#HL romance
shatinn · 1 year
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Hogwarts legacy - moments with Ominis 4/?
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choccy-milky · 4 months
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happy 1 year anniversary to the raven and the snake! can't believe it's already been a year since i first started writing my fic and drawing seb&clora😭💖 thank you all for sticking around!💖💖 ((base used))
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girl-named-matty · 2 months
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*Proceeds to write a romance fanfic*
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sunnyrealist · 4 months
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars ☀️🌑✨ book cover ✨🌑☀️
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All of the artwork was created by @giselsann-opencommissions. Thank you! It has been a pleasure working with you. 😊
Check it out! (MDNI - this story is only for adults.)
Some overview and context for The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars:
The story takes place in 1899. Sebastian is 25.
At 16, Seb was given a life sentence in Azkaban, where he was tortured, emotionally manipulated, forced into a fighting ring, etc.
When he was 21, the Kelpies, a gang of ruthless dark wizards, conducted a prison break. A fellow inmate suggested taking Sebastian with them, considering him a potential asset due to his combat skills.
Seb spent years with the gang, forced to do their bidding while hiding from the Ministry. Eventually, he was caught. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement gave him two choices: go back to Azkaban or serve as a double-agent to bring the gang down. He chose the latter.
Post-Azkaban, Sebastian never attempted to fit in anywhere or get close to anyone because he knows all too well that everything can be taken away in the blink of an eye. He doesn’t dare to hope. He has no permanent home and never even tried to contact his old friends from Hogwarts, figuring they are better off not even knowing he is out. He doesn’t want to “destroy their lives again.”
Seb is angsty - lonely and depressed. He desperately needs a hug and some good lovin’.
Enter Kate Mayflower, a positive, kind, friendly, and mischievous former Hufflepuff who works as the Hogwarts assistant librarian. Sebastian meets her in the Leaky Cauldron on her 24th birthday while she celebrates with her friends. He falls hopelessly in love with her, the woman who gave him a rare chance to find happiness again.
Kate is a great match for him and exactly what he needs - the sun to his moon. However, she is uncomfortable with dark magic, which pulls them apart for a time.
Other stuff in the story:
Lots of fluff - Kate and Sebastian are romantics.
Tons of smut, including sex at Hogwarts
Mysterious circumstances around Anne’s final years (sadly, she passed away in 1894)
Kate’s parents do not approve of her relationship with Sebastian.
A dangerous conflict with Ominis
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars is at its heart a love story but also about Sebastian building a new life, learning to forgive himself, and figuring out who he truly wants to be.
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crowlipso · 10 months
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Omg Aetha, I'm such a big fan.
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seedsinmygarden · 9 months
HLC REACT: Watching MC Marry Someone Else
I think this was my very first one of Scarlet's that I did! It was a lot of fun, and I think it was meant to be sadder than it was, but I liked to think that most of them would be happy that MC found happiness.
Word Count: 1,622 words
Tags and Warnings: Some angst, mostly nice and fluffy (though platonic).
OMINIS GAUNT: He stood by Sebastian as he watched MC walk down the aisle in their gorgeous attire. He wished he was the one standing in Sebastian’s place, he wished he was the one speaking vows to MC, he wished he was the one wearing the grooms’ robes… but he had a smile on his face regardless because while he wished it was him, he was still ecstatic that his best friend had found happiness after such a tumultuous era in Hogwarts. He always knew that MC would never want to marry a Gaunt— truly, who would? It would only lead them to a future of pain. At least as a Sallow, they would have freedom.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He had less grace than Ominis did and when he watched MC walk up the aisle to Amit Thakkar. He had no clue why they had invited him, truly— MC and Sebastian’s relationship was strained after their time in Hogwarts. Perhaps they only invited him because Anne was in the wedding party? It didn’t matter— what mattered is that he wasn’t the one up there, holding MC’s hands as they spoke their vows softly to each other. As soon as the ceremony ended, Sebastian extended his wishes to the couple through Anne and left early, using the excuse of ‘work emergency’ to get out. Thank Merlin he was an Auror, because then it was actually a valid excuse…
AMIT THAKKAR: MC’s wedding with Garreth is absolutely lovely! It’s so quaint and cute and cozy and MERLIN he wished he could have taken some inspiration for his own wedding with Samantha Dale-Thakkar UGHHHHH. He laughs to himself a bit as he watches the lovely couple dance their first dance at the reception, remembering the schoolboy crush he had on MC back during their time in Hogwarts, and the one utterly disastrous date they had gone on before agreeing they were better off as friends. He was glad that he and MC were able to move on (in fact, it was MC who helped him get a date with Samantha in their seventh year!), but he would always find himself wondering what-ifs. Regardless, he was happy, MC was happy, and that’s all he could have ever asked for.
GARRETH WEASLEY: MC had asked Garreth to officiate their wedding with Imelda Reyes, and he had eagerly accepted. How he had the certification to do so? No one knows, not even Garreth himself, he knows he just woke up with it in his pocket after a night at the bar with the boys. After checking that it wasn’t just a false certification and seeing that there was a fee to reverse it, Garreth kept it and it made to be a great joke around town— if you get married by a Weasley, that means a lot of kids are to come in the future! Either way, here he stood, in front of MC and Imelda as they had linked hands and looked at him, ready to begin the ceremony. He grins and with a glance to his own husband, he takes a breath and sets off to marry his sixth-year crush to the love of their life. He didn’t mind it, really, he had moved on a long time ago and found love with a particular blond Slytherin.
NATSAI ONAI: Natty was in the wedding party as MC gets married to the lovely Adelaide Oakes. Natty and Addy had grown closer to the point that Addy had asked Natty to be one of her bridesmaids in the wedding when MC proposed. MC was excited, happy that Addy had grown to love all their friends just as much as they did to the point that she wanted to have some of them in the wedding party. Natty was excited as well, but when she went to bed that night, she had wondered if this was the right thing to do. She never wished their separation— she had lost her chance and accepted that fact a long time ago. She just could never get over MC. In time, she will. She knows that much. And so the wedding went on, with Natty smiling brightly as she watches Addy and MC share their first kiss as married partners.
POPPY SWEETING: Watching MC get married to Anne Sallow was certainly something she wasn’t expecting, especially seeing as Anne wasn’t even there during their fifth year. Yet they had met, through Sebastian, and, well… here they were, standing in front of each other at a makeshift altar in the fields near Hogsmeade. It was a beautiful summer wedding, a nice cool breeze passing through every so often. Poppy was partially working that wedding, but she had some assistance to be able to fully enjoy it— Eleazar (the Phoenix!) was going to fly their rings down the aisle, there was a little petting zoo of all the less-harmful animals in one corner, and then last but not least, Highwing would be flying the two away back to Feldcroft, where they would enjoy their first night together as a wedded couple after the dinner and reception. Poppy could almost imagine herself in Anne’s place— truthfully, she wished she was, but she had lost her chance long ago. Now, she was going to be happy that MC had found happiness.
IMELDA REYES: EVERETT. FUCKING. CLOPTON. First of all, HOW. Second of all, WHY? Third of all, MC, blink twice if you’re being held hostage and forced to marry him against your will. In all seriousness, though, Imelda could see how MC grew attracted to the guy in the first place. He may have still had his squeaky voice and not great hygiene when they first met in fifth year, but his voice had grown deeper and he finally cleaned up his routine by the time they graduated Hogwarts. Really, who WASN’T chasing Everett? He even cleaned up so well for his wedding that Imelda was almost jealous of MC! The feeling of a hand slipping into hers distracts her from the train of thought she was one and she looks over to her own wife, the former Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain and her partner-in-crime on the Hollyhead Harpies. Imelda fell in love with MC wayyy back in fifth year, but then she had also properly met the woman that would become her wife and, well, one thing led to another… Regardless, Imelda was happy for MC and her crush on them had long since diminished, long before her own wedding. EVERETT THOUGH??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN—
ANNE SALLOW: Watching MC marry Natty was much more painful than Anne had anticipated it being. She genuinely did believe that she had a chance with them, but that could have been the ‘rescue romance’ talking. Ever since MC had saved her life from the curse that had plagued her, the curse that had stolen an entire year at Hogwarts from her, she felt indebted to them in more ways than one. It wasn’t healthy to romanticize it, she knew that, but she couldn’t help herself— there were so many other things that furthered the connection she felt. And then her heart broke the day that it had gotten around school that MC was dating Natty. That they were the ‘it’ couple, that they were going to get married and have beautiful babies— why was that a topic of conversation, Anne will never know. Then, five years after that day, they got married. Anne was there in the audience, watching Sebastian as he stood by MC’s side with a proud grin and she matches his pride for MC with a smile of her own. She can mourn this loss, yes, but then she will move along. Perhaps she can see if Amit would like a dance…
EVERETT CLOPTON: Everett kind of expected it. He knows he was an ass with poor hygiene throughout school, there was no way that MC would have ever wanted to be with him. At least romantically— they were kind enough to be friends with him, which he was still so eternally grateful for. It’s how he landed an invite to their wedding, a witness to their marriage to Poppy Sweeting. Everett couldn’t deny, the wedding itself was beautiful and there was the promise of a little petting zoo at the reception, with a phoenix even! There had been times where he wished he was the one standing up there instead of Poppy, but he pushed those thoughts down. He should be happy for MC finding happiness, even if that happiness doesn’t quite lie with him.
LEANDER PREWETT: Like Everett, Leander expected it. He was also an ass but at least he had better hygiene than the Ravenclaw Quidditch-pro wannabe. But he was more of an ass than Everett, even if he didn’t actually mean it half the time, tormenting first-years was his primary form of entertainment. Regardless, he was still MC’s friend, and attended the wedding ceremony where they would get married to the loveliest Samantha Dale. How could he ever compete with the plant-loving beauty of Ravenclaw? Even he held a small liking for her at one point— who wouldn’t— and MC was lucky to have her hand in marriage. Leander wasn’t close enough to the couple to be standing up there with them, but he was invited to the ceremony and the dinner that would follow, and he happily went, eager to see some old friends as well. Unlike Everett, however, Leander had already come to terms with it— that MC had found happiness, and that it wasn’t with him. All too common in his lifetime, but hey, he had a great plus one partner in one of Sam’s friends from Hufflepuff, Leonora Everleigh.
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juneymont · 4 months
This feels really cool. 🙏 I'm so so grateful for everyone who's read.
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(There’s a world where that’s not the HogwartsLegacy tag and where it’s HogwartsLegscy because of my fucking fat fingers. (But yes I checked the spelling four — make it six — times.))
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xieyaohuan · 1 year
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The Boys, Season 2 Episode 6, "The Bloody Doors Off"
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sonicranger1 · 1 year
Okay I'm about to be very petty rn so I've been playing Harry Potter: Magic awakened (which is really fun I recommend it) And WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S A DANCING PRACTICE SIDE ACTIVITY WHERE YOU CAN DANCE WITH A CHARACTER OF YOUR CHOOSING????
what is with the Harry potter mobile games and putting adorable stuff like THIS in yet hogwarts legacy is like naahh
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phoenixtakaramono · 6 months
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(You can read the rest of the threadfic update here!)
Keep in mind, all of my AU Butchlander threadfics on Twitter are the unpolished first draft versions of what'll eventually be polished up into long fics on AO3 under the Shock and Awe series. So you may regard this threadfic as an experimental first prototype and exclusive preview whose contents may or may not be changed in the future final draft version. We’re just loosely playing around with ideas and concepts for now!
If you don't have a Twitter account, screenshots are provided below the line break so you can read this update on Tumblr as well:
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(A/N) - Notice how the Evian bottled water mentioned earlier finally serves its purpose here? And peep at the mention of Billy's bare wrist—when it'd been mentioned he'd been wearing a Rolex watch prior when he'd entered Homelander's penthouse. :) The watch will come into play later; a classic underhanded CIA tactic to orchestrate a second meeting with the target.
Cut Content: Mirrorlander almost made an appearance in this update, where HL would see his own reflection approaching Billy's reflection in his mirrored bedroom...and being all handsy and just, in general, kinda creepy about it, haha. Reason why it was cut: pacing. It's also very similar to what'll show up in Truce ch4 and I didn't want to essentially rehash the same desperate obsession and tense introspection here, especially this early into this threadfic.
(The spicy 🔞 Part II 🔞 can be read here!)
If you are following along on Twitter, do let me know if you can't see the thread. 🙏 This is an ongoing experiment to see if continuing writing 🔞 threadfics is still feasible without getting sh@dowb@nned again.
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brainwroms · 3 months
someone sent me a moral orel request which is news to me cz i only drew it once but i kinda have to do it its clayberta im morally obliged to prove my faith to the world's worst straight ""ship""
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whalefairyfandom12 · 11 months
Audio edit of Sebinis/Gauntlow Noir AU, feat. Detective Ominis and serial killer Sebastian.
They sort of get engaged, in a dubious manner of speaking. From chapter ten of Knockturn Alley. Transcript below:
Sebastian: One day, you're going to give up the Gaunt name. On that day, I'll flay that brand from your back and you'll take this one instead. You'll be a Sallow. This mark will remind you of that. Remind you that you're mine alone.
Ominis: While the ring is a family relic, I always associated it with Aunt Noctua. She was determined to create something good from Slytherin's legacy. You have the best parts of me, so it's only fitting that you wear it. "The heart wants what it wants, or else it does not care."
Sebastian: "Beauty, mercy have on me. But if I expire today, let it be in sight of thee." I don't know how to make love to someone, but for you, I will try. Tell me you're mine. Tell me that you want this, and I'll kill anyone who tries to take you from me.
Ominis: I'm yours. I never allowed myself to want anything, let alone anyone. I adore you, and I've cherished every moment we've spent together even when I believed I hated you.
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choccy-milky · 6 months
hey!! i just wanted to come on here quickly and say i absolutely adore your art!! i was scrolling through the sebastian sallow x mc tag and found your artwork, and am about to starting reading your story on ao3! you’re super talented!!! and i look forward to reading your story and seeing more art from you <3
AW TYSM!! im glad you found / like my art, and i hope you end up liking my fic as well!👉👈💖💖💖
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Y'ALL......im so glad u like my art and also my fic so much😭😭im honoured to be your fav, ty for the support and such high praise....and u are so right about the slytherin/ravenclaw dynamic. surprisingly i never really thought about the dynamic much before HL cause i was mostly focused on gryffindor/gryffindor or gryffindor/slytherin (ive never actually read any HP or HL fanfics, but i was always a romione shipper, and although i never dabbled, i was always interested in dramione/considered reading fics about them), but yess the slytherclaw dynamic just suits the MC/HL so much, especially with seb and his own personal quest for knowledge regarding anne's cure, like u said (also about your second ask, im glad u also enjoyed my ominis oneshot!! as for the nsfw idea.......👀👀....consider it noted👀( and even if i dont draw them im ALWAYS down to get some nsfw ideas or just ideas in general for either seb/clora OR ominis/MC. u never know what can spark inspiration😏) TY AGAIN🙏🙏🙏
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girl-named-matty · 12 hours
Romance in Hogwarts Legacy - How would it work?
When it comes to romance in the Hogwarts Legacy game, I do not feel like it would have fit at all during any of the storylines. We already have so many and quite a few of them were rushed, unfinished, or had unsatisfactory endings to begin with.
MC is faced with trials, tribulations, and so many other issues throughout the entire game-- I have a feeling that romance is the last thing on their mind. I mean, they're literally having to go through goblins and poachers every other day.
Now, no romance doesn't mean MC couldn't have been like "Oh Sebastian is cute", "Ominis is cute" or "Natty is cute" like take your pick, MC definitely could've had feelings for them; but that's completely up to the creator of the MC.
When it comes to canon, in-game during the storylines, I don't think romance would've fit well at all.
HOWEVER, I completely believe that it would be nice to have some romantic gestures or options after you finish the game (at the very least, the main storyline).
I'm personally completely fine with not having romance in this game since my imagination just allows me to make up for it LOL. But I do think it'd be cute and nice to have options like that.
To my knowledge, there was some romantic gestures put in the game files that were supposed to be in the game but didn't make it to the final cut so I'm thinking something like that.
Okay I'm done yapping now LOL. Lmk your thoughts on this!!! (remember to be kind y'all, this is just a game LOL)
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sunnyrealist · 2 months
🌶️ Chapter 39: A Delightful Morning 🌶️
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Chapter Background and Summary: Sebastian and Kate are on an adventurous camping trip in the Scottish Highlands. The couple has faced danger, concluded their first fight, gotten to know each other much more deeply, and had plenty of romantic and memorable moments. It is just about time for them to take on the last part of their journey. This chapter features the morning before they move forward into what may be another treacherous foray - exploring the mysterious Blackfold Castle.
Pairing: 25-year-old, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x Kate Mayflower (my OC)
Content warnings: In general, this story is rated 18+, so MNDI. This chapter features brief references to spanking and suicide, as well as discussion about how to proceed into dangerous terrain and sex in the missionary position.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Please leave some feedback if possible, especially if you like what you read! 🥰
Chapter 39: A Delightful Morning
Kate wakes up to find herself curled up to Sebastian’s back, holding him close. He is still sleeping soundly, and she gazes upon him lovingly with a warm smile. She can tell that it’s still early and the sun has not quite risen yet. She makes up her mind to not wake him; carefully, she untethers herself from his warmth and gingerly moves off of the bed, which only creaks slightly. Sebastian stirs a little but remains in the world of dreams.
While she relishes any opportunity to cuddle with her boyfriend, she’s been waiting for an opportunity to do some drawing. Lighting just a few candles, she summons a robe along with her drawing pencil and sketchbook. Then, she descends down the ladder into her extendable bag to retrieve some of the flowers and leafy stems she had picked earlier in their journey. Slightly waving her wand in a circular motion and whispering a charm, they twist in the air slowly until they have transformed into two gorgeous and full flower crowns. She tiptoes back to the bed and gently places one of them on Sebastian’s head and then the other on her own
When Kate perches at the edge of the bed, a sharp stinging sensation radiates all over her bottom. In a sharp contrast to his dominance last night, now Sebastian looks so peaceful and innocent, almost boyish in sleep. Her pencil begins to scratch against the paper as she memorializes this image. Eventually, it expands into a picture of the two of them, sleeping and spooning in a colorful meadow in the middle of a forest with flower crowns atop their heads. Her tongue peeks out between her lips as she begins to color the picture. She uses her wand to frequently change the color of her drawing pencil, adding as much shading and life as possible. 
Smiling at the finished product, Kate creates a duplicate on the next page. Quietly, she tears the duplicate page out of her sketchbook, leaving it on the bed right next to Sebastian so that it will be the first thing he discovers upon awakening.
Stretching, she decides to begin working on breakfast since, after all, she is awake and feeling energetic. That’s when she realizes they never cleaned up after the previous night, and the table is an absolute mess. It all comes crashing back, and Kate’s hand finds her forehead in frustration. There’s a lot of cleaning to do before she can get the morning meal ready. With a slight headache from her hangover slowly building, she groans in frustration, wishing it could all just be vanished, but alas, it is not an option - not unless she wants to spend her precious savings to purchase all new dishware upon their return to Hogsmeade. After spending a few moments of fruitless pouting, she comes to terms with the fact that no one is going to do the work for her, and thus, she gets to work with a grimace.
A half hour later, Kate finally places new dishes on the table - scones with clotted cream and raspberry jam, honey baked ham, and omelettes with cheddar cheese and spinach. She pours out cold water, adding a lemon slice in each glass to provide some flavor. Since her love is still asleep, she decides to do some reading at the table. Soon, she is engrossed in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, her imagination conjuring an image of Mr. Rochester begging Jane to not leave him to see her dying aunt. When Sebastian appears, she jumps.
Wearing just a pair of simple linen trousers and the flower crown, he softly says, “Good morning, sunshine.” He seems amused by her reaction after being so deeply engaged in her novel.
Kate grins brightly upon seeing that he hasn’t removed the flower crown. “Did you like my surprise?”
Sebastian chuckles. “Loved it. I’ll treasure that drawing forever.” He gives her a goofy smile. “Though I must say, I never thought I’d find myself wearing a flower crown.”
She rises from her seat, wrapping her arms around him and caressing the expanse of his back, running her fingers over his marred skin. “Well, the moon prince needed his crown,” she whispers playfully, kissing his chiseled chest, then gestures to the spread on the table. “And I’m certain he will also need breakfast after such a strenuous night.” She winks.
“We’ll need strength for the flight and whatever awaits us at Blackfold Castle,” Sebastian notes, quickly taking a seat and digging into an omelette.
Kate generously spreads cream onto a scone. “I wonder what it will look like.”
“Are you excited?” 
“Yes! I’m looking forward to seeing it. I’ve never done anything like this,” she tells him as she adds jam on top of the clotted cream. “So… since you’ve told me how mysterious the castle is, I’m curious - how did you learn of it in the first place?”
“The Kelpies,” he answers with his mouth full, then quickly swallows. “A man I was partnered with for a mission told me about it. When he attempted to explore, he could not figure out how to get past the protective wards surrounding the castle. I was inspired and wanted to learn more. That led to a great deal of research.” He sips his lemon water. “There’s a fascinating history behind the castle, but no one seems to know the full story, and no one has ever been able to access the interior.”
Kate’s eyes narrow. “Then… how are we going to get inside?”
“I’m not sure yet,” Sebastian admits. “It will be trial and error. But clearly, if it’s so well protected, there must be something worthwhile inside. It’s worth trying.”
She takes a bite of her scone. “What did you learn in your research?”
“Basic information about the late history of the castle. It’s quite tragic, really,” he begins. Determining that she is completely engaged, he decides to tell her everything he knows. “Prior to the mid 1300s, Blackfold was a thriving, bustling castle. It was originally built so high up in the mountains to keep Muggles away. Muggles could never access it. There were, in the past, wizarding villages down below, but they are long gone, and truly, nothing remains of them. It seems that when Blackfold Castle became abandoned, the village inhabitants slowly left as well, seeking protection from other Scottish wizarding royals.” 
“Not… quite. The final monarch was someone named Queen Eilionoir. Supposedly, she was forced into a marriage with the prince, who soon became king, and the two were deeply unhappy. Amidst a war between clans, the king made the unfortunate decision to not lead or even join his people in battle. He was afraid to engage in combat without an heir. Eventually, he was assassinated. Eilionoir refused to remarry and soon dismissed all of the castle staff. She was found dead weeks later, and the leading theory is that she used poison to kill herself. The locals considered the castle cursed, as no one could enter due to whatever magic the queen placed over Blackfold. That is all I know.”
Kate’s brow is furrowed. “That’s a terrible history! Why would she harm herself? Why would she seal off the castle? I wonder what would drive someone to do such a thing.”
“No one knows, or at least, no one confessed to knowing anything. Simple as that. She didn’t leave a note. Villagers just… found her body one day, and that was it,” he replies. “There are strong, very strong magical wards at the entrance to the castle. It seems that Queen Eilionoir didn’t want anyone to enter her world of misery.”
“Do these… protective wards… injure people? Or are they simply repellants? I’ve never heard of wards lasting for centuries. Could it be the work of dark magic?”
“Well, the man who told me about the castle was spooked,” Sebastian explains. “He made several attempts to enter Blackfold. Originally, the wards threw him back over and over. When he figured out what triggered that, he pushed past with great difficulty, but then his arm was slashed, and he felt as though he had been punched directly in the heart.” He takes a scone. “He quit after that. He was too afraid after the injury to go further.”
Kate’s heart rate speeds up, already feeling anxious about what could happen. They’ve already been in one dangerous situation on this trip, and she is certainly not eager for another. “I don’t want either of us to get hurt. We’re up here in the mountains alone… That’s worrisome.”
Sebastian’s gaze never breaks as he meets her eyes. “I will not let anything happen to you. I promise. But after doing all of this research, I just… I have to explore. I can’t just let it be until I’ve at least tried.”
Kate nods, contemplative as she cuts a slice of ham into smaller pieces. “Well, it sounds like we’ll most likely be repelled. If that happens, was this trip even worth it to you?” Her eyes are downcast.
Their tent flaps with a gust of wind. The fire in the wood-burning stove crackles.
“No,” he replies, his voice soft as he reaches out to take her hand. “It will still have been more than worth it. This trip wasn’t just about exploration. It was just as much about spending time with you, my sweet sun.”
Kate’s worry melts away. “I’ve loved our time together. That is - other than the terrifying experience in the cave.” She chuckles, thankful she can laugh about it now. “I feel as though we have learned a lot about each other these past few days.”
Sebastian scoots his chair closer to her. He tilts her chin up. “Learning more about who you are is worth far more than treasure, my Kate.”
She smiles sweetly, closing her eyes in contentment as Sebastian caresses her hair. “And you’ve opened up so much to me. Now I know more about your past, and even better, I know what you want for your future. I don’t know how you managed it, but you’ve somehow made me fall even more deeply in love, Sebastian.”
Drawn to each other, their lips meet. 
Soon, they’ve made their way back to the bed, all of their clothing discarded.
Kate settles her head on her pillow, her golden hair flowing in every direction, as Sebastian leans over her. Her soft skin is his addiction - he just cannot get enough of touching her. He allows himself to indulge in this - in her - in the moment. Their breath mingling, his lips close around hers. He lets himself be pulled in deeper as he falls into the softness that is his girlfriend, his entire world becoming Kate.
She sighs as his weight settles upon her. Rather than feeling crushed, there is something so comforting about his body on hers. Kate’s fingers trace over his freckled face, neck, and shoulders. Sebastian’s hair is a wild mess, and yet, she loves it all the more, running her hands through it as they make out. His kisses become more needy as he becomes lost in the touch, the smell, the taste of his lover. 
Kate gasps for air as they break apart momentarily, then begin making out again. His hands are everywhere - her neck, her breasts, her nipples, her hips… Her mind, just like his, is spinning with only one thought: Sebastian. She kisses and sucks on his neck and shoulders, then nips at his warm skin; she hears him let out a moan, sparking her to continue. 
When he pulls back for a second, he whispers, “You drive me insane… you make me so desperate…”
She whimpers as he kisses and licks and sucks and bites at the sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder. 
His hungry lips travel further south, worshiping every centimeter of her breasts, suckling at her nipples. She squirms beneath him, arching her back. Her breathing is growing heavier, her gasps becoming louder. 
Sebastian’s fingers find their way between her legs. He knows she’ll be dripping, yet still must feel it for himself. He slides a finger over her sensitive bud, tracing circles as she shrieks. 
Kate can feel how hard he is. “Sebastian… please,” she begs. “Please make love to me.”
His heart races at her request. Still teasing her clit, he whispers seductively, “I am going to fill you to the brim. You… You are making me crazy. I want you more than anything.”
Sebastian kisses her lips again, languidly and full of passion. Then, he takes himself in hand, sliding his thick manhood along her slick. Guiding himself, he slowly enters her heat as she moans his name, her legs opening wider for him as she accepts his full length. His eyes never leave her face. Fully sheathed, he leans in to press his lips to hers again. He squeezes her breast as he kisses her, waiting for her to be completely comfortable before he makes any further move.
“Oh, my gods, Bash,” she whines. “Please…”
He begins to slowly thrust, watching her face twist in pleasure. He himself moans, wishing to move faster, and it isn’t long before he makes that change. Picking up her legs, he throws her feet over his shoulders, allowing him to plunge even deeper. 
Sebastian groans. “So tight… so wet…”
His strokes are powerful. Gripping her hips, his fingertips dig into her skin. His speed increasing, he pounds into her as if his life actually depended on the motion. It’s loud. He slaps against the flesh of her arse, still tinged red from yesterday’s spanking.
Kate can’t stop shrieking, not for even a moment. This position is intense, and she feels herself winding up. Wanting to draw it out, Sebastian suddenly changes his pace. After moving so quickly, he begins thrusting slow and deep, over and over. Then, he switches it up again, back to stroking as fast as he can. Kate can hardly breathe; release is coming. Her full breasts bounce up and down, providing a view to her boyfriend that only turns him on more.
“You’re so perfect… so beautiful… Kate… I can’t stop…”
Sebastian cannot think anymore of anything other than fully claiming her as his. His groans grow more frequent and loud as her inner walls tighten around his cock. 
“I’m gonna-” she begins and cuts out, shouting his name as she comes. “Seb! Seb!!!”
There is no slowing down. Sebastian continues thrusting into her tight heat. Her orgasm is long and drawn out, much to his pleasure. Her cheeks are rosy, her body marked by love bites. He wants Kate to only dream of him, to be his possession… This thought and the sight of her lustful release makes him lose control. With raspy breath, he spears into her a few more times and then comes, panting. He moans as an excessive amount of his hot seed spurts out, coating her inner walls. 
As if Sebastian was actually trying to impregnate Kate, he uses his own cock to push his cum, threatening to spill out of her, right back in. The ultimate claim, what he most desires, is for his seed to take root, for life to grow - it is enough to make his heart burst and make him want to fuck her all over again.
Kate’s eyes are blank, as if she is looking at another world entirely. Breathless and trembling, it takes her a while to come down from her high. When she does, she gazes upon Sebastian, his expression both feral and adoring all at once. 
Still inside her, he leans in to kiss her again. “Gods…” he mumbles. “I cannot get enough of you. I cannot get enough of these kisses. All of this - it’s just too short. It needs to be extended for hours.” He presses his lips to hers again, his tongue tracing her bottom lip.
“Oh, my moon,” she whispers, then is quickly pulled into another kiss. “We… We have a lot to accomplish today…”
“But… to do what we must…” Sebastian whispers in her ear, his voice sultry and husky, “Perhaps we should get all worked up again.”
“That’s a terrible idea. There is only so much daylight, and we need our energy for the castle!” Kate laughs. “We can spend whatever is left afterward.” She flashes a flirty smile. “Let’s make our final night of the trip… memorable later.”
“Of course,” he whispers hoarsely, kissing her neck and causing her to whimper as he focuses on a sensitive spot. “Let’s make sure this is the most memorable night of our entire holiday.”
Kate gently pushes him away and speaks playfully. “It’s going to be difficult to top all of the romantic moments we’ve had. Hopefully you have something in mind to make tonight even better.” 
“I have so many ideas - I’m not even sure where to begin,” he tells her suggestively. “I’ll just have to let my instincts take over… and allow myself to lose control…”
“My goodness, Mr. Sallow,” Kate replies innocently. “Is that wise?” She bats her eyelashes. “That sounds a bit dangerous to me…”
“Wise, Kate? I never claimed to be wise… But dangerous? That is precisely the point. I want to just let it all go - let go of my reason and better judgment.”
“If you’re saying you’ve never yet lost control with me, then what on earth will tonight be like?” Kate questions with a sly grin on her face, tracing a finger over his jawline. “But perhaps…” She plucks her finger away. “Perhaps it is best left as a mystery until later.”
Sebastian’s brows raise as she teases him. “Ah, but Kate, my dear…” he whispers in a low tone with a playful smile as his hand reaches out to run through her hair, brushing over her bare shoulder. “Do you really want to leave it all to mystery? You could let yourself imagine… just how uncontrollable your future husband might become…”
Kate chuckles. “I can imagine a lot of things. I have a very active imagination, my moon.” She kisses his cheek. “But come, now, we had best clean up breakfast, gather our supplies, and prepare our brooms.”
He sighs. “You are right, my love. We have a lot to do today…” He turns around, getting a hold of himself. “Let’s get ready to go. We have a whole day ahead of us, and then we can explore your… active imagination.”
Kate stands up, laughing, and then gets to work before Sebastian changes his mind.
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boxdstars · 9 months
i always joke around that it’s ominis who’s the gay counterpart to maras catty lesbianism, but in all actuality it is 100% albus. can you even imagine.
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