phoenixspencer · 1 month
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AUGUST 14TH, 1978
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whump-tr0pes · 6 months
Honor Bound 6 - 26
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, Honor Bound 4, Honor Bound 5, and the prequel Vera.
Contents: PTSD, past captivity, references to being unsure of reality, thoughts of murder, self-harm themes, bad reaction to discovering self-harm, harm reduction, recovery
Isaac felt better already, knowing there was a locked door between him and the rest of the world. He had locked it behind Vera and Tori as they came in with tonight’s dinner: a hearty shepherd’s pie with rich bites of tender chicken, carrots, and potatoes all in a mouthwatering gravy. Once he had locked the front door, he had walked to the back door and made sure – for the second or third time since he’d gotten home – that it was still locked. It was, but it didn’t hurt to be so sure.
Edrissa had gotten into the house through the unlocked back door and then held a knife to Gavin’s throat. Isaac would have to be stupid to not check, and recheck, and check again.
Isaac sat on one side of Gavin on the couch, and Gray sat on the other. Vera, Sam, and Tori sat sandwiched on the other couch. Now that everyone was finished with dinner, Gavin leaned against Isaac’s side, and Isaac’s arm was slung over his shoulders. Gavin wasn’t shivering for the first time since they’d left the house that morning. Isaac was sated on two large slices of shepherd’s pie.
And yet, he ached to be holding his gun. The concerned glances Vera was throwing him weren’t helping.
“Thank you so much for bringing dinner,” Gray said, finally breaking the silence. “Did you make the pie, or buy it in town?”
“Bought it,” Vera said with a chuckle. “I appreciate your faith in us, but after everything… um. Recently.” She gave a stiff shrug. “Neither of us have felt like cooking.” She smiled tiredly at Tori over Sam’s head.
Gray let out a huff. “Same here,” they said gently. “But we’ve all been… through a lot. I don’t think anyone’s expecting anyone else to be out there crafting gourmet meals.”
“Except Edrissa,” Vera said tightly. “Apparently she’s been, uh… helping Meredith out. With the pies at the general store. Spending most of her time there, actually.”
“Really,” Gray said. Their tone was perfectly even.
Isaac’s hand tightened into a fist as the image of her flashed through his mind – cowering behind Gavin in that bathroom, eyes wild and streaming, clutching herself, looking terrified, as if she was the fucking victim and not the one pressing a knife to a man’s throat hard enough to draw blood just seconds before.
To Gavin’s throat.
His jaw ached and he swallowed hard. He forced himself to release his fist and brushed his lips to Gavin’s temple instead. He felt Vera’s eyes on him the whole time. He cleared his throat.
Sam wet their lips and leaned forward, seeming to sense the tension. “We’ve been keeping things as calm as possible here,” they said with a glance at Isaac. “Mostly just… sleeping.” They laughed. “All of us. Mostly Gray.”
“I don’t appreciate the accusation,” Gray said good-naturedly. “Although, god, I’ve never slept so much in my life.”
“What about you, Gavin?” Tori said softly. She reached over the back of the couch and rested a hand on Vera’s shoulder. “How are you sleeping?”
Gavin relaxed further against Isaac’s side and drew in a deep breath, thinking. “Well,” he murmured. “Better than in… than with Schiester. That’s definitely for sure. But…” Isaac bit his lip and waited for the second shoe to drop. “…it’s… sometimes hard to tell where I am. When I wake up.”
Isaac’s heart twisted. He knew all too well the things Gavin said, and fucking believed, when he wasn’t sure if he was staring at Isaac himself or merely a figment of his own imagination.
“D-don’t you want to… to punish me? …you want to, right? It’s… Isaac, it’s… it’s okay. It’s not… real, I know that. You can do… whatever you want. I can give that to you… if you want. I know it doesn’t really help you… But it’s what I have. P-please don’t stop touching me. Please… Isaac… please, this… this feels better than… a-anything he does to me.”
Shame clogged Isaac’s throat. His fingers itched for his knife. Fuck.
“Yeah,” Vera was saying. “Yeah, that’s… that’s the hardest part, I think. After. The waking up and not knowing, for a while.”
Isaac’s head snapped up. Vera held Gavin’s gaze, and he stared at her with an understanding that Isaac had never shared. Even though everyone except for Gray had been held captive, tortured, collared – what Gavin and Vera shared now was different. They had both been taken, punished by a sadist, had their minds broken down by pain and time – and drugs, in Gavin’s case. They had been kept in a basement, shackled for use because it brought a madman pleasure.
And they had both been alone.
Isaac’s hand shook as he slid it into Gavin’s and squeezed.
“Does that ever go away?” Gavin murmured, as if he had forgotten anyone else was there. Tears shone in his eyes.
“Yes,” Vera answered immediately. Then, she said, “Mostly. Months or years go by, and then you’ll have a shitty day or a bad nightmare and you’ll wake up not knowing where you are again. But the thing that matters is, it passes. And you’re always, always out once it passes.”
“Unless I get taken again,” Gavin whispered as the tears spilled over. “Like you did. Twice.” He shuddered and muffled a sob against Isaac’s shoulder.
Isaac’s arms wound around him in a trembling embrace, pulling Gavin into his lap. Vera stared at the floor, chewing on her lip.
She was taken again three times, if you count the time she went in to save Tori and killed Joseph Stormbeck to escape.
Isaac bit his tongue and shook his head to clear the thought.
“Alright, scootch over,” Tori mumbled as she crossed the living room to drop into the spot where Gavin had been sitting, gently laying a hand on Gavin where he now sat shivering on Isaac’s lap. She pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it across Gavin’s shoulders. “There, better?”
Gavin nodded with his face pressed to Isaac’s neck. His tears streamed into the neckline of Isaac’s shirt. He wrapped Gavin up again, carefully tucking him in, and glanced at Tori inquisitively.
Tori nodded at Vera. “She’s a lot more sensitive to cold when she’s in the thick of it,” she said gently. “And he’s got goosebumps.”
“No shit?” Vera said. “Is that why you always get a blanket when I’m having a bad day?”
The corner of Tori’s mouth curved up. “Yes, dear, that’s why I always get a blanket when you’re having a bad day.”
Vera raised her eyebrows. “No shit,” she mumbled.
“Schiester k-kept the basement cold,” Gavin muttered into Isaac’s neck. “If I wanted blankets I had to… t-tell him things.”
All the blood drained from Isaac’s face. “What… kinds of things?” he croaked.
“Confessions,” Gavin whimpered. “I… I don’t think most of them were true. I don’t remember. I didn’t care. I was cold. Ziegler told me most of the things I admitted to weren’t true.”
“Who the fuck is Ziegler and are we killing them?” Vera said, sitting up straight and staring at Isaac. “Someone who knew you were down there?”
“Y-yes,” Gavin managed through a particularly violent shudder. “He… he didn’t… hurt me as much. And he… let me go.”
Vera’s eyes went wide. “Like—”
“Not like Ryan,” Isaac said sternly. Tears glittered on Vera’s eyelashes. “Just a guard who decided not to kill me when I was pulling Gavin out.”
“He didn’t hurt me,” Gavin said in a small voice. “He… he could have but he… didn’t.”
“Fair enough, Gavin,” Vera interrupted. She shot Isaac a glare. “I get it. That can be enough to keep you sane. Just one person who doesn’t want to hurt you as much as the others.”
Gavin nodded weakly against Isaac’s neck. Isaac tried to meet Vera’s glare, but she shot daggers at him and he faltered. Tori’s hand moved in small, gentle circles on Gavin’s back.
“No one’s taking you again,” Isaac whispered against Gavin’s hair. His arms shook with how hard he squeezed Gavin. “No one. You’re safe, alright? You’re… you’re safe.”
As soon as Edrissa is dealt with—
I wonder if I could get to her before anyone realizes what I’ve done—
“You’re okay, Gavin,” Tori said gently, her hair mingling with his as she leaned in close. “We’ve got you.”
“Y-yeah,” Gavin heaved, and shuddered violently. His hand wrapped around Isaac’s wrist. “Yeah. I’m out.”
Edrissa’s the one who last made him question where he was. I’m going to fucking—
“What the fuck is that?” Vera snapped from her place on the couch.
Isaac’s head shot up and he glanced around the room, ready to neutralize the threat. He met Vera’s eyes and realized she was looking at him – no, not at him.
At his arm.
The sleeve was pulled up slightly on his forearm, exposing a scar left by Gavin’s knife – and the cut he himself had made over it, not five days ago. The angry line flared red in the dim light, and it was devastatingly obvious what it was.
Isaac dragged the sleeve down over the cut, obscuring his entire hand. “Nothing,” he growled.
“Isaac, fuck,” Vera breathed. She rose from the couch and stood over Isaac, staring down at him, looking stricken. “That…” Her hand shot out and she grabbed his wrist, pulling the sleeve up to reveal the line of cuts up and down Isaac’s arm.
Isaac yanked his arm out of Vera’s grasp, cringing back into the couch. Gavin slid off his lap and partially onto Tori. Isaac couldn’t even look at Tori; he could barely bring himself to look at Vera, who stared down at him in horror.
“It’s nothing,” Isaac pleaded with a broken voice.
“Vera, let’s respect Isaac’s desire for privacy,” Gray said, a little weakly.
Isaac could feel Gavin’s gaze drilling holes into the side of his head. He blinked back tears and swallowed hard against the shame strangling him. Slowly, he opened his mouth to speak.
Vera beat him to it. “I… told you not to punish yourself,” she said. She held her hands lamely out to her sides. “You said you wouldn’t—”
“No, I didn’t,” Isaac said through his teeth. “I never said that.”
Vera shook her head. “But—”
“I wouldn’t have said that,” Isaac said. His voice was fading, cracking under the pressure of Vera’s gaze. Having Gavin so close to him, feeling all eyes in the room on him, on his arms, safely hidden again under his long sleeves, was too much to bear. He swallowed again, hoping his dinner would stay down. “I never lied to you.”
“I n-never said you did,” Vera croaked. Her hands were in fists at her sides now. “I… how long?”
Isaac shook his head. He glanced at Sam, who stared right back at him. A quiet sort of pain pinched their mouth. “I… would really rather not have this conversation,” he said thickly.
“Yeah, I bet you wouldn’t,” Vera breathed. She sniffed and lifted her chin against the tears that glittered in her eyes. “Isaac… why didn’t you tell me?”
“What, and have you react like this?” He meant to snarl the words, but they came out weak and pathetic sounding.
She nodded slowly. “You’re right,” she murmured. “That’s… that’s fair. I’m sorry, I… This isn’t… how I should be reacting.”
“Let’s everyone take a breath,” Gray said softly. “Vera, do you want to sit down?”
Vera returned to her couch on stiff legs and fell to her seat beside Sam. Isaac could breathe a little easier, without her standing over him. Gavin crawled back onto his lap and wrapped his arms around Isaac’s neck.
“Sorry,” Vera said flatly. She drew in a deep inhale and let it out in a gusty breath. “Sorry. That’s… probably the last fucking thing you needed.”
“Yeah,” Isaac said. He shrank as Gavin laid his head on his shoulder.
“Isaac, can I touch you?” Tori said. Isaac jumped, but relaxed a little when he met her eyes. Her gaze was soft, sad, but not filled with horror. Not like Vera’s. He nodded, and she laid a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“I’m really sorry,” Vera whispered. “That was… I wish I could take that back.” She wiped her eyes and sat up, taking another deep breath. “That was shitty of me.”
“No,” Isaac grumbled. His arms stung as if all the cuts were brand new. He longed to scratch at the ones that itched, but he couldn’t bear to draw any more attention to them. He swallowed tightly. “I should never have…” He couldn’t finish the sentence.
“No.” Vera held up a shaking hand. “Don’t… don’t do that.” She raked her fingers through her hair and stared at the floor. “Um…”
Isaac couldn’t bring himself to say any of the things that were echoing through his head:
I know this hurts you. I know I did it because I’m weak. I know I would never have had to do it if I had just kept my family safe in the first place. I know…
He knew right where his knife was, too. Gray had taken the one he usually used, but he had another in his pack. All he would have to do is—
“Boy I wish someone else would say something,” Vera said with a broken laugh.
Gray leaned forward with a warm glance toward Isaac. “Did you hear Sam is going to be staying with us?” they said, without missing a beat. Isaac could have cried with gratitude at no longer being the subject of discussion.
Tori beamed and glanced at Sam. “I didn’t hear that! That’s so great.” Her voice was tighter than Gray’s, but it was still light. Isaac felt a wash of gratitude for her, too.
“Yeah,” Sam said. They sounded so tired. But happy, too. “Yeah, I talked to Zachariah about it and… I’m going to be staying here for a while.” They grinned at Isaac. “The foreseeable future.”
“That’s awesome,” Vera said, with only a little flatness to her voice.
“We’re definitely happy about it,” Gray said with a smile.
“It’ll be really nice to… to have you here, Sam,” Isaac croaked. He rearranged his face into what was probably a smile and willed the darkness in his chest to dissipate. “It’ll be nice to be together.” His arms tightened around Gavin as he said it.
Sam nodded, their expression brightening further. “We were worried about where I was going to sleep, but…” They patted the couch cushion next to them. “Turns out this couch is extremely comfortable. After how long we spent on the road, just about anything feels good.”
“You slept on my floor on an air mattress for months,” Tori said with a laugh. “Anything is better than that.”
“Even sleeping on the ground during winter?” Sam said with a mischievous smile. All at once, the exhaustion around their eyes faded away, and they looked like themself again. They looked like the Sam Isaac had always known.
“Depends on the winter,” Tori said. “In the south it wasn’t bad.”
“I’ll take the air mattress,” Vera interjected, raising her hand. “If I get a say.”
“Yeah, because it was on my floor,” Tori shot back with a conspiratory grin.
Everyone laughed at that, even Isaac. He felt the cold fist around his heart loosen a bit, then fall away entirely. As he looked around at the people he loved, feeling Gavin’s warm weight in his lap and Gray’s shoulder brushing his, he could breathe a little easier. He could survive another few minutes without his knife.
Perhaps he could go without it entirely, tonight. It would still be there in the morning if he needed it, and he figured he would. But… maybe then he could just hold some ice instead, if he didn’t need it too badly. What he knew for sure, though, was that he didn’t need the knife tonight.
With his family around him, alive, safe… he could go without the knife for a little longer.
Continued here
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hollywocd · 2 years
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misc icons like or reblog if you use them
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dylan-duke · 9 months
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liked by lauren, mackie.samo, maggie and others
munchkin TWO GOALS FOR MY BOY! so proud of you gavo @seamuscasey26 give him a hug for me
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cuttergauthier_ can i give him a hug? -> isaachoward53 NO ITS MY TURN -> seamuscasey26 i believe she asked me to do it. so I'm doing it
ellie USA!
taylorbrindley go gav!
_quinnhughes congratulations gavin!
g.brindley4 thank you munch! wish you were here 🩵
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absyntheartref · 1 year
Ty always for the tag @layalu :] for THIS picrew
I may have also went a bit overboard... Started with DA OCs then added other OCs
I don't have people to tag but @melisusthewee: you've been looking for a dragon age group so you are welcome to add to this tag! We tag each other to make our Dragon Age characters in picrews a lot. (We meaning me, layalu, creativegoblin, quakingbirch & crew. Sorry if this @ is annoying btw I know we've never interacted but I wanted to include you in our group.)
Under the cut we have: Luciano Smith, Modern AU Berwick if he were super into 70s fashion, Gavin Sharpe, Thorsten but as your odd scottish neighbor & Isaac Leighton
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I made Adrian but forgot to save him so he's uhhhh lost oops, oh and I had made myself a bit ago before I got tagged, heres that:
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goliathwriter · 2 years
My (almost) award winning short story 'The Forest Sociery' is an homage to Isaac Asimov's Robots universe.
I hope you enjoy.
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wornoutspines · 4 months
X-Men '97 (Season Review) | From Nostalgia to Innovation: A Riveting Journey with X-MEN '97
I just binged X-Men'97 3-part finale and it was more than I expected! Fast-paced, rich in detail, and character development that is truly satisfying. The series a nostalgic yet innovative take on the beloved franchise. A must-watch! #XMen97 #Review
This continuation of X-Men: The Animated Series (1992) was not a show I was particularly excited about, but I knew I’d check out because I like the X-Men. I always liked how they made me feel less alone because when you grow up knowing that you’re different in some ways and that your differences can make you a target, having a band of mutants who use their gifts to protect a world that hates and…
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faydingrain · 11 months
John Isaac De Cartes
The flame before Gavin ceased at his breath.
And he cringed, acutely aware of the energy radiating from his former club leader. “You did what with my knife?”
“I’m sorry!! I-I didn’t mean to!!”
Hestia looked as though she were about to pop a vein. “The minute we’re finished here, you’re coming with me and repeating what you did!”
“I’ve been trying to contact the entity bound with it for months! You’re going to show me how you did it so I can open communication with them!”
“I-I don’t think that’s a g-good idea!”
“He’s right,” Cedric said. “Given how rapidly the situation escalated, it wouldn’t be wise to repeat it carelessly.”
“I…understand.” She sank, letting out a defeated sigh.
“We can examine it safely at a later time.”
“Of course.”
After examining a nervous Gavin, Cedric brought them back on topic. “For now, let us continue.”
“Please do,” the boy said.
“I don’t know,” John chuckled. “I’m feeling a bit intimidated after that.”
“Don’t be.”
The early riser that he is, John paced through near-empty halls still only lit by the inner lights. Hair gelled, tie straightened, he headed straight for his first hour to begin sorting paperwork and scheduling his day.
Then, a thought hit him. ‘Ah, there’s a sub today, isn’t there?’ The chance the room may not even be available occurred to him, since the sub probably wouldn’t arrive this far before class. However, he could always visit another of his teachers’ rooms for morning planning. A minor inconvenience.
Swerving ‘round the hallway to his class, he was relieved to see the light spilling from the open door. An itinerary began swimming through his mind, but he stopped upon hearing the sub’s voice, speaking as if they were in conversation.
‘Oh…is someone else in there? Maybe I shouldn’t interrupt…’
He remained just outside the door frame, listening in long enough to determine if he needed to relocate for the morning.
“Ah…what is this? I don’t get it…”
Furrowing a brow, he kept his ears open.
“Gah…this is so itchy…” Only the sub’s voice streamed out. “It’s necessary, isn’t it?
But it’s so itchy. And I don’t understand this work.
You’ll figure it out.”
Did they not understand the work for the day? He’d be happy to show them if they’d accept help from a student, but….
Then scratch it.
So damn itchy…”
With a gulp, he crept in anyways. Maybe his presence could be a distraction for the sub’s…whatever it was.
“Itchy itchy itchy…
Scratch it.
So damn itchy!
It hurts!”
His narrow, violet eyes flew open as the sub came into view.
The man placed firm fingers on his chin, then pulled outward. Lines around his face slowly became visible, like the seams of something adhesed to another. Then, his expression froze completely. Like a sort of mask, he peeled the fleshy plate from his head, skin and veins stretching with it before snapping from the distance.
His other hand dug into the weave of red muscle underneath. “Itchy…” Blood popped from under his fingernails, and flowed like a river down his arm. “It hurts!!”
Scaretober 2023
Brisk Wind on a Dark Trail
Midnight Moon
Gargoyle's Watch
Cold Stones in the Fog
Spirits Rising
Haunted House
Witching Hour
Bubbling Cauldron
Spider Silk
Fangs or Talons
An Offering of Blood
Dark Ritual
Spook Scary Skeletons
Carnivàle Morte
Still-Beating Heart
Sharpened Blade
Looming Shadows
The Devil's Hand
Reflection in the Mirror
Rusted Chains
Precious Jewels
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radiantrookie · 1 month
VA's in both Red vs Blue and RWBY
Lindsay Jones:
Ruby Rose
Red vs Blue:
Vanessa Kimball
Chain Girl
Female Simmons
Arryn Zech:
Blake Belladonna
Red vs Blue:
Dr Emily Grey
Barbara Dunkelman:
Yang Xiao Long
Red vs Blue:
Katie Jensen
Caboose's mental image of Donut (Season 14)
Bonus: Mama Boomstick (Death battle)
Miles Luna:
Jaune Arc
Red vs Blue:
Felix (Isaac Gates)
Johnson MacGruff
Sigma (Restoration)
Lavernius Tucker (Save the Date PSA and Season 12 Teaser Trailer)
Franklin Delano Donut (Season 11: S.O.S.)
Jen Brown:
Pyrrha Nikos
Lisa Lavender
Red vs Blue:
Agent Carolina
Malcom's Mom
Samantha Ireland:
Nora Valkyrie
Red vs Blue:
CT (Connie)
Burnie Burns:
Taiyang Xiao Long
Red vs Blue:
Leonard Church (Alpha/Epsilon)
Lopez the Heavy
The Warthog
Red Zealot
Yellow Church
Omega AI
Theta AI
Shannon McCormick:
Red vs Blue:
Agent Washington (David)
Lopez 2.0 (Dos.O)
Agent Iowa (Mike)
Kathleen Zuelch:
Glynda Goodwitch
Red vs Blue:
Agent Texas (Tex/Allison)
Joel Heyman:
Bartholomew Oobleck
Red vs Blue:
Michael J Caboose
Gray G. Haddock:
Roman Torchwick
Red vs Blue:
Locus (Samuel Ortez)
Donald Doyle
Ryan Haywood:
Peter Port
Red vs Blue:
John Elizabeth Andersmith
Diesel (Originally)
Kerry Shawcross:
Neptune Vasilias
Floyd the Geist
Pyke Rite
Red vs Blue:
Charles Palomo
Agent Utah
Agent Georgia
Michael Jones:
Sun Wukong
Red vs Blue:
Chain Guy
B.B. Ghanoush
Ashley Burns:
Coco Adel
Red vs Blue:
Female Lopez
Female Church
Elizabeth Maxwell:
Winter Schnee
Little Weiss'
Red vs Blue:
Agent Ohio (Vera)
Anna Hullum:
Raven Branwen
Red vs Blue:
Female Sarge
Dylan Andrews (Restoration)
Shane Newville:
Russel Thrush
Atlesian Knight-130
Red vs Blue:
Gavin Free:
Scarlet David
Red vs Blue:
Pounder McJones
Maggie Tominey:
Melanie Malachite
Miltia Malachite
Red vs Blue:
Female Donut
Jessica Nigiri:
Cinder Fall
Red vs Blue:
Simmons's Pink Lieutenant
Katie Newville:
Emerald Sustrai
Red vs Blue:
Jen Taylor:
Edit: Thanks to @joltning for telling me about Agent Utah and Agent Georgia
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lucamilo · 4 months
Music Artists I associate with Redacted characters
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I forgot to put Rio Romeo for Darlin but I cleared out my phone so-
Artists for Angel: Isaac Dunbar, Chrissy Chlapecka, Ayesha Erotica, Kim Petras, Melanie Martinez, Doja Cat (Marc indigo would be an honorable mention)
Artists for Gavin: Doja Cat, Ayesha Erotica, Demi Lavato, Jann, Marc Indigo, Adam Lambert (Jordan Suaste would be an honorable mention aswell)
Artists for Darlin’: Melanie Martinez, Ashnikko, SNOW WIFE(heavy on this one), Demi Lavato, Ethan Bortnick(also heavy on this one), and Mitski (as mentioned before, Rio Romeo would be an honorable mention)
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movierentals · 27 days
i'd love to plot out some m/m smut threads where i can play the top, either on here or discord. i'm open to most faceclaims, but some of my favorite opposites at the moment are: nico greetham, zane phillips, dacre montgomery, taron egerton, charles melton, john boyega, phil dunster, manny jacinto, kit connor, jack champion, aaron taylor-johnson, austin butler, jack quaid, isaac powell, oscar isaac, mike faist, milo manheim, jonathan bailey, charlie bushnell, richard madden, brandon flynn, joshua bassett, gavin casalegno, taylor zakhar perez, mike faist, joel kim booster, glen powell, and chris evans ! please like if you're interested in plotting and i'll shoot you a message.
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whump-tr0pes · 4 months
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Honor Bound 6 - 31 (Headache/Migraine) - @badthingshappenbingo
Red X for posted, white X for requested! Send in your requests! If you don’t see a prompt here that you already requested, please send it again!
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, Honor Bound 4, Honor Bound 5, and the prequel Vera.
Contents: sick fic, past captivity, unsure of reality, past forced confession, past offscreen murder of a child, self-hatred, past hallucinations, past murder, fear of taking pills, so much angst
The cloying sensation of pain reached Gavin through heavy waves of nausea and exhaustion. He squeezed his eyes shut and winced as the pain sharpened to a hot, pulsing point behind his left eye. A chill shuddered over his shoulders, down his spine, back up into the tight muscles of his neck. His own clammy fingers pressed against his forehead in a feeble attempt to relieve the pain.
There was no relief, down here in the basement.
He was a little warm, at least, under the three blankets he had earned with his confessions. They hadn’t been wild and desperate, like the confessions pried out of him by the drugs or the razor-sharp edge of Schiester’s knife. Each one had been deliberate. He had known the bargain he was making with each one.
“My coming back was my fault. Not theirs. I… I sh-should have died. It wasn’t their fault.”
“I… I shot Gray. In the chest. Back when I was… when I was still fighting them. I shot them in the chest and left them to die.”
“Wh-when I was sixteen, my mother offered me a child… I see it was a test, I see that now, but at the time I just saw a plaything that I knew I should – that I knew how to hurt. I… I killed her. Quickly. I—”
Schiester had backhanded him across the mouth before he could finish the sentence.
Each confession had been worth it. Each one had come with a beating that had left Gavin screaming in pain, but each was worth it. He had confessed his crimes to someone who would punish him for them, and properly, not with easy forgiveness. And what was more – each confession earned him a blanket that held off the cold. Still, despite the blankets over him, he shivered with cold sweat.
He didn’t try to raise his head or look around. He simply lay still, frozen in place with the pain, trying and failing to cease to exist. Terror was a steady thrum alongside his heartbeat, as he knew at any moment his tormentor would return and use this agony against him. There was nothing he could do to stop that now. He could no sooner stop the pain than he could stop the sluggish beat of his own heart, matching the dull thud within his own head. Each breath whooshed softly into his nose, huffed softly out of his mouth. His body was a heap of mechanical processes that carried on, even as his every reason for living had abandoned him here. His life was simply a serious of moments extended by the sadistic whims of the man still keeping him alive. Schiester made his commands, and his body obeyed. Nothing would stop the pain. There was no such thing as relief in this basement. There was no ice, no rizatriptan, no mercy.
Isaac had stopped looking—
Gavin cried out and flung himself upright. Isaac stood at the side of the bed, one hand outstretched and almost touching him. Gavin quaked with each panting breath as his arms shook under him and finally collapsed. Pain seared behind his eyes as he stared up at Isaac, who was starting to blur with tears.
“Are you alright?” Isaac murmured.
“You… g-got me out,” Gavin croaked. His mouth was so dry. His left eye felt like it was starting to melt out of his head.
Isaac sat carefully on the side of the bed, hand still outstretched. His fingers gently brushed through Gavin’s hair – Gavin realized then that it was soaked with sweat. “Yes,” Isaac said heavily. “I… I got you out, Gavin. Bad dream? Or…?”
“Migraine,” Gavin said, and pressed his face against the pillow. “Isaac, I—” He shoved a hand against his own mouth and dry heaved.
“Gray brought your rizatriptan,” Isaac said, rising again. Gavin groaned as the bed jostled. “Let me go get you some.”
“A-and water,” Gavin said weakly. “Please.”
“Sure,” Isaac said as he left the room.
Gavin trembled and clutched at the pillow beneath his head. As much as it pained him, he forced himself to look around, to take in the sight of the room – the peeling paint on the walls, the curtains lit by the sun slanting into the windows, the warmth of the light, the size of the room. It looked nothing like the cold, dark basement that had been his prison for what had felt like months. It felt nothing like the cramped, cruel cell where he had been kept. When Isaac entered the room again with a glass of water and a pill pinched between his fingers, the tears in Gavin’s eyes spilled over.
“N-not fucking going back,” he rasped. He dropped his head and muffled a sob against his pillow as Isaac sat beside him once more.
“No way,” Isaac said, every word sounding strained. He held the pill to Gavin’s lips, and Gavin took it, willingly.
Schiester could have drugged me this way.
The thought was a brick in Gavin’s stomach. He could have put it in my food. He didn’t have to fucking… inject it. But… An entirely different thought crossed his mind that brought a chill to his heart. This could all still be a hallucination. This could just be how he’s keeping me drugged.
As Isaac tipped the glass of water to Gavin’s lips, Gavin hesitated. Isaac froze with the glass still held out. “You alright?” Isaac rasped.
Gavin trembled as he raised his gaze to Isaac. Isaac’s eyes were brown, not blue. And he hadn’t hurt Gavin at all. Not yet. But Schiester could be playing the long game. After all, he’d been playing the long game by letting Gavin think he had escaped to the north safely back in May. This could all just be another fucking joke to him, like faking the hanging after he murdered Lucy and Topher.
Isaac swallowed hard. “Gavin?” he said softly. “Is… What—”
Gavin raised a shaking hand and dug the pill out of his mouth. It was already beginning to disintegrate and leave a gritty residue on his tongue. He stared at it between his fingers, then looked back to Isaac again.
Isaac’s eyebrows pulled together. “Gavin, what are you—”
“What happens to me if I don’t take this?” Gavin breathed. Light pulsed on the left side of his vision.
Isaac’s eyes widened. “What happens…? Nothing, Gavin, nothing happens to you. Except maybe your migraine doesn’t get much better. I don’t…” He reached out to gently stroke Gavin’s cheek.
Gavin flinched at the contact. Isaac jerked his hand back like Gavin had bitten him.
“Gavin,” Isaac said, realization crossing his face. “No. This isn’t… come on, Gavin, this is—”
“Prove it, then.” The words barely made a sound as they passed Gavin’s lips. He reached over to the nightstand and rolled his fingers together until the sticky pill dropped onto the wood. He nearly threw up then, just from the effort of holding himself up with his head pounding so ferociously. Shaking, he returned his gaze to Isaac – or the specter that could be wearing Isaac’s form. He braced for the collapse of the illusion: the sneer of contempt, the flash of violence in Isaac’s eyes, the snap of his fingers as he ordered the guards who must be currently outside of Gavin’s vision to step into the cell with him and hold him down and hurt him—
Instead, a horrible, guilty brokenness crawled across Isaac’s face. The lines around his eyes deepened, and a terrible sadness tugged at his mouth. He held his hands out, at his sides, empty and harmless. His eyes swam with helpless tears.
“I… w-won’t make you take anything you don’t want to, Gavin,” he said weakly. “I was just trying to help.”
Gavin’s throat tightened, and he could feel nothing but heat and pain. He squeezed his eyes shut and grasped at the relief of the momentary darkness. Then, he blinked his eyes open and reached for Isaac. Isaac’s shoulders fell, and he let Gavin take his hand.
“P-please,” Gavin whispered. “Please, I just…” He sobbed weakly and whimpered when that only ratcheted up the pain in his head.
“Here,” Isaac said, tears falling down his own cheeks. He guided Gavin to lay down again and stretched out beside him. “No… no pills. Just… I can just be with you. And hold you. Would that be… would that… help?”
“Yeah,” Gavin croaked, his throat still tight. He could barely see out of his left eye, and every heartbeat was agony. Still, Isaac was here. Isaac had his hands on him, and was pulling him close, and was holding him. He buried his face in Isaac’s chest and let out another broken sob.
Even as he shivered and twisted in Isaac’s arms from the pain, his heartrate slowed. The Isaac holding him was solid and real, even nothing else in the world was.
Something prickled in the back of Gavin’s mind. He swallowed hard, swallowed back the terror and pain that quivered beneath his skin; the Isaac holding him was real, because Daniel Schiester would never, ever have allowed Gavin Uriah to say no to him. The pill lay on the nightstand beside the bed still, beside the untouched water glass.
Continued here
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La Croisière s'amuse fut créé en 1977 et diffusé jusqu'en 1987. Titre original The Love Boat créée par Aaron Spelling. Avec Gavin MacLeod, Bernie Kopell, Ted Lange ...
Le capitaine Stubing et son équipage, le barman Isaac, le docteur Adam, la directrice de croisière Julie et Gopher, accueillent chaque semaine sur leur paquebot, le Pacific Princess, des passagers pour une croisière exceptionnelle
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little-strawberry100 · 10 months
Read Rules
Bittersweet Trio-
Plushie Alphonse?
Time With Your Boys
Can We Be Polyamorous?
Road Trip!
Alphonse- None yet...
Seth- None yet...
Poem Of Love
Charlie- None yet...
Auron- None yet..
Faust- None yet...
Jack- None yet...
Redacted Audio
David- None yet...
Asher- None yet...
Milo- None yet...
Sam- None yet...
Vincent- None yet...
Gavin- None yet...
Lasko- None yet...
Damian- None yet...
Huxley- None yet...
Guy- None yet...
Ollie- None yet...
Elliot- None yet...
Aaron- none yet...
Ivan- None yet...
Escaped Audios
Jean Dipeitro- None Yet...
Alfonso Villabla- None yet...
Benjamin Rasmussen- None yet...
Ashley- None Yet...
Jäger- None Yet...
Crow- None Yet...
Ivan- None Yet...
Good Boy Audios
Albus York- None yet..
Devlin York- None yet...
Yargwynn- None yet...
Zedrathaw Mistwood- None yet...
Dontis- None Yet...
Matias- None Yet...
Alex- None Yet...
Jonah- None Yet...
Niall- None Yet...
Elias- None Yet...
Xanthus- None Yet...
Kayson- None Yet...
Prof. Marston- Nome Yet...
Isaac- None Yet...
Luca- None Yet...
Titan A.E.
Cale Tucker- None Yet...
Akima Kunimoto- None Yet...
Resident Evil
Leon S Kennedy- None yet...
Chris Redfield- None yet...
Rebecca Chambers- None yet...
Jill Valentine- None yet...
Kurt Kunkle-
Are We Famous Yet?
Free Guy
Keys Mckeys- None yet...
Millie Rust- None yet...
Peter Maximoff- None yet...
Charles Xavier- None yet...
Assassins Creed Black Flag
Edward Kenway- None yet...
James Kidd / Mary Read- None yet...
Red Dead Redemption 2
Arthur Morgan- None yet...
John Marstion- None yet...
Sadie Adlar- None yet...
Mary-Beth- None yet...
Charles Smith- None yet...
Trigun Stampede/ Trigun
Vash The Stampede- None yet...
Wolfwood- None yet...
Meryl- None yet...
Dean Winchester- None yet...
Sam Winchester- None yet...
Josh Hutcherson Characters
Michael Schmidt- None yet...
Peeta Mellark- None yet...
Nod- None yet...
Peter Parker-
You Saved Me
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feelinghaunted · 2 years
names masterlist.
here’s a masterlist of popular names from each state in the united states. names will be separated by state and by gender, and there will be 5 of the most popular names from each state. i put all of the names on one line to avoid having this end up being too long, and i also included district of columbia. thus, there’s a total of 510 names. if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
Tumblr media
male.  /  william.  john.  james.  noah.  elijah.  female.  /   olivia.  ava.  amelia.  charlotte.  emma.
male.  /   oliver.  liam.  wyatt.  lucas.  theodore. female.  /   hazel.  aurora.  eleanor.  evelyn.  isla.
male.  /   mateo.  sebastian.  benjamin.  julian.  santiago. female.  /   sophia.  camila.  isabella.  mia.  luna.
male.  /   asher.  hudson.  grayson.  luke.  waylon. female.  /   paisley.  harper.  ella.  elizabeth.  willow.
male.  /   alexander.  daniel.  ethan.  ezekiel.  aiden. female.  /   gianna.  emily.  mila.  aria.  natalia.
male.  /   henry.  jack.  owen.  jackson.  ezra. female.  /   avery.  abigail.  scarlett.  nora.  lily.
male.  /   joseph.  luca.  jacob.  logan.  mason. female.  /   madison.  grace.  penelope.  riley.  hailey.
male.  /   michael.  levi.  david.  cameron.  caleb. female.  /   layla.  leilani.  nova.  hannah.  kinsley.
male.  /   charles.  leo.  samuel.  dylan.  miles. female.  /   maya.  zoe.  naomi.  chloe.  margaret.
male.  /   matthew.  gabriel.  jayden.  anthony.  josiah. female.  /  victoria.  valentina.  leah.  ellie.  gabriella.
male.  /   carter.  christopher.  thomas.  legend.  joshua.
female.  /  serenity.  skylar.  caroline.  autumn.  willow.
male.  /   kai.  isaac.  maverick.  isaiah.  elias. female.  /   kaia.  kiana.  elena.  ayla.  leia.
male.  /   lincoln.  declan.  everett.  calvin.  brooks. female.  /   violet.  oakley.  ruby.  alice.  claire.
male.  /   nolan.  leonardo.  nathan.  ryan.  adam. female.  /   eliana.  lilian.  lucy.  addison.  delilah.
male.  /   easton.  cooper.  colton.  weston.  emmett. female.  /   everleigh.  ivy.  josephine.  lydia.  stella.
male.  /   ryker.  bennett.  beau.  beckett.  harrison. female.  /   cora.  quinn.  clara.  hadley.  vivian.
male.  /   silas.  jameson.  andrew.  rhett.  eli. female.  /   emery.  kennedy.  piper.  eloise.  sloane.
male.  /   carson.  sawyer.  kingston.  braxton.  hunter. female.  /   raelynn.  audrey.  emersyn.  sadie.  josie.
male.  /   christian.  wesley.  jace.  amir.  brennan. female.  /   aubree.  demi.  londyn.  remi.  mary.
male.  /   parker.  bentley.  river.  connor.  robert. female.  /   maeve.  magnolia.  freya.  adeline.  madelyn.
male.  /   axel.  aaron.  chase.  kayden.  austin. female.  /   genesis.  bella.  brielle.  mackenzie.  ariana.
male.  /   maxwell.  landon.  cole.  rowan.  george. female.  /   sophie.  anna.  julia.  cecilia.  eva.
male.  /   roman.  ali.  blake.  milo.  august. female.  /   brooklyn.  peyton.  savannah.  nevaeh.  melody.
male.  /   arlo.  graham.  louis.  archer.  otto. female.  /   amira.  elsie.  lennon.  wren.  june.
male.  /   bryson.  walker.  kyrie.  dawson.  kash. female.  /   harmony.  journee.  summer.  oaklynn.  kylie.
male.  /   jeremiah.  dean.  tucker.  jasper.  xavier. female.  /   reagan.  ember.  brynlee.  iris.  amara.
male.  /   bodhi.  colt.  stetson.  knox.  arthur. female.  /   finley.  aspen.  eliza.  harlow.  jane.
male.  /   barrett.  lane.  ian.  camden.  hayes. female.  /   maria.  eden.  reese.  sutton.  jade.
male.  /   gael.  emiliano.  ivan.  lorenzo.  ace. female.  /   athena.  ximena.  selena.  alaia.  allison.
male.  /   evan.  finnegan.  brayden.  gavin.  max. female.  /   fiona.  rose.  genevieve.  vera.  rosalie.
male.  /   nicholas.  dominic.  vincent.  zachary.  thiago. female.  /   esther.  sara.  miriam.  rachel.  rivka.
male.  /   jose.  giovanni.  damian.  angel.  diego. female.  /   ariella.  xiomara.  kaylani.  catalina.  andrea.
male.  /   moshe.  abraham.  jonathan.  chaim.  jordan. female.  /   chaya.  alaia.  chana.  sienna.  juliette.
male.  /   micah.  brantley.  tristan.  tyler.  nathaniel. female.  /   kaylee.  alexa.  taylor.  katherine.  bailey.
male.  /   bridger.  daxton.  briggs.  cohen.  paul. female.  /   sylvie.  presley.  alivia.  brynlee.  ada.
male.  /   kevin.  timothy.  brody.  brandon.  grant. female.  /   morgan.  paige.  jenna.  annabelle.  lyla.
male.  /   malachi.  ryder.  zayden.  maddox.  abel. female.  /   faith.  samantha.  jasmine.  trinity.  alexis.
male.  /   elliot.  jude.  leon.  atlas.  travis. female.  /   juniper.  sydney.  melanie.  charlie.  daisy.
male.  /   sean.  brady.  jason.  colin.  hayden. female.  /   callie.  molly.  teagan.  brianna.  lauren.
male.  /   zion.  nico.  enzo.  amari.  theo. female.  /   vivienne.  anastasia.  melody.  valerie.  sage.
male.  /   kyrie.  king.  ashton.  jayceon.  jaden. female.  /   kendall.  paris.  mariah.  makayla.  saylor.
male.  /   beckham.  finn.  nash.  holden.  knox. female.  /   thea.  hattie.  octavia.  haisley.  mckenna.
male.  /   justin.  seth.  steven.  kenneth.  mark. female.  /   arabella.  alexandria.  amber.  laura.  amanda.
male.  /   andres.  matias.  adriel.  victor.  alan. female.  /   arabella.  lucia.  alina.  kimberly.  ariel.
male.  /   nixon.  jett.  peter.  victor.  jonah. female.  /   navy.  adelaide.  millie.  olive.  holland.
male.  /   griffin.  eric.  felix.  forrest.  spencer. female.  /   aurelia.  bristol.  lila.  phoebe.  mae.
male.  /   bryce.  patrick.  brian.  richard.  kyle. female.  /   katelyn.  cheyenne.  jessica.  aniyah.  michelle.
male.  /   dakota.  jeremy.  derek.  garrett.  jeffrey. female.  /   georgia.  stephanie.  nicole.  alyssa.  jocelyn.
male.  /   trenton.  chandler.  drew.  clayton.  scott. female.  /   destiny.  rebecca.  angelina.  caitlyn.  chelsea.
male.  /   jared.  mitchell.  alec.  brett.  douglas. female.  /   meghan.  christina.  marissa.  danielle.  cassandra.
male.  /   odin.  zane.  agustus.  talon.  porter. female.  /   maggie.  gracelynn.  willa.  adelina.  tatum.
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