#Franchise Ownership
franchise-guru · 6 months
Franchise Guru™: Your Trusted Partner in Franchise Success
In the dynamic world of franchising, navigating the path to success requires expertise, strategic insights, and unwavering support. Franchise Guru™ emerges as a beacon of guidance, offering comprehensive Franchise and Business Consulting Services to both emerging franchisors and franchisees. This article delves into the multifaceted approach of Franchise Guru™, exploring how it has become the go-to partner for realizing franchise aspirations.
Section 1: The Franchise Landscape and Its Challenges
Franchising presents unique opportunities and challenges, demanding a nuanced understanding of market trends, consumer behavior, and operational intricacies. Franchise Guru™ begins by acknowledging the complexities inherent in the industry, recognizing that success hinges on a delicate balance of strategy, innovation, and adaptability.
Section 2: Franchise Guru™: A Holistic Approach to Franchise Development
Franchise Guru™ sets itself apart through a holistic approach to franchise development. By offering services ranging from strategic planning and market analysis to operational efficiency consulting, the team at Franchise Guru™ ensures that every aspect of the franchising journey is meticulously addressed. This comprehensive approach is designed to empower both franchisors and franchisees with the tools they need to thrive.
Section 3: Tailored Solutions for Emerging Franchisors
For those looking to expand their business through franchising, Franchise Guru™ provides tailored solutions. From developing effective franchise development strategies to optimizing franchise systems and assisting with legal considerations, Franchise Guru™ is committed to paving the way for emerging franchisors to build successful and sustainable franchise networks.
Section 4: Empowering Franchisees for Success
Franchise Guru™ recognizes the pivotal role played by franchisees in the success of any franchise system. Through targeted business advisory solutions, market entry consulting, and ongoing support, Franchise Guru™ empowers franchisees to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship while maximizing the potential for profitability.
Section 5: International Reach and Expertise
With a global presence spanning key locations like Al Huda Building (Dubai), Mumbai (India), and Beirut (Lebanon), Franchise Guru™ brings international expertise to the table. This global perspective is invaluable for businesses aiming to expand their franchises across borders, offering insights into diverse markets and cultural nuances.
Section 6: Success Stories and Testimonials
The true measure of a franchise consulting service's effectiveness lies in the success stories of its clients. Franchise Guru™ takes pride in the achievements of the franchisors and franchisees it has supported. Through testimonials and case studies, this section highlights real-world examples of businesses that have thrived under the guidance of Franchise Guru™.
In the ever-evolving landscape of franchising, having a trusted partner like Franchise Guru™ can make all the difference. From strategic planning to operational execution, Franchise Guru™ stands as a beacon of support for those aspiring to achieve franchise success. With a commitment to excellence and a proven track record, Franchise Guru™ invites both emerging franchisors and franchisees to embark on a journey of growth, innovation, and lasting success.
For more information or to explore how Franchise Guru™ can support your franchise goals, contact us today. Your success is our mission.
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ifindtaxpro · 7 months
🏪💡 Discover the essentials of franchise ownership and taxes! Learn about royalties, fees, deductions, and compliance for franchisees. Navigate the complex tax landscape like a pro! #FranchiseTaxes #TaxCompliance
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nationallawreview · 1 year
Multi-Club Ownership - For the Good of the Game?
Alongside the rise of investment from sovereign wealth and private equity funds, sport has also seen an increase in multi-club/franchise ownership groups. These groups, often spanning across different sports, leagues, countries, and continents, allow investors to diversify their portfolios and spread their risks. However, in football, the rise of the Multi-Club Ownership (MCOs) model poses a…
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trickstercaptain · 2 years
you can all blame @lighthouseborn for me actually posting this headcanon but it takes about a month after he’s branded for the brand to stop causing Jack daily physical pain. it takes about the same amount of time for Jack to be able to look at it without feeling physically sick at the sight
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minnesota fans pissing me off i’m suiting up as a full time karl anthony towns defender
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kajmasterclass · 5 months
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violottie · 3 months
McDonald’s has said it will buy its 30-year-old #Israel franchise from Alonyal, taking back ownership of 225 outlets that employ more than 5,000 people." from Al Jazeera English, 05/Apr/2024:
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txttletale · 7 months
I know copyright and intellectual property is bullshit, but how do I tell that to someone who's convinced that it protects small artists?
tell them about bill mantlo, creator of rocket racoon, whose brother has to start gofundmes to pay his medical bills while marvel makes millions off that character's merch. or to gary friedrich, creator of ghost rider, who sued marvel for using the character at a point where it should have returned to him, lost, and was then counter-sued for selling merch including sketches for fans at conventions. or alan moore, who vowed to never work with DC again after he was screwed out of owning watchmen. or the archetypal examples of this phenomenon, jack kirby (co-creator of iron man, captain america, ant-man, the hulk, and a fuckton more characters) who of course was also screwed out of any ownership, or jerry siegel and joe shuster, who spent decades fighting over the copyright to superman, a character they created and sold for $130 as desperate struggling artists and who then went on to make millions for DC comics.
or if they're not a comics fan, why not talk to them about robert kurvitz, head writer of disco elysium, who through an extremely suspect purchase lost the rights to the world of elysium, representing his life's creative work. or to hideo kojima, who was forced out of konami, keeping absolutely no rights to his iconic metal gear franchise, and had his demo for Silent Hills made into fucking vaporware that nobody can download anymore!
or about the time that disney used threats of legal action to put a stop to such nefarious infringement of their copright as 'being painted on the walls of a daycare' or 'being put on a child's gravestone'.
the thing about copyright is that it has to be enforced in court. a 'small artist' -- even ones who are independently successful and considerably wealthy -- can simply not afford to fight a protracted legal battle while paying top legal talent. disney and marvel and any other big media company, however, can fight as many legal battles as they want for as long and have the legal fees be a drop in the bucket. companies that can afford lawyers and can afford to, if it really comes down to it, lose a lawsuit -- that is, companies with millions of dollars to spare -- are simply above copyright law. this is not a bug--this is a feature. this is the system working as designed.
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actioncoachireland · 2 years
For business owners who want business expansion and achieve maximum impact in the marketplace, franchising can be a smart move Here are 3 reasons of seeking a franchise business.
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goaliekisses · 1 year
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oh 🥺
and flower was there too:
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The Pittsburgh Penguins are supposed to be home with their families now, getting some rest following a 10-day road trip, preparing for the Canucks at PPG Paints Arena on Tuesday.
They are not.
Instead, they traveled through the middle of the night to Montreal, arriving at 4 a.m. Then, they slept for a brief period of time before attending the funeral of Claude Fouquet, father of Kris Letang.
While the Penguins were on the Western swing of the road trip that took them through Las Vegas and Phoenix, some of the team’s veterans came together with the coaching staff to discuss a mutual desire to attend Fouquet’s funeral in Quebec.
Mike Sullivan was not only on board with the plan but was one of the people who spearheaded the decision.
The Penguins were then set to return home later today, where they won’t have much time to prepare for Tuesday’s game.
But then, for this group, taking care of teammates is more important than obtaining a certain amount of rest before a game.
This is a particularly vivid illustration of how much Letang means to everyone on this team.
“Such a good kid,” former general manager Jim Rutherford said. “He really is. Life seems to hit him harder than most. But he’s tough. He’ll be OK.”
In case Letang needed their support, his teammates made the decision to sacrifice time with their families to be with him in Montreal.
It wasn’t an easy logistical matter for the organization. A high-ranking member of the Penguins’ front office had to fly to Phoenix on Sunday with a box of necessities: the Penguins’ passports. Their road trip had taken them to Boston, Las Vegas and Phoenix. To enter Canada, however, passports are required.
So, with the documents in hand following Sunday’s game, the Penguins ultimately made the decision to attend the funeral. It wasn’t a choice that came lightly. The Penguins had to consider that funerals are private, emotionally charged experiences. They wanted to be there, yes, but they also wanted to respect the privacy of Letang and his family.
Letang has been teammates with Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin since 2006. For 17 years, these three players have been the foundation of the mighty Penguins and, along the way, it’s become clear the friendship these three share is even more powerful than the on-ice magic they still regularly showcase.
They are best friends. When Crosby was honored for playing in 1,000 career NHL games a couple of years back, he remained composed during the ceremony.
Then, the faces of Letang and Malkin flashed on the scoreboard, with each delivering a message. Suddenly, the tears flowed from Crosby’s face.
These are franchise icons, the three players most responsible for a magical time in Pittsburgh sports history. Along the way, they’ve become so close that the idea of playing for any other franchise last summer suddenly seemed absurd. They were brothers for life, on and off the ice.
There were tears in Montreal today, too.
But I’d bet, in what is a horribly sad day for Letang and his family, that the defenseman who has been through so much this season felt a little better, a little more supported, a little more loved and a little more at ease knowing Crosby and Malkin — along with 20 other teammates — were on hand.
Good for the Penguins. Good for ownership for handling the finances of this move. Good for Sullivan and his staff for putting the love of a teammate before previous plans. Good for the players who pushed to be there for their brother.
Good for Letang, too. He lives his life the right way, which is why he is so beloved in that locker room. He lost a member of his family that he loved, and that is a terribly difficult thing to overcome.
But he was surrounded by family in Montreal on Monday. A couple dozen weren’t blood relatives, but are family nonetheless.
from the athletic
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lady-raziel · 2 months
'canon isn't real' the thing is though that it literally is? I get what you're saying but like. it's still real.
I think what the critical underpinning of what I mean by “canon isn’t real” specifically in the case of Fallout is that it’s not inherently a clean cut case like some other media franchises. In cases where a particular universe has one main creator who has retained and exercised creative ownership over the story, it’s much easier to say “this is what the facts of the story are based on what is explicitly depicted in writing/on screen/etc. and ‘word of god’ additions by the author if you decide to count that.” The more people that are involved in creatively contributing to a story, the more difficult this gets. It becomes SIGNIFICANTLY more complicated if a franchise changes hands and later contributors decide to pick and choose what THEY believe to be the established events of the universe. In these cases, who do you choose to trust as the decisive source of what “canon” is? Is it the original creator above all others, or only the current owner of the property? What happens if the property changes hands multiple times and none of the owners agree on what installments are the “real” ones? What happens if the franchise changes creative control again and they decide something entirely different—are fans to simply take their word for it even if it means the additions to the universe that caused them to fall in love with it in the first place are disregarded?
In the end, all these questions apply to the Fallout franchise in both the past and going forward. I think, for me, it’s a problem of who can and should decide what matters to a story universe—the individual fans who invest their attention to a property, or whomever has a legal document that says they own the copyright (especially if it is not the original creator). This is even more important for interactive entertainment where there is no one set ending or way of completing the elements of the story in the exact same way as someone else.
In the post that this ask is referring to, the main point that I wanted to get across is that you shouldn’t let whoever is, on paper, “in charge” of the story determine why YOU like it. If not strictly viewing events through the lens that the current owner of the property says is the correct interpretation brings you enhanced enjoyment of the story, then THAT is more important.
To sum up, I would ask you to consider who’s word you’re trusting on what is canon and why, with the knowledge that there are many conflicting opinions and that what is canon now could almost certainly change in the future.
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cipheramnesia · 2 months
I have noticed a tendency in genre fans to say things like "I wish this genre wasn't like [X], I wish it had [Y]," when what they are observing is more like "I wish this single very popular mass media franchise was different." In many cases, less well known stories or movies or even television series exist which have the sort of content or characters or representation genre fans feel they are missing in the larger and better represented franchises.
What I believe is most people who ask why something they want is lacking in a genre, when it's only a single media property, are aware of other media that has what they want. I would suggest if it's one specific or a few specific series or novels or movies, it will make for a better discussion to ask why these very large franchises under corporate ownership can make their fandoms feel as if they're either missing something that had made the franchise unique, or that it lacks some element they want to see represented.
I suggest this because taking an approach that examines what it is about massive media franchises or series owned by and run for business purposes could be more productive when understanding what is missing, what feels different and, importantly, acknowledging and discovering a variety of lesser known media that might just be ready to find an audience. Because what I'm noticing is many fandom gripes about genres are not necessarily about the genre itself as much as they are about only a few massive socially constructed risk averse and progress averse mass media conglomerates deciding what is permitted in wide distribution.
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flowerbloom-arts · 7 months
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When Moomin's tail was balding and doctors couldn't be of any help, Moominmamma goes out of her way to cure her son herself. His tail successfully grows back - but now the tuft is gold! Because of this, Moomin becomes a sensation across the world, but is fame always a blessing?
Honestly, I think a movie based on Moomin and the Golden Tail would be a very interesting thing to make, especially as a response to the declining capitalist economy and the flanderization of the Moomins' image. All the Janssons who've had their hand in the brand have admitted to Moomin being a sort of curse - the stress of managing such a large brand and also creating content out of it... It's known how rough it was for each of them. And Tove projected that stress onto her Moomintroll in Moomin and the Golden Tail.
3 of the major changes I would make would probably be
1. Moominpappa's arc is expanded upon beyond his troubles with Wimsy and the gentrification of his house - he'd try to ride the coattails of his son's fame and finally sell his Memoirs to a large audience, only to get... Not negative responses but responses that bruise him right in the ego.
2. Sniff would be a Lars stand-in rather than a greedy company stand-in. Stinky is already there to fill that role, and Sniff was very much flanderized in later Tove comics much to my chagrin, so I would like to have his role as an adoptive brother be expanded upon as he tries to help Moomintroll in his tail ownership/maintenance/business.
3. The golden tail gets passed onto Sniff. The comic ends with a classic "the crowd moves onto The Next Big Thing immediately after the main character quits" trope and while it's fine for a semi-episodic comic strip, for a movie that would lean into more of Tove's struggles with the franchise I think it would be more hard-hitting and truthful to subvert that trope and be honest about the franchise's ongoing relevance and how the comic ended up in Lars' hands after Tove happily quit and left the comic strip to him.
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ariadne-mouse · 4 months
Of all the topics to come up with the Ruidian locals I was not expecting Bells Hells to start pitching franchise ownership
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tamelee · 15 days
First of all, hi, how have you been? :)
So there is this Sasusaku account on Twitter who loves to use novels to defend their ship. I know, nothing new.
But this person recently made a thread to debunk the idea that novels are not canon, and their thesis was that every work published by Shueisha is canon because they have ownership of Naruto; therefore, saying the novels are not canon is the same as saying the Naruto manga isn't canon either (according to them).
I know you have talked about this before, so I apologize if this ask comes off as repetitive and/or annoying, but I was just interested in knowing your opinion since you know more about these topics, so feel free to ignore this ask if you want to!
Have a nice day ^^
Hi! Doing alright thank you ^^! 
“every work published by Shueisha is canon because they have ownership of Naruto; therefore, saying the novels are not canon is the same as saying the Naruto manga isn't canon either”
Oh yes, of course. 
Which means that aside from the novels that retcon the original, the… 
Random, OOC storylines in games 
Third-party interpretations, subjectively written data-books or fan-books
Merch, promotional art and other marketing material 
Filler episodes/Movies
Dash generation Manga or whatever 
Sasuke- and Lee’s chibi-adventures Manga
...are also all canon.
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Because "Shueisha published it".
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Please make it make sense.
“But this person recently made a thread to debunk the idea that novels are not canon, and their thesis was that every work published by Shueisha is canon because they have ownership of Naruto; therefore, saying the novels are not canon is the same as saying the Naruto manga isn't canon either ”
This is an incredibly flawed argument, because it’s already a non-negotiable fact that the Naruto Manga is canon. It just is. No question about it whatsoever.  
The Naruto Manga is the authoritative framework that is the source material. This holds things like the rules, core elements of the story like: characters, themes, messages, the author’s intent etc- And fundamental canon holds the most significance of all within a franchise and provides consistency to the fictional universe in case publishing companies decide to expand on it.. 
By nature its intent is to reflect the original author’s vision; the Naruto Manga = Kishimoto’s vision. 
And everything that doesn’t align with it is simply not canon. 
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Therefore the only thing left to argue about is whether legal “ownership” by itself can determine whether something is canon or not. But that isn’t how you measure it alone because it ignores actual canon. I mean yeah, who would’ve thought you’d have to look at canon in order to determine whether something is canon??? 🤯 Wild, huh?
So no: you can’t and that’s not how it works.  
Everything Shueisha decides or publishes through their distributors is official. 
It is official because they are copyright-holders and own the intellectual property (IP) at large which has many different aspects to it. They do own most of them in order to manage it all.
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But not everything that is official is canon.
These are two entirely different things.
In fact, the only thing they themselves consider to truly be part of the ‘official’ timeline (which would establish ‘canon’ if it wasn’t such a retcon either) on the official site is Brt. It’s technically canon because chapter 700 exists, though it still makes no sense as it doesn’t stack up against the other 699 chapters and it still means nothing in terms of actual storytelling. Alas:
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And even if they did claim ‘canon’, it’s only as significant as the source makes it out to be. Not the amount of profit they can make because they are legally allowed to exploit the work as much as possible through distributions, adaptations, translations, trademarks at JPO and handing out licenses left and right to third-party organizations (‘Namco Bandai’ for example) which then get their own rights or having entire licensing devisions handle individual IP regarding characters (yes your little blorbo is intellectual property) who manage it in terms of advertisements, marketing/promotion and merchandising (think about these pop-up shops), like: ShoPro
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*Shueisha used to be owned by Shogakukan if I’m not mistaken and then separated at some point
It’s a business. And an insanely large one at that. They own so much more than you’d think, it’s a HUGE company (2nd largest publisher in Japan I believe) that doesn’t only own multiple magazines like Shonen Jump and its Manga, they also published the ‘weekly playboy’ and publishes things like many (light/erotic/graphic) novels and nsfw picture-books/manga etc. They will do anything as a business to make sure to profit commercially as is legally permitted within the established contract that varies per published IP and which they’re incredibly tight-lipped about. 
In the case of Naruto’s franchise, information that came after the Manga constantly contradicts not just actual canon, but also each other. Contradictions can’t all be canon or equally as significant at the same time because it needs a source— which we have; the Naruto Manga. It’s what holds the most significance.
That’s how you measure whether something is actually canon or not. 
“… therefore, saying the novels are not canon is the same as saying the Naruto manga isn't canon either”
Besides, if this was true, then canon wouldn’t even exist. Jfc. 
And yes, you can expand on canon like I said. That’s the whole point. It indicates a framework that allows publishing companies to stay consistent and keep their audience happy if they care to do so. But consistency in story or consistency in business doesn’t mean the same thing because it's motivated by two entirely different motives. The willingness to sacrifice artistic work and its audience in order to profit from it financially literally kills creativity in the industry as well as opportunities and it gives them way too much power. The stuff that’s coming out lately is garbage and it’s mostly thanks to people pointing fingers at someone random with their eyes closed, unconcerned about the consequences, and grant them and the business the authority to decide whatever the hell they want about things that already exist— and it never improves. (I’m always free to rant more about it but yk.) 
Like the person you’ve quoted, the motive isn’t to actually convince people that their terrible novels are canon, it’s that canon should give a ship in this case some significance when there wasn’t in the first place. To "fix" something that didn't need any fixing. It has nothing to do with the actual story. 
But canon does because it just is.
Oh! you have a nice day too🌷 I apologize for the rants ><
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lazysublimeengineer · 3 months
you're no good for me but baby, i want you, i want
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Summary: Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Characters: Itoshi Rin, Nanase Nijiro, Isagi Yoichi, Hiori Yo & Tokimitsu Aoshi
(A/N: Please be mindful of the tags and warnings beforehand. Unnecessary comments will not be tolerated as enough warnings were provided beforehand. Some scenes are excerpts from the latest chapters of the manga hence spoilers tag is in there. Proceed at your own risk. Inspired by the song, “Diet Mountain Dew” by Lana Del Rey. I own nothing from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura for this wonderful manga and Lana Del Rey for this beautiful song.)
You're no good for me Baby, you're no good for me You're no good for me But baby, I want you, I want
Tears of pleasure pooled around Nanase’s eyes as the wide girth of Rin’s cock continued ramming inside his quivering walls in avid ferocity and lust.
“Ngh... Ah...! S-slow d-down R-rin...!” Nanase moaned out lecherously as he struggled to keep up with the ferocious pace and movements of the younger Itoshi who seemed to have a long-standing stamina when it comes to sex.
Rin was more vicious and rougher than usual, fucking him harder than what it used to be for them.
He can see the way his eyes darkened, his teal irises swirled with unbidden lust and something else entirely...
Was it frustration?
He couldn’t be so sure.
But it wasn’t part of Nanase to be asking him things like that.
They’ve already crossed the boundaries between their mentor and mentee relationship, but he didn’t know what they were now currently.
No. That's not quite right.
Not the correct term either.
Friends didn’t even do this kind of thing.
They weren’t even friends to begin with.
He was just a straitlaced country boy who lucked himself out to be Rin’s student and now his own property to put him to his own use.
“What? Is your stamina that shit that you couldn’t take me that properly? Remember what I told you before about those people who couldn’t keep up with me hmm?” Rin’s cold yet husky voice jolted him out from his spiraling thoughts and brought him back to the present where Rin was leaning down to lick away the sensual tears that streamed down his face.
His mouth almost reached his lips before it slanted away on the crook of his neck where he bit and licked on the sensitive expanse of his skin.
He shouldn’t expect a kiss.
There shouldn’t be in the first place.
It’s the only sacred thing that’s tethering them on the obscured lines of reason and lust. A reminder that a kiss should be only shared between two lovers who were passionately smitten with one another.
And they were not like that at all.
“Sorry Rin... I’ll try harder from now on... Please don’t leave me like this...” Nanase whimpered needily, grinding harder beneath him in response to his rough movements. He wasn’t even sure if it meant about the sex or something else entirely.
“Good boy.” He chuckled darkly as he railed him recklessly on the mattress, letting the flames of lust and desire consume them both into oblivion.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
Nanase couldn’t even say no to him in the first place.
His mind was a mess, and his heart was weak when it came to Rin.
He’d let him use him. Toy with his body. And claimed every inch of his skin possessively.
He knew that there was something wrong, but Nanase was just a foolish bumpkin in front of him.
Rin had taken his firsts in almost everything.
But not his first kiss.
He ignored how his heart twitched excruciatingly at the fact.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City Can we hit it now low down and gritty? Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
In the cold expanse of the bathroom with nothing but only them inside in the ungodly hours of the night that Nanase could pretend.
He could conjure up the vivid images of him and Rin ensconced inside the fragile bubble of their own reality away from the oppressive tension and pressure of the program.
He could pretend that Rin was also his as much as Rin owned his body and soul.
He could pretend that he possessed Rin’s heart just as much as the latter had taken his heart into his own palms.
Because he could pretend that the tears streaming down his face was tears of pleasure of being fucked wildly against the stalls instead of tears of being brought down into a harsh realization that it was an illusion to begin with.
And there wouldn’t be any forever between the two of them to begin with.
Baby, put on heart shaped sunglasses 'Cause we gonna take a ride I'm not gonna listen to what the past says I've been waiting up all night
Rin’s tongue dragged lazily along Nanase’s chest as his hands were planted firmly on his hips to secure him on his lap and let him bounce on his cock like a spinning top.
“I can hear you thinking all the way over here bumpkin.” Rin said throatily as his mouth encircled on one of his sensitive nubs and sucked on it greedily.
“Hhhh... Ah... R-rin... Does it feel g-good f-for you t-too...? A-am I making you feel good...?” Nanase asked in between moans as his cock reached deeper inside of him while he rode him like a professional horse rider.
Rin paused and glared at him heatedly. “You’re a fucking idiot. What do you think huh?” He set the pace punishingly hard which made Nanase quiver and tremble like a leaf on his lap.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! I-I'm s-sorry R-rin! So—.”
His words died on his throat when Rin took him by the nape and brought him down towards his face to capture his lips in a deep yet wild kiss which made his thoughts came into a screeching halt and heart jumped out of his throat.
The soft yet hot sensation of his lips against his own sent his entire being into a frenzied mess and he could do nothing but melt against him, letting Rin take all of him that he was willing to give him.
“Never ask stupid questions like that again got it bumpkin?” He mumbled hotly against his lips.
“Y-yes Rin... I won’t.” He murmured back against his lips as his hands tangled around his damp locks and tugged on his scalp, letting their bodies and union become one that night.
Take another drag turn me to ashes Ready for another lie? Says he's gonna teach me just what fast is Say it's gonna be alright
A deep breath was exhaled from Nanase’s lips as he readied himself for the match today.
Today was the day that he’s gonna put all his efforts and what he learnt from Rin’s training.
A match against BM was not an easy feat to win but if he wanted to make it to the top 23, he needed to make himself useful out there in the field and help Rin in scoring.
As he tried to prepare himself physically and mentally for their match, his gaze caught on to something that made his brows speak in volumes and mouth thinned into a firm line.
“Hey Rin.” Isagi called out to him and stopped right in front of him.
 “Let’s put the title of the “No. 1” on the line and see who’s the strongest once and for all.”
Rin looked down at him. “...No. 1? I don’t give a fuck about that. What I desire the most, Isagi... Is the moment I destroy you.” He replied coldly as he glowered at him.
Nanase looked away from their proximity towards each other.
He couldn’t be distracted now.
He couldn’t.
Even if there were pinpricks of agony raining down on his heart.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
“Rin! I’m here. Use me.” Nanase declared as he tried to catch up to him on the field.
Their gazes locked.
He couldn’t let him down.
He needed to be used.
‘Rin helped discover my hidden talent! If this leads to Rin scoring goals, then I’ll gladly sacrifice myself over and over again!’ Nanase thought in determination as he kept the ball under his heel firmly before he sent it flying towards Rin’s direction perfectly.
For a moment, Nanase was mesmerized at how he easily sidestepped away from Kaiser while keeping the ball under his control, but his eyes grew wide as saucers when he saw that Rin easily took Isagi on the back of his shirt and lifted him like a wet cat when Isagi’s hand was holding into his shirt as well.
“I told you before. You will have a front row seat to witness my ascension to becoming the world’s no. 1 player. Here’s your VIP seat.” Rin snarled at him as he kicked the ball ferociously going into the net before it was surprisingly blocked by Hiori himself.
“Sheesh. Quit the makeout sess ya lovebirds! You prima donnas are all hopelessly predictable. Trying to show up Isagi-kun by purposely drawing him in before taking a shot. If ya wanna score ya might wanna come up with a better script that even I can’t predict. Dumbass!” Hiori smiled mockingly at them.
“Tch.” Rin’s eyes darkened before he let go of Isagi and walked away.
Nanase stood there rooted on the spot, the image of Rin’s expression and manhandling of Isagi replayed inside of him and gnawed at his insides.
‘Focus on the match dumbass.’ His mind chastised him harshly.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City Can we hit it now low down and gritty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
“We were on the same team but... If I’m being honest, I'm not thrilled every time Shidou-kun socres.” Tokimitsu said nervously.
“Yeah.” Nanase sported a grim expression on his face.
“To raise our value and survive beyond the Neo Egoist League we need to do everything we can to help Rin-kun score goals. If we don’t make Rin-kun the hero of the match, we’re screwed!” Tokimitsu added dejectedly.
“Yes. If Rin fails, we fail.” Nanase replied seriously, refusing to listen to any other thoughts inside his head.
Nevertheless, the viscous, green of envy slowly festered inside of him as he watched Rin’s gaze firmly planted on Isagi’s spot.
He waited for a good feeling to come but it never came.
Let's take Jesus off the dashboard Got enough on his mindㅤ We both know just what we're here for Saved too many times
Maybe I like this roller coaster Maybe it keeps me high Maybe the speed it brings me closer I could sparkle up your eye
(A/N: This fic was born out of curiosity and misery blended together. I just want to see some Nanarin angst and porn today so might as well serve it piping hot to the fandom. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)
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