#Goin' Band
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It’s…Artifact Friday! Raider! Power!
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b4kuch1n · 9 months
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polymer broadcast signal hijack
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staud · 7 months
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speirs almost getting run over / 1x09 why we fight
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bunnyslize · 10 months
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felidaefatigue · 2 months
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drawin lesbians (and ortus) on my lunchbreak :-)
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killrspringlock · 1 year
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Thinkin bout these today
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faunandfloraas · 1 month
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Even my heterosexual welder brother has shit to say lmaooo
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kafka-ohdear · 4 months
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skinny sisk being pixelated in the background compilation -> the first half of "currahee".
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bonus, with chuck and popeye.
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d0geggz · 11 months
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z0mbearz · 10 months
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walaskart · 8 months
Let's Hang Together
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Chapter 4/7
After you finish unpacking, Swiss left you alone to get comfortable in your room without him, though it felt like he never left. After you make your bed, you lay down on it, exhausted, and only able to think about Swiss. Sure, because of him your friends stopped talking to you, but they were never good friends, to begin with. Swiss, however, genuinely liked you and seems interested in getting to know you.
You just can’t stop thinking about him. And now you have to know what he looks like under the mask. He has to be handsome, to match the rest of him. To match the broad shoulders and big hands. To match the adorable smile and contagious laugh. He’s kind, he’s tall, and he cares about you.
You shouldn’t be thinking about him that way. You still question if you can trust him, after all, he did go behind your back to make you his assistant. But you were curious. Not just about his face, but about being a ghoul in general. Despite all reason, something inside you is telling you to trust him. So you decide to take a leap of faith.
The next day, as soon as you step of off your room, Swiss is leaning against the wall by your door.
“About time you got up, sister! You and I have a lot to do today.” He puts a hand on your lower back to guide you as you walk with him.
“What are we doing?” You blush at the contact and hope Swiss doesn’t notice.
“You’ll see when we get there.” His hand presses into your back a little more as you turn down a hallway.
Eventually, you arrive at the library, and Swiss guides you to the second floor, somewhere in the back corner where no one ever goes.
“Today, you’ll be getting a history lesson.” Rather than find a book, he finds two chairs hidden behind a shelf. Swiss sits in one and motions for you to sit in the other.
You sit across from him. “I already know the whole history of the church. That’s part of the studies I had to take when becoming a Sister of Satan.”
“No, honey, not the church.” Swiss spreads his legs and leans to get closer to you, placing an arm on either leg. “The history of the ghouls.”
“Oh.” You are intrigued by this topic though unsure as to why Swiss would do this for you. So you ask, “Why are you telling me this?”
“Honey,” He sighs and sits up, scanning the shelves, for a distraction or for a book you can’t tell. “I trust you. Somehow, someway, I trust you. And I want you to know.”
“Oh,” You say again. You don’t quite know how to respond to Swiss, especially since you feel like he’s baring his heart to you.
Swiss simply smiles before he goes on. “Ghouls were created with a purpose…”
You listen intently and watch him with wide eyes as he explains the origin of ghouls, how they left hell, and why they spread the message of The Ministry. As he speaks, you notice how he uses his hands as he talks, they move with each word, expressing the meaning of his lesson. You notice how passionate he becomes when he tells you the myths of the ghouls and where the helmets came from. His voice calms you and you’re hanging onto every word.
Eventually, Swiss’s story comes to an end and all you’re able to say is, “Wow.” Which makes Swiss chuckle.
“‘Wow’ is right, honey.” His eyes wander over you for a moment. “You look tired, did my history lesson bore you?”
“No! Not at all.” You clear your throat and regret your next choice of words. “You’re voice is calming.”
“Hm,” He smiles. “I’ll take it.” Swiss stands and reaches his hand out for you to take. “Come on, I have something else to show you.”
You take his hand and he pulls you to your feet. Even standing, he doesn’t let go of your hand, instead lacing his fingers with yours.
“Ready for a surprise, my sister?” Swiss gives your hand a squeeze as he pulls you, guiding you down the stairs and out of the library.
“Ready, my ghoul.” You couldn’t stop the smile from forming on your face as you ran through the hallways laughing, hand in hand.
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oopsl · 8 months
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Born In The USA by Bruce Springsteen, 1984
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birdantlers · 7 months
Thanks !!
he got interviewed by the uni lol
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Dewdrop Lately this Week and the previous weeks:
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Aka : Look at the Poor Ghoul He's in pain and has Trauma!
@miasmaghoul @kroas-adtam @iamthecomet
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skywarpie · 1 year
He looks like he was dunked head first into a bucket of water
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angiesayshush · 1 year
The 4 corners states (Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado) have serious boyband potential not even gonna lie
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