#Forced Migration
dosesofcommonsense · 1 month
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the-lady-maddy · 5 months
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usauthoritarianism · 2 months
OK So Context
I kind of progressively lost my mind in college. What with the learning about the specifics of what is going on and how it relates to what has happened in the past. -and subsequently took the time to develop a series of presentations about why the US sucks.
Specifically, the interventions in Latin American, just the astoundingly predatory nature of American Capitalism domestically and The Police, like, as a concept.
Fast forward to the Summer of 2022 and I realized that working with an editor and publishing a book is hard and expensive but its measured in thousands not tens of thousands so I committed to doing that at some point in my life with this project, and began working on adapting the presentations with more research and more connections between these different expressions of White Supremacy.
I let the research balloon. There's just so much.
Anyway, the whole social media campaign thing was to distract me from pinning all that down. -and last month one of the members of my subreddit, u/acebush1, self immolated in the time it took to get around to responding to his most recent comment. That made this all very real. The US' support for Israel and it's foundation as a settler colonial state are critically relevant.
Right, so,. Last month someone asked me how to buy the book and that was the thing I had said to myself would mark the transition back to a writing and research focus rather than just research and learning social media.
Site is up. Its an email submission form with a set your own price stripe link.
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rjzimmerman · 2 years
Excerpt from this story from Vice:
The federal government is buying out the mobile home park, located near Greens Bayou, just northeast of Houston’s city limits, and is planning to demolish Génesis and her neighbors’ homes so that water can pool there in order to protect the surrounding communities—some of which are substantially more affluent than the mobile home park—from floods. She has no choice but to leave. This round of buyouts is mandatory, which is unusual, if not unprecedented.
As the climate crisis accelerates, communities across the U.S. will find themselves increasingly unable to live where they currently are. It’s likely that mandatory buyouts, like the one affecting Génesis, will become more common, experts and officials told VICE News.
“I’ve never heard of a mandatory buyout,” said Sam Brody, the director of the Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas at Texas A&M University, Galveston, who studies buyouts in the region. “I wasn’t aware of that taking place or even how it’s possible, particularly in Texas,” a state known for valuing private property rights.
The buyouts are funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. But Génesis, who is undocumented, doesn’t qualify for federal assistance. (VICE News is using a pseudonym to protect her identity.) Though the county has set up a fund specifically to provide assistance to undocumented residents, Génesis worries that she might not qualify for the help she’ll need to find a new home.
She’s been told she’ll receive $31,000 to relocate. That’s not enough for her to find comparable housing in the area, she said.
Houston and Harris County are at an epicenter of the climate crisis: The county stands to lose more than $1.1 billion in property value and nearly 5,500 parcels on more than eight square miles of land to sea level rise by the end of the century, according to a recent report from research nonprofit Climate Central. (That estimate does not take into account the potential property loss due to hurricanes or more intense rainfall, both of which are expected to become more damaging as the planet warms.)
To try to keep residents safe, Harris County has turned to buyouts, and has likely conducted more of them through FEMA than any other county in the U.S.
In this round of mandatory buyouts, 358 homes will be purchased by the county and demolished before August of next year, according to the Department of Community Services. An additional 357 mobile home units will be bought out, along with more than 30 businesses.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Scenes as Residents of St. Vincent and Sydenham Leave New Tank Range," Owen Sound Sun-Times. October 1, 1942. Page 6. --- The northern tips of St. Vincent and Syndenham Townships are today a new Canadian Army tank range. Rolling farm-lands which for years have been devoted to feeding Canadians are now serving another purpose, being used to train men to guard Canadians against the loss of those things they prize more than life itself. All residents of the area have now departed for their new homes. Here are scenes as the evacuation was in full swing. Upper left, Carol Jane McKee, aged 7, and Yvonne McKee, aged 9, 4 sit the steps of the Balaclava school, their books in their arms, as they any well to this school house. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Russell McKee and will reside near Allenford. Top centre is a view of a Sydenham group, helping Mrs. Margaret Eagles pack her belongings into a truck for removal to her new home at Owen Sound. From left to right are Jimmie Lemon, Carewood White, Miss Katherine Lemon, M. Donald Lemon, Mrs. Margaret Eagles and Clifford King. Upper right is scene familiar in the district in the past few weeks, a truck-load of hay. Standing on the hood of the truck is Rae Bumstead, while at the left is the owner of the hay, John Cathrae, who is moving to a farm in Keppel Township. Lower left is sbown one of the warning signs erected along the boundaries of the area. The man on the right Josh Gammon of Hawkestone, Ont., who was directing William Briggs and Geedon Hedekinson of Meaford in the work of erecting barriers across the roadway. Lower right is a picture of S.S. No. 12, St. Vincent, closed because it stands four rods inside the tank area, although eleven of the school's fourteen pupils reside outside the area and will now have to go as far as five miles to St. John's school. Standing is the school door in the picture is George Moire, a member of the school board of S.S. No. 12 - Sun-Tunes Staff Photo
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deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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In 1999, Nigerian asylum seeker Marcus Omofuma killed when Austrian police officers suffocated him with tape on the plane that deported him from Austria.
In 1998, Nigerian asylum seeker Semira Adamu killed in cold blood by Belgian police officers suffocated her with a pillow on the plane that expulsed her from Belgium.
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K.DIALLO @nyesu_wassi
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alewaanewspaper1960 · 4 months
تداعيات اليمين المتطرف والشعبوي بالدول الغربية على ظاهرة الهجرة القسرية
تداعيات اليمين المتطرف والشعبوي بالدول الغربية على ظاهرة الهجرة القسرية   تداعيات اليمين المتطرف والشعبوي بالدول الغربية على ظاهرة الهجرة القسرية الكاتب : بن عياش سمير الملخص: ازدادت أعداد المهاجرين بصفة قسرية نحو الدول الغربية، بسبب الحروب والصراعات المسلحة وعدم الاستقرار، وانتشار الظلم والقهر وغياب الحريات، والمناخ القاسي، وفشل الاتحاد الأوروبي في مواجهة أكبر أزمة نزوح في العالم منذ الحرب…
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amereid1960 · 4 months
تداعيات اليمين المتطرف والشعبوي بالدول الغربية على ظاهرة الهجرة القسرية
تداعيات اليمين المتطرف والشعبوي بالدول الغربية على ظاهرة الهجرة القسرية   تداعيات اليمين المتطرف والشعبوي بالدول الغربية على ظاهرة الهجرة القسرية الكاتب : بن عياش سمير الملخص: ازدادت أعداد المهاجرين بصفة قسرية نحو الدول الغربية، بسبب الحروب والصراعات المسلحة وعدم الاستقرار، وانتشار الظلم والقهر وغياب الحريات، والمناخ القاسي، وفشل الاتحاد الأوروبي في مواجهة أكبر أزمة نزوح في العالم منذ الحرب…
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usadvlottery · 5 months
Embark on a compassionate journey into the heart of the USA Visa Program, where Asylum and Refugee Status serve as beacons of hope for those escaping persecution. Explore the humanitarian facets and legal intricacies of these protective pathways, providing a lifeline to individuals seeking sanctuary on American soil. Uncover the stories of resilience, the rigorous application processes, and the commitment of the United States to offer refuge to those fleeing adversity. Join us in grasping the profound impact of Asylum and Refugee Status, reflecting America's dedication to compassion, justice, and the promise of a fresh start for those in need.
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naipan · 6 months
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worldrefugeeday · 1 year
Displaced People: Global Challenge, Australian Response.
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Join us for a thought-provoking talk by Prof. Peter Shergold AC, chair of Australia for UNHCR and NSW Coordinator General for Settlement. “Displaced People: Global Challenge, Australian Response.”
With his vast expertise in humanitarian affairs and public policy, Prof. Shergold will delve into the pressing issue of displaced individuals worldwide and shed light on Australia’s approach to this global challenge. Through an engaging panel discussion, he will explore the complexities surrounding forced migration, the impact on affected communities, and the Australian response and policy.
We invite you to be part of the conversation.
Date and time            Fri 16 Jun 2023, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Location                     ACT Legislative Assembly              
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gremmlingamer · 10 months
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stardotnet · 8 months
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the universe is just one atom/cell vs. we are the whole universe
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Eight million Europeans are victims of Hitler driven migrations - From News Week Magazine." - from the Owen Sound Sun-Times. October 3, 1942. Page 8.
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mirmirma · 6 months
I think I figured out why "anti-zionism isn't antisemitism" bothers me so much for something I agree with.
Israeli Jews need a place to go. I feel like a lot of the anti-zionists sharing their opinions forget this fact. We can't just say, "You have to leave Israel, but you can't go anywhere else either." That's a recipe for a new Jewish genocide if I've ever heard one.
With the rise in hate for Israel, a part of Jewish history, and the rise in antisemitism in general, a lot of Jews don't feel safe in their neighborhoods. I've heard many talk about making Aliyah, aka moving to Israel, to be safer. Frankly, I don't feel safe. I live down the road from a place that was shot up less than a decade ago, and now antisemitism is rising.
There are anti-zionists trying to shut down Jewish run businesses. If they can't make their living when they live now, where do you think those businesses are gonna go? Many menorah lightings have been canceled. If they can't celebrate their religion safely, where do you think the Jews in those areas are gonna go?
To them, there's only one possible answer: Israel.
This is where zionism comes from. This is why people move to Israel.
If you're anti-zionist, the best thing you can do for Palestine is be kind to your Jewish neighbors. Make them feel safe and welcome. Because if they don't, they'll go someplace where they do feel safe and welcome: Israel.
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jewreallythinkthat · 1 month
Jewish food 😂😂 more like stolen land and food
Girl (gn) I hope you've never eaten a bagel in your entire life, you wouldn't want those nasty Jewish cooties we garnish them all with 🥱
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