deepseacolors · 1 year
Nurse: ma’am you’ve been in a coma since 2016
me: gee i’m so excited to go to my dashboard, which will be a normal blue color and have zero huge invasive popups getting in my face
Anyway: hi! It’s me, Girumi or Hannah or however you may know me. Changed my username because the old one was Very Bad.
A lot has happened since I was here last. None of it’s super interesting, though, and it’s past my bedtime.
I hope everyone’s been doing well.
I don’t know if I will be posting much anytime soon since I’m in the middle of job hunting, but who knows! Maybe I’ll be able to get on here more than once every 7 years.
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aziraphales-library · 11 months
hello lovelies!! thank you all so much for all the work that you do!! y’all really are lifesavers.
i was wondering if you had any recommendations for fics that emulate the style of the original book/have a Pratchett-y vibe (footnotes, humour, structure, etc.)? i’d be especially interested in ones that are in this style but exist in the show’s canon rather than the book’s, but I wouldn’t mind either way!
We have a #footnotes tag, please check that out. Here are more fics with footnotes...
A Lot of Space Between Your Ears by nerdsandthelike (G)
“And you expect us to just waltz into Heaven, rob the archives, and walk back out?” “Yes.” “No.” Nearly a year after they successfully stopped the world from ending, Heaven obtains evidence that would result in Aziraphale being recalled from Earth. Crowley and Aziraphale decide to steal it back.
DIY How to build your own Garden of Eden by ximeria (T)
Post-not-end-of-days Crowley feels a change is needed, but he can't do it alone. Not to mention, he's not entirely sure what it is, this nebulous thing that he wants. He just knows it involves Aziraphale.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by divisionten (T)
“Well, Pulsifer, I can say with confidence I know exactly what’s wrong with your car.” “Oh? What’s wrong?” Newt peered down, looking at the undercarriage, as most people do who want to help but have absolutely no skill in basic car repair. “It’s shit.” (An anthology collection of the times Anthony J. Crowley, retired demon and occasional slumber party guest, and Aziraphale, forcefully instated Guardian Angel of the downtrodden, get summoned to deal with humanity.)
Yes and Please and Thank You by WyvernQuill (T)
"Go to alpha centauri, for all I care! Go now, this very instant, and never return, do you hear me, Crowley? Never!" Due to Crowley's firm conviction that "he need never know", Aziraphale has, for all the time they've known each other, been blissfully unaware of the obedience curse Crowley's been looping holes around since 4004 BC. You can't really blame him, is the point. Aziraphale had no idea what his unthinking words might do, and is already planning to apologise profusely at dinner... ...which might get a little tricky, seeing as Crowley has just been sighted in the vicinity of Pluto, and has concrete orders to never show his face on earth. Ever. Again.
Demon in Heaven, Angel in Hell by Hexqueen517 (T)
When the world ends, Aziraphale will be called back to Heaven and Crowley will be banished back to Hell, separated for eternity - unless they’re willing to listen to Beelzebub and Gabriel’s plan. Which is Beelzebub’s plan, of course, but they need Gabriel to act as a shield against plant misters filled with holy water. But not everyone in Heaven and Hell is on board with Beelzebub and Gabriel’s leadership. When everyone at the top of the Ineffable Bureaucracy has their own ambitions, the chances of averting apocalypse yet again may seem random. You never know who will come out on top when the dice begin to roll …
i have spent all my years in believing you by braveatironheart (M)
This is the story of how Aziraphale and Crowley inadvertently end the war between Heaven and Hell. The story of how they – indirectly, at least – avert the Apocalypse is in there, too, but I suspect you already know that one. If pressed and in an uncharacteristically honest mood, Crowley would have to admit he’d fallen for Aziraphale in the Garden of Eden. Things were not so straightforward for Aziraphale, who spent six millennia trying to ignore his growing fondness for the demon. He supposed the first time he’d felt drawn to Crowley would have been in Rome, eight years after the death of Christ. And what had he done? Invited him to lunch. It was no wonder, really, that he kissed him two thousand years later. How else was one to respond when one’s hereditary enemy saved one’s life and one’s books? 5945 years after they meet, Crowley and Aziraphale confess their love for one another. They certainly aren’t going to let anything get in the way, no matter what Heaven and Hell throw at them. aka Good Omens, except the only plot is Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship. Complete with original, lockdown-era plot.
- Mod D
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youcouldmakealife · 11 months
Liveblogging the End: Jared (103-105)
Okay, I am back to liveblog the end now that we are ACTUALLY approaching the end several...years...later.
Previous parts can all be found under the liveblogging the end tag in reverse chronological order.
And if you want to read along with me, the series page is here.
I am dropping the part summaries going forward, and instead you'll have random ass mini-essays on occasion, because I have Thoughts and Feelings and the like. Starting with one today, below the cut.
I paused the LBTE last time at part 102, because I realised we were, in fact, a long way off from the end, and I was going to finish the liveblog well before I finished the series. And I was…very right about that. It’s a good place to step back in, honestly: Jared’s just told Deslauriers about his relationship with Bryce (it went poorly), Bryce is about to tell the Flames about him and Jared (it will go poorly), and wedding plans are ramping up. Let’s step back to Alberta, everyone.
Here’s the thing about Jared Matheson: he’s beautiful, he’s smarter than most people around him (not all around him, as he believes, but most), he’s in the 0.001 percentile of hockey players worldwide, and he draws good, kind people around him like moths to his flame (also fellow hobgoblins, to be fair). And he thinks like a Mary Sue: ‘here I am, just this ordinary boy, totally unremarkable, why did Bryce Marcus just trip over his feet looking at me, must be a plot’ and then Bryce’s POV is ‘oh look, it’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen’.
Here’s the other thing about Jared Matheson. He’s the narrator of this story, but he’d be the first to tell you the true hero of this story is Bryce Marcus, and Jared’s The Love Interest. Of course, he’s not exactly the mute but there to look pretty and provide stakes love interest of action movies, or the longsuffering picking up after man baby partner of romantic comedies (…mostly), but he is, indubitably, the love interest of the Official Plotline. And fuck does Bryce love him.
I obviously did not know what I was getting into with Impaired Judgment (the series name that just keeps on getting more and more fitting). First off, I had zero handle whatsoever on Bryce. Jared’s voice I had pretty well from the get go — it changed, naturally, as he got older and more settled, and his ‘like’ per part ratio is down significantly at 24 versus 17 (Bryce actually uses it more than he does in dialogue, now), but I had Jared pretty well pegged.
Bryce Marcus. Holy shit man. That guy was a revelation to me as much as he was to Jared. Dude peeled off his layers like a fucking strip tease at the beginning of IJ(aoe) and then grew to be one of my kindest, most earnest, sweetest characters. What I thought was a trash son had only landed in the dumpster accidentally, and required a rescue.
I’m going to have other random little essays while I go through Liveblogging the End (actually for real this time), because this many words and this many years in, there’s obviously something that keeps me coming back to these boys every time I think I’ve reached a natural end to their story, one more step they have to take together before they’re through. But in the meantime, let’s get to the actual story, shall we.
103 - Exertion
Wedding planning feels particularly good when you’re doing it spitefully. Things Jared wasn’t overly concerned with are suddenly important. Fuck yes they’re going to wear tuxes and have the stupidly expensive catering Bryce wants. If Bryce wants a fucking ice sculpture in the middle of summer Jared would probably okay it right now, just as long as he could send a picture of it to Oilers PR.
One of my favourite things about Jared is how much spite he can inject into all his endeavours.
Bryce comes home after two hours, and Jared is given a pretty solid example of Chaz’s reports of the discrepancy between Bryce’s gloss on the phone with Jared versus Bryce in reality, because his face is a fucking thundercloud until he realises Jared’s looking at him, and once he does it gets very — neutral. The epitome of ‘fine’.
Bryce is still masking a LOT at this point in the narrative. It’s kind of crazy to me how far he’s come at this point and how far he’s still going to go.
Jared’s at least ninety percent sure people have recognised Bryce, so he keeps it low when he leans in while Bryce is taking a long-overdue water break, shirt plastered to his back, and says, “Is it weird to say you look hot when you’re punching things?”
Bryce laughs a little breathlessly. “You hate when I fight,” he says.
“Yeah, but when you’re fighting guys are throwing punches back,” Jared says. “And I kinda like your face.”
This is going to keep holding true, much to Jared’s chagrin. Well, chagrin about the fighting: he’s cool continuing to like Bryce’s face.
They do, however, fuck in their own shower — no matter how many times Jared swears they’re never going to do that again, usually while nursing a minor injury, he gets Bryce naked and wet in an enclosed space with him and things go badly. Well, they go badly for his self-discipline; they go pretty okay otherwise. Neither of them even need an ice pack after
The one lesson that is never learned in this narrative, but hey: no ice pack this time.
“Cool,” Jared says. “You still want that crazy expensive catering company?”
“I mean, you keep looking at price per person, but it’s not that much when we only have—”
“You can go ahead and book them,” Jared says.
“Hey, is mid-July too soon for the wedding? That huge lake house you thought it’d be cool to rent out just told mom they got a cancellation then.”
Jared would literally marry him tomorrow if Bryce wasn’t so aghast at the idea of eloping.
“I know we haven’t ironed out, like—” Bryce says.
“Book it,” Jared interrupts.
Their entire wedding comes together on the wings of spite and Bryce is kind of loving it, tbh.
“Liar,” Jared says.
“Mom,” Bryce complains.
“Bear, you know you’re a bad liar,” Elaine says.
One of Bryce’s best-worst feelings is when Jared and Elaine team up on him. His favourite people are united! Against him.
Erin drops the ‘I don’t know how hockey works’ b.s. while Elaine’s there, which is good, because if Jared had to tell her one more time that icing doesn’t persist during the power play, while he’s already grit-tooth watching the Flames kill it, well —
Jared should not kill his sister.
This act, which was used to bug the SHIT out of her father and brother, is permanently dropped when she gets together with Julius, and Jared and Don both have dramatic ‘I KNEW IT’ conversations with her.
“But you would have had to tell them before the wedding,” Elaine says. “And telling them affects your career more than his.”
“How?” Jared asks. “He’s the high-profile player.”
“That’s my point,” Elaine says. “There’s always going to be a team that thinks his play makes a potential scandal worth it.”
And that isn’t true of Jared. He honestly like — his dad’s been telling him that since before he was drafted, that a team might decide it wasn’t worth the PR headache, pissing off the homophobic fans. And he knew that, intellectually he knew his dad was right, it’s just — he didn’t expect it to go as bad as it did. Maybe that was naive.
Jared would self-describe as a pessimist, but he’s actually the optimist, between him and Bryce. And he’s usually the one who’s right about how things will go down, versus Bryce, who tends to fear the worst, but unfortunately that’s not always the case.
“I worried about him a lot growing up. I’m sure you can — I worried about Bryce a lot. And I don’t worry — I don’t worry about him in the same way now. And you’re a big part of why I don’t. So thank you for that.”
“I didn’t really do anything,” Jared says. “Like, he kind of — it’s all him. He’s the one who did all the work, you know?”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Elaine says, reaching out and squeezing his hand, and Jared squeezes back.
This is probably my favourite Jared and Elaine moment in the entire series. The utter RELIEF it has been for Elaine, Bryce having Jared in his life. That fear has been so ever-present since Bryce was a child, the weight of it coming off was immense. She still worries about him, obviously, but before, she was Bryce’s sole support. Him having Jared is such blessing to her.
“Why’re you still up?” Jared asks.
“Waiting for you,” Bryce says, but he doesn’t protest when Jared pokes him to their room, supervises him getting into bed. Bryce gets out a plaintive “Come to bed,” before he crashes hard, and Jared gets Gatorade — blue, because Bryce earned it — and aspirin, puts them on Bryce’s bedside table in case he wakes up dehydrated and sore, which Jared knows from experience he almost definitely will. And Jared’s never played the kind of minutes Bryce did tonight. He adds an extra aspirin, just in case.
Soft shit, Matheson.
104 - Ember
Two of them are vanilla because Jared’s selfish and Bryce isn’t there, and anyway, no one dislikes vanilla, so it’s a good flavour to have.
I have been asked about the cake reversal, because Bryce has stated that he liked vanilla best when Jared got him a cupcake for a birthday very early in their relationship, and I will say this: Jared was visibly nervous he got the wrong flavour and Bryce was lying to make him feel better. Jared even pegged it at the time. Also as soon as he realised he could have a non-traditional wedding cake he got excited.
(He DOES like vanilla ice cream best, but he is a chocolate cake guy. Jared’s a chocolate ice cream and vanilla cake guy. Complementary couple.)
“I brought guests!” Bryce tells him, Chaz and Ashley walking in the door before Jared can do more than throw the nearest blanket over himself, give himself a little dignity. Not that Chaz hasn’t seen him in less hundreds of times, but context. Plus Ashley hasn’t, and does not deserve to be unexpectedly subjected to it. He twists it so it covers his chest too. He’s sure Ashley isn’t going to be scandalised by his nipples or whatever, but still.
“Beautiful blanket toga,” Chaz says.
He is stunning in his attire.
“We just got the cake decided,” Jared says. “Chocolate and vanilla, which isn’t like, totally traditional—” he pretends he doesn’t see Bryce rolling his eyes at him. “But it’s not like, a cupcake cake or whatever, so.”
“Aw, I like those little cupcake towers,” Ashley says. “They’re super cute.”
Bryce eats it up, and Jared can’t blame him, considering that’s like, his first enthusiastic Matheson reception, barring Erin the irritating shadow and devoted future sister-in-law. Plus her glaring crush when he first came onto the scene. Maybe Jared will amend that to adult Mathesons — though like, his grandma’s a Murray, not a Matheson, so maybe that’s the difference. No hobgoblin gene.
Jared has the hobgoblin gene from both sides, his grandma has simply bamboozled him into thinking she’s not a hobgoblin herself.
It’s going to cost an absurd amount for something Jared will probably never wear again, except maybe to Oilers charity stuff — and even then hopefully he’ll have put on enough weight it won’t fit — and Jared almost protests and puts his foot down on getting one off the rack, despite Bryce’s obvious horror at the idea, but then he gathers all his reserves of spite and lets it happen.
Bryce continues to be very grateful to Jared’s spite in this matter.
Small potatoes is a stupid term, Julius texts back ten minutes later, ten minutes Jared imagines he spent looking up whatever the hell that meant and then trying to figure out why that was a thing, and then throwing his hands up at the English language. It’s easy to imagine because Jared’s seen him do it multiple times before.
And to be fair, it is a pretty stupid term. Like, what is it comparing the small potatoes to? Big potatoes? A pumpkin?
It literally has no defined etymology and that makes me fucking mad. A good idiom requires a root MEANING, even if it’s no longer relevant to modern life. Fuck you small potatoes.
Jared snorts, then texts Julius with a mad face. “I can’t believe you’re sulking,” Bryce says. “I’m not,” Jared says, and then sends Julius three more mad faces and a I cooked for you ALL YEAR and I get nothing. Thank you for your congratulations, Julius sends back twenty minutes later. Whatever we both knew you were a lock., Jared texts back
I love their friendship. Julius is the friend Jared deserves.
It feels vaguely unethical for them to get preferential treatment when everyone’s supposed to be equal, but Jared doesn’t want some random person at City Hall recognising Bryce, so he’s not actually complaining.
Love Jared like ‘I recognise this is the sort of preferential treatment that leads to systemic inequality which is bad…but also I appreciate it’.
“We’re getting married in July,” Jared says, just to like — tell her. She doesn’t care, she’s just telling them how long it’s valid for so they don’t have to get a new one, but it’s just. It’s cool, saying it to someone.
“Congratulations,” she says, both like she says it a billion times a day, and like she means it, means it as much for them as anyone else, no more or less.
“Thank you,” Bryce says, and it’s stupid, but Jared has the sudden urge to take his hand, follows through on it. She knows they’re getting married, it’s not like a little hand holding is going to shock her. Once again, she doesn’t bat an eye.
But then also NOT getting different treatment is meaningful as hell too.
105 - Promise
It turns out while Bryce’s celebrity was kind of handy in getting some strings pulled at City Hall, it is a pain in the fucking ass when it comes to getting an officiant. Jared figured they could get Elaine or Bryce’s grandpa or someone to get a licence for it, like he’s seen before, keep it in the family, but Alberta’s a buzzkill on that one, and they have to go official.
I ALSO figured that and was displeased with the government of Alberta. (But when am I not, you know? If I get the fucking 'tell the Feds' ad one more time during a hockey game so help me--)
Jared doesn’t want to do that. Like, for one, Bryce is going to have a speech that’s a billion times more romantic and great even if he doesn’t put any effort into it — and Jared knows he’s going to put effort in it. Jared’s is going to be awful in comparison. Every time Jared tries to talk about his feelings, it ends up terrible and often insulting. Bryce deserves better.
Look at Jared trying to make this sound like he’s refusing for Bryce’s sake. (though he is right, it is typically terrible and insulting.)
“You know, the ‘I take you, blah blah blah,’” Jared says. “She just wanted to know if we wanted to personalise them. You’re supposed to save the long stuff for the reception, you know, not drag the wedding on too long.”
Did Jared trawl wedding sites explicitly for this ammo? Absolutely. He’s even got the links saved in case Bryce asks for sources. Sources say: don’t do anything that takes over a minute, it’s a bad idea, it’ll bore your guests.
Any sources that said otherwise naturally were discarded because they did not suit Jared’s purposes.
Raf seems like the kind of guy who’d like, light candles at dinner for ambiance, and Chaz is totally the kind of guy who’d buy Ashley flowers ‘just because’, all these things Jared is totally deficient at
He’s got it backwards: Chaz is candle guy, Raf is flowers just because guy. (And for her mom! And sister! Grace’s fam love Raf so.)
lean on your teammates for help, right? If you’re weak on the point, don’t go there, let a teammate more capable have that slot. Teamwork 101.
God I love Jared trying to hide his machinations with hockey talk, like that’s going to fool anyone.
“No,” Raf repeats. “You have to do your own wedding stuff.”
“It’s just my vows,” Jared says.
“That’s the most important part,” Raf says, sounding faintly scandalised.
Raf is more than faintly scandalized, honestly.
“You seem like a romantic guy,” Jared says to Chaz after they wrap up for the day.
“Oh fuck no,” Chaz says. “I’ve already heard like three drafts of BJ’s vows, there’s no way I’m listening to yours too.”
Three drafts? In two days? Jared’s fucked.
“I was going to ask you to help me write them?” Jared says.
“That’s so much worse, no way,” Chaz says.
And Chaz is done.
He looks up some sample vows on his phone while he’s making him and Bryce dinner that night, and they leave him red with secondhand embarrassment. He can’t imagine saying anything even close to what they say. There will be no ‘light of my life’ leaving his mouth, true or not.
Look at this dude just slipping in that Bryce is the light of his life. Two people making this relationship mushy, Jared.
Jared was always kind of, well — he was a studious kid. He got good grades. He prepared for classes. So it seems to make sense to make a list as a starting point. Sort of a ‘Pros and Cons of Bryce Justin Marcus, Except Just the Pros Because Our Wedding is a Dumb Time To Mention the Cons, Unless the Cons are Endearing Ones’.
Can you imagine this dude listing Bryce’s cons during his vows to be ‘fair’. Pro: excellent at hockey. Con: needs to work on controlling his temper on the ice. Pro: romantic as fuck. Con: romantic as fuck.
Fuck. He is not good at this. This is not his thing. The list part, sure, but not the conveying emotion part. He has a ton of emotions for Bryce, but like, saying them? Oof.
Big oof. Especially considering Jared’s history when trying to convey said emotions.
He’s definitely crazy in love to be thinking about Bryce at like, forty, having a shitfit because he’s starting to go bald, or grey, when he’s so vain about his — admittedly terrific — hair. Or Bryce at sixty, buying a convertible all over again and thinking he’s so cool, or at ninety, grin as shiny white as ever because his teeth are all fake, and still being like ‘yeah, I want that guy’.
We all know this man is due for another red convertible decades from now, Jared has resigned himself already.
Jared closes the doc — password protected or not, no way he wants Bryce to accidentally stumble onto that ridiculousness — unlocks the door to the spare room — he was maybe a lot paranoid about Bryce not stumbling in on the ridiculousness — and wanders into the living room after hiding his laptop in said spare room.
Jared treating his vows like state secrets while Bryce has already emailed Ashley like five different versions for peer review.
He’s having a lot of feelings lately. It’s very disorienting. Like, he always has feelings, obviously, he’s not a robot, but he’s having so many. Bryce always does this to him, dammit.
Thankfully ‘how dare you make me feel feelings’ did not make it to the final vows.
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thexie-and-stars · 11 months
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@xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx, @tazmaboxed
I acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this country. In particular, I acknowledge the Indigenous Elders of the Wurundjeri people, part of the Kulin nation, where I live and learn and pay my respects to their Indigenous Elders past, present and emerging. Sovereignty has never been ceded. It always was and always will be, Aboriginal land. [credits to @elliewasaghost for the template]
I do not support Neil Gaiman, Always support the victims.
I do vent posts a lot. If i'm actually in crisis it will be either untagged or tagged with #crisis. if not, please disregard because im just dealing with shit.
I will make moodboards on request SEND ASKS
I edit wikipedia and fandom pages, lemme know if there's something wrong on a page and i'll take a look!
I run a tumblr community about special intrests and hyperfixations. If you want to join, DM me or send an ask!
HALLOWEEN SECRET SKETELONS The theme on my website/tumblr page is not mine, I customized it. the credits are on the website.
art blog: @theo-th3-trans-art-b01
emergency ray toro bc i am mentaly silliy
reasons not to kill yourself: Link :3
RIP @venomvolts-deactivated20240803 I hope you re-join tumblr someday, you will be remembered
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I realised I haven't done one of these so: Name: Theo
Nicknames: Thexie, Thex, Bean
Attraction shit: Bi oriented Aro/Ace.
I don't feel like a human, i feel like a silver fox w antlers. If u don't fw that, DNI
Pronouns: He, It, Rot, Vamp, [Ask as my prefernce changes daily, full list of prns on my pronouns page, go to the bottom of the post] Gender: Boyflux Transmasc. I don't feel human
Demi-verbal and silly :3
Tags i use:
#me and my posts, theo posting, beans posts : my own posts
#my starry angel: interacting w my best friend @a-perfect-imitation
#bean answers an ask: asks
#i can feel a ghostly prescence: interacting w @elliewasaghost [not used much but holy shit it's a great tag name]
#the lurker's here: @touch-starved-lurker
#my chappel town and chemical cave: music tag, mainly my own lyrics, poems, talking about my instruments and occasional songs/covers.
#bean's brain: anything about the stuff listed in my TW area.
anything to do with bean/theo: read the other bit of the tag
Triggers: Human balls, anything to do w gen alpha lingo, jokes about rape, talking about sexual assault. General: I am Irish-Australian and I fence. I have a dog and two cats! I am fine for people to send asks or dm me! I do swear a lot but I don't post nsfw. I do sometimes reblog text hornyposts. nothing too severe. I AM a minor so please be mindful. I love fencing. I have severe light sensitivity and I faint sometimes. I love it when people send me asks! You can also dm me. I will give out my discord on request. I am polyamorous
Disabilities/chronic illnesses: AuDHD, POTS, Deppression, Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Food Anxiety, possibily BPD [undiagnosed as of now], Chronic pain, Long covid, Demi-verbal, Dissociation, Special interests in order of most prominent:GRAVITY FALLS, MCR, Art, Weirdcore, welcome to nightvale, Cryptids, Neurodivergence, Dead Boy Detectives, Dead End Paranormal Park, Stardew Valley, The Osemanverse
Current Hyperfocus: gravity falls, drawing tv heads and weirdcore
Fandoms: Dead Boy detectives, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Osemanverse, dead end paranormal park, Nimona, stardew valley, MCR, witherburn afterschool news, GRAVITY FALLS
Likes: Cryptids, Books, My laptop, My friends, Watercolours, Drawing, Eating raw onions, Art, Mushrooms
Dislikes: Jam and butter together, Nausea, bad textures, the popular girls
Music i like: Bitch and animal, MCR, Cavetown, MotherMother, 6arelyhuman, girlinred, chappel roan [i'm gay, what do you expect].
My spotify playlist: Anxiety Prime by Theo The Mothman. I also have a smaller playlist for myself.
if my ex Alex sees this the one who got run over by a car at K-Mart, DNI GO AWAY Trivia: I love Theo's Ghost, mcr, I play the clarinet, guitar and drums and i'm making a demolition lovers cosplay!
Trigger warnings for things i might post: self harm, mental illness, suicide, family stuff [my mum's abusive], unreality [welcome to nightvale and dissociation],
dni: general dni criteria, MAPs, paraphiles, nazis, assholes, bigots, republicans, porn bots. if you piss me off, i will block you
Mobility Aids I have: cane, crutches, wrist splints, back brace
Meds I take: ADHD meds, Salt Tablets, Melotonin
@frogofalltime is my dad :D
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credits going left to right, from top left!
@xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx, @system-box
@lgbtq-userboxes, @lgbtq-userboxes,
@sweetpeauserboxes, @burntoutuserboxes
@burntoutuserboxes, @xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx,
@esotericalqueer, @esotericalqueer
@xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx, @cardboard-userboxes
@arcanecollective, @decemberblue
@another-userbox-blog, @sweetpeauserboxes,
@puppyuserboxes, @xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx
@alterhuman-userboxes, @whats-a-human
@xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx, @burntoutuserboxes
@totallypumpkin, @frogsforthefrogwar
pronouns page
posts I wanna keep
haha idk if i'm gonna make it to graduation
tw for that btw
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paigehughes28 · 5 months
Luke Hughes~Fate pt 2
Here is part 2 to Fate!
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Liked by yn_diangelo, sturniolo.triplets, lhughes_06, and 418,849 others
christophersturniolo: someone literally ran into Luke Hughes and had him follow them tonight
Tagged: yn_diangelo
yn_diangelo do you think he saw my reaction?
| christophersturniolo I think he was too busy eating his food
| yn_diangelo thank god😭
| lhughes_06 no I definitely saw:)
| yn_diangelo dear god
User12 is he even hotter in person?
| yn_diangelo I can neither confirm nor deny that(he definitely is)
Liked by lhughes_06
yn_diangelo holy shit he liked my reply
Deleted by yn_diangelo
tarayummyy yn babes we all saw that comment
| yn_diangelo shhh no you didn’t
| tarayummyy sureee
I layed in my bed looking at the comments under Chris’s post on Instagram about my reaction to Luke following me. Luke himself saw said reaction at the restaurant when we all thought he was eating and not paying attention. I was smiling and everything at it while replying to Tara’s comment about the comment I deleted when I got a FaceTime call from Tara herself. I answered quickly now sitting up in my bed. “Girl! What happened after that game?!” Tara questioned with her usual big smile on her face. “Well, Nick, Chris, Matt, and I went out to eat after. I told them to go get us a seat outside and I’d order the food since I know what everyone wants since we go there all the time when we’re in New Jersey. After I ordered and paid for the food I turned around and ran straight into a tall man’s chest. I didn’t even realize it was Luke Hughes until I heard Jack say his name and I looked up at him.” I ranted running a hand through my hair smiling. “I’m listening, continue.” Tara said invested in all of this. “After that Jack basically called him out kinda saying after we made eye contact at the game after he got injured he wouldn’t shut up about me. Then I went back to the triplets and as our food came out and we started eating Jack and Luke came outside and sat near us. Luke and I made eye contact again and I swear I could have seen him blush before we looked away then I got the notification he followed me.” I finished sighing and laying back but holding the phone where Tara could see me. “Ouu. Looks like someone’s gonna get a boyfriend soon.” She said teasing me just like Matt did. “That’s what Matt said after I told them about it.” I groaned. We chatted for longer about our lives lately catching up then hung up because I was getting tired. I headed to sleep after brushing my teeth and changing into pajamas.
I woke up the next morning and got ready for the day and to film a video with Matt, Nick, and Chris. It was a video for my YouTube channel so it was basically just a normal video today. Going into the bathroom I changed clothes and brushed my teeth then brushed my hair. After that I grabbed my curling iron plugging it in and curled my hair. Once I was finished I unplugged it and let it cool off putting it away once that was done. I walked out the bathroom connected to my room then out my room heading downstairs where the triplets were. We ate breakfast then went out to shop which is when I started filming. Throughout the day and filming I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened the previous day. The boys definitely knew because they teased me about it.
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Liked by christophersturniolo, matthew.sturniolo, nicolassturniolo, lhughes_06, and 437,893 others
yn_diangelo: did we eat or did we eat?
Tagged: christophersturniolo, matthew.sturniolo, and nicolassturniolo
Nicolassturniolo we did in fact eat
Liked by yn_diangelo
matthew.sturniolo 🔥🔥
| yn_diangelo 🔥
christophersturniolo we’re 🔛🔝
| yn_diangelo yessir‼️
user19 literally marry me
lhughes_06 pretty girl
| yn_diangelo omfg no way you just called me pretty girl
| lhughes_06 I in fact did
I squealed hugging my legs to my chest at what Luke just commented on my post while at my desk editing my YouTube video. In the middle of me editing I got a dm. After seeing who sent it, I screamed even more.
lhughes_06: y/n from the hockey game and restaurant last night right?
yn_diangelo: the one and only:)
lhughes_06: good. I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go grab some coffee or food after a game one day?
yn_diangelo: I definitely didn’t expect this but yeah! I’ll be going to the next game anyways. It’s a home game correct?
lhughes_06: it is Miss Di Angelo:) I’m glad you agreed
yn_diangelo: I can’t wait! But for now I have to finish editing my video then upload it so see ya!
lhughes_06: see ya y/n
“I’m going out on a date with Luke Hughes!” I screamed happily running into the living room where the triplets were. They all looked over at me and I showed them the dms. “You go girl!” Nick shouted giving me a congratulatory hug. After we hugged I sat down on the couch with the three of them. “It’s after their next home game which is tomorrow.” I said happily. “So we’re going to another game?” Matt asked and I nodded. “This is so nerve wracking. What if he doesn’t actually like me?” I asked now in a worried voice. “Listen. If he didn’t like you he wouldn’t have asked you out.” Chris told me grabbing ahold of my shoulders trying to reassure me. I nodded sighing. Everything will go just fine.
A/n: I originally planned for this to be only two parts but I’ve decided to make it into a story!
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thru-the-grapevine · 2 years
Movie Night
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Pairing: Cho Seungyoun x reader
Summary: You thought this was just a friend hangout….but is it? Are you missing something?
Word Count: 1.1k
Tags: fluff, humor, idiots to lovers in a big way, reader is truly head emptiest
Author’s Note: I think fondly of this man every single day (real) and it was about time I wrote something for him
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You must be dreaming. You have to be. That’s the only explanation that makes sense.
Granted, seeing a movie with your friend, Seungyoun, feels a little bit like a dream to begin with. Mostly because no one else in your friend group can go, so it’s just the two of you, and you’ve been realizing with mounting horror that you may actually have a massive crush on him. And also a little bit because this is the second movie you’re seeing alone with him this week. He’s painfully behind on new releases, he says.
You don’t mind being the only friend available to go with him, even if for secret, self-indulgent reasons. You don’t even have real interest in the movie, either. The entire allure of it is him. If you fall prey to the daydream that you’re a real couple when he orders popcorn to share, that’s your business alone, not his. And if it’s only made worse when he moves the armrest between your seats out of the way, so you can sit closer, no one has to yearn over it but you.
And boy, do you ever yearn. You’re certain you’re feeling enough wonderful agony to yearn enough for two people combined.
He insists you both finish the popcorn afterwards on a walk along the river. The fading light of sundown and the warm, pleasant breeze make everything feel even more dreamlike. You love watching Seungyoun people-watch, love listening to him chat about various and sundry things that come to mind, love that he laughs at your attempts at humor as though he’s enjoying your company. You just like him. You like him a lot, even if you won’t risk ruining the friendship to let him know it. And knowing he enjoys your company feels like a dream to you, too.
But this. This is what’s convinced you it can’t possibly be real life. This, the fact that Seungyoun just took the empty popcorn container from you, tossed it in a nearby bin, and then casually reached down and took your hand. Like he does this every day, like it doesn’t change a thing. You stare down at your joined hands, blinking, thoughts going a mile a minute. A dream. You must be dreaming.
It will hurt worse to wake up if you don’t put things to rights again. You bite your lip.
Seungyoun turns his head from the river and looks at you. A little smile is hiding in the corners of his mouth. “Hm?”
How do I even set this right, you wonder. “So….this is probably a stupid question, so just, like, keep that in mind.”
That hidden smile curls properly on his lips, his eyes crinkling playfully. “I’m listening.”
He’s listening, great, now how to ask him. “I’m just wondering, I—are w….”
Rip the bandaid off, pal. “Is this a date?”
Seungyoun freezes in his tracks.
You halt, too, stomach dropping with panic. “Ah. Oh no. Okay. Um, please forget that I, uh, said that, I—”
You stop talking and stare at him.
He looks absolutely flabbergasted at the question. As though it shouldn’t even be a question. “Yes, I…yes? What do you m—why wouldn’t….yes??”
You blink at him several times. Holy…shit.
“Oh,” you finally say.
A slow, incredulous smile grows over his face. He laughs once, a shocked noise.
“I…I told you that you were cute and then asked you to see a movie with me. Twice. In the same week.”
He says this like it’s rock-solid evidence. You blink in confusion. “I…yes, but you’ve told me the cute thing before and left it at that…? And we’ve seen movies together before, just us two.”
Seungyoun bursts into more laughter. “Yeah…those were dates too.”
You gape at him.
He eventually regains his composure, a few stray giggles escaping here and there. There are dimples in his cheeks from his wide smile. “I thought…I figured you just wanted to take it slow….so this is the first time I’ve tried holding your hand.”
He squeezes your hand for emphasis.
Holy god….maybe this isn’t a dream, after all. Maybe you’re just….dumb.
“I…” Your face is on fire. “I’m…I think I must be an idiot. I’m so sorry…”
His grin turns wry. “Tragically for me, I think I’m kinda into that.”
You’re still blinking in shock. “I…well, you are…in luck, because I am just…hah. Oh, my god…”
It suddenly occurs to you again. “This is a date.”
Seungyoun nods, watching you in amusement. “Yeah.”
“Oh my god, this is a date.”
“It sure is.”
Panic ripples through you. “I’m not dressed for a date, like, at all! Oh my god, I’m not nervous enough for a date!”
“Don’t be nervous, what?” Seungyoun laughs, disbelieving. “We’ve done this, like, four times now, there’s no use…?”
“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself. You shake your head slowly, smile slowly growing.
It occurs to you again. “Wait. With me?”
Seungyoun snorts. “Yes?”
Your entire face lights up. “You’re on a date with me?”
Seungyoun starts laughing again, but you can’t stop grinning. Holy shit. That must mean….he likes you. Seungyoun likes you. He likes you back.
When he finally regains composure again, he squeezes your hand. “So, uh, this is okay, then, right?”
You blink at him, incredulous. “Holding my hand?”
You scoff, grinning like a fool. “Holding my hand? Is holding my hand okay? Seungyoun, you could—”
You lean over on your tiptoes and kiss him full on the mouth.
Seungyoun freezes again.
Ah, fuck. You lean back, looking at him nervously. His eyes are wide.
Fuck. Your stomach drops again. “Ah. Oh no. Okay. Uhm, sorry, I should have asked if—”
Seungyoun leans in and presses his mouth to yours, gentle and warm.
Oh god, he’s kissing you. He’s kissing you. Several of your braincells die a happy death at the feeling of his lips on yours.
When he leans back, you blink your eyes open and look at him in a daze. His eyes look hazy, too, gaze flickering back to your mouth.
You both lean in at the same time and do it again. It’s better this time, so much better, and you think you might end up addicted to his mouth, if that’s even a thing—
Someone whistles nearby, and you lean back and bury your face against his shoulder, ears burning in mortification. Seungyoun laughs once, breathless, and eventually his hand squeezes yours again.
“I’ll…make a note of that.”
Your voice is muffled in his shoulder. “Make a note of what?”
He presses a kiss to the top of your head. “That I’m allowed to do that. Kiss you.”
Ah. You gulp, hiding in his shoulder a moment longer before taking a deep breath and leaning back, continuing to walk with him like nothing happened.
“Good. Um. Good.”
You’re still not fully convinced this isn’t a dream. But god, you hope it isn’t. Or you hope you never wake up.
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xerith-42 · 8 months
now the question is: how would vincent deal with the doll symptoms every now and then while sailing the seven seas?
~pirate vincent anon
Hhhhhg The Doll Headcanon will continue to do it's damage (@gonedreaminggg @laurancezvahlslefteyebrow @cinnamontoastcroonch )
Vincent trying to show off his sick pirate skills in order to woo some twink in another crew but partway through his demonstration his arm goes limp and refuses to move. He's in the middle of some showy maneuver of jumping from one ship to another but a sudden stabbing pain in his back makes him completely fumble the landing and land in the water. He's in the middle of barking orders and then his mouth gets sewn shut and he can't even explain to Zack or Cloud why this is happening it just is.
It's fine when the symptoms kick in while he's alone, Vincent can handle it on his own. He's totally okay with his body going limp while he's alone, because in the worst case scenario he wakes up shipwrecked on some island and starts from zero. He can do that. But when he's around others he doesn't quite know how to tell them that this is happening. He doesn't even fully understand why this is happening, and he doesn't want to scare away others by telling them the truth.
If he was drunk or high enough he might confess to being a Shadow Knight, but even then, there's no guarantee that who he's talking to even knows what that is or what it entails. He told Zack and Cloud when they first asked to join his crew, hoping to deter them, but it uhh... Didn't work.
Zack once made fun of Vincent for a time that he absolutely ate shit on the deck because his leg was suddenly filled with stinging pain and then went numb. Vincent literally just said "It's a Shadow Knight thing," planning to elaborate, but Zack instantly apologizes and feels awful about it. It's at this point that Vincent finally opens up about all the symptoms, the ones he understands and the ones he doesn't.
Cloud quietly pipes up "Sounds like a doll with its mouth sewn shut," when hearing Vincent explain where his scars come from. That's what finally makes Vincent realize what his symptoms really are. Why they happen. And what specific doll he is. He finally realizes that The Shadow Lord probably doesn't just treat him like a doll, but any Shadow Knight could fall victim to this. Suddenly his tune on being open about this aspect of his life changes a little.
Holy fuck. I wasn't sure if I should tag the council before but I definitely am now. Vincent is the first Shadow Knight to put it together but he isn't the last. He asks Laurance what kind of doll he is in a very casual way and Laurance is just like "Wait what??" Vincent just stares at him for a second. "You haven't figured that out yet?"
Laurance who literally never thought these random ass symptoms had any greater connection beyond Shadow Knight Things TM:
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Sorry this turned into me Laurance posting (as most council posts do), I just think Laurance and Vincent interactions are so neat. Vincent interacting with either of the Zvahl siblings is peak content.
Cinn said they were turning into a Vincent fan and it's my goal as MCD Vincent's biggest fan to turn everyone else into a Vincent fan as well. Look at this guy. Look at him go. How can you not love him?
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smolwritingchick · 8 months
Forced To Believe Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2
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Chapter Summary: The Shield continue to take on The Wyatts
Words: 6,000+
Author's Note: Trust the process :)
Melanie was elated right now. She was about to face her boyfriend in a match. It had been a while since they had a match together, and she hoped she wouldn't disappoint the fans. She's been working on a new Morganizer ever since the day after Survivor Series and she hopes to debut it tonight. And what better person to do the move with, than her boyfriend? 
Celeste tweeted 'Holy shit! This is gonna be GOOD!'
The Bellas tweeted 'Morgan! I hope you know what you're doing. Dean! Save her!' 
"The Lunatic Fringe going up against The Outspoken Diva. Man...these two know each other so well. This is going to be very interesting." Cole said. 
"Interesting!? This is epic!" King grinned. 
"Epic!? Interesting!? This is horrible! They are supposed to be a couple! They aren't supposed to fight! Physically I mean!" JBL complained. "This is a nightmare! Don't do this!" 
"John, you are taking this a little too far. Morgan wants a match, so maybe if she wrestles Dean, she may be saved." Cole informed. 
"Yeah...MAY be saved." JBL replied. "I hope Dean knows what he's doing."
Morgan narrowed her eyes at Dean. "Looking at you brings back unpleasant memories..." 
"Oh really?" Dean recalled. 
"Break him in half! Make him feel what you felt! Make him pay!" Bray yelled. 
"Your ass is mine, Morgan." Ambrose declared. 
"Oh really? Since when am I yours?" she replied. 
"Since day one. And if you ever kick me again, I swear-" 
"Oh! You're swearing now? Really? What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do!? I'll beat the crap out of you, for sure." 
Dean starts pacing around. 
"Dean, there is still time to rethink this!" JBL shouted. "Rethink this!" 
"I don't think so!" Cole yelled as Morgan did the matrix evasion when Ambrose tried to go for a clothesline. 
He turns around as she spins and hits him with a roundhouse kick to the face.
"And it's on! This place just exploded!" King exclaimed over the loud cheering. 
Morgan goes for the pin but Dean kicks out at two. 
"Stay on him! Stay on him!" Bray ordered as she put Dean in a headlock.
"Common Dean!" Seth cheered as Ambrose grunted and managed to stand up.
She jumps up and puts her legs around Dean's torso to try to tighten the hold. He manages to escape it and she tries to kick him in the stomach but he grabs her foot and shakes his head. 
"Nope." He said.
"Right back 'atcha!" She jumped up and hit him with an unexpected enzuguri as he fell to his knees. 
"I got a feeling these two are going to blow the roof off this place soon. They're just warming up and taking the pace a little slow." King grinned. 
"How can you enjoy watching this!?" JBL exclaimed. 
"It's a sight to see," Cole said. Morgan runs to the ropes and hits Ambrose with a shining wizard. 
"What a kick!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan spun on one knee and stopped to have a staredown with Rosa. 
She slowly smirks at her and blows her a kiss. 
"Are you kidding me!? Dean! Tag me in right now!" Rosa yelled. 
She really wanted to put her hands on Morgan. She hated her guts for taunting her. 
"More mind games by Morgan. Looks like payback." Cole said. 
The Outspoken Diva stands up but as soon as she turns around, Dean takes her down with a lariat. 
"What a takedown by Ambrose! The game has changed now." Cole looked on.
Morgan holds her head but sighs loudly when he puts his right knee on her back and puts her in a headlock submission from behind.
"Hurts doesn't it? It hurts, huh? This is what happens." He taunted. "Maybe next time you should watch your back!" 
"Ugh, shut up!" She yelled.
"Do you submit!?" The ref asked.
"Will Morgan tap!?" Cole shouted.
"Rose! Do not give in!" Bray yelled.
"Dean! That's painful! Why would you hurt her, like this!?" JBL exclaimed. 
"Morgan has to dig down deep." King looked on. 
The Philly Diva manages to hit Dean in the face, making him stumble up to his feet. She quickly drops him down, face first and puts him in the breakdown as the crowd cheers. She leans back and puts her feet on his while putting his arms in a straightjacket position. 
"Grin and bear..." She retorted as she put more pressure. 
"Painful!" King cringed.
"Come on, Dean! Do not tap out!" Seth yelled. 
"Put more pressure!" Bray ordered.
"Tap!" Morgan yelled. 
"Like hell, I will!" Dean yelled and managed to get one of his arms out as he escaped the hold. 
They both stand up and Morgan tries to go for the bulldog but he pushes her away. As soon as she turns around, she gets dropped by a clothesline. 
"What a shot!" King shouted. 
Dean runs to the ropes and does a little wave before hitting her with an elbow drop. He goes for the pin and she kicks out at two and rolls over to the ropes. She gets up and leans on the ropes while Dean runs, striking her with a running front dropkick as she holds her stomach and slides down. 
"And Ambrose is dominating now," Cole said as he hit her with a few shots near the turnbuckle. He throws her to the ropes but Morgan jumps on the middle rope and jumps off to hit him with a springboard forearm. "Morgan with the counter!" 
"Amazing!" King said as Dean rolled over to the turnbuckle next to the Wyatt Family's corner and sat on the bottom turnbuckle. 
She gets up and runs her hands through her messy black hair. She runs towards him and uses the ropes to jump up and connect by giving him a dropkick on the chest while landing.
"Jeesh! What a dropkick!" Cole looked on. 
"Morgan! What are you doing!? Stop it! Stop it right now!" JBL whined. 
Dean rolls over on the apron, near the commentating table and manages to get up. She connects with a spinning heel kick to the face as he falls off the apron. 
"Look out!" King yelled as she got on the apron and hit Dean with a diving clothesline. 
"She's not messing around! Uh oh." Cole said as Seth, Roman, and Rosa got off the apron and headed to Dean to check on him while Morgan had a stare down with them. The Wyatts get off the apron to accompany her. "This is getting intense." 
The ref starts to count and Morgan slides back in the ring, to wait for Dean to crawl back in. At the count of 6, he slides back in. Morgan gets on the top rope and goes for a crossbody but Dean catches her. 
"Uh oh!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered while she tried to get out of his hold but failed. 
He hits her with a backbreaker as she yells out in pain and puts her in a submission by making her stay in the backbreaker hold.
"Make her tap!" Rosa cheered. 
"Your back isn't supposed to do that," King said with worry as Dean continued the pressure. 
Morgan sighed loudly. "I can't take this anymore!"
"Then give up and come back to me!" Dean yelled. 
"No!" She yelled and punched him away as she escaped the hold. 
She rolls over and stands on the apron. Dean gets up and goes to punch her but she ducks and slides back into the ring, in between his legs. As soon as she stands up, he quickly turns around and grabs her for the headlock driver but she pushes him away. 
"Not today." She retorted and threw him to the ropes, hitting him with a big boot. 
She pins him for a two count. She gets up and runs to the ropes but Dean gets up and follows her to hit her with a knee to the stomach. She groans out in pain and drops to her knees. Ambrose smirks and puts his hands on his knees. 
"That hurt, didn't it?" He taunted as she clenched her stomach, shooting him a dirty look. "This is what happens, Morgan! This is what happens!" 
She stands up and strikes him with a quick roundhouse kick to the face, making him slowly drop to the mat. 
She looked at his dazed form. "Who do you think you're talkin' to!? Do you know who I am!?" She yelled. 
Dean begins to smirk as he starts to sense her coming back to him, but it isn't enough. He'll have to dig down deeper to save her. He stands up and they lock up but he puts her in a waistlock from behind. 
"You know...I always think you're beautiful when you're pissed off." He said in her ear which made Morgan feel a spark in her head. 
She starts to remember the times when he would try to calm her down whenever she got angry. She shakes her head and elbows him in the stomach, making him release the hold. She throws him to a corner and walks back to the corner across from it. 
"Uh oh! I think I know what's coming next!" King grinned as Morgan connected with the handspring back elbow. "Woo hoo!" 
"This is pure torture..." JBL retorted and buried his face in his hands. 
Although it seemed that Morgan hit Dean with the elbow, he quickly grabbed her from behind and slammed her down. 
"What a counter! I thought she got him!" 
Dean picks her up and puts her on top of the turnbuckle. He gets on the middle rope and puts her in a double under hook suplex hold. 
"Put her down! Put her down, now!" Bray shouted. 
Dean smirks at him but Morgan manages to wiggle out and punch him down. 
"Phew! That was close!" JBL sighed out of relief. "W-wait, Morgan! What are you doing!?" 
She goes for the moonsault but Dean moves out of the way.
"Nobody home! Gosh...I hope Morgan is okay." King said with worry as she clenched her stomach. 
Dean goes for the pin but Luke gets in the ring and breaks it up. 
"What the hell!?" Seth yelled as Roman gave Luke a dirty look. 
Dean glares at Luke and starts arguing with him as the crowd gets excited about what will happen next. 
"Watch your back!" JBL warned but Morgan took advantage and hit him with the Morganizer. 
"She got it!" King yelled as she quickly went for the pin.
"No!" Rosa yelled.
"Kick out!" Seth shouted 
"Oh!" The crowd yelled as Dean kicked out.
"What!?" Bray shouted. 
"I thought she had it!" Cole shouted as Seth, Roman, and Rosa looked relieved. 
"Just what I expected," Morgan said. 
She gets up and goes to a corner and waits for Dean to get to his knees. Once he does, she runs to hit him with a knee to the head but he quickly moves out of the way and grabs her for the headlock driver. 
"It's over!" King yelled as he quickly went for the pin.
"Oh!" The crowd yelled again as Morgan kicked out.
"No!" Rosa shouted
Morgan holds her head and remains motionless. 
Nikki tweeted 'Kick out after kick out! This is making me nervous!' 
"Unleash Rose! Unleash!" Bray shouted angrily. 
"I'll unleash on you, all right." Dean pointed to him and stood up. 
He picks Morgan up and throws her to a corner but they both try to fight their way up the top rope. 
"They are just unloading on each other," Cole said. 
They manage to get on the top rope and Morgan positions him for the Morganizer. 
"No way, off the top rope!?" Cole exclaimed. 
Brie tweeted 'Please don't tell me...' 
Nikki tweeted 'WWEMorgan101 you crazy son of a gun' 
"Oh no, no, no, no~. Put him down~! Put him down~!" Seth said in a whiny voice while Morgan smirked in amusement. 
"Morgan! No! Put him down!" JBL yelled. "Put him down now! What are you doing!?" He got up from his seat but King pulled him down. 
"Calm down!" King exclaimed. 
Morgan exhales and hits Ambrose with the Morganizer off the top rope while doing a battle cry as the crowd starts chanting 'Holy shit!' 
"No! No! Morgan! Why would you do that!?" JBL yelled. "I gotta get in there-" He stands up but King and Cole pull him back down. 
"Sit down!" King and Cole yell. 
"We gotta see that again!" King yelled as they showed Morgan's Morganizer a few times from different angles. 
"Morganizer off the top rope! Somebody pin someone!" Cole shouted. 
Morgan and Dean lay motionless and they both were panting. Morgan was lying on her back, looking at the ceiling while Dean was face first on the mat. She kind of felt some weight lifted off her shoulders while she began to wrestle Dean. She started to feel less stressed out with Sister Abigail and more content while wrestling Dean in the ring. 
"Pin him!" Bray yelled. 
"Dean! You gotta make a tag!" Seth put his hand out. "Come on, Ambrose." 
The Outspoken Diva turns her head and sees Ambrose looking at her. 
"Dean..." She managed to say as he looked into her eyes. 
She starts to feel a stronger spark in her head while he begins to recognize the look in her eyes. He wasn't much of a hopeful guy, but he felt like he had a strong chance to save her now and he thinks he knows how. 
"1!" The ref started to count for a double count out. 
Dean had a strong feeling she was coming back to him but it still wasn't enough as she managed to crawl over to The Wyatts. 
"Why didn't she pin him?" Cole asked. 
"Maybe she's coming back," King said with hope as Morgan tagged in Luke and rolled out the ring to recover. "That Morganizer took a lot out of her and it may have just hurt her as much as it hurt Dean." 
Celeste tweeted 'Whoa! Morganizer off the top rope!? Badass!' 
Brie tweeted 'OMG! Morgan! What were you thinking!?' 
"I think Ambrose is still dazed from that Morganizer," King said but Ambrose hit Luke with a neckbreaker and tagged in Seth. 
Seth picks up the pace by hitting Luke with a one leg dropkick and a roundhouse kick to the stomach and a side kick. He starts unloading on him near the turnbuckle and heads for the top rope but Erick gets involved. Erick gets kicked off the apron but Harper takes advantage. He tries to go for a suplex but Seth lands on his feet at the crowd 'Ohs'. 
"Oh man!" Cole shouted.
"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice as Seth clotheslined Luke out of the ring and hit him with a suicide dive, getting pumped up. 
Seth jumps on the rope and gives him a knee to the head. He tries to go for the blackout but gets slammed by Luke. Luke tags Bray in and throws him to the barricade while Morgan looks on with worry. She did not want to see Seth in that condition. 
Celeste tweeted 'Whoa! Seth is all over the place! #SethRollinsTheSpiderMan' 
Morgan cringes as Bray gives Seth a splash. To hear him yell out in pain broke her heart. Roman gets off the apron and has a stare down with him. 
"Why don't you bring that crap over here!" Dean yelled as the ref tried to restrain him. 
Morgan shows a faint smile as she starts to remember his short temper as another spark goes off in her head. The Wyatts begin to take control of Seth as the crowd continues to chant 'Lets go Wyatts, Lets go Shield!' 
"Morgan is still down and out," King said as the camera showed Morgan resting. 
"Come on, Seth..." She mumbled as Luke continued to take control of him. 
"Come on, Seth! Come on!" Dean yelled in his raspy voice. 
Bray slams him down and goes for the pin but Dean breaks it up. Luke gets in the ring and hits him with a big boot as the crowd 'Ohs!' 
Morgan puts her right hand over her mouth in shock as Ambrose rolls out the ring. She wanted to run over there and help him but Rosa got off the apron to check on him. 
Nikki tweeted 'Uh huh, I saw that WWEMorgan101. #MorganStillCares #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan #PissOffSisterAbigail' 
Celeste tweeted 'Still care for the crazy man, don't you? I knew you did. If only you would show it.' 
Morgan holds her head. Her emotions and actions were starting to get out of control. One second she feels sympathy for her former teammates and wants to help, and the next second she wants to fight them and obey Bray. She started to feel a little bit more free after wrestling Dean but it wasn't enough. She thought a match would work but she needed something stronger. She needed to try and find a way to piss her off. 
But what would piss Sister Abigail off? 
Morgan gets back on the apron and Seth manages to fight back. Seth crawls over to his team but Rosa tags herself in as the crowd begins to boo. 
"I got this." She got in the ring. 
"And the crowd is not happy," Cole said. 
Rosa pointed to Morgan. "You and me, right now." She said as the Wyatts turned to Morgan. 
The Outspoken Diva narrows her eyes and puts her hand out as Luke tags in her. The crowd cheers for her as she slowly gets in the ring and runs a hand through her hair. She ducks Rosa's clothesline and grabs her for a reverse DDT. All of a sudden, Roman goes at it with Luke outside the ring which catches Morgan's attention. Dean gets involved as he goes at it with Erick and gets the upper hand by throwing him to the barricade. 
"That's it..." Morgan retorted and slid out of the ring, marching right over to Ambrose. "I'm not done with you, yet!" She yelled and tried to hit him but he grabbed her forearm. 
"Oh no!" King exclaimed. 
"Oh boy," Cole looked on in anticipation.
"Don't do anything reckless! You already gave me a heart attack after watching that Morganizer off the top rope. The top rope! They could have broken something!" JBL shouted as he held his heart. 
Morgan looks into Dean's eyes. The voice in her head was telling her to hit him and push him away but she got lost in his eyes and started to gain the control of blocking everything out. Ambrose pulls her to him and begins to slowly lean in. 
"I know what you want me to do. This better make you snap out of it," he muttered
"W­-wait what are you doing?" She managed to say, feeling Sister Abigail's resistance. She tried to pull back but he held a strong grip. 
"About to give you justice." He replied. 
She tries to pull back again but grunts as he keeps holding her in place. 
"N­-no. D-­Dean stop." 
Dean could sense the reluctance in her voice when she told him to stop. 
"Is that really what you want?" he asked.
"Yes! Now get off of me!" She tried to hit him with her other hand but he grabbed it and kissed her as the crowd began to go wild. 
"Whoa!" King shouted as Ambrose wrapped his arms around her waist.
Morgan felt a strong spark in her head as she felt Sister Abigail's desperate resistance in her body, trying to fight him off of her. She tried to quickly hit him off of her but he took the hits and continued to kiss the hell out of her. With each second that passed, the more Morgan was starting to give in. 
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" JBL yelled as the crowd began to cheer loudly and chant 'Yes'. "Morgan! Do not fight it! Kiss him back!" 
Nikki tweeted 'This is hot! Keep kissing her! Make her feel the love!'
"He's kissing the heck out of her, that's for sure," Cole said as Morgan's hits started to slow down.
"She's fading! Is she about to kiss him back!?" King asked.
"Come on, Sister Abigail, you can't fight the power of love," JBL said as Morgan's hits started to stop. 
"No..." King pouted as she shoved him back.
"It didn't work?" Cole asked.
"This is tragic...she can't be saved..." King sadly said. 
Morgan started to space out until she saw Ambrose turn away. Her body felt heated from that kiss as she started to remember the things he would make her feel whenever they kissed. The passion was too much for her and she snaps out of it and turns him around. She wanted to kiss him and she needed to kiss him again for the sake of her well­being. 
"What now?" He asked but she grabbed his face and kissed him with the same passion he kissed her with as the crowd exploded. 
She could hear the fangirls screaming as Bray turned his attention to them and his eyes widened. 
"Yes!" JBL yelled. 
"Oh!" King shouted as Dean was taken aback but began to kiss the hell out of her again, while slowly wrapping an arm around her waist. "Oh my gosh, you guys. They-they are all over each other!" 
She wrapped an arm around his neck while Bray looked on in shock. 
"Please tell me that woke her up," JBL said.
"I-I don't know but I'm enjoying the show right now," King added. 
Bray was seething. This was not good. 
"Rose!" He yelled. He couldn't lose her. He had to get her back. "Rose!" 
Morgan began to block everything out as she ran her fingers through Dean's hair. He began to lower her down to the floor with the support of the apron as he put one of his hands on it and released her. 
"Dean..." She managed to say but he shook his head. 
"You know how I feel about you..." He whispered and stood up.
Morgan sits up and looks at him in shock. She touches her lips and stands up before backing up and running a hand through her hair. 
"I think Morgan is wondering what got into her and made her do what she did," King said. "Phew, is it hot in here? That kiss was just...wow." 
Celeste tweeted 'LMAO! #TheKissOfJustice needs to be one of the Kiss of the Year nominees this year.' 
Bray was seething and had to take a drastic measure to bring her back to him. He marched over to her and backslapped her in the face as the crowd looked on in shock. 
"You do not disobey me! Snap out of it! He is your enemy! Unleash!" He yelled. 
"What the hell!?" JBL exclaimed.
"He just hit her! What is going on!?" Cole exclaims.
Dean begins to see red and lunges at him and starts unloading on him. No one touches her like that. 
Morgan touches her cheek and has tears forming in her eyes from the stinging sensation of the slap. It was a wake up call for her as she got back in the ring.
"No...no way..." She mumbled and held her head. She got on her knees and mumbled, "That slap...That's an...in...injust no...no one...No one ever touches me like that...No one ever puts their hands on me like that...But no...Bray did it to protect me...right?" 
"Why is she mumbling? Who is she talking to?" King asked. 
"I think she's having a war in her head," Cole said. 
"No one ever disrespects...no one...no one ever...I...follow no...believe in the...follow the...believe...follow..." She continued to mumble. 
"What is going on? She's mumbling all sorts of stuff. Is she okay?" King asked.
"I hope that kiss is making her have second thoughts," JBL said.
"Moment of truth...what is Morgan going to do?" Cole asked. "Is she back to herself?" 
"We will find out momentarily," JBL said.
'Get out of my head!' Morgan thought until she heard something shatter inside her head as she looked at her hands and stood up. 
She fixes her gloves and looks ahead to lock eyes with Rosa. She starts to remember how badly she wanted to kick her ass and begins to smirk at her while Rosa replies with a scowl. Rosa's eyes widen as soon as she gets speared by Morgan as the crowd cheers.
"Spear!" King exclaimed. 
"Is she back!?" JBL shouted as Morgan started unloading on her. 
"Looks like all that frustration over the months has really taken its toll,"
Cole said. 
Morgan picks her up and throws her to the turnbuckle. She places her on the middle rope and hits her with a double knee smash to the stomach. 
"That's gotta hurt," JBL said as Rosa fell and held her stomach. 
Morgan tries to grab her but Rosa pulls her down to the middle turnbuckle. She grabs her and drops her down with a suplex before getting on the top rope. 
"Where is Rosa going?" Cole asked. But Rosa lifts up her leg and does a split off the top rope, landing on Morgan as the crowd 'Ohs'. 
"Whoa!" JBL shouted. 
"Did you see that split!?" King exclaimed as Morgan held her chest and looked hurt. 
Morgan didn't understand. At first, she felt energetic but now she feels drained. Emotionally and physically. 
Brie tweeted 'Morgan! What is going on!? Get up and fight! What happened!?'
Celeste tweeted 'Morgan, you look really drained. You were just on a roll a few seconds ago.' 
Alicia Fox tweeted 'WWEMorgan101 was just on a roll a few moments ago. How could you let Rosa hit you that easily #DidSomeoneSuckTheLifeOuttaYou' 
A fan tweeted 'I think WWEMorgan101 is distracted because of that kiss. Come to think of it #WhoWouldntGetDistractedAfterAKissFromAmbrose' 
"I'm surprised. I thought Morgan would move out of the way." JBL said. 
"I guess we all underestimated Rosa, tonight," Cole said 
Rosa goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at a near fall as the crowd chants 'This is awesome' 
"When did she learn how to do a split!? Can-can we see that again!?" King asked as the titantron showed her split. 
"I thought that was the end," JBL said. "If that kiss from Ambrose didn't work, then maybe if Morgan gets defeated, she'll be okay. I'm rooting for Rosa to win this." 
"Rose! Unleash!" Bray yelled. He quickly turned to Erick and Luke and started to whisper in their ears. 
"Looks like Bray has something planned," Cole said. 
"You know, if the match with Ambrose didn't work, or the kiss and slap, maybe if she gets pinned, it'll work," JBL said. 
"Or submitted," Cole said as Rosa hit Morgan with a double foot surfboard as she held her arms. 
"Give up!" Rosa yelled as she put her feet on her back. 
"Gosh..." King said with worry. 
Dean narrowed his eyes at Morgan. He knew she wasn't going to break this easily. He had hope that she would fight back. 
Morgan closed her eyes. 'Why do I feel so weak?' She pondered. 
She couldn't give up. She had to fight back. 
"Give up!" Rosa yelled again. 
"No!" Morgan screamed. 
Moments later, Rosa releases the hold but drops her back down with a kick. She goes for another pin by Erick quickly gets in the ring and breaks up the pin. 
"That looks like what the Wyatts are trying to avoid," Cole stated. "Did you see how fast Erick got in that ring?" 
"I agree," JBL said. 
Rosa quickly tags in Roman while Morgan tags in Erick. The crowd gets loud once Roman gets in the ring. He drops Erick with a clothesline and takes out Bray off the apron. The Samoan is about to hit Morgan but he stops himself when she flinches. 
"Second thoughts?" Cole asked as they looked at each other, making the crowd cheer loudly.
"Come on Morgan, open your eyes or I'll have no choice but to spear you," Roman said with concern. 
"You couldn't bring yourself to spear me..." She mentioned as another spark went off in her head. 
She starts to remember the accident back at TLC when he speared her instead of Punk. 
Moments later, she looks ahead and sees Erick about to attack Roman from behind. Roman senses this and quickly elbows Erick in the head and hits him with a Samoan drop before unloading on him. Luke gets back in the ring and grabs him off of him. He throws him out of the ring but Roman runs and gives Erick a dropkick off the bottom rope. 
"Show off..." Morgan mumbled while Roman smirked at her comment as he started to think she was coming back to The Shield. 
He gets on the apron and pulls down the top rope, making Luke fall out of the ring. Roman slams Erick down and goes for the pin. 
"Is this enough?" Cole asked but Bray broke it up. Dean slides back in the ring and jumps on top of him as he starts unloading on him. "And things are breaking down, guys." 
"Look at Dean Ambrose go, here," King said. 
Harper throws Dean to the ropes but gets elbowed in the face. Bray gets on the apron and gets dropkicked by Dean. Dean turns to Bray but gets hit with a suicide dive by Harper as the crowd 'Ohs'. 
"Are you kidding me!?" Cole exclaimed.
"You gotta be kidding me!" JBL yelled as Seth ran and hit Luke with a Swanton out of the ring. 
"There are bodies everywhere!" Cole exclaimed as Roman went for a roll up but Erick kicked out at two. 
Roman and Erick try to go for a clothesline but they both drop each other down. Seth marches over to the Spanish announce table and takes off the cover as the crowd gets loud and hyped. 
"Oh boy..." Morgan mumbled. 
"Watch it! Watch it!" King yelled as Seth got attacked from behind by Bray. Bray and Luke start to jump him but Ambrose gets involved as the crowd cheers as he goes at it with Bray. "Whoa! This is a war!" 
Bray and Dean fall over the barricade and start fighting out in the crowd. Morgan starts to look worried as soon as Bray comes back and not Ambrose. Meanwhile, in the ring, Erick and Roman start to give each other hits until Roman hits him with a leaping clothesline. He pins him for a near fall. 
Morgan jumped off the apron and walked up to Bray. She gave him a look, asking him, 'What did you do? What did you do to him? Where is he?' 
"He's taken care of. There's no need to worry." Bray reassured. 
Seth gets up and starts attacking Luke but Bray hits him from behind. In the ring, Erick slams Roman and he rolls out of the ring. The Wyatt Family stands before Seth. Erick and Luke lift him up as Morgan's eyes widen. She starts to look conflicted. She wanted to scream and shout. 
"Morgan! Please stop this! Do something!" King yelled. 
Brie tweeted 'BE OUTSPOKEN! OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SPEAK UP WWEMorgan101! #WhatHappenedToTheOutspokenDiva' 
Nikki tweeted 'I can't believe I'm saying this but...I think WWEMorgan101 is officially broken' 
"This is not gonna be good! They are gonna break Seth Rollins in half!" Cole exclaimed
"No!" King yelled. 
As soon as Seth gets thrown onto the Spanish announce table, Morgan drops to her knees and puts her hands over her mouth. 
"Oh my God!" Cole yelled while Bray gave Rollins a blank look. 
Brie tweeted 'Why...why didn't you do anything!? WWEMorgan101' 
Nikki tweeted 'Seth has been there for you...The Shield has been there for you...Why didn't you do something?' 
Celeste tweeted 'Morgan, do I need to give you a spear and gutbuster to make you open your eyes?' 
Bray walks over to Morgan and kneels before her. "This is closure for you, Rose. They gave you so much pain...now they get to feel what you felt." 
She nodded a few times and sniffed. "Yes. I understand." She said and stood up while The Wyatts circled around Roman, in the ring. 
Roman gets on his hands and knees while he looks at the Wyatts. 
"They're acting like The Shield now. This is what they did over a year." JBL said as The Wyatts started to jump Roman and take control. 
Moments later, the crowd chants 'We Want Morgan!' as Morgan looks at the crowd. They wanted her to wake up too, but it just wasn't enough. 
"Roman has no help," Cole mentioned as Bray gets tagged in. 
When Bray sets Roman out for Sister Abigail's kiss, Roman grabs his hands and makes him release the hold as the crowd gets excited. He hits Bray with a Samoan drop and cleans house. He hits Bray with a superman punch as he starts to gain momentum. He sets up for the spear but Luke gets back in the ring. Roman spears him as the crowd cheers but then Erick starts to distract the ref. 
All of a sudden, Rosa slides into the ring out of nowhere and hits Roman with a low blow as the crowd looks on in shock. Bray was on his hands and knees, grinning at the sight
"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice as Morgan narrowed her eyes at Rosa. 
"Who the-what is going on!?" Cole yelled. 
"I knew it! I knew she was working with the Wyatts! Why do you think she sucked up to The Shield? Why do you think she left as soon as Morgan and Dean broke up? She was nowhere to be seen." JBL exclaimed. "She was so persistent about ruining Morgan's relationship with The Shield." 
Morgan looks on in shock as Rosa smirks while Bray gives her a nod. 
"And now Bray Wyatt off the distraction from Rosa is gonna take advantage!" Cole said as he positioned Roman for the Sister Abigail. 
Nikki tweeted 'I knew it! I knew it! This is bad. Really bad. Morgan, please open your eyes! Please! Do something!' 
Celeste tweeted 'Was not expecting Rosa of all people to be working with the Wyatts this whole time.' 
Morgan walks to ringside, near the ramp as Rosa leaves the arena. Bray turns his attention to Morgan and she nods in approval before he does the Sister Abigail on Roman. He goes for the pin. After the ref yells three, Morgan's body language shows that she is defeated as she reveals a disappointed look at the fallen members of The Shield. 
"The Wyatt Family rule at Elimination Chamber!" Cole yelled as The Wyatt's theme came on. 
"The winners of this match, The Wyatt Family," Justin announced. 
The Wyatts are down and out but once Bray stands up, he locks eyes with Morgan. He motions her to get in the ring with the family. She obeys and they look down at Roman. 
Morgan is about to leave the ring but stops and slowly looks back at the fallen members of The Shield, causing the crowd to cheer loudly, feeling hopeful. Moments later, she gets out of the ring and gets picked up bridal style by Luke Harper. She wraps an arm around his neck and looks back at The Shield while the Wyatts begin to slowly walk up the ramp. 
"So many questions unanswered. Is Morgan back to herself? Did Sister Abigail gain control?" Cole asked. All of a sudden, Morgan began to show a smirk as she looked back at The Shield. "Would you look at that..." 
"She's smirking," JBL said. "I kind of like this." 
"I don't understand. What does the smirk mean?" Cole wondered.  
"This is killing me. Is she back or is this Sister Abigail?" King exclaimed. 
"I guess we'll have to check tomorrow night, on Raw," Cole announced. 
Celeste tweets 'Um, I could have sworn Ambrose was still a part of that match. #GettingWorried #WhereIsDean #ShouldIMakeAMissingPersonsReport?' 
Brie tweeted 'NO! WWEMorgan101 why!? Why didn't you wake up!? I thought you were gonna get the last laugh. #ItsOver' 
Nikki tweeted 'Ooh! Rosa is in hot water now. Just watch. The Shield is gonna get her good.' 
Brie also tweeted 'I don't understand...I thought the kiss...the match...I thought that all worked...The Wyatts got her locked up well. Don't let this be the end.' 
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Actually, in the spirit of “fandom should spark joy,” here’s a rec list of—
My top 10 favorite Batcest fics!
Some notes to remember:
—Obviously, they’ll be Jason Todd-centric, but if anyone wants to drop their fave other-bats recs, feel free!
—These are in no particular order, and the only standard is “my faves.”
—I’m sticking to fics I haven’t mentioned before.
—As always, PLEASE mind the tags! SERIOUSLY.
Now, let us begin with…
—the Props verse by sirenseven. Holy shit. This series KILLS me. It is, to me, THE quality standard for Bad Man Bruce Wayne fics. Essentially, the premise is, “What if Bruce Wayne actually were a sexual predator?” And, uh, it does NOT pull its punches. You know how I said “mind the tags” earlier? MIND THE FUCKING TAGS.
—All my roads lead to you by firefright. Absolutely one of my immediately go-to JayDick recs for people interested in the pairing. Heartbreaking and bittersweet in that particular Jason Todd way that makes you desperately wish everything hadn’t gone wrong.
—When It's You by MissNaya. BruJay get-together fic with hot porn and hot feelings. Also, daddy kink! Wheeee!
—strange fear i ain’t felt for years by Sister. The fic that got me into JayTim. Also, phone sex! One of my fave tropes! Why is there not more of this in Batcest fic??? They’re all commed up all the time!
—Only If For A Night by XYDamianKane. JayDick with Agent 37!Dick which means IDENTITY PORN! (The crowd goes wild!)
—it just takes practice by sneck. Damian needs some help going undercover at a sex club. He goes to his brothers for help, and help is enthusiastically provided. 😏
—Times Change by scandalsavage. BruJay time travel, Jay goes back in time and meets a Year 1 (I think?) Bruce! Which means…IDENTITY PORN!!!! And also a lack of the usual angst that accompanies BruJay, which is kinda fun!
—You want more and you want it fast by Runespoor. JayTim, Pre-Flashpoint, with a VERY fucked up Jason coming up with an interesting way to get into Tim’s pants (that is, dress up lol Babs!Batgirl).
—Sacrifice Your Self by meaninglessblah. So, I have mixed feelings on Batfam AUs. Sometimes it can be difficult to retain “hot and sticky” ties that bind them together. But this one—BruJay where Jay is Bruce’s apprentice in the League of Shadows is just…*mwah.*
—is that such a crime? by likewinning. BRUJAYDICK! BRUJAYDICK!!! Dick visits the manor after Jay takes over as Robin and puts some pieces together. (I. Love this fic. SO MUCH.)
(Oh yeah also I fully recommend everything else by these authors. Like, seriously, go nuts with their oeuvre if you haven’t already!)
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dawning-day · 8 months
top 15 tv shows (in no particular order except i did number them bc otherwise i would forget to do 15)( love u @soleadita and fuck with the icon change immensely)
crashing (2016) call me marissa cooper the way i am ruthlessly stealing this pick but yeah it's. it's insane and fantastic and terrible and beautiful and so much happens so fast but its so so important to me
inside job (it's gross and weird and funny and sad and it's one of the only times i was genuinely upset when i heard about a show being cancelled)
young justice (pointing at an on fire garbage can - this is my son and i love him)
gilmore girls (comfort media of all time what else do you need)
bob's burgers (similar to the above it's very i am falling asleep to the weird bisexual man who is a mess at all times except for how much he loves his family)
fleabag (why yes i have a perfectly normal relationship with the catholic church and the concept of being truly known. why would you ask. and yeah i real life cried)
yuri on ice (idk if anime counts but fuck around and find out this is My List (tm)) ((it's beautiful and soft and lovely and sad and stressful and i listened to the instrumental track so many times it was on my spotify top songs. it's literally just a piano and a boy with a dream and i have wept about it))
given (it's the first anime i ever watched all the way through which in retrospect, fucking insane way to come out of the gate. as a Band Kid (tm) who wanted to be a theater kid but was bad at speaking in front of groups of people, this show did a lot to my psyche in the best way possible)
will (enough with the tears its time for something almost embarrassingly niche. in 2017 TNT had a drama series about william shakespeare and to this day it remains one of the greatest things ive ever seen. jamie campell bower plays the sluttiest version of christopher marlowe you've ever seen in your life. it's chaotic and ridiculous and i absolutely adore it. i have no idea where to find it im pretty sure they want us to forget it exists but i cant)
numb3rs (silly little show about a nervous man who solves murder with the power of math and being a pathetic little wife guy to the hottest woman ive ever seen. theres an episode about trains that i think rewired something in my brain)
white collar (look at me. obviously im a white collar guy. come on now)
invincible (i think ive seen the pilot episode like 4 times. i genuinely think it redefined to me what superhero media could be. oh i adore it more than anything. it's only 9 because i haven't seen season 2 yet but holy shit. holy shit. media of all time. if you want to know me fundamentally and wholly please watch the pilot. i'll watch it again anytime im not kidding)
teen titans (cherished childhood media of all time. only group of people who have ever understood dick grayson)
bridgerton season 2 (i'm bias on account of just finishing it yesterday but holy shit two people have never been in love like they are in love)
the flash (cw) (im sorry to both my mother and god for this one but unfortunately i don't have taste and also it's the reason i started caring about dc in the first place which is the reason i got back on tumblr and met all the cherished gay people in my telephone so yeah. barry allen's allowed to be cringe as fuck i owe him everything)
leo already tagged everyone i know on here but if u see this pls do it and @ me im nosy
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bi-bats · 1 year
3, 13, 23, 31, & 40 for the ask game? no pressure to answer all of them
adjflaskj hey Waffle I'm definitely going to answer all of them bestie!! I love when people want to know things about me lmaooo
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
For everything I write, it starts with an idea. Usually a trope or a quote or a conversation will inspire me and I'll go "that would make a great fic!" and then I inevitably start thinking about the most dangerous question, "where would I even start writing that?" And then I inevitably start writing the first chapter of the fic. Right after that, I usually write part of the climax of the fic, which will be re-written no less than 8 times when I get to it, but that comes later. After I have those pieces, I start padding in ideas around that and working out the plot usually by talking about it with people. I'll start noting down scenes and ideas, and this is where the process veers depending on the kind of fic I'm writing.
For a multi-chap, I usually sit down and work out the plot. I'll figure out the scenes I want to happen and in what order, at least for the major beats of the story. Sometimes I'll work out all the tiny details, sometimes I'll just cover the main things I know need to happen, and usually this is where I bring my corkboard into it.
For a one shot, I'll just throw the scene ideas at the end of the WIP file and figure out the order/work them in later. Usually along the way I come up with snippets of dialogue that I want the characters to say to each other in various scenes and I'll throw them in the snippets area (each fic has one).
Once my idea is worked out, I start writing the fic. I actually have to write from start to finish. I have to begin at the beginning and work my way through in order, or else I start repeating things and losing threads because I can't keep track of what's been written vs. what's in my head. The best analogy is that it's like making a braid for me: I have to have all of my strands laid out so I can work my way through to the end piece by piece.
Eventually, I'll have all of my words down for a chapter or the piece and I'll give it a re-read or three for editing, and then I'll send it to a few people I know for betaing or cheerleading (shoutout to @lovetimdrake, @chipmunkery, and @cassiopeiagamma (batsgf) for being the usual ones to put up with me!! go follow all of them if you don't already). After that, I'll usually post it within a few days! I usually give it a final pass before posting to see what tags I should add and catch any last editing things, and then I send it off!
Note: with the damitim fic I don't post as soon as I finish a chapter. I like having the padding of the next two chapters being ready to post and the chapter after that partially written before I post the next update, since I haven't actually finished working out the plot beyond the rough things I know need to happen in the next few scenes and some major story beats (solving the Bruce lost in time problem, Damian and Tim's relationship, etc). That story is an exception to the rule though, because it is pouring out of me without permission.
13. What's a common writing tip that you always follow?
I actually don't know if it's a common tip but it is excellent advice that I received from Chibi while working on Pieces of Me (Pieces of You), which was trying not to start a sentence with the same word as the last one.
Holy shit. That changed my life. My writing reads so much more interestingly now and I could NOT for the life of me figure out what it was that bothered me in previous fics when certain paragraphs felt clunky or whatever and adkjlfajsdlk the biggest thanks to Chibi for that advice!!! (side effect of that is that I hate everything I wrote before that piece, but something something I've grown as a writer)
23. Best writing advice for others?
honestly, some of Chuck Palahniuk's writing advice changed my life when I stumbled across it as a late teenager. So this link right here, and then also learning how to plot was make-or-break for me as a writer. My work was fine, but directionless and I could never finish a story because I didn't know how. So read Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell.
That, and listen to advice from other authors! I highly recommend the podcast No Write Way with V.E. Schwab (one of my favorite authors, and the podcast I got the book rec for plotting from).
And read. Reading more will make you a better writer through osmosis and I'm not joking about that.
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
This is actually complicated because I can't separate them in my head. The plot is the characters. The characters are the plot.
Technically I guess I start with the characters and turn it into a plot, but there's always a kernel of plot in there to begin with!
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Okay. Now that everyone knows that they have blanket permission to make fanart of my stuff: Now Kiss would be fun at just about any point, but the moments that stand out to me are when they're sitting with each other on the roof, the morning they wake up on the couch blushing, or the scene where they're lying in bed and looking at each other right before they get together.
Or of course, the DamiTim fic. I'd lose my shit over a shot of Tim sitting on Damian's couch from Damian's POV, or a shot of Damian walking out of the elevator carrying Tim. Or them on the motorcycle. Or another scene during the smut that shall name unmentioned because someone specifically mentioned to me that they might do it.
And actually about five other scenes from chapters I haven't posted yet.
Thank you for the ask bestieeee 💖💖💖💖💖 this was a lovely distraction 💚
Send me asks from this ask list!!
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m34gs · 1 year
There was a 'put in the tags' post requesting people put in the tags a villain with a "good reason" to be evil...and I just thought that seems very subjective and also how can I just choose one...so I am gonna just ramble a little about some of my favourite villains/antagonists and why I like them so much :D (link to the 'in the tags' post here)
Not every villain needs a tragic backstory or a 'sympathetic' motivation, and I think you'll find that very few of my favourites actually do. It's 2023. Let the villains be actually evil. Potential for spoilers ahead.
These are not listed in any particular order; just listing them as I think of them:
Ursula (from The Little Mermaid)
I love Ursula. She's just so unapologetically herself. The only time she changes herself to fit 'societal norms' is to trick the prince. And even then, she isn't doing it out of lust for him or to fill some sort of need to fit in; she's doing it as a means to an end, that 'end' being having Ariel to use as a hostage against Triton. This lady is cunning, she is confident, and she takes what she wants. I loved her as much in the cartoon as I do in the recent live action movie; both versions were good. (whether you like the makeup or not, I don't care, the live-action Ursula was hilarious). She gets the trident, the power over the seas, and what is the First Thing she does? Tries to smite Ariel because she hates her, and also Ariel is the reason her beloved eels perished. Ursula wants immediate revenge. Love that for her. She has her priorities.
The Sheriff of Nottingham (from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves)
He's played by Alan Rickman. That's it. That's the reason. LOL. I mean, I love the way that Mr. Rickman brought the character to life, I loved the comedy, the dry and dark humour he brings to the role. I just really love it. And he looked very handsome as the Sheriff, I must say. Also, the Sheriff's death scene always kinda makes me giggle just because it is So Drawn Out. Like, my dude. Die already!!!! But nope, gotta stumble around the Entire Tower Room first.
Eddie Gluskin (from Outlast: Whistleblower)
Eddie is, by the time Waylon Park stumbles across him, completely deranged, completely twisted, completely unhinged. He is running around chasing other prisoners to take them as 'brides', and cutting off the parts of them he doesn't desire. He makes a wedding dress. He has a tailored suit that he *wears*. He sings songs that he likely learned in his childhood, about marriage and love. Now, if there's one thing I love, it's a villain with a THEME. Also, this man did all this within the span of hours. HOURS. That is some crazy productivity...like holy shit. I know people who do less over the course of an entire week; AND get paid for it. Eddie was like 'hold up I got this' and prepared a wedding while doing some..."art"... on the side.
Usagi (from Juuni Taisen: Zodiac War)
Similar to Eddie, Usagi is just. Wild. A beast. I mean, it makes sense. He's in a 12-man battle royale where the winner gains whatever wish they desire. We don't get much on backstory for Usagi but I honestly think that's just fine. You can tell from his appearance and several of his voice lines that he hasn't had many friends...but when he kills the corpses reanimate and are completely under his control. "Friends" that can never run away. It's kind of fascinating to me, that he has so many trust issues he can't fathom having any friends that he can't 100% control. Also, he is in the skimpiest bunny outfit, complete with a giant tail to store his swords in, and stiletto heels. Iconic shit.
Sukuna (from JJK)
What I like about Sukuna is he is so evil and ready to kill and destroy...aaaaand he's stuck in the body of a teen who can somewhat limit his abilities and keep him locked away for the most part. Gotta love that frustration. Also, even though Yuuji has Sukuna inside him, they undoubtedly talk a lot, and pretty much have to be civil to each other...Sukuna still does not give Any Fucks about Yuuji's happiness. The cruel reminder comes when Sukuna refuses to save Junpei (My Baby!!!!😭😭😭), and honestly despite the fact it made me cry, I absolutely respect the writing that has a villain stand by his convictions. Don't get me wrong, I am a SUCKER, for character development and the villain becoming part of the Found Family whether they like it or not (which is how I write Sukuna in The Bar AU), but I also love and adore when a writer will Go There and be like "Yeah, no, you're not changing this guy so easily. He's evil." (I am nowhere near caught up with the manga but so far in my current observations this remains to be very true).
Azula (from Avatar: The Last Airbender)
This girl is so iconic. I love her methods. I love the outward confidence and the crazy consequences she doles out that are really just hiding a scared young girl with a perfection complex. I love that we get a such a rounded character; that we as the audience see her fail at flirting, see her lose her temper over trivial things, see her enjoy a day AT THE BEACH?! UNIRONICALLY???? Azula is just such a great character. When she loses her battle at the end and goes batshit spitting fire while bound...My heart. It aches for her. Even though I think she needs a whole lotta counselling. Truly.
The witches (from Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters)
I like the witches because they are just. Evil. (yes I know there's a 'good witch' in the story, but I'm not talking about her right now). I like that they fully commit to the evil. They feast on children. They kill without remorse. They cast disgusting and foul curses that cause some really gross gory scenes. I just like that return to a character who is just Evil and will never be good or be persuaded under any circumstances to act good. I thought, in an era of "pretty" witches who all seem to be "morally grey" at worst, it was fun and refreshing to have a witch just go "Nah, I want to eat a child" again.
Those are some of the ones I can think of right now. I just wanted to ramble a little about them. :D
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momobani · 2 years
P1Harmony Harmony: Set In album review
Unsolicited album review (p3!!)
I’ve been a p1ece since debut and I just get so excited about new music, no one asks for these nor cares, but I have fun doing it, so there. Hope everyone’s enjoying the album!!
Warning: long post [1.4k], I got carried away lmao.
Note - this is the first time P1Harmony has done the showcase first, then dropped the MV and then the rest of the album, the order does feel a little funny but it was actually really nice to hear two of the songs yesterday (they sang Better Together at the showcase as well as the title).
As always, I did keep up with the teasers, so it definitely won’t be a total surprise listening to the album. I feel like instead of spoiling it though, I got so hyped so I guess the teasers did their job alright. I also watched the showcase yesterday and heard both songs and I really liked both. 
Bonus: Jiung helped write Better Together!!! Intak and Jongseob always have their rap writing credits but to see a composition credit is just such a joy, especially because we know how much Jiung likes writing music and how much pride he takes in it.
Back Down (+MV)
Alright first things first - holy shit the visuals!!!!! I loved the underground idk ‘lair’ or whatever you can call the hang out spot since they dropped the prologue. It’s amazing, the detail, the decor is perfect. I immediately thought of the Ninja Turtles when I saw it, and I had a good look around on the bird app and found other people had a similar thought so I guess maybe FNC was going for it? If it’s so obvious lol. But I love it so much; the guys said this album is about friendship and I totally see why there’s a sort of reference to the ninja turtles - they’re a cute bunch (of brothers) but also friends and they go on cool missions and stuff so the vibe is perfect.
Okay the song: I could tell from the few seconds we got as teasers that this was going to be a bop but omg it’s so much better than that, it’s a whole banger! (Keeho’s intro, sir, do you have something to say?) There’s something so satisfying about Jongseob’s hard ‘rr’ sound and I love the bass boom in the instrumental. (also the MV - they got super powers or something from getting electrocuted? fun!) Intak’s “bro!” took me out (actually his whole verse did but yea), then the MV transition where they jump up from the sewers to the metro was just so neat omg. I love the sort of New York setting they’re emulating, it really keeps up the reference to the Ninja Turtles. Keeho with those glasses and earrings, he actually looks like he time travelled from the 90s lol. The backpacks make them look like turtles I’m sorry I said it but I find it adorable.
RA TA TA TA!!!!!!
Tag yourself I’m the pizza person looking down in the sewer.
Jiung is out for my life, he serving too hard this era, everyone say thank you to the stylists. But also the styling is as usual so incredible and everyone looks amazing!!
Soul throwing the pizza at us, the trio against the moonlight and standing on top of the buildings? So very Ninja Turtles, my heart is happy haha (i love the ninja turtles, can you tell?)
Omg the little captions too, comic book feel, it’s fun. BUT THEN
Jiung driving (Jiung driving me insane, p1eces sound off if you’re alive)
SOUL LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY
The pre-chorus is so long, what a build up, it’s like 3 different phrases? It’s dope.
The suits the suits the suits the suits also the little video game style thing when they’re “fighting” each other is so cute
Also I had this thought when I saw Keeho with this hair at the showcase yesterday - it really reminded me of something then I got it: he’s in his Rockhopper Penguin era, duh
Keeyang bridge - I love the way the instrumental gets so minimal, like yes, please we want to hear the vocals (ft Jiung losing his mind around the table lmao).
Intak’s ‘time to change it now’ - change what dude???!!! Also he looked like a cute school kid with that backpack lol I feel like I’m taking my kids to school when I see them with those massive bags haha.
The chorus of this song is so full of energy it’s definitely one of their biggest hype songs and that’s saying something.
I just checked how long the song is and it’s only 2:48?? It feels so much longer than that not just cuz of the video but like so much happens in it? anyway, interesting since it’s their shortest title track (all of the others are at least 3 mins long)
The instrumental touched my soul for a second. Speaking of which, SOUL LINES???!!!!!! YESSSSS my kid getting something after how long omg. The build up is beautiful. This is Yes Man’s younger, more playful sibling. That guitar? riff is ingrained in my heart now, no going back. Jongseob’s shimmy shimmy ah haha cute! This song is an instant serotonin boost I’m smiling so much. It’s so short though I need more!! So I’ll listen to it again sskskskskjdn
The ‘by your side’ harmony!! I want to dance, it’s so fun and cute omg. Jongseob’s singing yesss.
Secret Sauce
The intro????? i’m-
Beat is sick omg, the build up too. “future’s coming” interesting you should mention that.
Chorus took a totally different turn then I expected lol. The adlibs!!!! The gang vocals!!!! The whispering in the background behind the rapper’s verses holy shit, that’s cool.
Shimmy shimmy count x1000 aosfousduf
Taeyang please, have mercy, also that little ‘sauce’ adlib (i think it was actually Soul for some reason) before Keeho’s lines. What is that noise?? It sounded like an electronic xylophone or something wtf that was so cool
(in conclusion shimmy shimmy has me in a chokehold)
One and only
What????? The teaser didn’t do this song justice I say that like 20 secs in.
Funky lil instrumental, my beloved. Okay if BFF was related to Yes Man, so is this one, it’s like the funky cousin that is so loud but you love them anyway. Life of the party type of thing. BOOM! ZOOM! (i promised I’m not possessed by the music). SOUL LINESSSSSSS I’LL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS, KID’S DOING SO WELL!! The bridge, there’s so much going on in the instrumental holy shit. NANANANANANAANANA - you know a song is good when it has that.
Look At Me Now
(I really liked the Korean title, it’s something like “the child who swallowed the sun”?) just from the teasers I thought this might be one of my super all times favourite in the piwon catalog, let’s see if that’s true lol.
Jiung I’m on my last straw
Jongseob pop off my child :’)
“I’m on the top floor” - I’m somewhere in space, speeding toward the sun while listening to this song wbu (this is going to be my new 3am psychosis song lskdjosidsds)
This is p1eces’ boxer/WWE theme song, y’know when they announce the contenders and stuff, and they come out to epic music? This is the song
Better Together
(heard this yesterday watching the showcase, it was lovely as a performance)
I love the rapper’s vocals!!
I feel like Taeyang really owns this for some reason - like in the chorus especially.
Piwon’s medium pop ballads are always top notch, they all have that softness and upbeat chord progression that’s like sunshine on a rainy day.
I want an acoustic performance for some reason - I totally see this with a bunch of guitars and maybe around a camp fire?
Piwon harmonies!!!!!
In conclusion, Piwon have a god tier, no-skip discography and when kpoppies find out about them it’s over for everyone. I don’t know how they do it, like every album they put out is consistently brilliant and they manage to stay fresh and do different things while keeping that distinct p1harmony flavour, I really wonder what they put in the fish cake water.
I’m not a person who likes the obsessive fan culture with voting and streaming but honestly I would hope that there’s some way to give piwon a win, they more than deserved it for this whole year, every album/title was incredible and they’ve done so much, I’m so proud of them.
I really hope the guys can have some time off since they really had such a busy year, 3 albums, a tour, extra performances and all the harmony forest stuff too, holy shit, it’s really insane, but it was also so amazing and I hope they’re proud of what they’ve accomplished so far.
anyways, I love p1harmony and I hope you do too <333
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air-exec · 4 months
20 Questions for writers
Tagged by @johnslittlespoon <3
how many works do you have on ao3? literally 4 :')
what is your total ao3 word count? 10,424
what fandoms do you write for? right now, MOTA. but i've written for Sherlock, Star Trek (TOS) and LotR in the past. My Ao3 only has MOTA on it, tho.
top 5 fics by kudos haha I only have 4 posted, but in order by Kudos they are
Time Can Change Me (But I Can't Trace Time) (clegan memory loss au)
And can you tell me, was it worth it?
Sweet Uncertainty (hs clegan ice cream shop au)
You're My Joy
do you respond to comments? i try SO HARD to but i have a couple that have been sitting in my inbox for too long bc i am baffled that these writers that i look up to so much liked my fic and i am afraid to respond :')
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? so none of my finished fics have like.. happy endings. they're angsty in their own ways i guess. either YMJ or the Mem Loss au
what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? none of my finished fics have happy endings haha but i promise the ice cream shop au will!!
do you get hate on fics? not yet!
do you write smut? not well :')
craziest crossover? i'm not big on crossover fics - not sure if i'll ever write one tbh
have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of!!
have you ever had a fic translated not yet :)
have you ever co-written a fic before? literally a decade ago on DeviantART LMAOOO
all time favorite ship? oh man,,,, oh man holy shit,, how am i supposed to pick ONE,,, my gut is telling me to say ZimBits (omgcp) or winnix tbh
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will atp i don't have any in that category!! let's keep it that way fellas
what are your writing strengths? i like to think that i'm good at writing emotionally evocative works
what are your writing weaknesses? y'all i just don't know when to shut the hell up. i get too wordy i think and that is my downfall
thoughts on dialogue in another language? i think that it can be done well - however i only speak english and rudimentary Portuguese, do don't expect much from me on that front
first fandom you wrote in? lmaoooo the beatles
favorite fic you've written? Time Can Change Me (But I Can't Trace Time) i have an outline started for a pt 2 in the series :^)
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fantabulisticity · 1 year
When you say you’re listening to an discography are you like memorizing it, or just going through Everything? What’s the process like?
Well, when I had more time to fuck around I used to memorize, but now that I tend to listen to music while doing something else (driving, working, housecleaning), I can't pause and rewind and play songs over and over and then listen to the next one over and over bc i have to either stop what I'm doing to switch songs or make a specific memorization playlist (which I have done before but haven't done in years -- last time I did that, or, well, used the queue function for repeats, I fucked up @foxfinding's spotify algorithm bc I played "MANiCURE" by Lady Gaga like 20 times in a row bc I couldn't figure out how to switch accounts on their computer 😅 I love you, and thank you for putting up with my bullshit 😘). So my previous process was I'd listen to each album twice, albums in chronological order (generally), and the first listen I'd go in blind and just listen to the whole thing, and the second listen I'd read the lyrics line by line while listening, which like. Takes time and means I can't be doing anything else. And then after that I either listened to the album over and over or listened to each song over and over.
Now I have a job where I listen to music for like 2-8 hours per day, but I don't like to take my phone out and change stuff all the time, so I'll either make a chronological playlist of the artist's entire discography (excluding live performance recordings, usually) that's available on Spotify and listen to that (I've done this previously with Josh Ritter, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Kesha, and MCR) or listen to the albums separately over and over all day and then do another album the next day or next task (I've done this with Shania Twain, Faith Hill, Dolly Parton, Itchy Kitty, Kesha, and am currently doing it with Billy Joel). And some days I just listen to one song on repeat for hours (Shakira's "Shakira: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 53", a bunch of Kesha and Shania Twain songs, Dolly Parton's "Jolene" and "Coat of Many Colors," Blue Kid's "The Dismemberment Song," Kate Miller-Heidke's "Zero Gravity," Lizzo's & Cardi B.'s "Rumors"...).
I guess I do still try to memorize stuff sometimes, like when I go for long drives or when I'm cleaning the kitchen (either mine or at work) bc I can sing, and singing along helps me memorize. But mostly now it's just going through over and over, and memorization happens naturally with the repetition.
(Also, I know you're responding to my tags on a post about MCR, but speaking of music and repetition and memorizing, I have GOT to recommend Kesha's new album Gag Order and the acoustic EP. Holy shit. Big content warning for trauma and shit.)
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javaelemental · 2 years
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I posted 393 times in 2022
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#as a service industry vet i can absolutely guarantee that if the vampire shift lead was any kind of decent i would help him bury the bodies
My Top Posts in 2022:
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[Screencap of a tweet with an image. Image is the mobile version of Spirit Halloween's website. Tweeter Daniel Barnes says, "POV: you just logged onto Twitter tomorrow morning."]
3 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
The Brothers Cabal, Jonathan L. Howard
"They’re trying, but it will be too late. They need something very dangerous on their side to even their odds and they need it now."
"More dangerous than a vampire?" Even over the engine noise, the amusement in her tone was obvious.
"Oh, but I’m lovely. And I’m really not much into the whole 'Prince of Darkness' business. No, they need something … somebody … much more dangerous than me." He swallowed. He could hardly believe he was going to suggest this. "We need my brother, Johannes."
(If you haven't read the Johannes Cabal novels, you really, really should. Find them here.)
4 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
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Started a new farm. I'm on year three, just puttering along at things, no big hurry. Question, though - did they change the spawn rate on mushroom trees, or do they spawn more often on a 4 Corners farm? I've had one spawn every year so far, and I've never seen a single one on any of my other farms, not even my first farm that I've been playing for 17 in-game years. Also, these dang mushroom trees have been spawning in the worst spots. Wish you could get seeds out of them when you chop them down, so I could move them somewhere more useful.
6 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
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Oh shit. Oh fuck. It's happening. Holy shit.
Variety: ‘Community’ Movie Is Finally Happening, at Peacock, Fulfilling the Show’s Prophecy
"Pop, pop the champagne: Maybe it’s not the darkest timeline after all, as “six seasons and a movie” is finally becoming reality. Peacock has ordered a movie based on the Dan Harmon comedy 'Community,' bringing back original stars Joel McHale, Danny Pudi, Alison Brie, Gillian Jacobs, Jim Rash and Ken Jeong to check in on what the gang from Greendale has been up to since the show ended in 2015."
See the full post
6 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ninety percent of most magic merely consists of knowing one extra fact.
Terry Pratchett, Night Watch
156 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
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