#HOPE IN THE DARKEST PLACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPE FOR THE SMALLEST CREATURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stonekeyy · 1 year
first tumblr post I saw today was that textpost about cu/no and I have IMMEDIATELY been flung into rabid hyperfixation mode about the boy
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mimiexe15 · 3 months
the Council of witches prologue
Kyubey pov:
I don't know how long it's been five maybe seven or six years since she made her wish I'm still searching for a new one to replace them yet. It wasn't even easy now since that council. came most magical girls would get killed off 
 even if I tried to replace the old one of the same people, they don't seem to be proper candidates. however, I will admit the system has a evolved and became a lot more suitable. 
Maybe humanity was born like this but then again such fascinating creatures. I couldn't care less. I'm still gathering somewhat energy, which is good enough, however I realize there is much more to a human soul. it feels this emotion. I believe it's called despair or was it suffering? I do not know this feelings name but it's interesting if a human is put for too much suffering.They will beg for their life to end but then there's just other emotion. Hope, I've seen it only once, but it seems like they only triggered this during the most darkest of times.
But for the soul gem evolving, they can't only just become rings now they can become necklaces  Hairpins and jewelry and then I think that interest me is how a soul gem cannot only have one symbol, but two humanity has surely solved in this past couple of years, but it's still has those same feelings.but I'm not surprised since it's not the first time they have evolved.
 also what makes humans value is their life. so much they pretty much willing to kill other of the same species though why do females get more emotion than male ones why in the past they were so mean to the black ones why did they start wars for no reason humanity is weird
But then again,you guys probably have no idea what I'm talking about don't you answer? I'm talking to you the one who's reading the book.how about we start from the beginning?
I think the situation started when I originally tried to make a contract With Madoka Kaname She would've made a great magical girl I also believe four more girls were with her.
one of them I believe kept traveling through time saying this was their third attempt at saving her I will say she was an interesting one.I remember each of them falling to despair think that we collected enough energy to supply us for a year.
First, it was Sayaka miki Next was Kyoko Sakura then Mami Tomoe finally Homura Akemi it's interesting how easily humans can break down over the smallest of things or beg  over something they want really badly as completely worthless to them
However I wasn't expecting Madoka Kaname to make that wish then everything went downhill what I gave which is humanity, which caused some energy. What else were you expecting? You probably know I'm not telling the full story or maybe I am either way. I have one question for you.
Do you wanna make a contract with me? :3
wow, you actually read it God I was not expecting it. Well, thank you for reading this. It’s a short protocol for an upcoming AU, which is faced off the next generation of Madoka Magica. This takes place in a whole different universe with some different logical stuff. I’m so happy you read this and I’ll try to keep moving on. Thank you.
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the-void-writes · 10 months
Thank you so much Timi! 💖 For this one, I’m working on an idea I had for Will falling into the hands of a dangerous Celestial, and having to rely on a reclusive hunter for survival. Here, they’re bonding and making promises for the future. I hope you guys enjoy it!
“Do you want to know something funny?”
Romero looked down at the frail, soft-spoken man on the bed, weakened by the continued rituals of Aphelion and his guests. He could see each mark on Will’s skin where the Moon God tried to cut, and where his Infection stitched him back together. The very thing that had almost killed him was now the only thing keeping him alive.
“What is it?” Romero asked, hoping to keep him conscious in case those wretched creatures came back.
“I get why my father fell so hard for Rio. I always kind of understood it, but now I know what he was thinking.”
“And what’s that?”
“He was scared, and miserable, and all alone. If it weren’t for Rio’s comfort, he wouldn’t have lasted in that building, and I wouldn’t have found him. Rio helped him live again.”
Romero nodded respectfully. “The right person can pull you out of the darkest depths. Harper showed me that… and Ione right after him.”
“And you.” Will’s sad eyes flickered towards Romero for a moment. “If you weren’t here with me, if you hadn’t given me hope, I would have gone insane.”
Romero let out a deep sigh. His hand lingered on Will’s, a gesture he shared with Ione to let her know he was there. Will squeezed his hand in return.
“I’ll get you out of here,” Romero said, “I swear on it.”
Will smiled and sat up, taking a look around his room. It was undoubtedly the smallest room in the entire palace, only large enough to fit a bed and an old dresser, with a long ascent into darkness in place of a ceiling. In a regular building, this room would have been a crawlspace in the walls for a tiny mouse. Despite the size being an afterthought, it had still been beautifully decorated with quilts and flowers from Paradise. Nothing but the finest for Aphelion’s prized possession…
The Celestials never predicted that a human would stay in Aphelion’s domain for so long. Then again, they never predicted that the Moon King, with his distaste for humanity, would fall in love with a man from the world below. Will was “just like him,” he had said, a being of unfathomable power. All they needed to do was cut him open so his godly essence could walk the halls as intended.
Preston, Bluebrook, the Celestial Kingdom… All his life, everyone wanted him to be someone else.
Will looked out the window at the landscape of the Celestial domain. The grand hills were made of stardust, strange and colorful plants dotted the horizons like trees, and comets rushed through each one like rivers. Everything buzzed and hissed and roared across the land, a symphony of the stars themselves. In another world, Will could have spent hours traversing the cosmic plains, happy to live out the dreams of his childhood self.
Now, the sight of the world he once loved made his stomach churn. The view was a trap, a piece of bait meant to draw Will further into the arms of the creature who made it, a creature who didn’t plan to let him go. If Will couldn’t become a god like Aphelion wanted, then a pet would do just as nicely for him.
Romero tapped his shoulder gently. There was more warmth in his eyes than when they had first met, which Will didn’t blame him for. He wouldn’t have been happy in his shoes, either. Aphelion had killed Romero’s fiancé, for the same reason he would inevitably kill Will for. No one should be forced to confront a creature like that again for someone else’s sake.
Still, his battle-scarred eyes held no animosity towards Will. Dare he say, they had a familiar shimmer, like how Dante would look at him.
“Are you able to stand?” Romero asked.
“Yes, but— We can’t leave yet. You wanted to kill Aphelion, to avenge Harper.”
“I’ll avenge Harper by getting you out alive.” He bowed his head. “But I appreciate your concern.”
“We can’t leave, anyway. The Celestials are scattered all over the place, and you’re not properly rested. We wouldn't get far.”
“Then what are we doing?”
Romero kept his eyes on the floor. “You have this look in your eyes, the kind Ione has when she’s weighed down by her thoughts. I thought I could help you, if you’d like.”
He reached out his hand, and Will took it gently. They stood in the center of the room, and with the cosmic symphony outside to guide them, Romero led him in a waltz. His hand was pressed against his back, and he could feel each soft vibration as Will laughed at himself for stumbling over his feet.
His smile was brighter than any star outside.
“Sorry,” Will said, “I’m sure Ione is a much better dancer.”
“She’s surprisingly talented. I guess that temple was good for something.”
“Right. ‘Come on down to the Temple of Sapphirus. We can make blind women dance, if you let us feed your family to a god.’”
Romero bit his fist through his mask. It hurt to laugh, but he couldn’t help it. Will smiled at him as they spun around, the starlight from the window turning the world around them into a whirlpool of color.
“I know we’re not close, or anything—”
“Please, feel free to speak. You and Dante are honorary members of our group.”
“He’s looking after Ione for me, I’ll never forget his kindness… or yours.”
“Then could you promise me something?”
“What is it?”
“You don’t have to give up your time for it, but if you could just check on Dante every now and then, I would appreciate it forever. He already lost Vani, I hate putting him through that again.”
Romero paused. “You’re going to see him again, I promise.”
Will smiled sadly. “You don’t have to make that promise. I know it’ll be impossible to get out unnoticed.”
“It’s not impossible. We’ll find a way—”
He faltered as Will held his cheek, the one that hadn’t been scarred. Romero couldn’t understand why his heart was beating so fast.
“Please, just promise me.”
“… I promise. Everyone you love, I’ll check on them.”
“Thank you, Ro.”
These feelings… Romero didn’t like them. Never mind that Will had a wonderful partner already, but he was also in captivity. His kind words and gentle voice shouldn’t have been weakening Romero so suddenly. He couldn’t help that the man was so much like Harper.
Maybe, in a different life…
“One more thing, if you don’t mind.”
“Tell me.”
Will laid his head on Romero's shoulder. “If I can’t leave… please kill me. I don’t want Aphelion to do it.”
“I’ll make sure it doesn’t come to that—” Romero closed his eyes. “—but you have my word.”
He spun with Will for a while longer, both of them unwilling to let go, to face their predicament once more. It had been so long since Romero had people to live for, and this time, he would make sure they stayed out of Aphelion’s hands. The Moon King would finally pay for the pain he had caused, by losing something he “loved,” in return.
Romero would free Will. He swore it on his life.
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xasha777 · 4 months
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In the lush, verdant realm of Elysia, where flora and fauna coexisted in harmony, an extraordinary creature emerged—a cat with delicate, translucent wings that shimmered like gossamer in the sunlight. Named Lyra, she was a creature of grace and wonder, her wide, innocent eyes reflecting the world with a curiosity unbounded.
Lyra lived among the rose bushes in the enchanted forest, a place where magic was woven into the very fabric of nature. The roses here were no ordinary blooms; they possessed a radiant glow and emitted a sweet fragrance that could heal wounds and soothe troubled minds. Lyra, with her wings glistening in the morning dew, would often be found perched on the petals, basking in the tranquility of her surroundings.
One day, as Lyra was fluttering between the roses, a whispering wind brought news from the far reaches of Elysia. The Royal Commission, an ancient and revered council tasked with safeguarding the realm, had summoned her. It was a call that echoed through the heart of the forest, resonating with a sense of urgency and purpose. The Commission had discovered an anomaly—an incursion of dark energy threatening to disrupt the balance of their world.
Lyra, though small and delicate, was imbued with a unique power. Her wings, it was said, could channel the purest form of Elysian magic. The Royal Commission needed her to embark on a journey to the source of this dark energy and restore harmony to the land.
As Lyra approached the grand hall of the Royal Commission, she was greeted by towering figures clad in robes of celestial hues. The council members, a diverse assembly of wise beings from various corners of Elysia, gazed upon her with a mixture of hope and solemnity.
"Lyra," spoke the eldest member, his voice a gentle rumble, "we have sensed a disturbance in the fabric of our world. A rift has opened, allowing malevolent forces to seep into our realm. We believe that your unique abilities can mend this rift and restore the balance."
Lyra nodded, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. She knew the task ahead would be perilous, but the fate of Elysia rested upon her fragile wings. The Commission bestowed upon her an amulet, a conduit to amplify her magic, and a map that guided her to the heart of the disturbance.
With a flutter of her wings, Lyra set forth on her quest. She traversed dense forests, crossed sparkling rivers, and scaled towering mountains, each step bringing her closer to the epicenter of the dark energy. Along the way, she encountered allies—creatures of light and shadow, who joined her in her mission, their combined strengths forging a path through the darkness.
Finally, Lyra arrived at the rift, a swirling vortex of malevolent energy. Summoning all her courage, she activated the amulet, its radiant glow merging with the light of her wings. As she approached the rift, she felt the dark energy attempting to overwhelm her, but she focused on the love and harmony that Elysia represented.
With a burst of pure, blinding light, Lyra's magic surged into the rift. The dark energy resisted, but the combined strength of her allies and the purity of her power began to seal the breach. Slowly, the vortex diminished, the malevolent forces dissipating into nothingness.
Exhausted but triumphant, Lyra returned to the Royal Commission. The realm of Elysia had been saved, its balance restored. The council members hailed her as a hero, and her tale spread throughout the land, inspiring generations to come.
Lyra, the winged cat of Elysia, had proven that even the smallest and most delicate of creatures could hold the greatest power within, capable of bringing light to the darkest of times. And so, she returned to her beloved rose bushes, a symbol of hope and resilience in a world where magic and wonder reigned supreme.
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missbangtae · 3 years
𝑀𝓎 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈
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⤑ Paring: Jungkook x reader (with a little bit Namjoon x reader and Taehyung x reader)
⤑ Genre: wolf!au, soulmate!au, collage!au
⤑ Summary: y/n has been feeling a certain darkness ever since she got her period. Something was calling her and one day that ‘light’ came into vision. You’d never thought however, that it would be a werewolf.
⤑ Rating: 18+
⤑ Warnings: mentions of rape, depression, smut, oral sex, window-sex, shower-sex, knotting, marking and animalistic behaviour.
⤑ Wordcount: 9.5k
⤑ A/n: hey!! This will be my first story on this account. I used to run another tumblr account, but I felt like I needed a new start hehe. Hope you enjoyed this one!
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‘why is it so dark?’, you ask yourself as you try to see, but nonetheless fail to do so. It’s too dark. You can’t understand what you feel, but it has been the darkest feeling you have had in your whole life, though you might not yet be that old. It is creeping up on you, like a tiger or some other creature. It might’ve always been there, but never this strong. Never since this very moment. A white ray stands tall in front of you, all too sudden but not unwelcome. You feel like you need to be there, like this might be the place that brings you the peace you have been seeking. You know the feeling, the dark feeling, ends with this light. It all fits too well…
You take a step forward, but when you look down to see where you are walking on, you don’t see your feet. It’s only you, like a floating conscious. Even though it got you distracted for the smallest second, you knew this wasn’t important enough. The only thing worth doing right now is taking another step towards this warm and sunny light. Another step was taken and you feel your body heating up. Even though the light is your answer, you are still reacting to it in all the negative ways. ‘Is this what I need? It’s probably better than that horrifying darkness around us. Around me and this light’.
So without another thought, you take three more steps. There it is, right in front of you. You can feel your whole body reacting in heath, but you still feel save somehow. It’s resisting and it feels unnatural, but you haven’t felt as connected in so long with such a simple thing. You want it. No, you need it. And it also needs you. Two sides, two consciousnesses needing one another. But it doesn’t feel enough. You need more. You need to be closer. You need hi-.
‘Y/n? You are burning up! Are you okay? Wake up!’.
The sudden voice wakes you up in one simple snap. Your eyes spring wide open as you look scared towards your friend, who just as well returns that look. Namjoon puts his hand on your forehead. You flinch as he retracts his hand as fast as lighting, making a gesture as if your forehead is about a 100 degrees. ‘Damn y/n, that should be illegal. It’s way too hot. Please go to the nurses office’, he exclaims.
You put your hand on your heart, feeling how fast it’s beating. It’s so fast that you can feel it in your whole body. You are trying to recall your dream, but you only seem to remember that you felt a dark feeling. It must’ve been a nightmare. You check out your surroundings as you felt quite out of place, but you soon notice you are still in the comfort of your school’s library. You let out a breath, shaking off that weird experience and you try to calm down your body. ‘I think I had some kind of nightmare’, you inform Namjoon before picking up your pencil.
You have been working all night with your classmate. You were assigned to work together on a project. Since the both of you had a hard time to find a good spot in your agendas to work together, you found that only today you could really work on it. So you both took the chance and ended up working all night. You pull out your phone and you notice it’s already 11 pm. Your eyes widen. ‘Namjoon, why didn’t you wake me up? We really need to get going. Can we still get out of the building?’. He chuckles and shrugs. ‘Thought you could use some rest, you’ve only been gone for twenty minutes, so don’t worry. But you’re right. We should go home’. You let out a small sigh before clearing out your desk. He didn’t mean it bad, so you let it go. You both pack your things and go home.
As you walk your way to your dorm, you can’t help but feel that same creeping feeling. You feel that darkness. It’s not uncommon for you anymore. It has been a few years already, the moment you had your period. You have felt it ever since that moment. You can still remember the first dream about it. It was like just now, dark and alone. As if there was something or someone missing from your life. Your mother showed her concern about it and took you to a doctor, who gave you a number of a psychologist. There we thorough experiments, but no one could really tell what it was and how to get rid of it. At some point you found yourself at a more spiritual room. That was even more traumatic, as she just looked at you in fear and told you to leave within a few seconds. It got you thinking. Are you some kind of devil? Some kind of lost soul from another world, what certainly isn’t holy? This time though, this last dream, it was different. Different from your other dreams. You did feel the darkness, but there was something else. It felt refreshing and warm, something you haven’t felt in so long. Whatever it is, you hope that same feeling will return to you. And this time you won’t be woken up. This time it will stay with you.
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It’s the following day. Last night hasn’t been easy on you. The darkness has been closing in on you. This time it really seems too real and too attentive. Like it’s watching you. You feel it all over your body. It keeps you heavy and almost a depressed feeling washes over your body. The amount of strength it took you today to get out of bed, get ready and walk to your classes was just too much. You could barely keep your eyes open as your professor tries to explain the laws of physics to you. You must be really sick this time, your body just keeps on heating itself up. Your brain almost feels fried. It’s only a matter of time before you pass out. You can feel it, the life just wanting to seep out of your body. You can feel it pulling. You need it. You need that light right now. You need him.
And exact on that moment, all the lights turned off. Your body had completely given up.
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His ears perk up as he felt a weird feeling passing through his body. He sits up straight, looking around his new apartment complex as he looks for some kind of clue. It’s some type of feeling he can’t describe, but it’s very strong, but still goes unnoticed if it wasn’t for his wolf-senses. Something was wrong. But with what or whom, he couldn’t figure out. He sets his eyes on his alarm, reading 10 am. His class will be starting in about an hour. He normally wakes up in 15 minutes, but he is up already. It had been a busy night with the pack. Since they had to move because of a inner-circle rivalry, Jungkook had decided the pack would split in two. It’s for the best this way and he felt like he needed a new start. But ever since he had come here, he felt like something was coming. And not only he has felt it, his closest beta friend Jimin also felt it. ‘I don’t know what it is boss, but your vibes has changed. I can’t put my finger on it’, Jimin said to him. Today, however, the feeling had dubbeled itself. It felt dangerous.
He got out of his bed, walking towards his bathroom. He takes a moment to show his desire towards his surroundings. His pack really put effort in this one. Since the pack had been living on for generations, they have a lot of old money to spend. So when he instructed Jimin to pick out a luxurious appartment for him, he had the best one in mind. He really appreciates his mates and treats them like equals. He has always believed in that. Although Jungkook did have the last word in everything, he never ignores his pack. Dreadfully, Taehyung had a different idea. He wanted to have the upper hand in the pack and run it with an iron fist. Some others within the pack felt like they needed that, to have such a leader. It took 1 month of fighting, arguing and just too much stress to figure the situation out. Which was: to go our separate ways. The whole pack found this the best way and now Jungkook is here, with his most trusted set of wolves. He finally feels happy again.
He puts off his clothing as he gets under the shower. He lets out a deep breath as he feels the warmth flower on his skin. He thinks about his following classes. He is so happy he decided to start with school again. With a new start in a new city, it’s only fitting to start a new career. He wants to learn, maybe be a bit more human-like. Of course he understands he could never be a human, but he just loves how every human has kinda their own purpose. A deeper meaning than just hunting and surviving. Their lives aren’t about surviving anymore, it’s about really living. He wants that for him and his pack. To just feel…. Normal.
His thoughts run wild before he notices something strange. His body is heating up. He shrugs it off, thinking it’s probably just the shower heat. But it doesn’t stop. He begins to breathe louder and his heart is picking up a faster pace. He starts to panic as he immediately turns off his shower. What’s going on?
He feels something suddenly so strong. Something wild, something very primitive. An instinct. He only feels this way when there is a full moon. He runs to the windows in his apartment, but it’s clear daylight. He also knows it shouldn’t be a full moon for at least 2 weeks. So what’s going on? ‘Just follow your instinct then’, he tells himself as he rushes to put on his clothing. He needs to find out and he has a feeling it has to do with that weird feeling from this morning. It must be, it’s the only thing that’s different and has been throwing him off. It could’ve be a heath, but it somehow feels like that. Only, he can still very much control what he does. Jungkook takes a breath as he closes his eyes, trying to gather his thoughts before taking any actions. ‘Okay, it’s definitely something you haven’t felt before, it’s new, but it feels very wolf-ish. So it couldn’t be wrong or bad. Just follow it then’. So he followed it.
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You wake up, light piercing through the creeks of your eyelids. You noticed a black ceiling before your senses took over. There was a very manly smell hanging around the air, some type of heavy shampoo. It soothed your mind somehow. You could still remember how you blacked out because you felt very ill, but that ill feeling found it’s way out of your body.
You sit up in a fast motion as your heartbeat begin to quicken again. You can’t seem to recognize you surroundings. You are somewhere unfamiliar. The panic comes back into your body like a train, because for all you know you’ve been kidnapped. How the fuck did you end up here?
‘So you’re the one who has been giving my boss a hard time today hmm?’, someone in the corner of the room speaks out. You quickly turn your head as you lock your eyes with the stranger. You notice his features are silky, almost beautiful as you began to stare in awe. He is handsome, but he can’t be trusted. Because now you are in a strange room with an unfamiliar face, talking about some boss. Is this some kind of dream? Because this can’t be real. The stranger sighs before leaning off the wall and making his way towards a door. ‘Whatever, just don’t break his heart. And oh, welcome to the family sweetheart’, he says before leaving the room.
You frown, not understanding a single word this man just blabbered on to you. ‘Welcome to the family?’, you repeat his words, as if you could maybe make sense of it. You decide to take a moment to inspect your surroundings. You notice you are in some type of bedroom, which is beautifully decorated in all kinds of beautiful earthy-tones. The drapes of the room are closed, but you can clearly see the windows are huge and you must be in an apartment. Well, escaping through the backyard won’t be an option then. You move your legs to the side of the bed, wanting to stand up before you notice in what uniform you are in. You are pretty much only wearing a long button-up shirt with only your panties and bra under it. It shocks you, flashing bad images through your head, scared you might’ve been raped. The possibility isn’t small, as someone had undressed you.
And suddenly something pierces right through your body, making you to let out a small yelp. It was everything but what you expected to feel right now. But somehow it made you calm, it made you feel safe and you knew you aren’t somewhere dangerous. You feel your body heating up again, but this time you don’t feel the darkness, like in your dreams. This time you only feel that light which you have felt in the past few dreams you have experienced. It’s that ray of warmth that has been keeping you safe from the empty feeling.
Without skipping another heartbeat, your door swung open. There you are met with a new set of eyes. His eyes are wide, drained with concern as he looks just as sweaty as you are right now. You look one another in the eyes as you slowly realize he is the one. He is that light. Because suddenly everything finally fits. Everything seems right and he has come for you. He won’t leave this time, he is real and he will be with you for a long time. You can feel it and you can’t help to let out a small moan. Your eyelids lower, just as his does while both of your feelings mash into one. He closes the door behind him before sitting down on his knees in front of you, staring at you in awe. He adores you, the way you look, the way you make him feel. His heart burns for you and he must do anything to protect this kind of purity in his life.
You scan his appearance and he is everything that you ever wanted. His hair as black as night, his eyes shine almost yellow, like a beast looking for its pray. Only you are his pray, in all the most delicious way you can think of. His muscles shine through his button up, showing how capable he is of protecting you. Which has never been a priority in your relationships, but is somehow extremely import now. You notice his strong legs and tall figure, you can almost not hold yourself back from just feeling this man closer to you. That was, until you notice something you didn’t yet see. On top of his head there are two very fluffy ears standing out, as if he is playing some type of cosplay. You squint your eyes, trying to see it more clearly.
‘You are more than I thought you would be’, the guy suddenly sighs. Your eyes fixate back on his, making you melt all over again. You can feel your body fill with love, but you can’t shake the idea that this guy is way more than the eye meets. The first sign is the way he makes you feel, but besides that, he has a lot of animal-like features. You need to know what’s going on.
‘I- we need to talk first. I need to understand, first’, you tell him. It feels like whatever it is that’s different about him ,you will not mind. You have felt different your whole life, you know there must’ve been more than just the ordinary. He closes his eyes for a second, knowing full wel what you mean as he nods his head. He stands up, this time looking down at your figure, which he likes even more. You look so fragile and cute. He wants to have a taste, he can barely contain himself. His urges to claim you are so big. But he knows humans don’t work that way, this is all too unfamiliar. But he has to admit, this is pretty new to him too.
He sits down beside you on the bed, making himself clearer in the light. His features are so beautiful, so tender yet so sexy. You swoon over him, as if your entire body is waiting for him. Wanting him to touch you. He needs to claim you. He grunts, closing his eyes as his head falls back a little, showing his pretty neck. He can smell your body, he can smell that you are becoming aroused. He knew you would react like this, your body is hardwired to seduce him in every way possible. Such a good puppy for me.
You press your legs together, heat spreading through your core by hearing him groan. It’s now that you can see his ears more clearly. They look so cute from up close, but you got thrown off when you see them move. They move. As if, it’s a part of his body. They react with his body. His ears were going sideways in a very calm way. You can kind of guess what he must be, but your conscious still feels uneased. It’s still hard to believe this when you have been living in a world where werewolves, vampires and all those kind of creatures just didn’t exist. Your brain is going against your instinct. Can you trust such a creature? Is this all a prank or am I going to live in fear from now on?
‘Baby, I am what you suspect I am. I however am not what society thinks I am’, he exclaims while looking into your eyes. His expression has gone serious and somehow his eyes have turned black, like a normal human being. He must have sensed you felt uneasy.
‘So what can I expect from all of this? What is my purpose here and what is this… feeling I get…’, you ask, hopefully looking at him and praying for a good answer. An answer you can be happy with and feel comfortable with. Everything but that darkness.
‘Well, where to begin? As a werewolf I live in a pack of 10. We all recently gone to this area. You right now are in a combined apartment-‘, he begins to explain, but you cut him off. ‘That is not what I meant. I mean more related to us…’. It’s the only thing that matters right now. You will get to know the others, but this man in front of you… it’s like you’ve waited for him your whole life. You can’t wait to know more, to feel more. He bites his lip as if he hears your thoughts, feels your body. He probably can. You can also notice he felt a bit annoyed when you cut him off, is he that sensitive?
‘Well, as it seems, we are soulmates. Although wolves rarely find their soulmates, since the world is just too big, an alpha’s soulmate have it a bit tougher. My wolf is just stronger in every way, also my connection to you is therefore stronger. I don’t know if you can relate to that in any way. Maybe the feeling that you talked about…’, he questions and you nod. ‘Yeh, I think that might be it. I’ve felt a darkness around me the moment I became fertile…’. He nods ‘Yeh, its like nature calling you to come to me’, he tells you.
You have to process this information for a second. It all sound way too crazy and you should be freaked out because of this. But somehow you aren’t. It’s like he said, Mother Nature has prepared you for this your whole life. It’s hardwired in your head not to be scared for this man. Because he is emotionally and physically yours to have and to keep. And that also counts the other way around.
‘So, how do we proceed?’, you ask, your eyes falling on his ears again. You are beginning to love them, they are literally so cute. ‘Well, that’s kind of complicated. You have been out for two weeks. The moment I got to you, your body went through a lot of stages of sickness. You were too weak to wake up, but I stayed by your side’, he informs you. Your eyes widen by shock. You have been gone for so long. You missed a lot of school and your friends and family must be livid. You look around for your phone and notice it on the nightstand. Luckily it was charged and you could check the messages. Weirdly enough you didn’t get any, which made you a bit sad. Has really nobody missed me during these two weeks?
You get pulled out of your thoughts when you here the man chuckling. ‘Don’t worry, we took care of everything. We have some special guys in the pack who can manipulate other’s… minds? I don’t know how to describe it.’ He tries to explain, what got you nodding. Not like you understand it though, but what do you really understand of this situation.
‘For the rest of it, I was planning to mark you as soon as you woke up. But it’s full moon tonight and I don’t think you could handle that. You’re still a human and all-‘, he says, but you cut him off again. ‘Sorry, Mark? Full moon?’, you ask. This time his face changed darker as his annoyance at your disrespect kicks in. ‘Don’t cut me off when I am close to full moon, my alpha comes up way faster and will find a way to shut you up’, he says with a stern tone of voice. You gulp, but still feel aroused by the way he is bossing you around. Like this is the way it’s supposed to be. He is the alpha and he has the control over you. He is your mate.
‘But to answer your question, I have to mark you to kind of make our bond final. It’s like marriage but just way more intimate. And I don’t know how much you know about werewolves, but full moons make us full-wolf. Meaning, it’s the closest I get to being as primitive as I can be. During the transition, which takes about 1 hour, my uhm… sexual beast comes forward and I will fuck anything that comes in my way. So I have to tie myself up. And you being around, i will look for you and you will probably not survive’, his words are fast, but the information lays heavy on you. Somehow you don’t really care for the part where he might kill you. Only flashes of imaginary images of him fucking you like an animal runs through your mind and it might just be the thing you want the most.
‘So I won’t be seeing you today then?’, you ask him and he shakes his head. It got you saddened, but you understand. He wouldn’t want to hurt you, you are literally the most important thing he has in his life. So he had already bought extra chains and rented an abandoned house so he wouldn’t be able to touch a hair of you. He needed this to go perfectly. He would be leaving in an hour and his wolf senses aren’t as high yet, so him being with you in the room is just right. But it wouldn’t be smart to touch you yet, that would make him more needy for you.
‘What’s your name by the way’, you suddenly ask, remembering you didn’t have that piece of information yet. He chuckles before answering, looking as pretty as ever while doing so. ‘My name is Jeon Jungkook’.
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After about 30 minutes of catching up, telling each other about your lives, Jungkook felt ready to introduce you to the pack. As they all heard the news you had woken up, they came rushing to the pack’s apartment, a place for their meetings and just random chillings. Jungkook felt it would be safest to keep you there, since there are always other wolves to protect you if something went wrong. Maybe an enemy or an imposter. He trusts his pack with his whole life, so he trusts them with you. Today only three members were there to support Jungkook during the full moon. Other wolves had to chain up themselves or had some business to attend to. He didn’t mind only three being there since you weren’t yet used to wolves in general. So to begin with three first should be the right move.
He opens the door and you immediately curiously look around. You notice that the apartment is very big, beautifully decorated. You notice three other men being there in the room with you. You can recognize one, the person who was by your side when you woke up. He is already looking at you, having a light smile on his face as he looks a bit more friendly now. The other two also looked at you in curiosity, sniffing the air to see who you are. Jimin showed Jungkook a quick smirk, knowing full well you have been on edge the whole time. Smelling your arousal got Jungkook a bit boiled up. He didn’t want other wolves to smell you and the urge to push you back into the room became immense big. But, he still knew how to contain himself, as he knew you had to get to know his pack.
‘We have already met, I am Jimin. Jungkook’s closest friend and second in rank of the pack’, he exclaims proudly while walking up to you. You can hear a very low-toned growl coming from Jungkook, warning Jimin to not get any closer. You look up to him, trying to guess what is going on right now. You figured it must be some kind of power-play. It’s something you shouldn’t pay your mind to, it’s a wolf-thing. It’s their thing and you are going to respect that. ‘Nice to meet you Jimin’, you say while looking away. You want to show Jungkook that you are going to obey him today. You want to be his good puppy.
‘The one on the right is Hoseok and the other one is jin’, he says before he already wants to leave the room, needing you for himself. The others only had the briefest moment of waving to you before you were already disappearing behind the door you came from.
‘Okay I’m going to be honest with you. I am very protective of you right now. I can’t have you too close to the others, it will drive me mad. You drive me mad’, he says in a rush as he has you pinned against the door. He is suddenly so close and it’s the only thing you can focus on. His refreshing smells fill the air and you see his eyes flashing yellow again. You can’t help but to get fluttered by him, he is just so immensely handsome. You just need a little taste, you want to feel him.
He growls at you, warning you not to touch him. But you can’t help yourself. How can he expect for you to not touch him when you have longed for him. At has taken you years to finally feel free. He is the one you want. Your hand makes his way up to his cheek, carefully watching his being while doing so. If he becomes too angry, you will stop. But you don’t see him changing, you just see him closing his eyes, enjoying the smallest touch. You glide your thump over his cheek, it’s so soft and milky. Your hand traces the features of his face before making your way to his ears. You have been wanting to touch them since the moment you saw them. They move around a lot, indicating he is a bit nervous en unsure. He looks into your eyes as you touch his ear carefully, petting it softly and you hear him growl once again. His body falters forward a little bit, coming closer to you and only leaving little space between your neck and his mouth. He wants to have a taste of you so bad, but he’s scared he will ruin it. He needs to protect you… but just a small taste… he can have a small taste right? He isn’t that far gone yet right?
He pulls your body away from the door before slowly leading you toward the bed by your hips. He lays you down before hovering his body on top of yours. Your legs open for him like some type of instinct, and he happily complies. He grunts again, loving the way you look under him. You are so pretty, so delicate. He can feel himself being as hard as a rock, knowing full well that his body is ready to claim you. He really wants to, maybe he should. Your eyes are hooded while you look into his. You wrap your legs around his hips while pulling him against your pussy. You are so wet and you want him to feel it, you want to make him feel what he does to you.
‘Hmmm baby, you’re making it so difficult for me. You are so wet for me, my pack could smell it from a mile away’, he says while nudging his nose into your neck, savoring the smell. You smell so sweet. You gasp as he roles his hips into your, making known how big his member is. You let out a small moan as you want to feel more. You want him to be inside You. ‘Please Jungkook’, you yelp out, hoping for some type of release. He groans again, his breath picking up a pace because he feels it too. He has to claim you as fast as possible. He has to fill you up.
‘I can’t, I shouldn’t. I can’t be trusted right now’, he sighed into your neck, letting his body fall on top of you in defeat. He pulls himself up on his elbows, looking into your eyes and admiring them. ‘Tomorrow I will make you mine. It’s one night. We got this’, he says with encouraging words. You show him a small smile before bringing your forehead against him. ‘Be quick, I need you’, you tell him. With that he gets off you and makes his way towards the door. ‘I don’t want you out of this room tonight. Don’t talk to my pack. You are mine and no one can claim you before I do’, he says with a firm tone of voice. ‘Okay, hurry then’, you tell him with a wink and he let out a small frustrated groan before leaving the room.
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You check the clock. It must’ve been the thousandth time, because you really can’t wait to see him again. It’s 10 pm. You know by now, he has been tied up. Another hour and he will be full wolf. The others in the pack have been sliding you food through the creak of the door, which you are very grateful for.
You suddenly hear the front door opening. Curious to know who it is, you sit beside the door, waiting to hear any tea from the other side. One of the wolves walk their way up to the door and immediately the air changes around you the moment that door opens.
‘Tae, what the fuck are you doing here?’, you hear Jin asking. ‘I heard your alpha has a new toy? He surely wouldn't hide it here right?’, you hear the ‘Tae’-guy asking. You frown. Are they talking about me? ‘What is that of importance for you?’, Jin asks and you can hear the other wolves walking towards the front door. You know something is very wrong. Jungkook had told you their pack had split up because of a rebellious member. Is this that person? ‘You really can’t be here right now, you know it’s full moon. We’re all on edge and I can barely keep up with my own suppressants. You’re an alpha, are you out of your mind being outside right now?’, you hear Jimin almost yelling. He sounds very angry. You can feel the air shifting even more when Tae’s displeased growl fills the air. ‘You’re wrong Jimin. This is the perfect night to come here’.
Those were the last words before the room got filled with a lot of angry growls, punches and claws. It seems there are way more people in the appartment than before, indicating Tae brought more people than you thought. Your heart starts to race and you feel panic infiltrating your body. You need to get out of here. You quickly find your way towards your closet, hoping to hide there, but before you knew the door swung open. A tall guy stands before you, eyes orange and teeth standing Proudly. He eyes you up and down. You curse yourself for staying in that button-up from Jungkook, because you practically stand pretty much nude in front of this wolf. He smirks, slowly walking up to you after closing the door behind him.
‘We haven’t met yet, I’m Kim Taehyung, alpha male of my pack. Whatever I am going to do to you tonight will partly be because you are such a delicious meal, but also because Jungkook can’t have you. He can’t have happiness, not after abandoning me… us’, he says calmly while closing the gab between your bodies. You try to back away, but he has grabbed your sides, slinging you around to the bed. Your heart pounds like crazy, not able to control your feelings. You are feeling so scared and if anything, this man represents the darkness you have been feeling.
Taehyung doesn’t wait before he has you pinned down on the bed, his body hovering above you as he looks lushness at your body. You cringe under him, looking away. You try to yell for help, but the other wolves are still trying to find their own battles. This can’t happen. I would be save here.
‘Don’t worry kitten’, he says as he rips open all your buttons, exposing your bra to him. ‘This won’t take long. I just need to claim you’, he informs you while also breaking you bra and panties off. You yell because of the sting against your body. He is very strong, you don’t stand any chance against him. Even though you do try. You wiggle around, trying to make it harder for him, but it’s impossible. ‘Please don’t do this’, you beg, fighting your tears. You are fully naked under him. He will rape you tonight. This is it.
That’s when you hear a loud growl outside. Your body shivers as you know all to well who that might be. Taehyung ears immediately perk up and fear enters his body. He knew, if he wanted to live, he’d have to make a run for it now. Jungkook on his Heath during the full moon while you are trying to mark his soulmate? Yep, no chance. So he gets off you immediately, walks out of the door. You hear a whistle, calling his pack to retrieve. It didn’t take them long before you could hear them running outside, only to be met with Jungkook and a few other members of his pack. He wanted to look out of the window, wanting to know if Jungkook was alright. But you couldn’t move. You felt too disgusted to even do anything right now. You only felt like you wanted to shower. To get that creeping smell off your body. Jungkook is strong, he can handle it.
You slowly make your way towards the bathroom. You feel weak as you walk and you can still hear the faint noises of an immense battle going on outside. You get under the warm stream. You let the soap cover your body, cleaning and washing away that horrible person. You got lost in your tracks as you didn’t want to leave the shower. You just want to be clean.
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10 minutes later, the bathroom door opened. You immediately sprung out of your trance and got met with the eyes of your soulmate. He looks broken, covered in dirt and scratches. You can see that he is still panting from the battle. He somehow looks bigger than normal, his ears are bigger, his claws too. That’s when you remembered he was still transitioning that night.
Jungkook stripped himself from his clothes, eyes firmly on your body. He gets under the shower with you and pulls his arms around you. He was so scared. The moment it went wrong in the apartment, he could feel it. He felt how scared you suddenly became. He felt that you needed him, so he came immediately. It didn’t take him any effort to break those chains. He ran as fast as he could while he called out for his pack to come join him. He didn’t know what he would find, but it couldn’t be good. He had a feeling it might’ve been because of Taehyung and he was right. Taehyung was still mad, but Jungkook would’ve never guessed Tae would go this far.
‘Sorry for leaving you y/n…’, he sighs into your ear. You slipped a smile while relaxing in his arms. You feel like you can finally breathe again. ‘No don’t say that. You were trying to protect me…’, you comfort him. He sighs into your neck as you enjoy one another’s company. There was a comfortable silence, just the water streaming down your bodies as you can finally hold each other. Before you woke up today, you didn’t know this person excited. But a life without him now seems impossible.
‘Y/n…’, he groans into your ear. You can feel his body coming even closer than it was before. His body rubs on you, slowly backing you up against the bathroom tiles. You feel an icy sting hitting your back as Jungkook breathes onto your shoulder. You know he is in Heath and you know he will not be able to stop it this time. But frankly, you don’t care anymore. You need him to claim you. You have now seen how dangerous it is for you at this point, he needs to be able to protect you fully.
‘Jungkook… I really want you… I need you to be mine’, you breathe into his air. He groans loudly at that, his eyes are now shining with yellow as he looks into yours eyes, looking to make sure. You feel his erection poking against your belly, he feels so big. You nod at him and give him a reassuring nod before your hand makes its way to his torso. You feel all his muscles tensing under your touch, fuck you have so much power over him. He plants his hands beside you on the tiles, wanting you to make him feel good. Your hand makes its way down, right towards where his member is standing tall against your stomach. As your eyes are still locked with his, you let yourself get down to your knees and now being face to face with the huge dick you’ve been wanting to feel for about the whole day.
‘Fuck y/n, I won’t be able to hold back much longer’, he says as he jerks his hips forward out of desperation. Your hand finds his member, feeling how thick and heavy it feels in your hand. You already know you haven’t had this big of a cock inside of you, hopefully you can take it. You give his dick a few bumps and you hear him groan in response. You love the way he is so vocal. You bring your mouth closer, circling your tongue around the tip a few times before taking it into your mouth. You take it slow first, wanting build up the sensation. He thrusts his hips with the movement of your mouth. His member feels so big in your mouth and he tastes delicious. It’s as if you can’t get enough, this is what you needed all along.
‘Stop, get up’, he says while pulling his dick out of your mouth. You let out a small whine, wanting to make him cum with your mouth. ‘Why…’, coo at him, standing up. You pout at him, but you were met with the most darkest of looks. He stared right into your soul with his yellow eyes, shocking a wave of heath through your body. ‘You are dripping all on the tiles, it’s a waste’, he grunted as his body closes in on you again. His hand finds it’s way down your belly, right to your core. He teases you, circling his fingers on the outside of you folds, making you shiver by the feeling.
‘I bet the whole building can smell your cunt right now. Hmmm… how they would want to have a taste… but only I can have it’, he says as his fingers now found their way between your folds. He slides it up and down, gathering all your juices before bringing it up to his mouth, licking it off and moaning while he does so. ‘I want more baby. I need to fuck you, taste you and make you my bitch’, he groans, laying his forehead onto your shoulder.
You hesitate for a second before replying: ‘then do so. Make me yours. I can handle it’.
He didn’t need any more confirmation. Maybe in a different moment, he would make more sure that you were okay with this. But his wolf could’ve resist anymore. This is his soulmate. Someone tried to take that away from him tonight, he can’t risk that again. He needs to seal the deal in the most delicious of ways.
He pulls you off of the ground, making you straddle him in the air. He turns off the shower before making his way to the bathroom. The way he did this all so easily made you swoon, making you more wet than you already were. That made him chuckle. ‘Hmm never had such a strong man taking care of you hm?’, he joked and you could only shake your head. He let you slide down a little while he made his way over to the bed, making contact between you pussy and his member. You couldn’t help but to wiggle your hips around, needing to feel some type of release. He grunts as he feels your intentions and instead throws you down on the bed.
‘Careful baby, I might really destroy you when you are being naughty like that’, he exclaims, smirking down at your small figure. You lay down comfortably for him as he makes his way on top of you. You again instictly open your legs for him, showing just how much he is turning you on. His wolf-instinct immediately kicks in as he follows his nose directly to your pussy. You sniffs a few times before licking making line on the outside of your folds. Your body sniffers in response, letting out a small moan as you do so.
Jungkook loves your smell. You are so sweet and flower-ish. It drives him crazy. Your smell is to him like catnip is to cats. He can’t help but to indulge himself in that smell. With that thought, he digs in. His tongue makes long strokes through your folds, licking up all your juices. Your body reacts immediately, your hands finding his hands that were places right beside your hips. He looks up to you in lust, loving how you look right now. You are completely and utterly submissive to him. He is in control and he will make sure you will have the best time. He also is still trying to prep you, because he knows that the moment he will be inside of you, he won’t be able to hold back. He will destroy that pussy.
His tongue glides a few more times between your folds before settling on you small nub. He knows his way around it, you notice, since he starts to lick uncontrollably. Making circles and letting your body react to it in shocky movement. Your legs are really having their own life as Jungkook keeps on hitting the right spot, not even missing it once. ‘Jungkookkk….’, you moan as you are coated with his warmth on your clit. He growls against your pussy, sending shockwaves through your body. The pleasure is almost too much to handle and like some type of cue, he start focusing on another part of your cunt.
His tongue glides down again, sucking up all your juices, before settling on your entrance. As he does so, he grabs your calves and bends your legs towards your stomach. He has better access to your entrance that way. He takes a look first, admiring how pretty you look under him like that, before going down on you again. While one hand holds you legs down, the other holding his own weight, his tongue finds its way into your pussy. You let out a loud moan, indicating that you are loving his movements on you. His tongue begins to pump inside of you, licking and sucking all the wetness out of you. You go crazy as he does so. You have never been pleasured like this before.
‘Hmmmm it’s so good Jungkook, please don’t stop’, you moan. And he doesn’t. He needs to taste more of you, you need to get more wet. Like a wild dog he starts to aggressively bump two fingers with his tongue inside you. Another finger starts to stimulate your asshole, giving you that extra edge you have been needing to start building up your height. Your body starts to warm up as that familiar feeling grows stronger. It’s almost like your body goes numb as he keeps on bumping into you, making you moan and wet. He loves the sounds you make while he makes you feel this pleasure. He will want to hear this for the rest of his life.
‘Almost…’, you moan as you feel yourself entering the final stage. With that He burrows his face closer against your pussy, putting his nose against you clit as he jerks his head side to side. This trick really got your body jerking in pleasure, head swinging back as you can help but to grab his hair tightly into your hand. It only took a short amount of time before the building heath exploded and your climax runs through your body like a burning fire. He notices that you came and slowed down his movements, making sure he doesn’t overstimulate you.
He lets go of your body before settling his hips between your legs, tight against you as he curiously looks at your worn-out state. Your eyes were closed due to the intense moment, but when you open them again, you meet a cute, but still dark face in front of you. You know it isn’t over yet and you wouldn’t want it any different. He needs to make you his first and you still crave for him to be inside of you.
‘You okay?’, he asks. You nod as your body is finally calming down. Your heart is slowly coming back to a normal pace and you let out a deep breath. You can’t help but to stare at his blump lips which you haven’t kissed yet.
‘Hmm good idea’, he says, as if he could read your thoughts. He slowly closes in on your lips, the touch finally finding yours. You can still taste yourself on him, but it only made it that much hotter. He takes it slow at first, grabbing your face into his hand, tenderly showing his affection to you. Your legs instinctively find their way around his torso, needing him closer to you. He moans a little in the kiss as his member slides between your folds and he can’t help but to jerk his hips forward a little. The kiss deepens and your tongues find their ways I’m each other’s mouths. Your are both just taking your time to feel each other and getting to know one another’s body. His member slides easily between your folds since it’s still wet from his tongue and your juices.
You can’t help but to jerk your hips up a little, letting his dick slide in your entrance just the tiniest bit. He growls into your mouth, eyes locked on yours. ‘Y/n…’, he says with a warning tone. You shake your head. ‘I don’t care Jungkook, fuck me already’, you say. That is all it took for Jungkook to let go of his human side and fully commit to his primitive wolf.
His face changes within a second to a very dark expression, teeth growing inside his mouth as his ears perk up. His whole body seems to tense up and a loud groan leaves his body. He didn’t waste any more seconds as his hips bump into you with one swift move, his member now fully in you. You let out a Yelp, flustered by the sudden sensation. You could feel it sting, but you didn’t care. The way Jungkook is looking at you is the most manly and horny thing you’ve ever seen.
He grabs your legs again, pulling them flat against your stomach before pulling his dick out and right back in again. His thrusts are hard, full of power. He immediately picks up a steady pace while he uncontrollably growls over your moans. His member fills you up in the most positive ways. Not a littlest space is left in your gut. With this position he can also go so deep, you can almost feel it in you stomach.
‘Such a good bitch for me… so pretty and small. No one can have you’, you can hear Jungkook mutter under his breath while his strokes don’t fail to send shocks through your body. You moan loudly by his words, loving how he is so dominant over you. You have never felt this way before.
Suddenly he pulls out and flips your body over on your stomach. Like you shared the same mind, you immediately lift your ass in the air as your legs are still closed. He puts his legs on both sides of your legs as he bends over your, sliding his dick right between your Ass cheeks and finding your entrance again. He did it all n such an easy movement, you could help but moan when he entered you again. In this position your walls are stretched to the max, it makes you go crazy. You can hear him growl as he makes a fast pace onto you. His dick slides in and out. His body falters onto your back, grabbing your neck as he tries to suffocate you a little. You love the pressure and moan even louder, feeling a heath building up in your core again. He fastens his pace onto your pussy, knowing damn well that you are close again. He doesn’t show any mercy and starts to nip on your neck, giving you goosebumps. He needs you to cum again for him.
His pace is becoming so fast that you are barely able to think. Everything that he does right now is just too much. It only took you a few seconds before the same burning sensation washes through your body again. Shocking motions leave your body as Jungkook sees you cumming right under him. He doesn’t stop though this time, his pace keeps on going as he now seeks his own height. He can’t control himself, he needs to claim you now. He turns you around again, detaching his member before standing up off the bed. The drags you with him before finding the big window in the room. He roughly pulls off the drapes, not caring that they are probably unrepairable now. He lifts your body up and you immediately bring your legs around his hips. You are now both bare naked pushed up against a window and you both don’t care.
He didn’t wait and immediately slides his dick back into your entrance, making a fast pace against your body. You don’t have to put any effort him holding yourself up as he seems to keep your body steadily against the window. His eyes stare into yours, both hooded and sparkling yellow. At some point he stops holding one of your legs as he puts it beside you on the wall, making it way more easy for him to thrust forcefully into you. Your moans fill the roam and he can’t hold back his growls as well.
He pulls you off the window before laying you on the floor. ‘I’m gonna make you mine now’, he growls as his member again has an ungodly pace into your cunt. He brings his head forwards, lips finding the crook of your neck. He licks in a few times and suddenly you feel something growing in your gut. It’s as if Jungkook's dick is growing. You also notice it by his movements as he slows down, indicating his is tuck in some way. Whatever is going on, it can only be good.
Suddenly he stops moving while a loud growl erupts from his body. You only hold onto him with all your strength, wanting to be as close to him as possible while this moment happens. His teeth suddenly dig into your neck, a painful sensation running through your body as you jerk your head backwards. It was at this moment Jungkook jerks his hips even further into you, cumming in you as he marks you. You feel immense pleasure out of this, his cemen coating your walls and his teeth marking you as his. The feeling of light finally fully became yours and you have never felt so much at peace as now.
You hold onto him as he jerks a few more times with his hips, riding out his own height before detaching his teeth with your body. He let himself rest on top of your body, head resting beside yours while you both close your eyes for a small second. You cans till feel his dick inside of you, being blown up and stuck inside of you.
‘Hmmmmm… that was so delicious’, he mutters into your neck. You smile and nod. ‘Yeh… it was’.
You finally feel him softening and after a minute or so he finally is able to pull out without hurting you. He gets off of you before pulling you up in his arms, bringing you to the bed. He tucks you in and grabs you a towel to clean yourself. He really is a gentleman, even though we just had such a moment.
He lays beside you while looking at you cleaning yourself. ‘You are so beautiful. I could do all of that again for pretty much the whole night’, he says as his hand can’t help but to find it’s way to your boob. He lays closer to your, circling uproar nipple and putting his tongue on your other, teasing you. You sigh by the sensation, letting your head fall back.
‘But sadly my suppressants will work out in about 30 minutes. I will turn to a wolf then. It’s a wonder I haven’t destroyed you just now. I don’t know where hobi got these pills from, but they work wonders’, he mutters to himself while still admiring your boobs. You chuckle as you are in awe of how he is kind of precious even though he really just gave you the best sex you’ve ever had. You pet his head, tracing his ears again. They are really so pretty.
‘30 minutes is pretty long you know’, you exclaim. He looks up at you with a smirk before planting his lips on your breasts again, but this timing sucking hard on it. ‘Well looks like a second round then princess’, he says before turning you around again and giving you the best night of your life.
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Thank you for reading!
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niqhtlord01 · 4 years
Humans are weird: Planetary Assaults
Few people can say that they’ve witnessed the end of their people.
To see the works of countless generations before you, the toils of your ancestors stretching back centuries, the greatest achievements of your people had made wiped away in a few days as if they were nothing but dust in the wind. 
I remember the day human ships struck orbit above our world. 
I remember  the fury of our orbital stations as they sought to hold them at bay as hundreds of their ships exited jump space.
I remember the second sun that shun across our world when the Mobious Prime station’s core went critical and detonated. The debris showering across half a continent and setting the skies ablaze. 
But most of all....
I remember the black ships as they came from the heavens.
Our judgement was at hand..........
We thought ourselves superior to every living creature in the galaxy, that none could match our culture and military might. We sought to conquer those we saw as less fortunate and bring them into the light of our empire and raise them above the shallows they had lived in. This went on for centuries until we finally came across humanity. 
A backwards people living in the darkest corner of the universe, our fleets of glistening ships entered their system with the chorus of hope and deliverance on our lips. We set down on their lifeless red world and began to recreate it into something beautiful, something to show them our might and strength. 
They responded by swatting our ships from their skies and sending  them plummeting to the red world below. 
War broke out then and the weight of humanity bore down on us from all quarters until now our very home world was besieged. 
What few orbital guns we had left fired bright lances of energy into the night sending a dozen or so ships plummeting to their fiery grave. But for every dozen struck down it felt as if another hundred rushed to take their place. 
High in orbit their ships targeted our guns and silenced them until all that was left was the army. Their ships landed all across the world and as their doors lowered and slapped against the soil of our world I saw the face of our enemy for the first time. 
Clad in polished green armor and a face mask that resembled a demon of old the human soldiers stormed out of their ships and into our gunfire. Countless died as they crossed the terrain to meet us. Once their compliment of soldiers had left the dropships closed their doors once more and rushed back to the skies making way for more and more dropships to take their place.
What unnerved me most about these humans wasn’t their tenacity, nor their vigor to storm into combat; but how none of them made a sound. It may have very well been their helmets dampened all sounds they made but as I fired upon them I watched them tumble and collapse to the ground like a children's toy as the strings have been cut and the ones behind continue over as if their fallen comrade was nothing more than a speed bump. 
The human soldiers had been pinned by our fire and were taking horrendous casualties when the heavy duty dropships arrived. Their doors opened wide and instead of soldiers came great mechanical machinations of war. Armored vehicles with weapons so massive they were more like mobile weapons platforms fired and tore apart our defensive works like paper while large slow moving troop transports lumbered across the battlefield. Our mines exploded underneath the monster’s treads but it merely rocked the behemoth as it pressed onward. 
When it arrived at our defensive line the front opened up and great gouts of flame shot out and swallowed my comrades whole. As I crawled away I saw a gaping maw open and out came more human soldiers. Their weapons fire was precise and quick as they cleared out the remaining defenses. I managed to escape the nightmare to the cities but even behind their shields I found no refuge. 
From miles away the humans cannons roared and their shells smashed into the shields like a heavy rain. The bombardment lasted three hours before the shield fell and then the shelling was upon us now.
Buildings crumbled like they were made of sand, streets lay ruined and crowded with the burnt remains of vehicles and the broken bodies of the dead, and everywhere I turned all I saw was destruction and chaos. I curled up into a ball then I kept my eyes shut. At least then I would not see my end coming.
 After what felt like an eternity the shelling ceased and I opened my eyes. What I saw made me believe that I had died and had passed to the world beyond. 
The streets were silent, as if the hell it had just endured was a distant memory. A layer of dust coated everything like snow as it continued to fall from the battered towers around me. 
From behind me i hear something rustling beyond the dust plums  and thought it was another survivor. 
Marching through the dust like gods of death came the humans. 
A squad of their soldiers slowly marching through the dust, weapons raised, helmets pondering the street back and forth looking for the smallest ounce of a threat to crush without hesitation. 
I was on my hands and knees when they came upon me an I looked up at the one in the front. I could not tell what expression the human had under their mask, if they spouted a devilish grin from ear to ear as the leaders had proclaimed or if they really did have five throats from which to eat our children. 
All I could see was those red lenses watching me unflinching. The human’s head cocked to the side slightly as they observed me; so did a few of their fellows but most continued to watch the street. 
One of them stepped forward, reaching behind their backs for something of what I still do not know to this day but I imagine at night as I look into the darkness of my ceiling that it was a weapon of some sort. A way to finish me off, put me out of my pain.or maybe to exact some measure of revenge. 
The one in the front who had been pondering me held out a hand and the other human stopped. No words were spoken and yet with a simple gesture the human had returned to their position.
Tilting their head back to me once more the lead human continued to watch me for a few moments and I felt as if the soldier was pitying me. Without an indication the lead human continued past me without a sound. 
Out of that entire battle that is the sound I remember the most. The sound of my would be killers footsteps walking by. 
The rest followed behind them, though the one who had been reaching for something lingered behind watching me longer before quick pacing after their comrades. 
The humans did more that day then just leave my body broken in the ruins of my world. 
They shattered my will and left the broken pieces along the ground as they marched forward. Everything my people had done became nothing but dirt beneath their feet as they marched towards their own future. 
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nevermore-ocs · 3 years
Azrael x Plus-Sized!Reader: A Real Alpha
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Author’s note: IT IS FINALLY DONE 9.3K WORDS OF THE FIRST PART OF AN X READER WITH THE ONE AND ONLY HUNTER ALIEN BOI AZRAEL!! Summary: After a painful break-up in between you and your previous partner, Azrael sees to it that you’re comforted and happy again to the fullest extent. Warnings: NSFW closer to the end THAT’S ALL-
“You do not have to shed any more tears for that mudak (asshole), (Name).”
Your ears nearly blocked that out, the sniffles staggering out of you with your body twitching in time your hitching breaths, Azrael’s words were almost muffled to you. “I-I’m sorry, Azrael,” you whimpered out, for what felt like the 50th times and like the numerous utterances before, he shook his head to brush off the apology, and his large, strong arm tightened around your waist and with gentle pushes urging you to snuggle your head onto his shoulder, he quietly spoke up again. “You have nothing to apologize for, little one, this is that cruel dog’s fault, not yours.” His hand, taking up most of the free space on your side, stroked slowly up and down, his digits lingering on your waist in soothing pets, it drew a shaky sigh from the depths of your chest. You at least attempted to even your breathing, but every rampant thought that rushed through your head and dug its way into your brain like a deadly spike and imprinted itself there. Any progress that you made of controlling yourself went down the drain, you felt the sobs start to rip through your body once more and on impulse, your arms shot out to Azrael and you clung onto him tightly, with your face buried into his broad chest. It felt like you were crying your eyes out, that if you kept going, you weren’t totally sure if you’d even have anymore tears to shed.
Azrael, overcoming the surprise of the swift, tight hug you threw around him, his open arms carefully closed around your frame in a much softer but warm hug, like as if he hugged you as tight as you were, he’d break you like a wilting flower with the gentlest breeze of wind bristling crumbling the weak, dead petals, but, his hands still traveled up and down the small of your back in slow, tender strokes, his digits taking a few moments to massage a certain spot in the middle of your tense, locked shoulder blades, surprisingly, it did make your rigid shoulders gingerly relaxed from their raised position, even if it was a gradual, crawling pace from the desired, fully rested goal, it was improvement, and even the tiniest amount was enough to make a gentle smile paint itself onto the alien’s face. “There you go, little one, there you go, you are safe, I swear it…” his low, accented voice rumbled through his chest, you felt it, what with your head nestled so much against him, his voice, as if it were a warm, quilted blanket, surrounded you in a comforting aura, to think that someone so dangerous, so otherworldly, would take the time out of his day to make sure that you didn’t cry over someone who didn’t deserve it, it surprised you, sure, but it made you happy more than you realized. Daxton was a dangerous place, humans being a smaller percentage of what roamed in the city’s streets, the fact that not only were you somehow good friends with the worst of the worst in this place, but you were currently being cradled in one of their arms definitely made you take a moment to compose yourself. You sniffled and tried to force your tears to halt for now to finally take a slow glance up at Azrael, the hunter alien who was from a distance icy planet who knows how far away, the same man who’s killed creature after creature with the very same tools that were petting your back and threading their fingers through your (hair color) tresses and taking those few extra steps to pet at your scalp before brushing back any lingering strands away from your face, sometimes you questioned to yourself how an alien could be so much kinder and sweeter than the humans you’re used to but after what happened, it didn’t take too much convincing anymore. If anything, humans could take a few lessons from Azrael in that department. You, at first, were going to sit back in the dip of Azrael’s lap and just let yourself relax, perhaps even drift off to sleep  as crying took more energy out of you than you originally thought, but, that’s when your eyes really drifted over the alien’s features to take in even the smallest of details. He was the enticing combination of cute, almost boyishly so, and worn-out ruggedness with every hunt that he’s been through taking one toll after another on not only his body, but his mind too. You could only begin to imagine the story behind the three long scars that bore deep across the entire horizontal length of his face, across his sets of eyes, his nose, even his mouth. “Azrael?” You peeped up, your voice, sounding more level than it did, was quite gentle and quiet to the ear, but his talented, pointed ones instantly heeded and he turned his head to face you and his half-lidded, sweet gaze met yours again. “Yes, little one?” He responded with the same kind of light whisper as you. Your heart fluttered, his deep voice honey on your ears, you leaned further against him, your head tilting some to the side and it rested on one of his shoulders comfortably and you gazed up at him in a trance, you couldn’t describe it at first, your emotions left your mind a disoriented, fuzzy mess but this felt right, this warm closeness with him, how his large, strong arms fit around your full, curvaceous body with little effort, and just how he was taking so much time in the world to comfort you, to ensure that your tears would stop that you would rest well and content tonight. He didn’t have to do this for you, at all, it wasn’t his job to, but with how he carried himself right into your room and made himself at home to fully care for you and only you, it was almost as if he needed to or else it wouldn’t sit right with him in his head, in his heart. “You don’t think I’m too big, do you? I-I know this is kinda out of nowhere-well, n-not out of *nowhere* but s-still, I, heh, I know it’s not the most attractive thing in the world-” His hand lifted and he cupped his palm over your mouth to silence your words, and your surprised eyes flickered up to his face, and his taken aback expression read of quiet hurt, as if the question itself, when you uttered it, it insulted him. He, at first, silently shook his head and then he spoke up, “Not at all, little one! Why would I be bothered by it? Is beautiful, yes? Is more to love! A fool would be bothered by something as trivial as that, who would complain getting to hug every inch of you? If you were my woman, you would be getting your body worshipped by me every single day, whenever you asked for me to do so. The Gods graced this world, this universe, with the perfect form of you, there is nothing wrong with you,” you didn’t know what to say, your mouth was partially hung open, words hanging off of the cliff of your tongue but they didn’t take that plunge, so, they stayed stuck in your mouth and you couldn’t help but the stare that came from you, riddled with disbelief and it seemed to the resonate with him as he picked it up, and he continued. “If you really think there is something wrong with your body, (name), let me reassure you, from the bottom of my heart and spirit that there is not one problem, yes? You are not ‘too big’, is not possible! Personal preference, I would want a bigger woman, be too afraid to squeeze a smaller one; I would break her!” His words melted into laughter, hoping that his little joke would conjure up some kind of laugh from you too, and his internal wishes were granted as the quietest of giggles escaped from your lips and left a smile on your face in its wake. “A real alpha,” he started again whilst he stood up from the bed finally with you hoisted up in his arms so easily, he held you in a bridal style and instinctively, your arms shot up from their resting positions on your stomach, and they coiled around his strong neck. Turning to face the bed, he bent over to slowly lower you to the cradling embrace of your mattress, and he slipped your looped arms over his head and he gingerly laid them across your chest and stomach, giving one of your arms a slow, deliberate caress til he reached back with the same hand and he even fluffed up a couple, or a few, of pillows amongst the bevy of them splayed across the head of your bed. “Wouldn’t let something so unimportant get in the way of making the person of their dreams their mate. To us, to me, it does not matter what you look like, you are kind, you are sweet, you are smart, you are a light that can be seen from even the darkest of caves, never forget that. How your body is shaped, how much you fill out your clothes, a dress, a palm even, is bonus!” He quietly chimed with a light chuckle fluttering out of him. Again, you found yourself at a loss for words, not even knowing what to begin with other than just laying there in a stunned silence with your (eye color) orbs gawking at him with your mouth hung ajar. Sometimes you wondered how he even existed, only to be quickly reminded he was an alien for a myriad of reasons, tons of which you were thankful for since in the back of your gnawed at the back of your mind, a thought that a human who even attempted to mirror the same kind as uplifting qualities as him wouldn’t even exist. He thought of you in such high regards that didn’t even fathom with you at first, but it touched you to say the least. He grasped the edge of your blanket and pulled it up to the bottom of your chin and he straightened it out across your body, making sure that it laid comfortably flat against your body, his hand, placed on top of your hip, cascaded down in a slow, smooth motion, rubbing the warm fabric down against your body. “Azrael…” You breathed out, he was crouched down next to the side of your bed with his chin resting on his crossed arms laid on the edge of the mattress as all four of his eyes glanced at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue, if you could this time.
“Thank you.” It wasn’t much, but it was definitely the loudest phrase echoing throughout your mind at first, if anything was gonna come tumbling out of your mouth in shy, touched mumbles, it was those two words. His eyes softened and his smile spread wider, enough for the tips of his sharpened teeth to peek out from underneath his lips, and somehow, it made him even cuter in your eyes. “You are most welcome, little one, and if you ever, and I mean ever, need to be reminded that you are a gift from the Gods themselves, do not hesitate to come to me again, okay? To see your eyes light up with sincerity and feel proud of yourself once more, it is the greatest treasure in the universe, and nothing would make me happier than to indulge in it more.” His hand unraveled from his crossed arms and he moved it up to one of your hands holding the edge of your blanket and he wrapped his fingers around yours and gave you a gentle squeeze, his thumb grazing over your knuckles and where finger met palm, his trained eyes making sure to watch his claws and to pull them away when they even got a centimeter too close to your skin, and after giving your hand a few more squeezes, he, to you, regrettably, retracted his hand back to his side and stood back up to his towering 11’0” height. You had to catch yourself, but your hand had outstretched from underneath the blanket’s edge, reaching out to grasp and hold his all over again, however, somehow, he didn’t notice, thanks to his head turned away to take a quick glance around your room and when he did finally lock gazes with you again, you snatched your hand away in time and hid it back under the darkened cloth. “It is late, and I can imagine crying made you tired. You should get sleep, rest up and get your strength back, yes?” He gave you one more genuinely sweet smile with a quiet hum flowing from him, before turning around to face the door and he even started to step towards it.
And it was there, staring at his fleeting back that the rest of the world seemed to just fade away until it was just you, gazing at the man who single-handedly changed the entire night for you, who made your negative thoughts seem to melt away into nothingness, to be long gone and forgotten about and to never grace your mind again to cause you harm, to actually put your faith again into something, what started to feel frivolous and unimportant, like love. The words fled from your lips quicker than you could catch them. “Azrael, wait.” Your eyes widened when you heard yourself, and then you were sure that your eyes were going to pop out of their sockets when he turned around to you all over again.
“Yes, little one? Something wrong?” What did you wanna say? Your mind was cluttered, the remnants of what happened prior still littering around in your thoughts in hurtful piles but then also growing overwhelmed with the comforting, blinding feelings towards Azrael’s overshadowing the damage that was done, it was confusing, you couldn’t explain it, but, you knew you didn’t want him to leave so soon already, did you?
“Stay with me.” 
Well, that certainly came out a lot stronger than you originally wanted or planned. Azrael’s eyes widened, and he jumped very slightly with the sheer shock running through his body, he almost did a double take by glancing at anything else in the room, away from you, only to find himself staring back at your own stunned face. You flickered your gaze around, your lips forming the possible fragments of words coming to your mind but nothing came out, it just looked like you were physically trying to search for the words in front of you instead of mulling them over in your cluttered mind. However, from staring over your form, the alien’s talented, analytical eyes studied you for only just a few moments, quietly deducing just what was bothering you all over again, and the cause of your outburst, both sets of his eyes softened whilst a low, quiet sigh escaped his nose, returning to your bedside, he reached up and placed one of his large, clawed hands onto your shoulder and he held it, squeezing in a soft, soothing way. “You are feeling обеспокоенный (troubled), conflicted yes? Trying to heal quicker from the pain done unto you, with me. Do not say things that you truly do not mean, you can feel better without me.” His tone had a gentle firmness to it, not coming off too strong that he was yelling at you or anything vile like that, but as if he was trying to teach a lesson to you, words of wisdom that hopefully would help brush away any of the confusions entangling your thought processes in its wicked web. You did listen, of course, even your eyes drifted downward to the top of the mattress. Maybe he was right. He certainly sounded sure of himself. Was this some kind of attempt to rush and hurry your soul through any pain? By getting over the awful excuse of an ex with someone who was most assuredly better than them in every single way, shape, and form? But, it wasn’t like you to do this with just anyone, I mean, you’ve known all of the villains for a couple of years now, and found yourself close to all of them and you considered Azrael one of the closest to you, and he you, but, did you *really* wanna take that dive? To do something more with him? It’s not like you haven’t thought about it before against your better judgement, it was confusing, and made you second-guess some other things in your head that once were set in stone, was now crumbling into unsure doubts. Then, there were those other feelings, like having him this close where his warm aura radiated from him and covered around you like a blanket, the black, deep-set, caring worriedness in his blacked out eyes and how they were focused on you and only you, Hell, even the very obvious size difference in between the two of you was heavily noted, not only by the fact that he easily towered over you when he stood up beforehand, but how when you reached your hand towards his, your palm and fingers managed to coil around, at most, two of his clawed digits and you held them tightly, almost emitting the fear that he would leave sooner than you wished. Dragging your eyes back up to his scarred face, your hand at your side traveled up and you cupped his cheek to the best of your abilities, being so much smaller compared to him. You thumb, in a gentle, ghost of a tender caress, rubbed over the risen skin from the part of the scar situated right underneath his upper right eye, and with you two locked in such an intense gaze, now it was his turn to slowly don a light blue blush that spread across his face in a gradual glow, even the tips of his pointed ears started to brandish the same kind of bluish hue. You gave him a defiant shake of your head, “I want this, I-I want to do this with you, I do, I know I do, t-this isn’t some kind of…” you rolled your wrist, searching for the word, “Coping thing or anything, I swear…! You mean a lot to me, Azrael, and I wanna do...something, anything with you, only you, please…” Getting all of this off of your chest, both of your hands shot up to his cheeks and you cupped them, corralling all of his wandering, nervous eyes from going all over the place to focus solely on you and as if mirroring you, he opened his mouth and his lips attempted to form the words coming at his mind all at once to the point where no words found their way out and instead was replaced with a quiet squeak similar to that of a puma’s, it was too cute for you not to let out quiet giggle while a smile snuck its way onto your lips. Craning your head forward, you pressed your forehead against his in a nudge, something small and sweet that he’s done with you before as an affectionate gesture and almost instantly, his head leaned forward into yours and he returned it, nuzzling the side of his head against yours as a low, rumbling chuff-like noise emitted from the depths of his chest, again, seemingly identical to the chuff noises that a tiger can make. “Is it okay?” You questioned again, one of your hands glided down the side of his face and rested on the nape of his strong neck, letting your fingers trace over the start of a scar underneath the skin-tight under-armor he leisurely wore, “If you don’t want it too, you know you can tell me that right? I-If this is like, I-I’m pressuring you or anything, tell me to stop, and I’ll stop, and I’ll go to bed like you told me to,” you hurriedly reminded him, honestly, how he was feeling about this whole situation burned at your thoughts on top of your own, Azrael wasn’t human in the slightest, if that wasn’t obvious enough, and with how he had no partner with him when he came here in the first place, the thought of him having never done anything sexual before flashed through your head for a moment or two. “N-No, no! I...my apologies, (name), you, grace me with your kindness, being so patient with me.” He was always so sweet, it made your pounding heart flutter and you smiled wider at him as you reached up and threaded your fingers through his ridiculously soft strands of pastel blue hair, petting through the light tresses. “I am...more concerned with how you feel. Being in a hurt state can make you want things to stop the pain and I am more than happy to lay here with you until you do rest, but, something like this...it cannot be big, if there is something smaller that you humans indulge into with your own mating rituals, I can be open to that, but it cannot be anything else.” You blinked, “Why not-” suddenly, you remembered, and you swallowed up the question just before it left you too soon. “That’s right, your kind, you...mate for life.” You dragged out a long groan, your hand shooting up to your face to clap your palm over your forehead, almost as an attack onto yourself for forgetting something so crucial like that but him being much more nervous than you now started to make a lot more sense. “I am *so* sorry I forgot about that part of your culture, Azrael, I-I, ugh god I wasn’t thinking at all.” Rubbing down, you squeezed the bridge of your nose with a hint of annoyance towards yourself before dropping both of your arms onto your lap in defeat with your head turned away and your eyes narrowed along with your brow furrowed, you quietly scolded at yourself under your breath. “I do not want to take advantage of you.” The words surprised you. Lifting your head back up and facing him all over again, your wide eyes gawked at him, worried and curious, especially the first since you had no idea that he was thinking that if you two really did something like this, that he was taking advantage of you. “Azzy, what? Why would you think that?” You questioned, his eyes glancing away momentarily before he started to explain in a low tone. “On my home planet, it is not rare for Alphas, most certainly male, to take advantage of betas and omegas, fearful of them, if they have to give up their bodies to keep them alive, a lot of them fell obedient to others.” His eyes finally locked back onto your face, “And with your heart being hurt, feeling inadequate when you shouldn’t at all…” his hand crept up, cupping your cheek this time and his hand easily covered up almost the entire side of your head and face, his thumb grazing over the skin right underneath your eye. “I did not want it to seem the same. Это ужасная вещь, которую делают жестокие собаки (it is an awful thing done by cruel dogs), may the Gods forever damn the ones who do it, is just one reason why.” You leaned forward quickly and slung your arms around the alien’s large, broad frame, barely making it around the middle of his chest, letting your head burrow into his front as if you were a tick, “Well you,” you started, lifting your head enough to let your chin rest on the top of his chest to gaze upward at his curious expression, teetering on hurt thanks to the not-so-fun fact that he told you about his people, it was almost positive he was worried it would alter your opinion about him at all since he always referred to himself as a true, real Alpha. “Are nothing like those assholes, you know that? I mean you really pride yourself in that-” You gently teased in hopes to get him smiling again and it worked, a little, when the crack of a smile started to break out across his face, “You’re so much more sweeter, nicer, kinder, sometimes, honestly, it surprises me how you’re even called a villain here! I-I mean other than the whole, ‘taking skulls thing’ but still-!” The minimal distraught that had casted over him prior faded away at your emphasis and he couldn’t help but let out rather hearty laugh, one of his strong, large arms hooking around your waist to finally return your tight hug with his head craning down, he nestled his face into your (hair color) hair and you felt the soft rumble of low chuffs blowing through the soft tresses against your scalp. “You like the skull I gave you, yes? That was not too evil!” He joked in return, and it pulled more shared laughter out of the both of you since you bubbling up into a fit of a giggles caused his own laugh to come from him too and, thanks to the happiness sweeping you up, and momentarily brushing away any crumbs of darkness shadowing your mind, you leaned up and pressed a kiss again his nose. The alien squeaked out one of those puma-sounding noises at the small sign of affection, and after drifting his gaze back down at your expression to study your features, he leaned in and returned it by brushing his lips against your forehead so lightly and gently in a chaste kiss, he was always so careful with you, and you had no problem returning it. “Something small, is okay, right?” He questioned, a lilt of shyness threading through his voice as he brought up the prior topic and with a nod of your head, and a gentle smile walking onto your face, “Something small.” You reassured him. However, naturally, Azrael assumed it would be focused on you over himself, since he started to gently stand back up and start to peel the blanket off of you again and it seemed as though when he saw more and more of your body became exposed in a slow, gradual show for him, his sets of eyes traversed the pleasantly long journey of your plush-soft, curvy sides and wide hips, how the belly you had dipped down and, beforehand, you would find yourself being shrouded in the crippling shadow of your own self-doubt and self-conscious but there was something different now, it wasn’t there. It didn’t even begin to manifest itself over you when he was peeking further and further. Maybe it had to do with just how comforting Azrael’s gaze was, riddled with understanding and not a speck of judgement anywhere within the darkness of his four eyes. When he looked at you, it sent a static through you, a spark that was more than determined to reignite the flame inside of your body, and its attempts were more than capable in doing just that. His four orbs alone were enough to make your heartbeat throb harder in your chest and make your breath hitch in your lungs, as if it were glued to the very edges themselves. Although, something stirred within you, sure, the thought of Azrael taking the reins to whatever you two were planning gnawed at your mind in pleasant chews, there was another idea that started to swirl around in your mind, not one of negativity, nothing like that, but something more on the giving side. He did so much for you tonight, striving to do what he always did so masterfully, maybe it was time to do something back for him. Just before the grand reveal of your lower half, his free hand inched over towards your hip and laid it palm down against your skin, pulling a quiet gasp from the back of your throat. His hand, effortlessly taking over almost all of the space on the top of your thigh, was the combination of both soft from the extra padding on his digits and palm, with the scattering of calluses splayed on the edges of his hands and in the bends of his fingers, manifesting a silent story of just how much he pushed himself into his hunting. Your heart pounded, the thudding of it slamming against your chest rattled through your skull and pierced through your eardrums, practically silencing everything else whilst you stared at him, the softened expression that stayed true to his face, decorated with relaxed, half-lidded eyes and a warm smile spread across his lips, his four orbs flicked up at you, you assumed at first, but it took only the feel of his sharpened claws gently pricking and prodding at the thin material of your panties as a little warning to you that he was about to tug them down and off of you, and it was a gentle, silent reminder of what you had planned and on the fact that he even took the time to ready you, to ask wordlessly if it was okay for him to do so, the motions of your plan sparked to life as if they had a mind of their own. “Azzy wait-” your hand crept up, and you grasped his wrist, to the best extent that you could, actually holding a part of him really put into perspective just how much larger he was compared to you as your digits barely even wrapped around one of the sides. He screeched to a halt in record time, both his palm and fingers left your side much to your chagrin, nearly snatching his hand out of your light grip, “Have you changed your mind?” He questioned softly with an understanding lilt flowing through his tone, however, you shook your head, and you sat up more properly on the mattress so that you could turn and swing your legs over to the edge of the bed like how you were prior, and your softened eyes flickered up to his adorably confused and concerned face, he even gave his head a slow tilt to one side as if he were a large puppy. “No, no not at all, but…” you soothingly cooed whilst you leaned forward and in time, the alien moved back just a step or two, to make sure he wasn’t crowding you. You released your grip on his wrist and now, it was your turn for your own private little show when your eyes started at the top of his broad chest and in a deliberate crawl down the contours of his sculpted body and internally, you were thanking your lucky stars for the thin piece of under armor that Azrael worse ever so casually, its fabric hugged around his defined torso, outlining every little ridge of his trained, bulging muscles, it left little to the imagination. “You did so much for me tonight, and, I know you’re gonna like, disagree, but you didn’t have to,” and just as you predicted, his lips parted to start the said disagreement, until, it was replaced with a quiet, husk of a gasp tip-toed out instead, thanks to your hand laying palm down onto his chest, and in a slow-moving, downward stroke, you dragged your palm lower and lower across the length of his torso, the tips of your digits rising when they crossed over the ridges of his defined body and the risen skin of a scattering of deep-set scars, shielded away from your gaze. Then you felt it, where his top met his bottom armor, seemingly blended in together to seem conjoined as one full piece only to be disproven when your fingers curled over the edge of his pants and nudged rim down ever so slightly, enough for your intruding eyes to sinfully sneak a peek at the thick-haired base of whatever he had down there. That was the thing about Azrael, with him being an alien, your imaginations were the limits of picturing just exactly what he had hidden down there, and you had your excitement of finally seeing the grand reveal to blame for when your thighs lightly pressed against one another. “(Name)...” Azrael mumbled out, his accented voice dangerously low, a dusting of a blue blush sprinkled across his cheeks, the temptation to move his hand to yours to lead it off of him so that he can fully take care of you over the other echoed throughout his mind, and at first, his hand almost carried it out, the tips of his sharpened claws drew close enough to lightly prick and scrape against the skin of your wrist, but for once, you were faster than him. Craning your head forward, your lips brushed against his abdomen in a chaste peck, and the tiny gesture it was, was enough to send his hand into a skidding stop, his eyes went wide, almost as if all four were threatening to pop out of his skull, “So now,” you started again, whispering against blue skin, your lips sensually walked down his abdomen, leaving a trail of kisses in your wake, some of them were quick that emitted a sense of urgency to move onto the next while some of the others you held down for a few extra moments or so, so when your lips broke the lip-lock, the shiver that rushed through his body was more pleasurably intense than the last jolt ending it’s electrifying current through his senses. “I wanna do something for you. You’re such a sweetheart, Azzy, it’s only fair that I return the favor and take care of you this time,” The feeling of thick strands of snowy blue tresses brushing up against your jawline in light tickles, your eyes flickered down, studying the thickly haired base of his privates before continuing, this time, your unused hand that resided on one of his inner thighs climbed up further and further in between his legs, “You, mmhf, you do not have to do that f-for me, little one, it is the Alpha’s job after all to-hnh!~” His words were suddenly cut off with a shuddering groan when your hand moved up and placed itself onto his sack, and with slow, groping squeezes with your fingers rubbing over him, your lips attacked the base of his privates with a numerous amount of kisses through the thick fur like hair, your eyes pried open and they flicked up towards his face, doused in a deep shade of blue that spread so far across his face, it reached the tips of his pointed ears that even twitched a few times with growing excitement. All four of his eyes were screwed tight, and his hand that hung at his side had shot up and clasped over his mouth as if to silence any fleeting moans that dared to escape his lips, however, that tactic wasn’t too successful in stopping every noise that emitted from him since in the deep pit of his chest, chuffing noises rumbled throughout his body and vibrated against his padded palm, and it appeared as though he was silently cursing those purring noises since every time one crept out from in between his lips, his already closed eyes would tighten more and even his fingers gripped at his mouth and jaw harder too. With your head lowered so far your lips tantalizingly close to where you were so determined to cover in kisses and licks and suck, you certainly weren’t prepared for what you witnessed. In the corner of your eye, your head leaned back enough to drink up the sight of the tent in his pants growing right in front of you, it was to be expected, and hoped for, that he was truly enjoying what you were giving him and if it wasn’t, you were damned sure to find something that he’d love more than anything while you two were like this while you had him. You just had to. Your hand clenched the front of his pants again, preparing to tug the rest of the fabric again, however, the tent grew more, and more, and more, until the tightening thin armor expanded to such a tight bulge, the fabric snapped, and his length sprung out from its suffocating cloth imprisonment and you didn’t know really what to say at first as you sat there, gawking at the unusual sight with a dropped jaw and wide eyes and, as if history repeated itself, you found yourself at a lost for words until your stuttering lips managed to conjure something up. “...holy shit.”  You marveled. His length was anything but the norm that you’ve seen or have been used to. The shape of it alone was the biggest difference, it wasn't human, at all, it was a long, thick, tentacle-like shape that had a thick base and as your eyes traveled further up to the tip, you noted how it started wide and thick but slimmed down until the head was a point, and along the length and around the girth of it all, it was covered with small spines, no bigger than a thumbnail but still, their quantity overruled the size easily, they were everywhere except the tip since there wasn’t that much space at the thin head, but, they were heavily condensed around the the third and final part, a swollen knot that throbbed a few times now that he was fully erect and excited and in tune with each throb of his knot, the tentacle part wriggled deliberately, almost as if it were hypnotizing you to lean forward with your mouth as agape as it is now and swallow around the shaft. “Is, is problem?” Azrael’s trembling voice was like a hook, line, and sinker since it pulled you out of your stunned bewilderment. Blinking profusely with a shake of your head to top it off, your eyes snapped up onto his panting, flushed face and just before any worry attempted to leak through the lusty haze that was spreading heavily through him, you shook your head. “N-No! I’m just, s-surprised! I, Azzy you have, A LOT, down here-” “...is too big?” “It’s fucking HUGE, but that’s not what I meant-” Your still hand rested on your thigh and your fingers clenched tighter into its fist as you stared, you really didn’t have any idea on how to start with something like this, sure, you’ve given oral to past partners, even the most recent one, but Azrael was different. Not only has he never, ever, experienced something like this, but because this was Azrael, the place in your heart that he happily took over was major, he mattered more to you than you probably both ever realized, so you wanted to make this perfect, better than just enjoyable, you wanted this big alien man to get weak in the knees and need to sit down next to you after he was done or, if you really knew what you were doing with just the type of equipment he had, maybe even in the middle of it, so, with a deep breath through your mouth and out through your nostrils, your hand shot up to his length and your hand coiled around the base of it, right above the knot and you gasped lightly to yourself while a quiet snarling groan rumbled through his chest. Just barely, did the tips of your finger graze the edge of your palm, at least your hand actually managed to wrap around something of his, even if it wasn’t enough. Your hand inched up, the spines underneath your hand brushed up against your palm, they flared up and down ever so lightly in time with the twitches and throbs of his shaft, the sensation was odd, yes, but definitely not tempting. Your hand continued, squeezing around his shaft, you stroked all the way up to his tip in a slow, smooth, glide, the spines flexing out only to relax again and when your hand ended it’s test run at his tip, your thumb pressed down onto the leaking slit to tease the opening in small circles, and with each rotation, thick, warm, and surprisingly sweet-smelling precum began to impatiently seep out of his tip, coating your digit steadily and you were only more surprised when you pushed your hand back down in another pump and it milked more of his pre to steadily drip out of his tip and leak out onto his shaft and even have droplets push out over the edge of the slit and drip down onto the floor beneath the both of you. “L-Little one your, your hand is already plenty, rest, mmhmf, rest your body, you do not have to do more~” Azrael husked out, his eyes fought to stay open, and through blurry lenses, he gazed down at you. His hands resided at his sides, and only momentarily did one of them inch up and forward towards you and at first, glancing at it in the corner of your eye, you naturally assumed that it was him possibly attempting to thwart your actions again, but with how his held out hand twitched and his digits trembled halfway there, it wasn’t like he was trying to stop you, it was almost as if he weren’t sure if he should put a hand on you again, like he was worried if he grabbed you too hard or placed it in the wrong spot while you were like this, it’d hurt you, so, with another breath, his hand retracted and fell back to his side again. Witnessing this, your eyes traveled back up to his flushed face and you let a smile dance onto your lips, “Do you trust me, Azrael?” You questioned and, yes, at first, you attempted to let a flirtatious lilt coat those words to make it sound more enticing, but, you truly wanted to know, even if him letting you do this was evidence enough that he did since he could very easily stop you in a number of ways, ones more violent than the last, still, it probably eased both of your racing minds and thoughts to have consent audibly said instead of just out in the open like this. After a few moments of catching his panting breath, a thin grin pulled onto his lips and he nodded gently down at you, his multiple eyes tender and true, “I trust you, little one, I-I know you would never do me wrong in something as passionate as this, and you, mhmf, you have my word with the Gods as my witnesses, you may trust me too.”
“...god how do you exist, you’re, such a sweetheart, Azzy, I swear…~” You giggled quietly, and continued when he shrugged as a little joke, as if he didn’t know, but after glancing back up at his face, and how he stared down at you with such a loving sensation pouring from all four of his darkened orbs, you have no idea how you manage to wrangle your internal thoughts of leaning up or pulling him down to your level to kiss him where you should have willed yourself to do beforehand when you were up there, every ounce of your body wanted to just slam your lips against his in a deep kiss, to feel him kissing back with all of the experience and courage that he could offer, and have his large hands grasp at your hips and rear to keep you pinned against his broad, strong chest so the kiss wouldn’t be broken too soon, but, that would have to be saved for another time. You were already down here like this, right where your desire for him burned so brightly, if you were going to do this, it was now or you’d never be standing on this precipice of courage ever again. Your (eye color) orbs drifted back down to his twitching, awaiting length, the bizarre sight of his cock wriggling up and down or side to side with the smallest of moments intrigued you, you had your hand to planted firmly around his base as much as you could hold while your free hand propped up against the upper part of his thigh, close to his hip, to give yourself a steady form of balance in case you found yourself getting lost in this since his sweet-smelling aroma was invading your nostrils relentlessly, and the delicious scents imprinted themselves onto your mind with little effort and it triggered your mouth to even salivate more and it seemed to act as a good sign for what you just had planned since your tongue hung out of your mouth to swipe over your lips in a slow-moving lick. You craned your head forward, the pointed tip of his cock rested against your plump bottom lip and in between the both of them, the tip of your tongue peeked through and it swiped against the dripping head in a testing lick, as if you were either showing Azrael how this would work or if you were giving yourself just a taste of his seed and seeing if your nose was deceiving your tongue. Azrael’s sharp teeth gritted, you could hear the sharpened bones clicking lightly against each other, and he sucked in a sharp breath through the small gaps, the hand that masked over his mouth and nose released him and started to rub down from the side of his neck, to his chest, and finally it dropped down to his side again, he grasped the hem of his shirt and his claws nearly tore into the thin, ocean-blue fabric. If he was like this after just one tiny lick, now, you found more of that confidence peering through your worry and doubt.
“Lemme take care of you, Azzy…~” You breathed out intentionally against the sensitive flesh of his cock, the tentacle-like appendage twitched in a wriggling jump while Azrael husked out a quiet groan to himself. Your mouth cracked open, the tip of his length snaked its way into your mouth, and as you pushed your head further and further down the inches, the exotic feelings and tastes overwhelmed you. The copious amount of pre spilling out of his tip and staining the back of your throat and tongue with the spines surrounding his shaft flared out and brushed against the roof of your mouth and the top of your flattened tongue, however, this time, they didn’t relax and go back down, it was like the spines were doing their unwritten and unspoken duty in keeping his cock sheathed far down your throat and mouth, and it was at that epiphany that you were thanking your shit ex for helping you out with something like this now. You pushed yourself more, and more, until, your lips halted at the top of his swollen knot, you peered at it, and as much as you would try maybe another time, today was not the day to risk a broken jaw trying to unhinge it to try and swallow his whole length, if anything, you were more impressed with how far you got on your first attempt. Azrael though, he was another story, he had the worry of being too big in more than one ways pierce at his psyche, he had question after question after question nervously wracking through his brain to the point where he didn’t know which one to ask first, if he had to do something, if you could take him, were you changing your mind at all, just to name a few and while, he was enjoying himself, more than he thought or imagined, your sound well-being came first overall. His hand fumbled with the crinkled hem of his shirt, if he was going to place it on you, now would be the most obvious time. So, with a light huff through his nose, his hand raised and much to your surprise, he planted it on the top of your head where his claws brushed through (hair color) tresses, petting the top of your head and your scalp gingerly, “Are you, mmhmf, doing...whatever it is you’re doing good, still, (name?) Don’t you, need to breathe, should I, mmf, sit down, pull back, I-” With a lift of your hand, you planted it onto his hip and it silenced his words, four blackened eyes met yours and with a watery wink and a muffled smile, you pulled your head back, smoothly, your tongue threading through the gaps in between his spines and it dragged across the bottom of his shaft, and just before his entire length left your mouth, you hurriedly slammed your head back down to his knot. Azrael’s head shot back, pulling a long, deep groan, deep from within the alien’s chest. You repeated this process a few times, sliding his cock almost all of the way out of your throat only to quickly swallow it down again until you found a steady, rhythmic pace to set for yourself, even your hand that was clamped around his base to hold his twitching length at the ready had replaced itself onto his other hip, and you gripped at him, fingers digging into blue skin, not enough to break the surface of it, not even in the silence, but mayhaps enough to cause a speckling of bruises to pop up later for him to be reminded of just what happened tonight. Your head bobbed up and down, your tongue danced around his shaft, grinding up against the sides of it and you did attempt a few times to swirl it completely around his thick shaft to no avail, at certain parts, so you made sure to give the poised spines extra attention by letting the tip of the muscle flick across a couple of specific ones. You swallowed around him, the constricting walls of your throat enveloped around his cock, massaging the tip and shaft. “Mmmhff~ Nnnhhff~ L-Little one, by the Gods themselves, your mouth, your throat~ So warm, so w-wet~ Tight~ It’s, is too much~ T-The fact that you, you humans do this, I-hnh-I won’t last long with, hhnff, with your skills~” The rest of Azrael’s words melted into his native tongue and while you could make out some words here and there, the rest almost sounded like complete lust-driven gibberish. He had leaned over you, his knees buckled like you had hoped, not enough to make him fall, but enough to make him not stand up straight anymore, and he had the edge of the bed to act as his savior to catch him if he did, and his hand that rested on the top of you head had inched to the back of it, and you could have sworn that you felt the faintest urging push of your head to swallow him down again. One of your hands had inched down from his side, it slid down the dip in between his crotch and thigh, and you cupped his sack again, your palm groping and rubbing against him, and you felt it, that tension inside of him starting to tighten further inside of him, he was getting close, it was sooner than you thought but again, this was all new territory for someone as battle-ridden as him, and you felt a sense of pride shimmer inside of you that you were the first person ever to do this to him, and with how he was, probably the only one too. You hollowed out your cheeks by sucking harder around him, and your head bobbed up and down his length faster than before, the quiet slurping that ghosted out from your lips was much more audible now, and the tip of his cock slammed against the back of your throat, muffled whines rattled through your body and shot through his length with gags and whimpers fluttering in between the latter and it didn’t take too much, maybe 2 or 3 more fast pumps of your head when a loud, ear-piercing, animalistic roar of pleasure ripped through Azrael’s body and shot out of his mouth. Wave after wave after wave of white hot pleasure crashed over his body when his orgasm rushed over him. His seed spurted out of his tip in thick, warm ropes, and with each pump, his hips trembled and bucked into your awaiting mouth and throat, his hot cum cascading down your throat in a sweet-tasting waterfall. His eyes were glued tight, staggering, trembling groans with the hint of growls rumbling through his body, his hand forced itself to release your strands and almost instantly, he forced his eyes to pry open to stare at his open palm and claws, checking to see if he tore anything out and with relief, even more so when he lazily inspected the back of your head and saw no imperfections, he stepped back gently, his hips relaxing and pulling back, his softened cock fled from your mouth and throat, strands of your saliva stretched out and connected your lips and his length together until you broke by licking your lips, and without it being buried so far down your throat, the air flew down into your lungs in a welcomed, deep gasp before you panted out heavily. “How…” your voice was hoarse, with a lick of your lips and a clearing of your throat in the form of a soft cough, you started again. “How was that?” You panted.
The alien stood back up straight, his pants were hiked back up and adjusted the way they were set before all the while panting breaths wracked through his body, making his chest heave. Strands of his pastel blue hair stuck to his forehead with the help of the sheen of sweat that coated his skin up there, “That was...if that was your throat alone, then the Gods have certainly blessed whoever will, hnn, be your mate, yes?” He rasped, “You don’t think it’ll be you?” You questioned back, and surprisingly, he chuckled tiredly through the catching of his breath. “A Goddess such as yourself should not have to settle on the first man who treats her with kindness, I am simply doing what should be done by the one you use to spend the rest of their life with you, what that excuse of a man should have done,” man, his culture was something else. It really did take you a moment or so that process really what he just pointed out, that the two of you doing this tonight, to him, because of what he’s been taught and brought up to, this could all mean nothing if you met something literally tomorrow and decided to stay with them for, forever, instead of him.
And he’d be okay with it. Your eyes softened, “Azzy-” His hands reached down and much like before, he hoisted your legs up and back over onto the mattress and adjusted you so that you laid comfortably against the slab before grabbing the edge of your blanket and pulling it up and over you to drape it across your still warm and humming body, “Now, you should be more than tired, yes? Talk to me later today if you wish, but for now, little one, I must see you in your dreams, hm? Greet me there with kindness, (name), pleasant night.” With one more kiss to the middle of your forehead, he leaned back up to his towering height, his eyes half-lidded and fixated on your face, a warm smile played at his lips before giving you one more final nod, and he turned around, you stared at his sculpted back, the words were at your lips again, but this time, it was too late, the door opened and Azrael stepped out, but, not before giving you one more tender, true smile and even a little wave with his fingers, and the door closed.
“...I love you, Azzy.” The words found their way on the path out of your mouth after all.
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wevegottogetaway · 3 years
A hundred percent (Part 2 of Crashing into you)
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It looks like the same bottle you had reached for before all hell broke loose. You found it lazing on shore, in that space between water and dry land where objects greet the wet sand but still submit to the waves. Along with the plastic container, you’d encountered a wet blanket you’d immediately laid out to dry, a corkscrew and the ice bucket that had accommodated the champagne you turned down during the flight (you’d gladly have a glass or four now, but alas the Champagne bottle wasn’t accounted for in your scavenger hunt). All things considered, it’s a relatively good inventory; it seems the currents were in your favor.
It makes sense actually, that the waters would shepherd the lightest of items to you. Yet your heart remains heavy with doubts and fears. You’re not versed enough in geography to have the slightest clue as to whereabout you’ve strayed in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. And with that comes the big question: if you don’t know where you are, how the people meant to save you will? Then how much time will it take for them to figure it out and will you be able to hold on for that long?
Everything is a big question mark as of now, and you hate it. You’re resourceful and quick on your feet, but you like to be prepared; you usually study the situation ahead and plan in accordance for every potential contingency, positive or negative. This however, never in a billion years would you have thought, much less prepared for the appropriate M.O. to follow in response to a freaking plane crash.
If anything, it makes you twice as grateful to have Harry by your side. Once for obvious reasons; the mere thought of associating his name with death in the same sentence could make you physically ill. But also, if there were one person that could make this ordeal that much bearable and give you the strength to withstand the pain for that much longer, it was him. He’d done it before; granted times weren’t as critical as they may be now, but he’d always been your beacon of light in the darkest of times. You’d just have to be his as well this time. Like a planet reflecting back the light of the star it revolves around.
Speaking of stars, the sun is unbearably warm. It feels like it is sitting right on top of your shoulders and breathing down your neck, as opposed to hundred millions kilometers away from your sweltering form. You’ve been pacing up and down the shore for over two hours, and you don’t think you’ve ever been so uncomfortably hot. Your skull is throbbing from the heat,(though the brutal impact of the crash and your brief encounter with death probably have something to do with it as well) and your top is positively drenched in sweat. Harry’s shirt didn’t fare much better and is now rolled and folded atop is head in a makeshift hat. You’re both very aware that a sunstroke is highly likely in this sort of climate, and very much the last thing you need in your preexisting predicament.
"Think we should head towards the forest before this heat grills our skin to the crisp, love." It’s the first thing either of you have uttered in a while, but you’re quick to agree to Harry’s proposition.
"You’re right. Let’s see if we can find a water source nearby," you nod towards the stretch of green wildness awaiting you, before shooting one last glance at the ocean behind you.
Harry is closely watching you before putting a hand at the small of your back to usher you both out of the beach. "We can always come back later and see if there’s anything new on the shore," he guesses the reason for your hesitation. You swear this man can read your mind sometimes.
As soon as you cross the border into the forest, the sound of the waves quickly fades to be replaced by the chirps, squeaks and buzzing of the jungle’s inhabitants. It sounds like the all jungle community is in conversation, and you gulp as you wonder what kind of animals are also roaming this place. It’s clear the smartest option is for you to set up camp closer to the beach so you can be safe both from the wildlife and the unforgiving sun, as well as be in plain sight in case rescue is scouring the vicinity. For now though, you have no choice but to wander the very much alive woods if you count on fending dehydration off.
As you weave through the thick and luxurious foliage, Harry is staying glued to your side, not willing to let is sight off of you. His shirt finds its way back over his torso to protect his smooth skin from the somewhat hostile vegetation. From the way nature seems to prevail over every inch of this seemingly impenetrable space, it is clear this land has never witnessed the wrath of human activity. The realization is rather unsettling as it weakens your hopes of finding civilization in this godforsaken place.
Once again, you feel indefinitely grateful for the man walking by your side. You’d always felt lucky to have him in your life, but that soft tug in your chest from his hand grazing your shoulder blades as your tread the muddy earth, has never been so strong and comforting than in this moment.
"Careful, love," he is quick to tug you against his broad frame when you’re about to step on a small snake. The creature hisses as your footsteps disturb its tranquil existence but apart from shooting what you could swear is an annoyed glare, the serpent remains put and lets you go on your merry way.
It takes a second for your heart to calm down from the sudden movement and you realize your fist is still clenching the soft cotton of his shirt. You mutter a small but genuine ‘thanks’ as you quickly remove your hands from him, and despite the tropical heat you find yourselves in, Harry can’t help but feel a coldness on the spot your hand just abandoned.
An hour goes by and you’ve yet to be successful in your quest. The sun is finally starting to relent some of its intensity and the air feels slightly easier to breathe. At least in theory. In practice, every minute that ticks by without you encountering even the smallest of water source, feels like a new brick dropping in-between your ribcage to crush your lungs. You are running out of time for the day and the anxiety that comes with that realization is not one you can gulp down and just ignore.
As the sun slowly retires, so does the light of your surroundings, and it’s enough to have your own light start flickering before finally shutting down. You need to make your way back to the edge of the shore and set up camp before darkness engulfs everything in its black coat. Your hand find Harry’s before you shift your body towards his. "We should head back before it’s too dark," you utter dejectedly.
He nods with the same despondent expression before wrapping an arm across your shoulders and directing you both towards the beach. "Come on, then," a small kiss is pressed against your temple and your heart leaps back out of its gloom for a moment. You’re not a total stranger to gestures like this one, but they’re usually spurred by a drink too many or they occur for these special occasions where joy is so exuberant it pigments your cheeks and leaves you no choice but to show your affection in a more physical manner. You relish those moments as much as you can, wrongly assuming they mean more to you than they do him.
You don’t day anything back as you wrap your arm around his waist and start making your walking again. You’re both in need of comfort right now, is how you rationalize it. Still, it doesn’t stop you from staying as close to him as humanly possible, your body molding his curves better than a puzzle. He doesn’t seem to mind, on the contrary, his grip on your arm tightens briefly, and though you don’t see it, his lips also twitch in a side smile.
You arrive just in time for what must be the most beautiful sunset you’ve ever witnessed in your life. The ocean has calmed some, waves now gently licking at the sand and in the far distance, a large sphere of tangerine flares, rests upon a blue canvas whose only bounds stretch to the horizon. "S’beautiful," Harry softly comments before your eyes meet for a minute. You answer with a small smile, admiring the tenderness of his gaze. It’s partly due to tiredness at this point, which is what you surmise, but you’ve been on the receiving end of this gaze countless and non-tired times before, unbeknownst to you.
Fifteen minutes later, you are trying your best to light a dry piece of wood on fire while Harry endeavors to built some kind of shelter. It takes you both a few attempts and a lot of cussing, but eventually you find yourselves sitting under a makeshift branch-made roof in front of a small fire. Thankfully, the blanket you’d recovered from the crash had dried entirely - one of the few perks of the scalding sun, you suppose - and is now wrapped tightly around you both. If the situation wasn’t so critical, you’d rejoice at the opportunity of being cuddled up with Harry so closely. Every intake of breath he takes you feel against your ribs. Your bones ache from tiredness, thirst and hunger, but as your head lays on Harry’s shoulder, you also feel lightness in your heart. Things will be all right. Tomorrow you’ll go back to explore the jungle and you’ll find water, maybe even catch a fish or two and you’ll repeat the process until the rescue team comes to get you. Soon.
"How’s your leg?" Harry gently breaks the silence. You’d almost forgotten about your respective injuries, and the question has your eyes shift to the cut on your shin. There wasn’t much to do anyway, your fateful time in the angry waters had taken care of all the cleaning that could be done without proper medicine. It’s uncomfortable and the sort of wound that would linger on your mind if you were back home, but there and then, you’d minded the sting for all of 5 minutes before more pressing matters needed your undivided attention.
"It’s fine. I was too distracted to notice the pain, I guess," you answer just as quietly even though you are the only two souls breathing for hundred miles around if not more. The mention of your injury also reminds you of his, though you don’t quite need as vocal a reminder as the gash above his eyebrow is much more conspicuous. "How’s your face?" you decide to return the question even though you have a feeling his answer won’t me much different from yours.
"Itchy but it doesn’t hurt."
Your eyes once again focus on the cut, making sure that no dirt made its way on the damaged tissue. Your lips curls slightly to the side when you take in the probable reason for the itch. "C’mere, your hair keeps falling into it," you say while your hand reaches up to tuck the rebellious curl behind his ear. The strand goes straight back to its previous spot as it lacks a bit of length to obey your ministration. You reach up again, this time running your fingers towards the back of his head to get the curl out of the way. Harry doesn’t dare move an inch, air caught up in his throat as he revels in your tender touch. You’re oblivious to his intense stare, as always, while you inspect the cut. "Shouldn’t leave a scar, I don’t think," you offer in reassurance.
"Well, that’s a relief," Harry answers almost absentmindedly though there’s humor lacing through his voice. He couldn’t care less about a scar, not after everything you’ve been through. Hell, you’re both lucky to have escape the crash with just superficial wounds. Besides, he’ll take a thousand scars over having your unconscious body under his palms again.
The conversation feels much lighter than the ones you’ve entertained all day, so you keep the playful tone going. "I know right, can’t have permanent damage on that Grammy winning face," you quip back with a smirk. Mischief is distinct in your eyes and Harry has never been more thankful to see that sparkle lit up your iris. If he focus hard enough, the sand beneath him can disappear to morph into the fluffy cushions of his sofa back home, and this can just be a regular hang-out where you pretend to watch movies and banter over every character’s decisions.
That’s why it’s so easy for him to indulge in the oh-so familiar back and forth; it’s a dance he could do eyes closed. "My career would be over," he retorts with a faux distraught expression.
You giggle and give him a smile before copying is fake air, "the end of the world."
He chuckles and for a moment there is nothing but silence between you two. You can feel the playfulness dissipate as Harry’s eyes don’t waver from yours. They suddenly hold a fervor that tells you he’s gonna say something serious. And of course he does, you know him so well. "I think my world would have ended today if you hadn’t woken back up on that beach." The statement is uttered barely above a whisper but it echoes like a hundred church bells chiming Cinderella’s midnight in your head.
"Harry…" Needless to say, you are speechless. Neither of you have ever shied away from voicing your affection towards the other, but this, coupled with the intensity of his stare, has your heart stopping for the second time today.
"You have no idea how terrified I was," he continues quietly, like his own heart is threatening to jump out of his throat if he dares speak louder. It’s obvious it’s painful for him to remember, perhaps even more painful than it was for you to actually endure. "The longer you wouldn’t-"
"Shh, stop, stop," you quickly halt him with a hand to his cheek. "Don’t torture yourself with the could haves. I’m here, alive and breathing. All thanks to you. And you are too. Alive and breathing." You say it all in confidence though you have the same chocked up feeling he did when you think of the alternatives. "That’s all that matters right now. You have me and I have you and nobody’s losing anyone." Your thumb is drawing soothing circles onto his skin as he nods at your statements as if to make their truths stronger. A second passes and your eyes shift to the ground before you gulp, "my world would have ended too. Had you not made it to the beach."
It seems the sentiment strikes a chord in his chest too, as Harry pinches his eyes close as if to make sure he is not hallucinating your words. His body is taken by a strong pull to kiss you but he knows his lips can’t quite fall on their most desired destination. He settles for a harsh forehead kiss instead, taking your head between his two shaking hands.
When he leans back, his eyes frantically search your face and you can see his breathing picking up from the motion of his chest. "Y/n, I…Fuck it’s…" the more the words escape him, the more frustrated he becomes, running a hand through his wild curls even though they’d stayed in the place you had brushed them last.
"Shh it’s okay. Harry, you’re working yourself up," you try to calm him down with a hand on his heart. Just as you suspected, the organ beneath your palm is jackhammering against his skin, but Harry shakes his head at your suggestion.
"I just have something that I need to say," he gulps, "and it’s terrifying-"
You can’t stand the way his voice wavers ever so slightly. He looks exhausted despite the wild look in his eyes and you realize that’s probably not helping tame the stormy thoughts in his mind. "M’not going anywhere, Harry," you reassure him, "we can talk tomorr-"
"No. No." He shakes his head forcefully between your hands. "I need to say this now because I already should have done it a long time ago, and as much as it is scary for me to say, today was a hundred times more scary."
You take in his adamant look and realize this is far more serious than you were led to believe. "Okay, you know you can tell me anything."
He nods at your reassurance before taking a deep breath. "You’re my best friend, y/n. The one person I don’t ever want out of my life, the one person that understands all of me and that is besides me for everything." You try to remain impassive and not wince at the f-word as you listen to his sorrows. "And I can only hope that will never change, because like I said, my world wouldn’t be the same if I had you any less in it. And that’s the thing that is scaring me, because as much as I need you as my best friend, I’m also in love with you and that has the power to change everything." He barely pauses before carrying on, still locking eyes with you. "I used to be able to pretend, but earlier on that beach, when your life was hanging by a thread in my hands, all I thought was that I couldn’t ever look at myself again if you left and I was too much of a coward to tell you the truth. I don’t want to be that guy anymore, because now I know. Being that guy is more terrifying than telling you I love you."
The words are buzzing in your mind. Ones you’ve heard before in daydreamings and fantasies but that you never thought you would get to receive in the realm of reality. At least not from the person you wanted them from. "Harry," is all you can muster to say without tripping over the rest of your words. You realize your vision is getting blurrier by the second, and you could swear there were droplets pearling at the corner of his eyes too. You let out a nervous chuckle, quickly wiping a tear from your cheek with the back of your hand. "Fuck, you dumbass, making us cry when we’re already fighting dehydration." The exclamation has him mirroring your smile as his thumb replaces yours at the crease of your eye. "I love you too, Harry," you say shakily through your grin. "So much it is the scariest thing to feel for a best friend. But you’re right, today was much scarier and I don’t want to be that girl anymore either."
Harry doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy and he makes a note to call his Mum as soon as his back on civilized land, to tell her she was right. Love does work in mysterious ways; sometimes you need to be the most lost to finally find it. And part of him hates that he wasted so much time with you everyday he wouldn’t say anything, but the other part of him also feels like it was worth the wait. "Fuck, promise? You’re not concussed from the crash and you really l-"
"I love you, Harry," you don’t let him finish vocalizing any doubt about your feelings. "Hundred percent sure."
"A hundred percent?"
"A hundred percent." He loves how confident you are when you reiterate the affirmation, looking straight in his eyes. Your faces a barely inches apart and your bodies still tightly embraced in the flimsy plane blanket.
"Christ, this is the best day of my life," he marvels before kissing the wrist of your hand still cupping his face.
You raise a brow at the statement, "the day you were in an air crash and found yourself stranded on a desolate island is the best day of your life?" You tease him in humor though you know exactly what he means by it and share the sentiment equally as strongly.
"The day I made you mine," he proudly explains with a smirk.
"Mmm am I?" you tauntingly bite your lip, though you’re not fooling anyone. You are absolutely and irrevocably, a hundred percent his. Knowing this perfectly well himself, Harry doesn’t even give you the curtesy of an answer and kisses the sass right off your mouth. It’s a fierce contact at first, as though he was kindly telling you to just shut up. Then he eases into a slow and emotional kiss, as your lips wrap around each others. He doesn’t pull back until you’re both out of breath and he’s had a proper taste from licking your supple lips. When he does, you only want to dive in for more, and it seems he shares the same desire as he barely retracts from your face.
"You most definitely are," he asserts with that same teasing smirk.
"Hundred percent?"
"A hundred percent, darling," he acquiesces before giving you the second best kiss of your life (the first having occurred a mere minute earlier). This time he drags his hand away from your face to wrap his arm around your small frame. "C’mere, come closer so we don’t freeze." It feels like close enough will never be an achievable concept for you both, but you’ll content yourself with the weight of his limbs intertwining with yours as you lay down besides the small fire. He brings the blanket high enough beneath you so you don’t have your heads directly on the sand, and you don’t realize how physically exhausted you were until your head is tucked underneath his chin and all your muscles loosen up some.
"Comfy?" He inquires as he hears you sigh in relief. You nod against his collarbones a small ‘yeah’ whispered against his skin and the feeling has him shoot a smile to the stars. He’s quite comfortable himself if he may say so.
"Good, now gimme a kiss."
"Making demands already?" You keep teasing him because let’s face it, you’ll never get tired of watching his reactions to your taunts. The cute crease between his brows, the twitching of his button nose or even better, the small pout enhancing the cherry color of his lips are probably the things that made you fall in love with him in the first place.
"You’re not complaining."
You laugh at his self-assuredness, sad not to see his precious pout though the newfound spark in his eyes makes up for it and then some. You can’t help but to confirm the bold statement, "yeah, a hundred percent not," and he smiles at the now familiar words, like it has become an inside joke that only belongs to the two of you.
For a while you just cuddle in silence, reveling in the embrace you’ve shared a couple times in the past but that now beholds an entire new meaning. You’re just about to surrender to Morpheus’ arms when Harry muses aloud, "imagine this was all a dream and we just wake up in LA tomorrow morning."
Paradoxically, the suggestion forms lump in your throat. Had he asked an hour ago, you would have let a wistful sigh and longed for a reality where you didn’t hop on a doomed plane and landed both yourself and you best friend in what can only be the hardest trial of your life. And yet, now you find yourself unsettled at the idea that your very much reciprocated feelings wouldn’t be out in the open if none of this had happened. You wouldn’t know the taste of his lips had you not plummeted in the sea only to wash up on a desolate shore.
"It doesn’t matter. I’ll still tell you." You affirm confidently. Now that you know; not about the mutuality of your feelings, but about how scary it is to find yourself on the precipice of forever regrets, you’ll take the chance every time. Wiser from the same tribulations, Harry just smiles softly before returning a faint ‘me too’.  
"Not that guy anymore, ‘member?" He is quick to remind you, eyebrow cocked upwards, to which you simply respond with a whispered ‘good’ against his chest. Harry kisses you on last time and then you both let your unconscious take over at last, still wrapped in each others’ arms and not even caring about your perilous surroundings anymore.
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alpaca-writes · 3 years
Mystics, Chapter 32
Arch becomes hired on at Mystics by the strange shopkeeper Lyrem Nomadus, and everything seems to be going well. In fact, their life nearly becomes perfection; no more bullies, better grades, and a lot less stress. Soon enough, however, Arch realizes that perhaps not everything is as perfect as it seems and that Lyrem has been hiding a very dark, and troubling secret…
Oooh I have to say I’m pretty proud of this chapter. I had to wrestle with a thousand and one plot-holes to make it work and it’s almost 2:30am but it was all worth it. Enjoy!
Taglist: @myst-in-the-mirror & @livingforthewhump
CW: Gore, body horror, creepy whumper, swearing, there’s one bad pun this time. I lol’d about it for arguably too long.
         Paimon whistled an old tune through his lips as he stepped across the hall. The knives had been placed away, and in speaking with Apollo, he had come to a startling revelation about himself and his goals.
         It was Arthur’s turn to be strapped down to the table and this time, it wouldn’t be in a dining hall. Before long, Paimon had the room transformed into a stage, with dining chairs to line the one and only audience row. There was no need for a large gathering. Paimon had a very limited guest list. He had sent invitations with some poorly thought puns just for the fun of it, and had no intention of being stood up. This would be a performance of a lifetime and as director, Paimon wouldn’t dare to have a single aspect go awry.
         He clucked his hooves down the darkest hallway by-passing Apollo’s chamber for the one with the two sorry humans. It seemed they were cut off from a sour discussion when they heard his steps through the corridor.
         “-it really shouldn’t take too much effort”-
         “How would you know?” Lyrem hissed.
         Paimon smiled, glad that the two prisoners were making nice with each other.
         “Big plans, my boys?” he sauntered through, making eye contact with Arthur, who rolled his eyes away from the creature to avoid looking at him fully. “No? Not a fishing trip or some good old mountaineering? I hear Colorado is gorgeous this time of year.”
         Paimon tapped a chain with a fingernail to produce a clinking sound near Arthur’s wrist. The chains began lowering themselves down at the behest of an invisible, magical force. The moment he had slack, Arthur wrapped a loop of chain around Paimon’s neck and pulled it taut against his forearm. He had the upper hand, and there was nothing that Paimon could do to affect him.
         “Agree to let Arch out of this deal right now, you”-
         Paimon grinned and vanished into a plume of black smoke. Arthur stumbled from the release of pressure against the beast.
         Paimon stalked up behind him, enjoying the little act of defiance, but he had to be stern. He wagged a finger at the human and tutted.
         “You know better than that,” Paimon exclaimed. “I may not be able to hurt you with magic, but I can certainly still use it to get myself out of a sticky situation.”
         He kept himself to a distance as not to get tied up twice, and glanced toward Lyrem, who seemed to be keeping to himself and was intentionally avoiding eye contact by turning his head away.
         “So emotional… Don’t worry old friend, you’ll get your chance as well,” Paimon noted. He returned to Arthur with a renewed interest in his eyes. “Now, you listen. We have quite the performance ahead of us and you’re already busted up enough as it is. I don’t want to make it any worse. That’s for Arch to do.”
         Arthur glanced from Paimon to his way out into the hall and then back again.
         “Clear terms,” Arthur began, “Arch is given five minutes to carve out my heart, and if they fail, they are free from all bonds, any agreements, including any signed ones they had with you. And if you use even one ounce of your power to force them”-
         Paimon nodded, “I don’t know why you need to specify it, Arty, truly. Arch will do splendidly and you’ll never see the light of day again. It’s a winning situation all around.”
         “If you try to force them into doing anything at all,” Arthur insisted. “Then Arch is released, agreed?”
         Paimon scoffed, and nodded, “Agreed! For goodness sakes, were you a lawyer in a past life? Clearly not, I think. The lawyers I know wouldn’t come to an agreement like this unless it was in writing- they’d also think of themselves first. Do you have any clue what will happen to you, Arty? What will become of you if Arch is released?”
         As Paimon rambled, he tapped the shackles again, and this time with severe discipline, Arthur refrained from trying to strike at Paimon a second time. His shackles were joined now; morphed from a joint in the wall to linking together from his wrists and his ankles with hardly a sound to it.
         “I don’t care what happens to me,” Arthur declared, “as long as Arch is free from you.”
         “Such a sweet thing, caring about your Arch so much. I doubt that feeling will last for very much longer.” Paimon ushered Arthur forward. He was unable to teleport him anyway. The Abysmal Flame prevented Arthur from being controlled by any force placed upon him that was not physical in nature. “Move along now, we don’t have all day. Our guests will be arriving shortly.”
         With a final glance to Lyrem from across the room, Arthur followed Paimon out the door and through the halls.
         The hall lit itself as Paimon took his hoof-steps through, avoiding the empty souls lurking between shadowed pillars. Arthur moved slowly, feeling tired and sick from his lacking energy.
“What guests?” Arthur inquired.
         “Did I not tell you earlier that it was a performance? I invited several guests to have front row seats… my uncle Hades, my half-sister, and oh, of course, your dear sister Charlotte as well.”
         Arthur’s blood ran frigid. The tense, shaky breath that followed made Paimon smirk with delight.
         “Ah yes, I’ll be sure she is there to watch her child to carve out the heart of her dear little brother. I couldn’t pass up that opportunity.”
         “But you’re also releasing Hades? And Persephone?” Arthur asked with a puzzled look as they ascended the stairs.
         “You mistake me for a fool?” Paimon challenged. “They will be bound to obeying me and my laws the moment they enter through the door I’ve created for them. Don’t think they’ll be there to do anything more than watch you suffer.”
         Paimon led Arthur up to a small door that opened to the dining hall- now a stage with some seating and a table for Arthur to lie on.
         Arthur stood at the head of the table as Paimon motioned for him to climb up. Shaking his head regretfully, he pulled his hand from his pocket, hoisted himself up and spun onto its surface. His chains were tapped again, and obeyed Paimon perfectly. They fastened themselves into the table until Arthur’s arms were taut to his side and his hands had just a little wiggle room near his hips.
         Arthur stared up at the satyr, feeling more vulnerable than he ever did before, and watched Paimon lean over eagerly. His pointed beard draped across Arthur’s shoulder and touched the tabletop.
         “This is a good look for you,” he mentioned with a deadly grin.
         Feeling humble, Arthur looked away, seeing the chairs that would soon be filled with spectators; one of which would be his sister. Suddenly, he wasn’t so concerned for himself anymore.
         “Don’t make Charlotte watch.”
         Arthur blinked slowly, knowing that Paimon had heard him clear as day and yet pretended not to. This was all part of the fun. There was no point in repeating himself.
         From the back wall, behind the chairs, a bright light glowed where three outlines stood, waiting to make their entrance.
         “Ah, here they come.” Paimon smiled and offered Arthur a wink. “Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”
“What are you trying to do?”
“I’m trying to create another portal.”
Lyrem sighed. Arthur’s efforts were admirable at least.
“The chains will prevent you from crossing through,” he said. “Besides, I’ve already explained to you once that the only way out of this is to go through with the deal you made”-
“I’m not trying to make a portal for me,” Arthur spoke exasperated. “I’m trying to create one for you. I know how these things go down, alright? You get into a deal with someone and then they change the rules, they raise the price because they know what you need from them. Once Arch is out of their deal, Paimon will use them against me. Arch might end up back at square one if we don’t have a significant amount of leverage.”
“Life as a junkie has certainly prepared you for this moment, hasn’t it?”
Arthur stared at the old man incredulously at the sudden unloading of baggage, and shook his head.
“My apologies” Lyrem corrected himself and cleared his throat. “You hope to release me, which won’t work, and then expect me to… do what?”
“Release Apollo. Find your friend Hekate… I assume you are resourceful enough to figure something out so that we can finally end this nightmare. It really shouldn’t take too much effort.”
“How would you know?” Lyrem hissed.
Falling to a sudden silence, Lyrem made a quick glance to Arthur as Paimon entered. Paimon addressed Arthur first.
Arthur was in no condition to create portals. Lyrem could see that he was in pain enough already as it was, but even so, Arthur’s eyes locked with his for the briefest of seconds when the chains became loose. Arthur had directed his eyes to Lyrem and then nodded toward his left hand.
The smallest of voids had formed behind his hand and into the metal piece that held his wrist up. Before Paimon could pay any significant attention to Lyrem, Arthur had wrapped a chain around his neck and started to threaten him.
Perhaps Lyrem had misjudged Arthur’s capacity to be clever, but it was still only one small portal; a gap in space and time where his wrist could pass through. It wasn’t quite enough to set Lyrem free; not yet, anyhow. Lyrem took the distraction as an opportunity to recite a mantra respecting the sacred geometry; one that would hopefully allow him to multiply one portal into four.
“Ek mein do, do mein chaar,” he whispered. The power flowed through him like water; out of earshot from Paimon, who hadn’t even realized that Lyrem was reciting ancient magic that no one had any claim over.
“So emotional… Don’t worry old friend, you’ll get your chance as well.”
Lyrem ignored Paimon’s words, still concentrating on himself instead. Soon, the other two exited the room, and Lyrem recited his words one final time before falling completely forward onto his hands and knees.
“Even as a dead man, I still feel pain,” he muttered bitterly. “How is that fair?”
He grunted, lifting himself to his feet and turned around, noticing the shackles were still intact and the voids still existing on their metal cuffs. In a spark of light, the four voids collapsed into themselves and left nothing behind.
“Must learn how to do that one day…” Remembering the task at hand, he rubbed his hands together and made his way through to the hall. “Now, to find our… leverage.”
Paimon and Arthur were gone from the hall, and it was left in darkness. The decrepit beings that roamed the halls there ignored him as he followed the corridor down to where he knew Apollo would be kept as a prisoner. The light still poured from beneath, leaking out into the hall. Lyrem took a quick glance from side to side and opened the door.
Lyrem forced himself forward towards the Sun God with his eyes squinting through the brightness. The light dimmed as the god awoke, exhausted from his half-brother’s brief visit. Lyrem started on one of the shackles holding Apollo in place around a wrist but realized soon that they were clearly the same as the ones he had only just escaped from, one room over and wouldn’t be able to get through them without help.
“Shit,” Lyrem muttered. Apollo did not look surprised or like he cared.
“Controlled by Pan, for Pan, I’m afraid,” he managed. “Did you, a silly little mortal, really believe that you could release me? There was a good reason why I sent that call through to you. I wanted to reach Persephone, or Hades.
You are useless.”
Lyrem backed off from Apollo, put on edge from the insulting remark.
“I’ll have you know I contained a great amount of magical prowess before I met your brother! Now, help me find a way to release you before”-
Apollo chuckled tiredly.
“What? What is so funny?”
“You,” Apollo answered. “You are a fool! The reason I am here at all is because Pan convinced you to tear out your father’s heart. I couldn’t give him what he wanted when I lost. I bet on the wrong horse’s conscience, didn’t I? And now, you are here, trying to right all the wrong you’ve done at the behest of Pan and oh… it just makes me laugh. It’s practically poetry.”
“Well, then,” Lyrem didn’t have time to explain himself, nor should he have to at all. His life was just laid out before him once again as a used chew toy on the ground. Now Apollo was the one judging him for his decisions. Lyrem looked to Apollo’s chest that was opened and bore a golden heart, still pumping. It was the source of the light. Paimon had left the clamp on to hold the gaping wound open. Lyrem touched the metal handle, and jolted back as it was very hot- as though it had been sitting in the heat of a flame. He quickly soothed his hand, weaved a protection spell through his fingers and promptly tried a second time. He gripped it, loosened the bar, and pulled.
Apollo screamed. The release of his wound was more painful than either of them had expected it to be. Lyrem tossed the metal bar to the ground and raised a brow. The light faded more and more as the wound healed over in record time.
“How was that?” Lyrem sniffed, wiping the golden blood off of his hands and onto his pant leg. “Was that a good enough deed for you? Or should I have torn your heart out for fun? Believe it or not, I am capable of making rational decisions- even those where my dear dad was involved. If you had known him, you’d have ripped him apart too.”
Apollo had no choice but to listen to Lyrem as his body recovered quite painfully.
“Maria once told me that I was too passionate- too emotional for her. I tried to rectify that, in order to please her, to please Pan, and everyone else I had come across in life thinking that I was always doing something wrong. But, I see now, emotional is part of who I am. Doing things out of emotion does not make me any less rational- on the contrary I believe it has made me much more productive.” Lyrem stopped speaking as Apollo met his eyes. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
The god exhaled, thankful that his chest had closed up completely. The light in the room had gone out, leaving the ambient glow of the bulbs along the wall. Lyrem stood along the ledge, searching for any portion of chain that might be weak enough to sever. There wasn’t. If Lyrem remembered correctly, Paimon had once boasted about acquiring them from Ares, the God of War and he wasn’t anything, if not particular about securing prisoners. But Ares hadn’t met Lyrem Nomadus, and Lyrem Nomadus wasn’t planning to leave Apollo chained up in the basement of the Underworld without trying a few tricks of his own. Unbound by the chains and without Paimon around to interfere, Lyrem was much handier than any god would expect. The chains began to lower, releasing slack to Apollo until his bare feet rested on the floor.
“How are you doing that?” Apollo asked. He turned his head. Lyrem hadn’t done visibly, anything to warrant the lowering chains. Their lengths clinked to the floor.
“A calming chant, a song of innocence- although…”
“What?” Apollo asked, impatient in Lyrem’s pause. The cuffs hadn’t released.
“To release you, would mean you would have to give Paimon what he was owed,” Lyrem said. “What do you owe to him?”
Apollo grunted, “he doesn’t deserve what I owe him. Not after everything he has done to our family and to me.”
Lyrem raised a brow in mild confusion, “then why stick by his side? Why play his games at all?”
“Because I care about him,” he growled back. “Like an idiot. I humored him because I felt like I had to- like I could make him better if I gave him my attention. He’s my family, and one of my closest kin. And… He’s a lost cause.”
Out of habit, Lyrem reached for his stopwatch, which had been destroyed long ago, just to see how much time had passed them by. Such an indication only told him that they would be running out of time soon enough.
         Arch would be carving into Arthur at any moment now.
         “What did Paimon want?”
         “He wanted a Sun for his realm, the Labyrinth.”
         “Give it to him.” Lyrem ordered. “And when he goes back, you will lock him in. Can you manage that?”
         “Lock my brother in his own realm?” Apollo looked skeptical, but nodded. “I’ll do what I can. But truthfully, there is no guarantee”-
         “And we’ll have to remove one of the Labyrinth’s inhabitants first. A little girl. Maybe a year old,” Lyrem added.
         “There is a child in the Labyrinth? Why?” Concerned, Apollo watched Lyrem gulp slightly.
         “I’d rather not say.” Lyrem gestured for Apollo to open a door to the Labyrinth. “But you could take her out of there, couldn’t you? And she would be… fine?”
         “I believe so,” Apollo pushed his hands together in concentration, and then pulled them apart until a void grew in front of them. “Once the Sun is delivered there, I should be able to remove her quite easily.”
         “Good, good…” Lyrem muttered. “Well? What are you waiting for? Give him the Su”-
         They were no longer in the basement area. Instead, Lyrem was seated in a chair from the dining hall and staring out at a familiar set of faces. One was on the table, trying to speak to the shorter one standing over them with a jeweled blade; Arthur was pleading with them to listen- to hear them. But Arch was in the middle of a sweet guitar lick and couldn’t hear anything happening, even if it was only a foot or two away. They were waiting to the next song before they started their five-minute carving challenge, just as Paimon asked them to. Charlotte sat beside him on one side and beyond her, Persephone and Hades. All watched on, not paying mind to Lyrem and Apollo’s sudden arrival. Paimon found his own seat between Lyrem and Apollo and sat himself down.
         He chuckled looking from one disappointed face to the other and handed each of them a pamphlet. Grinning, he patted both of them on the shoulder.
“Glad you both could make opening night.”
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yjk-imagines · 3 years
Tumblr media
"Will you marry me?"
"Out of every sentient in the galaxy, you are the only one who would propose over a fresh grave."
The assignment was simple. Get into the bar, get the message from their contact, and get off of Takonadona.
But when did anything ever go simple for the Solos?
Zekk noticed the bounty hunters first. He had been one of them, once. A quick scan of the bar proved no sign of the contact Uncle Luke had sent them after, and they quickly theorized who the bounty hunters were after. They followed them into the forest.
Jaina tried to keep her mind on the positives, like Mom was always telling her. For one, she had Zekk by her side. Two, running through the forest reminded her of her days running through the Massassi Jungles with her friends. And lastly, if they were still running, the bounty hunters definitely had the information they wanted, whether or not they had nabbed their contact.
Jaina swatted aside a low-hanging tree branch in time to see the three bounty hunters standing over a blue-skinned Twi'lek in a yellow poncho. The Twi'lek lay on the ground, all resistence beaten out of him as the red-haired bounty hunter in the mask aimed their blaster at him.
"No!" Jaina flew across the clearing between the trees, her lightsaber igniting mid-way.
The blaster hit the Twi'lek in the stomach, and Jaina's lightsaber sliced off the bounty hunter's arm.
The Twi'lek cried out, curling in around his wound. The bounty hunters, including the wounded one, all backed up several paces. The red-head with the face mask might have been human, but they were too obsessed with their arm to introduce themselves. The smallest one with the perpetually grumpy face looked somewhat like a sentient version of a kowakian monkey lizard, all wrapped up in bandoliers strapped with ammo and bombs. Their final bounty hunter was a Weequay, with at least five piercings in one ear, and a long braid hanging against the back of his jacket. He immediately drew his own blaster and aimed it at Jaina's head.
Zekk's lightsaber was already drawn. He stood just a few paces behind Jaina.
"Don't you know it's impolite to read other people's mail?" he asked.
"Finders keepers, eh mate?" The Weequay asked.
"If you're done, there's a man on the ground in agony," Jaina stood over the Twi'lek, shielding him with the hum of her lightsaber. Though by the sound of his ragged breaths she wouldn't be needed much longer.
"Make the shot, I dare you." Zekk warned, "By the time we're done, you'll be so full of blaster holes, you'll look like asteroids."
"I got a thermal detonator, Mel, let's see them try to stop an explosion." The tiny, goblin-like creature hissed behind pointed teeth.
The Weequay motioned his little friend back. Unlike his violent little friend, Mel was well aware that the detonator would kill them as well as the Jedi.
Jaina eyed the human member of the party, who held his shoulder and kept glancing down at his arm on the forest floor.
"Anyone else feel like ditching a few more limbs tonight?" She grinned her classic Solo grin, and narrowed her eyes at the human. He thought it over for a moment, and then took off at a run back in the direction of the bar.
Mel stared after him for a long time, and then glanced at the Jedi's lightsabers, dancing in the shadows of the forest.
"C'mon Grek, we're goin'."
"What?" Little Grek asked. Mel grabbed Grek by one large ear, and dragged him off after their friend. It wasn't until the bright red of Mel's vest vanished that Zekk turned off his lightsaber and took a deep sigh of relief.
"Do you practice little speeches like that?" Jaina sheathed her lightsaber as the bounty hunters disappeared.
"Like what?"
"That, 'you'll be so full of blaster holes you'll look like asteroids'?"
"No, it just came to mind."
"You practice, don't you?" Jaina asked.
Zekk didn't answer. He knelt at the contact's side, and Jaina joined him.
"Isseon Maud?" Zekk asked, his hand on the top of their head.
The contact nodded, his hands shaking as he tried to pull something out of his belt.
"Calm down, calm down, it can wait." Zekk urged him. Jaina tried to see to the blaster wound, but there was too much blood. Too slick, too fast. She tried to shake her head at Zekk without letting Isseon see.
"No," Isseon rasped firmly. With one arm, he grabbed the side of Zekk's head and pulled him closer to hear. With the other, he pressed a holochip into the palm of Zekk's hand.
"This," Isseon coughed, and a trickle of blood spilled out onto his lips. "This is our last hope for the Jedi."
Isseon's grip on Zekk slackened, and his arm fell, smacking against the ground as a slave to gravity.
Zekk breathed heavily, and Jaina reverently folded Isseon's robe back into place. Hope. Those were her mother's words when she needed to deliver the Death Star's plans to Obi-Wan Kenobi. She had heard that story many times before. She had been in that sort of situation millions of times before, and she wasn't so sure she wanted to be thrown back into that again. Whatever Uncle Luke wanted from Isseon Maud, it was worth dying for.
"Do you have a datapad?" Zekk asked suddenly. Jaina stopped her ceaseless wondering and pulled the datapad from her pocket. Zekk inserted the chip and sat back on his heels, waiting for the screen to load.
"It's a map," He said, blinking at the star charts that rapidly flashed across the screen.
"Several maps," Jaina came around to look over his shoulder.
Zekk shook his head, "They all go together, just like pieces of a puzzle."
"And what's the picture?" She asked.
The last of the pictures flashed onscreen, an ancient stone wall, carved in an unholy, jagged script.
Zekk's face went pale. "That's Sith writing." He said.
Jaina recognized some of it from the deepest, darkest parts of the Massassi temples, and she shook her head. "What does it say?"
Zekk exhaled deeply, "It talks of weapons, civilizations, a place called Exegol."
Zekk nodded, "Brakiss mentioned it once, he said the Emperor would meditate there sometimes."
"Sounds lovely."
"For a Sith, yes." Zekk shuddered. "How did Maud get his hands on this? This is dangerous, even for people who aren't force-sensitive!" "Uncle Luke mentioned he was a junker. He probably scavenged up something he shouldn't have."
Zekk looked over his shoulder, in the direction of Maz's Palace. "And the word got out a little too quick."
"The galaxy can't afford to get into another war," Jaina said definitively, "Especially not with the Sith."
Zekk turned off the datapad, handing it back to Jaina, and slipped the chip into his pocket.
"We gotta get back to Uncle Luke," Jaina stood, still gripping her lightsaber's hilt in her hand.
"We can't just leave him," Zekk said, looking down at Isseon Maud's body. He was eerily still, and the Jedi could sense the distinct absence of life emanating from him against the teeming flora and fauna of the forest. It wasn't so much of a gap in the force as a sort of dimness in the force. The force connected every living thing, which also meant connecting them to death.
Jaina sighed and looked around. They didn't have shovels, and digging would be a pain even with the force. She nodded to a couple of large gray rocks at the base of one of the trees. "Let's make a cairn."
Zekk nodded, and the two began the silent, monotonous task of collecting enough stones to properly cover the Twi'lek.
"What do you think your uncle will do with this information?" Zekk asked, weighing a smaller stone in his hand.
"I don't know," Jaina kept herself occupied with arranging the rocks in a perfect pile around Isseon's body, "The first thought is use it, but what would he use it for? I doubt he'd be teaching younglings how to create Sith Thought Bombs."
Zekk chuckled, "He's definitely not that crazy."
Jaina smiled at him. It was a sad smile, but filled with love all the same. She stepped back from the cairn, marked with a scrap of Isseon's poncho. "Would you like to say a few words?"
Zekk nodded, and Jaina waited patiently. He said nothing for a while, though his lips parted as if he were about to.
"Go on, then. Unless you'd like me to." Jaina encouraged.
"I will, I will," Zekk murmured. But he was silent for a few moments more.
"Will you marry me?"
Jaina's ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton, and the fuzzy sensation slowly moved to her brain as she struggled to process the question.
"What?" she asked, though they both knew she heard.
Zekk nodded, and instead of looking at Isseon's grave, he looked over at her.
"The first time i held my lightsaber, I knew. It felt right, like I was finally doing what I was supposed to. And that's what I feel about you."
Jaina's breath caught in her throat. Zekk was her closest, dearest friend. She had been in his mind, she knew how he felt about her, and she loved him. But hearing him say these things out loud was so much different than feeling it in his mind.
Zekk continued when she didn't say anything. "Every time we go out together, I promise your parents that I will protect and look out for you. But it works both ways."
He held out the hilt of his lightsaber, "I take care of my lightsaber because it protects and looks after me. Together, we're stronger.
"So," Zekk got down on one knee in the soft dirt.
"Jaina, will you marry me?"
The classic Solo grin had melted into an ear-to-ear smile, the same smile that each of the Skywalkers allowed themselves to feel in their entire body when everything was going right with the universe for once.
"Zekk, out of every single sentient in the galaxy, you are the only one-"
"Is that a yes?" Zekk almost stood up.
"Will you let me finish?"
Jaina shook with laughter. He hadn't seen her laugh like this since one of Jacen's particularly bad jokes. "--the only one who would propose over a fresh grave."
"Is that a no, then?" Zekk was getting ahead of himself.
"Zekk, stop," Jaina knelt on the ground in front of him, "I love you more than anyone else, and I would marry you in a heartbeat, I just..." She glanced down at his lightsaber and wrapped her hand over his.
"This comes with a responsibility. When Luke made me the Sword of the Jedi, he told me I'd never find peace. I don't know if I can drag you into that."
"I'm already wrapped up in it every moment I spend with you," Zekk told her with a soft exhale, "I dragged myself into it when I chose to drag you and Jacen from the underworld back to your home."
Jaina gave a huff of laughter and looked down at the dirt. "So you want this, then?"
"I want you. And whatever comes with it."
Jaina pressed a chaste kiss yo his lips, "And I want everything that comes with you."
"Then say it," Zekk said, pulling them both to their feet, "Jaina Solo, will you marry me?"
Jaina squeezed his hands in her. "Yes, yes I will marry you Zekk." Zekk grabbed her by the waist, and with just a touch of the force he lifted her in the air, spinning her around with their long dark cloaks. Jaina couldn't help but laugh as she soared in her fiance's arms, coming in for a soft landing a moment later.
"So we get back to Ossus, figure out whatever it is that's going on with Exegol, stop another war between the Jedi and the Sith, and then get married." Jaina grinned, her hands interlocking behind his head.
"And then get married," Zekk whispered, his emerald eyes searching her amber ones. They sparkled with joy in the sunlight that came through the trees, and he had never been more in love with his best friend.
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A little epiphany about the moon arcanum
(submitted by @lily-lilou​)
Hello ! I just realised something about the moon arcanum and I wonder what you would think about it:
Remember the other day, when you asked “how do you kill death?” and I answered “death is an emptiness of life, darkness is an emptiness of light”?
And remember in S1ep1 when Rayla said “moon reflect sun, as death reflect life.”, Implied: sun is life, moon is death? 
Well, something bothered me with this last point. Because, if the moon was only death-related, Moonshadow elves would just be “empty” since they are all death and shadow/darkness. No light, no life. It doesn’t make sense. (I mean, we’ve seen in the novel that, indeed, some of them are really dark, as dark as a dark mage like Viren, it seems, but not all of them.)
While looking at Callum’s spellsbook, I saw that the moon arcanum is indeed death-related. But it’s also dual. 
And suddenly, I had my little epiphany: 
The moon has no light in herself, what she reflects is the light of the sun. And the light of the sun is “life”. So indeed, without it, the moon is “empty”.
But that’s my point, she does reflect it, and so: when the moon shines in the night, does she bring life? no. Does she bring death? neither.  What does the moon do, then?
She reflects light when shadows and darkness are surrounding you, she makes them receded, she allows you to see in the dark.
Seeing light in darkness, isn’t this the definition of “hope” itself? 
So now, my little theory about the duality of the moon being “death-hope”, it’s really neat (’>_>), but what about the show, what could prove my idea?
Well: the world is about to be engulfed in an all-out war, darkness and death are on almost every hearts, on the verge to destroy everything. And the moon, with her Moonshadow assassins, reflects “death”. But if my theory is right, shouldn’t she also reflect “life”, shouldn’t she bring “hope”?
And here goes Rayla, bright little light in the dark, sparing her enemies for the greater good, ready to sacrifice her life for a chance for peace. She’s the reason her little team’s adventure was possible to begin with, after all. 
I mean, seriously, if the moon is dual, if one aspect of it is “death” and the other is “hope”, wouldn’t this explain “different” Moonshadow elves like Rayla, Lain and Ethari? 
Just like a lot of sunfire elves are more connected to the destructive aspect of their arcanum and have a “heat mode”, and a few other are connected the more comforting and healing aspect of it with “light mode”. Why wouldn’t Moonshadow elves be like that too? With a lot of them related to the destructive aspect of the Moon (death), and a few others more connected to that other facet of it: hope. 
As for Lain and Ethari, why do I think they’re more “hope-related” than death?
We haven’t seen a lot of them yet (and I’m waiting for S4 to see more of Ethari). However, the few elements we have is already not bad:
Lain literally saw “hope” in the egg’s survival. As for Ethari, even if he wronged Rayla in his grief, he did broke the spell and help her. Without him, they would have never made it in time to the Storm Spire, Rayla wouldn’t have been here to stop Viren, who would have probably killed Zubeia. 
So sorry, it’s a little longer than I thought, but I hope you’ll be interested. (if not, sorry for waisting your time - and sorry if my english isn’t… arf, sorry if it’s torture, I have no one to check on it)
good night :)
Hey, thank you for this! I love seeing other people’s ideas! I’ve spent plenty of time pondering Moonshadow culture and philosophy because its duality is so fascinating. But the way you’ve put it gives it a beautiful new spin: hope in the dark. And I do agree with you, because I can think of several times when Moonshadow elves acted as that hope when things got dark--and not just Lain and Ethari, either.
You said that the moon acts like a kind of mirror, reflecting the light (and life) of the sun even in the darkest places. Like she’s encouraging everyone to hold on, because the day is coming back again. In such darkness, even the smallest bits of light make a big difference. And I think that’s exactly what we get from the Moonshadow elves.
Tiadrin and Lain left their daughter behind because duty was so important to them. That’s noble, but also sad. Yet Tiadrin valued life so highly that she tricked Viren into sparing the egg, just on the odd chance that someone could rescue it later somehow. I bet she was betting on Runaan right then. Saving the egg was her light in the dark, and so was hope that her good friend might rescue it when she couldn’t. And he did try once he saw it, but neither of them could’ve predicted that Rayla would find it before they did.
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Ethari did ghost his daughter while he was suffocating in his own grief. He couldn’t stand up to the whole village in that moment. That was a very dark time, for him and for who he might’ve turned into. But then Rayla came home, innocent of the crime spoken against her, and Ethari knew he’d been wrong. He broke through his own darkness and became the hope that she needed.
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Lujanne straight-up told Callum that humans can’t do magic, while sitting in the seat of her own power. That was all she knew, even as an experienced mage, and though she was kind, she definitely had her people’s misinformation and prejudices against humans and dark magic. And yet, when Claudia and Soren came, and Rayla asked for her help to escape safely back toward Xadia, Lujanne used that special exclusive magic, and her own personal Moon Phoenix to help test the intentions of Claudia and Soren, and it helped them stay safe.
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Even Runaan has some very bright spots in his dark story. He saved Rayla’s life once he realized he’d endangered it. That cost him dearly, but he paid it willingly. And despite all of his broody loner tendencies, he lets his extended family drag him out on his own birthday. He does special things for Rayla on her birthday. He definitely does something special for Ethari on his, too. He’s a stabby dark angel of death, and probably the darkest Moonshadow elf we’ll ever meet, But he knows what love is, and it makes him break the rules, just like Ethari did. He let Rayla live when the conventions of his profession demanded otherwise. We never got to see what kind of trouble that might’ve gotten him into. But I bet it wouldn’t have been a hit back home.
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And don’t get me started on Rayla. She’s very grumpy and rule-oriented much of the time, but her soft heart can’t resist doing what’s right if it clashes with what’s expected. She learned that from all her parents, and she can’t help being their daughter at every turn, acting as she’s seen them all act, following the rules right up until her heart tells her otherwise.
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See the pattern? All of these elves live in a society that’s strict and ordered with very clear rules. But they’re still people, still individuals with hearts and minds. And they keep finding little ways to be soft despite their hard world. They are the night, and the night is very black and white. But they all live for the light of the moon, and for its hope, its love, and its promise.
Moonshadow elves have a rough job. They guard the dark and the dead and all things scary and creepy. They are what’s in the dark. That fits well with why they’re not supposed to be afraid: they’re supposed to be the scary ones. 
In a way, I see Moonshadow elves as the recycling of Xadia. Part of a bigger cycle, like day and night, part of an endless cycle that will never stop. 
They deal with death and spirits. Usually people don’t like to think about those things. They’re unnerving. Just like we humans don’t really like to think about our garbage bins. But when you recycle, you take old gross dead things and you turn them into something new and useful again. 
When we trim shrubbery, it’s so that the plant can grow more healthy. When we separate our glass and metal and cardboard, it’s so we don’t pollute the planet and kill life unnecessarily. When something dies in the forest, the itty bitty creatures come out and take care of it, reusing all those nutrients, passing them on and turning them back into life and health. Even mushrooms and molds are recycling. You may not like their job. It may seem icky to you. But imagine a world where everything that died or was discarded just. Sat there. Stinking forever. Would that be better? No, it wouldn’t, eew. 
The recycling that happens in the natural processes of the world is mostly invisible to us. It happens on a very small scale, or underground, or in the dark. But it happens. It’s happening right now, all around us. Invisible, if you will. And from that slightly distasteful, invisible, endless process, we will get fresh leaves on our trees, new flowers, new generations of helpful insects and animals, and a lot fewer gross smells on the breeze. You’re welcome!
The moon is the hope in the dark. But that hope is borne out by the individual choices of the elves we know and love. When they choose to be soft, to be heroic, to be selfless or sacrificing, they’re acknowledging that they are part of a bigger whole, an entire ecosystem of elves and dragons and even humans, and they act for a cause bigger than themselves. No one has a better sense of their place in the bigger scheme of things than Moonshadows, I think.
I’m eager to see what Rayla’s arc will be like from here, because it’s looking more and more likely that she’ll literally arc away from her Moonshadow upbringing instead of cycling back to it. She is the hope in the dark of her people. Will she save them, will she step away from them, will anyone come with her? Will it go smoothly does ghosting count as smooth, or will there be trouble?
All good thoughts, @lily-lilou​, all good thoughts. Thank you for sharing your ideas!
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jessiebanethedragon · 4 years
Scuttle (2/?) Crosshair x reader
Part two warnings: mentions of death, death of loved one (sorry) 
Crosshair quickly decides he likes the rain. It’s got a way of blending in so nicely with the rest of the planet that he thinks it would be bland without it.
“Anything?” Hunter asked into the comms, and various grunts and groans of ‘negative’ filled his ear. They’d landed in what looked like an abandoned house, it was situated in the branches of a very tall, and very old tree. How anyone would have managed to climb it was a mystery. 
“How do we even know what we’re lookin’ for?” Wrecker grumbled as they rappelled down the enormous trunk. 
“All we’ve got is that they answer to the name Wren apparently it’s some animal on this planet.” Hunter grumbled, looking over a tech, expecting a lengthy explanation of what exactly a ‘Wren’ was. 
“Fairywren are small birds that  live in typical families of small groups, they come in brilliant colours of purple and blue. Very rare in the galaxy, but common to this planet.” Tech immediately replied, as their feet crunched into the ground. 
“Okay, Bad batch, let's make this quick.” The sergeant ordered before taking off into the undergrowth. 
It had been hours and they were no closer to coming across anyone or  anything that looked like a Fairywren. Keeping to the outskirts of a small town crosshair watches as a group of Trandoshan guards (from the look of their intense armour) patrolled the streets. 
“What are they doing?” He thought aloud to himself, toothpick ever present in his mouth. His concentration broke when he heard someone laughing at him. A group of teenagers were sitting under a broken piece of metal. 
“What does it look like, Laserbrain?” one of them sneered. “The trandoshans are only good for one thing. The hunt.” Crosshair doubled his pace. 
You were running faster than you ever had before, and for longer than you thought was physically possible. Your one and only advantage was the extent of your knowledge of the forest paths. The guards would be faster and run longer, they had keener senses than any human, and you knew if they put out a warrant, anyone and everyone would turn you in. But you were so close. So, so close. 
It was called the Night Lake by the locals, the canopy here was so dense no light illuminated the water below, giving the area a terrifying essence. But also ensured much needed privacy, and in this particular case, somewhere to hide. You threw yourself into the waters, letting the slightly chilly water envelop you. At least four of them had been on your tail and you knew more of them were waiting at the edge of the city, should you try and circle back. 
You swam as deep as you could manage, before stilling in the water, suspended in perfect anxiety as you watched its surface for any movement. Flares began to light up the dark sky and the water below as they tried to clear the area for your whereabouts. Closing your eyes you prayed to anything listening for them not to find you. 
Turns out. No one was listening. 
Crosshair was sprinting in the forest, creatures disturbed by his arrival scattered in every direction. The Trandoshans had taken off moments before answering a call that he couldn't interpret. But his experience and intuition told him to follow. 
It was then that he faltered and fell down the edge of a small but very muddy hill, being followed only by more water filled dirt that almost buried him. Cursing he pulled himself up, checking his whereabouts for signs of a trap. 
“So small for such trouble.” Something hissed to his right, clearly unaware of the clone that had just tumbled into their presence. His eyes snapped forward, four Trandoshans sat at the edge of what was the largest and darkest lake Crosshair had ever seen. 
“Shall we let her drown or yank her out ourselves?” One asked with a snicker. 
“The general wants her alive, something about having fun while making an example.” The first one spoke again. “Right, enough is enough, Drisk get her out of there.” with a nod towards the water, Crosshair watched as the slimmest Trandoshan (who was probably still twice the size of the sniper) dove into the black waters. The ripples dissipated for a moment before the reptile emerged carrying a struggling young girl. She was sopping wet, and struggling and turning so much they had no choice but to dump her in the mud. 
“Now, now little roach, don't run off.” The leader laughed as she started to claw her way through the mud, reaching down he grasped her ankle and yanked her into the arms of the other two reptilians. Crosshair lined up his rifle, he could take out the two grasping the girl and then worry about the leader after. He had the Trandoshans in his sight when his comm crackled to life again. 
“Crosshair, you missed your check in time, you still out there?” it was Tech, curse him and his punctuality. Because now the other two huge beings were dragging him out of his hiding place. 
“Well, would you take a look at this. A clone!” Crosshair was forced to his knees in front of the leader as it spat at him.   
“Crosshair! Come in!” Tech shouted into the helmet, thus resulting in it’s not-so gentle removal from Crosshairs head. He watched as Tech’s voice faded away as the bucket rolled into the lake. 
“Now that the rude interruption is gone, you wanna tell us whatcha up to in these parts?” he said kneeling down and meeting his newest captive eye to eye.
“Bird watching.” Crosshair deadpanned. Really not feeling in a chatty mood at that present moment.  
“Really?” the reptile hummed in thought, pretending to actually believe his answer. “Have you seen any birds yet?” 
“No.” Crosshair told him with a smile, “Saw some Bantha-shit - looking lizards though.”He didn't see the flying fist coming, but he sure as hell felt it. 
You clamp you both of your hands over your mouth. Hard. in the smallest attempt to muffle your screams. You can't tell the difference from lake water, rain water, and tears. But you know you’re wailing at an unforgiving volume. Your mother's blank eyes stare at you. A single blaster to the head. Your father, you got a blaster to the face is now unrecognizable. You don’t know which is worse. Krexx didn't even bother to keep you restrained, knowing that the horror of what he made you witness would be enough to paralyze you into compliance. The sound of conflict falls on deaf ears as you continue to shriek from your converter of what once was the family home. 
The Clone, whose name you either didn't know or couldn't remember, was cuffed to one of the ceiling's support beams by a pair of binders, only just coming to a hit to the head like that will do you in. you watch him lift  his head with a groan, the tattoo on his face covered by layers of mud. He starts pulling at the binders before his eyes meet the figure in the corner. 
You’re curled in a fetal position, still screaming bloody murder into your hands. And barely, Crosshair sees that the fingerless gloves you wear are embroidered with a bird. A bright blue bird. 
“Wren.” He grunted out, the pieces all coming together as his brain shakes the fuzz away. You don't move. “Wren!” he shouts over your tears. And you fall into more of a silent  sob, looking over at him. “I need you to get these off of me.” he gestures to the binders with a shake of his hands. You recoil in the corner and shake your head, your cries are picking up volume again. 
“Wren, please” Crosshair all but begs. The sound of battle is getting closer and closer. “I need you to uncuff me.” His voice  barely registers in your brain. You know you have to move but you feel like you physically can't. There’s no fight or flight left in you, and it appears your entire system has short circuited as a result.   
“We are both going to die if you don’t get me out of  these kriffin’ binders!” Crosshair renewed his struggles as he shouts at you. But one look at you says that would be a preferable outcome for your current state. So, he switches tactics and tries to remember everything Tech has ever told him about shock and trauma. 
“Wren,” he tries once again, softer this time. “I can help you, I can help you out of this. But I can't do that if you don't get these off of me.” Your eyes meet his. ‘Progress’ he thinks. You don't know how you do it, but you try to stand. 
“Just keep looking at me, okay?” The clone who you don't know speaks again, and your eyes meet his. You stare not into his eyes, more like past them. You're not focusing on anything you're just taking one step after another until you reach where he’s awkwardly strewn up. 
“There's a release button on the-” He starts to tell you, but you're already reaching up with shaky hands and fumbling around until they drop to the floor with a horrible clank. Immediately Crosshair jumps into action checking by each window and door and gathering all he can in terms of intel. 
“We need to move, before anyone-” He trails off again when he’s seen that you’ve slid down the wall that he was against. Curling back into a ball. Slowly, he approaches you. He knows the protocol for a clone with shock, but what you're going through looks completely different all together. And Crosshair, well, let's just say there was never any training for caring for a civilian girl whose entire life just got destroyed. 
“My name is Crosshair.” He whispers to you, crouching down to our height. You look at him with wide eyes. “Is it okay if I carry you to a safer spot?” You nod in response fumbling with your arms to lock them around his tall frame. His strength surprises you, as he lifts you with relative ease. And slowly the adrenaline wears off and you sink into his arms, vaguely you feel him pull your head into his shoulder the blasts sound deafening now as he runs through the uproar caused by the execution of an innocent family. Your family. Crosshair tells himself he pulls you closer so that you are not recognized. And that he does it so you don't have to see that carnage. But mostly he does it in hopes that you feel just a little more safe, and a little more calm in his arms.  
tags: @mangoberry43 
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robbyrobinson · 4 years
Gods Awaken (XX)
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“So you’re telling me that even though you destroyed that book Nyarlathotep got his powers back anyway?”  
“Yes, Eda, that is what happened,” Luz answered solemnly.  
Eda sighed. “Well, I guess that means we’re dead then.”  
Luz’s eyes gleamed. “We can all agree that it is worse than my realization that my Mom wrote the Good Witch Azura books and that I’m Emperor Belos’ granddaughter.”  
Eda nodded. “Yeah, that is ba-wait, what was that last part?”  
Luz chuckled. “Yeah, that was my exact reaction as well.”  
“Makes sense now that I think of it,” Eda noted, “but isn’t it kind of...”  
“Cliche?” Luz added onto her thought.  
“What is a cliché?”  
Lilith interjected. “This is not the most appropriate time for a conversation of this caliber.”  
The Owl Lady and the human girl nodded deciding to speak more about the revelation at a later time.  
The witches of Bonesborough scrambled to obtain a state of control over the sudden wave of dark magic that rocked the town and desecrated their buildings. Houses built alongside the body of the Titan crumbled; stores were wiped clean. Most of the witches set their differences aside to use their magic to prevent debris from falling on them.  
The streets were alive with the sounds of ceaseless chattering and raving over the events. Elder witches overexerted themselves with trying to use their magic spells to keep falling columns of buildings from flattening witchlings. From the destruction wrought, the sky darkened from a sudden storm. It thundered loudly as though it were a living creature. The light from the sun completely absorbed into the vast blackness of the insidious clouds.  
“What is going on!?” one of the male witches yelled.  
Thick, sickening black clouds rolled in silently with the currents. Due to the Boiling Isles’ equivalent of weather being a series of plagues, the witches were already dashing here and forth to get under some scrap of wood or a crude assembly of broken rocks to avoid their skin getting scorched by the acidic precipitation. The cloud loomed over the town for a couple seconds. The cloud swirled and writhed in sickly fashion until they merged together to create a large figure.  
It towered over the town with its ghastly size and boding physique. It was a man, swathing with blackness even darker than the darkest of nights. He resembled a man of some high status perhaps one of the elder kings. The man had some aura to him that made the witches freeze in place out of bewilderment.  
“Children of the Isles,” he announced, “it has been far too long, has it not?”  
The witches looked at each other befuddled. They could sense that there was a twinge of hostility he had with the declaration.  
“I see that your scholars had successfully managed to completely blight my name from the records of the Isles.”  
He snapped his fingers. A large slab of rock emerged from the ground and was crafted into a throne for the large being to sit down in. He flicked his fingers drawing a huge chalice filled with apple blood. He took a large swig of the sweet nectar before speaking again.  
“It is disheartening that this is the state that I left the Isles in thousands of years ago; after literally drawing into my very being and giving your ancestors magic, this is truly the gratitude that you would give me?”  
After taking a long drink of the apple blood, he tossed the chalice away blissfully ignorant of the explosion it caused. “All of you are ungrateful; that ungratefulness lasting from generation to generation. Well, no more.”  
Massive claws surged and bubbled on the Dark Man’s fingers. Before their eyes, he tore open a portal in the space-time continuum. The way in which he tore away reality with such ease amazed the witches but also filled them with despair. Never had they seen something of this caliber in the long history of the Boiling Isles. The sheer raw power that this tall man possessed was unnatural.
Droves of crustacean-fungus like anomalies escaped the rip in space-time. Like locusts, swarms of these creatures blotted out the sun. They came upon the citizens of Bonesborough in such frenzy and lifted them into the air. Swarm after swarm arrived to abduct more citizens and fly them to an uncertain fate.  
Smirking, he opened another portal and withdrew his scepter.  The large gem in the middle of it glowed and began to twist and pull reality around it. Portions of the Boiling Isles started to fade out of existence. The fabric of reality was further ripped down to the seams exposing the backdrop of the pure darkness of the void. Strange masses of tentacular monstrosities fizzled from the darkness of the void.
Before any of the witches could react, those that were captured by the winged anomalies were seized and suspended in midair. They fought against the invisible forces holding them in place, but all they could hear was the deep, sinister, shrilled laughter of their tormentors. Invisible, inky tentacles wrapped around them contributing to more frantic movement. With each movement only strengthening the monster’s grasp, sharp suckers stabbed their way through their bodies. Splintering pain flowed through their bodies as they heard the maniacal laughter of the obscure beasts and the hideous sound of their blood being greedily sucked away. Blood was visibly getting vacuumed through the tentacles of the beasts who now were shown as having no visible face rather a large mandible surrounded by endless numbers of appendages. They were becoming bloated from the blood.  
The tall man looked at the chaos with a lack of interest. Stretching his arms, he drew from the ground again and mentally crafted it into a chariot. Once the chariot was made, he summoned more creatures from the void. They resembled birds, larger than the ones typically seen on the Isles roughly the size of an elephant. And yet instead of beaks and feathers, they instead had heads calling to mind a majestic horse; in the place of their feathers were slimy, oily scales of a reptile. They flew in a galloping fashion neighing in the presence of their summoner. Legions of these bizarre horses stopped in front of the chariot and were strapped in ropes. He got up from his makeshift throne and perched his large frame in the front of the chariot.  
“For thousands of years ever since your ungrateful ancestors locked me away, the one thought consumed my mind; that being vengeance.”  
He stared over seeing Belos’ empire at a far distance. “You are all cordially invited to a party.”
They looked at the peculiar man with worried expressions.  
“Before this day is done, the Boiling Isles will be torn down brick by brick, to its smallest atom and from that level of devastation will birth a new age. Out of the ashes of the fire, I will build a new world where my acolytes will not know of what came before them and will pledge their allegiance to me and my alone.”  
The witches screamed in unison again. “What do you want from us?”  
He held his scepter out and twirled it at them. “My star protégé will be taking on one of your witches; consider this a good show that will satiate my boredom long enough to temporarily withhold the destruction of your world.”  
He took his scepter and smacked it against the rim of his chariot. The horse monster, now recognized as being his shantaks, squealed and began to flap their massive wings. With a galloping motion, the legions of winged creatures lifted the heavy chariot off the ground and into the air.
“Come on, put your back into it,” a teacher yelled.  
One of the teachers used their finger to create the illusion of a battering ram. With it, he sprinted for the entrance only for the device to fail when the dark magic holding the barrier in place rebounded on him. He was flung back landing where the guard that Nyarlathotep merged with the lockers was located.  
The Abomination Teacher ordered his abomination to use its fists to punch a hole in the barrier. Like any other abomination, it followed his command, but the result was always the same. The magic wall was reducing the abomination down to the stumps of his hands forcing the abomination to temporarily become undone and then reassemble itself to try again.  
“Are we going to die in here?” a student whimpered.
Principal Bump put his finger against his mouth. “Now, now, calm down, everyone: we are not going to die.”  
None of the students were truthfully convinced by the Principal’s words yet they were trying to grant themselves a little sense of normalcy. The Abomination Teacher called his abomination off and he looked at the school’s principal. “Sir, is there something on your mind?”  
“Could we discuss it by ourselves?”  
The Abomination Teacher ordered for his servant to keep guard of the students and walked over to Principal Bump. Sternness manifested through his eyes. “What is actually going on? Who was that man?”  
Principal Bump sighed. “There is so much more behind the history of the Boiling Isles that was expunged from the records; one of them involved a figure who was probably one of the most evil beings I have ever encountered: now I fear he had returned to his full power.”  
“Well, what can we possibly do about this...man?”  
Principal Bump shook his head. “The magic barrier he made was designed using a powerful, dark otherworldly spell that I am afraid no ordinary witch can ever hope to make as much as a dent in it.”  
Eyes widened, the Abomination Teacher spoke again. “B-but if the students find out-”  
Principal Bump looked behind a corner making sure that none of the other students were eavesdropping on their conversation. “We should probably keep the students occupied for a while to keep them from inciting a hysteria.”  
The Abomination Teacher also gave a passing glance behind the corner. “And there is nothing we can do?”  
“Aye; either Nyarlathotep returns and removes the enchantment spell he placed on the school, or”  
“Or we could get lucky and have an Elder God come to our defense and destroy the barrier.”  
The Abomination Teacher squinted his eyes. “An elder god?”  
“It’s going to be a long discussion,” Principal Bump emphasized, “so listen carefully.”  
Skara and some of the popular clique took their text books and slammed them on the outside. The books returned at full force towards their owners. Only Skara was able to narrowly avoid getting creamed by the books by ducking, but the same could not be said for the other girls.  
“What kind of magic is this?” Skara asked aloud.  
Gus scratched his chin. “Looks like something you’d see being made by the construction coven.”  
He placed his hands against the wall of the barrier, pressing his palms. “Something tells me that this isn’t even the native magic common here.”  
“I am getting really concerned for Luz and Amity,” Willow said. “There should be some way to contact them.”  
She drew a circle in the air and retrieved her purple scroll. She tried to login to her Penstagram account, but the connection was not getting through. A few more of the students saw what Willow was doing and they to took out their scrolls to call for assistance. However, much like before, the connection was terminated.  
“Somehow the magic barrier had cut us off from the outside world,” Willow observed, “we’re sitting turtle ducks now.”  
As she turned away, she caught something in the corner of her eye with her peripheral vision. One of the students had a potted plant that was pitched at a window prior to their imprisonment. It appeared to be a cross between a Venus flytrap and a tomato plant. For whatever reason, likely because of it being almost tossed out the window, it had its large mandibles wrapped around a piece of the magic barrier keeping the shield from completing.  
“Willow, squeeze yourself through the opening,” Gus said.  
Willow looked carefully at the escape route that was seemingly pre-ordained. She then looked at Willow and the others. “Don’t worry; I’ll tell Luz what happened and maybe she and Eda can help us.”  
Taking a short breath, Willow cautiously slid herself underneath the opening while ensuring to not catch the wrath of the sapient plant. Her head and shoulders successfully slid under the barrier followed by her torso. Squeezing her ribs under, she froze for a moment upon hearing a crackling sound. Purple sap was dropping onto her abdomen. Looking up to her horror, the dark magic was slicing its way ever slowly through the potted plant. It still had a strong grip on the barrier, but for how long, Willow could not say. Scrambling, Willow’s forearms bent and nudged the grass.  
Grunting, Willow ben her body in a backward motion practically falling out the school with the back of her head. Now with better maneuvering, Willow quickly drew in her legs. The barrier sliced through the plant’s mandibles like a guillotine splattering its sap on the window and its sill. The school was now completely devoid of any alternative sources of escape. Willow got up on her feet and wiped the dirt off her clothes.  
“Don’t worry, guys, I’ll be back!”  
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dramioneasks · 5 years
HP FESTS: DramioneFanfictionWriters (Part 3)
Never Apologising For Our Wild 2019:
Fractured by MrsRen - M, 3 chapters - She's writhing on the floor, spitting in a Bellatrix Lestrange's face, when it happens. Hermione Granger's mind fractures amidst the torture, and when she wakes, friends and family find that she is not who she used to be. In the middle of a war, Hermione thinks she's exactly who she needs to be.
Ninety-Three Percent Stardust by otterlyardent - G, one-shot -  Often, when a person falls for someone, they can’t remember the exact moment it all changed. But that wasn’t the case for Draco Malfoy. The moment had forever been emblazoned in his memory.
Dear Shakespeare by msmerlin - M, 3 chapters - When the fates bring together two opposites, will the love they have be able to overcome the years of obstacles that follow? Seventeen years of relationships ups and downs told through a series of vignettes.
Coiled, Falling by bionically - not rated, one-shot - She's locked in a tower when he finds her, bewitched and imprisoned.
Absinthe by TheMourningMadam - E, one-shot - Hermione becomes ensnared by Draco Malfoy, despite the fact that he is a taken man.
Magical To You by fandomfairytales - T, one-shot - based on the Nikita Gill poem/prompt: she would rather be magical to you, than belong to you.Follows Draco coming to understand such a concept and how it applies to one Hermione Granger."Hermione was in his kitchen, her cheeks rosy, the heat of the ovens toasting the air, humming along with the house elves as they worked; Completely out of her element and making herself at home at the breakfast bar, she was an utter paradox, all Draco could do was stare. It would have been less surprising to find a unicorn or some other rare magical creature there… Later, he would wonder if perhaps she was one, in a class all her own."
My Poetry by mcal - T, one-shot -  Draco has been looking forward to this quiet moment with Hermione all week. A short stand alone written for the DFW Nikita Poem Challenge. Dramione. EWE  
The Way They Leave by tofadeawayagain - T, one-shot - After leaving an emotionally abusive long-term relationship with Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger struggles to remember how to be herself once again. An experiment/sketch of the state of mind caused by emotional abuse and the healing process.
Show Me Your Soul by Disenchantedglow - T, one-shot - Show me The most damaged Parts of your soul, And I will show you How it still shines like gold -Nikita Gill
Demons by sweetmusings - T, one-shot - Hermione is far from okay. Can she be saved before she slips under? Furthermore, does she want to be? Inspired by Nikita Gill's 'Monsters'.
Fixing Damaged Souls by LissaDream - G, one-shot - Response to the Never Apologizing For Our Wild challenge held by Dramione Fanfiction Writer's FB group.
Wildfire by In_Dreams - M, one-shot - They said she was fire incarnate. And the smallest sliver of hope was kept alive by the spark of a borrowed ember she had implanted in his soul. A Dramione one-shot inspired by "Wild Embers" by Nikita Gill.
Tough Love by BiscuitsForPotter - M, 4 chapters - Three bad relationships. Two times her heart is broken. One time it grows stronger. Hermione Granger always seems to choose the wrong men to date.
The Devourer by ravenslight - M, one-shot - Darkness breeds darkness. In the aftermath of the war and amidst Voldemort’s reign, two depraved souls find solace in the dance of their demons.
Burning Skies by PartyLines - T, one-shot -  Sometimes a change of heart comes just a little too late. Or: Hermione's late night letters to someone.
When You Are Ashes Remember This by perilous_circumstance - M, one-shot - The Ministry has decreed therapy for the returning 8th years & it’s going just about as well as one would expect.
Under and of the Stars by Lilian_Silver - T, one-shot - Hermione is in her 8th Year, attending a party in the Ravenclaw common room. It would be a lovely night of letting loose for once in her life, if not for the presence of a certain Slytherin for whom she has been harboring some very confused feelings.
Majestic Lionesses, Vibrant Birds, and Eight Billion Human Beings by Felgia_Starr - M, one-shot - Draco tries to prove to Hermione that soulmates are real but ends up showing her the world instead.
Broken by CourtingInsanity - M, one-shot - She is a broken thing under the psychopathic torture of his crazy aunt. As he watches, Draco reflects on the things he has fixed in his young life, and wonders at the possibility of mending Granger.
Spark Hearts by Abroma - E, one-shot - He doesn't ask her to stay; he never does. She wouldn't, anyway.    
Scars by LadyKenz347 - not rated, one-shot - For DFW'S: Never Apologizing For Our Wild ChallengeInspired by Nikita Gills "Scars
Pretty in White by MrsMast - G, one-shot - Today is Hermione and Draco’s wedding day. Will love bloom?
DFW Birthday GOGO Fest 2020:
A House in the Country by BoredRavenvlaw620 - T, WIP -“That’s it, just no. I’ve done my duty to the Wizarding world. I gave up my childhood, I gave up my dreams, and for what… a tiny cubicle in which I put the Ministry stamp on endless permits. No more. I quit. Effective immediately. I think you’ll find I have ample vacation saved up. I’ll owl human resources on where they can send my check.”She spent her childhood fighting a war she didn't start. Now life is passing her by. What will she find when she makes choices not based off expectation?
Love of My Life by MykEsprit - T, one-shot - A surprising revelation at their anniversary party sends Hermione reeling.
Opposites Attract by HollyBrianne - G, one-shot - Draco and Hermione share a hotel room and take turns having issues with the other's sleepwear.
Caught Red-Handed by ruthy4vrsmoaked - E, one-shot - During a special kind of school reunion, Draco Malfoy catches Hermione Granger while she's reading an erotic romance novel.
Between the Trees by NuclearNik - M, WIP - When the tides of war change quickly, Draco makes a split-second decision and steals the freedom of the only person he still cares about, desperate to protect them.Hermione Granger becomes prisoner to a reluctant captor, locked away in the ruins of the one place she'd ever truly felt at home.Trust does not come easy for either of them.
Better Late Than Never by niffizzle - M, one-shot - As if the anxiety leading up to his mother's trial wasn't already bad enough, it deepens once the Wizengamot denies Draco's request to temporarily leave Hogwarts to attend. His life only gets more frustrating when the aftermath of a Quidditch accident forces him to interact with the one witch he's been ignoring all year — stirring the question of why she was present at the match in the first place. 
Simple Words by dreamsofdramione (Bugggghead) - M, one-shot - It was easy to figure him out all over again.
oh god, i think i'm falling in love with you again by Felgia_Starr - E, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are forced to share a bed when there's miscommunication within the hotel staff and the hotel is fully-booked. This is a terrible idea because they both blame each other for their breakup and have been throwing passive aggressive remarks towards the other ever since they arrived in the hotel. Not to mention, they're still kind of madly in love with each other.
To Return by Charlie9646 - T, one-shot - Returning to Hogwarts was the hardest thing that Hermione had ever done, but the only person it was harder for is Draco. Friendship or more can bloom in the darkest of hours. Forgiveness is not one action, but many.
Future Imperfect by LightofEvolution - T, one-shot -  Weird things can happen in the Department of Mysteries. And Hermione and her partner are about to find out how weird exactly. Or maybe not weird - but foreshadowing?
Ten Months by grace_lou_freebush - T, one-shot -   While Dumbledore may have appeared completely busy managing the Order of the Phoenix and hunting down Horcruxes with Harry, he managed to keep a sharp, concerned eye on Draco. When Draco was on the verge of fixing the Vanishing Cabinet before Dumbledore was prepared, the headmaster assigned Hermione a task. She was to go back in time and stall Draco, any means necessary."She was seriously considering doing something categorically insane. She wanted to reveal herself to him.Christmas break was upcoming, and she'd been essentially alone for three months. Knowing the holiday was near made her yearn for companionship. She felt like she knew a side of Draco that he kept hidden away while outside the Room. He was clever and noble and steadfast and scared and handsome and – and she wanted to reveal herself to him."
Fowl Games by Pureblood_Muggle - T, one-shot - Hermione never believed in Divination - and she wasn't going to start now, just because Luna *saw* something.
Journal Entries by TriDogMom - E, one-shot -  Draco is in a meeting and gets a naughty message from Hermione.
Ocean Views by MrsMast - G, one-shot -  Hermione had some time off work, and Draco so happened to be at the same beach. When they run into each other, will things go how they expect?
Research, Destruction, and Love by highlyintelligentblonde - G, one-shot - How Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger finally got together after knowing each other for 10 years, being friends for five, and being coworkers for 3. Told from an insider perspective ;)
The Orphan by rennaissance_woman - not rated, one-shot - A couple torn apart. A soldier at war. A lost child.
Revelations by LuxLouise - not rated, one-shot - Hermione makes a startling discovery.
20 Questions by savedprincess85 - T, one-shot - Hermione rescues Draco from a bad date. What happens during a game of 20 questions?
A Walk in the Park by IRisEaGLeS - G, one-shot -  Hermione Granger is stressed, but then she meets a cute little cherub at her favorite park. And like every cherub in history, this little one decides to play matchmaker.
Stake Me Out Tonight, I Don't Want To Let You Go 'Til We Catch This Guy by fandomfairytales - E, WIP - Written for the DFW Birthday GOGO Fest 2020Based on the following prompt tags from HighlyIntelligentBlonde: Co-Workers to Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Fluff, HEATitle courtesy of Charles Boyle (NINE-NINE!!) because I accidentally gave this a slight B99 vibeoOoPartners for more than a few years, Draco and Hermione have captured more than just their fair share of criminals on behalf of the Auror Department, they've captured each other's hearts: taking each other down is another matter entirely...However, Hermione Granger never met a problem she couldn't solve; armed with a plan and a three-day stakeout, what's the best that could happen? Strap yourself in, I'm back for more; with plenty of fluff, soft smut, silliness, Dramione being idiots in love and giving the DMLE betting pool a constant source of fresh romance gossip and entertainment... Oh and a case/perp that has literally no bearing on the plot
Starling by floorcoaster - T, one-shot - Someone's been helping Hermione with her work and she's not sure what to think.
DFW Tropes Fest: Double Trouble 2020:
Felix Mal Felicis by Lostinthenightrain - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger came back to Hogwarts as Head Girl. Unfortunately, her counterpart - Head Boy - was Draco Malfoy. To make the year even more difficult, they've been partnered together to brew a rather difficult potion. Felix Mal Felicis - Bad Luck Potion. It's difficulty lies in the brewing process - bad lucks seems to always happens while it's being brewed. Hence why it's not often made. Hermione discovers just how much bad luck she can handle.
Finishing Lessons by Seakays - T, WIP - When Hermione Granger finds out she is the illegitimate pureblood daughter of two members of the Sacred Twenty Eight, she needs a tutor to help her navigate the old customs and expectations thrust upon her.Enter Draco Malfoy.
Somebody I used to Know by Charlie9646 - T, one-shot - Hermione didn’t know why she was even here. Why did Ginny always suggested things like this? But it was worth a shot, if the worst happened she could simply forget about and move on. She had a fairly happy life, but her love life left a lot to be desired.If Pansy could find someone for Harry why couldn’t she do the same for her?
Worth It by crochetaway - M, one-shot - Hermione is sent up to Hogwarts to investigate instances of Dark Magic. But digging to the bottom of this mystery isn't the only thing she finds up there.
riddle me this by megamegaturtle - G, one-shot - Their fingers touch when Draco hands her the paper and Hermione's heart almost jumps out of her chest.The note reads: How do you spell ‘cute boy’ with only two letters? -Riddle Me ThisHermione finds herself grinning. “Cutie. Q-T. That’s the answer to the riddle. You’re a cutie, Malfoy.”[the one where someone leaves Draco Malfoy riddles to solve from the local coffee shop's community board and he enlists Hermione Granger for help.](Written for 2020 DFW Trope Fest: Double Trouble) 
The Holly and The Ivy by dirtymudblood - M, 3 chapters - “Actually,” Hermione interrupted, “I’m so glad because… because I’ve been seeing someone too and I was going to ask how you’d feel about me bringing them to the Burrow.” Ron’s jaw dropped and Hermione’s fingers tingled. Take that, Ron. “Who?” He shouted, bewildered. She hadn’t thought that far ahead.
The Soulmate Test by ThebeMoon - M, one-shot - Draco Malfoy’s life after the War has lapsed into a steamy round of indulgence between the Manor and Knockturn Alley. A highly eligible bachelor despite his dark past, Draco is used to scheming witches glamouring “DLM” on their arms and claiming to be his soulmate in accordance with ancient magic. But he never expected Hermione Granger to be one of them.
The Muggle's Wise Daughter by Mariana_Monteverde - G, 2 chapters - A Dramione Fairytale AU.Draco is a young King, one of his ministers has betrayed him, and the man's only salvation is the ability of his daughter solving the King's Riddle...
Reverse by kifiyathewriter - T, one-shot - When a number of his patients begin to die from a mysterious ailment, Draco Malfoy goes on a mission to seek out the source and unwittingly uncovers a dark truth.
You, Me, and all my other Figments by Shamione - T, one-shot - Hermione sighed dejectedly, glancing over a stone facade that had once plagued her nightmares: Malfoy Manor. A home that, at one point, had been her sole source of anguish. It was now a place that bore a new level of melancholy, though. A place that reminded Hermione Granger that Draco Malfoy was gone.He'd vanished and left no clues toward his whereabouts. Nothing, that is, until the Manor's wards were dropped. A rusty amulet is the single shred of evidence that could shed light on Hermione's once boyfriend.A new scar, an awful date, and an image of the man she'd desperately missed are the only clues to help her find her missing love.
How the Omega Was Won by Amebb42 - M, one-shot - When Hermione presents as an Omega, she is appalled to discover that the Alphas usually fight amongst themselves and whoever is strongest takes the Omega. The Weasley twins help her come up with a way to "try out" the local Alphas and choose for herself. They might have left out a few details of where she will find herself within this new product of theirs.
RX by Starryar - M, one-shot -  STOP! Did you know this one shot was expanded into a multi-chap? Check out 'RX - The Full Story' for additional content! ------ Written for the Double Trouble Fest. Thank you Dramione Fanfiction Writers for hosting this! Assigned Tropes: Meet Ugly & Prison AU. Please mind the tags. ------ Draco Lucius Malfoy was stuck in-between enjoy life and rebuilding it. Should he throw his life away on the drugs, or should he create an honorable legacy for the Malfoy name? Perhaps he already knew the answer, but was putting off responsibility as long as he could. Hermione Jean Granger had been hit hard after the war. She didn't qualify for the order of Merlin and she had no family due to her memory charms being too great. The war veteran decided that Healer School was her best bet at undoing her own charms, but the price for education was never cheap. Two days in one cell and the two once enemies may find unexpected help in each other - if they don't get charged with murder first.
This fest is ongoing.
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willtheweaver · 4 years
Quarentine blog day 310
The silent seas
What is it about people
Their eyes always pointed towards the sky
Musing on the stars
And faraway places
Whilst turning a blind eye
To what really matters?
All that people dream about
When it comes to
Outer space
Can be found
In the oceans.
Life so bizarre
They seem not of this world
Yet they are
Creatures that produce light
Illuminating the darkest corners
The largest structures on earth
Built by those
Nearly too small to see
Great blooms of plants
That need not root or stem
Which fills the air
With the oxygen
That all breathe
Here reside the largest
And the smallest
Of all living organisms.
All wonders of this world
Yet for how much longer?
Today the oceans
Are not the same as they were
A thousand
A hundred
Or even twenty years ago.
More acidic
As busy as rush hour
And yet
As the activities of man
Drown out all other life-
As seen in the discarded nets
Doing their duty
All too well
In bleached reefs
Full of memories and ghosts
In empty cliffs
Once the home of seabirds
And in the billions of tons of plastic
Floating aimlessly on the waves.
To most
Out of sight and out of mind
To the few who hear the alarm
A race against time.
It all seems hopeless
But the dedicated work on
For if no one acts today
Who will tomorrow?
If no one speaks for the ocean today
Who will tomorrow?
And if the ocean cannot be saved
What hope is there for the rest of the planet?
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noctuascion · 4 years
werewolf mirage and vampire crypto prompt! mirage can control when he transforms usually but he loses control during full moons. he gets confused and aggressive with the intense need to howl at the moon. a grumpy vampire crypto has to try to calm him down!
;; Ty Chini I wuv,,,, I hope I can do it justice,, ;;
Elliott hated full moons. There wasn't anything in particular wrong with them. They were actually quite beautiful, and the light emanating from it was bright enough that it made his partner's lavender skin nearly glow in the dark. However, there was a downside to it that ended up ruining the experience for him entirely; he wasn't sure if it was enough to ruin it for Tae Joon or not, and he really hoped it didn't.
As a werewolf, he had control over two physical forms: that of a human, the only giveaway to his canine nature being fangs and the occasional urge to chase mailmen, and that of a menacing beast, and either were typically shifted into whenever he desired. During full moons, however, were the times he couldn't control the transformation, and he was stuck in his wolffish form, unable to communicate and unusual urges exemplified.
Park himself was always alerted to it whenever he was seated downstairs, drinking a glass of blood, and he suddenly heard something shatter or break, slamming, or howling—sometimes a mixture of the three. It wasn't a cause for alarm anymore, the vampire having now grown so accustomed to it that all he released was a tired sigh, placing his glass upon a table, before moving upstairs, silent and quick.
Their home was spacious but not overly so. They liked having extra rooms for guests, but they rarely entertained company (mostly because of Park; he hated socializing), so there wasn't much use for it. Elliott, however, did bring up a good point once: he did want to start a family one day—when his partner was ready, of course.
It was tempting, to have little humans or supernatural creatures running around, making a mess and being strangely endearing at the same time, but he wasn't sure if either were ready for such a responsibility, especially if this monthly occurrence was an issue.
The vampire reached their shared room, immediately spotting the werewolf in the middle of the floor, padding around with his ears flattened, quiet growls emanating from his form. The transformation was always so forceful and abrupt that it left the werewolf feeling anxious and threatened, acting like even the smallest object in the room was out to get him. Judging by the broken lamp on Park's side of the bed, he appeared to believe the vampire's dim lamp was out to get him.
The creature immediately spun around to face him once the door was opened, and it had taken only seconds for Elliott to recognize Tae Joon, those familiar icy optics and same lavender skin. Park entered the room, shutting the door behind him, and moved over to the bed. Elliott's ears remained down, but his tail was tucked between his legs, and quiet whines were escaping him now.
Park wasn't an expert in deciphering Elliott's behavioral patterns, but he's been through this enough times to know what to do.
"You're replacing that lamp," he said, sitting upon the plush comforter atop their bed. Elliott had apparently messed it up a bit either during or after his transformation. "When you're normal again, you have a mess to clean."
The wolf hopped up on the bed, shoving his nose against Park's cheek, drawing forth an annoyed groan from the latter. Clawed hands gently came up to run along the dark brown fur covering the creature's body, scratching just gently enough to help ease the anxiety in the other. It appeared to be working as well, seeing as Elliott's tail began to wag.
Park huffed out a soft laugh, though it quickly turned into a noise of disgust when the other decided to lick his face, having very little regard for the other's preference for his face to remain uncovered in saliva.
"You're gross," the vampire hissed, using his sleeve to wipe away the slobber; jokes on Elliott—he swiped his hoodie earlier and was currently sporting it. "Why can't you be normal?"
The wolf released a huff of his own, pulling away from Park's grasp and moving to lay on the bed, his head planted firmly in the vampire's lap.
"Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to be a normal couple," Park wondered aloud, a hand immediately moving to continue petting his partner. The other just released what sounded like a hum. "Mm. You're right. Too boring. Who could live such a mundane existence if their partner didn't run after frisbees everyday?"
Elliott suddenly moved up and shoved his head against Park's chest, pushing him down on the mattress, and annoyingly shoving his nose in the vampire's face. More groans of protests came from him, shoving at the canine in an attempt to get him to move off. An occasional chuckle or two escaped him, but nothing that resonated.
The wolf decided he was tired, though, and decided to lay his warm body right on top of Park's frigid one, the vampire once again groaning at the actions of his nuisance of a partner. He wasn't particularly tired, and his glass of blood downstairs wasn't going to drink itself, but Elliott always got rather clingy during full moons; he suspects it's because he's the only thing that keeps him grounded during this, the only thing keeping him anchored to sanity. He can only imagine how the other would handle a full moon without him around.
He never really minded. Elliott did a lot for him without question, and he'd easily do just as much for him. He deserved every kindness provided—and more. He'd deal with the gross dog breath, gross slobber, and the acting like a clingy pup if it made the other feel better—even if he was just an overall nuisance.
"You're lucky I like you," he muttered, trying to get comfortable under the mass atop him; Elliott's wolf form was larger than an average canine, about as large as their bed, and he was completely trapped beneath him, like a heavy blanket. "Otherwise I'd kick you out and let you chase cars down the street."
Elliott's head lifted up, staring at him, before it leaned forward and more gross licks were given, the vampire spluttering and gently swatting him away.
"Gross. Knock it off. I could be having dinner right now, you know."
The wolf ignited him, head returning to its resting place just beside Park's. The vampire scoffed, rolled his eyes, before he allowed himself to fully indulge in the warmth of the other. Seeing as he had no heartbeat, no blood circulating his system, he was a rather frigid creature. He only really experienced warmth when he fed from the source or when he was cuddled up in bed with Elliott. It was… nice, pleasant, and he didn't hesitate to soak it all up. The other never minded apparently, since he was usually incredibly warm and liked being cooled off by his partner's cold fingers running through his hair or his icy body pressed against his own.
His frigid body also appeared to help relax Elliott during full moons, easier to sleep when he was colder.
So Park wouldn't move, wouldn't bother him. Even when morning came and the sun was blocked by their curtains, the darkest color they could find with the thickest material available, Park didn't move, relishing in the warmth he woke up to, and his partner back to human form. He was still laying on top of him, much to the vampire's annoyance, but the werewolf wasn't moving anytime soon, claiming he was "so comfy," and that it'd "ruin his morning if he had to get up now."
So there they remained for a good duration of the morning, Park's claws gently scratching Elliott's head, running through brown curls and pulling content sighs from the man.
"Y'know, my adorable ice pop," the werewolf began, head resting atop the other's quiet chest; it was still so jarring not hearing a heartbeat from him, even after all this time, "you act all crabby and pretend you hate my doggy kisses, but you never actually use any strength when pushing me away."
"Shut up, idiot. I just don't want to hurt you," the vampire grumbled, gently yanking on Elliott's hair; he was rewarded with an "ouch" and a groan.
"Uh-huh. C'mon, babe, just admit it."
"You know you wanna."
"I don't."
Elliott shifted so his chin was resting on Park's chest, staring into those gorgeous eyes currently glaring holes into his own. "I can just kiss you now."
"I prefer your actual kisses to your… 'doggy kisses.'"
The werewolf hummed, moving closer to press a kiss to the other's chin. "You'll admit that, but you won't admit you like the doggy kisses? Harsh, babe. My inner pup's crying."
"You can't counter every insult with a compliment."
The werewolf pushed himself up on all fours, hovering over the vampire, before pressing another kiss to Park's face, this time his nose. "I can. Just did."
"Tae Joon."
"I swear to god—"
The lavender-skinned male was interrupted by his partner licking a long stripe up his cheek to his forehead before leaping off of the bed, making a quick exit and avoiding the pillow tossed at him.
"You still need to replace that lamp, moron!"
"Can't hear you! Down the hall—ah, fuck!"
Park heard a crash, something break, and Elliott attempting to pick up whatever he broke. And, for a moment, the vampire just laid back in bed, wondering how he was so strangely lucky to have this idiot to spend his immortal life with.
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