#HC Dami stays a baby because Bruce's not ready for him to get older
violent138 · 6 months
Bruce, looking over his newspaper when Dick enters the kitchen, shouting at Dami to finish getting ready: "You two going somewhere?"
Dick, stuffing stolen cookies into his mouth: "I'm just letting Dami practice driving some more before the test."
Bruce: "He's a little young for a license, isn't he?"
Dick, laughing: "B, he's fiftee--?
Bruce, laughing slightly hysterically as he loudly stands up: "Exactly, he's just a child, practically a baby still, can barely even see over the dash, it's a stupid idea Dick. I'm going to the Batcave."
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anonymousqualities · 4 years
De-age batfam trope (while on patrol one of them is hit with magic or something and who their toddler counterparts would cling to) HC
Damian: (Clings to Tim)
Everyone is suprised at this. Even though Dick is a close second, the minute Tim enters the room Damian drops whatever he’s doing to toddle happily towards ‘Akhi’ Standing in front of Tim with his arms raised demanding “up!”
It takes a while for Tim to get use to it because this must be a side effect of the magic that was used. Tim soon comes to his own conclusion that this is just smol Damian’s way of bosing him around.
Eventually,Tim gets use to Damian climbing into his lap and getting in between him and his work. Either to just sit and relax or shove a new drawing he did proudly into the third robin’s face.
Tim is secretly enjoying it though, especially because of the death glares he constantly gets from Dick out of jealously.
Bruce: (Clings to Jason)
Jason makes hunting down the Magi his number one priority because until then he’s manor bound, and just fuck that noise.
Of course even in his toddler form the Batman doesn’t want the Redhood out of his sight.
Anywhere Jason goes you can be sure to hear small steps padding quickly behind him. He only stops when the constant calls of “Jay! ..Jay?!” Turn into whines and he finally picks up the brat.
The whole ordeal even forces Jason into good habits because; baby duh? and Alfred would kill him if he smelt even a small whiff of cigarette smoke that could rub off on Bruce’s clothes.
Jason's forced to spend time with the family because apparantly Bruce throws a tantrum whenever Jason isn't present. Although, Alfred reassured him from the beginning that he was able to handle Tiny Bruce's shenanigans and that he didnt have to feel obligated to stay at the manor. Jason shrugs and claims he didn't want to leave Alfred to fend for himself. (Dick teases him and makes the dangerous claim that Jason was worried about Bruce & loves them. This almost earned him a rubber bullet to the butt-cheek)
Tim: (Clings to Bruce)
Alfred claims he’s never seen such an “precocious young thing” in all his life.
Tiny Tim was always found observing a room; looking up and down and taking in all its occupants. His need to always ask “why?” Is a stable for the age he turns into of course but
Whenever Bruce was doing paperwork, Tim; with a finger in his mouth would tip toe up in hopes of seeing what he was writing. It never took long for Bruce to scoop him up into his lap, watching in amusement as his son would look down at the documents in concentration as if he was trying to understand every word.
One day while in the batcave Tim cranes his head up and tells bruce that “I know Dami, ‘ick and Jay not his real bwothas” and that “bad guy make me smol”
Bruce could only sit in shock as Tim casually turns back around to continue messing with the small rubix cube Jason recently bought him.
His siblings shower him with alot of gifts but Tim's favorite present was the oversized t-shirt from Bruce that says “World’s Greatest Detective”
Jason: (Clings to Alfred)
Bruce still wishes he had his camera ready for the look on his father figure's face when a smol Jason ran up to him screaming “Gwan’pa!”
The second robin could always be found near the older man. Going on errand runs, and helping him clean & cook.
Jason also prefers to have only Alfred tuck him in and read him a story before bed.
Dick: (Clings to Damian)
The dynamic between them doesn't change to everyones amusement. Dick is still a mother-hen around Damian who always ends up taking a deep breath to explain that "I don't need your help, Richard!"
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