#Grey panelled tunic
deuynndoodles · 4 months
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[ID: A lineup of the artist's designs for 12 Links. In order of height, from left to right, their nicknames are Tiny, Mask, Sky, Four, Shadow, Sailor, Tracks, Fairy, Glam, Slate, Vet and Rancher.
Tiny (Minish Cap) is 21 and uses he/she. He’s very small and slight. She has a healthy tan, hazel eyes, and wavy, light blonde hair tucked into the classic green windsock hat. He wears the Roc's Cape, a green dress in which the skirt mimics the forest minish’, black leggings, light brown gloves and boots, and a black waist apron. A golden chain strapped to her belt holds kinstones and a charm that resembles Ezlo. He holds up a mallet in his left hand. He has a resting bitch face.
Mask (Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask) is around 12 and uses they/them. They're short and stocky with baby fat still on their cheeks. They have light brown skin, dark brown eyes, and poofy straight blonde hair that goes just past their chin. They wear a Kokiri tunic and boots, a baldric across their chest, a joy pendant and silver earrings. They have the Kokiri sword strapped to their hip and hold the Fierce Deity mask in their left hand, looking off to the side curiously.
Sky (Skyward Sword) is 20 and uses he/him. He's short and stocky, built of healthy fat and muscle. He has light skin, blue eyes, and slightly curly, light brown hair that frames his face and goes to his shoulders. He has a green tunic and gold chainmail, as well as pants, boots and fingerless gloves. His sailcloth is pinned over his right shoulder and his loftwing's feathers are tucked behind his left ear. He has no visible weapons. He has an easy going smile on his face despite being tired.
Four (Four Swords Adventures) is 18 and pronouns match fronter(s). Four is on the thinner and shorter side. Four has light skin, grey eyes, and a short blonde bob pulled back with a dark grey headband. Four wears a white-and-grey four-panel tunic embroidered in gold with the elements and the hilt of the Four Sword. Said blade rests on Four's hip. Four wears a dark grey longsleeve shirt and pants with boots. Four gestures with a hand, looking a bit scandalized and annoyed.
Shadow (Four Swords Adventures) is about 18 and uses he/it. He’s skinny and a bit short. It has light, purplish skin, red eyes, and scruffy purple hair tied in a low ponytail. It has a scar on its left cheek resembling a shattered mirror. He wears a black hood over his black, four-panel tunic, pants and boots, the hood tip flickering with dark magic. It floats with a hand on his hip, the other alight with a dark flame. He smirks, showing off a fang.
Sailor (Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass) is 17 and uses he/it. He’s lean and short. It has light brown skin, brown eyes, and very short curly, light blonde hair tucked into a green bandana. He wears a cyan tunic with the crayfish of his casual wear, a green sash, russet pants and sandals. The Phantom Sword hangs on its hip and it wears various gold jewelry, including a joy pendant. He brandishes the Wind Waker with a confident grin.
Tracks (Spirit Tracks) is 14 and uses she/they. She's a little chubby and of average height. She has brown skin, dark brown eyes, and a short golden bob that frames her cheeks. They wear an engineer’s uniform, stained with soot and oil, a red bandana tied around her neck, and gloves and boots. Her right sleeve is tied just under the shoulder due to her amputated limb. The Lokomo Sword is on their right hip and a chain of keys hangs from their belt. She adjusts her hat with an easygoing grin.
Fairy (Legend of Zelda 1986 and Adventure of Link) is 18 and uses he/fae and mirror pronouns. He’s skinny and a bit lean. Fae has brown skin with freckles, dark brown eyes and chin-length dark brown curls. Faer bangs are clipped out of faer face with barrettes. He wears a short, dark green poncho with 3 rounded points, the back two mimicking fairy wings. Underneath, he wears a green tunic, an orangish-brown longsleeve shirt, and brown shorts and gloves. Fae goes barefoot, faer legs exposed with several bandages and scars on them. The Magic Sword and an empty potion bottle hang from his hips.
Glam (A Link Between Worlds and Triforce Heroes) is 22 and uses he/him. He's fat with some muscle. He has light brown skin with vitiligo and stretchmarks, red eyes and short, curly blonde hair with brown roots, going just past his chin. He wears a long, pastel green dress under a brown and pink apron stained with paint. He wears simple boots and Ravio’s bracelet. He holds the skirt of his dress with his right hand and smiles.
Slate (Breath of the Wild) is 20 and defaults to they/them and is also genderfluid. They're quite skinny and lean, favoring speed over strength. They have light skin with lots of visible scarring, cyan eyes, and long, choppy, dirty blonde hair in a braid that reaches their waist. They wear the champion's tunic, a hylian hood, pants boots and fingerless gloves, and the Sheikah Slate on their hip. They rest their hand on their other hip and give a closed-eyed smile.
Vet (A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, and Link’s Awakening) is 24 and uses she/her. She's a bit skinny, taller than most of the others, with plenty of muscle hidden by baggy clothing. She has warm light skin, purple eyes, and a short pink bob with sidelocks that touch her collarbone. She wears a long green dress, pegasus boots, a brown longsleeve undershirt, and a purple scarf. She has a messenger’s bag over her shoulder, the tempered sword on her hip, the pendants of virtue on a necklace, and various gold jewelry. A decorated cane hangs on her back for when she needs help walking. She has a hand on her bag, looking over her shoulder with a flat face.
Rancher (Twilight Princess) is 19 and uses he/him. He's tall and has very strong arms. He has light brown skin, hazel eyes, and reddish-brown hair that's shorter in the back. He wears an altered version of the ranching outfit, with the green sleeve removed, pants traded for a skirt, and sandals traded for sturdy boots. He has no visible weapons. He looks a bit rugged, with several visible scars (thanks to exposing clothing) and sharp teeth, but is fairly welcoming and friendly in demeanor. He has a hand on his hip and a piece of barley in his mouth. End ID]
updated links meet au!! i didn't touch it at all in the past year but i wanted to start making stuff for it. unfortunately the old stuff was a bit outdated so i updated them
for a long list of personal hcs canon to the au, hit the cut!
agender, likes girls (in a relationship with zelda)
talks aloud
was 12 during minish cap, which took about a week
stopped growing at age 12 (during her adventure) due to transformation side effects
resting bitch face and flat effect. tends to come off as apathetic but he cares A Lot
a large part of her magical ability comes from minish magic (transformation side effects)
when he shrinks, he becomes a minish (transformation side effects). this is not what usually happens but he used the portals enough that it did happen
his mallet is charmed to change sizes from something he can use in the forge to a weapon to bludgeon monsters with
has surpassed her grandfather as royal smith
incredibly wary of dark/black magic
enby and pan (currently has a crush on malon)
was 10-17 for ocarina of time, and got yeeted right back in time to when it started post oot. maybe 6 months later, they set out in search of navi (majora's mask). hyrule warriors also happened about a half year later
common pattern is they get plopped back where they were before the adventure
they aren't very sure of their age and tend to age slide due to this—when asked, they go by physical age (this is why they are roughly 12)
skittish about forming relationships because they fear they'll be forgotten again. they try to act like a little brat to ward people away (surprise: it doesn't work)
as they chill out, they're less hostile but they're still a trickster
transformation side effects really freak them out + they'll try to “fix” it
has an incredible internal clock
trans and bi, in a polycule with groose and zelda
talks aloud
17 during skyward sword, which took about 10 months
his crimson loftwing isn't “special” bc that's kinda silly (to me). her name is epona
“i miss my bird, tails. i miss her a lot”
refuses to carry a sword around because wielding anything but fi feels strange. he is still the best at swordplay out of all of them, even if he's a bit rusty
the mom friend—but not overbearing, more like he'll fight someone to the death if they hurt his family
nerve damage in his right hand from catching lightning. tremors, pins and needles, etc. doesn't shake when holding a sword, oddly enough
chronic fatigue, narcoleptic
all four speak aloud
16 for four swords adventures, took a little under a year. four and zelda revive shadow when they're 18
four is plural and is not usually in the same body, four does it sometimes for masking purposes (four's not too great at it)
the fronter wears their elemental charm
red (any pronouns, genderqueer, likes girls) is energetic and mischievous. he has the best emotional intelligence of the four. situational arsonist. likes to cook and bake. volunteers at lonlon ranch and dates malon
green (he/him, agender, likes boys) is good at taking charge within the group and is good at management, but sucks when it comes to interpersonal conflict and gets self conscious. he's very aware of his strengths and flaws, and acts accordingly. likes to carve wood, train, and ride epona
blue (she/her, trans girl, lesbian) is headstrong and knows her strengths. she likes to joke and tease but sometimes can go a bit too far. likes to sew, train and spar. dating erune
vio (they/them, nonbinary, greyaroace) is stubborn and dislikes not getting their way. they like to plan and come up with ideas or experiments, which are either great or horrible, no inbetween. they like to read and tend to plants.
gendervoid, greyaro pansexual (in a qpr with zelda)
talks aloud
age is a bit questionable. are you 18 if you were mirrored from someone who was physically 16, then you died when you both were 17 and got revived? who knows
recently revived from the dark mirror! he's more or less a hylian now, but with dark magic. not as powerful as during fsa
is really, really close to his links and/or four. they tend to sleep in a dogpile
wears a cloak to protect itself from the sun
usually hostile and assumes the worst of people. conversely, gets attached very easily to people who show it kindness
agender, aroace (considering a relationship with tetra)
will cycle between speaking aloud and signing
12 for wind waker which took a little over a year, 15 for phantom hourglass, hyrule warriors hasn't occurred yet
loves to entertain children with dramatized tales of his adventures
still carries aryll's telescope as a good luck charm
loves to brag about how cool its sister is
recycled the hero's tunic into a sash and bandana so it'd actually wear it
replaced the center gem of the joy pendant with a pirate stone! likes to lend stones out when they separate into groups
congenital hard of hearing. was shy as a kid, especially due to widespread sign language being lost with the great flood, but eventually learned how to sign and speak aloud. very good at lipreading. now will never shut up. likes to talk loudly and hear his own voice
demigirl, lesbian (dating zelda)
signs. it takes a bit longer because some signs are unavailable
was 12 for spirit tracks, took half a year
enjoys coming up with outlandish tales on how they lost their arm
generally pretty open and friendly, except for when they're tired or pissed off by someone
sees ghosts
agender, aroace
was 12 for legend of zelda 1986, which took a year and a couple months, and 16 for adventure of link which took a year
has some fairy blood, when he left calatia at age 10 fairies helped guide him and taught him a bit about magic
shy sweetheart at first, but when fae opens up to you fae likes to play minor pranks and jokes (he, sailor and mask like to team up on pranks)
very good at foraging and other various wildlife skills, yet gets lost even with a map in front of him
trans and gay (currently single)
tends to speak aloud, signs when exhausted
was 17 for link between worlds, which took a year, and 19 for triforce heroes, which took half a year
is a blacksmith. does everyday supplies like nails, tools, utensils, etc, but can also craft weapons if necessary. forges all his own weapons
he and tiny compare blacksmithing techniques
paints and does art in his off time. it was originally a coping mechanism he, zelda, and the sages attempted, but he ended up really enjoying it and continued afterwards
the stereotypical camp gay. likes ‘feminine’ things like makeup, fashion and skirts
lives with ravio + is married to him for tax benefits/citizenship reasons. they're gay but not for each other
genderfluid, pan (defaults to they/them, in a qpr with zelda)
signs, uses the slate as augmentative/alternative communication when necessary
was (1)17 for botw, which took over a year and a half
likes to talk about their amazing friends
had plenty of time to confront their trauma and is proud of their land and people for returning after the calamity
knows every nook and cranny of their era's hyrule
doesn't know the difference between edible and poisonous. still manages to make delicious food that no one throws up later
totk is semi-canon, as in a lot of the setup is established, but the actual game events haven't occurred
trans, lesbian (grieving marin)
usually signs unless she has something to say and nobody's listening to her
kinda bitter due to grief, doesn't talk much unless she's being a know-it-all
hoarder. has lots of duplicate items or items with the most ridiculous purposes
wears marin's necklace under her tunic
as she deals with her trauma, she becomes more animated and sweet. it's not just marin she has to work through, though
also, marin is from the adult timeline just after the great flood and believes link has died. oops!
trans, straight
speaks aloud
was 17 for twilight princess, which took a year and a half
still a bit hung up on midna leaving
closeted emo
trying really, really hard to fit into his lifestyle pre-adventure but is failing
knows he looks threatening so he tries to tone it down. it doesn't work all the time, especially when he gets angry
initially hated to leave ordon again, but he finally feels good again so he's conflicted
midna taught him her twili abilities towards the end because she knew she'd have to leave. he's still pretty good at them
sharp teeth and sharp nails (transformation side effects)
note about hyrule warriors: due to its status as not canon in the timeline but the appeal of time shenanigans, i've decided it has a tenuous place in the timeline. it's schrodinger's cat—it happened and a lot of the people involved in the war remember it, but it caused a time paradox, it's not written in the history books, and most peoples' memory of it was erased. hyrule warriors link will not be showing up but he may be mentioned at times.
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magpie-writes · 1 year
Catching Snowflakes
Part One
Rating: Explicit (18+ ONLY)
Pairing: Din Djarin x Female!Reader
Wordcount: 1.6k
Summary: Din and his latest bounty crash land on an ice planet. Can you trust each other enough to survive?
Tags: Enemies to lovers. This chapter is pretty tame but things will, ahem, heat up soon. Pre-Grogu.
Author’s Note: Unbetaed, but thank you to @acrossthesestars for gently bullying me into getting back on the writing horse. Thank you also to @radiowallet for her advice about all things fic. I love you both lots.
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“Is this what you meant by bringing me in cold? Because I gotta say, there must be an easier way.”
The Mandalorian kneeling beside you in the snow responds with an irritated grunt - which is more of a response than you’ve gotten in the hours since the two of you crash landed on this icy planet. You feel a surge of triumph at getting that much of a win although, with your hands in binders, you know it’s nothing more than a hollow victory.
Still, if all you can do is needle him with your words, jabbing in between the unprotected places in his armor like the stinging sleet currently sliding down the back of your neck, you’ll take it.
Neither of you are dressed for this. Standing in the grey leggings, lavender tunic, and thin woolen coat he’d tracked you down in, you’re halfway to frostbitten already. Still, smug satisfaction curls in your belly as you take in the ice riming the bounty hunter’s normally shining beskar. Opaque white crackles over the plates of his armor like frost on a windowpane, its crystalline branches spreading further and further the longer he crouches beside the open panel of his Razor Crest. One of the engines blew hours after he captured you, forcing the ship into a tailspin he’d only just managed to pull out of before making a heavy landing into powdery drifts of snow seemingly as tall as he is.
He’s spent the time since then swearing under his breath and wrestling with various tools, neither of which has accomplished more than getting a few lights to blink on and off, and delaying the inevitable - him handing you over to the people who hired him, collecting the bounty on your head, and leaving you to your fate.
A shiver that has nothing to do with the weather runs through you at the thought.
“Dank ferrik!” The Mandalorian throws a wrench into a nearby drift and rises to his feet to, you can only assume, glare down at the offending mechanism.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. Is this going to delay you collecting your reward money? That’s such a pity for you.”
The black void of his visor turns to you and it takes every stubborn bone in your body not to quail beneath that flat, empty stare. You lean against the ship instead, a look of mock sympathy on your face.
“Why don’t you wait in the ship?” The hunter extends an arm towards the still-open hatch in exaggerated “invitation,” his deep voice tight with impatience.
“And miss all the fun?” Your eyebrows shoot to your hairline, all innocence. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Luckily for your extremities, the Mandalorian manages to wrestle some systems online not too much later. The Crest remains grounded, navigation and comms are still down, and he doesn’t seem optimistic about the weapons system, but the atmospherics flicker back to life, filling the Crest with light and welcome heat.
For a little while, at least.
Before you’ve even finished thawing your chilled fingers over a vent, your captor powers the ship down until all that’s left are a few low lights and the barest whisper of heat. When you shoot a look at him, he shrugs one metal-clad shoulder.
“Need to conserve power.”
Raising your manacled hands, the steel as frigid as the air outside, you demand “Think you’ll still get full price if I’m missing pieces?”
You try to force down the thought that he probably would.
He shuffles his feet for a moment, uncertain, then pulls something out of a nearby crate with a sigh.
“Come here.”
You scoff and take a step backward, your hands raised in defiance. “If you think I’m getting any closer to you than I have to, you soulless, money-grubbing -“
The Mandalorian catches your hands in his gloved ones, his grasp firm but not painfully so, and shoves something smooth and metallic against your palm, making you gasp.
It’s warm.
Your fury temporarily forgotten, you almost groan at the relief as heat radiates to the tips of your fingers. You cup your hands around the polished metal blazing like a tiny sun between your skin and his gloves.
“A hand warmer?” You look up to find the Mandalorian studying your expression, his helmeted head tilted to one side, before nodding once.
“Why didn’t you get one sooner?”
“I just have the one.”
As the heat spreads between you, the ice on his gloves begins to melt, the moisture rising into the cold air as steam. If you were anywhere else, with anyone else, you’d make some flirtatious joke about it. Surprised as you still are by the kindness of his gesture, that humor surfaces despite your better instincts, and a wry smile tugs at your lips.
“Do you hold hands with all your bounties, or just the half-frozen ones?”
The Mandalorian drops your hands like he’s been burned. Only your lightning quick reflexes save the handwarmer from dropping to the floor and, caught off guard, you attempt to hand it back to him.
“Keep it.” He nearly stumbles over a crate in his rush to put more distance between you. “I’m uh, gonna go work on the ship some more.”
Before you can think of a response, he turns and walks back into the howling wind. Alone.
Hours later, you toss and turn on the bunk you found while exploring the confines of the ship. It’s surprisingly comfortable, if small, the mattress thin but serviceable, and the blankets thick enough to wrap yourself in. They’re cleaner than you’d worried they’d be, carrying only a faint hint of what you guess must be the Mandalorian’s scent. Worn leather, softened by what you suspect may be beeswax. The tang of metal and burn of carbon. And something subtler. Warm, almost spiced. There’s something oddly comforting about it - or would be, if it didn’t remind you of the man who was hauling you to a grisly fate.
With a sigh, you flip yourself onto your back and stare up into the darkness. Where *is* that man, anyway? If he dies out in the cold, there’s no guarantee you’ll be better off. Not with the comms down and the ship grounded. You could take your chances that there might be a settlement nearby, but you hadn’t caught any glimpses of one as the Crest was plummeting to the planet’s surface. Besides, with no winter weather gear, your odds of making it any distance before collapsing are… not great.
You’re up and moving before consciously arriving at a decision.
The wintry night air whips around you, lashing the warmth from the blanket clutched around your shoulders before you can brace for its icy onslaught. It’s shockingly, brutally cold. Killing cold. Your teeth are chattering by the time you make it to the Mandalorian’s side.
Snow has drifted against his broad form and icicles cling to the cowl around his neck. He’s not moving and for a moment, you wonder if he actually has frozen to death out here by himself.
Somehow, the possibility doesn’t cheer you the way you thought it would.
Reaching out, you shake his shoulder hard enough to send snow tumbling down his back, nearly jumping out of your skin when he turns to look at you.
“Maker, don’t scare me like that. What are you doing out here?”
“What do you t-think?” Despite his obvious sarcasm, the Mandalorian’s voice is dull, oddly flat. “Trying to f-fix the engine.”
He tries to rise but wavers on his feet. Instinctively, you reach out, taking his weight when his numbed feet stumble. His Beskar armor is freezing to the touch. You can only imagine how cold he must be beneath all that frozen steel.
“Come on,” you urge, slipping an arm around his waist and encouraging him to lean on you as you make your way back into the moderately warmer ship. “Let’s get you warmed up.”
“You sure you wouldn’t rather leave me to f-fend for myself in the snow? Can’t say I’d b-blame you.”
You cut a glance at the bounty hunter, not sure if he’s joking.
“Oh, I considered it,” you admit breezily as you close the door behind him. Without the furious howling of the wind, the dimly lit ship falls into a hushed silence, quiet enough for you to hear the Mandalorian’s sharp bark of a laugh.
“What changed your mind?”
You shrug, not entirely sure yourself.
He stands and stares at you for a long, long moment before nodding once, murmuring a quiet thank you, and settling onto a nearby crate.
“Wait, Mando, are you going to sleep out here? In your armor?”
“That’s the plan.” He sounds tired, resigned.
“There’s not another bunk? Or…” You’re about to offer to switch places with him but stop, remembering that you’re his captive. His bounty. Why should you care where he sleeps?
“Suit yourself. Just don’t come crying to me when all your joints rust.”
“I’m not a droid.”
For the first time, there’s heat in his voice. It’s enough to make you turn, to glare at him and demand “No? Because you’re heartless enough for one. Tell me something, Mando. Do you even know what they’ll do to me? The people that hired you to bring me down? Or why they put a bounty on me in the first place?”
There’s a long, tense moment and then, “I didn’t ask.”
“Oh? And why not?”
“I never do.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Don’t you think you should start?”
Without waiting for an answer, you turn your back and make for the small cabin. Alone.
It’s only later, when you’re on the blurred edge of sleep, that a question of your own occurs to you: what sort of bounty hunter gives up his own bed for a captive?
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maisiestyle · 8 months
The First Men are not Natives
It's so strange when SELECTIVE canonical white characters are being passed off as people of color on tumblr art. 👀 Why do these folks follow canon for one character and not the other? I am a POC and this is so odd.
Especially considering the First Men, who the Starks are descendents, they aren't native to the North. The First Men colonised the area, having originally come from Essos - taking the land from the native inhabitants of Westeros (the Children's of the Forest). This is direct canon.
Alys Karstark (from a cadet branch of House Stark and descendants of the First Men/North) is described as having pale skin and blue-grey eyes. She was an Arya lookalike.
Jeyne Poole, another descendant of the First Men/North, is described multiple times, as having pale skin. Another Arya lookalike.
From the books, Arya is never described as having dark skin. If you're going to respect Canon for one character, keep it consistent.
"Her face was dirty, and her tears left pink tracks down her cheeks. - AGoT Eddard II
She wished she could take off her clothes and swim, gliding through the warm water like an skinny pink otter. Maybe she could swim all the way to Winterfell. - ACoK Arya IV
"It makes no matter." Even if the Titan did eat juicy pink girl flesh, Arya would not fear him. She was a scrawny thing, no proper meal for a giant, and almost eleven, practically a woman grown. - AFFC Arya I
She stood on the end of the dock, pale and goosefleshed and shivering in the fog. - AFFC Arya II
Down in the vaults, she untied Cat's threadbare cloak, pulled Cat's fishy brown tunic over her head, kicked off Cat's salt-stained boots, climbed out of Cat's smallclothes, and bathed in lemonwater to wash away the very smell of Cat of the Canals. When she emerged, soaped and scrubbed pink with her brown hair plastered to her cheeks, Cat was gone. - AFFC Cat of the Canals
Westeros is a very British/European inspired area. Loosely based on the British War of the Roses...etc. The people of the North are more Celtic/Scottish + a lot heavy norse mythology.
During a panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2014, in a discussion about fantasy maps, GRRM goes on to say that the map of Westeros “began as upside-down Ireland”, mentioning the clear similarity of the Fingers (Westeros) to the Dingle Peninsula of (Ireland).
The Wall in asoiaf is based on Hadrian’s Wall in Northern England:
While on a trip to Great Britain, George said, “The Wall predates anything else. I can trace back the inspiration for that to 1981. I was in England visiting a friend, and as we approached the border of England and Scotland, we stopped to see Hadrian’s Wall. I stood up there and I tried to imagine what it was like to be a Roman legionary, standing on this wall, looking at these distant hills. It was a very profound feeling. For the Romans at that time, this was the end of civilization; it was the end of the world. We know that there were Scots beyond the hills, but they didn’t know that.
All the official Artwork shows Arya depicted as a white girl. You accurately draw Sansa as a white girl and you don't find that offensive? Why do you people follow canon when you draw her siblings and then go full creative mode for Arya/Jon/Ned and other Northern people who are described as WHITE? Again where is the consistency?
Don't get mad when you get called out.
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bambiraptorx · 4 months
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[I.D. Digital drawing of two characters. One is a ghost with large sparkly eyes and a smile, that holds a basket of assorted candies. The other is a human with gold glasses and shoulder length white hair, who wears a black sweater over a pale grey turtleneck and blue jeans. They are also wearing fingerless gloves. They say "Hi! Would you like some treats from our goodie basket?" End I.D.]
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[I.D. Two panel comic. In the first, Teen Draxum is shown in a bust shot, his eyes wide with fear and his ears pinned down as he flinches. He is wearing a short sleeve tunic and a himation wrapping around his left arm. He says "Υπάρχουν άνθρωποι εδώ?!" which means 'There's humans here?!' In the next panel he is shown in a three quarter body shot, his hands tensely splayed at his sides. He looks very afraid, and says "Πού είναι οι άλλοι? Πρέπει να υπάρχουν κι άλλα! Δεν είναι ασφαλές εδώ!!" That means 'Where are the others? there have got to be more! it isn't safe here!!' End I.D.]
Hm, looks like he's nervous for some reason, I wonder why.
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msfcatlover · 7 months
Shadow Stephanie (Reverse Robins)
Obviously to start with, Steph was iterating on Damian's design. The very first thing she did was take the whole outfit and give it a little color, losing the grey in order to layer in midnight blues & dark purples. It's actually a better stealth design than pure black, and while Damian took a long minute to think about it when Steph came to him to show her redesign ideas, he agreed that it was a smart change.
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(This is the new color scheme. Not vibrant, but practical.)
The undersuit, including the full-coverage gloves, is now black. The costume itself is predominantly purple, but with thick blue detailing on the hems breaking it up a little bit.
The hooded cowl follows this color scheme, except the inside of the hood is solid black.
Steph changed the central tunic to something more like what she did for her Robin uniform, better fitting her tastes than Damian's uneven hem & separated panels. Using her WFA costume for a reference, note that we are only talking about the central red-part here. Also, Shadow!Steph's tunic is a little longer, probably ending a little past mid-thigh.
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She limited Damian's puffy sleeves to the upper arms, replacing Damian's cuffs with elbow-length padded (still fingerless) gloves. with chrome-capped knuckles
(Once again, her fingers are still covered by the black undersuit. She just wears the gloves on top.)
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(Something like these gloves, but with the armor incorporated into the structure rather than being on top, as seen in the real-world example.)
Steph swapped Damian's mouth-guard-mask for a simple black neck gaiter, but she kept the grease paint (as she considers it an iconic part of Shadow's look.) She has to work very hard to keep her hair pulled tight under the hood for both identity protection and just to keep as much grease paint as possible out of it.
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Steph does still have Damian's thigh armor, but it's almost entirely hidden by the tunic; she kept the padded pants, but they're blue now.. She also has a utility belt (which Damian had, but I can't remember if I mentioned it) in black with silver buckles.
She traded out Damian's boots for a pair of these with armored knee-pads/shin-guards worn over top. The boots are composite-toe (or whatever you call the variant where it fully encases the foot) for resistance & comfort... with a polished steel plate at the tip for weight & fashion.
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(OG boots, armor, chrome toe example; I'd've used an actual chrome-toed boot for her to start with, but can't seem to find non-platform versions.)
I think that's everything. I continue to put waaay too much thought & research into this AU. Damn.
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snappedsky · 1 month
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies finds what she's been hunting for, but time is running out.
The Treasure of Captain Red-eye Part 6
Skies enters through the golden doors into a small room, her eyes wide with awe. Across the room sits a large, grey throne, and sitting atop the throne is an old skeleton.
It is not human; it is far larger, almost eight feet long. Rags of decayed clothes hang off it- leather boots, slacks, a tunic, and a large black coat. A tricorne hat sits atop its skull that is much bigger than any human’s, with a tall forehead, fangs, and a single massive eye hole.
“Captain Red-eye, I presume,” Skies says, approaching the skeleton. “Even after death you are as magnificent as your stories said. You turned the galaxy on its head, forcing hundreds of people to kill each other for just a piece of your legendary treasure. But I’m the one who will succeed. Now, where is your compass?”
Skies carefully examines the skeleton, picking its pockets and finding nothing but ancient dust. There’s nothing behind the throne either, as it sits flush against the back wall.
Skies steps back, pondering what to do next, when she notices the throne isn’t just grey- it’s metallic. Her interest piques and she carefully moves the skeleton’s arms off their rests, revealing control panels with many switches and buttons.
“What do we have here?” she muses, carefully examining the controls. If there was ever any writing or colours on these panels, they’ve long faded with age, so it’s hard to tell what does what. So Skies just pushes the biggest button.
Two large beams of light illuminate from the top of the throne, creating a holographic screen in front of the skeleton. Skies’ eyes widen in wonderment as she goes around to the side of the throne to see the screen.
It displays a star map with a yellow dot next to a star- their exact location. Many options sit at the bottom of the screen. Using the buttons on the control panels, Skies scrolls through them. Each one automatically displays directions through the galaxy to different points of interests: inns, restaurants, repair shops, and treasure sites.
“This is it!” Skies exclaims, smiling excitedly. “It was never a compass- it’s an entire navigation system embedded into a throne! It’s like a more in-depth ECHOmap. I’ve never seen anything like it! I bet if I could get this thing moved to the Sky Rider, Rhys would be able to connect it.”
Skies kneels on the floor to examine the bottom of the throne. “It’s connected to the ground but I should be able to cut it apart. Sorry, Red-eye, but this baby’s coming with me.”
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worldsworststairs · 2 years
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[ID: a digitally illustrated triptych depicting double life pearl, Scott, Cleo, and martyn. The frame is patterned with hearts and diamonds, with details showing a snowflake and bones on the left, and a nether portal and red vines on the right. On both sides are a green heart, the three hearts representing life colors, and a broken green heart. At the top is an infinity symbol with the three life hearts, and at the bottom is text that reads “it’s complicated”. In the first, leftmost panel of the triptych is pearl, walking forward with a hand over her heart and one behind her back, grinning with sharp teeth. She is drawn with hair covering her eyes and a red cloak with a broken heart pin, as well as a black tunic with slashed sleeves, grey shorts, white socks, and black boots with red moon decals. She is covered in frostbite. Behind her is a forest snowing at night. She has a yellow frayed string around her pinkie. The middle panel has a background of a bridge between two cliffs at sunset. Scott and Cleo are drawn in it. Scott on the left backing away from pearl looking hesitant and up at Cleo, who is on the right and looks exhausted. Scott wears a white button down shirt with heart buttons, black and yellow striped flowy pants, and a dark yellow coat with black pockets, as well as black shoes with yellow laces. He has slight evidence of frostbite on his fingertips and a yellow string tied around his pinkie in a bow. Cleo is drawn with a black shirt that has white lace on the sleeves, which end at their elbows, a green and black striped coat, brown pants, and brown boots. There are leaves in her hair and small clusters of holes on her cheek and arms. She has a yellow string tied in a bow around her pinkie- it is singed at the ends. Martyn is drawn in the third panel, in front of a ravine at night. He is on his knees with hands clasped and looking up as if begging, looking desperate. He is wearing a large green tunic that has black bands on the arms tied with a black belt, black braces on his forearms beige pants, and brown boots. He has a yellow string tied around his pinkie, singed at the end. End ID]
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bells-of-black-sunday · 3 months
3-5 Things Your Muse Can Easily Be Identified By.
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Red- deep maroons and dusty fabric that's clearly been worn by time
Black- deep as the night or so pale it's grey
Iron- both rusted and pristine, there were times when he'd have the energy to polish his armor to perfection and other times not so much
Blue - pale cornflower like his eyes
Brown- both from his hair and the pale tans of his linens
Steel- steel has a scent when it gets closed and polished especially when exposed to the elements it's something that while not often clinging to him is unmistakable when you maintain armor and blades
Grass/dirt- generally just the smell of dirt, he does a lot of manual labor and likes to relax in the grass and fields when he's done that and a common form of antiperspirant during the period was literally just using dust and some scented oils to cover the smell
Blood- something unmistakable after sparring or after battles, he's never one to care for his body so he gets various cuts and scrapes a lot
Tunics/kirtles- very simple and common clothing for men in the period, it was basically just a big blanket of wool to protect yourself from the elements while still being light and breathable they could be laced or just be a complete panel
Braies and hose - basically a pair of undershorts that'd be covered by a pair of long socks called hose or even a pair of chausses, not too uncommon to see him lounging out like that in the shared living space he has
Great helm- a very common helm throughout most of the later medieval period, it's what his helmet is on his actual model even if his hair really shouldn't be poking through it
Cloak- a big basically blanket of fabric to keep yourself extra warm or the rain out, definitely something warn quite a bit on long marches
Great Swords- self explanatory
War banners- again self explanatory, with how he was granted the nobility title of knight, he was a very privileged man and thus was probably the one to carry the banner of the lords he's worked under
Genuinely probably the only two things that can be associated with him in particular, unlike a lot of the other killers: his add ons aren't really personal belongings or things relating to him specifically. Mostly just the company he was enslaved under and from when he'd eventually betray Vittorio. Which just goes to show he probably didn't really have many personal belongings.
body language
Tensed muscles- When isn't he tense and irritable? he's not really used to people talking to him without wanting something or, because he pissed them off in one way or another.
Glowering- his natural state of being is be almost deadpan, but also looking like he'd kill you if you looked at him wrong
Folded arms- protective and comforting as it is intimidating
Corrupted religion- this man fetishizes religion so hard because he does not care about it, but he will treat Haru like he's the virgin Mary herself and worship at his lap
Medieval- he's from that time period it's a given
Dogs- he's got massive abused dog/guard dog energy, he is tame in the way a flock protector is when it guards its sheep from wolves
Flowering meadows- when isn't he talking about how he just wants to return to the earth when he dies?
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Tagged by: @steel-and-fire (thank you!!) Tagging: uhh I got to this rlly late just steal it from me
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tired-reader-writer · 10 months
So during my ArSem reread, I was struck with a sudden question of “...did Narsus let Arslan borrow a set of clothes from him or something?” and I know it sounds ridiculous, but. Hear me out.
(I don't remember what colour any of these garments were in the anime, this is purely manga-based speculation. I am clearly going insane. Help.)
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Tracking down what Arslan was wearing under his armor was somewhat difficult because well, armor, and he has a cloak on at all times. But here in this panel we see that whatever garment it is, it's white (or at least very lightly coloured but for the sake of simplicity let's go with white for now).
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He gets washed up and changed at Narsus' place and what's this? It's grey! Makes sense that he and Daryun wouldn't wear their bloody clothes again after washing up but neither of them had any extra set of clothes with them when they had to flee from Atropatene so... where'd those clothes come from? Narsus, most probably. (Why do you have clothes that Daryun would like very much after being apart for several years with no contact, Narsus? Hm?) And I wonder if Arslan's clothes were Narsus' or something?
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The same tunic thing, without the undershirt. Kinda looks like something Narsus would wear, doesn't it?
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Similar cut, similar sleeves, heck, even filled in w the same shade of grey which suggests they're likely the same colour? Granted, this is manga so we have no way of truly knowing, it might just be the same shade of opposite colours for all we know.
Maybe this is just Too Obvious. Maybe I'm just slow. But lmao, it was fun overthinking about this stuff.
Some bonus Arslan's I snatched!
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Baby! Also made me think of Daryun and Shabrang shaking water off in the latest chapter.
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Okay maybe it's A Thing and I just never noticed it before in Arslan or any other character really, but is Arslan ambidextrous? Maybe it's a good idea to train both hands to hold a weapon lest your sword-arm be chopped off and you're left defenseless. I think so far Arslan has heavily favored his right arm, though.
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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La Mode illustrée, no. 52, 30 décembre 1883, Paris. Toilettes de Mme Bréant-Castel, rue Gluck, 6. Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands.
Description de toilettes (Bibliothèque Forney):
Costume de promenade et visites du matin. En vigogne gris-bleu, brodée en chenille de même couleur et jupon de même teinte. Jupon uni (sans garniture). Tunique en vigogne, drapée derrière, à panneaux plats et croisés devant, retenus à la taille par une agrafe en vieil argent. Sur toute la hauteur du panneau de droite, boutons assortis à l'agrafe. Gilet de velours s'écartant par devant, ouvert à l'encolure sur une chemisette bouffante, faite en surah de même couleur mais de nuance plus claire que celle de la vigogne. Longue veste en vigogne, s'ouvrant sur le gilet qu'elle dépasse, ornée de larges boutons en vieil argent. Les revers du gilet de velours se replient sur la veste.
Costume en faille et peluche côtelée nuance vin de Bordeaux. Jupe ronde, en faille, garnie de deux bandes de peluche remontant jusqu'à la taille sur l'un des côtés (celui de droite). Tunique drapée faite en même faille. Corsage en peluche, très largement ouvert sur un gilet froncé fait en faille. Le corsage est retenu par trois barrettes de' peluche qui traversent le gilet et s'arrêtent chacune à droite sous une vieille monnaie d'argent. Chapeau en feutre de même couleur que celle de la robe, doublé de peluche, orné de plumes, le tout de même teinte.
Walking and morning visit suit. In grey-blue vicuña, embroidered in chenille of the same color and petticoat of the same shade. Plain petticoat (without trim). Vicuña tunic, draped behind, with flat and crossed panels in front, held at the waist by an old silver clasp. Over the entire height of the right panel, buttons matching the clip. Velvet waistcoat parting in front, open at the neckline over a puffy chemisette, made of surah of the same color but of a lighter shade than that of the vicuña. Long vicuña jacket, opening on the waistcoat that it exceeds, adorned with large buttons in old silver. The lapels of the velvet waistcoat fold over the jacket.
Burgundy wine-coloured ribbed-plush faille suit. Round skirt, in faille, trimmed with two bands of plush going up to the waist on one of the sides (the one on the right). Draped tunic made in the same faille. Plush bodice, very wide open on a gathered waistcoat made of faille. The bodice is held in place by three strips of plush which cross the waistcoat and each stop on the right under an old silver coin. Felt hat of the same color as that of the dress, lined with plush, decorated with feathers, all of the same shade.
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shadowqueen402 · 9 months
Balan Wonderworld Outfits: Chapter 7
Here are all of the outfits in Chapter 7. Since this world is medieval themed, everyone is going to be wearing medieval outfits! Enjoy!
Leo Craig
A metallic redwood visor over his eyes, metallic redwood torso armor with a silver hemline and four redwood metal flaps over a black shirt with rolled up sleeves, redwood shoulder plates, metallic redwood gauntlets, silver metal gloves, a brown belt with a silver buckle, black leather pants and redwood boots.
Emma Cole
A pink and white medieval dress with bell sleeves and gold trimming, a black waist cincher, and magenta kitten heels. Her dress touches the ground and her hair is worn in a low braid.
Jose Gallard
A red peasant shirt with long sleeves, a black belt with a gold buckle on his waist, brown ankle-banded pants, and black medieval moccasins.
Fiona Demetria
A blue medieval dress with gold trimming, white over-the-shoulder long sleeves, a gold tiara with blue gems, and blue stilettos. She wears her hair in a low bun.
Yuri Brand
A peasant styled white shirt with puffed sleeves and a small black ribbon, a brown corset vest, a long magenta skirt with a white accent in the center, and indigo moccasins.
Haoyu Chang
An olive green cravat, a grey long-sleeved tunic, a black belt with a gold buckle, green pants, and brown moccasins.
Sana Hudson
A silver and light green visor with a cyan, oval-shaped gem and a gold hemline, a long-sleeved green shirt underneath a silver and light green coat-like torso armor that has gold trimming, silver gauntlets with cyan gems, silver metal gloves, a black belt with a gold buckle, dark green leather pants, and silver and light green metal boots. She no longer sports her bandana.
Cass Milligan
A white bonnet, a white dress with ruffled, elbow sleeves and a long black skirt, a fuschia corset with black strings, a white apron, and fuschia moccasins.
Cal Suresh
A gold crown with red jewels, a grey and white long-sleeved tunic, a red cape with white fur lining, a brown belt with a gold buckle on the waist, black pants, and brown boots with gold trimming.
Iben Bia
A gold diadem with light blue, rhombus-shapes gems, a purple juliet-sleeved dress with the cuffs being triangular and light blue lining on the collar, cuffs, and rim of the dress, and purple kitten heels.
Attilio Caccini
A jester's outfit which consists of a magenta and yellow jester hat, a magenta and yellow long-sleeved shirt with miniature bells on the rim, matching pants, black stockings, and magenta pointed shoes.
Lucy Wong
A gold tiara with emeralds, an emerald green dress with long bell sleeves and gold trimming, a white panel in the center, black lacing cord, a pair of emerald earrings, and green kitten heels. She lets her hair down.
Eis Glover
A gold viser with red accents and a red gem, a deep red long-sleeved shirt underneath a gold torso armor, gold gauntlets with red accents on them, gold metal gloves, a black belt with a silver buckle on the waist, deep red leather pants, and gold metal boots with red accents.
Bruce Stone
A mauve hat with a black feather, a mauve tunic with cream colored accents and gold trimming, a matching brocade, black pants, and tall black boots.
Act 3 Outfit (Specifically for Cal)
A black blazer over a white dress shirt, a red tie, black dress pants, and black dress shoes.
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[Image description: an 10-panel line art comic from the Merged Shadows LoZ AU. Panel 1: Costa holds the hilt of the Four Sword, face obscured except for a small frown. Panel 2: Costa lifts up the sword, awed. The sword is colored in. Panel 3: Costa covers an ear with the hand not holding the sword. The sword starts to "RINNG” and Costa shouts “Ah” Panel 4: The next 4 panels are split up by the Four Swords, each one’s pommel with a different color as the swords resonate with a loud “RINNNG”. In the top panel, Costa is kneeling on the ground, face obscured, yelling “Stop” Panel 5: Jay, in a liripipe hood, eyes colored green, has his hands posed to catch a ball flying towards his face. He turns his head to look where the sound is, distracted from the ball, with a “huh?” Panel 6: The panel across from Jay’s. Newt, hair in a braid with red eyes, has his hands posed to catch a lizard, which runs away. Newt looks back, eyes wide as he says “Wha-?” Panel 7: The bottom panel. Fin has long bangs obscuring one eye, wearing a sash around his waist. He is sitting on the edge of a boat, and shouts “EEK!” Panel 8: Jay pouts, cheek bruised. “Ow.” he says. Panel 9: Fin is in the water, obscured up to the top of his head, brows furrowed. Panel 10: Newt looks down, shoulders sagging as he says “Awwww my Lizard.” End ID]
Part 1 - Part 2 ^
Sword Sanctuary: Saved
Character Selection: who would you like to follow first? Jay [In The Forest], Newt [On Death Mountain], Fin [On The Ocean], or Costa [The Castle]?
Vote in the Comments or Asks. Votes close Wednesday.
Character Selections will determine who is the Player Character for the next segment. The other characters will be Paused. A Paused character will have no major plot points/votes occur, and unless they need travel time, when you return to them next it will be assumed that little to no time has passed. But you can still (and are encouraged to lol) ask them questions!
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[Gif Description: A looping pixel animated character selection screen. Zelda is greyed out. The cursor first highlights Jay, who wears a green tunic and hood. Jay waves with a wink, then blows a kiss, denoted with a red heart. The cursor highlights Newt next, who wears a red tunic. Newt tilts his head and jumps up and down twice. Fin is highlighted next, who wears a blue short sleeved tunic. Fin moves his bangs out of his eyes, then looks wide-eyed, shifting into a fighting stance, bouncing side to side. Costa is highlighted last, wearing a purple tunic. He straightens up, puts his arms behind his back, then blinks and looks down. End ID]
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operation-priority · 5 months
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Tankiste Cold Weather Gear
This is an impression of a French tank crewman in winter gear. One may see this uniform on tankiste during the cold winter months. While the standard infantry soldier may wear the iconic sheepskin jerkin, the tankiste instead had to rely on their black leather coat during the winter season. This tankiste wears the Toile de Tente Modèle 1897 modifié 1914 as extra waterproofing. This variant of the tent had loops that would allow for two lengths of hemp cordage to be passed through the waist and neck area to allow the tent to be worn as a poncho. Waterproofing the tent was done using paraffin and alcohol thinner.
Knitted items would be issued throughout the entire war, created by French citizens at the homefront and quality checked by the French Red Cross. They would be passed onto the army Quarter-Master where they would be received in as standard issue winter gear. The Red Cross had pamphlets distributed to the civilian population which featured several patterns of knitted gear from blankets, shirts, and scarves, to fingerless mittens and comfort items like tobacco pouches. The knitted garments pictured here are 1917 Red Cross pattern examples. The first display photo shows a standard grey and blue knitted cap, worn at the rear lines or when resting. The knitted cap beside this is intended to be worn under the helmet at the frontline. Below these is a knitted helmet or balaclava. These would be worn below the nose or at the chin, and had tails or capes at the front and back that would fit under the uniform to secure the balaclava in place and provide extra insulation. Below this is a pair of knitted wristlets, to be worn under the tunic providing some hand and arm insulation.
To the right is the standard French Army folding lantern. Specifically, it is the Lanterne de Campement Monjardet Modèle 1910 with its Ersatz Lamp Cover. Many models exist of this pattern and design slightly varies between manufacturers. All examples would be accepted into the army as a regulation item. These would be issued to Corporals to provide necessary lighting at night. Tankiste would also be provided with an electric lamp for their tanks, and the tankiste could also purchase an electric flashlight to give light inside the tank when performing maintenance duties. The candlelit Monjardet lamp folds into a triangular lamp with a hanging handle at the top and a holding handle on the back. The candle is pinned to the bottom panel by a spike and the rear panel is reflective which directs more light outward towards the front. Transparent mica is used as the clear shielding and can be slid out and replaced when it eventually gets damaged from the heat. Holes in the side panels allow for air to pass through and a small vent is placed at the top panel to disperse smoke. Overall, these lanterns were well liked with the troops as its design provided decent light coverage at night while being very compact when stowed.
Below this is a smoking pipe, lighter, and tobacco case. Nothing much to be said here - many smoked as a pastime during this period. The lighter is a commercial 'trench art' lighter, not created by the soldiers themselves but made to look like the examples that were created in the trenches. This style of 'trench art' item was popular among the civilian population and soldiers alike. It resembles an artillery shell with the cap closed, and removing the cap shows the petrol lighter ignition piece. The brass ignition piece can be removed which reveals cotton balls that absorb the liquid fuel. Beside this is a French 32 card manille deck. Manille was a very popular card game among the French at the time period. A tax stamp is placed on the Ace of Clubs which was a common sight on French playing cards. To the right of this is a board game called Solitaire. It consists of a wooden board with 36 removable pegs where the objective of the game is to clear the board of all but one of the pieces by jumping, horizontally or vertically, over an adjacent piece and removing it from the board. These types of time wasting and socializing games were available to soldiers in military bazaars. A light blue wool pocket was provided for this Solitaire example.
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kylo-wrecked · 9 months
"You're the most amazing person I've met." [Said to Dark!Ren, while very tired and a little bit tipsy]
The angel struggled to sleep. This Ren knew because he neither struggled nor slept. Sleep was a foreign land to him, one he would not go to willingly. He hung cross-legged in dreamless, suspended animation, deadened, half-blind gaze fixed to the starry expanse.
Did Brunnhilde dream? He didn't ask; when she woke, she shot up, her eyes two suns, her wings spread like the dawn. Had she caught something in her mind's nexus, Brunnhilde would've brought him the kill, stringy flesh in her talons.
"There's an old remedy for sleeplessness. Though I haven't required one for some time."
Ren rose, helmless and half-dressed, and passed over the crosshatch of floor panels. The cracks between them looked purposeful, almost modular. Their black veins ran up the wall, and when he pressed his palm against the alloy square, it opened into a pristine, grey cavity with a cask hidden inside. 
This he brought to the table, poured Brunnhilde a cup of some substance like a husky wine. None for himself, though he rested his substantial shadow on the bench across from her. Ren stood out among his spartan quarters of inbuilt ore furnishings, the single unmade sleeper, and so did Brunnhilde. The stars outside the viewports thinned into frail light rods, and the black deepened. Still, the contour of Brunnhilde's thigh showed beneath her white-drenched tunic, a pleasant detail for one who'd notice.
Ren silently observed as Brunnhilde tested the cup's contents, how she frowned and wrinkled her nose before giving in. Watching her react—joy, heartbreak, or disgust rendered on the face of another—was a boon, for he'd forgotten what those things meant.
She spoke for the first time since waking. 
Ren's features carried an inevitable weight. Wrath had been carved into its ridges and planes long ago, but the mien was placid. And yet the eyes showed a quickly snuffed flame—'amazing?' The hinge of cybernetic whirred. Amusement.
"What makes you think that? I simply do as the Ren does."
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justgarb · 1 year
Multipart post: Upgrading my norse/viking tunic:
So less than a year ago I had to vend at a winter renaissance fair. I needed a period looking outer garment that was both warm and wet weather capable, so something made from wool. The cost of ordering wool to make my own custom over-tunic would have been more than purchasing one about the right measurements and altering it myself, thus I bought a quick solution off grimfrost and hemmed it to fit. It works great, is super warm, roomy enough to conceal additional layers, but it also looks super bland as a plain grey tunic. Because it's summer I think it's a perfect time to start some upgrades!
I found a pair of wool trousers at a charity resale shop and decided to make some accent panels. Of the two colors available, I like this one better with the tunic and the tablet woven trim I am going to use (you'll see it later). These trousers were made in south korea - I lived/worked there for a few years when I was younger and I dig the idea of carrying a bit of that with me on my mead soaked adventures. Good friends, good mead, and good memories go together.
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The edges will be double folded/rolled to prevent fraying. I don't who it was that showed me to iron my seams, but take the time to do it. It really makes a difference. I'm doing each fold/roll on the ironing board, then pinning them before moving to the sewing machine.
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I wrapped the left cuff (top) around the sleeve with the extra fabric rolled inwards, pinned the seam together, then pulled it off and flipped it inside out. I marked the line with tailors chalk, ran my stitch, ran a second stitch to prevent fraying, then cut off the excess. I used this measurement as the template for the right cuff (bottom) shown here. Note the bevel. The sleeves are not straight cut and narrow as they approach the hand.
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Flipped the cuffs right side out, made some quick tacking stitches, and hand jammed a running stitch along the edges (top and the bottom rolled in). I plan to remove these panels for embroidery at a later date so I'm not going with a tighter stitch. Alibi: I did occasionally switch to two or three whip stitches to prevent movement while sewing. This particular picture sucks but it's 10pm and everyone is asleep.
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I went ahead and cut/ironed the front and back bottom hem panels, minus side gores. I'll come back to this in the morning/next post.
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styleofdiamandis · 9 months
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I mean, you guys. How great does Marina look here? For Marina's ever NYLON cover, she paved her own path and went for a more retro look for the magazine. 
Photography was done by Damon Baker. Styling by Santa Bevacqua and Shawna Ferguson, glam by Ozzy Salvatierra, hair (look at all those adorable pins!) by Fallon Toni Chavez and lastly, nails by Stephanie Stone.
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I love how fresh, confident, retro, fit and coiffed up she is here for this spread. 
For the cover look, we got Marina in a Dior Pre-Fall 2015 white, beige, orange & black striped rib stretch woven sweater with turtleneck design.
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You know how much I love a good mish-mash of pieces that create one look together.
Her coat and skirt belong to Fall/Winter 2015 collections. The first one is by Holly Fulton and is the Gaze repeat print silk and wool coat with red Mongolian fur collar and cuffs, while the latter hails from the French house of Vionnet and is a plaid maxi skit with electric-blue mohair strips and delicate black lace panels.
Underneath her coat M wears the Fortnight Fall/Winter 2014 Vega demi bra made from their signature chevron jacquard lace!
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The third look is from Emilio Pucci's Pre-Fall 2015 lookbook. I could totally see the majority of this collection on Marina for this particular shoot but I'm glad they went with one of my favorite sets!
A striped silk dress with roomy, tunic-like silhouette with lace-up neck in striking shades of magenta, blue and pale grey ($1,520.00 - sold out). Of course, she also rocked the matching flared trousers ($554.00 - sold out).
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Throughout the shoot, Marina rocks the Cartier Amulette de Cartier 18k rose-gold band ring with malachite and brilliant-cut diamond of 0.09 carats.
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Add one more fun printed ensemble to Marina's spread with NYLON.
This 70s-inspired chevron multi metallic jacquard coat with contrasting black panels ($1,540.00 - sold out) and matching flare pants ($495.00 - sold out) hail from Giambattista Valli's Pre-Fall 2015 lookbook – an ode to 1970s icon Mariana Schiano!
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The clever play with prints is truly something to be adored.
For the final look our girl looks more than amazing in this diagonally striped silk jacquard blazer ($2,285.00 - sold out) and culottes pulled straight from Dsquared²'s Pre-Fall 2015 collection!
Underneath, Marina rocked a silk blouse version of DKNY's Laura bandana print flare dress.
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Marina injected even more fun into her outfit with the shoe department!
The appropriately named Solar strappy sandals are from Charlotte Olympia. I love the typical Charlotte quirk factor on these stunners!
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