#Harry Potter second gen
valoale · 8 months
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The Smiley Malfoy
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rewritingcanon · 1 month
‘scorbus coded this scorbus coded that—’
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i present scorbus fawns
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strawberryscorp · 2 months
fighting for my life to write a scorbus fic but anytime i open a document its just 💏💏💏💏
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grimalkinmessor · 5 months
So tired of all the fics that have Harry enjoy reading but it turns him into a snobby cynical asshole. Like reading would turn him into a different person completely. Shut the hell up maybe I just want to see him gushing over the latest fantasy series he stole from the nearest library and going absolutely fangirl insane when he sees a dragon for the first time, all while simultaneously backing as far away from his textbooks as possible and charging headfirst into a fight with a basilisk without researching a damn thing about it. LET HIM CONTINUE TO BE AN IMPULSIVE DUMBASS PLEASE I JUST WANTED HIM TO HAVE SOME COMFORT IN THE CUPBOARD LIKE DAMN 😭
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poisonghoull · 9 months
do we all recognize that scorpius and delphi are first cousins once removed or are we choosing not to acknowledge the fact?
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Little Harry in a tutu ft James’ arm
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cursedwithwords · 4 months
I don’t know I just find it funny that James and Teddy already act like a couple before they even get together (I’m on the chapter where Teddy makes his first appearance and James literally wraps his legs around him in the hug lol)
EHEH YEAH. I did that on purpose. I wanted to show how James is an affectionate person (masculine stereotypes be damned he's gonna kiss your forehead) and how he's very affectionate with the people he loves regardless of platonic or romantic inclinations. It's also supposed to show how effortless the "transition" will be for them between friends and more-than-friends. They already love each other beyond reason, honestly the only line that needs to be crossed is with words. All they gotta do is stop saying "best friend" and start using pet names instead, on god. This is also why everyone around them is like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ nah they a thing. Like two seconds around them and the cousins are side eyeing them. Victoire caught on IMMEDIATELY but those two still don't realize it. Everyone around them rn is just—
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apoetlens · 2 years
i propose marauders second gen in a perfect universe;
harry’s lil sister (co-parented by jegulus + marylily) idk i can’t see harry being an only child. (also imagine, harry is the perfect half of james and lily, then his little sister is the perfect halves of regulus and mary. it’s a very them thing to do)
wolfstar son
dorlene’s kid
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himelunamoon · 1 year
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pronounced like Eva-lean-ee-na
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 months
Renaming Albus Severus Potter
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So while scrolling on Tumblr, I occasionally see posts like this where the user says that Harry should have named his second son after Hagrid, Regulus, Neville or Arthur instead of Snape (and Dumbles often as well but it's mostly Snape).
And I am just so bewildered. Why would Harry name his son after Regulus?? As much as I love Reggie as part of the Black family (best family in HP 100%), he's a paper-thin character. He's not even a secondary character. If someone can say Regulus deserves this honour because of his effort in the Horcrux takedown...what about Snape? The man who constantly protected Harry and other kids? The man who played his part in taking down Voldy? The man whose dying moment involved helping Harry beat Voldy?
For all we know, Reggie died still believing in pureblood supremacy.
Look, I hate all of Harry's kids. Actually, Scorpius is the only next-gen kid I can tolerate, sometimes Albus. I have tried reading hp next gen fics and most of them are vomit-inducing and cliche. But I feel sorry for Albus Potter being named after teachers while his siblings were named after grandparents and loved ones. I feel conflicted about one of James' grandkids having Severus' name - it almost feels dirty. But also cathartic at the same time. It's amusing to imagine James rolling in his grave because of it.
Anyway, I am just amused at posts like this.
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
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liking this ship is my fulltime job actually
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hp next gen hcs - the potter siblings
okay my brainrot is actually killing me so here’re some headcanons featuring the potter siblings
james sirius potter
while his namesakes are perhaps the biggest troublemakers hogwarts has come across, james is actually a model student who does well in all of his classes and makes sure to follow the rules
becomes a gryffindor prefect
freddie and roxanne are also in his year and they’re some of his best friends, along with teddy in hufflepuff
quidditch chaser
plays quidditch all the time at home with ginny and sometimes harry
while he is popular at hogwarts both for his personality and his family, he has a lot of muggle-born/muggle friends outside of school who he just hangs out with
oldest sibling activities; constantly watching albus and lily when their parents aren’t home and does the dishes/laundry when his parents are stressed
james makes fun of albus a lot, but he knows which jokes will make albus laugh or which ones will hit a soft spot and he’s very careful about that
when someone makes a joke about albus that’s more of an insult than a joke/something that albus doesn’t like, james makes it clear that nobody gets to do that, not even james
does well in all of his subjects, however, the hands-on topics (charms, d.a.d.a, etc.) are his best, including potions
gets along with literally everybody
social chameleon, matches everyone’s humor and vibes
sees teddy as a cool older brother figure, and hangs out with him a lot - teddy once got him beer without james’s parents knowing, and since then teddy has been solidified as james’s best friend
bisexual asf; harry and ginny were surprised that he’d date anyone but men (lmao)
masks a lot of his emotions with humor, and he struggles with his emotional intelligence even though he knows he has a whole family, the whole of hogwarts, and like 10 other muggle friends that are there for him
always keeps up on the gossip that the prophet spews out about their family and constantly brings it up at dinner; he finds it hilarious
this man loves rock and pop music
always with lily luna, learnt how to braid her hair and make it look nice and help her with her self-image because the wizarding world isn’t any nicer to girls than ours
tries to understand albus as best he can
inherited parseltongue from harry
albus severus potter
also a pretty good student, does get in trouble occasionally (“mr. potter, please exit the broom closet and do it somewhere else-”) but overall isn’t horrible
talks in slang and abbreviates everything, especially in texts, while scorpius talks very formally which makes their dynamic so funny
wears a hoodie under his robes
he’s best at the classes harry was horrible at (history of magic, divination, potions, astronomy) and albus secretly enjoys this, because it separates him from his father
in his second year, he couldn’t stand people making fun of his name so his family are the only ones able to call him albus
when he’s at school, studying is his coping mechanism, and he tends to hyperfixate on it
has autism
has the most wild, out-of-pocket, crazy ideas
hates quidditch and brooms in general; they scare him because how can you be safe on a stick that’s no thicker than your forearm?
appreciates the small things
tries to suppress his tics (mostly vocal) because people made fun of him for it
inspired from a tumblr post which I can’t find now, but albus is very skilled at mind magics (legilimency, occlumency) and that’s why he likes scorpius so much, because his thoughts are genuine and kind
really big on architecture
coffee mechanics fiend. not even coffee, coffee mechanics. he grinds his own coffee and will use a particle accelerator to get a slightly better cup.
loves muggle bookstores because of their take on fantasy; wizarding fantasy books aren’t very common because the wizarding world is already fantastical, there’s really nothing to imagine
nintendo kid
would really enjoy games like slime rancher, stardew valley, etc.
because middle name severus is literal dogshit, he ends up claiming hagrid’s name, because wtf harry literally loved hagrid and now he’s gone? his new name ends up being albus rubeus potter. the marauders in the afterlife rejoice.
he likes being called arthur instead of albus, but really nobody knows about this other than scorpius.
has a hard time with metaphors and such (“he wears his heart on his sleeve”, “jealousy is a green-eyed beast”, “x gets under my skin”) and he takes them too literally, which is another reason why he likes scorpius, because he’s direct and doesn’t bother with things like these
nobody can tell if he’s being serious or sarcastic
loves the nyt games, especially wordle, connections, and the crossword.
lily luna potter
the one the teachers should look out for; biggest troublemaker out of the three siblings, completely caught the teachers off-guard when she arrived; she is chaos incarnate
people call her lou or lils, she is rarely called lily or luna.
has her dad’s stubbornness, her mom’s attitude and chaotic energy, and her uncle’s mischievousness
quidditch is perhaps her favorite sport and will always beg to accompany ginny during her championships and the such; seeker
besties with ginny; idk why all the hcs say she’s besties wit harry
inherits parseltongue from harry (i don’t care if that came from voldy’s soul or not, this might be so funny) and shit talks people in parseltongue; nobody knows what she’s saying except james, who also inherited the trait
hates the mornings; her record for sleeping in is 3:07 PM
loves indie music
definitely has a rock/crystal collection
also an astrology/astronomy kinda girl, somewhat in honor of her middle name, luna (which is “moon” in spanish)
does yoga to calm herself down after a particularly hard day
very good at hands-on classes, including potions, d.a.d.a, transfiguration, and care of magical creatures
james and lily is an ultimate duo and everyone fears them
doesn't really mind that she's harry potter's daughter - none of that pressure to "live up to the expectations" gets to her all that much, because both of her namesakes aren't that spoken about
does anything to prove that she isn't a baby that the prophet gets to dress up; she once dyed her hair bright blue and ginny was all for it
super close with roxanne because younger sisters club!!!
she blows through all the boys and victoire highly disapproves of this
once she's older, she's most definitely a reckless party girl who drinks way too much and spends a lot of her mornings hungover
loud chewers annoy the shit out of her
sneaks snacks onto class and takes photos in the bathroom
would be the type of person to love jerky
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elisedonut · 6 months
Lightning round because i for sure got distracted and never finished after day 12
so here we go i wont go into too much detail for any of these I did skip a couple that i didn't have an idea for as expected but enjoy!
13. A fic with over 100k words 
Percy Take the Wheel by KittySmith
My personal favorite long Percy-centric fic!
Based on the concept of “What if Molly and Arthur died between the first and second books and Percy ended up being the brother to step up to take care of his younger siblings”
14. A favorite series
Harry Potter and the Ticket Backwards by viciousmouse
Gen Time travel Au’s my beloved. Another Harry goes back in fic but this one has a ton of focus on smaller characters Dudley, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott ect ect.
Also Harry convinces Percy to try to become a lawyer. 
16 A fic that made you laugh 
Hexes Are Not Romantic by Electroid
Flintley with Marcus being dumb and not going about this whole flirting thing very well. Very cute.
19. Fic with the hottest smut 
Points (not) Taken by Green
Flintley with honestly, again Marcus just not doing boundaries but i think about it alot, it’s probably one of my favorite Flintley works.
20. A fic rated G
Dancing Lessons by HPfanatic12 
Gen fic where Percy teaches Harry how to dance for the Yule Ball. Very cute and fun concept.
+ Ludicrous by mrsprobie 
Justin Finch-Fletchley/Percy Weasley, meet cute. Very cute.
23. A soulmate fic
Into Oblivion by hmweasley
Draco Malfoy/Percy Weasley, I know someone else has Rec’ed this one for this fest already but i am too it’s very interesting 
24. A holiday fic
Saving Christmas by A_Door 
Percy Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Very cute story of Blaise trying to show Percy their into him without saying it despite their many attempts going right over Percy’s head.
25. A fic rated T
wholly true by starsailing
Flintley, Once again awkward Marcus trying to court/flirt will never not be entertaining to me. In this case with gift giving 
26. A fic with an ending you can’t stop thinking about
There's Rue for You by Mr_Customs_Man
Flintley but only like kinda, anyway Ok so i’ll admit i'm stretching ending here. The part I think the most about with this is the end of Percy’s stay with Marcus but still I think about the regular ending too, because that whole last paragraph is just oof.
It’s fic exploring an AU where Peter polyjuiced as Percy after the fight and Percy goes through hell
27. A Muggle-AU fic
blueberry eyes ( seem to make time still ) by pandorascrate
Hannah Abbott/Percy Weasley. I liked that they didn't immediately get together. It took years in the story for them to get together. Also Percy feels good in this. I like the way he was written.
29. A post-canon fic More Lessons in Grieving as Taught by Dennis Creevy by angeladex
Gen Dennis and George talk after the final battle. Pulling Dennis into stories revolving around the Weasley’s grief for Fred is always really interesting to me and i’m not going to lie this one almost made me cry.
30. A pre-canon fic Life Lessons as Taught by Luna Lovegood by angeladex
Gen When Luna’s mom dies she goes to the burrow to tell the Weasley’s her family won’t be coming over for dinner after all and Percy walks her home. I really liked this. Percy’s reactions to a 9 year old Luna trying to weave around saying outright that her mom is dead was really good.
31. A fav amongst favs Vivaldi and Hot Chocolate by Patriceavril
Stan Shunpike/Percy Weasley, I’m very biased towards this one i won’t even lie but i love it very much. It’s cute, it’s sweet. Percy’s characterization is really nice. Stan’s characterization is really fun.
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regulusblackfest · 21 days
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Round Up 3
And the last week of posting wraps with a few more great submissions. This concludes this year's posting period, thank you so much to everyone who participated, read along, commented, and so on! Author reveals and the Masterlist will go live on Friday <3
Title: Unchained Pairing/Main Characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black  Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Word Count: 7,868
Sirius and Regulus Black end up in the same cell in Azkaban.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55475866
Title: Happily Never After Rating: E Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black / James Potter Medium/Word Count: Written, 4717
It’s a flurry of limbs. James doesn’t waste a second pulling him inside - or maybe that’s for practicality sake. If Sirius saw them together he’d lose it on account of them being them, and if Remus saw them together he’d lose it on account of it being the night before his wedding. Or, Regulus and James are friends with benefits. All hell breaks loose.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55710286
Title: Many Are The Stars I See (But In My Eye No Star Like Thee) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier Medium/Word Count: Fic//62,794
Light cannot exist without darkness, and darkness cannot exist without light. You must have the contrast for both to exist.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55593169/chapters/141099943
Title: Something Like Love Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter, minor Remus Lupin/Sirius Black Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 532
Regulus Black never planned to fall in love with James Potter. Then again, there are a lot of things he didn’t plan. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55713508
Title: Black Sails Pairing/main characters: James Potter/Regulus Black Rating: Explicit Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 9k
James and his crew do a rescue mission to take Sirius back, who had been recaptured by his family. He finds a pretty jewel on the way. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55741669
Title: The Letters From No One Pairing/main characters: Gen; Regulus Black, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Mention of Suicide, Mention of Violence In a School Medium/Word Count: 38,170
An unexpected find in Godric's Hollow. While cleaning out the Potter cottage after Voldemort's defeat, someone discovers a bundle of letters addressed to Sirius Black.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55794715/chapters/141650344
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Finally as promised!!
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Little Luna lovegood
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cursedwithwords · 5 months
james an andrew hozier byrnes stan so true
✌️😔 eat your young, king
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