#Forgive any mistakes
artemismoorea03 · 11 months
DP x DC: If You Take A Ghost Dog to The Dog Park
Cujo was what Sam called a 'Hound of Hell' and she meant it literally. After Danny became the King of Ghosts at the mature age of 15 and 2 days old, Cujo - his "dog" - became a listed Ghost Zone Hound which had multiple other names which included 'Hell Hound'. With Cujo's new found ability he was able to find Danny wherever he went and get him out of any potentially dangerous situation he found himself, as well as carry out orders given to him by Frostbite, Clockwork, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Elle, Valerie and of course - Danny.
But Cujo was still a dog.
A very excited dog who dragged him all the way to a corner of the Ghost Zone and through a natural portal into an city Danny hadn't visited in person before. Gotham City. Specifically Cujo took him to the Gotham City dog park where he proceeded to try to play with the other dogs in the park.
Most of the dogs seemed hesitant at first until a great dane puppy jogged over and the two started to play together. It was nice to watch considering how little Hell Hounds there were in the Ghost Zone, but on the other hand Danny was in his human form and having a glowing green dog was quickly gaining attention, specifically from the owner of the great dane, a 9-year-old kid with black hair and green eyes.
"What kind of dog is that?" The kid asked.
"Honestly? No idea, he's a rescue." Danny said, shoving his hands in his pockets. "His names Cujo. What's your dogs name?"
"Like the Roman Emperor?" Danny questioned, seeing the surprise on the boys face.
"Exactly. Cujo is the name of a horror movie dog, correct?"
Danny nodded, "Yeah."
"Why is he green?"
Danny shrugged, "Dunno, he came that way." Danny said, then facepalmed when Cujo suddenly took on his huge form and began running through the park with Titus right on his heels.
It wasn't just Titus anymore either.
Suddenly more and more dogs were chasing Cujo through the dogpark as Cujo howled, barked, then turned and bowed occasionally at the other dogs before he finally turned and made a mad dash at Danny.
The kid took a step back as Danny just sighed, bracing himself as Cujo got closer and closer. Then, when he was close enough Danny held out his hand.
"Cujo, stop!"
Cujo slid to a stop, ending up less than three feet from Danny, his tail swishing excitedly.
"Cujo, sit."
Cujo sat down, his tail now thumping on the ground.
"Good. Now, Cujo, shrink."
Cujo popped into his small figure and jumped into Danny's arms as he pet him then looked at the kid and other very concerned and confused people.
"Uh... bye." He said, walking away leaving everybody concerned and confused.
Damian sat at the Bat-Computer curled up slightly as he tried to find information on what he'd seen when Drake walked in. Drake approached, looking at the computer with a tilt of his head.
"Is that a giant green dog?"
"Indeed. It was able to shift size, was glowing, and is seemingly well trained."
"So.. what you're doing research so you can get one of your own?"
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm trying to find the boy was who had it."
"Because the boy whom was with the dog had rings of glowing green around his eyes. Lazarus green specifically. I suspect a Lazarus pit has opened up within the Gotham Limits and that this boy and his dog are playing in it. If a Lazarus Pit has opened within Gotham we must get the boy into custody and get both he and his dog some help, then we must seal the pit."
"What if you can't find them?"
"Then they'll find us. That green dog and Titus enjoyed playing together and dogs thrive on patterns. The dog - Cujo - had fun at the park so it's only a matter of time before they return to it."
"Huh... if you take a dog to the dog park, he'll want to play again."
Damian looked at Drake with a raised brow.
"I was referencing a childrens book about a mouse and a cookie."
"Leave such things for Todd." Damian said simply, looking at the computer again.
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Now creator-chan I saw your blogged on how optimus accidentally purposed to Megatron I got really invested I would like to know if it's possible for you to do other parts cause I really wanna know what happened and why megs accepted the blade😁😍
I was already planning on adding to this concept! The original idea belongs to @brandwhorestarscream and the post that I added to is here.
If you would like additional parts after this one, please send another ask to my inbox! Otherwise I WILL forget because I have too many thoughts.
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Megatron did not consider his relationship with Optimus to be anything more than old rivals turned political allies. The war was over at last, and now their bitter grudges were little more than dust in the wind. Megatron honored that reality and treated Optimus as a diplomat when he came to peace talks. There was no reason to incite war once more when the Prime and his followers were being just as reasonable as he was. Everything was polite and courteous, as was only proper. Starscream had his objections, but most of the Decepticons were tired of war. The time had come for peace, and Megatron would get it for them.
Then of course Optimus Prime, ever the unpredictable mech that he was, came flying out of absolutely nowhere with a gift. When the box was offered to him, Megatron was highly suspicious. However once he opened it and saw the blade offered, every single thought he had was completely derailed.
"Lord Megatron, what in the Unmaker's name were you thinking?!?" Starscream all but screeched from across the table. Thinking back on the situation, he really hadn't been thinking all that hard about his decision. It had been so very... Optimus in an odd way.
Optimus Prime had followed courting protocol perfectly. Now that he had accepted Optimus's proposal, it was obvious that Optimus had been attempting to court him for far longer than he thought. Warframe courting always began with a show of strength, both physical and intellectual. Optimus beat him in battle time and time again, and yet never once did the Prime cut him down. Over and over Optimus matched his intellect with genius plans and strategies, but he never pressed his advantage enough to cripple Megatron and his forces. He had long proven his strength and intelligence. Megatron must have been blind to be unable to see the way Optimus offered mercy and constantly pleaded for peace. It was now quite clearly an attempt to smooth over courting gone wrong.
What a fool he was. Millions of years Optimus tried to get his attention, and Megatron in his anger failed to see it. Their ridiculous war would have had no need to drag on so long if he had simply seen Optimus's intentions for what they were. After all, why would a fellow warframe go so far out of his way to spare Megatron if not because of a desire to court?
"Starscream: Correct. Megatron: Has a plan?" Soundwave chimed in, his visor glinting in that ever knowing way. Megatron felt his processors kick into overdrive as he considered. He couldn't exactly tell his two genius officers that he had taken one look at the blade and promptly found himself all but certain in his decision to accept. That would be weakness embodied. They could never know that he had not meticulously thought out his choice. If he played it right, he could possibly convince them that he hadn't spent most of the peace meeting that cycle staring at Optimus and admiring the frame that he had long sought weaknesses in. Optimus's paint was a very flattering color now that he actually looked-
Frag, he was getting off topic.
"I do, Soundwave." Megatron replied with full confidence as he fiddled with the blade he now held in his lap. It was a work of art. The design was simply perfect. It was no wonder that after four million years, Optimus had gotten fed up and moved courting along through the offering of a weapon.
"Conjunxing the Prime is an excellent way to solidify out peace arrangements. Not to mention, it will give us a greater voice in Autobot social circles." Starscream made a begrudging noise of agreement with his on the spot reasoning. Soundwave was more skeptical, but he nodded and Megatron internally sighed in relief. Optimus had been courting him for millennia and Megatron failed to notice. He may have been a warframe, but he was a mech of class. There was much to be done now that things were right and proper.
Sure, he was not exactly expecting romantic feelings for his former foe to smack him in the face. But who was he to stop it considering Optimus himself proposed? The Prime obviously held a love deeper than Megatron could even comprehend in order to meet him on the battlefield for so long. Megatron would need to make up for lost time, and he would need to do so as soon as possible. Already his Conjunx to be had gone out of his way with his gift and millennia of graciousness.
"Optimus has followed the proper protocols for courting. I shall need to do the same in order to represent the Decepticons properly." Standing up, Megatron rested his servo on the blade. The dagger he had given Optimus was not at all suitable for one who was to become the Conjunx to the Lord of the Decepticons. Telling the press about the proposal was basic courtesy. No, he would need to do much MUCH more to make up for all the effort and devotion Optimus Prime had evidently been offering over the course of the war. How he failed to notice the signs was beyond him, but he would not leave his Conjunx to be alone in his passion any longer. Of course it would take time for him to develop real feelings for his former foe, but he would devote himself to the effort.
Optimus deserved that much at least.
"Soundwave, prepare a residence for my Conjunx to be. I will not allow my betrothed to have anything but the finest. Our reputation depends on it." He added his last statement as an afterthought, his musings already elsewhere as he left the room, Starscream gaping behind him. The dagger he had given Optimus was a promise, but it was not at all worthy of being held by his future Conjunx. The Prime needed something better, something worthy of his station and their future bond.
"Perfect." Megatron grinned and plans began forming. He was going to make things right and prove that Optimus had not given so much of his time and devotion for nothing. Megatron was many things, but a mech without love for tradition? No, he would cling to the old ways just as mightily as his courting partner had. Optimus had set the bar high and Megatron was going to meet it or die trying.
"Welcome Optimus." Megatron bowed as the Prime stepped out from his transport. It had taken a bit of effort on his end to arrange for more peace conferences, but with his and Optimus's betrothal as a viable reason to meet, it had not been impossible.
"Allow me to lead you to your residence." Megatron extended and arm, which the wary and startled Prime hesitantly took as he wrangled with his meager luggage. Megatron internally tisked seeing the measly collection of items Optimus had brought with him. No Conjunx of his would live off war supplies. He was going to get Optimus an actual wardrobe as soon as it was socially acceptable. But first, Megatron had to push the courting process along.
"I hope you will find this acceptable throughout your stay." Gesturing up at the massive structure Soundwave had dutifully selected with Megatron's stamp of approval, he observed Optimus's reaction. The Prime dropped his luggage with a thump and stared up in compete awe at the building. His mask, forever in place, did little to hide the surprise glinting in his optics. Megatron all but puffed up with pride as he noted the reaction. Optimus had proven his strength and wit, now Megatron could return the favor by showing that he could provide. A mighty Conjunx deserved only the best, and Megatron was more than willing to give one building to make his point. It was not nearly enough, the residence was not nearly tall or grand enough, but it would do for now. Once they were Conjunxed, he would have Optimus personally assist in designing their future residence. That way everything would be perfect.
"This is... too much-" Optimus began, his grip on Megatron's arm soft and considerate. Oh how that hurt Megatron's spark. The disbelief in his betrothed's optics would not do at all. He had spent so long fighting for Megatron's attention that he must have been struggling to believe it was being returned. Yet another thing to rectify. Time and devotion would wipe that disbelief away.
"Not at all. You are to be my Conjunx. It is only right I grant you privileges and luxuries worthy of such a title." Again, the Prime stared at him as if he had scraplets crawling out of his audials. Megatron wished he could beat his younger self against a wall. It was so obvious now. How foolish he had been for failing to see the signs. Optimus Prime somehow knew warframe courting better than any Iaconian Megatron ever met.
"If you would join me for energon this evening, I would be honored." Lifting Optimus's servo, he pressed a soft kiss to the knuckle. He could feel the way the Prime froze up, but he smiled as he stood straight again, pressing a gift into his betrothed's servo. It was such a small thing, but Megatron had thrown all his attention into making it as ornamental as possible during the past few cycles.
"A dagger? You already gave me one..." Optimus trailed off as he noted the inscription on the blade.
'Do not unsheathe me without reason. Do not wield me without honor'
Cross regional warframe courting could be hard, but Megatron felt fairly confident in his choice of Iaconian script. Optimus appeared to agree with him considering how light his touch on the weapon was. Megatron internally cheered as he stepped back. Their courting would need to progress more before he could be much more forward. Tradition had to be upheld. Not to mention there were likely cameras watching.
"I will see you soon Prime." He smiled again before turning to walk away, leaving Optimus to enter the towering residence nervously. Plans formulated in his processors as he sauntered toward his personal transport. He would do things right. And Primus help him, he was going to force feelings to form after all the devotion given to him by the one and only Optimus Prime.
"Soundwave, begin planning social functions here in Kaon. My Conjunx to be deserves to see the best of our culture." A ping of acknowledgement returned to him shortly and Megatron grinned with more glee. Optimus was to be in Kaon for at least a few stellar cycles, as per Iaconian courting standards. That gave Megatron plenty of time to make his claim known and begin making up for the courting Optimus had already gone through.
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ashxketchum · 1 year
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hotwaterandmilk · 1 year
You might have answered this in the past, but how did you get into wedding peach? It was my first anime and it holds a really special place in my heart, but I definitely found it accidentally back in the day on YouTube and I'm curious to know how other fans found it :)
Thanks for the question, going to point form due to being unwell.
First time I learned about Wedding Peach was online as a tween just seeing images of a thing that looked like Sailor Moon but wasn't. (A lot of SM pages around this time featured other magical girl anime and noted "rip-offs" like WP). I was intrigued and looked into it, saw everyone hated it, got even more intrigued lol.
First watched the anime via the Cantonese dub on VHS tapes some nice girls let me borrow at school. (Still a massive fan of the Cantonese OP. Ahhh someone shared the MV!!)
Then watched VHS fansubs which I had to import at great expense, loved it of course. Piecing together the mythology based on out of order episodes I could barely comprehend just endeared it to me even more.
Learned more, felt most websites portrayed the series with few facts, decided to make a website in '98 to provide factual info. Yazawa-sensei messaged me and helped me obtain manga volumes I was missing, was extremely kind and patient, still influences me to this day.
Am now old and it still holds a v. special place in my heart & am glad I'm not the only one.
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xyzthoughts · 8 months
Táim ag úsáid Gaelgoer ach nílim i mo chónaí in Eirinn chomh ní eachtraí áitiúil agam.
Cuirim iarratais a comhrá ach níor d'faigh mé aon freagairt.
Ar ais go dtí MyLanguageExchange, measaim
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The reactivation of the Great Forge had kept the Armourer busy, firstly repairing armour in the wake of the battle & then forging more mundane things like agriculture & mining tools. It was after she had finished a batch of these tools that the smallest mandalorian walked into the forge.
‘Din Grogu.’ she said, inclining her head. ‘It is good to see you again.’
Grogu reached into his robes & produced an object well known to her.
The Darksaber. Or at least what was left of it.
Bo Katan had told her of it’s destruction, a thing that seemed almost impossible yet the reality of it sat in front of her. The beskar hilt was bent almost in a U shape & it saddened the Armourer to see such a weapon killed.
Grogu held the saber up, pointing to the Forge.
‘You wish it repaired? I do not know if that is possible.’
‘I told him that too, but he wouldn’t listen.’ came a voice.
‘Din Djarin. I did not think you would be far from your youngling.’
Grogu looked between his father & the Armourer, his ears drooping sadly.
‘Come.’ she said, gently taking the saber from Grogu. ‘Let us see what can be done.’
The Armourer carefully pried the casing apart, wincing as the shattered khyber crystal clattered on the work bench.
‘The crystal is destroyed as is the field energizers but the circuitry is mostly intact.’
‘I have a friend on Tatooine who can help.’ said Din.
‘They have a crystal? Such things are rare.’
‘Perhaps, perhaps not. She can point me in the right direction.’ Din knelt down before his son. ‘I will return soon, help the Armourer.’
Grogu nodded, cooing happily.
The Armourer set to work immediately, she carefully removed the innards of the saber & put them safely in a lock box. Next she had Grogu help in crafting a mould for the casing, directing him to the shape that resembled the old darksaber. The lines of the mould were not as smooth as they could have been but she felt it was important that Grogu leave his mark on the weapon.
The youngling fetched some beskar which was melted in a crucible & poured carefully into the mould.
‘We must wait for the metal to cool.’ she said, putting a lid on the mould. The Armourer drew 2 pictures, one of the mythosaur & the niteowl. ‘Which should we affix to the saber?’
Grogu pointed to the niteowl & then to the hammer that the Armourer wore at her waist.
‘I see. Where shall I place the hammer?’ she asked. A small green finger pointed to the brow of the owl. ‘Very well, it shall be done.’
It took Din Djarin several weeks to return, during which the Armourer showed Grogu the arts of her craft. Realising her tools were too heavy for the youngling, she crafted some that fit his small hands.
Upon the mandalorian’s return, many days were spent mounting the crystal & energisers as well as repairing the circuitry.
‘It is done.’ said the Armourer & placed the saber in Grogu’s hands. ‘Come, let us surprise Lady Bo Katan.’
Bo Katan had made her home near the underground gardens of Mandalore, she was often to be found wandering among the greenery or meditating amongst it’s leaves.
‘Bo Katan. We come to return that which is rightfully yours.’ intoned Din.
Bo looked up, confused.
Grogu stepped forward & using the Force, the saber floated into Bo’s hands.
‘This cannot be. It was destroyed.’ Bo gasped. Her eye caught the sigil forged on the pommel & she smiled, her thumb brushing the small hammer.
The saber burst into life & the humming energy sounded like an old friend to Bo Katan. The reforged blade was black as it always had been but it’s edge glowed a bright blue. Bo bowed her head to the Armourer.
‘Thank you. This is not something that I would think to be returned.’
‘Your thanks are misplaced, Lady Kryze.’ said the Armourer. ‘Din Grogu insisted this be done.’
Bo smiled & lifted Grogu in her arms.
‘Thank you, little one. My saber is yours, should you have need of it.’
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fireroll · 2 years
Ao3 writers...Am I right?
“I really need to update my Ao3 fics,″ I say, picking up my cup and taking a sip, allowing the water to swirl on my tongue for a few moments before swallowing. “It’s been forever, I’ve been thinking about my AUs every night.”
With a decisive nod and a swift setting down of the cup in my hand, I clicked into the tab where Ao3 seems to always been on. At this point, my brain was swirling with ideas of what to write, as the deep, dark monster of timelines and plots who has been slumbering in the depths of the abyss of my brain, opened an eye. It lifted an arm, slowly, sending a few loudly screaming memories (which I vaguely recall to be important) tumbling out of the boundaries of my mind.
I lifted my own hands and place them onto my keyboard, starting a new chapter.
I stared at the blinking cursor for three minutes.
“I’ll come back to this later.”
I clicked into Tumblr. Or Discord. Or Youtube. Or another person’s fic.
Another day with no updates.
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mizukkay · 1 month
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keith's like, why's this guy mad at me so early in the day
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anna-scribbles · 11 months
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vive la résistance and happy halloween!
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 days
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[right to left]
STILL thinking about drunk chess actually
stupid as hell bonus:
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cwispihae · 8 months
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Some long overdue sillyness ~
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starspilli · 7 months
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now and then
very quick VERY rough very very very self indulgent doodles… i will accept no criticisms on this 🙏
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narsh-poptarts · 7 months
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Long time no FD how we feelin
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
Out of Context Stuff for a Danyal Al Ghul au i haven't posted - Pit Beast Danyal
Damian, 13: Look, Danyal, -- I am so sorry for everything that happened between us in the League, I hope you can forgive me.
Danny, 10 (allegedly): (has been secretly plotting to murder Damian this whole time, is still gonna do it obvs, but is going to make it significantly less painful now)
Danny: I-- of course, older brother. :]
Bruce: what do you have there, Damian?
Danny: (a hulking 10ft pit beast standing beside him, growling idly with ram horns gouging out his eyes and a second set of horns jutting into the air, spines down his back, and a long, spiked tail with an animalistic, skull-like face)
Damian, who smuggled him in (they've made amends): a smoothie, father
Damian: this is my little brother Danyal, i murdered him when he was five. He festered in rage for the last half-a decade, took over a League mountain base in Switzerland, murdered everyone inside and then tried to murder me when I went to investigate with Drake.
Danny: hello!
Damian: we're cool now
Damian: thoughts on resurrection
Danny, (a full ghost): i will succeed in murdering you if you try it
Damian: we'll put a pin in it then
Danny (still instilled with League values): why don't we just murder him??
Damian, on patrol (Danny followed him): we don't murder people, Danyal
Danyal:,,,,are you sick, Dami?? Have you been possessed? Why not!?
(There is raucous laughing through the comms)
Danny, five, pre-death: Dami! :D
Danny, dead, vengeful: Older brother (:
Danny, post-forgiveness: Dami! :]
For some actual context: Danny is fully dead in this au, its a result of the classic DPxDC Demon Twins "death duel" trope but instead of Danny getting revived, he stays fully dead. Danny was five, Damian was seven. His ghost lingered though, and due to the proximity of the pits his ghost steadily absorbed the ambient energy it was letting off. The pits are not corrupted ectoplasm in this au, it's just liquid ecto.
Which means Danny's corruption from an angry and hurt little ghost boy to an unrecognizable monster is from his own doing. It's a result of him stewing in his hurt and anger for years, it physically warped him. He's very powerful. Danny can travel between League Bases but chose a small, out-of-the-way base in the Swiss mountains to fester in and then just. Never Left.
His influence steeped into the very foundations of the building, allowing him to transform and warp the rooms and hallways for his own bidding, Meaning he could turn it into a seemingly unending labyrinth if he so wished to, and block the entrance.
Eventually, blinded (both metaphorically and physically) by his own rage, Danny grew powerful enough to appear physically in the living realm and attacked everyone in the base, slaughtering them all and leaving the base abandoned. He attacks anyone who dares enter -- whether that be other league members, or the unfortunate hiker who stumbled across the base. His conscious is steeped into every nook and cranny of the building, there is nowhere you can hide where he can't find. Nobody leaves without his explicit say so. Nobody ever does.
Him appearing as ten years old before Damian in the skits above is his own physical doing. First it was to prevent Damian from being suspicious of him. Damian initially thought Danny was revived with the pits, he was too busy with his own training afterwards to notice that Danny never showed up again, and when he did notice, he assumed it was because Danny was too ashamed of his loss to face him. He'd always forget to ask about him.
Then it becomes a personal choice to appear as ten. It's how old he would've been had he been alive.
danny forgiving Damian is kinda for an offshoot branch of the main au. Whereas the main au takes the form of a ps4 first person horror game where Damian and Tim are investigating the Base for Plot Reasons. There's no sign of the rumored "monster" living inside until the end, where Danny, who was found inside the Base and has been happily "helping" them look around, manages to persuade Damian into splitting off from Tim in order to "show him something."
This something turns out to be Danny revealing that he never really forgave Damian for that fight, and he reveals through a horrifying transformation, that he was the monster the whole time. Which the game subtly hints at throughout as Danny's strange behavior becomes harder to ignore.
First from his insistence to only refer to Damian as "older brother" (when before the duel he always called him Damian or Dami), to him right off the bat denying the existence of a monster when questioned. ("There's no monster here, older brother. It's just me.") To other various things, like his knowledge of the outside world not matching up to modern times or things going on with the league outside of the base, or what happened to the other league members.
This whole idea was inspired by the song "Scylla" from Epic the Musical, with Danyal being the voice of Scylla as well as Odysseus, while Damian stands as Eurylochus. The instrumentals after Scylla says "hello" is him turning into the pit beast, and Scylla's "drown in your sorrow and fears" part is danny, as the pit beast, snarling at Damian while he attacks him.
There's a Good Ending, a Bad Ending, and a True Ending. The Bad Ending results in Damian being killed by Danny, it happens when Damian decides not to question or suspect Danny and treats him kindly. The Bad Ending is a cutscene, where Danny kills Damian quick and painlessly.
Meanwhile the Good Ending is Damian killing Danny. This is a boss fight, and it happens when Damian treats Danny coldly and suspiciously the whole time. Danny as a result, decides to make Damian's death painful as he had planned to, which is why it's a boss fight because it only causes him to double down on his anger.
The True Ending is Damian escapes with Tim. It happens when you treat Danny warmly up until the last minute, where when Danny proposes to Damian that he wants to show him something, Damian goes to talk to Tim and finally, reluctantly agrees that something is off with Danny, and that he'll be careful going in. It starts off with the boss fight until a third through, where it then changes to a cutscene where Tim manages to get the door open and Damian escapes out. It's then a chase scene down a never-ending hallway as the building actively works to keep you trapped inside. But you eventually make it to the exit so long as you avoid all the projectiles and doors.
Remember when I mentioned that Danny only lets people leave when he wants them to? That's where the treating Danny kindly throughout the game comes into play. It causes him to second guess himself and, eventually, reawaken and strengthen the love and admiration he had for Damian prior to his murder. It's why in the Bad Ending he kills Damian quickly -- because by then, he loves him enough that he doesn't want him to suffer, but is still so consumed by his rage and need for vengeance that he kills him anyways. That quiet part is what allows Damian (and Tim) to find the exit, because some part of Danny still loves Damian enough that he wants him to live.
The True Ending ends with a cutscene of Damian and Tim tumbling out into the snow/grass outside of the base. Damian looks up back to the entrance to see Danny standing there. But rather than a ten year old boy, there's a little five year old Danyal Al Ghul instead. He stares at Damian emotionlessly, blood seeping from his chest, staining his clothes, and little, bloody sword in his hands and tearstains on his cheeks, before he turns away and disappears back into the building.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#danyal al ghul au#danny phantom#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#pit beast danny#danyal al ghul#dpxdc au#damian and danny forgiveness route is kinda like a post-true ending idea where damian decides to return to the base and find a way to help#danny.#and also because nobody in that fucking family processes grief in any kind of sane way he is also plotting a way to resurrect his dead#brother with the lazarus pits. he just needs to find where he was buried. and also hopefully get danny's permission. he's gonna do it anywa#but it'll be nicer if danny agrees to it beforehand. that way danny isn't angry with him when he eventually revives him#also if tim dies at any point during the game you have to restart to your last save point. there's not many opportunities for him to becaus#danny is honestly not that interested in him but its still there. some details for the game: danny's pit beast model has the highest#resolution out of everything there. meanwhile his human model has the lowest. he also lacks a shadow and his voice carries a strange echo#that's subtle enough to sound like an accidental audio mistake. his voice gets more warped as the good ending progresses and becomes more#human during both the true and bad ending. it indicates his forgiveness and growing care for damian. while in the good ending he gradually#grows more pissed.#danny has shit eyesight as a result of his eyes being gouged out for years. but since he's literally one with the building he doesn't#need any help walking through it. he can travel it with his eyes closed. if he's anywhere else though he needs to be holding onto something#he also has one eye covered in bandages in his ten year old form because he can't get that eye to heal and look human.
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dragonbonez · 3 months
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Little brother learns to do flower crowns.
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vampiyahs · 5 months
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i find it INCREDIBLY funny that my ref for this is just,, him being lame and fucked the hell up
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