#Halloween next but first...er...valentines day?
this-fine-day · 9 months
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Striker's latest attempt at revenge didn't go as planned. Poor Striker.
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visxionery · 3 months
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Revealing my desired enstars shuffle units!!! I might make more posts about each unit in particular + what songs it'll prob sound like. First is the event card and second and third is gacha card and the rest is event
but for now here's a brief look into each unit!
dystopia : they are all mystical beings that live in a dystopian world where art and order is gone.
heartthrob : think aisle with you plus atoz but spin it. This is more of a sad nostalgic kind of love unit? Like basically a we used to be in love and I long for you kind of thing. CAUSE I KNOW VALENTINES ARE LIKE HAPPY BUT I WANT SAD VALENTINES OK ARGHHHH (gets dragged out)
wonderlandz : mascot cosplay group, imagine twisted wonderland met wicked drugs and this. ill explain more on who is who <3 vetarannoruma : a group doing a documentary about investigative work but then gets caught in a ACTUAL CASE, they somehow end up on a plane- someone gets shot???!!! and ibara throws a bomb somewhere-FIND OUT MORE IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF VEGAS TRUE CRIME-
5050' : so eichi is investing shit right and then makes a bet and loses sum money idfk to RINNE AMAGI? Turns out rinne is good at investing and shit but then eichi like nuh uh ur reckless kohaku is on the shuffle cause rinne and his dirty schemes. Kanata is trolling and Tetora is burning kitchens (i'll explain i swear-)
imaging : OHOHO THIS IS A HALLOWEEN SHUFFLE, so switch makes a haunted house right and natsume is like lets do a mirror maze *casts sum spell* then SUBARU gets caught in the spell and suddenly theres multiple of them and the other three members get trapped.
dia thieves : game show where they battle for fans and try to rizz you up but then stinky pr does smth and THERES A SCANDAL?????? find out more on dia thieves : broke asf....
phantoms at the opera : OK OK I KNOW MAYOI AINT IN ERE BUT I DIDNT WANNA MAKE IT THAT OBVIOUS. So hokuto is doing sum dramatica shit and then he gets a theatre role outside and then they have to act out shit think masquerade ball BUT THEN (here's the plot twist) THEY GET THRUSTED INTO A MURDER MYSTERY GAME BY GATEKEEPER (dun dun dunn!!!) SHIT HAPPENS NAGISA GETS INTO A CULT TSUMUGI IS HANGING OFF A LEDGE REI ALMOST DIES HOKUTO WRU and madara is yo mama.
CU2+ : So midori and hajime has been part of a buddy system made by es to cultivate good relationships between fellow idols, but they chat anon they all do so no one knows who each other is. Midori has been feeling a bit down lately and the rest of the support grp helps him but then everyone puts on a false persona because they want to be a better version of themselves. Hajime wants them to all meet in the real world at around 2 plus, but Midori has other plans...
Parasol : ARASHI WEARS A SUNDRESS TWO PIECE I REPEAT ARASHI WEARS A- basis is its a modelling gig and compared to arashi chiaki is TERRIBLE DAWG i love you chiaki but i know you can willingly go without bathing so on the day of the shoot they put so much effot in bad weather strucks and ITS A BRINK OF A NATURAL DISASTER.....but arashi is stuck and all alone....
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random-mailbox · 1 year
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 39 - Missing Scenes Part I
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This week’s post is for the amazing @riverlethe, since today is her birthday! 🍰❤️🎂🎉🎊💐
Following one-shots are fandom’s way to fill in the blanks in both Anime and Manga, giving our characters much needed closure and depth. It was hard to decide what to include, so @goddessalthena suggested I do this as Part I, which will allow me to do another post down the road with more (similar to what I did with Christmas stories).
Also, don't forget to check out the prompts for @usamamoweek2023!
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
A Nightmare Between Them - Sweetsugarines
This one-shot gives us a glimpse into the mental state that Usagi was in post-Black Moon and Nehelenia battles.
Love Breeds Insanity - @angelmoongirl
Usagi absolutely refused to cancel or postpone her first date with Mamoru since the defeat of Galaxia. No matter how terrible she might be starting to feel or what her friends are trying to tell her.
The Aftermath - sailor-elsa
This is the darkest story of the bunch, with Usagi trying and almost failing to handle the aftereffects of the battle with Pharoah 90.
ER Epiphany - @uglygreenjacket
Mamoru’s work-shift gets interrupted by a youma in the ER. Who will step in to help if he is not able to transform without someone noticing?
All's Fair in Love and Birthdays - @uglygreenjacket
Another awesome one-shot that fills in the gap after the birthday episode. Mamoru and Usagi actually get to discuss what happened that day and what it meant to both of them. With Mamoru not playing very fair 😏
These Games We Play: Chapter 11: From Silk to Cotton - @allyunabridged
This one-shot takes place in Sailor Moon R, after Usagi gets rescued from Prince Dimande and before returning to the past. With King Endymion helping her take baby steps towards getting over the ordeal.
Day 2: Item - @tinacentury
Set at the start of the 3rd season of the Anime, this one-shot fills in the gaps on what went on in Mamoru’s head when Usagi wasn’t able to transform.
this little brook of life - Tosca1390
Set between Anime’s R and S seasons, Usagi and Mamoru grapple with the weight of responsibilities and lack of alone time, as Chibi-Usa re-appears in their lives.
Miscellaneous Works: Short Stories That Tumbled From Tumblr: Chapter 6: Oneiromancy - @floraone
Set at the end of the break-up arc in the Anime, Usagi gets to see more of the nightmares that Mamoru have been dealing with and understands why he can't let go of them.
That's it for this week! Next time we are covering Green Jacket stories!
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffee shop AU
Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
Week 22 - Friends to Lovers
Week 23 - ❤️Valentines Day❤️
Week 24 - Do a Grouch a Favour Day (or Cheer Up Fics)
Week 25 - Soulmate AU
Week 26 - Amnesia Fics (and resources)
Week 27 - 🍀St Patrick's Day🍀
Week 28 - Fix it Fics
Week 29 - Prompt: Mug
Week 30 - Flowers
Week 31 - Traditions
Week 32 - Dreams
Week 33 - Friends
Week 34 - Body-Swap
Week 35 - Medical Assistance
Week 36 - Sex Pollen
Week 37 - Psychometry
Week 38 - What If
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piers-wifey · 2 years
Pumpkin carving with the S.T.A.R.S. members
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–Albert Wesker–
“You want me to what? Dearheart, don't you think we're a little too old for that?” After your like twentieth attempt at changing his mind, Wesker finally gave in and allowed himself to sit beside you and start carving the pumpkin that has been sitting on the table the entire time. To your surprise, Wesker's carving skills were remarkably good, making you wonder if he really was such a big holiday grouch, or just too reticent to show that he too could enjoy silly little things like this.
–Chris Redfield–
Chris is a huge Halloween fan and down for it like no other. Will spend hours looking for the perfect pumpkin with you and once you found it, there's no stopping. There's not really a set design, you two just carve whatever you want. All you and Chris care about is to have fun and enjoy the little things, and that's exactly what you two do. Being silly together and creating a unique looking pumpkin, while giggling like little kids.
–Jill Valentine–
Jill is anything but good at pumpkin carving. Not to mention that her lack of patience for such activities often ends in literal pumpkin massacres. But, since she wants to be part of the things you like and help you as much as possible, she offers to spoon out the pumpkins and leave the carving to you. You're much more talented than her anyway. Plus, she loves the concentrated look on your face when you dive into your work. So, it's a win-win for both of you.
–Joseph Frost–
Joseph is a man-child through and through. He loves Halloween with all its traditions and spends days and a good amount of money preparing his apartment for the spooky season. So, it's no surprise that he's a master at pumpkin carving. Watching him create literal art is almost more fun than to do it yourself. But, Joseph wouldn't be Joseph if he didn't let his cheeky self get the better of him and throw the pumpkin pulp at you as 'payback' for letting him do all the hard work.
–Brad Vickers–
Whatever you do, do not let Brad near any knives or sharp tools in general. Man's too clumsy and would probably end up in the ER with a nearly cut off finger or something. Instead, you should let him pick and spoon out the pumpkin and do the carving yourself. Trust me, it's the best option. Alternatively, you two could paint the pumpkin instead. It's much safer anyway and you two can still have lots of fun.
–Barry Burton–
A certified pro with a love for teamwork. He lets you pick the pumpkin and design, while he guts it out and carves it. But he wouldn't say no if you asked him to let you do the hard work. It's actually pretty nice to be the one who watches every now and then. But, he'll be by your side the entire time, making corny Halloween puns and, of course, helping you out if things get a little trickier. In the end, he's super proud of you and the way the pumpkin turned out.
–Enrico Marini–
Not the biggest Halloween fan, but thanks to his kids, he ended up carving dozens of pumpkins for them regardless. His skills are a little rusty - considering that his children are now adults and don't need his help anymore - but he still got it. His usual go-to is the classical Jack-o'-lantern design, but if you ask him for another design - and help with drawing the motif you want - he'll gladly oblige. Enrico doesn't say it out loud, but deep down he enjoys every second of it, because it brings back good memories.
–Richard Aiken–
Since he has never done this before, Richard is a little left-handed at first. To the point where he accidentally cuts himself a few times and ends up with nearly all his fingers covered with colourful bandaids. To cheer him up, you draw cute little faces on the bandaids. Despite the rather bumpy start, the pumpkin ends up looking pretty good, given that this was Richard's first attempt. And although he enjoyed it, he'll leave the carving to you next time.
–Forest Speyer–
Pumpkin carving with him almost always ends in a food war between the two of you. It usually starts with him flicking a pumpkin seed at you and then slowly spirals higher and higher until you both have completely forgotten about the pumpkin and instead chase each other around the house/apartment with the insides of the pumpkin in your hands, while you're laughing and giggling like a bunch of children.
–Edward Dewey–
Let's get this straight: Edward is terrible at anything that is related to art and crafting in any way. His pumpkin looks derpy and the proportions are more than 'just a little' off, but, just because he's bad at it doesn't mean he won't keep trying; even if it's just to see you happy. Which you really are. And knowing how stubborn and determined Ed can be sometimes, you'll have to be sneaky when offering your help. It's not that he doesn't notice, of course he does, but he pretends not to, just to see that triumphant sparkle in your eyes.
–Rebecca Chambers–
A bit nervous and overcautious when it comes to the thing. Don't get me wrong, she loves Halloween and especially the pumpkin carving, but her fear of you getting hurt outweighs her excitement a little. You have to reassure her that you'll be fine and in good hands, should you get hurt. Rebecca herself is pretty skilled and a little perfectionist. Her pumpkin is littered with squiggles and little curls.
–Kenneth Sullivan–
Grows a big pumpkin in his garden every year. You don't know how Kenny does that, but his pumpkins always end up being too big to be carried into the house, leaving you no other option than to do the carving outside, sitting in his backyard on a blanket, wrapped in warm clothes and with a cup of tea/hot chocolate to keep you warm. And the pumpkin seeds are not thrown away. Instead, they are fed to the birds.
–Kevin Dooley–
Kevin goes absolutely feral when it comes to it and tends to make a huge mess. There will be pulp all over the floor, on his clothes and even in his hair, but, he couldn't care less. He just wants to have fun and be creative. His skills may be pretty decent, but you can't say the same about his creativity and silliness. Forget about spooky faces, how about a cat presenting its butthole? Or one that has the word "taxes" carved into it? Scary, isn't it?
Tag list: @mirandawesker @eviltothecore13 @dagrans @ravenrune @sevythebeanqueen @aurorapink10 @silvevia @sassiest-captain @albertweskerxchrisredfield
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I've never seen a Sparkies Diner HC (as in the restaurant itself along with its staff and what they do) so heres some mine:
HC #1:
They would have a week in the start of like summer called "Summer Sparkies Skate Season!" and everyone has to dress in like summer-themed things or pastel-like summer colours and wear rollarskates around the diner and there is a stage that gets built when the time comes and people can go up for summer karoke or play games and shit, usually with one of the staff's permission and mostly when its not being used it can have speakers for hyping summer music in which 90% of the time its corny summer music and the teens hate it with their guts
HC #2:
When Ness calls in sick to work everyone panic so badly and without Ness its basically WaffleHouse BASICALLY LIKE:
Employee #1: Wheres Ness?
Employee #2: *trying desperately not to cry or breakdown* ....hes sick.
Chaos ensues because no one knows how to make the place so lively without Ness being there, and the WaffleHouse atmosphere takes place—and when I mean WAFFLEHOUSE ATMOSPHERE i mean THE FIGHTS, THE TABLE THROWING..
Parents have to check if Ness is there before entering because of this, someone's child got hit with a chair, luckily didn't end in a lawsuit because it wasn't one of the staff, (the chair is still not ok 😞)
HC #3:
I dont even know what happened with this one but I kept it anyway but at some point they had a playplace like mcdonalds and during the seasons the staff would hide easter eggs or play games with the kids
(mostly Ness in this situation, the other employees are professional make-baby-cry-ers somehow)
I'll explain some for examples !
during spring/easter they'd hide easter eggs with little prizes inside some having candies and others getting their seasonal waffles and pancakes or other meals etc etc and usually hide inside the play place with little baskets that are given if you spend more than a certain amount on your meal/bill or something and they'd give your child a basket, so next time when they come they have access to the easter eggs that are hiding and inside the basket theres like a note with sparky the dog that is probably like "Its Easter! Lets help Sparky find the eggs for this Easter! every egg has its own little surprise!" or some corny shit like that for the kids. And there would probably be a staff dressed as the easter bunny to give like kinder eggs or something 😭
During February/Valentines day, hearts are scattered around the playplace to give to crushes, staff(probably shut down quickly because of weird incidents), or—platonically–friends and family. They come with Hershey's kisses, basically a goody bag with a square note that has some cheesy ass pickup line or a heart-warming compliment. Cheesy but I love it sm
During October/Halloween, The staff can chose to dress up in their costumes and scare the customers, along with giving up candies on the actual halloween day but this probably backfired with someone having a panick attack from the scares or the candies being expired or people having allergies so this would probably be shut down quickly,
And thats basically it, I might make more because the ideas keep building up like crazy but yeah first tumblr post go brrrrr
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yaotomejr · 2 years
Oberon’s Valentines Gift - Void Dust
"Everyone and their mother will be doing Oberon's, so I shouldn't even bother," I say, as I pull up my sleeves and get back to the translating groove after a whole year of not translating in favor of playing critically accl
Enjoy my version of Oberon's scene! :)
>Give me some time guys I’ll throw up some pics soon<
Artoria Caster: "Fwah!? You'd like to give Oberon chocolate? Mmh... I wonder... Oberon would at the very least come back with an 'I'm glad' for sure, but... My, you really go fast and hard no matter how tough it gets, huh. I mean, you just go straight ahead.
Mmm, you'll both take equal damage from the experience, so why not? But you've got to pick the right place to do it. Either where everyone is, or where no one else will be. I'll be cheering for you on the sidelines, wishing for all to be well! Waaah, I can't wait to see Oberon's reaction~!"
(The Master has a choice. Note: The choice you make here determines the outcome of this scene - the first choice gives you Oberon, the Fairy King; and the second choice... well.)
Choice 1: Where everyone is! Choice 2: Where no one else will be
Choice 1: Where everyone is!
(The Master finds him at the cafeteria.)
Oberon: "Oh. Good day to you, Master. You seem more lively than u... Er, I suppose there's different kinds of liveliness. One like the gleam of springtime, another like a storm in winter. I'd say you're the latter today. Isn't that a picture perfect smile of a child in mischief?"
(Male) Choice: Nah, it's not Halloween, but (Female) Choice: Ehehe, it's not Halloween, but
Oberon: "Aah, I knew it. I had a feeling when I saw your face. Thank you, Master, I'm glad. I'll take good care in storing it - it's a gift for Valentines, after all! Hm? But since it's handmade, you don't have much confidence in its taste, you say? Oh don't worry, I don't put much stock in the result. What's important is your feelings and timing ☆
Now then, this means it's my turn next. I'd love to give you an exceptional gift in return, but... As you know, I'm an emperor with new clothes... Ah, you don't? Then you can forget what I just said. I'm kind of, no, always very lacking in things on hand... Oh well, no use lambasting myself over my unreliability. I'll simply turn this around with my wisdom and quick wits.
Master. Do you have time after this? Good, you do. In that case, I'll have one more thing from you other than your chocolate. We may be on a tight budget, but we can still make happy memories. That's how I've lived my life.
Let's go see Caesar first. He's a man of bountiful resources; though his stinginess is a blot in his character. Did you know? In Pan-Human History, it seems my father was apparently Caesar. 'Father, I'd like my child support for this month, please!' I'll say that and it'll be over for him. After all, fathers are eternally weak to their children's pleadings.”
(You can imagine Caesar wincing to the side.)
Oberon: “Once we have our war funds, we'll employ ourselves a guard. How about Robin Hood? I'll definitely get along with him. Though I still haven't met him yet! As long as we have QP, we'll be able to toggle with the simulator as we see fit. Where would you like to go? An amusement park? Or a museum?"
Choice 1: Maybe the fairies' forest?
Oberon: "Terrific! An straightforward idea that just screams you. Forest bathing on Valentine's Day, isn't that wonderful!"
Choice 2: Maybe a queen's castle?
Oberon: "A ball, huh. Not a bad idea. But let's not do that this time. Valentine's is a lighthearted event, isn't it? A ball at a castle may be a little too ill an omen for the occasion."
(The day passes with Oberon. It goes from daytime to sunset, and the two are now together in a forest.)
Oberon: "Aah, it's already sunset. It's a shame, but let us put an end to our Valentine's Day here. Have you enjoyed yourself? Good, I'm glad. The memory of this day may fade eventually, but it'll be alright as long as a part of it remains in your heart. That is all that I can give back to you.
Now now, you must go back to your room, Master. This is it for good children and fairy tales alike. If, hereafter, there comes a time when you fall headlong to meet a hopeless end -- then, I shall receive your gift once again. Though I must say, I don't recommend it, you understand? Depending on your outlook, you may be happier leaving a story unfinished."
Choice 2: Where no one else will be
(The Master finds him at... somewhere unpleasant.)
Oberon: "Wow, gross. How did you know where I was? Instinct?"
Choice 1: Artoria Caster taught me the way Choice 2: With Merlin Magecraft...
Oberon: "So it's her doing... Of all the times to wish mischief on my person. Merlin Magecraft, my ass. Ridiculous. I'd like to have a word with whoever taught her that sham of a magecraft."
Choice 1: Uh huh. Wonder who that was Choice 2: I've got a pocket mirror, wanna use it?
Oberon: "Ahahahaha. Excuse me, but can you shut up for a bit? ...Just great. To think I would get my just desserts. Living, breathing characters are so hard to manage, especially in a scenario without a proper outline. Fine, I give up. As a Master, I'm sure you're used to barging into your Servants' dreams. Even so, this is a bit much. Let's give this place a quick remodeling."
Choice 1: A dirty room! Choice 2: Gross!?
Oberon: "Yes, it does succinctly express how I'm feeling right now, doesn't it? And? What do you want from me? I can already guess, but I must insist you tell me yourself. So spit it out."
Choice 1: A thank-you gift for all you've done for me Choice 2: An alternative to bug spray
(The Master gives Oberon his Valentines gift. But instead of accepting it like the others, he throws it)
Oberon: "Wow, I knew it! Thank you, I'm so glad, you asshole!"
Choice: Oberon says, as he doesn't toss it on the ground
Oberon: "Well, duh. I wouldn't want to drop that on my floor. Besides... you know. I've heard things about chocolate. It's that, right? That monstrosity that moves around and turns into a boss, right? Luckily for me, I've only heard of the outcome of that mess."
Choice 1: That was an exception among exceptions
Oberon: "Ah. That's boring. Good thing yours doesn't weigh much then?"
Choice 2: I made mine exactly like that
Oberon: "Oh get out! You little, you've only gotten better at tormenting me, huh!?" (beat) "My apologies, I'm strictly forbidden from speaking crudely. Let's both agree that didn't happen."
Oberon: "Is that all you want, then? So can you leave now? I'm really busy, you see. I don't have the time to be concerned with people who have nothing to do. To begin with, our relationship is of a contractual nature. I'll begrudgingly tolerate hanging out at work, but can you not meddle with my private affairs?"
Choice: (..................)
(The Master thinks back to their conversation with Artoria Caster.)
Artoria Caster: "Here, I'll pave the way for you. Iiiiit's... like you're flying straight out of Avalon. Hm? But what if he genuinely hates it, you say? It'll be fine, no worries! That guy will hate anything you do!
Besides, being able to 'enter' his dream means 'he'll at least hear you out'. He's serious to a fault... or maybe I should say he's diligent. He's fair-minded, you see. Ah, but don't point that out to him. He gets angry easily, and I feel I may be caught in the crossfire."
(Back to Oberon.)
Choice: Huh
Oberon: "...That tomboy... I'm going to kick her ass later... Oops, you didn't hear me say that. And why are you still here? Aren't you a persistent one? Don't tell me, you'd like something in return? From me? You've become as greedy as the rest of 'em, haven't you. Or not, you've been obstinate right from the outset."
Choice 1: No, I didn't really---- Choice 2: ...I'd be lying if I said I didn't want anything...
Oberon: "It's fine. Here. Take it. I've actually prepared something for you. Valentine's Day is for you to... hm, what was it. Ah, yes, to express your feelings of gratitude? Then I've got a mountain full of those. All for Valentine's! It's a gift befitting both you and I. Thanks for foisting me into it, I'm glad!
Now that that's everything, goodbye, Master! If ever you lose every single one of those reliable allies you have, you may call on me with a sigh!"
(Oberon leaves. The Master, too, soon fades out of the dream. They awaken in their room.)
Choice 1: ------Wuh!? Choice 2: ------The gift, the gift...!
(The Master reaches for their gift from Oberon. It's a beautiful jar... of Void Dust.)
Choice: ..................
Choice: Oooobeeerooon!!
Void Dust
A present from the person pretending to be Oberon.
Inside this refreshingly colorful container, is a powder snow that scatters fleetingly in the wind when held in one's hand... ...which is not what this is. What this is, is a black dust similar to soot. No matter how you look at it, you have Void Dust now.
It tastes salty when you lick it. Now that's a salty response.
"The value of its contents may have expired long ago, but the radiance of the container may still be intact, right?"
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cheri-cheri · 2 years
meringues - translated comics (n - z)
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artist names beginning with a - m: here
💝 = all l  💍 = charlie l 🦊 = sariel l 🍭 = jesse
🏎 = osborn l 👔 = evan l ✨ = npc
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lu lu zhou /  -绿绿周-
💍 after a firefighting mission
💍 before becoming a perfect man
one wan gan / one丸乾
✨ a tea party
✨ a tea party (continuation, highly suggestive)
qi bai pai pai pai pai / 七百派派派派
💍 a mooncake called charlie
💍 the next mid-autumn
💍 chibi charlie
💍 emotes: one ll two ll three
💍 poke
qian li rosth / 千里Rosth-
🦊 sariel’s tail
💍 strange fiancée
💍 puppy
💍 “fiancée”
💍 our eyes
💍 fireworks
💍 chibi charlie
💍 firefighters charlie
part one l part two l part three
shu qiu a / 书秋啊
💍 two young men who rear birds
💍 marriage
💍 feathers
💍 couple ducks
💍 munch
💍 perfect
💍 tub of ducks
💍 strange dream
💍 embrace
shui huo / 水火
💍 picking up from work
💍 charlie
💍 baby
💍 gifts
💍 the little bird’s favourite term of address
💍 at work
si yue-APRIL / 四月-APRIL
💍 temptation
💍 witch
💍 family of three
💍 charlie’s bad luck
💍 little darling charlie
👔 little darling evan
🍭 little darling jesse
🏎 little darling osborn
🦊 little darling sariel
su ren shi wo 俗人似我srsw
💍 trip to the amusement park
💍 chibi charlie
💍 little protector
💍 charlie
💍 gaa
💍 sweet
💍 explosively cute
💍 perfect
💍 peacock
💍 fettered
💍 ancient au
💍 cute and handsome
tang xu / 唐絮
💍 dr zha
🏎 calling his name
🏎 drying hair
🏎 happy birthday
wo di ge gui gui / 我滴个归归
💍 the couple
💍 a match
yamu 亚穆
💍 toy
💍 model couple
💍 cake
💍 horror movie
💍 life as a couple
💍 parrot
💍 dummy couple
💍 new clothes
💍 mini charlie
💍 i will
💍 before and after
💍 adorable
💍 truth or dare
💍 coincidence
💍 sinner who needs repentance
💍 bath
💍 halloween
💍 this moment
💍 who could resist?
💍 can’t resist
💍 if he had black hair
💍 confidante
💍 magician
💍 end of the world
💍 classic lines
💍 when he vanishes from your world
💍 error
💍 gone
💍 if you say yes
💍 scratch card
💍 heheh
💍 trouble sleeping
💍 bystander
💍 face mask
💍 balloons
💍 past vs now
💍 movie
💍 old
💍 dessert?
💍 hairstyles
💍 mornings
💍 feathers
💍 assimilation
💍 recharging
💍 papercut
💍 song
💍 wake up
💍 testing lipstick
💍 bitter
💍 the corpse husband
part one l part two l part three
💍 life with mini charlie
ye zi kocona / 椰子kocona
💍 doctor and nurse
💍 young master zha
💍 young master zha and his maid
💍 ancient au
💍 a rainy day
💍 slytherin couple
💍 balloons, doctors, and graves
💍 bathing together
💍 the mermaid
💍 goodbye to 2021
💍 happy valentine’s day
💍 wizard charlie and his witch fiancée
yi jiu huan yu / 以酒换鱼
💝 “i want to eat an apple.”
💝 mornings with them
💝 caught in the rain on qixi festival
💝 don’t forget breakfast!
💍 charlie
💍 supermarket
🍭 “you smell nice.”
🏎 warmth
🦊 achievement
🦊 dummies
🦊 happy birthday
ying ban yuki / 桜坂Yuki
💍 a familiar ploy
💍 bewitching
yi ling er / 壹零貳
🏎 new profile picture?
🏎 lemon or strawberry?
🏎 distracted
🏎 little osborn
🏎 snap
🏎 when you’re sick
yi zhi mu li li / 一只暮离离
💍 bird
💍 magic
💍 not ready?
💍 either way
💍 duck tube
👔 evan’s pet
🍭 rational decisions
🍭 jesse escaped!
🏎 can love overcome distance?
🏎 kitty at your service
🦊 love letter
you yu / 有渔
💍 dream
💍 then vs now
💍 using his methods to defeat him
💍 waiting (part one l part two)
💍 a charlie-style cure
💍 sparkling
yu ci bu zha ren / 鱼刺不扎人
💍 when everyone knows each other
🦊 winter with sariel
yue deng / -月登-
💝 the first bento series
charlie l evan l jesse l osborn l sariel
💍 when you and charlie registered your marriage
💍 charlie’s new habit
💍 first ray of light
yue tu / 月兔
💍 grip
zhan hua re cao mu / 沾花惹草木
💍 drunken fit
zhuo wang / 灼忘
💍 ancient style
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chaneajoyyy · 3 years
Who’s writing new BP fics? It’s feeling kinda dry out here
Oh you gotta keep looking cause they out here!!!
- winter wonderland series (25 days of christmas challenge), Chunk series (updated)- @ghostfacekill-monger
- you better watch out series (25 days of christmas challenge), baby daddy series- @teakturn
- couple’s getaway series, message therapist erik, erik and you have relationship issues that need to be resolved, incubus erik x reader series, gamer erik humiliates his girl, christmas wishes & mistletoe kisses series, all vampire eriks stories, drug dealer erik gets ino an entaglement with a married woman series, erik teaching his daughter how to love her dark skin, assassin erik and his girl london make up for lost time-   @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
- all i want series- @thadelightfulone
- the jabari that stole christmas, misfit wakandans, er*k in a box, t’challa’s 12 days of christmas, the jabari-cracker, christmas even will find erik, the coffee prince series (updated), song of stevens (not new but do read), will the bell ring? (updated)-  @eerythingisshaka
- chrismasing with you-  @ceeverse
- mama is wild, how he acts when he’s sick: m’baku “mama’s other baby’ jabari, peaches, how he acts whe he’s sick: erik “i can do it myself” stevens, how he acts when he’s sick: t’challa i’m fine” udaku, final decision, body pillow, the most dangerous game-  @akimi-youngblood
- his majesty, my king series; he chosen bride, a jabari wedding (not so new but do read), he wasn’t mad enough for me, clean-up woman, i wish you would, mistletoe series, dadmonger series- @snowbaku
- what if...?, without question, polaroids, the temple series, queen shuri, wh you are series-  @tchallasbabymama
- biggest puddle ever, crab legs, play fighting, the fight, let me tell you a story, stop, got it bad, what would you do series, sugar babe series, poetic justice, messing w/ erik while he’s playing the game, erik had a reputation of being a fuckboy. tha meant you had to be careful around him. guard your heart. it was a solid plan until he came in and ruined all your plans- @dreamingofmilk
- our christmas, how to feel, warm colors series (not so new but do read), thanksgiving w/ mr. stevens, valentine’s gumbo (sequel to thankgiving with mr. stevens)-  @mermaidchansons
- she likes me, huh? nuh uh, cute enough to eat, screams in the night series (updated), open up, autumn leave & cookie thieves, one way or another, mr. telephone series, you ain’t hear that?- @supersizemeplz (check masterlist)
- anniversary blues, the chosen one series (updated), the sweetest thing series, in the light series-  @devnicolee
- the arrival series, boxer!baku series (updated), fireflies and foot races, sessions-  @muse-of-mbaku
- 85 “you can’t cum unless i say so” & 89 “you’re drooling. you really don’t deserve it though, do you?”, seventy-three, “29, 75 & 82″, “5, 13, & 69″- @marvelmaree
- subconscious- @freddiefcknmercury
- shameful series- @iwrite4poc
- only forever series, what lies beneath series,bunme takes new york (part of space between series)- @dramaqueeenamby
- letters for my love series, just for this moment series, she’s mine series, abiona au series- @sarcastic-sunshines
- redemption series (updated), starlight series, dress up- @airis-paris14
- new start series (with “reader meets erik who is a single father”), round 2 series, reader sleeping over a erik’s, “erik and reader are opposites- like she’s so nice, calm and soft, and erik is mean... as always and his family is so confused on how they’re dating”, imagine where erik and the reader has heir firs date and when he get home he’s super excited and tell his friends how happy and in love he is?, erik with goofy reader on a mission, reader catching erik using her expensice skincare products afer she told him it’s off limit, hug time, erik ghosting after a fight with his gf & she hears he’s out acting single so she decide she’s single too. but he shows up & all like “who said we broke up?”,  reader is not answering her phone and erik is worried/irrirated because the day before he was mean to her and she left his house crying?, an imagine where erik finding out the reader is powerful (like a mutant), erik & mbaku fighting over the reader, found you series, erik helping his need tomboy bff get a makeover & he starts to get jealous of how much attention she starts to get from other guys,  vulnerable soft erik where he and the reader get into an argument and later that night he’s trying to sleep but can’t because she’s refusing to come to bed with him and he has to be vulnerable with her and tells her “you know i can’t sleep without you”?, “short imagine or headcanon ha erik finds out his girlfriend has more body’s then him or his a mafia leader, something between those lines. but instead of being upset for her not telling him he’s actually cool with it”, erik comforting the reader after finding out she lost a loved one and he had a good day, reader learns she’s pregnant and comes up with a creative way to tell erik , erik and the reader are set up on a blind date by mutual friends, “reader is studying for her upcoming test and she is frustrated with the amount of studying she has to do.  erik notices she has been studying for a long time, and tries to do everything to relax her mind”, erik takes reader to wakanda for the first time, erik sees his girl still sleep with a stuffed animal and by kinda makes fun of her but when she puts it up he sees she struggles withouth it?, “imagine with erik inspired by the somg caretaker by dram and sza, like maybe the reader is feeling a bit ill/nauseous and erik to take care of her”, diaper change, sofboi erik where he asks the reader to marry him, hc of erik being jealous of his girl is too close to t’challa? always texting/wanting to hang out when they visit, back to you series, readering driving erik nuts with cravings & mood swings. ex: interrupting his sleep for food runs only to say she doesn’t want that anymore when he returns & demand something else, “ whatever you’re trying to butter me up for, the answer is no”?, how did he meet his love?, life together, your first time, hurting, fears, sick day, jealous series, when you’re sick, night fights, two lines, opening up, newborn, comfort, some love, insecure, first steps, it’s time series, cool down time, first day back- @killmongerdrabbles
- back & forth-  @supremethunda
- baby mama series, again, move, guess, night, nsfw alphabet, bow- @woahitslucyylu
- reactions o their girl’s wap (with erik), erik and reader being petty in the house after an argument-  @tastingmellow
- next lifetime series, days off with erik, girls trip series (updated),the way you make me feel- @theficplug
-  only then am i human series,a little vacation- @opalsandlace
-faded series, waves series, concrete cowboys series, black boys bloom thors first series (volume 3)- @uzumaki-rebellion
- black tie event-  @laketaj24
- genuine, numb- @taterfics
- city boy and his country girl series, wake up, meet the furys- @blackmissfrizzle
- come thru, this lil’ game we play-  @writetimes
- in between the lines series- @melodyofmbaku
- him, her and us series; conversations and coffee trips series, dancing around each oher series, mrs., you again series, where are we now?, cold coffee, here we are again series, summer love (could be any of the marvel men including t’challa); love, apps, and attitudes series; give me a reason (search for t’challa x reader)-  @iliketowrite1996
- homewrecker series (updated), family reunion- @shaekingshitup
- unexpected things happen in the clucky’s drive-thru, where you going: a quarantine quickie, halloween, delicate series, the best man-  @majesticbrownjawn
- i like tha series (updated), shea butter (baby) series  @nachtaiwrites
- the spririt of christmas, dentist series (updated), waiting to get home, best friends series, line love series, hell loves satin: tales of a mascochist, tattoo party- @hearteyes-for-killmonger
- uncharted series (updated), metamorphasis series, the remodel series, the boy is mine series (collab with @dashhoney25), sweet heat, quarantine bae, throttle, sugar, toxic, fair is fair, work boo (updated)-  @soufcakmistress
- caught up series- @twistedcharismaaa
- homebody series- @truglori
- roadtrip series- @cecereads209
- lights out, a better man- @reelwriter19
- you mean it? series, haunted series- @heykillmongerluhme
- end in flames series, my health- @bvlckgirlmvgix (not so new but do check out!)
168 notes · View notes
popculturebuffet · 3 years
Top 12 Christmas Episodes!
Merry Christmas Eve Everybody! We’ve reached the end of my christmas reivews and what not on this blog. 
But as a wise barrel chested canadian man once said, I fucking love christmas, So if i’m finishing up the holiday on my blog I want to go big and stay home. So in honor of the holiday, my memories of it and just how GREAT it makes me feel i’m counting down my top 12 christmas specials! After last year’s worst of list I really wanted to do the oppsiite.. but it was naturally a lot harder. Shows usually put a LOT of effort into their christmas outings, even the ones who do so once a year, so the good FAR FAR OUTWEIGHS THE BAD. To show the contrast I could only find like.. 8 I was comfortable with putting on the worst list and even some of them aren’t that bad just not good. With the best of list? I had over 60 considered and even once I started narrowing down.. it was still around 30 or 40 REALLY GOOD specials I had to work down into this list. It took a lot of work and up to the last one it was really HARD to cut it down this far. But this is the best of the best of the best of the best of the.. you get the bit. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover and this review was already supposed to come out on christmas eve, so, since I won’t be able to use this for another year...
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Er. Top 12 Christmas Specials.
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12. Merry Christmas Johnny Rose (Schitt’s Creek) So I finally watched all of Schitt’s Creek this year.. and i’m kicking myself for not powering through it’s terrible starting decent ending first season earlier because the show is easly one of the best comedies of the last decade and rightly earned it’s emmy sweep this year. Heartfelt, hilarious, and starring some of the best names old and new in comedy, the show is really great and I recommend checking it out.. just again be aware the first few episodes are not very good and if it wasn’t vital to the rest of the show story wise, i’d just recommend skippping season 1. While the characters minus patriach Johnny are insuferable at first... it’s their growing from self absorbed assholes to still self abosrbed but really good and decent people that is the beating heart of the show. And no where more is this heart on the show’s sleve than at christmas time as this episode is baked in just how far our cast have come.
The episode centers on Johnny Rose, played by Eugene Freaking Levy who co created the show with his equally talented son Dan who desrves the lion’s share of the credit for the show’s upturn in quality. Since the Roses used to have big lavish christmas parties once a year, Johnny decides to throw the equilvent of what they can do on a budget at the Motel they all live in. But his family all has other plans with daughter Alexis, now happily with Ted again, meeting his friends for the first time, son David, played by Dan Levy, busy at his store with his partner, in both senses, patrick and his wife Moira having a performance with her acapella group. At first it just comes off as something typical of johnny: Something well meaning and what not but ultimatley just not something his family is into or that he planend well for.
It’s only when Johnny finds himself alone at the local diner with Moira coming to see him we find out why he’s REALLY doing this: the old lavish parties, which we see one of at the start.. ultimately ended up with him alone, sad and everyone off to their own corners. WIth the family having actually come together over the past 4 seasons, Johny simply wanted to celebrate that and says such in one of the best moments in the entire show and with one hell of a line.
"I just thought, in spite of all the hardship, we found ourselves coming together, the kids, you and me, as a family. And it just seemed like the perfect day to celebrate that. The perfect day for a Rose Family Christmas Party." But Moira has already taken care of it and thus takes JOhnny home to find all their friends and the rest of the family gathered, wtih the Jazzagals serandading eveyrone with a beautiful rendition of silent night. It’s just a warm, well done character piece that really fits the holiday while also really cementing what the show had become: a show not afraid to make dirty jokes or humilatie it’s cast but one that has a true sweetness to it. It’s only that the first half’s jokes don’t quite pop all that well and feel a bit at johnny’s expense that holds it back. Otherwise this is one i’ll be coming back to every year.
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11. Father of the Bob (Bob’s Burgers) Bob’s Burgers is a damn great show i’m season’s behind on. Warm, charming, weird and with an expansive side cast played by a whos who of whose in comedy today. It’s a damn fine show and i’m happy it seems to have manatained it’s quality long after the simpsons and family guy lost theirs. And the show really loves christmas.. and halloween.. and valentine’s day.. and thanksgiving. Oh god does it love thanksgiving. Point is, the shows good at holiday episodes and loves doin em and has produced some stellar ones and I had a lot to pick from here.. but I ended up going with my gut and my personal faviorite. It’s not the most christmasy despite the trappings, but the character work is just too good to leave it out in the cold.  It’s Christmas Eve and the Belcher’s are visiting Bob’s Dad. As you can tell by the fact the most we’ve seen of him is a picture of his restraunt, big bob’s diner in the belcher’s living room and a flashback where he told bob to work instead of play as a kid that set off an episode’s plot, they don’t have the best relationship. Bob has a firm rule about not spending more than 15 minutes with his dad, as that’s the point they run out of things to talk about and his dad starts getting overcrytical and making jabs at bob’s life and restraunt. Linda, being Linda, decides to meddle and when she finds out Big Bob’s short order cook is missing, has our Bob fill in.  But as we see in flash backs it’s not THAT easy to repair things, as there’s a long, bitter history between the two: When a youngbob made his first unique burger and served it to a customer, his dad threw it out without even letting anyone taste it. He then offered bob a partnership when bob was a young man but Bob snapped at Big Bob in front of his friends and left to make burgers his own way, leading to where we are now. And honestly i’ts the perfect origin story for Bob and adds a lot of shades to his character. He’s obessed with the restraunt not just because he genuinely loves cooking but because it’s HIS. His place, to create creative burgers, his family and his regulars. It’s his corner of the sky. It makes the restraunt’s existance and surivvial that much more heartwarming to know the meaning behind it.
Naturally things end up blowing up with Bob pointedly serving the burger to make a point and Big bob walking out angrily and sadly. It takes bob’s gift from the kids, who had their own neat subplot of making gifts for bob in the basement, a snowglobe wrapped in newspaper.. to find out hsi dad kept the newspaper with the review of his first restraunt and kept ALL reviews of Bob’s Burgers. Despite being a stone faced critical ass on the outside, Big BOb STILl cared.. and bob relizes he needs to make amends and actually make an effort instead of just avoiding his dad or gettin gback at him. And through the power of gay club next door line dancing, and nick offerman whose a wonderful guest star here, the two reconcile with Bob admitting he shouldn’t of humilatied his dad even if he had to go his own way, and Big Bob admitting he’s hard to work with, the loss of his wife hit him hard, and he was a bit too much. The two hug, and it’s genuinely just a good, well done story of father and son that somehow gives even more dimension to Bob, an already pretty damn fleshed out character. Just a really great episode whose holiday timing makes it better.. though not being AS much a holiday episode as a really good bob’s burgers that’s enhanced by it is why this one’s so low. Next!
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10. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (MST3K) I”m honestly surpised i’ts taken me THIS long to get to something MST3K related. I’ve loved the show since high school, first exposed to it thanks to a dvd from the library and continuing from there to present day. I love the show’s combination of riff’s on perfectly cheesy movie and fun skits with really good puppets especially for the budget. It’s just good comfort food in show form and no where is comfort food more welcome than christmas, and each era of MST3K, so far hopefully the show will come back again eventually, has had i’ts own damn good christmas special, with this being my faviorite out of the three. 
The other two are good: ironically I have a poster for the santa claus over my computer, or rather crow and tom as santa and pitch aka satan respectively. Yes really, that’s the premise. IT is as awesome and batshit insane as it sounds. Point is I like that one and year without a santa claus, this one just has more personal warmth to me. I jus tlove the holiday feeling of joel and the bots readying for christmas in the host segments. It just feels like christmas and it’s wonderful to see the bots act like kids.  That being said.. it’s still also fucking hilaroius, with the mad’s hilariously petty wish squisher, a device that turns good gifts into socks and other unwanted presents, the best Crow T Robot quote of all time as he gives joel his santa wish
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And of course, one of the best and most patently insane christmas songs ever: Have Yourself a Patrick Swayze christmas, which has become oddly sweet after his death and got me to watch road house for the first time last year... and it’s as awesome and wonderfully rediclous as this song inspiried by it and even better once you get the refrences
But while the host segments are what push this film into the list, the movie is still a delightful bit of 60′s cheese as, to restore their children to being children, a couple of martians kidnap santa to bring christmas to mars. Fights iwth robots, an asshole martian and an obnoxious sidekick named droppo, yes really, insue. IT’s just some fun cheese for the holiday and a staple of my holidays. 
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9. The Three Wise Men (Letterkenny)  It’s no secret Letterkenny has quickly become one of my faviorite shows. After watching it last January, it’s become part of my being and one of my go too feel good shows, a funny as hell, uniquely weird slice of life show set in rural canada. While like it’s fellow recent legend of canadian television Schitt’s creek it’s first season CAN be a bit rough.. but it’s not as rough and getting through it is worht it as the show immiedatly picked up and became one of the funniest things to ever exist. It’s also uniquely tied to christmas as every year a season of the show has dropped on that day on it’s home streamer Crave TV in canada, and on boxing day here in the us. So it’s only fitting the show also has a REALLY great christmas special. 
It’s Christmas eve and our heroes the hicks, are having a christmas party. For the uniniated the hick’s aren’t really all that “hick” ish just hardworking farmers who still accept everybody and work damn hard. Leading man, terse talker and certified badass Wayne is suprisingly really into christmas, as he spent pretty much every holiday spouting out inacuracies about it but this day? He genuienly enjoys, even insiting on awful holiday drinks only and a midnight toast, the titular three wiseman (Canadian, irish and American Whiskeys, one shot of each). “It’s tradition”.  And thanks to tradition we get the main gag of the episode: most of the episode is wayne calling in various members of the town, most of whom he dosen’t like very much and some who deeply annoy him, to give them presents. And  while i’ve admitted to being a guy who dosen’t like a plot that basically repeats itslef.. it works here.. mostly because while the setup is the same, each member provides something new and hilarious: while it starts innocently enough with Bonnie Mcmurray, local fanservice, nice lady and fangirl of wayne, getting a camera and offering to be an elf, an offer wayne is forced to take up, it soon becomes a parade of weirdness and bullshit Wayne really dosen’t want to put up with and that really makes me laugh hard: Local loveable sex maniac and bar owner Gail goes on for a good minute about her sexual antics with Wayne’s beloved departed uncle eddie after Wayne gives him a picture of the guy, Glenn, another of wayn’es unwanted admirers and local pastor, obsesses over a christmas themed digeredoo, local druggies and emos the skids intitally refuse to open their gift out of prinicpal until wayne simply asks “What if theres drugs in it” (It’s insted vitamin d), the local hockey coach sings a hilarious and gloriously cringe song about having sex with his wife when they were alive and the hockey players make wayne uncomfortable both by crying a bit. Also tanis gets an apron. 
But even if the reactions horrify or piss off our hero into needing his elf’s help, the heart is in the fact that despite hating most of these people, he still got them a gift and one that’s hearfelt and well meaning. And naturally the sweetest is saved for his family of choice with the hicks: Squirrely Dan gets a pencil case for his oft talked about women’s studies class, Dary gets some clonge since he wears his barn clothes everywhere, and Katy gets an obscure korean christmas movie since her subplot that episode had been spent trying to get a christmas movie going, only for everyone to pick it apart: from the racisim of santa and co towards rudolph to pointing out how profoundly fucked up the premise of the santa claus is (including the fact various serial killers could’ve gotten the suit), which I agree with, it’s just a sweet gesture that shows how well he knows his friend. Overall it’s just a fun hangout of an episode that feels like a real christmas party and in these troubling times we could all use that. Now let’s all have a spit.
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8. The Feast of Alvis (Sealab 2021) Another Christmas staple for me.. and a gloriously strange one at that. This time we’re checking under the sea with Sealab 2021, one of the earliest adult swim shows and the blueprint for the abriged series format, it took a dry hannah barbara show about an underwater research station and remixed it into the antics of a bunch of idiots and lunatatics throughuly unequipped for the task. Except Dr. Quinn, the only sane person aboard.. most of the time. It was comedy gold courtsey of Adam Reed, creator of the later Frisky Dingo, a throughly underated show, and Archer, which is like Frisky Dingo but refined into it’s truest and most sucessful form. It was magical and just talking about it makes me want to talk about it again at some point, probably in a best of list.  So naturally this madcap energy was perfect for the holidays. Originally the crew planned to use ACTUAL religions for this, but were forced by network to change it.. which ended up being one of those cases where the network ended up actually making the right call as the creators instead created thinly veiled substute for the various religions... and centered it around Alavanism, which is christianity.. but if christ was instead born in the us at some point, and instead of being a pacifist, was a drunken beligernt gun loving redneck who shot a guy in the face, has “vengance is mine” as one of his quotes (from said face shooting) and still had pomp and circumstance as part of his holiday.  Helping this though is our Alvian for the evening is Captain Murphy, the series best character and often the center of it’s best moments, played by the wonderful and sadly late Harry Goz, a half crazed half chidlish cloud cuckoolander who often comes off like a demanding child in an old man’s body. So naturally this holiday is for him and even more naturally he’s holding a massive alvis day cermeony that’s as batshit as he and his religion are in the main deck: he’s got buffalo, a buffet that’s deeply unsanitary, and a hallogen light mimickign the alvistide star that he wants to plop a baby under.  Naturally no one else is happy about this. Well Stormy, local hilarious dumbass, is as the only other alvian on board for this, and a general sucker for dumb shenanigans but he’s so plastared he’s even less coherent than usual and can mostly muster the desire to kick something’s ass or a weak “shut up” Most of all Quinn and his girlfriend debbie, who point out religious tolerance is a part of the sealab charter and that this kind of grotesuqe celebration really isn’t in season. I’ts also a nice dig at “War on Christmas Assholes”, long before that was as big a problem with Muprhy very much being the asshole and his cleebration rapidly crumbling. He also attempts to fire Sparks for being a wiccan stand in so yeah he deserves it. It’s all capped in Muprhy getting visted by a drunken halucination of his lord. All in all easily one of the best and most insane christmas specials ever put to film. If you have HBO Max watch it today or tommorow you will NOT regret it. 
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7. Arnold’s Christmas (Hey Arnold)  A classic of my childhood, Hey Arnold is one of the best animated shows period. It’s something i’m not shy about saying, I bleivie I said it in my thanksgiving list and i’ll say it quite a bit. It’s not PERFECT, it has it’s flaws.. but it’s still damn good and the golden standard for slice of life shows. 
This episode naturally is one of it’s best and, while I didn’t catch as a kid the signifigance or what this was about, touches on of all things the vietnam war and the children who were helicoptered out. In a heart destroying story, Mr. Winn, one of Arnold’s boardinghousemates, reveals he has a daughter he has no idea where she is as to give her a better life, he made sure she got on one of those helicopters as an infant. While he was able to immigrate later, he never found her. Arnold being our own personal jesus, refuses to let this stand and goes out of his way to figure it out and goes on a quest that seemingly ends in failure. It falls on Helga to save the day as Helga actually gets what she wanted from her parents, a pair of nice boots, and gets the rare moment where they actually acknoledge her.. but loving arnold and seeing the noblility in his quest.. she gives it up. Just to make someone elses’ dream come true. He may never know who did it and tha’ts okay. An utterly heartwarming and heartbreaking episode. Nuff said. 
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6. Santa Claus is Comin To Town  Speaking of classics this is how you do a santa origin story. Not the first or last i’d see, and we’ll get to one of those in a moment. While i’m not a huge fan of Rankin Bass’ other big hit with Rudolph, this one really hits the spot for me and is only this low because it’s pacing is really slow at points. Otherwise this special is near flawless, looks good and holds up today.  As I said this is a good Year One for santa establishing how he became immortal, how he met the elves, he was raised by them, how he started giving out toys, how he met mrs claus you know all the stuff you’d ask about.  To me what really sells it the best though is Mickey Rooney as Santa. While I had no idea who played him till literally writing this article in my mind his earnesness, kindness and genuine nature just.. fit the old elf to me even as a young man and everything from his humble beginings to his wanting to help children just out of kindness to his teaching an old man to dance to his romance just feels.. genuine and warm like christmas should. It just makes me feel good and like others on this list.. FEELS like christmas if that makes any sense. Not a lot else to say. Burger Meister Meisterburger isn’t the best vilian, but it was the early 70′s and we weren’t quite to diamond levels of complex interesting villians just yet so fair enough. Baiscally I don’t have a TON to say about this special in short, I may review it next year, we’ll see, but  it’s really good, really fun and sometimes simple just works I guess? Speaking of stop motion..
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5. Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas (Community) I love a good sitcom. I haven’t shared that love enough on here, I should try and change that at some point, but I do, as a fourth of this list should make crystal clear. So while sadly some of my faviorites like Brooklyn Nine Nine, Parks and Rec and Roseanne didn’t make the cut, Community thankfully did. Community is a show that’s really damn good and had THREE awesome Christmas episodes. All three, all winners and all in contention for some time. Regional Holiday music just barely didn’t make the cut. But ultimately I went with the best of the best, the most creative, most character driven, and most intresting. And the one that in Community’s traditional style, decided to take a spin on an old genre.  In this case Abed, the study groups resident pop culture junkie, guy who thinks in tropes and future Huey Duck, is seeing everything in stop motion and may get thrown out of school as a result. With his friends deeply worried, they turn to Greendale’s local psychologist and british areshole Professor Duncan, played by my spirtual father John Oliver. ALL HAIL THIS MAN
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Duncan takes the two into Abed’s fantasy and thus into a rankin bass special where Abed slowly weeds out his friends and tries to get rid of Duncan, whose naturally only intrested in proving a case. It’s a fun, chaotic ride including christmas pterodactyls, and the cast all in bizzare forms based on what Abed thinks of htem. it’s really damn creative and beauitfully animated at that.  Naturally like most of these what clinches it is the heart and soul. We find out towards the end WHy this happened: Abed’s mom is spending christmas with her new family instead of him and it’s broken him to not be able to watch specials like they do> Thus the group rally behind their friend, beat duncan in a wonderful christmas number and watch specials with their buddy, as the weird ass family some of whom have or will make out, they are. 
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4. A Charlie Brown Christmas With my love of comic strips and sentiment, it should suprise absolutely no one this is on here. I love peanuts and have only grown to love it more over hte years for it’s mealancholy, finely constructed cast and weird bits people forget about like Snoopy’s disco phase, that really damn good arc where his house burned down, his brother stealing his fiance only to have her stolen from him, the fact Lucy threw Linus out once, that peppermint patty was once held back a grade and her snores took her place at her desk, the fact there was a character named 5, Charlie Brown and Linus’ friend roy who introduced peppermint patty to the cast, the fact a character named crybaby boobie exists, the fact there are specials devoted to a pastiche of call of the wild, a friend of linus’ getting cancer, and Flashbeagle. Just flashbeagle. 
It is glorious. And I really need to add that to my review queue.. maybe for late january. Seriously, tis glorious. And I OWN this one. So yeah. What were we talking about? Oh yes the special that made all the specials, especially flashbeagle, possible: A Charlie Brown Christmas This one has always been part of my life, but even beyond it’s signifigance to me, having grown up with it and grafted it to my soul, it’s just .. good. It has some good commentary on the consumrisim of the holiday with Charlie Brown rightly a bit upset about it and ending up roped into directing a christmas play. Great gags, and charlie brown trying to stick up for a scragly tree no one enlse likes insue. Oh and scripture as this is probably the only overtly religious special on the list. Not that ther’es anything wrong with not being religious and celebrating christmas: i’m not anymore but I still do and while I respect people who celebrate the holiday int he spirit of christ I have none for people who bash anyone who dosen’t just see it religiously and whose over zealous about it. Your just as bad as war on christmas people and you should feel bad.  But yeah overal it’s just an inconic special whose clunkyness in production and audio just adds some charm to it. It shows it’s age.. but only in the animation and production values, which is just.. charming. It’s message is timeless, it’s characterization is perfect as you’d expect from peanuts in it’s prime, and i’ts ending is truly heartmelting. If you’ve never seen this one.. just go do that. I can wait. 
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3. How Santa Stole Christmas! (Ducktales)  I”ll be brief on this one as, since it only aired a few weeks ago, i’ve already done a full review on it. But I will justify why such a recent special is this high up: because it’s just that good. It may of JUST been aired, but it’s as good as anything else here and age dosen’t matter. Quality does. There will likely be future specials worth this list i’m sure but for this moment in time this one earns it. It has Santa perfectly charactrized and tells an utterly heartrending story of friendship that ends up ending simply because the two are moving in opposite directions and of Scrooge learning the meaning of christmas. Not thorugh the ghosts, they already brilliantly messed with that one. It’s just really fantastic, gets the christmas spriit perfectly and uses the characters just as flawlessly. I will defintely be watching this one every year. Just a warm, creative, funny as hell special. 
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2. Comfort and Joy (Justice League) Speaking of reviews I held off reviews of my final two so I could save more thoughts here. I probably still will review them eventually, especially this one, I just felt i’d be repeating myself or have to be brief like the last one. But yeah this one slaps. The Justice League cartoon is easily one of the best superhero cartoons, if not superhero properties, period. Taking the base already built in from the previous three dcau cartoons, this one builds out the world and expands it , and introduced a young me to my lifelong loves of Martian Manhunter, The Flash and especailly the green lanterns with John Stewarts badass reciting of the oath easily etched in my brain. The only reason he isn’t my faviorite lantern is because mogo exists.. aka the lantern that is a living planet. 
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You can see why. But yeah Jon stuck in my mind. So it’s probably no suprise that the christmas special heavily featuring all three. It’s Christmas Time and after the league stops it’s usual disaster, they head off for their usual holiday activities. Batman and Wonder Woman are missing, but it’s fine. While I love both, especailly DCAU Batman, the episode is probably better off not trying to shove them in there just for the sake of it. One of the show’s greatest strength’s was character ballance, not forcing EVERY member of the big 7 into every episode and just using whose needed and shuffling them in and out FAR BETTER than say, Ducktales. Point is this, much like being loved by anyone, was not unusual and it makes the episode tighter. Even more so since this is the ONLY half hour episode in the first two seasons, the rest are basically hour long episodes split into two parters, though still paced for being two episodes so it’s good.. and three movie length three parters for the premire, and the season finales. Fun Fact: As a kid I missed starcrossed and thus had to find out second hand, and barely at that, why hawkgirl was gone at the start of unlimited. I still have not seen it. I will correct this eventually. It was a diffrent time. 
So yeah this episode not only has a main character cast of 6, with 3 other major supporting characters, but is handily split into three amazing plot lines. The first has Green Lantern try to teach Hawkgirl how to have christmas fun by playing on a snowy world, while Hawkgirl takes him to a bar to show how she celebrates.. i.e. getting hammered and starting a fight. Nanananana, she’s gonna start a fight. It’s a fun really sweet segment, and some nice ship tease between the two.  The other two though are what make this special.. not that the first one is bad these two are just really inspiried for the characters involved: For the Flash, who in this series is both Wally and a bit of a smug quipster.. we see beneath the ego and flirting he’s really a sweet, caring guy and spends his christmas finding a toy for the orphans in this case a rapping duck. 
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Not QUITE as embarassing btu close. He runs into the Ultra Humanite whose destroying the toys because he hates the comercialism and how it dumbs things down for the kids. Have I mentioned that I love the Ultra Humanite? Because I do.. the animated version. The comics version is REALLY fucking creepy but this version? He’s fucking great, an intellectual whose a formidable threat.. and honestly sympathetic. His motive here, while misguided, is well meaning and his price for selling out the injustice gang and going back to jail quitely? one of the best gags in human history. Getting PBS to say “This program was supported by viewers like you.. and the ultra humanite” He’s just awesome and i’ts a shame he never returned for unlimited. His comic version, while not BAD is just.. not NEARLY as intresting or deep and I wish the comics would have him take after this version.  And that depth shows as once he learns what was going on, he willingly helps flash and simply reprograms the duck to recite the nutcracker. It’s a really nice gesture, that flash returns by giving his foe a christmas tree. Really good stuff.  And I saved the best for last. Heading home for the holidays, Clark takes Jonn with him since otherwise he’d be stuck at the watchtower and batman was apparnetly “Begging” for duty. Granted one wonders what his surrogate dad and adopted sons think but odds are alfred would just drag them up there anyway no mater how much Dick protested. And of course Alfred has watchtower clearance, he’s alfred: he’s the only one besides Diana looking out for bruce.. and no I don’t buy the bullshit from the batman beyond comics that never happened. And Clark too, this is true... but it takes a village to get bruce to go the fuck to sleep and most of that villiage is alfred. And if your wondering “wait won’t he be in danger”... the only thing that can kill this man is apparently bane. He’s survivied earthquakes, poisonings, turning into a supervillian via radaition induced crazies, yes really, apparently dying leading to the supervillian thing, being stabbed, being shot at, having to help raise damien... my point is the guy’s been through a lot in comics, I doubt the dcau version is any less resilent and god damn I miss this old man. Salute alfred, salute.  Where was I oh yeah, Clark insists on taking John home. And it’s stuff like this why I freaking love superman. Many dismiss him as corny, unrelaistic or boring.. all untrue. Sure he’s a boyscout, but he’s meant ot resprsent the best in mankind, what we can truly be powers or no, what we can achieve and the kind of moral, kind person we can be. He’s an inspiration for us all. And this kind of act is what shows that: his response to one of his friends having nowhere to go on christmas and not having been around the holiday? Take him to his house to share in the warmth and love.  And Clark’s parents here show WHY he’s the hero he is and why I freaking love them in all flavors.. except Zack Snyder flavor and even then tha’ts only for Pa “Letting people die is the right thing to do now i’m going to throw myself into a tornado to prove that” kent. But it’s christmas so i’m not here to bitch about zack snyder and if you want that in full, you can pay for it.  My point is they show, as they should how he became the moral paragon he is: they meet a man from mars, who they’ve never met and their son just invited.. and welcmoe him without a thought. While this isnt’ their first alien obviously, and they say so, it’s still really sweet they just warmly welcome the man in and give him their surrogate daughter/their sons’ biological cousin’s room while sh’es away. Oh Kara’s away conveniently skiing with barbra. Also she lives with them in this continuity. Also maybe that’s where dick is. I dunno, but I hope so. Dickbabs for life.. depending on the continuity. I”m still dick and star for life in the titans cartoon.  Point is we get nice of sweet, and hilaroius, holiday stuff: Jonn is suprised to see this side of clark: while he’s always warm and inviting as Clark.. he can also be relaxed, enjoy the holiday and get real spirited. For one day he dosen’t have to be superman. He can just be clark. Evne superman can take a day off.. and he’s superman, he desrves one. Let Bruce and Diana take care of it after they finish marathon sex and Diana finshes with Cheetaah and Maxwell lord.  But yeah as I was saying hilarious as we find out clark used to peak and they had to, and still do, line it with lead foil to make sure he can’t peak, and Martha gives John a sweater, saying his company is all they need for a gift and when it’s a bit big he charmingly grows into it. Jonn also walks among the humans a bit and we get a great little bit of him sneaking down a chimney after hearing the thorughts of a girl whose worried santa isn’t real. It’s just all great stuff that cumilates in Jonn joyfully singing a song in his native tounge while stroking Kara’s cat Streaky.. who sadly does not have a cape or super powers in this universe. Yet. Just a really good superhero story, a damn fine christmas story and one of the best episodes of a stellar show that thankfully is still remembered in this new age of heroes. 
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1. It’s Christmas You Dorks (Harvey Beaks) Yup not probably a lot of people’s first choice but fuck it. I’ve loved this one since i saw it a few years ago shorlty after the series ended, having grown far behind and caught up just as it was ending... and regretted it as Harvey Beaks is easily one of my faviorite shows from the wall to wall hit parade that was the 2010′s. It’s charming, hilaroius, heartfelt, and creative.. and really weird if not as weird as CH Greenblaht’s previous show chowder.. but still weird enough.Thankfully Big City Greens is carying the banner for this kind of show, as is Craig of the Creek, so the kind of gentle, slice of life stuff hasn’t gone away, but this show was still it’s own thing and i’m sad it’s gone.  But while it was here it was spectacular and this is one of the best of em if not the best. And naturally for a show like this it has a neat approach: The episode is dialouge free, only having some singing in the last act and that’s diagetic, the characters singing a christmas song. We’ll get to that. This isn’t the FIRST silent christmas special i’ve seen, Courage the Cowardly dog did it’s own take on the nutcracker, but it’s still the best. And given Courage the Cowardly Dog is one of my faviorite shows, that’s high praise. Each segment is charming, unique, and well done. 
As for what each are: The wraparound is a gorgeously animated bit of stop motion or something like it where the spirit of winter goes around and turns fall to winter or helps the kid with winter fun. It’s a bunch of really adorable stuff. The first proper one is the kids having a snowball fight when a bunch of asshole adults interupt, and hte kids end up getting even by hiding in some snowmen. Again just some really fun, really well done stuff.  But the first one that really makes it follows Technobear, local wannabe ladies man in training who has a crush on Harvey’s mom and fantasies about giving her some lovely read shoes and skating with her. His hopes are dashed when instead her daughter michelle, the horrifing baby child pictured above, takes them instead. But not only is it heartwarming to see the stone faced future rule of the world crack a smile, Techno instnatly realizes whats’ improtant and takes the bby ice skating.  The next segment is just some goofy googus with the squirrels, the local crooks who are also squirreels, but it’s still pretty good. We then get Jeremy trying to be santa which is both funny but genuinely heartwarming and finally the best bit as Dade, local killjoy, gets annoyed at everyone singing a popular new christmas song instead of the old standard he likes and being a dick about it before softening a bit when Harvey genuinely offers him camradere. It’s just.. good stuff that’s hard to put into words, and given putting it into words is my thing, it really speaks to just hwo good this special is. it just, makes me feel nice, and really gets the spirit of the holiday in all it’s forms. It’s gorgeously aniamted, well paced, and never stops being entertaining and that’s why it’s both my faviorite and why every year.. i’ll be coming back to little bark. And if nothing else.. it’ll keep this warm, great show alive in my heart.  So with that I end this list. If you didn’t like it tha’ts fine, this is my opinon. But I wanted to share my faviorites with you and hope you’ll check them out this or next chirstmas. Until we meet again... Merry Christmas to all,and to all a good night. 
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cerberus253 · 3 years
Drago's beloved girlfriend would be able to introduce him to the holidays? If she likes them, but not Drago. And what gift do you think you could give him?
Drago probably already knows a bunch of the main holidays celebrated in the USA, as well as why they were created and still celebrated. With that being said, I don’t think Drago would celebrate any of them, well, aside from Halloween because ‘tis the season to be spooky scary. If anything, he’d be okay with Halloween. despise Christmas and the 4th of July. and not care about the rest.
Like I just said, Drago would like Halloween because of it’s scary aesthetic and its “praising“ amongst monsters and darkness. He’d hate Christmas because of all the mushy, heartfelt, family stuff. Kindness and compassion for no reason other than just because? Pathetic! Weak! For the 4th of July, and really any holiday like it, Drago doesn’t like it because it celebrates independence of humans. I guess you could also put Valentine’s Day under the “hated holidays“ list, but I think Drago would find that one more annoying than anger inducing.
Now, if Drago had a human s/o, they’d probably get him involved with some of them. Those like Valentines Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc are really about being with family and expressing their affection/thankfulness to one another. Yeah, it all has human origins, but it’s also about in general love. Dude’s a grinch because he never felt loved, and therefore probably resents emotional holidays. However, since he is now with someone who absolutely ADORES him, he may start seeing it in a better light, even if it’s for slight selfish reasons on the surface (”Yes! Rain your gifts upon me!”). In addition, I don’t think Drago would be too warm towards strangers and relatives during these holidays even if he understands their meanings now, but he would warm with the s/o for obvious (attachment) reasons. Oh to imagine cuddling Drago under a warm blanket, drinking hot cocoa, watching a silly movie together, and then plopping a little Santa hat on his grumpy face. Imagine his surprise when you give him so many kisses for being so cute with that hat on~ *ahem* Anyways, insert every holiday movie classic with a person hating the holidays at first, but then finally shown the love they never knew, and then they finally understand the true meaning of compassion and family, and boom, ya got Drago’s “appreciating the holidays“ arc.
The next set of holidays would be those that fall under Easter, Saint Patrick’s Day, 4th of July, Halloween, etc. I’m not sure how most people view these holidays, but I look at them as “Fun Activities“ holidays. So, of course Drago would be from neutral to against for most of them for their origins or the “silly, pointless stuff“ one does, but again, once the s/o celebrates these holidays with/in front of him, he’d be a little more open with them. For example, Easter. Easter’s origins is about the resurrection of Christ, and for some reason you go on an egg hunt for goodies and prizes. Yeah, sounds dumb, BUT it could be some innocent fun if done right. The whole activity is to search for metaphorical/literal treats, whether it be chocolate, little toys, stuff you could actual use (stamps, bookmarks, jewelry, etc), etc. It’s all a treasure hunt, and really just about every creature that targets gaining happiness and satisfaction harbors curiosity. Drago would think it’s stupid, but just wait and see what his reaction(s) would be if you hid some stuff around the house, putting some riddled notes with a small piece of chocolate in every single one, and ultimately it leads to his Grande Surprise! He’ll want to resist it at first, but curiosity and greed will get the best of him, and if ya do it right, ya might get him like a cat looking for the scurrying mouse. Er, that last part might be romanticizing things, but still, so cuuute~
And just a quick note with the others, 4th of July is really about getting together, having a cook out and/or a camp out, and watching amazing fireworks to please that primordial brain part of ‘Ooo, shiny!’. Saint Patrick’s Day is purely about hanging out with friends, and Halloween is pretty obvious: Sweets and Scares all the way babyyyy.
Downside to all of this, Drago might catch on to it all being “required to socialize on these specific days,” when in reality nothing is stopping anyone with doing these same activities any other day of the year, well, aside from society telling you “no,“ and maybe needing a permit to do fireworks on any other day of the year, but my point still stands. You can hang out with people any day you want, give gifts whenever you want, and throw parties and gatherings whenever you want.
Holidays are specialized days to do these “extravagant“ activities all around the world and people will understand and be a part of it, but still, it feels all a little forced, ya know? It feels so much better to do something for someone on a whim than doing it because it’s a holiday, which makes it all feel required. Drago would definitely argue this at some point (and I totally agree with it with Christmas and kind of Halloween), but just actually have him Do the Things with you and be a part of something instead of being cut off all the time, he’ll warm up a little bit to it; just a little though. Maybe.
Reiterating, I personally believe people don’t like most holidays either because a lot of people who celebrate it are fucking annoying, or it’s because the former people never had a proper one, let alone had company and any good emotional attachments with anyone. So, what it comes down to is social animals need, well, to socializing, and the lack thereof drives one crazy, insane, and can and will cause mental problems. In a sense, holidays are important so social animals can get together for a yearly dose of needed chemicals to produce within them so they don’t break and become self destructive.
A-Anyways, that got a little deep. So, uh, what gifts would I give Drago... Well, he does come off as the type of person to not want anything unless they had some physical use to him, but there probably is some stuff he’d like just to have. So, I’d personally focus on getting him things he would use, like some cool-ass jackets and, if possible, some spellbooks so he can learn new magic stuffs. Ugh, I’m not good at giving gifts... The stuff that would make me feel like I gave him something worthwhile would be hand-made art pieces. I would LOVE to just... make things for him. A portrait of him, a sculpture of a fearsome Chinese dragon, a hand-made necklace, wood carved Chinese Zodiac animals, Bob Ross paintings of what his fantasy palace would look like, a hand knit blanket and/or sweater and gloves, etc. I never feel like “just buying something“ is ever good enough and I need to actually make something because that is the closest thing to the heart a gift can be. Going out and buying things, well, I guess imperial and Chinese looking things because of his heritage, aesthetic, and the suggested power Imperial China gives off.
But yeah, the best gifts would probably be things that he can actually use and its design or whatever is something that pleases him. So, uh, Chinese Dragon biker jacket, dawg. Maybe some finger less, fire resistant gloves or something.
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hermannsthumb · 5 years
We’ve entered Newt’s birthday month, so I’m hoping birthday sex will be A Thing at some point. 👀👀👀
HAHA...well...this is really almost entirely sfw except for allusions and implications but!!! (i did write this one like i said but im always in the mood for cute married newmann fic....)
Newton, Hermann’s found over the years, is remarkably easy to please when it comes to holidays. He’s happy with anything, so long as it involves the two of them together. Of course, Newton puts an absurd amount of effort into everything for Hermann, so Hermann usually ends up putting an equally absurd amount of effort into everything for Newton. Wedding anniversaries must have Newton falling into his arms and proposing all over again by the end of the night. Valentine’s Day must have him falling into their bed. Even Halloween must have Newton giddy and excited and happy and reaffirming just how much Hermann means to him.
Hermann’s planned out every minuscule detail of today—Newton’s birthday—for that very reason. It must be perfect. Even better than last year.
He sets his alarm for exactly thirty minutes before Newton usually wakes (ten, instead of ten-thirty) and gets started on making him breakfast and coffee as he runs through today’s agenda in his head. Breakfast in bed, then Newton will likely want to have sex (which Hermann is more than happy with), then they’ll catch a cab to the aquarium, then come back to change into something nice (and Newton will likely want to have more sex, since he always gets rather enthusiastic when Hermann wears his good suit), then they’ve got reservations at the sushi restaurant Newton likes, then come back for cake (which Hermann still has to put frosting on). A perfect day for his husband.
It’s not until Hermann’s cooked half a dozen pancakes that he looks out the kitchen window and realizes he may have to make slight adjustments to their plans for the day.
“Pancakes!” Newton says happily when Hermann wakes him with a kiss a tray stacked with breakfast and a bouquet of flowers. He picks a pristine heart-shaped one from the plate and beams. “This is so cute, Hermann. How long did it take you to learn how to do that?”
“Not long,” Hermann says, lying through his teeth. He practiced for two weeks. He kisses the top of Newton’s head again. “Happy birthday, my love.”
Newton sets his breakfast tray off to the side, then winds one of Hermann’s apron strings around his fingers and tugs him forward. “You’re looking cute too,” he says, eyes roving up and down Hermann’s body, from his socked feet, to his rocketship-dotted apron, to his silky pajama shirt. “Really cute. Loving—” He tugs at the apron string again. “This.”
“At least eat something first,” Hermann chastises, and Newton leers at him and sneaks his hand under the apron. He rubs at the front of Hermann’s pajama bottoms gently.
“Alright,” Newton says.
“I should be doing this to, ah,” Hermann gasps, threading his fingers in Newton’s hair and watching the fabric of his apron shift and move along with Newton, “to you. Oh—darling—”
“Mm,” Newton hums. “No you shouldn’t. Spread those hot supermodel legs for me, baby.”
When Newton’s finished, and successfully reduced Hermann to a boneless, panting heap on the mattress, he barely remembers to wipe his mouth off before shoveling three pancakes into his mouth and moaning in a way that’s nearly erotic. Hermann thinks he might be a little disgusted if he could think straight. “It’s snowing,” he remembers to say.
“Is it?” Newton says. Several crumbs fall from his mouth to their sheets. “A lot?”
Hermann rolls onto his side and pulls back the curtain of the window just next to their bed. “A lot,” he confirms. There are a good two inches more than there were earlier. There’s a light clatter of dishes—Newton setting his tray on the bedside table, Hermann assumes—and then Newton presses up behind him and wraps a warm arm around his waist.
“We’ll stay in then,” Newton murmurs, mouthing kisses up the back of his neck. Hermann’s eyes flutter shut, but he manages a small, disappointed sigh. The kisses stop. “Not good?”
“I made plans,” Hermann says. “Tickets. And—er—reservations.”
“Then we’ll go out,” Newton declares. He wiggles his hand under Hermann’s shirt, and Hermann shivers. “After…”
They don’t go out. They intend to go out, and Newton puts on a dress with fish and seaweed and jellyfish on it for the occasion, and Hermann wears a sweater that clings to his arms because he knows Newton likes it, but the moment they open their front door they have...second thoughts. “Sure is cold,” Newton says, catching a snowflake on his gloved palm. He watches it melt. “Cold, and snowy, and—”
“Treacherous,” Hermann says, looking at the poorly-plowed streets, the ice and slush covering their stoop and sidewalk beyond. He’s never good with navigating his cane through slush.
“One of us could slip,” Newton says.
Neither of them make a move to step down.
“We have reservations,” Hermann reminds him. “And tickets.”
Newton squeezes his hand and smiles. “We could make out on the couch all day?”
They crank up the heat—“It’s my birthday,” Newton says, “I earned it!”—and pick something from Newton’s decades-old record collection to blare on the turntable, and Newton strips to just his dress and plops himself down happily into Hermann’s lap. “This is better,” he says, kissing and nuzzling at Hermann’s throat. “Anyway, we can reuse the tickets, right?”
“They’re good until autumn,” Hermann says, smiling as he tilts his head back. They can always order takeaway from the restaurant instead and let someone else have their table, too. Newton’s hands dip lower. “Ah,” Hermann says, going pink, “don’t you want to open your presents first, love?”
His gifts are nothing too extravagant: guitar strings, a strange-looking plant that Newton (evidently familiar with its species) talks his ear off about for ten minutes, a new leather jacket, some old comic books from a nearby antique shop, a scarf Hermann hand-knitted himself to replace the one Newton lost on the metro in October. Newton is thoroughly delighted by everything anyway, and pounces on Hermann and kisses him amidst the wrapping paper scraps in thanks. They frost the cake together after that, Newton throwing handfuls of rainbow sprinkles at it like an over-enthusiastic toddler, and skip dinner to curl up on the couch once more and eat it directly off the serving platter.
Newton forgoes his fork to eat with his hands after only a few minutes. “This is the best birthday ever,” he declares, licking pink frosting off his fingertips.
“You said that last year,” Hermann says.
Newton scoops up another piece of cake. “So?”
Hermann rubs dried frosting off the tip of Newton’s nose, and Newton sticks his tongue out at him. It is a good birthday.
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raccoonpatriotism · 5 years
260 [Random, Useless Headcanons 📂] from @homeofthevan | Part 2 Explosive Boogaloo
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1-100: Here
101: He’s always had an, uh, ‘excellent’ temperament with old women - starting from being forced to help out at Old Folks Homes to get him out of the Orphanage. 
102: He yells to show he cares. 
103: He also yells for the sake of it.
104: You have to constantly say his name if you want him to continue to be part of the conversation.
105: that’s why he so often repeatedly uses names, nicknames, a simple ‘son’ when speaking to people.
106: He assumes everyone’s just like him until proven otherwise.
107: Along with what I said earlier about him not being empathetic; he really isn’t able to visualize himself in someone elses shoes unless he’s been walked through, like, a specific a few times. 
108: He respects Miss Pauling the most out of everyone he knows. 
109: Smissmas and Thanksgiving are tied for his favorite holiday.
110: Jane really likes Halloween though, and isn’t a grump on Valentines day. 
111: <- Jane’s password for anything he owns that requires a password. More 1s if necessary.
112: When he’s thirsty he’ll go to the nearest form of water for hydration - catch him just drinking out of the bathroom sink - leaning up as he wipes his mouth, chirping, “Hello, private.”
113: He guzzles coffee like it’s fuel, but he has a very strict, No Caffeine after lunch protocol.
114: Decaff is for WIMPS.
115: Jane plays the trombone.
116: Subsequently, in most music, he appreciates and hums along with the bass parts.
117: Modern AU-Jane may be a Call of Duty fanboy, but he respects Halo for being another accurate depiction of life on the battlefront. 
118: Speaking of modern Jane, the Military didn’t accept him in the 80s either.
119: His love for the military lead him to believe for sure he’d be accepted he was the Perfect Patriot and his enlistment would be a surefire way to help fund his transition--
120: But of course, as strong as he had become he’d spent his youth very sick and with the possibility of the illness to return along with a terrible psyche eval and 80s typical transphobia that lane was firmly closed.
121: At least he had DOOM to fall back on. And he was physically strong enough to hold down jobs to at least pay for testosterone.
122: And then Call of Duty came out and he became an early era streamer. (Went viral as one of those guys who basically RPs being an actual soldier in the voice chat.)
123: BACK TO CANON JANE because those headcanons just.. plain, aren’t useless. canon jane doesn’t have to deal with transphobia. tch.
124: He’s not the best to have on your football team as menacing as he is. He’ll start tackling everybody. Running the wrong way. Trying to steal the ball from his teammates.
125: If you tell Jane something’s American after he criticizes it, watching him backtrack is really fun.
126: Jane doesn’t get sick often, which is good because he is insufferable. Either goes full isolation straight up outside somewhere. Or is whining to everyone and everyone how it’s not allowed that he can’t be burrowing somewhere outside.
127: His hands are always warm - if they’re cold he’s probably having an Episode of some sort. 
128: Rock and Roll helps his tinnitus, though he’ll still refer to it as Hippy Garbage. Like most music.
129: Jane could probably tapdance if given proper shoes. Mmm no, he’d stomp through the floor. Horse level clomping.
130: He’ll be the hype-man for anyone on his team.
131: Despite not being a fan of mint flavoring, he loves himself a candy-cane.
132: His thumb isn’t double jointed - seeing someone showing off their double jointed-ness would have Jane proclaiming magic was necessary.
133: LT. BITES lightning round!! Lt. Bites sees jane as its “General” 
134: It got the bite taken out of its ear fighting over sour cream - it won.
135: Jane doesn’t give any raccoons a higher rank than Bites.
136: Lt. Bites doesn’t crave human flesh or anything, but it likes the sensation of biting people!
137: Jane has tried to get his raccoon a job at RED.
138: You can tell when Jane is having a really good day on the battlefield because you’ll round the corner and there’s Naked Soldier.
139: He’s waxing poetry about the beauty of the Male Form, take it in you soft quivering maggots. 
140: I can’t get the image of Jane crowd surfing out of my head? That’s, like, his ideal dream for being recognized for his heroics. Medals and a mosh in his Honor.
141: Anytime he sees a Bald Eagle he entirely stops what he’s doing to place his left hand over his heart.
142: Jane loves The Art of War and is still awaiting Sun Tzu’s next book.
143: [ Alcohol ] Jane only sees ghosts when he’s starving, drunk, or suffering from a concussion. And it’s merely a way for such a boar minded guy to internalize what’s going on around him.
144: He can touch his toes keeping his knees straight.
145: Jane has minor ice-skating knowledge, as most growing up in the midwestern united states do. He’s not, good, though, he’s really intent on Taking Steps instead of gliding.
146: Put him in front of a piano and he’s holding out on finger and pressing down on one key at a time like an old man at a desktop keyboard.
147: Jane is ready to beat up your father. 
148: Especially if your dad is shitty, unleash good ol’ Solly on him.
149: While he favors picking his nose with his pinkies, neither of his pinkie pads have any feeling.That makes them a little less dexterous when the time comes.
150: He’s always aching to be active, his brain will take things literally if it means he’ll be doing something.
151: Rum pineapple juice and malibu caribou -- Er. He doesn’t like pineapple flavoring. Isn’t a fan of mixed drinks in general? 
152: He’s capable of staying out of the picture and not picking his nose, often times if things aren’t focused on him he’ll just sorta.. Stand out of the way playing with his hands - rifling through his pouches. Some times he’ll even, *gasp* pay attention. 
153: He really likes to but in with his opinion is the thing.
154: He’s an American and his ideals must be heard.
155: Merasmus out here having doing the most for Soldier, in helping him reintegrate back into society. You think he’s bonkers now?? Psh. You should’a seen him fresh home from Poland.
156: He’s shown up to Civil War reanactments with a real gun.
157: Jane is incapable of yawning silently.
158: Stairs are overrated.
159: Catch Jane with a lukewarm mug of water pouring coffee grinds directly into it and saying “Damn, that’s a fine cup of Joe.”
160: Only. 100 left? Sweet Joseph Wetnurse of Jesus He’s got dirty blond hair leaning toward brunette.
161: Any righteous death deserves a warrior’s burial - That’s why you’ll find Jane, helmet over heart, giving a stirring eulogy about the Toilet from the Men’s Restroom that Got Unearthed and Shattered By... Nobody In Particular. 
162: He will just join in large groups of people  - like protests? He’ll just fall in line and preach his own stuff which sometimes doesn’t exactly align with the group at large.
163: i asked myself, would jane pick someone else’s nose? Yes.
164: His hugs are always really warm.
165: He would notice his wallet being pickpocketed - unless it was replaced by something the same weight. He’s like a temple from Indiana Jones.
166: Mentally? Jane’s fine with being alone, but. That leads to him living in a box or a room straight out of that “Damn, bitch, you live like this?” comic.
167:  Despite deep cold being triggering to him (SEE HC, 67.), he loves snow-forts and hot chocolate because those are great American past-times.
168: next one is this post’s 69 brace yourselves! Jane’s never truly in silence, the constant whistling in his ears will see to that. That’s why sometimes, when it is quiet, you’ll catch Jane looking into space like he’s trying to see where the sound is coming from.
169: Important to note, he ain’t popping a boner any time he’s fighting nude. Or, really, fighting any time. Intent is really important for him. (If he gets all rubbed up on, though, Well,)
170: Jane is under the assumption that everything he comes up with is ingenious and people like Red Spy are holding society back by ignoring such wide plans.
171: He’s secretly soothed by everyone on his team’s voices.
172: First off, himself. He loves to hear himself talk. Mostly fueled by self-important intent, the tenor of his own voice also soothes his eardrums.
173: Pyro’s is muffled yet energetic - and never fails to get Jane pumped up.
174: Scout’s got that accent that is pure and simple, American. Soldier may not listen to half of what he says, but for background buzz and funny colloquialisms 
175: And, Engie's accent garners a whole other sort of American respect out of the Soldier. As far as soothing goes? Engie’s is like butter.
176: Soldier hate’s Heavy’s accent on principle, but below his American Stubbornness is a love for the deep, thoughtful symbols Heavy provides. Plus, y’know, he appreciates a fellow loud guy.
177: Demo’s voice makes Solly a happy man. It used to make him furious, an all Scottish accents did, but more recently it makes him feel nostalgic. 
178: Jane would swear up every mountain he can that there’s nothing positive to be found in Spy’s accent, but zoning out to such poised speech patterns and rounded vowels is a common occurrence. 
179: When Sniper gets that gravelly tone going on, when he takes things really seriously? Jane like that.
180: Jane can’t find it in him to be really put off by anything Medic says during surgery, so his voice only causes a feeling of safety throughout the Soldier. He can’t get enough of hearing Enthusiasm in the Medic’s voice.
181: He doesn’t believe the Police can arrest him because they aren’t the official Government.
182: He looks at a baby and is like “What animal is this?”
183: Big hands.. talented at giving massages.
184: BEWARE HIM BREAKING YOUR SPINE - just specify ‘and don’t kill me’!
185: Jane doesn’t gossip so much as, be around people who are gossiping which makes him want to make up some Hot Goss. Also, he’ll act like every rumor someone else shares is spoken truth.
186: Jane picked up finger guns from Scout. He either uses it constantly or doesn’t use it for weeks at a time.
187: He lifts, broskis.
188: Jane will talk about trucks because the Average American Male is expected to. He knows nothing about cars.
189: He’s an impulsive liar, so caught up in in his web of ‘things he says to impress people’ that he believes everything he says. So are the woes of being an adult with ADHD.
190: He goes between being smell-blind and having the scent skills of a bloodhound. It’s probably a mental thing, because there’s no in between, but Jane doesn’t know anything.
191: i’ve been working on these for 5 days at this point... i hope they’re appreciated JANE prefers..soft food. jane Does Not lov the cronch.
192: Which is what makes cashews his favorite nut. they’re soft-ish. and they have just enough crunch to not gross him out.
193: He loves immediate gratification. 
194: Beyond joining the Military? Jane’s never had a solid plan for his future. Lives too in the moment. 
195: As long as he’s having fun, Jane’s a pretty content guy.
196: Any artistic skills he may have once had go into making Maps for war planning sessions.
197: He’ll fall victim to Sleep Paralysis occasionally and, once able to move, will spend the rest of the day curing ghosts and Merasmus’ magic.
198: He was SUPER into Howdie Doodie Time in his youth, and being put in front of any reruns will have him basically hypnotized into silence.
199: He’s proud of his ass.
200: Jane can keep marching pace for hours at a time. And if he’s not lugging around his rocket launcher he can keep marching for an entire day no pausing. 
201: Jane isn’t shy about telling jokes, because he believes everyone has the same sense of humor as him.
202: He knows karate but refuses to use his knowledge because it is not an American Form. He will stick to brute strength and loud yelling thank you very much.
203: He’s the type to state every time he’s going to use the bathroom. Like, people can be having a serious conversation and hes like, “I am going to take a shit now!”
204: Jane’ll go a week without washing his hair, but he always brushes his teeth two times a day.
205: He gives a damn good kiss.
206: All Human Nudity is safe for work. As it was God’s Intention to make people strongest when not held back by fabric.
207: All he wants is recognition.... for his good deeds...
208: He’ll have staring contests with the Sun. He’s yet to win, but that damn star shouldn’t get too comfortable.
209: Much like his pinkies, his feet have been crushed, blown up, and bruised so many times that he doesn’t have much feeling in them either.
210: He’s never washed his bellybutton.
211: He prefers savory to sweet, but he prefers sweet to sour.
212: Half assing is not in Jane’s vocabulary.
213: His brain will get stuck on simple Math - like, he tries his best to figure it out, it’s just.... Numbers..... they are a construct. And so he’ll end up pondering what 5+7 is for, like, 5 minutes.
214: Jane is constantly torn between wanting to be a Figure of Authority and also being a man born in the trenches following orders.
215: Have I mentioned lately Jane fucks? 
216: Jane’s room is sparsely decorated, but it’s only because he’s not materialistic and doesn’t generally receive gifts.
217: He’s more than willing to strip Right This Moment and fight something.
218: Jane’s not afraid to call other people losers.
219: He crops his own hair once a week. Same day he’ll do his wash.
220: Jane’s stubble grows in really fast, but he can’t deny the feeling of having a freshly shaved jaw is amazing.
221: If a teammate is struggling emotionally..... Jane walks away.
222: If they’re struggling again, /then/ Jane will give them some uncalled for American Advice. Like, meaningfully yelling “GET OVER IT, YOU SLOBBERING FOOL.”
223: He has a very, very high pain threshold. 
224: He accidentally walks into walls all the time.
225: He can’t magically see through his helmet - he just knows everyone’s feet super well.
226: It’s good that Lt. Bites is a wild, self sufficient animal because Jane is terrible at pet care. And child care. And any sort of care.
227: On the very rare occasions Jane gets overwhelmed with depression he’s a shadow of his former self questioning the sanctity of American Ideals and wondering aloud if War really is the answer to his problems.
228: Next day he’ll be fine and forget he was ever upset.
229: He’s never gotten a real back massage before, if he were to get one he’d probably literally melt? Some women he’s slept with liked to say sensually ‘oh what a big tense man you are’ and, like, weakly rub his back. they didn’t get paid to fix this man’s back muscles LMAO
230: Any backwards period-typical beliefs about women went out the window upon meeting Miss Pauling.
231: His love for America is truly as pure as it gets.
232: Jane’s pretty xenophobic, but he can learn better, I’m sure. he’s gotten his ass kicked for being ignorantly racist and he grew to be a better person.
233: He takes really well to learning things through violence, the only issue is.. dealing with Soldier Being Violent.
234: There’s nothing a fist to the face won’t fix.
235: He’s not much of a napper, his brain being far too active to let him rest during daylight hours.
236: He’s constantly moving, even in sleep.
237: Hell, give him a few hours after being knocked unconscious and he’ll start wiggling something around.
238: He doesn’t stop to smell the flowers, because if they wanted to be smelled they’d approach him.
239: He believes in the good of all humans, it’s just buried down past his Fight Everyone radar.
240: He only likes musicals about fighting Hitler.
241: His biggest regret is not punching Hitler.
242: He does not fear death, he does not fear punishment. He lives for his ideals and if he’s taken down believing in himself? Then that’s okay.
243: Jane needs deodorant reminders.
244: He takes personally being betrayed as people betraying the country of America.
245: (oh shit i slacked off it’s been like two days since i wrote something, Who Is Soldier?) CEREAL THEN MILK, MAGGOTS
246: Jane doesn’t know the word migraine so he really can’t describe how he feels.
247: Look, he loves his friends, he loves his guns, but he’s stingy with the word.. Love because that’s what he feels for America and the country will always be number one.....
248: Jane’s not too partial to sarcasm outside of combat, but it’ll find it’s way into his speech. His tone is usually hammed up to signify he’s joking around or being cruel.
249: He’s like a cartoon character, he can only understand sarcasm if it’s Funny to at the moment.
250: Jane likes his hair being pet.
251: He likes his hands being played with as much as he likes playing with other people’s hands. (A lot.)
252: He loves dogs, but is more of a cat person. Dogs and him just echo energy and HYPE feelings back and forth at each other until they pass out and then Jane feels more emotionally exhausted than hanging out with people.
253: The weirdest parts of rom-coms make him cry. 
254: He appreciates a good non-american explosion, but he has his preferences. 
255: You show Jane genuine kindness and interest and he’s like, Yours. Jane vc: Are you the vice-president?
256: If he were to have a reptile for a sidekick instead of a raccoon, he would have a turtle.
257: He can be delicate when he needs to be, but cracking eggs is a different story.
258: While not too partial to sugary beverages - he has a figure to maintain, root beer and ginger ale are his go-tos.
259: He can appreciate a salad! Jane Doe will eat his greens!!!!
260: Soldier has no tattoos, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be open to getting any. Just never crossed his mind.
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thank you,... for reading my garbled thoughts.. for respecting The Soldier... and for being a creative individual. But mostly the respecting Soldier thing.
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phanlentinesup · 6 years
“over the next few months we saw each other a lot”
In the Valentine’s Day video, after talking about how they met, Phil says that they saw each other a lot after that, which is notable because they lived 350 km (220 miles) apart (that’s a 3.5 hour train ride).
Between the time they first saw each other in real life (October 19, 2009) and the Valentine’s Day video (February 14, 2010), they saw each other on:
October 19 to October 22
October 31 (and possibly November 1)
November 6 to November 9
November 29 to December 4
December 10 to December 14
December 22 to December 24
December 30 to January 2
January 15 to January 17
January 22 to January 24
Yup, that’s a lot :D Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen, this post’s going be long.
October 19 to October 22 This was their first meeting and there’s another very long post about it, so I’ll just link you to it: "the first time we met".
October 31 (and possibly November 1) This is for the YouTube Halloween Gathering in London.
They likely met in London on the 31st, because Phil was in Ireland working on Apartment Red [watch on YouTube] and came back on the 30th:
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I’m not sure when Dan went home after the gathering, they may have spent part of November 1st together as well if they stayed the night in London. Phil tweeted about still being in London the next day, but he’s visiting family during the afternoon, so Dan had probably gone home already by then.
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November 6 to November 9 Spent at Phil’s. We know Dan was there from the 6th to the 9th because he tweeted from the train on the way there and on the way back.
Dan on the train on his way to Phil’s, he realized he forgot something.
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On the 7th, they went and met with Stephen (3sixty5days) to shot footage for ApartmentRed. They shot Stephen & Phil in Manchester [watch on YouTube]. Dan’s dailybooth from November 5 and his Twitter exchange with charliehasfangs (aka charlieskies) below seems to indicate that Charlie may also have been there as well (although he’s not in any photos, so I’m not entirely sure). Charlie was Stephen’s boyfriend at the time, and may be Phil’s ex.
"ready for Manchester now :D cant wait to see phil, and hang out with charlie, and say hi to stephen"
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On the 7th, they also shot some, er, interesting pictures that they posted to Dailybooth over the following days.
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Phil confirms all the pictures were taken on the same day. Also, not easy to spot, but that’s Dan standing behind Phil.
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That’s also when they shot the ending of How To Befriend Your Favourite Internet Stars [watch on YouTube]
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Dan on the train on his way back home on the 9th:
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November 29 to December 4 This is "the week we spent together in my house" that Phil refers to at another point in the video, so if you want details about that week, head over to that post.
December 10 to December 14 Dan went to Phil’s house on the 10th and stayed there until the 13th, when they took a train to London together to attend the Festive Gathering. They spent the night at wtftomcoolio's place and on the 14th, they spent the day in London, then headed to their respective homes.
On the 10th (the Manchester Museum has a dinosaur collection, so that’s probably where they went):
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At the sky bar, on December 10th in the evening. They had gone there on October 19, the first day they met. If the “they have nibbles again” comment aimed at 3sixty5days in the tweet below is any indication, they likely went when Stephen was in Manchester on November 7th (see above). They also went on November 29, when Dan spent the week in Manchester.
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On the 11th:
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On the 12th, playing dress up. Dan is wearing the same outfit Phil wears in his I like fire and petrol video [watch on YouTube] [alternative link 1] [alternative link 2]
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On the 13th, on their way going to the Festive Gathering (bus from Rossendale to Manchester, train from Manchester to London).
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In his video "I WANT SNOW!" [watch on YouTube], Phil talks about the Festive Gathering, shows some photos and mentions the “placenta” incident Dan described in the tweet above.
Dailybooth photo from the Festive gathering:
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wtftomcoolio offering a place to stay on the 13th after the gathering:
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Still in London on December 14th, they went to the Natural History Museum (Dailybooth from Phil also confirms that they did indeed take Tom’s offer for a place to stay.)
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Then in the evening on the 14th they headed to their respective homes. We know Dan didn’t go back to Manchester with Phil because on the 15th he tweets about finding a pen he’d lost, so we know he’s home.
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December 22 to December 24
This is the "snowiest day ever" that Phil mentions at another point in the video, so go to that post to read about it.
December 30 to January 2 They went to a New Year’s party in London on the 31st and then went to Dan’s.
Meeting up with Phil on December 30 in early afternoon.
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Phil leaving for London on December 31st at late afternoon.
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Those tweets indicate that they were together on the 30st but didn’t meet in London. It’s hard to say from Dan’s tweets whether they met in Reading or Manchester, but it seems to be Manchester because Dan says he’s on the train. Also, Phil tweets about being “in Danland" (ie, at Dan’s house) after the party, which would indicate he wasn’t there before.
If they were indeed in Manchester on the 30th, that means Dan spent 7+ hours on a train (Reading -> Manchester on the 30th, then Manchester -> London on the 31st) - just to spend an extra 24 hours with Phil, when he could have easily met Phil in London the next day and only spend 20 minutes on the train.
And then New Year’s party:
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The video "things people don’t want on the internet (pt1)" from 0titch0 [watch on YouTube] (lost / privated video!) includes some footage of Dan and Phil at the New Year’s party. (Also, don’t go looking for pt2, despite the title, there isn’t one and web archiving tools seem to indicate there never was.)
Some photos from that party (we can tell it’s the same party because the clothes and Dan’s Malibu bottle match the video above):
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And then at Dan’s house on January 1st. Dan lived much closer to London than Phil, so it would make sense that they’d go there after events in London, but they didn’t go there after the Halloween or Festive gatherings, both of which were in London as well. This is the first time they stay over at Dan’s house.
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Phil goes back home on January 2:
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January 15 to January 17
Dan was doing work experience in London for most of January so he only managed to get to Manchester twice that month. [Editorial sidenote: I don’t think Phil had a job at the time, so I find it interesting that it’s almost always Dan who travels to meet him, especially in January when he was doing work experience and it would have been much easier for Phil to travel. They seemed to prefer to spend time at Phil’s house for some reason.]
Tweet from Phil on Thursday, January 14:
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On the Friday, Dan takes the train to Manchester (and gets stopped by the BBC for an interview).
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They saw Avatar that evening:
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On the Saturday they finished New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which they had been playing since December.
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And on Sunday they lurked on Chatroulette:
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There’s no tweet indicating when Dan would have gone home, but since he was working, I assume he went back on the Sunday night. Also, he traveled to Manchester again the following weekend and we have a tweet indicating he came back on the Sunday night - I assume he followed a similar schedule both weekends.
We know he met a London-based friend on the 19th, so he was definitely back by then. wtftomcoolio is the one who offered Dan and Phil a place to sleep after the Festive Gathering, so we know he lives in London.
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January 22 to January 24
We know Dan was at work on the 21st, and we know he was at Phil’s on the 23rd.
We don’t know exactly when he traveled but it’s likely he followed the same pattern as the previous weekend, meaning he took a train to Manchester on Friday mid-day, and came back on Sunday night.
Still at work on January 21st:
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At Phil’s during the night between the Saturday and Sunday:
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The tweet below seems to indicate he was back in London Sunday night. It probably means he stayed at wtftomcoolio’s in London to avoid catching a late train to Reading (Manchester -> Reading usually has a layover in London).
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Interestingly, Phil tweeted this at noon on Sunday.
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If your friend travels 7 hours (3.5 hours both ways) to see you, and can only spend 2 days with you, do you really want to spend half a day in bed? Unless he’s in there with you, that is :p
That trip marks the last time they would see each other before Dan left for India (link wip! you have to go to bed leaving me for 5 hours...) with his family on February 5 or 6. So the next time they would see each other was almost a month later.
When Dan came back to the UK after his trip to India, he actually went to Manchester first, rather than going back home, and spent February 20 to February 24 with Phil.(link wip! you have to go to bed leaving me for 5 hours...)
Phil made the Valentine’s Day video while Dan was in India so I’ll stop this post here. But if you’re curious, the traveling back and forth did slow down a bit when Dan came back from India, but that’s because the visits became much longer...
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random-mailbox · 1 year
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 31 - Traditions
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Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Since there aren't really Easter themed fics, I thought it would be fun to do Traditions as a topic instead. These one-shots are fluffy and adorable and show a softer side of our favorite duo.
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Reasons To Be Happy: Chapter 5: Continuing On The Tradition - @cassraven
A super cute tradition of baking cookies that started in Tsukino household and continued with Usagi and Mamoru, and eventually Small Lady.
Anniversary - @floraone
Watching her mom get ready for the day, Usagi realizes that unlike her parents, her and Mamoru do not have an Anniversary or any associated traditions. This is something Mamoru is more than happy to help her fix.
Trimming the Tree - @moonchildoh8
Usagi and Mamoru are doing their best to figure out timing to get their apartment decorated for their first Christmas living together with their opposing schedules and extra hours of the ER rotation. This one ends up being a 🍋🍋🍋
The past is no longer yours; the future is not yet in your power - LaDeeDa
Usagi and Mamoru make it a point to spend time together every day just enjoying one other's company, as world around them gets progressively more complicated.
All the King's Children - @caelenath
In part to try and fill the void he felt as a child, King Endymion makes an annual tradition of spending Christmas with those who are less fortunate - childen that would not otherwise get to celebrate.
That's it for this week. Next Monday we will cover "Dreams" theme and I finally get to gush about @kasienda's "Dreams" series
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffee shop AU
Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
Week 22 - Friends to Lovers
Week 23 - ❤️Valentines Day❤️
Week 24 - Do a Grouch a Favour Day (or Cheer Up Fics)
Week 25 - Soulmate AU
Week 26 - Amnesia Fics (and resources)
Week 27 - 🍀St Patrick's Day🍀
Week 28 - Fix it Fics
Week 29 - Prompt: Mug
Week 30 - Flowers
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Survey #176
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Do you like to have croutons in your salad? Noooonononono. It's a texture thing. Which do you find more irritating - sunburn or bug bites? Sunburn. How many friends do you have on Facebook? Like... 116? How many contacts do you have in your phone? 16. Do you carry any means of protection on you while out in public? No, but I wanna get pepper spray. Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker? No, I'm too paranoid of strangers. Do you know anyone who does cocaine? Not to my knowledge. What is something that most people wouldn’t know about you from simply looking at you? I used to be a super in-shape 117 lb. queen that even then felt slightly fat. :') What’s a quality that your sister has that you absolutely can’t stand? One has a serious temper, the other's... well I dunno. I don't see my older sis enough. Have you ever been to a bachelor or bachelorette party? No. Something you would NEVER buy? Uhhh the first thing that came to my head are snakes that aren't directly from breeders. Both snakes I bought from PetSmart were sick, so. No thanks. Could you wait until marriage for sex? Yeah. Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you? No, deal breaker for me. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Yes, Nicole. Do you think your first love still loves you? No, but the feeling's mutual so np. Are you a money saver or spender? I've never had a consistent source of income, but when I do get some from gifts or photography, I've actually proven to be great at saving it for whatever my target is. Hopefully I stay that way when I do have a job. Has a member of the opposite sex ever seen you naked? Yes. Have you ever had to sell something for a school fundraiser? Yup. If you have any piercings, who did them? Claire's did my earlobes, then various people from Garry's Skin Grafix and mostly New Addiction did my piercings. Have you ever cried while watching a movie trailer? No. Have you ever been pulled over, but just let off with a warning? Never been pulled. Have you ever taken shots? (of alcohol) Noooo, been offered to take part I think twice, but it's not something I think I ever want to do considering I loathe the taste of alcohol, hence why I only ever drink fruity things with tiny amounts of alcohol. Do you like mash-up songs? Occasionally, I guess? None even come to mind. Would you ever consider adopting a child with a severe mental illness? No, because I have a plethora of my own and don't want to put a child under the supervision of someone with conditions like mine; as well, I'm sorry, but I need to take care of myself. Took me damn long enough to get here, and I'm not going back to how horrible my life was before out of stress and having to handle a child with a severe mental illness. And oh, did I mention the main reason is because I don't in any capacity want kids? Have you ever pole danced before? No. Have you ever seen a live bat? Yeah. Do you listen to classical music? Not intentionally. Do you tell your parents who you like? Why or why not? No. I'll admit I like someone if they ask, but otherwise I just don't see it necessary to walk up to your guardian and just randomly inform them that you have a crush. Are you due for a haircut? Getting there, maybe almost two months from now. Are you dealing with any health-related problems right now? My OCD's been exceptionally bad lately. Do your parents like the music you listen to? Both like certain artists that I do - a lot, really. I do know I also like heavier stuff than them, though. Do your parents approve of your beliefs? Not all. Who’s the most annoying person in your neighborhood? Don't live in one. Name one of your psycho exes? None. I was honestly the psycho ex. I was very rightfully broken, but I shouldn't have done many things I did. Why were they a psycho ex? ^ I wouldn't leave him the hell alone and would pester him on Facebook too much even when I was ignored and, most regrettably, make just enough time to blame him for my ER visits before leaving until he finally blocked me. I sincerely don't blame him if he does consider me "the psycho ex." What’s the best revenge you ever got on someone? I don't care in the slightest about revenge to even think up a situation where I got any. I've never deliberately fished for it. What screen name did you use in 6th grade? FlowerOurQueen ew. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? ih crihmus What’s the last movie you saw? Halloween. Who was the last person to call you? This fucking car insurance agency that calls like every goddamn day. I've answered a couple times thinking that it could be VR and promptly hung up upon finding it wasn't. By now, I recognize the three digits after the area code to just ignore them. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail? VR. Where is your least favorite place to be? Hospitals. Where is your favorite place to be? Sara's house. Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman? lol no, grow up, 0-19-y/o me denying your own sexuality in fear of a "loving" god sending you to Hell. :^) Would you like to learn to play the drums? Nah. Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet? Types of people. Name one thing you worry about running out of. Motivation to live, again. Do you post to say happy birthday on other people’s walls? Sometimes. Always with close friends. Have there ever been floods where you live? Oh yeah. Do you listen to K-Pop? No. When was the last time you saw a rainbow? Ummm idr, but not very long ago. Sunshower. What’s your favorite television commercial? I don't watch TV anymore, so I don't know any current ones. But it will probably /always/ be the sexy Mr. Clean one because memories fuck me up. Have you ever tried writing a song? Yes. For one of the Nintendogs tracks. I even moved their heads around to the tune of the song. kms What is your favorite type of juice? Peach/mango. Whose birthday did you last celebrate? My nephew's. When you were a kid, did you have a treehouse? No. We didn't have trees built for that, just very tall pine trees. What was the best school year in your opinion? 7th grade; ironically, the year my depression began to seriously manifest. Do you know (of) anyone who has committed suicide? Sadly. When was the last time you flew on a plane? This past October. Take me back. Do you eat meat every day? No. Who taught you how to ride a bike? Dad. Are you a fan of Lana Del Rey? No. How do you cook your rice? Steam, boil, other? I don't cook. Do you like your country’s president or prime minister? Nope. Some of his policies I side with, but his personality absolutely destroys him for me. Do you wear skirts? No. I absolutely hate my legs. What color is your house? Like this khaki sorta color. How many first cousins do you have? I have zero clue. I don't even think I've met some first ones. Off the very top of my head, I know there's at least... nine? Have you ever seen a pop star in concert? No. Do you listen to Christmas music during the holiday season? No, not a fan of most. It doesn't put me in the "Christmas spirit" anyway. Where would you like to vacation to? The Bahamas baby, Sweden, Japan... What time do you set your alarm to? I don't use mine. Nothing to use it for. Do you like ginger ale? No, unless my stomach is upset. What time does the sun set at the time of year where you live? Like 5, and I hate it. Have you ever been skiing? No. When was the last time you moved house? Feb. of last year. What did you last feel nervous about? How in god's name am I blanking here??????????? Over something incredibly trivial, I'm sure. Do you find yourself saying mean things to people over the internet that you wouldn’t say in real life? No. Who is the last person to text you? Sara. Does the person you like know it? HAHA she's got a pretty good idea. Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? Jason or Girt. Girt came to the hospital after hearing about my OD, so my mental state was obviously shit, but Jason saw me in more obvious, externally-expressed emotional breakdowns. Did you have a nap today? Yes. I've been waking up much too early lately. What was the last movie you saw that you really liked? Really liked? Probs Jumanji. Do your best friends live near you? Ha, no. Do you have any stuffed animals saved from when you were a child? A LOT. When is the next time you are traveling outside of the state, province, or country? Where to? I'm sure sometime next year to Sara's. What are your living arrangements currently? Are you happy with them? I live with just my mom and pets. It's fine, though I wish I was emotionally prepared to move out. Hell, and obviously financially. Have you ever had feelings for someone your best friend was dating? N- oh yeah yes, in the Jenna situation. Though I don't truly recall what *kind* of feelings exactly I had. Is there anything written on the shirt you’re wearing? No, surprisingly. How was your first kiss? Super cute. Do you still talk to the person you shared it with? No. Are you the oldest of your siblings? No. Have you ever dated someone who had kids? No; that's a deal-breaker for me. I am not being a mother figure to any child, especially when it's not my own. Have you kissed someone 4 or more years older than you? No. Were your parents married when you were born? Yeah. Does the last person you kissed have tattoos? No. Do you live within 20 miles of where you were born? Yeah. What is your opinions on Valentine's Day? Cheesetastic, is it not? No no no no no I LOVE it!!!! I can't stand that "ugh every day you should appreciate love" shit 'cuz like, why not have a day specifically wrapped around it? Is it hurting anyone in any way shape or form?? What is the last thing you wrote? (typing is not writing, btw) My signature, probably? Do you have an outfit that you consider your "seduction outfit"? lul no. What is the last fruit you have eaten? Uhhh good question. I'm only just back on solids. What was the last injection you received? Was it sore? At the dentist when I had to get a cavity filled. They had to give me no less than 6-7 shots in the same spot to numb me properly, so yeah, it was sore. Have you ever been badly bitten by an animal? No. Favorite sandwich? I'll never turn down a ham, cheese, and mustard one. What characteristics do you despise? Arrogance, manipulative, lack of compassion, anger, two-faced, entirely insensitive, rudeness, raunchiness, the inability to accept one is sometimes wrong and that that's okay, BEING A DRAMA NEST HINT HINT, and I could go on... Where would you retire to? The mountains. What was your most memorable birthday? My 21st. Supposed to be your greatest celebration, yet I was in the mental hospital. It still means the goddamn world to me how my peers and employees tried to make it special. What did you want to be when you were little? First an archaeologist, then a vet. I think I only changed my mind upon realizing the original would've been extremely difficult. Have your parents ever forgotten your birthday? No. Would you rather have some bacon or beef jerky? Bacon. I'm actually not a big fan of the latter, it's too dry and tough. Did the Spanish classes have an “El Dia de Los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) fiesta at school? I don't know, I didn't take Spanish. What’s the most number of comments you have on a Facebook picture? What is the picture of? I have zero clue. Do you like coconut flavored things? nooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I really don't like coconuts. Have you ever met a famous author before? No. Do you know anybody who has been raped before? I don't believe so? I know many who've been violated or molested, but I don't believe I know a rape victim. How often do you get a fever? Like never. What makes you lose your appetite? Unappetizing scenes or smells and feeling/being sick. Are there any childhood habits you are grateful for or regret? I was taught good manners, for one. I wish chores had been more enforced upon all of us. At what age did you start to wear makeup? Did your mom object at first? I think 9th grade was when I "officially" started? It was freshman year and I had that "it's a new start and you're (this old) now, at least try to look pretty for once" mentality with how my self esteem was on the decline. I did it every day for a long time, until one day I didn't put on anything because I was tired of it and my art classmates (I was close to them) literally asked if I was okay lmao. From then on out, it was sporadic; eyeliner, shadow, and mascara some days, other days, nothing. But anyway no, Mom didn't have a problem. I think I recall her worrying about how it was all black, but she in no way objected. Would you consider yourself an adventurous person? This reeaally depends on the situation. I can't say which I lean more towards... maybe no? Have you ever snuggled with someone you weren’t dating? No. Have you ever been afraid of being underwater? No. Have you ever been drunk at work? No. What band/group have the most lyrics that represent you? I dunno. One thing you really want to learn? Digital art. What is your favorite piece of art you own? I don't own any other than my own work. The most expensive bill I paid last month was ____? N/A What’s the one thing you apologized for this month? @ the Silent Hill wiki, I wasn't understanding why a certain member was giving particular information that appeared irrelevant to me, but he got me to understand. I am extreeemely nit-picky over there, having been active there since '12, and now being a staff member, I'm even more specific. What is the largest TV screen in your house? We only have one, in the living room, but it's been the biggest. What has challenged your morals? Wondering if I was bi in middle school, frustration when I was trying to be abstinent in a serious relationship, pirating (which I still know is wrong asjfawouow), mutually being a flirt with my then-best friend's boyfriend, considering abortion at a much more open-minded angle, the justification of eating meat, my experience in life in relation to religion... Those are the ones that stand out. Who was the last female you hung out with? Mom. Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? No. Do you want to get married? Yes. Does the thought of moving out from home scare you? A bit. Would you rather live in a mansion or a small cozy home? The latter. I'm not paying for superfluous space and spending a gross amount of unnecessary time cleaning. Would you ever try being a vegetarian? I did, but stopped for a few reasons. Do you have any tattoos at the moment? Yeah and NOWHERE NEAR DONE. What about piercings? ^ Do you keep your eyebrows more thick or thin? Natural. What color is your bedroom door? White. Do your shoulder blades protrude? No, give them back to me. Have you ever been to a rave? No. How many bananas have you ever eaten in a row? Two? Do you think you’re the best thing that’s happened to someone? No. Can you make a clover shape with your tongue? No. Do you have a protective father? No. What’s the biggest misconception about you, personally? Uhhh probably that I don't try hard enough, specifically with work, adulthood, socializing, etc. when I'm sincerely doing my best. Are you disrespectful to a lot of people? No. Does your cell phone have a case on it? What color? No. What was the last song you had on repeat? "Family" by Mother Mother. Your most recent ex says he/she hates you, you say? That'd hurt like hell; he's like a bro to me and is the last close friend I have here. I don't know what I'd say. If someone you wanted before came back now, would you take them? Nope. Have you ever had to choose between two people? Sara and Girt. Jason and Juan. If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as? Good question. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger? And do you prefer gas or charcoal grilling? Cheese, mustard, ketcup, pickles, a little bit of minced onion. Idk which I prefer. Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other? Economics. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test? N/A What is your highest level of education? Some college. What kind of lunch box did you have as a kid? Idr. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator, or stuck in traffic? Traffic. I'm afraid of elevators. The last thing you remember dreaming about: Everyone I loved left me, so I tried to suffocate myself. Why do I only recall nightmares, ugh. The last place you went: The parlor to get a new bar for my tongue ring. The last alcoholic drink you consumed: A margarita. The last time you felt insulted/offended: I'm unsure. But I feel it was recently? The last time you kissed someone: October 17th weeps. The last time you held a baby: Months ago when Colleen needed me to hold Keegan. The last time you gave up on or quit something: Vegetarianism. The last video game you played: I finally got a new disc of Shadow of the Colossus!!!!! :'D I'm replaying it and doing both Time Attack modes to get Agro's white coat. The last television show you watched: Fullmetal Alchemist w/ Sara. Are you afraid of shots? No, I just anticipate it being unpleasant. How many times have you donated blood? Once. Would you date someone 15 years older than you? No. What’s the worst sickness you’ve ever had? An awful stomach virus. I wouldn't stop vomiting. What was the last classic novel you read? Did you enjoy it? I couldn't tell ya. Something in high school. Do you think Gatorade tastes refreshing or just gross? I hate it. What’s the scariest video game you’ve ever played? I personally think Outlast is overall the scariest game made thus far, but one I can't play because of the intense jumpscares is SCP Containment Breach. What about your life concerns you the most? Future financial position. If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have? Ummm Severin. What product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced? Certain clothing and makeup brands, like half the shit doesn't even look that great. How many people, outside of your immediate family, do you know the birthdays of by heart? At least six. Would you rather take a walk in the cold rain, or in the blistering heat? Definitely the former. If you had the chance to slip through a portal, despite being aware of any of effects and/or consequences, would you do it? No. Do you trust your gut instinct? I try to, but don't always. Which parent was more strict when you were growing up? Mom. What are some things that initially attract you to the preferred sex? CHARISMA, kindness, concern for others, a love of animals, and being a gamer oops. What is the saddest thing that has happened to you? What about the happiest? The breakup and eventual suicide attempt are definitely the saddest. The happiest, easily the last day of Holly Hill when everyone was telling me goodbye and I felt like I was ready to really live again. When was the last time someone scared you? Sara had me worried something was wrong involving me, but it wasn't. Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): Silent Hill 3 is so fucking weird but also one of the best horror games ever. Name something that you saw within the past week that made you smile: Probably Teddy being cute. Name something within the past week that made you frown: I don't think I have physically frowned this week. Name somebody you know who deserves a better life than they have: My mom. Name something that you hope is different by this time next year: My social anxiety has improved. Name something that you’re good at but don’t like: Um I have no clue. Name something that you’re bad at but DO like: Drawing anthro characters. Name something that you strongly believe in: Gay rights. Do you like pudding? Chocolate pudding. Do you tend to use a lot of big words? No, it's unnecessary. Just talk so people can understand you and not wonder what five words you said mean. Do you fall for guys/girls easily? NOPE. When someone copies you, are you more flattered or annoyed? Annoyed. Which is worse: Stale chips or flat soda? Stale chips. Flat soda doesn't bother me very much. What’s one show that you wish was still on the air? Deadman Wonderland. Have you ever used a port-a-potty? Omg yeah I know I have at sports practice or games as a kid. I absolutely never would again. What was the last stinky thing you smelled? Teddy's pee; he wet his diaper, and we know he has some kind of infection with how rancid it is sometimes, but we don't even bother anymore because it's recurring. What’s your favorite outdoor activity? Photographing nature.
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Lemon
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Undeniably one of NYC drag’s next big superstars, this radiant and bittersweet  young dancing queen will soon be zesting up a venue near you. Thotyssey gives Lemon the squeeze!
Thotyssey: Hey. Lemon!  So are you doing something, er, Lemony right now? Lemon: I’m just sorting through some photos I just got back from a shoot!
Your pic's everywhere these days. I just saw the flyer for your new weekly show... fabulous!
Thank you! Yeah, it’s been fun getting out there. I try to make sure my Instagram is always up to date with something new.
You're on your way to InstaFame! You don't use Facebook much though, I noticed.
Facebook is just so wordy for me. I can’t read, so, I like the photos of Instagram.
Lol! Understood!
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You are one of the hottest new queens on the scene.
OMG, you think I’m hot? Just kidding!
Scorching! Tell us, where's your hometown? I’m from Toronto originally! I moved to NYC four years ago to go to The Ailey School for dance. And now I’m in a contemporary ballet dance company during the day, and performing at night as Lemon!
Amazing! By the way, all of us New Yorkers want to move to Toronto now to have a better standard of living, and of course to get away from our terrible Prez. Should we?
Yeah! And I’m single, so all you’d have to do is put a ring on it and you can dip out, catch-free! Go live with hot dad prime minister Justin Trudeau.
Well, he does have the greatest ass in international politics! Back to you... how did drag come into your life?
I mean, drag has always been a part of my life, I think... like, wearing the mop on my head as a kid was me exploring that side of dress up! And I’ve always been a performer. I was always the class clown, I was always a storyteller, I was into makeup and hair and fashion. So I think it just had to happen; but I waited for a time that felt right to me.
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Did any Drag Race girls stick out to you as influences, or any local queens?
Well actually I think it was mostly the local queens who really inspired me to begin myself. People like Marti, Brita, Jasmine Rice LaBeija, and the girls of Stephanie’s Child really inspired me.
As a New York dancer, you were probably already in their social circle, right?
Kind of! It’s hard when you have a “day job” to be someone who goes out often and gets to be at shows. But I tried to be there for them as much as possible.
I saw what I think was your first performance as Lemon. It was at a big time drag competition, the Lady Liberty Showdown in February of this year at the Ace Hotel.
Yes! It was Snatch Game, and I did Paris Hilton! That was Lemon’s very first performance. I threw up in my mouth when they called my name!
That's a good way to get in character as Paris. The next time I saw you was a later Lady Liberty, and you won that night!
Yeah, my second Lady Liberty was Pride!
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Why "Lemon," by the way? Was Liz from 30 Rock an inspiration?
Not necessarily... although I do love Tina Fey. It was kinda something that came up as a joke, and then I realized how perfect it was for me. I wanted a name that nobody would forget.
It works! Do you feel like you always have to have blonde / yellow hair, or something yellow in your look... like Hedda Lettuce does with green? I like to have something yellow all the time, but I do stick to lighter colored or pastel hairs.
You’re competing in the current season of The Ultimate Drag Pageant at the West End. What made you want to partake, and how are you liking the experience so far?
I really wanted to push myself to do new things, and figured an 8 week pageant with a different theme every week would be a fun way to push it. It has been amazing; the competition is really fierce, so we’re always on our toes. And [host] Marti makes us all feel like royalty.
Good luck... my money’s on you!
Thank you so much!
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Aaaaand big exciting news: a new weekly drag show called Woman Crush Wednesday is debuting this week at Hardware starring Allegra Valentine, DD Fuego and yourself! This really caught us all by surprise. How long has this been in the works?
I’m so so excited about it! The girls and I have been working very hard for a while, and I think all three of us just caught the eye of the right people!
This will be the first weekly show for all three of you. What do you think it's gonna be like?
Well, one thing is for sure... because we know that a lot of people are stirring about the show, and about us, we’re all getting ready to prove ourselves in a big way!
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 Anything else coming up for you... Halloween plans, etc.?
So many exciting things, but nothing I can talk about just yet! Halloween, I’ll be at Hardware all night. Just finished planning my costume, and it’s going to be very cute!
Werk! Last question: What’s one thing the world needs to know about Lemon?
I just want the world to know how much I love and enjoy the art of drag! I think people close to me already do know, but I can’t wait to share my love and passion with everyone I possibly can!
Spread the love! Thanks, Lemon!
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Lemon co-hosts “Woman Crush Wednesdays” (10pm) at Hardware, along with  Allegra Valentine & DD Fuego. Check Thotyssey’s calendar for her scheduled gigs, and follow her on Instagram.
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