#Happy pride btw!! :D
camelspit · 1 year
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holy shit! Its done! Ive worked on this for about a month and a half now? I think? Its a somewhat redo of this post from exactly a year ago :) I hope you like it !!!
(List of symbols below the cut. Slight warning: It's a bit long)
The bird earrings and the goldish triangles in the background are supposed to represent the vacker crest and how her family name is always sort-of looming over her.
The background could be interpreted as a mirror or stained glass. a mirror because of nightfall, and stained glass because it's the kind of rich people thing the vackers would have.
The cracks in the mirror are very faintly outlined in gold. It's supposed to sort of represent how the constant pressure to be perfect and "golden" kinda fucked up her and her family, especially with regards to Alvar.
The mix of teal and purple in the mirror and the roses is supposed to symbolize the constant fight between being herself and being who her family and the rest of elven society wants her to be.
The flowers are roses because something something Biana is pretty but definitely has thorns. She can hurt you.
The butterflies are actually there for multiple reasons! Theres the obvious, being that butterflies are beautiful. But they're beautiful because their colors come from camoflauge. They look pretty to hide from predators. Also, the belding in could go with her vanisher ability.
I know it's a bit unclear, but the squigglies beside the butterflies are supposed to be snakes! Snakes are dangerous, but you don't usually notice them until it's too late. They sneak up on you. Sort-of resembling how no one would suspect Biana of being dangerous, and how being a vanisher lets her sneak up on people.
He has matching earrings with Biana. This is sort-of to go with the whole "family comes first" thing with the Vackers. The birds are also to represent the family crest! (You can also see the crest in the squares in the corners)
His color scheme has a lot more teal than Biana's did. This is mostly because of the two, the family legacy effected him more. He was always going to be the golden child. The one true Vacker kid.
The swords on the sides are supposes to sort of symbolize his fighting. He's been almost nonstop battle training for a lot of books now, and even got an actual sword in the ending of stellarlune.
The swords are wrapped in roses. It's supposed to represent Sophie, since the Ruewen crest has a rose. She is what made him realize that the elven world was really shitty, and that there's a better world worth fighting for.
The feathers beside the swords are also supposed to represent the bird in the family crest.
The scales at the top are because of mr.snuggles mostly. Dragons have scales, so i thought it'd be fun. They could also represent a snake skin, and how throughout the series he's been growing and changing.
Below the scales are little thorns. These were supposes to symbolize all the littlethings he's said and done to hurt others, even if it wasn't intentional. His anger is a protects him, just like thorns protect a rose.
In the top right corner, there's a circle with a broken heart inside. It's supposed to be his cognate ring, and all the drama that's happened with Sophie.
The objects above his shoulders are crowns! bc vacker royalty or whatever!!
There's a broken heart behind him. The most obvious comparison for this would be his relationship with Sophie, but it could also represent his connection to Alvar or Keefe. Honestly, it could represent his entire relationship with the Lost Cities.
The black dripping down the circle in the background is supposed to be shadows + quintessence. It could go with the scene in Legacy where his abilities are activated, or just represent how his life has been slowly getting darker and darker. Everything being overshadowed by the Neverseen.
The heart in the middle of the darkness can either be his empath abilites or how he's still trying to be a good person, despite everything that's happened.
The candles are a tie in to the Sencen crest, hand holding a candle. They could also represent how everything that's happened to him over the course of the books is slowly burning him out, and yet he's still desperately trying to help, and be a light for his friends.
The shapes surrounding the circle could be eyes, to represent the neverseen, or the petals of a flower. The flower would be to represent life. He's still alive and he's still going despite everything. His entire life was built on Gisela'a dream for the neverseen and her own plans though, hence why the petals are eyes.
The flowers on his necklace are a tie-in to the flowet bead necklace he made for his mother when he was little.
The petals are in a sort-of gradient from white to green. This is supposed to symbolize all the shit that's happened in recent years, and all the deaths and sadness that have piled up. There's still a ring of white though, to represent that throughout this he's still the same person. That he's still a good person.
Only one of his eyes is showing, and it's wide open. It's supposed to look a bit like the neverseen symbol.
In his outfit, you can see little heart symbols in the pattern, because he's an empath.
In the very back, the mismatched stripes are sort-of supposed to be the chaos and confusion that sort of goes with his character. His entire life is a mystery that only Gisela knows, and it's been a mess trying to figure it out. He doesn't know who he is or really why he even exists.
His eye earring is supposed to go with the Neverseen, and his sun earring is supposed to symbolize Icarus.
The little pattern on her outfit is supposed to look like moonlark feathers !
Her outfit is blue because like. Red is her color, canonically, but her whole thing is supposed to be going against whats expected of her and making changes, so! Blue.
I tried to make her hair like. sunrise-ish colors. Since shes sort of like? A new beginning for the Lost Cities? If that makes sense?
Her little hair part has the silhouette of hope.
The circle outline in the back is supposed to be the cognate ring.
The shapes surrounding the circle are little wolf claws, to go with her dire wolf Team Valiant symbol.
The stars inside the circle are supposed to be her three human family members, and then her star off to the side.
The three blood drops are supposed to be the three main deaths that have effected her. Kenric, Calla, and Forkle 1.
The three leaves outlining the circle are supposed to be Edaline, Grady, and Jolie. Something something theyre leaves because wanderlings and Jolie's death was all they could see before Sophie came to them.
The leaves are right next to the fire because Brant killed jolie with fire !
Fire in the bottom right corner because. Every single fucking thing that has happened to her regarding fire. (Also Fintan possibly being her dad)
There are 11 stripes in the top right corner for her 11 main friends.
The rose is supposed to be the rose in the Ruewen family crest.
The red stripes in the top left corner are supposed to sort of look like her inflicting lazers.
The feathers are swan feathers.
The white triangles in the bottom left corner are alicorn horns (hence the sparkles).
The 4 circles on his necklace are the triplets and him. The bottom one hanging down could be either Dex or Rex, I think.
His shirt is sort of funky? I wanted it to be a bit like Slurps-and-Burps, I guess. A tiny bit different from the others.
Stars on his shirt! For when he and Sophie went star-gazing for a homework assignment.
The branch in thr background is supposed to be from his wanderling.
Fire! Because of his whole thing with it bc. You know. Tortured by it and shit. Also, just in general, this series can't go five minutes without fire being mentioned. So.
The little oval above it is supposed to be a bit linke a finger print? Because he still has that mark from when he got tortured. It was also supposed to look a bit like a sand dollar, because he got kidnapped on the beach.
Swan at the top! (It doesn't look much like a swan bc I did it with no reference. :()
It has a green eye because Neverseen! And how they've caused all this death and shit in his life.
Theres a gear at the top because he's a technopath.
In the back it's a bit hard to see but. There are little lines throughout thr black spaces. They were supposed to look a bit like wires. Technopath.
The circle inside the gear is supposed to be his Team Valiant gem, in his circlet.
Three water drops for the triplets.
Theres water at the bottom, partly because of the beach where he got snatched, but also partly because of like. His somewhat melting relationship with his mom after the Black Swan reveal? Since shes a Froster.
Behind the drops there's five stripes, to represent his whole family.
Idk theres a lot of family symbolism in this because its like? Such an important part of his character? Their reputation is what makes up so much of his motivations, especially in the earlier books.
Her hair was supposed to look a bit like fire.
Fire shapes on her outfit.
She has a little heart pin on her outfit because of her earlier ambitions to be an empath.
Eyes on her necklace for the neverseen. The orange triangles are for fire and thr blue ovals are for water. Because of her training practice with Linh.
The 3 dots on either side of her outfit are for the other three horsegirls of the apocolypse. Linh, Maruca, and Stina.
The wrinkles on her sleeves were also supposed to look a bit like fire? Not sure how well that worked out though.
There are 5 stars on her earrings to represent the five pyrokinetics deaths that caused the ban on her ability. They're stars bc her name means star of the sea.
The pink/yellow/blue stipe on the left is supposed to represent the torch she had in the ending of stellarlune, bc those are the colors is turned.
Exillium beads above the stripes to represent her relationship with Linh and how she was angry that Sophie didn't ask her to come with her in Neverseen.
The waves above the beads are supposed to tie into her "star of the sea" name.
Above that is Fintan's ear :). The moon earring hanging down is supposed to be like, controlling the waves? And they're supposed to represent Marella's name so it's like. Fintan manipulating her during their training sessions.
The sun at the very top because like. fire. sun.
Little wind at the top right corner for her dad, Durand, whose a guster.
The shape on the right is the balcony that her mom fell off.
The vines growing up it are supposed to sort of represent death? Her mother didn't die, but I'd assume they probably mourned her a bit like they did with Alden. She's not totally gone but she'll never be the same as she once was.
Theres a salamander climbing up the balcony because of the myth that they're immune to fire, and how pyrokinetics are supposedly immune to fire but can still be effected by everblaze. If that makes sense?
There are little yellow dots scattered throughout the background that are supposed to be like. Little sparks from fire.
She has a moon earring to sort of represent control over waves and shit.
Same thing goes for the moon above her head!
Her registry pendant is like? Simpler? Compared to the others, since she was banished and all that.
Dots on her outfit are exillium beads if it wasnt clear. :)
The symbol on her jacket (?) are rainclouds.
The lines on her sleeves are supposed to look like rivers.
Purple handprint in the background because of her exillium placing.
The stairs behind it are supposed to be the stairs at Tiergan's house. There are 6, one for each person who lived there at some point.
The little red/blue drops and sea are like. The blood slowly turning into water/ her taking control over her ability.
It could also be all the ogres she probably killed when she flooded Ravagog.
The 6 stars beside the moon are to represent all the Endal-Alenfars.
The darker star is Rayni.
The plants at the top are supposed to sort of represent the gnomes they lived with. They make a dome shape, to sort of symbolize the dome surrounding Atlantis.
The flowers at the ends of the vines(?) are supposed to represent her and Tam.
The cattails at the very top are because they grow near water and Linh had to grow up near the water, even though she couldn't control it yet because of her parents.
The dragonfly was Diras idea :)
The purple and red in the background is sort of like. Who she was at exillium and in general (sweet, helpful, whatever, etc.) vs like. That darker part of her that flooded Ravagog.
He has a sun earring to sort of parallel Linh's moon. The sun has like. A bit to do with shadows if I remember 4th grade science well enough.
Exillium beads on his outfit :)
He's wearing the Endal crest because like. I think they're more important than his actual family will ever be. (It also annoys me a tiny bit that him and Linh are wearing the Song crest in almost all of their official art.)
He and Linh have the same like. Set of earrings. One gold and one silver.
Like Linh, his registry pendant is also simpler compared to the others.
The blue/black color scheme on his outfit is supposed to sort of go with him and Linh's ability colors.
Two buttons on his outfit for him and Linh.
Behind him is a shadow, to go with his ability. There are also like. Smaller shadows throughout.
Above the shadow's head is a crown. It's supposed to be the one from Legacy, when Tam had to blast Keefe.
Above him are like. 2 stars and 4 little dots. The stars are him and Linh, and the rest are the other Endal-Alenfars.
The line in the middle is supposed to represent his ambi placing in Exillium.
The top right corner is Eternalia/ the Tribunal Hall, where Linh got banished.
The top left is Exillium.
The sky like? Gets a bits brighter as it transitions from the Tribunal to Exillium to sort of represent how they were more free? I guess? Even if it wasn't ideal, they were away from their parents and they had power over their lives at least a bit.
The bottom right is the river that they lived beside in book 4 that Linh parted for them.
Beside the river are little pebbles in sets of twos for Tam and Linh.
In the bottom left is the staircase to Tiergans house.
Around the line in the middle are little flowers. From left to right they represent: Wylie, Rayni, Tiergan, Prentice, and Linh.
and that is the end of the list 👍 thank god
Tag list:
@skylilac @callas-pancake-tree @arson-anarchy-death @steal-nightmares-leave-dreams @abubble125 @purplesoup-lad-le @gay-otlc @thefoxysnake @keeper-of-the-lost-dadwin @remember-me-in-another-time @kamikothe1and0lny @you-have-been-frizzled @presidentroarie @cowboypossume @even-if-in-another-time @that-glasses-dog @slozhnos @treehouse-arson @lemon-girl-in-devil-town @three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat @purpleunicycle @frogs-and-flowers-and-faeries @unidentifiedimp @florida-preposterously @stopstealingtomatoes
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demonic0angel · 4 months
“See you later ♡” (click for clarity)
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I think it would be really funny if Dick was just completely obsessed with Dan in a slightly different way than Jason is with Jazz. Like perhaps Jason is illegal crazy but Dick is weird crazy. Basically, I just want the batboys to be obsessed with the Phantom Family, thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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sarcasticvoodoochild · 3 months
something something gay people and matching each other’s signature colors
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navyii-daisy · 4 months
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wdtajn · 1 year
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EVENT!! 👁💚⏳✨
this is an ARTIST and WRITER'S EVENT!!
a month long challenge with various prompts all starring our fave,
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every week there will be a new prompt for you to incorporate into your work (totalling in 4 prompts!) AND THE PROMPTS AAARE:
more challenge details will be revealed at the start of each week!
⭐️ participants that complete all 4 prompts will be entered in a raffle to win...
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💚 Bruno 3" Collectible Pin (Limited Edition 1/300)
💚 Bruno 6cm Double Sided Acrylic Keychain by CarlosGRomoDraw
💚 Bruno 1.5" Hourglass Symbol Holographic Sticker by PenandPawCreations
there will be ONE prize winner, but also all bruno fans will be winners bc we all get to create and enjoy new BRUNO CONTENT all month long!! :D
... BYE
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raiyni-dayz · 4 months
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Doodle page of Chewy Seven-layer Ham and Cheese Croissant!!! Trying out a different brush for once😭
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kadens-a-bee · 4 months
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This is probably ooc but I couldn't stop thinking of this for like 10 minutes and I had to draw it
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judaitan · 8 months
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checking the masterbook before playing mgs3 and this guy turns out to actually be GAY??????????????? i thought yall were just goofing
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saintharvest · 1 year
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i love gay cheese
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pancakessart · 4 months
You remember those polls for that one cat drawing I did? Well, here's what they went towards!
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These are my first pride merch EVER (aside from my pronoun pins, but those are year-long necessities and not specifically pride-themed. ANYWAY) and I'm so excited to share them with you!! They are up on my Ko-fi RIGHT NOW! and I'm bringing them to a local pride market this weekend :D super excited !!!!!!!!!
more pics below the cut!!! reblogs are SUPER appreciated!!!!!
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below the cut fun fact: when the poll voted orange, I was so excited because I could loosely base the colors off of my own orange boy!!! look at him!
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you can't see the white patch on his tummy in this picture, but it's my favorite thing and I had to include it in the sticker <3
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xyl4-4444 · 3 months
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Here's the aforementioned sticker design idea for Pride month
Again... Happy Pride Month everyone✨✨✨
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bad-hobbit · 3 months
i bought a binder yall. its been almost 10 years dreaming of one. and i finally have the money to buy it.
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pixlpawz · 4 months
thank you for the love on my fursona forecast post🩷
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badassbarmaid · 1 year
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Look who’s here?
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daisycatgraph · 1 year
someone had to be the gay one in the fam and it turns out it is me.
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rip corellon larethian, you would've loved they/them as a gender-neutral pronoun option
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