing I've mentioned in here a few times. Exceptions do not mean they always alleviate symptoms. In some ways, our Exceptions make us the most prosocial we ever feel, which is why they're called that. But they also get the worst reaction out of a select few of our symptoms (and those will vary from person to person as to which symptoms are better and worse), often including our distrustful world view.
I've been here so *so* many times with my Exceptions. And being in abusive relationships can make it worse. There are ways to add some logic and objectivity into that to see how you really feel about them and those often have overlap with the advice people give to evaluate for abuse.
Map every day if it was a good or bad day and keep a calendar for a month to count good vs bad, things you feel are manipulative run by another Exception to see if they see it as manipulative, or think of how you'd feel if those things were said/done to someone you value or care about getting hurt, etc. But nothing will fully get rid of that unsafe feeling, because it's inherent to us, so the biggest thing is to remind yourself that pwASPD are *very good* at protecting ourselves and reading people. Likely, they wouldn't be an Exception if they were terrible people - or at least you'd have willfully and knowingly ignored/looked past red flags.
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Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood: a critically kind review from a femme acespec physicist <3
> scroll to the next section for my review on the physics academia content in this book!
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First, a quick romance novel review!
spoiler: it wasn’t my favorite but I gave it a ⭐️⭐️⭐️.75 because being a writer has made me a generally more appreciative reader + I am so starved of woman in physics rep.
the good
It just felt good to read about a woman physicist, who are still incredibly underrepresented in fiction, especially as protagonists. (I’ll go off about that in a minute.)
The romance is so swoony with shoujo manga vibes, I haven’t read straight M/F adult romance novels in a while and I just loved the flutteriness of it.
A couple of chapters were so soft with excellent pillowtalk. There was something about the ambience of the snow, the hypnotic sadness of failure, the prescence of a comforting person.
I enjoyed identifying the relatable parts about physics academia. Hazelwood clearly did a lot of research, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. It definitely kept me reading!
the bad
The academia issues are so over-simplified it’s almost juvenile. For an adult novel, even one marketed as a romcom, I expect more nuance, more explanations, more explicit lingering in tight positions.
And then the romance tries to be complex (and has a lot of potential!) but not a lot of conflict really happens.
A fictional physics fued between theorists and experimentalists is a really fun (and actually not far off) concept, but I would have expected some things to be the other way around. (More on that later!)
Okay this is personal but the main couple both have terrible taste in movies. Twilight vs white male rage movies??? There is no lesser evil here
Elsie’s hardships aren’t put in a very serious light. Her diabetes and lack of access to health insurance is used as a plot device to engineer romantic momentum between the characters and/or comic relief.
Just overall, the book tried so hard to remain “light” that I think it fails to garner depth. Because adult lives really aren’t that light all the time, and a book can bring relaxation and joy whilst including real worldly negative experiences.
There were aroace and sapphic side characters, but I wanted so bad for Elsie to be demisexual. It's set up so perfectly only for it to be averted—As a demisexual person myself, Elsie’s feelings about attraction felt acutely familiar to me, and every other reader I've spoken to has agreed that the book took a dissapointing and unexpected turn. I understand Hazelwood may not feel equipped to write queer protagonists but if I were her editor, I would have flagged that and recommended she make it canon. It would have added so much more context and dimension to Elsie, and would’ve put hetero demisexuals on the map. </3
Following up on the above: The smut tries so hard to be meaningful but it ... really is icky, stereotypical, unrealistic allocishetero stuff. Think: the shy inexperienced girl vs the man who knows exactly how to advise her. The characters try to subvert the trope by calling it out, but it feels performative because all is forgotten in the next second. The PiV sex is weirdly conventionally idealistic considering the pairing’s size difference. I’m picky about smut but also forgiving when I do like the dynamic. I just didn’t here.
Following up once again: I was ready to ignore all the repetitive comments about how sexy Jack’s height and muscles were, because sure, I guess Elsie has a type. But the sex scenes solidified the redundancy of it all. I've read this same dynamic in countless smutty heteronormative M/F paperbacks. And I have also been made aware by every Hazelwood reader that all her books focus on this kind of physical build pairing. I just want more diversity, you know?
IDK, I just wanted more physics in here than complaining about teaching, glossed over toxic mentors, and using some quirky physics term in every other sentence. (More on that below!)
I just wanted ... more? It’s not an extremely short novel, but both the plot and the character development fell flat. The ups and downs were too fast and easy, and the placement felt off. I finished the book and wondered, “That’s it? That’s all that happened?” It just wasn’t fulfilling. The side characters aren't expanded upon, and don’t get enough pagetime. My other romance reads this year were Bellefleur's The Fiancee Farce and Mcquiston’s One Last Stop. In both of those novels, the drama was fleshed out with so much care and detail. In comparison, Love, Theoretically may mention similar social difficulties in passing, but failed to really, really show us.
Overall ... the novel was fun for being about physicists but I really don’t see myself picking up another Hazelwood book, especially considering this isn’t even a debut novel. The conventional white steminist vibe and the particular allocishetero M/F dynamic just isn’t my thing.
But perhaps a reader wanting more of a novel and its characters is a good problem to have. Never say never, I guess! I look forward to keeping tabs on what Hazelwood publishes in the future!
Now, onto the physics!
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First, most physicists, as good scientists, understand that theory and experimentation are fundamentally linked. It’s true that we each are often biased towards our own methods of research, but it is quite a stretch to imagine full professors so blatantly feud against others solely because of theory vs experimentation. Regardless, I was happy to suspend my disbelief for the sake of the plot that was framed in a genre-specific, lighthearted, humorous way.
Secondly, both theory and experimentation have sources of funding that are motivated in different ways, and Hazelwood's decision to have the theorists struggle with funding cuts due to declining interest in pop culture/the general public is actually quite credible. Experimentation garners a lot more interest from the application and engineering end of society, parts that are easily fueled by capitalism.
However, I think experimentalists in general are far less likely to be mean to theorists than the reverse scenario. Dr Fatima Abdurrahman has a great video essay about that called on her YouTube channel called “Quantum Physics, Feminism, and Objective Reality: What Physicists Don’t Want You to Know About Quantum Mechanics.” Dr Fatima outlines how old white men in physics have maintained this image of unwavering scientific objectivity in the name of rigor, despite studying a field that fundamentally is barely fathomable for humans. In simpler terms: Men, even in theory, pretend to be better, smarter, and more valid as physicists despite being in an infamously iffy field. And I would have liked to see that represented. It was just really hard for me to buy narcissistic grad students mansplaining Elsie about her field, and Elsie’s righteous feminine rage, when the field in question is … physics theory? It just didn’t make sense to me, when all of my personal experiences point to the opposite.
But every cloud has a silver lining, and having a woman theorist in a physics field that’s less popsci-oriented is actually … really cool. And having her love interest be a man in experimentation … sort of subverts gender roles and conventional media expectations.
Let me explain. The reality is that when women are represented in STEM, media prefers to put them in biology, like a nurse to a doctor, a people-oriented nurturer, a mere sidekick to the real “objective” scientist—often a mathematician or an astrophysicist who is always a man. And when women are placed in physics, they are automatically assigned to observational astronomy, which is dismissed as passive and easy. (This is wildly untrue—though styles of research in astronomy has interestingly allowed a somewhat more diverse array of researchers in history. Even today, you’ll see a higher frequency of women and queer people in every astronomy department.)
I think my ideal version of this novel would be retaining Elsie in theory, while also making theorists the overall bad guys in the feud. I would love to have her talk about the unique sexism she faces as a theorist. I would kill for a scene in which Jack gets gobsmacked by how fucking good at math she really is, compared to him (instead of, like, only making fun of it like it’s easy). I would love to read about her getting a tour of his lab, and just more physics content. But maybe I’m the only one saying that, because I’m a physicist. Maybe Hazelwood simplified it all to keep the book appealing to the general masses.
Still, it all read more like a girlpower!!! chant rather than a real commitment to represent a woman in STEM. I savored every moment Elsie or George would go off about physics. I loved Elsie’s conversations with Olive, a different STEM academic. (Monica was more complicated and actually quite interesting, and I wish we could have seen more of her. Heck, I wish we had actually been given any tangible info about Jack’s mom, even.) But I genuinely felt these instances were rare. Elsie referred to being a physicist a lot (and frankly, her mind is more physics-y than any IRL physicist considering the sheer number of physics-inspired figures of speech she uses … but I excused that as silly comic relief, a quirk in Hazelwood’s writing style). But she didn’t tangibly do physics on page. It was disappointing, considering women characters in STEM is what Hazelwood is known for.
And there are physicists who love teaching—even physicists who solely want to teach. Physicists who do pedagogy research. I know the book was mainly trying to criticise the adjunctification and dismissal of physics higher education, and it’s actually quite accurate in representing that most physicists in academia would prefer not to teach. But the excecution also ends up erasing physicists who aren’t in academia just for research. And I say this especially because the validity of teaching physicists as physicists is dismissed in real life. It’s used as justification to further force all physics academics to try to juggle between both research and teaching, whether they want to or not.
Which leads us to bad mentors. I’ve had a bunch of those. As Olive pointed out in an excellent quote, “Academia is so hierarchical, you know? There are all these people who have power over you, who are supposed to guide you and help you become the best possible scientist, but . . . sometimes they don’t know what’s best. Sometimes they don’t care. Sometimes they have their own agenda. […] Sometimes they’re total shitbuckets who deserve to step on a pitchfork and die.” And the thing is, the novel really doesn’t show us any of that (perhaps other than in Monica). We don’t fully get to know what happened to Jack’s mom, or Olive. We are not shown what Dr L’s agenda really was. Their final confrontation was so quick, when in reality shitty mentors are often sticky and entwined with your work, hard to cut off and scarier to talk back to even after you’ve finally realized they’re toxic.
Which isn’t to say the novel is just inadequate about everything. It’s correct in how goofy physics faculty are, and how white man-dominated the field is, how students try to mansplain women profs, how theorists madly work on their computers (as an experimentalist, I could never understand), how publishing is finicky (to put it kindly), and how tenured faculty fail to understand the reality of the job market in academia today. There are certain parts (like the quote above!) where I felt incredibly seen as part of a minoritized identity group in STEM academia. It’s rare to have a book written from this PoV, and as a first I think this novel will always be special for me!
If you’re interested in reading about more fictional women physicists, I would highly recommend skimming through this list I made on GoodReads (and feel free to add more!).
And if you’d like to support memoirs and science communication books by IRL women physicists, then look to further than this other list I’ve also made. (We’re actually currently seeing a boom in these which is inanely exciting to me, so again, contributions are always welcome!)
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Welcome to Your Fave Album Is Gender
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Requests are currently closed! For info on the progress of a request check here! Rules and info below the cut.
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What are the rules?
Send requests through the ask box.
All genders and sexualities are allowed as long as there’s a flag I can use to overlay the album cover.
However, I will not accept requests for cis/straight albums (“____ by ____ is cisgender”) (This includes polyamorous by itself. I am happy to do polyamorous with a queer identity included.)
No more than two requests at a time please!
No more than two flags on an album please! (Not that I don't support using multiple labels, it's just hard for me to edit more than two flags!)
Please let me know if there's a specific flag you'd like me to use in your request (gay mlm flag vs rainbow, transfem/masc vs transgender, etc) Otherwise I'll use my best judgement to pick whichever fits best. (I use the Gilbert Baker flag as a default for the rainbow/gay flag, please let me know if you'd like a different version of the rainbow flag or the homosexual/mlm flag) (I will NOT use the original bigender flag with the white stripe in the middle on this blog. The creator is a transphobic abusive groomer.)
All albums or singles from any genre and language are allowed as long as they have official album art.
However, I have the right to not accept any request for whatever reason. The blacklist is below. If you send requests for the artists or albums on my blacklist, your request will be deleted.
Requests take awhile to upload depending on how many I have. I only post 2 per day. Please be patient.
Yes, you can use any of my edits as icons but please do not repost them without credit.
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What artists will I not make edits for?
Alice Cooper All Time Low Avenged Sevenfold Brand New Cardi B Cherie Currie Chris Brown Cobra Starship Dance Gavin Dance Destroy Boys Disturbed Doja Cat Drake Falling In Reverse Harry Styles Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss/ Vivziepop Heisei Project Jack Off Jill John Hinckley Kanye West Lana Del Rey Lostprophets Lovejoy Machine Gun Kelly Marilyn Manson Mayhem Melanie Martinez Midtown Mindless Self Indulgence Miracle Musical (Joe Hawley) Morningwood New Found Glory Palaye Royale Pusu/Zips R Kelly Slaughter to Prevail SWMRS TUYU Twenty One Pilots TX2 Wilbur Soot XXXTentacion
What albums will I not make edits for?
Anything by any of the artist above Dying is Your Latest Fashion - Escape The Fate album Escape The Fate - Escape The Fate EP There's No Sympathy for the Dead - Escape The Fate EP Joe's Garage - Frank Zappa album Girls/Girls/Boys - Panic! At The Disco single Death Of A Bachelor - Panic! At The Disco album Pray For The Wicked - Panic! At The Disco album Viva Las Vengeance - Panic! At The Disco album Live in Japan - The Runaways live album Queens of Noise - The Runaways album The Runaways - The Runaways album No Phun Intended - Tyler Joseph release
Note: These lists may be added to at any time.
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Who is allowed to interact?
Anyone can interact as long as you are not one of the following:
TERF/SWERF/Radfem/Truscum/Transmed/“Gender critical”/Exclusionist
LGBTQA+ phobic/Racist/Nazi/Anti-Vax/Republican/All/Blue Lives Matter/Pro-Life/Misogynist/Zionist
Rape Apologist/MAP/NOMAP/Pedo
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Who are you?
My name is Hades, my pronouns are they/them, I’m 24, and I'm gendervoid! My main is @sp1n​ I am a my chemical romance, j-pop, and vocaloid enjoyer!  I hope you enjoy this blog!
credit for dividers goes to theprideful
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tickly-tufts · 1 year
is it tickle torture if the goal is self-care?
based on my ler!lyla vs ler!peter poll, which tied too many times to count
“I know you called it alternative anomaly containment, but from where I’m standing, it’s just futuristic bondage.” Peter glanced curiously between Miguel and Lyla. “Did I interrupt something private?”
Lyla laughed as Miguel glared, the latter clearly braced to storm off. At least, he probably would have stormed off, had it not been for the cuffs holding him in place. Hover-cuffs, to be precise, locked around his wrists and ankles. The restraints were meant for difficult anomalies… which made them handy for difficult spiders as well.
“I was trying to make him take a break,” Lyla eventually explained. “You know him, though. Stubborn as a mule. Wouldn’t listen to a single thing I said.”
“I don’t need a br-“ Miguel interjected, until Peter slapped a palm over his mouth.
“You absolutely do. Anyway, continue?” Peter turned his attention back to Lyla.
“Thank you~” Lyla beamed, then resumed her account of the situation. “But yeah, he totally ignored me, and I couldn’t even grab him!” She paused. “At least, that’s what he thought.”
Peter quickly connected the dots. “So you took control of the hover-cuffs.”
“The things this idiot makes me do,” Lyla sighed dramatically.
“Vete a la verga,” Miguel muttered, prompting Peter to uncover his mouth. “And what was the next step of your plan? Hold me here and waste my time?”
Lyla placed her hands on her hips. “Persuade you to stop being an ass and listen.”
“How?” Miguel raised a skeptical eyebrow. “By annoying me to death? That wouldn’t have worked.”
“I dunno,” Peter chipped in. “It usually works pretty well for me! Just gotta know the right spots to poke, and-“ Miguel yelped when Peter punctuated this with a jab. The move had been intentionally ticklish. How could Peter resist, with Miguel stuck like that? He didn’t know the extent of Miguel’s sensitivity, but he’d noticed enough to flag it as a weakness.
Suddenly, Lyla was bouncing. “Peter, you just read my mind. That’s exactly how I was gonna persuade him.”
“What,” said Miguel.
“Oh?” said Peter.
“Help me out?” Lyla suggested, then she and Peter were both grinning.
“Don’t. You. Shocking. Dare.”
“I’ll go ahead and set him up for you~”
Before either man could ask what she meant, Lyla mimicked touching Miguel’s suit. Miguel’s eyes widened when the top half glitched, blue and red pixelating into new colors. It took a beat for him to process what Lyla had even done. Was that a heat map on his upperbody? Why did-
Oh shocking hell.
Viewing the whole thing from the front, Peter realized before Miguel. Admittedly, for a second, he’d thought Lyla was stripping him… which honestly might’ve been less scandalous. The suit had turned shades of yellow and orange, with a smattering of red mixed in. Miguel resolutely avoided eye contact. Peter almost took pity on him.
Deciding to start near the top, Peter reached out with fingers curled like claws. Recognizing his target, Miguel tugged at his wrists, but they wouldn’t budge from above his head. He gave them one last furious yank before bursting into laughter, unable to repress the urge with Peter scribbling at his underarms.
“So, that’s orange, huh?” Peter remarked. “I was expecting way more of a fight. Tickles too much to hold back?” He dodged before Miguel could headbutt him.
Lyla eagerly popped up with a color chart, gesturing to labels with a pointer stick. “Yep! Orange means it’s a super ticklish spot! Yellow’s plain ticklish, while red is killer.”
Peter’s gaze swept over Miguel’s suit again, although Lyla’s commentary just confirmed his assumptions. “Migs, buddy… How do you function?”
Miguel twisted to bite his hand.
“Hey! No! It’s rude to bite friends!” Peter chided, darting to safety. Migrating downwards and out of fang-range, he went for the ribs in retribution.
Miguel tried to lurch back, but Lyla didn’t let him, maneuvering the cuffs to straighten his posture. The adjustment brought his ribcage even closer to Peter, who didn’t hesitate in taking advantage.
“Thank you, Lyla,” Peter said politely, while Miguel cackled uncontrollably. Peter’s fingers danced across the orange of his ribs, nimble and efficient in the most devastating ways.
Things only got worse when Peter ventured lower, progressing from orange to orange-red. “Toned abs can’t hide a ticklish tummy,” he teased in a tone that had Miguel swearing vengeance.
Following that, Peter contemplated Miguel’s sides, which were yellow, save for two distinct points of red. They sat right around the small of his waist. Miguel tensed when Peter’s hands floated closer. Behind Miguel’s back and beyond his sight, Lyla peeked out playfully. She held out her own hands, making pinching motions, which Peter acknowledged with a wink.
The first pinches made Miguel flinch. The follow-up pinches made him screech.
“They’re like tickle buttons,” Peter joked, pressing the red points with his thumbs. And then, before Miguel could adapt, he tasered them with his middle and index fingers. This provoked a jolt and a curse, which soon melted into hysterics. “Ooh, the fangs are actually cute when you’re laughing!”
Maybe it was a mercy that Miguel couldn’t reply.
Miguel’s hips were similarly red, inviting Peter to give them a few squeezes. At that point though, he was wheezing, convincing his tormentor to withdraw.
“Well, this has been an enlightening experience, if I do say so myself! Learned your lesson yet, Miguel? Ready to listen to your assistant?”
It all could’ve ended right there, had Miguel been any less obstinate.
“The only things that I’ve learned are that you’re a menace, and my AI’s a traitor.”
Lyla and Peter shared a look, then both crossed their arms, disappointed yet stern.
“Why are you like this?” Peter sighed “Now what’re we supposed to do with you?”
“You’re really gonna regret that, Miguel.” Lyla tapped his suit again. Surprisingly, all she did was restore it to its original state. “Won’t need color-coding for this next bit. It'd all be red, anyway.” That was when Miguel felt his left leg start to lift, flooding him with a new wave of panic.
“Lyla! LYLA! I will reset you!”
“Aw, I’d better make the most of this, then!” Lyla’s form disappeared, then reappeared on his knee, seated like it was a perfectly normal place to be. She gestured broadly at his upper leg, now perpendicular to his body. Equal parts amused and anticipatory, Peter swiped his fingers across Miguel’s inner thigh. He marveled at the squeak Miguel failed to contain.
“That bad?” He asked Lyla.
“That bad,” Lyla agreed.
“I’ll end you both,” Miguel growled, though all it earned was a chuckle from Peter.
“Are you sure you wanna make threats right now?” Peter rested a hand on Miguel’s raised thigh. With his thumb, he began rubbing circles into the vulnerable muscle. Immediately, Miguel started trembling, trying and failing to pull his leg back. Peter smirked at the attempt. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.”
Miguel expected Peter to dig in again, go straight for the kill while he was so helpless. That was not what Peter did. No… instead… Peter was gentle. Fingers swirled lightly along his inner thigh, sometimes fluttering, sometimes feeling. They trailed upwards from his knee, then circled back before they climbed too high. Occasionally, there was a hint of nails, but only enough to tease through Miguel’s suit. Mostly, Peter used his fingertips, patient and methodical.
It drove Miguel up the fucking wall.
“Peheheter, you bahastahahard!” he protested through a persistent bout of giggles. Embarrassment flushed his face with heat, and he tried to smother himself with his shoulder.
“Bastard?” Peter repeated, feigning offense. “And here I was, trying to be nice! Just for that, you’re getting both hands.” Miguel genuinely squealed when Peter followed through.
“Going easy on him here?” Lyla chimed in a moment later. While Peter had switched from five fingers to ten, he hadn’t picked up the pace at all.
“Don’t think Miguel would agree with that assessment,” Peter countered breezily. His hands roamed the length of Miguel’s thigh, tickling in tandem, though in opposite directions. Miguel couldn’t calm down at all, the soft approach proving more than effective. Peter did relent, however, when he started tearing up.
“Alright there, Migs?” Peter checked in, though Lyla’s lack of concern already answered the question. He relaxed when Miguel bared his fangs at him. “Yeah, yeah, you’re so intimidating.”
“He’s just like a cat,” Lyla tittered, flickering up to pat him on the head.
“A grumpy cat,” Peter agreed. “That was adorable, by the way.”
That time, Miguel could've replied, but all he mustered was a glower… along with a renewed blush that made Peter smile knowingly.
“So, about that break,” Lyla reminded. “Give up yet?” She leaned in. “Consider your next words very carefully, or there will be consequences.”
Foolishly, Miguel scoffed, then grumbled something rather petulant. Was it a dumb hill to die on? Of course it was… but he couldn’t just let them tickle him into submission.
Lyla frowned, then pushed up her glasses, the pair of hearts glinting dangerously. “Can’t say I didn’t warn you…” Then she glitched over to tap his watch.
From the watch face, two bots emerged, small, round, and spider-like. While Lyla didn’t need cameras right then, she knew exactly how to repurpose them. Miguel and Peter both stared in confusion as the watch-bots traveled down Miguel’s arm. Miguel squirmed when the pair crept across his back, then skittered forward along his ribs. They met at his stomach, circling until he snickered, then latched onto either side of his waist. For several long seconds, they simply sat there, clinging yet completely still.
Then Lyla snapped her fingers, and the watch-bots started humming.
It seemed an odd feature to build into spy cameras, but watch-bots were meant to be easily recovered. Usually, a signal to return was enough, yet there were some cases that called for manual retrieval. That was where the hum function came in, utilizing each spider’s natural sense for vibrations.
Miguel was absolutely getting that fixed, because the vibrations were far stronger than they had any right to be.
The string of curses that escaped him went beyond Peter’s understanding of Spanish. Peter was pretty confident, though, that it translated to ‘this really fucking tickles.’ He’d heard about the hum function before, but never actually witnessed it in action. Now, observing its effect on a frantic Miguel, he mentally dubbed it 'torture mode.'
“TURNTHEMOFF!” Miguel demanded, though he could barely form the words. Ticklishness thrummed through his whole torso, radiating along his muscles and nerves. The barrage of sensation brought him to tears faster than anything that’d come before. Desperately, he tried to curl up, but all four hover-cuffs held fast.
“Sorry, what was that?” Lyla played dumb. “Turn them up?” It was an ultimatum. Mere minutes ago, Miguel might’ve snarled. Now, he whimpered, falling limp in his bonds.
Lyla turned the hum function off.
“Wow,” Peter whistled as Miguel gasped for breath, looking more wrecked than he’d ever seen. Several tears had rolled down Miguel's cheeks. “That seemed… kinda brutal.”
While Peter appeared slightly stunned, Lyla wore a thoughtful expression. It was more of a formality by then, but even so…
“You gotta say it.”
When Miguel still managed to show reluctance, she sent an extra buzz to his sides.
“Okayokayokahahay!” He exhaled. “…I’ll take a break.”
Lyla twirled happily.
“Peter, get ready,” she ordered right after, then unlocked all four cuffs at once. Unprepared, Miguel fell forward, fortunately into Peter’s arms.
Peter half-carried, half-hugged him. “Let’s start that break off with some dinner! Bet you’re starved after the whole tickle torture thing.” Miguel twitched, and Peter pat his back.
“Want me to call the kitchen?” Lyla offered. “Have some fresh empanadas waiting?”
“…Tamales,” Miguel requested instead, somewhat muffled by the fluff of Peter’s robe.
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hessdalen-globe · 4 months
Stat Maps of Hessdalen
Just some statistic maps I did up of Hessdalen to help characterize each country. Plus some ones that are about my worldbuilding journey.
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Free countries vs unfree countries
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Legality of slavery
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Monarchies vs republics
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Places that Cozar's clan, the Obsidian Axe, has been banned from
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Overseas territories, colonies, distant exclaves
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Urban vs rural
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Democracy vs dictatorship
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Countries that have been part of the world since my first map vs ones that I've added
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Flags that I've changed vs ones that have stayed the same
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manasurge · 3 months
Tyria Pride 2024 NA (Day 1) part 2
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YEAH we had the Tyria Pride Anet person on our map for a bit. I also don't know why or how their colour changed like that, but trans and lesbian flag colours solidarity!! (they may have done it on the fly I imagine, but idk if it's just a visual glitch too since I swear they wen't back to the other one after laksjdf. Either way I love both versions)
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Me and my attempts at getting good shots of the prismatic beams they were shooting everywhere (kinda spammy screenshots, but it was hard to time these right without doing so lol). SO pretty
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I always love it when we cross bridges. Also more random screenshots.
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Teatime Shenanigans
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YEAH I SAW LARA!!!! :D <3 (also I just realized Cmaj tag and not LaLa tag?! omg i thought she only made another LaLa for NA)
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Two (2) of them... (lol they look small bc I used my embiggening tonic for the march vs how I use the miniature tonic for the art parties haha)
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LOL yeah once it started getting hella crowded my game decided to turn a lot of folks into having the blank default models and every time I'd turn around to this group of Charr, they would look like this while tposing before they loaded in properly.
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And of course the last bit at the end <3 I sadly couldn't get good screenshots of this bc we were on the overflow side here, but hopefully I was able to sync my emotes properly in time as my actions felt either too early or too late whenever I did them lol.
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our-flag-means-love · 2 months
SIDE ONE (jul 27-aug 3)
turquoise suit vs. nightgown
blankets only ;) vs. wedding suit
steve irwin vs. dream
depression robe vs. run me through
goldfish vs. peach suit
brown suit vs. theatre kid
slut era vs. act of grace
slut era vs. act of grace (attempt #2)
ed's leathers vs. naval academy
SIDE TWO (aug 3-aug 10)
cursed suit vs. meeting mary
back home suit vs. battle jacket
godfrey thornrose vs. anniversary
cut-open shirt vs. red flag
YWFTW vs. long may he roam
blue suit vs. fab pants
ran aground vs. treasure map
white suit vs. british uniform
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vitorroquesgf · 3 months
why is uefa allowing a kosovo map with a serbian flag over it at the serbia vs england match???
horrible fans, horrible organization, horrible people, horrible country
how serbs still continue to proudly defend the genocide they committed in kosova is beyond me, disgusting.
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