#Focusing on him made me think of him as hot for like 2 seconds now its leaving me
smoocheys · 5 months
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have an idea for a drawing i just need to figure out the composition and. time and energy to do it
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deebris · 4 months
The Mysterious Visitor 3
Batfamily x batsis (platonic!)
Synopsis: Bruce begins to suspect that Damian is hiding something after the two of you finally see each other, and the father-son trust between them is shaken. Tim finally sees your face, and something strange happens. The meeting between siblings was not successful, and to their dismay, Bruce will need to confront Talia face to face once again.
Warnings: The reader is 13 years old and is Damian's twin sister; the tone of the story is somewhat sad; Bruce is intimidating; Hugo Strange mentioned; family discussion; maternal overprotection.
Word count: 3.6k
Note: I'm sincerely sorry if I didn't include someone on the tag list or if I made any mistakes. This part took longer because it's a bit longer.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
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"Forgive me for not offering anything sooner, miss," Alfred said, watching you carefully pick up the hot chocolate he had given to you. He found it curious how you ignored the handle of the mug, instead holding it with both hands, making sure wouldn't spill it.
You diverted your eyes from the brown liquid and looked at the old butler, now knowing his name, licking your lips after the sip to clear the excess drink. "It's okay," you responded, unaware of the chocolate mustache that had formed.
Bruce, still in the room, watched the scene from the side while patiently awaiting Damian. He traced circles with his index finger on the rim of the whiskey glass he had poured for himself, trying to keep control of how much he drank. Bruce would never admit it, but he needed to calm down, and perhaps a bit of moderate alcohol might help. He knew it wasn't appropriate to drink in front of someone as young as you, but he couldn't stop himself.
He was caught looking at you with a suspicious gaze that didn't waver. The room was filled with a palpable discomfort, and you, embarrassed, went back to staring at your own drink again, focused on listening to the crackling of the fireplace.
"Here, take this," Alfred said gently, extending a napkin from the tray. You accepted it and wiped around your mouth, finally realizing you'd made a mess.
Your mother would have scolded you for your lack of manners, you thought to yourself. And, for the thousandth time that night, you worried about how she would react to discovering you weren't in your bed. Maybe she had already noticed and was preparing a furious speech along with your punishment.
"What are you thinking about, dear?" Alfred asked, noticing your quietness as you rested the hot chocolate mug in your lap and started staring into nothing.
You snapped out of your stupor upon hearing the question, fiddling with one of the charms on your bracelet, the "T" specifically, Bruce couldn't help but notice. His mind was in turmoil, much like yours, with a thousand different thoughts arising every second. He felt strangely betrayed, questioning how much more his son hadn't told him—important things like the fact that he had a sister.
"I was just thinking that..." you trailed off, swallowing hard as the nervousness grew. Letting out a shaky sigh and with visible tears forming in your eyes, you continued, "My mom's going to be mad at me."
"And are you afraid of your mother?" Alfred insisted, trying to sound gentle upon seeing your distress.
"It's not quite that," you replied, trying to ease the situation so he wouldn't jump to conclusions.
You weren't exactly afraid of her, but you knew that rummaging through your mother's belongings, stealing a letter, and sneaking out in the middle of the night would disappoint her. You worried about her reaction and, above all, about Damian's reaction. If he was still the same, he certainly wouldn't be happy with the circumstances.
You tried to calm yourself, convincing yourself that you had the right to be angry for the first time in your life, not them, even knowing that your family would see you differently. It was as if you were perpetually a five-year-old in their eyes, always needing to hear lectures about every dangerous step you took.
Even though you and your brother were the same age, he was more responsible, smarter, stronger, destined to be a leader. And it annoyed you so much, but no matter what you said, your mother wouldn't change her mind about your upbringing.
When Damian left, Talia had said he would spend some time in a different place to learn new things and improve himself. For the first few weeks, it was even liberating not having him on your neck all the time, but then you realized it was because of him that you could do simple things like take a walk around the neighborhood alone.
Without Damian at home, your mother had no one to contradict her decisions, and her constant protection began to suffocate you. Then came the longing, and what was supposed to be a few months turned into years, and you never saw him again. You never stopped thinking about him. Every day, every birthday, and every Christmas, you would wait near the entrance of your apartment before going to bed, hoping that he would open the door again.
"Where is your mother?" Bruce suddenly interrupted, feeling Alfred's cautious gaze on him. You hesitated to answer, after all, although Mr. Wayne was a very popular man with a good image, you didn't know him. "I don't intend to harm you, but I need to know to take you back home," he justified, looking directly at your face, but Alfred knew this was Bruce's way of telling him that he wasn't interested in Talia, but rather in ensuring your safety.
"I'm not dumb, I know how to get home by myself," you tried to defend yourself. And though the words might sound arrogant, you said it calmly, not wanting to offend him.
"The point is not that. This is Gotham City, you shouldn't have gone out alone in the middle of the night." Bruce tried to reason with you, and it seemed to have worked because you fell silent.
"You need to trust us, miss," Alfred tried to encourage you to respond, but you remained silent. Bruce turned the glass to take a big sip of his drink and both gave up, not wanting to pressure you further.
The following minutes were silent, interrupted only by the sound of you drinking the hot chocolate in a few sips. Unexpectedly, Titus, Damian's German Shepherd, seemed to have taken a liking to you. He entered the room from the kitchen and stopped by your side to smell the new scent in the house. The relatively gentle dog sniffed around you, appreciating the head pats he received while you were enchanted by the furry animal.
Bruce couldn't help but compare you to his son since he began to analyze you. Damian had his mother's cunning personality and an arrogance that Bruce couldn't deny he had too, but it was more pronounced in Talia. He clearly remembered the first meeting with Damian. The first thing the boy did was make a ridiculous joke about his height, and he never seemed shy when meeting Bruce or the other boys. Also, when he arrived at the mansion, he felt comfortable analyzing every tiny detail of the house, unconcerned if his opinions were unpleasant.
You, on the other hand, although in different circumstances, limited yourself to a small space on the couch, responding only when asked and gladly accepting the kindness of Dick and Alfred. Bruce wondered how Talia could have raised a daughter like you. She and her sister, Nyssa, were sharp women, trained to be natural-born assassins, despite having a traditional father like Ra's. It was hard to believe that you, an apparently ordinary and shy girl, could be her daughter.
"Do you like dogs?" Bruce asked, deciding to stop being grumpy.
"I do, but I think I prefer cats." You continued to stroke Titus's cheeks, who began to want to climb onto your lap. Unfortunately, he was too heavy, and you had to push him back to the floor. The animal seemed to interpret that as a game because he kept trying to climb several times. "Mom gave me one for Christmas last year."
"Titus." Bruce's voice caught the dog's attention, patting his right thigh, calling him to sit on his lap. His gesture, although meant to stop the animal from bothering you, made you a little disappointed that you couldn't pet his soft fur anymore.
"What a coincidence. It seems you and Damian share something in common." Alfred was smiling while talking to you, which was rare for him. "Last Christmas, he also brought us two stray cats. The black one lives with us, but unfortunately, I don't know what happened to the other one. Curiously, the cat has my name." The butler tried to make a face at you, pretending to be unhappy. A Cheshire smile spread across your face, followed by the most contagious laugh he had ever heard, and he couldn't help but widen his own smile.
"The cat's name is Alfred?" You asked incredulously, seeing him nod positively. "Mine is an orange cat. He's cute but very troublesome; he even scratched one of my ballet shoes." You commented, much more at ease in Mr. Wayne's presence.
"An orange kitten?" Bruce's eyes widened slightly, just like Alfred's.
An orange and a black cat, both mentioned on the same date. Your seemingly trivial confession revealed to both of them that Damian had indeed kept in touch with you. Perhaps not directly, but it showed that he hadn't forgotten your existence and cared enough to have given the other cat to his sister as a gift. Now, because of you, they both finally knew what had happened to the other furball.
"Your brother also raises a cow here on the property." The butler thought it would be of interest to mention the funny fact, given that Damian was too irritable to raise something like a cow. And it seemed to have worked, as you laughed with genuine surprise in your eyes.
Bruce couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh when reminded of the cow, and unlike how he had been so suspicious of you moments ago, he was now more relaxed. He wondered when was the last time he saw Alfred so cheerful with someone new here at the mansion. The butler was a man full of tenderness for the family, but he was difficult to deal with for outsiders, although he always presented himself in a polite manner.
But the pleasant moment was suddenly interrupted by a series of voices coming from the top of the stairs, making Bruce and Alfred frown. Both stood up to see better what was happening and saw Damian pushing and shouting at his three brothers while struggling to descend the steps without being hindered by them.
Jason saw that Bruce and Alfred had already noticed them, failing to prevent the boy from confronting you three, and let go of his arm. Dick and Tim followed suit, defeated. The events of the night were revealed to him by his brothers, who told him everything from you being here to the fact that you had had some sort of contact with Strange. Damian went berserk at the last part and stormed out of the room in a flash.
Seeing his son in the Robin uniform, Bruce thought of reprimanding him, knowing he had gone on patrol alone again, but decided that was a matter for later.
"Damian," Bruce called out, calming him down a bit from his excitement. "We have a visitor." There was no view of the stairs from the living room, so you couldn't grasp that Bruce was calling Robin by your brother's name.
Damian descended the steps slowly, as if it were a very difficult task for him, and then finally looked at you, then at Bruce, and back at you, completely ignoring anyone else. He took a deep breath, trying to process the situation. Dick had told him that his father didn't know anything about you being his daughter, but he was sure this secret wouldn't last much longer. And honestly, he preferred that both of you knew the truth, even knowing that his mother wouldn't be happy.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, surprise evident in his voice.
You slowly got up from the couch, gripping the hot chocolate mug tightly. The truth was, Damian hadn't realized he was still dressed as Robin, and that's why you didn't recognize him. You stood there, paralyzed, not understanding why he was in Bruce Wayne's house, and why would he talk to you? Or maybe this was some kind of joke, and you still hadn't figured it out.
Damian was silent for a moment, his expression serious. "You were supposed to stay with Mom. It's not safe for you here."
"Master Damian," Alfred spoke, signaling to the mask on his face. Damian quickly tore it off, feeling stupid for forgetting about it.
You almost let the mug slip when you saw him. Your brother had grown a lot since he was ten. His face was thinner, more defined, and his eyes smaller, plus his voice was deeper. That's why you didn't recognize him at first. Before, you would have known who he was just by the sound of his voice, but it wasn't the same anymore.
You were happy and surprised at the same time. That moment was shocking, and the bitterness you felt a while ago was forgotten. Your anger at discovering Damian ignored you for two years for the people in this house didn't cross your mind now, too busy trying to memorize each of his new features. The superhero world wasn't new, after all, but how could your brother be Robin? And if he was Robin, did he know Batman?
"I wanted to see you," you replied, your voice trembling. "I missed you."
Damian sighed, approaching. He wanted to argue but fought against it, knowing the last thing he should do was yell at you after so long. "I missed you too, but you shouldn't be here, S/n. Things are complicated here." He responded tensely, calculating his words and trying to find a way to get you away from Bruce as quickly as possible before something slipped.
Bruce watched your interaction, unsure of what to do. He didn't understand the depth of your relationship, wondering if he should intervene or let you talk alone. It seemed too personal to discuss in front of so many eyes.
In a brief exchange of glances with Dick, in a kind of silent conversation, Bruce signaled for him and the others to leave.
Understanding as always, Dick nodded, indicating they should leave but not before approaching Bruce with something. "Bruce, promise me you'll only read this card when you're in a clearer state of mind," he asked in a whisper, placing a piece of paper in Bruce's hand, careful to put the written part facing his palm. Dick rarely asked for promises, so Bruce reluctantly agreed.
"Can you at least tell me what it is?"
"It's a clue about Hugo Strange," was the simplest response he could give. "But let's leave that for another time," Dick emphasized, looking at you and Damian, who, to their surprise, were watching them.
"Let's go. This is no longer our business," Dick tried to pull Jason and Tim along, but Tim was stubborn:
"Did you give it to him?" Tim said just loud enough for Dick to hear.
"Yes, Tim," he replied, not wanting to give him more room to argue, going up the stairs two steps at a time, followed by Jason who climbed more calmly, holding onto the railing. Tim gave one last look at Bruce, then at Damian, Alfred, and then you, who was now watching the three. You already knew Dick, but the other two figures aroused your curiosity. How many more people live in the mansion?
The boy you didn't know was called Tim started staring at you with an intrigued expression. He hadn't managed to see your face closely before, but now, looking calmly, he couldn't avoid noticing how familiar you seemed. He felt he had seen you somewhere, but where? You examined him with the same perplexity, and for a moment he parted his lips to say something, maybe to ask if he knew you, but Bruce's voice made him jump:
"Tim, you should go to bed, just like your brothers." He asked in a gentle tone.
"Sorry, Bruce." He responded quickly, going up the stairs in same style as Jason.
"Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for you?" Damian took advantage of the fact that the three had left and angrily threw it in your face, but trying to disguise it at all costs to avoid sounding too harsh. His eyes were frantic, looking at every part of your face.
He wasn't sentimental, and he refused to go through the humiliation of showing any weakness at seeing your grown-up figure, even if it caused him heartache. "Why did you disappear like that? Mom's been worried for hours."
"I already told you. I wanted to see you." Your voice rose a bit, desperately trying to justify yourself. You wanted so much to hug him but felt too embarrassed to do so, finally realizing that the intimacy you had before no longer existed. It was as if he were a stranger.
"Let's go. I'll take you back." He grabbed your wrist, wanting to disappear from his father's sight at all costs, but you pulled away, surprising him.
"Why are you so eager to get rid of me?" You asked indignantly, trying to swallow the sob due to your wounded pride. The warmth in your heart rose to your head, finally feeling that old anger again. "I haven't seen you in years, and the first thing you do is want to keep me away again!" You were distressed, feeling rejected.
"Maybe it's because you only cause problems!" He exploded.
"I had forgotten how irritating you are!" You shouted at the top of your lungs, trying to push him back as you did in childhood arguments. Back then, you two were equal in strength, but now Damian was becoming a man, and he barely moved.
You didn't notice when you dropped the mug on the floor, which luckily didn't break as the impact was cushioned by the rug. But the little liquid left had spilled and stained it, and seeing Alfred pick it up to clean made you feel awful. You should have done it, but he stopped you when you made a move to bend down, saying it was okay. Alfred felt he shouldn't participate in this conversation and used the mug situation as an excuse to go to the kitchen.
"Stop." Bruce intervened between you two, separating both and giving his son a challenging look. He knew this kind of attitude was typical of him, but seeing how loyal and obedient Damian was to Talia, he thought he would at least show some sympathy to his sister. "S/n, why don't you go sleep a bit? It's late, it would be good to rest." He offered as a truce and also as a way to interrupt your meeting, seeing how bad it was going.
"Do you realize the danger she got into? Talking to strangers, no less." Damian spoke again, his voice dangerously calm, ignoring Bruce. "Do you have any idea who that guy was, S/n? Do you have any idea?!" His voice began to rise a few octaves.
A solitary tear rolled down your cheek, recalling the man who had helped you on the street. At that moment, he seemed like a good person, but the way your brother was talking, apparently he wasn't. "How many times do we need to tell you not to talk to strangers? Not to leave the house without telling anyone? It's always been like this since we were kids, you never change!"
You had no reaction. That single tear had turned into two, then into several others, as you shrank into your own shame. You felt ridiculous for coming here because of him.
"Damian, who are you talking about?" Bruce held him by the shoulders to stop him from continuing to spew anger at you. His voice was much deeper than the boy's, and although it didn't intimidate him, it was enough to make him look at him at least.
"Hugo Strange, Dad! Damn Hugo Strange!" Damian lost control of his own mouth, speaking without thinking and not realizing the slip he had just made. "Because she's too stupid to have the slightest notion about anything!"
"Hugo Strange?" Mr. Wayne asked out loud. You knew exactly who Strange was, just as you knew other villains, although you might not recognize them by appearance. But that didn't matter to you now, as you spoke right after:
"Why did you call him Dad?" You looked your brother in the eyes, expecting some kind of explanation, not noticing how his body hairs stood on end.
Suddenly, a realization hit you. This was his new family now, and this man was his father. That venomous jealousy returned once more, and you didn't know if it was because Damian now had someone to call 'Dad' or because it meant how close he had become to these people. Damian swallowed hard, sweating and standing still like a statue.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Wayne. I didn't mean to cause trouble." You apologized, deciding to completely ignore Damian from now on.
"No need to apologize." Bruce felt uneasy, and like you, he drew a wrong interpretation from it. He thought Damian hadn't told his sister who his real father was, which was possible considering he also hadn't told her he moved in with him. The fact that you two were twins was also still unknown to Bruce. The most logical idea, though not spoken or thought, was that you were Talia's daughter with another man. "I'll ask Alfred to show you a room."
You looked one last time at Damian before disappearing into some wing of the mansion. It hurt to see him watching you leave without even saying goodbye. A 'good night' would have been hopeful, even though you hated him now.
"Come, miss." You felt Alfred's hands on your back, guiding you. "I'll show you the guest room," he explained, and you looked back, seeing Bruce watching the two of you.
"Thank you, Mr. Wayne," you said, trying to sound as grateful as possible, while wrapping one arm around Alfred's waist affectionately. Bruce gave you a slight smile, uncrossing his arms to wave goodbye, which you returned with your free hand.
"You and I now have a lot to talk about." Bruce's aura had become cold again. The trust he had built with Damian wasn't broken, but it definitely had a crack.
"Mom is coming," he said in a low voice "I called her as soon as Dick started told me everything," he confessed, knowing Bruce would be furious, watching him run a hand through his hair to relieve the tension.
Following his example, Damian also sat in one of the armchairs in the room, analyzing his father's movements. Whenever Talia and Bruce were in the same room, even if they didn't do it openly, they fought for some kind of dominance.
Bruce made a move to take out the card Dick had given him to see its contents and maybe pass the time while the second storm of the night was yet to come. The first had been you, of course. He ran his fingers along one of the edges of the card, without taking it completely out of his pocket, and then remembered his son's words:
'Promise me you'll only read this card when you're in a moment of clarity.'
The last thing Bruce had now was clarity. So he sighed heavily and pushed it back into his pocket, staring at the boy beside him. "Why do I feel like your sister should be a secret, Damian?"
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Tag list:
@lafrone @sylum @mileskisser @belowbreadcrumbs @riddle-me-im-sirius
@rafa-the-beautiful @shehrazadekey @fairuzwhat @bedeater @arianapjs
@idonthaveanameforthisacc @azulawayne @nciolisa @lovelywritersgarden
@spideybv28 @faimmm @formula-space @cherry-peach-flavored
@godknows-shetried @randomrosie01 @whatsupstark @paastaboi @m3ntally-unstable
@masterradd-28 @justanormalpersin @6000-fandoms @fennecspage
@homan-oid @fluffy-strawberries @animegirlfromvietnam @tamsyien @ari-sama21
@kataraluvr @boatempollstriper @lokisgoodboy @enjisthings @thereeallink
@lumalesa-kadichizho @fyodorssimp1 @shintax-error @lara20aral @sulatsadark
@notahappystan @nebuluma
Credits for the divider: @cafekitsune
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mermaidgirl30 · 21 days
✨Slip Into Me part 2: Crash Into Me✨
QZ! Joel Miller x fem! reader
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Series Masterlist
A/N: I really really love this Joel, and I love @alltheirdamn for letting me scream about these two with her 🩵 QZ! Joel is making me swoon 💕
Summary: After getting caught in the rain, Joel pulls you into his apartment. But you get much more than you bargained for from the brooding, broad man. You might’ve just fell for his chocolate eyes and soft Texas voice.
Rating: Explicit 18+ only MDNI
Word Count: 12.2k
Chapter Tags: Tension, yearning, teasing, protective and soft Joel, no use y/n, teasing, oral (fem receiving), unprotected piv, cream pie, age gap (female late 20’s, Joel is 50), switching POVs, QZ! Joel
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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  As the weeks go by in the sweltering summer, you start to see Joel Miller everywhere. When you’re organizing and polishing weapons for FEDRA, you sometimes see him walk by. He always looks like he’s on a mission. Furrowed brows, a scowl across his sculpted face, a large hand running through his tousled greying locks, a bite to his words when he’s deep in conversation with one of the FEDRA soldiers. 
   He seems to command people around him, acts as if he is the one ordering them around. You see they listen to him as he bites out a snarl their way, see the way they almost cower and can’t seem to keep eye contact when he’s giving them valuable information. You should be afraid of him, you think, but you’re not. You’re only intrigued more and more every single time you see him snap demands and push people to the edge. 
   He’s strong, broad, dominant. He likes to be in control, loves to push the soldiers to their breaking point like he did with Seth. He knows how to get his way, knows exactly how to play games with FEDRA. 
   He could snap the neck of any man that even tried to get their hands on him or order him around. His menacing gaze is all it takes for them to back off enough, drop whatever argument they try to start. You know this because you’ve been watching him on the streets when you work, stealing glances every second you can when you see the tall, broad man who saved you so many nights ago. Now you’re hooked. 
   You catch his dark brown eyes on you all the time, flicking amber shades your way when he catches you off guard while you’re working. You feel the heat in your cheeks burn hot when his eyes skate down your body, pretending like you don’t even notice. You notice, though. You always notice. 
   His looks aren’t harsh and threatening when he looks at you. His eyes are softer, jaw relaxed when he gazes your way. It calms you, like floating in a crystal clear lake in the middle of a quiet forest. Sometimes he nods your way, brushes against your shoulder as he passes you by on the busy streets, says a few words here and there in the dining hall. It’s like clockwork now, your favorite thing of every day is just to get your eyes on him. Even if it’s just a flicker of his broad shoulders disappearing in a sea of people or a brush of his fingertips in the dinner line.
   Sometimes when you’re focused on sorting through weapons, you can feel his eyes on you. He watches, stares with those hungry brown eyes. You’re not sure what exactly he’s hungry for, but you can tell he’s starving for something, begging for a taste of whatever that may be. 
   You feel his vision burn holes through your skin, feel the sweat glide down your skin when you look up and lock eyes with him. It makes you dizzy, makes you choke on a gasp when he focuses intently on you. He watches you day after day, this much you know. You don’t exactly know why, but maybe he’s trying to be protective, watching you from a distance to make sure you don’t get into any more trouble. You don’t mind. In fact, you prefer him to. Having a handsome, older man looking out for you is the last thing you expected here in the Boston QZ, but it made living here that much better. 
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   He sees you shining FEDRA weapons day after day, watches the way you take careful attention to wipe every speck of grime off the sturdy edges of the guns. Sometimes you don’t look up, too busy working to notice him staring your way. 
   He tries not to look, careful to not stare too long, afraid he’ll awaken something he shouldn’t ever feel again. But when you lift your face and catch his eyes, he can’t help but stop and stare for just a few seconds too long. He thinks your eyes are the most beautiful shades of gemstones he’s ever seen, sparkling like glitter when they catch the rays of golden sunlight. 
   He sucks in a breath, clenching his jaw before he turns and gets back to work. He hates to admit that he finds you attractive, glowers at the fact that he cares what happens to you. 
   He shouldn’t dare start the cycle, shouldn’t walk the narrow ledge of developing feelings for a girl, especially a younger, absolutely gorgeous girl like yourself. He’d be a foolish man to even entertain the idea of thinking of you that way. But he’s fucked either way, so why not break his own rules. Hell, he already broke those rules when he fucking dreamt of you the other night. Your body splayed wide across his sheets, sweat collecting like rain over his skin every time he tasted the sweet jasmine scent of you, his lips crowding yours while your nails dragged down his back, your moans filling the shell of his ear with lust and want. 
   He snaps himself out of the moment and continues on with his day, giving you one more flick of his greedy eyes while you watch him walk the opposite way all wide-eyed and intrigued. He’s so fucking stupid for wanting you, but he can’t lie to himself that he’s not interested. Ever since he saved you from that piece of shit Seth, he’s wanted to take care of you. That’s the last thing he needs. Someone else to look after, but maybe he can keep himself away. 
   He chuckles to himself, scoffing at his own arrogance. Of course he can’t stay away, at least not for long. He’s fucking hooked off a girl that wandered into the QZ gates just a few months ago looking for a means to find a home. You didn’t come looking for him, but he sure as hell found you. 
   And now he’s fucked.
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   The end of a long work day drags to a close when you scuff your feet over the warm pavement. The sky is murky, dark clouds collecting above you that threaten rain at any second. You make your way down the filthy streets, passing soldiers that brush past you and look you over as if you’re trouble. You just roll your eyes and huff, carrying yourself back to the warmth of your own falling apart apartment walls. At least there FEDRA can’t see you, can’t order you around like they do day after day.
   The humid air fills your lungs, the dark clouds opening up to patter rain down on your tired shoulders. Just a little longer, a few more feet and you’ll be inside. Almost there. Almost. 
   All of a sudden, you collide with a broad chest that feels like a thick brick wall. You gasp, thinking it’s a FEDRA soldier, eyes wide with fear until you look up and find familiar syrupy eyes, softer than the last time you saw them. Joel.
   He clasps a hand around your bicep and stops you dead in your tracks. “Well, look what we got here. In a hurry there, darlin’?” He smiles down at you, a crooked grin splayed across his plush lips, a trail of dust covering the top of his forehead, lines mapped out as he knits his thick eyebrows together. 
   Sheesh. He looks so good.
   “Just heading back home.” You give him a tight-lipped smile, not giving away the heat that builds underneath your warm cheeks. 
   “I see.” His eyes rake up and down your body, just a mere couple seconds. Enough to simmer heat low in your stomach. “You doin’ okay? Seth ain’t givin’ ya anymore trouble, is he?” His jaw ticks just the slightest, irises darkening as he thinks about the night he attacked Seth.
   You shake your head, crossing your arms to taper off the nerves running wildly through your veins. “I’m okay. Just getting by. And no, Seth hasn’t even crossed paths with me since that night he… since you…” Your voice falls off as you swallow the words. Since he saved you.
   He nods his head, a small smirk appearing like he might’ve said something else to Seth without you knowing. You can see him pushing Seth against the wall, his meaty hands wrapped tightly around Seth’s shirt, black eyes narrowing while he bites a sharp demand to stay away from you. And that’s exactly what you think he did. 
   Your eyes grow wide at the realization. He was like a protective watchdog, always ready to snarl his teeth and attack if someone messed with what was his. But you aren’t his, so why did he feel the need to even do that for you?
   His head cocks to the side, a lazy smile sliding across his lips, making his coffee colored eyes shine that much brighter. Jesus. He’s so fucking hot. 
   “Might’ve straightened him out. I’ve been keepin’ an eye on him. Don’t worry ‘bout him. It’s taken care of.”
   You stand there staring, mouth agape like you’ve got a speech impediment, words stumbling out of your mouth like you’re in front of a full gym giving a speech. “Oh. You didn’t have to… I mean, I could’ve handled it.”
   “Didn’t seem like it,” he mutters, dark eyes pooling in your vision as he shifts his weight, the tight denim button-up clinging to strong arms, biceps bulging with every moment he makes in the heat of the day. 
   You groan, biting the inside of your cheek before you say something stupid. He relaxes his jaw and gives you a smirk like he’s up to no good. When you don’t say anything else, he mutters another sentence. “FEDRA keepin’ you on your toes?”
   “How’d you guess?” you huff, eyes locked on his tightly.
   He chuckles and gives you a slight shrug of his broad shoulders. “I’ve seen you around. Workin’ on shining those weapons. See how miserable you look.”
   You gawk at him, unbelief in your wide eyes. “So you’ve been watching me?” You cross your arms and cock your hips, one eyebrow raising as you wait for his answer.
   He pushes his thick fingers through his sweat-filled tousled curls and stutters, ticking his jaw as he looks carefully at you. “No, that’s not… I’ve jus’ seen you around the QZ. That’s all.” He leaves it at that with a disgruntled huff.
   You take your tongue and run it along your bottom teeth, assessing the lie that falls right out of his mouth. You know he’s lying through his teeth. You’ve seen him watching you, day after day. He can’t fool you, but you play along with his little game. “Hmm. Okay then.” He gives you one more cautious look and flexes his fingers, pushing them deep inside his pockets. 
   Before he can say anything else, rain starts pelting down, soaking through your worn t-shirt as you try to cover your hair. “Shit. C’mon, let’s get out of the rain.” He grabs you by your bicep and leads you up his staircase, out of the drizzling rain. You mindlessly follow him, thankful to get out of the soon to be monsoon. And then there you are, standing in his quiet living room, just like that day he took care of you after the FEDRA incident.
   “You want some tea?” he asks as he slams the door, sliding past you as he stalks into the dimly lit kitchen.
   “Ummm yeah, sure,” you answer as you watch him get some tea bags and mugs out of the stained cabinet.
   “Tea ain’t my usual choice, but it sure beats havin’ nothin’. Shit, what I wouldn’t do for a fresh pot of coffee,” he sighs as he starts to boil hot water over the stove.
   You lean against the chipped kitchen counter, twiddling your thumbs nervously as you listen to the rain fall softly on the glass window, your eyes looking up through your long lashes as you watch Joel work. He paces impatiently, tapping his thumb against the worn-out fridge, his denim button-up straining against thick biceps every time he flexes his arms.
   How can he be so hot and dismantled at the same time? It shouldn’t be allowed.
   Gulping, you take a breath and say the first thing that comes to mind. “How did you like your coffee?”
   He turns his head quickly, his threaded eyebrows relaxing slightly, giving you a once over, a move that makes you shiver in place. “Jus’ black.”
   “No creamer?” you smile.
   “Does it look like I like creamer?” He gives you a stern look, but all you can do is shrug and give him a tight-lipped smile to try to alleviate his grumpiness.
   “I dunno. Guess a tough man like you doesn’t like sweet things in their life?” 
   He ticks his jaw and laughs, running a palm down his patchy beard slowly. “Ain’t nothin’ sweet in my life, darlin’.”
   “Would you want something sweet in your life?” Your eyes grow wide at the realization of what you just said. You were basically asking him if he wanted you. What the hell did you do that for?
   His chocolate eyes grow a shade darker as he assesses you, one eyebrow raising in curiosity while his mouth stays in a firm line. 
   Great, now he’s even more grumpy.
   But ever so slowly, he answers with a hint of amusement in his deep voice. “Depends on who’s askin’, I guess.” 
   The room grows silent as you look down at your dirt-covered boots mindlessly, nerves pounding through your skull. When you have the guts to look up again, his eyes are still fixed on you. And suddenly, the room grows ten degrees hotter. 
   You’re about to say something stupid, but he drops his gaze and tends to the tea. Apparently, it started to boil over when sweat pricked the back of your neck after he looked at you like there was fire licking his dark brown irises. 
   You wonder what it’d feel like to lick along his…
   “Here.” Joel interrupts your heated thoughts and hands you a ceramic mug, the warm tea steaming out of the top, surrounding your senses with a hint of citrus and honey. He nods to the table and demands you sit, his eyes swarming yours as he takes a place across from you, a blue mug of his own in his large hand, fingers curled over the sturdy handle.
   You carefully sit against the rickety wooden chair, gently blowing on your tea, cooling it down just like your body needs. Joel puts you on edge, and it’s terrifying that you feel this way about him. You should be very afraid of a man of his stature. He could kill a man in a split second but oddly, that just makes you feel at peace.
   An awkward silence falls over the room, the pelting rain against the window the only noise to save you from your racing thoughts. He saved you, took you in yet again, gave you a place to shelter from the rain, made you tea. You should thank him. You will thank him.
   Taking a generous sip from the citrus flavored tea, you clear your throat and meet his dark eyes with yours. “Umm, thank you, again.”
   “For what?” He sets his cup against the dusty table and shifts his eyes back to yours, something like surprise taking light.
   “For getting me out of the rain and for the tea.”
   He nods his head, and a faint smile shadows his plush mouth. “It was nothin’. Don’t mention it.” A slight grunt leaves his lips when he slides to the back of his chair, his tousled curls moving ever so faintly with the movement. Silver threads line his sandy hair, and you can’t help but to wonder what it’d feel like to run your fingers through it. It probably feels like silk. Smooth and velvety. 
   Rain continues pounding against the brick building, shades of muted greys lining the outside sky, night drawing near. Your eyes shift to the corner of the room, and you notice an old acoustic guitar with worn-out strings, still intact. 
   Leaning forward and nodding to the guitar, you say, “You play?”
   Joel whips his head around and huffs when his knee knocks against the leg of the wooden chair. “Mhm. Played a long time. Found it in an abandoned building out on a run. Figured it needed a new home.”
   Taking a second to assess his calm features, you pry just a little more, clearing the air. “Would you play something?”
   His jaw ticks, threading his eyebrows together in concentration. “You don’t wanna hear me play,” he laughs, shaking his tousled curls in return. 
   “Please?” you whisper gently, making puppy eyes at him, hoping the innocent look can convince him enough. 
   He looks at you intently, his eyes softening just the slightest, flexing his fingers like he’s trying to resist. He wants to resist but ultimately, he ends up giving in when you push him that much further with a small smile.
   “Oh, Christ. Fine. Why the hell not?” He grunts as he raises to his feet, heavy boots dragging over the thick flooring. Watching him grab the rustic guitar and bringing it back to his chair, he collapses and crosses one leg over his knee and positions the guitar securely in his arms. “Jus’ don’t give me a hard time. The guitar’s out of tune, and I’m out of practice,” he scoffs.
   “I would never,” you smile, feeling a blush creep along your cheeks as his eyes flick to yours for just a couple seconds, enough to make your stomach flutter from the contact. 
   He drops his head back down and hums, taking a moment to run his calloused fingers along the thin strings, dust blowing in the low lighting of the dining room. After a beat of silence, he starts strumming, a quiet melody flowing through the room, making a gentle lullaby that could put you to sleep.
   You can’t help but stare in awe as his thick fingers meticulously strum along the cords, each note more beautiful the longer he plays. He’s well experienced, probably played for years before the outbreak, and it makes a small smile curl against your mouth as you watch Joel lose himself to the song. 
   “Future Days” by Pearl Jam. It takes you seconds to recognize it. It’s a song your dad used to play you in his truck. A song that meant a lot to you because it reminded you of the good days. Days where there was no worrying about being killed or mauled by a clicker, only worrying about getting through the days that were filled with sunshine and laughter. Days that weren’t dark and ominous like today.
   But Joel? He seems to light up the room, even through his grumpy demeanor. He’s got a soft side. He’s got passion. And music was clearly a passion of his in a time before this. 
   You can’t describe it, but you love watching him. The slight pinch of his eyebrows, the crease of the deep wrinkles that map along his tanned forehead, and his eyes. Dark chocolate pits that seem to sparkle every once in a while. Like right now. They’re practically glowing and God, they look so beautiful. You wonder what it’s like to drown in those shades of brown. You might just float instead of sink. 
   “Future Days, yeah?” You let the words slip out, his eyes immediately shifting up to yours while his fingers still fluidly strum along the strings.
   His brows pinch together in speculation, his eyes flicking over you in deep assessment. Clearly surprised at the words that just came from your mouth. “You know Pearl Jam?”
   “Of course I do. They’re one of my favorites.”
   He lifts a brow quizzically and looks at you dumbfounded. “Didn’t take you to be the type to like rock music.”
   “Guess you don’t know enough about me to make that sort of judgment, huh?” you banter off, crossing your arms across your chest and giving him a snide smirk in return.
   “I reckon not…” He continues playing quietly, the soft melody floating through your ears like the rolling tides of the ocean, waves crashing through your chest. His deep brown eyes meet yours again and then he just stares, something forming in his glowing irises but yet still leery. He’s not sure about you, but he’s damn curious, that’s for sure. 
   But you’re not far off because you’re more than curious about him. You want to probe deep inside that locked up mind of his. Maybe take a key and pry it open so you can paint a pretty picture in there just so you can see what makes him tick. 
   After a beat of silence, except for the strumming of cords and the pelting of rain, Joel speaks again. “You ever play?”
   You shake your head and smile. “No, always wanted to, though. Never got the chance to before all hell broke loose in the world.”
   “Mmm. I see,” he hums, and then he goes silent again. His eyes still roam over you, maybe even trying to unlock a piece of your mind. That’s what it feels like when he stares at you like that. All deep and intense, like he just might swallow you whole one of these days.
   “You give lessons?” you ask quietly, hoping your question won’t send him pushing you out in the cold rain.
   “Depends on the day. Depends who’s askin.” That’s all you get from him. It’s neither a yes nor a no, but you have a feeling that tiny crack of a smile that’s blooming on his lips means it’s a yes. And you can’t help but feel all warm and tingly from the anticipation of those strong arms around you, guiding your fingers, lips brushing against your cheek, eliciting commands that you just have to obey. 
   Joel Miller is a menace on the streets of the QZ, but deep down he’s got a soft spot. And you think you just might find it. 
   Minutes go by, maybe even an hour. You don’t keep track. All you can focus on is the quiet strum of the guitar, his wandering brown eyes, his hidden smile that peeks out at just the right moments, the deft fingers that guide along the worn strings. You’re hypnotized by him, and you just can’t stop looking at the tall, broad man with pretty eyes. 
   It’s not until he stops playing and sets the guitar against the wall that you see the faint glow of the digital clock reflecting off the black stovetop. Your eyes grow wide, and it doesn’t take long for Joel to see what you’re staring at.
   “Shit. It’s after 7:45 p.m., past curfew,” he murmurs, pushing a hand roughly through his tousled curls like he fucked up big time.
   “Oh no. I completely lost track of time! I’m sorry, I should go.” You push yourself forcefully out of the wooden chair and rush toward the front door. Just as you’re trying to pry it open, Joel pushes hard against it and growls.
   “No?” you ask shocked, standing back to look into those focused dark eyes.
   He sighs and shakes his head. “Y’can’t be caught outside after curfew, remember? FEDRA would have your ass.”
   Taking a moment to compose yourself, you snake your arms across your chest and mewl. “Well, what am I supposed to do?”
   Joel flicks his eyes toward the leather couch and back at you, weighing his options carefully, and then he sighs. “Y’can stay here for the night.”
   Dropping your arms in disbelief, a soft awareness spreads over your surprised face. “Are you sure? I don’t want to cause you any trouble.”
   “‘M’sure. And don’t worry ‘bout it, trouble,” he smirks with the flash of his teeth. “Got a spot right over on that couch with your name written on it.”
   You chew your bottom lip and smile. “Guess thanks are in order then.”
   He laughs and stammers out, “Jus’ promise me to try to stay out of trouble, but I know that’s hard for you since your nickname is trouble. Ain’t that right?” A sly smirk spreads across his plush mouth, and an eyebrow ticks up slowly, like he’s calling you trouble all over again. You think it’s your new favorite word when it comes from his mouth.
   “Guess so,” you giggle, flipping your hair behind your shoulder.
   “Umm. I got a spare blanket and pillow y’can use. Let me go grab ‘em.” He leaves the room and leaves you waiting, slowly removing yourself from the entryway and making your way toward the tiny living room. The one with the sunken couch and white curtains that hang loosely around the glass window that leads toward the FEDRA infested streets. You’d rather not look out to see your prisoners that hold you captive in this city, so you divert your attention to the hanging portrait of a painted herd of wild horses that sits above the leather couch. It’s prettier than facing the outside world where nothing but turmoil and death lay. 
   “Here ya go. Hope this’ll do,” Joel says, handing you a fluffy white pillow and a soft beige blanket, warm enough to keep you cozy tonight.
   “Thanks, Joel. Really, I appreciate this more than you know.”
   “It’s really nothin’, darlin’. It’s the least I can do.”
   When your hand brushes against his rough skin, you freeze, gasping at the electric spark that zaps through your fingers. You think he feels it too because he jumps back and stares at the back of his hand, like he just got burned by your touch. 
   Gently laying down the blanket and pillow on the couch, you watch him carefully, mulling about what just happened. It was nothing but yet, it was everything. All it took was one touch, and he fucking set your entire skin on complete fire. 
   Breaking the thick tension, you help deter the awkward silence away. “How long have you been here in the QZ?”
   He looks back up hesitantly, and the flames in his eyes immediately die out. “Too damn long.”
   “How long?” you press.
   “Close to twenty years. Too fuckin’ long,” he scowls, something like anger contorting on the edges of his sculpted jawline. And you get a sense that this was never a home for him. It was just his own personal hell.
   “Oh. That is quite a long time… I can’t imagine being inside these walls that long,” you mumble, afraid to raise your voice beyond a whisper, not wanting to stir up a concoction of grief.
   Was that sadness beyond those deep brown eyes, golden flecks that reflect a hint of sorrow, tragedy, heartbreak? You’d like to know. Maybe one day you can scratch that surface, see what’s really under Joel Miller’s brick walls.
   “Exactly. I can’t imagine anyone bein’ here for even a year, but here we are. Jus’ some slaves to FEDRA. But I won’t let them boss me around. Hell, I boss them around most days,” he growls, a storm of violence in those pools of autumn darkness. “Fuckers can only make me do so much. One of these days I’m jus’ gonna snap.” A crack of thunder makes you nearly jump out of your skin, adding to Joel’s wrath that makes him fume and tick his jaw. He’s angry, as he should be. 
   “I see that. You really don’t take shit from anyone, do you?” You give him a small smile and surprisingly, he gives you one right back.
   “Maybe from Tess, but not anyone else if I can help it,” he chuckles, huffing out a long sigh.
   You shift your weight on the wood beneath your feet and drag your tongue along the roof of your mouth, preparing to ask something you probably shouldn’t. He’ll shut you down, maybe kick you out, have Tess knock some common sense into you. But you just can’t get the fascination and curiosity of what he does out of your head. Smuggling is dangerous, but wouldn’t you be in good hands with Joel? 
   Here goes nothing.
   “So, the smuggling. How��d you get in it?” you press gently.
   His eyebrows raise in response, and a quizzical expression bleeds down his face. “Why do you wanna know?”
   You shrug in response. “Because I’m curious.” 
   Keen eyes stare you down, and his jaw clenches at the words. “Well, you don’t jus’ pick that field. They place you there. If they think you’re good, strong, slick. If you can show ‘em you’re trustworthy enough, jus’ like a fuckin’ watchdog, then they’ll be breathin’ down your neck for you to smuggle for them.”
   “Sounds… interesting.”
   He chuckles, shaking his head in agitation. “Ain’t really interestin’ to be under watch of those lowlife scums they call soldiers. What’s interestin’ is gettin’ the fuck out of these gates. Bein’ out there in nature away from their hateful glares is what’s fuckin’ interestin’. You stay in these gates too long and you start to go a little insane.” He huffs, scuffing his weathered boot along the wooden floor in irritation, his eyes lit up like onyx flames.
   Clearly, he isn’t a fan of his job, but that doesn’t deter you from wanting to learn a thing or two from him. “Could you teach me?”
   His jaw goes slack, and his eyes widen at the question. “What kind of question is that? Didn’t you hear what I jus’ said?”
   “I heard you just fine. But I’m being serious, Joel! I want to learn!” you mewl, crossing your arms and jutting out your bottom lip like you’re pouting. You’re being ridiculous, but how else are you going to show him you really want this?
   “Nah, sweetheart. You’re too—”
   “I’m too what?” you spit, turning your head and pursing your lips tightly together.
   “You’re weak and you’re slow,” he boldly states, not even caring if he thinks that’ll hurt your feelings. He obviously doesn’t care.
   “Then teach me!” you stomp, throwing your arms down at your sides and balling your fists, just like a child who wants their way.
   “Teach you? Are you high?” he chortles, pressing his fingers against his temples in frustration.
   You take two steps forward and curl your fingers against the bottom of his denim button-up, desperate for a yes. But he pries them off and pushes your hand away. “Joel, please! I want to know how to defend myself, how to fight, how to survive. Show me how to do that.”
   He scoffs and shakes his head no. “You don’t know what you’re askin’, sweetheart.”
   “Yes, I do. Come on, please?” you beg, putting on the big puppy dog eyes, hoping that’ll be enough to persuade him.
   “I said no. It’s too dangerous,” he states with finality in his deep tone.
   “And this entire world isn’t?”
   Joel flinches and gives you a stern look. “Jus’ quit askin’.”
   You sigh loudly and groan. “Fine. If I find myself pinned against a wall by a soldier again because I couldn’t defend myself then I—” That seems to get his attention, and something changes in the light of his dark eyes. Something snaps, and he stands a little taller, his spine fully straight. 
   “Take out your knife,” he murmurs lowly, his husky voice almost coming off as a growl.
   “What?” Your eyes widen, and you’re shocked he’s saying yes in his own way.
   “Take. Out. Your. Knife.” He accentuates every syllable, snarling the words like he’s giving you an order. 
   “How do you know I still have the knife you gave me?” you question him, your tongue prodding at the inside of your cheek, eyes slightly narrowed in challenge. You shouldn’t challenge the Joel Miller, but it could be fun.
   “Take out the goddamn knife if you want to learn so badly. I know you have it. I can see it in the outline of your jeans.” He nods to the curve of the small knife in your front right pocket. Of course he’d notice that. He has the eyes of a panther. 
   “Oh, right,” you mutter, digging the balls of your feet into the floor, your fingers hovering over the pocket.
   “Well, we ain’t got all night, trouble. C’mon then.” He curls his fingers, demanding the knife, dark eyebrows furrowed together and his plush lips in a tight line.
   “What do you want me to do with it?” you ask, grabbing the end of the bronze pocket knife and pulling it free.
   “I want you to take it from me,” he states simply, like it’s as easy as writing your name in pencil.
   “Take it from you?” you scrunch your forehead together in question. That’d be too easy, wouldn’t it? 
   “That’s right. Take. It. C’mon now. Don’t be shy. Show me what you got,” he beckons, egging you on. Before you know what’s coming, he snatches it out of your curled hand, not even giving you a moment to flinch. 
   Shit, he’s fast. Just like lightning. 
   “Hey!” you shout, sweeping your arm out in front of you to try to steal it back. He steps back and wags the blade in your face, grinning a mile wide as he taunts you on.
   “Gonna have to try harder than that, trouble,” he teases, smirking devilishly your way as if this will make you snap.
   You shake your head and scoff, laughing under your breath. “You want trouble?”
   “Yeah, I really do,” he chuckles, tossing the knife in the air and snatching it back in a second. 
   “I’ll give you trouble, Miller,” you glare with narrowed eyes.
   His eyes darken with fire flecks glinting in his eyes, and he’s practically smoldering. He curls a thick finger his way and coaxes you forward. “Oh, I know. I’m counting on it,” he muses.
   And that does it. Those fucking heated brown eyes send you forward, nearly barreling into him, but he moves out of the way effortlessly, leaving you to run into the chipped counter. 
   “Nice try, sweetheart. You can be quicker than that though,” he jostles, tapping the edge of the bronze blade against his dark jeans.
   You huff and jump at him, curling your fingers around the end of his denim button-up just as he moves away. You lose your grip and tumble forward, almost tripping on the blue rug by the broken coffee table. When you get your feet underneath you again, you let out a frustrated growl. “Give it, Joel,” you demand.
   “Come. Get. It,” he bites out, flashing his teeth as a smug grin cakes his face. He’s having so much fun with this that it starts to get under your skin. One more wicked smirk and you bare your teeth and go lunging for him. 
   Just as you reach out and skim the blade, his body collides with yours, and then he pushes you against the peeling white wall, locking his arms tightly around you and caging you in, to the point where there’s nowhere to go. You’re stuck, trapped against his heavy weight, and you suddenly feel so vulnerable and breathless.
   “That’s not fair,” you choke out, your meek voice betraying you.
   “Not fair, huh?” he chuckles, slipping his hands closer to you, skimming the outer edges of your shoulders, the heat penetrating past the cotton of your layers as he slides down to the curve of your hips, pressing just enough to make heat rise like a tidal wave in your chest. 
   Oh, God. He’s so warm, and the way his broad chest feels against yours sends sparks shooting down your nerve endings. He’s so close that you can practically taste the sweat of his tanned skin. His lips probably taste like sunshine and sweet tea. And as you breathe him in, you swear you can almost feel him inside you, right where you need him most. 
   “You’re not playing fair,” you pout, mesmerized by the curl of his smirk, his mustache shadowing over his plush lips. 
   Whiskey. That’s it. That is what you’d taste if his lips decided to meet yours. And you want it, the rush of him kissing you. You need it desperately. You might just die if you can’t have just one taste. 
   He chuckles and twirls the edge of the blade around a loose strand of hair, making you gulp at the slow motions of the bronze weapon. “You think a soldier is gonna play fair with you? You think a raider is gonna go easy on ya? You think anyone is gonna let you off jus’ like that?”
   His dark eyes bore into yours, and there’s nothing playful about his gaze. Not this time because he’s trying to teach you this world isn’t kind, and you can’t always take the easy route out. “No…” you whisper, letting your eyes drop to the ground, right by his leather boots. 
   “No, they ain’t.” He tips the cool bronze end of the blade under your chin and pulls your gaze up to his, his eyes lighter and full of onyx shards that nearly have your heart in your throat. “Now try again.”
   You push him off you with a huff, banging your fists on his broad chest like that’ll do you any good. He barely flinches, only chuckles in amusement.
   “You think this is funny?” you scoff.
   “Maybe,” he laughs, tossing the knife back and forth while he stares at you with humor glinting in those dark eyes of his. 
   “Oh? What’s so funny, tough guy?” You reach out and swipe through the air, barely missing the handle of the knife. 
   Another chuckle leaves his lips, and he just shakes his head in enjoyment. “You,” he answers plainly with a smile.
   “Me?!” you scream, trying your best not to lose control.
   “Yes, you. Think you’re so tough, but you’re jus’ a feisty little pussycat, ain’t ya?” he teases, throwing the knife out of reach while you work to slip your fingers around it, but it’s too far away.
   “I’m not a pussycat,” you seethe, your lips pursed in anger at the crude name.
   “Sure act like one. All teeth and paws, but you can’t even get a lick of a mark on me. Can you, pussycat?” The flicker of amber crosses his irises as he smirks at you with trouble written all over the creases around his eyes. He wants to get under your skin because he thinks this is fun. But all it’s doing is making you mad as hell. 
   “I’m not a cat,” you spit with venom on your tongue. “I can take you,” you challenge.
   A smirk curls over his mouth and his eyes lace with darkness. “Show me what you got then, trouble. Show me those sharp claws you got. Come. Get. Me. Pussycat.” 
   The taunting words out of his mouth start a fire in you, and then you snap from irritation. You go full force on him, punching your arms and clawing right and left, but he averts from your advances each time. 
   “Y’can do better than that, pussycat. Don’t fuckin’ hold back when I know that feral cat is deep inside you,” he taunts, his strong body zipping around the little space between the dining room and living room.
   “Give it,” you growl, eyes slitting with anger fuming from your body. 
   “Then take it,” he barks.
   You lash out again, Joel ducking and reflecting off each movement you give him. It’s like he knows exactly what move you’ll make next, like he knows everything before you can even think. And it’s frustrating when you know you have no chance at getting your knife back, unless he hands it over, which he won’t. Joel Miller doesn’t give up but neither do you. 
   Thunder cracks against the gloomy sky. And when he turns his head to look out the foggy window, you see your opening right there. Your body moves, your leg kicking out, trying to make him topple to the ground, but you’re too slow. His head whips around and instead of him falling, it’s you. 
   His foot catches the inside of your ankle, and he smiles as victory flashes across those dark brown eyes. You tumble down, your body free falling for only a second until you’re met with the harsh kitchen table colliding against your back. You grunt, pain radiating through every bone in your body like you just got knocked off a horse. 
   Joel’s broad body crawls on top of you, his hands snaking their way around your wrists and pinning them high above your head, to where you can’t move. The bronze knife falls to the table with a loud clatter, but you can’t wiggle free to get it. You’re completely and utterly stuck because Joel’s entire weight is pressed firmly against yours.
   Your eyes widen into large domes, your mouth suddenly as dry as a desert because this beast of a man is hovering over you, and it shouldn’t be erotic at all, but it’s hot as hell. You’re equally terrified and turned on at the same time. 
   “Like I said, darlin’. Slow and weak. Gonna have to work on that, won’t we? Pussycat.” A devilish smirk curls against his lips, and his eyes are lit with fire. The kind that’s dangerous and tempting, that’ll maybe burn you alive.
   You try your best to kick him where it’ll hurt, but he pins your leg down with his knee, glueing you in place to his large body. “I’m not a cat,” you snarl, bucking your hips up, but you’re only met with the leather of his belt and something that feels a lot like his cock hardening. You gulp at the realization and cower back down.
   “Maybe not. But you could be. All cute and feisty tryin’ to fight. Shit, might jus’ be a new nickname for you. But I think trouble fits you better,” he smirks proudly at the name he branded just for you.
   “You think I’m… cute?”
   His jaw slackens and the smug smirk is gone in a flash. Maybe he didn’t realize what he was doing, but he was definitely flirting with you. And maybe you invited that, kept it going, but the way he’s looking at you all soft and lost, just like a homesick puppy, is almost swoon-worthy.
   “No. I uhhh… that’s not what I was tryin’ to say,” he stutters, licking his bottom lip slowly as his eyes swirl with hesitation.
   “But you just said…”
   “Enough. I was jus’ tryin’ to teach you a lesson. That’s all.”
   “I see…” A hint of a smile meets your lips because a red blush stains his cheeks at the question. He’s flustered, just like you are.
   His tight grip doesn’t let up on your wrists, his broad body still laying on top of yours, hovering like a buzzing bee, his heart racing a mile an hour. You know because his fast breaths are mixing with yours as thick tension fills the air like the fog clouding the outside of the living room window.
   His eyes flick down to your lips, his golden flecked irises swirling with something like desire. Maybe he wants to kiss you. You think you’d let him because the thought of having his plush lips melded to yours makes butterflies flit through your stomach and other places you don’t want to think about. 
   He shifts his eyes back to yours, and your body hums with need. Those syrupy brown eyes could bring you down to your knees. God, they’re so beautiful under the dim light of the dining room, making them look like molten lava and painted sunsets on the beach. You could just drown in them if he’d let you. 
   He’s struggling, his body tight and his breath ragged, fighting something he doesn’t understand. You almost think he’ll kiss you by the way his eyes flick back and forth undecidedly. Joel Miller may not be weak, but he’s got something in that thick head of his that’s weak for you. 
   “Joel?” you whisper, watching the way his eyes widen when they stare waveringly at your mouth.
   His jaw clenches into a tight fist and then he’s climbing off you, freeing your wrists from their restraints, leaving you feeling empty and breathless with a need that thirsts to be quenched. 
   “I uhhh, got a shower. Y’can use it if you want,” he murmurs quickly, like he’s in a hurry to get away from the heat of the room because it’s stifling in this moment. And the way he was looking at you just a few seconds ago? It was like he wanted you. And maybe he does. Maybe, just maybe…
   “Ummm, yeah. Thanks,” you mumble, collecting your bearings as you smooth your shirt out, the inside of your thighs burning with desire. Joel lit a spark in you, and it set your core ablaze like fire.
   “Towels are in the first cabinet on the left. Jus’ help yourself.” He threads his fingers through his disheveled hair, nervously pulling at the strands like he’s in pain, like he’s fighting something.
   “Joel?” you ask again, calling his name like it’s the only name you know.
   “Yeah?” His voice is deep, clipped, like he wants to run far far away from you.
   “So. Does this mean you’ll teach me?” 
   His eyes linger on you for just a second too long, and the tick in his jaw tightens as he thinks it through. Eventually, he nods with a tight-lipped smile. “Consider that your first lesson. We’ll go again tomorrow.”
   “Really?” A large smile covers your face, and your eyes light up with glee.
   “Mhm. Don’t make me regret it. Goodnight, trouble.” He disappears through the thresholds of his room, leaving you standing in the middle of the hall, waiting for what? Something, but his door stays shut tight.
   You sigh and make your way into the bathroom, flipping on the lights. It’s a simple layout. Cracked tiles in the shower, a tan shower curtain, a small ceramic sink with a fading countertop, stained white walls with small water leak marks on top of the ceiling, a rugged blue mat in front of the tub. Slightly better than your rundown bathroom. 
   After finding a folded white towel in the cabinet and turning the faucet of the shower, you strip your worn clothes and step in, letting the grime and sweat wash down the drain in a swirl of sudsy soap. It feels weird being in Joel’s shower, but you’re grateful anyways. He could’ve said no, could’ve kicked you out, but he didn’t. He did the unspeakable. 
   He let you stay. 
   After relaxing for several minutes under the warm spray of the shower head, you cut the water and dry off, squeezing all the leftover water droplets from your clean hair, brushing your fingers through the tangled mess. 
   When you take a step out of the shower and onto the now damp rug, you freeze. There, right on the edge of the counter, is a folded up navy colored t-shirt that wasn’t there before your shower. Your eyebrows pinch together, questions rolling through your wide eyes. You didn’t hear him open the door, not when you were under the noisy shower head. 
   As you pick it up, you see it’s long enough to fall past your knees, and it’s soft and smells like Joel. A hint of pinewood and smoke lathering in the cotton of the material. You inhale his scent, breathing deeply in before you slip it over your head, the cool cotton molding to your body like a weighted blanket. All warm and cozy and his. 
   But why did he leave this for you? He could’ve left you to throw on your sweat-drenched clothes from earlier, could’ve given you some old ratty thing. But he didn’t. 
   Shaking your head in disbelief, you let the door click open with the twist of the doorknob and step out, your eyes falling on his closed door like you could walk right through it, breaking every barrier down he had built against him. But instead, you decide to retreat to the couch and snuggle into the thick blanket, the worn leather sticking to your clean skin, your head hitting the pillow in just the right spot.
   Visions of Joel flood through your mind the moment you close your eyes, remembering the intense knife lesson, his broad body hovering over yours, his dark eyes staring directly into your soul, tempting you to mold your lips to his. He wanted to kiss you, at least you think. And maybe you should’ve helped him take that leap, but you didn’t. And that’s your downfall you’ll always regret. 
   Sighing deep against the fluffy pillow, you toss and turn until you fall asleep. The soft pitter patter of the rain lulling you into a deep sleep after a brutal day in the heat. The last thing you see before you slip into darkness is the color of mahogany eyes haunting your mind.
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   Joel tosses and turns, letting the slick sheets wrap around his legs, groaning against the mixed feelings that swirl around his conflicted mind. You. You’re the reason he can’t sleep or think straight. All he sees are the flashes of your pretty eyes, eyelashes batting against the deep blush that painted your cheeks crimson when he was hovering over you on the kitchen table, your wrists constricted around his fingers, just a breath away from his mouth meeting your glossy lips.
   He groans and lets the palms of his hands dig into the socket of his eyes, muttering curses under his breath. He doesn’t get feelings, doesn’t get wrapped around pretty girls’ fingers, but you have him wrapped tight like a noose around his neck, one step away from tipping over the edge to his death. 
   He can’t help himself, can’t fight off the way he wants you so fucking badly that he can hardly stand it. He shouldn’t want you, but here he is like a whiny dog begging for attention. He wants you to want him like he wants you. And maybe you already do. He doesn’t fucking know anymore.
   He should’ve never saved you from Seth, but he’d never forgive himself if he let Seth lay one more finger on you. And then he invited you inside to shield you from the rain, offered to let you stay, kept you past curfew when he knew this would happen. He should’ve sent you off to Tess’s apartment, but he didn’t. He didn’t do one goddamn thing that he should’ve. 
   And now you’re trapped like a fly under his watch. Because now… he’s never going to let another man touch you. Not under his radar. Not ever. Unless it’s him…
   It’s only a few steps from his bedroom to the couch, would only take a second to brush his palm down your cheek, let his mouth envelop yours, only a breath away from wrapping you so tightly around his tired body that you’ll never be able to let go.
   He’s being selfish, but he can’t help it. He fucking wants you, but only time will tell if he’ll fully give in to what he truly needs.
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   A loud clap of thunder stirs you from your deep sleep, nearly sending you tumbling off the edge of the sunken leather couch. Another big boom explodes across the dark night sky and has you tossing the blanket aside. Your stiff body shakes from the thrashing storm as you push yourself off the faded couch, rubbing the sleep from your tired eyes. 
   You pull back the torn curtain and fix your eyes on the blackness of the storm, large lightning strikes splitting across the sky, reflecting off the foggy glass. Your slow breaths fill the room, your finger sliding down the windowpane, condensation dripping down the clear glass. You never were a huge fan of thunderstorms, unless they were calm. Slow, gentle rain storms were always something you loved but this? Well, it certainly had you on edge. 
   You spend the next few minutes pacing across the wooden floors, taking caution not to be too loud, not wanting to wake Joel up. You can’t sleep, can’t process that you’re in his apartment, in his shirt. 
   God, you really hope he doesn’t walk through that closed door because the only thing you’re wearing right now is his shirt and your lacy panties. Even though the length of the shirt covers your thighs, you still feel completely vulnerable and bare. 
   Chewing the edges of your long nails, you pace back and forth nervously against the wooden floorboards, careful not to step on a creaky spot. The thunder claps through the sky, startling you once again. You jump back with a jolt and hit the side of the coffee table, catching yourself from falling face down to the floor. But before that happens, you step on a particularly noisy wooden plank and an ear-splitting groan carries through the entirety of the room, alarming anyone who’s mere feet away of your mistake. 
   And in less than ten seconds, Joel’s door pops open with a squeak and out slips Joel. Your eyes widen at the picturesque view that stands in front of you. You gulp and step back, taking in the broadness of his entire body, like it was being displayed in a fucking art gallery. 
   His tousled curls are disheveled and pushed back, making his deep brown eyes somehow brighter, like the midnight moon. A short sleeved white t-shirt clings to his bulky arms, the large veins cascading and spidering down the entirety of his tanned arms. His grey sweatpants hang low on his hips, one hand shoved deep inside his pocket, the other running smoothly through his greying locks. 
   You’d be lying to yourself if you said you felt nothing for him because right now, your heart is thundering loudly in your chest just by standing in his presence, wearing his t-shirt. And suddenly, you feel exposed and completely naked. 
   “Thought I heard something in here. You alright?” he asks carefully, eyes locking like a magnet with yours.
   You gulp and push a lock of hair behind your ear nervously. “I’m fine. Just the storm woke me up, and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I’m sorry if I woke you, I didn’t mean to,” you press, fingers twisting nervously in the fabric of his shirt that clings like static to your clammy skin. 
   He holds out a palm to silence you, but he only shakes his head and laughs quietly. The sound reverberates down your body like music. “S’alright, darlin’. Didn’t wake me up. Wasn’t having much luck sleepin’ anyways.”
   “Oh, I see.” Your hands clamp together behind your back in a nervous fit of jitters, your mouth suddenly as dry as a desert. 
   Why the fuck are you so nervous? He’s just a guy, but then again he’s not. He’s Joel Miller, and there’s nothing remotely average about him. 
   “The couch comfortable enough? I know it ain’t much, but it’s the best I got,” he drawls, flexing his bicep each time he runs his thick fingers through his soft curls, making you nearly pant at the sight of the ripped muscles pulling at the edges of his t-shirt. 
   “It’s perfect, Joel. Seriously, you didn’t have to let me stay.”
   He chuckles and sighs slowly. “Like I said, it’s no trouble.”
   “Thank you.”
   Shaking his head slowly, he replies, “Gotta stop thanking me, sweetheart.”
   “And for letting me shower and borrow your shirt. You really didn’t have to.” Your fingers pick at the frayed edges of the t-shirt, your eyes widening when you see his dark eyes roam the expanse of your body, flicking his gaze up and down your legs at an extremely slow pace, your cheeks burning with redness seeping in. 
   You don’t know why, but his smoldering stare sets your core completely on fire. 
   “Again, don’t mention it. And uhhh… it looks better on you.” You nearly choke on the words that just slipped free from his lips, like it was all casual and not a compliment. He basically just told you how good you look in his clothes. And that in itself makes your insides smother with need. 
   “You didn’t have to, you know,” you laugh, eyes peeling to the floor, a nervous flutter kicking inside your chest. 
   “But I really did…”
   Your eyes snap back up to his, tension forming like the thick fog that covers the windows. And suddenly, the room feels much hotter than it should be. Almost like a suffocating sauna.
   He takes a step forward, the floorboards creaking beneath him, and then he takes another, one step closer to you. His eyes flick down your legs once more, his golden brown irises glistening with something like mischief and fire igniting with every glimpse of your skin. 
   The scent of pine cones and autumn permeate throughout the still air, igniting your heightened senses, kicking them into overdrive the closer he gets to you. His smoldering eyes rake over your body, a smug smile tugging at his plush lips, and there’s trouble written all over that smug look. The kind of trouble you wouldn’t mind falling into. 
   Thunder crashes outside, making you jump at the sudden explosion of the raging storm, putting you on edge even more than when Joel walked into the room.
    “You scared of storms?” he asks quietly, eyeing you closely, eyes roaming down your bare legs in slow motion, lurching your heart in your throat.
   “No,” you barely mouth, gulping as you watch his hand rake down his patchy beard slowly, his eyes devouring your skin. Fire burns hot in your core the longer you watch him. Maybe he’ll pounce, put the fire out himself or make it burn ten times hotter.
   “You sure ‘bout that?” He smirks, lighting the fire into a full on inferno. You’re burning.
   Another step closer, thunder vibrating in the dark sky behind you, his breath fanning warmly across your face, conjuring feelings that shouldn’t even be blooming in the first place.
   “I said I’m not scared,” you mutter courageously, holding your breath, scared of what you might smell if he takes one step closer.
   “Then why are ya shakin’?” He takes two more slow steps toward you, prowling like a starving wolf, ready to sink his sharp teeth into the side of your neck. 
   “I’m not.” But that’s a damn lie. You might as well be shaking the entire floor with the way you’re shuddering violently in place.
   Another step and then he’s toe to toe with you, the smell of mahogany and pine trees invading your body, making you want to just melt into the fragrance of his scent. 
   He smells like honeydew and a warm summer’s day. And you’re fucking addicted.
   “You are. Fuckin’ tremblin’, sweetheart.” You audibly gasp when he brushes a lock of hair behind your ear, lingering his fingers slowly down your jawline, pulling out need and yearning like you’re dying for just a drop of his taste, his tongue.
   “I’m not scared of the storm…” you answer calmly, your voice giving away with how badly you need him. 
   God, you want him. Almost as badly as you want to be out of the QZ.
   “Then what? You afraid of me?” He cups your chin and lifts your eyes up to his, pulling out a sound that almost sounds like a moan. He chuckles at that. You’re so embarrassed.
   “No…” you murmur, your voice deceiving you once again. 
   “Well, ya should be,” he smiles, his honey eyes turning into deep black pits, making you want to drown in his dark pools of lust. 
   “Why’s that?” you whisper, voice cracking when his other hand pulls you by the waist, your body flush with his broad chest.
   “‘Cause you scare the hell out of me,” he states with a sharpness to his deep timbre. 
   “But I didn’t do anything…” you mewl, too scared to back up, not wanting to break the thick tension that permeates like fire around the room.
   Another crack of thunder makes you jump, but he only pulls you tighter, his warmth coursing through your entire body. 
   “‘Course you did. Comin’ around here with those big, beautiful eyes. Tryin’ to sweeten up my life. Causin’ a bunch of ruckus and trouble. Who gave you the right, huh?” he asks accusingly; his voice soft but ravenous.  
   Your eyes widen at the meaning of his words. He called you beautiful. “Joel… I’m not trying to...”
   “Ya are. And I won’t stand for it. Won’t stand a goddamn second of it. Now c’mere and fix the mess you started.” 
   Before you can say anything, he cups the back of your neck and pulls your mouth to his. He crashes his lips desperately against yours, knocking the breath clear out of your lungs. It’s not soft or slow, it’s reckless and electrifying as you match his energy and kiss him in the same starving-like way. 
   You part your lips and let him slot in. His tongue dances wildly with yours, a sultry tango that spins out of control. You wrap your arms tightly around the back of his neck and he picks you up and wraps your legs around his hips, pinning you against the crumbling walls while you moan desperately into his mouth. 
   He takes his lips off yours for just a breath, enough to pant out a series of serenaded words. “Christ, you taste better than a cold glass of whiskey. Might have to brand you as my new favorite flavor, trouble.” He clashes his mouth back on yours, moans bleeding into each other like the whiskey that burns through his bloodstream.
   “Joel, need—” you whine between thunderous kisses.
   “Know what you need, sweetheart. Don’t worry. Gonna take real good care of ya, babygirl.” You moan at the name babygirl and let him whisk you away to his bedroom. 
   The door crashes against the wall as he barrels through the room, throwing you on his large bed, your fingers brushing against the cool sheets. He hovers over your body, eyes marinated in complete darkness, dying to sink his teeth in your skin.
   “You look mighty pretty in my t-shirt, sweetheart. But you’re gonna look even better when you’re completely naked in my bed.” You pant as he rips the t-shirt over your head, tossing it on the floor in a heap, leaving you in nothing but your lacy panties that are completely ruined. 
   “Jesus Christ,” he groans, taking his large hand and slowly dragging his fingertips down your body, slowly making his way between your breasts, down to the waistband of your panties. “Fuckin’ beautiful.” 
   You buck your hips up to try to get friction, and he just chuckles as he leans over and hovers his large body over yours, slipping his white t-shirt off until his hairy, bare chest is flush with your skin, igniting your nerve endings like the lightning that strikes the dark sky outside. 
   His mouth suctions to your collarbone, sliding up to ravish your neck, sucking and biting till you pant his name out, his fingertips trailing over your core. You suck in a breath when he takes his thumb and slides it between your clothed folds, rubbing light circles over your clit. 
   “J—Joel,” you gasp, a fresh wave of slick covering the lace with the friction he’s giving you.
   “S’that right, darlin’? Haven’t even gotten these off you, and you’re already fuckin’ drippin’ for me,” he smirks, teasing his fingers beneath your waistband, making you practically beg with your wide eyes and open mouth. 
   “T—take them off, please,” you whine, thrashing beneath his hold, begging for more. You want more, need more. 
   “That what you want?” he smirks, lust-filled eyes black as midnight, feasting those deep pits right on you, threatening to swallow you whole.
   “Y—yes,” you choke out, gulping when he brushes over your clit again, eliciting more slick in your lace. 
   He smirks devilishly up at you while he drops to his knees on the rickety floor, pulling you to the edge of the bed. You gasp when he takes his time pulling your panties down, savoring your naked body under the moonlight, licking his lips when he sees you bare and writhing for him, your slick reflecting in his glassy irises. 
   “Goddamn it. You’re so wet for me, sweetheart. C’mere.” He gives you no time to comment back until his large tongue is flat against your slick core, slowly licking a thick strip up the entirety of you. 
   “Ohhh,” you moan while he meticulously circles your puffy bundle of nerves, eyes blown wide at the mere bliss he’s giving you. 
   “Taste so fuckin’ good. Like sweet, sticky honey. Fuck.” He growls as he slips two thick fingers inside your dripping hole, caking his fingers in slick while he makes out with your puffy clit.
   You thread your fingers through his tousled curls, hear him groan as you rake your fingernails against the crown of his head. And when he hits that spot, you arch your back as he repeatedly curls his fingers against the spongy, sweet spot inside that you can never reach yourself. Your eyes roll back into your head, your body humming with electricity. And soon you’re every single lightning strike that flashes in the cold, rainy night. He’s the thunder that crashes through your veins, bringing you to life with every flick of his tongue and motion of his experienced fingers. 
   You’re right on the edge of coming undone, your hips writhing beneath him, slick covering his thick beard. The sight makes you want to spill right there just by looking at the glistening slick sticking to his beard, his mustache, his lips. And God, you fucking love the sight of him covered in you. 
   “Joel, I’m gonna—”
   “C’mon, baby. Come for me. Cover me, spill for me. Wanna taste jus’ what I do to you,” he growls, releasing his fingers and filling you with his tongue instead. He tongue fucks you fast and hard, making you snap as the feeling takes you over the edge.
   “Joellll—” you cry out, feeling the white-hot heat slide down your body, releasing a flood of arousal and slick against his mouth, covering him in your orgasm. He slowly laps it up like it’s the breath of life, consuming all of you until there’s nothing left between your thighs except his thick fingers and warm tongue. And then you’re nothing more than the glistening raindrops that pelt the side of the bedroom window softly. 
   “That’s my good girl,” he praises, crawling over you, crowding his sweat-covered body with your own, slowly lifting your legs over his shoulders. You have no argument, can barely speak, but you need him like you need air to breathe. 
   “Joel—need you. Need you to…” He stops you right there, smirking when he starts to pull his grey sweatpants lower. Dark coarse hairs appear, and you choke on a gasp when you feel just how hard and big he is against your thigh. 
   “Shh. Save your breath, trouble. Gonna need it for what I’m about to do to you next.” He smirks like the handsome devil he is, his pupils blown as he stares at you like his next meal. 
   His grey sweatpants and black boxers fall to the floor, and your mouth drops open as his thick, hard cock springs free against his soft tummy. He’s massive. Deep veins twist around the underside of his cock, his tip angry, red, and leaking precum. He’s so fucking beautiful from his glowing dark eyes, to his disheveled hair, to his broad body, and to his giant cock. 
   He’s all just so fucking perfect, and you want him to be yours. 
   “You gonna keep starin’ with your mouth wide open, sweetheart?” he teases, taking his tip and smothering it over your folds, collecting more slick as you groan beneath his touch.
   “Maybe,” you giggle, grinding your pussy against his tip, begging him to take you. 
   “You want this, sweetheart? Want me?” he asks softly, staring down at you with vibrant chocolate eyes, golden flecks glittering bright under the moonlight from the window. 
   “Yes, want you, Joel. Please, take me. I’m yours.”
   He smiles  and then he crashes his lips down on yours, smothering you in him. He pushes inside you slowly, stretching you out like you’ve never been stretched, moaning into his open mouth as he starts to rock back and forth, thrusting as deep as he can go inside you until you feel him bottom out.
   Pretty soon Joel’s matching your moans, an exchange of pleasure coursing through your bloodstreams. He feels like heaven each time he claims you with his cock, rutting deeper and deeper until you can feel him everywhere inside you. It’s a euphoric bliss, thunder crashing outside the window, lightning tearing through your veins.
   Joel Joel Joel. He’s all you feel, all you see, all you hear. He’s everything all at once. The missing piece you’ve desperately been searching for your entire life.
   “You feel so perfect, sweetheart. Takin’ me so well. Want you to come again. Come for me, baby,” he coos, teeth clenching with every deep thrust he gives you.
   “Ohh,” you moan when he takes the pad of his thumb and starts circling your puffy clit, putting just the right amount of pressure where you feel it the most. 
   “Come on my cock, babygirl. Let me feel you. Fuck. Squeezin’ me so tight,” he grits out, your walls clenching tight around his thick length. You scream out his name as you come undone around him, your release drenching his cock as you squeeze him. 
   “Atta fuckin’ girl,” he praises, his dark eyebrows threading together as he concentrates to hold on. “Where do you want me, baby? Not gonna last much—longer,” he seethes, teeth clenched from his own building release.
   “Inside me,” you whine out, panting.
   He speeds up his thrusts faster and faster, and then he spills his warm seed inside you, both of your moans crescendoing together like a symphony of rolling thunder. He takes his time slipping out of you, dragging his release between your thighs. He grabs a towel from the bathroom and cleans you up, then pulls you toward the head of the bed until both of you are collapsed, panting breaths and glossy eyes staring back at one another.
   You both just lay there for minutes, bolts of lightning lighting up his beautiful, sweat-covered skin, igniting fire in his onyx eyes. He almost looks ethereal, so flawless that no one could touch him. But you touched him, and he lit you up like a thousand galaxies colliding straight into your heart. 
   Another moment passes and then he’s softly tracing the pads of his calloused fingertips across your cheek, mapping lines that connect right back to him. 
   “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers out, brushing a loose strand behind your ear as softly as the rain that patters lightly against the window. 
   “You think so?” you ask quietly, eyes wide and mouth dropped open the moment the word beautiful slipped off his tongue.
   He takes the pad of his thumb and runs it along your bottom lip, gently humming in response. “Yes, sweetheart. So beautiful,” he repeats, the words sounding like melodic music to your ears.
   “Joel, I—like you,” you say bravely, your fingers tracing the coarse hair on his broad chest.
   “And I like you. A lot,” he smiles, eyes melting into a warm, syrupy color. One you want to drown in.
   “Enough to be mine?” you whisper out meekly, afraid of what he’ll say.
   “Sweetheart… I’ve wanted you from the moment I set eyes on you. Wanted you the minute you stepped foot into my apartment that first time. Wanted you the second those beautiful eyes of yours tore open my soul.” His soft brown eyes are tearing your walls down, and you’re stunned in awe.
   “You… want me?” you breathe out, breathless.
   “Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckles, tracing heart shapes on your skin. “There’s not a second I don’t want you. You’re mine. Now c’mere.” He pulls you to him, his lips colliding with yours, and then you slip into the softness of him, tangling your body with his until you’re one.
   When the kiss ends, he keeps you against his warm chest, his hand running lazily through your hair, his lips brushing against your forehead. You get lost in his warmth, in his musk, in his woodsy scent that you revel in. He’s everywhere, surrounding you, melding into your soul. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. 
   You’re falling hard, fast, but he’ll catch you. Every brush against your skin just solidifies that, his lips making it official. You’re mine. His deep timbre lingers in your mind, and then you’re falling into a deep sleep in his arms while the rain soothes you into bliss.
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spotsspeciall · 7 months
Factory meetings vol.2 - LN4
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Lando Norris x fem!reader
summary: second part to: Factory meetings
notes: Better late than never lol. Sorry for the long wait! But I write everything on PC, and of course something happened to it so I had to get it fixed. And not only that, but when I sat down to finally write, I had major writer's block! But here it is!! FINALLY!!
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. smut (double smut bby), unprotected (wrap it before you tap it!) p in v, language, jealous!Lando, rough, fingering, soft!Lando (shit got real at the end lol)
word count: 10k
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It had been a week since it happened. And next week you were supposed to see him again, the Chinese grand prix coming up. You were freaking out to put it mildly. 
You had spent your off time at home, and you had shared what happened with Sophie. And as you suspected, she was shocked and a little grossed out. But you knew she would come around. And she did, so she asked you about all the details, when you told her, the two of you screamed and laughed together. Now the whole thing had turned into a sort of inside joke between you and Sophie. 
But as the race week was coming up, you got more and more nervous. What was he going to act like now? You really didn’t want to face him, knowing what the two of you had done together. But you couldn’t stop thinking about it, day and night, it was seared into your brain. (But you didn’t want to stop thinking about it either.)
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Walking into the paddock on Friday, you did your usual routine, unbothered by anyone. You made your way into the garage, and walked over to the workbench against the wall, and started looking through your tools. 
You sorted through a few of them, getting them ready, knowing which ones you would need the most today. 
You enjoyed getting into the garage a little earlier than the others, having some quiet, alone time. And getting in the zone. Focusing on your job so much that you didn’t notice someone walked in.
Lando walked into the garage, knowing you would be here. He only came here for you. He walked up behind you and looked over your shoulder, watching you picking up the different small tools. 
You were so focused, but a familiar scent flooded your nose. He smelled so intoxicating, it literally made your knees weak. And the second it hit you, and you felt his hot breath at the back of your neck. You froze, and dropped the tool in your hand, making a clattering sound as it hit the table. 
“Sorry, did I scare you baby?” 
He was so close to your ear, and you could feel the smirk on his face.
You could not move, or utter a word. So Lando stepped to the side, and leaned his hip against the counter. 
“I’m sorry, I was just curious to see what you were doing” He smiled sweetly at you, making your eyebrows furrow in confusion. 
“I- uh, I was just sorting through my tools, getting the ones I need the most” You answered without thinking, still somewhat confused why he was being nice.
“Oh, ok” he nodded, looking towards the tools like he was thinking about something. 
You felt your jaw clench, and your eyes stared daggers at him. Your brain was connecting the dots. Of course he wasn’t being nice to you, he was looking for ways to annoy you, and tease you.
He reached his hand out to grab a small screwdriver to look closely at it. 
“What is this one for?” He looked up from the screwdriver to meet your eyes with a soft look.
He was not fooling you. Lando could see your whole demeanor had changed. And you could see the look in his eyes changed, for some reason he looked kind of worried? It knocked you off balance, and the look in your eyes softened. 
“Sorry if I'm bothering you, I was just curious” He looked dejected as he went to put the screwdriver back in its place.
Before you had any time to think, your hands flew out to grab onto his hand before he dropped the tool. 
“No, I’m sorry” “You’re not bothering me” Your anxious eyes met his, but he looked back down to where you were both holding the screwdriver, your eyes following after. 
You let his hand go and let out an awkward chuckle. Your eyes looking everywhere but him. But he stretched his hand out to give you the screwdriver. 
“So you want to tell me what it’s for?” His sweet smile had returned, as you were forced to meet his eyes again. 
“Uhm- yeah sure!” You grabbed the tool from his hand and turned on your heel to walk over to the front left tyre suspension. 
You crouched down so your face was closer to the suspension. You turned your head to look for Lando, not feeling him behind you. He was still standing at the counter, so you waved him over. A giggle escaping you when he finally got the hint and walked over. 
Soon enough he was beside you, crouched down just like you. So you pointed a finger to where the suspension was connected to the car. 
“You see those small screws there?”
He looked a bit closer before turning to you. “yeah”
“Yup” “that’s what this is for” you held the screwdriver up as you nodded. 
He let out a small chuckle. “You could’ve just told me that over there” He pointed towards where the both of you had been standing earlier. 
“Yeah, but I wanted to show you.” “It’s good to know your car” You smiled brightly at him.
“Yeah, I guess” he smiled back.
You were just looking into eachothers eyes, completely lost in eachother. Until someone spoke up.
“What are you guys doing?” You looked up to meet the eyes of Jonas, one of your fellow mechanics. 
“Oh- um, I was just showing him what this screwdriver is for” You held the tool up to show Jonas, trying to act as normal as possible, not like you had just been drowning in those gorgeous eyes. 
“Okayyy..” Jonas narrowed his eyes at the pair of you before walking further into the garage. 
You turned your head when you felt Lando stand up. Meeting his eyes when he towered over you, he stretched his hand out for you. It took you a moment to register before you put your hand in his, and he pulled you to your feet. 
Now standing in front of him, you saw his mouth open and close, like he was going to say something. Lando was at a loss for words staring at you. The soft look you had in your eyes as you just looked at him, he felt like no one had ever looked at him that way. But he finally managed to get some words out.
“I- I have to go” “see you later” He nodded, and left before you could even say anything.
When he came back to the garage, to get ready for FP1, you talked with him when he got into the car.
“Everything’s good?” you asked, making sure the car seemed good.
“Yeah” “perfect like always Y/N” He smiled up at you.
“good”... “great”... “alright” You said as you tried to find something else to focus on, walking away to try and pretend to do your job. 
You watched him put on his helmet, and when he finished adjusting it, he looked over at you and gave you a wink before he closed the visor, and drove out of the garage. 
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End of the day you walked towards the exit, ready to head back to the hotel. You had walked out with Jonas, getting a ride with him to the hotel. 
Walking to his car, he nudged your side with his elbow. 
“Hey” “What’s going on with Lando?” “I have never seen him like that” He had a sly smirk on his face.
“I really don’t know” “He just asked questions about the car, and I answered” You tried to laugh it off, he could not know what happened between the two of you. 
“Weird” He laughed back.
Lando was standing by his car door, just about to get in before he heard your sweet laugh. He turned his head and watched you and Jonas talking and laughing together. You were standing so close. Lando felt his jaw clench, and his knuckles turned white when he squeezed his fists. 
He watched the two of you get into the car and drive off, smile still present on your beautiful face. A smile he felt should only be for him. An unfamiliar feeling tugged at his heart, a feeling he didn’t like. And he knew the only person who could fix that, would be you. So he sped off after you, towards the hotel .   
You and Jonas arrived at the hotel before Lando, and you didn’t waste any time making your way to your hotel room, saying goodbye to Jonas when you walked out of the elevator. 
Entering your room, You headed straight to the pile of clothes on your bed, your comfy clothes, that you had left there when you had to change out of them this morning. After taking off your bra and putting the comfy clothes on, you collapsed on your bed, exhausted from the long day. You reached for your phone, and opened tiktok. But not even halfway through the first tiktok, there was a knock at your door.
It was quite aggressive, and it didn’t stop knocking. You figured maybe Sophie had just gotten back, and had some gossip to share with you. So you hurried over to open the door. 
You tore the door open to stop the harsh knocking, and expected to be faced with Sophie, but instead you saw an angry looking Lando standing in front of you. You jerked your head back in confusion, and went to ask what he was doing here. But he was quicker.
He took a step forward, making you step backwards so he didn’t collide with you. He shut the door behind him, now in your room. 
“Is he here?” He asked, frantically looking around the room. 
“Is Jonas here?” He was now staring at you, a fire in his eyes. 
“What the fuck are you talking about Norris?” “And what the fuck are you even doing here?” You felt your eyes narrow at him, anger bubbling up inside you. 
“I saw the two of you getting in his car, laughing and shit” “So you two are a thing now or what?” He took a step towards you, now so close that you could feel his breath on your face. 
“Oh my god Lando!” You threw your hands up in frustration and opened your mouth to say more. 
“Is. He. Here?” His voice was so low, and his eyes were so dark when he looked down at you. 
“NO!” You yelled back. 
And before you could tell him to get the fuck out, he grabbed the sides of your face and smashed your lips against his. 
You melted at the kiss, and you snaked your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to you. You couldn’t control yourself around him. 
Lando was so tense, and so aggressive. But the second you kissed him back, and held onto him. You felt him relax against you. The kiss immediately turning passionate and sweet. 
But Lando was still jealous, and his hunger for you only grew as you kept kissing him back. He took slow steps forward, making you follow him towards the bed. 
Before your legs hit the bed, you felt Lando grab onto the hem of your sweater and swiftly pulled it over your head, your tits bouncing from the sheer force he used. 
His eyes immediately found your chest and he made the softest moan. 
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you” He muttered.
He tore his own clothes off, and yours. Until you both were completely naked. He wasted no time in capturing your lips again, his hands roaming all over your body, before they found their way to the back of your thighs, squeezing them to signal you to jump. And you did, no hesitation.
A moan escaped your throat when you felt his dick against your inner thigh. But you didn’t even have time to think about it before you back hit the soft mattress, as he threw you onto the bed. 
Opening your eyes, you looked up to see Lando still standing there, looking at you with a hungry look in his eyes before he climbed onto the bed, and made his way between you legs. 
Your legs wrapped themselves around his waist, but he kept enough space between you, so his dick wasn’t near you, making you whine. You just wanted him already. His eyes immediately found yours when you made that sound, catching him off guard. 
“I didn’t know you needed me that bad babe” “Patience darling” He grabbed onto your jaw as he brought your face closer to his and whispered “Patience”. 
You crashed your lips against his, tightening your hold around his waist, trying to pull him closer. When he felt what you were doing, he pulled back and looked down at you with dark eyes. 
“So needy” 
You felt his fingers softly grazing the inside of your thigh, so close to where you needed him. Your hips moved, trying to find his fingers. And he gave in, tracing a finger through your folds.
He pushed a finger slowly inside, making you throw your head back and moan. He saw the effect it had on you, and soon added a second finger. Slowly pushing them in and out. And when he started tracing circles on your clit with his thumb, you were a moaning mess. 
You grabbed a hold of his forearm that was resting on your thigh, and you opened your eyes and met his. He had that same dark look that you were getting used to seeing, and his mouth was slightly open. It was like he was studying your every facial expression, seeing how much effect he had on you. 
You went to close your eyes again, you climax getting close. But he quickly pulled his fingers all the way out, the loss of his fingers making you gasp.
And when you opened your eyes to look at him, you saw him slowly bring his fingers to his mouth, he sucked his fingers clean and let out a groan at the taste. 
“Fuck, you taste so sweet” 
Without warning his fingers entered you again, forcefully sliding in and out. It made you arch your back from the sudden pleasure. You squeezed your eyes shut and grabbed a hold of the sheets beneath you. 
It didn’t take long until he was satisfied and pulled them back out. And before you could complain again, he was above you. 
You opened your eyes to see his face hovering above yours, you looked deep into his eyes, completely mesmerized. Until you felt something wet on your lips. You looked down to see the fingers he just had inside you.
“Now be a good girl and open up”
And you did. Slowly opening your mouth and welcoming his fingers. 
You could taste yourself, and it made you moan. Sucking his fingers completely clean, swirling your tongue around the two digits. You could see it in his eyes, just how weak you made him. 
He went to pull his fingers out of your mouth, but before they completely left your mouth, his grip tightened around your jaw. 
As he was holding on to your jaw, he looked deep into your eyes as he entered you, hard, until he bottomed out inside you. It caught you off guard and you let out a loud moan. 
“Fuck” “I missed you so much sweetheart” His voice was low and rough.
He slowly pulled out of you, until his tip was the only thing inside you, before he slammed back into you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
He kept thrusting at a relentless pace, making your breathing uneven as he was slamming into you. His hold on your jaw softened, as he soon let his hand wander down to softly rest against the side of your throat. 
He buried his head in your neck, making you hear every small sound he made. His breathing heavy, and small groans he let out. You wanted- no. You needed to hear more. 
You wrapped your legs tighter around him, and your fingers raked up his biceps and shoulders, until they found the back of his neck. 
You were clawing and grabbing at anything you could. And you arched your back as much as you could, the pleasure immense. 
You whined in his ear. “Lando”
It made him lift his head out of your neck, his face red and sweaty. Some of his curls stuck to his forehead. He looked heavenly. 
It made you grab the sides of his face, dragging him down so his lips landed on yours. It was sloppy and wet, but god, the way his mouth felt on yours was breathtaking. 
Lando was the one to break the kiss, lifting his head to catch his breath. As he looked down at you, your mouth slightly open, your lips wet and pink, your pupils dilated as you looked deep into his eyes. It made him mutter out a string of curse words as he picked up his pace, chasing his orgasm. 
He found that spot inside you that made you see stars, your own orgasm getting close. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, as you kept looking up at Lando, you couldn’t tear your eyes away. 
Lando’s hand, which had been resting on the side of your throat, moved to wrap itself around your throat, and he tightened his grip. He didn’t make it difficult for you to breathe, but he was putting pressure that made everything feel so much better. 
Your hands wrapped themselves around his forearm, nails digging into his skin. Your mouth opened as you let high pitched moans slip out. 
“You like that huh?” He was almost grinning at you.
You couldn’t get words out, but a drawn out “mhm” came out of you.
Your orgasm was so close, as Lando’s pace had only picked up, and he was still slamming into you with so much force. 
Lando felt it, your pussy clenching just a little bit more around him.
“You close? hm?” 
“Yes” Was all you managed to get out, your eyes closing as you focused.
It took all the strength Lando had to slow his pace and soften his movement just enough to not make you cum yet.
Your hips moved to try and chase your orgasm, but when Lando felt that, his hold on your throat squeezed to get your attention. 
Opening your eyes, you were met with Lando’s dark eyes. You couldn’t help but beg.
“Please let me cum” “Please Lando” You sound as whiny as you could, hoping he would give in.
“I will” “When you tell me who you belong to” His voice was deep and he sounded almost angry. But a smirk grew on his face when he felt your pussy clench again, just from what he said. 
“You Lando” “I belong to you” You were giving him your all, desperate for him to let you cum. 
“And who’s the one making you feel this good?”
“You Lando” “It’s all you” you moaned. “Please”
“Fuck sweetheart” “I can’t resist you when you beg like that”
His hand left your throat and circled around your waist, his palm spread on your back. He lifted you with him as he sat further up on his knees. The only thing holding you in this position was his hand, his other hand on the bed, holding the both of you up. 
Your own hands grabbed onto his shoulder to hold yourself against him. 
He started moving his hips again, still inside you. This new position made him go just a bit deeper, making you feel fuller than before. Your climax nearing quickly. 
His head once again found the crook in your neck, and buried itself there making small sloppy kisses along your neck and shoulder. 
Your hand flew up to grab onto his curls as he fucked up into you, until your climax finally hit. A drawn out moan escaping you as every muscle in your body tensed before they relaxed, finally getting that release. 
You felt Lando’s teeth sink into your shoulder as he filled you up. A low groan coming from him. 
He slowly let you sink back on the bed, collapsing on top of you, breathing ragged as one of your hands caressed the back of his neck.
You hadn’t felt this relaxed in months, his now soft breathing almost lulling you to sleep, until you hear him softly mutter against your skin.
“I can’t get enough of you"
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You stirred awake as the brightness of the sun hit your face. Slowly opening your eyes, you looked out of the window to see the sun rising, it was gorgeous. 
You felt so cozy as you laid tangled in your sheets. You closed your eyes again to just enjoy the quiet morning. But right as you did, you hear someone breath out a quiet sigh against your shoulder. Opening your eyes and turning your head, you were met with a still sleeping Lando. 
His face was turned towards you and both of his arms were wrapped tightly around you. His curls were messy, and cute. He looked so peaceful.
You had never seen him like this, because usually he was being a cheeky bastard. But now, you couldn’t help but marvel at his features as the sun illuminated his face. 
He distracted you, so it took you a moment before you realized he was in your bed, in your hotel room, cuddling with you. You must’ve fallen asleep last night, and he must’ve not left. Why did he not leave? 
You kind of freaked out a little, and you needed to pee. So when Lando turned onto his back, one arm slipping away from you, you took your opportunity and slipped out of bed. 
You grabbed a tshirt and underwear on your way to the bathroom. After you peed, you stood in front of the mirror as you washed your hands. Looking at yourself, you slipped the shirt over your head, and pulled your underwear on.
You decided to do your usual morning routine while you were in here. So you did your skin care, and brushed your teeth before you stopped to look at yourself again. 
What were you going to do about Lando? This time, to stop your mind from overthinking it, you decided to just open the bathroom door and walk out. 
Opening the door, Lando was facing away from you, still sleeping. So you turned around to close the door carefully. 
When you turned back around, a sleepy Lando was looking back at you. You froze in your place, unsure of what to do. He slowly lifted the covers to where you had been previously laying.
“Come back in here” His voice was so gravelly and low, just incredibly sexy.
“Uh- I- um-” 
“Come on” 
Your body acted for you as you stepped towards the bed, before you slid under the covers. His arms wrapping around your waist to pull you into his chest. His head was resting on your shoulder, and he was actually snuggling into you. You didn’t realize how tense you were until he mumbled.
“Relax baby”
So you did. He was so warm and soft, it made you feel so safe and comforted as he was holding you. So you turned over to face him, sliding down so you could bury your face in his chest. You felt a small chuckle escape him, and one of his hands started tracing figures on your back. 
You hadn’t noticed you fell asleep again until he softly asked.
“Do you have to be at the track any sooner than two?” 
You left your place in his chest and looked up at him, you didn’t really understand what he said as you were still half asleep.
You saw a warm smile spread on Lando’s face. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
You lifted a hand to rub your eyes, “Yeah, but it’s fine” 
He stayed quiet, just studying your face.
“But what did you say?” You dropped your hand and stared up at him.
“I just asked if you had to be at the track any sooner than two” You couldn’t place the look he had on his face.
“Oh” “Uh, no” “You?”
You didn’t really know what to say now. He had such an intense look on his face and you didn’t know what to do.
He leaned his head down to capture your lips in the softest kiss yet. It was a loving kiss, so foreign to come from Lando.
You melted against the kiss, humming against him as you let him lay you down on your back as he hovered above you, lips still attached. He was the one to break the kiss, lifting his head to look down at you. 
“You want breakfast?”
“um- yeah” You smiled up at him, and nodded wildly. 
He smiled back and lifted himself off to get out of bed. 
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You were sitting at a table outside of a cafe. The chair opposite you empty. You sat there staring off into space as you chewed on your bottom lip. Thinking about Lando’s sudden change in personality. 
You didn’t have time to dwell on it too hard before a coffee was placed in front of you. You looked up to meet Lando’s eyes as he sat down across from you. 
“Everything okay?” His eyebrows furrowed, he almost looked concerned. 
“Uh- yeah!” “But how did you know this is my favorite coffee?” You pointed down to the cup in front of you. 
A smile grew on his face. You could never get sick of seeing that kind smile. 
“I pick up on things you know” He seemed so satisfied with himself as he took a sip of his own coffee, leaning back in his chair.
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After a good Friday on track in Miami, you walked towards the garage on Saturday, sporting an unusually bright smile. Maybe the reason for it was the work environment? 
Everyone in the garage had been in such a better mood this race weekend, you couldn’t put your finger on why. But, even Lando had a smile on his face most of the time. He was so much easier to work with, and started being really kind to the mechanics and engineers, and everyone basically. 
The good mood was probably just because the team had been doing so good lately, and Miami was a great track for Red Bull. Yeah, of course it was just that. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw Sophie walking towards you. She looked confused and something akin to anger. It made you slow your speed as your smile dropped, worry setting in.
When she finally caught up with you she whisper-yelled at you. “Have you slept with Lando again?!”
She immediately figured out the answered when you looked down at the ground and mumbled a quiet “oh fuck”.
“Jesus Y/N” she sighed.
“I- uh- shit.” “It just happened one time ok!” Your eyes met her in a pleading look.
She didn’t answer, but relief washed over you when she cracked a smile and chuckled. 
“Shit, this bad isn’t it?” She smiled even more at your question.
“No, actually not” 
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at her answer.
“I just asked because I had to do some media work with Lando and Oscar, and Lando has never been that easy to work with. And he was smiling and laughing more than I have ever seen.” “And I know why” She nodded, seeming so secure in her reason. 
“Oh that's good!” “But yeah, that's because he’s been getting good results lately and Miami’s going to be great for him no?”
“No” You looked at her even more confused.
“He’s more happy now, than when he got his first win. And the only thing that has changed around him since then, is that you have been sleeping with him.” She looked so smug, and so confident.
You let out a short laugh. “You’re insane Sophie” “You’re suggesting he’s happier because we have been sleeping together?” 
“I’m not suggesting. I know”
“Bullshit” You scoffed. “I don’t have time for this Sophie, I have to get to the garage”
“I’ll join you!”
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes.
You walked into the garage with Sophie beside you as she talked about what media work she had for the rest of the day. 
The second you walked towards where Lando’s car was parked, Sophie was interrupted.
“Y/N! there you are!” Lando was almost jogging over towards you, a warm smile on his face.
As he stopped in front of you, and looked down at you with such a soft look, making your breath hitch in your throat. 
“We need to do the seat check, and you’re the only one who can get it right” He chuckled.
Your eyes flickered over to Sophie and you saw her smirking back at the two of you. Looking back at Lando, he just looked at you, like he was waiting for an answer. 
“Oh- uh- Yeah” “Of course” You tried your best to not seem flustered. 
Lando’s smile grew just a bit more and he nodded, making his way to get into his car. You looked back at Sophie and she whispered “I am so right” before she winked at you and turned to talk to some of the mechanics. . 
Coming back to it, you walked over to the car and leaned over the halo, closer to where Lando was sitting. 
“So, you think something needs adjusting?” You turned your head to look him in the eyes.
Your faces so close to each other as he looked back at you. And yeah, you had slept with him two times now, but the atmosphere was so different in a situation like this. 
He quickly turned his head to look straight ahead before speaking.
“Yeah, just this bit here” He pointed at what he was talking about, and you nodded before standing up to go retrieve the tool you needed. 
Coming back, you leaned back over the halo, and luckily it was in a place that was fairly easy to access while he was still in the car. So when you finished, you turned back to Lando.
“Like that?”
Lando didn’t answer, but as he looked at you, he slowly lifted his hand and tucked some hair behind your ear. 
“Perfect” he whispered.
You could feel his breath on your face as you just stared back at him, stunned. And he just kept looking at you with those soft eyes that you were completely lost in. 
Your ”staring contest” was interrupted when someone shouted for Lando. Finally being able to move, you stepped back and turned over to your workbench, and tried to shake it off. Your cheeks warm, you probably resembled a tomato.
You tried reminding yourself that he was still a dick he was probably just faking being nice so you would keep sleeping with him or something. Yes. That was definitely it.
After Lando left the garage with the person who was calling him, Jonas walked up to you. 
“Is it just me or has Lando been weirdly nice lately?” He leaned towards you as he spoke quietly so no one would hear. 
You turned to look at him, eyes wide, your facial expression betraying you. He leaned back and his eyebrows furrowed, clearly confused about your reaction. 
You tried your best to brush it off like it was nothing. “Yeah, I just thought it was because he finally got his win, and is getting consistently good results” You forced a smile to try and seem normal, but your mind was running wild about what Sophie had said. 
“Yeah sure” “That has to be it” He started smirking before he slowly walked away, still smirking at you. Your mind was panicking. 
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You walked into the Red Bull factory, bright and early in the morning, the warm spring sun making you mood ten times better. 
As you walked past the trophy wall, you saw some people putting in two new trophies. One for first place, and one for second. Lando won in Miami, and Max came second. 
You thought back to the podium where you stood underneath it all as you watched Lando get drowned in champagne, huge smile on his face. He looked irresistible up there. Good thing you didn’t get a moment alone with him after the podium. You probably would’ve folded like a lawn chair if you did. 
All you had today was a bunch of boring meetings, and office work.
The day went by slowly, and when it was finally time to go home. You packed up everything into your bag. And while you stood there, you felt a presence beside you.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here today sweetheart” You could hear that familiar smirk in his voice. It made you roll your eyes.
You turned around and looked at him. He was standing so close, no doubt on purpose. 
“Yes, you did” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Now, how would I know that?” His smirk somehow grew.
“Why else did you come all the way over here to my desk?” You narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Hope” He said softly, and the look in his eyes changed.
It took you aback. How he was able to change so quickly from his usual cheeky self, to sweet and kind. You didn’t get to reply before he spoke again.
“You wanna walk out together?”
“Um- Yeah sure” You grabbed your bag and walked beside him through the building. 
Walking out of the doors, The two of you walked towards the car park, and stopped in front of Lando’s car. He looked over at you.
“Did you drive here?”
“Yeah” You smiled at him.
“Oh, okay” He sounded almost disappointed, but quickly brushed it away. “See you soon then!” He smiled big at you before getting into his car. 
You just managed to blurt out “See you!” before he closed his car door, and drove off.
You stood there confused for a second, before you decided not to think too much about it and just get in your own car and drive home. 
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You had made yourself a nice dinner, and plopped down in front of the tv to watch your favorite comfort show. 
After finishing, you put the dishes in the dishwasher, and your phone vibrated from your pocket. You pulled it out, and when the screen lit up, you saw the name “Lando Norris”.
“hey are you home?”
You felt your eyebrows furrow in confusion. But you still typed out a reply.
“yeah why?”
He responded right away.
“sorry, I’m just really bored and I want to see you” 
“do you just want sex?”
“no!” “I know it sounds like that haha but I just want company”
Your heart made the decision for you. Fuck it.
“here’s my address;”
It didn’t take long before you heard a knock on your door, and you opened it for him to come in. 
After he stepped inside, you closed the door behind him. And while your back was still turned to him, you felt his hands wrap themselves around your torso, holding you tight against him. And his forehead rested on your shoulder. It made you stop in your tracks, confused.
“A-Are you okay?” you asked softly.
“Yeah” “I am now” His voice muffled because of your sweater.
You didn’t really know what to do, so you stayed still.
Eventually he said something.
“You smell good” He mumbled as he buried his head further into your shoulder.
“Oh- um- thanks” You felt your face heat up. Strange how a compliment like that had such an effect on you. 
He just kept holding you, and you had been standing like this for a good few minutes now. 
“You wanna go sit down on the couch?”
“Fine” He hesitated, but slowly pulled back until you could step aside and make a move towards the couch.
Sitting down, you reached forward to pick the remote off the table while you felt Lando sit down beside you. You pressed play on what you had been watching earlier, and turned over to look at Lando with a questioning look. 
He looked back at you with an innocent look, like he was kind of intimidated by your stare.
"So.. Why did you really want to come?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“I honestly just wanted to spend time with you” He breathed out. 
“Weirdo” You whispered while you leant back into the couch. You heard Lando let out a chuckle.
You shifted your eyes to the tv, and tried to pay attention to it. But from the corner of your eye, you could see Lando shuffling closer to you, until your shoulders, and thighs were touching. 
You turned your head to look up at him. He was already looking down at you with a look in his eyes that made you feel warm and fuzzy. That man could make you feel so many emotions just from his eyes alone. 
Despite wanting to drown in his eyes, you turned your head away, and looked back at the tv. 
Lando was sitting there, still looking at your face studying the tv. He feared he might have pushed it too far, coming here, sitting so close. But the feeling of you leaning into his body silenced his mind quickly, and he made himself a little more comfortable as he relaxed against you. 
You had been sitting in silence for what felt like 15 minutes, until you decided to say something. 
“Sorry if this is really boring” “You want to do something else?” You looked over at him through the corner of your eye.
“No I’m not bored” “But is there something you had in mind?” He looked back at you.
You had just the thing. You stood up and walked over to where your Nintendo switch was, in the stand by the tv. You hooked everything up and grabbed the controls, walked back over and handed one to Lando.
“Mario Kart” 
Lando’s smirk grew, “Oh baby, you know I’m going to win.” His eyes giving you a sympathetic look. 
“Oh Lando..” “You just wait and see pretty boy” You gave him that same sympathetic look, and your hand reached up to softly hold the side of his face.
Lando could feel his heart beat faster. The way you looked at him and held his face. And when you called him “pretty boy” he was done for. He really considered letting you win just by the sheer confidence radiating from you. But when you booted up the game and started choosing the character, his usual competitive personality came back, and he would do everything he could to beat you. 
You were on the last track, and the two of you had been so even, so whoever won this track, won the game. Lando was sweating, he would say he was surprised that you were this good, but he honestly wasn’t.
You were in first place, Lando hot on your tail. And you had just entered the last round, and Lando could see his victory slipping away. He looked over at you and saw how focused you were, your tongue sticking out of your mouth in concentration. 
He saw his perfect opportunity to strike. So he bumped his knee against yours. 
“Hey!” “No fair!” You kept your eyes on the screen as you tried to keep your focus. 
Lando then decided to do the worst, and threw away everything he worked so hard for when one of his hands left the controller and stretched out to grab onto your waist. Making your whole body jolt with the contact. 
And soon after, he started tickling you. You tried your best to make it to the finish line, you really did. But you had no control over how your body reacted to the insistent tickling. 
So the controller flew from your hands, as you tried to stop his arms from moving, to no use. He kept going, now, somehow hovering above you. 
Finally, he gave you a moment to breathe, his hands still holding on to your sides, as he just looked down at you trying to catch your breath. 
You closed your eyes, focusing on your breath. You felt Lando bury his head in the crook of your neck, and his arms circled your waist so he was holding around you, making you arch your body up against him. He put his whole body weight on yours as he laid down on top of you. And you felt him slowly breathing in and out against your neck.
You didn’t know what to say or do, so you just let him be. You just closed your eyes and figured you might as well enjoy the comfort, because it was really really comfortable. You lifted your arms and carefully wrapped them around him, so they were resting on his strong back. 
When Lando felt your arms wrap around him and rest on his back, he automatically buried his head just a bit more, and tightened his grip around you, so you were even closer than before, if that was even possible. 
You could hear the quiet background music still coming from the unfinished game. And you could both hear and feel that Lando’s breath was slowing down, and his body relaxing against you. 
Lando was almost falling asleep. He tried to fight it, but you were just so comfortable. And he didn’t want to admit it, but just the fact that he was holding around you, and you him, was making him feel safe and sound. Lando was on the verge of snoring, and you were noticing.
“Lando” “Are you falling asleep?” You softly whispered, a question you already knew the answer to.
“No” you felt him mumble against your skin. The sound in his voice making it clear that he was lying. 
Lando felt your body shake as you let out a short giggle.
“Was it that obvious?” You felt him smile against your skin. 
“You were almost snoring” “So, yes.” You kept giggling.
Lando let out a short chuckle before he lifted his head so he looked down at you. 
“Well, It’s your fault that you’re so comfortable” He smiled. Such a sweet smile you loved that you were seeing more of. 
Your smile mimicked his as you looked up at him. Lando’s eyes quickly darted across your face, looking at all of your features, committing them to his memory. You looked angelic. Your smile warming up his heart that had grown a bit too cold in recent years. He was already feeling the effects of your warmth. His smile being more common than it used to be. And portraying a kindness to try and match yours. If anyone knew how he felt, they would say he was falling in Love.
Your smile faded, but a soft look still remained on your face. The way that Lando was looking at you, it was like you were completely naked and vulnerable in front of him. But the emotion behind his eyes showed only comfort and admiration. So it wasn’t uncomfortable, quite the opposite.
In that moment, you hoped he would never stop looking at you like that. And to Lando, he would never even want to stop looking at you at all.
Without either of you noticing, your faces had gotten so close, to the point where your lips were just barely touching. Your hands came up to cradle both sides of his face, and the comfort of the feeling, made Lando capture your lips in a soft kiss.
He was in control, and he was kissing you oh so slowly and carefully. Lando had turned so soft and kind, like he cared for you, deeply. He kissed you like you were fragile, Which you both knew from experience that you weren’t. You couldn’t take it anymore.
One of your hands traveled up to tug at his hair, and the other wrapped around his bicep that was beside your head, nails digging into the skin, hoping it could signal him into doing more. 
Either Lando didn’t pick up on your signs, or he did it on purpose. But that man did nothing to heat up the kiss. If anything, he almost kissed you slower.
So you decided to wrap your legs around his waist, your core meeting the bulge in his pants. Unfortunately, he was only half hard, but that was something you intended on changing in a matter of seconds. 
You started moving your hips slowly, up and down against his length, it solicited a small hum from his throat. But that was all it did. Somehow Lando kept his composure. 
But you could feel his dick twitching in his pants. The friction you received from it was making you quietly moan into his mouth. You were going to break him. Make him snap.
You disconnected your legs from him, and you almost heard him whine at the loss of contact. Both of your hands landed on his chest, and you gave a little push, signaling him. He sat up on his knees, and looked down at you, his eyes hooded. 
You sat up on your knees in front of him and gave him another small shove in the chest. “Lay down.” You breathed out.
He did what you said, and layed down on his back, looking up at you with anticipation. You lifted yourself so you could sit back down over his thighs, straddling him. 
You sat far enough back that his now very obvious bulge was right in front of your core. 
You looked back up to find Lando’s eyes and the darkened, familiar look you saw in them, made a shiver run down your spine. 
As you kept eye contact, you brushed your fingertips over his clothed dick. It made his eyes flutter close, and he tilted his head all the way back, his neck more exposed. 
You flattened your palm over the bulge, and moved your hands up and down along the length, in a slow and soft pace. You could see the veins on Lando’s neck getting more visible, as he was straining himself, trying to chase the movement of your hand with his hips. 
His breathing was ragged, and his eyes squeezed shut. And small, choked whimpers came from him. He looked so pretty. 
You decided to give him what he wanted. And when Lando felt your hand disappear, his eyes shot open to beg you for more. But when his eyes landed on you, you had already opened the button on his pants, and dragged the zipper down. 
Lando didn’t have a moment to register it, before your hand was wrapped around his length. A guttural moan came out of him, eyes squeezing shut again.
While your hand was starting to slowly move up and down, with the other, you wrapped your fingers around the base of his cock. Moving further and further down to hold on to his balls. 
You could tell you were doing a good job, just by the amount of sounds coming from Lando. Both his hands had formed fists, his knuckles white as he was doing everything in his power to not snap. 
You swiped your thumb across the tip, collecting the precum that had seeped out. His breath shuddered, and he opened his eyes to look at you with a pleading look. 
It almost made you do exactly what he wanted, almost. But instead, you stopped your movements, and decided to torture him a little. 
So you made your way to stand up and walk off. But the second your feet were on the ground, and your back turned to him. His arms wrapped around your waist, and he pulled you back down. 
You were both sitting on your knees, your back against his chest, and you could feel him poking against your backside. You felt heat flow to your core just at the thought of what he was going to do now. 
Lando grabbed on to the hem of your shirt, and tore it off. His hands immediately finding your bra, unclasping it, and throwing it towards where your shirt went. 
His hands forcefully grabbed your breasts and he ground his hips into your ass, moaning into your ear. 
You could do nothing but wait for his next move. One of his hands slowly traced along your stomach, making its way down to the hem of your pants, while his other hand was wrapped around your torso, holding you tight against him. 
His hand found the button on your pants, and unbuttoned it with one hand, and slowly slid down the zipper. 
His chin was resting on your shoulder, as he looked down to see his hand sliding into your panties. 
You threw your head back at the feeling, resting it on his shoulder. One of his fingers found your hole, and collected the wetness there. 
“Oh, so wet” He cooed in your ear. 
His finger found your clit as he started circling it slowly. Your mouth had opened, as you let all of your sounds spill out. 
Soon he added more pressure, and his touch was more focused. If he kept it up, it wouldn’t be long before you came. 
You tilted your head so your mouth was close to his ear, and you whimpered. “fuck Lando” “Please keep going” You begged.
Quickly, without warning, he pulled his hand out. You whined in complaint.
“Not so fun now, is it?” He spoke directly in your ear. 
You didn’t even have time to reply before he was pulling your pants down to your knees, and instructing you to lift them, so he could take them all the way off. 
You did what he said, leaning your upper body forward on the couch, ass up towards him. 
After he tore yours off, you turned your head over your shoulder, to see him hurrying to take his own off.
His hand landed on your back, pushing your upper body further into the couch, your face squished in the cushions. 
Both of his hands slid down to your ass, and grabbed it firmly, enjoying the sight. And shoved you even more, so he could see more of you. 
You couldn’t see what he was doing, but you felt one of his hands slide further towards your core. And then you felt how close he was when he spoke.
“God, you’re beautiful” He was in awe, just looking at you. 
But soon, his finger found your wet hole, and slowly slid inside. You sighed into the couch cushion, and moved your hips back onto his finger, taking in as much as you could.  
He couldn’t take it anymore, he needed to be inside you. He quickly removed his finger, and you were about to complain. But before you could get a word out, his hands grabbed onto your hips and pulled you back towards him. His dick slid inside so well, filling you up just like you wanted. The feeling almost making you scream.
He let out a loud groan, finally getting the feeling of you being wrapped around him again. He had a tight grip on your hips as he pulled you back to meet his hips everytime he shoved himself inside you. 
His thrusts were getting rough and hard, and you were loving every second of it. Him in complete control, and you babbling incoherent sounds into the cushions. 
You felt the heat build up inside you, and you were getting close. Lando kept his pace up and you could feel his balls slapping against you, the sound of your skin slapping together and both of you moaning was unholy.
You felt Lando lean forward, arm wrapping around your waist, and the other around your chest, so his palm was flattened right against your beating heart. You didn’t even have time to think about what he was doing, the new angle making you see stars. 
Lando pulled your body up as he sat back on his knees. your back against his chest. Just like you were earlier. 
He held you tight against him, as he now fucked up into you. You didn’t think the angle of him inside you could get any better, but oh, how wrong you were. 
You heard Lando swearing under his breath, and you leaned your head back against his shoulder, a moaning mess, and so close. “Lando..” “I’m clo-”
You didn’t get to finish your words before you felt the hand that was wrapped around your waist, slide down to circle his middle finger around your clit. You almost screamed out, the pleasure almost being too much. 
And when you felt his other hand wrap around your throat and squeeze, you were done for. Your eyes rolling into the back of your head as it all came crashing down.
Your thighs were shaking, and your walls were constricting around him, milking him for all he was worth, which sent him over the edge.
He let out a soft whimper as he came, the sound alone almost making you cum for a second time. 
His arms wrapped tightly around your middle, almost hugging you as his forehead rested against your shoulder. 
He took some deep breaths, breathing in your scent, and hummed against you. You felt him growing soft inside you, and some of your fluids started running down your thighs. 
You felt Lando softly lift your hips so he could slide out of you, the emptiness making you whine. He chuckled before he kissed your shoulder and stood up. You collapsed forward on the couch, too tired so stay sitting on your knees. 
You heard Lando walk away towards the bathroom, and soon after, you heard the shower start. You furrowed your brows, a bit confused. Kind of a dick move to just hop in the shower and leave you collapsed on the couch. 
You didn’t even hear Lando walk back out until you felt his fingers softly gracing your arm as he asked you; “You think you can stand up?”
You turned your head and looked up at him, you saw a glint in his eyes when he looked at you, no doubt caused by how absolutely fucked out of your mind you looked. 
You softly nodded against the soft pillows and muttered out a “Maybe” as you lifted yourself up and tried to stand up. Lando’s hand held onto your bicep just in case you needed any help. And he looked like he was ready to catch you if your knees even buckled.
Which they did, and Lando immediately wrapped his free arm around your waist, holding you up with such a force that your toes were the only thing touching the ground. 
After he just fucked you like that, he was so soft and caring. You really liked this side of him, and silently wished you could see more of it. 
Lando’s eyes searched yours with a hint of worry. But they softened when you reassured him you were fine. But he kept an arm wrapped around you as he walked the two of you towards your bathroom, where the shower had been heating up. 
He helped you step inside, and followed after you. And the two of you enjoyed a nice warm shower together, him holding around you almost the entire time, constantly worried your legs would give out.
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You were softly awakening, feeling your hair being brushed behind your ear, and soft fingers tracing your face. You slowly opened your eyes to find his eyes looking back at you. 
Lando had a lovesick smile on his face. “You look so beautiful in the morning” His voice was deep and raspy.
You felt yourself blush and you lifted the covers to hide your face. 
Lando sat upright and lifted one of his hands to try and tug the cover away, “No, don’t hide” “I want to see you”
You peeked your eyes over the covers, seeing nothing but truth behind Lando’s eyes. You lowered the covers.
“Thank you baby” His smile grew, and you saw his eyes searching your face, like he was trying to count the freckles on your skin. It gave you a moment to do the same, now really noticing the moles beside his nose, and the ones scattered across his cheeks. 
You noticed his face coming closer to yours, and when you met his eyes you saw how he was looking at your lips. You sat up and met him halfway, reaching up to hold his face, dragging him back down. He threw out an arm to hold himself above you, leaning more into the kiss. 
Lando was the one to pull back, and looked at you with a glint in his eye, like he knew something you didn’t.
Before you had time to think about your words, your mouth opened. 
“Why are you so nice now?” You saw his mouth frown slightly, the sight making you wince. You wanted to take it back. 
You opened your mouth again to try and fix your mistake, but Lando was quicker. 
“I know..” “I have been thinking about it myself” He sighed and laid down beside you, and quickly glanced at you before he looked anywhere but you. 
You saw that he was struggling, regret seeping into your veins. “I’m sorry Lando, I didn’t mean it” “You don’t have to say anything” “I’m so sorry” You carefully looked at him, wanting nothing more than to smack yourself for talking before thinking. 
“No, no” “I’m just trying to collect my thoughts. I’m not that great with words” He let out an awkward chuckle. 
His eyes finally met yours again, and you could see the vulnerability behind Lando’s eyes. He smiled softly before speaking again.
“My last few seasons at McLaren were not good. The car was not working for me, and I wasn’t doing good mentally, so I really started to spiral. I made the mistake of not talking about it, and that only made it worse.” “It made me angry and resentful. Which made me lose the people close to me.” “I got so used to being like that, thinking it was the best solution. And then I made the move to Red Bull, it made it better in the sense that the car was better, I was less miserable. But It still didn’t change my attitude and anger. Thinking that if I went back to being the old me, it would hurt me.” 
“So when we slept together the first time, it made me feel so confident.” He smiled sheepishly at you.
He continued. “And when we slept together that second time, it made me feel unstoppable. And that morning, I was so comfortable around you that I didn’t even think about how I was acting. It was such a nice morning. The nicest one I’ve ever had.” You felt yourself blush.
“And after that day, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I found happiness in everything, something I haven’t felt in a long time. It never even crossed my mind about my change in attitude, until people asked me about it.” “And when I thought about it, I just thought about you.” His eyes no longer met yours, a shyness about Lando that you had never seen.
“When I’m with you, I feel like myself again”
Lando couldn’t bear to look at you. A realization hit him about what he just told you. He just started talking about his feelings, and he had told you everything, something he didn’t think he would ever do. 
Lando felt your soft hand on the side of his face, and he felt you now laying on top of him, hugging him. You buried your face in his neck. You were speechless. Lando had said he wasn’t good with words, but that was a complete lie. 
He had confessed something to you that no one ever had. No one had ever told you that you were the reason they could feel like themselves. You didn’t really know how to feel about that. 
Lando started to feel something wet hit the sides of his neck. His eyes shot open in realization. “Are you crying?” He asked you with so much concern in his voice.
Oh shit, you got caught. You tried to carefully keep your breathing steady as you slowly shook your head. 
“Y/N, look at me please” He almost whispered.
You slowly lifted your head to look at him, and when your eyes met his, you could see the worry in them. 
His hands cradled the sides of your face, and a thumb flew out to swipe away a falling tear. 
“Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong” More worry found its way in Lando’s eyes. 
“No” You softly shook your head as you whispered. 
You lifted a hand to hold on to one of his. “No one has ever said something like that to me before” You let out a small breath before you continued.
“Thank you Lando” You sighed, a soft smile on your face.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Why are you thanking me?”
Your smile grew. “You just bared your soul to me, Lando.” “And you told me that I make you feel like yourself again.” 
“Yeah, so if anything, I should thank you, for listening to me” His thumb swiped across your cheek again. 
“Lando. You shouldn’t have to thank me for listening to you.” “I would never want to stop listening to you” 
“Please never leave me” He said it like he was actually begging you. His eyebrows furrowed.
“I wouldn’t even dream about it” You leaned in to give him a soft kiss.
And when you pulled back to look at him. You started to recognize the look in his eyes, it was like he was looking at the world. The universe. And he found that in your eyes.
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Who's crying? not me! (yes I am.)
@laneyspaulding19 @formula1mount @chonkybonky
814 notes · View notes
incognit0slut · 1 year
Right Kind of Wrong (6)
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She never thought she would be involved in a murder investigation and encounter her one-night-stand again, the awkward guy who isn’t exactly that good in bed—Or is he? Offended by the sentiment, Spencer is determined to prove her wrong… But as he gets tangled with the beautiful stranger, he realizes there is more to her than what meets the eye.
Part summary: she is taken aback as the student becomes the master. wc: 4,3k
Series Warnings: 18+ explicit content (this part includes masturbation, forced orgasm, a little squirting, female and male oral), graphic details of murder
a/n: SMUT ALERT! If you like sexy stuff then you can just read this, but reading previous parts is better for context :)
Other parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
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SPENCER HAD WITNESSED MANY THINGS THAT LEFT HIM IN A STATE OF WONDER. Certain books or poetry. Certain buildings, art, or places. Specific moments that left him in an overwhelming sense of awe. But no amount of experience could prepare him for the view right at this moment. It felt as if he wasn't worthy enough to marvel this splendor sight of a woman.
Was comparing her to a masterpiece of fine art too excessive? Although he couldn't help it, with the way she was sprawled along the couch with knees spread apart, she seemed to be all source of beauty and perfection. His eyes trailed across her glorious body; adorning every curve, every line, and every inch of her skin.
His body ached to touch her, to feel her hot skin underneath his fingertips, yet he wouldn’t dare himself to reach out. This was her moment, he realized. She was laid out in front of him on her own accord, wearing nothing but a coy smile and a certain spark in her eye. Who was he to interrupt a woman basking in her sensuality?
"So, is this some kind of a lesson?" He slowly asked after a moment, his tone provocative and full of meaning as he paused and licked his lips. "If you must know, I'm a very fast learner."
Her eyes were focused on his mouth, those plump lips now glistening slightly from where his tongue had just wet them. "A lesson, a show... you can think of it as anything you want." Then a taunting smile played on her lips. "I only need you to pay attention."
His gaze swept over her wet flesh, flushed and swollen, the slickness glistening from her core made every part of him swell. "You've had my full attention ever since I saw you that night. You're all I think about."
She felt herself crumbling at his confession. Her heart hammered against her chest, the charge behind his words spreading warmth throughout her body that had nothing to do with her arousal. "Don't say things like that, Dr. Reid."
Because I think I could fall for you.
She swallowed the thought away and focused her attention on this moment. Sex. That was what she should be thinking of, not the way her mind was going into a spiral of admiration that had nothing to do with physical attraction. Nothing else should matter when the man sitting a few feet away from her was looking at her as if she was his favorite meal.
"On second thought," she decided to say, her fingers slowly moving across her thigh. "Words are good."
When he didn't respond, she continued, her hand slipping between her legs. "Words can be an additional sense to stimulate the brain that goes beyond—" Her fingers softly pressed onto her clit. "—touch."
"That... is true," he softly agreed, his breathing more shallow as he watched her fingers moving in a circle motion. "The brain is the most receptive erogenous zones in the human body."
"Exactly. Now tell me what you're thinking."
There wasn't a moment of hesitation as he answered, "How beautiful you are."
She couldn't help the genuine smile forming in her mouth. "What else?”
She really was a sight. Chemicals suddenly flood his system, making his head pound and chest restrict, his blood entirely redirecting south. He gulped as she quickened the pace on her clit. "How I want to be the one touching you right now."
"Yeah?" She readjusted her position to spread her legs wider, wanting to give him a better look at her glistening flesh. "Tell me how you would touch me."
He could feel his body tightening with arousal. "With my hand."
She bit on her bottom lip, trying to hold her amused laughter. "I think that's already a given." Then she gently sped up the motion of her fingers, her voice coming out breathless as she whispered, "You can do better than that, Spencer."
There was an intense warmth that spread along his body. Hearing her call out his name as she pleasured herself gave him a certain control of the situation. It honestly felt exhilarating to be the reason of her arousal. He was the one she wanted. He was the one to have the privilege to behold her whimpering in desperation.
He then leaned forward, a new sense of power in his voice. "I want to run my hands all over you. I want to taste you." She hummed a response, eyes locking with his. "I want to see you writhing as I map your body with my tongue."
He noticed how receptive she became to his words, her body squirming as her fingers pressed onto her clit harder. He took it as an encouragement and kept on going.
"I want to put my head between your thighs. I want to be the one sucking on all that wetness." His tongue swiped along his bottom lip as his gaze traveled down the slickness dripping between her legs. "Look at how soaking wet you are, taking pleasure in my voice as you desperately play with yourself."
Y/n believed Spencer was a smart man. She also believed it when he said he was a fast learner, yet actually hearing his erotic suggestion while he watched her so earnestly drove her over the edge. Her other hand slid across her breast, pinching her aroused nipple as she continued the erratic movement of her fingers. Her eyelids dropped at the sensation traveling through her body.
"I want to make you feel good until you can't breathe," she heard him say, his voice growing more strained. "Until you can't see, until you can't think of anything else but the overwhelming pleasure I will give to you."
She whimpered out a desperate sigh. The snarl of pleasure that tore itself from his throat at her desperation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. This glorious feeling of knowing she craved him, that she needed him as badly as he did was indescribable it gave him more power.
"I want to ruin you in the best way possible."
She inhaled sharply, time standing still for a moment. Her eyes then snapped open, landing on him splaying his hands over his knees. Her insides wrenched. Her chest was heaving as her fingers slowed down while she tried to register the refined yet filthy words coming out of his mouth. "Well, aren't you quite the poet."
She saw him shrug his shoulders with a bashful smile curling on his lips. "I read a lot."
A breathless laugh escaped her mouth. "Of course you do."
Then her eyes skimmed across his face, noticing the way his eyes glazed over her. His gaze was a slow pull, a gentle tug at the edge of her consciousness. It was evident in the way her body responded, her core alight with the fire he had been patiently building, throwing more fuel over it with each second that passed.
"You're so pretty," he gently spoke, raking his eyes along the span of her exposed body. Then he couldn't help himself as the next words slipped out of his mouth without much thought, "Put a finger inside yourself."
She tensed for a slight moment before she relaxed. "Giving me orders now?"
"I want to see how tight you are."
Her breath hitched at his words. There was a moment of silence as she slipped a finger into her entrance, her body quivering at the pressure. She moved it slowly, feeling the slickness of her walls clenching around her finger that she let out a moan.
"Add another finger. I know you can take it," he ordered, almost drooling at the sight in front of him. His gaze roamed her flesh, drinking in her naked body, the line of her neck, the peak of her breasts, the flare of her hips, the way she writhed with the pressure of her fingers, and her moan—god, the noises she made. It grew louder as he told her to go faster, her body quivering when he remarked that she was not fast enough.
"You can do better than that, Y/n."
She let out a loud gasp at the sound of her name, her back arching away from the couch, her eyes instantly locking with his. She felt so light-headed, so hot, so unbelievably wet. She started to come aware of everything. The feeling of her fingers digging into her soft flesh, continuously swirling against her heat, and the way his eyes soaked in her every movement. She could feel the weight of his stare and it was enough to throw her over the edge, her fingers moving at a quicker pace.
"Are you close?"
"Yes," she confirmed, her legs beginning to burn as she felt herself getting closer to the steady rhythm she had created with herself. Small whimpers slipped through her lips as she felt the familiar sensation tightening in the pit of her stomach, her mind already losing focus of her surroundings.
"Stop touching yourself."
His sudden voice pulled her back to reality, eyes narrowing in his direction. Somehow she managed to halt her movement as she watched him slowly rise from his seat, striding across the room with leisured yet determined steps. Then he positioned himself right in front of her, standing above her so that she had to tilt her head upward to see his face.
"I'm a man of my word." He slowly lowered himself, dropping down to his knees. A slow, sinful smile snuck its way along his lips as his hand grazed the satin span of her thigh. "I do want to ruin you."
She made a little noise, halfway between a sigh and a moan as a long finger brushed featherlight over her sex. Her fingers slowly slipped away as her eyes trained on him, watching the way he carefully slid a finger between her wetness, feeling his callused pad swipe along her slick folds. And when she thought she couldn't get more aroused than this, he proved her wrong by closing the distance, his mouth wrapped around her throbbing clit.
He grunted in delight as her slickness dampened his jaw.
"You taste so sweet," he murmured, and she felt the warm gust of his exhale into her heat. It made her walls flex just as his tongue dived inside her. She leaned back and writhed as he eagerly licked between her slit, wrapping his arms around her thighs, holding her in place as he devoured her hot flesh. She faintly looked down at him and found his eyes boring into hers, watching her intently as he wrapped his lips around her sweet spot and sucked every inch of her like a man starved.
She closed her eyes, her fingers tangling in his thick, untamed hair as she felt another wave of pleasure hit her. His tongue was pressed flat up against her, lapping at her eagerly before moving to twirl around her clit deliciously. She could feel her high approaching, thighs already trembling and he found that to be the perfect time to pull her in closer by the thighs, wrapping his arms securely around them to bring her core closer to his face.
Feeling her body shake, he wasted no time, tongue furiously licking against her and sliding the muscle in and out easily. His growl rumbled against her wetness as she spasmed, her face a mess of sweat and tears as he lapped up her folds, his tongue sliding into her and pressing on the walls. It didn't take long for her to moan out his name as the sensation struck her body, his hands firmly supported her convulsing body over his tongue to help ride out her high.
She pulled onto his hair with both of her hands, moving her hips against his face as he continued to groan and lick her through her climax. Utterly dazed and covered in a sheen of sweat with a pleasant tingling sensation traveling throughout her body, she watched as he slowly straightened himself, grabbing onto her arm and pulling her into a sitting position.
Then he didn't wait anymore longer as he buried his face in her chest, mouth circling onto her hard nipple. Shoulders tensing, she grabbed a handful of his hair. His tongue was lapping eagerly while his hands roamed her breasts greedily, trying to grab as much of her as he possibly could.
She was dizzy with feverish need, pulling him closer to her chest, getting herself drunk on the caresses against her skin. It wasn't until she felt fingers sliding into her pulsing, sensitive heat that she let out a desperate moan, louder than she intended to.
"Spencer," she whimpered, her body starting to shake again. "What are you doing?"
"Giving you pleasure," he murmured against her skin. Then he proceeded to prove his words by thrusting his fingers steadily into her while his thumb rubbed onto her clit. Her hips buckled while her hand fumbled everywhere in search of something to hold before gripping it along his wrist, a familiar yet stronger sensation pushing through her body for the second time.
This high was fast. It was consuming her so much that she could already feel the coil in her stomach, her mind going blank. She arched her back, instinctively shoving away a bit from him, but he moved closer, rocking his fingers in and out of her body at a more rapid pace, almost violently.
"That's it, I got you," he growled in a rich, rounded tone, slamming his fingers into her. "You can take it."
The pleasure suddenly exploded inside of her, sending her over the edge as she cried louder than before, the sensation sweeping her up into orgasmic bliss and leaving her panting heavily. The feeling was all-consuming, overwhelming in all the best ways. She let out a sob as he eased her through it, kissing her breasts while her thighs shook around his arm.
Her breathing slowed as she came back down to reality and she reached out her hand for him. There was a coy smile on his lips as he sat beside her, pulling her body into his arms as he gently hooked a hand under one of her legs, placing it on top of his thighs.
She might not be as smart as he was, but she could tell exactly what he had in mind.
"Spencer," she hissed, throwing him a pointed look. But her protest trembled as he gently kissed the corner of her lips, traveling along her jawline before he buried his head in the crook of her neck.
"I think you can give me another one."
A hiss of pleasure instantly flew out of her mouth as she felt him thrusting two fingers inside her swollen flesh. There was no mercy in his sudden movement this time, curling his digits inside her vigorously, the sensation had her legs shaking all over again. She could hear how drenched she was, the slick sound of him driving into her echoed around the room, followed by a harsh, loud sob ripping through her throat.
The heel of his palm pressed against her clit as he continued to curl his fingers inside her. Her thighs tightened around his hand, trying desperately to push him away from the overwhelming sensation. Her body was already shaking from the sheer number of times of pleasure, unsure that she could take much more.
"I-I can't—" She begged him, her fingers wrapping around his wrist, trying to pull his hand away but instead the vibrations began to ripple throughout her body. Her eyes rolled back as her mouth dropped open, no longer able to speak as a loud squeal left her lips, the sound distorted by the pleasure surging through her body. “P-Please. I can’t.”
"One more—just one last time."
She cried out and huffed breaths in her nose as his fingers curled and started to rock almost violently forward, swinging hard against a spot deep inside her. Her eyes went wide, feeling something entirely new, like nothing she had ever experienced before. "I-I can't, it's too much—fuck."
"That's it. Such a good girl." He growled, panting with exertion, using the strength of his whole arm to push in and out at a blistering speed. "You look so pretty like this."
"I-I'm going to make a mess—" A panic cry left her mouth, her whole body tensing. Her grip tightened around his forearm, reveling in the flex of his tendons as he rocked his fingers inside her violently.
"Then make a mess." He kissed the side of her neck. "Come on, make a mess for me."
He was forcing out filthy, squelching noises from her body and all she could do was lean into him, wordlessly panting needy noises. Then his thumb circled around her clit, pushing it up into her body so harshly she was gripping onto his arm for dear life. She couldn't take it anymore, her body shaking as the intensity rippled along her core.
And then it suddenly came to her—so intense, so violent, sweeping her away as she almost blacked out at the force of pleasure. She could hear his distinctive voice, triumphant, then turning into lavish praise as she screamed, focusing on a sudden pressure in her gut before a strong gush of liquid surged from her body. He watched her tremble and held her close to him as she screamed out his name, his fingers continuously circling her clit roughly.
Y/n had never felt a pleasure so intense until now. Her body was spasming, her legs were shaking, and her eyes were closed shut. She held onto him desperately and felt his heart beating under her palm as he kissed the side of her head, gently muttering praises as he helped her ride out the tide of pleasure convulsing in her blood. And when every drip of liquid escaped her body, she finally let out a sigh, her head falling against his shoulder.
The silence was calm after the wave, but his voice slowly filled her head with a hint of triumph. "So, did I do well?"
She was tired; utterly, delightfully tired. But she wasn't in the place to hear him gloat. Her eyes slightly trained on him, and hating the smug look on his face, she slowly turned her body towards him. She bit her bottom lip to stop herself from smiling as she pressed her lips on his cheek, softly, barely even touching it, before she trailed her lips down his jawline, stopping on the crook of his neck.
"I.." He breathed out, his voice sounding strangled as she felt his grip on her hip. "What are you doing?"
"Just reciprocating your words." She then opened her mouth, her tongue slightly tasting his skin. "I want to ruin you too."
Her parted lips were hot against his skin, his eyes fluttering close as she softly sucked on the spot below his ear. He let out a soft whimper, melting into her touch. What was it about neck kisses that made them feel so good? Was it the tingles that ran down his spine through to the soles of his feet with every kiss? Was it the feeling of intimacy clouding his thoughts?
Y/n wasn't even fully recovered from the pleasure still strumming in her system but she found herself reaching over, sinking onto her knees in front of him. His eyes went wide momentarily. Realization hit him as he understood what she wanted, what she wanted to do to him, his eyes studying the determined look on her face.
"A-Are you sure?" He asked carefully, sliding a hand into her hair. "Because if you change your mind, I'm more than fine."
She dragged her eyes up to his body, lingering for a few seconds on the vest he was still clad in and caressing the blush dipping along his neck before settling on his face. "I think it's only fair. Besides," she muttered, giving him a sly smile, looking into the passion brimming in his eyes. "I really want to suck you."
He grunted at her words, leaning onto the couch as he watched her. She wanted to bask in the warmth of his gaze, the utter devotion in his eyes as she settled between his thighs. She leaned closer, raking her nails over the contours of his legs, the material of his pants rippling under her fingers.
Biting her lip, she slid one hand over his bulge. He let out a sharp breath, desperately whispering her name as she unbuttoned the belt around his waist. Her movements were slow, lingering the anticipation in his tensed muscles. And after fumbling with his belt, he finally helped her, pulling himself out of the confinement of his pants.
She sighed in satisfaction. God, he was beautiful. He was thick and solid, warm and long with a slight curve. Veins dance along his length and she traced a finger up to the flared head, before dipping her head, her lips following. The droplet of wetness on the tip looked too nice to be ignored and her head completely emptied as she leaned in and licked it up.
He grunted weakly, out of amusement or desire, she didn't know—maybe both. Humming, she wrapped one hand around him and stroked him slowly. A pause settled between them before she finally took him fully in her mouth. He was all salt-tinged mixed with something undeniably him, his taste bursting on her tongue. She kept swallowing him down, her jaw stretching wide as she struggled to get every inch of him inside her, wrapping her hand around what was left.
"Y/n," he groaned between ragged breaths as her mouth wrapped around the girth of his thickness. He had his hand buried deep in her hair, holding it up in his grip when she tightened her hold on him, squeezing him gently. The added stimulation made his eyes roll back, a masculine sound of pleasure resounding in his throat. "You're unbelievable."
The compliment and the urgency in his voice made her wonder how much she was able to make him lose control. She swirled her tongue around him, swallowing him back down as she give him a rough, firm pump. She hollowed her cheeks and greedily inhaled him. His smooth, warm length slid across her tongue and he hit the back of her throat. The vibrations traveled down, shooting through his veins and he almost came apart right there.
"Shit," he rasped out, tugging on her hair as his hips jerked up, and she gagged, rearing back off with a cough, eyes watering. "You're taking me so well."
She couldn't stop the proud smile forming on her face. She was the one who made him lose control—the one who could awaken the dumbstruck look in his eyes. Her mouth enclosed around him again and she repeated the movement, trailing down his cock with her tongue, hands twisting back and forth, lips sliding back down until she had every inch of him in her mouth. He took her head in a tender hold and slammed her face down, his hips flexing to meet her.
The low wet sounds of her gagging meld with his gravelly broken moans were so erotic. She glanced up at him, brow-raising mischievously as she moved her head in a rapid motion. He panted another hoarse sigh out, his chest heaving as he inhaled a lung full of desperately needed air, hips jolting upward.
"I can't hold any longer," he whispered hoarsely.
He was on the edge of his release, she could feel him pulsing in her mouth. The mixture of intimacy and pleasure overwhelmed his body, and instead of pulling away, she only grew more aggressive in her attempt, sucking harder and tongue pressing firmer. Her efforts were rewarded by the hot ropes of liquid hitting her throat. His head was starting to spin, stars danced behind his eyes as he felt her swallow everything he had to give, save for the small dribble past her lips as she unraveled her mouth around his shaft.
She smiled up at him, enjoying the way he was leaning back after his bliss, and despite how heavy his body felt, he used a thumb to wipe away the line of liquid on her mouth. "I think we both are very much ruined."
She let him pull her up, settling himself on top of his thighs. His wide hands engulfed her face before he brought her down to him, capturing her lips in a soft, searing kiss. He kissed her with every ounce of power he had. Kissed her as he had daydreamed about so many times. He kissed her as he had never kissed anyone before, and it was messy and rough and probably looked horrific from a different point of view, but it felt right.
Then he pulled away, yet kept his hold on her. She carefully resigned herself, feeling completely in the moment with him, her eyes lost in his lingering gaze as she scanned over his features. His eyes appeared darker in this light of the room and angle, but she could still see the softness of them.
He suddenly reached out and brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The unexpected action had her freeze above him. It awfully felt too intimate, but on the other hand, it felt... somewhat peaceful. Calming. Serene.
And at that moment, she suddenly became aware of their surroundings, of what had took place. The way she was naked and perched on his lap. The way he was mostly fully clothed. The way they were trying to catch their breath.
Then her knee grazed against the deadly weapon still attached to his hip and she jerked, becoming aware of who he was, who she was supposed to be. This unexpected turn of events was already a slight curve in the dynamic between an authority and somebody who was involved in a case.
An unsettling feeling suddenly weighed in her gut as she studied his face, pushing and pulling her consciousness as if she was stepping into a pit of regret… into something that was unforeseeable—into something that wasn't going to end well.
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bokunoheros · 10 days
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⋆˚࿔ heart 2 heart, ingenium 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
🪲 authors note:// pro-hero tenya, my beloved. hey! sorry! i fucking need him! shortest authors note i’ve ever wrote, take a shot. ngl, i started to spiral towards the end since I was writing off of pure hormones
topics discussed and warnings:// alcohol consumption, fluff and cuddling, kissing, like, gross amounts of kissing, establish relations, loving relationship that makes me want to cry, cunnilingus, breeding, mentions of pregnancy, readers gender is not specified but i use female anatomical terms, unprotected and sloppy sex, ❇️ I DO JOKE ABOUT VOMIT IN THIS FIC ONCE. ❇️
word count:// 3465 (edited)
ᯓ heed the warnings laid before you, your media consumption is your responsibility! ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
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every WORD under the cut will be R-RATED- SO, +18 only, respect my wishes regarding interactions.
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𝜗𝜚 edited and proof read by the lovely calius .ᐟ xoxo
✎ᝰ Tenya can’t handle his liquor.
He never could have, especially not around you. You were such a bad influence, but he didn’t really mind considering just how fucking infatuated he is with you.
It had been an especially hard day after his escapades as a pro-hero, leaving his body with a few bruises and scrapes around. Nothing a few kisses couldn’t fix, so you kissed his ‘boo-boos’ before you forced him into the bath.
As he focused on scrubbing a single day's worth of grime away— and totally not wasting the hot water as he stood mindlessly under the shower head— you cooked dinner.
Beef stew over rice, his favorite.
As you set the table— ‘table,’ more like the kotatsu you both kept in the middle of your living room— Tenya came out of the bathroom in his navy gingham pajama pants and this UA alumni tee.
Fuck, you loved him in that combo. You didn’t even know what it was about the outfit that drove you insane, made you ovulate, made you— but it was probably how the sleeves of his tee were tight around his biceps.
“Have a good bath?” You asked him, placing the last dish onto the table before standing back up.
“Mm,” he hummed, using his towel to dry off more of his hair, before tossing it down the hall and into the hamper.
You walked over to your small alcohol fridge, which was probably the fanciest thing you alone owned, and grabbed beers for the two of you.
Tenya sat down at the table, sitting crisscrossed under the blanket. You joined him, sitting beside him, tucking your legs under along with his.
“Ah,” he sighed, immediately digging into the meal you made. “You made my favorite.”
You smiled as you chewed your food, scrunching your nose as you shoved more into your mouth before you spoke up. “Is it good?”
You watched him hum, dramatically chewing his food. He swallowed, leaning over to you. His hand wrapped around the back of your neck, briefly pulling you towards him so he could kiss your cheek.
“It’s amazing,” he chirped, kissing your cheek once more before he pulled away. “You’re always amazing.”
Five seconds into your meal and you’re already flustered, damn your husband. You sat down your food, going to open a beer can for him. “Here, I think you deserve it.” You quip, handing him the now open can of beer, then opening your own.
“So do you.” Tenya holds his beer up, clinking yours and his with a metallic clink.
You both took a swig, though you sipped longer than your husband. He recoiled ever so slightly, setting the can down before he began to dig back into your lovely meal.
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Tenya ate like he hadn’t in weeks, despite you cooking lavish meals for him on the daily. Within minutes, his plate was empty and his stomach was full.
You chew the last bite of your dinner as you watch him guzzle his beer, “Was It good..?” You tease, taking a swig of your own beverage.
Tenya hums in response, eyes fluttering closed as he leaned his elbow against the mahogany kotatsu, holding his chin in his palm. You chuckle at him, scooting closer to him, almost joining him on his side of the table. Tenya cracks open an eye as you move closer to him, admiring you while you face away from him. When you get close enough, he takes your hand, holding you in his big palm.
“Thank you,” he mutters, tightening his grip on you briefly. You hold his hand back, placing your other on top of his, rubbing your thumb against his skin.
“Always,” you say, watching him open his eyes and shake his head.
“Mm, no,” he breathed, taking another swig of his beer, shaking it before realizing he finished it with a raise of his brow. “You do so much for me.” He sat the empty can down. Leaning down slightly, he used his free hand to grab your wrist gently, pulling your hand to his mouth. He kissed your knuckles, “I really don’t deserve you.”
You shook your head, sipping the last of your beer as well. “Neither do I,” you slid your hand into his navy hair, roughing him up a little. Your stomach flips when he darts his tongue across the bony prominence of your knuckles. Christ.
You were high school sweethearts, that was a fact. Sure, you didn’t do more than confess to each other on the rooftop of the dormitories before explaining that the both of you were too focused on school to have this go anywhere— but you were still sweethearts.
“What would I do without you?” He whispered your name, looking up at you from below his eyelashes. He nuzzled into your hand, and you wanted to vomit in the best way possible.
You couldn’t help it, because suddenly the hand in his hair was pulling his jaw towards you. Landing the kiss with bridled ease, you gently kissed him. The buzz on both your cheeks was warm, and you could still taste the beer on his lips; especially so when he slid his tongue into your mouth like a damn professional.
You hummed at the much enjoyed intrusion, slipping your other hand out of his grasp so you could tangle your fingers into his hair, dragging your nails down his scalp until you reached the nape of his neck. He shivered, placing his hand on your neck like before, keeping you right where he wanted you while he flicked his tongue along your teeth. His other hand slid underneath the blanket of the kotatsu, finding your bare thigh quickly.
While glad you wore shorts; his fingers dug into your flesh, causing you to moan his name softly into his mouth.
Suddenly, he pulled away, leaving you fucking breathless. You admired his spit-shined lips as he backed himself into the couch, before he beckoned you closer. You shifted out from under the kotatsu, but it wasn’t long until Tenya got impatient and pulled you closer to him by the back of your knees. You yelped, but continued to let him manhandle you into his lap, your thighs on either side of his hips before he attacked your mouth again.
Gasping into his mouth, his hands roamed up your thighs, roughly pulling your hips closer to his, before gliding his hands up your waist. This man was insatiable, his tongue darted across your lips before inevitably plunging back into your mouth. You gripped your fingertips into his shoulders, moaning and gasping for breath as he absolutely ravished your mouth. His hands didn’t stop either, rubbing up your waist before dipping back down and grasping the curve of your ass, only to come back up and snake under your t-shirt. Those filthy, skilled hands kept crawling up your back until his thumbs found the clasp of your bra, and he unbuckled it with one swift motion. You yelped into his mouth, causing him to pull off, and begin trailing down your jaw to your neck.
“Christ, Tenya...” you huffed, trying to catch your breath as he started to nibble on your earlobe before sucking a red mark just below into your flesh.
He hummed into your skin, letting one hand slide down your back and under your shorts, fondling your ass while the other massaged your shoulder.
“I’ve missed you, this.” Tenya spoke softly, kissing across your collarbone.
Your eyes rolled back ever so slightly as he licked the dip between your throat and clavicle, one hand of yours teases his undercut at the nape of his neck.
“‘Missed you too,” You sigh, leaning your head back so Tenya could do as he pleased. You fucking loved when he got like this, when he got ravenous for you, and craved you like a damn steak.
You rolled your hips slightly, gasping when you felt his semi-hard erection brush against the inside of your thigh. The hand on your ass grasped the fatty skin there briefly as he took in a breath between his teeth. Your hands scratched at his back, trying to hint to him that you wanted this damn UA shirt off. He took the hint quickly, your smart boy, leaning away from you to tear his shirt off over his head, discarding it across the room. You're quick to follow suit, wasting no time pulling both your shirt and bra over your head before tossing it into the abyss that is your living room.
You lunge for his lips, taking him in a quick, aggressive kiss before you mimic his movements, kissing down his chin, jaw, and to his shoulders. Your painted nails rake over his strong pectorals and down his abs while your husband rubs his thumbs into your hips.
You sink your teeth gently into his flesh, causing him to choke out a moan while he drug your pelvis into his. With a moan, you licked the mark your teeth left before sitting up.
Your eyes said everything as Tenya read them, gently taking your lips again as he adjusted himself. He shifted under you, wrapping one arm tight around your waist as he brought you to the floor, laying you down under him. He hooked his legs under your knees, breaking away from your kiss to leave a sloppy trail of saliva down your chest, where he groped you gently, rolling your nipples between his callous fingers.
“Shit,” you sucked in a breath, glancing down to admire how his muscles flexed on his back. You grinned, arching your back as he sucked one of your nipples into his mouth. Scratching your nails over his broad shoulders, you started to gently push him down. You could feel him smile into your skin, popping off your nipple as he kissed down to your navel quickly. Tenya hooked his fingers under the elastic band of your shorts, grabbing the hem of your panties as he does, pulling them down inch by inch. He looks up at you as he bites the fatty skin in your stomach gently, before he rids you of the last bit of clothing you have. He launches the fabric behind him, quickly hooking your legs over his shoulders.
You yelp, “Tenya!” wincing as his hot breath hits your inner thigh. He smiles down at you, pulling you up so he practically has you sat on your shoulders. He kisses your inner thighs, the digits of his fingers gripping white marks into your skin. You watch him intently with hooded lids, anxiously waiting for him to flatten his tongue over your cunt.
You let out a breathy moan when his mouth finally makes contact with your sex, his hot tongue smoothing over your wetness. Your hands reach behind you to grab at his muscular thighs, desperately trying to ground yourself as he starts to lick up your slick. His tongue wraps around your clit, suckling the bud gently. You sigh, your chest heaving as you try to keep your eyes on him. His glasses are crooked on his face now, and it’s a wonder he didn’t have to rip them off during your belligerent make out session.
He pops off your clit with a wet sound, quickly diving back in to slide his tongue down further, teasing your entrance.
“Fuuck…” you mewled, nails scratching the fabric of his pajama pants. He hummed into your cunt, the sound reverberating through your entire body.
The sounds coming from your cunt and his mouth are fucking disgusting, but God are they the hottest thing you’ve heard all week. Tenya flicks his tongue over your clit, shaking his head in your cunt. You moan his name, rolling it off your tongue as you squeeze your thighs around his head. He grumbles something, probably relating to how fucking sexy your acting. You squeeze your thighs harder, knowing it will spur him on further.
Of course, you’re correct, and he starts to suck your clit with more vigor than previously. He goes back and forth between sucking and flicking his tongue against the bud, which drives you crazy. You let out a strangled moan, digging your heels into his shoulders. You’re so close— Jesus— you’ve started babbling under your breath, pleading with him to let you come. He wraps his buff arms around your waist, keeping you still as he licks you fucking raw. Your hips shake and you involuntarily hold your breath before he licks you to the brink.
You cry out, a breathy and once more strangled moan as you come into his mouth. His lithe tongue licks and sucks up everything your body is willing to give him, until you’re trying to kick off of his shoulders.
He releases himself from your cunt, taking a deep breath. His face is bright red; he adjusts his glasses on his nose before he lays you down comfortably. Tenya crawls back over your form, covering your face with chaste kisses.
You giggle under him, rubbing his shoulder. Gazing up at him with a light smile, you watch as he leans up to wipe his mouth of your come with his wrist.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He chuckles, glancing away like all of a sudden he’s flustered even though he’s just eaten you out.
“M’I just love you,” you hum, hooking your leg under his knee before switching places with him. You roll on top of him, mounting his hips.
“You love me?” Tenya smiles, admiring how you look on top of him.
“Duh.” You scoffed, leaning down to give him a brief kiss on the lips before stealing his glasses and adjusting them in your face evilly. You licked down his chest, wetting the valleys between his abdominal muscles, you lapped over his navel. Tenya leaned up on his elbows, gazing down at you. You slid your hand over the tent in his pajamas, using the other to wiggle under the band, slowly pulling them down.
You tug down his pants, biting your lip as you do. Using both your hands now, you use one final jerk to slip his pajamas down his thighs.
Surprising to you, he isn’t wearing any boxers. How’d you find out? His cock hits you in the cheek with a fleshy slap. You stifle a gasp as you glance up at your husband, who covers his face quickly.
“I’m so s-sorry!” He mewled, tripping over his words as you chuckled lowly at him.
You only hum in response, wiggling his pants down a little further. With your right hand, you hold his cock steady at the base as you collect your saliva in your mouth before gently drooling it over the swollen head of his cock. You watch as his back arches slightly, and he breathes out a hiss. He’s collected himself after cock-slapping you in the face, and leans back up on his elbows to watch you.
Making sure to hike your bare ass into the air as you lean over his pelvis, you lick a thick stripe down his frenulum, before sinking your mouth over his girth. Tenya takes a deep breath, balling up his fists as he leans his head back and shakily exhales. You hum around his length, wrapping your tongue around the underside of him as you tease the head of his cock with your tonsils. You hum around him, pulling off to lick around his length briefly. You glance up at him with puppy eyes, watching him as he pays complete attention to you, his lips slightly parted as he breathes.
You grin before taking him back in your mouth, letting your left hand grope at his testicles. You take him further until you have to stifle gags, your nose buried into his pubic hair.
“F-fuck,” he whines, his big hand tangling into your hair. He pulls you back up for a moment, just to shove you back down. “Sorry,” Your hands leave to grip onto his thighs as he holds you down. You try to breath out of your nose, even though his fucking dick is blocking your airway. He rutted his hips up into your mouth further, moaning as he used your mouth. He winced, deciding to pull you off. You took a deep, choked breath before Tenya manhandled you once more.
“Come here,” he huffed, pulling you towards his mouth, he took you roughly, before swapping places with you again. You struggled to breathe against his lips as he swung your knees over his shoulders once more. He pulled away from your lips, only to reach between the two of you to grab his cock.
He takes himself by the base, leaning on one elbow. He stared at you in the eyes as he sunk his cock into you. Your eyes fluttered shut as you moaned, your hands flying for any solid spot of his body to cling on.
Tenya hushed you, “You’re okay…” he cooed, pressing you into the floor as he split you in half with his cock. Kissing your forehead and nuzzling his nose into your temple, he supported himself on both elbows before setting a slow pace. Pathetic whines slipping from your mouth, digging your nails into his biceps.
You glanced between the two of you, watching as he slowly pumped himself into you. Looking right at back you were Tenya’s blue eyes, so lovingly. You could never really get used to his size, because my God he was big. His dick made you melt, honest and for true.
He kept rolling his hips gently into yours, glancing down every once and a while to admire how he disappeared into your cunt. You mumble small pleads under your breath, wincing and grasping at his arms when the tip of his cock brushes over a particularly sensitive spot.
“You’re okay, baby,” he coos, kissing the edge of your lips. You whine and mewl under him as he keeps teasing you with his slow strokes.
“Please,” you sigh, “go faster, Tenya, m’please…” you beg softly, scratching your nails against his skin. He huffs out a laugh, shifting on his elbows as he starts to speed up.
“You feel so good,” he leans down onto his neck, burying his nose into your skin. His balls lightly slap against your ass, “just for me.” You nod profusely, gasping into the air while he keeps speeding up his hips. “‘This what you wanted?” He asked softly, beginning to plummet his hips into yours.
“Oh, fuck!” You cried, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Yes, yes—“ you repeated, eyes fluttering shut as thrusts harder. Tenya takes a moment as he keeps fucking into you, his hands finding your shoulders to hold you dearly.
“‘Gonna make you mine forever,” he breathed, the sounds of your sex echoing off the walls of your home. You moan at his words, immediately knowing what he’s hinting at. “‘Like that?” He smiled into your skin, pressing you further in half. “You’re so pretty, I can’t help myself.”
You scratch your nails into his back, unable to respond as he fucks you numb. “‘Taking me so good,” he cooed in your ear and you wailed.
Good. Fucking. Christ.
Your husband was going to stop at nothing to get you pregnant, it seemed.
“T—Tenya!” You cried, tears rolling down your temple and mingling with the sweat on your scalp. His cock brushed everywhere you needed him, “Mm’You're gonna make me cum—“ you cry, literally, holding onto his strong build for dear life.
He snaked his hands between your legs and prods his thumb against your clit. You don’t even know what he’s fucking saying as he starts the whisper the nastiest shit into your ear. You convulse, shaking under him as you finally reach another orgasm. You cry and whine out his name as you squeeze around him, your convulsions only spurred on by how he presses his thumb further against your clit until it hurts.
He keeps ramming into you, falling quiet other than grunts and groans as he desperately tries to chase his orgasm.
When he finally reaches that sparkly fucking precipice, he slams completely into you, emptying his balls into your cunt with a loud growl. You shiver and mewl under him, feeling his cock throb and pulsate as he shoots white ribbons of come into you.
He collapses on top of you, forcing all of the air out of your lungs briefly. You curse under your breath, rubbing his back as you both come back to reality, your souls slipping back into their physical form.
“I love you.” He mutters under his breath, releasing your hips from his shoulders. You wince, your muscles still tense.
“I love you too.”
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queenshelby · 1 year
Chemical Reactions (P. 2)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer x Student Reader
Warning: Smut in later parts, Age-Gap, Infidelity
Words: 1,867
Note: The fic is spoiler free and fantasy.
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Later that day…
In the lavatory, you inspected your appearance for a moment. You were wearing an embroidered peasant blouse paired with a plain cardigan, a dark coloured skirt and a set of comfortable shoes. Your hair was pulled back in a random clip which, for the meeting with Dr Oppenheimer, you decided to remove. You looked much better with your hair being open and, just as you looked at yourself again, you felt a pang of anxiety, wondering what Dr Oppenheimer was truly thinking of you.
Did he think that you were smart and worthy his attention or did he simply took pity in you because you were a woman?
You then scrunched your eyebrows after a second of thought and adjusted your bag on your shoulder to prepare to face the beast.
For some reason, this man intimidated you and that also, somewhat, aroused you which was a combination of feelings that you never felt before.
Thus, almost hesitantly, you arrived at the lecture room at around 5 o’clock, which was almost thirty minutes after your last class for the day had finished and, when you walked into the somewhat dingy room, you saw him, standing there, looking at am array of calculations.
"You are late” Dr Oppenheimer then remarked without even looking at you at first before, finally, turning around.
"You didn't actually give me a time..."  you began to say as you walked towards him and watched him furrow his eyebrows.
“No, I suppose I didn’t” Dr Oppenheimer acknowledged before turning the chalkboard over so that you could not see his writing and calculations at all.
“Have you figured the problem with your calculation yet?” you asked almost bluntly as, awkwardly, you stood in front of him. Your lab coat was draped over your left forearm while your right hand held your bag's strap to your shoulder.
You kept your eyes forward, directly in line with where his neck met his chest before looking up into his deep blue eyes which, by this point, were full of questions.
“Who says that there is a problem with my calculations?” Dr Oppenheimer then asked almost out of the blue and a short moment passed before he took your coat and bag from your hands, laying them on the nearest table.
“I think that you took a wrong turn somewhere and…” you began to stammer just before released the nervous breath which you did not realise you were holding until he began to speak again.
“Sit, please” he gestured and, just after you complied with his request and sat down in front of his large wooden desk, you could feel Dr Oppenheimer’s presence next to you.
“Do you have a pen and some paper?” you asked and, of course, he did.
“Of course” Dr Oppenheimer said as he placed two white pieces of paper and a freshly sharpened pencil in front of you.
“Now, please show me your calculations” he then said while he stepped back but, even though he decided to give him some space, you could see him out of the corner of your eye, watching you as you worked.
You wrote down formula after formula, directly from your head and whilst this was nothing but theory, you imagined every single reaction in the back of your mind.
You were fast and Dr Oppenheimer’s mouth hung open as he watched you work, focusing intently to be sure that it all made sense until, suddenly, your mind went blank. The proximity was making you hot and you felt yourself burning up under your blouse.
“That’s it?” Dr Oppenheimer thus asked and you shook your head.
“I just lost my train of thought, again…” you said, sounding like an idiot, causing the professor to chuckle.
“Am I making you nervous?” he then asked and, as if you had not already embarrassed yourself enough, you nodded somewhat dumbfounded.
“Right. My apologies. I will just take a seat next to you” he then said before pulling another chair to the table and sitting down right next to you which did not make this situation any better whatsoever.
Of course, he was no longer towering over you, but he was now much closer to you than he was before, acting and behaving almost like an equal.
“Go on then” he said, wanting to resume your work while the heat of his body began to burn you. You squirmed uncomfortably on your stool until you had to put the pen down to take off your cardigan which, by this point, was still partially covering your blouse.
"What is it?” Dr Oppenheimer then asked somewhat concerned but you shook it off.
"Nothing, I am just hot" you said plainly before taking in a deep breath and resuming your calculations which is also when Dr Oppenheimer became more interested in again and decided that he needed a better view.
You were now getting to the point of where you assumed he made a mistake and he was intrigued by the route you were taking in your formula.
“Explain it to me” he demanded, wanting to know why you are calculating the chemical reaction in the way you were and you had no problem telling him, in scientific terms, as to how you arrived at your conclusions.
As such, you talked and talked while squirming around until, eventually, you got back into position and wrote down another formula, which was one Dr Oppenheimer had not considered before and, just as you placed pen on paper again, you felt something touch your neck. Not soft enough to be hair brushing your neck, but not enough pressure to feel entirely deliberate.
“You aren’t even looking?” you then said as you otherwise stayed completely still when felt Dr Oppenheimer adjust your twisted necklace.
“Because you did it wrong” he responded as he picked up the chain and turned the jewellery until the clasp is on the back, where he dropped it back onto the nape of your neck. If you did not know better, you would have thought you felt his fingertips linger a little longer on your skin than they should have lingered there, but you could not be too sure.
“I did? How?” you asked while thinking about the science as well as how his fingertips felt on you, raising goosebumps on your bare skin. Him moving your necklace would have been harmless and platonic if it was not for that hesitation at the end of the action. The half a second too long that his hand remained on you, brushing lightly at the skin on the side of your neck.
“Allow me” the professor then said before taring up one of your pages and giving a plain piece of paper to write on.
He then took the pen from your hand and wrote down what you had written until you took this wrong turn in your calculations, which is where he halted and prompted you to think.
“Think about implosion, not explosion” he said and, almost immediately, the penny dropped and you gently grabbed the end of the pencil he was holding while making sure to let one finger feather a touch onto one of his.
"May I?" you say quietly, feeling his eyes on the side of your face as you looked at the pencil. The whole exchange only lasted a couple of seconds before he released the utensil and you leaned down over the paper while letting your shoulder brush his.
"Is that right now?" you then asked innocently after finishing the formula, turning to look at him as you gauged his reaction. This was the first time you had really looked at him since he first started explaining where you went wrong, and you were not sure what you expected, but it was not this.
Dr Oppenheimer only had his left hand resting on the table now, his chest turned towards you as he searched your face and smiled. You smiled back and held his gaze, trying to think of something to break the moment while keeping the upper hand.
“I am impressed but…” he then began to say and, instead of saying anything to him in response, you remembered the pencil you were holding and quickly moved to hold it between you and him. Without looking at it, he reached forward and covered your hand with his, those blue eyes on the verge of pouring into you. He then slid the pencil out of your hand and leaned down one more time, changing one of your subtraction signs to an addition. In your mind, you honed in on the mistake, cursing his distraction for causing you to make a mistake in front of him.
"Now, you're perfect" Dr Oppenheimer then said nonchalantly as he stood back up.
“Hmm” you stammered while trying not to react to his comment, or the fact that he used your own tactics against you.
Considering the moment gone, you picked up the paper and retreated in order to quickly get out of there as you could not help but think that you made things almost awkward now. Not only did you have more questions now than you did previously, you feared you may have moved you both in a direction that bordered on inappropriateness.
Obviously, you were flirting with him and he was a married man in respect of whom you got no read on when it came to his intentions towards you, because you were so consumed by the moment. You were consumed to his body's reaction to yours, his eyes, his parting comment, saying that “now you’re perfect”…
You then recalled the moments when you feared that your cover was blown, that he caught on to what you were doing, namely flirting with him. Part of you hoped that he thought he was flattering himself, similar to how you have been feeling, but something about this man told you he scarcely denied his ego satisfaction.
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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hyuckmov · 2 years
haechan — gold-skinned, eager baby pt.2 read the first part here! 
haechan x fem reader wc: 11k genre: fluff, smut 18+ minors dni warnings: chest/boobs/nipples fixation, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f recieving), unprotected sex, choking, finger sucking, blowjobs, handjobs, mirror sex, overstimulation, a little bit of dacryphilia (crying), hair pulling, dom/sub dynamics (haechan doing both), tittyfucking, thigh riding, this list is making me feel embarrassed minors dni i am so serious, breeding kink, a bit of saliva play i guess, aftercare , haechan is a mastermind male manipulator (in a cute way), me using mark as a plot device or: in which haechan is competitive (read: eager to please), and determined to find out what about him makes you lose all control
a/n: where do i even begin. writing this was so exhausting but also so rewarding at times but also i feel like i'm going to take a break from writing smut after this, i've literally written almost everything i could think of for this fic. i think what we liked from part 1 was haechan being needy and subby so i did add in scenes for that dw <3 i know i describe a lot of what they are thinking in this fic so hopefully it doesn't bore you... if it does... please sugarcoat it for me in your review (just kidding but also like...please don't be mean) anywayy... do send me an ask/reply if you liked this, as per tradition, i hope this is at least a little bit hot :) happy valentine's day!
haechan would say that his standard of living had increased exponentially since your second anniversary. 
the two of you had become more open with each other, communicating your frustrations and needs more easily. there was also a faint buzz of something in the air, moments when you would look over at him and he would feel a blush spread across his cheeks, burn low in his stomach. it felt a little like he was falling in love with you for the first time — it had been a while since he had felt so vulnerable and loved by you. 
"what are you thinking about?"
but perhaps the most significant improvement made to his life was the way he could now reflect on your loving and healthy relationship with his face nuzzled against your boobs.  
"love you so much," he mumbles against your skin, placing a small kiss on your cleavage. "that's what i'm thinking about." 
he feels your hand come down to stroke his hair gently, and he closes his eyes at the feeling. sunday mornings with you in bed: you scrolling through your phone while he's given the freedom to love on his favorite parts of you, have become just another routine that started ever since your second anniversary. 
focusing on freckling kisses on your warm skin, he's then completely unprepared for when you card your fingers through a handful of his hair only to give it a light, but still significant, tug. 
the sensation sends a feeling shooting down his spine, a slight shudder to his body as he lets out a small gasp muffled against your chest. feeling something stirring in the pit of his stomach, his legs twitching on the bed, he nuzzles his face into your chest. 
"again, please," he mumbles. 
he feels the giggles you let out at that right from where his face is pressed up against your chest. kicking his feet, he whines lightly in protest.  
"what's so funny?" 
"found something else you like," he hears you muse. "you're so sensitive, baby."
frowning, he sits up. the visual is slightly amusing — his hair mussed up, his lips swollen. 
"it's not fair," he states. you reach out a consoling hand to him, and even as he continues to grumble, he still intertwines your fingers gently, a contrast between his unhappy tone and his tender actions. "you have too much power over me." 
"what are you talking about?" you laugh, and he scowls. 
"you know." he mumbles. "you can just flash your tits at me and i'd do anything you ask-" 
"i can?" 
"and now you know i like it when you pull at my hair," he whines, a permanent pout forming on his features. "it's like there's nothing i can do that makes you go crazy." 
"that's because i love all of you," you soothe. "all of you makes me feel crazy." 
"do you have any kinks you're keeping from me?" 
"you're my kink," you tease, but your smile drops when he scowls. "sorry." 
there's a pause. haechan looks at you, hard. scanning your face, his gaze doing a slow drag down and up your body, his expression darkening. something had shifted in the air, and suddenly you're a little scared to breathe too hard. 
"i'm going to find it," he breathes. 
"i'm going to find it, and then i'm going to make you beg for me to fuck your brains out." 
"what the fuck?" 
but haechan shakes his head, and when he next refocuses his eyes on you, his eyes have the familiar twinkle in them. moving over to you, he cups your face in his hands and plants a kiss on your cheek. 
"love all of you too," he beams. "i'm going to go make breakfast, okay?" 
and with that, he all but skips out of the room, leaving you sitting on the bed, feeling unsettled and also just a little bit excited. 
the first time he tries it, it's a complete disaster. 
it's not that haechan isn't good at observing you and what you like. when you go shopping together, he doubles back when you're not looking to take photos of items you've picked up to examine, making mental notes of their price and when he could get them for you. point something out to him, and haechan runs back to the store if you leave him alone for just a second, the bag hanging from his arm when he returns as he tries to hide how fast his heart is beating from sprinting. make an off-handed comment about how good a dish looks on instagram, and he's looking up the recipe before the video ends, and you can bet on the fact that you're having it for dinner the next day. 
it's just that when it comes to him, he has no clue how to begin. you had laid out the perfect plan for him because you knew exactly what he wanted — meanwhile, he was starting from scratch. 
so in the end his brain goes to the one thing you've told him you enjoyed. after all, considering how many times he's seen you fall apart on it, you must like his cock, right?  
"why are you so far away…" he whines, exaggerating his tone a little. you're seated on the other end of the couch, head against the arm rest, your laptop perched on your lap as you work on something. at his words, you lower the screen a bit, peeking over the top of your knees with your eyebrows raised. 
"what's wrong?" you frown. "are you okay?" 
"come here and sit on my lap," he says quickly, before the embarrassment can get to him. "i missed you," he adds, patting his thighs for emphasis. 
that evening, he had chosen to put on a pair of gray sweatpants that usually left little to the imagination. he didn't wear them often for that exact reason, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. however, that was kind of at the top of his agenda right now. 
shrugging, you make your way over to him, settling down in his lap with your back pressed against his chest. his chin rests on your shoulder as you open up your laptop again, typing in a few extra words on your document as mumble to yourself under your breath. 
and then nothing. 
haechan doesn't really know where to go from here. his plan had actually only involved one step: putting on the sweatpants. asking you to sit on his lap was already improvisation on his part, hoping that by getting you close he could hopefully get you to react. but here you were, sitting peacefully, happy in your boyfriend's warm touch. 
unsure what to do, he figures he might as well get comfortable, bringing his arms around to hold your waist. feeling like this was turning out to be a complete bust, haechan sighs and buries his face in your neck, huffing a little as he wonders if he should just give up and spend a nice evening cuddling with you. 
but then suddenly, haechan jolts. troubled by your slow progress at your work, you’ve started to absentmindedly fidget, wiggling your hips uneasily and even bouncing a little in his hold as you shift around some more. his arms reflexively tighten around you, his breath catching in his throat as he feels something stirring in his navel. 
"sorry." you whisper sheepishly, trying to keep still as you continue your work. but behind you, haechan is grinning as if christmas had come early. 
"don't be," he murmurs, voice dropping an octave. gripping your hips again, he begins to move you on his lap so that you're grinding down on him. "keep going, sweetheart." 
you bite your lip. you really wanted to pay attention to haechan, the sinful way he began to rut against you and the feeling of him slowly getting hard creating a soothing haze in your mind. "i can’t. my work…" you mumble. 
haechan freezes, thinking to himself. you weren't giving in yet. he wanted you to beg him, but so far he had initiated almost everything. "okay," he breathes, settling back down and removing his arms from your sides, even though he could feel himself getting hard. "okay, i'll stop. focus on your work, baby." 
confused, and a little worried — because when haechan wanted something he usually never stopped to get it, — you try to snap out of it. "maybe i'll go work in the bedroom…" you suggest reluctantly.
"sure," he replies, easily. crossing his fingers and hoping you didn't truly mean it. 
but before he knows it, you're standing up, the absence of your weight on him making him feel doubly empty as you begin to walk unsteadily back to your room. a slightly sad expression on your pretty features, the tension in the air making it difficult for you to look at him.
it's the look on your face that makes haechan forget all about his mission. 
"y/n wait-" his voice is high-pitched and breathy. he was more affected than he realized he was. 
at the sound of his voice, you turn around. immediately putting your laptop down on the dining table, you all but run back to your eager boyfriend, skidding slightly on the floor. clambering back into his lap, this time straddling his waist, you smile as he leans in to kiss you, frustration making his movements a little rougher than usual. 
punching him lightly on the shoulder, you glare at him for playing with your feelings. "did you really want me to go…?" nervously, you fiddle with the hairs on the nape of his neck.
"no," he says firmly, kissing you again and pressing you closer. "never."
you beam at him, happy you had such a sensitive and caring boyfriend. anyone else would have found your reaction laughable, but haechan just got you. it warmed your heart to no end. 
"y/n…" pulling you back to the current situation, haechan gently thrusts up, reminding you he was still hard. "can i…?"
"yes," you say, excitement making your reply come out rushed and flustered. "please."
smiling to himself, he pulls your sleep shorts to the side, pressing his fingers hesitantly to the seat of your panties before he falters. 
"you're so wet," he breathes, tugging your panties to the side too so he can stroke your folds with his long fingers. rubbing quick circles into your clit, he pulls you down by your shirt so he can kiss you heatedly. 
holding on to him, you feel your thighs start to tremble, unable to hold yourself up with the feeling of his hand between your legs. as he runs a finger along your slit, rough fingertips sending jolts of pleasure up your spine, you lean your weight almost entirely on him. "please, -" you gasp, not sure what you were asking for, but somehow he's even more desperate than you.  
a groan rumbles from his chest as he impatiently lifts you off his lap, maneuvering you so you take a seat on the couch. scrambling to kneel on the floor between your legs, he pulls you to the edge and pushes your legs upwards, practically folding your body. your feet planted on the couch, your breathing grows heavier and heavier as he tugs off your shorts and panties, leaving you completely exposed to him. the sight makes him moan out again, and he pauses.
"can i lick you?" breathlessly, and almost in a trance, he presses a kiss to your thigh, arms coming up to hook around your thighs and keep them open. "pussy's so pretty baby…" he murmurs, blowing air on your clit and making you tilt your hips towards his mouth. "i just know it'll taste sweet."
"don't tease," you plead. haechan's only ever done this a few times and on special occasions, usually more for you than for him. but when you look at the way his eyes are glazing over, his tongue peeking out to wet his lips hesitantly, you know he wants this just as much as you do. 
"wouldn't dream of it." and with that he dives in, his tongue flat and wide as he licks up your arousal. alternating between flicking at your clit and lapping at your entrance, his moans fall from his open mouth freely, muscles in his arms flexing as he presses you further in the couch and tries to keep your hips from bucking up into him. 
when you feel him dip his tongue into your tight entrance, your hands fly to his hair, curling on his strands around your fingers. the feeling going straight to his cock, he whimpers as he loosens a hand to ease a finger into you, his mouth suckling on your clit. 
"cum for me," his mouth detaches from you sloppily, and you swallow as you see his chin dripping with your juices, his lips wet with saliva. "wanna feel you cum on my fingers so bad…" dipping his head back down, he flicks at your clit harshly, his fingers pressing against your walls. you feel your back arch off the sofa as your thighs clamp down around his head, his tongue still working on you as you cum, hard. 
your hips buck against his face and his nose bumps against your clit as he kitten licks at your folds, lightly overstimulating you as you ride out your high. pushing his head away gently, you’re just beginning to put down your legs when you're startled by his hand, shooting out to prevent them from closing entirely. grasping your thigh. 
"please?" haechan's eyes are blown out and wide as he rises up on his knees, his hands trembling slightly as they move higher up your thighs. "i'm so hard…" you take in the way his hips absentmindedly move against the edge of the sofa seat. fully hard in those sweatpants, looking absolutely sinful the way he chases any form of friction. 
"of course," you breathe, lying back on the couch as he enthusiastically tugs down his sweatpants, his cock slapping up against his navel, the tip red and leaking precum. propping himself up with a hand, the other gripping onto your waist, he closes his eyes as he slides in, the two of you letting out moans as you shiver from the sensitivity. before you know it, he's fucking you into the couch, whines falling from his lips freely, rising in pitch as his eyes screw tightly shut. you close your eyes too, reaching out to grab onto his shoulders, the feeling of him stretching you out pushing you close to your climax again. 
haechan has completely lost all grip on reality. he feels your walls sucking him in, wrapping around him so tightly he can't even pull out properly. the rhythm of his thrusts jagged and needy, his hips rutting into you in a frenzy, he's only able to last a few more seconds before he's cumming, his hips stuttering as he feels you tighten around him again. his throat is hoarse, and he wonders if he was screaming instead of moaning. under him, you're also coming down from your high, smiling as you see how winded he is.
"you okay?" tapping him gently on the cheek, you give him a small kiss on his cheek as he blinks dazedly at you. "haechan?" you give him another kiss. 
"yeah-" he mumbles. "fuck." he realises he's still pressed on you, so he gets up, giving you more space to sit up and breathe. as he collapses on the other side of the couch, he takes your hand in his and presses a kiss to his knuckles, lips still sticky. "was i too rough?" he murmurs, worriedly. "i'm sorry, i just really lost control at the end-" 
"it was perfect," you assure him, crawling over so you can hold him. "i liked it," you smile. 
his expression clears, and his eyes crinkle into a smile that mirrors yours as he kisses you sweetly on the tip of your nose. "you were perfect," his eyes sappy with love, he feels sleepiness overcome his body. "i'll run a bath and we can relax after, okay?" 
it's only after the bath, and after the impromptu supper he makes for you, when the two of you are in bed, when he realizes that he's completely lost the plot. today's attempt had told him nothing, except maybe he was going to get addicted to the feeling of eating you out. 
looking at your sleeping form in bed, a light smile ghosting on your lips and the glow of being taken care of by your boyfriend shining on your face, he shakes his head and decides that for now it doesn't matter. he'll figure it out eventually, he knew he would.
the second time haechan tries it, he starts out slow. 
"your fingers are so pretty." 
you're out running errands with him, and as the two of you stroll back to the car, his fingers brush yours and he takes your palm in his. now, holding up your clasped hands to examine his fingers, you smile sweetly at him. "i think you have really pretty finger joints." 
"yeah?" it's a small compliment, but haechan always liked being praised, even for the smallest things. "thank you, baby." 
he doesn't want to build any expectations for himself, or expect any reaction from you immediately. he's sure that that's what went wrong with the first attempt. did he really expect you to fall to his feet when you saw him in those sweatpants? it was silly. it was childish. haechan could do better than that. 
he starts out by not taking off his rings when he's around the house, hoping that the sight of them on his pretty finger joints could stir something in you. so far, nothing. (although you did ask him if you could get another set of couple rings together. he said yes.)
he starts picking up activities which show off his fingers more. asking you if you wanted to watch him play the piano, or the guitar. still mostly nothing, although the activities did bring you closer together, his cheeks burning as you praised him for his talent. 
happy that your boyfriend was sharing his interests with you, you asked him to help you with your baking, wanting to reciprocate with your own creative date-night ideas. he was nothing but sweet to you when you brought up the idea, accompanying you to the store for ingredients and helping you set up the kitchen. sure, he seemed to want to hold your hand throughout almost the whole thing, following you around the kitchen like a lost puppy, but once you assigned him to the task of melting the chocolate the two of you fell into a nice rhythm, his soft humming filling the kitchen as he busies himself with the hot water. 
"is the chocolate ready?" 
"yeah," he mumbles, lips pouting with concentration. he looks up to see you smiling at him, tilting your head in curiosity as you watch him stir the melted chocolate a few times. 
and suddenly, he knows exactly what to do. 
dipping two fingers in the chocolate, he holds it up to your lips. "wanna taste?" he asks, as casually as he can.
flustered, you swat his hand away gently. "i can do that myself," you try, shyly. 
"come on," he urges you. his eyes, which have been zeroed in on your lips, flicker up to your eyes and you can see them glint. "just a taste," he says, softly. 
inside, his heart is beating hard against his chest. although it was only the two of you in the kitchen, he could tell from the way you looked at his fingers that you were flustered, hesitating over the idea of sucking on his fingers so boldly. if he could just get you to do this…
he watches with bated breath as you swallow, inching forwards. grabbing his wrist to keep his hand steady, you stick out your tongue to lick at his fingers cautiously. you're just able to taste a hint of the chocolate, when haechan pushes forward and his fingers are enveloped in the warmth of your mouth. 
"now come on," he breathes, a thrill running down his spine as he sees your eyes widen. gently but firmly, he continues to hold your gaze. "suck." 
this was it. a smile spreads across his face as you begin to suck on his fingers obediently, looking up at him through your lashes. he'd won. except…he wasn't really sure anymore, what with the way your tongue was now swirling around his fingers as you continued to lick them clean. the feeling of it foreign yet familiar, making his breath catch in his throat as he’s reminded of the fact that it had been a while since you’ve sucked him off.
but while he was still struggling to figure out who had the upper hand, you already released his fingers with a pop, looking at him knowingly as you went back to measuring ingredients. 
a pause. 
shaking his head a few times to steady himself, he tried to stay confident, putting on his cockiest smile as he sidled up to you. 
"did you like that?" 
"like what?" 
"you know what," he wraps a hand around your wrist to halt your movements, pushing your measuring scale and various other bowls to the side so you focus on him. "did you like sucking on my fingers?" 
"i felt what you were doing with your tongue, baby." he relishes the way you can't look him in the eyes. "i know you liked my fingers, but i didn't know you liked them that much…" he muses, voice low. a heavy hand snakes up to rub your waist. "wonder if you would like my hands somewhere else…" a flicker of need courses through his body as the words leave his mouth, his hands wandering up to your chest to palm your boobs. "or…" he trails off, biting his lip to try to keep his thoughts to himself.
confused as to why he had gone silent, you finally look up at him, feeling your eyes widen in surprise to see that haechan's demeanor had done a total shift entirely on his own. rather than the usual hard stare and stony expression that accompanies his low tones and rough touches, his lashes flutter with need, teeth tugging mindlessly on his lip as he is completely and wholly distracted by the soft feeling of your chest in his palm. 
"haechan?" you prompt him. 
"fuck, sorry-" he blurts out, unsure of what he was apologizing for. "it's just…", breathily, he scrabbles at your bra, tugging it down so he can touch your nipples. "they fit perfectly in my palms…" and there it is: the familiar pitch of his voice that tells you he's going to start whining soon. 
you can't help but laugh at him, amused as much as you are in awe of him. "did you really just dirty talk yourself into this state?" 
"yes. wait, i mean, no-" troubled, he furrows his brow as you begin to take off your shirt. "uh…"
"we can discuss this later," you soothe, leading him out of the kitchen, the idea of baking long forgotten.
1.12 am, haechan: don't get distracted by boobs.  1.12am, haechan: don’t look at boobs.  1.13am, haechan: don't touch boobs.  1.13am, mark: what the fuck ?????
“you taste good,” you murmur, touching his cheeks lightly as you lean in to kiss him again in the darkness.
eagerly, haechan sits up. you’re startled by the sudden movement, blinking at him blearily, but soon you’re being tugged up and into his lap, him rearranging your legs haphazardly so you’re straddling him as he leans against the headboard.
but haechan kisses you before you can finish your sentence, his remarkably soft and pillowy lips moving against yours with a soft fervor. 
“feel good?” he asks, expectantly.
“yeah…” you mumble, a little dazed. 
“used a lip scrub,” he states, proudly, kissing you again to punctuate the point. “and i’ve been using a lip sleeping mask for the past 2 days.”
“you taste like strawberry,” you point out, weakly.
“lip balm,” he breathes, almost buzzing with excitement. “you like?”
“yes,” you smile at him, endeared by how happy he was. you lean in, kissing him again, sucking gently on his bottom lip and making him sigh into your mouth. pulling away, you fail to notice the way his eyes light up in anticipation, only to flicker with confusion as you dip your head to snuggle into his hold. burying your face in his chest, you give him a gentle pat as you close your eyes, ready to return to the peaceful state of dozing off you were at when he had first kissed you goodnight. “sleep well, baby.”  
his puffy lips, his puffy sweet strawberry-scented smooth lips, pucker slightly into a pout. “y/n?”
“you don’t wanna kiss me more?” he whispers, the words a little pathetic in the silence of the room.
“tomorrow, baby.” you assure him, stifling a yawn as you feel yourself drop off. “sweet dreams.”
sighing, he pats you gently on the back as if you were a baby, lulling you to sleep. this really wasn’t as easy as he thought it was going to be. 
sweet dreams he thinks bitterly to himself, closing his eyes too.
all the thinking was taking a toll on haechan's brain. 
he was good at games, he was good at strategy. but the thing was, this felt less like a game and more like an experiment: the observation required, the long-term planning, introducing new variables, and analyzing your reactions to see if his actions had the desired outcome. 
he tried revisiting the hand thing. 
"look at how pretty my fingers look around your neck." 
he slides his fingers out from between your legs slowly, smearing your arousal on your thighs before coming up to steer your chin back towards the mirror. the image is so lewd that you want to look away again — you, wearing only his shirt. haechan's chest pressed up against your back, you sitting between his spread legs, your thighs propped apart by his own. one of his hands squeezes lightly on your throat as the other trails back down, two fingers stretching you out as much as he can. 
choked moans fall from your lips as you shake in his hold when you cum, his rings digging into your throat. he releases you almost at once, letting you come down from your high as air floods back into your lungs, murmuring praises into your hair as he cleans you up, while you were too tired and hoarse to speak.
but that was that. you never brought it up with him or requested he do it again, although he knows that if he asked you wouldn't deny him. so he filed it away for next time. 
he tried thinking of things he loved about you. he loved to kiss your neck — so he tried wearing necklaces, tilting his head back more to showcase his jawline, encouraging you to kiss him there. but the most you'd done was ask him if his neck felt sore. 
it was a friday, and haechan decided to leave work early, to see if he could get a headstart on a new lead he had. you had stared a lot at his legs the other night when he had taken you out for dinner, saying they looked pretty in the skinny jeans he was wearing. if that wasn't a directive, he didn't know what was. 
and so he made a short detour on his way home, stopping by the mall to pick out a pair of ripped skinny jeans. he liked the way they hugged his thighs, the slivers of soft skin that showed underneath. 
that's how you find him, when you arrive home. standing in front of the bedroom mirror, scrutinizing his appearance in the mirror. 
"i'm home…" you call out, before stopping. in the mirror, haechan can see your eyes widen and his heartbeat quickens with excitement. you're clearly distracted, unable to tear your eyes away from his legs. was this it? 
meanwhile, you can't stop staring at your boyfriend. usually in sweatpants or baggy jeans, you haven't seen him dressed like this in a while. there are so many rips in the jeans he practically didn't have to wear them, and yet somehow they're positioned in a way that made you want to suck bruises onto his smooth skin. 
your eyes flicker up to his, narrowing slightly when you see the expression of pure unadulterated glee that takes over his features. the corner of his lips quirked up smugly, his eyebrows raised in a challenge. 
and it just flips a switch in you. 
"did you dress like this for me?" you ask, softly. walking over to him, you tug him closer by the belt loops of his jeans, leaning in so your lips brush his. "did you want my attention that badly?" 
haechan falters. this was not how it was supposed to go. 
"can't think of an answer?" you mock. trailing your fingers down to his thighs, you scrape at the exposed skin there with your fingernails, making him jolt. "you were so confident just now, baby…" you pinch him, and he sucks in a breath. "what happened?" 
"i…" at the sight of you tugging your shirt off, his splutters out in alarm. "wait! don't-" feeling stupid, but panic overtaking his brain, he squeezes his eyes shut. "don't take off your shirt." 
you burst out into genuine laughter. getting more and more flustered by the second, he slowly opens his eyes, peeping a few times to make sure your shirt remains on. "don't make fun of me," he mumbles. "it's just that, i get really distracted if i see them, and-"
"oh i know," you assure him, kissing his cheek. "i mean, i was going to let you fuck them, but i'll just suck you off instead." 
he protests the entire time as you push him to take a seat on the edge of the bed, babbling on and on about how this was supposed to be about you. however, the moment you take your position, kneeling between his legs as you reach out to palm him through his jeans, he falls silent. 
"these are new…" he mumbles, weakly. he can't help the way his hips begin to squirm under your touch. 
"aww…"  you squeeze him tighter over the denim and he whimpers. "bought them just for me?" 
"yeah…" he admits, swallowing hard. "y/n…can you…" 
you finish his thought by undoing the buttons on his jeans, tugging down the zipper as he lifts his hips obediently, tugging the material down to free his hard on. when he starts to remove his jeans entirely, you place a hand on his to stop him. grinning at him, you place a light kiss on his thigh. 
"i really like these jeans," you explain. 
you can feel haechan's eyes on you as if he were in a trance. looking up at him, you coo at the sight: his mouth hanging slightly open, drool spilling around his mouth from how he's been licking and tugging at his bottom lip from just the feeling of you touching him over his jeans. reaching a hand up, you wipe his saliva off with your fingers as if he were a baby, his tongue darting out to lick at your fingers. indulging him, you push them into his mouth: full, heart-shaped lips, wrapping around your knuckles as he sucks obediently. 
extracting your fingers from his mouth, you comfort him with a pat on the cheek as slowly, and with a light touch, you start to rub at the pink tip of his cock with your wet fingers. the stimulation makes his legs jump, and he lets out a cry, hands scrabbling and twisting at the sheets. neediness seeping out from all the pores in his body, your hand becoming slick with his precum as you pick up the pace, giving him longer strokes along his shaft. 
you look up at him, and his face is contorted with pleasure, eyebrows furrowed and eyes squeezed shut. his head thrown back, you can see his adam's apple bobbing as he gasps for air. 
"do you like your reward, baby?" you tease, taking your hands off his cock to dig your nails into his thigh instead. the feeling makes him wail, eyes opening to focus on you, blinking away the spots in his vision. 
he nods, still gasping for breath. "don't stop," he manages. "please, don't stop." 
"i'll take care of you, baby, i promise" you ease, hands going back to stroke him, although at a much gentler pace. "keep your eyes on me, okay? i want you to think of this every time you see these jeans…" you take his tip into your mouth, pressing your tongue into his slit. and without any warning, his hips buck into your face and he's cumming messily, all over your mouth and chin. 
"sorry," he moans, unable to control himself. "fuck, i'm sorry,-" his words are twisted into a loud cry at the sudden feeling of both of your hands on him. cum makes the slide easier as you twist your wrists in opposite directions, watching as haechan's whole body spasms — his movements jerky, grabbing at your arms to push you away while his hips continue to thrust forward into the pleasure. you feel a sense of excitement rush through you too as you survey how his thighs shake, muscles in his legs spasming. 
"thought you told me not to stop," you bite your lip, putting on a confused expression. "i promised i'd take care of you." 
haechan is too far gone to respond. tears begin to run down his cheeks as he cums again, globs of cum oozing from his slit. finally stopping your movements for good, you climb up onto the bed next to him, letting him reach for you and pull you close. his tears stain the shirt on your shoulder, and you run your hands through his hair to soothe him. 
finally, his breathing evens out and he plants a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
feeling a little guilty, you brush the hair out of his eyes as you try to read his expression. "are you okay?" you ask, softly. 
he gives you a dopey smile. "yeah," he kisses you again, letting the feeling of your lips moving against his ground him. his hands ghost over your thighs, and he starts to pull you into his lap. "you want me to return the favor…?" 
"no, it's okay." smiling at him, you cup his face in your hands before you realize that your palms are still filthy with drool and cum. "we should probably get cleaned up…" you murmur. 
"i'm never wearing any other pair of jeans," he sighs, contentedly, letting you guide him towards the bathroom.
later that night, haechan is lying in bed, reflecting on what just happened. sure, he hadn't gotten you needy and desperate, and in fact he'd done all of the begging, but this was definitely a step in the right direction. it was the biggest reaction he'd gotten from you yet, one that was entirely initiated by you, his cheeks warming at the memory. 
"can we talk?" 
"of course, baby." clearing his head of his thoughts, he pulls you in closer to him, heart warming at the feeling of you snuggling up to him. "is everything okay?" 
"yeah," you say in a small voice. "but i wanted to ask you if you're okay." 
hearing the soft concern in your voice, he tries to remember if he said anything to you about feeling upset, or unhappy, but nothing comes to mind. 
"yeah i'm fine," he frowns. you look up at him with skeptical eyes, and he lifts a hand from where it's wrapped around you to stroke your hair, hoping to comfort you. "what's wrong?" 
"it's just this whole…" you sigh. "you trying to find ways to make me feel good." 
"is it too much?" panic starts to seep into his brain as he runs through the things he's done with you, and to you, these past few weeks. he's sure he made sure you were comfortable with everything, but there was always the possibility that you were appeasing him. maybe he'd gone a little too far with the choking. "i can stop if you want, i didn't think-" 
"no, that's not it-" you interrupt, placing a hand on his chest. "i'm okay, everything's okay." moving up a little bit on the bed, you press a soft, close-lipped kiss against his lips. it takes a few seconds, his body still frozen with uncertainty, before he relaxes and kisses you back, deepening the kiss and holding on to you tightly. 
"i just hope you know that i love you, so much," you say when he pulls away. "and, you don't have to do anything special to make me feel crazy about you." 
"i meant what i said that day," you insist. "i know i've mostly been in control recently, and you think i have so much control over you now…but i want you to know that even before our second anniversary i've been just as obsessed with you." 
shyly, haechan bites his lip in thought, your words making him feel more flustered than he would have expected. 
"see?" you continue. "i think you look so pretty when you bite your lip. and i love your hands…" you reach for his palms and place a soft kiss to his knuckles. "love your fingers, no matter what you're doing with them. love your legs, love your moles…" 
"okay, okay." he buries his face into his pillow, a warm glow spreading through his body at your praise. "you can stop now," he murmurs. 
"love all of you." you finish, burying your face in his chest again. "love everything you do, so don't worry, okay?" you mumble, sleep slowly taking over your body as a weight is lifted off your chest. watching haechan observe your reactions extra carefully has been endearing, and being on the receiving end of his constant affection has you dizzy in more ways than you show.  you just hoped that his relentless attempts to please you and read your mind didn't mean he felt unconfident about how much you loved him. 
but haechan doesn't respond. a sense of disappointment blooms in his chest, and he can't for the life of him figure out why he felt so forlorn. it had seemed so simple: he wanted to find out how he could have you needy and eager for him, just as he was with you. just like you had tested out his obsession with your boobs — and at the thought, his hand guiltily strays downwards to palm you over your shirt, needing at least some form of comfort on this confusing night, — he had tested you. and while you responded eagerly to whatever he did, there was no denying that you didn't usually initiate it, and he doesn't know if he would classify your behavior as needy in the way he wanted you to be.
maybe he just needed to tease you a little more. or maybe he needed to deny you pleasure just as you were about to cum. maybe, if he initiated it, and then suddenly left to do something else-
"you're thinking so loud, baby," he snaps out of it with a jolt, feeling you shift in his hold, your eyes opening groggily and a pretty pout settling on your lips. "go to sleep, please," you groan.
haechan lets out a groan of his own. "i'm confused…" he mumbles.
but he shakes his head. you've already reassured him, and honestly he thinks he'll go crazy if he hears you profess your love to him again. 
drumming your fingers on his chest, you hum lightly, thinking to yourself. "will you feel better if i let you fuck my tits?" 
"yes please," haechan sighs, sitting up and shaking the sleepiness from his body before clambering over to straddle you, practiced hands pushing your shirt up. 
and as he lets out a soft wail — feeling you licking at his tip when he thrusts all the way up your cleavage, his hands scrabbling for purchase on your soft breasts, — he almost believes he's okay with giving up this game he set for himself. 
haechan spins the controller in his hand and waits for his next game to load. 
he had let the whole thing fall from his mind. he'd gotten some pretty good sex out of it, and he felt closer to you than ever before, and that was all that really mattered in the end. now, he could actually focus on his favorite past-times without wondering what you were doing, could wake up each day and not stress over what he should wear. he was sure he would get over the disappointment, pushing the uneasiness from his mind completely as he slumps further down in his gaming chair and starts to think about how to get past his opponent instead. 
faintly, he can hear the door push open behind him. you must have entered the room. "hey," he calls out. "i just started another round but i can come spend time with you after i'm done, okay?" 
no response. weird, but maybe you were distracted with your phone. 
"i was thinking," he continues. "do you want me to cook dinner or should we order in? i've been craving pasta but i need to know if you prefer mine or-" but he cuts himself off when he notices you hovering next to his computer, a large oversized shirt hanging from your frame. it's the look on your face that makes him forget everything about dinner or pasta or cooking. 
"y/n?" he blinks. "what's wrong?" 
"i need you," your soft voice whiny. 
"um…" surprised, he's taken aback as you sit yourself down on his lap, straddling one of his thighs. he drops his controller clumsily, arms coming around to hold you as the game goes on ignored behind your back. "are you hurt? or is it…do you-" he sucks in a sharp breath when he feels your wet core moving on his bare thigh. you're not wearing anything except for the shirt. 
you start moving, rolling your hips onto his firm muscle as if it were second nature, your eyes locking with his and he gulps at the desperation in them, pleading with your expression for him to help you. 
"fuck, baby, what's gotten into you?" what should he do? panicked, he sits up in his seat, the movement making his thigh muscle tense and you let out a whine, your swollen clit extra sensitive at the feeling. "baby, not here," he coaxes, alarm in his tone as he wonders if you're going to cum right then and there. his hands going to your waist, he feels you press down harder on him, your moans increasing in pitch as you ride his thigh without a care in the world, egged on by the feeling of his skin on yours. 
"baby, wait, get off for a moment, let's get on the bed," he tries to move again and it jostles you, and you roll your hips even faster. 
"don't care," you whine. "need you now. wanna cum now…" tears prickle at the corner of your eyes. you're so frustrated that it hurts, you needed him so badly but it's like he'd forgotten how to touch you entirely. "haechan," you groan. "i need your fingers, anything…" the hot friction on your clit making you fall forwards, burying your face in his neck. 
still flustered, haechan tries his best to help you out, wracking his brain of what to do. tensing his thigh muscles, he bounces you gently on his leg, one hand steadying you and the other scraping lightly across your nipples, just the way you like it. gasping at the sudden stimulation, you whimper in his ear to let him know you were close, your arms grabbing haechan's hands and guiding him to move your hips for you. 
you cum just like that, a high whine and your body shuddering, haechan continuing to bounce you on his thigh to help you ride it out. as you recover, he realizes that he's winded and breathless too, the reality of what just happened sweeping over him. 
but what exactly just happened? 
"if you don't mind me asking…" he panted. 
you nodded, still in your head. "yeah?"
blinking up at you politely, he licks his lips nervously before asking, "what did i do? and, how do i do it again?" 
shaking your head you hug him before clambering off his lap. "like i said," you reassure him with a kiss on his cheek before you stumble off to clean yourself up. "i love all of you." 
"you guys need to leave me out of your sex life," mark grumbles, the moment the call connects. "i want the best for you, dude, but i'm not that invested in your personal happiness, okay?" 
haechan scoffs at that. "firstly, it's not like i'm not privy to your sex life. been a good boy for mommy recently?" 
"i was just-!" 
"and secondly," continues haechan, ignoring mark's splutters and protests, "you owe me." 
"i owe you?" 
"haechan's fucking obsessed with your tits…" he mocks in a clumsy voice, scowling at the memory. "you gave her an unfair advantage-" 
"i don't sound like that-" 
"so you owe me. now help me figure this out." before mark can think of some other way of protesting, haechan begins to ramble on and on about his feelings for you, and the dynamic in the relationship as of late. he analyses your reactions to him, the varied success in his attempts to get you riled up, your conversation together when you convinced him to drop the matter.
"but then, this morning i swear i'm just doing nothing-" he cuts himself off, feeling his breath hitch as the vivid memory hits him with full force. remembering how it sounded when you begged for him. the feeling of you moving on his thigh, of you guiding his hand to your core. 
everything he ever wanted, and he had no idea how he got it in the first place. 
mark is staring at him blankly. "this morning…?" he prompts. 
"nothing," haechan shakes his head quickly. "basically, she kind of jumped me, and i'm still trying to figure out why." 
"jumped you like in a bad way…or-" 
"in a really good way," haechan mumbles, suddenly feeling a little shy. not wanting to describe exactly how it felt for you to use his body like that, when he wasn't even trying. 
"okay, uh, cool." mark nods a few times, frowning slightly to himself. "you sure you were doing nothing?" 
"i was playing a game in my room." 
"could've been the gaming?" mark suggests, half-heartedly. 
"but i do that all the time," haechan sighed. "she doesn't do that with me every time." if only it were that easy, he would have you figured out in 3 seconds flat. 
"what were you wearing?" 
"just some shorts and a shirt." 
"could've been your thighs…?" mark tries. "she told me she loved your thighs." 
"could be…" distracted, haechan blinks. "wait. my thighs?" 
"yep," mark winces. "i won't quote exactly what she said, because i don't want to hear myself saying that to you, but just take my word for it." 
haechan thinks about it, hard. but then he shakes his head. "fuck, i think i did it wrong. i mean i tried legs and it didn't work, and i thought thighs were included in legs for obvious reasons, but-" 
"or maybe it just had nothing to do with you," mark shrugs, reaching for his drink to take a sip. "maybe she's just ovulating or something."
"she's just what?" haechan balks. 
"um…ovulating." mark freezes, immediately wishing he hadn't brought it up. to hell with haechan's sex life. "it affects the hormones and it might results in a higher sex drive for her or-" he cuts himself off when he notices that haechan is staring at him, stock-still in his seat. "um…it's part of her menstrual cycle…?" mark tries.
haechan looks at him blankly. 
"basically, it's like when her ovaries-" mark winces. "dude, i'm not about to explain your girlfriend's ovaries to you." 
"but i can't ask her," haechan finally speaks up. 
flustered, mark runs his hand through his hair a couple of times before deciding to just rip the band-aid off. haechan could be very persistent if he wanted to be, and he didn't want his phone blowing up with texts about this. 
"basically, in the days leading up to her…um…her period, her hormones levels are messed up because her body's preparingforababy," mark rushes through the sentence, hoping to god his girlfriend wasn't currently standing outside his room, listening to him poorly explain what a woman's menstrual cycle was. 
thankfully, haechan gets it on the first listen. "so she might be extra…" 
"yeah," mark cuts in, feeling his face burn. somehow, haechan seems to be taking in this information extremely calmly, as if he were sitting in a life sciences class. "um, so, can i go now?" 
"sure," haechan says, absentmindedly. "thanks mark-" but the call ends before he can finish the words. 
slowly shutting the screen of the laptop, haechan stares at the empty wall before him and just thinks. could it really be that your neediness this morning wasn't a result of his doing at all? he tries to think back to previous months, because if mark was correct, this wouldn't be the first time this has happened: but for some reason, he can't recall a thing. he's always too lost in the feeling of you to ever notice things like what day it was happening on or whether it mirrored your behavior from previous months. scheming and plotting was truly not his style. 
what exactly was he trying to do with this experiment? was he really trying to find a way to get to you just as you had to him? but he did have you just the way he wanted. this morning had proven that. 
so what if he couldn't figure out if it was his hands or his thighs? you had promised all of you to him. said you loved all of him just the same. 
so maybe it was time to make good on that promise. 
haechan has been on his phone the whole day. 
normally, you wouldn't really mind. he was so loving and attentive all of the time, that a little bit of absent-mindedness didn't bother you. it's just that today, you wish he were paying a bit more attention to you, especially because you can't seem to get him out of your mind - what with it being your peak day of ovulation.
the thing is, haechan was always somehow so attuned to you that he never left you feeling restless and needy. you rarely had to ask him for anything, because he would always deliver of his own accord — wanting you as much as you wanted him. it had been fun, in the weeks leading up to your second anniversary, seeing how riled up you could get him, and exactly how far he would go. even while he claimed to be doing the same to you, he was still the one to initiate everything, leaving you more than satiated afterwards, each time. and although his efforts had unsettled you, you'd eventually told him, hoping that it wasn't some underlying miscommunication or problem in your relationship causing the sudden eagerness to take you anywhere and everywhere. 
and ever since, nothing. chaste kisses on cheeks, arms around your waist while you cuddled. somehow, subtly, control had shifted back to him as you waited on his next move, waited for the next time he would approach you to try something. you suspected he didn't even know that he had control, skipping around the apartment, unaware that you were practically begging for him to make a move.
this morning, you couldn't take it anymore. your dreams the previous night punctuated by visuals of haechan eating you out, of him letting you ride his thighs, of him playing with your chest. the moment you heard him in the next room, raspy voice ordering his teammates around, and the moment you caught sight of him in his shorts, you had decided to indulge in your own needs, to hell with waiting for your boyfriend to take care of you. 
but almost an entire afternoon had passed since then, and you could feel the space between your legs getting wet again, your brain flitting back to the scenes from your dream. shuffling into your bedroom, you see haechan lounging on the bed, disappointment flickering at the back of your mind when you release he had put on some sweatpants instead. still on his phone, he barely looked up at you when you approached him. 
raising his head to look at you, he raises his eyebrows. you falter as you see his closed off expression. 
"yes?" he responds, softly. 
swallowing, you press on, sitting down opposite him. "can you…can you please…" you take a deep breath, fiddling with the edge of your shirt before you realize that yes, that was the perfect way to get him to notice you. removing your shirt quickly, you see him look up from his phone, his eyes flickering down to look at your bare chest, lingering slightly before moving back up to your face. 
"can i please…?" he repeats, face devoid of expression. 
you balk. haechan never acted like this with you. embarrassment, and a little bit of indignance, rises up in you, and you have to stop yourself from whining. "you know," you bite your lip, imploring him to understand. 
he sighs. "speak in full sentences, baby." going back to his phone, he clicks on a new tab. "i can't read your mind." 
"i need you," you blurt out, feeling delight rush through your body as he looks up at you. finally. 
but he makes no effort to move. "why?"
confused, you make an impatient sound. "what do you mean, why?" 
"why are you suddenly so needy?" he asks, voice steady and calm. his eyes stare at you, gaze unwavering. "was it something i did? or did something happen to you?" 
"i don't know what you mean…" you hesitate, but your answer doesn't mean anything because he's not really listening. setting his phone down, he pushes you onto your back with a slight roughness, crawling over to you.
"thought i was doing it for you, baby-" he confesses, quietly. "trying to figure out if you liked my fingers, or my thighs…seeing if you liked it when i use you…" towering over you, he takes in the tension in your body, your shaky breaths as his fingers trail up your stomach, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
"but i was wrong," he muses. you hang onto his every word, mind attuned to the syllables falling from his lips, body sparking at his slightest touch. 
"was doing it for me," he breathes. "i wanted to see you this fucked out before i even touch you." his hand caresses your upper thigh, tutting lowly under his breath. "messy baby, dripping all over the sheets…" 
unable to take it anymore, you try to sit up and move towards him, pushing your body up on your elbows, but haechan's hand whips out and he shoves you back down onto your back with a firm palm.
"don't move." he soothes, but there's a warning in his tone. slowly, he eases your legs apart to settle down in between them, and you whimper slightly from how he manages to make you feel so exposed.
"when was the last time you'd been good for me, hm?" his thumb traces soft circles on your soft skin. "i give you a little bit of power and it goes to your head…doesn't it, pretty?" his face leans closer, his lips almost brushing yours as he speaks. 
"it doesn't-" your voice trembles, as his palms press down firmly on your thighs, spreading you open wider. 
"have me touching your tits, stroking you all the time," he breathes. "does it feel that good?" 
"thought you were letting me use you, but all this time you were using me," he ignores you. "all i wanted was for you to sit on my lap and beg for me…" suddenly, his hand moves, and you feel a sharp sting as he flicks at your clit with his thumb and forefinger over your panties. a loud whimper leaves your mouth as you feel your thighs jerk, and embarrassingly more of your arousal seeps out onto the sheets. your hand reaches out, trying to hold on to his wrist so he stops teasing you, but gently, and almost lazily, his other hand manages to grasp both your wrists in his hand. 
"but no matter what i tried…" he continues, and you can tell he's saying it for himself more than you. his hand moving as if on instinct, his fingers beginning to stroke your folds over the fabric, paying no attention to the way you trembled and squirmed at his touch. "you would still sit there on the couch, waiting for me to come take you…" 
"i'm sorry-" you sob, your throat closing up.
"you're so spoiled." and for the first time this evening, he kisses you lightly on the corner of your lips. you tilt your head, trying to catch his lips with yours, mouth open and ready, but already he's pulling away, smiling to himself. "spoiled." he repeats.
"haechan please-" you try to free your hands so you can do something — touch him, or even touch yourself. "i need-" 
"you need me to fuck you?" he tilts his head, the harshness of his words contrasting with the gentle, and almost mocking way he says it. "is that what you want to say?" 
shame burns low in your stomach, and you nod imperceptibly. mirroring you, haechan nods too, his eyebrows raised.
"say it," he insists. "say you need me to fuck you."
at your hesitation, he backs away slowly, the warmth of his body leaving yours as he starts to slacken his hold on your wrists. immediately, your hands shoot free and you pull at the hem of his shirt pathetically, trying to keep him close to you.
"i need you to fuck me," you whine, trying to hold your gaze with him even as his eyes go dark. "please, don't go-" 
"how long were you going to make me wait?" he seethes, flicking at your clit again, fingers roughly pulling at your panties and making them snap against your skin. 
you can't think of anything to say. you whine his name, and he scoffs at how wrecked you sound. 
"why didn't you tell me your body wanted a baby, hm?" 
you freeze. what? "you m-mean…" you stutter, as haechan begins to tug your panties down your legs. 
"needy baby fucks herself on my thigh because she wants a baby in her, is that right?" his voice thick. 
"yes," you hear yourself say. there was no point in denying it, you needed him so badly. and the idea of him putting a baby in you, of fucking you so full of him until you were swollen and full… 
"then prove it." sitting back up against the headboard, you follow him eagerly, no longer caring about how you acted around him, your skin burning hot from the way he was speaking to you. he let you strip him of his sweatpants, your mouth going dry at how hard he was. maybe you could suck him off first, and in return he could finger you-
a rough hand shoots out to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "focus," he demands. "i want you to ride me." 
hurriedly, you start to straddle him, lining his cock up to your entrance before you hesitate. he hadn't really prepped you yet, and although you wanted it so badly…
you cry out as he shoves two fingers into you, sighing at the way you fall forward into his chest at the feeling. curling his fingers in you, finding your soft spot effortlessly, he murmurs close to your ear. "tell me if i'm being too rough, okay?" if possible, his words make you even more needy, and you nod, hips chasing his hand. "don't wanna hurt you," he mumbles, before stilling his fingers and pushing you back. 
"why am i doing the work here?" he muses, condescendingly. "i thought you wanted this." 
nodding vigorously, you begin to grind on his fingers, whimpering when your clit bumps the heel of his hand. a hand on his chest to steady yourself, you move the other downward and try to shove a third finger into you, wiggling your hips as he relents and starts curling three of his fingers against your walls. 
"cumming," you gasp, feeling something tighten in your core. his thumb comes up to stroke your clit, and you're about to tumble over the edge, when suddenly he yanks his hand away, leaving you throbbing and empty. a sob rips out from your chest, the built up pressure of having him act differently around you, of needing him for the whole day, washing over you like a tidal wave. 
"crybaby," he coos, wiping your tears away with the hand still slick with your arousal. 
"please," you choke out. "cum, i wanna…let me…" pawing at his chest, you try to lift his hand back up and guide it in between your legs, but he grabs onto your wrist instead, forcing you to stay still.
"just want you to cum on my cock, that's all," he soothes. "don't you want me to fill you up?" 
gulping, your breathing slows as the words seem to calm you. "yes," you mumble. 
"good girl." grabbing your hips, he eases you down onto his cock, groaning as your walls spasm around him, your entrance fluttering uncontrollably. "fuck," he muses. "did you just cum?" 
feeling humiliated, you nod reluctantly. "was sensitive…" you mumble. he laughs, stroking your cheek as you take all of him. he gives you time to recover, stroking your back tenderly as you get used to the feeling of him in you. 
"ready?" he urges, thrusting his hips gently. 
you nod, placing your hands on his shoulders as you begin to bounce in his lap, your thighs still shaking from your previous climax but the feeling of him too good to ignore. trying to pick up the pace, you stare at where your bodies are connected, the wet sounds of you sliding on him embarrassingly loud in the room. you only realise you've been letting out a steady series of moans when he brings a hand up to squeeze your throat. 
"tired?" he pouts at you. you nod, begging him with your eyes to take over. "thought you said you wanted my baby," he mocks. your hips continue to circle even as you lose the strength to lift yourself up and down. feeling his tip brush against a spot inside you, you wail as you feel yourself clench hard around his thick length. 
"please help me," you gasp. "wanna feel you cum inside me, want you to fill me up-" and haechan, tired of waiting, finally gives in. 
he pushes you back onto the bed again, his arms pushing your legs up so they brush his shoulders, hips tilted towards him as he rams himself back into you. letting out a low moan, he begins to thrust hard into you, snapping his hips such that the blunt head of his cock repeatedly brushes your g-spot. 
"you gonna cum?" he mocks, sarcastically. "or do i have to do that for you too?" 
your hands find your clit, rubbing circles on it frantically as it immediately brings you to your high.
the feeling of you cumming around his cock, your warm and tight walls milking him, pushes him closer and closer to his own climax. 
"where should i come?" he breathes unsteadily. 
you don't respond, still too lost in your own pleasure. a hand comes down to pinch at your nipple, and you whine incoherently. 
"where should i come?" he demands again. 
he can see you struggle to piece together the words in your head. he hadn't asked you this in a long time — ever since your first anniversary, when you went on birth control and he celebrated by finishing inside you, the feeling of you raw making him come undone faster than he would have liked. 
"w-where?" you make a sound of confusion. 
"should i come on your tits," he pinches your nipple again, 
"on your face," a light slap across your cheek,
"or inside?" 
"inside," you moan, beginning to thrust your hips upwards to meet his movements, desperate for him to finish. 
"good girl," he breathes, and with a final stroke he's cumming, pushing deep inside you as you feel his warmth fill you up inside, seeping out where your bodies connected. 
the two of you stay like that for a while, him stroking your hair and peppering kisses on your face. you holding on to him for comfort, whimpering whenever he made an attempt to leave, burying your face in his chest. it's after you've mostly recovered when you finally let him go get something to clean you up with, and after you drank the glass of water he insisted you have, when you finally get a hold on what just happened. and a question comes flitting into your mind. 
"yes, baby?"  you open your eyes, and squint at the angelic expression on his face. "tell me…mark didn't have anything to do with this, did he?"
tags: @91qowngus, @joonpantheress, @sundhaelatte, @jaemboi64, @sassy-author, @krazy-kpoppy, @9900z, @kosmoreads, @matchahyuck, @donghyeok-okie, @bbh-kji, @isearchedtheyooniverse, @bettyschwallocksyee, @babyjenono, @prdshobi
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this is the last update i had for this weekend. you can follow the tag #steddie lake fic if you wanna check for updates. thank you for reading <3
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
Eddie sets up one of the picnic tables, using Argyle's gingham tablecloth and arranging the hot dogs and sandwiches he and Nancy prepared.
They find a glass water dispenser inside their cabin and Eddie makes lemonade to fill it and dumps all of the ice they bought in their last stop with it. He places that on the table too.
A soon as everything is ready, Nancy grabs some food and drinks and joins Robin and Argyle in their cards game, a few tables over.
Eddie's now heading in the opposite direction to have a cigarette while he pretends he's not watching Steve haul very heavy suitcases from his car to their cabin.
The cabin belongs to Steve's family. Steve played nice with his parents for months so they would let them all stay over this week: at the tail of summer, right before Nancy, Argyle and Jonathan leave Hawkins again, and Steve, Robin and Eddie go back to their jobs. At least until Robin figures out where she wants to go to school and drags the boys along with her.
Steve's been researching schools and cities with her, he wants the best for his platonic soulmate. He's sweet. He's also dead set on having Eddie come with them and he can be very persuasive.
Not that he needs to be, Eddie thinks, watching Steve lean into his trunk for what might be the last time in a bit, considering how empty it looks from afar.
Steve's rolled the sleeves of his white tee all the way up to the top, letting his biceps flex freely. He's wearing the light wash jeans that make his ass look like it's begging to be grabbed. There's sweat dripping everywhere. He shakes it off and runs his hands through his hair every now and then, and Eddie's mouth is producing way too much saliva.
Eddie takes a long drag from his cigarette and turns his back on the borderline wet dream that is Steve Harrington, facing the lake again.
As he looks at the water and listens to the birds, Eddie goes through one and a half cigarettes, lost in thoughts of hazel eyes.
After a while, he hears steps approaching him from behind for the second time today.
This time, he turns before they reach him and sees Steve walking the las few paces until he's within earshot.
He's so sweaty.
"All done, big guy?" Eddie asks, a little breathless as he watches him approach.
Steve' face is all red, probably from the heat. He scoffs,
"You're like two inches taller than me" he says,
"Oh, you've noticed" Eddie teases with a lopsided grin,
"Shut up" Steve laughs "My hair makes up for it",
"Hmm" Eddie hums, refraining from making a comment on Steve's hair.
He pulls out his cigarette pack and offers it to Steve, assuming that's why he made a beeline for him and not the food.
"Want one?" Eddie asks,
Steve shakes his head "Yeah, but no" he says,
Eddie frowns, confused, holding his own cigarette with his mouth while he occupies his hands with putting the pack back in his pocket.
His eyes are also focused on this task, so he doesn't see Steve reaching out, taking the cigarette right out of Eddie's mouth.
Eddie feels his eyes go wide as plates and he slowly looks up to find Steve smoking his cigarette, looking out at the lake.
Holy shit.
Eddie blinks himself outta his shock. "Oh," he says, stupidly.
Steve looks back at him, searches for something in his eyes and smiles. The twinkle in his eyes only registers when Eddie watches him lean into his space once more, and take Eddie's bandana out of his back pocket this time, using it to wipe the sweat off his brow.
Eddie goes right past shock and into indignation.
"Hey!" he protests,
"Can I use this?" Steve asks around Eddie's cigarette, and way too late, too, "I'm using it" he states, in the bitchy tone he uses sometimes, the one that makes Eddie weak in the knees.
"I can see that!" Eddie tells him, trying to contain his indignant (going on giddy) laughter, "You're gross", Eddie says, like he wouldn't lick the sweat off Steve if he were allowed.
Steve just laughs at him, looking so beautiful, like right out of a magazine. Eddie lets himself hope for a split second.
"Did you just come here to take my stuff?" he asks Steve, mostly to stop himself from leaning in to bite the moles on his cheeks. He also kicks Steve's shin softly, just to make him laugh again. He succeeds.
"Maybe", Steve says, blowing smoke to the side and then offering the cigarette back to Eddie, raising his eyebrows expectantly.
What. Is happening.
Eddie rolls his eyes but accepts the offer.
"Yuck." he says dramatically, keeping his eyes on Steve, putting the cigarette back in his mouth and failing miserably at hiding his smile.
Steve watches him do it and laughs, something mischievous and delighted, then begins rolling Eddie's bandana, supporting the motion on his thigh and then reaching up to tie the result around his head.
God. What the fuck.
"You're stealing from me now?", Eddie accuses, shocked.
Steve snorts, "Borrowing", he clarifies, "I'll clean it and give it back to you", he says, like he's proud of it.
Is he fucking flirting with me?
Eddie rolls his eyes again and tries to hide his shocked smile once more. Fails.
"Or would you rather I give it to you all sweaty like this?" Steve asks, somehow sounding both dirty and completely rhetorical.
Jesus fucking -
"Ha!" Eddie says, shoving Steve's shoulder. "You have to get permission to borrow something, Steve",
"I did! I just did!" Steve protests,
"Did I say yes?" Eddie counters,
Steve pulls out his puppy eyes, the bastard, aiming them at Eddie with full force.
"Can I please use your bandana, Eddie?" Steve asks "Eds?" he adds, switching to a nickname almost as an afterthought.
Eddie's going to die of a heart attack, one of these days.
In fact, he probably already did. Yeah, he died and went to heaven, it seems.
"I can't stand you." he tells Steve, squinting.
It makes Steve dissolve into laughter again and Eddie basks in the sound as he stubs his cigarette.
"Yeah, you can use it", Eddie finally gives in, "since you already are, you menace. Come on.", he invites, already walking back toward the food table, leaving Steve behind, trying to regain some of the balance in their interaction,
"I made lemonade" he calls back to Steve, and listens as the other boy catches up.
When Steve's at his side again, Eddie turns to look at him.
"Let's get you something that's actually for you, for a change" Eddie quips.
Steve throws his head back as he laughs.
part 5
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clubforfrogs · 6 months
Slip Ups (Part 2) Poly Marauders x Reader
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Quick note: Omg I can’t believe I’ve already finished my first fic. It’s obviously a pretty small one (only two parts) but i’m so excited that people actually seem to like it! If you have requests please send them- I need ideas!
This part is about 2.3k words- I hope you enjoy!
Earlier, sneaking around and breaking rules with the marauders sounded fun. Running away from teachers, giggling amongst each other, and thinking of new pranks when inspiration struck. Really, who wouldn’t want to prance around with Hogwarts’ hottest group of guys? But right now, looking at that same group standing in front of you, you wanted to be swallowed whole by the couch you were sitting on. The boys had been about to sneak out and continue on their adventure without you, but somehow spotted you before they actually left.
“Hey, are you guys heading out?” You winced at how lame you sounded as James replied, “Uh, yeah? I invited you earlier today. We thought you’d gone to sleep already, but this is perfect! Now we can all head out!” Your stomach sank at the excited nod the three of them shared. There was no way you could just ditch them without hurting their feelings. You slowly heaved yourself up from the couch and made your way over to them. 
“James’ invisibly cloak is probably too small for all of us, so we’ll need to split up into pairs. Who here’s good at the disillusionment charm?” Remus asked. James shook his head first, “I’ve only casted it a handful of times, I’m no good.” Sirius looked at you and Remus sheepishly, “Same here, Y/n, gorgeous, love of my life, please tell me you know how to cast it?” Your face felt hot at Sirius’ words, but before you could answer James interrupted, “Hold on Sirius, I wouldn’t mind huddling close under the invisibility cloak with Y/n.” He sent a wink your way and you were pretty sure your face would burst into flames at any moment. Before anyone else could get in another remark, you spoke, “I’m pretty good with the charm. So Remus and I will use the charm while you two,” you pointed at James and Sirius, “use the cloak?”
Remus nodded in agreement, “Yeah, that should work, now let’s head out. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.” James and Sirius threw the cloak over themselves and immediately disappointed. You and Remus looked at each other. You watched as Remus cast the charm on himself, and you watched as he disappeared. The only evidence that he was there was the faintest outline around him. You took a deep breath, then did the same, muttering the incantation and finally disappearing. You heard a low whistle, but couldn’t see who did it. You were immensely grateful at that moment that none of them could see you flush red. “Ok, let’s head out. I trust that you, Sirius and James, know the plan. Darling, we’ll fill you in on the way.”
Your mouth dropped open as you all headed out of the common room. The entire student population at Hogwarts described Remus as the shy, stoic type. All of that seemingly disappeared from his demeanor the second he started talking to you or the other marauders. Did that mean he liked you too? Did that mean all of them did? You shook your head as if to clear the thought. Stay focused L/n, don’t be ridiculous. A low whisper broke you out of your all-over the place thoughts, “Make sure we stick together, splitting off from each other just makes us more likely to get caught.” Remus reasoned. You agreed with his thinking, but were slightly surprised when you felt a hand grab your own. You let out a squeal of shock, then quickly slapped a hand over your face. “Sorry about that,” Remus adjusted his grip on your hands, so they were now intertwined, “hopefully we’ll be able to stick together more easily now.” You quickly wondered how he was able to find you so quickly, but brushed it off as him having a keen eye. “Oh, yeah. Makes sense.” Your voice wavered a bit, but if any of them noticed, they didn’t say. Another voice spoke. It was James, surprising you with how close he was, “Alright, let’s head to the snake pit.”
Nerves churned in your stomach as you made your way to the Slytherin common room. Yeah, that was definitely the reason your stomach was in a knot, certainly not the fact that one of your longtime crushes, Remus Lupin, was holding your hand. Remus, feeling the way your hand tensed, mistook your infatuation for the fear of being caught, “Hey, don’t worry, this is a pretty mild prank compared to some of our others. James wouldn’t have invited you if this could get you into serious trouble. You want me to walk you through the prank? Would that help?” You couldn’t help but melt a little at his concern. “No, it’s alright, I think I’d rather be surprised by your guys’ utter genius.” You said the last words with obvious sarcasm, as Remus let out a noise of disbelief, “I’ll choose to ignore that last bit. But good choice, you’re going to love it. Oh, and would you look at that, we’ve arrived.”
You looked and around and realized Remus was, in fact, correct. It was colder down in the dungeons compared to the Gryffindor common room. You wrapped one arm around yourself as Remus led you toward the sound of James and Sirius’ footsteps. Sirius, having heard the pair of you approach, told each marauder where to go and what to do, “and you, my dear Y/n, get to sit back and enjoy the show.” You waited as they all dispersed. You looked around nervously, praying that prefects didn’t decide to do check in over heard for the next few minutes. But you also couldn’t deny the adrenaline rush you were feeling. You had never really been a strictly “by the rules” student, but you’d also never snuck out to prank Slytherins in the middle of the night. An out of breath silhouette of Remus stood in front of you, you could hear from the way he spoke that he was smiling, “Now we get to watch it all unfold,” 
He led you to the now open door of the Slytherin common room. It was absolutely nerve-wracking being in there, but the way Remus grabbed your hand again made you feel a lot a little better. Suddenly, you heard a commotion, and a group of four Slytherins came scrambling into their common room. You recognized them as students that would constantly pick of the first years and make fun of any other wizards and witches for not being pureblood. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel any satisfaction from seeing their panicked faces, and you strained to hear their conversation, “Did you see that?” a tall and skinny wizard said. Another wizard who looked almost identical aside from his much lighter hair responded, “Of course I did! I didn’t think ghosts could get into our common rooms! But did you see that thing? It was all bloody and mangled and terrifying.” The first boy spoke up again, “Of course I saw it! And it doesn’t look like any of the ghosts here at Hogwarts. We’re so fucked!” The group of them looked positively frightened, before a shorter boy who hadn’t said anything yet pointed to the dorm stairs and spoke in a shaky voice, “Guys…”
A pale man floated through the air towards the boys. His hair was flat and greasy, his neck bore long gashes caked with blood, and he looked angry. Remus squeezed your hand as if to reassure you that this was all fake, and you were immensely grateful for it. You watched as the boys ran around the common room like headless chickens, attempting to flee from the ghost. The tall boy with light hair had been cornered by the ghost, and whimpered. It was hard to make out in the dimness, but you could see how his pyjama bottoms started to darken, indicating that, “Oh Merlin, he just pissed himself,” you whispered to Remus. The two of you cracked up, while trying to be as silent as possible. You were laughing so hard that you didn’t notice when the prank had ended, not until Remus calmed himself and muttered, “Let’s get out of here.” 
The two made your way towards the Gryffindor common room. You were walking at a nice leisurely pace until your ears picked up on a pair of footsteps that didn’t belong to you or Remus. You stopped Remus, asking, “Do you hear that?” The both of you listened, but Remus was the one to catch sight of Filch as he turend the corner, walking down the same hallway you and Remus were in. Now, Remus and you were still disillusioned, but neither of you were willing to take the chance of being caught. Remus grabbed you and pulled you into a nearby broom closet quietly. The two of you were both breathing heavily as you strained to hear if Filch was gone or not. Your thoughts didn’t stay of Filch for long, however. They were pulled to Remus’ strong chest now pushed flush to yours. His arms hanging at his sides, but were still so close to you. Remus had apparently noticed the same thing, because you could feel his breath hitch. You desperately didn’t want the atmosphere to turn awkward, so you whispered to him, “How long do you think we’ll be-“ he interrupted you. “You didn’t want to come out with us tonight, why?” 
His tone wasn’t accusatory, it was just matter-of-fact. Regardless, you started to stumble over your words, “What? I didn’t- I never said, that. You just.. read the situation-“ he cut you off again. “Just be honest. Is it because your uncomfortable with us? Do you not like breaking rules? What is it?” His tone was so desperate, you just wanted to tell him everything. Tell him how the reason you didn’t want to go out with them was because you were so horribly in love with each of them, even though they were already in the perfect relationship. Your silence made the air in the closet feel heavy. Suddenly, you felt Remus move his hands to your hips. It made you feel dizzy and hot and wonderful at the same time. He leaned down, “Or did you not want to come out with us because of how you feel towards us?” His words shocked you. “Look, I’m not trying to mess you guys up. I know you’re already committed to each other. I swear I’ll distance myself and leave you guys alone.” 
Remus spoke quickly, “No! that’s not what I want- not what we want.” “What? What are you talking about?” you questioned, trying to stop the feeling of hope blooming in your chest. “James, Sirius, and I speak about you all the time. Those ‘jokes’ we make in class? That’s just how we feel. We want you, if you are willing, to be with us.” If you thought Remus’ hands on your hips made you feel things, his confession doubled those feelings. “Really? You’re not kidding? Because that would break my heart.” Remus wrapped his arms around you and pulled you impossibly closer to him, “I swear to you that I am telling the truth.” 
Giddiness overtook you. Without thinking, you grabbed Remus’ face and pulled him towards you, smashing your lips onto his. The kiss was full of all your pent up longing for this exact moment. All of the times they’d make flirty comments toward you without you knowing how to respond, all of those moments you wished you could just fit in to their world. But right here, kissing Remus, you finally felt like it was a really possibility. You both pulled back, gasping for air and grinning like idiots. Remus dragged you back to the Gryffindor common room excitedly, the pair of you practically skipping your way there. 
Inside, you found a worried looking James and Sirius. “Where have the two of you been? We thought you guys had been caught!” Sirius rambled. You looked at Remus, confirming your prior situation hadn’t just been a figment of your imagination. He nodded and you with a smile and you launched yourself at Sirius, connecting your lips. He huffed in surprise before eagerly retuning the kiss. This kiss was wilder than your kiss with Remus. Sirius tasted slightly of fire whiskey, so you assumed he and James had celebrated their prank on their way back from the dungeons. You heard the disbelieving chuckle from James as he talked with Remus, “I take it you told her then?” You broke a part from Sirius and looked at James, “He might’ve.” 
James walked over to you with the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. Your lips met and finally everything was complete. You had the three men you’ve been pining over for forever all to yourself, and you didn’t want to waste a single moment with them. You flung your arms around James’ neck and pulled his head even closer to yours. He obliged you as he smiled into your lips and kissed you sweetly. When you both finally came up for air, you looked around at Remus, Sirius, and then back to James. They all looked back at you with the same excitement you were sure was displayed plainly across your face. The look in their eyes was the only confirmation you needed: this was going to work. All of you fear and worries surrounding whether they really liked you or if this would last disappeared. They were going to do everything in their power to make this work, and you would do the same. 
The four of you went up to the boys’ dorm and flipped down onto one of their beds. It was a tangled mess of limbs, but no one cared. You used Sirius as a pillow while James laid on your stomach and Remus was lying by your side. You were pretty sure life didn’t get any better than this.
Thank you for reading, and again, send me some requests! I’d love to hear them💕
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Hello can give Is it crime part two please 🙏
This was also requested a ton on Quotev and Wattpad. Don’t know why lol.
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Title: Is It a Crime Part 2
Pairings: Todoroki Shoto x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, light swearing
Summary: Shoto isn’t fond of the quirk marriage his dad has arranged. At least, he didn’t think so at first.
Part 1: here
“Is it a crime
That I still want you?
And I want you to want me too
My love is wider, wider than Victoria Lake
My love is taller, taller than the Empire State
It dives, it jumps, and it ripples like the deepest ocean
I can't give you more than that, surely, you want me back”
-from “Is It a Crime” by Sade
You’d never seen Shoto so desperate.
The red-and-white haired man was near tears when he arrived at your door and, in wordless shock, you let him in. The typically emotionless male had never shown this much emotion to you and it made you feel a little unnerved.
“I made a mistake,” Shoto said, “Please, sign the wedding contract again. We can get married and… be happy together.”
You only miss people when they’re gone. That saying rang true here more than ever. You had left his sorry self behind and he must have regretted driving you away. 
But that didn’t take back what you’d heard from him and how you’d been treated. It didn’t take back the feelings of disappointment and humiliation, the constant wishing that things would be different and the depression that followed when you realized things would never change.
Every day in that mansion had been awful, pointless, and heart-breaking. As soon as you had gotten home, you were sure you were in the right place.
You never thought you’d see Todoroki Shoto ever again.
Who’s to say that, once you went back, everything would be fine? What if everything went back to the way it was? What if he was only asking because you were a live-in maid and chef to him, and he just missed that? 
Either way, the answer was clear.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that,” you said softly, “I don’t want to marry you.”
Shoto flinched like he’d been shot. His eyes went wide for a moment before narrowing in anger.
“You’re going to sign the contract,” He reiterated. 
“No, I’m not. I’m not going back to that life, Shoto. I was miserable in that mansion and I’m not going to willingly walk back into it.”
Shoto stopped for a second, then spat, “Who said anything about ‘willingly’?”
Your expression turned stormy and you spun around, ready to walk away from him. He was a lost cause- a child throwing a tantrum. No way were you going to stick around and humor him.
Suddenly, a wall of ice appeared in your path. Shocked, you turned around to find Shoto with his right arm out as though he was pushing something invisible. 
Fury shot through you like a white-hot knife. Reaching your own hand out, you pressed it against the smooth ice and focused your energy into it.
The giant ice wall shattered into millions of tiny pieces in an instant. You felt a rush of grim victoriousness when you saw Shoto’s wide-eyed expression. He had never bothered to ask what your quirk was, and you had never bothered to tell him.
“If you don’t mind,” you said hotly, “I’ll be leaving now.” 
Shoto responded with a low growl and an air push from his left hand. Now, a wall of fire blocked your path.
“What the hell, Shoto?” you screamed, “You’re going to burn my house down!”
“I don’t care,” came the cold response. Shoto’s heterochromatic glare bored into you and you felt tears well up in your eyes. This was your childhood home! Your parents lived here! You lived here!
You ran to the kitchen and searched for a bowl big enough to fill with water. You had to put out the fire and fast, before it got out of control and burned this place to the ground. But as soon as you had surfaced, holding a mixing bowl victoriously, Shoto made a wall of fire that cut you off from the sink. 
You fled the house, tears running down your face as you abandoned the place you grew up. There was nothing you could do now except run away from Shoto.
But there was no escape. Every way you turned, you were met with fire, until the only way to run was to the red-and-white haired man. Tearfully, you trudged back to him, disappointment weighing heavily on your shoulders.
“You still can’t force me to sign that document,” you said sharply.
“We’ll see about that, (Y/n). We’ll see.”
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indiee19 · 9 months
From The Backseat
Alex Turner x reader
Summary: At a party, (AM!) Alex takes you to his car and fucks you
Word Count: 2,030
a/n: i missed writing so much. part 2 is being written at the moment. enjoy!!
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The music was loud. The drinks were strong. And you were having a blast. You ended up at this L.A. party with three of your friends after they asked for you to join since you hadn't been out in a while. They were excited to say the least when you said yes to their request.
"Honey!!" Your friend Bianca shouted over the blaring music. "Are you having a shit ton of fun because I sure as hell am!" Bianca was one of the three friends you came with, the others being Naomi and Chloe.
You replied with, "Yes, B, I'm having a shit ton of fun." She smiled happily, hugging you. She absolutely reeked of whiskey and vodka. "How much have you had to drink?" You asked.
She giggled. "Oh, just a teeny, tiny amount," she said while pinching her fingers to show 'how little' she drank, slightly leaning on you. Bianca's head perked up though when she saw a handsome man staring at you. "Oh, honey, I think someone likes what he sees," she pointed at the stranger staring at you from across the room.
The stranger was wearing black pants, black boots and a white button up that had very few buttons done up on it. His hair was dark and styled back into a gelled quiff. He looked extremely fucking hot. In his right hand was a glass of what looked like whiskey. And a ring adorned one of his pinky fingers.
Just as he was staring at you, you began to stare at him. Your eyes met for just a split second and immediately you blushed and looked away. Bianca noticed. "And I can see that you like what you're looking at, too," she smirked.
The stranger smirked and placed his glass down on the table beside him. He began to walk over to you. The colored lights from the party illuminated him and his features, making his sharp jawline stand out even more. The lights accentuated his nose and you could see his biceps slightly through the material of his shirt. God, he was fine.
He finally reached you and leaned his arm against the bar behind you. "I'm Alex. And you are?" His voice was thick with a Yorkshire accent and that made him even more hot. You took a moment to answer him, still in disbelief that he was talking to you. But you eventually told him your name.
"And I-I'm Bianca, if you cared to know. Which you don't. So I'm just gonna go find Naomi and Chloe," Bianca said, embarrassed that she introduced herself like that. You and Alex laughed. "Have fun, honey," she said as she walked away. You were absolutely positive she sobered up just to say that and see your reaction.
"Sorry about Bianca, she's a little drunk," you laughed. He chuckled out, "It's no problem, me friends are a little drunk, too."
You laughed because of the irony. Neither you or Alex were drunk. Yeah, you'd both had your fair share of drinks, but you weren't drunk by any means. Hell, neither of you were barely tipsy. Yet, all of your friends were just a little drunk or tipsy.
"I seen you from across the room," he said.
"I saw you staring at me," you replied, a small smirk appearing upon your face.
"You were staring, too," he smirked back. Before, you couldn't really smell his cologne but now you really could. The smell of it and his voice was all you focused on as you looked at him and him only. "What about it?" You were quick to reply, trying to sound confident in front of Alex.
"Well, you see, we both have something in common," he raised his eyebrow at you.
"And what might that be?"
Alex leaned in closer. As he spoke you could feel his breath on your neck. "We both like what we see, and I think you and me both would like to act on it."
The way he spoke drove you mad. His voice alone got you wet. Your eyes met his and you bit your lip. "Would you like that, doll?" He asked, slightly deepening his voice. You sighed, "Yes." It was just loud enough for Alex to hear.
His free hand reached up towards your neck and he whispered in your ear. "Then, follow me so I can fuck the shit out of you." That did you in.
Mere minutes later, you were pushed up against a wall by the bathrooms. No one was around and you and Alex were too eager to wait any longer. His hands went to your thighs and forced you to jump and wrap your legs around his waist. He was about to carry you into the bathroom, and then he heard someone coming towards you both. "Fuck," he sighed. He had to think quickly and think quickly he did. He sat you down on the ground and grabbed your hand. "Follow me," he said.
You asked, "Where are we going?"
"To my car. I'm gonna fuck you in the backseat," he quickly replied. Fuck. The idea of getting fucked in his car riled you up. Fucking in the bathroom was one thing because there were walls and no one could see you. Fucking in the car meant that you could be caught just by someone walking past you both.
He was quick to lead you out to his car, more eager than you were to fuck. Quickly, he unlocked the black car and opened the door to the backseat. "Get in," he said, motioning for you to get in as quickly as you could. He followed and grabbed you by the neck. "The one good thing about fucking in a car instead of the bathroom is that you can be as loud as you want," he smirked. He pulled you in for a kiss and his hands went to work to get your blouse off. He pushed it off your shoulders and threw it into the front seat so it'd be out of your way.
You undid the few buttons on his shirt and threw it into the front seat as well. Alex's hands started to caress your chest and he pulled away and asked if he could take your bra off. You nodded and he was quick to do so. He started to caress your breasts and he dipped your head down to bring one of your nipples into his mouth. Your hand entangled in his hair, slightly messing it up, pulling on it. One of his hands fondled your other breasts, and the other went down to your shorts, tugging on the button as if he were asking if he could take them off.
He lifted his head away from your breast and he was quick to get rid of your heels. Then he unbuttoned your shorts, slowly pulling the zipper down, teasing you. Then he pulled them off along with your panties. "Fuck," he almost moaned. "You're so fucking hot."
He pushed you completely down on the seat and he went to kiss you, one of his hands going to tease through your folds. "Shit, you're so fucking wet. . . All for me?" He smirked.
"Y-Yes," right as you replied he pushed in two of his calloused fingers, slipping in easily from how wet you had become. You gasped at the push and closed your eyes. Slowly, he pumped his fingers in and out of you. In and out. In and out. Over and over again, getting you closer to the edge.
His head went to your neck, sucking on a spot as his thumb found your clit, rubbing circles on it. You tugged on his hair and started to moan. His fingers sped up, as did his sucking on your neck. Goddamn did he know how to use his fingers.
"I'm close," you moaned, pulling on his hair.
"Cum on my fingers, doll," he rasped out, pressing down hard on your clit whilst harshly pumping his fingers. The feeling pushed you over the edge. Moaning as your walls closed around his fingers, panting when you come down from the high.
He pulled his face away from your neck and looked at you. His lips were flushed and his hair was messed up from where you'd pulled on it. "Fuck, you're fucking hot," he said, quickly sitting up to unbutton his pants, pulling them down just far enough with his boxers to pull out his cock.
Alex was painfully hard and precum was leaking from the tip. He maneuvered himself just a little to be sitting over you before grabbing your legs and spreading them for him. One of his hands kept your leg spread open and the other went to line his cock up with your entrance. He began to push in and you were so wet that it took one thrust for him to be completely inside you.
You let out a loud moan and shut your eyes when he started to move. His hands were both now situated on your legs, holding them open and using them for leverage as he thrusts in and out. Alex was letting out loud moans, head thrown back, mouth agape. He took your legs and pushed them up as close to your chest as he could, making you feel him even deeper.
Your hands grabbed at his biceps and pulled him down to kiss you. And you don't know how, but he felt even bigger and deeper than previously. Your hands went to his back and started to scratch down it. He sped up when you did. "Fuck . . . fuck me, you feel good," Alex moaned. He pulled you over so that you could be on top of him.
He grabbed your hips when you were taking too long to move and he started to pull you up and down on his cock. Every time he pulled you down onto him, he thrust upwards, making sure that you feel all of him.
Then, his thumb went to your clit, rubbing hard and fast. "Oh, fuck," you said, hands gripping his shoulders. "I'm gonna cum," you said.
"Cum all on my cock, doll," he rubbed your clit harder and thrust as fast as he could. One final thrust and harsh flick to your clit was enough to push you over the edge. You let out a loud moan and threw your head back, tightening your grip on his shoulders as he kept moving you on his cock. Your walls fluttered around him and you collapsed against as he still kept moving.
"Fuck, I'm about to cum. . . Where do you want it?" Alex moaned.
"In my mouth," you said. He pushed you off of him and you got on your knees to take him into your mouth. "Fuck," he moaned out, hand gripping your hair and pulling it to move you up and down on him. Your mouth was warm around him, making him moan at the feeling.
His tip hit the back of your throat every time you bobbed your head. You hollowed your cheeks around him, licking his tip. "Fuck, your throat feels amazing," he moaned, starting to thrust his hips into your mouth. Then, you felt his cock twitch in your mouth, and he finally came, thrusting wildly into your mouth, holding you down on him.
Once he came down, he pulled you off his cock and pulled you in for a kiss. He began to deepen it before you pulled away to catch your breath. "Can't get enough of you, I swear," he said in a lower voice tone. "Would fuck you all night if I could."
You bit your lip at the idea. Alex noticed and lightly chuckled. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He smirked.
"Y-Yes," you said.
"Why don't we take this back to my place then?"
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
Do you know any fics similar to The Mating Privilege or I Don’t Like the Way She’s Looking at You? Just some stories where Derek isn’t the *best* mate/bf/husband etc or they have to pretend to not be together and ends up with stiles feeling neglected or ignored.
I’ve also read “how I long for yesterday” and “worth it” for those that want something similar but not quite what I’m looking for!
First of all. "How I Long for Yesterday" is my fic. So this made my day.
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How I Long For Yesterday by sweetbutterbliss
(1/1 I 6,017 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles blinks, his throat going dry, and he moves his thumb without thinking - liking the post. He feels a surge of petty satisfaction. At least the fucker will know he knows now. He stands up, his body feeling too heavy, and he blows out the already guttering candles. He lets out a sob of frustration when the last one won’t fucking blow out. But he sucks it back in and bites down on his tongue, using his thumb and forefinger instead. He throws himself into their empty bed without undressing. He lies there repeating the words ‘Derek blew me off for Isaac’ over and over. He tells himself to shut up while rearranging his pillow violently, but he goes to sleep with the refrain continuing its painful loop.
Worth It by dragneels
(1/1 I 1,670 I General I Sterek)
He hadn’t thought even for a second, instincts roaring, and jumped in front of Derek, taking the blow. And then he got lost in the darkness. also known as the "stiles telling derek that he's worth everything" fic no one asked for
As the seconds tick by by Halevetica
(1/1 I 3,972 I Not Rated)
When Derek picks up a new contract, he starts showing up late and missing important dates making Stiles feel unimportant. Derek is sure the contract is worth it, but Stiles doesn't understand why.
I'm Torn Do I Stay Do I Go by Adaline_Stilinski
(2/2 I 6,963 I General)
Derek had been focusing on making alliances with other packs around Beacon Hills to protect his pack but in doing so he started to neglect Stiles and there relationship. Stiles get's sick of it and decided to leave for some time apart is it going to help be like the stories Stiles reads and write about how distance makes love grow or will they both realise that there better apart. Will tragedy bring them together
Aberration by JackalPinesOfHouseEvergreen
(11/? I 29,415 I Teen)
Derek is a hot-shot lawyer who is very focused on his work. Stiles is his loving husband who does his best to fit into Derek's high-class family. He's hit some major roadblocks though. He feels neglected and unloved, and worse when Derek ditches him at his own family's parties which leave him humiliated as he tries to appear like their marriage isn't failing.
As an old member comes during some important werewolf ceremony to stir the pot, Derek's relationship with his family and Stiles is tested more than ever. Derek's world has been rocked and turned upside down.
And Stiles? Stiles is trying to find out who he is in the absence of the one he loves. As much as he believes in Derek and in their relationship, Stiles needs to find his self-worth that got lost along the way. Remember the fire he had inside of him as he got in the face of those that looked down at him, the fierceness of his intelligence that made others fear and respect him. Remember how fun life was...
Derek and Stiles drift a bit as Derek realizes he has to woo Stiles again, because he will not risk losing the love of his life. Not again.
The Mating Privilege by Kikileduc
(12/12 I 35,380 I Mature)
Stiles and Derek have been happily mated. The pack is doing well, but in hopes of creating alliances for it to do better, Derek accepts a neighboring pack's request to allow two wolves to join the Hale-McCall pack for a full moon cycle. They hope to form a blood-tie, or at least a long term friendship between the two packs. The issue is Kohona, the tribal leader's daughter, has her eyes set on an unavailable alpha wolf. This could have drastic consequences for their young emissary, however...
Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore by WriteByNight
(7/7 I 35,994 I Explicit)
Stiles should've expected Derek to suddenly disappear since the werewolf was in the habit of taking off without notice. However, Derek always showed up when they needed him.
As the weeks pass by, Stiles is no longer confused and a little hurt. What started as heartache begins to get worse the longer Stiles goes without seeing Derek. Eventually, his body begins to shut down and his only hope seems to be Derek...but nobody can find him.
There's no cure for a broken heart. Except, maybe, the cause for the broken heart himself.
- - -
Or the one where Derek takes off without warning and Stiles finds out he could be Derek's mate and the distance between Derek and Stiles, along with Derek's refusal to develop the bond, is slowly killing Stiles. Without Derek, Stiles will die, but no one knows where he is or how to contact him. And Stiles is barely keeping it together.
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We’ll Meet Again (Poly!Yandere!Lost Boys x Reader) PART 2
plot: the forced turning of the reader.
WARNINGS: yandere stuff, mostly david centered so this one is for the david gals, forced turning, forced eating/drinking of blood, self-induced vomiting, i get kinda descriptive w it for some reason LMAO i apologize, david is fucking SADISTIC on this one, like i made him scary, stockholm syndrome
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Your head felt as if it were full of lead as you slowly opened your eyes. The damp smell that lingered in the air was all too familiar, and the realization sent a shock of panic through you.
You were back in the cave.
“Oh, fuck…” You whispered quietly, tears welling up in your eyes. Your breathing quickened and you frantically checked your surroundings, only to be met with the walls of the secluded area of the cave.
The fear in your system quickly became overwhelmed with rage. All of the effort you put into escaping ended up being all for nothing. You yelled out in anger, hot tears streaming down your face.
Footsteps approached, and you knew who it was. You didn’t need to guess. As they entered the room, you turned your back, refusing to look at them.
“They’re awake!” Paul’s happy-go-lucky voice rang out, and you felt as though you were going to be sick. His voice always brought butterflies to your stomach, and, regrettably, you felt them as he called out in excitement. Holding your ground, you glued your eyes to the wall, not blinking.
“Baby…” Marko spoke next in a sing-song voice. You pictured his beautifully sculpted face hitting you with that signature smirk, and your heartbeat increased a bit. Your eyes traveled to the corner of the room, where you saw a beautiful canvas painting of yourself leaning against the wall. Marko had gifted it to you as a way to try to make peace. In the beginning, you rejected it, but in this dark room alone, you’d found yourself spending a good amount of time staring at the beautiful details. He always made the eyes so realistic, like they were following you…
A hand on your shoulder made you jolt. Wiping your tears away with your sleeve, you quickly looked over your shoulder to see who it was. Dwayne. Your eyes focused back on the wall, and you felt his hand give a soft squeeze. You knew he was trying to be sympathetic in his own way, but you still shrugged him off, curling in on yourself.
“Get out.” You spoke quietly. “All of you. I don’t want to see any of your faces, unless you’re here to let me go. Are you?” Silence. “That’s what I thought. Now get the fuck out.”
“Don’t speak to us that way.” The sound of heavy boots got closer, and you felt your stomach drop. David walked around you to where you were facing, and your gaze dropped the second he came into view, now staring at your lap. A leather clad hand roughly grabbed your face, forcing your chin up. “Look at me.” With a shaky breath, your eyes met his and unintentionally shuddered. How could you not with eyes like his?
You don’t know where it came from, but a pang of defiance ran through you, and without thinking, you gathered up a mouthful of saliva and spat directly at the vampire, hitting him just below the left eye.
The silence that followed was deafening. It seemed like the entire room was holding its breath. David’s expression didn’t change as his other hand wiped the spit away.
“I guess we’ll be doing this the hard way.” His tone had the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. David’s blue eyes looked over your shoulder to where the blondes were standing. “Marko, get the bottle.”
Those four words hit you as if you were struck by lightning. Instantly, you turned to get up and run, but David was too quick. He pulled you off the ground and slammed your back against the wall so hard you were scared he’d knocked the wind out of you. You were pinned against the wall by your throat, completely trapped.
“NO!” You shrieked as you saw Marko retreat back into the cave. “PLEASE! PLEASE DON’T!”
Paul and Dwayne looked over at each other. Your cries were excruciating to hear. But, in the end, they knew what had to be done in order for you to be their mate.
Marko made his reappearance, the intricate glass bottle in his hands. Your eyes fell on it, and a feeling of utter hopelessness ran through you. David gestured with his other hand to the boy, and the blonde approached the group leader.
“Marko, please…” You begged, shaking in fear. “Don’t…” He looked over at you, and you saw it. The hesitation. He saw how scared you were, and, to your horror, the brief look of sympathy was quickly replaced with an evil sneer. Marko flipped the top open, and handed it to David.
“GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!” You screamed at him, flailing as hard as you could against David’s grip. “FUCK YOU! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? YOU SON OF A-”
The opening of the bottle was pushed past your lips, the glass uncomfortably clinking against your teeth as you thrashed. Instantly, the bitter, metallic taste of blood hit your tastebuds and you sputtered, accidentally dribbling blood down the corners of your mouth. David’s eyes bored into yours as you drank. You felt like you were drowning with the liquid being forced down your throat, and tears fell in fat drops as you tried to breathe through your nose.
After a few seconds, David pulled the bottle from your mouth, lightly catching some of the blood that had escaped with the rim of the glass. You glared at him with all of the anger you could feel, not breaking eye contact.
It all happened in slow motion. Thinking fast, you managed to lift your leg and land a blow to his shin. The grip on your throat released quickly, and you saw behind David that Paul and Dwayne were quick to cross the room behind David to get to you, Marko closing in on your right. Your eyes fell to the blonde closest to you, and you quickly stuck your palm out, stiff-arming him right in the sternum to hold him off. Your right wrist screamed with pain from the sudden blow, and you curled down in on yourself. With a prayer to some deity above that the boys wouldn’t kill you for your next action, you stuck your left index, middle, and ring fingers down your throat, hitting your gag reflex. In an instant, you felt the bile crawl up your throat and you fell onto your already aching wrist for support as you vomited all over your fingers, David’s shiny black boots and the floor around him and in front of you.
You felt a grip on your hair that put everything back into normal speed, and you only triggered your gag reflex with more intensity, the diner meal you’d eaten combined with the blood you’d just ingested spilling on your already filthy hand and down the front of your shirt. Your hand was harshly ripped from your mouth, vomit dripping off of it as your arms were forced behind your back. Seeing that Marko, David, and Paul stood in front of you, you knew that Dwayne was the one holding you still.
The boys that were visible all had expressions of varying anger and disgust. Paul looked ready to retch himself, Marko was rubbing the center of his chest with a glare on his face, and David…
Pure. Fury.
He’d changed into his vampire form, his haunting yellow eyes looking ready to rip your head off. Your anger made you bold as you tilted your chin up and you stared him down, refusing to blink. Despite his terrifying appearance, David’s tone was calm, cool, and collected.
“You really think we’d let you get away with that?”
Your blood turned to ice. It was the same tone he’d used right before knocking you out and abducting you. Despite the disgusting aftertaste in your mouth, you swallowed in fear. Maintaining eye contact, you tried to pull your arms out of Dwayne’s hold, but his grip was like iron. Your breathing became shaky as David took a step forward.
“Pull something like that again, or resist in any way, and I’ll have Dwayne snap your arms like fucking twigs.” David’s gaze went to the brunet’s behind you. “Maybe do one, just to teach them a lesson.”
To your surprise, Dwayne, who’s usually the peacemaker of the group, adjusted one of his hands right around your elbow, ready to follow through with David’s request. Your eyes became the size of dinner plates and you instinctively shrieked in fear.
“Or…” David seemed to completely ignore your cries, and Dwayne halted his actions. “We can REALLY make sure you never leave.” David reached into the pocket of his trench coat and pulled out the switchblade you’d bought before getting on the train. “(Y/n), did you know the Achilles tendon is a very important part of the body? It’s a big part in helping you do things like walk, run, all sorts of stuff.” Your heartbeat was pounding in your ears as he dragged the flat of the blade against your cheek. “Would be a shame if it were slashed… It sounds like it would be dreadfully painful to experience. Excruciating, even.”
He still maintained that calm voice, despite his words, chilling you to the bone. Despite trembling from head to toe, you held your ground.
“I’ll give you one last chance.” David said. “Fight back, and I won’t hesitate to slit your Achillies tendons. Both of them.” Your nostrils flared as you exhaled. “Will you comply?” With an internal sigh of defeat, you nodded.
With that, the two blondes closed in on either side of you, all four of them standing around you. David gripped your chin and tilted your head up, pouring the blood down your throat. It took everything in you not to cry again. You didn’t want your fear to show. Paul must’ve read your mind, and he brought his hand up to run through your hair as you drank.
At last, David pulled the bottle away, and before you could spit out the blood, he clamped a hand over your nose to ensure that you swallowed. The rest of the guys cheered quietly. David let your nose go and caressed your cheek.
“You’re nearly there.” He said. “After your first kill, you’ll fully be one of us.”
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jealous? (smut) part 1
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Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 (part 2 and 3 are on my wattpad @willpoulterswife)
word count: 1.2k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fluff, eventual smut
*beep beep beep* your alarm went off at 8:30 am. needing time to get ready, you sighed as you got up to start the morning. it would be your first day working as an intern for a game-developing company named Tuckersoft. being pretty new to this area as you had just moved, your place was in good condition. wanting to make a good first impression, you took a shower, did your hair and changed into a nice outfit, and applied light makeup. feeling good, you walk out of your apartment, turning up the music in your earbuds, only to see a blonde man, no older than 25, fidgeting with the door handle that presumably led to his apartment. thinking nothing of it, you head into the lift and out of the building. the crisp and semi-cold air hit you as you stepped outside, being glad it wasn't hot otherwise you might've melted. conveniently, the office you would be working at was only a few blocks down, so you could walk to it. "This it it." you whisper to yourself. taking out your earbuds and slightly fixing up your hair.
when you walk in you are greeted by Mr.Thakur, your boss. you two had spoken before when he was doing your interview to see if you were fit for the position. (good thing you were) "Hello y/n, it's a pleasure to see you again! Please, come into my office." together you discussed the workload for today which, to your disappointment, was only sorting through papers. while in your head you thought it was a little dumb, you didn't show it on your face and agreed. "Now follow me," Thakur said, "There are a few people I would like you to meet." he introduced you to almost everyone on the floor since you would be working with some of them often. taking a stop at the last cubicle, he said "And finally we have Colin."
you recognized the man's face from your apartment building, but didn't mention it. you were hesitant to greet him as he looked far in the zone, but Thakur tapped his shoulder and he pulled of his headphones. "Hello, I'm y/n." you said, giving a warm and gentle smile. you see it in his face that the man seemed to have remember you as well, saying "I'm Colin, yeah?" shaking your handing and then pushing his glasses up. "Ah no need to be cold Colin. Come on, show her what you've been working on!" Thakur said cheerfully. he's told you about the boy before, saying how he was his star employee. you took his word for it, but were still interested in him. the blonde started up the game and said "This is my latest, it's called Nohzdyve." playing a little through the game, there seemed to have been a glitch. "Buffer error." you quietly blurted out, but just enough for them to hear and they both look at you. awkwardly, you try to revive yourself in the situation "The sprites have overrun the video game memory..." your cheeks turning to light pink. "How did you know that?" Colin asks. Then, Thakur turns to Colin giving him a hearty pat on the back "Looks like you've got some company" he states, chuckling afterwards. "Anyways, you two will be working together. For now, y/n will be helping sort your papers and may be able to help you out if you get stuck on something, have fun." he places some of Colin's papers onto your desk and grins, walking away. you turn to look at Colin and after a few seconds he looks back at you saying, "Well, let's start."
as you were working together, you and Colin seemed to get along naturally, without having to force anything. (almost as if you two had met before...) being Colin's temporary assistant is not what you had in mind, but you didn't mind it at all. the conversations between you two were effortless and it seemed like you were both interested in the other. the two of you enjoyed each other's presence. actually, you found him quite handsome and the way he focused while coding games made you focus on him and not the papers. "Y/N," Colin said, snapping you out of your bubble. "It's lunch break, wanna grab a drink?" you nod your head and stand up, flustered that he caught you staring. honestly, you didn't even have an appetite, you just wanted to be around him. he felt the same way.
walking through the small city, talking about anything and everything. you were glad you had him as a colleague. both of you find a coffee shop not far away from the office building. Colin greets the barista, "I'll have a (idfk any drinks be fr). What do you want love?" he says, turning to you. "I," you take a second to think "I'll get the (insert ur drink here) please." grabbing your card out of the wallet, you tap him on the shoulder and attempt to give it to him. he pushes the card away with his finger, "It's alright, pretty girls don't pay." Colin says while taking his card out. you thank him for being so polite and a rose color appears on your face again. he smirks and takes the two coffees, handing one to you. a bench outside attracts your attention and you sit down and pat the spot beside you. Colin starts the conversation,
"So what made you choose here? We live in the same apartment and I've never seen you before, meaning you're new." this definitely meant he saw you walk out. you respond with, "We'll I've heard of Tuckersoft and happened to like video games, and coding." he quips back, "You like coding? I could've sworn you like sorting papers." you found it really funny and started to laughed. being a more serious type of guy, Colin rarely laughs, but your laugh made him laugh, and he found that cute. "No, you're right, I really like being your personal assistant." coming out more flirtatious than you intended it to be, he returned the gesture "Oh yeah? Prove it to me darling."
more weeks go by since that interaction and your "friendship" grew. Thakur had gotten rid of the "papers" job and had put you and Colin to work on games together. being put next to him almost all day, staying up late with him, making flirty remarks towards one another, you would be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on him. Colin gestures for you to come over to him. "What's up Col?"
"Can't seem to find the mistake here, could you help?" you reply with a small mhm. wanting there to be more between you, and feeling bold today, you sit right on his lap. Colin's eyebrows raise but he would be lying if he said he hated it, because he loved it. unconsciously, you move a little bit and it makes Colin's breath hitch slightly, biting his lip a bit. he takes both hands and places them on your hips, making sure you're stable. you fix his error within a couple of minutes, "All done." you say innocently, getting up, making sure to move a little more, and returning to your side of the desk.
this full story is on my wattpad!!! <3 (link on blog)
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dsireland86 · 8 months
The Best Kind of Danger: Chapter 2
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Tag list: @bngurngheart, @blackveilomens, @myownthoughts12, @vinyardmauro, @iknownothingpeople, @lilylovesdew
She had to tell him. He had to know. She didn't want to take any more chances of losing him. Tonight, she faced the reality of the world around her; the reality that his heart wasn't hers. She was terrified to lose him, yet scared to tell him the truth, but thinking about life without him made her want to cry. She never imagined that a man she'd met only a year ago could make her feel this way and become her world, her happiness, her safety; become her everything, and the idea of never being with him because she was too afraid of rejection hurt her deeply. He looked at her the second the tear slipped down her cheek. She casually brushed it away, never knowing he was watching her. 
"I don't do pools, I don't do oceans, I don't do anything that requires me getting into a swimsuit. I just don't like them."
Cassie followed Folio inside the lodge with Jolly close behind her. Ever since Matt told everyone that the lodge they were staying in had a hot tub Jolly made it his mission to convince Cassie of the many reasons why she needed to pull out her swimsuit, the one she told him she didn't have, and get in it.
Folio knew how Cassie got when feeling pressured and it always brought out his protective nature for her. He felt the need to defend her or stick up for her even though he knew she could do it on her own. Cassie never argued or told him to stop either, which only encouraged him
He was trying to be on good behavior and not snap, but Jolly's persistent attitude was starting to piss him off. He was exhausted from the show; still in the same sweaty clothes and sore. From the severe pain running from his bicep and up the side of his neck, Folio figured he pulled a muscle somewhere. 
"Fuck dude, why are you riding her case about it? Just fucking let it go. If she doesn't like them, then she doesn't like them," he barked
"What? Pools, hot tubs, or swimsuits?" Jolly teased, forcing Folio to suddenly stop and turn around. Cassie ran right into him, her face smashing against the bag strap across Nicks's chest. 
"Ouch, holy shit," Cassie yelled, grabbing her nose.
"Oh my god, Cassie, I'm so sorry! Fuck, I didn't mean to," quickly offering her assistance. 
"What the hell! Why'd you stop like that?" brushing his hand away.
"I was turning around to look at Jolly, and I just," stifling a laugh that faded the second he saw the discomfort on her face. 
The way she was rubbing her nose and her eyes welled up with tears hurt his heart. Nick pulled her closer, cupping her face to examine it. 
"I'm sorry," he said gently, giving her a half smile. 
Cassie smiled back, placing her hands over his.
"It's okay. It just hurt, really bad, that's all," shrugging her shoulders.
The scent of him made Cassie's knees weak. He smelled like his deodorant, incense, and sweat; he smelled like Nick and damn she loved that smell.
Folio caressed her cheeks with his thumbs, taking the opportunity to relish the feeling of her skin. It was always so soft and he loved having his hands on it; on her.
"I think the universe is trying to tell you something," Jolly chuckled, moving around the two of them to get by. 
"What that me hurting Cassie saved your ass?" Folio scowled, slapping him in the back as he walked by.
"Just get in the fucking hot tub!" Jolly yelled, walking away.
Folio rolled his eyes.
"You sure you're okay?" focusing his attention on Cassie, who, by now was fixing her hair and readjusting the bag over her shoulder. She was still in his hoodie, making him wonder if he'd get it back. To be honest he didn't care if he didn't. It looked better on her anyway.
Cassie nodded. "I'm fine." To reassure him, she gave his bicep, the same one that was hurting, a slight squeeze, and his face scrunched in pain. 
"Oh, sorry! What's wrong," a worried look washing over her face.
"I don't know, it just hurts. Pain's running up the side of my neck too," he said, dragging his finger up and down to show where it was hurting. Cassie didn't waste a second before dropping her bag and laying her hands on his neck after removing his back from around him. The delicate touch of her cool fingers moved smoothly over his skin, massaging over his newest tattoo of Jesus. 
"You probably pulled a muscle with all that crazy arm throwing you do when you play. You're a crazy animal, Nick." peering up at him through her lashes.
"Yeah, but you like me that way and you know it." His eyes were glued to her, watching her face as she worked her magic on him. 
Cassie paused for a moment before a warm smile rushed over her lips, sending his heart racing. "Yes, I do; very much."
A strong, vast heat surrounded his length, the throbbing quickly making him uncomfortable in his briefs. She was turning him on so badly and with the release of the pressure and pain that came as she rubbed the nerves and muscles, working out every tensed knot that had formed from weeks of overwork made him light-headed, and dizzy. For a brief moment, the vision of her in only his hoodie returned, cascading over his mind like a welcoming rainstorm on a hot summer night, and along with the images of him finding his release within her walls, it stimulated his hardness even more.   
"You crushed it tonight, though."
"Did I?" trying to ignore the butterfly feeling running like a racehorse through his body.
"You don't think so," she asked, her voice low and alluring. She worked out a remaining knot right below his shoulder blade.
"Do you always believe me when I say you're fucking hot?" turning his head slightly to look over at her. His jaw was clenched, showing off his well-defined jawbone. Cassie paused and leaned into Nick's back, resting her chin on his cool bare skin and wrapping her hands around his shoulders. She wanted to fall into him, absorb every bit of him into her body. 
"No, I don't." 
"Well, then see, I don't always think I did so great. I messed up a lot tonight." 
The tension that was quickly developing around them was unusual, but not unwelcome.
Cassie continued working her fingers up and down Folio's neck, pushing away his silver chain with the trout on the end of it so she could have easier access to his body. A soft, hard groan that only came out when something penetrated him in ecstasy, escaped his throat as she moved her hands down to his bicep.
Cassie's skin prickled and she suddenly ached between her thighs for Folio. What little of him she had in her hands stimulated her sex, bringing her to the point of silently begging him for release. Even though Nick didn't notice, at first, how easily he set her body ablaze, the soft whimper that escaped was a sign she wanted more; so much more. Cassie wanted all of him.
Nick heard that whimper and for the first time, ever, he was positive that something incredibly strong was building between the two of them.
"I think you're too hard on yourself, Nick," she indicated.
"You do huh?" 
She nodded.
"Mmmhmm, I do. Sometimes, you don't realize how great you are and what you do to people; what you do to me." Those last words she whispered, he heard them, and they did the most incredible things to him.
Folio quickly turned and faced her, hoping to see what he was dying to see in her eyes. And he did. 
The eyes that reminded him of deep forests in springtime looked back at him with such tender longing, almost bringing him to the edge of himself. Folio was done for. He no longer wanted to fight the feelings that came every time Cassie was near him, or when she touched him. He was tired of resisting and ignoring the way she made his heart and body feel alive. He wanted to embrace all of it now, to show her, tell her, that the only thing that mattered to him was her heart and that it belonged to him. She had to know that he was completely hers now and he never wanted anything else but her again.
Cassie's breath hitched the moment she saw what she did in Folio's eyes. It seemed like a light had come on and he was seeing her in a whole new way. It gave her hope that maybe he was beginning to understand the things she was trying to say without saying them.
Folio moved in closer to Cassie, sliding his hand across the side of her face and behind her head. Her lips are calling to him, beckoning him to come and get them. 
Cassie licked her lips, anticipating the idea of what Nick was thinking about as he looked at her like she was his last meal. Her heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest the closer he came, and with her hands pressed hard against his shoulders, gripping the flesh and muscle beneath them, she braced herself for the ultimate feeling that was about to hit her.
"Folio! Where the fu... oh shit!" 
Noah yelled from across the lodge, interrupting the most incredible moment between Cassie and Nick. 
Cassie backed away in sudden panic. Folio was after all part of her job, and even though the family atmosphere was a huge factor in it, she was still scared that getting involved romantically would be an issue for Bryan. Plus, she still carried the reality of her secret that hung around her like a sickness; one she feared she'd never get rid of. 
She picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder.
"Cassie, wait," 
"No, I should go find a room or something," she mumbled, scampering away, embarrassed and crying. She sped past Noah, almost knocking into him. 
"What the flying fuck Noah!"
"What? How was I supposed to know you and Cassie were about to have a fucking make-out session?" throwing his hands up in the air only to let them fall back down at his sides.
"We weren't about to make..., you know what, just forget it."
Groaning, Nick ran his hands through his hair, pushing it back out of his face. He snatched up his bag, feeling utterly depressed now over what just happened with Cassie. How was he going to fix this? Was she even going to let him fix this? What started as a fantastic moment turned into a horror show, all because of Noah, and Nick was having a really hard time processing it. 
"What did you want?" standing across from Noah, not even trying to hide how pissed off he was.
"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to get in between. I know how you feel about Cassie," Noah apologized, laying a hand on his friend's shoulder. 
Folio shrugged. "It's fine."
Noah noticed the rigid line of his friend's clenched jaw and knew he was holding back his temper. 
"I fucked up didn't I Folio?"
Nick's mouth was set in a hard line. "Yeah, just a little."
Noah draped his arm around Nick's shoulder.
"Cassie is an awesome girl. I'm sure you two can work this out."
Folio wasn't so sure. 
"Do me a favor and don't mention any of this to anyone. I don't want to embarrass Cassie or make her feel any worse than what she probably already does."
Noah grinned, admiring Nick's consideration.
"You got it, man," patting him on the chest.
The two of them headed to where everyone else was gathered while Cassie hid in the corner of a hallway, mortified and crying.
Chapter 3
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