#Guilt Tripping
serikyl · 12 days
OCD PSA: Please think twice before adding guilt tripping to any of your posts. You are genuinely hurting people when you do this. There are ways to make people care about things without vile guilt tripping.
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gleafer · 2 months
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Look at this drama queen! I just did a lesson YESTERDAY.
Stay dead. Imma learn español the old fashioned way.
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indecisive-capricorn · 6 months
Yandere Cullens Family's Reactions to You Attempting to Escape:
WARNINGS: Yandere, running away, mature language, manipulation, toxic relationship, gaslighting, etc.
SUMMARY: You tried to run away from your kidnapper lover but your attempt failed and now you have to face the consequences of your actions. Problem is, how will your beloved yandere react to it and what are the punishments that lie ahead for you?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: We had the Volturi guards and now, we'll have the Cullens! I guess, I'm in my active writing era for tumblr, so don't be surprised if I end up posting a whole lot more. It can be about Twilight or even other fandoms. I'll definitely be posting more for Miguel O'Hara too. Also, I was supposed to post this later on but it got put on queue and I didn't know how to put it out of the list, so I apologize if it seems a little rushed.
MASTERLIST & REQUESTS: Have some wine before you leave, or suggest a good brand to me. any form of messages are a delight.
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He's a mind reader. That is the only thing you need to know about him to know that it's useless to even try to escape because Edward is already reading your mind to see the potential plans of your escape. He'll do everything to ensure you won't escape and if you managed to find a single hint that could bring your hopes up to do so, he'll immediately eliminate it by fixing the problem. If you had somehow— no one knows precisely how —managed to find an escape, then just know that he'll find you soon enough. Not even just because of his abilities as a vampire since he can easily track down your scent with them, but also because well— he can read your mind. Edward will know where you desperately want to go to and he'll know about the decisions that you'll make as you try to escape. So, good luck but it's practically impossible, unless you managed to outsmart him by thinking of some sort of distraction. But yeah, it's almost impossible because he's constantly reading your mind! Very nosy indeed for a vampire but even worse as a yandere vampire.
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He would be disappointed. Carlisle isn't the type to get angry at people, but he would get disappointed in you when you try to run away because he thought you knew better than to do that. Honestly, out of everyone in the family, Carlisle is the yandere who gives the most freedom to his darling partner. Carlisle gives a lot of trust to you but after your attempt escape, which was most likely ruined because of another family member, he will definitely be keeping a closer eye on you. Carlisle will either give you a scolding after your escape or he will be quite silent while checking if you got any injuries while being outside. The latter is actually scarier than the first because it's unusual for Carlisle to be giving you the silent treatment and it would mean that he would be more cautious and give you less freedom from then on. However, instead of immediately locking you up in the house after your attempt escape, Carlisle will show you all the reasons to keep you in the house. It could be by showing you the wounds and deaths caused by a rogue vampire or even just by bringing you to the hospital to show you the potential wounds you could get by being outside.
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Same situation as Edward. She's a psychic. Alice can easily check through her gift when you feel even the slightest want to go against her. She'll immediately fix the problem and spend more time with you and be much more attentive too. However, if you decide to rebel against her far too many times, she might just let you attempt an escape. Under her watchful eye, of course, since she doesn't want anything to happen to her precious darling but Alice is sure she can make an accident or two happen around you or maybe worsen your day with some horrible mannered humans to get you thinking that going outside and rebelling against her isn't worth it. She'll be faking her worries when you finally decide to come back home to her and she'll fuss all over your health. Alice might hide it from you but she is strategic and quite smart, especially when it concerne you. Your attempt had also given Alice a chance to guilt trip you into being her personal dress up doll. Not that you already weren't before, but things are certainly much smoother if you follow her order like a sweet darling right?
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Rosalie would be scoffing at your attempt. She's definitely annoyed and angry at you, but she is also blaming herself for it. Rosalie should have known you would try to escape and she probably had a feeling on that as well, yet she still decided to trust her darling. You could say that she considered it as a test to see your loyalty to her, one in which you had failed horribly. After she has finally calmed down from her anger, which could take a few days, she will return to you with a sweet smile and continue treating you as her precious jewel like she usually does. Now, you can ignore her attempts to win you back over with her charms and even insult her for it, but do remember that Rosalie could be the sweetest person in the world towards her darling, constantly spoiling you with affection and cherishing you with her gentle words. Her actions causes you to be awfully conflicted about your want to escape because why would you want to get away from someone who loves you more than anything in the world? Your doubts could be added if you had terrible partners in the past.
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Jasper will definitely be hurt. I mean, which yandere wouldn't feel hurt at some point if their darling tries to escape? But out of everyone, Jasper is the one who shows it the most. He's trying so hard to adjust for his darling on everything. He had made renovations to his home, specifically to accomodate to your taste and comfort. He had to endure more trainings to keep his blood thirst under control because he doesn't want to hurt you, and so much more. Jasper doesn't expect you to return anything, not even your affections since he understands he needs to earn it, but you attempting to escape is almost like you were dismissing all of his efforts in one go or even worse, you didn't give a shit about them in the first place and that was what probably hurted him the most. Jasper will probably get stricter with you after that. He had tried to be fair and tried to respect your space before and to be quite honest, he is the yandere who gives the most freedom to you after Carlisle. His only rule was for you to not leave him. But you had to break the rule and now, you'll pay for the consequences.
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Esme has the same reaction as Jasper. She's hurt but she is also confused as well. Esme is really patient and she understands that you needed time and space to adjust living in her house, your new and sudden home that was completely foreign to you, and she's trying hard to get you adjusted and be as comfortable as possible. Like Jasper, she's doing everything she can for your comfort but unlike Jasper, she expects your acceptance in return. It's not as if she is expecting it in a cruel type of way with the mindset that she's doing something for you, so you should do something for her. No, Esme is nothing like that. However, Esme made sure she was doing everything right and she expected for your relationship with her to go more smoothly, not for you to suddenly escape. Your failed escape made her think she did something wrong, but she's confused because she had done everything right so far. Esme never forced you to return your affections, she wanted to slowly earn it, which is why after your failed escape, she had a talk with you and asked you why you tried to leave. Esme knows that she's flawed but she wants to improve herself and do everything she can to fix the problem but in no world would she ever let you go.
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Emmett is silent. He was so fucking silent that it actually scared you more than if he got angry at you and he had never gotten angry at you either but it's probably much better than the silent treatment you're getting. No teasings or even some bad jokes. Heck, not even his cheesy pick up lines. Emmett still takes care of you and spend time with you during his silent treatment though. He still cooks meals for you and cuddles with you while watching a horror movie, which is actually his favourite activity to do with you, but he still didn't say a single word. And it was starting to get to you as well. You had no one else besides Emmett in the house, sometimes his "siblings" would visit, but they don't talk much with you and you were beginning to slowly grow insane from the lack of conversations. It didn't matter how long it took but after some time, you broke down and begged for Emmett to speak to you because if the silent treatment continued on, you were sure you would go completely insane. Emmett was surprised when you begged him but he was pleased as well. He was silent all this time in order to make him more tolerable to you, but Emmett also knew that he would eventually break you and hoped it would be enough to get you to want to talk to him.
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acti-veg · 1 year
This is apparently a way more controversial opinion than it should be, but guilt is absolutely the appropriate response to causing harm when it is within your capacity to stop. Advocating that people change their behaviour in order to facilitate the liberation of an oppressed group is not ‘shaming’ people.
I’m sorry, but if I share information about the harm caused by the animal products you choose to consume, whether it is on the environment, the workers traumatised to provide it or the animals who suffer to produce it, and this makes you feel guilty, that is your problem to address, not mine.
It isn’t up to advocates to shield you from the consequences of your own freely chosen decisions; it is up to you to reflect on why learning the truth about the products you choose to buy makes you feel so ashamed. More than that, it’s up to you to consider whether you can continue to justify it.
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clownfessionsofficial · 3 months
I don't care how useful or informative your post is. If it's phrased like "you MUST reblog (or you're a terrible person)" with a fuckton of knife emojis, not only will I not reblog the post, I will also likely block op and possibly even unfollow the person who put the post on my dash. I'm not anybody's bitch and I don't have to listen to anyone who talks to people they don't even know like that. Congratulations, your guilt trip has the opposite effect. Your possibly nuanced and well informed take has been put in the trash with the rest of the aggressive fuckers who think they can talk to people any which way.
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Sub Yandere! Enmu X Human Dom! Male Reader Nsfw
Warnings: anal penetration, daddy kinks, guilt tripping, hair pulling, mad sex, pseudo-relationship
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You were on your way home after spending time with your friends, once you finally got home you've opened the front door before closing it behind you before throwing yourself on the bed and taking a nap.
"Y/N, wake up darling~," a voice said as you slowly got up from your short but peaceful nap. "Aww, did my baby had a good nap?~" The voice asked, you knew who that voice belonged to, Enmu. Now I know what you're thinking, how did you two met? Well, let's say Enmu is full on crazy for you, and literally forced you into being in a relationship with him.
"Yes, I have," you said while trying not to look at him in the eyes. "Aww Y/N, look at me," Enmu said in a whining tone, but you ignored him. He got very angry and turned your head to his direction, "I said look at me!" He said while looking at you menacingly, you stood your ground before replying with, "No, you psychotic bitch!" You got up before Enmu pulled you back in the bed, "how dare you say that Y/N?? I love you so much, and this is what I get in return?!" He asked, pulling out the manipulation card.
"We're not even together, and we never will be!" This made Enmu go completely berserk, "No, I love you Y/N, I'll do anything for you!!" He then pounced on you before kissing you roughly, but you pushed him back. "Want to play that game, huh bitch??" You asked before bending him over and taking off his pants and underwear in one go. You then took off yours before plunging your cock in his hole, making him moan in pleasure.
"Y-Yes d-daddy~," Enmu moaned as he arched his back, you thrusted inside him hard while seeing him trying to hold back tears of pleasure. "Mmmmm ~," he moaned again as his eyes rolled back, you then pulled his hair harshly before saying, "are you enjoying this, whore?" Enmu slowly nodding his head while still moaning from the thrustings you deliver.
"M-More d-daddy~," Enmu said while having his tongue out due to pleasure. You smirked before thrusting inside him once again. Enmu is such a malevolent demon towards his peers, but to you, he's just a crazy bitch who would suck your cock at any given time.
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harperluvgojo · 2 months
MHA head cannons
You’re in a relationship with Shigaraki headcannons
TW: Mention of manipulation and guilt tripping.
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•You get love bombed, he gets you gifts, showers you in compliments, then forgets about you.
•Toxic relationship, he’s a big manipulator and get’s whatever he wants.
•He might even go as far to tell you his backstory then use your sympathy for his own benefit, guilt tripping you.
•Removing anyone important in your life other than him, he’s the only one you need to talk to.
•Ignores your boundaries but loses it if you ignore his.
•Makes people in your life hate you so that if you tried to leave you always end up crawling back to him.
•Brings your hopes up just to let you back down again.
•Makes it so that you’re always in the wrong, or at least it seems like it.
•Again, a big manipulator and guilt tripper.
•Very toxic relationship, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the LOV or not.
•He doesn’t see you as his S/O, he started dating you so he could use you if he needed you and as he saw fit.
•Refuses most of your attempts to love him, but gives in just enough that you think he actually likes you.
•”Y/n, could you get me my phone?” “It’s right there-“ “No. It’s okay, you just don’t love me, that’s fine.” he then goes on to grab his phone, leave, and ignore you for the rest of the day. He does this often with almost everything.
Gahh! Sorry, this one is short but i really wanted to write about this as i got inspiration from the song Somebody That I Used To Know, by Gotye, and Kimbra. I was listening to it and was like, this kinda reminds me of Shigaraki and so I wrote about it. I think some of these are inaccurate and cringe but they were all fun to write!
I need to start doing other characters but Shigaraki is so fun to write about, I feel like theres so many different ways he could act depending on how you perceive him and the time frame. I might try to write about other characters that aren’t from MHA but I don’t think that’ll go well.
I’m open and asking for writing suggestions!! I’m fine with anything as long as it’s NOT a fanfic or NSFW, i am strictly SFW!
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cromwelll · 7 months
Stop guilt-tripping & virtue signaling
I literally unfollowed a mutual for saying that “watching the Superbowl is being pro-Israel” and “how could we watch/do something fun when Gaza/Palestine is being bombed.” Like you’ve got to be kidding me.
Firstly, I’m guessing that 99% of people who watched the Superbowl weren’t watching it specifically because they’re pro-Israel.
Secondly, the bombs are going to be dropped whether people watched the Superbowl or not.
Thirdly, people are allowed to enjoy things. Doomscrolling and obsessing over death and destruction doesn’t help anyone.
Fourthly, there is very little that civilians can do to stop a foreign government from doing anything. As someone living in America, there isn’t anything I do to stop my own country from being horrible.
Humans were never meant to process information from all around the world every minute of every day like we do, let alone about atrocities and genocide on a regular basis.
In before: This doesn’t mean “stop caring and stop paying attention altogether.” I mean that people are allowed to take a break.
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tales-from-sysblr · 5 months
posted a thing about a group of endos being ableist (not even blaming all endos, just pointing out the weirdness)
and some endo came into my replies trauma dumping saying its MY personal fault their friend tried to kts (never seen this person in my life and try my best not to int with endos. and if i do its never in a weird way. occasionally in an ACTUAL* debate way, but never in a dumb rude way. dont fuck with that shit. and the rest of the sys doesn't post abt sys shit at all. whenever we see an endo we just fucking block so we don't accidentally interact)
but apparently its OUR fault their friend tried to kts because apparently anti endos were mean to them or sum and they kept saying random shit as instead of anything of actual substance or on topic to my post.
i am an alter with VERY low empathy. couldnt bring myself to get guilt tripped by some rando who obviously has no regard for others and just puts triggering shit into random replies instead of saying anything with substance.
so note to any endos reading: trauma dumping onto random people isn't a valid argument. get debate lessons please i beg of you. i would respect someone who actually tries to come onto my post to have a convo, but never someone who does weird shit.
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outer-spec · 7 months
if you make posts that say shit like “if you’re not actively doing X to support Y you’re literally an awful human being!” and it turns out that literally ~90% of human beings are not doing that thing. im breaking into your house and stealing all the copper wiring in it
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hayatheauthor · 28 days
stop making people feel guilty for not wanting to be all-forgiving "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" they can go blind, they deserve it.
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flightlessosprey · 7 months
Okay I just wanna say I scroll past any post that tries to guilt me into reblogging even if it has a good message. That shit just pisses me off. I absolutely support the messages of acceptance for all queer folk, both physically and mentally disabled people, and other marginalized groups not specifically listed, but I do not support guilt tripping, and will not spread it. You can reblog this or don’t. There is no moral implication either way.
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Woah! Back up! Are you apologizing to them because it’s the right thing to do or because you are trying to soothe yourself by gaining their forgiveness?
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thornybubbles · 2 years
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (The JoJos: Jonathan, Joseph, and Jotaro)
NOTE: Going to make a part 2 to this including Josuke, Giorno, and Johnny. The weird issue I was having with this post seems to have gone away. Though if anything looks weird or incomplete, let me know, please.
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Jonathan's been through a lot. Thanks to Dio, he's spent much of his childhood feeling alone and unwanted. Dio stole his father's love, turned everyone in town against him, brutally killed poor Danny, and even drove his beloved Erina away from him. You’re the only one that stayed. You're the only one that continued to stand up for him when everyone else gave into Dio. 
So that's why when he sees you looking at your friend with eyes filled with such fondness and adoration, it stirs up a dark anger in him that is so intense that it frightens him.
Jonathan does an excellent job of reigning in his emotions. You will only see that same sweet smile he always has, but you won't see the way his smile drops into a scowl as he excuses himself and turns away from you and your friend. You won't see the way he grips the doorknob so hard his fingers leave dents in the brass. 
Jonathan hates the way he feels. He has no right to try to lay claim to you. He will just have to accept that fact that you will only ever see him as a friend. So that was that. He was going to lose you,too, and then he really will be alone. His anger dissipates and he goes into a depressive state that lasts for weeks. During the day he wanders far away from his father's property and into the forest. He can't bring himself to go into town for fear of seeing you and your friend together somewhere. Staying home is out of the question. He can't take Dio's constant questions. Even though they've started acting more civil with each other, Jonathan can't bring himself to ever fully trust his adoptive brother. Dio seems far too interested in his relationship with you for his liking. 
"Why don't I see you with your little friend anymore, JoJo?" Dio asks. "You seemed so close as children. Did something happen?" 
Jonathan isn't sure but he thought he heard a hint of glee in Dio's voice as he asked that. 
Jonathan makes an effort not to snap at him. It's not his fault that this is happening. Not this time anyway.  
"Sometimes people grow apart when they grow up. The responsibilities of adulthood can distract one from childhood friendships. That's just the way life is. And if you'll excuse me, I don't wish to speak on the matter anymore." Is Jonathan's reply before he exits the room.
Dio doesn't miss the misery in Jonathan's voice and he revels in it. 
"If you say so, JoJo." 
Jonathan ends up spending most of his time in the part of the forest where the two of you would play games, tell stories, and just laugh and chase each other for hours. Erina would join you sometimes… before she started avoiding him.
And now he lost you, too. 
Of course. Why should he ever be allowed to be happy? Even without Dio being the cause of his misery, it seemed life itself was against him. He slumped to the ground and propped himself against a tree. He was sure his father would scold him for getting dirt on his clothes but that was nothing new. His father was always scolding and shaming him for something. That is, when he wasn’t singing Dio’s praises.  
Jonathan sighed, closed his eyes, and leaned his head against the tree trunk. He wasn't going to think about that. He wanted to think about you and the short time you spent together. He would think about the time he tried to scare you with a bug only to have you laugh at him and hold the bug in your hand like it was nothing. He wanted to think about the time you fell out of the tree you were climbing, got up, brushed yourself off, and went right back to climbing. You didn't cry at all. He wanted to think about the time you looked Dio right in the eyes and told him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine (mind you in a much more ladylike manner). 
You were both a gentle hand and a fist of strength, perfectly balanced in every way. You gave him a sense of hope and courage in one of the darkest times of his life. He could sit here and bask in the warmth of your memory until he just stopped living. That would have to be enough. He couldn't have you, but nothing could rob him of his memories of you. Not even Dio. 
He must have dozed off at some point because he found himself being shaken awake. He may have been imagining it, but the person shaking him sounded an awful lot like you. 
"JoJo! JoJo! Wake up!" 
Jonathan's eyelids flew open. It was you!
“Oh… what?” he rasped. His voice was hoarse and his throat felt like it was on fire. He didn't care though. You were here with him and that's all that mattered. 
“Why… are you… here?” He asked, genuinely confused by your presence. Shouldn't you be with your friend?
“Why am I here?” you repeat. “Why do you think? I came to find you, you ninny!” 
Jonathan just blinks up at you in confusion. 
“I haven't seen you in weeks and when I asked your father about you he told me that you've been acting strangely. He said that you wandered the house at night instead of sleeping and that you haven't been eating. So I started looking for you and I found you out here sleeping in the woods!" 
“O-oh…” Jonathan couldn't say more than that. He didn't really know how to answer. That, and he felt horrible. He was achy all over and his head was hurting. 
You placed a hand on his forehead and he froze at your touch, mind going numb.
“Jojo, you're burning up! How long have you been sitting in the cold like this?” You asked. 
Was it cold? Honestly Jonathan hadn't even noticed that the temperature had dropped. It was already night time. Had he really been out here for that long? 
“Why have you been doing this to yourself?” You ask, your voice hitched with worry. “Has Dio been bullying you again?” 
Jonathan said nothing. He just shook his head. 
“Then why?! Was it something else?” You ask. “Was… was it something I did?” 
Jonathan caught something in your eyes when you asked him that. It was something that opened up a very dark place inside of him. Guilt. You felt guilty. You were blaming yourself for his pitiable state. 
"I just... I didn't want to interfere." He says.
“Interfere?” You ask. “Interfere with what? What are you talking about?” 
“You… and your friend.” He says. “I see the way you look at him…”
Your face flushed. 
"I-I don't l-look at him that way!" You stuttered out in embarrassment. 
“You don’t have to hide it.” He says, trying to speak up. The action was putting a strain on his voice, making it sound worse… just as he intended. 
“JoJo…” you start to say, but he doesn't let you finish. 
"Listen... I never told you how I felt, because I thought it would put a strain on our friendship... We've been friends for a long time, haven't we? You were there for me for some of the most difficult times of my life and I adore you for it... It's because I love you so much that I'm willing to let you be happy with someone else... even if it means I'll never see you again . I just want you to be happy …” He ended with a very real, but perfectly timed cough. 
You grabbed him by his flushed face and made him look at you. 
“Don't say things like that, JoJo!” you cry. “You make it sound like I plan to abandon you!” 
He grasped one of your hands weakly. “I don't matter, dearest. I told you, if he makes you happy…” 
"That's enough!" you said sternly, placing a finger over his lips and silencing him. "I don't want you to say such things anymore!" 
Your face was etched in anger, but your eyes glistened with unshed tears. It was working. As much as he hated stooping to such deplorable tactics like guilt-tripping, but by God, it was working! He could hate himself for it later. Right now, he was basking in your attention.
You removed your finger from his lips and he smiled up at you in a state of mindless bliss. 
"Yes, ma'am." he rasped, before going into a coughing fit. 
You let him go and stood up. He whined pathetically at the loss of your touch. You assumed it was due to his sickness. You got to your feet with a determined look on your face. 
“I'm going back to get your father and some of the servants. They're going take you back home so you can get some rest. Then I'm going into town to fetch a doctor.” You stated. 
Then you leaned down and planted a kiss on Jonathan's warm forehead. Jonathan could've died right then and there and died happy. 
"Don't move from that spot, JoJo!" You said as you hiked up your skirt and began running towards the Joestar Mansion. 
“I'm not going anywhere.” JoJo tried to call after you but his voice was too hoarse and you were already out of earshot. 
"And neither are you..." He added under his breath. 
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While Jonathan tries to hide his jealousy, Joseph puts his on full display, but he plays it off as a joke. 
"So you're going out with him, again!?" he says with a pout. 
"Yes, JoJo. I have other friends besides you, you know." You say, tired of having the same old argument every time you go out with someone that isn't him. 
Joseph whines like a child and plops down on your couch. He crosses his arms and stares at the wall with a sullen expression. 
"I don't have a problem with you having friends, it's just that ever since you've been hanging out with that weirdo you act like I don't even exist! I hardly ever see you anymore!" 
You almost felt sorry for him until he called your friend a weirdo. 
"JoJo! That's enough! I know you don't like him but I won't have you calling my friend names!" you scolded. 
JoJo huffed but continued pouting on the couch in silence. 
"Why do you act like such a child? We have this argument every time I go out with someone else. It's exhausting! It's not like you're my boyfriend or anything!" 
Ouch. Okay, while what you said was true, you didn't have to just blurt it out like it was nothing. Joseph gives you a hurt look before suddenly doubling over in pain. He clutched his chest, fell off the couch and lay on the floor writhing in agony. 
"JoJo! What happened? Are you okay?! JoJo!!" you say in a panic. You drop to your knees next to him. 
"JoJo, tell me what's wrong!" you cry. 
"I don't know!" He groans. "I just suddenly felt a terrible, sharp pain in my heart! I... I think it's the knife you stabbed into it when you said that just now!" 
At the realization that he was faking so he could pick on you, you became furious. 
"JOJO! YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!!" you shout, slapping him in the shoulder. 
Joseph curls up trying to protect himself from your slaps, but he's giggling the whole time. 
“I thought something was wrong with you, you silly ass!” you shout, a slight sob coming through in your voice. 
Joseph sits up, his grinning face only inches from your own. 
“Ah, so you do care about me!” he teased. 
Your face immediately turned red and you scooted away from him, unable to look at him with him grinning at you like that. 
“Shut up, you pain in the neck.” You mumble feeling shy all of a sudden. 
Joseph was infuriating, but when he teased you like this, you couldn't help but fall for his charms... just a little. Up to this point, you had only ever viewed Joseph as a friend, but lately you've begun to see him in a slightly different light. 
The problem is that Joseph knew that. 
“I'll make a deal with you, JoJo.” You said after regaining your composure. 
“If you quit complaining every time I go out with my other friends, then I'll make it so Saturdays will be the day that I hang out exclusively with you. Does that sound fair?” 
You have Joseph's full attention now. 
“Really?! Just you and me?!!” He asks, getting more and more excited by the minute. 
“So….does this mean… um….” he stutters, looking around nervously as if he isn't sure that he should say what he wants to. 
“Does it mean what?” you ask. 
“If we’re going out every Saturday… and it’s just the two of us… can we say that… we’re dating?” he asks with a hopeful smile. 
Your face flushes again and you look away from him, irritated at how cute he's being right now. 
"Fine." you sigh. "I guess you can say we're dating." 
Joseph lets out a whoop of joy before sweeping you into his heavily muscled arms. 
"Thank you! You won't regret it I swear!" he promises. 
As he pulls you to his chest, you don't see the smug, self-satisfied smirk he has on his face. He's finally got you right where he wants you. It took a while, but he finally got you to like him enough to go out with him. And every Saturday?! This was better than he hoped for! You'll have so much fun hanging around with him that you'll forget all about that weirdo friend of yours.
Check and Mate, darling.
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Jealous Jotaro is all cold glares and quiet fury. Every time you and your friend are seen together, Jotaro always seems to be hanging out in the background, staring daggers into the back of your friend's head. You don't know what your friend could've done to earn Jotaro's disdain, but it's very clear that he doesn't want you to be alone with him. The problem is that Jotaro won't tell you anything. Any time you confront him about it you're met with the same response. 
“I just don’t like the guy.” 
You don't understand why and Jotaro never explains. Your friend isn't even a Stand user, so it can't be that he suspects him of being an enemy. 
Your friend may not be a Stand user, but you, unfortunately are. So it takes all of Jotaro's willpower to keep Star Platinum in check when he's around the two of you. Jotaro can feel his Stand's rage stir up any time your friend gets a little too close or handsy with you. There's really nothing suspicious about the way your friend interacts with you. His touches are only of the platonic variety, but each hug, head pat, or playful shove send Jotaro into a silent rage. 
He'll chomp down on his cigarette, nearly biting it in half and almost has an aneurysm from trying to keep Star Platinum from popping out and punching the guy's head off of his shoulders. 
But none of that matters, because Jotaro already has a plan in play. He just needs to be patient and careful. 
For the next few weeks, you start getting an uncomfortable feeling that someone is watching and following you. You often try to find the source of this feeling, frantically looking over your shoulder and seeing no one. You even send your Stand to search around, but it comes back to you shrugging its shoulders after failing to find anyone. You tell Jotaro about it and he gives you a serious, concerned look and tells you to be careful. 
"Just because DIO's out of the picture doesn't mean some of his lackeys aren't still around looking for revenge. Just stay alert and let me know if anything suspicious happens." He says. 
You nod your head and go about your day, casting worried glances into every shadowy corner. 
Jotaro understands your concerns, but he's fully aware of what's really happening, so he's not too worried about it. He watches you until you are out of sight, then he lights a cigarette. He's been thinking about quitting, but he needs the nicotine to clear his head right now. The first part of the plan was taken care of, but he still had work to do. 
A few days later, you come to him with a worried expression. 
“Someone's been in my house.” You tell him before you even say your morning greeting. 
“How do you know?” He asks, instantly alert. 
“My diary's missing.” You tell him.
"Your diary?" he says, curling his lip with a disdainful sneer. 
"Yes!" You say, annoyed with his attitude. "It wasn't in my desk and I can't find it anywhere in my room or anywhere else in the house." 
Jotaro thought for a moment. 
“What did you write in it? You didn't write anything about Egypt did you?” he asked with a serious tone. 
“Of course not! I wouldn't dare! I didn't put anything important in it just in case someone did find it and read it.” you say. 
“Then why would someone want your diary?” He asks. 
"I don't know, JoJo! I ​​just know that I can't find it." You shout, frustrated that he doesn't seem to be taking it seriously. 
“Did you check your locker?” He offers. 
"I don't bring my diary to school, JoJo." You sigh in exasperation. 
Jotaro huffs at your tone. 
"Don't get snappy, I was just asking. Good grief. If you're that worried about it, I'll come by after school and help you look for it." he says. 
You agree to that and go to class feeling a lot better. 
You don't find your diary, but for the next week or two, you do start finding pictures of yourself on your windowsill. Fortunately, none of the pictures are compromising but they are worrying. Whoever took them seems to have been following you all over town and at school. So your feeling about being watched had been right. How your Stand hadn't been able to find your personal paparazzi you didn't know, but Jotaro was going to hear about this. You took the pictures to school to show him. He wasn't happy. 
“Where did you find these?” He demands. 
"On my window sill." You state. "Whoever's stalking me wanted to make sure that I knew it. I'm not gonna wait for their next move. I'm going to take those pictures to the police." 
“Don’t bother.” Jotaro says a little too quickly. 
"Why not? I need to..." 
He cut you off. 
“The police won't be able to do much. Stalking cases are tricky and require a lot more evidence than just a few pictures. We don't even have a suspect, so they won't have anything to go on except for what you tell them.” he says. 
“So what am I gonna do then?” you ask. 
“I'll take care of it.” he says plainly. 
Another few days pass and Jotaro hasn't told you much. You've been worrying and fretting but you know Jotaro wouldn't tell you that he'd take care of it unless he had some kind of plan. Sure enough, you found yourself playing the part of bait while Jotaro followed along behind you in secret. You could spot him every now and then behind parked cars and buildings; black coat fluttering in the wind. It gave you a sense of calm even though you could feel that extra presence behind you. You didn't bother to look behind you. You knew you wouldn't see anything. Finally, just when the tension was getting unbearable, you heard someone yelp and you whirled around to see Jotaro holding your friend up by his collar. 
"Jotaro? What on earth...?" you said, wondering why Jotaro was attacking your friend. Unless... no. It couldn't be!
“Empty your bag.” Jotaro said. It was a command not a request. Your very frightened and confused friend let his book bag drop from his shoulder. Its contents spilled out onto the sidewalk. Among the items were more pictures of you and your diary. 
"It was you!" you shouted, unable to believe your friend could be guilty of something like stalking. 
Your friend tried to defend himself. He tried to convince you that he had no idea how that stuff got in his bag. When Jotaro asked him why he was following you, he just said that he was going to the convenience store to buy some sodas . He didn't even know that it was you in front of him. You weren't buying it and neither was Jotaro. The taller male grabbed your former friend by the hair and forced him to look him in the eyes. 
"I don't know what your game is, but if I catch you anywhere near her again, they'll have to use your dental record to identify you when I'm through with you." 
The statement wasn't a threat or even a promise. It was a guarantee. 
Jotaro dropped the boy to the sidewalk where he scrambled to gather up his things before running for the hills. Jotaro glared after the boy long after he was out of sight. After a moment he turned to you and asked, 
"You alright?" 
"I-ah... no. Not really." you said. 
You couldn't help but think back to all the times Jotaro gave the boy dirty looks whenever the two of you hung out. 
"You knew, didn't you?" You ask. 
“Knew what?” Jotaro says, placing a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it. He took a drag off it and blew the smoke into the sky. 
"You knew about him. That's why you said you didn't like him. You knew he was a bad egg from the start." you say. 
Jotaro just shrugs.
"I had a feeling, yeah." 
You rub your hand down your face. 
“Dammit! I should have listened to you. Your gut feelings have never been wrong before. Not back in Egypt and not now. I should've stopped hanging around him the moment you said you didn't like him!” You say with a huff of frustration. 
"Don't beat yourself up about it. You couldn't have known." Jotaro says, taking another drag from his cigarette. 
You stand there, fidgeting. Your emotions are going haywire. You feel betrayed by your friend, angry at yourself for not seeing the signs sooner, and oh so grateful to Jotaro for always being so reliable. 
Jotaro's hand on your shoulder pulls you out of your thoughts. 
“Why don't you come over to my place for dinner. I can get Mom to make that stuff you like.” Jotaro offered. 
"Yeah. That sounds good." you say. 
Jotaro smiles to himself as the two of you begin the walk towards his house. 
That went smoother than he thought it would. It took a little bit of time to set it up but it worked out beautifully. Of course it was him that had been stalking you and taking the pictures. He knew your Stand's abilities and weaknesses like he knew Star Platinum's. It was as easy to avoid its notice as it was for him to avoid yours. Having his Stand get his hands on your diary was even easier. All he had to do was hang around outside your window until you went to sleep and have Star Platinum grab the diary from your desk drawer. Of course he read it. He couldn't help himself. He was delighted to know about your little crush on him. After that, all he had to do was place the pictures on the window sill for you to find. As for framing your deadbeat friend? It was a simple matter of having Star Platinum slip the “evidence” into his bag when no one was looking at the end of the school day. Of course, there was the danger of him finding the diary and the pictures, but what would he say about it? If he brought it to your attention he would essentially be doing Jotaro's work for him. Setting up the “stalker trap” was a little bit tricky, but it was a simple matter of having you walk down a path he knew your friend took on a regular basis. He always went to that particular store to get sodas at that particular time. The rest was child's play.
Jotaro had decided at some point during that 50 day trip that you were his. You had no incentive to join the hunt for DIO at all. You weren’t a Joestar descendant. You weren’t a friend of the family, and Jotaro hadn’t saved your life, so you didn’t owe him anything. You were simply ready and willing to put your life on the line to help a classmate save his mother’s life. That’s all, and that meant something.
Jotaro wasn’t about to hand you over to some wormy little nobody that just showed up out of nowhere. You belonged to him. He already decided. 
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mariathechosen1 · 1 year
Half of all ‘activist’ posts on tumblr are just:
“‼️⚠️Stop whatever it is you’re doing and fucking listen! If you don’t read this and do exactly what I say the world will be irreparably ruined. Everything and everyone you love will be gone!⚠️‼️”
*Proceeds to describe a US-only problem*
“If you ignore this post you’re a terrible person who deserves to die! You have to do exactly what I tell you and you have to do it quick or we’re all doomed and it’ll be your fault!!”
*provides a change.org survey only available to US americans*
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