#HOPE MORE stuff like this comes out. Um. maybe not horror-y though <- Scared guy
autistickfigure · 4 months
OH YEAH i watched vinny play kinitopet the other day. That was
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 21 - Nowhere to Run [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, blood, nightmares.
Word Count: 4300
Summary: Everyone needs a shelter.
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For all your life, your sister had always said she hated watching horror movies with you because you would always criticize every character and their choices in the movie.
Who would even stay where they were when they knew there was danger outside, when they knew there was something coming for them?
You had never thought you’d learn the answer first hand;
Because there was nothing else to do, and because that was exactly what you were doing.
Spencer and the rest of his team had sent you away from that basement so that you could get some fresh air and at least attempt to get away from the greeting written on the wall with blood but you knew it was impossible.
There was no running away from that, you had seen it already.
You dangled your legs off the pier back and forth, keeping your gaze on the lake that looked so calm that it was almost like a painting. Funny, you hadn’t ever stopped to enjoy it when you were still a child, you had never actually sat there on the pier to take a breath, wrapped in the safety that would soon disappear.
The footsteps coming closer pulled you out of your thoughts and you turned you head as Spencer sat down next to you.
“Hi,” you croaked out and he ran his fingers through his curls.
“Do you want me to take you home?”
You shook your head, “I’m not sure what home is for me at this point, to be honest with you,” you murmured, “Besides I heard the other agents talking, you guys are going to be pretty busy the moment the rest of your team gets here.”
He heaved a sigh, biting inside his cheek but you kept your gaze on the lake.
“It makes it official right?” you asked, “All these murders…It’s not really about my father’s legacy. It’s about me.”
He stole a look at you, “Y/N…”
“It’s okay professor,” you said, “Trust me, I’m not going to run and scream.”
“The profile is changing constantly with every piece of evidence-“
He let out a breath, pursing his lips.
“It is pointing that way so far,” he muttered, “It doesn’t matter though. His legacy or an obsession with you, we’re still going to catch him.”
A silence fell upon you and you cleared your throat, pointing at the woods on the other side of the lake.
“Mina and I used to play the princess and the monster over there,” you said, “I mean… It was either me who was the princess or Mina and I were saving some imaginary princess because Mina wanted to be friends with her.” You used air quotes, “I don’t know whose shock was more fake when she came out, mine or mom’s.”
He let out a small laugh, “Yeah?”
“Mm hm, and right over there,” you pointed at the right, “Linc chased me with a worm in his hand to scare me off, and I ended up falling into the damn lake.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “Then Mina pushed him into the lake too and we all got grounded for the whole weekend.” You let out a breath and pointed back at the cabin with your thumb, “And right there, dad showed me how to kill someone for the first time.”
His head shot up, “What?”
You scoffed, “He didn’t tell you that during those sessions?”
Spencer shook his head, frowning.
“He taught me…” you wetted your lips, “How to- how to hunt, that’s what he called it. Predator and prey. After teaching me how to analyze places to find a weapon, he taught me how to find my way in the woods. Just in case. He used to um-“ you cleared your throat, “I don’t really remember all of it, I don’t know how much of it are nightmares or memories, but I remember once he dragged me here in the middle of the night, and he opened the door and there was this man…”
“Petal honey, don’t get so close to him,” your father called out from the kitchen he sharpened the knife as you took a step closer to the man who was gagged and bleeding profusely, still whimpering on the floor. Even in the dim light you could see the look of terror on his face and your heart skipped a beat as you turned your head to look at your father.
“Daddy, he-“ you shifted your weight from one foot to other, “Maybe we can just leave him like this. He’d be dead by the morning.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” he asked before getting closer to you, flipping the knife in his hand and the man started yelling through the gag, but it was muffled. Your father extended his hand, motioning at the huge teddy bear you were hugging closer to your chest and you bit on your lip, then handed him that.
“You can get the teddy back after you answer 3 questions right, you know the rules,” he told you, “Alright, if I wanted him to die quickly, where would I stab?”
“Where’s the jugular?”
You pointed at the man’s neck, “There.”
“Good. What if I wanted him to suffer for hours with just one stab wound?”
You paused and scrunched up your nose, forcing your mind for the information before you looked up at him.
“In the stomach,” you said, “Stomach acid hurts.”
He thought for a second, then handed you the teddy back.
“Good job honey,” he said and walked to the man with the knife in his hand.
“I couldn’t do anything,” you pressed your lips together, “For hours and hours he tortured him and when we got back home, I went to bed and the next morning I wouldn’t stop shivering, I kept throwing up and my mom thought I had the flu so we ended up not coming to the cabin that weekend. I know how he—” you clicked your tongue, “I know how he pretends to be a normal guy. During those interviews, that documentary, even in those sessions with you he keeps pretending like he’s normal, but I know him. I know the real monster and I…”  you sniffled and cleared your throat, “Profiler or not, you have no idea what he’s capable of. He put me through actual hell, Spencer. No wonder I can’t remember half of this shit, I think I’d lose my mind if I did.”
“I didn’t stop him.”
He frowned, “How old were you?”
“You couldn’t have stopped him even if you wanted to,” Spencer told you, “You were a child.”
“I could’ve told someone,” you murmured, looking at the lake, “I could’ve done something.”
“You were a child,” he repeated, “Children trust their parents, okay? You know it as well as I do that he’s a master at manipulation. Whatever he has done, it’s not your fault.”
“I doubt those bodies in the basement would agree with you,” you managed to say and let out a humorless chuckle, “Besides, I’m my father’s daughter, remember? You told me so yourself.”
The impact of your words would’ve been surprising if you weren’t so distracted by your own misery. He pulled back as if you had just slapped him, his hazel eyes searching your face and he swallowed thickly, opening and closing his mouth like he was at loss for words.
“I didn’t mean—” he paused, shaking his head “Y/N, that wasn’t the truth.”
You grabbed the cigarette out of your purse and lit it, dangling your legs back and forth over the pier.
“It’s fine,” you shrugged your shoulders, “You’re not the first person to think that, and weirdly enough, you’re not the first ex to think that either-“
“That’s not what I think,” he insisted, “Nothing about you even suggests that you’re anything like him, behavior or psychological wise. I just wanted to—“ he hesitated for a moment, his jaw clenching, “Hurt you back.”
You tried to smile, still keeping your gaze on the lake as you exhaled the smoke.
“Congratulations professor, you’re pretty good at that.”
A silence fell upon you both as you twirled the cigarette between your fingers.
“I’m sorry,” his voice was so gentle that you turned your head to look at him, “I really am. I never should’ve hit below the belt, not like that.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“No really,” you insisted, “I don’t want to talk about that anymore, I’m just so—“ you closed your eyes for a moment “God, I’m just so tired Spencer. You have no idea how tired I am.”
“I know.”
“And it just doesn’t end,” you murmured and opened your eyes, “Right? I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in months now, and everything is getting so out of my control.”
“It will end soon.”
“But we don’t know that,” you insisted as almost a hysterical laugh escaped from your lips, “Do you want to hear the worst part? I don’t think this feeling will ever go away. At this point, I don’t even remember how it feels like not to be afraid.”
He heaved a sigh, then looked over his shoulder when Luke approached you two.
“Sorry guys,” he said, shifting his weight, “But um- Reid, we need you in there.”
“Can’t someone else-“
“Don’t,” you shook your head as you stood up and dusted off your jeans, “Seriously. Besides, the sooner you catch this guy, the sooner…I don’t know, the sooner things go back to normal, whatever that means.”
“You can’t just drive home like this.”
“I’ll drive her,” Luke said, making you turn your head,
“Dude, aren’t you needed here too?”
“I’m going to go back to help out Rossi,” he said, “Not all of the team has to be here, I mean-“ he nodded at Spencer, “We’ve got our genius here, he’s got it covered. I can take the babysitting duty.”
“No pastries for you anymore.”
“I would like to rephrase my statement,” he said quickly, making you smile before you shrugged your shoulders.
“Alright then, let’s go.”
“Y/N-“ Spencer started but you shot him a look.
“I’m fine,” you said, “Go do your Sherlock stuff, professor. Solve the case so that I can start planning weddings again instead of hanging around creepy cabins. I’m just gonna go home and get drunk, so you’ll probably get a voicemail or two from me, just saying.”
“Can’t wait,” Spencer smiled softly and you followed Luke to your car, then handed him the keys and got in the passenger seat. He started the car and you slipped a little in the seat, leaning your knees on the dash.
“How are you holding up?” Luke asked you and you heaved a sigh.
“I feel like I’m in a horror movie to be honest with you,” you muttered, “Who the fuck writes on a wall with blood, I mean like who are you, Michael Myers?”
“I didn’t mean the case,” he stole a look at you and you raised your brows.
“Ah, that,” you said, “Well, I don’t have a bff that sets me up with people in night clubs, so there’s that.”
He hissed in a breath, “Garcia told you.”
“Mm hm,” you looked out of the window, “No hard feelings, don’t worry. I dated lots of frat boys back when I was in college, so I’m very familiar with the bro code.”
“You dated frat boys?” he made a face and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Yeah I started from the bottom and worked my way up to the genius back there.”
He chuckled, “I take it you still haven’t told him you threatened a serial killer because he happened to threaten him?”
“I would’ve done the same for anyone.”
Your jaw dropped, “I let you drive my car and this is the thanks I get, Alvez?”
“Okay trust fund baby, I’m driving you home, you’re not doing me a favor.”
You let out a small laugh, “Eh, I’m not that bad.”
“Your sister threatened a whole police department using lawyers.”
“They had it coming,” you said and he cleared his throat.
“If it makes you feel any better, it was an actual fiasco.”
Your head shot up and you turned to him, “Hm?”
“That whole thing with Reid. He’s not over you.”
“He will be,” you murmured, “Eventually.”
“Do you want to hear why it was a fiasco?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s an exaggeration-“
“He spent the whole night talking about you,” he cut you off and your jaw dropped, “Yeah. More like, she asked him about his job and he mentioned the case, then talked about you and how you couldn’t be the killer for hours. For a second, I thought he’d go up to the DJ booth and start broadcasting from there.”
You could feel the warmth spreading through you, but you nibbled on your lip, trying to ignore it.
“I really hurt him Luke.”
He stole a look at you from the corner of his eye.
“I know,” he said, “That’s pretty clear. I don’t know which one is worse, that you hurt him or that it doesn’t seem to change anything on his part.”
You could feel the burning in your eyes but you slipped a little in your seat and kept your eyes on the road.
“Yeah,” you murmured, “I don’t know which one is worse either.”
The worst thing about nightmares?
There was no escape from them, and no amount of booze could make them go away.
You woke up to your own scream and leaped out of the bed so fast that you got caught in your sheets and fell on your face, your ears ringing. You could feel the bile burning your throat, so you covered your mouth and rushed to the bathroom to throw up into the toilet, barely aware of the sobs rocking your body. You wiped at your mouth and stood up on shaky legs, then brushed your teeth, still breathing hard.
You were there again, in that graveyard with your father, but this time you couldn’t brush it off as just a nightmare.
It was way too detailed, way too familiar to be a nightmare.
You wiped at your forehead and washed your face with ice cold water, desperate for some sort of a relief and leaned over the sink, closing your eyes for a moment.
“Fuck this shit,” you rasped out to yourself before turning the tap off and raised your glances to look in the mirror.
You looked exactly like how you felt.
You still didn’t trust your legs but still managed to leave the bathroom, Making your way to your bedroom was more than enough to give you goosebumps, but you snatched your phone off the bedside table. You almost dropped it because of how badly you were trembling with fear, but managed to hold it tighter, found his name in the contacts and took the phone to your ear.
He answered immediately.
“Spencer, hi,” you said, still taking deep breaths, “I um… I had this- this nightmare and I- I need to talk to you. Can we meet somewhere?”
He hesitated for a moment, “Are you okay? Why are you breathing so fast?”
“Not a panic attack,” you wiped at your nose, “Not yet anyway.”
“Okay, I’m still coming over-“
“No!” you cut him off, then licked your lips, “No I can’t…. I can’t stay here right now, I need to get out of here. Can we please meet somewhere or-or-“
“How about my place?” he asked and you heard the unmistakable clinking of keys, “You can’t drive like that, I’ll come and pick you up, wait there-“
“No I’ll just take a taxi.”
“I’ll take a taxi, just send me the location,” you told him and hung up, quickly got dressed, got into your coat, then went downstairs when your taxi arrived. You still felt like you could throw up again, but the cool air coming from the open car window helped as the driver started the car after you gave him the location.
There was a beauty in the city at night, especially in chilly nights like these. The small raindrops falling down your face offered some kind of a small comfort while you tried your hardest to ignore the images flashing through your mind, taking a deep breath, letting the cold air fill your lungs. You leaned your head to the open window, closing your eyes and letting the noise of the city drag you out of your own mind.
By the time the taxi pulled over, you were almost lost in your thoughts and only when the driver let you know that you were there you opened your eyes. You paid him, and looked up at the building before making your way inside.
It was almost strange how you hadn’t seen his apartment when you two were dating, but now here you were.
After the break up. At three in the morning.
You wiped at your nose and fixed your hair before you knocked on the door and tried to control your breathing, but that felt way too difficult. As soon as he opened the door, everything you had planned to tell him in your head disappeared and you looked up at him in complete silence for a couple of seconds, you had almost forgotten how he looked when he wasn’t in his work clothes. A warmth filled you, the urge to rush into his arms taking over you but you managed to fight the urge and stepped into the apartment, desperately searching for the right words.
“I had that nightmare, again.” You turned to him as soon as you entered the living room, stumbling over your words, “That graveyard nightmare, but Spencer I think it wasn’t just a dream, I think you were right and it was a memory and there was someone else but I can’t see a face and—“
“And I think we were there because of me because it all just connected, we were at that graveyard and he was actually digging a grave and I can remember the face of the victim but not—“
“Sweetheart, breathe.” he approached you in three long steps and his warm hands cupped your cheek so that he could look at you better, “I’m here, I’m listening, okay? Just breathe and tell me. Slowly.”
You swallowed thickly, looking up at him.
“I had that nightmare again,” you managed to say, “But I think that’s a memory.”
“Okay,” he nodded, “How?”
“Because at the graveyard, dad told me something,” you said, “He was- he was digging a grave, and he said, Remember, you’re not supposed to make them bleed if you can’t kill them. And I remembered when that happened, back at the cabin, during the training, I… I untied one of the victims and pretended like he got out of them somehow.”
His hand slipped a little so that he could brush his fingers over your neck, almost soothing you.
“It didn’t work,” you shook your head, “As soon as he got out of the cabin, dad hunted him down and dragged him back into the cabin, he had lost way too much blood to make a run for it. Spencer, that’s a memory, not just a nightmare.”
“There was another person with you? At the graveyard?”
“He took the victim to the graveyard later on, but yes. There was someone, I just…I can’t remember who,” you heaved a shaky breath, “You need to tell the team-“
“We’re already checking the graveyards within the driving distance to the cabin, I told them today.”
You blinked a couple of times, “Did you?”
“Yeah,” he said and his eyes searched your face, “You’re shaking.”
You tried to smile and wrapped your fingers around his wrist, running your thumb over his warm skin, “It’s cold out there.”
You were lying, he knew you were lying and you knew that he knew, but neither of you commented on that. He hesitated for a moment before he pulled you closer to him, letting you bury your face into his chest as he held you tight and you inhaled his scent, closing your eyes.
He was right earlier. This was an addiction.
“Were you sleeping?” you muttered into his chest before you pulled back to look up at him. He scoffed and shook his head.
“No,” he said, “I was working on the case.”
“You really need to sleep.”
“It’s ironic to hear that from you,” he pointed out and that made a smile warm your face.
“Ah but I did sleep,” you said, “I just woke up because of the nightmares. It still counts as sleep.”
“I doubt that,” he said and you turned your head before you started walking around the room.
Spencer’s apartment was more or less what you imagined, to be honest. Contrary to yours, it was darker and obviously older. The wooden desk was covered in papers and books, there was a library by the corner of the room almost stacked to the brim, and overall it reminded you so much of him that just being in his apartment made you feel-
Safer. Better. Calmer.
“Lovely place,” you commented as you approached the library to drag your fingertips over the cracked and old spines of the books and out of the corner of your eye, you saw him shift his weight.
“Yeah it’s not- it’s not like yours but I like it.”
“Not like mine?” you looked over your shoulder and he cleared his throat.
“Mm hm.”
“I like it better than mine,” you said and he frowned,
“It looks like someone is actually living here,” you motioned around and he tilted his head.
“Is that a good thing?”
“It is,” you said, “I mean I can see….you in here. I can’t see any part of me in my apartment.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted, “My mom has this person who designs her houses, she designed my apartment too. It’s pretty but it’s just not me I guess. It’s kind of sad when you think about it.”
He hummed, his eyes watching your every move and you pulled a book from the shelf, holding it up so that he could see the title.
“You don’t strike me as a Petrarch guy,” you tilted your head, “Are you?”
He raised his brows and stole a look at the book in your hand.
“I do not pray, since there is no purpose, that my heart should ever burn less fiercely, but only that she might share part of the fire.” he recited and your jaw dropped before you pouted.
“I hate bluffing with you,” you commented, making him chuckle and you stifled a yawn while turning the book in your hands.
“You can’t work for the whole night if you have a guest.” you gestured at the wooden table and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I won’t if my guest promises she’ll try to sleep.”
“I don’t like this deal.”
“That’s the deal you’re getting,” he said and you clicked your tongue, then walked to the center of the room and sat down on the floor before you lied down.
“I have a bed, you know.”
“I don’t want to get comfortable and fall asleep yet. I want to enjoy this more.”
“Enjoy what? Lying on the floor?”
You shook your head and kept your gaze on the ceiling, the dim light of the apartment and lights from the outside creating shadows there.
“I don’t have that…mind numbing fear right now,” you managed to say “I want to make it last. It’ll come back when I wake up tomorrow, trust me.”
He looked like he wanted to argue with you, then heaved a sigh and sat down on the floor as well, leaning his back to the leather armchair. You tossed him the book and he caught it mid-air, shooting you a quizzical look.
“Read me your favorite,” you said and he smiled slightly.
“Yeah. I mean, it’ll help me get out of my head, and it might help you….ignore the fact that your night club date was terrible, apparently.”
He raised his brows, “Luke told you?”
You tried to stop your smirk, but it was impossible,
“Yeah he did,” you said and bit inside your cheek for a moment, “Thank you though.”
“For what?”
“For believing in me.”
His gaze on you was gentle, “I wish you would believe in yourself too,” he told you, “You’re not what he tried to turn you into.”
You dragged the tip of your tongue over your lip.
“Do you think we should move on?”
He took a deep breath, his brows furrowed in thought.
“Yeah,” he murmured, “We probably should. But do I think we can move on? I don’t think so.”
You nodded slowly, that burning in your eyes getting even worse as he turned the pages until he found what he was looking for, then cleared his throat and started reading.
“I have offered you my heart a thousand times
O my sweet warrior, only to make peace
with your lovely eyes: but it does not please you
with your noble mind, to stoop so low.”
You smiled to yourself, painfully aware of why he picked that one, then closed your eyes, his voice washing over you.
“And if some other lady has hope of it,
she lives in powerless, deceiving hope:
and it can never be what it was to me,
since I too disdain what does not please you.”
Chapter 22
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theratsareinspace · 3 years
Cigar Smoke and Metal-Karl Heisenberg x Reader
Check out the Masterlist for the complete fic!
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Chapter 4
The days passed by uneventfully. You woke up, cooked his breakfast, did laundry, cooked his lunch, cleaned, cooked his dinner, swept, and went to bed. In that order. Every day. You learned that the Veiled woman had given you the clothes and extra furnishings in your room, and that her name was Donna Beneviento, the dollmaker lord of the village. Though she hated the factory, she pushed past her inhibitions to visit you as often as she could. She would bring fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as furniture she didn’t need that you used to spruce up your living space. You often enjoyed each other’s company in an abandoned room with a large skylight, which you dubbed the sun-room. After bringing in a small table, rug, and some chairs, it almost felt cozy. Heisenberg never came up there, making it a perfect spot for tea on Donna’s better days.
“Alcina is still angry that you were given to Heisenberg instead of her. She has brought it up at every meeting since your arrival.” Donna remarked as she lifted her veil to sip her tea.
“… Alcina? Is that the big vampire lady?”
“Yes. Many of the mortals who stumble across the village are sent to her, if not to Moreau for Cadou experiments.”
“Is Moreau the fish guy? Heisenberg won’t tell me anything about the other Lords. Or Miranda.”
“It is better that way. Our family is quite confusing.”
Angie, who had been still up until then, nodded vigorously. “That ugly freak is Moreau!”
“He seems… interesting. Do you think Heisenberg would let me go down to the reservoir for a visit?”
Angie laughed.
“No, I’m afraid not. Heisenberg hates all the other lords except myself. He… mildly tolerates me. I wish he were half as fond of me as he is of you.” Donna sighed.
You laughed. “I’m his maid. He isn’t fond of me.”
“He would have used you for one of his Soldats if he didn’t like you in some form.”
“… soldat?”
“His creations.”
“Oh.” You sipped your tea, not quite sure what to think.
An all-too-familiar clank alerted you to Heisenberg’s presence in the room. “Are you distracting my little maid from her duties, Donna?” He asked, leaning on his hammer.
“She’s a human! She can’t work all the time, Karl.” Angie said, running away from Donna’s side to annoy Heisenberg.
“Oh please. Let’s wrap this tea party up, I got a job for you, Buttercup.”
Even though you’d been living in the factory for weeks, he’d never called you by your actual name.
“Why do you carry around that big hammer all the time, huh? Do you use it to crush your enemies? Can I hold it?” Angie danced around him excitedly.
“Why haven’t you learned to shut your trap?” Heisenberg snapped at Angie, who blew a raspberry back at him and went back to Donna.
Once you had helped Donna pack her tea set away, you went to the kitchen to see what Heisenberg wanted you to do.
“Come with me.” He motioned for you to follow him down the hallway and into the elevator.
“… your first name is Karl?” You asked as he pressed a button.
“Yes it is, sweetie pie. Use it if you want. I don’t care.”
“Why don’t you like Angie and Donna? They’re very nice… if you get past the creepy doll stuff and all that.”
“I saved you from the nervige Dame so you could work for me. Not have tea parties.”
“All work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy, you know.”
“Since when are you so talkative?” He snapped, making you flinch.
You looked down at your boots and kept quiet for the rest of the descent.
As soon as you arrived at the ground floor, Heisenberg pulled you out of the elevator and into another room. Inside were destroyed targets and scrap metal.
“Fix my targets and put all the metal into buckets. I have a surprise for you when you’re done.”
You internally groaned as you watched him get back into the elevator and go back to whatever he was doing.
“I am tired of cleaning up after this slob of a man. Who does he think he is, anyway? He gets a maid, so he thinks he doesn’t have to clean up at all anymore? Honestly!” You ranted aloud. “I don’t even have any music to work to. Just machinery. I just… I want to go home… or at least fix my phone so I can have some contact with the outside world… I’m going crazy. I’m talking to an empty room. This factory is driving me crazy.”
As you angrily dumped scrap metal into a bucket, soft music began to play from the loudspeakers you thought were obsolete. You didn’t recognize the tune, but it was uplifting. It made you feel better.
Was he… listening?
You continued to clean at a faster pace, and the music continued to play. Repairing the targets proved to be a challenge. As you tried to figure out how to piece them back together, the idea of Heisenberg listening to your empty ramblings crossed your mind. Has he heard everything? If he had, that wouldn’t prove too good for you. Especially in your first week, you’d said some not-so-nice things about him. And his stupid hammer.
You fit the target pieces together, and you noticed it was painted with Miranda’s image. Odd. Maybe he took them from some villager. They did have a weird obsession with her. Standing back to marvel at your work, you ran straight into Heisenberg.
“Oop, I didn’t hear you come in… sorry…” you turned around, looking sheepish.
He pulled you into the elevator. “Fixed your phone. It’ll play any music you want ‘long as you’re in the factory. And a wireless headset. So you won’t annoy me.” He passed you your fixed phone and a headset. “I disabled calls and messaging. Nothing works except music. Don’t try it.” He pressed a button to go back to the top floor.
You smiled, your first real smile in ages. “Thank you, Heisenberg… er, Karl. And… if you’ve been hearing my rants… I’m sorry. I didn’t know… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“I’m sorry…”
“I said don’t mention it. Go do some cleaning crap.” The elevator doors opened. “I’ll be back for dinner.” He said in an angry tone, sauntering away.
You sighed. Had your rants really affected him that much? You decided to do something nice to indirectly apologize. The other night, when you had made strawberry Jello, he seemed to have liked it more than anything else you made. You decided to make him a large portion, with real strawberries suspended in the Jello-y goodness and whipped cream. You put the finished desert in the fridge and began dinner prep.
When he came down for dinner, Heisenberg was surprised. You prepared a whole spread— mashed potatoes, mac n’ cheese, carrots and dip— basically every food you had made which he somewhat enjoyed.
“What’s this for?” He asked, setting his hammer down by the door.
“You saved me from death by vampire. I haven’t been grateful. So, this is my thank you. I might have gotten carried away with the cooking… but that means leftovers for you.”
He cracked a smile. “Thanks, sugarplum.” After the feast, he didn’t leave to go back to work like he usually did. “I don’t feel like working after all that… wanna watch a movie or summin?”
“You watch movies?”
“Of course I do. Unlike the rest of the freaks that live here, I am cultured.” You followed him to a room with a tv. Of course, he picked the movie: The Conjuring.
One thing you had never told him: you hated horror movies. With a passion. Cliche girl stereotype, yes, but psychological horror was no laughing matter. You took the tattered blanket on the couch, hoping to fall asleep before the scary parts started.
Karl looked over at you. “What’s the matter? Afraid of a little movie?”
“No.” You tried to defend your character. “I’m cold.” You knew now that you had to watch it. Every jumpscare made you jump, which made him laugh and tease you about being a ‘fraidy-cat’. You unintentionally scooted closer to him until your shoulders were touching; neither of you noticed until you grabbed his arm after a particularly harsh jumpscare. He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow, but otherwise didn’t react. You didn’t notice; you were terrified. As the credits rolled, he turned to look at you. “You enjoy that, sugar?”
“Yeah. Mhm. Um…” you noticed you were still holding his arm. “Sorry. Um…”
Seeing how flustered you were made Heisenberg smirk. “Something the matter?”
“Nope. I gotta… go to bed now, long day, you know how it is… goodnight.” You charged out of the room as fast as your feet would take you.
Heisenberg chuckled to himself as he lit a cigar, thinking how adorable you looked when you were scared.
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Maybe a soulmate au of your choice with a gender-neutral reader? Whatever you pick is bound to be cool!
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Combining two requests this anons and @sephiralorange! Soulmate au! Sharing wounds
Since you were little, your parents had been worried for you, even with the utmost care and sheltering, you somehow ended up with bruises all over you, sometimes even huge lacerations on your back, as if someone had taken a blade and slashed it down.
They were relieved each time when you would move along as if they didn’t exist, no pain, no aches, nothing, that was how they knew they were your soulmates wounds.
So instead, they worried about your soulmate, taking the best care of you to help heal the wounds on his side, as the faster you heal, the faster they did.
Once you realized why your parents always looked at you with such pain in their eyes, you took it upon yourself to keep yourself out of danger. You knew if you ever got injured they wouldn’t feel it but you couldn’t bear it if they did.
At 10 years old you watched as blood poured from your wrist, dripping down onto your carpet and staining it. Your skin peeled apart, the white of your bone showing, you almost threw up.
What were they doing?! You grabbed your towels, pressing them to your painless wound, wishing for whoever was hurting them to stop.
Soon, it stopped; a slight slice in the corner of the gaping wound telling you someone had ripped the weapon away from whoever was hurting them.
You let out a shuddering sigh, grabbing the medical kit from beside you and beginning to disinfect and wrap your arm, making a mental note to thank your parents for having you take those medical care classes for the extreme soulmate.
Your mother had screamed in horror as she looked at your wrist when she came home from work. She picked you up out of bed and had rushed you to the hospital; the doctor who took you in was confused in how you weren’t screaming in pain before realizing it was a soulmate wound.
They fixed you up and sent you home with some antibiotics and sterilized bandages, requesting you to come in once a week to change bandages and to look over the wound.
Once you were old enough to know about the isle of the lost across the sea, you knew.
Your soulmate was on the isle, what was happening to you would have been stopped years ago in Auradon.
You hoped one day your soulmate would be safe one day, but the reappearing bruises and cuts scared you, and if they stopped, you feared for the other option in your mind.
When Ben's proclamation for the new generation of children born from the villains came around, you jumped at the chance to support it, advocating for the VKs to come to Auradon to live their lives in a safe environment.
Your parents, knowing that their child’s soulmate was an isle child, they eagerly funded the program, helping buy the extra food they needed, any medical expenses, or rooming during the season breaks.
You had never been prouder of them.
But still, none of the recent four vks matched your scars, specifically the one on your left wrist; it had taken a long time to heal, leaving a heavy scar deep in your wrist.
You sighed, looking around the locker area, Mal and Evie chatting with each other as they switched their books out, Carlos and Ben waiting for them by the rails.
Tomorrow there would finally be another round of VKs.
One of which was Mal’s “arch-enemy” Uma, the daughter of the sea witch Ursula.
Honestly, she sounded cool, enough to want to seek her out and attempt to be her friend, but with Mal’s stories (most of which you took with a grain of salt) she seemed to be unapproachable.
But you always made it a point to wait until you met someone and got to know them before believing someone else’s stories about them.
“Look there’s scarry~” a group of nasty, privileged teens walked by you, taunting at your visible scars and bruises. “It’s a wonder that their soulmates even still alive!”
“I think that even they’ll be disgusted by them!” they snickered with their friend, squealing as you turned around and “accidentally” smacked their shoulder.
You grinned, making them pale slightly “what’s wrong~?” you purred, sneakily flipping your switchblade in your freehand “scared of lil’ ol me~ ‘scarry~’?” you took a step towards them, making them squeal and run off.
You rolled your eyes and closed your switchblade, pocketing it before turning back to your locker, stashing your history books before grabbing your nursing elective books.
“you ready for tomorrow (y/n)?” Evie asked as she passed you, stopping to lean on the rails to wait for you.
“as ever” you cheered, closing your locker and turning to Evie, a thought came to your mind. “hey uh, do you think….that maybe….THEY are in the next round?”
“they who?” Evie asked, tilting her head. You lifted up your wrist, shaking it around a bit, Evie’s eyes widened “oh! Um…I don’t know, I don’t remember anyone on the isle with a wrist injury?”
You sighed, shaking your head, letting your arm drop to your leg. “alright then, more of the waiting game I suppose, see you guys later”
“see ya (y/n)!”
Mal waiting till you were out of earshot before turning to Evie with a smirk “Harry has a wrist injury”
“he does!” Evie gasped, rummaging through her memory “but I don’t-“
“oh, right you weren’t…….around” Mal winced, remembering Evie's banishment from the main isle “um, harry tried to cut off his hand when he was 10, ya know, to get his hook?”
“That’s awful!.....oh…..oh!” Evie gasped, clapping her hands “Harry is-!”
“-Harry is (y/n)s soulmate~ also, remember when we went to the beach? (y/n) had scars all over their back, they looked exactly like-“
“-a hook ran down their back. Oh my” Evie sighed, her shoulders dropping “poor (y/n), thank goodness she didn’t feel any pain from it, I think even I could hear Harry's screams from my mom’s castle.”
“They were horrific, even my mother ordered him to stop, according to her they were “annoying” Mal curled her lip in disgust in thinking of her mother’s lack of sympathy.
“Shoot we have to get to class!” Evie jumped at the bell, grabbing Mal’s hand and pulling her down the halls to class.
Harry had not grown up with bruises or scars other than his own, no cuts, no scrape of the knee, nothing.
It was the one thing his dad was proud of him for,
“Nothing to be distracted by my boy! no true love to ruin your plans!”
But….one day, when Harry woke up with a large bruise on his jaw that wasn’t there when he went to sleep, and couldn’t recall getting hit in the jaw, nor did it hurt when he poked it,
He realized he had a soulmate.
All his wounds healed faster than they should’ve as well, his wrist healing within the month, the scars on his back never becoming infected.
His soulmate was looking out for him, taking care of “his” wounds on their side to help him.
He realized he loved his soulmate before he’d even met them.
They had to be from Auradon, no kid on the isle would be able to care for themselves this way.
So the day he got the letter to go to Auradon, he couldn’t wait until the limo came to pick him up.
Maybe he would finally meet them!
As he stepped out of the limo, his breath escaped him.
There, waiting by the doors, was the most gorgeous person he had ever seen. They looked to have soft (s/c) skin, (hair type/hair color) hair that reached their (where ever ur hair ends), very faint scars littered across them, Harry’s eyes drifted down, gasping as he spotted a bandage around their left wrist.
He looked from his own bandaged wrist to theirs, now he didn’t know if he was jumping to conclusions, but the feeling he got from just looking at them told him that he was looking at his soulmate for the first time.
he felt Gil shove his shoulder a bit, moving him forward a bit, he took his eyes off his soulmate and started to walk with his friends and following Ben and Mal around the dorms.
The new group had been settling in for a month now, you had tried to talk to Harry but he had been….shy? to say the least, he wouldn’t speak and couldn’t keep eye contact with you.
But whenever you walked away, you sneaked a look back at the tiro to see Harry hit his head against the table they were sitting at.
You snorted as you thought back to it, the pirate was quite handsome, what luck would it be if he was your soulmate huh?
He didn’t seem to be interested though, always off Standish and silent. What you didn’t know was that he ranted to Uma and Gil about you, constantly gushing about your eyes, saying they were brighter than the neverland stars.
Or about how your smile just made him feel things that he just couldn’t explain.
Uma and Gil were very close to just punching him in the jaw right in front of you to get him to stop rambling to them.
Your train of thought was interrupted as someone tapped the edge of your book, you looked up, smiling as you looked into Evie’s blueish brown eyes. “hi” you whispered, avoiding the chance of getting the library mad.
“hi~” she whisper-sang back, sitting down next to you and setting her bag on the library table. “whatcha studying?”
“history stuff” you hummed, flipping through another page “for the test tomorrow”
“ah, I for-“ Evie trailed off, staring at your face intensely “whats-(y/n) your jaw!”
You put down your book and touched your jaw, feeling nothing but gathering heat. “is it bruising?”
“yeah! Oh, there's, your shoulder too!” the librarian shushed you, stopping as she got a good look at your bruising body.
“oh shit” you muttered, pulling up your shirt to see multiple fist-shaped welts forming around your body. “they’re getting into a fight-“
Evie’s phone went off, and she picked it up, eyes widening “Harry’s getting cornered, lockers, come on!” she grabbed your wrist, tugging you out of the library and towards the lockers.
You pulled your wrist out of her grip and ran faster toward the lockers, skidding to a stop as you turned the corner. You gasped.
There against the lockers was Harry, being held down by two tourney jocks and Tyler, the asshole who had been obsessed with you since middle school.
“they’re mine, you filthy pirate!” Tyler spit in Harry's face, punching him in the jaw again.
“they-“ Harry spit a mouthful of blood on Tyler's shoes, looking back at the seething boy with a bloody grin “-they aren’t even yer soulmate yeh jackass”
Tyler screamed in rage and socked harry in the face again, slamming his head against the locker “shut the fuck up you asshole!”
“(y/n) your face” Evie whispered, you took out your phone and quickly opened the camera, in the same places Harry was getting hit, was forming welts and bruises on your face.
“that’s it” you snarled, swiftly taking off your jacket and tossing your phone at Evie, bolting towards Tyler and Harry “TYLER BACK THE FUCK OFF MY SOULMATE YOU JACKASS!”
Tyler perked up, eyes widening in horror as your fist flew at his face. You hit him with a hard right hook, breaking him away from Harry and blood spurting from his nose.
“ah-“ you grabbed his shirt and pushed him back towards the rails, hitting him in the jewels and tripping him over the rials, sending him to the ground below.
You turned, glaring sharply at the two leftover jocks holding Harry down, they looked from Harry to you and released him, backing away with their hands up before bolting off somewhere.
You looked around at the forming crowd, letting out a single snapping word “GO!” the Auradon kids scrambled off, leaving you, Evie, an arriving Uma, and an almost unconscious Harry.
You sighed and ran towards Harry, kneeling next to him and cupping his face gently. “harry, can you hear me?”
He shook his head a bit and shifted his striking blue eyes to you, he gave a small painful grin. “alright then” you huffed, giving him a soft smile “you’re an idiot Harry Hook, Uma!” she stepped next to you, kneeling next to you, giving harry a look “can you help him?”
“I can….but im thinking he needs to learn a lesson of not ranting to me about you” she huffed, giving Harry a shit-eating grin.
Harry groaned and flipped her off, Uma chuckled and waved her hand, the bruises on you and Harry disappearing. “there, now yall get officially acquainted and ill take evie somewhere so she doesn’t disturb you with her squealing” she stood and walked over to evie, dragging the grinning Evie away by the arm.
You sighed and took Harry's hand, pulling him out of his sitting position to stand with you “so why don’t we go get to know each other hm?” you grinned as Harry chuckled and held out his arm.
You wrapped your hands around his arm and let him lead you off to where ever.  
What a way to “meet” your soulmate huh?.....saving him from getting his ass kicked.
@queer-cosette @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose
@random-thoughts-003 @amorathegamingkitsune
@rintheemolion @verboetoperee 
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samwinchestersgf · 3 years
obsession (part one)
prompt: “oh my god! he’s obsessed with you!”
warnings: horror, gore, obsessive weirdo, protective sam. nothing worse than what’s in the show, but still unsettling.
pairing: sam x reader
note: any message y/n sends is in ‘’. her other messages are not.
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“excuse me?” i clear my throat.
a tall man with smoldering eyes turns around and looks down at me. “hm?”
“this is so random, but could you give me a ride? i’m supposed to be meeting my boyfriend, and i’m really late, and my phone is dead, and i just-“
“sure. but, are you sure you should be getting in the car with a stranger.” he raises an eyebrow, questioning my sanity.
“i noticed the uber sticker on the back of your car.” i point out with a smile.
“y’know, i’m off the clock...” his voice trails off.
i clear my throat, “that’s fine. um, i was just wondering. have a nice day!”
i turn around and awkwardly shuffle awah as the thunder roars even louder. soon, the small mist coming down from the sky will turn into a heavy pour. sam is probably worried sick about me, and i just can’t do anything. there’s no pay phones or anything, and i don’t have is number memorized anyways.
“no!” he calls out to me as i turn around. “i mean, it’s okay, really. i don’t mind.”
the first thick raindrop splashes onto my head. “thank you so much! i can pay you once we’re at his apartment. i just-“
“it’s fine. i’ve been looking for my random act of kindness for the day anyways.” he shrugs, opening the passengers door for me.
i duck in, clutching the knife in my pocket just in case. i might be making a stupid decision by getting in the car with this random man, but it’s my only choice. i may as well being insane in a safe manner.
“how far?” he asks, starting the car.
“only a few minutes. it’s 327 park way.” i respond.
he takes a left. “if you don’t mind me asking, what were you doing out there all alone? it’s, like, 11 pm.”
“he was supposed to meet me at this coffee shop. we, uh-“ i make up a lie on the spot. “we have a lot of college work to do. then, he called and said he wasn’t feeling well and that we should just cancel.”
“so, he left you stranded out there?” he asks.
i shake my head vigorously. “no, i decided to go over to take care of him, and i said i’d be there in a few minutes. well, my phone died so i couldn’t call an uber, so i kept walking. i still had a mile or two to walk, and then i saw you.”
“maybe next time don’t walk in the first place. uber straight where you’re supposed to go, especially at night.” he advises.
“noted.” i laugh.
“if i had a girlfriend, i wouldn’t let her go walking at night alone, even if it was just across the street. this city is full of creeps.” his tone gets a little more serious.
“he normally wouldn’t. he’s just been sick lately.” i assure him. “i’m glad you’re just a normal person though, not a creep.”
“i dunno, i pour my milk before my cereal.” he jokes.
i snort. “you are a creep! you’re a self-aware creep!”
“it’s just better that way.” he throws his hands up in defense, before returning them to the wheel.
“you think cereal is better soggy? god, get me out of the car.” i fake vomit.
“what other reason do people put milk in their cereal?!” he chuckles.
“it’s a flavor enhancer.” i roll my eyes.
“that’s why i add it first.” he points out.
“disgusting.” i huff in a joking manner as he parks the car.
“is this it?” he asks.
i nod. “yep.”
“this is phil’s motels.” he raises an eyebrow.
i rub the back of my neck. “uh, yeah.”
“you said you needed a ride to your boyfriend’s apartment.” he catches on to the lie.
look, i lied a lot. sam’s not my boyfriend, but i told him that he was so that he’d know i was going to see a man, so he wouldn’t try to follow me in. this isn’t his apartment, it’s a shabby motel because we’re on a hunt.
“ummm...” i hesitate.
he laughs. “did you make me drive you here for some shady hookup?”
“no! my boyfriend and i are just traveling.” i lie.
“why didn’t you just saw so?” he tilts his head.
“because of you’re reaction to the motel!” i laugh and smack his arm. “i didn’t want you to think i was a prostitute or something!”
he stares at me for a second. “i never caught your name.”
“it’s y/n. y/n l/n.” i cheesily shake his hand.
“i’m bryan. say, why don’t you let me give you my number so that you know who to call next time you need a ride.” he offers.
i show him my phone. “dead.”
“well, you give me your number, and i’ll next you so you can save my contact when your phone is charged.” he suggests.
“okay, sure.” i grab his phone and type my number in. i hand it back to him. “you know, it’s raining really hard. why don’t you come in and let me make you a coffee while the rain settles?”
“i dunno. maybe your boyfriend wouldn’t-“
i interrupt. “oh, he’s harmless. seriously, let me return the favor.”
“okay, okay.” he agrees, taking his key out of the ignition.
i walk him up to the door, and pull my key from my pocket. i wiggle it into the cheap motel lock and finally get it open. when we get in, i slip my wet shoes and coat on. he keeps his on.
“sam?” i call out.
he comes rushing over from the side room. “holy shit, y/n! i was worried about you.”
“i’m okay, i’m sorry. i’ll explain later.” i frown.
“who are you?” he asks, looking at bryan.
“babe,” i emphasize, hoping he’ll catch on and play along. “this is bryan. he gave me a ride over so i offered him inside for a coffee.”
“um, alright. thanks for getting my girlfriend home safely, bryan.” he shakes his hand.
i walk over to the coffee pot, which is conveniently still hot, and pour some into a mug. he clears his throat.
“actually, um, i think i’ll go.” he says awkwardly.
i turn around and catch sam giving him the death glare. i place the mug on the counter. “are you sure? i promise he doesn’t bite.”
i nudge sam in the shoulder, and he shrugs me off. then, he wraps his arm around my waist, playing into the role. he changes his tone, “the storm is awfully bad out there, bryan.”
“no, um, it’s okay. i have somewhere to be. take care.” he rushes out the door.
i turn to sam. “you’re such an ass.”
“what?” he asks innocently, drinking from the fresh mug of coffee.
“you scared him off!” i laugh.
“he’s a creep, y/n. he was looking at you, and...” his voice trails off.
“and what?” i roll my eyes.
“it was creepy!” he finishes.
“he didn’t have bad intentions, never did. he knew, well, er, thought from the start that you were my boyfriend and still wanted to help me.” i inform him.
sam scoffs. “really? did he give you his number?”
“he tried. my phone is dead, that’s part of the reason i needed a ride.” i answer, shrugging.
“so, there was no number exchanging?” he raises an eyebrow.
“y/n! you gave him your number?!” he throws his hands up exasperatedly.
“look, he was nice, okay? he helped me, and i’m still alive!” i argue.
“guys don’t normally kill girls that they’re in love with.” he raises his voice.
“he is not in love with me. we were in the car for 10 minutes tops.” i groan.
he pinches his nose. “i’m telling you, it’s a guy thing. we can just tell.”
“you can’t be in love with someone you don’t know.” i cross my arms.
“tell him that.” he answers smugly.
“you are so weird! he probably won’t even text me.” i tell him.
“plug your phone in. there’s probably already a text.” he hypothesizes.
i do as he says, plugging my phone in. it makes a minute to reboot, and we both sit in silence watching it. once it turns on, i connect to my data, and sure enough, there’s a text.
hey, it’s bryan. i sure hope you didn’t give me a fake number lol
i roll my eyes, “that doesn’t mean anything.”
“it means everything.” he testifies.
i throw my hands up. “you know what, who cares?! maybe he does like me. is there a problem with that?”
“no problem.” he answers quickly. “just super weird.”
i ignore him and text bryan back.
‘haha, no. this is my real number.’
he replies almost instantly.
good, good.
is your boyfriend mad?
i laugh.
‘he’s fine.’
i sit down the phone. “he’s not that weird, sam.”
i shiver in my coat. my fingers twirl around the loose strings in my pockets. i really need a new coat, especially if sam and i are gonna keep working cases in chicago in the middle of winter.
i order my coffee at the counter, thanking the barista as i grab it. my small hands are instantly warmed up, and i take a much needed deep breath. i notice how i shake as i do so. is it from the nerves or the cold? i guess i’ll never know.
my phone buzzes in my pocket. it’s sam texting me. unknowingly, i smile and take a seat while texting him back.
everything okay?
‘everything’s great. i got coffee.’
‘i’m not a maniac. it’s like, 4 degrees out here.’
i sit my phone on the table and take another sip of my coffee.
stay warm, and please don’t get into random guys’ cars.
i roll my eyes and reply. ‘okay, dad’
just looking out for, that’s all.
what coffee shop are you at? i have a minute. i can meet you.
i pick my phone up to reply, but i get distracted by a tap on my shoulder. i turn around, and give my eyes a second to adjust to the person right behind me.
“bryan?” i ask.
“haha, yep. is this seat taken?” he asks, gesturing to the seat in front of me.
“um, no.” i shake my head.
my phone buzzes again. hello? did you fall off the face of the earth?
“you look super cold.” he points out.
i smile meekly. “can you blame me? it’s like, 4 degrees outside.”
“it’s in the 30s, nowhere near as cold as it normally gets.” he chuckles. “you must be from somewhere warm.”
did you get into a stranger’s car again? :/
“i’m not really from anywhere,” i explain. i pick up my phone.
‘haha, super funny.’
“i’m sorry, am i bothering you?” he tilts his head.
i shake my head. “sorry, no. my boyfriend is just blowing up my phone.”
“is he meeting you?” bryan asks.
“no, he’s busy doing stuff.” i respond.
seriously, where are you?
i begin responding, ‘joe’s cof’ but i’m interrupted again before i can send the message.
“stuff?” he raises an eyebrow.
y/n please answer your phone
“yeah, he’s a busy guy.” i smile and nod.
“too busy to meet his girlfriend for coffee?” he takes a slight dig at sam.
you’re worrying me
can you just answer
y/n what the hell answer the phone
“he was going to try. but, yeah, too busy at the moment.” i laugh his insult off.
“you should come back to my place with me! i’ve got the heat on. it’s just down the road.” he suggests.
my phone vibrates on the table. i pick it up and give bryan a sorry look. “that’s him.”
“oh.” he blinks.
“maybe another time. bye, bryan.” i wave and pick up my coffee, and then answer my phone. “hey, baby.”
“can you seriously not answer a text? i was worried about you.” he sounds frantic, but not mad.
i walk out the door of the coffee shop. “i’m sorry. that bryan guy from yesterday was talking to me.”
“talking as in, like, he was actually there?” sam asks.
“yes, he was. don’t start.” i warn him.
“i won’t. can you come to the address i texted you? it’s just a simple ghost case and it’ll be really good to teach you.” he questions.
“yes, i’ll be there.” i agree.
“please don’t ride with bryan.” he emphasizes the word with extra venom.
i scoff, “i won’t.”
79 christopher road.
i show up at the house, and sam is standing outside waiting for me. he smiles, probably because bryan is no where in sight and briefs me about the case. apparently, these people buried their daughter in the backyard, and now she’s haunting them. they went out of town, so its a simple salt and burn.
“now, sometimes when you burn these things, they try to stop you.” he tells me. “so, while i’m doing this, your job is to look out and protect me, okay?”
“right, got it.” i nod as he gives me an iron bar.
it’s already dug up. he coats the body in salt. i don’t watch. then, he drops a match and the body bursts up in flames. it smells very bad.
“sam!” i exclaim as i see an apparition.
“hit it!” he shouts.
i swing the iron rod and it goes fully through the ghost, causing her to disappear. the adrenaline is coursing through my body. i can hear my heart beating so fast that it might jump out of my chest.
“she’ll come back.” he warns.
i swing the rod again, causing her to disappear once more. “she’s angry.”
“we’re killing her. of course she’s angry.” he laughs.
sam just watches as she appears again. he trusts me, and knows what i’m capable of. he knows when he needs to step in, and when i can handle it. right now, he knows i’m able to handle it.
she appears for the third time. i groan and get ready to swing, but she stops mid ‘step’ and bursts into flames. i jump back and watch as she burns and evaporates.
“and, that’s it.” he smiles, high-giving me. “you did really well.”
“this isn’t really a celebration moment, but, just know, i’m excited.” i point out.
he snorts. “right. grab a shovel.”
after reburying the body and leaving the premise as if nothing happened, sam and i take his car back to the motel. my phone buzzes in the car.
did you get where you’re going safely?
‘yeah. i’m good.’
“who are you texting?” sam asks.
“bryan sure texts you a lot for someone who thinks you have a boyfriend.” he scoffs.
“he’s friendly.” i dismiss him.
that’s good. i’m glad you’re safe.
“what’s he saying?” sam asks.
“wow. in my business, much?” i roll my eyes.
“you’re gonna tell me either way.” he laughs.
i cross my arms. “he was just making sure i got to you safely.”
“oh god!” sam exclaims. “he’s so obsessed with you!”
“he is not!”
“if a guy is making sure you’re safe all the time, it’s because he loves you.” he explains.
“you’re reading too much into it.” i counter.
“i just think it’s weird that he loves you, when to him, you have a boyfriend.” he pushes further.
“last time i checked, you aren’t my actual boyfriend.” i sigh exasperatedly. “so, unless you are, you can’t tell me who i can and can’t text.”
okay, maybe i do wish sam were my actual boyfriend. he’s a sweet guy, and definitely not unattractive. i like him a lot. but, it’s obviously not reciprocated.
‘thank you.’
another case, same town, and the same coffee shop. it’s the same temperature, too, so i’m basically freezing down to my bones. i get the same coffee order and text sam.
‘do you think i’ll be able to help you today?’
‘or am i gonna have to be lonely again?’
this case is kinda extreme.
i’ll try to finish quickly so we can hang out.
‘yes please.’
“why, hey stranger.” someone calls out to me. i look up, and bryan is sitting in front of me.
“hey bryan.” i wave. “are you stalking me?”
he furrows his eyebrows. “this is a very common coffee shop.”
“i know, i-“
“i’m not some kind of weirdo, you know. i’m just a nice guy who offered you a ride and is trying to be friendly.” he defends himself. “i’m also a local here, so i’ve been getting coffee from here for a long time.”
“i’m sorry. i was joking.” i apologize awkwardly.
“oh.” he clears his throat.
“yea.” i nod.
“my bad. are you busy today?” he asks.
“uh, no, actually. my boyfriend’s busy all day so i’m kind of just.. alone.” i explain.
“come to my place!” he suggests.
i sigh, “ummm...”
“c’mon. i thought we already established i wasn’t some weirdo.” he jokes.
“fine, fine.” i laugh.
i hop into the familiar passenger seat. we listen to the radio on the way to his place. i sing along, which he finds funny. i catch him staring at me every now and then. he even missed a green light or two.
my hunter’s instincts go off. sam has trained me to be careful around these kinds of people. he’s obviously not a ghost. if he’s a werewolf, i’m not in any immediate danger because it’s not a full moon. so, maybe he’s a vampire and he’s luring me back to his house to kill me inconspicuously.
we walk into his house. it’s pretty nice. the hardwood floors are almost spotless, and the furniture shows no signs of any stains. i clutch the knife in my pocket.
“make yourself at home. we can watch a movie or something.” he suggests.
“um, yeah. of course.” i nod.
he looks puzzled. “are you nervous or something?”
“y/n, we’ve already been over this. i’m not some psychopath that kills people.” he sighs.
“i know, i know.” i deflect. “i think i just had too much coffee.”
“jittery?” he asks.
my heart beats way too fast. i feel like it’s going to burst out of my chest. it’s not the good type of adrenaline that i enjoy when i’m hunting. it’s not the helpful kind of adrenaline that has saved my life so many times. it’s adrenaline based off pure fear.
with my defeaning heartbeat echoing in my ears, i decide to bite the police. i slice my palm with the knife in my pocket and then bring it out. bryan turns around with a look of concern.
“i, uh, could i have a bandaid or something?” i ask.
“how did you cut your hand?” he asks, confused.
“i have a pocket knife in my pocket.” i half-lie. its not a pocket knife, but...
“you’re so clumsy. follow me.” he beckons.
i follow him into the bathroom. he opens the cabinet and hands me the biggest bandaid i’ve ever seen, with a slight smile on his face. i observe his smile. there’s no fangs in sight. he’s just a normal guy.
“thanks.” i smile back, bandaging myself up.
my phone rings and i pick up. “hello?”
“hey. my case is over. meet me back at the motel?” sam’s voice stings my ears. i miss him.
“of course! yea, i’ll be right there.” i smile.
“okay, bye. stay safe.” i can hear the smile in his voice.
i hang up the phone and turn toward bryan. “i’m sorry to cut this short, i-“
“ditching me to go hang out with your boyfriend again, huh?” he asks bitterly.
“uh, yea. sorry.” i offer him a faux smile.
“at least let me drive you back,” he offers. he grabs his keys off the counter and jingles them.
“actually, i think i’ll just get a cab. thanks for the offer.” i wave at him and grab my coat from the front door.
i feel uneasy. i walk down the street as fast as i can without looking suspicious. now, i realize the severity of the situation. he might not be a creep, but if he is, i am very much in danger.
he has my phone number; he knows where i’m sleeping; he knows i’m alone most of the day; he knows everything and i’ve known him for two days.
but, that’s not anything to worry about. bryan is just a normal guy, right?
if you enjoyed, feel free to reblog or comment or something! stay on the lookout for the final part. thanks for reading :)
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moonstruckholland · 4 years
"everyone keeps on trying to set us up, but we've already been dating for years/months" kinda thing 😘
I swear you always come up with the best prompts 💕 A huge thanks to @fangirlwithasweettooth for helping me out with this 💛
☆ ☆ ☆
"Y/n, c'mon, you have to meet up with this guy from my theatre class. He's perfect for you," Lena begged, giving you her puppy dog eyes.
"Nope, no thank you."
"Let me at least tell you his name and what he looks like!"
You shook your head refraining from rolling your eyes, "Babe, I told you, I'm seeing someone already."
"That's what you've been saying since January, but you never bring him around, you barely talk about him. Honestly, I can't help feeling like you're either ashamed of me or you're making him up."
"You're my best friend, I could never be ashamed of you. Plus, why would I go through the trouble of pretending to date someone?"
"To stop me from trying to set you up."
She made a good point. After many bad set ups, you always made a big fuss whenever she tried bringing some new person around. You knew she meant well, but she had horrible taste.
"Can you blame you after what happened with the last guy?"
She pouted, her dark curls bouncing as she dramatically crossed her arms, "He seemed like such a nice guy! I didn't think he would leave you with the check after ordering the whole menu!"
You wrapped an arm around her shoulders, comfortingly, "I know, honey, it's not your fault. I promise you'll meet him soon. He's just new to the whole relationship thing and I don't want to overwhelm him."
"Okay," She sighed, her shoulders slumped with disappointment.
She seemed to let the subject go and you hoped this would be the last time she would bring it up.
You weren't lying when you said you were in a relationship. You met Tom in your horror literature class last semester, but you didn't start talking until he begged you to help him study for the final.
He hadn't exactly had the best reputation in terms of girls, but the two of you hit it off, starting to date sometime during your winter break.
It had been your idea to keep things private for a little while, knowing how intense your friends could be sometimes, especially Lena, even though their hearts were in the right place. You were worried he might be scared off, since he wasn't used to being the boyfriend kind of guy.
But with Lena attempting to set you up with someone new seemingly every week, you were starting to reconsider the decision. Maybe it was time to finally introduce them.
You brought it up that night when you were on the phone with Tom, butterflies filling your tummy as you awaited his answer.
"I'd love to meet your friends, darling," he said, surprising you.
"Yeah? Are you sure?"
"Absolutely, and if I'm being honest, I wouldn't mind showing my princess off around Haz and the other guys."
You couldn't help smiling at him calling you his princess, a flush on your cheeks.
"So, do you think you could come by tomorrow?"
"I can't tomorrow, baby. I promised Haz, I'd run lines with him. What about Saturday?"
"That's perfect."
After hanging up, you went to bed feeling giddy. You couldn't believe Tom wanted to meet your friends, wanted you to meet his.
You decided not to tell Lena, wanting to surprise her, instead just telling her you had something planned for Saturday night.
It was a decision you ended up regretting when she approached the picnic table you were sitting at in the courtyard the next day, a guilty expression on her face.
"Okay, before I say anything, promise me you won't get mad," she pleaded as she took a seat beside you.
"Lena, what did you do?"
"Remember the cute theatre guy? Well, he has a cute friend, Harrison, who asked me to run lines with them, but I told him I was meeting you and I might've invited them to run lines here," She refused to meet your eyes, using her curls to hide her face as she explained.
"Lena!" You yelled, completely mortified, earning you a dirty look from a girl studying at the table behind you.
"I'm sorry! I didn't want to ditch you! Please, just be nice to them, that's all I'm asking."
You glared at her, "Fine, I'll be nice, but that's it."
She pulled you in for a tight hug, "Thank you, angel, I love you! I promise I'll buy you lunch the second they leave."
You listened to her talk about this cute guy, the name sounding so familiar the more and more she talked about him. You found yourself zoning out a bit, trying to figure out where you'd heard it from.
Lena pulled you out of your thoughts as she started freaking out, lightly nudging you to tell you the boys were approaching.
You looked up, your heart stopping as you saw Tom and who you assumed to be Haz or in Lena's case, Harrison.
"That's the guy you were trying to set me up with?"
"He's cute, right?"
'He's my boyfriend,' is what you wanted to say, but you just tried not to look panicked instead.
Your eyes met Tom's for a brief moment and he looked just as shocked as you did when they finally got to your table.
Lena didn't seem to notice, her eyes bright and she greeted them.
"Y/n, this is Harrison," she gave him a flirty smile before looking at Tom, "And this is Tom, the guy I was telling you about the other day."
She winked at you when they weren't looking, putting their stuff down and sitting on the other side of the picnic table, Tom right in front of you.
Lena and Harrison fell right into an easy conversation, which you tried to keep up with, but you couldn't stop looking at Tom, having your own wordless conversation. Not that they noticed, clearly Lena and Harrison wanted to do more than run lines together.
Tom looked down at your phone, before grabbing his own, sending you a text.
Tommy 💖: So, what did Elena say about me?
You: Just that you were cute and perfect for me
Tommy 💖: Well, she wasn't wrong 😉
You could see he was smirking down at his phone, knowing Lena approved of him before even figuring out the two of you were dating.
You: Totally not the point right now, babe! They think we're strangers
Tommy 💖: Should we tell them?
You looked up to see if Lena or Harrison had even noticed both of you texting. They hadn't, too caught up in each other to even look at you.
You: We kinda have to? Or else Lena is in for a surprise tomorrow night
Tommy 💖: We'll tell them in a minute, there's something else on my mind
You: What?
Tommy 💖: How beautiful you look right now
You could feel the heat rushing towards your face at the compliment. Even over text, Tom had an effect over you, turning you in a blushing, giggly mess.
You were about to respond, when you felt Lena gently nudge your shoulder.
"The guys are offering to take us to lunch, but we don't have to go if you don't want to."
"I-" you looked at Tom for a moment, contemplating what you should say. You sighed, "There's something I have to tell you."
"What's up?"
"Well, um, Tom and I are seeing each other."
She looked between the two of you surprised before asking in a quieter tone, "What about your guy?"
"Lena, Tom is my guy. He's the one I've been seeing for the past couple of months."
The total shock and confusion on her face was absolutely priceless, Harrison's expression matching hers as Tom explained to him what was going on.
"I'll explain later," you promised, "But you and Harrison go have lunch. Now that I know you totally approve of Tom, I think the two of us should go on a date of our own.
You didn't give her time to protest, getting up and picking up your things. You motioned for Tom to do the same.
Both of you waved to your friends before intertwining hands and quickly walking away in a fit of giggles.
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
The Cute One
Smosh : Fic
Damien x Reader
Word Count: 2496
Warnings: Lots of giggles... a try not to laugh challenge... and a possibly questionable white van joke?
A/N: Guest staring on Smosh Pit was every bit as fun as you hoped, maybe even a little romantic as a certain Damien Haas flirted during the entire game
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“Guys, welcome back to the Try Not to Laugh Challenge,” Keith addressed the camera as the rest of the cast cheered. “You guys wanted it, so we’re doing it again.”
Shayne clapped his hands together, “We’re doing it again, it’s going to be crazier. You know why it’s gonna be crazier?”
“Why?” Olivia perked up.
 “Cause we’ve got a guest this time.”
 Everyone gave their own round of applause as they amped up the soon to be revealed contestant.
 “And we’re not just talking about Damien because he ends up being here way too often.” Damien waved at the camera and avoided a well aimed smack from Courtney.
 Shayne continued, “Introducing (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!”
 Out of the corner came (Y/N), waltzing on in a goofy dance, “Hey, friends!” She bounced to the chair Keith was gesturing to and found Noah already wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
 “We are hoping because you’re here this will go on trending,” Shayne confessed, throwing in a forced laugh afterwards. “For those of you who don’t know, (Y/N) has a YouTube channel and just so happens to not live in LA.”
 (Y/N) nodded and found herself slowly falling into a nervous tick, twisting around in her chair, “Yes, my online name is (Youtube Name). And it definitely took many hours to get here.”
 Noah grinned from beside her, “We are lucky enough to feature her on Smosh Pit while she stays in California for the week!”
 Everyone yells their approval and causes (Y/N) to blush ever so slightly. She wasn’t that popular of a YouTuber.
 After rules were explained, Olivia was left on the stool while the rest of the cast flew to behind the prop screen wall. Once there, (Y/N) found a hand on her shoulder.
 “Hi, I’m Damien.”
 Her throat immediately seized up, “Uh, h-hey! It’s really nice to meet you – all of you. Um… question: are you good at this game?” Her pent-up energy caused her weird quirks to shine through, talking with her hands and shuffling her feet.
Damien smiled wide, “How forward of you to assume I’m funny.”
That pulled a snicker from her, “Go easy on me, alright?” She smirked, adverting her eyes from his staring ones, “I’ve got to give my best show. My fans think I’m pretty funny.”
Damien continues to watch her movements, completely oblivious to the commotion behind him, “Oh, so now you’re saying that you think you’re funny? Such confidence for a first time Try to Not Laugher.”
She immediately blushed, slight panic in her limbs, “No, no, I’m saying my fans think I’m funny. I never said I thought I was.”
He snickered, admiring the wide look in her gaze, “You should. I’ve seen a few of your videos and I think you’re funny.”
“Woah, the great Damien Haas declaring me humorous to viewers,” she allowed a hint of a smile on her face, improv taking over her actions. “That’s got to mean something.”
It was Damien’s turn to get a bit embarrassed, turning his head away at the sudden realization that he’s been staring at her the entirety of their conversation. 
“Honestly, (Y/N), take it as a compliment. Your videos are pretty hilarious.”
She let her gaze rest on his subtle smile for a few extra moments before sighing, “Now I feel bad! I haven’t seen any Smosh videos and come to find out you already knew who I was and everything.”
“It’s not that big of a deal; you can watch them after today. Maybe I could show you some of…”
“Damien’s turn!” Courtney yelled, “If you don’t get out there in the next five seconds we’re gonna skip you.” She peered over at the corner Damien and (Y/N) were huddled in, talking - it took a swift pull on the arm from Shayne to get her to turn away.
“Hold that thought,” Damien smiled, holding up a finger.
And (Y/N) watched him practically fall on the stage in his attempt to make Olivia laugh. She realized that something was clicking in her brain, that maybe Damien was trying to be her friend.
She wandered as the rounds continued, one particularly good attempt she came up with for Noah went along the lines of:
“Hey, little boy,” she rounded the corner in a grungy button down and a steering wheel in her hand. “You wanna hear something good? I’ve got some free WiFi in the back of my van.”
Shayne started giggling as Noah pulled a grimace at the previous statement. (Y/N) exaggerated the creepy features on her face as she pursued him more.
“Come on, kid. I’ll show you all the stuff. I’ve got chargers galore in the back, free WiFi that’s actually good – not that crappy free McDonald’s WiFi that promises full access but disappoints you. This is the good stuff!” She took a shuttering breath, making intense eye contact with the freaked Noah, “Just get in the van… little boy.”
On the last syllable she flickered her tongue and Noah couldn’t take it anymore, spitting the water all over the place and sending everyone into a fit of laughter.
“Oh my God, please stop!” he cried, holding up a hand. “That was horrifying.”
Shayne couldn’t stop giggling, “Those white vans gotta offer what the kids want these days.”
“Candy just ain’t it anymore,” Damien added, poking his head out to watch (Y/N) come back with her props.
It wasn’t until Damien was sitting in the chair that (Y/N) felt the most invested. She found a different kind of determination to make him laugh compared to the others. And she was pretty sure she had the perfect strategy.
Trying to be as genuine as possible, (Y/N) skittishly walked out, playing with the end of her shirt and gazing towards the ground. When she did flicker her eyes to Damien, she saw his expectant expression and the subtle smile that was already creeping into view.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N),” she messed with her fingers, playing up a shy smile. Though she focused all her energy into being timid and cute, it wasn’t that hard to show – it was basically what she’d been feeling all day.
Damien waved towards her as she continued with a small voice, “I don’t usually do this. But – I just…” She scratched the back of her neck and gave a nervous laugh.
Courtney made funny noises from behind the prop screen, “This is adorable.”
“Come on, (Y/N),” Keith muttered, a hint of a giggle behind his words.
It was almost like Damien softened his reaction, like he was falling into a genuine feeling of worry for her.
“I just wanted to say…” (Y/N) let out an unexpected giggle, unable to contain a smile but still staring at the ground. “I think you’re really cute.” She finally looked at him and he seemed slightly surprised, bringing a hand over his chest as if asking if she was actually talking to him.
“Yes, you,” she laughed, fidgeting with her hands, “And I was hoping that maybe we could go out sometime. Like, maybe go to lunch, play some games, go see a movie. We – we could even just watch a movie at my place!” She became more animated as she held her monologue, her demeanor slowly developing from shy to persistent.
“We could make dinner! I have a very, very nice kitchen. I have a great array of… knives. Carving tools.” Her tone of voice became steady, almost menacing as her eyes remained pouring into his, unblinking, “And a very. Large. Freezer.”
Noah started laughing in a sense of horror, “Oh my God!”
“Have you ever had liver and onions? What about steak and kidney pie?” she was sizing him up now, looking him over with those same wide eyes. A finger was tapping her chin, “It’s absolutely delicious.”
Damien was increasingly shrinking in his seat, his before expression of flattery was replaced with a grimace. He was making muffled noises to her suggestions, shaking his head in confusion.
“I might bring a few friends along. I hope that’s okay. One of them works at Red Cross – we might as well donate blood while we’re at it.”
He couldn’t hold it in anymore and spluttered some water in surprise, “What the hell? What kind of Black Market ish was that?”
(Y/N) waved at the camera, marching off in a confident fashion, “Thank you, thank you!”
“(Y/N), you can actually be hella creepy,” Keith stated, straightening his sweatshirt, “I was not expecting that at all.”
Shayne laughed hard, “I guess we all know what (Y/N) does with her free time.”
Courtney joined in, giggling, “And I thought it was going to be some fluffy date proposal!”
And with an announcement from Shayne, it was (Y/N)’s turn to be on the stool. She quickly realized that Damien was going to approach her first.
“Great, instant revenge. I promise you’re still really cute, Damien, and not in just a ‘I-want-to-harvest-your-organs’ kind of way,” she stated away from him, sipping from her water bottle.
Little did she know that Shayne and Courtney were smacking Damien to make sure he noticed what was just said. After a little struggle, he was able to extract himself from his boisterous friends.
In complete silence he wandered around the stool and faced (Y/N) at an angle. She was almost afraid to keep eye contact with him, scared that a blush of some sort would course her cheeks.
Eventually Damien leaned over and kissed the top of her head, making (Y/N) scrunch her brows in confusion. Keith gave a classic muffled laugh as Courtney dramatically gasped.
Giving a short beat, Damien leaned over and kissed the top of her nose, making her flicker her eyes around asking silently where this was going. Shayne started his giggling again, peering over the screen.
Leaning over, Damien peered into (Y/N)’s eyes with raised eyebrows. And she could have sworn there were specks of pink flustering his cheeks. In an instant Damien wrapped his hands around (Y/N)’s face, placing his thumbs over her lips and kissing that exact spot.
Though he was essentially just kissing his own thumbs, (Y/N) made a muffled noise of surprise, practically gasping afterwards and leaning away on the stool. “I just swallowed my water!”
Everyone broke out in laughs as Damien clapped his hands in amusement at her reaction, “You should see your face.”
In complete shock, she grabbed her water bottle, secretly thankful that there were still five more people she needed to face before Damien again. But it didn’t take long for the game to be over, (Y/N) failing epically to not laugh every time. They filmed the outro and pumped the fans about following (Youtube Name) on social media, signing off with waving and cheers from the whole cast.
A few rounds of applause and hugs later, and (Y/N) found Shayne shoving his best friend over her way. How it didn’t dawn on them that they were in plain sight was beyond her, but Shayne gave a thumbs up towards Damien and motioned for him to keep walking over.
In response, Damien quietly shuffled towards (Y/N); she could almost see him trying to pull some confidence into his step, “Hey, (Y/N), you did really great out there.”
“So that means you still think I’m funny? I haven’t completely disappointed you?” she let her natural weird improv take over her speech – she knew if she tried to say something serious it would fall out jumbled and incoherent.
“Absolutely,” he practically muttered, playing with his hair immediately. “I had a lot of fun hanging with you today. Even if it was only for a couple hours at work.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “Make work fun and then it doesn’t really feel like work, right?”
“Yeah,” he agreed – his eyes crinkled when he giggled, she noticed. “Um… what – what are your plans for the rest of your time here?”
“Well,” she flickered her eyes around the hall, quickly noticing Shayne attempting to be casual in the doorway. “For today, I plan on going back to my hotel room and playing on my Playstation that I most definitely brought with me.” 
Damien snickered again, “I see nothing wrong with that. It’s perfectly normal to be attached to a gaming system.”
She laughed in response, “But I’ve got a few more collabs for the rest of my week here. Though during my free nights I was thinking of maybe exploring LA a little bit – see why people keep flocking over here… what all the hubba-ballue is about.”
“Well, maybe – just maybe,” he tried to add a bit of humor as always. “We can hang out sometime before you leave. I could show you the best parts of the city?”
“I suppose having an experienced LA person with me would help my quest of touring knowledge,” she averted her eyes for a few seconds, “Um… as long as you’re okay with spending at least one night playing Smash Bros. and Mario Party whilst snacking on sushi and Chinese food.”
That seemed to brighten his face to maximum proportions, “You know, I had a funny feeling we’d get along. Chinese food and games just so happens to be one of my favorite pastimes.”
She immediately pulled out her phone, “Then can I have your number? And you can text me when you’re free.”
He seemed practically overjoyed that she was the first to ask, “Of course, M’Lady.”
(Y/N) quietly snuck a glance back towards Shayne; he was leaning in close with a contorted brow. He was attempting to listen so intently to their conversation.
Giggling, she accepted her phone again, “Thank you. I’m really glad I’ve decided not to harvest your organs.”
He gave a breathy laugh, an immediate tickle in his throat, “Because I’m cute, right?”
“Do you need me to say it again?” She found herself hiding her fidgeting hands, a warm feeling spreading in her chest. “I’ll text you and you’ll have my number.” She was already typing on her screen.
“Awesome,” he pulled out his own phone and waited for the ding of a new message, “I see, ‘Hey there cutie.’ What a coincidence.”
“I think you need to talk to Shayne – he’s been worriedly watching our entire conversation.” She laughed at his scoff as he turned to glare at his best friend.
They muttered their goodbyes and shuffled away, (Y/N) almost immediately feeling her phone vibrate with a notification. It was a text message, and she quickly found out what Damien put himself as in her contacts:
||| AT&T LTE 2:15 PM 53%🔋
💬 Message from {The Cute One 💙}
“Going back to the whole Try Not to Laugh thing… just so you know, I also think you’re cute and not in a ‘I-only-want-to-kiss-you-with-my-thumbs-in-the-way’ kind of way.”
Before she was able to leave the office she turned to glance at the boys, seeing Shayne looking incredulously at Damien.
Buy Me a Coffee?
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mouse507 · 4 years
I Want To Be Your Man Ringo X Reader part 2
Hey, this took a while to upload I'm sorry. I'm in the process of opening a show and dealing with midterms in highschool.
Warnings: some kissy kissy
It was around 5 pm the next day. "Maybe I should get dressed now..." You stood up from your bed, and walked to your closet. You wanted to wear a nicer shirt today. Not to impress Ritchie or anything, but you also didn't want him or his friends to think you were strange.Some mascara wouldnt hurt either you told yourself. Or lipgloss. By the time you finished picking out a nice outfit and putting on makeup it was around 6. You couldn't remember if Ritchie was picking you up at 7 or 8, but it's better to be ready than wrong.
You walked downstairs to grab a drink and and some money. After grabbing a glass of water, you sat down at the kitchen table. Your mom looked up from her coffee and newspaper to look at you. She had a big smile painted on her face, "So, Y/n. who's that boy you hung out with yesterday?" She asked.
"Oh, him. He's new to his neighborhoodd, and I wanted him to feel welcome here. He and I, and maybe some friends, are going to the movies later today. I-if that's alright, I mean," you asked looking down into your glass of water.
"Of course! Just make sure you're home by 10." Mom said.
"Thanks, Mum," you finished your water and
"But no funny business, make sure you stay safe."
"Yes Ma'am "
I waited in the living room until he arrived, it wouldn't be for another hour or so. You read a bit more of the book being read in class, trying to catch up before school started back up. You were touching up your mascara when the door was knocked on.
"Bye Mom I'm leaving!" You yelled from the living room as you grabbed the money from the counter, and shoved it in your pockets.
"Bye sweetie, be safe!" she yelled after me.
"I will!" You stopped to take one more look in the mirror before opening the door.
Ritchie pulled up with his friends and they were jokingly pushing him out of the car to go knock on your door. "Go get the doll then won't you?" said Paul as pulled his collar up around his neck. John lit a match and put it to his cigarette, "Yeah hot shot, go show us this girl you've been talking about. Work your moves," He laughed at their foolishness.
"I will, I will. But promise don't be stupid,"
"Yeah, that'll be hard for 'em," a high pitched blonde girl spoke to him. This was Paul's girl for the evening, her name was Chloe, or Katy, or lilac, something of that manner. Paul sighed and rolled his eyes.
John and Paul had been friends with Ringo for a few years, and usually dragged him around to all kinds of things. Tonight, they were seeing a horror movie, with Paul and his newest lucky lady for the night, and you.
Ritchie walked up to your door, took a breath, and slicked his hair back. He checked himself in the reflection of the glass in your front door, then finally knocked, putting his hands in his pockets. You opened the door and stared up at him, "Hey love, ready to go?" He said. He looked at you up and down. You looked stunning to him, you thought you just looked nice, but to him you were gorgeous.
Your clothes made you seem so bright and lovely, and your hair framed your face so well. Your eyes sparkled from your porch light, and your hands looked so soft and delicate. You thought he looked good aswell, really good. His hair was slicked back, he had a black jacket on, really tight pants, and a smile that was so warm and inviting. You thought he glowed in the dark, and he thought you were a ball of light.
"Yep, ready to go," you broke the silence, it was a nice, comfortable silence though, so you almost felt bad for breaking it. You closed the door behind and walked with him to the car. "Y/n this is John and Paul. And uh, Katy." He said opening the door for you. "It's Lily!" The girl in the back shouted. "Right.. he mumbled. John and Paul waved at you, "Right how are you love," asked John as he started up his car.
"I'm lovely, thanks" you said watching Ritchie open the door for you.
You slid in, and Ritchie cane in after you. John had one of those typical no-roof-black cars. All three of the boys seemed to be your average greasers: black leather jackets, cigarettes, slicked back hair, and a really nice car. You felt out of place, everyone was wearing all black and seemed so, cool. Here you were, wearing something bright and childish.
Ritchie thought you looked lovely as the odd one out. You seemed to be the only one who put any thought into what they were wearing. He appreciated the effort you put in. He started thinking to himself, did you think this was a date? He didn't know if it was or not, he definitely liked you. He learned he liked you ever since you took him around the neighborhood. He likes how you care about things, you make everything seem personal to you.
"So, Y/n, how long have you known Ringo?" Said John.
"Ringo? Ooh Ritchie! Just for a few days. By the way, I really appreciate you letting me come with you guys."
Paul started laughing and mocked you "Ritchie" he said very quietly. John hit him in the arm, "You're welcome Y/n, we don't mind it." You couldn't hear him mock you, but you felt bad that he was laughing at you. Ritchie whispered to you, "Ignore them, they're pricks at first. They wanna see if they can scare you off." Ringo leaned back into the seat and lit a cigarette.
"Thanks," you whispered back at him. The car ride had been so long, that you hadn't noticed Ringo's arm ending up around your shoulders. He felt warm, it made you forget that is was 40 degrees outside and windy. We pulled up the drive in, and you sat up. Ringo moved his arm from around you, and straightened his back up some. Suddenly the silence wasn't comfortable anymore.
You remembered that this wasn't a date, this was just you getting a chance to meet Ritchie's friends. Well Ringo I guess, however that name came about. Ringo threw his cigarette butt on the ground as John pulled into a spot near the back. Ritchie coughed, "I'm gonna go get some snacks, want anything Y/n?"
"Oh, a Coke would be lovely actually," you reached in your pocket and handed Ritchie a dollar.
"Oh don't worry about it, I'll pay for it," he stated pushing your hand back.
"Are you sure? I'll feel bad,"
"Honestly Y/n, it's fine, you don't need to feel bad. I want to pay" he chuckled.
"Fine, but no more, I'll pay for my stuff from now on." You didn't want him buying you your food, this isn't a date. Unless he thought it was a date, then it's definitely a date. But he hasn't said it was date, so you declared that it wasn't.
He laughed "Alright alright, just let me get this," he turned towards the snack booth and walked off. Paul and Lily had left and we're arguing over something. John turned around to you.
"Well, enjoying yourself so far?" He spoke up Turing himself around in his chair.
"Yes actually, thank you for taking me" you said and leaned back against your seat. You were tense from the awkward moment before pulling in.
"So Y/n, I heard you like rock and roll?"
"Um yeah actually, how'd you know that?" You seemed dumbfounded, you only listened to music in your room. And with Ritchie.
"Oh god, Ringo Doesn't shut up about you. Your favorite band, what book you're reading, even what the hell you wear," he turned back around as Ringo came back with a glass bottle of coke for you, and one for him.
'He talked about me' You thought. You smiled to your self and looked at Ringo, "Thanks, 'Ringo'," you said as you opened your bottle.
He chuckled at you, "You're welcome,"
"What kind of movie is this anyway," you asked him.
"Oh eh, one of them scary ones. I hope that's alright, I mean if not we can leave!" He looked at you. He hit him self mentally, he didn't know if you liked scary movies or not. He should've asked you if you wanted to see that kind of movie, before you left with him.
"Oh yeah that's fine! I love scary movies," you smiled and took a sip of your drink. Ringo sighed in relief.
The lights around the drive in began to go out as the screen turned a bright white. You and Ringo sat in the middle of the back seat watching the movie start. Paul and Lily gone to another friends car to go talk for a bit, and ended up staying there to watch the movie.
The intro seemed very long, and it made you begin to really notice your surroundings. Like how cold it was, it was a fairly windy might and it had snowed the night before. You ignored it though, it would go away eventually. Ringo, on the other hand, noticed your shivering.
"Y/n are you ok? You're shivering. Oh, want my jacket?" He asked as he grabbed at his leather jacket.
"Um...yes actually. I'm quite cold." You rubbed your arms to create some heat.
He took his jacket off and wrapped it around you. You curled yourself up in it, and enjoyed howe its warmth. It smelled like him, cigarettes and cologne, and was fuzzy on the inside. Ritchie was left in a tight white T-shirt, that fit his arms very well, and black jeans. He looked, really good. You just wanted to lay in his chest and fall asleep, taking him in. You caught yourself staring," Um Y/n you ok?" He waved his hand in your face.
"Oh yeah, but um... aren't you cold?" You asked pointing at his lack of a jacket.
"No I'll be fine, it's not that cold for me anyways." You focus went back to the movie. The movie itself had a pretty ok story, but it also had you average bad actors and special effects. Once again, you isn't noticed Ringo's arm make its way back around your shoulders. You didn't mind it, it was still cold to you, and you leaned into him to get warmer. He liked your being close to him, he was a bit chilly and you being next to him warmed him a bit. He played with your hair, twirling bits of it in his fingers, he also rubbed his hand on your arm and leaned his head on yours.
"I'll be right back, gonna go get something to eat." said John. He got out of the car and walked away, leaving you and Ritchie in the car by yourself. John noticed how close you two were getting, so he left to get food and hangout with Paul for a bit.
"So, Y/n what do you think of the movie?" Ringo asked you.
"Oh well it's got your basic special effects, and the actors are just god awful. But it's nice nonetheless." You smiled at him. You sat back up, making your hips touch. Ritchie laughed.
"Yeah it's not the best. But I'm glad you're here," he smiled at you. That smile could make you do cartwheels if it asked you to.
You noticed his lips, soft and light pink. You bit your own as looked at him. The two of you had slowly leaned into each other, you could feel his breath on your cheek. His breath was warm, which was a nice contrast to cold aie around you He leaned in and closed the space between you, it was warm, and his lips felt like clouds. You moved your hand to the side of his face, and he put his on your hips.
The kiss was ended quickly, as you pulled back and looked at him. "That was um...nice," you hut yourself mentally, could you not think of anything better to say.
"It was..." You leaned back into him under his arm, and closed your eyes. There was since for a long time, about 20 minutes. The entire time all you thought of was the way his lips felt on yours, and how warm he was. He made you feel light inside, like a ball of fuzz.
Ringo thought about how his lips fit yours, like a puzzle piece. And how cold your hand felt on his VERY hot face. You couldn't see it but he was lit up like a Christmas tree, and your cold hand calmed his blush. He thought you under his arm, wrapped in his jacket made you the most precious thing to him.
"Ritchie?" You spoke up.
"Yeah Y/n?" He looked down at you, and rubbed your arm.
"Is this a date?"
He thought about it, was it? It didn't start out as one, but he guessed it was now.
"Yeah, it's a date."
You smiled to yourself, you worried over nothing. This was your first date and it turned out fantastic. At the end of the movie, John dropped you and Ritchie off in your neighborhood. Ritchie had talked to John to dropped you off ways from your house so he could talk to you a bit before leaving you for the night.
As you walked down the sidewalk, you pulled the jacket close around you. "Thanks Ritchie..." You looked at your feet as you walked.
"What for?"
"For a very nice first date," you looked over at him and stopped in front of your house. "and for walking me home."
He smiled at you, and looked at his feet. "You're welcome...Y/n can I um. Can I kiss you again?"
You chuckled and stepped towards him, "Yes, you may," you leaned in and kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neckas he put both his hands on your hips, pulling you closer. After he pulled back, you leaned your forehead on his, and smiled at him.
"Thanks love... I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"
"Of course," you separated and walked back into your home. It was barely 10, a little past that. You mom was already asleep, so you locked the door and made your way to bed. You were still wearing his jacket, as you laid down in bed you used it like a blanket. Taking in Ritchie's scent, making you feel comfortable and warm.
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axelsagewrites · 4 years
Stiles Stilinski*Followed Pt1
Ship(s): Stiles x Fem!Reader
Requested (?): By anonymous 
Can I get a Stiles x reader where the reader is this grunge/punk girl and is kinda intimidating and to everyone (even Derek?) and she finally gets a chance to be alone with Stiles (detention, study hall, etc. your choice) and they realize they have A LOT more in common than they thought?
Warnings?: couple swears, the norm.
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 (Y/N)  pov
I swear if one more person says I’m scary I’m going to flip out! Okay, maybe that won’t convince them but still. Apparently, I look intimidating. My face is just naturally aggressive for some reason. It's like a curse really.
This was one of the reasons, I think, that my friendship group is only small. Very small, at least in school. while I had friends from middle school and even a couple from freshman year, I hadn’t made any recently in school.
According to my friends, it might have something to do with the dyed hair, sarcastic comments and, resting bitch face. I come from a very sarcastic family and you have to be witty to survive.
While I’m not exactly bullied words like ‘goth’ ‘emo’ and ‘freak’ seem to be used more when I walk in a room. While there isn’t anything wrong with being goth, I’m just sick of being called it. For a time, I just stopped wearing anything with black on it but after coming to school in a white and yellow outfit and still getting called goth I gave up.
So, I’m the grunge kid. The one your parents tell you to cross the street from and that your grandma reminds you how sweet you used to be. And I don’t give a fuck.
But I kinda do. Like while I don’t deal with the awkwardness of introductions and meeting new people it’s because people don’t talk to me. And I wanna talk! I want to make new friends and get out of my shell. Partly because I don’t want to be alone forever and partly because I don’t wanna die alone!
For a while now this school has felt…strange. It started with a dead body being found in the woods and for some reason, my stomach is still in knots. Not to mention the guy they suspected of the murder keeps randomly showing up at school and dragging Scott and Stiles away. While I’m not friends with either I can’t help but be a little worried for them.
As I walk out of school, I prepare for the walk home. Headphones, jacket zipped, and dead face. I might as well live up to expectations. Honesty I’m used to the silent walk home. I live just close enough that I can walk but far enough that it’s a pain in the ass. Occasionally I get lucky and get a ride home, but it’s been a while.
I pass by a car far too nice to be in our parking lot and the man in the car sends chills down my spine. Derek Hale. Why is he here and why does he creep me out? The black Camaro feels like a shadow over the school, a constant reminder that Beacon Hills isn’t that safe after all.
Unlike in a room com when our eyes locked, and I didn’t look away it was because I was scared. But I couldn’t show that. Never.
  3rd pov
Derek’s eyes stayed on the unnamed girl as she walked away until he heard his car door open. “Who is she?” he asked as Scott slid into the front seat.
Stiles clambered into the back seat, making Derek internally wince at the mud on his shoes, “Who?” He said loudly as if he was in some TV show.
Derek rolled his eyes and looked at Scott, just hoping someone would be normal. “Um, I’m not sure. She’s from a different middle school. kinda keeps to herself,”
“Is this the scary chick from chemistry?” Stiles's head popped between the two front seats.
“Yup, What’s her name again?” Scott said, flinging his head back. “(Y/N)?”
“Yeah (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Really sarcastic, kinda scary, and would probably start a fight. Remind you of anyone?” Stiles looked at Derek.
Derek raised an eyebrow at the boy, “You’re scared of me?” Stiles mumbled something under his breath, “Put your belts on. I don’t need more problems,”
As Derek backed out his parking spot Scott piped up, “Why do you wanna know anyway?”
“Hm? Just wondered. Something about her doesn’t seem quite…right,”
“Like supernatural?” Stiles asked, popping his head through again. “Can’t you use your werewolf smell to tell?” Derek rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything. In truth she didn’t have a smell, unlike Stiles where Derek could smell his emotions, she didn’t have anything. Or maybe he just couldn’t tell. Derek didn’t like not knowing.
 (Y/N) pov
Another day, same old school stuff. My mum, who used to resent some of the clothes I’d wear, said nothing as I walked out in grey skinny jeans, Star Wars tee, and dark green shirt.
It was winter now and the walks home and to school were getting darker. Last night it felt like someone lingered around every corner, but I was alone. The walk to school was only made better as I knew the sun was rising.
My mum didn’t finish work till 5 but something was telling me I shouldn’t walk home tonight. Instead, I told her I was going to study support and would be finished around 5. Luckily, she offered to swing by after to pick me up meaning I wouldn’t be leaving school till about 5:15.
All the hope of my friends staying with me went out the window. One was sick, one had to leave early for a dentist appointment, and the last didn’t want to stay back that long because she had an online tournament that night. So, I was going to be alone.
Chemistry study support lasted from the end of school, 3:30, till 4:30. What I was going to do after, I don’t know. But alas I took the walk to chemistry after school and figured the school, at least, was safe.
While Mr. Harrison hatted everyone in his class equally, he was still required to do at least one after school study support class. No one ever went. I’d even emailed him the night before to make sure it was still on. He said it was though and even double-checked in chemistry first thing that I was still going, probably wanted to see if he could not go himself. He didn’t linger long though as after asking me Stiles station started smoking and he quickly went to yell at the boy.
both tragically and thankfully I walked to his class after the bell. As expected when I stepped in his class it was empty. Well apart from the man sat at his desk, moodily grading papers. He looked up as I entered, “You came,” his voice was as motioned as always.
“Yup,” I gave an awkward smile. Quickly I went to my sent, pulling out my chemistry stuff. I figured if I was going to be here I might as well study, “Sir can you how I went wrong on this question?”
The eye-roll he barely tried to hide spoke volumes. Alas, he did saunter over to my desk to brutally tell me where I had gone wrong. Just as he finished his spiel the door opened. “You’re late Stiles,” he said, not looking away from my paper.
“Sorry, Sir. Coach- “
“Sit down,” Mr. Harrison sauntered away from my desk over to his. He pulled out two poly pockets filled with sheets and handed Stiles and me a packet. “Study this. I need to go to the photocopier and if a single thing is out of place when I come back, I’ll know who did it,” his stormy gaze was met with two pairs of uncaring teenage eyes before he all but stormed out the class.
As I glanced over the papers, I realised I would rather wait in the parking lot. I couldn’t help chuckling a little before I packed up. Stiles shifted in his seat, “Where are you going?” he stuttered a little.
I looked up from my desk to see him looking at me, but he looked straight down. “Anywhere but here. I came for study support not to proofread a book,”
“You chose to be here?”
“Yeah,” I said with a fake preppy smile, “apparently I really do hate myself,” I walked to the front of the class. “Detention?” he nodded with an awkward smile before sulking in his chair, tapping his pencil. He had the same habit each time he got embarrassed in class which was too often. “What’d you do?”
“Scott put too much of the enzyme in and then there was smoke, but it was only a little. And I got the blame! Because apparently coach wouldn’t miss me at practice,”
“Well that’s bull,” I said. Stiles just kinda nodded and somehow sulked further. “How longs your detention?”
“Till 4 or something. I mean you’ve probably had worse but still,”
I had to try hold in a laugh as I moved to sit on the desk across from Stiles. “Nope.” I chuckled. His eyebrows scrunched and damn his eyes, “I’ve never had detention,”
“Really? I mean no offence but like I just assumed because well you know- “
My sigh cut him off, “I’m what? Scary? Yeah, I get it but I’m not actually a bad person,”
“I never meant that. It's just you are a bit…” he seemed to think, “Intimidating. Like you look important and as if you’ve got somewhere to be and I don’t want to get in your way,”
“The only place I want to be is home,” I said, “At home, alone, watching some geeky movie with popcorn. But alas, here I am,”
Stiles paused, even stopping from tapping his pencil, “Sweet, salted, or butter popcorn?”
I paused for dramatic effect, “microwave popcorn, from the corner shop, butter – but! With sweet popcorn topping from a shaker,”
He groaned, “That sounds amazing,”
“It is,”
We fell back into silence. “If you could movie marathon any series,” Stiles started “What one would you chose?”
“Star Wars. Easy,”
“Really?” he asked, his jaw seemingly hanging off.
“Yeah,” I grinned, moving my plaid shirt out of the way to show the death star on my tee. Though I had worn it so often the print had faded, “what did you expect?”
“Some horror film or something. I didn’t expect you to be- “
“A massive geek?” Stiles laughed and a bubble formed in my chest, “Same question. What movie series? And what snacks?”
Somehow this turned into a 20-minute convo on movies before Harrison came back. “You’re still here?” he asked. “You know what just go. I’ve got better things to do than babysit two teenagers,” he didn’t have to tell us twice and we bolted for the door before he could change his mind.
“I can’t believe I chose to go there,” I laughed as we walked through the corridor.
“I know,” Stiles laugh was becoming a favourite sound of mine, “I mean maybe it’s a good thing. Now I know you’re not scary. And someone who finally loves Star Wars,”
“If you ever want to geek out?” I said, opening my arms as he opened the door to the outside “I’m down to talk Star Wars,”
The parking lot was desolate apart from 3 cars; Stiles, Mr. Harrisons, and some other car in the back corner of the lot. Stiles nodded to the car “Is that yours?”
“I don’t have a car,” I said, my eyes stuck on the car for some reason. I didn’t want to look away.
Stiles brought me back to reality “How are you getting home?”
I forced my eyes away and back towards the boy in front of me, “Um my mum said she'd pick me up after work,”
“When is she coming?” he asked, checking the time on his phone.
“like…5:20?” I said.
His eyes went wide, “So you’re just gonna sit here for over an hour?” I shrugged. He glanced at the blue truck, “Do you want a lift?”
“Um, are you sure? I wouldn’t want to- “
“It's fine yeah. I mean unless you don’t want to then I get it but um… I don’t mind.”
Silence. The blush on his checks made mine flare-up. “Hum, that would be great. I’ll text my mum then,”
“Its no problem. Where about do you stay?” when I told him something seemed to dawn on him, “you only live like 5 minutes from me,”
“Yeah you pass me in your truck every morning,” I said as I clambered into the passenger seat. “Nice car,”
“Thanks,” a goofy smile stretched his face, proud of himself. I couldn’t help smiling a little.
While the conversation was awkward and clunky it was honestly better than I had had with my friends at lunch. As we were driving, I got the same feeling I got last night. I kept glancing in the wing mirror. “Are you okay?” Stiles asked.
“That car,” I said, “in the wing mirror,” I saw him glance at it in the rear-view mirror. His eyes went back to the road but jumped back to the car almost instantly, “Is that from school?”
“Maybe they're going the same way?” he said.
“Why didn’t we notice them leave though?”
Stiles's eyes went back to the road, “I’ve got an idea,” he said as he put on his indicator. One left turn, then a right, then a left. the car was still there, “It following us,”
“But- “
“One's an incident, twos a coincidence, threes a pattern,” he reached into his pocket and handed me his phone, “text Scott,”
“Why Scott? Isn’t your dad the sheriff?” Stiles said nothing. Glancing at him, then the car, then the phone. I opened the phone and went to contacts, “Do you want him on speaker?”
“Don’t call!” Stiles looked at me quickly before putting his eyes on the road, “You need to trust me on this one. Text him. Tell him I’m going to Derek’s and to meet me there,”
“Like Derek hale? The murder?”
Stiles glanced at me, “I may not like the guy but believe it or not he’s one of the good guys. Kind of. Just trust me. Please?”
I nodded and opened Scott’s contact as I saw the car follow us around another corner.
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devilbat · 6 years
Allerdale Hall
@jpat82 requested some Thomas Sharpe little ghost story. The word count ended at I kid you not, I did not do this on purpose either. 2,666 also there will be a Part 2
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As your mid size SUV made its way up the crimson color clay drive. You had recently made the biggest purchased of your life when you bought Allerdale Hall. A gorgeous old mansion. Yeah it was run down and needed a lot of TLC and a good Carpenter. But you dreams were finally coming true, as you made plans to turn this once murderous house into a bed and breakfast. The people in the town below had warned you about the house. Saying that it was haunted. But you never believe in silly ghost stories.
The moving company was already there moving things in. While the electrician and plumber had started their work on getting running water and power on to the house. You had seen the roof from the photos and the gaping hole as you had a roofing company come in to fix the roof before you got there. Though there had been some set backs in all areas. Most everything was ready for your arrival. There was a temporary roof while they had most of it fixed. The water ran but still started up with rust color, meaning you would need to let it run before taking a bath. And the Electric flickered every so often. It was an old house after all and you were slowly just starting the restoration of the house. You wanted to try and keep it to its original glory as possible.
You greeted everyone as you got out of the car. Making your way into the house. You helped direct the moving company to where you wanted most of the stuff. You had got ride of the old mattress in the room that you were claiming as yours, but kept the bed frame. Which you were going to do the same with most of the beds in the house as well and would replace with new updated mattresses. All your new kitchen appliances had been moved in to the kitchen. You had some updates to the kitchen as well. New French style stove and a wall-in refrigerator would be coming soon. Making your way back outside, as you went to thank the moving guys. As you chatted a bit with them. You couldn’t help but feel like there was someone watching you. From one of the bed room window.
You had hired someone to be the properties care taker. Who was arriving as well that day. He was a nice old man that knew his history and his way around old house. He had the best green thumb. He knew about the house and was also one of the people that told you about the house and that they say it was still haunted. But he joined you still. Though he had made a quaint little shack outside on the property of the mansion. At least you weren’t completely alone.
A week had gone by and you started to get used to all the creaks, groans, moans of the house. As with any old house you had expected this. The clay that used to slowly take the house under. Had been taken care of years before you bought the place. Clay was very popular at some point, the giant vats in the basement that were filled with clay sat empty. After the investigation of the home. Though you had a contractor come in to help you with everything, you had noticed small things getting done that weren’t quite fixed that night before you went to bed, but come morning they would be.
Thinking it was the old man Mr. Jankins. He had told you that he tends to keep odd hours, cause there is always something going a mess with an old house like this. That and he had problems sleeping after the war. He really wasn’t that old maybe in his 50’s or 60’s but he survived in both the Vietnam and Golf wars. You did enjoy his company and story’s as he told them to you. But he had insisted it was not him that did these small things. That maybe it was the ghost of Thomas Sharpe. And that he had taking a like to you. As he was quite handsome and very well like by the ladies.
“Yes cause some ghost has taking a liking to me. That figures that is how my love life has become dead and gone.” You teased with a giggle. When he told you this.
“Well Miss y/l/n if I was 20 years younger.” Mr. Jankins suggested wiggling his eyebrows. “And if I like Women.” He chuckled. The next few weeks it was the same thing. As you started the next week you found out you would be alone for the rest of week as Mr. Jankins had sudden family matters to attend to. Which you had reassured him that you were a strong independent woman and could take care of herself, in a big giant “ghost” house alone. even if it felt like someone was watching you. Especially at night. Though at one point it had to of been around 3 in the morning it felt like someone had pulled the blankets up around you or would add more wood to the fireplace in your bedroom. Occasionally around the same time. You’d had felt like someone touched your face. The bed would dip like someone was sitting on it with you.
You were a lone in the kitchen one afternoon. The kitchen had been finished. As you prepared lunch for yourself. You went towards the walk-in to grab something when you thought you saw the reflection of Thomas Sharpe. You gasped as you turned on your heels only to see one of the construction guys. Putting you hand over you pounding heart as they had scared the shit out of you.
“Didn’t mean to scare you miss y/l/n but could I trouble you for some water I have missed placed my water bottle.” He stated.
“Oh um of course.” You smiled as you went to the cupboard to grab a glass. Normally you would of been around someone like Mr. Jankins when this man came around you. He had seem to take an interest in you. As much as like the fact someone was flirting with you. You really didn’t want it to be this guy. In fact you would take the dead guy that is now dust and bones over this man he gave you the creeps. Making your way to the new sink you turned on the cold water. And waited as the rust color water poured out.
“I’m not sure what possessed a pretty young thing like yourself to buy a hug creepy place like this, all by herself.” He cooed watching you want impatiently for the water to turn back to normal.
“I’m not alone. I have my war hero Mr. Jankins and soon this place will be swarming with guests.” You stated matter of factly. As you filled the glass up with crystal clear water. Even though you may had to wait for the water it actually tasted rather good once you passed the rust stage. You handed him the glass avoiding all eye contact with him. As you made you way back to the task at hand. Hoping he would leave but as luck would have it he didn’t.
“Ah yes but isn’t your care takers gone fore the week?” He asked. Walking closer to you. You took a hard breath. You tried not to show that you were nervous now, or the fact that he knew your care taker was away. As you walked around to do something else as you waited for the pot to boil.
“No he should be back soon.” You hissed a little. Keeping your distance from the man. And making sure he didn’t back you into a corner. You made a mental note to make sure ever door and window was locked up tightly. As you really hoped he was not the person that has been getting into your home and doing thing around the place or the fact that he was in your bedroom. It almost made you sick. As you decided to stop what you were doing. You turned quickly facing him.
“If you’ll excuse me, forgot to ask the electrician something.” You announced as you walked at a feasted pace, passed the man. Feeling as the man was following you. You knew the electrician was in the basement installing and upgraded the electrical box. As you got on to the elevator making a quick turn to shut the gate to the elevator in his face as your pushed the lever down to head towards the basement. You watched as he walked back to the group of men still working on some of the rooms. You sighed heavily as you made your way. Not really sure what you were going to say to the electrician.
After taking with the electrician. You made you way up stairs. Hoping you could go back to what you were doing. Though the hole thing made you wonder if he was in your bedroom at one point fixing the bathroom tiles. You had felt like you were missing things that day but never really thought much of it think the “ghost” had stolen your underwear. As you head back to the kitchen you heard a scream. As you ran into the grand room. You watched in horror the man fell from the Scaffolding. Everyone rushed over to him. It didn’t kill him but it did do a number on him as someone had called the paramedics. He went on and on about a ghost had pushed him. When he came to. Right as the paramedics arrived. You looked up. To see a pale figure standing in the shadows with a bit of a smirk, you blinked and he was gone. Great now you were starting to see things that you knew couldn’t be real.
“I’m so, so sorry.” You apologized to the foreman. That was shaking his head scratching the back of his head as he took the hard hat off.
“No ma’am, it’s not your fault. This isn’t his first accident.” The foreman sighed. “I’m sorry you had to see that though.” He looked over to you apologetically.
Making your way through the house. Making sure everything was locked up. As you went from room to room. You even went up to the attic. As you made your way this part of the house made you nervous. It wasn’t that fact that it was falling apart, no you had that taking care of. It was what happened up here. It was just creepy know what happened to the kids up here that later turned them in to what they were, well the sister that is. From what you were told and read the brother never killed the women, he only knew of what his older sister brain washed, making him love her other then siblings. It was truly disturbing. You felt bad for Thomas he was a victim just like those women.
The little work room that was off to the side was interesting to you as it still had all the little tinkering, gadgets of toys and miniaturized machines. You don’t know what made you bring some of the little toys with you, as you made your way back down after the house was thoroughly locked up. Walking down to the main floor you set the toys on the coffee table. You went into to the kitchen to make yourself some tea. That’s when you heard one of the little gadgets move. You rushed in to see someone sitting on the couch looking at the toy. Watching the ball roll around in the device. You froze. As you stared at him he wore 19th century clothing.
His dark chocolate curl hung down in front of his face. You looked up to the painting that you had someone move for you cause the other paintings you didn’t like. They were just disturbing. But the one of Thomas Sharpe was peaceful his handsome face was quite calming you thought. So you had it hung there so you could look at it. As you looked back to the figure. It was like a living painting on your couch, the man that sat on your couch looked like Sir Thomas Sharpe.
“Hello.” Your voice came out shaky as you moved towards the man you hand stretched out. He turned looking up at you, it was as he realized you saw him that’s when he had vanished. You did what any normal sane girl would do in this type of situation. Let out a blood curdling scream and pass out. You woke up in bed. Looking over at the clock it was a little after 3 in the morning. You groaned as you stretched out. When you did you kicked something as it feel to the floor. Getting out of bed, picking it up. It was a note and a beautiful red rose. Looking at the note the hand writing was beautiful.
*Dearest y/n,*
*My deepest apologies. I did not mean to scare you as I did. Truly it will not happen again.*
It was signed Thomas Sharpe. You looked at it over and over again. As you looked up to see no one in the room. If he was a ghost then how did he get you into bed. Deciding you were going to go and investigate. As you wonder the halls looking for your mystery guest. You found yourself in the Library as you had heard a noise come from it. The old Victrola played as you walked in. You saw a man standing, next to the large window. You slowly walked towards him, as quietly as you could. You notice he was reading when your hand reached out to touch him. He quickly turned around looking at you stunned.
“If you’re the “ghost” of Thomas Sharpe then why can I touch you.” You said sternly. Hands finding your his. He gave you a cute chuckle as he looked at the time. It was only five minutes til 4 am. He looked back at you.
“Touch me again, in less then five minutes and you’ll see.” He smirked at you. He had been watching you for little over a month. He watched your mannerisms and the way you spoke he knew decades had passed but it had never felt that ways so when you, people showed up in weird clothing and interesting machinery. He was in awe. He was smitten with you when you walked in ordering the men around. The way you dressed was not what he was used to that was for sure. He had this growing need to protect you. Specially after that one man who he had watched going through your undergarments. And the way he would lurk at you or try and speak with you. He did not like it one bit so he had to go.
Watching as the time ticked by as four in the morning came. You watched as his form turned pale white. Still with a smile he nodded for you to go ahead and try touching him. You moved forward. Your hand shacked as went to touch him. But your hand went right through him. You eyes winded as you moved even close. He smirked as he watched you intently. Your other hand went towards chest and it did the same. That’s when you got the bright idea of doing what most people always say they would do if they saw a ghost. With your own smirk you walked right through the man. His own eyes widened as he turned to look at you.
“Sorry, I just had the sudden urge to do that. I should probably of asked first.” You giggled. Biting you bottom lip.
@purplerain85 @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie
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justshygirlthings · 5 years
You are the next Supreme
Thor Odinson x witch!reader
A.N this imagine is going to be a special one because it is my first ever request! So this imagine will be a cross over between the MCU and AHS Coven. I hope you all enjoy this as much I did writing it! And if there are any spelling or grammar errors I’m am very sorry for that, please try and ignore them 😂
Request: The reader- is no less than a Supreme (can be male or female, I know that there is no male supremes but... we can make an exception) and the reader catches feeling for Thor? Or someone else from the Avengers
@weyaoiloverforever this one is all for you! I hope this isn’t bad I really tried my best, I kinda rushed it a little bit at the end but I hope that it’s okay. I still hope you like it❤️
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You had been at Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies for as long as you could remember. Cordelia, the current supreme had always been there for you, taught you everything that you knew. She was like a The mother that you never had. At first you were scared of your power, but Cordelia had taught you to embrace that power and use it for the greater good. Your powers eventually got stronger to the point where you could be the next supreme. But you highly doubted that. You weren’t as powerful as Cordelia, but when you told her, she seemed to believe that you were the next supreme.
You were currently taking a stroll through the streets of New Orleans. Nothing to exiting happened here, but when you noticed that people had be fading away, that caught your attention.
You ran to the Coven as fast as you could. You had to tell Cordelia.
“Cordelia!” You exclaim frantically as you burst through the front door.
“Y/n! What is it?!” Cordelia rushes to you immediately when she heard you calls.
“The people,” you breathed. “There fading away.” You say.
In fact when you heard yourself you sounded crazy.
“What?” Cordelia questions. “I don’t believe you, are you feeling alright?” She reached up to touch your forehead to see if you were hot. But you weren’t.
“I swear to you I saw them fading!” You exclaim again.
“Um Miss Cordelia? What’s happening!?” A young which questions behind you.
You quickly turn and see her body begin to turn to dust. You watch in horror. What the fuck is happening?!
“Y/N, warn the others. Get Zoë and meet me in the living room.” Cordelia says as she walked to the pile of dust.
You run around the coven, searching and warning everyone to head to the living room at once. Your pretty sure that everyone had made it down but you couldn’t find Zoë.
You walk to her room, knocking on the closed door.
“Zoë? Are you in there-.” You cut yourself oof when you found a pile of dust on her bed.
“No...” you whisper, tears falling down your face. Walking over to what was left of her, you touch the dust. “Oh Zoë, we needed you the most.”
A few months had passed since the disappearance of the witches. And to be honest, you hadn’t gotten over it yet. You had found out by the news that it was someone named Thanos that had snapped at wiped out 50% of all living things and that the Avengers has tried to stop him.
It was the first time in your life that you had heard of the Avengers. But you had to admit, the God of Thunder really struck your interest.
You were broken out of you me thoughts of the god when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“How’s the research coming along?” Cordelia asked.
“Oh, it’s fine.” You reply.
You had kept Zoë’s ashes? Dust? What ever it was, so you could figure out if you could bring her back.
“Out of all the seven wonders, resurrection is the hardest to conquer.” Cordelia laughed a little.
“Yes, it’s always the hardest one for me to do.” You say.
“If you keep working at it, you will be able to do it, and become the next supreme.” She has a little smile on her face.
“I’m not the next supreme, you are the best supreme this coven ever had! There’s no way I could top you.”
“You never know Y/n. Wether you like it or not, I know you are the next supreme.” Cordelia stated.
You smiled a little. Maybe you were the next supreme.
The door bell rang in the distance.
“I’ll go get that, you keep working on finding a way to bring our beloved Zoë back.” She walked out of your room and down the stairs.
You look back at the resurrection spell in your hands. Thinking of how to turn dust back into a human.
“Um Y/n, Cordelia wants you down i here office immediately.” One if the witches tells you.
You scrunch your eyebrows together in confusion. You leave your room a walk down the stairs. Your boots echoing each step you took. You felt a strong presence in Cordelia’s office.
Who the hell was here?
“Miss Cordelia you needed me?” You stop short when your e/c meets his bright blue ones.
“Y/n, I would like you to meet Steve Rogers and Thor Odinson.”
“Nice to meet you ma’am.” Steve said.
“Hello Lady Y/n.” Thor said making a blush rise to your cheeks.
“Nice to meet you both.” You say.
“Y/n here is one of the best witches at this Academe. She is also one of the most powerful.” Cordelia starts. “She will be the next supreme, if I might add.”
Your eyes go wide. “Cordelia, what is this about?” You ask as politely as possible.
“They need someone to help them figure out this mess. Of course they weee affected by this a lot more than we were. They need our help.” She explained.
“We heard that you are the most powerful witches in the world. We could really use that to help us.” Steve begged.
“I would love to help you guys but, Cordelia’s the supreme, the most powerful out of all us wiches, she’s the one you need, not me.” You said.
“Y/n, you will go with them, I know the power that you posses, you are the next supreme. Now pack your things, you are going with these gentlemen to help them make things right.”
You tired to speck but Cordelia beat you to it.
“Go.” She said.
You didn’t bother to fight back, and slowly left the room.
“Lady Y/n, let me help you.” Thor offered from behind you.
You turn to face his large frame.
“Uh sure,” you smile. “I’ll lead you to my room.”
You both start to head upstairs to your room.
“This place is so fascinating.” Thor said amazed.
“Yeah, this place has been here since the Salem Witch trials. It was a Heavan for lost witches in need of protection.” You proudly say.
“And is it true that you are the ‘next supreme’” he asked.
You stop in your tracks. “I’m not sure.” You said quietly.
Thor patiently waited for you. He took that time to obsurve you closely.
“You are beautiful.” He muttered.
You look up at him. “Did you say something?”
Thor got flustered. “Oh no I didn’t.” Then had a goofy smile on his face.
You smile at him. “My rooms right here.” You said then walked in. Searching for a suitcase to put your stuff in.
“Nice room that you have here.” Thor said.
“Thank you.”
“What’s this?” He asked.
You look at what he was holding. It was Zoë’s ashes. A sad smile fell in your face.
“That’s my friend, Zoë.” You say quietly. “Or what’s left of her. She disappeared during the, well what ever you call it.”
“The snap.” Thor said. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“It’s fine I guess. I’ve been trying to find ways to bring her back. Like resurrecting her, but I don’t have the power to do that yet. I can do many other things like the rest seven wonders but just not resurrection.”
“The sever wonders?” He questioned.
You giggle, you start to pack your things. “ The seven wonders are the powers that you have to complete in order to be the supreme, can only accomplish 6 not all 7.”
”and that’s resurrection. The one you can’t do.” He said.
“Yes, that’s right.”
As you pack your things, both you cans Thor go to know each other better. And each time he would laugh or smile at something you said, butterflies would flutter in your stomach. You began to think that maybe going with him wouldn’t be so bad after all. As long as you could be with Thor that is.
Leaving the coven was the hardest thing you ever had to do.
“Be strong Y/n, focus on your power and become what you are meant to be. The next supreme.”
“I’ll miss you Delia.” You cry.
“I’ll miss you too Y/n.” She said and pulled you into a big hug.
You pulled away and wiped your tears, walking over to the car that Thor and Steve had already been in.
You get in with a sigh.
“Welcome to the Avengers Y/n.” Thor said with a big smile.
Another couple months had passed by and you could not have been happier. Everyone else though was still morons their losses. You understood though. You had lost someone too. But Thor was the only one that you ever talked to. He told you everything about him. His family and adventures. He trusted you. And you trusted him. Soon the both of you had known each other like the back of your hands. You had feelings for him. Each day they grew and grew. But he mustn’t know that, you don’t wanna ruin the friendship you had together.
“Thor, can I ask you something?” You ask quietly.
“Anything Lady Y/n.” He turned his full attention to you.
“Have you ever been in love?” You say.
“Once, but it didn’t last long. She wasn’t the right one for me.” He said.
“Would you ever fall in love again?” You ask, hoping he would, and hopefully fall in love with you.
“I already have.” He looked at you with those beautiful blues eyes. His hand reached up to brush some hair out of your face. “That love is all for you.” He said quietly.
Everything moved in slow motionz when your lips met everything around you slowed, like time stopped. The only thing that mattered was the two of you. You both pulled apart with large smiles on your faces.
“I’ve loved you since the day I saw you. And with my love I will help you become the supreme that we need.” He said.
“I love you two Thor.” You smiled, leaning in again to kiss his soft lips.
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theskeletongames · 6 years
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Looks like we got eathother for the @ @undertailsecretsanta this time @peanutable
You asked for some Underswap Undyrus, so I shall deliver it!
Floundering at the lab...
Papyrus checks his phone one last time before looking up at the massive concrete building. Yep… back here again… Though he shouldn’t be surprised. A new Royal scientist had just been announced yesterday. Guess they saw his name all over everything in the files. He can hide a lot of things, but he can’t hide that.
Papyrus sighs out. The immense building almost seeming to loom in front of him. He’d hoped he wouldn’t have to ever come back here, but a summons from the Royal scientist wasn’t something he could ignore.
Papyrus breathes out again, before walking up to the heavy metal doors. The’re gonna want answers… answers he can’t give… He’s not really sure what can be said. Nobody remembers the former scientist. Even he hardly remembers.
Welp… he’ll just have to do his best and deflect as many questions…
Papyrus takes one last breath, before stepping on the metal door pad. Listening to the familiar hiss as the lab doors open, he walks inside.
The hallway is dark on the inside. Huh…? He could have sworn the place use to be lighter. He lingers in the darkness for a moment, listening to the doors hiss shut behind him. The lab is quiet. The only sound, a static hum from somewhere in the background.
“Uh… h-hello!” Papyrus calls.
His voice echoes through the hall, but otherwise, there’s no answer.
“I-I’m here.”
Still no answer.
Papyrus waits a moment more, feeling the sweat collect across his skull as he stands in the darkness.
Wh-Where’s the new scientist? They just called him over… shouldn’t they be… waiting for him.
Papyrus shifts awkwardly in the dark hallway. This scientist was supposed to be brilliant. Somehow, they’d managed to outfit an inanimate object with a soul. Something he would have never dreamed of possible. He had to admit... he felt a little apprehensive. They was leagues ahead of anything he’d ever done. Soul technology was advanced stuff!
And now he’s standing in a darkened hallway waiting for a genius at monster soul science to come meet him. His soul hums with nervousness as he waits. Listening to the whirring of the machines in the background.
Another minute passes, and yet still he stands in the hallway…
M-Maybe he should come back at another time…
Papyrus reaches into his pocket, gingerly gripping his phone.
Maybe they’re busy...
“Um… I can come back if now’s a bad time…!”
His voice simply echoes off the dark hallway.
Papyrus feels his sweat starting to chill. Maybe he should leave. This is too creepy. Where is the scientist?! They should be here. Is something wrong! He got their message several minutes ago, why aren’t they here!
...They could… be in the basement…
That was an option…
But the place was outfitted with cameras, they should have seen him enter!
What if… what if something had gone wrong?
More sweat builds on Papyrus’s skull.
There’s a lot of things left in that basement, what if… Oh stars! What if they didn’t know what it was and activated it on accident!
Papyrus feels his hands tighten in his pockets.
He’s…. He’s gotta check. He can’t leave! He’s gotta make sure.
His legs are moving down the dark hall before he realizes what he’s doing. He’s gotta get down there! He hurries through the hall, and into the main lobby. An enormous TV lights the room. A strange high pitched song carries lightly from the speakers. Some sort of strange human drawings are dancing across the screen.
What’s going on! Why did they leave this on! Papyrus walks past the tv, heading for the hidden elevator. He’s got to check!... got to make sure!
“Maaaaaaah! Kill me already please!!!”
Papyrus stops in his tracks.
“Oh god! Everything hurts! Why did this have to happen!!!”
Papyrus slowly turns his skull… Th-that voice… It sounds like something horrible is happening!
And then he spotts it. Sitting in the center of the room is a large dark lump huddled pathetically in the light of the tv. Surrounded by huge blankets, the lump shakes ever so slightly.
Papyrus watches it for a moment, carefully… What… what’s going on?
He approaches cautiously, his light feet nearly silent on the smooth tiled floor. The lump in front of him shakes some more, and then a strange sound flows from it. Loud slurping and smacking as though someone or something’s being eaten.
“Seriously! This is torture! Uahhhhhhh! I wanna dust so bad!”
Papyrus gets closer to the dark lump, watching it from behind. There’s something horrible going on inside it! Someone’s getting eaten!
Oh stars! Maybe he should call for help! But what if help doesn't make it in time…
“That’s it! I’m dusting… I don’t even wanna live on this planet anymore…”
They’re dying! He’s gotta help them!
Gathering all his courage, Papyrus reaches down, and in one heavy motion, rips the blanket off the lump, exposing the vile creature within!
Screams ring through the air as two monsters stare at each other in horror.
The lump of cloth was actually a blanket. It’s currently wrapped around a tall gangly monster. Covered in blue iridescent scales, her face lined in fins, she gapes at Papyrus. Her yellow slitted eyes widen in surprise, the glasses over them flashing against the light of the TV. Wet noodles drip down her sharp teeth as she stares up at him from the floor. Small tears glistening in the corner of her eyes.
“Hah...?!!!” Is all she manages to mutter out. It echoes emptily around the dark room as she stares at him from the floor.
Papyrus is taken aback. He thought someone was being attacked, or dying… But this monster was only sitting under the blanket eating noodles…! Well… there were tears in her eyes.
“Uh… hi?” He says awkwardly, watching her eyes expand further. A tinge of red beginning to build across her face. “Name’s Papyrus… I-I uh… got a message from the Royal Scientist earlier… summoning me to the lab?”
Realization passes the fish monsters features. She seems to get ahold of herself, finally noticing Papyrus is still holding a part of the blanket, exposing what she’s wearing underneath.
Bright colorful pajamas covered in some sort of strange drawings….
“O-Oh my god!” The other monster shouts, pulling the blanket out of his grasp and burying herself back inside it. “I-I didn’t expect you to show up so soon… I haven’t showered... I haven’t dressed… a-and everything’s still… a-a mess!”
As she says this, Papyrus notices a large collection of cups strewn about the floor at her feet. Several of them still containing small chunks of noodles or oily soup remains.
She struggles to stand, knocking over a half filled cup of noodles in the process.
“Um… h-h-hiya… I-I’m Dr. Undye…” She says, getting to her feet. “The… uh… n-new royal scientist… hahaha…” She laughs nervously.
This is the new Royal scientist? A master of soul technology? Papyrus feels himself struggling to suppress a chuckle as he watches her. Well… not like this invalidates her skills.
He takes note, that even in her hunched state, she’s still an inch or so taller than him. But what he wasn’t expecting was her bright red hair… It hangs off her head messily, drooping down past her waist.
“Y-Ya should’a said something at the door!” She says, trying to gather up some of the empty cups in her arms, causing several of them to spin wildly across the tile.
Papyrus watches the display, feeling himself start to chuckle. Can’t believe he was feeling scared… He’s glad nothing bad was happening to the other monster… Actually… what was she crying about earlier?
His sockets roam to the only light source in the room. A large TV. The colorful show continues to play across it’s screen, displaying strange looking humans talking in high pitched voices.
“I called a skeleton of times ya know…” He says lazily, feeling himself sink back into a relaxed state as he talks more and more with the other monster. He can’t believe he was panicking so hard earlier.
“Uh… r-right… s-sorry… sorry… guess I didn’t hear ya…” Undyne says, missing the joke completely as she attempts to stack the empty cups on top of an already full trash.
“Don’t worry… it’s kinda adoorable… makin’ me wait there like that.”
The cups fall from Undynes grasp. Her face brightening in the darkness as she slowly turns around.
Papyrus smirks… This monster’s actually kinda…
“You know…” He says lazily, pointing a slim bony finger behind himself. “Cause’a the door?”
“R-Right!” She says, adjusting her glasses… “R-Right… A-A-Anyway… I-I’m sure you're wondering why I called you here…?”
Papyrus shrugs. “I’m guessing you saw my name while you were fishing around.”
Undyne pauses… looking at him. “D-Did you just…?”
“Don’t mean to be koi with you but… guess you can’t get much skeledone without me.”
“A-Are you really…?”
“Just let minnow what ya need and I see what I can do…”
Undyne’s mouth is dropping further and further as she listens to the skeleton. Was he really telling puns! Right after they’d met!
Her face starts to change color as she watches him smirk. H-How can he just… really!
“Guess these puns are a little too kray-z for ya if I haven’t got ya kraken up yet?”
“Huh!” Is all Undyne manges to squeak out. She seems a little overwhelmed by what he’s been saying. Instead of being able to respond, she simply looks at him blankly.
“Anyway…” Papyrus’s sockets scan over the TV. “What are you watchin’ thats got’cha whale-ing so hard.”
The fish monster’s face completely reddens.
“I-I wasn’t… Oh my god! I-I was just” She begins to presses her webbed index fingers together, her face slowly getting redder. “W-Well you see! I was watching the second season of Mew Mew Kissie Cutie… A-An anime about a human girl with cat ears who fights m-monsters-... uh… bad guys… The first season was amazing fuhuhuhuh!” She laughs loudly, her face brightening. “But this second season… it was neither kissie nor cutie! The story doesn’t make any sense! The plotline is trash! They completely changed Cuties’ character! You can’t change Cuties’ character!” Undyne starts growling. “Why don’t we just dump the entire first season off a cliff and pretend nothing even happened! Why did they even bother to make it if they aren’t gonna continue the original plotline! How could they do that! Oh my god! I’m so angry! They can’t just change the entire thing like that! They can’t just-”
Papyrus starts laughing on the spot, watching as the tall fish monster quickly changes her entire demeanor once she’s realized what she’s been doing.
“I-I… I mean… I was j-just a little angry that my favorite show was... Uh… r-ruined…” She says sheepishly, her yellow eyes dropping to the floor as color floods her face. “N-Nothing to… w-worry about.”
“So what your sayin’ is the new season’s got ya feline down.”
“Oh my god! How do you keep coming up with these!”
“Heh…” Papyrus slides his hands lazily into his pockets, his hooded sockets looking Undyne up and down. “Can’t help it if I’m purrfect.”
Undynes face somehow manages to glow even redder. Has the lab always felt this hot! Why is it so hot!
“I-I meant at telling puns!” Papyrus shouts, realizing what he’d implied.
“R-Right!” Undyne agrees! “P-Puns! Fuhahaha…” She laughs nervously.
The room is suddenly very quiet.
The silence is broken by Papyrus’s phone ringing loudly in his pocket. He looks at the caller id and sighs in relief. Nothing like a great older bro when you need one! Then he answers the phone.
“Sup bro.”
“PAPYRUS! YOU’RE LATE! WHERE ARE YOU!” The loud low voice of his brother calls through the phone.
“Floundering around at the new Dr’s.”
“I got called over by the new Royal scientist...”
“Guess I’m gonna have ta leave it for salmon else.”
“...” His brother doesn’t respond.
“Bro?” Papyrus asks in his silence.
“PAPYRUS...WHY ARE YOU TELLING FISH PUNS…?” His brother’s voice asks.
Papyrus’s eyes snap to Undyne’s, realizing what he’s been doing the whole time.
“Uh...huh… The uh… heh… New Dr… sh-she’s uh.”
“Yeah she’s-”
“What NO!” Papyrus shouts.
“Sans no!”
And then the line goes dead.
Papyrus slowly lets his hand fall with his phone. His hollow sockets turning to look at the only other person in the room.
Her face is about a red as it could possibly get.
He’s really drowning in it this time….
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ambootyos · 7 years
Club Confusion Pt. 29 (Page’s Ending Pt. 4)
Part 28
Word Count: 3,057
A/N: I am sooo sorry this took forever! But enjoy!! :)
Tags: @thegenericluchadora @theprestigious0ne @originalbish98 @laziestgirlintheworld @villainsqueendom @calwitch @sheaxdevitt @kingslayers-angel @vipervenomisgoodforyou @karleedaniels27 @reigns420 @alexahood21 @bolieve-that @i-ship-it-okay @rebelfleur22 @g0lden-sunset @libby-rose-2016 @baybayforlife @spotofimagines @phenomenal-forearm 
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We finally made it home, and I went to change.
Me, and Page were the first ones inside, so I invited him to join me. He furrowed his brows.
“Do we have..time for this?” He asked with a smile, as he walked into my room, and I shut the door behind him.
I shook my head. “No, probably not, but I was hoping, you could help me change?” I asked, as I put his hands on his waist. “Like by..helping me with the zipper on the back?” I replied, turning around, and moving my hair out of the way, so that he could help.
I could’ve easily done it myself, like I did when I put it on, but it was more fun this way.
“It’s official. You’re trying to kill me.” He smiled, before doing what I’d asked.
“Just keeping you entertained. No harm in that, right?” I asked, biting my lip and pretending like I didn’t know what I was doing.
After he unzipped it, I slid it off, and kicked it away, then I turned to face him. “So..what should I throw on..?” I asked, and he took a deep breath.
“Hmm..I think you look good like this. Maybe you should just stay in this, or less than this?” He suggested.
I smiled. “Hmm..maybe.” I leaned in to kiss him, and was cut off by a knock on the door.
“Hey Y/N! Come out here, we wanna watch a movie or something.” I heard Matt exclaim, I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.
“Okay, just a second Matt!” I called back, before looking back at Page. “I guess we’ll continue this later? We have a few hours left..” I trailed off, before looking at the ground.
He nodded, and kissed my forehead.
“I’ll see you out there.” He started, before turning back to look at me. “Oh, you should put my shirt back on.” He replied, before leaving my room, to let me get dressed, not opening the door wide enough to let anyone see that I was just in my bra and underwear.
I put on a pair of joggers, and Page’s t-shirt, before walking out, and taking a seat next to him on the couch.
Matt furrowed his brows. “Can’t we watch the movies in your room? You’ve always let us before. You let Page!” He started, before putting his hands on his hips. “Why don’t we get the same treatment? You like him more than us, don’t you?” He asked, as Nick nodded in agreement.
I shared a look with Page, before looking back at Matt and shaking my head. “Matt, you know I love you guys.”
Matt rolled his eyes, and let out a sigh. “Yeah, we know, but not as much as you love him. Why can’t you treat us, exactly like you treat him?” He asked, causing Kenny to grin devilishly, and Page to blush.
I cleared my throat. “Matt..we just have a different friendship, that’s it. It’s nothing against you.” I explained, and he shook his head, before sitting down, on the floor in front of me.
“Whatever. It feels like I’m being excluded though.” He sighed, overreacting as he always did.
I smiled softly, as I pulled a cover over me and Page, and put my legs in his lap, before putting my head on his shoulder, and he put his arm around me.
I know being this close with him, in front of everyone, may have been overstepping boundaries a bit, but I didn’t care.
Matt chuckled. “Proving my point exactly.” He mumbled, as he turned on the movie, he chose a horror flick, for reasons I don’t know.
Page moved his arm, so that he could lace his hand with mine, under the covers of course, because that might be going too far, or it felt like it would be, I’m not exactly sure why.
“I’m gonna miss this.” I whispered, cuddling closer to him. I didn’t even realize I’d said it until I already had, but I didn’t regret admitting that.
“We’ll always have this.” He replied, keeping his voice quiet.
He smelled nice, like a mix of faded cologne, fresh outside air, and a hint of vanilla, but that was probably just my perfume rubbing off on him. I could’ve fallen asleep next to him, but, it’d mean the night would be over.
And I didn’t want that.
After several scary movies of Matt’s choosing, I faked a yawn.
“Yeah..so, I really wanna get some sleep.” I said.
Matt cleared his throat. “Wait..um..can we all stay up, and talk for a bit? I’m a bit well, scared.”
“Of what?”
Kenny asked, becoming just a bit annoyed with him.
“Of all the movies we just watched! They’ve got me thinking. If there was a Purge, do you think Adam would kill us? Because I really, really, think he would.”
Nick shrugged. “Probably just you. You’re the one who’s apparently dating Y/N.”
Matt shook his head. “He definitely would. But I’m not the only one he’d kill. Kenny broke them up in the first place, so he’d be the first to go. Page is the one that told her, Marty was into her. And he’ll for sure kill Marty.”
“Oh, hey, by the way, who is your actual boyfriend? Do you actually have one?” Nick asked.
I smiled softly as I looked at the time.
I nodded. “Yes, I do.”
“Do we get to know? Is it Finn? Is it Seth? Oh wait..no. Don’t tell me..” Matt replied, as a worried expression grew on his face. “Are you..f*cking The Revival?”
I rolled my eyes, and shook my head. “No Matt. It’s not any of them. It’s nobody on RAW or Smackdown. And I’m not gonna tell you who it is, because we’re trying to keep it quiet. And, no offense, but I really don’t trust you with secrets.” I chuckled.
“Why don’t you trust me? Last time one of your secrets got told, Page is the one that did it. Not me. I never said anything!” Matt replied. “Okay, well maybe I said some stuff. But, still.”
“Oh yeah..you are the one who told Marty everything! You know, you’re the reason she broke up with both of them for good.” Nick replied.
Kenny smirked. “Yeah Hangman..why’d you do that exactly?” He asked.
I thought it over for a second, and I know this might be a little crazy. Maybe I’m reaching. But did he do it on purpose? Was this his plan? Is he the type of guy who’d do that?
“It was an accident Kenny. You know I didn’t mean to.” Page stated dryly, glaring at Kenny.
I couldn’t tell if he felt guilty about it, or if he just didn’t want think he’d do something like that.
“I don’t know. You hated both of them.” Matt nodded. “And you’re pretty good at keeping secrets most of the time, so maybe you did do it on purpose. I don’t know what your reasoning would be. Maybe just to get rid of them. But, I’d believe it.”
I cleared my throat. “Um, the guest rooms are upstairs. Help yourselves. I’m going to bed.” I stated, before getting up, and going into my room.
Cody looked at Kenny and crossed his arms. “You pretty much just cheated yourself out of winning this.” He whispered, smirking slightly.
Kenny shook his head and sighed. “Oh, I doubt it. But only time will tell. I know what I’m doing.” He explained, before he, Cody, Brandi and The Bucks went upstairs.
Page went into my room soon after I did, and shut the door behind him. “Are you okay?” He asked, sounding genuinely concerned. I cleared my throat, and looked up at him.
“Did you do it on purpose?” I asked, needing to know the answer.
He let out an exaggerated sigh, and looked down at the ground for a second, before looking back up at me.
“Yes. I did..” He trailed off.
My mouth fell ajar, and I frowned. “So, was this some kind of plan? You and me?” I asked as I walked closer towards him, and crossed my arms.
“Yeah, you getting injured, and me acting exactly the same as I always do. A mastermind plot honestly.” He replied sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and went to storm out but he grabbed my arm.
“Y/N, listen. I didn’t do it because I wanted you to myself, okay? I did it, because I knew that it was hurting you. You’re my best friend, so believe it or not, I hate seeing you cry. I hate seeing you upset. So, I wanted it to end, I wanted you to choose who made you the most happy. I did regret it at first. But, you’re happy now. You said you were..” He explained, before smiling softly. “And I wouldn’t change it.”
I exhaled sharply. “Why do you have to fix everything?! Why do you have to be so perfect?! It’s so annoying!” I exclaimed, and he furrowed his brows, taken back by my anger, he opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.
“Like, seriously! How do you expect me to do this for one day only, when you literally have no flaws?!”
His eyes widened. “Back up. Wha-”
But I cut him off again.
“Stop helping me! It’s your fault, I was with Marty, it’s your fault I broke up with both of them, and it’s your fault I’m over them, because all I can think about is you!” I exclaimed, before letting out a sigh, and looking at the clock on the wall behind him.
“And that’s midnight.”
He turned to look at it and sighed before looking back at me. “I can still stay in here, right?” He asked, sliding his hands into his pockets.
I nodded. “Well, yeah. Now that my friend Page is back, I have to tell him all about my last boyfriend.” I replied, my tone serious, until his face lit up and he smiled ear to ear. Causing me to half smile.
“Oh really? And what was he like?” He asked.
“He was great. Too perfect to describe.” I replied. “I couldn’t even begin to describe how he was in bed.”
His smile grew. “He sounds great. I dated an amazing girl too. She really liked it rough, I was surprised by that, but I’m not complaining. I’m gonna miss her, I shouldn’t have let her go..” He trailed off. “But, rules are rules..”
I nodded. “Yeah. Rules are rules.”
We looked at each other, for a few seconds, and then I looked at the ground, knowing nothing was gonna happen-that nothing could happen.
“I guess we should get to bed.” I shrugged, as I went to walk past him, but he grabbed my forearm, and turned to face me.
I cocked my head, giving him a questioning look. “Page?”
He cleared his throat.
“Rules are meant to be broken.”
We both smiled, and I cupped his face, pulling him into a kiss, before pulling away for a second, I lifted his shirt over his head, maybe a little rougher than I should’ve, but he didn’t seem to mind, he just smiled, and started to kiss me again, we both shed our pants, and when I went to take off the shirt, he’d let me borrow, but he shook his head, and smirked.
“Leave it on.” He said, as he picked me up, and I hooked my legs around his body, and smiled, before crashing my lips back into his.
We fell back on the bed, and it knocked the air out of me for a second.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
I nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I assured him, He smiled and crashed his lips into mine again, I moaned into the kiss.
He pulled away for a second, taking sharp breaths. “You have to keep quiet. Okay? This house is full of people..so try to keep the screaming and moaning to a minimum.” He winked.
“No promises.” I smiled, pulling him into another kiss.
*20 minutes later*
“Um..Nick?” Matt mumbled, as he threw a pillow at his brother.
Nick groaned in annoyance.
He and Matt had taken up one of the guest rooms, while the Kenny, Brandi and Cody, took up the others. He regretted not sleeping on the couch instead.
“Nick!” Matt said louder this time, as he threw another pillow.
“What Matt? What?” He asked, an annoyed tone in his voice, not even opening his eyes.
“What’s that noise?” He asked, and Nick rolled his eyes.
“I have no idea. Why don’t you go see?” He replied, hoping the conversation would be over, but knowing it probably wouldn’t be.
“I can’t! I don’t wanna go down there! You do it.” Matt suggested, and Nick sighed, as he stood up.
“Fine! But when I get back, you have to go to bed, and leave me alone. Okay?”
Matt nodded in agreement. “If, you get back, that is.” He mumbled, as Nick walked out, rolling his eyes as he did so.
He walked downstairs still half asleep, mumbling to himself.
I was straddling Page’s lap, when I lifted the shirt over my head. He sighed.
“You’re taking it off?” He asked, pretending to be disappointed.
“I don’t think I can keep it on, it’s too hot in here..” I breathed a laugh. He smiled, and raised his brows.
“No complaints here..” He trailed off, as he slid his hands, up my thighs, and hips, up to my bra, before he unhooked it, we were too distracted to hear the door open.
“Hey gu-Oh my gosh! No!” Nick exclaimed, frantically shaking his head, causing me and Page to look, over at him with our eyes widened, then Nick cocked his head. “Wait, do you have a tattoo?” He smirked, not taking his eyes off of it.
Page cleared his throat. “Nick. Stop.” He hissed, pulling the covers over us, causing me to lay against his chest, as an attempt to cover myself.
Nick rubbed his eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s just I’ve never seen her naked before, but Matt was right, that was the only good part about this whole situation. By the way, how did this happen? Why did this happen? Is Page the new boyfriend?” He questioned.
I sighed. “Nick, I’d rather answer this later. Please, don’t tell anyone about this yet okay? You and Brandi are the only ones who know.”
“Actually..” Page cleared his throat. “I told Kenny and Cody too.”
I nodded. “Yeah that explains a lot.”
Nick cleared his throat. “So Matt’s the only one that doesn’t know?”
Me and Page looked at each other, before turning back to Nick and nodding
“Okay. Fine. I’ll keep your secret, for now. At least I can mess with Matt.” He replied, turning to walk out. “Just keep it down okay? Matt’s the one that sent me down here.” He explained, leaving the room, for a second, then poking his head back in.
“How long have you had that tattoo by the way?” He asked.
“Get. Out.” Page growled.
“Right! I’ll uh..lock this door too.” He replied, before leaving the room, for good this time, and running back upstairs, into the guest room.
“So, what was it?” Matt asked, and Nick cleared his throat.
“Nothing. It was a ghost. But it’s a friendly one. So, just don’t bother it, or it’ll hate you.” He explained.
Matt seemed content with that response, given he was ready to go to sleep as well.
Nick laid down, before clearing his throat. “Hey Matt?”
Matt groaned. “What Nick? I’m trying to sleep.”
“You’ve seen Y/N naked right?” He asked, trying not to laugh.
Matt rolled his eyes. “Yes. From the waist up, but don’t ask me to describe it to you.” He mumbled, causing Nick to roll his eyes.
“Don’t need to.” He mumbled, before rolling over and falling asleep.
We threw on some clothes, before laying back down, I laid my head on his chest, and grabbed his arm, wrapping it around me, before lacing my fingers with his, causing him to smile.
“So..” He trailed off. “Are we finally gonna try this? Because..I really wanna try this.” He admitted.
I bit my lip. “Of course we’re gonna try this.” I replied, glancing up at him. He turned on his side, facing me, as his smile grew, and he rested his hands on my waist.
“Good.” He mumbled, as he kissed my forehead, and pulled me closer to him.
Soon after that, we fell asleep, but he woke me up early the next morning.
“Y/N, wake up.” He chuckled, and I let out a groan of annoyance.
“Why?” I mumbled, refusing to open my eyes.
He rolled his eyes. “Because, I wanna go get coffee.” He explained. I opened my eyes, to look at him with a deadpan expression, as I let out a sigh.
“Then go get some.” I chuckled sarcastically, as I threw a pillow at him, but he caught it, and playfully hit me with it, causing me to groan again. “Page, I can’t! I cannot force myself to get out of bed, this early, when I don’t have a flight to catch, or work to do.”
He cocked his head. “Fine. Suit yourself. But, I’m not gonna get you anything.” He teased, with a smile, and I nodded, and smiled.
“Oh yes, you most certainly will.”
“Yeah, maybe I will. I’ll bring you back a raspberry mocha, and let you explain to Matt why you’re drinking it. That’ll be fun.” He shrugged, before smirking widely.
I sat up, and rolled my eyes. “Fine. But you’re paying.” I teased, chuckling slightly.
We were waiting in line, and he turned his attention to me.
“We’re gonna have to tell Matt eventually.” He chuckled, and I nodded, and shrugged slightly.
“Maybe he’ll just figure it out on his own.”
Page rolled his eyes. “Doubtful.” He chuckled.
I nodded in agreement. “You’re probably right.” I smiled.
“Love? Is ‘vat you?”
I heard a familiar voice say,  Page’s face dropped, and I sighed, and turned around, as I faked a smile.
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geniuscloud · 7 years
Mockery- JB (GOT7) One Shot
Here is another oneshot, this time requested by @ohmyjaebum “I was wondering if you could do a fluffy senario when the boys notice that the reader makes jaebum all soft and they end up together at the end.” I kinda strayed off topic a little but I hope you enjoy it. Sorry if it sucks. :-/
“Come on guys! It’s not that hard. We have to nail this dance for the next performance. We still haven’t perfected the new choreography and the award show is coming up in two weeks! JB help me out here!” Yugyeom called, looking frustrated. JB was smiling at his phone screen, not paying the slightest attention to Yugyeom or the rest of his group. “JB?!”
His head snapped up from his phone, and the smile turned into a blank stare. “What?”
“You’re supposed to be the bossy one JB, you’re the leader. What are you doing anyways?”
“Oh, I just got a text from Y/N. She just sent me this funny video of Nora doing a…”
“Really at a time like this you’re focused on your cat and Y/N?” Jinyoung questioned sitting down on the ground, huffing and puffing from the dance.
“Well she’s taking care of my cats, and she said she was going to come by the studio in about five minutes and bring us lunch. Though she can just bring something for me if you guys are going to be this way.”
“We love her; bring us food!” Jackson yelled into the phone, as if you could hear him. The rest of the guys sat down on the floor surrounding JB. All of them were flushed red from the intense dancing they had been doing for the past 3 hours. Everyone was tired, hungry, and just a little annoyed; everyone except JB of course. Jaebum was the only person who was smiling so big, and couldn’t stop staring at the background of his phone. The picture was of you and him on his birthday when you had given him a huge kiss on his cheek. You two had been best friends for a few years now, but he developed feelings for you over time. He always teased you with the photo, knowing that the both of you were a little tipsy that evening from partying. His intentions had always been pure, and just to get a laugh out of him whenever he saw the photo. Though the only thing was that the guys often teased him how he just liked “always having you in his pants” because his phone was constantly in his pocket or in his hands. Trying to make his intentions a lot dirtier than what the real reasoning behind it was.
There was a slight knock at the door, and then with a gentle push you opened the door, revealing the guys sitting around JB. You held the brown paper bags of food tightly, as you smiled and greeted everyone. “Hey guys, I have lunch for everyone!”
“Oh, thank goodness, I’m starving” Jackson exclaimed, grabbing the bag from you.
“Thank you” JB smiled, hugging you lightly before turning his attention to the guys.
“You can join us if you’d like Y/N?” Youngjae offered.
“Thanks.” You sat down beside JB who grabbed your hand and pulled you in front of him. He rested his chin on your shoulder as you started unpacking the lunch you brought from home for yourself. You popped a few grapes into his mouth by reaching over your shoulder, as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into him a little more. “I hope I got the right sandwiches for you guys. I really tried to remember who liked which kind…”
“You did well Y/N, thanks” Mark smiled at you.
JB’s attention was completely drawn away from his food, but rather hiding his by your ear, using your hair to conceal him chewing grapes. As much as you loved the attention from him, you weren’t that huge of a fan of the attention the two of you were getting from the other guys. Jinyoung was giving a weird look as if he had lost his appetite due to the major cuddling JB was doing. You pushed JB away, and his face went into a puppy dog pout.
“I think we’re disturbing the guys” you whispered.
“Have some consideration for our friends.”
“Okay…” JB huffed looking at the guys who had stopped eating.
“Wow she really has you whipped, doesn’t she?” BamBam laughed.
“What? No, she doesn’t” JB protested.
“She totally does. You’ve become a big softy ever since you two started becoming super close!”
“I was always nice!”
“There is a difference between being soft, and nice. You’ve always been nice, but you’ve also cracked down on us when we needed to get stuff done. Hell, you use to threaten violence and chase after us when we teased you. Now you just let it happen” Yugyeom replied shrugging.
“You want me to chase after you and crack down on you guys?”
“Just come to the realization that you’re soft now because of Y/N being such a nice girl. I mean, don’t get me wrong Y/N, you’re a great person and we love you.”
“Ooo let’s see how long it takes to make JB angry now.”
“Guys do you really think that is a good idea?” You hesitated.
“Nope, but it’s to prove a point!”
“What are you trying to prove by making him angry?!”
“He doesn’t get annoyed by little things, only if we make shots involving you” Yugyeom smiled.
“It’s because he totally like you,” Bambam smirked.
“I do not!” JB got up, charging at Bambam like a bull. Bambam couldn’t help but laugh while trying to dodge JB’s kicks, landing a solid kick straight to Bambam’s butt. He toppled over with a combination of laughing and wincing.
“She may make your heart soft, but she makes your…” Yugyeom smirked, but before he could finish his sentence he got a smack to the back of the head.
“You know you really are not helping yourself JB, you are just proving their point even more by attacking them” Jinyoung said rolling his eyes a little.
“JB, do you like me?” You asked a little puzzled.
“What? No way, we’re best friends. I’m just protecting you from these perverts.”
“Are you saying if some other guy made a sexual advance at her, you wouldn’t get angry Mr. Softy?”
“Yeah, you’re turning soft like Jackson now” Youngjae laughed while pushing on Jackson’s arm. Jackson looked a little displeased as Youngjae continued to shove him while he tried to eat. You began to fidget with your hair a little, starting to become a little uncomfortable. Even though you hadn’t even expressed your feelings for JB, you started to feel like you didn’t have to after he kept denying feelings for you as well. It felt like you had already been rejected before you even had the chance to confess.
“A horror film won’t be the only thing that’ll make you scream tonight Y/N” Bambam winked. Everyone stopped and looked at him with the most unpleasant look ever. It wasn’t even because it was a sexual joke, it was just such a terrible pickup line.
“You’re going to scare her?” Youngjae asked.
“No, I mean like…”
“Bambam, he knows what you meant, but that so was poorly executed, and he could be correct in theory. You just compared sex with you to horror films. Are you that bad in bed?” Jinyoung mocked.
“No! I just… Shut up!”
As much as you loved hanging out with the guys and watching them joke with each other, you just started to feel uncomfortable. “Um, you know… I think I’m going to go home now.”
JB started to protrude his jaw outwards, showing that he really was starting to get angry.
“Hey we were just kidding Y/N! No need to get uncomfortable, don’t worry, we’re just teasing. If he says he doesn’t like you, then he doesn’t! It’s okay.”
“Thanks Bambam for clearing that up for the 100th time. I get it, he doesn’t like me. I’m going home.” You started storming out the door, grabbing your lunch and walking off. The door slammed, and shook the mirrors.
“Wait, Y/N come back!” JB called after you as he tried to follow behind.
“Hey guys… Did you ever stop to think that maybe Y/N likes JB? Then you guys keep joking about their feelings hurt her?” Mark asked. The guys put their heads down in shame a little, starting to recognize what they had been doing.
You wiped a tear away with your sleeve while entering the elevator. You felt a humiliated, and crushed. The worst thing that could happen from a love confession is a no; but what about not even getting the chance to confess, and just getting your heart stomped on and your feelings being the punch line of a joke.
“Y/N wait!” You heard JB call. You instantly started pressing the close button in a panic; hoping that if you pressed it a bunch it would close before he could get in. He ran full speed, throwing his torso in the way of the elevator to stop the doors. The doors bounced off his body, and let him into the elevator. “Please don’t go home! The guys were being assholes, and I know it’s probably uncomfortable thinking that your best friend has feelings for you but I promise they’re just joking around!”
“That’s not why I left! I’m not uncomfortable with it.”
“Then why are you leaving?”
“I’m leaving because I’m getting rejected before I even got a chance to talk about my feelings for you! I understand that you might be uncomfortable with the thought of us being more than friends, and that’s why I didn’t say anything. Just forget it. Get off on the next floor and don’t call me again. I’ll leave your spare keys in your mail box tomorrow morning,” You said sternly while pressing the button for the next floor. The doors opened, and JB didn’t get off. “Can you just leave while I still have an ounce of my dignity left?” The doors opened again for the next floor and JB stepped out, but he grabbed your wrist pulling you out with him as well.
“Can you please just stop and listen to me?” JB asked. You nodded your head, not moving your eyes off the ground. “The guys were right, I do like you, okay? I just thought you might not like me back so I kept denying it. I wasn’t ready to tell you, but now that we’re at this crossroad I don’t think there is a better time than this right now. We’re in our 20’s, yet we still act like children when it comes to relationships. Wow, we’re immature, aren’t we?”
“Are you just saying this because you don’t want to lose me as a friend or are you being genuine?”
“Why would I act like a softy around you, but my normal joking self around the guys unless I wanted to impress you? Trust me. You making me soft is the reason why I didn’t slap Bambam into the next century when he did that awful sexual pick up line towards you. I didn’t want you to think of me as a bad dude, and realize that I’m trying really hard to deal with my frustration,” JB laughed awkwardly.
JB took your hand, and started pulling you up the stairs towards the practice room again. A smile started to break past the frowning. “I’m getting the guys to apologize to you.” His arm snaked around your waist as he pushed opened the door to reveal all the guys rushing towards you. An array of apologies started to erupt from their mouths, finally understanding what they may have been doing.
“We’re so sorry! We were just trying to get JB to confess but once he started denying it we realized that maybe he wasn’t ready, but we didn’t think that maybe it would have affected you, and we are so sorry Y/N!” Jackson apologized, grabbing your hand.
“It’s none of your business if we confess to each other or not, but I do have to thank you, a little bit. After all, you guys basically forced our confessions for each other” you said sighing.
“Wait, you guys confessed? Does that mean you guys are going to start dating?” Youngjae asked.
“We’ll have to see. I have a good feeling about it though.”
“Anyways, we’re going to head out for the day. You guys keep practicing the dance,” JB laughed taking you by the hand and leading you out.
“What do you mean?! You’re part of this team too! Where are you going?!” Bambam called out.
“I’ll practice later, but for now… I think I’m going to take her home, and a horror movie won’t be the only thing making her scream tonight.” Bambam glared at JB unamused as he just kept laughing at bam’s failed pickup line.
“He’s kidding, that’s not happening…”
“Of course I’m kidding, remember, I’m a big softy now and it’s all your fault” JB smiled placing a kiss on your lips. “You make me the happiest man alive. I’m glad I fell in love with you.”
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kati-mariposa · 7 years
Tumblr media
Guardians: Chapter 4
Characters: OC, Bill Skarsgard & Jeffrey Dean Morgan
*WARNING: Strong Language/Possible-Mild Suggestive Themes (Not 100% Sure)
Summary: Can be found in Chapter 1
[*DISCLAIMER: The actors do not represent themselves as actors, but as the characters I created to play out in the story.]
-Chapter 5
“He actually said that? About me?” Bill questioned with a shocked expression.
“I couldn’t believe it myself. Trust me on this when I say, he went over the top with it,” I confirmed while rubbing the temple of my head.
I told him most of what Jeffrey said to me that night, although I was trying my hardest to exclude the part about him asking if I was in love with Bill. Those feelings were small and secretive, he didn’t need to know then and there whether it was true or not.
“He tried to throw in your smoking habit too, but I was like bitch, you smoke too,” I added as I took a sip of water from a glass Bill gave me.
“Motherfucker. This is bullshit. I’ve done nothing personal to that bastard and yet he’s making assumptions about me. Jesus,” he hissed.
“He’s been a real ass lately. I don’t know what else to do. I refuse to take his crap anymore, but it’s easier said than done, since I still live there for free,” I reminded myself with great disappointment.
It had to be me stuck in this situation. Running away from my real home, moving into a new home with an older man, befriending another guy who’s only about a couple years older than me and who I think is attractive, having things start out well but then the older man becomes unusually intimidated by the younger one and there’s no shred of motivation as to why this is all happening.
“And something else bothered me. It’s what he said before I left,” I included solemnly.
“What?” he stared at me.
“When I tried to pressure him into telling me exactly why he had this thing against you, he only said, ‘I’m worried’. I was profoundly confused so I tried again, but then he told me that he couldn’t explain it, that I wouldn’t understand. I was dumbfounded, but I didn’t give him an extra chance after that and stormed out the door.”
Bill was in disbelief by Jeffrey’s statement as well, “Worried? That I’m going to do what?”
“I don’t know! I’d like the know the answer. However, the more he stared at me, the more damaged he appeared by my resistance. It’s so strange. It’s hard to read his expressions,” I complained.
“It seems very suspicious in my opinion, even for someone like him. He’s not your real father, so why the hell should he be this involved or concerned with your life and who you associate with? He needs to back off and not judge people without actually getting to know them. If he made more of an effort to care, he would see there’s nothing bad about me.”
“Yeah, still though. I can’t put my finger on it. In reality, I’m afraid of what the truth could be behind his attitude. I guess I won’t find out until later, if I go back anytime soon.”
In the pit of my stomach, recently, I had been getting strange vibes that seemed unsettling about Jeffrey. It’s something I should’ve been investigating more and kept my guard up, but I continued to dismiss it as a case or cases of extreme paternalistic instincts. It really appeared that way for a long time, until his insults became worse towards Bill, completely unprovoked too. How can I find out the truth? He won’t directly tell me so should I expect it at all? My head spun around the possibilities and a minor headache was coming on.
“I can’t believe of all things, he actually thinks I want to sleep with you,” he added as he turned the other way, “Boy he’s definitely off his high horse.”
Apparently I took it the wrong way because I began to glare at him as the words finally sank in.
“The fuck you trying to say?” I growled.
“What am I? Fucking ugly and unattractive to go to bed with?! Unlike those other girls you be rubbernecking for with their assholes eating their shorts?! Is that it? I see how it is,” I shouted huffy, puffy and loudly.
He was shaken by my accusations as his tired eyes were now huge with confusion. I stood up from the brown loveseat in the living room and walked to put the glass of water in the kitchen.
“Whoa, whoa! What’s with all that angry energy?” he asked surprisingly.
“You just implied that I’m ugly and not a good choice to sleep with,” I cried avoiding him.
“No! T-That’s not how it was supposed to sound. You’re beautiful the way you are, really. It’s just, uh,” he trailed off, attempting to cover his ass, but he was hesitating. I stopped to look at his face and his pale cheeks were turning a tint of pink.
“Did you just call me beautiful? And you’re blushing?” I began to tease him. I actually started blushing myself, relishing in the compliment from earlier, but I shook it off since I was still mad.
“Y-Yes but, it’s just I never really thought of us doing. Um, those things,” he finally said.
“Oh really? Not even once?” I inquired him with a sneer.
“Well, now that you mentioned it,” he scrolled his eyes before focusing on me hardcore, then that infamous grin returned to haunt me, “I happen to be thinking about it right now.”
I was pretty sure my face dropped out of embarrassing horror. I was honestly horrified he said that in such a manner that made it so exaggeratedly awkward for me.
“Oh my God! G-Get away! I’m going to definitely lock the door assuming I’m staying in the bedroom. Correction: I am staying in the bedroom so I can,” I shouted with my cheeks very warm. I had to run into the kitchen and hide out of his sight. While I was in there, I slammed down the glass in the sink.
“No! No, come back. I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he went after me laughing a lot.
I couldn’t help but laugh with him too. I also couldn’t keep my eyes away from his upper body. He was slender and fit, it worked with his tallness. I didn’t always see him with a shirt off, but when I did, my inner woman squirmed and purred to the sweet music of my ovaries about to explode. I had a real problem: a best friend who was very hot. Too hot for me to handle. I got to keep my cool.
“You hadn’t ever thought about doing that with me? Just curious” he asked me placing his open hand on his chest like he’s conceited and snobby.
“Uh, n-no! That’s crazy! Disturbing,” I answered rudely, but I was a liar. I had dreamed of it about once or twice in the past, but that was when I didn’t have these growing feelings for him at first, I always dusted it off and told myself that we were just friends, period. They were very nice, by the way.
I doubt he’d ever consider that kind of thing with me of all people. I’ve seen the other girls he’s talked to before or seen and they were obviously prettier, taller and more attractive than me. How could I compete?
“I see. So what now?” he wondered as he calmed down.
“Honestly, I want to go to sleep. My eyes are so heavy, especially from crying,” I said followed by a yawn.
A couple of hours had passed since I got there and poured my emotions out to him, delaying his slumber as well. He had work in the morning and yet he fought to keep me company during my misery. He nodded in agreement and walked to the couch towards my bags to grab them for me.
“You can sleep in my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch for the night,” he offered generously.
“Oh no, are you sure? I don’t wanna leave you uncomfortable,” I said feeling kind of bad. He was so tall, I wasn’t sure he’d feel alright on the couch.
“It’s fine. I’ll manage. I figured you might need your own space tonight to relax,” he assured as he gently beamed at me.
Fixated on his plump lips, I imagined that I bravely took him down to the floor, straddled over him and kissed him passionately, getting a taste of his luscious lips at last, but I gently shook my head to erase the image from my mind before he began to worry about my sanity. Damn imagination.
“But in the morning, I have to go into the room to get my clothes to go to work for a half day, so don’t be startled when I go in there. I’ll try to be silent,” he added heading for the bedroom with my stuff. I followed behind, nodding in acceptance.
“Okay. As long as you don’t try any funny business while I sleep,” I quietly joked, snickering at my own comment.
He gave me a “seriously” look but it dissolved when he chuckled softly and smirked, set my belongings on the fuzzy floor near the queen size bed, went into his organized closet to grab an extra folded blanket for him to use in the living room and then turned to look down at me one more time.
“This room isn’t at its best, but I hope you’ll be comfortable,” he remarked.
“I’ll manage. By the way, thank you again for letting me stay and listening to me. It’s been too rough for me lately,” I thanked graciously.
“You know you can always come to me, no matter what. I won’t complain,” he reassured me smoothly.
Without a second thought, I ran to him and threw my arms around his waist, pushing him and hugging so tight like I’d never let go.
“Whoa, you almost knocked me down,” he chuckled wrapping his warm strong arms around me, returning the gesture.
“Sorry, I just needed another hug, that’s all,” I said tenderly.
My face could feel the warmth and smoothness against the skin of his chest. I wish I could stay in that position forever, but I didn’t want things to be too weird between us, if he possibly didn’t feel the same way about me like I did. I would ask him to lie in the bed with me so he can be better situated and keep me company much longer, but again, I was not sure what would happen. I was too scared to find out.
“Maybe I should do it. Ask him Kat. Ask him,” I repeatedly thought in my mind.
Bill loosened his grip but didn’t let go of me. His glowing green emerald eyes beamed over into mine and I felt mesmerized during the stare. I was frozen in his hold and moving seem like not an option, at least if I wasn’t planning on spoiling the moment.
“Get some sleep. We’ve got plans later and need the energy for it,” he told me before releasing me.
Short lived, “Oh yeah, okay.” What a bummer.
He made his way to the door and grabbed the dull knob to close it after him to leave me alone in the room, but without exiting yet, he gave me a sweet yet sleepy smile that lasted for several seconds in silence.
“Come find me if you need anything. You are welcome to whatever in the kitchen as well if you get hungry. Goodnight Kat,” he whispered.
“Goodnight Bill. Thanks,” I whispered back with a returning smile.
“You’re welcome,” he winked while closing the door, allowing me to go straight to bed to rest for the Halloween fun later.
His scent filled the air and my nostrils as I took a good whiff of his sheets, lying on the bed. It was a mix of his natural scent and the cologne I loved. I kicked off my shoes, slipped off my jeans since I wasn’t sharing the bed and slid under the blankets, ready to fall into a long awaited slumber after hours of sleeplessness and sadness. It was very dark everywhere except for the blue light alarm clock on his nightstand. At least I could monitor the time of day if I couldn’t sleep well.
Fortunately, my eyes grew heavy in a matter of minutes and I knew then I was finally going out to the quiet and comfort of his bedroom. The only thing missing was him sleeping next to me, but he wasn’t far, so it was fine for the time being.
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Asylum- Part 3
Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,171
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, angst, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Please, if you want to be tagged for this series, let me know and I’ll add you! If you want to be tagged for my other fics, I’ll add you! I want to hear what you guys think about this. If you want something requested, send it in!
Feedback is always appreciated
Tags at the bottom
Part One, Part Two
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You were scared to go back to the Asylum at night but it had to be done. At least you had the Winchesters with you. You didn’t know how you were a Hunter and still scared of things. You’ve seen everything and anything and yet the darkness scared you.
You entered the place, taking out a shotgun and holding it, as if you were going to shoot but never did. You were always going to be cautious and on your toes. Sam was holding a video camera and a flashlight, shining it everywhere. Dean was holding the EMF meter and the duffel bag with extra weapons.
“Getting readings?” Sam asked his brother.
“Yeah, big time.” You looked at the EMF and saw the red lights appear, flashing on and off like crazy.
“This place is orbing like crazy.” Sam said. You looked over at his camera and saw little balls of white light floating around the room. This shit was crazy.
“Probably multiple spirits out and about.” You said, pointing your shotgun in front of you.
“And if these uncovered bodies are causing the haunting... We gotta find them and burn them. Just be careful though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit... is the pissed off spirit of a psycho killer.” Dean sighed. You continued walking, keeping all your senses on alert, careful of anything suspicious.
You came to three rooms and you broke off from the boys to explore one room. You took out your flashlight and looked around the room, seeing flipped tables and chairs. If this place closed down, why not just rebuild something in place of it?
��Dean? Y/N!!” You heard your name being called by Sam. He sounded panicked and you ran into the room he was in and saw a woman with one eye sticking out of her head, advancing to Sam. You raised your shotgun and shot the woman just as Dean was running in the room.
“That was weird.” Sam said, breathing heavily.
“Yeah, you're telling me.” You said, looking at Dean. You followed the older brother into the hallway but Sam wasn’t finished talking.
“No, I mean it was weird that she didn't attack me. She didn't hurt me. She didn't even try! So, if she didn't wanna hurt me then what did she want?” Sam always over thought anything that came his way. You passed a room and heard a noise come from it.
You held out your shotgun, walking into the rom slowly. Light filled your vision, thanks to Sam’s flashlight and you saw a bed that was tipped over.
As you walked closer and closer, you saw the top of a person’s head and you looked at the boys and nodded. Dean had his shotgun out and Sam tipped the bed over, scaring a young girl who looked terrified.
“It's alright, we're not going to hurt you. It's okay. What's your name?” Dean asked.
“Katherine or Kat.” She said in a shaky voice, standing up.
“Okay. I'm Y/N, this is Sam and Dean.” You smiled softly, not wanting to scare the girl further.
“What are you doing here?” Sam wondered.
“Um, my boyfriend, Gavin thought it would be fun, try and see some ghosts. I thought it was all just... you know, pretend. I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream and...” She sighed and wrapped her jacket around herself tighter.
“Alright. Kat? Come on. Sam's going get you out of here and then we're going find your boyfriend.” Dean said, leading her to Sam.
“No! No. I'm not going to leave without Gavin. I'm coming with you.” She declared. Was she stupid? You would leave if you could.
“It's no joke around here, okay. It's dangerous.” Dean said.
“That's why I gotta find him.” She shrugged.
“Alright, I guess we’re going to split up then.” Dean said, looking at you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll stay with her. You and Sam go find Gavin and we will try and meet up with you.” You looked at Kat and led her out of the room you were in and down the hall while Sam and Dean left the other way.
“Are you sure that was a good idea?” She asked nervously.
“Yeah, trust me, I’ve seen scarier things than ghosts.” You held the shotgun but it was at your side. However, you were still on alert for anything that might pop up or make an appearance.
“I believe you.” Kat sighed.
“So how long have you and Gavin been together?” You asked, walking past an empty room, shining your flashlight so you could see.
“Not that long, only for about 4 months. He took me here on a date. What was he thinking? Dates are supposed to be fun, and filled with joy not the opposite.”
“I got a question for you. You've seen a lot of horror movies, yeah?” You stopped suddenly, looking at her.
“I guess so.” She shrugged lightly.
“Do me a favor. Next time you see one? Pay attention. When someone says a place is haunted... don't go in.” You gave her a certain look before turning away from her and continuing to walk down a hallway when your flashlight started sputtering and finally, it faded out, leaving you in darkness.
“Shit, damn it!” You sighed and shook it to see if you could revive it but nothing was happening. “Don’t worry, I have a smaller one.” You reached into your jacket and pulled out a very small one.
“Ow. You're hurting my arm.” Kat said, wincing.
“I’m not touching you.” You asked, turning to her, shining the light on her arm. A disembodied hand was clutching her arm and your eyes widened when the hand dragged her into a room, slamming the metal door. You rushed to it, trying to tug on the door but you weren’t strong enough.
“Dean!!!” You yelled out, hoping he was nearby to hear you. “Sam!!!!” You kept trying to tug at the door but nothing was happening. Where were the boys when you needed them?
“Let me out! Please!” Kat begged you. You banged on the door but again, nothing was happening.
“Kat! Hang on!” You yelled, picking up a metal pipe and jamming it in between the door and the wall but it wouldn’t open. You kept hearing her scream and you wished that the boys were here. You needed help. You could handle it by yourself but they were both much stronger than you.
“Y/N! What’s going on?” You heard Dean yell. You looked down the hall to see Sam and his brother including who you assumed was Gavin, running at you.
“She’s inside with one of them and I can’t get the door open.” You moved out of the way so that Dean could handle it.
“Help me!!” Kat screamed.
“Kat!” Gavin yelled to let her know he was there.
“Get me out of here!” She pleaded.
“Kat, it's not going to hurt you. Listen to me. You've got to face it. You've got to calm down.” Sam instructed.
“I have to what?!” Kat screamed. You trusted Sam and you knew that he knew what he was doing.
“These spirits, they're not trying to hurt us, they're trying to communicate. You gotta face it. You gotta listen to it.” Sam said.
“You face it!” She sassed back.
“No! It's the only way to get out of there,” Sam sighed, hoping she would comply. “Look at it, come on. You can do it.”
“Man, I hope you're right about this.” Dean muttered.
“Yeah, me too.” Sam breathed out. You watched with heavy silence, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, after what seemed like hours go by, the door clicked and it opened.
“One thirty-seven,” She said, looking scared. Gavin ran to her and pulled her into a hug. Sam ran inside, looking for the ghost but came out empty handed. “It whispered in my ear. 137.”
“Room number.” You and the boys said at the exact same time. You needed to find that room number and fast. But how could you get rid of Gavin and Kat and destroy the ghost?
“Alright. So, if these spirits aren't trying to hurt anyone, then what are they trying to do?” You whispered, speaking to Dean and Sam privately.
“Maybe that's what they've been trying to tell us...” Sam suggested. You shrugged and looked back at Kat and Gavin.
“So, now, are you guys ready to leave this place?” Dean asked, seeing them nod frantically. “Okay, Sam will get you out of here. Y/N and I will go find room 137.” Sam nodded and took Gavin and Kat with him, leaving down the hall. You looked at Dean and grabbed your shotgun off the floor and followed him in the opposite direction.
It seemed like hours before you were shining your flashlight on room 137. Dean pushed open the door and frowned when he figured out something was blocking it. He threw all his weight against the door, effectively pushing aside whatever was blocking it and stepped inside, you right behind him. The room was a mess, filing cabinets pushed over, papers everywhere, the walls stained with a substance you didn’t want to know of and a lot of other shit.
Dean shone his flashlight around, looking through the cabinets. You lowered your shotgun and helped him, shining the light over the papers to read what they said.
“What if the patients were warning us about someone else?” You suddenly said.
“What do you mean?” Dean looked at you.
“Well, Ellicott did say the patients rioted against everyone, taking over the asylum, right? There were a lot of deaths here and Sam did mention him saying they even stuffed the bodies somewhere. You also said they did twisted stuff to the patients including Lobotomies and Electroshock.” You said, thoughts running through your head and out of your mouth.
“Where are you going with this?” Dean asked.
“What if the patients were trying to warn us about the doctor, Mr. Ellicott himself. They seemed like they didn’t want to hurt us but someone hurt them. It would explain why they stuffed his body. Cops wouldn’t find him and they wouldn’t give him a proper burial.” You concluded, looking at it.
“We gotta keep looking then, if your theory is right.” Dean said, still searching. You looked around the room, looking at the walls. Man, someone was really messed up in the head to leave a room looking like this. You bit your lip when you saw the wall come out a bit, making it look like something was behind the wall. You walked over to it and pushed on the wall, feeling it give a little. Something was behind here.
“Dean, check this out. It’s loose.” You got up and let Dean take a look when he felt the wall. He pried it open and used his flashlight to look inside, seeing a satchel full of papers. He grabbed it and put it on one of the tables.
“This is why I get paid the big bucks.” Dean grinned, opening the bag and taking out whatever was inside.
“You don’t get paid anything.” You chuckled and pulled out a journal with many notes and hand-drawn pictures of medical instruments.
“Y/N, it looks like your theory might be correct. All work and no play makes Dr. Ellicott a very dull boy.” You smiled and looked over his shoulder, reading what the doctor wrote. You gasped when you heard a noise, looking up and shining your flashlight in the direction of where it came.
“I think we should go see Sam. He should know about this.” You said to Dean and he nodded, getting up, leaving the satchel and its contents right where they were and you followed him out of the room, going back to where you came from.
You were walking pretty loudly and you thought you heard Sam but when you rounded the corner, a shot went off and you gasped, tumbling into Dean from behind. He caught you quickly and your eyes widened, your heart racing quickly.
“Damn it, damn it, don't shoot! It's us!” dean yelled, figuring out what happened fast.
“Sorry! Sorry.” You heard Kat say. Wait, why was she here? You got off Dean and looked around the corner to see Kat and Gavin still inside the facility.
“What are you still doing here!? Where's Sam?” Dean asked, coming up from behind you.
“He went to the basement. You called him.” Gavin said. You looked confused because Dean never called anyone.
“He didn’t call him, I was there.” You looked at Dean.
“His cell phone rang. He said it was you.” Gavin shrugged.
“Basement, huh?” Dean nodded and grabbed some extra weapons, looking at the couple. “Alright. Watch yourselves.... and watch out for Y/N!” You gave them an apologetic look and followed Dean, holding your shotgun as if you were to shoot someone. The basement wasn’t far away as you thought.
Part Four
Masterlist // Series Rewrite Masterlist // Buy me a Coffee?
Series Rewrite tags:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging
Forever tags:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie
Other tags:
@jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @deathtonormalcy56 @27bmm
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