#Gary Greco
flashfuckingflesh · 2 years
To All the EVIL Devil Horns Out There "Death to Metal" reviewed! (Wild Eye Releasing / Blu-ray)
To All the EVIL Devil Horns Out There “Death to Metal” reviewed! (Wild Eye Releasing / Blu-ray)
“Death To Metal” available on a Collector’s Edition Bluray! Already with the traumatic distaste for heavy metal music, the fire and brimstone preacher, Father Milton Kilborne, addresses his congregation with a bigotry homily aimed to categorize not only heavy metal music as a sin, but also homosexuality, internet porn, and other indulging vices. When Father Kilborne is suspended by the church’s…
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willstafford · 11 months
Jury Fury
TWELVE ANGRY MEN The Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham, Monday 30th October 2023 Reginald Rose’s classic play from 1955 is doing the rounds again and it’s well worth catching even if, like me, you have seen it before.  Based on Rose’s own experience of serving on a jury, this tense, taut thriller continues to weave its engrossing spell, as a dozen increasingly tetchy males gather in a jury room to…
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catnip-kitty · 7 months
Why Gay Sex is Dialectic, an Essay
As a petite proletariat (twink) who reads theory, I was pondering the nature of homosexuality in terms of dialectical materialism, in particular, how gay sex fit into Engel's three laws of dialectics.
Just as Engels posits that internal contradictions or tensions drive change in the law of unity and conflict of opposites, the same could be said for the homoerotic tension of a top-bottom relationship. While tops and bottoms appear to exist as binary oppositional roles, they coexist internally within a relationship. While the duality may give rise to differences in preferences, desires, and dynamics these differences can be resolved through negotiation between the partners. The act of say gex, is thus, the ultimate act of such negotiation, a synthesis of contradictions.
Furthermore, the law of the passage of quantitative changes into qualitative changes could be seen the complications to that top-bottom dynamic. The roles of tops and bottoms can be redefined through the process of negotiation. In fact, surveys from Autostraddle [1] show that the majority of people in a gay relationships are switches, not strictly tops or bottoms. This indicates that the physical designation of top or bottom is thus the result of an accumulation of decisions and preferences, culminating in the qualitative dynamic. This is exemplified by the ways in which masculine-feminine attributes or sub-dom dynamics play a role in gay sex — these attributes, which can be seen as mostly qualitative assignations are the result of the accumulation of quantitative changes.
I would further propose that, through the collaborative dialectic process of negotiation, the social dynamics of gay relationships can change, including that top-bottom dynamic. Engel's law of the negation of the negation captures these changes precisely. The traditional associations between masculinity and feminity, subordination and domination are, to an extent, being subverted in many 21st gay relationships in contrast to the strict gender roles seen in Greco-Roman times [2] or the Tokugawa period [3]. For example, I want a femboy to top me. Whether through the process of resolving contradictions in homosexual intercourse, the top-bottom dynamic or between other qualitative attributes, the process of negation and transformation dialectically results in a more egalitarian understanding of say gex. This is the socialist means of reproduction.
In conclusion, gay sex is praxis.
[1] Riese. “Tops, Bottoms, Switches: One Last Look at All the Survey Data.” Autostraddle, 7 Aug. 2018, www.autostraddle.com/tops-bottoms-switches-one-last-look-at-all-the-survey-data-424953/. Accessed 3 Mar. 2024.
[2] Hubbard, Thomas K. Homosexuality in Greece and Rome : A Sourcebook of Basic Documents. Berkeley, Univ. Of California Press, 2010.
[3] Leupp, Gary P. Male Colors : The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan. Berkeley, University Of California Press, 2011.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 11 months
YESSS IM SO EXCITED YOU WRITE FOR RYAN FHDNDBFBFJ. Would you write like reader is part of the CKY crew and they’ve both had crushes on each other and like a gary flirting and then she’s thinking it’s unrequited so she gets like a Bf and I wanna know how ryan would feel about this like i wanna see his jealousy and shit talking with bam fjjfgnnkdjffnhy (sorry i had to much caffeine with my meds this morning lol) WHHDHDJAN THANK YOUUUU!!!!
Drunk Love
Y/N and Ryan are best friends, blissfully unaware of eachother’s feelings.
Ryan Dunn X Fem!Reader
2k Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, nudity, alcohol, description of injury, fighting, jealousy, crude language
An: Thank you for the request!! I had a fun time writing more in depth for Ryan! If anyone is wondering why Bam always sleeps naked in my fics it’s because of a story he told on Radio Bam! You can find it on YouTube under “Bam Gets Caught”, but it’s not the onky time to my memory that he’s talked about sleeping naked XD! Besides that, I actually had a couple requests i combined to create this fic so I included the ones I didn’t reply to directly but still used below! :)
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“Watchin’ the little back n’ forth thing you’ve got with her’s painful. I mean-“ Bam leaned over on his side, propping his head up with a hand while laying on the adjacent bed, “Just quit the pussy shit, dude.” Ryan ran a hand through his blonde, sweat soaked hand as the sounds of the running shower made white noise in the background. “It’s not easy, man! I mean, I’ve known her since we've been in diapers.” Sighing, Ryan finally looked at Bam, “I'm sorry- I just can’t take you seriously when you’re naked.” It was a casualty of their closeness that he was very comfortable being nude in front of his best friend, but he didn’t seem to care in the slightest, moving to get up, “You know what? If you’re not gonna tell her, I will.”
“No way! She’s in the shower!” Like a startled animal, Bam broke into a sprint on a dime, nearly reaching the bathroom door handle before Ryan hurled himself off of the bed, tackling him to the scratchy hotel room carpet. His vision was a blur of un-vacuumed orange carpet and pale man skin as the two wrestled, thumping and rolling around and cursing through clenched teeth. But in an act of perfect timing, that’s exactly when you opened the bathroom door. Wrapped in a white towel, hot steam billowed around you as you stared down at the scene at your feet- Ryan pinning a completely exhausted Bam down on his back by his skinny little arms as he straddled him, the two of them making direct eye contact with you. Your mind went blank. “I, uh…did I interrupt something…?”
“It’s wrestling!” They seemed to speak in unison. Bam added hurriedly, “It’s a guy thing.” Panicking and trying to find a way out of this situation, Ryan played along, “Yeah, yeah- total guy thing.” You raised an eyebrow, “So, you wrestle naked?” Easily slipping out from under him and not caring if you saw him, Bam walked into the bathroom, squeezing past you as you still stood shocked in the doorway, “Yeah, Greco-Roman style. Totally!”
You and Ryan sat on top of the covers on his bed as you dried off, only half watching tv. There was some sort of tension between you and him that you really couldn't place. Maybe it was you thinking about technically sharing a bed with him. Maybe it was him thinking about you in that towel. Sniffing the air, Ryan broke the silent tension, “What's that smell?” You sighed in relief that you finally had something to talk about, accidentally replying a little too eagerly, “Oh! I bought some new shampoo.” He sat up a little bit straighter next to you, glancing down at you curiously, “Any, uh- any reason?” You shrugged, “Nah, just felt like it.” Ryan smiled at you. “It’s nice.”
Ryan could hardly remember what stunt he got hurt doing, but the blood dripping into his right eye from the gash on his forehead blurred his vision as he tried to get his bearings. His head spun as he pulled himself up from the pavement, little bits of gravel and dirt caked into his skin and hair. There goes that shower. At least it makes for good footage, he thought, as the rest of the crew cheered while looking back at the footage through the display of Rick’s camcorder.
But just as the cameras turned off, in came Y/N. Oh, Y/N. You kneeled down in front of the dazed man, and you could practically see the little birds and stars flying around Ryan’s head as you reached into your pocket, pulling out some first aid supplies. After a few years of this, you learned to keep this kind of stuff on you due to the nature of what you did- either that, or you'd have to drive bam to the ER again with another horribly infected wound while he wailed in the backseat like a baby. Tearing open the alcohol wipe with your teeth, you gingerly moved the wet curls that stuck to your best friend’s forehead before wiping the cut tenderly, little streaks of red showing through the thin wipe.
There was something in the way that you cleaned his wounds and tended to him better than any of the guys- or hell, better than he ever cared for himself. The alcohol stung and he winced, hissing air through his teeth. You chuckled, “Oh, don’t be a baby…” Your body was so close to him that Ryan could feel the heat radiating off of you as you blew gently on the alcohol soaked cut, the liquid rapidly drying on his face. Oh. Oh, yeah. Yep. He was getting a hard on.
Luckily, you didn’t seem to notice as you finished up, shoving the used wipes into your pocket, “There, all better!” Ryan chuckled and, for just a second, you lingered there, maybe a little too close to him for a little too long. But it felt so normal- so right. After a few heartbeats, you pulled away a little reluctantly. He smiled as you gave him a hand, helping him up while he was still a little dizzy, “Hey, thanks for that…”
“It’s nothing! Don’t worry about it.”
Bam groaned childishly, “If you like her so much, just fuckin’ say it!” Ryan relented that it still hadn’t gotten through his thick skull while he nursed that head injury from earlier with a bag of frozen peas. “She’s already got a boyfriend. It’s not gonna happen!” He was an asshole of a boyfriend too, Ryan thought, real scum. He was always so close to you whenever you all hung out as a group, just hanging off of you like he couldn’t stand by himself. Maybe Dunn felt a little envious of all of your body heat that was being absorbed by that dirtbag, but he would never say that to you. “I mean, he’s a fucking dick, but…” All he received from the other man was a shrug in return. “So? I’ve fucked chicks with boyfriends.” Bam sneered, making his way to the door, “Why don’t you just get’er name tattooed on your forehead if you’re so into her?” It’s not like Bam could get the point if he sat on it and it stuck in his ass. Rolling his eyes, Ryan didn’t even notice until his buddy was about hallway down the hall till he heard the echo of his voice, “Hey, Y/N! Listen, I got-“
Before he could even think, he was out in that hallway after him, jumping on Bam before he could finish his sentence. He landed right at your feet, nearly on the toes of your shoes. You peered over the scene as the two, fully clothed this time thank god, tussled in front of you, grunting and muttering cuss words beneath their breath. Eventually, he got Bam’s head pinned firmly to the ground and he looked up at you with those wide, baby blue eyes, cracking a tired smile as he caught his breath. “Hey…” You had to resist blushing, reminding yourself that your heart really shouldn’t be beating as fast for your best friend. “Where’re you two going?” Bam squirmed, muttering something that got spoken over. “The, uh- the bar! We’re going to the bar! You wanna join?”
That act of quick thinking actually worked better than he had planned. Ryan’s half thought out excuse led him to score what was basically- practically a date with you. The only problem was that his wingman was also the biggest cockblock in history. “So,” You leaned towards Ryan, scoping the place out idly, “you wanna get a table?” He glanced over to Bam for an answer, maybe even some smart ass response, but nope. Nothing. In the few minutes you three were there, he had already left and picked up a chick at the bar. Dunn was on his own and maybe not thinking clearly, but he replied anyway, “Uh…yeah, sure!”
“God…” Ryan’s head buzzed as he gazed at you from across the table, maybe just a little too close as he chuckled, “you’ll never guess what Bam told me earlier…” Giggly, you didn’t even think to move, breathing in the same booze scented air as him, “What…?” Your mouth moved lazily and the same was true for Ryan as he murmured, “He said I should get’cher name tattooed- On m’forehead.” He gestured with a finger to the top of his head. “Oh, that idiot…” You smiled, leaning forward just enough that your foreheads touched. While intoxicated, it didn’t seem like that bad of an idea- but not his face. His face was too cute, but maybe the arm. That would look nice, yeah. In fact, it was kinda romantic. Sighing, you sat there for a while, your eyelashes brushing against each others before speaking up, “M’tired…” Ryan looked at you through heavy lids as you slurred, your eyes falling, “Can I go back’t your room tonight?”
God, it was like fireworks were going off inside of Ryan’s head, soldiers giving a twenty one gun salute, angels singing, eccetera. Maybe, just maybe- maaaaybe this might be a sign you liked him back, but god it just felt too good to be true. Even with a stomach full of booze, all he could barely stutter out was, “Uh, sure. Yeah.”
So that’s how you ended up in Ryan’s bed. Sure, you were fully clothed but nonetheless it meant something. The bed felt so nice, so warm and cozy with the two of you in it; hotel beds are made to be shared, you thought, feeling the heat from his body press against your back, not noticing how quickly his heart was beating against you. Ryan thanked god. Slowly but very surely, the two of you were both drifting off to sleep when he piped up, his lips barely moving against your neck as he spoke. What he meant to say was, ‘I think I like you.’ but it came out more like,“I think I love you….I mean, I have for a while.” Time stopped as Ryan felt his face get hot, holding a breath. He felt the giggle reverberate through your body as you dreamily smiled up at him, making eye contact the best you could while reclining to rest your head on his shoulder, speaking just barely above a whisper, “I love you too.” Just like that, you fell asleep, leaving Ryan awake to process what the hell just happened to him.
You were still soundly asleep when the man you were snuggled up against blinked his eyes open, rolling over to face the warmth behind him. “W-what…dude!” Ryan whisper-yelled, “Get out!” Bam simply threw his arm over him, murmuring while half asleep, “Go back’t sleep…”
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elbiotipo · 3 months
Why do you think there's so much medieval fantasy but not as much fantasy based on antiquity? I think the presence of fictional gods that don't need a weird Christian veneer (or to justify the lack of one) would work a lot better. Also the secret societies can just be mystery cults instead of antisemitic/antimasonic tropes. I managed to find a greco-roman inspired xianxia story on RoyalRoad and it seems pretty promising so far
I've always said it's because Tolkien is the grandfather of modern fantasy but Gary Gyax is the father, D&D influence in modern fantasy is GIGANTIC, and D&D also assumes a pseudo-medieval setting by the most part. Which is kinda sad, because it's FANTASY, the only limit is your imagination, but people seem to want to limit themselves to the Middle Ages.
But what's interesting is that current times (mid-XX century to today so to say) do have this strange recurring obession with the Middle Ages in general, while before it was the ancient world and the Classics what fascinated the most. Some might think yes, it's because historians now study the Middle Ages beyond "it was just a dark age", but for me personally, from videogames especially to the general fantasy genre, the medieval kind of setting is getting saturated. Everything seems to be stuck there, it seems that a setting with firearms and early modernity is just taboo, there's loads and loads of videogames on the Middle Ages, it's frankly an obsession.
Compared to that, an ancient, bronze-age or classical (to use broad categories) setting would be so refreshing. It's both an easier thing to write (I've said that Roman writing and thinking is very 'modern' in many ways) and also harder, because the overall tone and themes of ancient myth is something we are not used to, the direct interventions by gods, the bigger than life heroes, all that. Even the aesthetics I think would be a welcome change, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the many middle eastern cultures, they all had awesome aesthetics that are not very used in fantasy (except for the Greeks and then it's just the Olympian gods, which are overdone for me too), and that's just the most familiar cultures of the Bronze Age, because a well researched writer can do so much more.
Also, greco-roman xianxia sounds awesome, I'll check it out. China is putting out some really good fantasy nowadays.
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philosophika · 9 months
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Hi Ginny! (@hippiewrites) Thank you for tagging my writeblr (@thesorcerersapprentice) in this super fun Get To Know Me Tag Game! Since this is a more personal set of questions (as opposed to writing-related ones), I'm going to be answering with my main, @philosophika. Hope that's ok! By the way, to my moots: do you like stories influenced by the ancient Greco-Roman world? Do you like - no, love - fantasy? Are you ready to have your mind blown? If the answer is yes, then please go check out Ginny's WIP, Echoes of the Etan!! Ok, ok onto the tag game. The rules are to tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I'm (no pressure) tagging: @inkovert @that-chibi-writer @songsofsomnia @violetboy @outpost51 @aquadestinyswriting @merlina87 @sarah-sandwich @lucianinsanity @winterandwords @d3mon-ology @threeking @avrablake @the-finch-address @thawinoakenshield @the-down-upside-finch @lunarmoment @sodaliteskull @kingkendrick7 @harps-for-days @cee-grice @tate-lin and anyone else who would like to participate!
✦ The Last Song I Listened to
"Can You Hear The Music" by Ludwig Göransson (I hated the Oppenheimer film for multiple reasons, but I loved the soundtrack).
✦ Favourite Colour Or Colours
All the shades of blue, especially those deep blues touched with red. I also quite like green.
✦ Last TV Show Or Film I Watched
Priscilla, directed by Sophia Coppola. And let me tell you, it was excruciating, not because the film was bad - actually, the film was very, very good - but because it hurts to watch Elvis Presley groom and control Priscilla. #NoMoreSaintedMonsters
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✦ Currently Watching:
Slow Horses, a spy drama on Apple TV, with my dad. The boss, Lamb (played by Gary Oldman), is absolutely disgusting lol I love it.
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✦ Currently Reading:
"The Will of The Many" by James Islington. It's fun, but the main character is 100% overpowered, and the inlaid criticisms of both democratic and monarchical systems of government are tepid at best. Still, it's entertaining.
✦ Sweet, Spicy, or Savoury:
Savoury, then spicy, then sweet. Speaking of savoury, have you guys heard of Ajiaco? It's the soup the Mirabel family sits down to eat in Encanto and it's one of my favourite dishes of all time! Just look at it:
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✦ Last Thing I Searched Online:
Metis, the underrated Ancient Greek Goddess of Cunning (and mother of Athena). You can find what came of this research here:
✦ Last Thing I Searched For Writing Purposes:
Same as above!
✦ Current Obsession:
As always my current obsession is my WIP, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, a fantasy novel that explores the interplay between colonialism, capitalism, and environmental catastrophe through the fraught relationship between a mysterious sorcerer and his protogé. Check out the project at my dedicated writeblr:
✦ ✦ Question Template Under the Cut ✦ ✦
Last Song:
Favourite Colour or Colours:
Last TV Show or Film:
Currently Watching:
Currently Reading:
Sweet, Spicy, or Savoury:
Last Thing I Searched Online:
Last Thing I Searched For Writing Purposes:
Current Obsession:
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allycat75 · 14 days
Important events that actually took place on September 9th and were in no way a figment of a sad, delusional man and his advisors' imagination in order to continue a nefarious and daft lie.
1543- Mary Stuart, at 9 months old, is crowned Queen of Scots
1675- New England colonies declare war on Wampanoag Indians
1753- 1st steam engine arrives in North American colonies
1776- Congress officially renames the country as the United States of America (from the United Colonies)
1817- Alexander Twilight, probably first African American to graduate from a US college, receives BA degree at Middlebury College
1836- Ralph Waldo Emerson publishes his influential essay "Nature" in the US, outlining his beliefs in transcendentalism
1850- California becomes a state
1880- President Rutherford B. Hayes visits San Francisco
1888- Easter Island / Rapa Nui in the Pacific is annexed by Chile
1892- Edward Emerson Barnard at Lick Observatory discovers Amalthea, Jupiter's 5th moon
1904- Boston Herald again refers to NY baseball club as Yankees, when it reports "Yankees take 2," Yankee name not official till 1913
1908- Orville Wright makes 1st 1-hr airplane flight, Fort Myer, Virginia
1908- Russia annexes part of Poland
1911- 1st European post delivered by air (Hendon to Windsor, England)
1921- Guatemala, Honduras and San Salvador agree to Central American Union
1922- Turkish troops take the Greek-held Anatolian city of Smyrna during the Greco-Turkish War
1926- National Broadcasting Company created by Radio Corporation of America
1936- New York Yankees beat Cleveland Indians, 12-9 at League Park to clinch AL pennant on the earliest date in history
1939- Nazi army reaches Warsaw
1942- Compulsory work for women, children and old males in Batavia
1944- Allied forces liberate Luxembourg
1945- 1st "bug" in a computer program discovered by Grace Hopper, a moth was removed with tweezers from a relay & taped into the log
1950- 1st use of TV laugh track by "The Hank McCune Show" in the US
1951- 1st broadcast of soap opera "Love of Life" on CBS-TV
1955- Don Zimmer, hits 4,000th Dodger home run
1956- Elvis Presley appears on "The Ed Sullivan Show" for the 1st time
1957- US President Eisenhower signs 1st civil rights bill since Reconstruction
1960- Pakistan ends India's run of 6 consecutive Olympic field hockey gold medals with a 1-0 win over their sub-continent rivals at the Rome Games
1963- Alabama Governor George Wallace served a federal injunction to stop orders of state police to bar black students from enrolling in white schools
1965- LA Dodgers future Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax throws his 4th career no-hitter and first perfect game in a 1-0 win over the Chicago Cubs at Dodger Stadium
1966- The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act signed into law by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1st federal safety standards for vehicles and roads
1967- 1st successful Test flight of a Saturn V
1969- The Official Languages Act comes into force in Canada - making English and French the country's official languages (replaced 1988 by new Official Languages Act)
1971- Apple Records releases John Lennon's second solo studio album, "Imagine" in US; it tops the charts in US, UK, Australia, and 3 other countries
1972- West German equestrian rider Liselott Linsenhoff follows her dressage teams gold in Mexico City with the individual dressage title at her home Olympics in Munich
1975- Paul McCartney & Wings begin their "Wings Over The World" tour in Southampton, England; 65 concerts in Europe, Australia, Canada, and United States, runs through October of 1976
1978- Ayatollah Khomeini calls for an uprising in the Iranian army
1979- 31st Emmy Awards: "Taxi"; "Lou Grant"; Ron Leibman & Ruth Gordon win
1983- Radio Shack announces their color computer 2 (Coco2)
1985- President Reagan orders sanctions against South Africa, targeting apartheid
1987- Larry Bird of the Celtics begins an NBA free throw streak of 59
1987- Gary Hart admits on "Nightline" to cheating on his wife
1990- George H. W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev meet in Helsinki & urge Iraq to leave Kuwait
1990- Liberia president Samuel K Doe is captured by Mr Johnson's forces
1991- Mike Tyson indicted for rape of Desiree Washington
1993- Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization exchange letters of mutual recognition
2010- A court in the Philippines orders Imelda Marcos to repay the government almost $280,000 for funds taken from the National Food Authority by Ferdinand Marcos in 1983
2012- Armenia wins the 40th FIDE Chess Olympiad
2015- Apple unveils the iPad Pro and iPhone 6S in San Francisco
2015- Queen Elizabeth II becomes Great Britain's longest-reigning monarch at 63 years and seven months, beating the previous record set by her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria
2017- Egyptian archaeologists announce the discovery of a 3,500-year-old tomb of a goldsmith and his family in Draa Abul-Naga, Egypt
2018- CBS chief Les Moonves departs the company after six more women make allegations of sexual abuse in "The New Yorker"
2019- Poet John Milton's own copy of Shakespeare's First Folio of 1623 has survived with his annotations according to scholar Jason Scott-Warren in Philadelphia library, could be world's most important modern literary discovery
2020- San Francisco Bay area blanketed by dark orange skies and smoke due to California wildfires
2021- Tom Brady becomes first player in NFL history to start 300 regular season games as he guides Tampa Bay Buccaneers to an opening day 31-29 win at home to Dallas Cowboys
ALL of these are more important than something that never happened on this day.
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luxe-pauvre · 1 year
Art-as-subversion runs very deep, of course. If in Greco-Roman art it’s sometimes hard to catch the subversive notes, art was considered insidious enough that Plato, within a chapter of designing his ideal state in The Republic, was discarding whole poetic genres and musical scales for being too politically dangerous. But somewhere in the 19th century the notion develops that a work of art can be most effective when it’s ugly, when it deeply mirrors certain social realities and presents them in such a way that the audience is spurred to immediate action. Napoleon praised The Marriage of Figaro for instigating the French Revolution and Lincoln credited Harriet Beecher Stowe with the Civil War. Opera buffs have been inspired by how a vigorous performance of The Mute Girl of Portici in 1830 bled directly over into the revolution that created Belgium; and stage actors are always a little miffed that their performances, however great, do not lead to the sort of murderous riots that broke out between the partisans of the dueling Macbeths, Macready and Forrest, in 1849. […]And then—this is my contention—somewhere towards the 1960s the culture simply ran out of ways to shock. Modern art abruptly reversed course and became interested in things like Land Art and Warhol’s practical jokes. All kinds of people continued to do very shocking things for the sake of art, especially in the garish ‘80s—Chris Ofili threw dung on the Virgin Mary, a Russian man nailed his testicles to the Red Square, Ozzy Osbourne bit off the head of a pigeon, Dee Snider (worried that Twisted Sister was losing its edge) filed down his teeth—but the secret was out by now, none of this was stylish but annoying and exhibitionist. Caught flat-footed were people like Albee, Ginsberg, and Gary. The assumption had been that artists were entrusted with the sacred task of “pushing the envelope,” as Albee insouciantly put it, but they were finding that the culture had gotten way ahead of them. And at the same time—and this was really unnerving to a certain type of artist—the culture revealed itself to be shameless, tawdry, and grotesque in ways that were supposed to be reserved for the avant-garde. So, in other words, a dead-end—artists simply repeating passed-down wisdom about their expected social role as risqué exhibitionists without really considering what they truly wanted to create.
Sam Kahn, Against Shock
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Birthdays 8.14
Beer Birthdays
Eugene L. Husting (1848)
Brandon Hernández (1976)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Halle Berry; actor (1968)
Mila Kunis; Ukrainian-American actor (1983)
Gary Larson; cartoonist (1950)
Steve Martin; comedian, actor, writer, banjo player (1945)
Bruce Thomas; English bass player (1948)
Famous Birthdays
Russell Baker; essayist (1925)
Emmanuelle Béart; French actress (1963)
Catherine Bell; actor (1968)
Herman Branson; African-American physicist, chemist (1914)
Sarah Brightman; English singer-songwriter (1960)
John Brodie; San Francisco 49ers QB (1935)
Lodewijk Bruckman; Dutch painter (1903)
Sharon Bryant; R&B singer (1956)
Kevin Cadogan; rock singer-songwriter, guitarist (1970)
Méric Casaubon; Swiss-English author (1599)
Yannoulis Chalepas; Greek sculptor (1851)
Darrell "Dash" Crofts; singer-songwriter and musician (1940)
David Crosby; rock singer (1941)
Charles Jean de la Vallée-Poussin; Belgian mathematician (1866)
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky; Russian-Lithuanian-American artist (1875)
Slim Dunlap; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1951)
Tracy Caldwell Dyson; chemist and astronaut (!969)
Richard R. Ernst; Swiss chemist (1933)
Erica Flapan; mathematician (1956)
Francis Ford; actor and director (1881)
John Galsworthy; English writer (1867)
Alice Ghostley; actor (1926)
Larry Graham; soul/funk bass player and singer-songwriter (1946)
Buddy Greco; singer, pianist (1926)
Marcia Gay Harden; actor (1959)
Jackée Harry; actress (1956)
Robert Hayman; English-Canadian poet (1575)
Lee Hoffman; author (1932)
Leopold Hofmann; Austrian composer (1738)
Doc Holliday; dentist, wild west gambler (1851)
James Horner; composer (1953)
Ernest Everett Just; African-American biologist (1883)
Jan Koetsier; Dutch composer (1911)
Margaret Lindsay Huggins; Anglo-Irish astronomer (1848)
William Hutchinson; founder of Rhode Island (1586)
Magic Johnson; Los Angeles Lakers (1959)
Stanley A. McChrystal; American general (1954)
John McCutcheon; folksinger (1952)
Paddy McGuinness; English comedian (1973)
Lionel Morton; English singer-songwriter, guitarist (1942)
Bruce Nash; film director (1947)
Frank Oppenheimer; particle physicist (1912)
Hans Christian Ørsted; Danish physicist and chemist (1777)
Susan Saint James; actor (1946)
Paolo Sarpi; Italian writer (1552)
Ben Sidran; jazz and rock keyboardist (1943)
Stuff Smith; violinist (1909)
Danielle Steel; writer (1947)
Jiro Taniguchi; Japanese author and illustrator (1947)
Bruno Tesch; German chemist (1890)
Ernest Thayer; "Casey at the Bat" writer (1863)
Pieter Coecke van Aelst; Flemish painter (1502)
Carle Vernet; French painter and lithographer (1758)
Claude Joseph Vernet; French painter (1714)
Earl Weaver; Baltimore Orioles manager (1930)
Wim Wenders; German film director (1945)
Lina Wertmüller; Italian film director (1926)
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aceredshirt13 · 2 years
Terrible Whitewashed Netflix Adaptation Names For The Great Ace Attorney's Japanese Characters
(inspired by a Persona 4 post I participated in)
Ryunosuke Naruhodo - Ryan Nelson
Kazuma Asogi - Kevin Arnold
Susato Mikotoba - Susan Michaels
Yujin Mikotoba - Eugene Michaels
Genshin Asogi - Gary Arnold
Seishiro Jigoku - Steven Johnson
Satoru Hosonaga - Stanley Hoffman
Rei Membami - Riley Morrison
more details:
they're all from 1890s Los Angeles in this version, but they're still visiting Britain. there are no puns because the writers weren't willing to put in the effort
Barok van Zieks has a deep-seated hatred of Americans. Jezaille hates them even More
Kevin is a Wild West gunslinger instead of a swordsman. in his holster he carries his father's gun named Karma. after all, an American man's gun is his soul
my friend @redcloak said "an American man's gun is his soul" sounded like something that would be on a Republican dude's t-shirt. therefore I must unfortunately conclude that instead of being liberal like in canon, in this universe Kevin and Gary are conservatives
instead of dueling to the death with swords, Klint and Gary dueled to the death with guns
judo? what's that? Susan and Steven are just really good at Greco-Roman Wrestling
Soseki's still there, because the writers couldn't be bothered to look up any real-life American authors of the era that were studying in Britain to replace him with (and neither could I)
Eugene's wife is still named Ayame for the sake of Iris's name. she and Soseki are the only ones that were still allowed to be Japanese
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indiesole · 11 months
Rajesh Khanna
Lionel Messi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Muhammad Ali
Joan of Arc
William Shakespeare
Vincent Van Gogh
Online Indie
J. K. Rowling
David Lean
Nadia Comaneci
Diego Maradona
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Meena Kumari
Julius Caesar
Harrison Ford
Ludwig Van Beethoven
William W. Cargill
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Roy Thomson
Tim Berners-Lee
Marie Curie
James J. Hill
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Roman Polanski
Samuel Slater
J. P. Morgan
Cary Grant
Dmitri Mendeleev
John Harvard
Alain Delon
Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Official God)
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste & Louis
Carl Friedrich Benz
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ramana Maharishi
Mark Twain
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Bruce Lee
Bhagwan Krishna (Official God)
Rene Descartes
John F. Kennedy
Bhagwan Ganesha (Official God)
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
Alfred Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Cosimo de’ Medici
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alec Guinness
Christopher Plummer
Jackie Chan
Guru Dutt
Amma Karunamayi/ Mata Parvati (Official God)
Peter Sellers
Gerard Depardieu
Joseph Safra
Robert Morris
Sean Connery
Petr Kellner
Aristotle Onassis
Usain Bolt
Jack Welch
Alfredo di Stefano
Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jordan
Paul Muni
Steven Spielberg
Louis Pasteur
Ingrid Bergman
Norma Shearer
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ayn Rand
Jesus Christ (Official God)
Luciano Pavarotti
Alain Resnais
Frank Sinatra
Allah (Official God)
Richard Nixon
Charlie Chaplin
Thomas Alva Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Wright Brothers
Arjun (of Bhagwan Krishna’s Gita)
Jim Simons
George Lucas
Swami Sri Lahiri Mahasaya
Carl Lewis
Brett Favre
Helen Keller
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Buddha (Official God)
Hugh Grant
K. L. Saigal
Roger Federer
Rash Behari Bose
Tiger Woods
William Blake
Jesse Owens
Claude Miller
Bernardo Bertolucci
Subhash Chandra Bose
Satyajit Ray
Chiang Kai-Shek
John Logie Baird
Geeta Dutt
Raphael (painter)
Bhagwan Shiva (Official God)
Radha (Ancient Krishna devotee)
George Orwell
Jorge Paulo Lemann
Catherine Deneuve
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bill Gates
Bhagwan Ram (Official God)
Michael Phelps
Michael Faraday
Audrey Hepburn
Dalai Lama
Grace Kelly
Mikhail Gorbachev
Vladimir Putin
Galileo Galilei
Gary Cooper
Roger Moore
John Huston
Blaise Pascal
Humphrey Bogart
Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Morse
Wayne Gretzky
Yogi Berra
Barry Levinson
Patrice Chereau (director)
Jerry Lewis
Louis Daguerre
James Watt
Henri Rousseau
Nikita Krushchev
Jack Dorsey
Dev Anand
Elia Kazan
Alexander Fleming
David Selznick
Frank Marshall
Viswanathan Anand
Major Dhyan Chand
Swami Vivekananda
Felix Rohatyn
Sam Spiegel
Anand Bakshi
Victor Hugo
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Official God)
Steve Jobs
Srinivasa Ramanujam
Lord Hanuman
Stanley Kubrick
Diego Velazquez
Ernest Hemingway
Francis Ford Coppola
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Mario Lemieux
Kishore Kumar
James Stewart
Douglas Fairbanks
Babe Ruth
Raj Kapoor
Titian aka Tiziano Vecelli
El Greco
Francisco de Goya
Jim Carrey
Mohammad Rafi
Steffi Graf
Gustave Courbet
Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
Milos Forman
Steve Wozniak
Georgia O’ Keeffe
Mala Sinha
Magic Johnson
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Fonda
Albrecht Durer
Benazir Bhutto
Cal Ripken Jr
Samuel Goldwyn
Mumtaz (actress)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pablo Picasso
George Clooney
Olivia de Havilland
Prem Chand
Imran Khan
Pete Sampras
Ratan Tata
Meerabai (16th c. Krishna devotee)
Queen Elizabeth II
Pope John Paul II
James Cameron
Jack Ma
Warren Buffett
Romy Schneider
C. V. Raman
Aung San Suu Kyi
Benjamin Netanyahu
Frank Capra
Michael Schumacher
Steve Forbes
Paramhansa Yogananda
Tom Hanks
Kamal Amrohi
Hans Holbein
Shammi Kapoor
Gerardus Mercator
Edith Piaf
Bhagwan Shirdi Sai Baba (Official God)
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(I know that this is mainly a Hercules-themed blog but is it alright if I can show you something that I notice a striking similarity between the Villains in One of the SB movies, "Sponge On The Run" (which was the advertisement to Kamp Koral) and in Disney's Adaptation of Hercules?)
We all know that in Disney's take on the Mythological Stories of Heracles, the portrayal that we see in Hades is a Cynical and Sarcastic (something like an Evil Salesman) while in the Third SB Film, "Sponge On The Run", the portrayal of Hades' Brother (Poseidon) is often Cocky and Flamboyant.
While we do see different portrayals of the Brothers of Zeus throughout media, you may notice that a similarity between Disney! Hades and Nickelodeon! Poseidon is that both are Mischievous Gods (inaccurate to the OG Hades) who desire on what they want, it's the Heroes who must face their evil (well, technically Herc did finally defeated his own Uncle after rescuing Meg's Soul and even stopping the Titans while SpongeBob and Patrick did rescue Gary from Poseidon, their own Friends did help along with only Poseidon redeems himself in the end after when SpongeBob became his Friend).
However, the Actual One thing that we may notice is that the said versions of the Two Brothers are not seen with their Wives. We definitely know that in Greco-Roman Lore, the Big Three did had their own Consorts. And if you recognize very closely, it could mean that Persephone and Salacia are missing in their own respective films while their own Husbands are seen.
In which, it would've have meant something based on said lore that Hades would've had Persephone (ignoring the House of Mouse and Descendants categories) and that Poseidon would've had Salacia (based on the idea where Neptune and Poseidon swapped their own Spouses like how King Neptune is canonically married to Queen Amphitrite in the Show).
I now this may sound very deep and interesting in the context of how creative these Pantheons can be as far as Ancient Stories go (I am unsure if you have at least seen SOTR but I would like to know your own special thoughts on it) but just picture of these Two Guys (Or at least---Brothers).
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With their own Wives Together.
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And before you ask, Yes, that Mermaid Statue on the Right is meant to be a Interpretation of Salacia if she was in the Third SB Movie (next to a supposed Interpretation of a Disney Persephone on the Left).
The reason as to why that I have decided to share this little Theory with you is because I was just wondering on what is your thoughts/connection to this category of the "Brothers without their own Wives would still have them in Theory in a Media" thing.
What do you think?
Oh wow! You made some good observations there! It is pretty funny that both Poseidon and Hades are villains in their own respected movies, yet their wives only make short cameos in said movies lol. Oh and yes, I have seen Sponge On The Run!
I know in OG Greek lore that (next to Zeus) Poseidon wasn’t the greatest god and was a bit “evil” I guess you could say lol. Plus, SpongeBob literally takes place under the sea, so I can see why they used him, but yeah maybe him being the villain is a call back to original Greek lore? Or maybe he was inspired by Hades and Nickelodeon was like “we’re gonna make our own Hades equivalent” 😂
But yeah, I do like the fact that since Amphitrite is Neptune’s wife that Salacia would be Poseidon’s wife!
And I do think it’s pretty ironic that despite them not being villains in their movie they’re both brothers in Greek lore (kinda reminds me of this fun fact I learned: James Woods {who voices Hades} and Jason Alexander {who voices Poseidon} played as brothers in a 1995 film “For Better or Worse” where James Woods was the sleazy con-man older brother while Jason Alexander was the sensitive and geeky younger brother lol and then 3 years later they play as brothers again in Hercules the animated series lol).
Also you’re totally fine for sending this and talking about it! It’s very interesting and I love when people point out stuff like that lol! I do that all time with the media I’m into lol, so you’re all good! And thank you for adding pictures lol! I honestly need to start adding pictures to some of my future asks! I’ve been meaning to but I keep forgetting lol!
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
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I have wanted to give out my very own Ancestry of the Main SpongeBob Characters since we've seen some BC, Medieval, and Western Counterparts. This time, these are Ancient Greco-Roman Ancestors of SpongeBob and his Friends as you can tell by the Similar characters wearing some Greek/Roman Clothing that I gave them. So let's meet our Main Characters that will soon have their Families' Future of their Current Descendants in the Present Time Earwyn (Parody of Pegasus, Ancestor of Gary) Earwyn is a Winged Snail, born from Winged Snails. He was once one of King Poseidon's slaves until Neptune nursed the Poor Snail into his Palace where he took Earwyn for Shelter for awhile. But when Earwyn chases a small urchin throughout the Hall and then outside, he becomes lost again as Earwyn was then later found by Spongeus and now became his current pet towards the Heroic Sponge. Plus, he even learns to fly and loves to eat food like his Descendant, Gary. Spongeus (Parody of Perseus, Ancestor of SpongeBob) One of the Most Famous Ancient Heroes, the Son the Sponge Princess, Danae. After when Danae met with One Random Fling, Spongeus and his Mother were once drifted off through the ocean and on to the shore of the Island of the Land, "Káto Méros" as they were rescued by a Fisherman and his Wife. Spongeus grew up in the City as the Sponge had many adventures involving around Heroic Training and even his Wild Bizzare Adventures involved around mostly the Roman Gods that is Neptune and his Family. Much like his Descendant, his very over the top Fun-Loving, Kind, Joyful, and Optimistic but also has a little deep mature side despite his silly behavior. Patcarus (Parody of Icarus, Ancestor of Patrick) A Dimiwitted Starfish that always runs through the Family. Patcarus is the most closest Best Friend of Spongeus and is the Son of a Glorius Craftsman Inventor who had to build up a Labyrinth for the Minotaur. Patcarus even dreams to one day have Wings so that way he'll be able to fly, fortunately that always gets ruined since he doesn't proberbly know how to fly in a proper way. Like his Descendant, he's very Lazy with a sense of Humor as he would end up serving himself as one of the Prisets of Bacchus, the Roman God of Wine. Squidymede (Parody of Ganymede, Ancestor of Squidward) Tenderly Handsome Squid fellow who moved from Troy to Káto Méros around Greece when he was a Child. Squidymede is often very grumpy with a dry sense of humor of his own but has his own beliefs of Music and Art. Sadly, runs in the Squid Family, Squidymede always gets the Shit throughout the Years for No Reason whatsoever for he wishes a life where he can have all the happiness and love that he deserves. Spongeus usually loves Squidymede but Squidymede, much like his Future Descendant, gets repeatedly annoyed by Spongeus' surroundings, especially if he's sometimes with Patcarus (Another Annoying Person that Squidymede can't stand). King Krabas (Parody of King Midas, Ancestor of Eugene Krabs) Greedy, Cheap, Hypocritical, Selfish but rather Kind and Friendly King he is, Spongeus and Squidymede are the King's servants. King Krabas is really obessessed with Gold since Childhood, in fact, he wanted everything around in his Kingdom to turn into Gold as his Servants would sell some Krabby Patties to the Customers in exechange for Gold. Krabas has a huge obessession with Gold, he cares less about his Servants, his People, and even his own Family. However, the only thing that he does truly love his Daughter, Pearlen. Krabas has even gone through many journies and adventures digging for Gold with his Old and New Serveants throughout his years. Plankthon (Parody of Erysichthon, Ancestor of Plankton) The Most Envious with Cruel and Malicious Jealousy of Tricks who's also the Arch-Enemy of King Krabas. Plankthon wanted to be the Main Ruler of King around Káto Méros but the Citizens of Káto Méros thought that Plankthon wouldn't work mainly because he was too small so that's why they chose Krabas instead. Long-time arch-rivals between Plankton and Crabs throughout Plankton and Krabs' Families, Plankthon kept on sworing for revenge as he even once tried to have all the food and the gold he could have but Ceres cursed him with replacements of Gold and Food into nothing but Chum. Sandlanta (Parody of Atalanta, Ancestor of Sandy) An Extreme Tough and Tomboyish Squirrel Girl who happens to be a Warrior around from Land to Sea. Sandlanta knew the Greek Gods, especially Zeus, in her Childhood back then as Animals around the Forest and even Humans upon Surface land would worship Greek Gods similar to how most of the Bikini Bottom Mortals would worship Roman Gods around their own religous beliefs. Sandlanta moved into the Sea where she discovered and learn the boundaries of the Ocean which made it into her Brand New Home. Sandlanta is one of Spongeus' Heroic Friends as she would go down hunting down Wild Beasts with Other Hunters as well as being one of the major allies of Diana. Kardea (Parody of Medea, Ancestor of Karen) The Mirror Wife of Plankthon who is his only company to keep him. After when Ceres cursed Plankton's life, Trivia once made a Magic Mirror for Good to teach each of the Fish Mortals how to be good with education. However, as it turns out, Kardea is not what she truly seems as she would often brainwashed Fish people into maing them do Bad Things. Trivia didn't know what might this come, so the Roman Goddess of Witchcraft decided to lock up the Mirror behind an Abandoned Kingdom where Plankthon currently lives now. Kardea helpd on Plankthon to get his own revenge on Krabas with Smart and Clever ideas. But...Much like towards Karen and Plankton's Marriage, they love/hate each other. Princess Pearlen (Parody of Helen of Troy, Ancestor of Pearl Krabs) The One and Only Daughter of King Krabas and Daddy's Little Girl. Pearlen is a very Naive, Dreamy, Sweet, and Free-Spirited Princess. Despite her Spoiled Behavior of a Typical Teenage Girl, she's often excited to taken her Father's Place one day when she becomes the Next Ruler of Káto Méros. Krabas even lets his own Daughter be with a Group of Girls around her own Age but she's also very Popular because she's the Daughter of a King. Sometimes, she gets tired of being Princess and would dream of nothing more but becoming more than just a Royal-Blood. Mrs. Puffpis ((Her Last Name is a reference to an Ancient Greek Poet by the name, "Thespis"), Ancestor of Mrs. Puff) Spongeus' Main Teacher in the School that he goes to, "Neptune Academy". Mrs. Puffpis teaches Spongeus the eductional learning ways behind History but also Math and Science as well as learning to how to write things. She becomes very paranoid when Spongeus does at least done mistakes in his own ways around School, which is quite similar is to how their descendants have that sort of kind of Relationships. Mrs. Puffpis would often suffer from stress and anxiety, especially if it's from too much work. Krabas even wanted to marry her to have her as his own Queen and even Stepmom to Pearlen but Puffpis is already married to her own Husband. Larseus (Parody of Theseus, Ancestor of Larry) Possibly one of the most popular heroes of all, Larseus seems to be a Nice Guy but he's also arrogant and inconsiderate. He's considered to be like a Jock who loves to play Sports as well as fighting down some Monsters and Beasts. He was mostly famous for slaying down the Minotaur with the help of Spongeus. Pretty much, he's a real famous guy as all the ladies around Greece in Káto Méros adored him very well. Though he's not really the Demigod Son of Neptune cause he's not really a demigod as some people assume but he is willingly to take down the hearts of Monsters with the help of his own cunning strength. Sorry if Spongeus looks kinda derpy in this Pic, usually I'm more focused on MS Paint than just Paper (though Paper is sometimes more easier than drawing in MS Paint XP SpongeBob SquarePants (c) Stephen Hillenburg
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
The employees of an independent music store learn about each other as they try anything to stop the store being absorbed by a large chain. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Joe Reaves: Anthony LaPaglia Rex Manning: Maxwell Caulfield Jane: Debi Mazar Lucas: Rory Cochrane A.J.: Johnny Whitworth Debra: Robin Tunney Gina: Renée Zellweger Marc: Ethan Embry Berko: Coyote Shivers Warren: Brendan Sexton III Corey Mason: Liv Tyler Eddie: James ‘Kimo’ Wills Mitchell Beck: Ben Bode Croupier: Gary Bolen Woman at Craps Table: Kimber Sissons High Roller: Tony Zaar Reporter: Patt Noday Kathy: Julia Deane Autograph Girl: Kessia Embry Cop #1: Michele Seidman Cop #2: Diana Taylor Cop #3: Bernard Granger Cop #4: Michael Harding Lead Singer: Dave Brockie Flower Delivery Guy: Kawan Rojanatavorn Roulette Table Man: Corey Joshua Taylor Ballet Dancer: Melissa Caulfield Veronica: Lara Travis Film Crew: Director: Allan Moyle Screenplay: Carol Heikkinen Editor: Michael Chandler Production Design: Peter Jamison Art Direction: John Huke Set Decoration: Linda Spheeris Costume Design: Susan Lyall Producer: Tony Ludwig Producer: Arnon Milchan Producer: Michael G. Nathanson Producer: Alan Riche Co-Producer: Paul Kurta First Assistant Director: Joel Segal Second Assistant Director: Philip A. Patterson Camera Operator: Mitchell Amundsen Steadicam Operator: Rick Raphael First Assistant Camera: John Verardi Second Assistant Camera: Ken Hudson “B” Camera Operator: Jeff Moore Still Photographer: Jim Bridges Second Unit Director of Photography: Carolyn Chen Director of Photography: Walt Lloyd Casting: Gail Levin Music Supervisor: Mitchell Leib Negative Cutter: Mo Henry Color Timer: Bob Putynkowski Music Consultant: Karen Glauber Music Editor: Sally Boldt Supervising Sound Editor: Randle Akerson Sound Effects Editor: Joe Earle Sound Effects Editor: Linda Keim Sound Effects Editor: David M. Horton Dialogue Editor: Adam Sawelson Dialogue Editor: Benjamin Beardwood Assistant Sound Editor: Jonathan Phillips Assistant Sound Editor: Bill Ward ADR Supervisor: Linda Folk ADR Editor: Sukey Fontelieu ADR Mixer: Dean Drabin ADR Mixer: Paul J. Zydel ADR Mixer: Christina Tucker ADR Voice Casting: Barbara Harris Foley Supervisor: David Horton Jr. Foley Mixer: Brian Ruberg Foley Artist: Sarah Monat Foley Artist: Robin Harlan Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Gary Alexander Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Don Digirolamo Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Scott Ganary Dolby Consultant: Douglas Greenfield Dialogue Coach: Naomi Joy Todd Craft Service: Theresa Honeycutt Transportation Coordinator: William “Bill” Pitts Transportation Captain: Jeff Long Construction Coordinator: Jeffrey Schlatter Construction Foreman: Ralph Woollaston Location Manager: Mary Weisgerber Meyer Location Manager: Molly Allen Casting Associate: Tricia Tomey Stunt Coordinator: Jery Hewitt Key Makeup Artist: Jeff Goodwin First Assistant Makeup Artist: Rick Pour Key Hair Stylist: Aaron F. Quarles First Assistant Hairstylist: Lizz Scalice Costume Supervisor: Carolyn Greco Costumer: Sevilla Granger Special Effects Coordinator: Greg Hull Sound Mixer: Douglas Axtell Boom Operator: Robert Maxfield Key Grip: Randy Tambling Best Boy Grip: Dennis Zoppe Dolly Grip: Rufus Granger Jr. Dolly Grip: Clarence Brown Gaffer: George Ball Rigging Gaffer: Scott Graves Production Coordinator: Cynthia Streit Assistant Production Coordinator: Amy Chance Script Supervisor: Annie Welles Second Second Assistant Director: Stefania Girolami Goodwin Unit Publicist: Alex L. Worman Production Accountant: Karen Eisenstadt Assistant Accountant: Rick Baer Property Master: Robert Beck Assistant Property Master: Beth Giles Assistant Art Director: John Frick Set Designer: Evelyne Barbier Set Designer: Tim Eckel Set Designer: Alan Hook Set Dresser: Colleen Broderick Art Department Coordinator: Susan Agnoff First Assistant “B” Camera: Joe D’Alessandro First Assistant Editor: Thomas J. Nordberg Assistant Editor: Pamela Jule Yuen Movie Reviews: Filipe Manuel Neto: **An animated film, full of rebellion and energy.** Remember the stores that sold...
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lamilanomagazine · 5 months
Cannes 77: Sorrentino in Concorso con Lanthimos, Coppola e Cronenberg
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Cannes 77: Sorrentino in Concorso con Lanthimos, Coppola e Cronenberg. Cannes 77 si terrà dal 14 al 25 maggio e vedrà come presidente di giuria Greta Gerwig, regista di "Barbie". Il presidente del Festival Iris Knobloch e il delegato generale Thierry Frémaux hanno annunciato il programma che presenta Paolo Sorrentino in Concorso con il suo "Parthenope" insieme a nomi importantissimi del cinema mondiale come Yorgos Lanthimos, David Cronenberg, Francis Ford Coppola, Paul Schrader. Camille Cottin sarà la madrina delle cerimonie di apertura e chiusura. George Miller a Coppola, il ritorno dei grandi maestri americani Il festival vede anche altri grandi ritorni come quello di George Miller con l’atteso spinofff di Mad Max: Fury Road, Furiosa con protagonista Ana Taylor-Joy, ma soprattutto Francis Ford Coppola con il tormentato e molto atteso Megalopolis in concorso e il regista greco Yorgos Lanthimos che rinnova il sodalizio con Emma Stone e Willem Dafoe nel nuovo progetto Kinds of Kindness. Parthenope di Paolo Sorrentino Girato tra Napoli e Capri con una cast internazionale formato da Dario Aita, Celeste Dalla Porta, Silvia Degrandi, Isabella Ferrari, Lorenzo Gleijeses, Biagio Izzo, Marlon Joubert, Peppe Lanzetta, Nello Mascia, Gary Oldman, Silvio Orlando, Luisa Ranieri, Daniele Rienzo, Stefania Sandrelli e Alfonso Santagata. La trama: La vita di Partenope, che si chiama come la sua città, ma non è né una sirena, né un mito. Dal 1950, quando nasce, fino a oggi. Dentro di lei, tutto il lunghissimo repertorio dell’esistenza: la spensieratezza e il suo svenimento, la bellezza classica e il suo cambiamento inesorabile, gli amori inutili e quelli impossibili, i flirt stantii e le vertigini dei colpi di fulmine, i baci nelle notti di Capri, i lampi di felicità e i dolori persistenti, i padri veri e quelli inventati, la fine delle cose, i nuovi inizi. Gli altri, vissuti, osservati, amati, uomini e donne, le loro derive malinconiche, gli occhi un po’ avviliti, le impazienze, la perdita della speranza di poter ridere ancora una volta per un uomo distinto che inciampa e cade in una via del centro. Sempre in compagnia dello scorrere del tempo, questo fidanzato fedelissimo. E di Napoli, che ammalia, incanta, urla, ride e poi sa farti male. Il programma: Film d'apertura Le Deuxième Acte (Second Act) di Quentin Dupieux In concorso Megalopolis di Francis Ford Coppola The Apprentice di Ali Abbasi Motel Destino di Karim Ainouz Bird di Andrea Arnold Emilia Perez di Jacques Audiard Anora di Sean Baker The Shrouds di David Cronenberg The Substance di Coralie Fargeat Grand Tour di Miguel Gomes Marcello Mio di Christophe Honore Caught by the Tides (Feng Liu Yi Dai) di Jia Zhang-Ke All We Imagine as Light di Payal Kapadia Kinds of Kindness di Yorgos Lanthimos L’Amour Ouf di Gilles Lellouche Wild Diamond di Agathe Riedinger Oh Canada di Paul Schrader Limonov: The Ballad di Kirill Serebrennikov Parthenope di Paolo Sorrentino The Girl With the Needle di Magnus von Horn Fuori concorso Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga di George Miller Horizon, an American Saga di Kevin Costner (serie) She’s Got No Name di Chan Peter Ho-Sun Rumours di Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, Guy Maddin... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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angelloverde · 10 months
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"Mo Soul" Player Playlist 24 November
Jules Gaia - Urban Conspiracy
Gary Combs - Staring At The Fire
Key Tronics Ensemble - Anamaria
Sorace - Lifetime
Diferenz Feat. Jazz Con Bazz - Spacious
Clan Greco - Rotation (Erik Kupper Remix)
Aquanote - Nowhere (Speakeasy Remix)
Lee Rodriguez - Making A Living
Lo Greco Bros - Too Tight
Honeymunch - Caesar
Apollo Beat - Mile High Swinger
Guy & Cesar - A.L.L.
Ohm Guru - Jellygum
The Black Mighty Orchestra - Rua Escondida
From P60 - All I Can Do
If you really want to enjoy music and help musicians and bands, buy their lp’s or cd’s and don’t download mp3 formats. There is nothing like good quality sound!!!
(Angel Lo Verde / Mo Soul)
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