#Goku vs Superman
celticcatgirl2 · 7 months
Perhaps Akira Toriyama is power scaling/debating Superman vs Goku with Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in the afterlife now….
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gtgokufan · 10 months
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This battle was amazing, still mad that Goku lost for the third time, but I loved how they became friends in the end
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vernanonix · 10 months
Regardless of the outcome, you WILL be 8 years old again watching this fight. I loved this fight. It's gorgeous.
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thescarecrowfrombatman · 10 months
Tried to wake up early this morning to do some anti chr*stmas shopping, on the drive there I was immediately atomized and eviscerated.
Along with... I think the whole goddamn planet.
Was in a massive line for fucking hours.
What looked like a 18 '9 foot satan from South Park then began to tell me shit I already know.
Apparently back when I revealed batman's identity, I would have killed millions had I won.
That was cool I guess.
He opens a trap door and I slide to some weird looking... hell? For lack of a better term.
I saw some... workout coach demons? Who forced me to have to sit with the others.
I saw the boys! Jervis, who told me to kill myself. Ivy, Harley, Edward, and... Batman?
We did the typical band up to try and beat him, got my ass beat. Not posting pics.
But we did ask why he was there while immobile.
Apparently he is obligated to be there since he was a billionaire. Which... yeah that tracks.
Some white, zesty, anthropomorphic salamander tells us to hush as he looks at a massive crystal ball.
Alongside him is the most handsome bug I've ever seen, and pink sauce himself.
We all gather around the crystal ball. Perhaps it can provide an answer to what happened.
They fucking fought again.
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
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arts-by-omar · 10 months
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Goku vs Superman 3
The hype is real
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jazzmandd · 10 months
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Anytime there's a new death battle I hear about.
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strawberrycakelove · 4 months
The comparisons between Goku and Superman are ridiculous and the Goku vs Superman discussions are even more so. This is just my personal opinion and my point of view, if you don't agree or are not interested in reading, just go straight through this text and ignore it.
Speaking of personal opinion: I know that Superman is superior to Goku in strength, resistance and general achievements as a character, and that in a hypothetical battle, Super wins, but I still prefer Goku to Superman as a character.
Because, Going straight to the point, comparing characters who are in some way limited to reality and the circumstances of the constructed world in which they exist (although there are hax devices that greatly relax the limits and they are quite common in the works) with characters who surpass them and they hardly need to resort to these devices (characters who have hax), because they have them (even more driven by devices such as being morally right, winning because he represents good, for love and justice, because he needs to win for the sake of something and etc.) is ridiculous in general in my point of view.
Goku as a character and due to his powers, is hardly considered a character with Hax, while Superman can practically have the Hax that the author desires, as Super will always be right in one way or another and needs to win by simply being right.
But I still consider the comparisons between them simply ridiculous, because the "nature" of their characters is completely different, they have nothing in common, and the nature of their feats of strength and resistance as characters too, as they derive from their roles in the work.
I consider the comparisons of Goku with Superman and the discussions of Goku vs Superman ridiculous because both characters have the only thing in common between them, is that they are the most powerful characters in their respective works, but their general concepts are completely different. They may have a similar backstory as migrant aliens who were saved from the extinction of their respective species and raised "on Earth" with humans and be protagonists, but those are their only superficial similarities and they end here. ~~ If you don't want to read the rest of the text, I'll give you my conclusion right here ~~ Goku as a character lives within the limitations of his reality and existence (even though they are quite elastic because of the Dragonballs), Superman does not, whenever the plot needs it, he will demolish these limitations and win (Cosmic Armor Superman is the most extreme example), Goku will not, he will win according to his circumstances and he still has to do so without losing the Dragonballs in the process. That's why I find the comparisons ridiculous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Superman is a powerful character, yes and by a wide margin the most powerful among the "mortal" characters in his universe, but he is also an ideological representation of the greater good and the MORAL GOOD, and often the plot and the story placed Superman as a character who will overcome his adversaries by being driven by a strong MORAL conviction of right and wrong, good and evil, and will overcome reality and its limitations according to his universe for good (where Superman is almost invariably the his ideological avatar), he has to win.
Which Goku as a character is not.
Understand, I'm not saying that Goku isn't generally a "good" and well-intentioned character, but Goku is not a character guided by COMMON MORALS and the greater good, Goku's character doesn't live for the purpose of doing good to others, HE MERELY BY CHANCE ENDS UP BEING TAKEN TO THESE SITUATIONS, HE DOES NOT ACTIVELY SEEK THEM, HE NEVER DID SO, HE ALWAYS ENDED UP IN THESE SITUATIONS ALWAYS MOTIVATED BY A PERSONAL MOTIVATION.
His best friend Krillin having been murdered (2x), his son Gohan being kidnapped, when his friends are in danger, a warrior designed to destroy him out of revenge and destroy his home, that of his son and wife, and the planet he is on, he grew up, his body being stolen by a maniac obsessed with him, a careless and negligent God who decides to destroy or spare planets for futile reasons (and so futile and careless to the point that his universe is considered uninteresting and too underdeveloped for Zeno to think that his time is worth more) and so on.
He has his own and largely unconventional moral code, he fights for the good and the just, not because he thinks it is his obligation to do so (as Superman often demonstrates that he believes it is his obligation), but just because he is altruistic and generous enough for this and not petty and not considered a great cost, but from his own point of view and not from the reader's point of view (like Superman, or as the narrative almost always presents Superman's motivation to be for the GREATER GOOD and MORALLY CORRECT).
Goku IS NOT A HERO like Superman is.
And Goku, unlike Superman, is much more limited to the "reality" and circumstances of his world than Superman, you can say, there are but there are Dragonballs, yes they exist, but the Dragonballs are not his immediate plot armor and glued to his skin , they do not hang out with Goku and are not at Goku's disposal by his will, Goku will not become conveniently immune to everything and will overcome his enemies with pure willpower, for love, or for good and right because the main character is "right", you have to win in the end.
In his fight with Raditz to protect his son he was not strong enough and died, no matter how much motivation he had, in his fight with Frieza he surpassed him by a very small margin and almost died on the planet, having, even after his "victory " (in a fight that he abandons due to losing motivation), he has to fight to survive, in his fight with Cell, he wants to push Gohan to be stronger, he does not overcome Gohan's unwillingness and inability to fight, Gohan has the potential, but he does not transmit his "warrior spirit" to Gohan just through his will, ambition and desire, so much so that Gohan, despite his potential, fails to kill Cell only doing so after his father dies to protect him from Cell's self-destruction and Goku pays with his life for the second time (for not being strong enough and also for his negligence), in the Buu saga he loses his loved ones and his planet for not having eliminated Majin Buu when he had the opportunity.
The times that Goku surpasses his enemies in strength are alternated with moments when, no matter how much he trains he does not overcome them, Superman, unlike Goku, despite no prior preparation, mostly wins and surpasses his opponents
I honestly don't remember reading many stories in which Super loses and is absolutely defeated - without him not "resurrecting" later practically on his own or by some plot device that says that Super wasn't really dead - because he's so invulnerable and that the character is, Goku on the contrary actually dies, he - and other characters - resurrect because of the Dragon Balls, this is not an exclusive privilege of Goku in the work and they must fight so that at the very least, the Dragon Balls do not disappear if they want repair/reverse the damage and consequences of your battles. Goku, unlike Superman, is not a character written to be an extreme representation of a GREATER and mainly MORAL IDEAL, Goku is a flawed and flawed character.
He is not academically intelligent or formally educated, in contrast to Superman's super intelligence and absurd ability to learn - Goku's decision-making failures (even moral ones) are often based on his ignorance and intellectual limitation.
There are social, affective, interpersonal and intrapersonal concepts that Goku simply ignores and is not aware of, and his faults are also based on these faults.
The work also repeatedly showed the difficulty that Goku has in calculating the consequences of his actions and adequately estimating the losses, where the Dragonballs are his safety measure established for his failures ("they should" be a last resort, but Goku as a hero is so flawed that they are used frequently LOL).
That's why he cares about saving Dende and Satan to the detriment of his children and Piccolo, because at least he knows that ultimately, the Dragonaballs are the solution to his problems (and Dende needs to be alive so Earth's Dragonballs don't disappear, and Satan is only there because Goku isn't petty, even though he forgot in this lapse of decision that the Earth was going to explode anyway.) - we readers know that the Dragonballs are not unlimited, but Goku as character, does not fully understand this.
Goku as a character lives within the limitations of his reality and existence (even though they are quite elastic because of the Dragonballs), Superman does not, whenever the plot needs it, he will demolish these limitations and win (Cosmic Armor Superman is the most extreme example), Goku will not, he will win (or lose, in parallel realities he even dies and and in the current timeline of history he is only alive through Bulma's intelligence from another reality) according to his circumstances and he still has to do so without losing the Dragonballs in the process.
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slade-tha-great · 1 year
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Artist unknown reverse search ya self I'm not doing it sign ya work. I'm not claiming I made this either. ANYWAY this funny asf 🤣🤣🤣
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fyonnkalnonn · 2 years
For ages untold, humanity has been asking but a single question. Who would win in a fight - Goku or Superman?
The answer is simple. Superman. Why?
Because in his moment of victory, Superman is struck in the back by an energy blast, dropping him to his knees. It's Lex Luthor's newest invention, a cyborg using Kryptonite as a power source and Dr. Gero's notes for the design - Android #K. Piccolo arrives just in time with Senzu Beans for Superman and Goku, but the two prove to be no match for Android #K's incredible power. Batman deploys an aerosol agent that temporarily disrupts Android #K's Kryptonite core just long enough for Goku to teach Superman a new technique. Together they perform the Fusion Dance and combine their power as heir to two legacies. As Kal-Elkarat they have all the strength of a Super Saiyan and all the invincibility of a Kryptonian under a yellow star, without any of their weaknesses. In its final moments, Android #K learns to respect Kal-Elkarat and the people he fights to defend. It is thankful to have met Goku and Superman, who prevented it from wreaking havoc on the world it now understands the beauty of.
Lex Luthor gets Yamcha crater'd.
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thelyingspectre · 10 months
What I think the complete cipher is
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gtgokufan · 10 months
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Goku and Superman Being Friends
Source: https://twitter.com/SXR123/status/1732343514539651579?t=kWS_x9k1023EOLRCyqYqWA&s=19
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maxgripd · 2 years
Put it to rest, Goku is pretty similar Doomsday in some aspects. So yes, Goku would eventually win against Superman.
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ben-talks-art · 14 days
"Nice protagonists are boring" Meanwhile, nice protagonists be like:
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These people be pulling some of the rawest imagery you ever seen one moment and then be sitting down to have a nice chat with you about stupid stuff like snowball fights or something in another.
I mentioned before when talking about Adam that I find confidence one of the most appealing traits a character can have, and one way to enhance this trait even more is by giving it to a kind character.
Confidence + kindness is one of my favorite character combos, and when pulled off well, it leads to some of my favorite types of characters who in turn get some of the coolest moments in a story.
Who's your favorite nice protagonist? 🤔
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Woo Young Woo could have gotten the girls out of their contract with Kyubi. I suspect Elle Woods could have, as well. (Even had he been practicing law, I don't think Sam Winchester could have. He's not super great at getting people out of deals with non-human entities. Sorry, y'all.)
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monkey-network · 10 months
Third Time's The Peak
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