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Inktobere 2022- Day 1: Gargoyle
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blackstarising · 1 year
me, a kendallgirl, knowing what's what when my husband starts out with rap music
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stararch4ngelqueen · 11 months
soft!jason who just needs a fucking hug but its a stubborn bitch about it until reader basically forces him to hug her (its koala szn ok i dont make the rules) and his resolve is just GONE and he melts into her touch bc he really needed it
I follow the book of SZA for this season.
Personally ima imagine Gotham Knights Jason cause he gives off ugly bulldog vibes and I love that, but all Jason lives matter here 😊❤️
It’s been a while since you’ve witnessed a squash get butchered into many interesting pieces.
The tackling of the oddly tough spaghetti squash was always handled by your boyfriend, who made cutting it into its prepared state look incredibly easy. Cut it into multiple rings, season them, roast them, then fork out the perfectly cooked, sizable noodles with said utensil.
He was lost in thought, he had to have been, as said rock hard vegetable had been resorted to crooked, uneven cubes. His bowed head and dark expression after you quickly noticed, only signified the assumption to be true.
“Jason.” You tried his name again for a second time, concerned enough to settle a hand along his forearm. It was a miracle he hadn’t lost a finger yet, but knocking on wood in your mind would’ve been powerful enough to make it happen.
The knife pauses, the man blinking once as if someone snapped in front of his face. He lifts his head a bit, coming back to his senses only to realize the state of what mess he’d created on the cutting board.
“Shit,” Jason mutters once, glancing over to see if the other half of the spaghetti squash was still intact.
“Shit.” The curse was further dragged out a little louder. Too lost in his dark cloud of remembrance to realize he butchered it all. Great. Just great.
“Hey,” you speak up, watching him catch your gaze for a split second before avoiding it, quickly setting the knife down.
“Hey.” He clears his throat, his hands piling together the fragments of their now ruined meal. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” You try to insist, watching him scoop up the pieces in his hands. “We can still roast it, make it into something still eatable.”
Jason didn’t respond.
This makes your worry meter spike just a little bit more.
“What’s with that frown handsome? You love Italian night.” You question, keeping your hand settled along his forearm.
There was nothing Italian about this dinner, except the homemade sauce and crumbled choice of sausage from an authentic butcher.
He groans but not out of irritance for your words. His hand shifts, making your hand etch back as he leans against the counter, his head bowing once more.
What’s going on in that kind mind of his? Was he involuntarily reminiscing of topics and experiences you don’t dare to mention? Was he beating himself up inside for his slip up, ruining a crucial part of your guys’ dinner?
“Come here,” you step closer, slightly extending your arm out a bit as an offering.
Jason nearly etched his head off to the side, nearly mumbling an ‘No. M’fine babe,’ but you weren’t having it.
“Come heeere,” you tried again, reaching your arm up along his opposite bicep, attempting to capture his broad build into your limited embrace.
You make the effort to squeeze in between the tall man of muscle and the kitchen counter, managing to fit both hands over hud shoulders, securing them being his neck.
“We can fix it.” You tell him before he can say otherwise, his brow either furrowing or raising in mixed surprise, and or denial, “We can ask Alfred for one of his secret recipes. If it doesn’t work, fuck it. We’ll make nutella sandwiches or something.”
His brow sharply quirks.
You return the expression with a smile.
You’re a bad influence on him. He adores that about you.
He huffs, an edge of his tone resembling a weak, throaty chuckle. A corner of his lip raised into a limp smile, which was all you needed to see.
“Long day?”
He merely has the strength in his social battery to respond as his head lowers to settle along your shoulder. With a single sigh, the weight of his body against yours nearly had you squished against the counter. A pleasant company along your sides were those ‘unrealistically’ large hands guarding your back from digging too deep against the marble countertop edges.
Your small hand cradles the back of his head, nearly soothing the pain from his tension headache. His eyes close, another small sigh leaving his nose. Not all of the palpable stress leaves his body, but your comfort nearly dulls it down into something much more manageable in seconds. Something much more bearable.
Your soft voice floods his aches and pains with a golden warmth of serenity. Your secret super power did wonders on his heart and mind. You didn’t even have to try.
“How’s Nutella sandwiches sound, actually?”
“We don’t have the marshmallow fluff.”
“No, but.. think we got strawberries.”
His brow slightly quirks again. Tonight sounds like it’s getting better already.
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succubusdaydream · 9 months
By The Grace of The Moon || Astarion x Werewolf!Selunite!Tav PT3
AN: Hiiii, part 3 is heeere! Not a lot of Astarion action but I loved how it turned out. I rewrote this one twice and I'm finally happy with it :3 enjoy my bbys <3 once again, possibly ooc characters
Part 1 || Part 2
Word Count: 3402
                “Shadowheart! Shadowheart wake up, damn you!” His voice rang throughout the camp and he rushed for the women’s tent. “Tav’s hurt, wake up!” In his arms was the body of their leader, his shirt tied around the large slash on their stomach as their blood soaked it. His breath was heavy as he laid them down on a bedroll near the smoldering campfire. A groan sounded from behind him as Shadowheart emerged from her tent.
                “Astarion, do you know how late it is? What are you yelling-“ As her eyes caught the scene in front of her, she quickly rushed to his side. “What in the hells happened to them?” She quickly untied the bloodied shirt, not allowing their nakedness to phase her. She hovered her hands over the wound, mumbling healing spells as she tried her hardest to mend the large wound.
                “I-I don’t know. I went for a walk, and they were just lying in an empty field. They wouldn’t wake up.” His voice was frantic as he tried to go over any possibilities. What were they doing out so late. Why were they naked? Were they taken from their camp by bandits. He just wanted something to eat and now he had carried their leader’s bleeding body miles back to camp. Their scent was familiar, and they smelt of herbs and… dog? No. It can’t be. But…their wound is in the same spot. The same spot as where I sliced that large wolf only an hour ago.
                Gale’s sleepy self soon joined them, hearing the commotion and rushing over as well. “Mystra’s eyelids! What happened to them?” He echoed Shadowheart’s question, and his hands started to glow with magic. He could sense Tav’s own magic, though it didn’t feel like that of a wizard or any other class. No, it felt more… wild. He could feel traces of Selunite magic.
                “Astarion, what were you doing in the woods so late?” He said he was walking but I don’t believe him. Shadowheart glared quizzically at him as the wound on their leader’s chest started to close. “And give us the truth, Astarion.” He stepped back, preparing himself for the worst.
                “I… I was… I was looking for something to eat. I just needed…. well… blood.” And with that, the rest of the group realized what he was. A vampire. Gale suddenly let out a laugh, snapping his fingers and pointing at Astarion.
                “I knew it! Hah! I had my suspicions, that boar we found the other day had puncture wounds on its neck and you were very dismissive.” Gale only briefly celebrated his proven theory before turning back to Tav’s body and continuing to help Shadowheart. “Now, with how loudly you ran into camp, I can assume you didn’t do this?”
                Astarion shook his head. “I… I don’t think I did? I was tracking boars and scared them off. Then a large… wolf appeared out of nowhere and chased after them.” He paused. It had to have been them. “I think our Tav here is also hiding a secret from us. I got into a fight with the wolf and cut it’s stomach open. I followed its trail and found Tav in that field, lying in their own blood.”
                “A wolf? Are you trying to say that Tav is… a werewolf?” Shadowheart scoffed before thinking about it. With their worship of Selune, it would make a little sense. They also haven’t told us much about themselves. She sighed and retreated to her tent, quickly emerging with a roll of bandages. “Their wounds are pretty much healed. They’ll need to take it easy for a bit though.” Why did they have to be a wolf? I hate wolves.
                “We’ll have to ask them more about it when they wake up. For now, we’ll let them rest.” Gale wrapped their leader’s stomach in the bandages Shadowheart brought out. And after, he stood up, groaning as his knees popped and before returning to his tent. Shadowheart stood up too, walking to Tav’s tent and grabbing a blanket and clothes.
                “If they are a werewolf, I’m sure they’ll feel better sleeping under a full moon.” Her voice was low as she dressed them and covered them with their blanket. “Get some rest, Astarion. They’ll be fine in the morning.” And with that, she too returned to her tent. It would only be a few hours until the sun would rise, and with how much magic and energy everyone used yesterday, they all needed as much sleep as they could get.
                “Right. All better.” His voice was low, and he sat next to Tav’s sleeping body, listening to their shallow breaths, and watching their chest slowly raise. Why? Why do I care so much? I’m sure without them, the others would be enough to take down Cazador. So why does my chest feel tight? Was I crying while carrying them back? Questions raced through his mind as he looked up at the moon. Selune. If Tav is a follower of yours, help them recover faster.
                Your head was pounding and the brightness on the other side of your eyelids wasn’t helping. You groaned and held your hand up, blocking out the light as you tried your best to open your eyes. The sun. Am I still in that field? I thought I heard… A gasp left your lips as you shot up. “Astarion?!” Oh gods! Is he okay? I threw him to the ground and just took off!
                “Ahh, I see our little run away is awake.” You turned your head and was met with Gale stirring a pot over a fire. “Did you sleep well? Breakfast in almost ready.” He met your gaze before pointing to your stomach. “No blood, I see. Hope that means you’ve fully healed?” You didn’t know how to respond. When did you get back to camp?    ��            Ignoring Gale’s questions, you fully sat up and realized your clothes. How the hells did I get back here? “What happened? The last thing I remember was…” No. If I tell him, he’ll figure it out. “I went for a walk.” You didn’t want to lie to your friends but if they find out, they’ll leave you.
                Gale scoffed and gave you a knowing look. “Now, Tav. You and I both know that’s not true.” He turned in whole body to you and his face changed to a softer expression. “You can trust us, Tav. I hope you know that. We’re in this whole ordeal together now.” His gaze drifted behind you as footsteps sounded through the camp.
                “Well, good morning. I hope your feeling better.” Shadowheart took a seat next to you, glancing to your stomach. “You seem better. And I do hope you plan on giving us the whole story of your eventful night.” Do they already know? Can I even keep this lie up?
                “Where’s Astarion? Is he alright?” Your mind was now racing with even more questions. Where is your mate? Is he hurt? Was it his voice you heard or were you just wanting to hear him. “I thought I heard him last night. Is he here?” Your head looked in his tent’s direction, the flap of it up and his scent not strong enough for him to be present.
                “He went to… find something to eat. We found out something interesting about both of you last night.” Shadowheart’s head pointed in the direction of the woods. “I’m sure he’ll be back soon. But first, your explanation.” There really is no avoiding it now. There’s no other way out of this.
You shouldn’t have been out so late. Not with everything that was going on in your village. The farmers had been losing livestock to wild animals for months now. Wolves, they suspected. Even with all the fences and guarding, they lost many of their animals.  But here you are, walking a back woods trail in the dead of night. It was quiet, only owls and insects could be heard.
You always liked the night. The quietness made it easier to think. You also enjoyed the way the stars and moon lit up the trees. It’s why you went for a wolf tonight. The moon was high and at its full brightness. You admired its beauty while sitting near a stream, body sat on a rock and feet dipped in its water. You weren’t really thinking about much, just tired.
Along with the farmers in your village, the women would garden and weave clothes. Some even made jewelry and other smaller trinkets. There were also the hunters, like your father. He had been busy the past few weeks with trying to capture whatever was killing the livestock. Your mother was also busy. Since your village couldn’t sell their meat or good animals, the women had been making more clothes and working harder to get their gardens nice and grown.
You really shouldn’t have been out right now. Really, what were you thinking. But you’re young and have your whole life ahead of you. Too young to truly grasp the concept of being harmed, or worse. So when you heard the howl of wolves, your blood ran cold. It sounded close and what made it worse was the footsteps that followed them. Then the voice came. It was deep and nearly right behind you.
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here, boys. What a cute little one. What’s got you so far from home?” Turning around, you were met with a large man who was covered in scrapped clothes. His face was home to scruffy beard, and he looked dirty, like he had been wandering around for a while.
From the trees behind him emerged two large wolves. They stood on his sides and licked their large teeth, growling lowly. Their eyes seemed to glow under the light of the moon, the stream water reflecting in their eyes.
“Who… who are you?” Your voice was panicked as you stood up and looked around. “I don’t have anything on me.” You had left your home in your nightclothes. It wasn’t too cold, so you hadn’t grabbed a coat. Just your nightclothes and boots.
The man laughed as the wolves circled him. “We don’t want anything from you. Well, not necessarily. We’ve taken plenty of your town’s livestock to keep ourselves up till the next village.” Who was this guy? Another hunter? It could explain the wolves at his side. Or maybe they were druids? But you thought they were supposed to be nice? “No, but we could make use of you yet. Our pack numbers are starting to dwindle.”
Pack numbers? Our pack numbers? There’s no way. You thought Lycans were legend. Do they really exist. “Use of me? Pack?” You took a step back, trying to find the best direction to run away from the man and his ‘pack.’ “I don’t understand.”
He laughs again, his eyes darkening as he steps forward. And has if reading your thoughts, he shakes his head. “You can try and run, kid. But my boys here haven’t had a fun chase in a while.” The wolves growled louder, almost expecting his next words. “Why don’t you give them a good chase.” He tilts his head, his smile growing and showing sharp teeth. “We’ll even give you a head start. One… two…”
Tears were finally falling from your eyes, and you quickly ran past the group. As you did, the wolves snapped their jaws at you, causing you to scream and push your legs harder. Your vision blurred as you ran in the direction of your house. You could just barely see the lights of your village when you heard the howls behind you.
“Ready or not! Here we come, little pup!” The thudding of their paws behind you grew louder as you cried out. Your screams echoed through the air as you broke the tree line. You yelled as loud as you could. Crying out for your mother and father. You could see your house just over the field. And from it, the back door opens. Your mother stood in her night robes, peering out before shouting for you.
As she called out to you, the thudding became louder and howling grew closer. And soon, your small body was knocked to the ground as you cried out. The wolves as caught up to you and the man approached quickly. “You’re faster than I thought, puppy. But I’ve won our little game. Now you’re ours.” The wolves kept they’re large paws on your legs as the man reached down. You could hear your mother crying out for your father, telling him to grab his bow or sword.
You cried out as the man took your arm in his, running his nose across your skin and inhaling your scent. “You really do smell sweet.” Tear ran down your face and you thrashed your body, begging the man to let you go.
“Please! Please I don’t understand! What did I do?!” Your pleads were cut off as he opened his mouth, once again exposing his large sharp teeth. “No! No please- AHH!” He sank his teeth into your flesh with a groan and the wolves howled. Blood ran down your arm as your screams rang through the village. Behind you, your fathers’ shouts reached your ears.
“Gets the hells away from my child!” There was a whistle in the air and right after, one of the wolves let out a yelp as an arrow lodged itself into its neck. With its weight off one your legs, you started thrashing. More arrows flew through the air and the other wolf soon took a hit as well. With both his wolves taken out, the man quickly withdrew his teeth and stepped back, a smirk of his face as the blood ran down his chin.
“I’ll be seeing you soon, little pup.” In your blurred vision, you saw his body change with the cracking of bones. His large, shifted form quickly turned and bounded away, howling as he did. Your father quickly slid to your side, tossing his bow down as others from the village left their homes at the sound of your screams. He quickly took your arm in your hand, examining the bite mark.
“Tav?! Tav, love I need you to focus on my voice!” Your ears were ringing and everything was loud. Your body felt like it was on fire, and you writhed in the grass, ignoring your fathers’ words. Soon, hunters from the village were gathered, their swords and bows in hand as they asked what was going on. “The creature that’s been eating our livestock wasn’t an ordinary wolf. It was a Lycan.” He pointed in the direction the man, no, the Lycan ran in and soon the hunters were running after him.
Your screams turned to simple whines and groans as your father looked at your arm. Your breath was rapid as your vision continues to darken. Were you dying? Is that what’s happening? You didn’t want to die; you were only a child. Your tears never stopped, even after your mother joined your father and demanded you be taken inside, her cries for her baby echoing just as loud through your village’s street.
Gale and Shadowheart stared in shock as you recalled the origin of your curse. Your fingers wrung together as you continued. “The village never found the Lycan that bit me. They searched for weeks but… they never found him, and he never came back.” Your breath hitched, “They then tried to call for… for my execution. I had been bitten by a Lycan and was now a monster surrounded by hunters. It was only a matter of time before the bit settled and I made my first shift.”
Galed gasped. “They tried to kill you?” You nodded.
“One month later, I had my first shift. My parents locked me up with chains and magic in hopes that I wouldn’t rampage through the village. It worked but every time, they said they hated seeing their only child chained up, howling, and crying in pain.” You sniffed. “My mother said that the sound of my bones cracking would haunt her dreams and when the full moon was a week away, she could barely look at me.”
Shadowheart was the next to speak. “Is that why you worship Selune?” Of course her first question is about Selune. Still, you chuckled and nodded.
“My parents tried every cleric, paladin, and healer they could find. There was no recorded cure for Lycanthropy. So, a cleric of Selune suggested we try and pray to her. She said she could almost see the reflection of the moon in my eyes, even in broad daylight. So, my parents took me to a temple, devoted to any god. They made offerings and prayed almost every day.”
Your voice went quiet, and you waited for either of them to speak. When neither of them did, you continued your story. “For a while, we didn’t know if it worked. We saw no sign from Selune. Until my next shift. The pain I felt wasn’t as bad as previous shifts, and after it happened, I was in control. I didn’t snap at my parents or try to break my chains. I was finally back in control of my own body, instead of being… almost like an observer. Like someone else was the pilot of my body.”
“So the moon goddess answered your prayers. How could you tell?” Gale’s voice reached your ears, and you looked up. Both him and Shadowheart were leaned in, listening intently to your past.
“My mother said that during that shift, it seemed like the moon was brighter. She said the light through the window made it seem like I was glowing. And when I was fully shifted, Selune’s symbol was in my fur.” You picked up a nearby twig, drawing the symbol in the dirt in front of you. “She said it looked almost like a crown, and we knew that she heard our prayers.”
You sat back and sighed, a sign that you had finished your story. Gale and Shadowheart were left almost speechless. Gale whistled and leaned back as well. “Well… that was quite a story. Now though, when you shift, you’re in full control? We don’t have to worry about you rampaging?” His words were light, he knew that you were in control, but you’re sure that hearing it would make him feel better.
With a chuckle you answered him. “No. No we don’t have to worry about that. It only hurts a little bit but with Selune’s blessing I am in full control. My parents and I have been devoted to her ever since.” A smile crossed your face. “I truly thought my life was over. Lycanthropy may be a curse, but Selune turned it into a blessing for me. When I gained control, I was able to help my village. During each shift I would hunt for my village. Providing meat for them to sell in the city each month. I would protect the livestock and everything.”
Shadowheart looked at you with pity. “You must miss them. Your family.” You nodded. You were in the middle of a hunt when you were taken. The last thing you told your parents was that you’d see them at sunrise. It had been a week since then. You missed them terribly.
“I do. I never expected something like this to happen. I mean, who does?” You chuckled and stood up, shaking yourself off. “Good news is my shifting hasn’t changed because of the tadpole. I’m still in full control.” That seemed to ease their minds. Something else was on your mind though as you looked around. “You said Astarion went to find something to eat? What did that mean?” Please don’t tell me it’s true. Tell me I imagined it.
Gale looked at you knowingly. “I’m sure you already know the answer to that, Tav. He told us he uhm… ran into you.”
Your eyes drifted off and your breath hitched. “So it’s true? Astarion’s a vampire?” You took a step back and your breath hitched. So Selune has given me a vampire mate. Have I truly upset her? Did I do something wrong.
As thoughts ran through your mind, a voice sounded from behind all of you. “Sorry to disappoint you, Darling.”
Part 1 || Part 2
Tag List: @saturns-angel @bdudette @simon-e-mallory @caskyywrites @emo-with-headphones
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missamyrisa2 · 4 months
if you don't mind me asking... how would you tickle tease a plus size girlie who's insecure about her body yet also very horny? 🥺 ... also please don't publish this if i forgot to hit anon my kink is a secret 🫣
Oooooh definitelyyyyy with allllll the tickle nibblesss~
but fiiirsttttt you're gettttting alllll my attention with featherlight strokesss~ oooh I could use my feathers but I just mmmh ~ want to explore every one of your curvessss with my fingertips right nowww~ starting at your feeetsiessss~ gliding my slooooowly wiggling fingers up your arches to explore under each tooee~ betweeen each toe, lightlyyyy sliding betweeen each oneeee testing each pillowwwy toe~ mmhm resting each finger on those pillowsss~ awww does it tickle? Are you my ticklyyyy ticklyyyy prettttyy? Yeahhh you love your tickles and I've only startedddd because I seeee those cute leggiesss wigglinggg~
Ooooh but we're going nonlinear today ohh yessss ~ there's sooo many sidequestssss on this beautiful body that we're doing ~ oooh look at this merry band of adventurers~ exploring alllll arounddd~ mmmh fetch questttt on those siiiiidesssss just oooh lightlyyyy walking about heeeereee and theeeereee and upppp to those riibbbiessss and mmhh exploring those hipsss~!! Whyyy they're just soooo keeen to find allll those giggle nodes aren't theyyy~ sorry darling the featherrrr band just wanttsss to complete everryyyy task mmhm they need to upgrade their equipment I'm afraid~~
and oooh my goooosssh loook~!! They found quite a cache of gigglesss in these gorgoeus hips didn't theyyy~~ oooh wowwww someone spent allll their skill points on that feather stroke technique yes they diiiiid and there's suuuch a prettty spot riiiight next to your hip my gooossshhh would you loook at thisssss? Myy my myyyy oooh noooo they're cashing in sweeetieee~ and look it's a big ol blush brush ship~!! Whyyy did you even know there was such a thing? The team is piloting the brushyyyy cruiser riiight towards those mountainsssss of snickermoanssss~ yessss yesss ~
How does that feeeeel mmmh? The blusherrrr ~ yes that's what they called it ~ has founddd your girlyyyy royal buttons atop those cute mountains and it's extracting allll your soundsssss ~ brushyy brusshyyy on those buttons yesssss ~ and oooh nooooo sweeetieee!! They've summoned the kisssssyyyy monsterrrrr!! muuah muahh muahhhh coming down and muuuuahh riiight on those sidebooobss!! Oooh what a world ~ and ahhhh all that shaking and wiggling and they went flying ~ yes the crew is in a panic now, sent to theseee pitttiessss! Split up and forced to worked together in comically mismatched pairs! Sorrrryy it's alll scurrrriessss and meleeees on those adorable underarmssss but don't worry that kisssssyy monster is still heeere to get your blushyyyy neck!!
Ahhh but alll roads lead back yessss the blushhherrr is waiting for them as they climb down these riibbbiesss and convene at the beautiful bellyyyyy summittt!! Oooh sooo bouncyyyy such a tumultuous landscape mmmhhmm but they are hardyyy and hearttttyy and ooohh sooo determined to get those extra sweeeet gigglesss~ good thing they've been upgraded!! Now it's allll squeeezyyyy spideryyy techniqueeee for this area!! And of course your best friend the kisssyyy monster is riiightt hereee toooo yeahhh she's not leaving youuu~
In facttttt the kissiesss are going riiiight back down to those wigglyyyy thighsss while the team skitters about these sidessss and explores that navellll passage~ Muuuuahhh oooh this landscape is just toooo beautiful and sweeet for wordssss I dooo believe we need to chart allll of this outttt and return again and again~ Muuuah muahhh on these cuuuute lovelyyyyy thighssss~ and oooh blushyy blushyyyy on that belllyyy and now down the waiiiistttt and abdomen~ mmmh sooo bouncyy sweeet yummmyyy~~ yesss they're working on their own kissssy skills tooo little tinyyyyy muahs alll from hip to hip to hip to hipppppp~
And you haven't even seen the Blusher's final form nooooo~ looks like she's been upgradedddd!! We have this lovelyyyyyyy lil airship with a buzzzzyy tipppp to head down to that final goallll oh yesss the most sweeetttt of treasures lies beteweeen the kissed thighsssss! And we're nooot stoppping until that regal button gives up alllll its sweeet soundsss~ the most coveted royal pearllyyyyy mmhmmm and it's timeee to tickle itttt until we get what we came for and what you'll come for!! And ooh yesss the kissiess don't stoppp eitherrr! It's buzzzzyy for youuuu right on that girlyyyy pearlyyyy and then kisssyyy kisssyyy liiiiight lighhhhhttt and mmh bzzzzzzzzyyyy!!
Just waiiiit for the post-game questssss toooo darling~ oooh yesss we'll return to allll those spotssss and see what they're like afterrrr we get that beautiful gigglegassssm~~<33
(sorry lol I got into a real thing hereee~)
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neroushalvaus · 6 months
wouldn't it be funny if catpeople had a tumblr.. imagine the discourse
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🐀 poorlittlemeowmeow Follow
I hate online dating. "I'm 💖birman💖" okay so you have blue eyes and won't take your white gloves off, hard pass
🗣 cfaroyalty-deactivated30112027
Cat breed girlies are worse than horoscope girlies istg, they will fuck up your house and be like "I can't help it, I'm a norwegian forest cat :3"
🧸 dollybutch Follow
I think y'all are being mean. I find it helpful to disclose that I'm a ragdoll before the first date so my date won't find it odd when I go limp in her arms :(
🐀 poorlittlemeowmeow Follow
Girl what the fuck
5881 notes
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��� wongmau Follow
pour one out for us top catgirls, it's rough
🪆 daddywarfucks Follow
Not as rough as bottoming for you
🙀 wongmau Follow
Uncalled for
67,8 t. notes
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🗣 cfaroyalty-deactivated30112027
I hate these new tumblr words for nonbinary catpeople. "Catjoy", "catswirl" fuck you, those words are so childish and cringe
😼 booper5000 Follow
Yeah, they are childish but some of us are literally kittens, leave us alone??
🗣 cfaroyalty-deactivated30112027
Could someone drag this baby away by the neck. I'm a tax paying, litter box using adult catperson and I don't have to think about your kitten feelings.
🫗 catjoyswag Follow
So if those words are cringe what do you suggest we call ourselves? Catcitizens??
😼 booper5000 Follow
Omb i love catcitizen. Like it's the French revolution.
🗣 cfaroyalty-deactivated30112027
You are a bunch of weirdos.
🫗 catjoyswag Follow
Weep about it, catizen cfaroyalty
🫗 catjoyswag Follow
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We did it catnetizens
562 notes
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😾 shitlitter Follow
diagnosis: calico catboys are valid!!
🏳️‍⚧️ catnipple Follow
Thank you, Dr. Shitlitter.
10 t. notes
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🐾 sewercat Follow
🐾 sewercat Follow
Beetyful women fuck me please
🐾 sewercat Follow
🐾 sewercat Follow
🐾 sewercat Follow
🐾 sewercat Follow
🐾 sewercat Follow
Give m3 a strap prwtty babygirl an I make your dreams come true kitten pLE ass plese plea
🐾 sewercat Follow
🐾 sewercat Follow
sorry guys i got the heats i'm normal again
101,8. t. notes
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🪄 equallycunningwithdice Follow
Andrew Lloyd Webber wants to be one of us so bad. You will never be a catboy, Sir Andy.
🪄 equallycunningwithdice Follow
He has started wearing a hat like he's hiding something underneath... c'mon bro we all know you don't have cat ears there, be fucking serious
7701 notes
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😹 fifeme Follow
character i can't shut up about... blorbo from my meows
87 t. notes
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🍃 lostinthesauce Follow
I love partying with non-catpeople.
"Let's be careful with the weed, it's illegal", they whisper.
Meanwhile me, with my bong full of catnip,
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yandere-fics · 1 year
Runa Lelye
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♡ "Love, you know I can't fucking stand it when you aren't close to me, get over here right now." ♡
Runa is a very clingy, possessive yandere. She gets very anxious if there's any signs of her darling pulling away which could honestly could just be sitting on a chair and reading. Why can't you just be content in her arms? Do you plan on breaking up? She won't let you!
♡ "Ack! You're playing mean games with me! You know my name is Runa." ♡
Despite her being a serial killer she still is confident giving away her real name. She's not the brightest bulb.
♡ "Please stop, you know I don't know how old I am." ♡
She was abandoned as a baby and is pretty sure she's 25 but seasons aren't real in the city and so she just has to hope she's right when she thinks a year has gone by.
♡ "Hehehehehe. Well I like girls and you, love." ♡
A lesbian, gasp.
♡ "Uhm, well, you know I don't like talking about work when we should be enjoying our night together, love." ♡
She's a serial killer, she basically just takes money from anyone she targets and uses that to pay rent and anything you want. She might pick up some shifts at the coffee shop or kill extra to get you gifts though.
♡ "I like you, your smell, your clothing, your arms, your eyes. If you ever leave, I'd have to destroy all the nice things that I love so don't do it." ♡
That's a lie, she literally is such a wuss. If you left she'd just stick you in the basement and cry every day until you take back all your words and become her lover again. She'll never let you out of the basement but she'll make it nice down there. She really enjoys you relying on her to spoon feed you though. It's so nice.
♡ "I hate when you talk about us having to be apart, don't remind me of my work, just let me bask in you." ♡
She gets so anxious when she has to go to work in even a week, it hurts her brain thinking about how she can't actually be attached to your side all the time. She's not too bothered by other people, mostly they don't ever approach you because you have a scary girl following you who looks liked she might bash them to death if you smile at them for a brief second.
♡ "Cooooome heeere, please please please. I need you now and I don't want to wait." ♡
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truths33k3r4 · 8 months
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CHAPTER 20 - Concealed Concern
Raphael’s head was halfway into his shell.
“ DUDE. Are you actually serious right now??? HOW LONG? How long have you been in pain?? “ Leo shout-whispered as his hold on Raph’s arm loosened a tiny bit.
Raph smirked as his head re-emerged from his shell.
“ How long has Don been alive again? “
Leo’s glare penetrated his brother’s body like a hyper-focused laser. ( From 17 years of being the oldest sibling he’s mastered the art of “ the death glare… “ ) His grip still held fast to Raph’s right arm, but it was withheld in pressure. Even so, Raph was still very much CAUGHT.
 This wasn’t a new feeling for him, especially as a sibling of four brothers. Many a time he would be doing something that might have been a little sneaky, like playing on the family’s gameboy under his blankets way past bedtime, and one of his goody-goody brothers, ( usually, mostly, always Mikey ), would rat him out.
He was used to being in trouble.
Not only with simple obedience failures, but also…
with the selfcare kind..
Raph’s never liked doctors. It doesn’t even matter that he’s never had an appointment with one. 
 The tv shows the brothers would watch when they were kids would tell their feeble-minded audience that “ Doctors help people! There’s no point to be scared! If you ever feel sick, going to the doctor can really help! “. 
Even at the age of 6 years old, Raph knew that was a load of bull. Any time the first aid kit made an appearance, it usually caused more harm than good. The scrapes and bruises that he and his brothers would earn would heal on their own. There was no need for lame bandaids with cartoon characters on them and that awful stinging solution. Worst case scenario, you get a scar out of it. Oh the horror.
Sensei would drill into his brain how he should care for his body. Be a good steward of it or whatever. 
‘ “ Be careful, my son. Always wear your helmet. “ ‘
‘ “ Where did this bruise come from?? “ ‘
Raph stopped that last little memory dead in its’ tracks.
‘ Heheh~ Yeah, I ain’t goin’ there. ‘
Raph flinched as his mind returned to his body, once again looking into the eyes of his seething older brother. He was saying something. 
Leo seemingly finished his tirade, landing his face into a questioning glare with his eyebrows raised.
Raph braced himself.
“....... Could ya repeat that?... “
He didn’t even need to blink before he was being pulled through the door into the hallway. Thankfully, Leo had switched his grip to Raph’s left arm this time.
The door closed behind them. Leo’s hand tightened around Raph’s wrist. The crimson-clad turtle didn’t have to look at his brother to know he was glaring again.
“ WE ARE NOT DONE, RAPH. I know you don’t love the idea of being patched up, but you gotta GET OVER IT. Hiding your injuries isn’t just wrong, it’s IMMATURE. “ 
‘ Oh heeere we goooo. ‘ Raph mentally rolled his eyes.
“ DON’T START, DUDE. I’m so DONE with this. One would think you’d be over this by twelve, but maybe that’s giving you too much credit. “
Raph’s fists tightened. 
Leo apparently felt his brother's muscles strain in his arm, cause in one quick motion, his wrist was pulled up against his will. Leo’s eyes widened as they landed on the cut sliced into his brother’s knuckle. 
Leo’s ice blue eyes, normally cool and tame, burst with a spark of red. 
Somehow his grip on Raph’s arm tightened again, making the crimson-clad brother question if his skin was turning blue underneath the sleeve of his hoodie.
Leo started to shake.
‘ Ohhh cruditsky.. ‘ Raph tried to think of something to calm Leo down. FAST.
“ Dude, it’s not that bad.. Just a scratch. I grazed it on a brick, I’m fine. “
He could sense every stress chasm in Leo’s body starting to bubble under his skin. He recognized the clench of his brother’s jaw as he fought tooth and nail to not say something he would regret.
Raph could just see the words repeating in Leo's head, the ones he would hear Leo practicing with Sensei in his study after having a big fight with one of his brothers:
' " A fool utters all his words but a wise man keeps them IN. " '
That nice little memory decided to end itself as soon as a growing tension began spreading up his arm. It seemed all the anger in Leo chose to target Raph through his vice-like grip rather than through any words spoken through his mouth.
He braced himself for the echoes of Sensei’s sermons through his big brother’s lips. 
The shaking stopped.
There was no longer a hand clutching his wrist. 
The sound of footsteps echoed in Raph’s ears as he opened his eyes to face.. No one..
‘ W- What? What just happened??? ‘
He really couldn’t believe it. There was nothing! Not a “ Raph you idiot “, or “ WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU “ or even a simple “ I’m telling Dad. “
.. Nothing.
The last echoes of footsteps faded into silence. Raph remained at the front of the door looking down the hall in the direction his brother, ( his oldest, calmest, strongest brother ), stormed off.
Raph stroked the back of his neck, racking his brain for any shred of what Leo had said back in the Medbay.
He growled.
‘ Stupid brain- Stupid thoughts tryin’ to mess with me…Thanks to YOU I totally ZONED OUT while my brother grilled me...’
Raph shook his head and moved his hands back into the pocket on his hoodie, but not before he also caught sight of the scratch adorning his left knuckle. The blood had clotted and was now a dark, muted red. 
“ This is all YOUR fault. “ Raph whispered to his hand, using his other to point accusingly, “ If you had STAYED in my hoodie none of this woulda happened. “
He shoved it back into the pocket with far more force than needed, as his other twisted the knob on the door to the Medbay.
The bright lights made Raph have to squint as he entered the room. 
‘ Ok.. Bring Lotus to bed, wrap up my dumb hand, and….
… apologize to Le- ‘ 
Raph froze as his breath caught in his throat.
There in front of him, clutching onto the sides of the surgical table for support, stood Lotus. Her body was shaking badly as her arms tried to keep herself upright.
Lotus slowly turned her head to face Raph.
The light in her eyes was dimming rapidly.
Raph’s eyes grew wide in panic as he watched Lotus’ body start to sway.  His own body went on override and didn’t ask permission as it shot past the doorway, extending his arms as far as they could go.
With a loud clatter and shuffle, Raph found himself knelt down on one knee with Lotus flopped lifelessly into his arms. His heart was racing as his mind finally caught up to his body. 
Lotus stirred and slowly raised her head to face Raph. Her eyelids hung low with exhaustion as her chest rose and descended in huffs. 
‘..T- th- thanks.. “ She gasped in between breaths.
Raph’s eyes darted back and forth as he tried to figure out what to do.. What to SAY.
Or maybe
Raph’s racing mind decided to stop for a second.
He looked down at the now unconscious Lotus in his arms.
 He himself was FIGHTING against the urge to give his own tirade about how stupid Lotus was being, pushing herself too much, and not caring for her own healt-
‘......... What the heck, irony?... ‘
Raph briskly looked over Lotus to make sure she was alright. It seemed that he caught her in the nick of time, barely saving her head from slamming into the side of the surgical table.
Raph kept his mouth shut as he lifted himself and Lotus off the ground, beginning the trek back to the brother’s nook.
‘ You know what... Maybe it’s a good thing Leo wasn’t here to see this… ‘
That's it for this chapter!! :) Can't believe I've already reached 20 chapters in ' the Strength in Weakness"... Man, has time flown. :)
Thank you to everyone for reading and commenting, and just being so kind and encouraging. :)
To God be the glory!
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Hello again, I have a new load of questions, heeere we go:
What did Mirabel study in uni? Is being an assistant satisfying for her or will she leave to pursue her dream job?
Was Bruno forced by his mother to become a policeman, or is it more of an internal thing? Had he ever considered pursuing another profession? Is he satisfied with his job?
Just checking - the partner OCs you are talking about are from this post, right? https://www.tumblr.com/miracles-and-butterflies/744309949351542784/references-for-the-partner-ocs-this-has-been?source=share
For some reason, Pepa strikes me as a single middle aged woman who’s into esoterics (like, does taro readings, probably owns an orb, to look into the future, knows a lot about astrology, etc). Probably this way she has this ‘goddess-like’ aura around her (like when she could change the weather) that lures Felix in, and then he falls in love with her because she’s also extremely funny and charming. Oo and what if she flirts with Feliz and reads his palm or something else and tells him he is destined to end up with a tall and extremely stunning woman. Is this anything?
What is Julieta and Agustin’s relationship? Do they know each other?
How did the collapsing house incident happen? Did the Rojas family have to live in an old house because they had no money for a better home?
Yes, more questions! I love talking about these guys, definitely one of my favourite AUs I’ve made if you couldn’t tell.
Mirabel studied History and Literature, she has a doctorate. She loves her job, but has definitely had it said to her that she’s holding herself back. But the idea of leaving terrifies her. She sat two job interviews before the 99 and failed them on account of being too panicked and/or nervous, though she was completely qualified and capable. Luisa got her this job, so she didn’t sit an interview, just signed the contract then and there. This is comfortable.
Bruno becoming a police officer was something Alma probably hoped for, but she didn’t outright force or demand Bruno take that path. After all, it is how she lost her husband. It was more something Bruno internalised. Don’t get him wrong, he loves his job and what he does for the community, but his more creative pursuits and passions definitely got tossed aside. And maybe, just maybe he secretly regrets that.
The partner OCs are definitely that of my own personality design, but are basically background characters taken from the film and/or books, etc.
Damn, that is so accurate about Pepa. That is basically how their first meeting went, much to the disgust and horror of Dolores. (Camilo was a lot more supportive). Félix would 100% be allured in by this stunning goddess.
Julieta and Agustín don’t know each other. They have no connection. They have other spouses in this AU, they don’t get together here.
The Rojas family did have money, but they lived in an old house. They had came over to America from Colombia (when Mirabel was about two) and found it difficult. This old house was all that was willingly offered to them that fit their price and requirements, so they had no choice but to take it.
There is no real story behind the incident. The house was old and falling apart, it was only a matter of time before it seriously broke. Mirabel was the only one home at the time and got caught in it. (Luisa had long since moved out at this point, their parents both work stupidly long hours). Right before it happened, she tried calling both her parents separately, having heard noises but was dismissed. She tried calling again, the cracks becoming more audible, and that’s when it happened.
When Luisa arrived at the hospital, she was pissed that things had gotten this bad and that Mirabel had tried warning their parents to no avail. So she took Mirabel to her own house (well, flat) and decided she was keeping Mirabel because she’d actually keep her safe. Unaware she was going to be dumped about this.
Hope this answers your questions!
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
I Care About Him
(IBA from: @azu21 - Thank you darling for the idea, I hope you like it! ~)
Summary:You're a new agent of overwatch, it has been good five months since you arrived, picked by finger by the only ones Jack Morrison and Vivian Soujourn. With the time, you notice a man that is always walking with Genji, but far away from him... He was lonely and quite. It bothers you, you knew something.
(artist: couldn't find it, sorry :-:)
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*Ana Amari is sitting in her desk in her room, reading some old papers about the null sector and Talon, she heard a knock, without taking her attention, she said... *
Ana- Come in...
You *slowly open* Ana...? Are you busy?
Ana- *Look at you and smile* Hi, darling, how are you? Come! Tak a sit, I'm just reading some old files.
You - Okay... *go to her desk sitting in front of her* I want to ask you about this man... The one who always walk with Genji.
Ana- Hanzo? *chuckles* Why you don't talk to him?
You- I want to, you know that I want to know everyone better in overwatch...
Ana- But?
You- He seems... Not really social...?
Ana- *sighs* He pass through hard times. He's a gentle man, smart and talented, but... Is very hard for him to get together with the rest.
You - Is that because of something?
Ana- You know why Genji is half robot?
You- No...
Ana- Hanzo was forced to do that with him, manipulated. They're brothers, y/n.
You- Wha...?! *suprised* He...! He did that with his own brother?!
Ana- Forced to. Genji forgive him, but Hanzo still needs to forgive himself. Imagine, have to grown up only obeying, no mother and no childhood, only to be the next Shimada's leader, have your own father murdered and later, be forced to kill your own brother. Genji told us his story, we embrace Hanzo here to he understand that he can be forgive.
You- Oh... That's why he is always with Genji.
Ana- He is a broken man, y/n, we can't imagine his pain and still lives on the past. You should try to talk to him.
You- Something about him makes me care about... I... Feel something so sad about him.
Ana- *chuckles* You really have the gift, don't you?
*Later in the corridor, you were walking to find Jack about the new mission that would be in a few weeks. You spot Hanzo coming in your direction in small steps while reading something in a digital tablet, he pass by you and you turn around*
You- Hi, Hanzo!
Hanzo- Hm? *He turned surprised* Oh, hello... Can I help you?
You- Just want to ask how are you doing *smirk*
Hanzo- I'm good... Thank you *he seems a little confused* You... Are the new agent, right?
You- Yeah, it's me. By the way, have you seen Jack somewhere? I can't find him, i need to ask something about the mission.
Hanzo- I can try to help you...
You- He didn't told me with who I'm going to be with, my duo.
Hanzo- Ah... It's actually me.
You- What? Really? *chuckles* Lucky me! ~ thanks! See you later! *you turn around walking away*
Hanzo- Lucky...? *smirk*
Genji- Brother! *appears at the corridor walking in his direction* Do you know you're duo?
Hanzo- Yes, I just talk to her, actually.
Genji- Heeer... ~ Hmmm hehehe! *Give him a slap on his arm* I know who is it!
Hanzo- *smile* You check the files again, don't you?
Genji- No, Ana told me earlier. Didn't need to. So! Y/n, right?
Hanzo- Yes.
Genji- You lucky bastard! *laughs* She's the nicest.
Hanzo- She looks to young...
Genji- What?
Hanzo- I don't know if I can get along with such a young girl.
Genji- Young... How young you think she's?
Hanzo- Like... 17?
Genji- *laughs* She have my age!
Hanzo- What?! She looks so... 16 or 17.
Genji- Don't be nervous in stay around her, she's nice, smart, mature... Pretty and sexy...
Hanzo- *sighs*... Genji, I'm not going to date anyone. Or fall in love.
Genji- You suck.
*At the reunion room*
Jack- *walking in front of a huge screen* Everybody read the file, I believe. We detect a signal not far away, from Null Sector, is coming from the north, we believe that they may having a hidden base somewhere, we'll let 5 duos in the territory to find where this signal is coming from. The rest of us will be in touch far and near...
Soujourn - Is not the first time that we detect this signal from the north... We need to act now and figure it out.
Cass- Captain, today I have a mission with the Shimada's bros here in five hours, is there any update?
Soujourn- It will be sent it to your system's in a few minutes.
Hanzo- It has being sent it... *reading the file on the tablet*
Soujourn- Well... I would like to send y/n together for her abilities to this mission, but we need you for this one Cassidy.
Cass- No problem, ma'am *smirk* So the Hashimotos are making a mess in Kanezaka again.
Genji- Kiriko and tracer is there has being two weeks, we need to act.
Hanzo- The updates are not good... Captain, by any chance, can we go earlier?
Soujourn- Yes, any time. The ship is ready.
*outside the room, after the reunion, you walk to Hanzo talking to Cassidy about the mission. Cassidy notice you coming and finish his conversation with Hanzo walking away*
You- Hey, partner.
Hanzo- *he turns and smirk* Hello.
You- I came to wish you lucky *Give him little taps on his arm* I'll be waiting for you! Hope we can get along easily ~
Hanzo- Yes, me too *smiles and hear someone calling* Oh, I have to go! It was great to meet you! *he walk fast going to the ship*
You- *take deep breath* Why I'm so worry?
Ana- You two make a great duo~
You- *little jumpscare* Jesus, Ana...great duo? Really? *smile*
Ana- Yes, I mean in many ways... Romantically...
You- *blush* Ana! I barely know this man!
Ana- I know what I'm saying *chuckles* I know you both very well~ *walk away laughing*
*in the ship*
Hanzo- *looking at the updates again*...
Cass- Hey, partner... *Look at him reading* You're a really systematic with missions, aren't ya?
Hanzo- I'm worry about Kiriko and her mother... I hope both are safe.
Cass- Doesn't she hates you?
Hanzo- *Look at him* Who? Kiriko? *sighs* Yes, but... I don't hate her, she's my sister.
Cass- He got some big family issues... *whispers* Well! I've heard from a sparrow that you're in a duo with my sweet pumpkin y/n.
Hanzo- Sweet... Pumpkin? You're dating her?
Cass- Nope, but I wish! *laughs* You're lucky.
Hanzo- *laughs* Is she that amazing?
Cass- The sparrow said that you'll not fall in love, never. She'll make you change your mind. She's cute, sexy, funny, everything good in one woman. Do you have any type of woman, archer?
Hanzo- *chuckles feeling shy* N-no, I do not... I... I'm focusing on the mission, actually.
Cass- No type of woman? *chuckles* Come on, big man! You're handsome and smart! Women loooves that! You should try to live again this type of things.
Genji- PS; He's a virgin.
Jack- *holding laugh* Oh fuck...!
Hanzo- *take a deep breath closing his eyes* So... This is the sparrow.
Cass- *Still looking at him* How the fuck is this man virgin?! *Look at Genji* I though he had a lot of women!
Hanzo- *hide his face behind the tablet*...!! No! I did not had a single woman...! And it's ok! *take a deep breath blushing* There's nothing wrong in be virgen.
Cass-... *go back to Hanzo* So you... Play?
Hanzo- What?
Genji - HAHAA!
Jack- Leave the man alone, Cassidy! *laughing*
Cass- I have to know! He's weird! So... Hanzo... Do you like...? *make movements of masturbation*
Hanzo- *blushing* Ca...! Can you stop?!!
Cass- Yes or no!
Hanzo- I won't answer! This is absur...!
Cass- YES OR NO 3 2 1!
Genji- HAHAA HAHAHA...!!! *Inhales* I'm dying!!
Hanzo- Shut up, Genji!
Cass- Everybody does, Hanzo, you dumb *slap his head laughing* This is ain't a tabu anymore or a dirty secret. Y/n will be your first.
Hanzo- Can't you stop?! *super shy~ super shy~*
*a week later, they came back*
You- *find Reinhardt* Rein!
Rein- *hold a mug of coffee and smile* Oh! Haha! Hello, my friend!
You- They came back from the mission, right? Hanzo, Cassidy...
Rein- Yes! I only saw Hanzo going to the infirmary, all hurt! The doctors are not here today, but he said that he knows what to do.
You- He's hurt? I'll check him! Thanks!
*Getting into the infirmary, you saw Hanzo bandaging himself in the middle of the room, his top body of full naked and you could notice his wounds o his back, arms and face. He notices you and look over his shoulder*
Hanzo- Oh, hello *he turns to you finishing to bandage his arm* Something happened?
You- *look at him up and down worried* I should be asking you that...
Hanzo- Ah this? *he chuckles looking at his bruises* I had to fight with the gang, Kiriko was... *he realizes you ere worried with him, making him confused* I...I had to beat up some bad guys, that's all.
You- I guess they beat you up back *you walk to him holding the bandage on his hands* Let me help you.
Hanzo- But I win...! *you turn him back to look at the bruises on his back, but he felt a awful pain in the ribs, but didn't let you notice* I...won, i'm ok.
You- Yeah, but still got bruises and did you break something? It seems like you can't keep your back straight *starts to touch his torso trying to find something, but when you press both side of the ribs...*
Hanzo- ARGH...! *he hold your hands* Sorry...! *he let it go*
You- How many ribs?
Hanzo- Maybe...three? *laugh nervously* You don't need to worry, I'm...! *you go find something like a pain ointment* I...what are you doing?
You- Got it *you go back to him with a cream* You should lie down.
Hanzo- Actually, I prefer like that... *you start to carefully put the cream in the hematomes and ribs area* ... you got soft hands for that.
You- I don't want you to feel more pain. *sighs still worried*
Hanzo- You barely know me, why helping?
you- First, you're my partner now, second, you're hurt. Aren't we friends?
Hanzo- Friends...? *he smirk* I guess we are.
*you bandage all his torso and stand in front of him looking at his face bruises*
You- They are mean in hurt such a pretty face... *you hold it getting in your tip toes*
Hanzo- *blush noticing how close you were* It's not hurting anymore...
You- Can you try to sit down? *you make a puppy face*
Hanzo- Why she wants to take care of me so bad...?
*he sigh and pick up a chair having difficult to sit under the ribs pain, but he do it for you. You stand pretty close, between his legs, what makes him completly nervous and shy, you make him look up to you while you also pass some pain cream on the hematomas*
Hanzo- *swallow dry looking away*
You- Is something hurting in your face? Nose? apple cheek? Something?
Hanzo- Just the cut in mu lips... *he said shyly*
You- Oh, didn't notice that... let me see. *you gently hold his face looking at the cut* Is not that bad.
Hanzo- So awkward... but I can't lie, is good to be taken care of by someone like her.
You- Maybe... *she step away getting a clean cloth and going to the sink soaking a little bit* Just a cleaning... *you go back to him, holding his face with one hand and the other cleaning the wound*
Hanzo- *his eyes get stucked in you for a while* Are you a nurse?
You- *laughs* No, I'm not...why?
Hanzo- *smile* Wanna be my nurse?
You- *look at him in surprise and laugh shyly* What? Why's that?
Hanzo- I don't really trust someone to take care of my wounds... but, you're good.
You- You like my profissionalism?
Hanzo- Yes, I do *chuckles* Should've know her before...
You- What is he doing? *you hold a smile* He keep looking at me...
Hanzo- Ah... I've heard that Cassidy calls you "pumpkin"...do you have something with him?
You- *chuckles* No, we don't... he may feel something, but he's like a big brother to me.
Hanzo- Right...*smirk* Aaah...As a partner, wanna drink something later?
You- Not before you heal *gave him little taps on his cheek and wawlking away*
Hanzo- Not alcohol...maybe a coffee.
You- *smirk and looking at him* Well...but you have to lie down.
Hanzo- Whatever my nurse says, I'll do it *smile*
You- Stop~ *you laugh shyly putting the cloth in the sink* Wanna help to stand up?
Hanzo- Yes, please.
*You go to him letting him put his arm under your shoulders, you wrap one arm around his torso trying not to touch the ribs area and he gets up in pain*
Hanzo- Aw...! *he growls feeling a strong twinge lefting all his weight on you*
You- Oh shit...! Wait! *You felt your legs failing* You're heavy! *Start to push him with you to the infirmary stretcher* Ok! Try to support yourself here!
Hanzo- I'm so sorry…! Oh…! *He lose his balance and tries not to make you fall to the ground, so he pull you aside let you fell in the stretcher while he was on top with his hands supported on the stretcher looking straight to your face in shook* So sorry! *he blush*
You- *suprised* Well...I didn't fell to the ground, thanks... *blush*
Soujourn- Hanzo, are you go...*she enters the infermary seeing the awkward scene* Ok...what the hell is happening? *she hold her smile*
Hanzo- Vivian! I...! *tries to get up but feels the pain* Dammit!
You- Captain! Can you help me with him, please? He got some broken ribs.
Soujourn- Ok *chuckles picking up Hanzo and he sat on the stretcher* You don't need to make a excuse for the situation, y/n.
You- Wha..? No! No no no! *laughs nervously* It was a accident!
Soujourn- Haha! Accident? Pretty soap opera scene to be a accident! *chuckles* No need to hide...everyone knows already.
Hanzo and you- What?
Soujourn- What what? *smirk* You two have a...connection. Specially Hanzo! Genji told everyone that you always looked at y/n.
You- He wha...? *blush and look at him*
Hanzo- I...! I-I! No! *lauhging nervously* Is not like that! I ju-just...!
Soujourn- And he said that you're a awful liar. *cross her arms and smile, he shut up looking to the ground completly blush* I'm just saying this to let you guys know that we let those thingd happen between co-workers. Love is never a fault, there's no need to hide from us.
You- Bu-but...*swallow dry* Yeah...ok. *look away*
Soujourn- Hanzo, I need you to rest and heal your ribs, I'll let y/n supervise you *wink and smile stepping out of the room*
*A awkward silence*
You-... *take a deep breath* So...
Hanzo- I'm sorry.
You- For what?
Hanzo- Look at you like a damn stalker... *hide his face on his hands*
You- Oh no... no no, there's no need to apologize...*smirk* Is kind cute.
Hanzo- What? *look at you*
You- Depends in wich way you're looking at me. How do you see me?
Hanzo- *swallowed dry, he could not lie or pretend this time* Well...Always sees you as a beautiful attractive woman, smart, independent, strong... *take a deep breath* I promised to myself to never felt attracted by someone. But...you appeared! *laugh nervously* Is...kind funny.
You- *smirk and blush* ...coffee later?
Hanzo- *surprised and smile shyly looking away* Aaah...yeah, sure.
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(artist: couldn't find it eaither, pinterest dosent help me :-:)
If anyone wants a part 2, comment down belooow~
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onippep · 1 year
So you want to explain the situation before or after red goes storming towards the tower?
Let's call that cheeto back.
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RRrrr..... (Maybe I should talk to him--)
Why's that matter?
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Hey. This the cowboy?
I-- it-- yesitis-- Peppino, you got a sec to talk? Righ'now?
Duh. Why else would I be calling?
R-right, well, I wanted to talk to ya about somethin' that involves the Tower--
Ooh, heeere we go.
--?!-- Ah, w-well, listen-- I wanted t' try and explain why things'er happenin' like they are. I know that your pal Fakie there got into a bit 'a trouble, and--
A fucking shotgun to the eye. Care to explain that bullshit?
--I heard! A-and that's horrid! Truly! I wouldn't ever want somethin' like that to happen t--
Uhhhh huh. Yep. Sure.
So how about you say your last fuckin' words right now while I still got you on the line? Consider this your head start before I start running.
Not fucking interested. On the count of three. One--
[hangs up]
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Do me a favour. Find the fucker that shot you, and take its gun.
Can you do that? Are you alright with doing that?
(It-- I can do that. I won't get hurt again.)
Good. You go on ahead first. I'll be there soon after.
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corrodedseraphine · 1 year
playlist | #8 all we need is just a little patience
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pairing: eddie munson x henderson!reader
summary: Just when you thought the boy you were in love with all through high school was gone, he suddenly reappears as your little brother's friend. Fate has once again decided to join your paths, however, everything turns out to be a bit complicated. Will Eddie Munson's sudden return to your life bring with it even more changes?
TW: mentions of an accident, injuries, near-death experience
The story is also avaliable on ao3
masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
songs that I used: Ed Sheeran - Afire Love | Guns N' Roses - Patience
heeere we are again, a lot of tears, I am a little scared that there is too much of it, at the same time not enough but I when I tried to change something it was getting worse 🙄 so anyway, I hope you will enjoy this chapter ♥
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Steve covered the way to the hospital in record speed, even faster the three of them ran inside bombarding the receptionist with questions, and she guided them to the floor above. Out of breath, they reached room number 26 where, through the glass window, they saw your mother and Dustin sitting by your bed. Both of them had red eyes full of tears. Without waiting any longer they entered the room.
"Steve!" shouted Dustin rushing out of his chair and throwing himself into the arms of the older boy, who immediately hugged him back. Robin instantly went over to your mother and hugged her as well. Eddie was not at all surprised by how close they were. You kept saying that they were closer to you than the family you had blood ties to. After a while, Hopper also entered the room asking your mother to talk about the details of the accident and the paperwork.
With a slow step, Eddie walked closer to the bed. There were several scratches on your face and body caused by the shattered car window, the shards of which had penetrated your face; you had a bandage stuck on one of your cheeks, so this wound definitely had to be deeper than the others. Despite this, your expression was calm. It was as if you were lying sleeping in your own bed not all plugged in to some strange machines and IVs. One of the devices beeped the rhythm of your heart. He caught on to that sound like a drowning man grasping at a razor. Just a few hours ago you were hugging him saying that you would see him soon at his concert. Just a few hours ago, he could feel the warmth of your body and see the red adorable flush against your cheeks. Now you were pale, and your hand, which he was so desperate to grab, looked cold. He struggled to swallow the gulp forming in his throat. Then suddenly the steady beeping rhythm began to change. A shrill sound filled the room as the line began to get straight on the monitor. Panicked, Robin quickly ran out into the corridor begging for a doctor, who, along with nurses, quickly ran into the room to see what was happening.
"We are losing her!" he shouted. One of the nurses asked them out into the hallway. Steve forcibly had to drag Dustin away from you. The whole situation was a nightmare, but the sight of the boy who was always cheerful in such a panic broke their hearts even more. Not even a minute had passed when the door from your room opened with a loud bang and through it the entire emergency crew was carrying you out on a hospital bed.
"Where are you taking her?!" Dustin shouted. Hearing no reply, he broke out of Steve's embrace and ran after them toward the operating room. "What's going on?! Where are you taking her?!" he began hysterically. Seeing this, Eddie quickly moved after him and caught the boy at the last moment.
"Dustin you can't go there." he breathed out putting all his strength to hold him in place. Locking the boy in a strong hug, he tried to ignore how he was pulling and kicking trying to break free.
"Let me go! I can't lose her!" he punched the older boy's hands with his fists, but it still had no effect. Finally, the teenager's resistance was diminishing. Bursting out crying, he snuggled into Eddie's chest.
"You won't lose her." replied Eddie patting him on the head. "You won't lose her." He didn't know if he was saying this to Dustin or to himself. He knew he had to be strong, but the truth was that in that moment he felt like doing exactly the same thing as your brother. Cry out of helplessness. Instead, he focused all his thoughts on comforting the boy for the next few hours as everyone stared in horror at the operating room door.
The time spent in front of that cursed door took an eternity. When one of the doctors finally emerged from behind it, everyone jumped up from their seats.  
"We have done everything we could, at this point her condition is stable however we are not sure for how long. The next twenty-four hours will be crucial." he said in a calm voice.
"Oh my god." Mrs. Henderson, unable to stand any longer, also began to cry.
"Please stay positive, she needs it most now. Faith can move mountains." He smiled slightly and walked away.
"Claudia, I spoke to the Head of the Department." Hopper said walking up to them. "You can stay with her for the night, soon someone should bring a reasonably comfortable chair there if you need a nap."
"What about me?" asked Dustin.
"Will you take him home and stay with him?" she asked looking at Steve, Robin and Eddie. 
"No way! I'm not going home, I'm staying here with you and y/n!"
"Dustin please." The woman said hugging him tightly. "You can't stay here all night."
"But mom!"
"Hey, we'll go home now to your house, and first thing in the morning we'll come back okay?" interjected Steve. "If anything happens your mom will call us right away."
He finally agreed to come home. They were greeted by an excited Naveen, however, sensing the absence of your presence, he also quickly became very quiet. Dustin, overtired with nerves, fell asleep almost as soon as he lay down, and Steve offered to stay with him that night. Robin and Eddie nodded their heads and left the room slightly closing the door. When Robin disappeared into the bathroom Eddie sank heavily onto the couch and, looking up at the ceiling, tried to chase away all the dark thoughts coming into his head. Faith can move mountains. He repeated the doctor's words over and over again, alternating with the fact that everything would be fine. Suddenly he heard little claws tapping on the floor. A moment later, Naveen stood by his leg with one of your teddy bears in his muzzle and quietly squeaked.
"I know buddy..." he whispered. "I miss her too."
Then the dog left the plushie next to his foot and ran deeper into the house. Eddie picked up the toy and followed him straight to your room. The moment he crossed his doorstep as if it were a magical boundary all his walls began to fall down. Tears gathered in his eyes as he looked around the room that reflected you. The wall was full of photos. Photos where you were happy. At the thought that he might never see your smile again, the first tear flew. When he saw that on the corkboard by your desk you had attached a drawing of a rose and a dragon that he had drawn for you, the second one flew. When he noticed on the back of the chair the pink cardigan you once left at his house, it reminded him of the evening you spent together then. Another tear. Feeling himself falling apart he sat down on the bed. His attention was caught by a plush dinosaur lying next to the pillow. Naveen, lying on the other pillow, watched him slowly picking up the plushie and, after a moment of hesitation, hugged it. When your scent reached him he was no longer able to tell which tear it was. Allowing himself a moment of weakness, still hugging the plush he quietly sobbed. All the emotions he had been holding inside for the past few months were pouring out of him. The dog sensing his sadness jumped onto his lap wanting to give him comfort, Eddie put the toy down and started petting him instead.
"She will be fine..." he repeated while sniffing.
"She has to be fine." Surprised, he looked toward the door when he heard Robin's voice, who after a moment was sitting next to him.
They sat in silence, but it didn't last long. 
"I can't believe that all this is really happening." she said quietly. Her voice was also breaking. "I don't know what I'll do if she..." The rest of the sentence didn't want to get through her throat.
"She won't." Eddie said, wanting to convince himself as well. "She will be fine."
"We have to say positive, right?"
"Yeah..." he sighed. "You were right." he said still emotional.
"With what?" asked Surprised.
"Then at her birthday party... I should have kissed her. I should have taken the chance while I had it. Because now- What if I can never even hear her voice again? What if I never have the chance to tell her what I feel? Even if she rejects me, it would be much better than-" more tears. He didn't have the strength to hold back. He could no longer control it. Robin hugged him without saying a word. They both cried, terrified and trying not to allow the thought that you could disappear from their lives so suddenly. When they finally calmed down she pulled away from him.
"She won't reject you. That's not an option." she commented, smiling slightly at him. "I'm on your side, Eddie. Screw Tom."
"Thanks, Robs." he said quietly.
"You're welcome." she yawned. They all felt exhausted after today. "I think I'll sleep here..."
"You sure?" he asked with concern. In this situation, sleeping in your bed, and feeling the shadow of your presence everywhere could either calm her down or make her feel even worse. "If something happens, I'll be in the living room." he said, getting up and walking toward the door.
"Hey!" she called out. "For a better sleep." she threw a dinosaur in his direction.
He couldn't remember the last time he slept with a plushie. Now, however, he held it as close to him as he could. Feeling fatigue win out he fell asleep, drifting off into dreamland where you waited for him. You were safe and sound there.
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As promised, first thing in the morning, everyone returned to the hospital. Your condition did not get worse or better. Fear and uncertainty still hung in the air.
Days passed without you still waking up. Doctors ran a series of tests, unfortunately nothing showed a reason why you were kept in a coma. For everyone they looked the same, Steve drove Robin and Dustin to school, then himself to work. Later, they and Eddie would come to the hospital meeting Steve there. The rest of the kids would go along with them, but the doctors categorically forbade such a large number of people to be in your room at once so they had to take turns. To avoid constant arguments about whose turn it should be now Robin made a schedule that said who had their visiting time and when.
One day when Steve and Robin had to stay for the evening shift at Family Video, Eddie was sitting in his room lost in thoughts staring at his laptop screen. When he heard the sound of an incoming message he snapped away from what he was doing and looked at the phone.
Dusin: are you busy?
Eddie: no why?
Dustin: can you go to the hospital with me?
Eddie: be ready in 10
When they arrived the hospital was quiet and empty. There were fewer and fewer visitors and from behind the windows they could see a beautiful sunset being painted in the sky. Because of their relationship with the police chief, their visiting hours were a bit longer than others. Dustin decided that on the way he would stop by the store that was next to the hospital, telling him not to wait and that they would meet in your room upstairs.
In this way, Eddie had a chance to be alone with you for the first time since the accident. He had the feeling that his heartbeat was a million times louder than yours and yet it was you who was connected to the machine, not him.
"Hey sleepyhead." he said quietly sitting down on a chair and dared to grab your hand. It was cold. On the contrary, his was hot enough that he felt as if yours was about to melt in it like an ice cube.
"I don't know much about comas. But uh- I did some research and some say that people in a coma can hear what's going on around them so I did something for you. I- I made a playlist with songs you might like. I've also added there the ones that remind me of you..." even though his voice was breaking, he laughed lightly while saying the last sentence. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and quietly played music on shuffle. "I hope you don't mind... I even listened to Harry fucking Styles to make sure there will be everything you want to hear. I have to admit that a few of his songs are  kinda catchy, but don't repeat that to anyone, we don't want my dreadful reputation to change..." He couldn't stop imagining what would happen if you were conscious now. Maybe you would start teasing him? He hoped the smile wouldn't leave your face. Then Ed Sheeran's voice sounded from his phone's speaker and he laughed softly again. "Yeah, I listened to this guy too..." he stopped talking to give himself a moment to listen to the words and took a deep breath.
Darling, hold me in your arms the way you did last night And we'll lie inside for a little while here I could look into your eyes until the sun comes up And we're wrapped in light and life and love Put your open lips on mine and slowly let them shut For they're designed to be together, oh With your body next to mine, our hearts will beat as one And we're set alight, we're afire love Love, love
He was slowly breaking down. He tried with all his might yet it was all a million times stronger than him.
"Wake up y/n. Please." tears once again flowed from his eyes. "You can't leave us. We need you. Dustin needs you, your mom needs you, I need you, damn it!" he squeezed your hand tighter. "You can't leave, you can't leave until you know the truth... You need to know that I-" I am in love with you. He finished in his mind. The words, however, could not leave his mouth. Then he felt someone embrace him from behind. Surprised, he looked at the sleeves of his jacket and immediately recognized it was Dustin.
He turned back to see that the boy was struggling to hold back tears, so he pulled him close and hugged him once more.
"You have to tell her when she wakes up. Promise you'll tell her." the teenager muttered into his shirt.
"Promise." the metalhead whispered. He knew he might regret it due to the fact that he still thought you were in a relationship. But Eddie Munson never breaks his promises.
After your brother heard Eddie pour out his heart in front of you, he was not shy about grabbing your hand in his presence. Sitting on either side of your bed, they discussed new ideas for the campaign, which, due to the fact that they were now spending most of their time in the hospital, had been postponed. Eddie was drawing gentle circles with his thumb on the top of your hand when he felt some movement. Alarmed, he looked down and saw your fingers slowly begin to move. At first he thought it was all in his mind, but then his gaze shifted to your face and he saw you opening your eyes. You groaned in displeasure because the light was blinding you and you turned your head to the side wanting to avoid it.
"Dusty?" you asked quietly. Your voice was squawking and unsteady but it was enough to put the boy on both feet.
"Y/n!" he shouted out pleased. "You are back! Oh my God you are back! Doctor!" he ran out of the room at the speed of light.
You slowly turned your head to the other side this time looking at a shocked Eddie who was still holding your hand. Was it still a dream?
"Hi Eddie." you said weakly.
"Welcome back sweetheart." he whispered smiling still in disbelief that you were finally awake.
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More days passed and you were finally recovering and gaining strength. Your friends made sure you didn't run out of entertainment, that way in your room you could always find someone sitting by your bed keeping you company. Along with Robin, Steve and Eddie always came with a laptop so the four of you watched the silliest series and movies the internet could offer you. Max and El always came over to complain about the boys and you promised them every time that as soon as you left here you would have a girls' night sleepover. Boys like boys, sometimes Steve brought them and sometimes Eddie, and their visits were always accompanied by chaos.
One visit, in particular, you didn't expect. 
Being already less sore you were able to change positions on your own in the bed you moved closer to the edge making a vacant spot next to you on which Robin quickly crawled in. Lying lightly leaning against your friend you watched Steve and Eddie looking for a movie to watch. Eddie was sitting on your side, and on Robin's side was Steve. When a knock sounded on the door all four of you turned your heads in that direction. After a moment, Tom entered the room.
"Hi." he greeted while standing in the threshold.
"What do you want?" despite what had happened you were still angry with him.
"I wanted to see how you felt." He sighed.
"I feel good. Anything else?" you asked dryly.
"Can we talk? In private?" he asked uncertainly.
Your friends started slowly getting up from their seats to leave the room. "No." you replied, stopping them from moving further. They sent puzzled glances at each other but stayed still waiting for events to unfold. "I made myself clear during our last conversation Tom. I don't want you to come here."
"But y/n, please-"
"I think she made it clear that she doesn't want you here," interjected Eddie getting up from his chair. Your words were clear to him. He didn't know what had happened between the two of you, but since you didn't want to see Tom, he would do his best to make sure your request was respected.
"I think I have the right to talk to my girlfriend!" he growled irritably toward the metalhead.
"I'm not your girlfriend Tom. I may have hit my head hard but I remember very well how I broke up with you before the accident." You explained while looking him dead in the eyes.
"Oh thank God!" shouted Robin walking up to Tom and started pulling him by the arm towards the exit. "Goodbye asshole, we won't miss you" she closed the door behind her. Sending you a wide smile, she returned to her seat next to you and you went back to looking for the movie as if nothing ever happened.
The news that your relationship is officially over pleased not only Robin. Hearing this, Eddie felt as if a whole new door had opened in front of him, and hope erupted with such a huge fire that no one could extinguish the flames inside him.
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When, for the first time in several days, you didn't have a visit, you initially enjoyed the temporary silence. This did not last long. Left to yourself and your thoughts for a long time, you began to overthink everything. The last period was full of strange events that brought significant changes in your life. But you wanted to believe that these were good changes. Feeling your mood getting gloomier and gloomier, you started aimlessly browsing through your phone in an attempt to distract yourself. You noticed that Eddie had uploaded some videos of Corroded Coffin's rehearsal on his Instagram story. You grinned as you watched them goofing around and definitely being in their element.
You: real rock stars!
You texted and put the phone down however moments later it vibrated heralding a reply.
Eddie: Metallica should be afraid of us 😈
Ty: for sure! 😂
Eddie: do you doubt?
You: never!
Eddie: how are you feeling?
You: super bored 🙄
Unfortunately, you did not receive an answer. Silently hoping that a conversation with him would occupy your time, with a slight disappointment you had to accept the fact that this was where your conversation ended.
Half an hour later, to your surprise, a familiar storm of curls appeared in the doorway.
"Do you accept visitors?" he asked, smiling broadly.
"For you I can make an exception." you replied, also smiling. You were grateful that they had disconnected the machine monitoring your heartbeat because it would have come out how much it sped up at the sight of him.
"So, as a knight in shining armor, I have decided to fight the boredom that has taken hold in the kingdom." He walked inside leaning his guitar case against the wall. In his other hand he held a book. "I thought a book would be a nice change from the crappy movies we watch," he said.
"Will you...read to me?" you asked surprised.
"That was the idea, but if you want I can just leave it to you and you can read it alone."
"No!" you said far too quickly. "I'd love to listen to you read to me. What book is it?"
"One of my favorites." He grinned, showing you the cover of The Witcher: The Last Wish.
"I can't wait." You said moving to the edge of the bed. "Wanna sit next to me?"
Of course he wanted to. Taking a seat next to you, he opened the book and began to read. The more he read the more you understood why he loved it. Using his Dungeon Master voice, he drew you into the story keeping you there for the next few hours. You didn't know when you leaned toward him resting your head on his shoulder. Everything seemed natural. His presence so close to you brought you comfort instead of stress.
You took a little break from reading and he offered to go get something to drink in the meantime.
"Which guitar did you take with you?" you asked when he returned to the room with two bottles of water.
"Acoustic, why?" he asked pretending to be surprised. You didn't have to know that he took it on purpose.
"Would it be taking advantage of your kindness if I asked you to play me something?" you smiled. He agreed with warmth in his heart. He would do anything you wanted if it meant you would smile at him like that.
"It is my pleasure to offer my services as the best and only bard in the area. What would you like to hear m'lady?" he winked at you, causing you to blush. He took out his instrument and sat down on the chair opposite you.
"Surprise me." you replied.
After a moment's thought, he started playing. 
Shed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you I'm still alright to smile Girl, I think about you every day now Was a time when I wasn't sure But you set my mind at ease There is no doubt you're in my heart now
You were definitely in his heart. Now determined not to let you out of it he wanted to come up with the best possible plan to finally admit to you everything he was feeling.
Said "woman take it slow, and it'll work itself out fine" All we need is just a little patience Said "sugar make it slow and we'll come together fine" All we need is just a little patience
I sit here on the stairs 'Cause I'd rather be alone If I can't have you right now, I'll wait dear Sometimes I get so tense but I can't speed up the time But you know love there's one more thing to consider
His voice worked on you like a spell. Dreamy, you did not take your eyes off him, wishing that he would never stop singing to you.
Eddie remembered the promise he had made to Dustin and intended to keep it. But this moment was too precious. Too precious to just end it like that. That's why he concluded he wouldn't do it now. Maybe all he needed was just a little patience?
At the same time, Robin Steve and Dustin watched the two of you through the glass window in the hallway. They would have had to lie if they said the sight didn't move them one bit.
"She looks happy." Dustin commented.
"She is. Happier than ever." Robin added putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Do you think... we can come back a little later?" he suggested turning around.
"Sure." Steve smiled and walked away leaving you in your own magic-filled world.
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taglist: @i-me-mine @greatpizzascissorstaco
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ferrocyan · 7 months
(this is some ecchi anime bullshit, not to be taken seriously wwwww)
reeq gulps down his drink as best he could. emptying his fourth cup of plum wine takes effort, and he exclaims as he finishes it. "gah! there, i've done it!"
"even slower this time, eh, kiddo?" giott teases him. "congrats on losing again! heeere's your--punishment!"
"aah, stop!" reeq covers his face as giott launches a giant splash of water. he submerges underwater and escapes, surfacing where she can't reach. "alright, alright, i admit it, you dwarves are better at enjoying the hot springs than the rest of us! though i think chugging alcohol is really overdoing it," he says, shaking his head.
giott cackles. "it's fine as long as you know your place. now to take down cerigg... where is he?"
"oh, tart isn't here either." reeq looks around with her.
clearmelt inn, the famed hot spring resort of lakeland, has three pools for customers to enjoy. by now the place has mostly emptied, since their group arrived rather late. taynor and unukalhai have also left earlier accompanied by granson. and now it seems only reeq and giott are--
"hwah!" comes a gasp from the deeper water. cerigg emerges from the water out of breath. "dammit, i can't believe i actually lost!"
"there you are!" reeq waves as cerigg returns. "were you competing to see who can hold their breath in longer?"
"yeah," cerigg wheezes out as he sits in the shallow end with them.
"with a person who can breathe underwater?"
"i thought that was a joke!" he argues. reeq laughs, remembering he'd thought the same. giott pats his back and hands him the wine.
"here's your punishment for losing."
"ooh, don't mind if i do!"
soon tart comes up for air, too. reeq waves at her, but she doesn't see him. instead she climbs out of the pool and sits, then lays down on the ground.
"hey, what are you doing?" reeq walks over to her.
tart is sleeping on her stomach on the soil, sighing heavily. noticing his approach, she turns her head to answer, "cooling off."
reeq holds back a laugh. tart is entirely flushed bright red, hot to the touch. "oh dear, looks like you overdid it." she nods pitifully so reeq can't help but giggle.
"are you alright?"
"i don't think you should sleep on the ground, it'd be bad if you catch a cold!"
"dizzy. don't wanna get up." she rolls over and closes her eyes.
"ahh," reeq scratches his head. what to do, then--should he leave her be? "no, i think rinsing off with cold water might help. can't have you getting dirty like this, after all! i'll just carry you over there," he says, putting his arms around her. tart obliges and holds onto him.
"wha--he can do that?"
"gah, how dare you, catboy! it should've been me!"
with tart in his arms, reeq walks to the changing rooms. he opens the door and is about to go for the showers--
when he sees that there are women changing inside.
though the pools are empty, it seems that there are still people around. someone exclaims in surprise, but the scream from the accidental invader is louder.
"AAAAAHHHH I'M SO SORRY! I'M SORRY FOR BARGING IN!!" reeq scrambles and runs outside as fast as he can without dropping his partner. tart bursts out laughing in his ears, and reeq feels himself growing red-hot like her.
an elven caretaker glares at reeq, pointing at the outdoor showers. he bows his head, too ashamed for words, and quickly helps tart rinse.
"thank the shade we aren't kicked out for your perverted behavior," cerigg grins. the four of them take seats at the restaurant for a midnight snack.
reeq buries his face in his hands. "i didn't even think twice about walking in with tart--aaagh, the force of habit..."
"pfft, what kind of habits do you have?!"
"are you for fucking real? you piece of shit catboy, trade your life with me right now!"
tart throws back her head in laughter--having taken a tonic from the elf earlier, she looks much better now. reeq still feels like he's burning, though.
"please don't tell the others," he begs them, "i don't want taynor to judge me...."
"yeah, that'd send you right to the bottom of his rankings," cerigg assents. he places an arm around reeq's shoulders. "but remember, no such thing as a free lunch, eh?"
"sure, i'll treat you to whatever you want... yes, the both of you." giott hoots in agreement, though tart glares at her and cerigg for it.
"no, no need for that," cerigg shakes his head, shit-eating grin on his face, "i would actually much rather you show us what your habit of bathing other people is like. sounds great, right, fellas?"
"oh, hell yeah. count me in!" says giott.
tart also nods. "first dibs."
"you already had your turn!"
"nuh-uh. doesn't count."
"you..." reeq looks down, hands clutching his head. "what kind of debaucher do you people take me for?!"
his wail is met only by uproarious laughter. there is never a dull day with the hunters, after all.
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yiplee · 1 year
Hey, ur fics are awesome!! I was wondering if you could write lee!Kyle and ler!Stan? Feel free to decline! Have a nice day/night! -🦊
Thank you so much anon! 💕 I didn’t expect to actually get requests, let alone such support in the beginning lol! Thanks for the request, and heeere’s the fic :)
(Lee!Kyle) (Ler!Stan)
DESC: The morning after Stan and Kyle had a sleepover, Stan wakes up to find Kyle in his chair playing a game. He insists that Kyle stop and hang out with him some more before he has to leave, but Kyle insists on finishing the round, so Stan…interferes with the game. :)
Stan yawned, slipping out of his sleeping bag. He looked around for a moment, confused out of his mind. Why wasn’t he in his bedroom?
He remembered in a second that he had just slept over at Kyle’s, the memories flooding back to him in an instant.
Hey, where was Kyle, anyway? Stan looked up at Kyle’s bed. He wasn’t in it. Then his attention was drawn to Kyle’s computer. He was playing some video game at his desk.
“Oh, hey Kyle! I’m up.” Stan said, standing up with a stretch and walking up to Kyle, leaning over to see what he was playing on the computer. It was some fps game.
“Oh hey Stan.” Kyle said absentmindedly, continuing to play his game like that’s all Stan had come over to say.
“Well uh…don’t you wanna hang out some more before I have to leave?” Stan asked, trying to get Kyle to look at him, but his eyes were glued to the monitor.
“Yeah, sure. Just lemme finish this round.” Kyle dismissed, sliding his headphone back over his ear. Stan’s brow furrowed. They hardly get to have sleepovers, and Kyle just wants to play video games?
“Well come on dude, you can play this game any day. We can only have sleepovers sometimes.” Stan argued, tucking Kyle’s headphone back.
“Stan! You’re distracting me.” Kyle shooed Stan like some sort of pest, putting his headphone back over his ear again.
Stan scoffed in disbelief. Some super-best-friend! He almost ripped Kyle’s headset off, but then he got a much better idea.
Stan smirked down at Kyle, who was too focused on his game to even see. He walked around to the back of Kyle’s chair, jumping up and leaning over it, so he dangled above Kyle with his arms behind him.
Kyle didn’t even notice, as he continued pressing keys on his keyboard and aggressively swiping his mouse across the mousepad. His arms were stretched forward. It was perfect.
With the focus of a vulture, Stan swooped both of his hands directly under both of Kyle’s arms. His fingers weren’t even moving yet, but it was enough to get a loud yelp of surprise from his distracted friend.
Kyle’s arms shot back from his keyboard, as he exclaimed “STAN! What the hell, man?” He hissed, looking up at his smug captor.
“What’s wrong, Kyle? Go ahead, play the game.” Stan teased, beginning to dig and scribble with his fingers which were tucked under Kyle’s arms.
Kyle clamped his mouth shut, trying to wriggle Stan’s hands out. He couldn’t even reach for his wrists and pull them off, because of the direction Stan was coming from. Stan just watched from above as his friend thrashed about beneath him.
“Stahahan! Cuhuhut it out!” Kyle hissed, squirming from side to side. “I’m trying to plahahay my gahahame!”
“Okay, play it then! Reach out! Grab the mouse!” Stan teased, lowering his hands to scribble up and down Kyle’s sides. That made Kyle shriek, bursting into his loud, wheezy laughter.
“Oh, Kyle, look! I think the enemy team is rushing you! You better get out of there!” Stan commented, while Kyle watched helplessly as his character was killed.
“Ooh! Tough luck! Does that mean the round is over, Kyle?” Stan wouldn’t let up on the teasing—or the tickles, for that matter.
“SHUHUHUHUT UP SMARTAHAHAHASS!!” Kyle called, wriggling madly as Stan’s fingers danced all across his midsection, and he could do nothing to stop it.
Stan laughed along with Kyle as the chair bobbed back and forth, with Kyle’s thrashing and Stan’s leaning pushing it to its limits.
Stan made the mistake of leaning in to get a better look at Kyle’s laughing face, and both boys yelped as the chair flipped over, sending both boys tumbling to the floor.
They both laughed together for a while before stopping to catch their breath. Stan stood up, offering a helping hand to Kyle as they stood the chair back up. Kyle turned his computer off and turned to Stan with a sudden serious look—he wasn’t going to forget about what happened.
“Stan.” Was all Kyle said. Stan looked back to Kyle with a guilty smile on his face. “…Yyyeess?”
At his words, Stan bolted off. Kyle chased after him—both boys laughing—through the house. It seems Stan’s method of getting Kyle to get up and play worked, just not in the way he expected.
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opponentsheir · 2 years
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Heeere we go again.
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 2 years
Part 1
Sixteen, Pt.2
TW: References to difficult past experiences and a fear of heartbreak
So, @those-damn-snippets wants more and @syberianjade liked this storyline as per replies and I had a ridiculous amount of fun writing it, so heeere we go. 😊
Note: I don't have much experience writing romance, so if this feels clichéd or flat, please tell me. I want to learn.
Villain's heart hums out a song of anxiety, beating so fast it feels like it's going to be ripped out of their chest.
They'd tried so hard to rid themselves of these emotions, and it should've been easy because they had options, and this was dangerous. But the way they smiled whenever they found any pictures of Hero's civilian profile or even when they caught pictures of them on online newspapers, the euphoria they felt listening to Hero say literally anything in that enchanting voice of theirs, all those were things they could never ignore.
And after finding out what Hero's love life was like, and how they thought everyone just liked seeing them suffer, they were determined to prove them wrong.
Taking in a deep breath to steady themselves, Villain knocks carefully on Hero's door. It doesn't take long for the crime-fighter to show up, slamming the door just as fast as they'd opened it.
"Hero," they call out almost exasperatedly, knocking again.
Wordlessly, their nemesis opens the door and glares at them. Even with pajamas, mussed up hair and a murderous scowl colouring their features, Hero still looked breathtaking, so much so that Villain's words seemed to get caught in their throat.
"Did you come here just to stare at me?"
"As appealing as that would be, gorgeous," Their eyes trail over to the perfect curve of the hero's jaw, "but no, I have other reasons," they croon, flashing Hero a seductive grin. It helped them feel like they had things under control, and honestly, they were a sucker for making them flustered.
Hero's gaze wanders over to the large and rather flattering bouquet of flowers Villain was clutching in their hands. Periwinkles of a vibrant blue, bold, purple zinnias, jasmines and a striking stem of salvia as the centre piece. Flowers in Hero's favourite colours.
"You like it?" Villain asks almost hesitantly, bringing the blooms closer to Hero.
"Please don't," Hero whispers softly, in a tone so despondent, it breaks the criminal's heart.
"I know what you've been through gives you a plethora of reasons not to trust me. So, I'm not asking you to give me your heart straight away. Just think of this as an adventure. A taste of something new. A one-time thing if you ultimately decide you don't like the experience."
Their voice, when it was gentle like that, seemed to envelope Hero in a warmth they longed to feel, the way a weighted blanket did on a desolate winter night. No matter the risk, they could no longer live like this, with loneliness clawing mercilessly at their heart. They take the bouquet in their hands, and just like with its giver, Hero had great trouble taking their eyes off it.
"Fine. I'll bite." It comes out in a much softer tone than they intend.
"Excellent choice, I won't disappoint. Just go get changed, sweetheart." they smirk.
Hero walks out, dressed simply but beautifully, knocking the air out of Villain's lungs. Leather jacket and dark jeans that compliment their striking figure, hair carefully brushed out and dark, musky fragrance wafting into their nose.
Hero was going to be the end of them.
They smile at them, and hook their hand into theirs, making a flustered, ruddy colour highlight their flawless complexion.
"So where do you want to go?"
"I thought you had something planned, this being your idea," Hero remarks playfully.
"You've never been submissive, love." They pull their arm away and wrap it around Hero's waist, giving them a wolfish grin, their cheeks turning an even brighter red.
"No. Just curious. Impress me."
"My pleasure."
As cliché as it is, Villain takes Hero to one of their favourite places to get dinner. Exchanging stories and occasionally feeding them stuff off their plate with a fork, and watching in delight as they savour the food and their whole face lights up.
It would've been perfect if they hadn't spent ages bickering about who would pay, until Villain screamed at them that they were the one inviting them out.
The next place they go to is a gamble. Villain had always been the one who was asked out, and never once had they been taken there. "Do you like gaming?"
"Like it? When I was still someone's teenaged sidekick, I wanted to do it professionally. Like a civilian job," they all but squeak.
"Being hopelessly in love with you doesn't mean I'm letting you win, dear Hero," Villain cackles, clutching their controller.
Hero replies with a simple smug smirk that evolves into a smug grin when the score board shows they won, with an advantage of two rounds. They weren't kidding about the 'professionally' part.
The last part of their evening together is quite possibly Villain's favourite. This time, they just *know* Hero's going to love it.
They take them to what used to be an old park, now completely devoid of anything but a rusty bench or two. The sight of the stars glowing brightly against the night sky like diamonds woven into dark silk was beautiful. But even the stars didn't sparkle as brightly as Hero's eyes did.
Pulling Air Pods out of their purse, Villain asks Hero to pick a few songs they like to listen to, sticking one into their ear.
"Dance with me, darling?" they whisper, extending a hand out.
They nod, letting their fingers intertwine with Villain's. They kiss the back of Villain's hand, smirking at how it catches them off-guard, only the start of their revenge for all the flustering they'd put them through.
They slow-dance, Hero indulging themselves in the hopelessly flustered look on Villain's face as they dipped them and spun them around, wrapping their arms around their waist and slinging Villain's around their neck. Neither of them wanted it to end.
They finally tire out after hours of dancing in the moonlight, Villain snaking their arm around their waist. They go to Hero's house together, just quietly enjoying each other's company.
"See you around, Hero. I enjoyed tonight with you, and I hope you did too." They kiss Hero's forehead.
The crime-stopper remains silent for a moment, each second pulling away at the villain's heartstrings. They cross the distance between them, pulling them into a long hug and gently pressing a kiss into one of their cheekbones. "Thank you for tonight, love. If you want to, I can take you out, same time, next Saturday."
"I'd want nothing more, sweetheart." They give them one last kiss on their temple, breaking out of their hold.
It's Hero who can't sleep this time, thoughts of their new lover and the sight of their flowers now in vase by their windowsill keeping them up. They know that they're taking a huge, possibly foolish risk, placing their already wounded and fragile heart out on the line.
But they'd never felt something as strong as how they feel about Villain or as loved as they had tonight.
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