nyikondlovu · 2 years
“Ricky should be single and go to therapy.” What is unloveable about people in therapy that they can’t be in a relationship at the same time? Plus, he was single for 2B and all of S3. We never saw him in a relationship with Lily so y’all can’t count that. Why do people in therapy not deserve love and happiness and relationships to you?
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“Gina’s character was ruined.” and all that’s happened is she’s accepted that S1 her wasn’t a bad person and that ambition, confidence and knowing your worth isn’t a bad thing. She made a choice good for her by breaking up with Elton when he wasn’t giving her what she needed and she made the choice to kiss the boy she’s always liked A MONTH LATER.
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“Ricky is so different this season.” Yeah, it’s called being happy babe, we haven’t seen true happiness from him since the show started. He’s actually fun and focussing on helping his friends and having a great time.
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“Rina came out of nowhere.” And it’s the ship that’s been set up since S1 ep 5 - S3 ep 8. Like, it’s always been coming, you simply chose to ignore that your ship was a plot device☹️
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“I hope Gina’s miserable next season.” Why are you wishing sadness on a black woman? Why don’t you want her happy? What do you have against black girls thriving and being loved?😕
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Ain’t no assassination happen, y’all just wanted Gina to stay in an unhappy relationship because Eej was your favourite character and not for HER happiness and y’all wanted Ricky to stay miserable like in S1 and 2 so he can’t grow enough to be ready to be with the girl he likes
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buckera · 3 months
sometimes I see posts like 'tommy doesn't even like buck' or 'they gave us nothing, how would you even know if they have chemistry' and I think hm maybe I read too much into it but then THE COFFEE SCENE comes back and I wonder what other people watched
gonna be very real; every argument against Tommy/bucktommy boils down to "he's not Eddie" "i don't like Tommy bc the vibes are off but instead of just saying that i wanna invent some kind of moral ground to justify crying about it all day long" and a favourite of mine: "older men make me uncomfortable" as if the actor isn't 39, playing against another actor who is in fact their babygirl and boo, who is also, a 33-year-old man, respectively.
people could really just say "it's not for me but go nuts while i engage with the stuff i actually like" but they gotta invent stuff that are just arguably untrue and visibly easy to disprove...
and just one more thing about the chemistry; Tommy's character has a different energy than Eddie's character, just as Lou has a different one to Ryan as a person and the characters have totally different dynamics; one is a newfound crush only getting to know each other, the other is a 6-year best friendship who have been through A Lot together.
but having a different dynamic and chemisrty doesn't mean there is none.
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Just came back from watching The Creator (2023) and my boy Gareth Edwards did it again. Dressed up as a film about ai, it’s really a stark image of USAmerican imperialism and the war on terror. Please go watch this movie if you have the chance.
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OH. okay so normally i dont touch discourse with a 20 ft pole, but this has been niggling at my brain tonight and i finally realized why
the people who are mad at qbbh for the memory loss and “dodging consequences” dont understand that he doesnt want to dodge consequences. Like they cant know that, they werent focused on him when he was literally feeding himself to the soul vultures and planning his eventual imprisonment and also. The Many Many Many hints he made towards suicide/sacrifice/Just Fucking Dying.
ccbbh is a subtle roleplayer, he’s been building this shit up for two whole months- it was day FIVE of the eggs going missing that he resolved to do whatever it took (hurting his friends) to get the eggs back. It was day three that he followed in dapper’s footsteps and started feeding himself to the soul vultures (and gaining a Massive headwound beneath his hood in the process- you can only see it if you go on namemc and remove the layers). He’s got impaired judgement. Even the memory issues arent a new thing- i cant remember exactly when they started, but one of the first big moments i remmeber was september 30th where he spent an hour falling into a delusional frenzy searching his base for cameras that he forgot he asked aypierre to plant.
The super murder of purgatory and the memory loss afterwards probably all feels very sudden for people who havent been following his story, but as someone who has been- all of this has been true to character. The only cheap swings he’s made have been combat-based in purgatory, and even the motive for those was built up in rp.
People are calling for consequences, but he has alrwady been experiencing self-inflicted consequences for months. The blue on his usual outfit is blood. This recent memory loss isnt a restart to get away with the atrocities - it is yet another consequence of his egg-protecting complexes and the ways he punishes himself for failing them.
he is NOT a moral character. he’s a demon hiding in plain site. he has eaten people. he has killed people. he understands the cruelty of his actions, and the consequences of them for the loved ones of his victims. but it matters when that harm is being done to his loved ones. he’ll still do it, because he will do anything for the eggs, but it matters, and that means that he has already started the process of self-inflicting those much-demanded consequences
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aetsiv · 5 months
every time i see someone mischaracterize matthias as a dumb, blonde, malewife with no personality except being nina's (dead) boyfriend i want to fistfight god and cause the mass extinction of humanity
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i find it soooooo hilarious that some people treat succession like some sort of good vs bad or villain vs the good guys like....... are you dumb? are you stupid? just seen somebody literally say that tom is a psychopath for what he did last episode and what he did was literally break the news in a gentle way to the siblings and let them say their goodbyes while literally kneeling next to a corpse for a long period of time like, are you sure we are all watching the same thing? not one character in this show is all good or all bad, not one. people literally acting like tom committed a crime because of his call with Greg like are you stupid ??? all he did truly in that call is prove how scared he is and how he thinks Greg should get someone else to protect him cause he no longer can and he is scared and he was not okay, he fucking cried but yes he is a psychopath, the one and only patrick bateman of the succession timeline
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rubydubydoo122 · 5 months
I think something Jason Haters need to understand is that Jason fans can like his character while not approving of his actions.
Most people who are fans of characters like Loki, Bucky, and other morally grey characters like them because they're complex, not because they always do what's right. You can like a character without liking their actions
like, I don't believe in the death penalty irl, but in Gotham, it makes sense to me because of how broken that system is.
murder is horrible, and so are mobs and all that, but in the world that has been set up in comics, with superheroes taking their own actions to protect civilians, Jason's actions make sense. Are they right? No, but they make sense.
Shooting Damian point blank, and whatever went down during battle for the cowl, was wrong, but I genuinely think he had a mental breakdown during that period and that was his messed up way of grieving Bruce. Was is right? No, but it makes his character more complex.
I have my own set of morals. Jason's morals are different from mine, and I can respect that. Not to mention, he's a fictional character. If he was a real person, I would probably hate him as the Red Hood, but I would also hate Batman if he was a real person too, unless I grew up with him.
Like I'm sure a bunch of boomers are like "Back in my day, we relied on the police, not some man in a bat suit"
Does this count as media literacy? maybe? idk. but like, I can like a character, but condone their actions
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scruncheduppaper · 2 months
not to fandom meta tweet twice in one night but i hope hakita releases treachery soon because SOME of you guys have lost sight on gabriel’s character almost completely like this is unreal. like i think you guys just completely forgot what made him appealing in the first place and just started making shit up on your own
i guess this is more of a symptom of fandom drought more than anything LMFAO… technically we havent gotten any new information or lore about gabriel since act 2 was released and that was years ago so i guess i shouldnt be surprised
anyways dont forget that gabriel killed the entire council with his own bare hands and cut the head off one of them as proof for the Entire Angel Population to see. and conversely the fact that he was regarded as one of the most popular and well beloved angels due to his radiant personality beforehand, his kindness towards the ferrymen, his genuine blind belief in justice and devotion to god
gabriel is the story protagonist of ultrakill
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poisonousquinzel · 3 months
people will complain with their whole entire chest about Ivy "just being Harley's girlfriend now" and you look up Ivy on their account and the only time they've spoken about her is to bitch about her dating a woman Harley under the guise of "missing the old ivy"
no y'all don't, shut up, we can see you. you've never given a shit about ivy. you don't care about her or how she's "not an eco-terrorist anymore" cause if you did care, you'd not be complaining rn 💀 but sorryyy that her essentially cannibalizing Woodrue in #6 isn't "fucked up in the head" or "villainous" enough for you, but lbr if her actions throughout the first 8 chapters of her 2022 comic aren't Bad enough, then I hate to break it to you but I think you actually just have a problem with gay people and Ivy openly being in love with a woman:)
and that's a skill issue. a you problem. get therapy, loser.
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seventeendeer · 1 year
the tf2 fandom on tumblr is in such dire straits, it wraps around from being annoying to being funny
no one knows anything about the time period it's set in. no one knows anything about the time period it was written in. no one knows the media genre it's parodying. no one knows how to write mostly-middleaged, mostly-white men who are intentionally and comedically a product of their time and individual cultures. no one seems to even realize each character is hugely informed by (the stereotyped version of) their culture. no one is comfortable engaging with the old war propaganda it's satirizing. no one knows anything about guns. some people actually think the sniper is 26
it's hard to watch, but then again the official comics post-2015 fall into every single one of these pitfalls too so like. maybe a lack of media literacy isn't just a fandom problem
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nyxofdemons · 7 months
“one day im going to have to make like a three hour long video essay that's just called In Defense of Helluva Boss” Please do. I see more anti videos than I do with defense ones. Like the ones that say season 2 is terrible even though it’s barely completed and the ones that say Stolitz is a bad despite them barely having a relationship.
no literally i am sick of seeing more anti content than actual appreciation videos but the anti talking point i see most that drives me up the fucking walls is that it's "bAd RePrEsEnTaTiOn," as if that is all that queer people are allowed to have; just the vague nebulous concept of "Rep(TM)." the fact that if a straight character is a bad person then it's just that This Character is a bad person, but if a queer character is a bad person then This Is Bad Representation Of The Community And Is Homophobic. can we not just HAVE characters?? vehicles to tell a story??? tools to craft a compelling narrative??? this is part of why Helluva/Hazbin being adult shows is such a THING because i see this get shut down a lot under the guise of "uhh well just because it's an adult show doesn't mean that it can handle whatever topic it wants however it wants" and like. yeah buddy! that's true! and that's not what this is fucking about!! when people say "it's an adult show" what they mean is that it's made to be engaged with under the assumption that you would know better than to take information to shape your worldview and perception of other real life people from a fucking cartoon! the show doesn't NEED to tell you that Um Hey Guys Just So You Know This Isn't Actually Meant To Reflect How All Real Life Gay Relationships Are because you are an adult who should already be able to discern this.
"bad rep" doesn't mean "characters that are nuanced, morally gray, or just bad people." "bad rep" would be if helluva boss was a show that said "the REASON these characters are in toxic relationships / are bad people is BECAUSE they are queer, or at least directly correlated to that fact." which is. you know. very fucking different than "these characters are in toxic relationships / are bad people because they 1) live in a classist society that actively encourages them to be their worst selves and 2) are extremely traumatized."
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thesadboy · 1 month
Given how the series has ended, I’m gonna be honest about my thoughts on DFO. Specifically, what take on DFO I like and why I like it.
I love the DFO interpretations where AFO genuinely and truly loves Inko and Izuku with all his heart and would do terrible things for them. This is because I feel like Izuku, and Inko to some extent, have been screwed over and unfairly bashed both in-universe and out. Their world’s society and culture absolutely FAILED them and the way fans shit on them for being kind characters working through their flaws is honestly so gross to me. So I feel like having a husband and father who absolutely adores them, sees past these shortcomings, and recognizes their worth is oddly comforting and cathartic to me.
As someone once said “A hero would sacrifice you for the world, a villain would sacrifice the world for you”, and that level of devotion and love is just one of those things that even if it’s unhealthy or not necessarily morally right, it just appeals to me so damn much.
Not only that, but I feel like the concept of an AFO who really does love his family holds a mirror to the kind of culture that permeates the society the Midoriyas live in. If someone practically revered and upheld as a role model, like Endeavour, is an abhorrent man to the people he should’ve loved and protected while someone who’s the fucking Symbol of Evil adores them to no end…what does that say about Hero Society and the culture it’s bred and kept alive? What kind of culture would consider an abusive and controlling patriarch as someone to look up to? What would drive someone to go off the deep end to the point that they obsessively cling on to the few people who gave them positive attention while not batting an eye at condemning everyone else?
All in all I like the “DFO who really does love Inko and Izuku” take because it feels like a fresh air towards the mistreatment of two characters who don’t deserve it (at least I don’t think they do) and because I feel it fits in with the themes that BNHA has…or at least seemed to have until the ending where the status quo remained…
Then again, this is just my opinion, so maybe I’m wrong. But I will stand by it.
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itsqueenshroom · 8 months
I’d love to see a study done on the rise of demanding and expecting morality in the fiction we consume, to the point where liking, consuming, or creating anything “gross” or “illegal” or “immoral” reveals a desire to want and enjoy it outside of fiction, from kink to dead dove to even just sex outside of a narrative context in some extreme corners of fandom online. where is it coming from? why is fandom today more lenient with physical violence than sexual deviancy? why is fandom becoming more sex negative than ever, and why is fiction being used as a reflection of someone’s wants outside of it?
I don’t have the initiative to do a full fledged research project on this, but someone else should.
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morgana96 · 10 months
Pharah, Genji, and Mercy: *roast each other in various voice lines in a way that's clearly playful and lighthearted*
Overwatch Fans: Damn, I can't believe Pharah hates Genji and that they retconned Mercy and Genji's friendship.
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sapphic-agent · 5 months
What a horrible day to have eyes. I go into the anti Aizawa tag and I'm greeted with this.
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You know, I don't even completely disagree about Eri. I love her, but Horikoshi didn't write her well. No one's doubting that. But if we're talking about her trauma not being handled well, she's far from the only case. Not to mention her quirk was the reason as to why she was abused, so the point about her power is irrelevant in my opinion.
(Also, the complaint about her being a "perfect" abuse victim is weird... She's a child. Children usually are perfect victims because they're either completely powerless or their innocence is being manipulated and taken advantage of or both. It's also funny how OP doesn't complain about Izuku too because at least Eri has some form of agency. At least she's allowed to look at Overhaul as her abuser. Izuku is reduced to supporting and validating his abuser's feelings. Why is trauma handled incorrectly in MHA until the minute it comes to Izuku's lack of negative feelings towards Bakugou)
But even considering all of that, blaming her for Aizawa's shortcomings as a character is wrong.
I genuinely don't know where this came from. They don't even have that many scenes together and we've almost never seen him being a "cutesy" dad to her. We hardly ever see him even act paternally towards her, he's mostly seen escorting her and being by her side. If anything, that sounds way more like fanon Dadzawa. And considering a lot of the manga was changed to meet the fans' expectations of certain characters (specifically for Aizawa and Bakugou), if he has been changed into a "cutesy dad," then that's the fandom's fault for perpetuating that trope, NOT Eri's.
But more importantly, complex? Interesting? AIZAWA?
OP is acting like Aizawa's role in the story isn't being whatever Horikoshi needs him to be at the time. Hell, most of his overall dialogue is commentary for telling the audience how they're supposed to feel. Part of the reason Bakugou's behavior is never condemned is because Aizawa is always conveniently placed to shut down any criticism about it and defend him.
You'll also notice that despite challenging "everything Deku's heroism is about in a nuanced way," Aizawa never actually tries to teach Izuku differently. He condemns and scolds him for it but never actually explains what's wrong with his concept of heroism and tries to teach him differently. So what exactly is he challenging? Because Izuku still holds onto his ideas of heroism and Aizawa never tried to correct it even prior to Eri.
So instead of blaming a six-year-old who wasn't even given that many scenes in the story, maybe take a look at your favorite's failings as a character.
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They are the same character. Argue with a wall. You have the media literacy of a dead sea lion.
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