#HE WAS IN THE TRUNK.....HELP. that trunk must be very big because he seems to be very tall
keeksandgigz · 6 months
Chapter 1: Les Usurpateurs
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Part 1 of Words are Futile Devices- A Steddie x Reader Call Me By Your Name AU
Somewhere in Northern Italy, 1983
cw: ~3k words, no smut (yet), EVERYONE IS OF AGE!!!, a lot of unnecessary description for the vibes, reader is a bit of a cunt
notes: I'm back (I think)
Despite the lack of smut in this chapter, this and all my works are 18+ minors do NOT interact
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There was something of a quiet intimacy in hearing the summer sparrows in the morning. Nothing but the gentle hum and chirp buried in the ripe peach trees. Thus marking the beginning of your yearly summer stay in Italy, of doing nothing but lounge around and savor the crickets at night, lying down on the couch of the villa your mother had inherited from her great grandparents. 
What you liked about your summers in Italy was that time seemed to go slower, at your leisure, spending it between the lake with your friends, the town just a short bike ride away or staying home buried in the pile of books you had brought over just to keep in your room, a bit overgrown, but unable to make it “too yours” because of the guests you’d have to concede your room to a mere four weeks after your arrival at the villa. 
Every summer, your father would host literature and art history students at the villa, aspiring professors, authors, archeologists, to help with their dissertations. They’d come with their american ways, obnoxiously disturbing the peace that you had created for yourself in the idyllic world you’d surrounded yourself into. Like that was a different astral plane you’d projected into, with the same friends as always, the same views, the same places to go. A different guest you’d have to surrender your room to for ten weeks, while you were banished to the communicating room, divided only by a shared bathroom. A small twin bed, an old desk and chair, a big enough window to let a good amount of light in, so you don’t suffocate and turn into a vampire. You despised that room. 
They always arrived on the first day of July, when the weather seemed to turn from needing a light pair of jeans in the evening  to clothes being unbearable. If you were in your room you’d limit yourself to a long enough shirt to keep you decent for the ghosts in the villa. There were no ghosts, but Giovanna, the housekeeper, would pop in from time to time to drop off your clothes– washed, ironed and folded. They smelled like citrus. 
You were reading The Count of Monte Cristo when the guest arrived. The rippling sounds of the gravel under the heavy tires of the car sounding like an alarm. You placed your book face down on the page you had been reading and ran to the window. Curious to see what the tide had brought this year. Maybe someone whose English wasn’t very good. Or some lunatic who could only stay inside because of his pollen allergy. You wondered what they would have looked like. Tall? Ugly? Obnoxious in the sense where you could hear them play shuffle and slam and bang doors and cabinets and drawers in the morning when getting ready? 
The car came to a stop in front of the door, right under the window of your room. The driver’s door opened, Giuseppe, the groundskeeper of the villa went around to open the trunk. Your heart thumped as you saw the passenger door open. It was a man. He was wearing a pair of white linen shorts, a blue flouncy short sleeve button- up shirt and gold- rimmed glasses. He pushed them up as he placed two hands on his hips, quickly removing one in favor of running his hands through his hair, styled and coiffed like he had not just come off an eight- hour flight. 
“You must be…” You’d heard your father say, placing a finger on his bearded chin, the name of the boy must have slipped him. 
“Steve. Piacere” the boy said, in an Americanized Italian, sounding like he had a hot potato in his mouth. 
“Ah! Steve, Benvenuto” your father said, bidding his welcome and shaking the boy’s hand. Your mother extended a delicate hand as well, introducing herself with a bright smile. At the same time, the opposite passenger door opened. Another boy. 
This one had long, frizzy hair. His face was framed by the bangs that stuck on his forehead. He was wearing a black t- shirt of a band you’d never heard of before tucked inside a pair of cutoff denim shorts held up by a belt, a chain clinking at the boy’s side as he stepped off the car. He wouldn’t let Giuseppe take his bags, insisting he could have done it himself. 
Your father followed the boy with his eyes as he carried what appeared to be a duffel bag and a beat up suitcase towards your father. 
“And this must be Eddie, then” your father said, as Eddie released his suitcase to shake your father’s hand. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you” the boy said, and from this new angle you could see that he sported three chunky rings on his left hand and a chain necklace around his neck. Your father saw you peeking out the window and motioned for you to come down. 
“Shall we go inside? Show you around before dinner?” He motioned towards the boys as Eddie picked his stuff up once again and followed inside. You rolled your eyes. That was your cue to put on some pants and come downstairs. 
Your father’s office was just on the right at the bottom of the stairs, as you hopped down the marble steps. You heard chatter. 
“Oh there she is” you heard your father announce as you leaned against the doorframe of his office. You tended to dislike his theatrics “Boys, this is my daughter” the two guests turned around, reaching their hands to squeeze yours, as you firmly told them your name. 
“Hey, I’m Steve,” he said, fixing his glasses with his other hand. He was soft, but his handshake was firm. Hands bigger than yours. 
“You’re the archeology and history nerd” you quipped, a slight curl of your mouth followed it. 
Steve didn’t seem to like the name, as he let go of your hand, mouth in a straight line. Embarrassed. Put off. You needed them to know that they weren’t welcome here. 
“Hey, what’s up I’m Eddie” the other guy said. His hand was much more rougher and calloused than Steve’s, likely a guitarist. 
“You’re the soon to be failed author?” you tilted your head at him,
 you tilted your head at him, you heard your mother gasp, the indignation dripping from her mouth as she said your name. Eddie chuckled, a bit taken aback, but amused. 
“How do you like daddy’s money, hm?” It was your turn to be indignant. You heard your father snicker behind the boy, followed by Steve. Your hand brusquely retracted from Eddie’s, as your mother poured springs of apologies on your behalf. 
“She’s not like this, usually,” your mother said. Which was a lie. You were always like this. Rude, witty, sour. 
You heard the disappointment in your dad’s tone “Go show them their room” he said, an intimation for you to leave. 
“Make yourselves at home,” he said, before you guided them back upstairs. 
Eddie huffed up the stairs. You didn’t offer to take his bags, as he seemed to not need nor want any help. 
You opened the large pinewood door. 
“You guys are gonna sleep in here. This is my room, but it’s gonna be yours for the rest of your stay. I’m gonna be in the next room over. Unfortunately we’ll have to share a bathroom” You could see sleep calling to them, as their eyes opened and closed slowly at the sight of a made bed. 
Eddie dropped his bags and thumped on the bed, sleep immediately overtaking him. 
“You have to excuse him, this is the first time he’s traveled outside of the States,” Steve said, sitting on the bed, leaning to take his shoes off. 
“Nervous or what?” you asked, examining your bookcase in case you wanted to steal a book to take to your room. 
“Just not as lucky as many” Steve shrugged, laying himself down on the mattress “this is his big shot. If your dad likes his stuff it’s all uphill from here” Steve groans, voice full of sleep “thanks for lending us your room, let us know when dinner is.”
And that was that. The boy fell into the arms of slumber.  
And when Giovanna rang the bell to announce dinnertime, once again you peeled yourself away from The Count of Monte Cristo. You wondered if they were still sleeping. 
You wandered into the bathroom and towards the door as you shot a quick look at the two sleeping bodies on the bed. Eddie was snoring. You were unsure if you should have woken them up. 
You toyed with the bathroom door, swinging it between your hands. A grin decorated your face as you decided to slam it. Steve jumped awake, annoyed and scared. 
“Dinner’s ready” you muttered, reaching for the handle of the door. 
“I’ll pass, thanks” Steve said, shaking Eddie from his almost comatose state. The boy mumbled a semi- discernible “huh?” 
“Dinner, Ed. ‘m not going, but you can feel free to” Steve said to the other, but he just turned around and sleepily muttered an “‘mgood, thanks.”
“He’s good. We’ll apologize to your mother in the morning” Steve said, laying back down, ignoring you completely. 
Where’s my apology? 
You were thankful for the lack of guests at dinner. That way you were able to silently eat and then slither back into your room. Back into your book. Lulled by the crickets, and the whisper of the trees in the weak evening breeze. You ended up falling asleep. 
In the morning, Steve was already outside having breakfast with your parents. He looked like he had showered, but you didn’t recall the faint sound of the water running. He was wearing another pair of shorts, another flouncy shirt. Fumbling with a slice of toast, buttered with jam as he talked to your father about the morning paper. 
“This is gorgeous by the way” Steve admitted, looking around “your orchard?” he looked at your mother, who was smiling proudly at the compliment. 
“We grow a lot of fruit here, Giovanna makes apricot juice fresh every day” she smiled, biting into a slice of bread.
“You had a lot to say yesterday, now you’re a quiet little mouse?” your father teased, elbowing you lightly as you rolled your eyes. 
“It’s okay, she apologized” Steve said, an assuring look in his eyes “she didn’t mean that stuff. She told me, it’s just her welcome wagon” he chuckled, and you felt yourself grow red. Why would he save you like that?
Eddie popped out from the door, hair in a bun, changed out of his shirt in favor for a new one. 
“You should show them around some time, dear. Take them into town, maybe at the lake, I hope your father is not gonna keep them cooped up in his office for ten weeks” your mother giggled. 
“Yeah, no we’d love that. Maybe I’ll get some inspiration for the book” Eddie sat down at the breakfast table, between you and Steve as he fumbled with a soft boiled egg Giovanna had to crack open for him. Embarrassment was veiled on his face. 
You looked at his ringed hands, fumble with the small spoon. Did it always look so small? 
“We’re not gonna start until the beginning of the week, but I might ask you to go get some supplies into town today and take these two with you. Eddie’s gonna need some nice paper for his typewriter, won’t you?” your father gave him a heavy pat on the shoulder, at which he smiled. 
“Have another egg” your mother encouraged the boys. Eddie dug into the pot again, getting more confident with the way he spread the runny yolk on a slice of toast. Some of the runny egg dripped in between his fingers.
Just not as lucky as many.
Steve passed. “I know myself too well, if I have a second, I’ll just have a third and a fourth and a fifth and then I’m just gonna have to get rolled outta here” he joked. I know myself. Self- assured, cocky. You wondered what it felt like to really know yourself, to have everything figured out like he did. 
You lent Steve Giuseppe’s old bike, Eddie got an old one of yours, the squeaky rusted tires alerting the two strangers’ presence. You were afraid you would have been pressured into giving one of them your own bike, seeing as you had already surrendered all of your possessions to them. 
It was a pleasant day. Not too incredibly hot to be embarrassed if the two boys were to see you, face riddled with uncomfortable beads of sweat, breath heaving irregularly from the dry air of July. Instead, a nice breeze came through the mountains, as you debated on going for a swim later in the day. 
That’s what you liked about your summers there. A swimsuit was always the wardrobe of choice under your summer clothes, the freedom to subsist in a plane of existence where your obligations began and ended within the span of a few miles of green grass and honeysuckle flowers. 
The two boys followed you down the graveled road into town, which seemed to be deserted, families abandoning their houses in favor of driving to the beach for the weekend. 
You asked them if they wanted to get a coffee, as you dismounted your bikes and parked them in front of a coffee place. 
You sat outside as you sipped from your espresso cups. 
“So” Steve broke the silence “What does one do around here?” you put down your book, the device you so desperately tried to ignore them with, trying to drown them out. 
“Wait for the summer to end” you mumbled carelessly, going back to the words on the page.
“Ok and then in the winter you wait for the summer to start?” Eddie snickered. 
“Seriously though, what do you do here the whole summer?” Steve interrupted, taking you away from your book again, as you tossed it on the table. 
“I read, mostly. Play music, swim at the lake, go out” you huffed out annoyedly, reaching for the book. Eddie preceded you.
“Kafka? What happened to Monte Cristo?” he flicked through the yellowed pages.
“I finished it. How’d you know I was reading that?” you snatched the book back from his hands. 
“It was on your bed before I slammed onto it. You should read something a bit more substantial,” he said “Kafka isn’t gonna teach you shit, why don’t you read Dorian Grey instead?” it annoyed you how patronizing his tone was. 
“I read that last year, thanks for the help” you retorted, taking the book back from him with a roll of your eyes. 
“Your dad seemed to make it abundantly clear that you need to be nice to us” Steve intervened, whining like a petulant child. 
“Or what? You’ll snitch on me?” you snapped, the two boys looking at each other. 
“Listen, sweetheart,” your nose curled at the nickname, “we’re not your enemies or whatever you think you’ve made us out to be. We really don’t want to be a nuisance to you” nothing about what he said seemed sincere. You rolled your eyes in response.
“Well,” Steve stood up from the metal chair with a violent noise, Eddie following suit “we’ll see you later,” as the both of them mounted their bikes and left. The creaking noises of the rusty old bikes followed in their pedaling. 
They finally got the hint. 
You spent the rest of your day at the lake, not really in a mood to interact with Chiara or Alessandro, two of your longtime friends. Instead, you made the slushing of the water current your friend, staring at the words on the page. Meaningless words. Kafka didn’t seem so enticing after all. 
When you got home it went back on the dusty shelf. Your hand lingered on the spine of Dorian Grey for a moment. The cover was brown and worn, it was your mother’s before it became yours, your heart picked up at the words on the spine, gold lettering. You thought about what Eddie had said earlier. 
You picked up Heart of Darkness instead. 
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Read Part 2 Here
tagging: @littlexdeaths, @xxbimbobunnyxx, @aphrogeneias, @rowanswriting, @stveharringtn, @impmunson, @strangerstilinski, @lavendermunson, @rebelfell, @bimbobaggins69, @cryingglightningg, @thornsnvultures, @jamdoughnutmagician, @take-everything-you-can, @eddiesxangel, @ali-r3n, @emxxblog, @corrodedcoffincumslut, @str4ngergirlw0rld, @yujyujj, @gregre369, @subconsciouscollapse, @aol19, @cooljadejacksonthings, @maeneedsabreak, @eddiesguitarskills, @freak-of-hawkins, @eddiesghxst
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crumb · 4 months
i love how benson is, on the surface, this devil-may-care kind of character, going around shooting people, dragging randy around to fix his life and scaring the hoes in the process—but at the same time there are these little details that show how much he does care. I mean the big obvious one is his motivation for wanting to fix randy, fix randy and help him not turn out like benson and the rest of the people in the small town, we all know this and have gone over these themes. but the smaller details, unintentional or not, those are really nice. Benson being the only one at Burger Burgers Burgers who has his sleeves cuffed and his shirt tucked in. This is one of many details that shows Benson does care, he cares about how he looks and how he's perceived to some extent. because let's be honest, it does set his character apart from the stereotypical 'redneck working at a fast food joint'. Which then gives an added weight to when he walks outside for his cigarette and untucks his shirt. he's releasing himself from this more restrained version he's presented himself as up until that point. Which then ALSO makes Chris saying "Benson, why do you fucking care?" even funnier. because like... Benson basically responds by killing him which in a way is him saying "hey, you're right, why do I fucking care?" lmaoooo Benson is also the only one, other than Randy (and I guess hardy?) who is wearing BBB uniform trousers. Chris is wearing cargo joggers and Jess is wearing a mini skirt with fishnets. If benson really didn't care about that job, or how he looked at that job, would he be wearing 100% of the uniform, well fitted, cuffed, tucked, cleaned, and ironed? And then when changing outfits at his house he puts on a fuzzy yellow/green cardigan and graphic ringer tee, the choices of which feel very intentional and like they're his favorite pieces of clothing. Which I think must be true if you think about him knowing this is his swan song, he wants to go out looking good. But what he doesn't change? His trousers. You'd think after killing three people at a job you probably don't particularly like and dragging their bodies around, changing out of the uniform would be a relief, other than wanting to just get out of clothes that are recognizable to the restaurant. Which makes me think his BBB uniform trousers are the best/most well-fitting trousers he owns which in itself is interesting. I mean look at the clothes he gives randy, they're not that much different in body size so even on benson those jeans would've been oversized as hell. This somewhat cleaned up version of himself that he presents, especially pre-killing spree, juxtaposed to his home life and his car is, I think, a great representation of Benson as a person. His home life, the clutter, his Ma in the front room, the clothes he gives randy, the junk strewn around his car—versus his cleaned and cuffed and tucked uniform and his stylish cardigan and graphic tee (idc what you say i love the cardigan)—I think it shows someone who is struggling but putting on a brave front, trying to come off as put together, as someone who knows himself and doesn't care about other people's perceptions, but at the same time so desperately does care and hates that he cares, and hates that he can't seem to change things. he can only dress them up a little to look presentable to passersby. and maybe it's one of those "the walls are just blue because they're blue!!" type situations and the wardobe dept or kyle or carter or the art director and whoever else, maybe it's just simply style/design decisions by one or several of them and there's no subtextual meaning behind it all—but even if so, I love that, to me at least, it's developed this deeper meaning within the context of the film and the character.
Don't even get me started on the Kurt Cobain cardigan and Benson having a shotgun in his trunk.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 7 months
Siriusly Falling For You - Sirius Black X Female Reader
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Title: Siriusly Falling For You
Sirius Black X Female Reader
Additional Characters: James, Lily, Remus, Peter, Prof. McGonagall (Mentioned), and Prof. Sprout (Mentioned)
WC: 2,863
Warnings: Friends to lovers, teasing, flirting, banter, nicknames, falling from a tree, no injuries happen but are mentioned briefly, italics, empty threats, pranks mentioned, James is a little goblin, confessions, a pun, mini angst, and fluff
"You want me to do what?" Sirius asked, watching as you bounced slightly in place, rocking on the balls of your feet.
"I want you to climb a tree with me." You said it matter of factly, not fazed at all by your best friend's reaction. "Come on, it'll be fun!" You grabbed his hand and pulled him towards you.
"I don't know..." Sirius muttered, glancing at the tree behind you, near the Black Lake, "I've never climbed a tree before."
With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you leaned in closer, your breath warm against Sirius's skin. "Come on, Sirius, it's easy, I'll help." You murmured, your voice a playful whisper that sent shivers down his spine. "Just one little climb up the tree with me. Who knows what we might discover up there?" Your free hand came up to fiddle with the collar of his gray sweater, a teasing smile tugging at your lips. 
Sirius tried to calm his heart, his pursed lips forming a mimicking smirk, his eyes narrowingly with the same playfulness. "Are you daring me, love?" He asked quietly, though you could hear the amused lilt of his words.
The air around you felt electric, your fingers itching to brush against his arm or caress his cheek. His scent enveloped you, intoxicating, sending goosebumps dancing across your flesh. You were suddenly very aware of your surroundings and how close you were to each other. You swallowed hard, looking up at him. "Maybe I am," You replied in an equally quiet voice before your mischievous expression suddenly changed into a large grin. "Race ya, Padfoot!" And off you went. And Sirius took off after you, the wind whipping through his long, black hair.
Your relationship with Sirius was a little bit complicated. The bond between you and Sirius was a unique blend of friendship and unspoken affection. You were best friends, partners in most shared classes, and always there for each other. The teasing and playful banter were second nature to both of you, a way to mask the deeper feelings that lay beneath the surface. 
Neither of you had dared to voice the truth - though Sirius loved to joke about how hopelessly in love you were with him - that your hearts beat a little faster in each other's presence, and your smiles held a hint of something more than friendship. The two of you had a lot of secrets. Secrets you kept hidden because neither of you wanted to lose what you already had. 
Sirius stopped a foot or so away from the base of the tree, watching as you reached up and grabbed a low-hanging branch of the tree. Pressing your foot against the trunk, you pushed yourself up, using your arms to push yourself further until you were perched securely on a higher, sturdier branch.
With a satisfied smile, you looked down at him. "See? Easy." You spoke, your legs dangling.
"Impressive." He simply stated as you reached your hand out, only for him to wave your hand off in dismissal. "No, no, my love, I can do this myself." You only rolled your eyes as Sirius followed your actions and pulled himself up the tree too. With a few pulls and a small grunt, Sirius then found himself with his chest leaning against the branch you were on; unable to really push himself any further. Looking over at you, you only smiled, hands in your lap, legs dangling; swinging back and forth. "A little help would be nice."
"Oh," You pressed a hand to your chest, blinking owlishly, "I thought you were a big boy and could do it yourself." You teased, giggling slightly. "It seems I must have been mistaken." You gave him your hand.
"Oh, har har." It was Sirius's turn to roll his eyes, taking your hand as you helped him up onto the branch properly. Bracing himself on the thick trunk of the tree, Sirius huffed out a breath, glancing down at the ground below him; he must have been around ten feet in the air. Looking over at you, he took note that you were already looking at him, an eyebrow raised. Clearing his throat, he gave you his usual grin. "But you were mistaken, my dear" He spoke, mimicking you and swinging his legs in the air a bit, "I'm not a big boy, I'm a big man." Sirius emphasized the last part and grinned wider. 
"Right, right," You nodded slowly, a small smile playing on your lips. 
After a quick moment of silence, Sirius spoke, or he tried to speak again, but was interrupted, "So, why did you force me to climb this-"
"Hey! Padfoot! Y/N!" You heard a voice call out to the both of you. Looking behind you slightly, you watched as James, Lily, Remus, and Peter walked from over near the greenhouses. "What are you doing up there, mate?" James asked, walking up to the two of you.
Gently slapping your hands on the thighs of your legs, you leaned forward slightly; freaking Sirius out as he reached out for you as if you were going to fall forward, his hand holding your upper arm. "Great question, James! We were just wondering that ourselves." You answered sarcastically as Lily snickered lightly from beside James.
"Oi!" James exclaimed, pointing a finger at you with a small glare, "Watch that attitude, I know where you sleep. I will dungbomb you."
"Ha! I’d like to see you try!" You scoffed, throwing your head back as you laughed a bit, "And good luck getting up those stairs. You know no boys are allowed or able to get up there." You continued to taunt, your gaze flickering between the three boys standing next to each other before looking over at Lily. "How are you today, Lily, dear?" You asked, your sarcastic tone replaced with genuine curiosity.
"Well, thank you for asking." She responded politely and glanced at James who was now pouting. "And you?"
"What can I say? I'm great." You shrugged and grinned. "What brings you all here?" 
Peter, the usual quietest of the bunch, aside from Remus, then spoke, "We were looking for Padfoot. James had an idea for a prank for McGonagall."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "McGonagall? She'll know you're up to something before you even have a chance to pull it off."
"That's what I said." Remus spoke up from beside Peter.
“Smart boy, as always,” You commented, before looking back down at James, “You should really listen to Remus more often.”
Sirius shuffled slightly in his spot on the branch beside you, thinking. Usually, Sirius would always jump at the chance to prank his professors, but as he turned his gaze towards you, now up in conversation with his friends, he didn't want to leave.
"Sirius!" James called out, snapping him out of it, "Why are you staring at Y/N, mate? She got something on her face or something?"
Sirius quickly turned to look down at James, glaring slightly as you looked at Sirius, rubbing your hand on your cheek. "Do I have something on my face?" You asked, in real concern.
James only smiled knowingly, shaking his head; knowing that he caught Sirius staring at you. Like he usually was in your company, or when you weren't. It was a bit of a problem, especially for Sirius. But, he really couldn't help it. If he was ever in the vicinity of you, Sirius would spend time just watching, admiring how beautiful you looked. How perfect you were. You were just so adorable.
"I swear to Godric, Pads, if you stare at her any longer... I'm going to hex you." James threatened, giving Sirius his famous 'stare down' look. Only then did Sirius realize that he had started staring at you... Again. Sirius cleared his throat, pulling his attention away from you, but you just covered your mouth with a hand, your eyes squinted slightly as you giggled; all muffled. James began to laugh as well before hopping from foot to foot, in a weird little jig, "Sirius and Y/N sitting in a tree,"
"James..." Sirius sighed deeply, feeling a bit embarrassed, but James continued.
You huffed beside him, “You’re acting childish, James, really.”
"Oh, stop teasing him, James!" Lily scolded and shook her head. "Honestly, James, you don't need to make fun of him like that."
"Yeah, James," You called down, swinging your legs, your hands sturdy on the branch, "Don't you have a prank to work on?"
Nodding his head, James spoke, "Yeah, I do. Padfoot." He addressed Sirius, who shook his head.
Though his pride was slightly wounded, Sirius knew James wasn't actually trying to hurt him. James knew of Sirius's affections towards you - everyone in all of Hogwarts basically knew - Sirius knew that James was just wanting to help him a bit; shove him in the right direction. Giving the four his signature grin, he waved them off with a hand, "You go off without me. I'm going to stay here for a bit longer." He spoke, surprising the four, but making James and Lily smile knowingly once more; along with surprising you.
You turned your head, looking at Sirius with a shocked little smile on your face, "You're staying?" You questioned quietly, surprised at how eager you sounded.
"Well, I guess we'll leave you two lovebirds to talk alone then." James winked at you before turning towards his friends, giving you a small wave, "We'll meet you guys later!" With that, they walked away.
“Bye, Y/N, dearest!” Lily waved to you, which you quickly waved back with a smile.
“Bye, Lily, darling! I miss you already!” You sighed, watching them go before looking back over at Sirius with an unsure expression on your face, you asked, "Why aren't you going with them?"
"What do you mean?" Sirius asked, tilting his head slightly as you huffed slightly and shrugged a shoulder, beginning to fidget with a loose strand of your sweater.
"I mean... You could be pranking McGonagall right now. Even though she's the sweetest professor in the world. Aside from Professor Sprout." You answered, glancing up at him.
Sirius scoffed jokingly, "Minerva hates James and I, love."
"Probably because you call her by her first name most of the time." You countered, rolling your eyes playfully. “And you don’t do your homework, or many of the lessons, or pay attention…” You trailed off.
"Maybe." He hummed in agreement. Silence filled the area after that, the only sound being the sounds of soft bird calls.
Biting your lip, you began to play with your hands, picking at the skin around your nails subconsciously, "I mean, even though pulling pranks goes against every fiber of my being, I don't want to be holding you back from having fun with your friends while we're on our free period. I mean, I wouldn’t be mad if you went after them."
"Y/N," Sirius started, confidently, reaching out and taking one of your hands, "I want to stay here. With you. Because I'd rather be here than anywhere else. And, well..." He leaned a bit closer, his eyes flickering over your soft features. Your hair shone slightly in the sunlight which reflected off of it softly. His hand tightened around yours, bringing it to rest on his chest, "I'm usually good at this."
Swallowing thickly, you ran your tongue over your bottom lip, wetting it, "Usually good at what?" You asked, almost breathlessly.
"I'm usually good at talking to girls and charming them, y'know," Sirius tried to grin, "But, I've never been very good at... This..." He gestured towards you and himself with a finger, "I don't want to mess this up. I really like you, Y/N…" He admitted quietly, his cheeks heating up as he realized what he'd said.
A small, light laugh escaped your lips, causing Sirius to worry a bit, "Sirius..."
'Sirius what?' He thought, 'Sirius, I only want to be friends,' or would it be, 'Sirius, I actually like someone else, and it's not you.' There were so many terrible thoughts running through his mind of possible outcomes but at the slight squeeze you gave his hand, Sirius forced himself to ignore those thoughts and look back up at you.
Smiling at him reassuringly, you spoke, "I don't think you could ever mess this up."
"Really, love?" He asked, and you nodded, scooting a bit closer to him on the branch.
"Really, Siri. I really like you too.”
He chuckled softly before nodding his head, smiling back at you. The atmosphere became more comfortable again as silence surrounded the two of you. You stared into Sirius's eyes, your breathing hitching slightly. You were mesmerized by their beauty, and how deep they seemed. And did his hair always look this nice? 'Yes, always.' You thought, 'It looks so soft...'
"What did James sing to us again?" Sirius asked, his smile growing into a small smirk, "You and I... Sitting in a tree..."
"He's a menace." You laughed before shaking your head lightly, unable to stop smiling, "Mm, something about K-I-S-S-I-N-G." You mumbled, a light flush covering your cheeks. 
"Yeah," Sirius muttered, wetting his own bottom lip, his eyes narrowing on your own lips, "That."
"No," You mirrored his smirk, "I don't think I know that song." You answered sarcastically, feeling his warm breath on your face as he leaned forward again. And suddenly you felt his nose touching yours as his other hand came up and cupped your face, stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb. He was so close, and yet so far. It was almost agonizing, but before he finally closed the distance between the two of you, you suddenly felt him slip away. Fluttering your eyes open, you became confused, only to hear Sirius yell out, followed by a 'thud.' Your eyes widened, looking down at the ground, where Sirius lay, groaning in pain. "Oh goodness! Sirius!" You exclaimed, quickly holding onto the branch, you began to fall backward, flipping yourself around, landing on your feet, "Sirius, are you alright?!"
If Sirius hadn’t been in pain, he would have commented how impressed he was by your little trick but the ache on the back of his head was distracting. "Mmhmm," Sirius groaned out his answer as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head briefly as he watched you hurry over to him; getting onto your knees, sitting on the back of your legs.
Reaching out, you carefully placed your hand where his hand was, feeling a slight bump. "You have a bump. Are you concussed? Is there anything else hurting? Do you need me to take you to the hospital wing?"
"Love, I'm fine, really," Sirius tried to reassure you, giving you a small - slightly pained - smile, "I’ve got my favorite nurse right here.” He joked, making you huff, but he continued, “There is actually something else that hurts actually, now that I think about it." He spoke, but you couldn't hear the growing playfulness in his tone as your worry overtook your senses.
Your eyebrows furrowed together as you frowned, "Where is it? I mean, you fell from what- Ten feet. I hope you didn’t break anything. What hurts?" You asked, almost ranting; frantic, as Sirius felt his chest warm at the sight of you worrying over him.
"Will you kiss it better?" Sirius asked and you vigorously nodded, placing your hand over his that was propping him up on the grassy ground. 
"Yes, of course, just tell me, Sirius Black." You insisted as Sirius gave you a small pout.
"Here..." He breathed, his voice low as he gestured to his lips with his other hand, "My mouth." He added as you tilted your head in confusion.
Pursing your lips, you furrowed your eyebrows, "Seriously?" You deadpanned.
Sirius just continued to grin, "That's my name…” He sighed, his playful gaze softening slightly, “And you could wear it out." He teased and you rolled your eyes, scooting forward so you sat in front of him; his leg instinctively crossed, allowing you to move closer in front of him.
"You’re ridiculous." You murmured with a sigh, a small hint of a smile threatening to appear on your face. You cupped the back of Sirius’s neck with one hand, catching him off guard slightly, your fingers resting delicately at the base of his neck. Brushing his soft hair there, you then gently pulled his lips towards yours. You felt Sirius's arms snake around your waist immediately as he quickly kissed back. It was a quick kiss, quicker than Sirius had wished, but nonetheless perfect. 
"Is that better?" You asked as you pulled away, voice soft as Sirius nodded his head, a dopey grin on his face.
"Much better, darling," Sirius responded with a wide smile before letting out a small slew of chuckles, making your grin widen and eyebrow raise.
“What?” You then asked, curious.
Sirius shook his head quickly, trying to contain his laughter, "I guess you could say that I siriusly fell for you." He joked, grinning as you raised an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes fondly, "You're ridiculous..."
121 notes · View notes
sara-scribbles · 4 months
The Thing About Strings
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Idia Shroud/GN!Reader Word Count: 6,348 Notes: This is loosely based off the concept of red strings of fate Warnings: None
Idia isn’t sure what god he upset, but something he did must’ve pissed someone off because he’s currently being stared down by some very aggressive looking Savanaclaw students. Not in a million years would he ever leave the safety of his room to seek out someone from another dorm, especially one filled with muscle heads.
However, Ortho had asked him to help out a friend, and Idia couldn’t say no to his brother. The only downside was that his friend did not answer their phone, so he was forced to seek them out. It is somewhat of a comfort that his brother came with him, but he’s very much regretting his decision.
A wolf beastman finally comes forward. “Um, can I help ya?” He at least isn’t glaring daggers at him. Idia vaguely recognizes him as a freshman.
Ortho greets the beastman cheerily, “Hello, Jack Howl! We’re looking for (Y/N).”
His brows scrunch together as he speaks, “Oh… Think they went to the field to help Vargas. They left a bit ago, but they should still be there.”
“Thank you!” Turning to Idia, who’s sweating bullets while clutching his tablet for dear life, Ortho tugs on his sleeve. “Come on, let’s go to the field.”
He willingly follows, glad to be away from all that aggressive energy. They arrive at the field but don’t see anyone.
Ortho does a quick scan before pointing them in the right direction. “I detect a bio reading over there.”
Nearing the edge of the field that borders the forest, there’s a single person out there. Standing with hands on their hips, they’re busy studying a dead tree. There’s a handful of power tools nearby. They touch the trunk of the tree and seem to give it a push, but it doesn’t budge.
As the brothers near, you proceed to wrap your arms around the middle of the tree. With a deep breath and slight grunt, you rip the tree from the ground. Idia’s eyes nearly pop out of his skull as he stops dead in his tracks. Balancing the tree on your shoulder, you turn and nearly smack him.
“Woah!” Eyes widening, you manage to avoid giving the dorm leader a concussion. You set the tree down while still keeping it up from falling.
“Hello, (Y/N)!” Ortho greets, waving excitedly.
“Heya, Ortho.” You turn a concerned gaze to Idia. “Sorry, didn’t see you there!”
Idia’s mouth opens and closes without a sound. He just witnessed someone uproot a tree without much effort with their bare hands. And they’re acting as if it’s not a big deal! There’s a nudge from his brother that finally brings Idia’s scrambling thoughts to a halt.
He quickly types out something on his tablet. “Ortho said you had some computer trouble that even he couldn’t figure out.”
“Oh yeah!” You snap your fingers. “I recently got some kind of virus because someone idiot decided to download something illegal without checking to see if it didn’t have anything fishy.” You roll your eyes. “Last time I let anyone borrow my laptop,” you grumble to yourself.
Sounds fairly simple. “Do you have your laptop with you now?”
“No, it’s back in my room. Hold on, let me drop this off and we can head back.” Hefting the tree back onto your shoulders, you carry it off the field and to an area piled with similar dead trees.
“Did you take care of all these?” Ortho asks, he’s busy already scanning the material.
“Yeah. Vargas needed help, and said he’d give me some extra time off from class if I did this.” You drop the tree in the pile.
Your strength stats must be off the charts, Idia thinks while eying the uprooted trees.
“Alright, let’s head back to my dorm.”
Idia internally screams at the idea of going back to Savanaclaw. However, he follows behind without a word as you and Ortho chatter. It’s not odd for his brother to make friends, though you seem to be fairly close to him. Idia had heard about you a few times, but never gave much thought. As long as his brother’s happy, Idia let him live his school life unbothered.
Thankfully the crowd from before is nowhere to be seen. You let them into your room, which is very tidy. A small cactus sits on your desk bathing in the sunlight. You hand over your laptop once you unlock it.
“I hope my documents can be saved. Those are the most important things since I already have photos backed up,” you explain, taking a seat on your bed while Idia uses your desk.
Concentrating on the screen, Idia starts going through your systems. “Did you not have any AV software? Do you know where the virus was downloaded from?” he asks.
Rubbing your temples, you sigh, “I do, but it was turned off. Not by me! The idiot wouldn’t tell me what site it was from. I can only assume it was some shady site since all the history was deleted.”
“Don’t worry, (Y/N), Idia is the best at this,” Ortho reassures.
As he clicks through your files, he notes a very familiar one. “You play World of War and Cats?”
“Yeah, it’s something I play to unwind,” you chuckle, scratching the back of your head. “I know it’s an old game, but I think it’s still better than anything new that’s come out.”
“Totally! It doesn’t need to rely on loot boxes and RNG unlike the newer games! It’s noob friendly and they have so many login bonuses! Plus all the kitties are so cute!” Idia gushes, his eyes glowing.
A slow smile spreads on your face that quickly causes the words to die from his throat. “W-what’s with th-that look?!” he stammers out, suddenly finding interest in your desk.
“Just nice to hear from someone else who enjoys the game. Most of my friends have moved on to other things.” You shake your head. “Hey, do you wanna share handles? I’d love to do a raid if you’re up for it.”
Chewing the inside of his cheek, Idia glances at Ortho. His brother gives him two thumbs up. “S-sure… After I fix this.”
Turning back to the laptop, he pulls out a thumb drive. As he clacks away on the keyboard, you show Ortho a shelf filled with small succulents. “Jack gave these to me. I wanted something to brighten up my room. He said they’re easy to care for too.”
“Based on a few articles, succulents are very beginner friendly. They don’t need too much direct sunlight and just a little water.” Ortho inspects the plants. “These are very nice! It seems Jack made sure to give you the best ones.”
“Yeah, Jack’s a pretty sweet guy. I couldn’t ask for a better soulmate,” you say absentmindedly as you check the soil of one plant.
Ortho’s eyes widen. “Soulmate? You already found yours?”
You rotate the plants. “On his first day at NRC actually.” You glance down at your pinky. Though no one else can see it, a red string hangs from your pinky finger and trails along the ground before disappearing. “He was just as shocked as me,” you continue with a chuckle.
Idia’s nibbling at his lower lip as he listens to the conversation. Shoulders slumped, Idia thinks about the fact that he doesn’t have a soulmate. Of course someone like him wouldn’t have one, but hearing you gush to Ortho about your soulmate just reminds him of the sad truth. Sure not everyone has soulmates like him, but it feels like the world is doubling down on telling him he’s meant to be alone.
Not that he cares of course! He doesn’t need an RL relationship! Not one bit!
“...okay?” Your questions snaps him out of his thoughts.
“Huh?” He frantically looks between you and Ortho. You both stare back expectantly. “Uh… this should be fi-” He turns back to your computer but sees that his usual methods of taking care of a virus failed. “Eh? That’s not right…” He eans closer to the screen as he frantically types away.
“Everything okay, brother?” Ortho asks, concern seeping into his tone. He peaks over Idia’s shoulder, but the warnings don’t change.
“Impossible!” Idia bites down on his thumb as his program continues to fail at removing the virus. After a few more attempts, the third year sighs. Pushing away from the desk, he turns to Ortho. “We need to take a look at this virtus in more detail, Ortho.”
Shaking your head, you can only shrug. “Do what you have to. I mean if I can’t save anything, I guess a complete wipe is fine…”
“Don’t worry! We’ll get to the bottom of this,” Ortho assures as he takes your laptop.
Before Idia can leave, you hand him a piece of paper. “Here, my handle is on there if you wanna add me.” You smile at him warmly, but Idia can’t quite return the gesture.
“Ri-right…” He shoves the paper into his pocket before following Ortho.
Gloomurai has entered the chat
Anon123: hi!
*Anon123 waves*
Gloomurai: Hey. Is Muscle Red not on yet?
Anon123: He popped in a bit and said he couldnt make the raid tonight
Gloomurai: Oh k.
Gloomurai sent you a private message
Gloomurai: Is your computer doing okay still?
Anon123: yup! thanks to you, it seems to be working much faster!
Gloomurai: I got rid of bloatware. All those apps you dont use only slows down your processor lol
Anon123: i dont know much about computers, so im glad ortho recommended you! hes right that youre a genius
Gloomurai: hehehe well it wasn’t anything too difficult
Anon123: oh did you hear that theyre releasing a world of war and cats spinoff game!?
Gloomurai: OMG YES! I already preordered the deluxe pack! wheeheeheee!
Anon123: ooohhh lucky! my old system cant handle new stuff so probably have to wait :(
Gloomurai is typing…
Gloomurai is typing…
Gloomurai is typing…
Anon123: you okay idia?
Gloomurai: You could come play with me since its multiplayer. If you want! No pressure!
Anon123: really??? thank you so much!!! let me know when you want me to come over. ill bring snacks! :DDD
Anon123: whoops! Need to go. see ya later! :)
Anon123 has left the chat
Though Idia had invited you over to game, he’s a nervous wreck. Once Ortho learned that he had invited you over, he had been super excited. He knew his brother would be happy that he was getting along with you. Though you gave him your handle, it had taken Idia a week before he finally sent a friend request. After much prodding by Ortho, he bit the magic bullet and reached out.
You seemed fairly calm and relaxed despite being in Savanaclaw. It also helped that you didn’t glare at him or ask anything of him. Playing World of War and Cats, Idia found you were surprisingly good. Though it shouldn’t be much of a surprise since you did start playing at launch. So after a few raids you helped with, he invited you to raid with Muscle Red.
Thankfully everyone got along and synergized really well. Idia couldn’t ask for a better team to play. With his new team, he was able to clear a lot of raids in a short amount of time. Of course knowing you in RL sometimes made him feel a bit self conscious. Especially when he happens to see you around school.
Still Idia found it easy to converse with you through chat. You basically acted the same way when he met you. Though he came off a lot more confident in chat, you never made a comment. And even better, you never made it a thing to approach him in school. You did give him a smile whenever you saw him, but that was the extent of your acknowledgement.
“They’re here!” Ortho’s voice broke Idia from his internal panic.
Chewing on his thumb nail, Idia mutters, “Is it too late to say I’m sick and cancel?”
“Don’t be like that, brother! They’re really nice and have been super excited to play this game with you.” He gave his brother a supportive thumbs up.
“R-really? Did they say that?” Who on earth would be excited to spend time with him?
Ortho nods enthusiastically. “Yup! They mentioned it a few times when I saw them around the school.”
There’s a knock on the door. “Idia? Ortho?” your muffled voice sends his heart rate up and his palms begin to sweat.
“M-maybe this wa-was a bad idea…” However, Ortho decides to open the door. You’ve been standing in the hallway long enough.
You step inside the room with two bags in hand. “Hey! I stopped by Sam’s and bought a bunch of snacks. Ortho mentioned some of your favorites, so I bought a little of everything!”
Between Ortho’s enthusiasm and your excitement, Idia feels like he’s being attacked from both sides by the sun. It’s too bright!
“Where do you want these?” You hold up the two bags.
“You c-can put them on the b-bed. Or whatever…”
Though he would typically play on his computer, he didn’t have another chair for you. Instead he and Ortho had rigged up a holographic screen. His floor isn’t the most comfortable, but it provided room for both of you. Plus there’s enough room for him to put a good amount of space between you.
Ortho quickly leaves to do his rounds and Idia is left alone. You settle down on the floor no problem and open a bag of fruity gummies. Sitting down but making sure to leave a good amount of space, he boots up the new game. You grab a few more snacks and put them in the middle.
“I’ve been keeping myself away from spoilers, so I don’t actually know what the game is about,” you confess. The theme music starts playing.
“It’s similar to the original except we get to play as the cat companion and no raiding. I’ve already decided which one I want to be as well as my stats. Maxed for both efficiency and ultimate cuteness!” He grins widely as the character screen comes up.
“So many kitties!” you gush. “How am I supposed to pick one?”
“I know right?! I mean this calico is adorable but there’s something majestic about the Scottish fold.” Idia shakes his head in dismay. “Even though I know which one I’m going for, they made it really difficult.”
As you select your cat and start tweaking the stats, you sigh. “I wish I could have a cat. But I’m allergic. Just being in Trein’s class causes my eyes to water and itch.”
“Ugh, that sounds like a terrible bane.” He can’t imagine not being able to be near cats.
You finish with your character. “Guess pictures and games of cats is as far as I’ll ever get.”
“Morning, Idia,” you greet him in the hallway.
He’s dragging his feet to gym class. There’s no one else in the hall. “Uh, hey.” It’s the first time you’ve verbally greeted him.
You seem to notice his hesitation. “Sorry, I thought that since we’ve been gaming for a few weeks, I could greet you aloud. I didn’t think you’d mind since there’s no one around.”
He quickly shakes his head. “N-no problem! I mean, if you wanna say ‘hi’ I don’t really mind.” It’s not like many people outside his dorm greet him to begin with.
“Really? Great! You know I would like to be friends, outside of gaming that is. But you’re under no pressure to accept that!” Your earnest gaze is a lot for him.
“You want to b-be friends with m-me?” he asks, shocked and a little concerned.
Nodding, you smile brightly. “Of course! You’re pretty fun to be around. Plus, I enjoy our gaming sessions a lot.”
It’s true Idia has fun when you come over. You even moved on to other games to play together. There’s something comforting about your presence. You’re not demanding or overbearing. You seem to be keenly aware of Idia’s comfort levels and stay within the zone. You never pushed him to do more than he wanted to.
A hand waves in front of his face. “Earth to Idia. Come in, Idia.”
“Idon’tmindbeingRLfriends,” he mutters quickly.
It takes you a second to understand his mumbling. Once you do, you smile so brightly he feels like he needs sunglasses. “Alright!!!” you cheer, but quickly cover your mouth as your voice echoes down the hall. “Whoops…”
He surveys the area, but it doesn’t seem anyone heard you. Honestly, he can’t understand why you’re so excited. It’s not like he’s a S tier friend to unlock. If you became friends with someone like Vil, that would be something worth cheering about.
However, he can’t bring himself to say the words out loud. Not when your eyes glimmer with excitement and you smile like that. And maybe deep down, he’s a little flattered.
“Hey, can we stop by my room? I forgot to water the plants this morning,” you tell Idia.
He merely nods and follows your lead. Walking into the Savanaclaw dorm is still terrifying, but he’s gotten somewhat used to it. As long as he stays by your side, most of the dorm members don’t give him a single look.
You were headed to Idia’s place to study, but had to make a couple of stops. In your room, you grab the small watering can and fill it up in the bathroom sink. Idia stands by the doorway as you water the plants and give them a few encouraging words.
“Excuse me?” Someone coughs from behind Idia, causing the third year to jump out of his skin. Clutching his tablet to his chest, he stumbles further into your room.
“Uh, sorry…” the intruder apologizes while rubbing the back of his neck.
Looking up from the plants, you wave. “Hey, Jack. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to return your notes. They were really helpful. Thanks.” He hands over a worn black notebook.
“No problem! Runes can be tricky but once you have the basics down, it gets easier.” You place the notebook on your desk. “What do you think?” You gesture to the shelf of plants. “They look great!”
Jack presses a finger in the soil of one pot. “Yeah, you’re doing a good job. Just remember to rotate them every so often so that each side gets some sun.”
“Right, I remember you said that. What would I do without your green thumb? You’re a lifesaver, Jack!” Nudging his arm with your elbow, you give him a teasing grin.
The freshman coughs, looking away. “You’d figured it out eventually. You’re smart and resourceful on your own.”
Chuckling, you set the watering can back in its place. “Anyways, I’m going to head out. I’ll see you later, Jack.”
“Sure. See you tomorrow morning?”
“Bright and early!” As Jack leaves your room, you turn to Idia, who was watching the exchange silently. “Alright, I’m all set. Let’s get going.”
Leaving Savanaclaw, you walk through the halls of Ignihyde. “Whacha thinking about, Idia?”
“What are you doing early tomorrow?” he asks through his tablet.
“I sometimes join Jack for a morning run. I haven’t been keeping up as of late since I’m usually too tired from our gaming session. But Jack made me promise to go tomorrow,” you explain. “He said I’m losing my form, which we can’t have since my dorm participates in spelldrive
“He’s your soulmate, right?”
Arriving at his room, you drop your backpack on the floor near the bed. “Yeah. Jack’s very sweet despite his gruff exterior. I couldn’t have asked for a better one.”
As you pull out your materials to study, Idia silently watches. There’s something twisting his insides. Watching as you and Jack causally talked reminded Idia of where he stood in your relationship. For many, their soulmate would always be number one. Idia didn’t mind. At first.
The more time he spent with you, the more he wanted your time. And maybe he’s reading too much into it, but your interactions with Jack are playful, almost flirty. Usually he’d cringe at the normies having banter and then ignore them. With you, he can’t ignore it. There’s an obvious affection in the way you speak to each other.
“Can you go over summoning with me?” you inquire. “I just can’t get the symbols and positions right.”
Deciding not to dwell on whatever he’s feeling, Idia joins you on the floor. “First, that’s wrong. Noob mistake. You need to…”
“Meowww!” The robotic cat purrs as it rubs against your leg. With a sleek black and electric blue design, the robotic animal is rather cute.
“And it’s solar powered,” Idia explains, finishing up his little show and tell. Though it looks like a tornado hit his room, you’re too busy cooing at the cat to notice.
Picking up the creature in your arms, it curls into your hold. “This is the cutest kitty ever! You’re amazing Idia!”
Rubbing the back of his neck, he can’t quite meet your gaze. The edges of his hair are a light pink. “Eh, this is nothing. I could put this together while playing DDR.”
“If you can do both then you’re definitely a genius.” You chuckle as the robotic cat continues to purr. You hand the creature back to Idia, who doesn’t take it. Instead, he taps its nose, which turns off the cat.
“Keep it. It’s yours.”
Eyes widening, you look at the cat and then back at him. “Are you sure?”
“From one cat lover to another and all that.” He tries to come off as nonchalant and wonders if he succeeded.
“Thank you so much, Idia!” You hug the cat closer to you while beaming at him. Just having your bright smile directed at him sends his pulse into overdrive. You set the cat down. “Hey, can I give you a hug?” You always ask before touching him. Even when he declines, you don’t make a big deal about it.
He agrees with a quick nod.
You slowly and gently wrap your arms around him. “Just let me know if you’re uncomfortable,” you tell him.
Your hugs are full and warm. It almost feels like he’s being wrapped in a weighted blanket. It feels nice. He tentatively relaxes into your hold. In these moments he can almost forget that you don’t have a soulmate.
“W-what ar-are you do-doing?!”Idia screams. Despite his feeble movements, your hold on him doesn’t loosen. “I-I ca-can wal- ouch!”
“You can definitely not walk,” you say firmly. Carrying Idia bridal style to the nurse's office, you sigh as he proceeds to continue his whining. You ignore whatever he says.
“It’s not like I hurt myself that badly,” he grumbles.
Giving him a glare, you shake your head. “You fell down two flights of stairs and flat on your face. And you broke your tablet,” you pointed out. “Would you rather I bring you to Ortho?”
Idia shuts his mouth. Knowing his little brother, he’d react even worse. You arrive at the nurse’s office without much incident. While he’s being patched up, Idia is forced to lay on the cot.
You chuckle when you notice his miserable expression. “Don’t be like that. You’re acting like you just pulled on the wrong character banner.”
“This is worse.” His frown deepens. “...never mind that’s still worse.”
Shaking your head, you ask, “Hey, do you want to do a gaming session tonight? It’s the weekend~”
That seems to make him forget the current situation. “There’s a special raid where we can only get the limited five star dragon scale armor. Are you geared up?”
“Yup. I’ll bring snacks!” You glance at the clock. “I should get to class. I’ll let Ortho know you’re here. You give one last wave before heading to the exit.
You hear Idia complaining, “Just leave me like this…” as the door closes. He’ll be fine.
Later, you’re carrying a handful of bags filled with snacks from Sam’s. You easily navigate Ignihyde to Idia’s room. Knocking on the door, you let yourself in. “Hey, I may have gone overboard on the snacks, but we should have enough to stay up la-” Your words cut off once you take in Idia.
He’s laid out on his bed with his leg propped up on a pillow. The thing that made you stop is the sling his right arm is in. “Uh… didn’t you just sprain your ankle?” Ortho is fluffing up Idia’s pillow.
“Hello!” Ortho greets.. “Idia did sprain his ankle when you last saw him. However, he decided not to wait for me to pick him up. Because of this, he fell down some more stairs and sprained his arm,” he explains with a deep sigh and shake of the head.
“Oh… So I guess no gaming tonight?” You hold up the bag of snacks.
Idia pulls the cover up over his face. “Leave me in my misery. This is why I don’t leave my room.”
Setting the snacks down on his chair, you glance around before your eyes land on his bookshelf. “We could binge movies instead,” you suggest.
The covers lower enough that you can see his eyes. “...are you sure?”
“Yeah, why not. Why don’t we watch Creepy Hollow? You were raving about it a few weeks ago.” You pull the DVD from the bookshelf.
Perking up, he sits straighter. “You’ll love this! The Pumpkin Knight costume is peak design! And the twist is just so satisfying!” he babbles.
As you put the disk in the DVD player, Idia scoots closer to the wall to make space for you on the bed. Ortho settles down on the floor leaning against the bed once he makes sure Idia’s leg and arm is properly set. You grab the snack bags and lightly throw them at Idia.
“Acck!” One smacks him in the face.
“Whoops…” You bite your lip to keep from laughing. Idia gives you a dirty look as you make yourself comfortable. Pulling your legs up against your chest, you grab a random snack to open.
The night turns into a movie marathon. Before every new film, Idia has to talk about it and hear your thoughts. There are so many movies that you lose track of time. By the time 4 AM rolls around, you’ve both fallen asleep. Somehow you’ve managed to move from the foot of the bed to the head. You’re curled into Idia’s side. The flame haired third year sleeps on his back with his mouth slightly open. Despite his sprains, he’s dead to the world.
Ortho peers down at the two sleeping figures. He pulls the covers over them. Smiling to himself, he’s happy to see his brother being so comfortable around someone else. “Sweet dreams,” he whispers.
“Big brother, you can’t avoid them forever,” Ortho says.
Idia pulls his hood over his head. “Yes I can.” He leans forward as the screen of his computer flashes.
The younger Shroud hovers behind his chair. “Idia, just talk with them. It’s not good to bottle up your feelings.”
“I’d rather die,” he mutters.
Sure it had been a week since the movie incident where he woke up cuddling with you. Sure it’s been a week since he freaked out and shoved you unceremoniously out of the bed while also hurting his sprained wrist. Sure it’s been a week since he last spoke to you, doing everything possible to avoid you. But Idia feels it’s justified since he was caught cuddling with you like some love-sick normie.
You did text him an apology even though it wasn’t your fault. Your last text was from three days ago where you were checking in on him. Idia had left you on read. But you seemed to get the message that he needed time alone and stopped messaging him. A part of him was relieved, but another part felt bad for ignoring you.
Maybe you weren’t embarrassed to wake up cuddling him, but he was and is mortified. He wishes the earth had swallowed him at that moment. Idia will begrudgingly admit to himself that he likes you. But that’s something he planned to take to his grave. However, it seems Ortho’s figured it out. And though his little brother is happy, he seems to have forgotten the one big glaring reason why he can’t tell you.
You have a soulmate.
Idia may have looked into Jack a little more once he got to know you better. And he may have seen that the first year is pretty smart and likable. And he may be a little jealous that you two get along and seem close. There’s no mistake in his mind that you and Jack would make a good couple. Just standing next to each other, you both just look like you fit. You and him? Wouldn’t go at all!
“Idiaaaaa!” Ortho shakes his chair causing him to lose focus. “I won’t allow you to wallow in self-pity!” Crossing his arms, he gives the older Shroud a glare. “You don’t know if they don't like you. Just because someone has a soulmate doesn’t mean they’re bound to end up together. There’s a 47% chance they’re just friends.”
Setting aside the controller because he knows Ortho won’t leave him alone, Idia spins around in his chair. “What do you expect me to do, Ortho? This isn’t some shojo manga where the loser confesses to the popular student and they magically end up together!” He throws his hands up. “I’m an NPC while they’re the main lead. And Jack’s the love interest that’s been fated since birth!”
Shaking his head, Ortho sighs. “You have to at least try, big brother. Are you really okay with never letting them know how you feel?”
“No!” Ortho makes a big X with his arms. “You’re supposed to get fired up after my rousing speech! If you can’t do this for yourself, do it for me!”
“Ortho…” Idia can’t ignore the pleading look of his brother. “Fine!” Throwing up his hands, Idia gives in.
“Yaaaay!!” Doing a little jump, Ortho pulls Idia to his feet. “Let’s go!”
“Yes, before you change your mind!” Idia is unceremoniously dragged out of his room.
Outside on the field, Ortho gives Idia a reassuring pat. “You’ve got this, brother! Just pretend your on your way to the last level of a super difficult dunegon.”
“You’re super awesome!”
“Who can dual play two shooter games at once?”
“No one has beat your DDR score in the last three years!”
Seeing you and Jack laughing together, Idia is reminded that you have a soulmate. A strong, buff, kind, hardworking, good looking soulmate. Compared to Jack, he’s trash. There’s no chance you’d ever look at someone like him when the universe literally made your perfect match.
Despite his initial bravado and confidence boost from Ortho, every fiber in his body screams for him to run. He should just slink back to his room and stay there. Forever. Just as he’s about to turn around, you spot him.
“Idia!” calling his name, you exchange a few words with Jack before jogging over to him. The smile you give him sends his heart into overdrive. He’s suddenly feeling sweaty and jittery. It would be so much easier talking to you through text or voice chat. Especially now that he’s caught these disgusting normie feelings!
“Idia! How have you been?” you ask, head tilting to the side.
How he wishes he brought his tablet! “I-I wa-wanted t-t-to talk…” The urge to melt into his hoodie is strong.
Glancing behind you, the other members of the team are idly chatting. “Sure. Do you wanna head to my room? I was about to go back.”
He nods mutely. As you lead the way, Idia can’t help but admire your form. His face heats up when he realizes he’s staring not too discreetly. If anyone were to see him, they’d probably think he’s some creep! Hands stuffed in his pockets, he nervously clenches and unclenches his fingers. Arriving at your room, it’s the same as always except for one little change. The small robotic cat he had made sits right on your desk.
“You kept it…” he mumbles in awe.
“You made it for me, so of course I’d treasure it,” you tell him matter-of-fact.
His heart does another weird flip-flop. Because of you, he’s having heart problems at a young age! “Uhhh…” Real smooth Idia! He mentally facepalms himself.
Sitting down on the edge of your bed, you gesture to the desk chair. “Do you wanna sit down?”
Usually you’d pat the spot next to you, but you’ve been keenly aware of Idia’s growing discomfort. Giving him some space would be for the best. He gratefully takes the seat.
“So what’s going on, Idia?” you ask, your tone gentle.
Whatever he had practiced flies out of his head. He stares at you blankly. You wait patiently as he tries to gather himself. Finally, you realize he’s not getting anywhere. The obvious signs of distress on his face intensifies. He’s visibly sweating.
Pulling out your phone, you stand up. Walking into your bathroom, you close the door. The sound of the lock clicking in place snaps Idia out of his stupor. Sitting in your room alone, he starts to freak out.
Did you leave because he’s being too awkward? He ruined everything by being a weirdo! What now?!
Before he can start spiraling, his phone rings. Answering without looking, he shakily takes a deep breath. “Ortho?”
“Try again!” you voice chirps through the earpiece. Bewildered, Idia pulls the phone away from his ear to look at the caller ID. Sure enough, it’s you. Calling from the bathroom.
“Idia?” He hurriedly puts the phone back to his ear when he hears you calling for him. “You still there?”
He can hear you laugh. “I thought I lost you for a second. So, what’s going on with you?” Your casual tone causes his body to relax just a bit.
Palms still sweaty, his heart starts to slow to a more normal pace. “I-I was just thinking… Can we play a game tomorrow?”
“Sure!” you agree happily with no hesitation.
“And the day after?” He pushes past his nerves.
“Of course.” Again no hesitation.
Getting a little bolder, he confesses, “I want to game with you all the time.” He holds himself back from asking you to be his player two. That’s way too cringy even for him!
Your soft laughter fills his ear. His heart does a somersault. “I’d like to game with you all the time too, Idia. I’ve been wanting to for awhile now.”
Heart soaring, he quickly comes back to reality when he spies the shelf of plants. “...what about your soulmate?”
“Well, Jack’s a wonderful soulmate.” There’s a pause, then, “But I can only see him as a lifelong friend. And the feeling’s mutual.”
“Huh?? B-but he’s got everything! The entire package! He’s literally your custom made sim!” Oh how he’s screaming at himself to shut up!
“Just because Jack is my soulmate, doesn’t mean I have to have certain feelings for him. A soulmate doesn’t dictate your choices. At least not for me,” you explain.
Even though you’re not in front of him right now, Idia wants to hide so he can scream in peace. This is too much for his poor heart. It’s like a final scene from one of his dating games but much better because it’s real.
Pulled out from his internal thoughts, he nervously swallows. “S-sorry! A-are you sure? About me?” One last chance to back out. He can pretend this conversation never happened. Sure he’ll hole himself up in his room for a long time. But he’ll get over it. Eventually. Hopefully.
“Are cats cute? Is Premo the best idol group?” The door to the bathroom opens. Stepping out, your radiant smile almost turns him into a puddle of goo.
He remains frozen in the chair as you close the space. Hovering over him, you end the call before setting your phone on the desk. “So, Idia, I have a question for you.”
“Y-yes?” he squeaks. The ends of his have turned a pale shade of pink.
“Would you like to be my player two?” you ask with a grin. It’s so cringe but when it comes out of your mouth, it’s the most romantic thing he’s heard. And he’s played a lot of dating sims!
“Yes!” Though he usually doesn’t like people crowding his personal space, he wants you closer.
Bending down, you press a soft kiss to his forehead. His hair explodes into full on pink. He can feel your laughter against his skin. He isn’t sure if he can handle another kiss before dying. But it wouldn’t be such a bad way to go, he decides.
Instead of doing anything more, you pull away. “We’ll have plenty of time for more,” you say with a wink.
A little disappointed, an alarm rings, breaking the mood. “Whoops, that’s me. Sorry!” You quickly shut the alarm off. “Do you want to do a raid now??”
“S-sure.” Once you’ve gathered your stuff, you lean over and kiss him on the cheek. He lets out an ‘eeep’ as his hair once again burns pink.
“Like I said, plenty of time for more~!”
“S-so embarrassing,” he mumbles as he follows you out.
As you walk side by side, he notes you act as if everything is normal. No mushyness except for that one kiss before leaving your room. He’s relieved there’s no PDA, but the more he glances at your hand, the more he wants to hold it. You move closer to him and hook your pinky with his. His heart beats rapidly.
There might not be a red string connecting you to him, but Idia decides that he doesn’t care. He’ll decide his own fate, red string or not.
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sundove88 · 2 months
DBZ: Waves of Freedom Chapter 4: Out of The Cage
At those very words, Goku perked up. Never had anyone requested they be transformed into a merperson, until now. Vegeta’s sentence immediately became clear- he had wanted to leave behind his life on land in favor of a life beneath the ocean waves. “Of course, best buddy. I’ll gladly do that, but we have to do it step by step- this is a big step, and you can’t rush it!”, Goku replied enthusiastically. “Then what do we do, Kakarot? Because I really do want to become a merman and stay with you.”, Vegeta asked as he looked down at his human legs sorrowfully, knowing that they’d merge into a merman tail when the time was right. “How about we discuss a plan to ensure you have everything you need?”, Goku asked. Vegeta nodded. “I’ve decided that I want to leave Empire Oil Drilling Corps- but if Frieza finds out, I’ll never get the chance to stay with you.”, he said. “Then why don’t you write a resignation letter? I’ll get something to help with your transformation. We meet back here tomorrow.”, said Goku as he splashed back into the water gracefully. Vegeta nodded, and both boys immediately began to plan.
Inside his apartment, Vegeta immediately began writing down his resignation letter, wanting nothing more than to let Frieza know he was leaving his oppressive company once and for all. Taking out a piece of paper and a pencil, he wrote down with all of his heart and soul, putting strong emotions into every word he wrote down, which then resulted in a letter that would surely get the attention of Frieza:
To: Lord Frieza, CEO of Empire Oil Drilling Corps
Subject: Resignation
Dear Lord Frieza,
After much contemplation, I have decided to resign from my position effective immediately. While I appreciate the opportunities I have had at Empire Oil Drilling Corps, I can no longer ignore the call for a life beyond these walls. This company, which once seemed to promise greatness, has become a gilded cage, suffocating my spirit and stifling my true potential.
I need to find my own path, one that allows me the freedom to breathe and live fully. This is not a decision made lightly, but it is one I must make for my own well-being.
I am somewhere you can never reach me and never will.
Thank you for your understanding.
Vegeta let out one massive sigh of relief as he placed the letter in an envelope and began to pack the shell collection that he had made himself- and amongst those shells and sand dollars were the bracelet Goku had given him and the abalone that his father gave him. And he even added a few pictures of his parents and some other important mementos. This is it. The start of a new life. He thought as he placed the lid on the box containing his shell collection including the Agate Mermaid he genuinely treasured, he immediately snuck down to the beach under the cover of night and waited for one of the other merfolk he had met to arrive. At once, Piccolo and Yamcha immediately came to the surface and took the box. “We’ll keep this safe until you arrive in Atlantis.”, the octopus merman replied as a third merman, Master Roshi (A common dolphin merman) surfaced and ensured Vegeta everything would be fine. “Don’t worry. You have us to help.”, replied Launch, a spunky marlin mermaid as she surfaced alongside the others. Krillin and his daughter Marron, a young seahorse mermaid, also surfaced. As Vegeta watched Piccolo, Launch, and Roshi’s fins and Yamcha’s tentacles disappear beneath the surface, he felt like everything was going as it should’ve. “Hope to see you in Atlantis, bud!”, Krillin replied as he and Marron disappeared beneath the waves.
At the same time, Goku and his family swam across Atlantis all the way to the Upper Terraces of the metropolis known as Chalchiuhtlicue’s Falls, with cascading waterfalls and beautiful coral formations, and colorful fish went and came as they pleased, which was also where Bulma and Trunks resided. As they made their way there, jellyfish lit the way until they came to the door of the glamorous residence the innovative siren called home. “Bulma, I kinda need to talk to you. I wanna change Vegeta into a merman, and from what he’s told me, I think he knows what he’s getting into.”, he said as Bulma perked up from a project she was doing and swam over to her friend, while her son was stroking a gentle coelacanth. “Well, at least he knows how big of a change it is, but follow me.”, Bulma replied, swimming over to a case filled with seashells that looked like they were made from precious stones, her long blue hair floating in the water. She opened the case and pulled out a scallop shell made out of sapphire. “This is a Crystal Shell- it’s the only thing capable of turning him into a permanent merman, but his fins and freedom come at a massive cost: His life on land and any connections he’s made with land dwellers.”, Bulma explained sternly as she placed the shell into Goku’s hands. “So in short, he’s able to shapeshift as well, he can never be a true human again, and his heart will always belong to the ocean.”, Goku said as he placed the shell in a pouch and tied it shut. “Yes, yes, and yes. He can shapeshift to walk on land, but no matter what form he takes, whether it be human or merman, he will always answer the call of the ocean.”, Bulma said. “Thanks, Bulma. I’ll ensure he knows that information.”, Goku replied as he and his family swam back to Mazu’s Harbor to get some rest and prepare for the upcoming day.
The next morning, Vegeta woke up stronger than ever, knowing that this was his only chance to get out of the life he loathed and to resign from the company he had spent long hours at. Taking one last look at his apartment, he immediately made his way through the hallways with his resignation letter in hand, telling the landlord who ran the apartment that he was never coming back and was ready to take the next big step for himself. But before he made his way to Empire Oil Drilling Corps, he stopped by the water to explain to Goku that everything was going as it should. “Vegeta, you’re doing amazing. You’re almost there to your new life,” Goku said as he took out the crystal shell from the satchel. “What’s that? Is it some artifact, Kakarot?”, asked Vegeta as he sat down on the rocks. “Mhm. It’ll turn you into a permanent merman, so you never have to come back to a life that made you feel captive.”, the citrus tailed merman replied as he began to explain more. “I-I’ve made up my mind already. Is there anything else I should know?”, Vegeta questioned. “Well, there’s a price for your transformation, and that’s not your voice.”, said Goku. “Then what is it?”, the soon to be merman asked. “It’s your life on land,” the merman said.
Vegeta pretended to be shook, but he had made up his mind already. “My life on land? Well, the land holds nothing for me anymore anyway.”; replied Vegeta solemnly, clutching the resignation letter. “And also, you have to sever any connections for your own good. But then again, you didn’t have any good connections with your coworkers, didn’t you?”, he asked. “I never had, but I’ve got some amazing friends thanks to you.”, Vegeta said. “Ok. And once you’ve transformed, there’s no turning back into a human again. But then again, you have us, so there’s that- and you can shapeshift.”, Goku explained. “I’m ready to become a merman, no matter the cost.”, Vegeta replied as he felt the cooling Seabreeze against his face. “I’m glad you’re ready. Now go deliver that resignation letter, and we’ll head somewhere you can be transformed!”, Goku replied happily as Vegeta nodded and stood up, ready to deliver the resignation letter.
It would only be a matter of time before he would no longer be a true human.
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squadron-goals · 1 year
The mother about the boy Manfred
Manfred had a particularly good, healthy nature from childhood on. Nothing bad could stick to him. Not even the vaccines caused the usual short illness - neither at the first nor at the second and third vaccination. I can only remember one instant that he got sick – with measles – otherwise, to his detriment, he never had to miss a day of school. He had a wonderfully skillful body. When he did somersaults as a very small boy, he never used his hands to do so, he put them tightly on the seam of his trousers. When he was eight years old, he once had to pick apples from a big old apple tree that no one else could reach. Afterwards he didn't come down the trunk, but let himself down on the outside of the branches. We watched him, but no one felt that anything could happen to him. It looked so skillful. In general, I loved watching him do daring things. I have never forbidden my children from doing so, because I remember from my own childhood how much I had loved to be wild and free, and how annoying it was for me to be restrained and to have to behave in a civilized way.
Once my children and I were in Zinnowitz. Manfred and Lothar were eleven and nine years old. The pier led quite far out into the sea. One day I went for a walk. Some ladies came towards me all excited: my boys were running along the railing very fast, it was hard to watch, I should come soon and forbid it, otherwise they would fall into the water. I had to laugh, because I knew that they would not fall. I think people thought I was a very careless mother, but I had the firm conviction that children can only be skillful if they are given every conceivable physical freedom of movement. They must learn to judge for themselves what they are capable of as early as possible. An anxious mother is a major obstacle to the good physical development of her children. Of course, minor incidents happened. Once - we went for a walk in the forest - Manfred stands on a footbridge. He says to Lothar: "Watch out, I'm going to fall into the water.“ Immediately afterwards he disappears in into the black water. When I got there, he was already standing on the bank covered in mud. We went to the mill. There he was bathed. Then - wearing only a shirt borrowed from the miller's wife, with his cadet's coat over it, barefoot - he continued the walk with us. Then came the return journey, which took an hour. It was a cool summer day. He didn´t even get a cold.
While at the cadet corps, Manfred got a knee injury. In the cadet corps, Manfred had suffered a knee injury. He had done a "Sturzhocke" (translation not possible as the author can´t find out what exactly that was) without assistance and a piece of cartilage in his knee had torn loose. Every now and then, this piece would jam itself between the kneecap, and then the leg would go uncontrollable to the side. That was bad. Massaging and all kinds of treatments didn't help. So more than a year and a day had passed without the leg getting better. When we were once again discussing what to do and I must have seemed depressed and he wanted to comfort me. He said: "If I can no longer walk on my legs, I will walk on my hands," and like a completely healthy person, he stretched both legs in the air and walked around the room on his hands. We then decided to have an operation, and within four weeks he was fully recovered, and shortly afterwards already jumped out of a window. The suffering with his knee spoiled his entire Lichterfeld cadet days. He did gymnastics and played games there, but of course he was terribly handicapped, and no one there probably guessed how wonderfully skilled Manfred really was. I think later in his regiment they realised it very quickly. I always regretted very much that he didn't get to ride bigger races. On the day when Antithesis was to run his first race in Posen, he rode him across the Russian border.
Manfred was happy and funny, often to the point of exuberance! But on the other hand, he was already very sensible and reasonable at a young age. So I got used to discussing important issues with him and he was often a good advisor and friend to me despite his youth. I often longed to talk about different things with him and most of the time he came up with the right solution.
Manfred was truth-loving. When we sat face to face, I got answers to my questions, regardless of sensibilities, and I rose with the happy knowledge that my son trusted me. I myself believed in him, in his ability, in his reliability and distinction. And I was proud of this son. I was convinced that he had to be recognised, that he would be recognised out in the world. He seemed to me like a rock around which it could surge and wave: He stood firm.
I remember a few other adventures from his childhood. Our housekeepers claimed our house was haunted. Someone once hanged himself up in the attic and a ghost has been going around there ever since. Manfred now wanted to experience this spook. He had the spot in the attic shown to him and then his and Lothar's beds carried to that spot. My daughter and I didn't want the boys to wait in vain, so we decided to do a little haunting. We quietly leveled up and began to roll chestnuts along the floor. Lothar was still awake. He called: "Manfred, don't you hear anything?" Manfred slept soundly; but waking up, grabbing a stick and rushing at us happened within seconds. I had to turn on the light quickly, otherwise we poor ghosts would have gotten a beating. At that time he was thirteen or fourteen years old. When Manfred was ten years old, he wanted to walk through the Moltkegrund (a somewhat gloomy part of the promenade) at ten o'clock in the evening to show his courage. Lothar too. I sent the servant some distance behind to see if they would do it. Manfred walked the whole way calmly, without speeding up. Lothar went too, but needed much more self-control. But he was younger. We often spent our holidays with the grandmother in Romberg, in the countryside. One day One day Manfred could no longer control his passion for hunting, he shot three or four tame ducks that were swimming on the Weistritz. Grandmother told me about it, laughing. These first trophies, three duck feathers, still hang in Manfred's room among all the proud war trophies. I can't look at them without getting emotional.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Super Dragon Ball Heroes 47-49
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All right, it’s about time we wrapped this web-anime up...
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So Demigra gained Dark Factor powers, plus he controls the Scroll of Eternity, so he’s riding high at the moment.  The first thing he does is alter the landscape of Aeos’ tournament battleground.   I’m not sure why this matters, since none of these environments were real or anything, right?
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Then he summons various bad guys to fight the warriors on the battleground. And not just the usual suspects, either.  We’re talking deep cuts, like Chilled from “Episode of Bardock”, and Fin, a Majin from the SDBH manga.  I think Towa created Fin, but I’m not sure. 
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Also, some of Mechikabura’s crew from the Dark Empire saga, again seen in the manga.  This is weird, because a number of these guys would consider Demigra an enemy, although maybe they’d sing a different tune since he’s the Dark King.
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We finally got Super 13 and Lord Slug in this show.  So now the only classic movie baddies left unused are Garlic Junior and Bio-Broly.  I’ll be looking for them down the line, when SDBH releases the “Fugliest Yaoi Couple” Arc.
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Oh, and here’s Baby Vegeta and Hatchiyack, ready to take on Jiren.  See, what irks me about this series is that this would actually be pretty fun to watch.  Would these two brutes stand a chance, or would Jiren blow them away with his awesome strength? But instead we just get this one shot to tease the idea, with no follow-through.  And that would make sense, considering that we have a main plot to follow, but that main plot always involves the same characters doing the same moves over and over again.
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And we’ve got Cell, but so what?  This show already brought back Cell and didn’t do anything with him, so why should I get excited when they do it a second time?
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Also, SSJ4 Broly is here, but Xeno Gogeta takes care of him.  I’m not clear on whether this was a bad guy Demigra arranged to help him, or if this is the same Broly who was entered in Aeos’s tournament, and he just wandered over here on his own. 
Seriously, this is really weak stuff.  We’ve seen fusion in this show at least ten times now, and this is the second or third time they’ve had Broly barge into the story as a wildcard.  I was going to say they had Broly fight Gogeta already, but no, that was Vegito the last time, my mistake.  I mean, what the hell?  The whole appeal of Dragon Ball Heroes was the plethora of what if scenarios and weird dream matches that you couldn’t get anywhere else.  But this show’s been running for five years now, and what do they do?  Broly vs. Gogeta.  Yeah, that’s totally fresh and novel.  It’s not like they made a feature film about it or anything. 
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Goku tries to stop Demigra, but he gets wiped out, so Aeos tries to beat him with some big special move she rarely uses.   Also no sale.  Demigra just powers out of it the same as anything else.
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Meanwhile, I gues Chilled must have killed Vidro’s people, because he talks about finishing the job when he sees her, and this gets her all fired up.
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Vidro and Yamcha do a combo move where he makes a Soukidan and she covers it in broken glass, and they drop it on Chilled’s head.  Then Vidro proposes to Yamcha, so things are moving very quickly here.
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Demigra’s got Goku dead to rights, but then Vegeta shows up to make the save, and that gives Chronoa and idea.  She asks Aeos to keep Demigra busy while she executes a plan to save the day.  Is it fusion?  Yes, yes it is.
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Meanwhile, Trunks and Future Gohan are getting beat down, and Gohan apologizes for letting him down, but Trunks tells him that they can protect each other this time, and fight side-by-side.  And I guess that’s a dream come true for both of them, since Trunks never had the chance in his timeline, and this version of Gohan comes from a world where he survived but his Trunks got killed.
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So Vegito seems to turn the tide against Demigra, but he’s not too worried because he estimates that their fusion will dissolve relatively quickly if he keeps fighting at this level.  So Demigra weathers the storm and...
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Yeah, they come apart, and Demigra takes out Vegeta just to make sure they don’t try this again.
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Demigra powers up and powers up his minions, then shoots a big energy ball down at Goku.  He tries his best to stop it, but he can’t do it alone.
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But then he’s joined by Future Gohan, who reluctantly left Trunks to fight alone so he could lend support to Goku. 
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But Trunks isn’t alone for long, as a bunch of good guys start showing up to help.  Are these the other fighters from the tournament?  Didn’t Aeos erase them already?
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Then Bardock shows up to help Gohan and Goku against Demigra.  He gives them a pep talk and they power up some more.  Goku goes Ultra Instinct, Bardock turns Super Saiyan 4...
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... And I don’t think Future Gohan changes at all.  Well, anyway, their combined power finally pushes Demigra back...
... and that’s it.  We’ll have to wait until Episode 50 comes out to see if Demigra is defeated or not.  I would think this would do the trick.  I mean, they already used Fusion as a false finish, so if this triple Kamehameha can’t do it, I don’t know what else there is to try.
So for now, that takes care of Super Dragon Ball Heroes.  It’s a fun little diversion, but it’s pretty weak on plot and long-term storytelling.  The show mainly depends on namedropping and cramming as many power ups and characters into each episode to get attention.  I’m glad I waited this long to watch the whole thing in a short period of time, because checking this thing out in 9 minute installments once every 6-8 weeks would get really, really frustrating. 
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cactusnymph · 4 months
CUDDLE PILE FOR O&O PLEASE I AM BEGNING!!! hope you feel better soon 💛💛
"Looks like she's cold alright."
"But isn't that her natural state? Seeing as to how she's... well. Undead?"
"I mean. I have no idea how that works. I'm basically dead and I run hot."
Tovo looks over at Lu'luh who sits very close to the fire, holding out her hands. The sound of the flames can't mask the clattering of Lu'luh's teeth entirely.
"We could maybe, I dunno. Offer a blanket?", Tovo says.
Hushi nods.
"Yes, of course. A blanket. A perfectly reasonable course of action", they say and look around to see if somewhere amongst their belongings a blanket can be found to help warm up Lu'luh.
"Or, I dunno. Don't you guys drink tea when you're freezin'? Eat some soup or whatever?", Tovo continues. Since most of his body is made of machinery he doesn't really get cold and he can't recall any of Tefrara's memories about being cold. Of course Tovo knows that it gets cold in the desert at night. But Hushi doesn't seem to mind and they're not made of metal.
"For gods sake, guys. Let's just huddle up, alright? Body heat is what you need for cold nights like this", Budge's voice chimes in from the left. Tovo can tell that he looks both amused and exasperated about Hushi's and Tovo's antics. He's holding a bundle of firewood and must have walked up to them, overhearing their idiotic conversation.
Tovo feels the metal on the right side of his face heat up.
"Right. Body heat", he says.
Hushi looks as if they wish their mask was back to hide the deep blush on their cheeks.
"Of course, how silly of us. Body heat, yes. I should've thought of that. Um. How do we—I mean. Perhaps Lu'luh doesn't want to—"
Budge sighs and shakes his head before pushing himself off the ground and walking over to Lu'luh. Tovo would like to say that he doesn't wait with what Tefrara would have called held breath.
"Oh my...", Hushi breathes when Lu'luh starts gesturing, her eyes big and her expression guilty.
"Do you think that means she doesn't—", Tovo starts but he doesn't get to finish his sentence. The words are lost somewhere on the way from his mind to his tongue because Budge speaks to Lu'luh in his calm voice and whistles for Nebbit and before Tovo can really process what's going to happen, Lu'luh leans against Budge, putting her head on his shoulder as he puts an arm around her.
The pointed look he gives Hushi and Tovo clearly says "Y'all are idiots and should get over yourselves.".
"Uh—d'you think. Well. Maybe. You know. The other side could use some more body heat, right?", Tovo ponders, his heart feeling as if it needs some fine tuning soon with how it tries to beat out of his metal rib cage.
Hushi swallows.
"Yes, certainly. Warmth from all sides would be the most logical next step", they say and nod as if they have to build up courage. Tovo gets it. This whole intimacy business is somehow more frightening than facing down a whole regiment of mind flayers. Gods, he would love to go back to being a mindless, heartless machine. It was a way less complicated existence.
Now he needs to figure out how he feels about cuddling without muddling it with what Tefrara liked to do. She certainly enjoyed cuddling. And other stuff. Stuff that Tovo will not think about right now.
He follows Hushi over to where Lu'luh and Budge are sitting now, snuggled up against one another with Budge's trunk-arm wrapped around Lu'luh's shoulder.
"Oh, hi", Lu'luh says, sounding embarrassed. "Sorry, I was just freezing. You would think being dead absolves you of that."
"There's no need to apologize, Lu'luh", Hushi says, bows slightly and then immediately seems embarrassed about acting so formal. "We were just wondering—well. If you would like more body heat. To add to the pile, so to speak."
Lu'luh's eyes widen.
"Oh, that's very kind of you, Hushi, but I don't want to inconvenience anyone—"
"It's no inconvenience", Tovo grumbles and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "Don't want you to freeze to... uh. Well. Death."
Budge snorts and does his best to stifle a laugh. Tovo is tempted to strangle him and how easy he makes it look to just sit next to Lu'luh like this.
"I think it might work if I were to sit behind Lu'luh and then Tovo, you could it on Lu'luh's other side?", Hushi says, their face bright red now. Tovo is so very glad for his dark red skin and the metal covering much of his face.
"Uh—sure. Yeah. That works", he says and watches as Hushi sits down behind Lu'luh who hesitantly leans back, scooting so she sits between Hushi's legs. Budge doesn't hesitate to put his arm around Hushi instead.
Fuck, they look adorable. Tovo doesn't want to find them adorable. He's a metal man. Adorable shouldn't even be in his damn vocabulary.
"Come on, Tovo", Budge says and nods over to Lu'luh's free, exposed side. Lu'luh looks embarrassed.
"It's alright, Tovo. You don't have to if it makes you feel uncomfortable", she says with half a smile. Everything was so much easier when he didn't feel anything and yet. And yet he thinks he wouldn't miss knowing these insane people for the world.
He steps over to Lu'luh's side before he lets himself fall down into the sand and scoots up next to her, carefully putting his non-metal arm around her. There's a soft sigh as Lu'luh's teeth stop clattering.
"Wow. Y'all are so nice to me", she says. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."
"You're welcome, Lu'luh. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything", Hushi says. Tovo feels their big hand brush against his shoulder like a question. He swallows and leans against Lu'luh, leans into Hushi's touch and does his best not to poke anyone with his horns.
"I don't really sleep so I can just keep y'all warm for the night", Tovo grumbles. Hushi's hand squeezes his shoulder.
"That sounds mighty inviting", Budge says, sounding sleepy already. Neither Lu'luh nor Tovo sleep at night, but Hushi and Budge both do. Tovo stays where he is and slowly watches as both Hushi and Budge slump down, arranged around Lu'luh like a big pile of freshly born puppies. At some point Lu'luh tugs at Tovo as she lies down, her head resting on Hushi's stomach with Budge cuddled up to her side.
Tovo follows how down to the ground.
Fuck, this is way too nice.
"I could get used to this", Lu'luh admits, her hair tickling the tiefling side of his face. Tovo huffs.
"Yeah. Me too."
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your-enby-antihero · 2 years
Caleb and the two very hot purple people that are sitting at the next table over
Based on a  tumblr post
Caleb works as a teacher at the Soltryce Academy. His life is fairly normal, not very notable at all, but when he meets two people at a bar he becomes an utter mess.
also available on ao3
Chapter 6: Mollymauk Tealeaf and Essek Thelyss go to Dinner with a very Dysfunctional Found Family
Summary: Interactions between the Nein and Molly and Essek. Dinner is had and Molly and Essek spoil the group with gifts.
Molly had gotten a text from Yasha mid day while working on an acrylic piece. Their lavender hands were splattered with muddy blues and greens, a commissioned piece for a wealthy lady that had seen his art. Ophelia Mardoon, she was from Shadycreek and had come in recently for a time and saw some of Molly’s art up in Caduceus’ cafe. She had commissioned something to hang over her fireplace. So when Molly finally got to Yasha’s message it was late evening.
“One new message from 🖤🤍The Charm🤍🖤: Hey Molly Beau wanted me to ask if you and Essek were free to come to Caleb’s celebration dinner after the Soltryce conference :) The rest of the gang is coming too, oh and invite Caduceus Jester has been asking about him”
Molly smiled coyly to themself, looking at the unanswered but read text they had sent to Caleb late the evening before, they remembered having texted Caleb about meeting up for dinner after his presentation but it seemed he already had plans. Poor dear must have felt guilty about having plans already and not have texted back. No matter, Molly was excited to get the whole crew together and meet the friend that Caleb had mentioned. Molly adored children and supposedly Veth’s son Luc was a treat to be around. They called over to Essek, who was in the kitchen knitting. 
Essek popped his head onto the room curiously and walked up to Molly, “darling what can I do for you?”
Molly smiled and pecked Essek on the cheek before handing him their phone carefully so that he would get any paint of Essek’s clothes.
“Yasha was wondering if we wanted to go to a big dinner with Beau and Co. Caleb apparently already had plans to go out with everybody after the Soltryce Conference.”
“Oh well that works out nicely,” Essek smiled, reading the text, “what should we bring as gifts?”
Essek adjusted a pair of star cufflinks that Molly had given him on their 2 year anniversary. His hands ran over the silver outline of a cluster of stylized stars that sat on his cuffs. He smiled listening to Molly ideally chatter about a cute kid they met at the library that day, Kiri Schuster, Essek recalled. Essek sat on their bed, pillows and blankets creating a nest of sorts, meanwhile Molly was leaning towards the mirror of the bathroom and carefully applying a shimmer to their eyelids.
They were meeting up with the gang at Taste of Tal’dorei. Veth had suggested it because she and her husband had taken their son a few times before and after a chaotic and frankly boring day at the Soltryce Conference for most, it would be a good time. 
Essek was delighted that he had gotten home just in time to freshen up before dinner. Even though he had been happy to help out Caleb and lead the “Is Dunamancy your school?” presentation, being around all those (barring Caleb) monstrous Assembly people made Essek feel disgusting.
They climbed into Essek’s car, Molly settling the bags filled with gifts into the trunk before carefully sitting so that the sheer fabric of their cardigan didn’t wrinkle on the car ride over. The sleeveless black turtleneck showing his tattoos proudly and dark leggings warming their legs against the cold leather seats.
Essek wore a very nice dress shirt that Jester described as “a pirate but more professor-y” and a pair of black slacks. As his polished dress shoes stepped onto the gas pedal, they were off.
Once they arrived Molly spotted Yasha, her brilliant white hair shining like a pearl in the restaurant’s lights. They jumped towards her, running to tackle her into a hug. Luckily Yasha’s reflexes were on point and she caught Molly and reciprocated the hug.
“Oh love it has been too long,” they sighed, as they squeezed her as tight as he could.
Yasha laughed, “Molly it’s only been a few days since I saw you.”
They had met up for coffee at Caduceus’ place, just to chat and catch up, since Yasha was so busy running a bar and these last few commissions had been keeping Molly busy.
Beau shouted a snarky greeting and Molly barked one back. Essek smiled and greeted the table as Jester usher him to take his “designated seat”, which just so happened to be directly across from Caleb. He smiled happily at the ginger, who immediately flushed red and awkwardly waved back. 
The meal was passable, the acting was fine, but the company was leagues better. Luc, Veth’s son, was hilarious. Molly was surprised that Yeza, who had seemed like the type to keep an eye on his child’s profanity, was fine, if not blasé, with how many time the tiny halfling had shouted ‘holy fuck’ at the events of the creation of Gwessar. He had also sneakily found the present that Molly and Essek had brought for him, a toy crossbow that Essek had found at a local shop run by a lovely firbolg Pumat Sol. Essek had rigged the crossbow so that the bolt would return to the quiver with some creative use of dunamancy. 
The entire table was laughing and chatting, the atmosphere was full of love and more than a few playful jabs at Fjord by Veth. 
“You’re still weaker than Luc Fjord, look at your stick arms. Here let me help you,” she teased as a mage hand went to grab the jug of ice water from the other side of the table.
Jester and Molly laughed as Fjord gave a half-hearted sigh relinquishing the jug to the hand. The food was served and laughter abounded. 
Molly had passed out all the gifts that the couple had brought, a few nice bottles of liquor, a few cute knick knacks from Rosohna, and a voucher for free babysitting for the Brenattos. A fancy new set of water colours and a mug that read “mmm paint water” on the side with a bag of mug cake mix for Jester. A new mug for Fjord that read “Yes I’m doing my PhD. No, I am not functioning.” The mug was mostly a joke but in it had a gift certificate for a local blacksmithing shop, with a note that said “for when you get that fancy title you’ll need a fancy sword to go with it :P”. For Beau and Yasha they got them new gym memberships to a newer place by where Molly and Essek lived that specialize in providing a space for queer individuals to train in hand to hand and sword combat, and also a promise that Molly would hunt down a tacky singing fish for their bar, as well as a tiny little succulent for Yasha and a pair of new set of rings for Beau. For Caduceus a hand knit big cozy sweater that Essek had been working on and a collection of new jewelry pieces fashioned to look like beetle wings and carapaces that Molly had made. Finally for Caleb a large set of very nice pens with an abnormal amount of stationary paper, a large mug filled with bags of calming teas, and a few cat toys for Frumpkin and maybe a little piece of paper with a note on it for later.
Everyone was surprised but delighted by the gifts, Veth saying something along the lines of “if you only knew me earlier Tealeaf, I’d have drunk you out of house and home,” she chuckled.
The night ended with a glorious fight for the bill, and Caduceus sneakily taking it during the commotion. Beau and Yasha had tried to brute force a win to take the bill and pay for the meal whilst Jester and Fjord tried to smooth talk their way to victory. Veth had tried to sneakily pull it for the check folder and Yeza kept an eye on both Luc and Caleb. Molly had tried to insist and Essek was trying to get away to get to the front counter. Caleb sat embarrassed and red faced, he had attempted to pay but with a few very sweet and slightly violent words he accepted his congratulations dinner.
The night ended there, everyone heading out to their cars and Luc, who was fast asleep, was being carried by Yeza. Jester scrambled to Molly before they stepped into the car.
“Mollyyyyy! Why did you get everyone presents and you didn’t tell me!!! How am I supposed to give you a gift in return,” she whined, her face in a very large pout.
“Jester, you know I couldn’t resist! And plus with everyone here it made it so that we didn’t have to wait for times we could give it to you all separately, it was just perfect timing,” he smiled.
Jester rolled her eyes affectionately, “I’ll get you back during Winter’s Crest, just you wait,” she yelled as Fjord had driven up to them and had shouted for Jester to get in.
Molly slipped into the car, blowing Jester a kiss goodbye. Essek sat down and started the car, the familiar hum filled the night air as the couple sailed across the roads back to their home.
“That sure was fun, wasn’t it love,” Molly asked, their hand propped against the window to support the weight of his face culled in their hand.
Essek smiled as he slipped a piece of his fringe behind a pointed ear, “they sure are a lively bunch.”
“I love it here,” Molly proclaimed, as they pulled back to their apartment.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 7 months
Wreckless - Hide and Seek
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*Warning Adult Content*
Em and Quincy make us go inside after that and play a game because we were in the sun all afternoon.
We decide to play Sorry and it's the best game ever.
We play for over an hour because we keep sliding and knocking people back to start.
We laugh so hard that I knock my cup over but luckily not much spills.
I let Rhys use my Spiderman cup and he loves it.
The big boys talk about stupid stuff during the game.
Like a travel coffee mug.
I don't know what that's about.
They say we sound like elephants when we run through the house.
They talk about jobs and cars a lot and I think it's good for Em to have a big friend just like I have Rhys.
Finally they decide to order pizza and promise that we can go out to swim afterwards, just like last night.
Well maybe not exactly like last night, there will be no lessons on the table.
Too bad.
While we wait, Rhys and I decide to play hide and seek.
The great thing is that the house is fairly empty, maybe because it's a rental.
Most of the closets have space instead of stuff which gives us lots of places to hide and makes it more fun.
I'm hiding under Em and my bed when I hear Rhys yell.
"Quincy, I can't find him. Help me, please?"
I try not to laugh because I saw him come in here like three times.
I'm in a good spot.
I hear them but they don't start in our room, they must be in the office.
I hid in that closet last time.
Finally I hear Quincy say...
"I'll look high and you look low, bunny."
"He's not here," Rhys whines. "I already looked."
"Look again bunny, look very carefully. Did you check behind the curtains?"
That's actually a good place, maybe I'll try it next.
"No," he says and I see them move.
"Not here, he's not anywhere Quincy."
"Did you see if he's hiding with the bed monster?"
I see him plop to his knees and I move quick so that when his face comes down, mine is right there.
He jerks back and then laughs.
"Finn. I found him Quincy."
The doorbell rings and we all look towards the front door.
I climb out as fast as I can.
Rhys and I run downstairs and to the table while uncle Quincy actually helps and takes the boxes.
He brings them to the dining room and opens them up.
Steam pours out.
"Don't touch yet, they're hot. I'll get plates."
We got chicken wings and pizzas and there's a box with a huge brownie cookie combo thingie in it that looks amazing.
We have one cheese pizza, one with half cheese and half pepperoni and one with lots of stuff on it.
It's so much pizza.
Em gets mine out and Quincy does Rhys'.
He even cuts the bottoms of the piece off and cuts them into smaller bites and gives him a fork.
It probably cools faster that way but I wait. 
Rhys eats the pepperonis by themselves and then eats the pizza. 
After dinner we have to wait a few minutes before swimming so Rhys and I blow bubbles.
Mostly I blow them and he tries to pop them all which is funny.
Then he sees the squirt guns and picks one up.
"Rhys," Quincy says.
"Is everyone playing the same game?"
"No, Quincy."
He pouts and puts the gun down.
"Right. And I think Finnegan needs to change first, don't you?"
"Oh, no swimming. Go change Finn. Wanna have a battle with me?"
Of course I do. 
"Can I Emmett?"
He just waves me off.
"Of course, go for it."
He seems really relaxed and happy and I am loving seeing him shirtless so much.
"You come too?"
I wanna kiss him but I'm shy, kinda.
I'm not sure if it's okay.
"Sure grasshopper, I'm right behind you."
He changes into a really pretty pair of white trunks that show off his tan.
He looks delicious.
"I wanna kiss you, Emmett."
He pulls me into his arms and kisses me instead.
He kisses me until we end up on the bed and he's got me pinned to the mattress.
"Like that?"
"Yes, exactly like that. I wasn't sure if I could downstairs, with Rhys and... can I?"
"Of course. If they don't like it they'll leave but considering what we talk about, I don't think kissing is off the table."
But no.
"I don't want them to leave."
He rolls to his side and runs his hand down my chest.
"They won't. But when they do... I'm gonna ravish you."
I hear someone running up the stairs and it must be Rhys.
Em and I smile at each other just as someone knocks.
"Finn. Hurry up. Wanna blast you."
Em chuckles again and I don't get it.
"What's so funny?"
"You and Rhys have been saying sexual shit all day. All this talk of spraying and blasting is cracking me up. You better head down there... and Finnegan? Don't aim for his face, apparently Rhys doesn't like it in the eyes."
He's giggling again... he's so silly.
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mrsbsmooth · 11 months
Scripts - S7 - Episode 14 (Part 2 of 2)
Rest of Excess Baggage, confrontation with LI's Ex / Stephen
Another bag drops down onto the conveyor belt.
This time you pick it up.
You reach into the bag and find three dollhouse nightstands.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What is this?
UMA_HAPPY: They’re nightstands!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ahh, multiple nightstands?
You pull out the card and read it.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: This Islander has never had a one night stand.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Oooh interesting!
You reach into the bag and find a model Eiffel Tower, two tickets and a baguette.
UMA_HAPPY: Hmm, this looks pretty French to me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh, really?
You pull out the card and read it out.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: This Islander once took someone to Paris for their first date.
UMA_HAPPY: Woah, someone’s a big spender!
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s a big gesture.
You reach into the bag and find a snorkel, an engagement ring and swimming trunks.
PLAYER_IDLE: Some kind of swimwear, marriage thing?
UMA_HAPPY: Mermaid wedding?
You pull out the card and read it out.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: This Islander once helped organise an underwater proposal.
UMA_HAPPY: Knew it! Mermaid wedding.
You reach into the bag and find a mini surfboard, a piggy bank and a USA flag.
UMA_HAPPY: Seems about right.
You pull out the card and read it out.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: This Islander once worked in a surf shop to save enough to take his girlfriend to the USA.
UMA_HAPPY: Aw, that’s cute!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Must have been a lot of saving.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So, who do you think it is, {0}?
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s got to be, {0}.
Kiss him
You walk over to {0} and kiss him on the lips.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck him on the cheek
You walk over to {0} and kiss him on the cheek.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at him
You point at {0} with a cheeky smile.
He smiles, guilty as charged.
{0}_SURPRISED: How did you know?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Because I know you.
{0}_HAPPY: I’m very impressed.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s Evan.
Kiss him
You walk over to Evan and kiss him on the lips.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck him on the cheek
You walk over to Evan and kiss him on the cheek.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at him
You point at Evan with a cheeky smile.
He smiles, guilty as charged.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, is it not?
EVAN_FLIRTY: Nope! But interesting that you think it was.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s Travis.
Kiss him
You walk over to Travis and kiss him on the lips.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck him on the cheek
You walk over to Travis and kiss him on the cheek.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at him
You point at Travis with a cheeky smile.
He smiles, guilty as charged.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, is it not?
TRAVIS_FLIRTY: Nope! But interesting that you think it was.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s Bonnie.
Kiss her
You walk over to Bonnie and kiss her on the lips.
She looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck her on the cheek
You walk over to Bonnie and kiss her on the cheek.
She looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at her
You point at Bonnie with a cheeky smile.
She smiles, guilty as charged.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, is it not?
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Nope! But interesting that you think it was.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s Vicky.
Kiss her
You walk over to Vicky and kiss her on the lips.
She looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck her on the cheek
You walk over to Vicky and kiss her on the cheek.
She looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at her
You point at Vicky with a cheeky smile.
She smiles, guilty as charged.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, is it not?
VICKY_FLIRTY: Nope! But interesting that you think it was.
{0}_HAPPY: This one is me.
{0}_HAPPY: Surprise surprise!
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Never had a one night stand.
ALEX_HAPPY: Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
UMA_HAPPY: It’s neither.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I think it’s sweet.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’ve just always liked to get to know someone before we hook up.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I’d known this girl for ages and always had a crush on her.
BRYSON_HAPPY: She had said that she wanted to go to Paris for years but never could.
BRYSON_HAPPY: One day I finally got the courage to tell her I liked her and she felt the same.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I knew we couldn’t have any ordinary first date, so I took her to Paris.
UMA_HAPPY: So romantic.
ALEX_HAPPY: Very smooth, man.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: So, what happened?
BRYSON_HAPPY: We decided we were better off as friends in the end. But it was a great trip.
PLAYER_HAPPY: So, what was this proposal of yours then?
JOYO_HAPPY: It was two of my friends who are also scuba instructors.
JOYO_HAPPY: We all went on a trip to Greece to dive around some different spots.
JOYO_HAPPY: Then he asked me to help him with a proposal.
JOYO_HAPPY: So I told her about this old shipwreck we could dive to.
JOYO_HAPPY: We went out there and I brought an underwater camera.
JOYO_HAPPY: He proposed to her on the deck of the sunken boat.
UMA_HAPPY: Oh my days, that is so romantic.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: Yeah man, that’s wild!
PLAYER_HAPPY: What’s the story then?
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Well, my girlfriend at the time was an artist.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: She used to make sculptures and things.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Then one day she got one of her pieces into a gallery show in New York.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: It was through an online competition. They paid for the sculpture to be shipped.
RAFAEL_IDLE: But they couldn’t pay for her to fly over and she couldn’t afford it.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: So I got a summer job at a surf shop and started saving so that she could go.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: It was an amazing trip and she got to talk to loads of artists and VIPS.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: And she even sold her sculpture!
UMA_HAPPY: That’s so kind of you, Rafael.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So cute! What happened between you two?
RAFAEL_HAPPY: We just ended up going in different directions in life.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: We are still friends though.
UMA_HAPPY: Ok, ok, who's next?
Another bag drops down and Travis picks it up.
He pulls out some lipstick and some heels.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Lipstick and heels? That could be any of us.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: Hold your horses, I haven’t read the card yet.
He pulls out the card and reads it aloud.
TRAVIS_SURPRISED: This Islander once cheated on their boyfriend.
EVAN_SURPRISED: Interesting!
ALEX_SURPRISED: I really don’t know who that could be?
TRAVIS_SAD: I’m just gonna pick at random because I don’t want to be accusing anyone!
Travis walks up to Bonnie and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
TRAVIS_EMBARRASSED: I said it was random.
BONNIE_IDLE: Nothing is random.
UMA_HAPPY: Alright stop squabbling you two. It was me!
UMA_HAPPY: Oh, don’t act so surprised! I can’t be the only one who has slipped up.
UMA_HAPPY: Besides, it wasn’t as bad as it sounds.
UMA_HAPPY: Me and my boyfriend were drifting apart.
UMA_HAPPY: I went out for a girls night and ended up in this club.
UMA_HAPPY: And a guy asked me for a dance. Just being friendly.
UMA_HAPPY: He was a great dancer, the boy's hips didn’t lie I can tell you that.
UMA_HAPPY: He offered me a drink and on the way to the bar I tripped on a step.
UMA_IDLE: Oh yes… but he caught me.
UMA_IDLE: I kissed him on the cheek to say thanks, but then it turned into more of a snog.
UMA_EMBARRASSED: Yeah, but that was as far as it went! And I told my boyfriend straight away.
PLAYER_IDLE: How did he take it?
UMA_EMBARRASSED: Oh, we broke up. But it was heading that way anyway.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Oh well, these things happen!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Do they?
UMA_EMBARRASSED: You’ve never made a mistake and cheated?
{0}_SAD: Nope. I could never.
UMA_SERIOUS: It was an accident and I fessed up.
UMA_SERIOUS: Urgh, I don’t want to talk about this anymore.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Annyyyyway. I’ll go next.
Bonnie grabs the next bag and pulls out a male action figure and two female dolls.
ALEX_IDLE: That looks suspiciously like a threesome to me.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yep, this Islander has had a threesome!
The boys all look at each other awkwardly.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So, ladies, who are we thinking?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Alex.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You give off that vibe.
ALEX_HAPPY: A threesome vibe? Not sure how to feel about that!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Evan.
EVAN_SURPRISED: For real? Why?
PLAYER_HAPPY: You give off that vibe.
EVAN_HAPPY: Well that I was not expecting. Thanks, I guess?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Travis.
TRAVIS_SURPRISED: Huh? I just got here, how would you know?
PLAYER_HAPPY: You give off that vibe.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: A threesome vibe? Not sure how to feel about that!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Bryson.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I mean I can see why you’d think that…
PLAYER_HAPPY: You do give off the vibe.
BRYSON_HAPPY: It ain’t easy being this magnetising.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Joyo.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I mean I can see why you’d think that…
PLAYER_HAPPY: You do give off the vibe.
JOYO_HAPPY: Erm, thanks?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Rafael.
RAFAEL_SURPRISED: Wait what? Really?
PLAYER_HAPPY: You do give off that vibe.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Well, that’s news to me!
Bonnie thinks for a moment, then approaches Travis and kisses him on the cheek.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Sorry, Travis, you’re just the newest person.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: Nah, that’s ok I get it. Pick on the new guy!
PLAYER_HAPPY: So, who was it?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Erm, that would actually be me.
UMA_SURPRISED: Not so innocent now are we!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Guess not. Whoops.
UMA_IDLE: We’ll talk about this later.
The next bag drops down and {0} goes for it.
He pulls out a pair of handcuffs…
And then a Most Wanted poster…
And finally a stuffed animal.
{0}_HAPPY: Hmm, it seems we have a fugitive in our midst.
He pulls out the card and reads it.
{0}_HAPPY: This Islander was once on the front cover of a national newspaper.
UMA_HAPPY: Oh wow!
TRAVIS_HAPPY: But what for?
{0} walks over to Bonnie and kisses her cheek.
{0}_HAPPY: I have a feeling you may be suspect numero uno.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Alright, yes! I confess, it was me!
BONNIE_HAPPY: We were protesting about an oil spill.
BONNIE_IDLE: We handcuffed ourselves to a gate.
BONNIE_HAPPY: And I got snapped by a journalist.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Next thing I know my face was all over the news.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Didn’t realise we had a celeb in our midst.
VICKY_HAPPY: Ok, my turn to grab a bag.
Vicky rushes over and takes the next bag.
From it she pulls out a climbing rope, a little mountain model and a heart shape.
VICKY_IDLE: Mountain heart? I’m lost.
JOYO_HAPPY: Read the card, Vicky.
VICKY_HAPPY: This Islander once saved someone’s life while rock climbing.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Woah! We have a real life superhero here.
DAPHNE_FLIRTY: Woah! We have a real life superhero here.
VICKY_HAPPY: Which of these boys are climbing mountains though?
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s gotta be Evan!
UMA_FLIRTY: I think you might be onto something.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, look at those arms.
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s gotta be Bryson!
UMA_FLIRTY: Hmm I’m not so sure.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah I don’t exactly think Bryson is one with nature.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s gotta be Travis!
UMA_FLIRTY: I think you might be onto something.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, look at those arms.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s gotta be Alex!
UMA_HAPPY: Really? Don’t think there are many mountains in Warrington?
BONNIE_HAPPY: Got a point there.
ALEX_HAPPY: You’d be surprised. There’s some pretty big hills.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s gotta be Raf!
DAPHNE_FLIRTY: Oh for sure, look at his arms!
UMA_HAPPY: Really? I don’t see it.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: I could totally climb a mountain.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s gotta be Joyo!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Oh for sure, look at his arms!
UMA_HAPPY: Really? His vibe’s more underwater than up a mountain.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Got a point there.
VICKY_HAPPY: Ok, ladies. I’m going in.
VICKY_FLIRTY: I’m going with Alex.
Vicky walks over to Alex and kisses his cheek.
VICKY_FLIRTY: I’ve never been to the mountain ranges of Warrington…
VICKY_FLIRTY: But I know rock climbing arms when I see them.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Well! You are completely…
ALEX_HAPPY: Wrong! Never climbed a mountain in my life.
ALEX_HAPPY: Or saved a life for that matter.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Who was it then?
TRAVIS_HAPPY: That would be me.
JOYO_HAPPY: What happened, man?
TRAVIS_HAPPY: It’s not that heroic really.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: I went on a rock climbing course.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: On the last day we did our biggest climb all on the same guide rope…
TRAVIS_IDLE: Then the climber above me forgot to clip onto the next section of rope.
TRAVIS_IDLE: They slipped and ended up falling onto me.
TRAVIS_IDLE: I had to hold on for dear life.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: I managed to keep us both up until they could clip onto the rope again.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Wow, you are a lifesaver!
TRAVIS_HAPPY: It was just instinct really.
UMA_FLIRTY: Well you’re my hero, Travis.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Yeah, I know where to go when I’m in trouble.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Well I’m tempted to get myself into some trouble right now, just to be saved by Travis.
BRYSON_IDLE: Ah, that’s nothing. I’ve saved thousands of lives.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: And how have you done that?
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I once found a tired bee out in the sun. Gave him some sugar water.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Saved the little guy's life!
BONNIE_HAPPY: That’s not saving thousands of lives.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Yes it is! I save the bee, the bee goes back to his hive…
BRYSON_HAPPY: The bee contributes to the survival of the colony.
BRYSON_HAPPY: The bees thrive, they pollinate the plants, we get oxygen from them.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Basically saved the world!
TRAVIS_IDLE: You’re a true inspiration, Bryson.
NARRATOR: Wow, I can’t bee-lieve how brave Bryson is! Travis could learn a thing or two.
NARRATOR: Up next was {0} as it was revealed he had slept with over 70 people!
NARRATOR: Funnily enough you could hear Bonnie being icked out from over 70 miles away.
NARRATOR: He was followed swiftly by Vicky who once organised a romantic lighting display to get out of the friend zone.
NARRATOR: Apparently the friend zone is guarded against sentimental light shows…
NARRATOR: But whose secrets will be revealed next…
{0} sidles up to you, whispering in your ear.
{0}_FLIRTY: I wish we were still up in that bedroom…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Oh do you now?
{0}_FLIRTY: There is so much more I want to do with you.
They are interrupted by the next bag.
{0}_HAPPY: I’ve got this one!
{0} rushes over and grabs another bag.
From it she pulls out a wad of cash, a paint brush and a little painting.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Interesting!
{0}_HAPPY: The card says, this Islander once donated £15,000 to charity.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Baller alert!
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s super generous.
UMA_HAPPY: Can I register as a charity?
BONNIE_HAPPY: I think I know who it is, what do you think, {0}?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Bryson.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I am a bit of a philanthropist. Just ask the bees…
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m not buying it.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Evan.
EVAN_HAPPY: I’m not saying a word.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Hmm, that’s telling.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Alex.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m honoured.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Hmm, I’m not buying it.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Travis.
UMA_HAPPY: A life saver in more ways than one.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Joyo.
JOYO_HAPPY: I don’t know what you think scuba instructors make…
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, I’m not buying it.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Raf.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: The surf shop didn’t pay me that much!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, I’m not buying it.
{0}_HAPPY: Ok, let’s see shall we.
{0} walks up to Rafael and kisses him on the cheek.
{0}_HAPPY: You may not be a billionaire but I think you have the heart.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: That’s kind of you. But you’re right, I’m no billionaire.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: If I was, I’d give it all away, promise!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Who was it then?
EVAN_HAPPY: It was me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Evan! You had £15,000 spare?
EVAN_HAPPY: No! It wasn’t spare.
EVAN_HAPPY: It was my first ever commission for a piece of art.
EVAN_HAPPY: I wasn’t convinced I was good enough to deserve it at the time.
EVAN_HAPPY: And I was so nervous that the painting wouldn’t be good enough.
EVAN_HAPPY: All I could think about while painting was the money.
EVAN_HAPPY: So I donated it to charity.
EVAN_IDLE: It worked. It put my mind at ease and I’m still incredibly proud of that piece.
{0}_HAPPY: That’s amazing! I’d love to see your art some time.
EVAN_HAPPY: You’ll have to come to my next show when we’re back home.
{0}_FLIRTY: It’s a date.
The next bag arrives.
Joyo grabs it and pulls out a record, glow sticks and headphones.
JOYO_HAPPY: Got everything we need for a party!
JOYO_HAPPY: It says this Islander once impersonated a DJ and got kicked out of a club.
JOYO_HAPPY: Oh my days, there is no way.
JOYO_HAPPY: This exact thing has happened to me!
JOYO_FLIRTY: I think I’ve got a pretty good hunch who this is.
Joyo walks over to Summer and gives her a big smooch on the lips.
SUMMER_HAPPY: How did you know?!
JOYO_HAPPY: Because me and you seem to be the same person.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Partners in crime.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What happened?
SUMMER_HAPPY: Urgh, the DJ sucked. Everyone just wanted bangers.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Then they took a break so I seized the moment.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Smashed out a 15 minute set of pure hits before they figured it out.
JOYO_HAPPY: I love that! Sometimes if you want it done right you gotta do it yourself.
Rafael grabs the bag and reaches inside.
He pulls out a picture of a broken heart.
RAFAEL_IDLE: That’s the only thing in there?
BRYSON_IDLE: What does the card say?
RAFAEL_IDLE: This Islander told someone they loved them when they didn’t.
ALEX_IDLE: That’s a rough one.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I don’t want to judge anyone so I’m gonna go random on this one.
Rafael walks over to {0} and kisses her on the cheek.
{0}_SERIOUS: I’m totally taking offence for that.
RAFAEL_SAD: I said it was random.
{0}_SERIOUS: Whatever. It wasn’t me. I would never do that.
RAFAEL_SAD: Then who was it?
DAPHNE_SAD: That one was me.
RAFAEL_SAD: You did that, Daphne?
DAPHNE_SAD: I didn’t mean to! They just came out with it and I didn’t know what to say?
RAFAEL_SAD: So you strung him along?
DAPHNE_SAD: Not on purpose! I told him soon after.
There is an awkward silence, Uma coughs to get everyone's attention.
UMA_HAPPY: Looks like there’s one more suitcase.
BONNIE_HAPPY: One more bit of baggage you mean.
ALEX_HAPPY: It’s gotta be juicy!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Urgh, I bet it’s about me. That would be typical.
UMA_FLIRTY: Something you’re hiding, {0}?
UMA_FLIRTY: What do you say, {0}. Want to open up the final bag?
*Let’s do it!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Of course! I want every last bit of gossip.
UMA_HAPPY: It’s all yours.
Not interested
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t really want to know.
UMA_IDLE: You sure? We may never know what’s in there otherwise.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: We don’t have to open it…
UMA_HAPPY: Of course we do! You really don’t want to know, {0}?
UMA_HAPPY: It’s a chance to get to know someone better.
UMA_FLIRTY: Plus you’d get a kiss.
*Ok, let’s look!
PLAYER_IDLE: Let’s get that bag open!
UMA_HAPPY: Yes, girl! It’s all yours.
No way
PLAYER_IDLE: I really don’t want to know.
{0}_HAPPY: Fair enough, that’s probably enough drama for one day.
UMA_HAPPY: Sure, let’s leave it for now then.
You take the bag and open it up.
Inside is a plastic phone, a copy of the Kama Sutra and a little suitcase.
You read the card out.
PLAYER_HAPPY: This Islander accidentally butt dialled their boss, while having sex.
UMA_SURPRISED: Oh my days! That is so embarrassing!
SUMMER_IDLE: I can’t imagine anything worse.
DAPHNE_IDLE: I can’t imagine anything worse.
Inside is a nude sculpture and a paintbrush.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Hmm interesting.
You read the card out.
PLAYER_HAPPY: This Islander once posed as a life model, and had sex with the artist.
UMA_SURPRISED: Damn! This is a story I have to hear!
SUMMER_IDLE: That is bold!
DAPHNE_IDLE: Sounds romantic!
UMA_FLIRTY: So, who do you think it is, {0}?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to {0} and look him in the eye.
Snog his face off
You lean in and cup his face in your hands.
Planting your lips on his you both hold each other tight.
His arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into his eyes.
Give him a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on his lips.
He closes his eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop his nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss him, he closes his eyes.
Then with your finger you prod the end of his nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
{0}_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
{0}_HAPPY: Sorry, {1}. That wasn’t me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to Evan and look him in the eye.
Snog his face off
You lean in and cup his face in your hands.
Planting your lips on his you both hold each other tight.
His arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into his eyes.
Give him a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on his lips.
He closes his eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop his nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss him, he closes his eyes.
Then with your finger you prod the end of his nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
EVAN_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
EVAN_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}. That wasn’t me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to Vicky and look her in the eye.
Snog her face off
You lean in and cup her face in your hands.
Planting your lips on hers you both hold each other tight.
Her arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into her eyes.
Give her a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on her lips.
She closes her eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop her nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss her, she closes her eyes.
Then with your finger, you prod the end of her nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
VICKY_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
VICKY_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}. That wasn’t me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to Travis and look him in the eye.
Snog his face off
You lean in and cup his face in your hands.
Planting your lips on his, you both hold each other tight.
His arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into his eyes.
Give him a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on his lips.
He closes his eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop his nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss him, he closes his eyes.
Then with your finger you prod the end of his nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
TRAVIS_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}. That wasn’t me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to Bonnie and look her in the eye.
Snog her face off
You lean in and cup her face in your hands.
Planting your lips on hers you both hold each other tight.
Her arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into her eyes.
Give her a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on her lips.
She closes her eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop her nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss her, she closes her eyes.
Then with your finger, you prod the end of her nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}. That wasn’t me.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Yeah, that one was me.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Whoops!
PLAYER_HAPPY: What happened?
{0}_FLIRTY: Well it was my birthday.
{0}_HAPPY: Me and my girlfriend were hanging out in bed.
{0}_HAPPY: And as a present she said that we could do anything I wanted…
UMA_HAPPY: Ooh saucy!
{0}_FLIRTY: We talked about it and I wanted to do my favourite position.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: What is it?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Reverse cowgirl…
{0}_FLIRTY: So we did it!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Little did I know I had accidentally called my boss when I put my phone on the side.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: She had heard the entire thing. The chat and the start of us… you know.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Then she hung up.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I didn’t find out until I went into work the next morning.
PLAYER_IDLE: What did she say?!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I heard you had a rooting tooting birthday last night.
BONNIE_EMBARRASSED: Did you have a good 69th birthday?
{0}_IDLE: Yep.
{0}_HAPPY: I wanted to try something challenging and new.
{0}_HAPPY: Something that would take me out of my comfort zone.
{0}_FLIRTY: So I signed up to do life modelling.
{0}_HAPPY: I did a couple of group sessions and then someone hired me privately.
{0}_HAPPY: When I got there she turned out to be stunning!
{0}_FLIRTY: She painted me for a few hours and we got chatting.
{0}_FLIRTY: Turns out we had a lot in common.
{0}_HAPPY: Then one thing led to another and the rest is history.
{0}_FLIRTY: I never saw her again after but it was a wild night.
PLAYER_HAPPY: The more you know.
UMA_FLIRTY: Yeah, that was some juicy baggage.
{0}_HAPPY: I knew that it was going to be something about me.
SUMMER_HAPPY: That was fun!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Feel like I learned a lot about everyone.
DAPHNE_HAPPY: That was so fun!
DAPHNE_HAPPY: Feel like I learned a lot about everyone.
{0}_SERIOUS: Yeah, pretty enlightening.
UMA_SERIOUS: And what’s that supposed to mean?
{0}_SERIOUS: Well clearly you don’t think cheating is a big deal, and I do.
UMA_SERIOUS: It was barely cheating! The relationship was practically over!
UMA_SERIOUS: You’re making a fuss out of nothing!
{0}_FLIRTY: Have to say I’m with {1} here. I would never be unfaithful.
EVAN_SERIOUS: Oh really? That’s funny.
{0}_SERIOUS: Yeah? Why’s that, Evan?
Evan looks over at you.
EVAN_IDLE: Do you want to drop this truth bomb or should I?
I’ll do it!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It would be my pleasure.
{0}_SERIOUS: What are you two talking about?
EVAN_SERIOUS: Don’t act like you don’t know.
You go ahead
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, you go for it.
{0}_SERIOUS: Go for what?
EVAN_SERIOUS: You know what.
EVAN_SERIOUS: You know, don’t act naive.
{0}_SERIOUS: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
EVAN_SERIOUS: Fine, I’ll spell it out for you.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I overheard {0} and {1} earlier.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: They were talking about some guy called Stephen?
PLAYER_HAPPY: He was a bombshell before Casa Amor apparently?
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Back when you were still with {0}?
{0}_SERIOUS: Yeah, what about Stephen?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well apparently you took a bit of a liking to Stephen!
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: And then one night {0} saw you sneak out of bed…
{0}_SURPRISED: What?!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And go downstairs… To where Stephen was sleeping.
{0}_SERIOUS: {1}?!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And he saw you two together, snuggling on the sofa. Kissing.
{0}_SERIOUS: That’s not true!
{0}_SERIOUS: Oh really? Then why did you pull me for a chat about it the next day?
{0}_SERIOUS: You said it wasn’t what it looked like and it was a goodnight kiss.
{0}_SERIOUS: But I could tell something more was going on.
{0}_SAD: I can’t believe this!
EVAN_IDLE: I was speaking to {0} and {1} earlier.
EVAN_IDLE: They told me about some guy called Stephen?
EVAN_IDLE: He was a bombshell before Casa Amor apparently?
EVAN_EMBARRASSED: Back when you were still with {0}?
{0}_SERIOUS: Yeah, what about Stephen?
EVAN_HAPPY: Well apparently you took a bit of a liking to him.
EVAN_EMBARRASSED: And then one night {0} saw you sneak out of bed…
{0}_SURPRISED: What?!
EVAN_FLIRTY: And go downstairs…
EVAN_FLIRTY: To where Stephen was sleeping.
{0}_SERIOUS: {1}?!
EVAN_SERIOUS: And then he saw you two together, snuggling on the sofa. Kissing.
{0}_SERIOUS: That’s not true!
{0}_SERIOUS: Oh really? Then why did you pull me for a chat about it the next day?
{0}_SERIOUS: You said it wasn’t what it looked like and it was a goodnight kiss.
{0}_SERIOUS: But I could tell something more was going on.
{0}_SAD: I can’t believe this!
{0}_SERIOUS: You’re such a hypocrite, {1}!
{0}_SAD: It wasn’t like that!
{0}_SAD: I don’t want to hear it.
{0}_SERIOUS: And why didn’t you tell me about this, {1}?
{0}_SERIOUS: What happened to bro code?
{0}_SAD: Sorry, man, I didn’t know what to say…
{0}_SERIOUS: Sure you didn’t.
{0}_SERIOUS: A true friend would tell you if you’re being cheated on!
{0}_IDLE: Well in that case, I have something to tell you.
{0}_SURPRISED: What?
{0}_FLIRTY: Before Excess Baggage I went upstairs to get my water bottle from the bedroom.
{0}_FLIRTY: When I walked in I saw {1} and {2} in bed together!
Before you can respond you hear something.
A phone pings!
You look down at your phone and read the text.
LITEXT: Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. {0}ShakeItUp {1}MixAndMatch
NARRATOR: I don’t know what to say, I’m honestly speechless.
NARRATOR: Quick! Think of a joke to lighten the mood.
NARRATOR: Why did the big cat get dumped at the zoo?
NARRATOR: Because they were a Cheetah! Oh wait… bad timing.
NARRATOR: Come back soon to find out what happens next on Love Island!
0 notes
luveline · 3 years
you know, I'm coming right back [Fred Weasley x Reader]
summary: you're a lonely artist and Fred is your adoring model
word count: 2.4k
tags: reader insert, lonely reader, artist reader, seventh year, kids in love, first kiss, getting together, pining, fluff, friends-to-lovers
It was easy for you, usually, to act fine. To feel fine. Any loneliness that clouded your life was pushed firmly into the depths of your thoughts. You tried to focus on the things that mattered, essays and charms and your art.
You loved to draw. You had sketchbooks filled to the brim with sketches, some half finished, others coloured and lined. You drew everything, though you struggled to bring anything from your memory. Everything you drew had to be done right there, right then, with unsuspecting models. You sketched students eating their dinner, scribbled side profiles when you managed a spare minute in class. But you're most impressive artwork was done in the library, where nothing moved. Everyone was silent. You had pages and pages of bored, tired looking students. When exams approached, you hurriedly copied down the expressions of people on the edge of depression and panic.
You had friends, ish. You knew people. You'd had intense friendships that somehow always ended in awkward drifting aparts. Well, you thought. There must be something wrong with me. They liked me before they didn't, so the fault must've been mine.
You huffed out a sigh, pressing your face deep into the textured page of your sketch book, breathing in the smell of charcoal. You were sketching the illusive Fred Weasley, who you'd never truly drawn before. Maybe you had scraps from your second or third year when you'd still attempted to draw moving objects before getting comfortable and accepting that still life was your forte.
He was maddeningly good lucking when his eyebrows puckered in concentration. He seemed to actually be studying for once, sat at a table with his brother, George, and housemates Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet.
You were sat by yourself, and couldn't help listening to his lilting voice as he bantered with his friends. They were talking about Umbridge (the current victim of the Hogwarts' student body hate train), and quidditch, and their recent ban from quidditch. You'd never played.
"Watch out, dolly fell asleep," said one of the girls.
You bit your lip. You'd been nicknamed dolly by the girls in your dorm because of your porcelain doll you'd had since childhood. Even though this year was your last, you still hadn't felt the need to hide her away. She made you feel much less anxious and alone.
The whole school knew, naturally.
"Don't get any funny ideas," said Angelina,  to the twins.
"Come on Angie, you think so little of us?" said George.
"Yesterday I watched you trick a group of forth years into taking puking pastilles." Angelina said.
"It was hardly a trick. We told them they were multi-faceted," said George.
You could hear your heartbeat if you focused. It was in your ears. It bump, bump, bumped.
Bump bump. You flinched, a hand settled on your shoulder quickly moved.
"Wake up, dolly. Library's closing."
You squinted up into Fred's face, head halo'd by candlelight. Lifting your head from the wooden table, you stretched your neck to the left. It clicked.
"Hmm?" You prompted him, smoothing your hair behind your ears.
"You have - dirt. On your face. Here-" He said, reaching forward. You closed your eyes as he gently wiped the skin above your eyebrow.
"It's charcoal."
"It's not dirt," you said, peaking at him through your eyelashes. "It's charcoal."
He looked mildly surprised. You shifted, hoping to cover your sketch before he caught sight of it.
It didn't matter.
"It's me. My gorgeous dolly, you've created quite the masterpiece right there, haven't you? I look vexingly handsome, of course. Thought if that's a consequence of your skill or my handsomeness is anyones guess."
You were lost for words. "Uh, quite."
"Yes, yes, quite. Say, could I keep it?"
"... You want the drawing?"
"I'd love it, if that's okay."
"I," you quickly dug your thumbnail into the paper, tearing carefully at the centre. The paper came away a little ragged and smudged. "Of course. It's yours."
He handled it with care.
The librarian jingled her little bell again.
"Thank you. So, see you?"
"Yep," you agreed.
He nodded his head and bowed out with his friends. You tried not to feel paranoid at their laughter.
You were curled up in a hidden alcove, though it was hardly hidden. Most students knew where to seek privacy in the castle. You just so happened to get there first that evening.
You were trying to sketch Fred again. It felt weird to be missing a page from your book, and weirder still that you couldn't remember his face when he wasn't right in front of you. You tried, but it kept going wrong.
When you finally managed one you liked well enough, you had accidentally ruined it with a heavy hand and the wrong shade of brown.
He looked much too brunette.
You carefully rolled your coloured pencils back up, securing the leather ties tightly so as to keep every pencil confined.
Sighing morosely, you flipped to a new page. Things got so complicated sometimes, it made you agitated. You doodled a little sad face in the corner of your page. When the one thing that you enjoyed in life started to go wrong, it set off your whole mood.
Your birthday was coming up. It had been on your mind a lot lately. You'd spend it alone. That's what you figured. Nobody would know it was your birthday, or if they did, you weren't friends now, so...
You began with an arching circle, bisecting the lines appropriately. Feeling out the familiar lines of your own face came easy, the slight upper tilt of your brows, your hair and your pursed mouth. You always looked sad in the mirror, and it showed, dotted here and there when the only thing to draw was your own face.
The rudimentary outline of a birthday cake took form. The candles were unlit.
In a fit of unhappiness, you scratched out your mouth. It was never smiling.
"What did that piece of paper ever do to you?" said a voice.
You jumped. Fred was peering down at you curiously, wringing his hands. You put your pencil between the soft cover and smashed it flat, closed.
"Hi, dolly."
"Oh, not even a first name?"
"You neglected mine first," you reasoned, rolling the words. He smiled at your joking tone.
"How rude of me. Hi, Y/N," he corrected himself.
"Hi, Weasley."
He smirked.
"Anymore of me in that blessed vessel?"
"Nah. You never stand still."
"If I pose for it?" He asked. You patted the ground in front of you.
He was a lovely model. He stayed infinitely still, more still than you imagined possible for him. He sat at a 3/4ths angle, chin up but not too far, mouth tilted and eyes open.
His eyes were the one thing he couldn't keep still. You tried not to flame in the cheeks everything you'd catch his gaze on you.
You sketched fast, choosing to hatch rather than render, big swooping lines to give the illusion of a depth that wasn't really there. You would've loved to do a full render, maybe even a colour portrait, but he was beginning to look a little antsy.
You set the book on the floor to face him and pushed it into his eyesight softlt. He turned. He looked nice like that, face bent, hair falling into his eyes.
After a moment, he began scrounging through his robe pockets. He set down a box, a lighter, a pair of gloves.
Finally, he set a galleon onto the floor close to your crossed legs.
"For you," he said, smiling at your inquisitive look. "For the drawing."
"Oh, I can't accept that. And I'd like to keep this one, if it's alright."
Fred thought for a moment. "Alright, you keep it. And the galleon, too, for the one you gave me the other day."
You bit back a smile. "I can't take your money, Fred."
"I can't keep having you draw me for free. It's as valuable a service as anything else. Plus, I'm not sure if you know, but I run a lucrative business these days."
You picked up the coin, rubbing your thumb against the engravings thoughtfully. "It's hardly a service."
"A talent, then. A skill. You're very good."
You're neck almost snapped as you looked into his face, wanting to assess his expression for genuineness. He looked earnest, and kind. You blinked away the gathering heat behind your eyes.
"Thank you."
He waved a hand at you. "Think nothing of it."
"Really-" you cleared your throat, "-you're doing me a favour. I'm not good at drawing things that move."
"I'm sure you're better than you think," he said.
You shook your head, smiling smiling smiling.
"What's in the box?"
"Oh, this old thing?" Fred weighed the box in his hands. It was soft at the corners, like a simple jewelry box that you had in your trunk. He offered it to you. You opened it carefully, the lid sliding free with a shhhhh sound. Inside was an evil looking fruit pastille, a match stick and a dried up flower petal.
It felt like a very private thing to see, suddenly. Such an eclectic collection of items couldn't be random.
"The first puking pastille George and I made. Or rather, the second - the first was forcibly fed to Lee Jordan in our third year. The match stick is from my Uncle's matchbox. I never met him. And the flower was from Ginny, when she was 9." He sounded nervous.
"It's a memory box."
"I- yes. It is. Things are sometimes so miserable now, with Umbridge and you-know-who. Scary, even. I look at them when I feel like it won't ever end."
You took them in for a little while longer and then placed the lid onto the box with nimble fingers. You scratched the lid with a fingernail.
"It's nice. You're right. Things are so awful right now, it's good to have reminders of why we keep going."
"Exaclty. Dolly, can I interest you in a fruit pastille?"
"Not on your life."
"They're perfectly edible!"
"Sure, Fred."
The honest conversation you'd shared with Fred was a catalyst between you. He often came to find you, each time whining and nagging you to just sit in the library like most people do.
"What, so your housemates can throw paper balls at me?"
"They thought you were sleeping!"
A likely story, you thought. He sometimes asked you to draw him, posing with the elegance of a natural born model. It was great for you personally, you felt that you were really getting a feel for his face. Eventually, you were able to draw his face from memory, the details of his nose coming to your fingers as easily as a first year spell.
It became about capturing emotion. You could capture his likeness now without a second thought, but his emotions were much more complicated. How would you show his veiled frustration the day Umbridge kicked him off the quidditch team? Through the clenching of his jaw? The shy veins in his forehead? How did you showcase the fear when he'd come back to Hogwarts after Christmas break, through his eyes, downturned and squinting just a little?
Today, it was poorly hidden elation. "How come you're so happy?" You asked, pencil between your teeth. He grinned. You measured his face with your thumb in the air, forming an L.
"Is it a prank?"
"You're thinking too small."
"A new product?"
"Still need to go bigger!"
"Hmmm," you hummed. Measure twice, cut once. Or in your case, sketch once.
"George and I, we're gonna open a shop."
"A section at Zonko's isn't enough for you?" You asked, casually, though you were very very happy for him.
"It's going to be amazing. We're going to run it, just the two of us, and you won't catch me in these scrappy long sleeves anymore. The next time you see me, I'll be in a full suit and tie."
"The next time? Is that not tomorrow?"
Fred closed his mouth, realising his mistake. He had revealed something he hadn't intended to. "We're leaving," he confessed. "We were going to wait for our NEWTs but... Well, we won't need them. This is going to work."
"So. You're leaving today?" You asked, crestfallen.
"Hey," Fred said, rubbing a placating hand over the curve of your shoulder. "Tomorrow. During the DADA OWL. We have a plan."
"This is goodbye?"
"No! No. Not if you don't want it to be. Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something, and maybe now isn't the best time, I had this whole letter planned and I didn't want to distract you from your exams and-"
"What do you want to ask me?"
Fred straightened. "I wanted to ask - will you go out with me? Not, you don't have to be my girlfriend if it's too soon, I'd love to take you for food someplace, I was going to ask you to Hogsmeade, but when the shop officially became ours, the plans changed so fast and I didn't know if you'd still want-" you cut off his rambling.
"I'll be your girlfriend," you said.
"You will?"
"Sure, if you'll be my boyfriend," you murmured.
Fred moved the arm that had been on your shoulder to the nape of your neck. "That's a dealbreaker," he said, leaning in.
He kissed you chastely on the lips first and then pulled back to look into your face. You chased him, a moment of bravery, and opened your mouth to taste him. He was sweet, like sugar. Your sketch pad crinkled beneath you both as he pressed forward. Your chests touched, heaving.
"You're not gonna be my boyfriend?" You asked against his mouth, breathing hard.
"I'm gonna be much more than that, dolly," he said heatedly.
Your mouth was tingling. "Kiss me again?"
You gasped at the force of him, laughing. He laughed too against your lips, and the sound tickled. He gave you a multitude of short and sweet kisses before pulling away again.
He wiped the wetness from your lip with his pinky finger. "Godric, you're cute. Look how flushed you are! You're insane."
Something churned in your stomach. The butterflies had acquired a trampoline. You felt happier than you had in a very long time. "You're not half-bad yourself, Weasley."
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themadlostgirl · 3 years
And another request! One more to go!
Prompt: Peter helps a shy Reader to hunt
“Who’s up for a hunt?” One of the boys called to the camp.
You sat motionless by the trunk of a tree, hidden from view as boys around popped up from their resting places to join the boy in his hunt.
It all looked so easy. How did they make it so easy to just get up and start talking to one another like that? How could they interact so easily without any kind of worry or awkwardness? It didn’t seem fair.
Back before you came to Neverland you were always known as a shy child. You could barely talk to anyone you didn’t know without stumbling over your words and making a fool of yourself. Everything you said or did just felt wrong. People were intimidating so you kept your distance. Naturally, this made life very lonely. When Peter Pan showed up at your window and offered you a place where you could have friends and family that you could talk to and leave this loneliness behind you took his hand without hesitation.
For some reason, when you met him there wasn’t that same awkwardness. You could talk to him even if you couldn’t look him directly in the eye. You figured that if you were like this with one boy from this new land then surely it must be like that with all of them. You were proven very wrong the night you arrived and Peter introduced you to the Lost Boys. The openness and ease you felt around Peter was not present in the other boys. Almost immediately they all shrugged you off like you didn’t exist. Peter assured you that you would make friends in time and to just let them get to know you.
As the days progressed any attempts to get to know any of them failed. It was like you were talking to a rock. No one was listening and they didn’t care to. The only person that you ever did hold any prolonged conversations with was Peter himself. You felt ridiculous clinging onto him. He was the leader. Surely he didn’t have time to be bothering with you.
So you kept to yourself and only bothered Peter when you truly needed some kind of human interaction. It was fine. It was better this way. You weren’t in anybody’s way. You didn’t annoy anyone. It was fine. You were fine. You were…
But watching all the boys ready themselves to go hunting, seeing their smiles, hearing their laughter, watching the natural ease they had around one another it broke something in you. You wanted that. You wanted that so bad it hurt.
You charged to your feet before you could ponder what you were about to do and rushed over to the group of boys. “I want to go hunting too!” you said it loud enough that most of the boys paused to look at you. Most of them shrugged, something to at least signal you were there. Others just turned away.
Oh god, why did you have to announce it like that? Nevermind. It’s fine. You’re good. Deep breath, find a group to tag along with. You squared your shoulders and walked over to a pair of the boys. “Hey,” you said, “Would you guys mind if I--” They walked away without even acknowledging you. You were kind of quiet. Maybe they didn’t hear you. No matter. Try again.
You walked to another group of boys and tapped one on the shoulder. He turned around and fixed you with a bored expression. “Uh hi, I was wondering if it would be okay if I joined you guys?”
“We already have a big group. Another would be too many.” the boy said before departing with his friends.
Oh okay. That--that was reasonable. Don’t want too many people in one group. Easier to startle prey that way or something. You turned to find another group but they had already all paired off and ran into the jungle to start hunting.
Your hands shook by your sides and you felt the cold sting of rejection and loneliness pricking at the back of your eyes. No! You were not going to blubber on because the boys left. You can just hunt on your own and you’ll find your way to a group that wants you. Yeah. That should work. Right?
You slung your bow and quiver of arrows over your shoulder and followed the boys into the jungle. There were many small groups paired off in different directions. You caught up to a trio of boys that were crouched low and keeping quiet. You crept up next to them and got a few confused if not slightly annoyed glances before they focused back on their target. There was a large boar rustling around in the brush. The boys flanked out to surround it. You did as well, keeping your bow ready with an arrow notched.
The boar’s head reared up from it’s grazing and looked in the direction of the snap. The boys popped up with their cover having been blown and charged the boar. What were these idiots doing? With its head up you had a clear kill shot! Who was the idiot that stepped on a twig and gave them away anyway?
As the boys charged the boar the boar dashed to escape. It was heading right in your direction. The sudden onslaught of movement and noise from the boys startled you enough that you dropped your arrow. The boar was still charging and you dodged out of the way to avoid getting skewered by its tusks. It ran on and away from the scene. Just as you were collecting your arrow to go and follow it the boys shoved past you, knocking you to the ground.
“Way to go! Why didn’t you stop it?”
“Fucking useless. You let it go right past you!”
“Go back to camp and stay out of our way.”
“But--but--” you stammered as the boys fled in pursuit of the boar.
You stood up and brushed yourself off. You held it together for about ten seconds before you started taking your frustrations out on a nearby bush. “You were the ones that startled it!”
“You were the ones that charged it with no warning!”
“It’s not my fault it got away!”
“Now what has that poor bush done to you?”
“Eep!” You stumbled backwards, freeing your foot from the twisted branches of the bush you had been assaulting. “Oh hi, what--what are you--I was--hi.”
Peter chuckled and dropped from his treetop perch in front of you. “I saw that you decided to go hunting with the boys and thought I’d spy on you.”
“Cause you’ve been on this island for months and this is the first time that you’ve tried interacting with anyone outside of me.” he said, “I wanted to see how you faired.”
“Not well,” you sighed, tossing your bow aside.
“I saw that,” Peter sat down next to you. “What happened?”
“You saw what happened.”
“Tell me anyway,”
You pulled your knees close to your chest, “None of the boys wanted me in their group. They don’t like me. I don’t know why I thought they would. I just get in the way. I can barely say anything to them anyway. So what’s the point?”
“My poor shy girl,” Peter sighed, ruffling a hand in your hair, “They’re pricks. They’re loud and obnoxious and only respond to others who are loud and obnoxious.”
“So I am hopeless,”
“Not entirely,” Peter grinned and stood up. He held a hand out for you. “How about making them all regret not partnering with you?”
“O-Okay,” you took his hand and he pulled you to your feet. He collected your bow and handed it back to you. “How are we gonna do that?”
“You’re gonna kill an even bigger boar,” he pulled on your hand and the pair of you took off deeper into the jungle. The sunlight was less present the deeper you went as the foliage grew denser. Hardly anyone came to this part of the island just from how overgrown and terrifying it was. You wouldn’t have entered on your own but Peter’s grip on your hand kept pulling you forward.
He indicated for you to be quiet as he moved a large leaf out of the way. There in the clearing was a boar at least three times the size of the one the boys scared off earlier. Peter nodded to you and you notched an arrow.
He got behind you and adjusted your stance. His back was pressed to yours and his hands covered yours as he helped you to aim. You could hear your heart beating so loudly in your ears that you feared the boar would hear it too and take off. He took a deep breath that you matched, steady hand and release!
The arrow soared through the air and skewered the boar right through the eyes. It fell to the ground and squealed out it’s dying breath. You let your tension melt and smiled bright and wide. “I did it!”
Peter’s arm had moved from guiding your hand to rest on your waist. Why was he still so close after you shot it? Not that you were complaining but it didn’t seem like something he would do. When you turned your head to look at him you noticed with a flip of your stomach that his face was dangerously close to your own.
“Uh…I um…” you were at a loss for words. Your cheeks flushed and your ears burned with the proud look he was giving you.
“You did well my little huntress,” Peter smiled lazily. “Do you wanna go show off your prize to the camp?”
You nodded, not trusting your tongue. “Then we should get it back.” Peter let go of you. You finally remembered how to breathe and followed after him to collect the boar. As you helped him tote it back to camp you kept your eyes down on the ground. Your face was still burning and you couldn’t get a word out.
“Something wrong?” Peter asked.
“No. Nothing’s wrong,” you said perhaps a tad too quickly. Peter sighed and set the boar down.
You held your arms close to your chest. Peter grabbed your chin and tilted it up to look at him. “What’s wrong?”
“N-Nothing,” you cursed your inane stutter. You tried to look elsewhere but Peter kept tugging your gaze back to him.
“Oh my little huntress, I want to see you confident,” he leaned down and kissed your cheek unexpectedly, “But I must admit I love your shy expressions.”
“I--I--I--” you brain had turned to mush and you were sure the world was going to crack open and swallow you whole in that instant.
Peter chuckled once more and shouldered the boar back over his shoulder. Had he been able to carry that by himself this entire time? Wow.
He looped his free arm around your shoulders and ushered you along. “Come along, we still have to show off your prize.” You followed alongside him, your brain in a fog but a small smile on your face.
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yes, i’m a squib | part 14.
Summary: Y/N Black has always been a squib, to the dismay of her pureblood family. Cast out to the orphanage at a young age, she thought that was her life. Until her relative Sirius Black breaks out of Azkaban. Suddenly a letter to Hogwarts in thrusted into her hand and Y/N becomes a true part of the magical Wizarding World.
Warnings for the Series: violence, death, light smut, angst, fluff
Pairing: harry potter x black!reader, cedric diggory x black!reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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Harry shakily walked up to you. He picked up the piece of paper at your feet, reading it over as if it would change. You watched him walk away with the other champions into some room. The Great Hall was technically dismissed but none of you knew what to do. Someone putting your name in must have been a joke— the squib that was too young to compete and hated the whole tournament. But Harry? No one was sure what exactly was happening. You all went to bed quietly after that. Even when Cedric came back, the entire Hufflepuff common room gave him a round of applause but went to bed right after rather than staying up and celebrating.
You wrote to your father right away. He would want to know and maybe he could help. Although, you don’t think he or James got into anything this big while at Hogwarts but maybe he would still be able to help. You looked around your room at the costume that was still on your bed.
Everyone was supposed to come back to the Great Hall to have a halloween party before Harry got picked. Even the purebloods who were against the notion of dressing in costumes because muggles did it reluctantly agreed when the entire school started spreading the idea that it could be fun. Everyone had become more into it when they realized that it was a chance to run absolutely wild in the halls because Halloween was one of the few days that there was no curfew at Hogwarts. You had planned to go as Rowena Ravenclaw so you could wear the diadem that your father got you.
Most people didn’t know what it looked like anymore and if they didn’t read the inscription on the side, they might not have realized the blue sapphires were chosen because it belonged to Ravenclaw. But you didn’t want to take the chance of it being recognized so Halloween seemed like the perfect and only opportunity to wear it. But no one came back out. So, you shoved the costume into your trunk. You were going to hide the diadem too but decided to display it proudly on your dresser drawer. It wasn’t like anyone came into your room anyway.
Breakfast the next day seemed gloomy somehow. Harry hadn’t come down yet when you got to the Hall. Ron seemed to be scowling at his cereal. Hermione mouthed what was going on. Ron took his last bite, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, before standing up.
“Where are you going?” you asked. “I thought the four of us were going to Hagrid’s. You know we could go to Hogsmeade, Harry and I did yesterday. No one even knew we walked right out the front door.”  
“Maybe later. I’ve got some Divination homework, (Y/N/N).”
“Alright, well, see you in class.”
“Yeah, see you.”
Hermione stood up moments later, you both agreeing that maybe it was best to try and talk to him. You grabbed a plate and put some toast, eggs, and bacon on it. You also grabbed two cups of water, balancing everything carefully. You were thankful that you didn’t have to go very far because Harry was descending the stairs near the Hall. You handed him the water cups.
“Good, you’re awake, I was worried I would have to remember your common room’s password. I was thinking we could eat by the lake.”
“Isn’t the Durmstrang ship there?”
“I’m trying not to think about that. It’ll be nice. Early morning, sun’s still coming up, it’s a good break before class.”
“Sure…” Harry followed you. “Where is everyone?”
“Homework. Hermione’s making Ron get started early,” you lied.
“You know you don’t have to lie to protect me,” Harry said as you guys entered the grassy area. “He still thinks I put my name in doesn’t he?”
“It is strange, Harry.”
“Do you think I put my name in?”
You guys reached the lake and sat down near it. The Durmstrang boat was very daunting but you tried not to pay attention to it. The plate sat in between the two of you. You shivered slightly. You regretted not putting on your grey pullover, opting for just the long sleeve white shirt. You didn’t have your robe either, not bothering to bring it. Harry watched you shiver as you grabbed a piece of bacon. He took off his robe and handed the bundle to you.
“Thanks. I don’t think you put your name in but I think someone did. And I think they did it on purpose. Please be careful.”
“I will.”
“No. I mean it, Harry. The goblet felt weird and cold when I touched it and then I grabbed a paper with your name on it somehow. I know we talked about it and I know I’m new to it and banshees are always paranoid but this feels deeper than that. Please. Be careful.”
Harry swallowed his bite of toast. “Well, I don’t really want to die either, (Y/N/N). I’ll be careful. At least someone believes me— I can’t believe Ron thi—”
“Harry! He’s jealous.”
“You get all the attention. We love being your friends but being friends with the Chosen One isn’t easy. Ron’s the middle child of a bunch of family members. He’s never had anything for himself in his life. If a random fourteen year old somehow got into a competition that was only for seventeen year olds, wouldn’t he’d wish it was him? Everyone wished it was them and it was you. The Chosen One.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“To you. It probably meant a lot to him… doesn’t matter, now though. It’ll all blow over in a few days.”
You didn’t mean for your statement to be a lie. It just turned out that way. After the initial shock finally wore off, it was like the whole school had turned on Harry. The thought of another champion was fun when everyone thought that it was going to be another seventeen year old. Harry was waiting for you outside the barrels of the common room. You could hear the Hufflepuffs coming out and scoffing as they saw him. Cedric stopped and turned to you.
“I’ll see you in class, (Y/N), need to get my notebook back from Delta before her Charms class starts.”
You huffed in annoyance, knowing that he was lying. Harry watched the older boy walk away. You linked arms with him. Harry looked at where you guys were connected.
“At least you and ‘Mione still believe in me. So much for a just and nice House.”
You laughed and started to walk. “Sorry, they all kind of feel like you stole our thunder. Cedric getting picked meant Hufflepuff was important and then Gryffindor came back and stole it right from us… I shouldn’t even be talking to you right now, it’s fraternizing with the enemy.”
“Oh, ha ha, very funny (Y/N/N).”
You stopped outside the Potions classroom and turned to face Harry. He moved to grab your hand instead now that their arms were separated. You gave him a smile.
“It’s true. You are currently my enemy, Harry Potter. I could lose all Puff credibility.”
“Puff credibility? This is why everyone makes fun of your House.”
“You’re just jealous Gryffindor didn’t think of something cool.”
“Puff credibility is the farthest thing you can get from cool.”
“Whatever. I heard the Daily Prophet came yesterday. How was it? That’s the reason most of Hufflepuff is mad by the way. Cedric said it felt like they were writing more about you, he only got like three questions.  ”
“I hate the reporter. Rita Skeeter, she’s foul. They came for pre-interviews and to weigh our wands.”
“Wand weighing?”
“Something about knowing everyone’s base standards before the tournament starts. I guess to check for cheating, I don’t know. You know you and Krum have the same wand.”
“Hornbeam and unicorn hair?”
“Oh, no, Cedric’s was unicorn hair. Krum’s was dragon heartstring I think. But they’re both hornbeam. Ollivander practically lit up at seeing it.”
“His wand’s hornbeam, I remember him saying it when I got my wand. He doesn’t sell a lot of them, they’re really picky about their owners.”
Harry opened his mouth to say something else when you both jumped at the flash of a camera. Rita Skeeter was there along with some members of the ministry. Dumbledore had to show them around campus— the tournament was going to mean lots of visitors for the school. Rita gave a slimy smile.
“Harry, dear, you didn’t mention young love in yesterday’s interview… this isn’t the girl that was with you yesterday.”
“No, that was Hermi— wait, what?”
Rita stepped closer, looking at you instead of Harry. “How do you feel about your boyfriend—”
“We’re not togeth—”
“Did he enter the competition for you?”
“Me?” you practically screamed.
“Boys do stupid things to impress their girlfriends, why else would a twelve—”
“I’m fourteen,” Harry cut in.
The door to the Potions class opened. You abruptly let go of Harry’s hand, realizing that Rita probably got a picture of it. Snape stood in the doorway. He wasn’t even looking at you but was sneering at both Harry and Rita.
“If you would release my student so she can do her work. She is supposed to be demonstrating proper brewing techniques of felix felicis.”
The moment Snape said that, you rushed past him and into the classroom to take your seat. Rita perked up. She peered inside the classroom to see her thoughts confirmed that you were in an advanced class. She almost stopped when she blinked at seeing you sit next to Cedric— his hand was on your back as you laughed at something he said.
“Oh, Harry,” she started, causing all the students in the classroom to turn. “Not only is your girl incredibly smart but it appears you have competition. Dear, what is your name? Never mind, I’ll find it. Do you have a thing for champions?”
Snape slammed the door in her face at the same moment you slammed your head on the desk— Cedric shoving the textbook underneath before your head could actually hit the wood. All the seventh years looked at you. You slowly lifted your head to see them all quickly scramble and pretend to start writing in their notebooks. You turned to look at Cedric.
“Great, now the entire wizarding world is going to think I’m dating the two of you… Merlin’s Beard, my dad is going to read it!”
Cedric did nothing but give you an amused smile as Snape called you to the front of the room. Embarrassment quickly wore off as you began talking about felix felicis. The other students intensely took notes as you began to dive into the history of the potion. Snape had a very different teaching style than you did. Probably because you were also a student but you attempted to answer all questions nicely while Snape suggested they could look it up later in the textbook instead of bothering you. You were going to be taking over the class the entire time felix felicis was going to be worked on— a week for now and then another class in six months when the potions finished brewing.
By the time the afternoon rolled around, the seventh years had spread to the entire school that Snape let you teach. He never does that. Any other time, you would relish in that. Now you were worried that it would just be one more stupid thing for Rita Skeeter to publish. You very quickly and messily wrote letters to Remus and Sirius— you absolutely refused to have them believe the paper even if for a split second. You entered the Great Hall surprised to see Hermione at the table.
“Normally, you’re in the library.”
She huffed. “Viktor Krum has taken to studying in there which means a bunch of giggling girls have taken to watching him and they for the life of them don’t know how to shut up!”
“Well, maybe you should stop for today, ‘Mione. They’re letting everyone go down to Hogsmeade before the competition even if it’s not the weekend. I know your classes are finished. Take Harry and go to Honeydukes.”
“Are you not coming?”
“Thursday tea and Ron and I are running an errand.”
Hermione nodded and agreed that she would take a break and go with Harry to the candy shop. You walked to your last class which you normally didn’t have at this time. Alchemy had to be pushed back because Professor Flamel thought it would be easier to teach Hogwarts students with the Beauxbaton girls that were there but failed to mention that until that morning. You sat at your desk and began to rifle through your notes. You looked out the window while waiting on Flamel to show up to class.
The Alchemy classroom sat on the ground floor. You liked it that way. It was one of the few classes you took that was on the ground floor and sat right along one of the courtyards. You almost jumped in shock when you saw your cousin jump down from a tree. You couldn’t hear what was happening but you could see him and Harry arguing. Normally that made you roll your eyes and you would just ignore them but you saw Professor Moody as well. Suddenly, your cousin was a ferret. You jumped up from your seat and began banging on the window. Your banging caught the attention of McGonagall who was walking by in the outdoor corridor. She looked at you and your pointing and then frantically jumped to help. You sat in your seat, frustrated that you couldn’t leave, and made a serious note to talk to Professor Dumbledore.
Whatever Cedric said to the headmaster clearly didn’t do much because Moody’s teaching was still awful as ever. You tried not to think about it, knowing Draco would tell you all about it at tea. Going back to your notes, you pulled out your Herbology textbook to copy some things that you wrote in the margins of the textbook. Professor Flamel walked over and stopped in front of your desk.
“Word around this school is that you brewed felix felicis at thirteen?” He tapped on your notebook. “You just finished teaching a class?”
“I assisted Professor Snape this morning.”
Flamel laughed. “Assisted, incredible. What is this?”
“I wanted to start early on our final project. I want to pull it off, alchemy.”
“You’re really passionate, aren’t you?”
“Professor… any of the professors here will tell you, I will get the highest marks in whatever I can. I don’t like people thinking I can’t do something because I’m a squib. That means I have to be good at alchemy too. I have to.”
“Drive is important but knowing not to push yourself too much is important as well.”
“I understand. This is just to pass class, I’m thinking of boiling down certain minerals to separate them into their respective salts. The Chinese alchemist we studied, well he says salt was considered gold at one point. That’s got to actually mean something.” You flipped notebook pages. “This is what I really want to work on. It’s going to take me until seventh year, probably longer, honestly.”
Flamel peered down and read your scribbles. “These aren’t metals… is this plant alchemy?”
“I’m the best in Herbology, I thought it might make more sense for me to try Spagyric.”
“Well, I’m not an expert in that by any means.”
“I know everyone is concerned with metals and life elixirs from stones but plants are just as interesting. Arguably Spagyric is an underrepresented subset of Alchemy, it’s a shame. Yesterday, Neville and I went diving in the lake for Bubble Lilies. We didn’t get them, the giant squid swam by and we both got too scared.”
“Bubble Lilies… class is dismissed, you all enjoy your day.”
You stayed behind at Professor Flamel’s request. The two of you went into his office where he poured you tea— Draco would understand later why you missed your weekly meeting. Even he knew how big of a deal Flamel talking to any student privately was. You weren’t expecting the professor’s office to be as plush as it was but you found yourself sinking into the armchair. Flamel made his tea bitter. He offered you a biscuit.
“I know a talent when I see one, Ms. Black. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?”
“Professor, when you made the Philosopher’s Stone, why did you do it?”
“For the same reason as any alchemist. Turning metals into silver and gold, the elixir of life, universal solvent. We never got to figure out if the stone could really dissolve every material but two out of three isn’t too bad.”
“I don’t want those. I don’t think we are meant to live forever, I don’t terribly care about that.”
“Almost all students make that their project goals. If not the elixir of life or gold then what?”
“Magic?” he repeated.
You went to put another sugar cube in your tea.
“Mr. Filch is a squib. Sometimes kids here make fun of him when they catch glimpses of his magic for babies book if he accidentally leaves it out. He doesn’t have a wand, can’t cast a spell. Do you know who Angus Buchanan is, Professor? He managed to get all the way to the Sorting Hat before it declared he didn’t have any magic and kicked him out. And then there’s me. Three squibs made it to Hogwarts, all the others are still out there. I was going to leave the wizard world before I got in.”
“That would have been a shame.”
“I agree… Alchemy is trying to find the highest and lowest point of existence. Metal’s highest existence is gold, life’s highest existence is immortality. We never figured out magic. But we know the lowest point is being a muggle. They have no magic so that must be its base but what’s the highest?”
“I don’t actually know, Ms. Black. Enlighten me.”
“I’ve been reading all the books in the library— that aren’t in the restricted section. There’s this thing called an Obscurus. It happens when a wizard consciously suppresses their magic until the energy is too much and the magic turns in on itself until it becomes a sentient energy and explodes out of the wizard. It happened to a boy named Credence Barebone, he’s the most famous case. That must be magic’s highest point. It’s own sentience. The only problem is because of the nature of suppression, an Obscurus is technically dark magic. I don’t want squibs to have dark magic, I just want to awaken our own.”
“That is ambitious.”
“And will take me forever… if it even works. This depends on me being right about the Obscurus and there is just not enough reading on it. There’s barely enough on squibs.”
“It took me years to even come up with a plan to start creating the Philosopher’s Stone. You already have a solid one. That is half the battle. Besides, the real fun begins.”
“Exactly… if you don’t mind me asking. Why were you and— Neville was it— diving in the lake for Bubble Lilies?”
“First experiment. The nectar always spoils before it can be used but we know it has healing and rejuvenating properties because of the merpeople that eat it. When Hermione offered to start helping me learn spells, I noticed that I could physically feel my magic and feel myself being drained. So that’s the first step isn’t it? Rejuvenating magic so there’s enough to work with? There isn’t any work on giving squibs magic but I assume other wizards have tried so starting with common healing plants is probably pointless.”
“Potentially, but you should still look at known plants.”
“Yes, Professor.”
“Let me know the more you figure it out. I’m fascinated by this… would you like to apprentice me this summer, Ms. Black? At Beauxbatons?”
Your eyes went wide. “I-I would love to.”
Professor Flamel nodded and you finished your tea before leaving. Draco understood when you caught him in the hall. He was excited for you, telling you that it was actually an amazing idea. You rolled your eyes a bit because of course he would say that. Draco was your number one fan— when he wasn’t being a git, you were his number one fan as well. Even if you ultimately failed, he would say it wasn’t your fault. He would probably claim that magic and squibness must not fall under the rules of alchemy and that’s why you didn’t accomplish the goal. You two passed by Hagrid’s hut when you saw the half-giant pacing.
“Hagrid, shouldn’t you be on your date now?” you asked.
“Someone hasn’t shown up with the present for my date.”
“The big present or the small one?”
Hagrid scratched his beard. “The very small, nearly invisible one.”
You nodded in understanding and pushed Draco back towards the castle. It was a surprisingly easy mission. He didn’t understand who was going on a date with Hagrid— he didn’t get why they would want to. And Draco certainly didn’t want to help you look for what he thought was some jewelry in Hagrid’s hut. With your cousin safely back inside, you practically ran to Hogsmeade.
Your friends were nowhere to be found. You asked the students— ignoring the Potter Stinks badges on their clothes— but they all said the same thing. No one had seen your friends in a while. You groaned so loud that you scared a pigeon. Apologizing to the creature, you stomped through the village and towards the woods. A smile graced your face when you found everyone. If you had been paying more attention, you would have realized that Harry was the only one not standing with Ginny, Hermione, and Ron. But it didn’t even occur to you. You just marched up and grabbed Harry by the wrist.
“There you are! Didn’t Ron tell you, Hagrid’s looking for you? Let’s go.”
You practically dragged Harry to Hagrid who requested the boy get his Invisibility Cloak and meet him in ten minutes. Harry asked if you wanted to come along but you shook your head. All you wanted was to relax and take care of your plant. The wiggentree sprouted a new leaf which was honestly something you never thought would happen.
(Part 15)...
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Sirius often steals Remus’ jumpers, but must he wear the one James spilled Amortentia all over? Surely he must've smelled that? Sirius has no idea what they're taking about. The jumper just smells like Moony?
“For Godric’s sake, Prongs!” Remus jumps up and glares at James.
“I’m sorry,” James says sheepishly. And he is. Mostly because it was hella difficult to knick a vial of Amortentia from Slughorn’s cabinet, and now it was all for nothing. Also a bit because Remus’ favourite jumper is now drenched in said potion.
He had stolen the Amortentia as part of his plan to win over Lily Evans (not to dose her with it, he’s no creep, thank you very much), to find out what she smells, so he’d know what she loves the most and could use that knowledge to impress her. Remus is close to Lily, so James had asked his help in having her smell the potion, and he had animatedly been explaining his idea to his friend. A bit too animatedly. Hence Remus’ Amortentia-soaked jumper, which now smells like a combination of the polished wood of a broomstick, his mum’s baking, and the flowery scent of Lily Evans, at least to James it does.
Remus grumbles irritably as he pulls the jumper over his head and throws it on his bed, before taking a clean one from his trunk. “I hope for your sake the House Elves can get the smell out. I don’t particularly fancy walking around smelling like everyone’s greatest desire.”
“Might do wonders for your popularity,” James grins, as he follows Remus out of the dorm, intending to accompany him (and Lily) on his prefect rounds. He supposes he just has to resort to his irresistible charm to woo the girl.
When they return to their dorm later that evening, Sirius is lying on Remus’ bed, wearing Remus’ jumper, while idly flipping through a magazine. In itself nothing weird. It’s a very common occurrence for Sirius to wear one of Remus’ jumpers while hanging out in their dorm. He thinks they’re much more comfy than his own clothes. Why that jumper though?
“Padfoot,” Remus says, rolling his eyes. “Why’d you have to wear that jumper? The entire student population is already pining after you, no need to make it worse.”
Sirius frowns. “What’re you talking about?”
“Don’t you smell that, mate?” James asks.
Sirius sniffs at the jumper and shrugs. “I don’t smell anything strange. It just smells like Moony, like all his jumpers do.”
Oh. James looks from Sirius, to Remus, and back to Sirius while the words sink in. Oh.
“I don’t get it,” Remus says, not having caught up yet. “I can smell the Amortentia all the way over here! The jumper was drenched in it. How come the Amortentia isn’t working on you? How come you’re only smelling me? How can you not-” Remus snaps his mouth shut and his eyes widen.
There he is, James thinks.
Sirius’ cheeks colour as he quickly pulls the jumper over his head and scrambles off Remus’ bed. “Eh, well, I’m sorry. Gotta go to sleep anyway. Good night, lads.”
And with that, Sirius disappears between the curtains of his own bed, leaving behind a contemplative James and a very, very confused Remus.
James is sitting in the common room with his friends and, to his delight, Lily. Well, it’s more like Lily was already sitting there and when James joined her, she didn’t pack up and leave. Which is definitely progress if you ask James!
What isn’t progress, if you ask James, is Remus and Sirius awkwardly sitting next to each other, Sirius studying his fingernails, Remus fiddling with the hem of his shirt, only giving each other a polite smile from time to time.
“So you’re really going to pretend it never happened?” James asks, never one for subtlety. “You cannot just sweep this under the rug!”
Remus glares at him. “Seems like we were doing exactly that just fine until you brought it up.”
“Sweep what under the rug?” Peter asks curiously.
“Sirius smelled Remus in Amortenia,” James replies casually.
Lily shoots up. “He smelled who now in what now?”
Sirius is blushing again and doesn’t say anything, so Remus speaks. “It’s not that big of a deal, okay? You’re supposed to smell what you love in Amortenia, aren’t you? So it makes sense to smell your friends, and as it was spilled over my jumper, I guess the strongest association was with me.”
Sirius whips his head towards Remus with wide eyes. “What? Moony, no. I am in love with you.”
“You’re... What?” Remus says, dumbfounded. “Then why have you been sweeping it under the rug?”
“I thought it was kinda obvious how I felt,” Sirius says. “The next step was up to you. I figured you would’ve said something if you felt the same, and otherwise... Well, that would’ve said enough in itself, right? Why did you sweep it under the rug?”
“I thought you couldn’t possibly feel more than friendship!” Remus exclaims. “I thought it’d be silly to get my hopes up...”
“For Godric’s sake, Moony! I smelled you in bloody love potion ! How could that- Wait, hopes up? Do... Do you mean you feel the same?”
“Obviously. I mean you’re... you.”
They sit in silence for a moment.
James eventually scrapes his throat. “Luckily, there was someone with no patience for rug-sweeping, or waiting for the other to say something.”
“Shut up, Prongs,” Sirius and Remus say at the same time.
“One more suggestion,” James says unfazed. “Since you both just kinda confessed your undying love for each other, shouldn’t you... you know, go stare lovingly into each other’s eyes on top of the Astronomy Tower, hold hands on a romantic walk by the lake, or snog in an empty corridor, or something like that?”
“You’re a meddling twat,” Sirius says to James, while he takes Remus’ hand to pull him up from the couch. “But sometimes, you make excelling suggestions.”
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fischerfrey · 2 years
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The Journey, day 01 of @cursebreakerfarrier ‘s Back to School Challenge
Word count: 1.3k
September 1st, 1984
“Do you have everything?” asked Verna’s father with some urgency. They were running slightly late because Mervyn Malinda was not used to muggle traffic, even after all these years of taking Jacob to King’s Cross.
“Yes, although Muckflop doesn’t seem to like the carrier very much…” she said and eyed the cat, who promptly turned his head the other way.
“You can let him out in the train.”
Verna wasn’t sure Muckflop would forgive her that easily.
“Come along,” her father called out and headed towards the wall between platforms nine and ten. Verna felt anxious and excited at the same time. She knew people were going to know of her brother’s expulsion and disappearance and they might even talk. That’s what her mother had said, at least. But Verna had to help him, so it didn’t matter if her new classmates thought she was crazy.
At the other side, there was a big crowd of parents and younger siblings bidding the students goodbye. Verna wished her mother would’ve come to drop her off too, but she had been too tired. She was always too tired these days.
“Alright now, it’s almost time so you need to get on the train but Verna,” her father began. Verna stopped and turned to look at him.
“What is it?”
“People are going to assume things about you based on the actions of your brother, but you must not let them bring you down.”
“Jacob didn’t do anything wrong–,”
“I know you think so, but that’s not how others are going to see it,” Mervyn Malinda explained with the same practiced patience Verna was used to ever since this whole mess started.
“I won’t let it get to me and I won’t let anyone be horrible about Jacob.”
Her father flinched at the sound of Jacob’s name. It wasn’t spoken aloud in the Malinda household that often now.
“Keep yourself out of trouble, my dear girl,” he said and hugged Verna. Verna hugged back.
“I’ll try,” she said with the knowledge that if she wanted to help Jacob, she might have to get into trouble on purpose.
 Once Verna, her trunk, and Muckflop were all safely in the train, her father waved good-bye through the open window.
“Have a nice semester!” he called.
“Bye dad, I love you!”
His reply was drowned out by the sound of the train whistling and starting to move. She really was going to Hogwarts, finally. She had wanted to go so badly ever since Jacob’s first year. She looked around the corridor she was standing in and saw a lot of students already in compartments, chatting and laughing. Verna wished she’d have known someone who started at the same time.
“Verna!” someone called from behind her. Verna turned around and saw the black-haired girl with glasses she had met at Diagon Alley. Rowan. She smiled; she did know someone who started at the same time after all.
“Hey Rowan!” she greeted.
“I’m so glad I found you, I was terrified I’d have to sit all by myself the whole time,” Rowan said, and then blushed slightly. “I mean, if you want to sit with me, that is.”
“I’d like to,” replied Verna and the two headed to find an empty compartment.
 After a good while, they came across a compartment with only one person in it. A light-haired boy who looked very frightened. Maybe he didn’t know anyone either.
“Can we ask him if we could sit there?” asked Verna.
“Can you ask? I’m not very good with people.”
Verna nodded and knocked on the compartment door, opening it a little. “Hi! My name’s Verna and this is Rowan,” she started. The boy looked at her as if he hadn’t expected anyone to see him.
“Hi…” the boy said.
“Can we sit here? Everywhere is sort of full.”
The boy looked between the two of them, like he was considering saying no. Eventually he nodded. “Alright,” he said. “Come on in…”
“Thanks!” Verna smiled and got into the carriage. She then let Muckflop out of the carrier. Rowan sat next to Verna.
“So, what’s your name?” Verna asked the boy.
“I’m uh… Ben. Ben Copper.”
“Nice to meet you, Ben!”
“Nice to meet you too.”
“Is this your first year, too?” Rowan asked.
Ben nodded again. “I didn’t even know magic existed before I got my letter.”
“You’re muggleborn?” Verna asked.
“I guess…? That’s what they said when I went to pick up my school supplies with my parents.”
“What if Rowan and I told you all about what we know about Hogwarts, and you can tell us about what it’s like to live in the muggle world?” Verna suggested.
“I don’t know if I’m the right person to ask but I’ll try,” said Ben.
 For the next hour and a half, Verna, Rowan, and Ben swapped stories. The girls told Ben all they knew about Hogwarts, its four houses and classes, as well as Quidditch, duelling and other extracurricular activities. In turn, Ben taught them about muggle life, such as movies, which were like moving pictures, but they told a story and never changed, no matter how many times you watched them. The more Verna learned about muggles, the more she wanted to know about them. She had mostly spent her childhood with her brother and cousins, who were all pureblood like she was. Verna couldn’t imagine how frightening it would be to just be thrust into a whole new world all alone. She wished Jacob wasn’t in a situation like that.
“What houses do you think you’re going to end up in?” Verna asked to take her mind off unpleasant thoughts.
“I think I might like to be a Ravenclaw,” said Rowan.
Ben looked troubled. “I don’t know if I fit into any of them…”
“The Sorting Hat will know, don’t worry!” Rowan said encouragingly.
“Nobody’s ever been left without a house,” Verna added.
“I could be the first.”
“No, you won’t,” Rowan told him. “I don’t think that’s even possible.”
Verna didn’t think Ben was completely convinced.
“What about you, Verna?” he asked.
“My family’s always been in Gryffindor so that’s where I want to be,” she said.
“What if you end up in some other house?” Rowan asked.
“I don’t think they’d be angry,” Verna said thoughtfully. Her father might be a little disappointed, though. Jacob had been in Gryffindor as well, just like generations of Malindas before him.
“I’d like it if we were in the same house,” Rowan continued. “But I don’t know if I’m brave enough to be a Gryffindor.”
“I’m sure I’m not,” said Ben.
“I don’t know if I am, either. But I want to be,” Verna explained. She had to be brave, like Jacob had always been. To find him, she had to be braver than she’d ever been before.
 It was getting dark outside, when they were informed by a prefect to change into their school robes. The trio had bought and eaten all kinds of sweets off the trolley, since Ben had never had any of them. Then Verna and Rowan had traded chocolate frog cards and Verna had given all her duplicates to Ben so he could start a collection of his own. There was hardly any time for Verna to feel anxious about what lay ahead, but when she finally had her robes on, the reality of it started to sink in. What if she wasn’t brave enough or skilled enough to do anything for Jacob?
“Verna, are you coming?” asked Rowan from the door.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” Verna said. She grabbed Muckflop into her arms now that he didn’t have to travel in the carrier to avoid being hit by a car in muggle London. The cat meowed but didn’t struggle so Verna took it as a victory. Then, she followed Rowan and Ben and the stream of other students out of the train and into Hogsmeade station. This was going to be a year to remember.
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