mayrine · 7 months
FOR REAL????????
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homoshoebill · 2 years
reigen arataka, greatest psychic of the 21st century, esteemed internet sex symbol. crowned twink supreme by winning 69% of the votes on anitwt, crowned ultimate dilf days later, and current lead for the anitwt milf off by a landslide. most recently, though, has just lost the poll for the title of ultimate tumblr sexyman to sans undertale by 0.1% of 244,809 votes total - culminating responses from the official japanese and english mp100 twitters, various industry professionals, and a fanfic from toby fox himself.
all of this within the span of six fucking days
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youregonnabeokay-kid · 5 months
“Ask me for sanctuary”
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starcurtain · 3 months
I think the most amazing thing about Alhaitham's ironic question "How has realizing your ideals gone for you?" is that yes, on the surface, it pierced through the heart of Kaveh's feelings at the time and forced him to reflect on whether he still had enough belief to keep going, but--BUT--
This is also Alhaitham subtly asking: "Was your life better without me?"
Kaveh left their friendship because of his ideals.
Kaveh's attempts to realize his beliefs began in earnest during his argument with Alhaitham, who challenged him back then by suggesting that Kaveh didn't honestly believe in his ideals and was just pursuing them out of guilt and a desire to punish himself for his father's death.
Kaveh's attempt to "realize his ideals," therefore, spans the exact amount of time he and Alhaitham have been separated. When Alhaitham asks about Kaveh's attempts, he's asking very specifically about the course Kaveh's life took when he was no longer in it.
How did it go for you? Were you happier? Was it worth it?
I truly believe that Kaveh will be able resolve his conflict with Alhaitham--and come to understand Alhaitham's actual feelings--when he realizes that, in that exact moment, he should have turned the question around:
How did realizing your ideals go for you, Alhaitham?
Was your life better off without me?
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shima-draws · 3 months
I’ve mentioned it before but I’m a fucking sucker for unhealthy dependent relationships. There’s just something about them that is so. Chef’s kiss 👌
Anyway I’m still thinking about how Law was so attached to Cora and was so traumatized by his death that he literally devoted thirteen YEARS of his life to revenge killing Doflamingo. Even though all Cora ever wanted was for Law to just be free and live his life happily. And Law spending all his time in a hateful revenge spiral is literally the exact OPPOSITE of what Cora wanted for him. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. If the thirteen years of endless devotion to avenging his savior wasn’t enough Law 1. Named his pirate crew the Heart Pirates in honor of Cora, 2. Covered himself in permanent heart-themed tattoos in honor of Cora, and 3. Fashioned his Jolly Roger to be a mockery of Doflamingo’s and ALSO to honor Cora. Homie is a walking memorial for a man he only really knew for six months and again crafted the most intricate plan known to mankind to murder Cora’s killer. Because losing Cora fucked him up THAT much. Because even though Cora set him free, the moment Doflamingo shot him Law was chained to the memory of a man who no longer existed. Law literally fashioned his entire life down to his own appearance after Cora and it makes me so insane. I cannot even imagine what went through his head after Dressrosa I mean how do you move on after a thirteen year grudge is put to rest. What is he supposed to do now. Avenging Cora was literally his entire existence, his entire reason for living for half of his life. He needs therapy probably. If Cora somehow ever did come back to life Law would lose his fucking mind. The dependency is SO unhealthy and I am SO here for it
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nocturnal-birb · 2 years
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It's giving the same energy
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payasita · 10 months
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Day 4: Envy
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my-fancy-hat · 6 months
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Something familiar about violence about pain about cruelty
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lovestory · 1 year
i loved that taylor was very touched by the pictures of marjorie being held up and she was very very cute about it with her little speech but at the end of the day...it could have easily gone the other way? the people who did that just did it hoping they could make viral content out of it, without even stopping to consider why it crossed a boundary...just very weird vibes around it all, people are so desensitized
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scopophobia-polaris · 2 months
I didn't even conclude my Ganondorf thoughts on Bloo's poll like an idiot
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gothixm00nz · 21 days
If someone comes up in my shit and tells me that they think Javier is just a "bland mexican" I will have to disrespectfully tell them to go fuck themselves.
I am so fucking sick and tired of seeing mexican characters that are actually written WELL being put into the same box as the mexican characters who AREN'T. Javier is a very well written character with an actually intriguing storyline.
He has lost EVERYTHING. His blood family and his found family. He's a broken man manipulated by a corrupted and lost leader. He's bitter and a backstabber by the end of it because he's likely protecting himself from losing everything again. He's a wonderful character. Every character in RDR2 is a wonderful character, but especially Javier.
Because despite it all, he's still the man who watched his family die and has been manipulated and cheated. He's not just some "hot guitar player". He has an actual story and a compelling storyline. I mean, shit. He doesn't even fucking raise his gun in the confrontation with Arthur or John. He isn't trying to hurt either of them because he fucking loves them. They are his brothers.
I just hate seeing people treat actually good characters so badly. It's fine is Javier isn't your favorite, but goddammit just don't throw him aside like he's nothing.
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regulusrules · 2 months
thinking about this Arthur and how it was the moment he felt most fear in his entire life.
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also thinking about how it’s the fundamental core of my breaths are run by your compass and how it was FUCKING narrated there
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hood-ex · 9 months
Cass looks like a vampire
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Nightwing #106
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silo1013 · 11 months
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salvaged from the office fire in 1998
#my art#the x files#dana scully#fox mulder#alex krycek#i was talking about this on twitter yesterday but#i have a LOTTTTTT a lot of thought about this part of season two#mainly because i think that while scully probably realized she was never going to find peace ever again after emily#i do believe that the last time mulder ever thought everything would be okay was right before scully’s abduction#which is also kind of why i think mulder was closer to killing himself in ascension than in gethsemane#at the end of season four mulder is kind of resigned to his and scully’s lives unravelling#he’s more suspicious and slower to trust then he ever was#while ascension was the first time he was like. Oh okay. It’s over for us forever and ever#and the fact that he was still open and still kind of okay before that just kind of makes it worse#that he was just betrayed and left hanging and lost everyone he thought he had in one fell swoop#ascension jades the fuck out of him and you can see it. like through the whole series there are threads of it#his tendency to rely on skinner regresses for a while. he becomes even less functional when scully is gone.#he has far less patience for his informants and he refuses to rely on anyone the way he tried to on krycek#like it’s just. such an obvious shift in his character that you can tell his mindset about his and scully’s life has changed#and that’s a huge part of the show’s tragedy i think. ​there is no peace. there is no rest. it’s never going to be okay
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
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this. this is killing me. this is a constant with him. failure and redemption. he could not save her the first time but this time he is stronger and he is better and he is not alone. no mistake is too drastic to be fixed. no wound is too deep to be healed. you could not reach her then but your arm is not burnt and broken anymore. you can reach her now. THIS GAMEEEEEEEE
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crowskullls · 2 months
Zam wants to be ♠️ with Minute SOOOOO bad. And Minute has no idea why. He’s so confused by it. Reluctant and honestly pretty tame Kismesissitude
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