#the more I look at him the more he looks like Pennywise
valoale · 8 months
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The Smiley Malfoy
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charliedawn · 7 months
Heyyy :) glad your back 🖤🖤🖤 I don’t know if your doing requests or not but if you are could you do, how would the slashers flirt with nurse? (Particularly five since he is like a old man I thought that would be funny) no worries if you can’t, I love your work ❣️❣️❣️
Warning: Highly suggestive.
Bo Sinclair :
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"Well…Hello there, sugar pie. Ya lookin’ mighty alone. Mind if I change that fer ya ?"
Captain Smooth and Sailing. Bo knows how to be charming and he’d just waltz in with the biggest grin on his face and lean back before shooting you a smouldering gaze.
He knows what he wants and will go to any means to get it. And I mean any…
Bo *sneaking up on you from behind and wrapping his arms around you before giving you a kiss on the shoulder* "…Good mornin’, sunflower…How ya doin’ ? Good ? That’s great…" *whispers in your ear* "Bet I could make it better fer ya though."
He can be smooth, but also filthy. Depends on the day. One day he’ll be whispering sweet nothings into your ear, the next he’ll be slapping your ass and calling it a day.
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Pennywise doesn’t touch. And doesn’t like being touched. His flirtation will be very limited and subtle. It’ll mostly be grins and cackles and mocking huffs…
Pennywise: "Well…Hello there, beautiful. Do you know that your hair is a mess and you look more like an asylum patient than a nurse today ?"
You *roll your eyes and start walking away* "Good morning to you too, Pennywise."
Him *snickers behind you* "Good morning indeed. If I still had to spook children to get my food, I’d certainly take your morning face…That’d do the trick."
Yeah…That’s Pennywise flirting. He wouldn’t flirt with you face to face…but he’d still do some things from time to time.
For example, you may find breakfast magically appearing on your desk, or a cup of (h/d) next to you when you finally sit and take a break.
Penny :
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Penny *hugs you tightly and refuses to let you go*
You : "…Penny. I need to work."
Penny *squeezes you harder*
Yeah…You won’t get any work done. That’s for sure. Penny is stubborn. He will not leave you alone and will keep holding you until he has enough.
That’s his way of flirting.
But…He has another side to him.
He bites. He can use it to show affection. He does it sometimes with his brother and the other slashers, but he’d be extra gentle with you and be careful not to hurt you.
He’d bite your wrist, your neck, your cheek…Just to say that he appreciates you. And even if it’s just to say hello. That’s Penny flirting. He doesn’t use words, but actions.
Vincent :
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He takes pictures of you. They were pretty innocent at first. He’d take pictures of you walking around the hospital and taking care of the patients. The staff even used his photographs to advertise the hospital.
But quickly…the photographs became recurrent and more intimate. He’d follow you around and almost beg you to pose for him.
He’d become obsessed and bring you some of his morbid art pieces for you two to simply talk and be close to you.
And you try to deny him attention ?
The man knows how to get what he wants. He’s similar to Bo in that way, but where Bo is demanding ? Vincent is all about begging and whining.
He’d go down on his knees and grab the hem of your shirt to pull you towards him and beg you to let him take photographs of you and keep them. Take some for his…personal use.
Vincent flirting is desperation.
He’d beg you until you give him the time of day.
Michael Myers :
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Michael *wordlessly pats his thigh*
The seat is all yours if you want it.
Kidding. Or not.
*cough cough*
Michael likes to cook and he’d fix you meals to cheer you up and listen to you if you need to. He’d be the perfect gentleman and even though he can’t talk, he’d make it obvious that he likes you through other means.
He’d protect you and make sure you are happy.
Unfortunately, because he can’t help bu want to kill you all the time, it’d be very difficult for the both of you to actually go on a date or go more than flirting basis. But, he’d still try to let you know that he likes you sometimes.
Michael *takes your hand and pulls you into a tight hug*
Michael may look or sound unapproachable at first, but it is because he is afraid of giving into hate and just lose control over the little humanity he has left…
Freddy Krueger :
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"Yo. Wanna bang ?"
Freddy is NOT subtle. He’s a slimy and sleazy little goblin who loves nothing more than touch, grab, grope and squeeze.
He’d follow you around like your personal horny demon.
"Coooome on ! I know ya wanna see what’s in my pants ! Just say yes, sweetheart ! See how daddy does it !"
Filthy language and sleazy smirks all the way. He’d be whistling after you and tip his fedora at you or lick his lips while looking you up and down.
To make it short: Flirty is his middle name and he’d just make sure to let you know that he is ALWAYS available and ready.
Freddy *smirks and takes your hand before dancing with you* "COME ON ! Move those curves, lovely !" *cackles*
Freddy may look and sound like a scumbag most of the time, but he is capable of being romantic. He only lets special people see it.
Jason :
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Jason is shy and will never be confrontational when it comes to flirting.
He maybe waves at you and hugs you sometimes, but not enough for you to understand what he means.
But, he is good with his hands and soon enough, goes to work.
Jason leaves you gifts. On your desk, on your nightstand, or any place he thinks you and only you would find them.
He carves little wooden figurines, mostly of frogs that he leaves around for you to find. And you always do. You then put then on a special shelf in the living room for everyone to see and admire.
It may not have been the initial goal, but he is happy to see you smile. And that is all he needs…
Norman Bates :
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"My darling…Would you…Would you do me the honour of going on a special outing with me ? Just the two of us ?"
Norman was an anxious wreck. He had sweaty hands and an nervous smile on his face. He wanted you to say yes. He had been thinking about a way to approach the matter with you for weeks…
You smiled back and when you accepted…he was overjoyed.
Norman is rather old-fashioned. His way of flirting is asking you out and treating you like a princess (or a prince)
He’d be more than happy to compliment you all day long and simply brush his fingers against yours while you stare deeply into each other’s eyes.
Five Hargreeves :
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"Tell me, Y/N. Are you alright ?"
You glanced back at him and blinked twice at the child who just asked you that question.
"…Last time I checked. Yes."
You then focused back on your work and tried to forget about it, but then Five sat down on your desk to look at the papers you were signing.
You didn’t think much of it until he rested his hand on the back of your neck and his thumb traced circles there.
You looked up at him, and he stared right back. You knew he was technically older inside but…You still swapped his hand away.
"Okay. What do you want ?"
"You. Me. Drink."
Your eyes widened and you looked around.
"How about you come back to me when you are…say…15 years older ?"
Yeah. He may be older in his mind. But his body is still very much the one of a child so…Wait and see.
Patrick Bateman :
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"Y/N. It has come to my attention that we haven’t had sex yet. Care to explain why ?"
That man has the ego of a mansion. He wouldn’t be flirting, he’d be practical.
Who needs feelings ? Who needs flirting ? He knows you find him attractive. And you know he finds you attractive. Why waste time on things like flirting ?
Patrick Bateman is a business man.
He sees a relationship as unnecessary as long as it doesn’t bring him anything.
So, if he starts showing interest in you ?
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not-my-final-account · 5 months
Danny is Gotham
“Are we safe now ghost boy?” Paulina asked
“Yes we’re fine,” I would usually be nicer but I had a whole evening planned before some ghost threw Paulina into the ghost zone for No Apparent Reason! Besides, something had been tugging at my core all day, I just couldn’t place it and it was getting annoying!
“We have to-” I cringed over in pain and it felt as though my core hada been shoved under tones of pressure.
I gasped for breath
“-ost boy! Ghost boy!” Paulina asked, getting incresingly worried. I grunted “Ghost boy are you okay?!” she asked
“Fright knight, gaurd Paulina.” I grunted, and then I flew off.
I flew towards my city, my haunt. My knight. My bird. I didn’t really understand what was going on but something was wrong, horribly wrong, with my bird, he was asking for help and I was going to answer.
I summoned a portal and flew through into some place, but where I was didn’t matter. I was looking at some pennywise rip off hurting MY BIRD!!! and I saw green.
I carried my bird out and held him in my arms, using my ectoplasm to heal him. “Shh, it’s okay. I’m going to bring you to your dad, you’re going to be alright.” I reassured
“Dad?” my bird asked weakly
“Your dad.” I reassured
“W-who are?” my bird tried to asked
“I’m Gotham.” I said “I owe you a great debt little bird.” I said “Healing my city, I’m so proud of you.” I cooed
“I- I didn’t fail you?” he asked hopefully
“You could never fail me, or your dad.” I told my bird.
I was stressing, I pulled my cowl on and off, Batman couldn’t help, Batman never helped and now Jason was gone! Jason was gone. Jason Was Gone. JASON WAS GONE. JASON WA- the door opened.
I spun around to see the silhouette of Gotham hovering in the air
“Gotham, Joker he-” I froze as Gotham stepped into the light. He was carrying Jason and dripping in blood- not either of their blood either.
“If you’ll excuse me, there’s a clown I have unfinished buisness with.” Gotham said, so calmly.
Gotham seemed calm, and yet the city raged. The earth shook in barely supressed rage, the sky thundered in booming claps like a clock ticking, the ocean roared in fury and unyielding anger, the wind shrieked and howled in grief. Gotham was angry.
“D-dad?” Jason sat up and I nearly sobbed in relief “Dad, Gotham saved me.” Jason said, he looked at the blood on the floor “Dad what happened to Gotham?!” Jason asked worriedly
“Gotham is fine. I’m more worried about what he’s going to do.” I said
“He’s going to kill Joker.” Jason stated, then he tilted his head “You’re not going to try stop him.”
“I don’t think anyone can stop Gotham.” I said honestly.
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writeonwhiskey · 5 months
the skz house: ch 9
a/n: So excited to get this one out to you guys! I hope you enjoy it 😁Thank you again to @cloverstayy for the beautiful graphic 🩵 she's amazing and is on insta & tiktok under the same name.
edit 1/22/24 - I have changed a few things around, this was previously chapter 7, but will now be chapter 9. Stay with me people!
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Summary: Welcome to Sigma Kappa Zeta, the most popular fraternity on campus. When you, down on your luck and looking for a place to live, see their ad for ‘IN-HOUSE STAY’. You're one of the four girls chosen and find that your duties for the rest of the school year will be cooking, cleaning, and pleasing your assigned house members: Hyunjin & Bang Chan.
Chapter Nine: Of Halloween and Hallways
It’s now approaching the end of your first month at the SKZ house. Hyunjin still has not pressured you to move further, but you have continued to explore each others bodies more. Whenever you’re with him, kissing and cuddling in bed, you both allow your hands to roam freely across each other. He’s made it clear that you have control of the reins with him. You enjoy the power—getting both yourself and Hyunjin worked up, kissing, touching, fondling, just to back off. Maybe Chan’s sadism is rubbing off on you a bit. 
Speaking of Chan, your nights with him since offering your submission are always like rolling a 20 sided die. You might be teased, you might get fucked, he might be sweet, but more often he’s rough. He does seem to make some kind of effort to not come off as a dick, however there is definitely still a wall between you two. You feel more comfortable conversing with him, though it’s usually just small talk and nothing remotely deep. 
Lee Know’s birthday passes on Wednesday, October 25th and everyone celebrates with dinner, drinks and dessert. You and Allie helped Felix bake him a chocolate cake (they wouldn’t let you add arsenic, which was a bummer).
It’s now Saturday, October 28th—the day of the Halloween party. The morning of is spent with everyone moving throughout the house making sure their appointed tasks are complete. As evening approaches, your excitement for the event grows—everyone has kept their final costume reveals a secret and you can’t wait to see what they have all come up with. 
Your main goal is to have a good time and possibly, finally have sex with Hyunjin. But, oh, sweet girl, you have no clue what the night has in store for you. 
All of the decorations and finishing touches have been put in place. There are spiderwebs and bats strewn across the ceiling in the living room, a couple skeletons are seated at the dining room table that’s surrounded by floating candles, severed hands and feet rest on surfaces throughout the home, spiders of various sizes adorn the walls, and there’s even an animatronic Pennywise in the in the guest bathroom guaranteed to scare people shitless, but, hopefully not literally as that will just be a nightmare to clean. 
The kegs arrive and are carted off to the basement and backyard. You’re setting up the snack table, putting out the orange and black paper cups, plates, and napkins when you hear a commotion coming down the stairs. 
“This is stupid,” the familiar voice of Lee Know grumbles and you immediately smile.
“I can’t believe I’m wearing a dress,” says Changbin.
Two weeks ago you challenged Changbin and Lee Know in beer pong—winner got to choose the others Halloween costume. You had Hyunjin on your team and came out victorious.
“I don’t look that bad,” comes the voice of Seungmin. 
Seungmin you challenged in a game of pool, same stakes. You’re shit at it, but he sank the 8 ball early and thus, you had all of them right where you wanted.
You turn around to face the stairs as they finish making their way down and bring your hand to your mouth to cover your laugh. They really committed…and their assignees had obviously helped put their looks together, from the makeup to the faux cleavage.
“The Sanderson sisters have come to SKZ house,” Han announces, pointing and laughing at the trio.
Changbin is dressed as Mary—eyebrows drawn on pencil thin, lips crooked and painted red, with a black wig shaped like a witch’s hat. Seungmin is Sarah—thick, dark eyebrows and eye makeup and a long, blonde wig. And the beautiful Lee Know is Winifred—copious amounts of blush on his cheeks, red lipstick only on the middle part of his lips, red wig and, of course, the look wouldn’t be complete without the trademark buck teeth. 
“BoooOOOOOoook,” he wails as he enters the living room and everyone fucking loses it. 
You finally have a chance to shower and get changed into your costume. It took you a while to decide on what you would be, but Hyunjin suggested an idea to play off what Chan is going as and you went along with it. 
With your dress, corset, fishnets, calf-high combat boots in place and make up complete, you make your way back downstairs. The regular lights have all been turned off so the house has a darker feel to it, but there are various purple, red, and orange lights throughout to compliment the decorations and mood. 
Hyunjin is sitting on the couch and offers you a look of appreciation when he sees you. You can only giggle at his costume. He’s half-assed it, for sure, but he still looks adorable. He’s wearing his regular clothing and has a headband on with pink ears, a pink bow tie, and a pink pigs nose covering his own. He turns around to show you the squiggly tail hanging near his butt. 
“Cute,” you tell him. 
“You look way better,” he says, pulling you close and lifting his pig nose to kiss you on the lips. 
You look around the living room and survey everyone’s costumes. Han is dressed as Jack Sparrow, Felix looks like a man being taken by an inflatable alien and Allie is dressed as an agent from ‘Men In Black’. Jeongin is Woody from Toy Story and Charlotte is Jesse, they’re adorable. Rhiannon has decided to play along with Seungmin and Changbin as the Sanderson sisters and dressed as Binx, wearing all black with cat ears and whiskers, she even popped in some yellow cat eye contacts. 
You don’t see Chan though and you’ve been dying to know what he’s put together. You excuse yourself from the room and check for him in the kitchen, but he’s not there either so you make your way to the basement. 
It’s dark there as well, but lights have been added to each step to prevent anyone from falling. The lighting in the room is purple and a projector casts various Halloween themed images against the walls in slow, spinning rotation. 
Chan and Changbin have their back to you as they struggle to get the dry ice machine working. 
“Need any help?” You ask, and they turn to look at you over their shoulder. 
Changbin’s eyebrows raise at the sight of you, followed by a nod and thumbs up thrown in your direction before he turns his attention back to the machine. 
Chan turns around to face you, smirking as he takes in your costume. The first thing you notice on him is the amount of skin showing on his upper body and the slash-like wounds that have been added to it. You look from his bare navel up to his eyes and arch an eyebrow. It’s definitely not what you had expected but holy fuck does the sight of him make you want to let him do despicable things to you.
In his ears he has one silver stud earring and the the other is shaped like a fang. On his upper half he’s wearing a furry, grey vest that has a hood with a realistic wolf’s head attached to it. On his lower half he has on a pair of black boots and low hanging, ripped black jeans with black Supreme boxers peeking above the top. His hands are covered in grey, furry gloves with nothing but his finger tips out. 
“Little red, eh?” He asks, looking you up and down. 
Your costume consists of a dress that is white at the top (frilly and off the shoulders) then turns red near your hips accompanied by a black bustier that’s squeezing your insides together and pushing up your breasts. A red cloak is also draped around your shoulders, tied in a delicate bow across your clavicle. The fishnets and combat boots add a sexy, grungy feel to the look.
You pinch the sides of your dress between your thumb and forefinger, extend your right foot back and curtsy.
You hate to admit that Seungmin was right. Actually, you would never admit that. However, telling people the party began at 7:30 ensured they actually started showing up around 8:30. Everyone is now scattered throughout the first floor, basement and backyard.
You start the night off with a shot to calm your nerves from being in the house full of so many people. You also can’t help but feel like a hostess, wanting to make sure the snacks and drinks are never empty. You make sure the best costume voting station has pens and paper. You refill bowls of chips. Changbin follows behind you as you refill the drink dispensers to slip more alcohol into it. You eye him carefully and shoo him away from the one dispenser clearly labeled as non-alcoholic. Not everybody wants to get shitfaced tonight. 
When you’re not playing hostess, you float around from room to room. With all the housemates here, you always have someone to wander off and talk to, which is comforting. You spend some time cheering Lee Know and Allie on as they reign over the beer pong table. You listen as Jeongin engages in a conversation with a group of girls, talking about needing models for an upcoming project. He has his arm wrapped around Charlotte’s waist as he addresses them, and she looks so out of her element, but leans onto him for support.
As far as you’ve seen, the boys really live up to the rule about not sleeping with anyone else outside of the house. Jeongin could probably pull any one of those girls in that circle, but he’s making it clear he has someone and is not interested. 
Felix really did put himself in charge of the music and made a master playlist that’s blaring throughout the main floor. You spend some time with him in the living room, watching the people mingle and dance. Later you join Seungmin and Rhiannon in the backyard, sitting around the fire pit with a couple of others.
The house is fucking packed. With the music so loud, people’s conversations sound more like shouting matches. You take another shot with Hyunjin and snack on some of the Halloween-themed food that was catered. There are several giant, soft pretzels shaped like spiders, stuffed peppers that look like Jack-O-Lanterns, witch hat shaped calzones, white chocolate covered strawberries that look like ghosts, cheese wrapped with prosciutto and a green olive in the center to make it look like an eyeball. You’re delighted with the selections you and the girls made. 
Eventually, you duck off from a conversation with Han (who, after two drinks is taking his role as Jack Sparrow a little too seriously), to head to the bathroom on the second floor. You bypass the yellow caution tape blocking upstairs to let everyone know it’s off limits, and head up. It’s dark and the lighting has been changed to red, making it feel extremely eerie. 
Once in the bathroom, you quickly relieve your bladder and wash your hands. When you’re done, you stay inside for a bit longer than necessary, just needing a moment of silence. You can still hear the music bumping and people chattering, but it feels calmer in here. You lean against the counter, check your makeup and adjust your costume. The corset is tight around your chest—but it does look good. You bounce, tipsy enough to giggle at the sight of your boobs jiggling in the mirror. 
There’s a knock at the door that snatches the laugh right out of you. 
“Yes?” You call out, wondering who it could be. The girls would have walked right in, but no one else should be up here. 
There’s no response, so you open the door, ready to tell off whoever it is. 
“Second floor is off—“
The first thing you see is a wolf’s snout. 
“What are you doing?” You ask Chan, shutting the light off to the bathroom. You place a hand on his chest and force him backwards into the hallway.
You move to drop your hand from his chest, but his fur clad hand stops you, keeping it in place. 
“Just making sure nobody else was up here,” he shrugs. 
He places his other hand on your waist and pulls you to him. 
“Hmmm,” you hum, looking up at him skeptically. “Did you find anyone?”
“This costume,” he switches gears and releases your wrist, not allowing you time to call him on his bullshit. You can smell the alcohol on his breath, but he’s not drunk.
His eyes trail down to your cleavage. He brings a hand up to trace lines back and forth across the top of your breasts with his finger.
“So you did wanna play dress up with me?” 
Your eyes drop to his fingers touching you. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction of saying yes.
“It was Hyunjin’s idea,” you reply.
“Oh?” He cocks his head to the side. “Those are two different wolves though—from the three pigs and little red.”
“And?” You counter.
His hand slides up from your breasts to your neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. You are slowly growing accustom to the feel of this. You were shocked the first time he did it—there must have been an intense look of panic on your face because he eased up his grip and assured you he wouldn’t hurt you. It’s odd to think you trust him more sexually than in your everyday life, but he’s shown you enough when fucking you to let you know it’s all meant to be pleasurable in some way—sometimes for both of you, sometimes just for one of you. 
“You guys never clarified what wolf I am,” he says.
His hand drops from your neck to yank down the fabric and reveal one of your breasts. You look down the hall, a look of shock plastered to your face, but there’s no one in sight. He doesn’t seem like he would care, even if there was. When your eyes meet with his again, he’s staring right back at you. Daring you to protest.
He pushes the wolf head off and it falls to his back. His dark, curly hair is stuck to his forehead after having it on for so long. You lean back instinctively as he lowers his head to take your nipple in his mouth and let out a surprised gasp. 
“Chan,” you say, gripping his bare waist. 
He swirls his tongue around your nipple and bites it, eliciting another gasp from you. He releases your nipple and stands up straight, cupping your breast as he makes a declaration you’ll never forget.
“I wanna be Red’s wolf.”
No smirk, no smile…it doesn’t feel like he’s joking or teasing you. Does he mean it?
Your hand shoots up to his neck lightning fast, pulling him down and crashing your lips to his. He spins you both around so your back is now against the wall as he kisses you. You roll your body, pressing your hips against his as his tongue clashes with yours. 
He leans back for a moment, biting his furry glove with his hand to pull it off so his hand can feel you completely. When his lips are on yours again, his other hand takes hold of your neck once more, squeezing it as you slip your tongue in his mouth and he sucks it in further.
With his now glove free hand, he lowers it to rub at your fishnet covered thighs. His hand inches higher beneath the hem of the dress until it’s right between your legs. But then he freezes.
He breaks the kiss, still gripping your neck. His thumb rests on one side, pointer finger directly on your chin, and the other three are on the opposite side. He pushes your head up, pressing your head to the wall as you both catch your breath.
“Is shark week over yet?” He asks, cupping your pussy. 
You start to repeat the phrase back to him, but chuckle as the realization hits you. The last three days you had been with him you were nearing the end of ‘shark week’ as he just called it. He had kept his distance, for the most part, aside from an impromptu morning blowjob before he trotted off to class on Tuesday. 
“Yes,” you breathe in response. 
His thumb and pointer finger squeeze your jaw, lowering your head and allowing him to recapture your lips. He resumes moving his other hand, hooking two fingers between the fishnets and the side of your underwear. He sucks on your bottom lip as his fingers rub your pussy, feeling how wet you are. He groans into your mouth as his fingers circle between your lips.
“I wanna fuck you so bad, Red,” he says, breaking the kiss once again.
He withdraws his fingers and brings them up to his mouth, popping them right inside and sucking your juices off. You watch him through lustful eyes, loving how fond he is of your taste. He’s not even remotely communicative with you but in these small moments you share, you understand all you need.  
He pulls his other glove off and tosses it aside before dropping to his knees in front of you and bringing both hands to where the fishnets are at your crotch, poised to rip them apart. 
“Chan!” You yell, grabbing his wrists. “I’ve only gotten to wear this for three hours, the party isn’t even over yet.”
“So?” He says, breaking his wrists free of your hands with ease. 
“So, relax.” You say, taking hold of his wrists again. “And wait.”
He drops his hands and sits back on his heels, looking up at you. With only the red light illuminating the hallway, his gaze feels ravenous. Perhaps he does not like you telling him what to do. You second guess your word choice…maybe you should have added a please in there. You shift your weight from one foot to the other as his continued silence makes you anxious. 
When his hands move back to your thighs, you don’t even try to stop him this time. Resisting is futile. You always give in to the pleasure. They slide up beneath the hem of the dress again, but instead of ripping them, he respectfully finds the waistband of the fishnets. His eyes never leave yours as he hooks his finger inside them and slowly pulls them down, dragging your underwear with it. 
You bite your lip to keep from smiling. So maybe he disregarded the part about waiting, but he did at least grant your request to not rip them. He has a smug look on his face, seeing your reaction. You avert your gaze down the hall, wanting to check that the coast is clear but also wanting to keep him from seeing how much of an affect a small act of kindness from him makes you feel. 
The hallway is still empty. 
You look back to Chan and pull your dress up and out of the way. He uses one hand to keep the fishnets and underwear pulled down as the other guides your leg over his shoulder. And as soon as he leans forward, taking your pussy in his mouth, you know you wouldn’t fucking care if the entire party walked up here right now.
You squeeze your eyes shut as you roll your hips, pushing your pussy against his face so he can properly devour you. The music downstairs is muffled, but still mostly drowns out the sound of him slurping you up. He replaces his mouth with his fingers, playing in your wetness. He uses his thumb to rub circles around your clit as you grip his hair with your free hand. 
“Fuuuck,” he drawls, pressing his thumb against you harder, watching your hips move in response. He slips his fingers inside of you and swaps his thumb and mouth again. 
Your eyes snap open at his words and your hand forces his face against your pussy even more. You had already declared you belong to him the first time he fucked you. Hearing him say it, hearing him claim you drives you wild. 
His fingers pump in and out of you rapidly as his tongue licks up and down your pussy. You put your head back against the wall, moaning at all the feelings. His fingers inside of you, his mouth on you, being in the hallway where anyone could come up and see you. But most of all, being his. 
“Please, Chan,” you say, feeling so fucking turned on you think you might burst.
He detaches his mouth and stands up, causing your leg to fall from his shoulder, and reclaims your mouth. You can taste yourself on his lips as his fingers keep thrusting into you. His other hand finds it way back to your neck, squeezing it harder than before. 
“Please what?” He asks, lips pressed against yours.
You keep your eyes on his as your hips fuck his fingers back, whimpering. You reach your hands between you, undoing the button on his jeans and pushing the zipper down. You slip a hand beneath the waistband of his boxers and grip his cock, feeling how hard he is.
“I need you,” you force out with his hand still around your neck and he grins. 
He knows how he makes you feel and he loves it. Seeing you desperate and needy, begging him to fuck you. 
Before he has a chance to, you see someone step onto the landing from the corner for your eye. The thought of being caught and the reality of it are two very different things. 
Chan reacts so quickly, turning to shield you, lowering his hand from you neck to pull your dress up and cover your breasts. You drop your dress and pull your fishnets and underwear back up. You peek over his shoulder to see who’s come up.
It’s Han. 
He sees you two, but he doesn’t say anything. He opens the door and walks into his room, but a moment later his head pops back out, adorned with his pirates hat and he throws a grin in your direction. You flip him the middle finger and he disappears fully into his room.
You press your head to Chan’s chest. Maybe he does care about people seeing you exposed and he just talks a big game. You don’t want to ask, though. He might just take it as a challenge. 
You lean your head back to look up at him and he chuckles, wrapping his hand around your back and pressing your hips against his. You can still feel the bulge of his cock.
“Let’s go back downstairs,” you say, taking a step away from him as you come back to your right state of mind. You need to clear your head—maybe get another drink, maybe get some fresh air. 
“Will you stay with me Sunday?” He asks suddenly, pulling his zipper back up.
Your eyebrows raise in surprise. You hadn’t expected him to concede so easily, nor ask you to stay with him. You had yet to spend a Sunday with him. In all honestly, you didn’t think he cared much for you to be there. But maybe he’s only asking since he didn’t get to fuck you during the week and feels like he needs to make up for lost time or something. 
“Maybe,” you reply.
Sunday is your day. It would mean a lot, to you, for you to choose to stay with him. What would it mean to him? 
He buttons his pants as you pick up his discarded gloves from the ground and hold them out to him. 
“Maybe?” He repeats skeptically, eyeing you as he accepts the gloves with one hand. 
His other hand—the one that had been inside you—he brings to his lips and sucks his first three fingers into his mouth one by one. He’s silent as he puts the gloves back on, mulling over your answer. 
“Okay,” he finally says. 
“Okay?” You repeat him this time. 
The dark look in his eyes makes you feel as though it’s not okay.
“Sure,” his tone is now sickly sweet and you find it unnerving. “I’ll be back down in a sec.”
The keg in the basement has been tapped already. Changbin and Chan work to move the one from the backyard down there with the help of a few other guys. It looks like a disaster waiting to happen and you don’t want to watch. You spot one of your friends that you stayed with after the breakup hanging in the kitchen and talk with her for a bit. You let her know you’re fine and have found a place to stay—sparing the specifics, of course. 
All the housemates and a good majority of the guests crowd around the living room as Felix MC’s, to hand out best costume awards. Much to your chagrin, Changbin, Lee Know and Seungmin win best group. Some guy dressed as Elton John in his bedazzled LA Dodger outfit wins most like the original. A girl with a literal UFO floating above her head and lights streaming down wins most creative. Sexiest female goes to a girl dressed as a skimpy Mario. Sexiest male costume goes to none other than Chan—he celebrates by taking two shots back to back. You’re close enough to notice a small dribble that’s trickled down to his abdomen and you’re tempted to get on your knees and lick it off in front of everyone.
After the prizes—gift cards and alcohol—are handed out, the crowd disburses throughout the house. You stay in the living room with Hyunjin and Felix as Felix gets the music going again. 
Hyunjin wraps his arm around your waist, holding you to his side as Despacito plays. He’s smiling down at you with glossy eyes and you can tell he’s definitely had a couple cups of the Changbin-spiked punch.
“Dance with me,” he says.
“Hell no,” you spit back, shaking your head. “I’m not anywhere near drunk enough for that.”
“Well, drink up,” he says, moving your hand with the cup to your mouth. 
You take a large gulp but still shake your head again. He takes the cup from you and finishes it off, sitting it on the table next to Felix. You protest as he pulls you to the middle of the living room where others are dancing. You’re struck with a wave of embarrassment, covering your face as he dances around you. He moves freely and easily to the beat, tongue caught between his teeth with a smile. He stops behind you and puts his hands on your hips, moving you from side to side with him. 
He spins you in a circle, then brings you back against him, rocking his hips backwards and forwards to the music, guiding yours in sync with his, holding you firmly to him. You want to feel mortified, but you’re smiling and laughing. You’re enjoying yourself. As you always do with him. He wraps his arms around your shoulder, pulling your back flush against his chest and kisses your neck.
“Y/n?” You hear your name called and as your eyes snap up to the person who said it your smile immediately drops.
Your ex. 
Hyunjin still has his arms around your shoulder, holding you against him, but he stops moving and looks up at your mood killer too. 
“Who’s that?” He asks.
“My ex,” you tell him. He straightens up, but doesn’t remove his arms from you. 
Your ex walks closer to you, not even glancing at Hyunjin behind you.
“Can we talk?” He asks. 
You’re hesitant. You don’t walk to speak to him, not now when you’re having such a good time.  You also don’t want to cause a scene, though.
You tap Hyunjin’s arm around your shoulder and he releases you. You gesture for you ex to follow you and lead him through the kitchen to the backyard. There are people out here too, but it’s not as crowded. You fan yourself when you hit the fresh air—you hadn’t realized how hot it had gotten inside with all the people, combined with the alcohol and dancing. 
“What’s going on with you?” He asks in an accusatory manner. 
“Nothing?” You respond, not sure what he means. 
“I saw you a few weeks ago with one guy, now you’re dancing up on some other dude?”
“You keep asking these questions as if you’re entitled to answers,” you snap at him. “You wanted to break up with me. You wanted to see other people. You don’t get to say shit about what I do.” You step closer to him and jab your finger into his chest each time you say ‘you’. 
“Is this where you’re living now, then?”
You sigh, shaking your head. 
“Listen, I think closure would be good here…but this is not the way.”
“I told you I wasn’t looking for closure.”
You let out a wry laugh.
“I’m not going to sit around waiting for you, if that’s what you’re wanting. I’m single. I’ll do whatever and whomever I want.”
His jaw clenches as he glares at you. 
“And I have no intention of ever being with you again.” You add. “So, either leave me alone and enjoy yourself at the party or get the fuck out if that’s too hard for you to do.”
You throw your hands up at him and shake your head before opening the sliding glass door and walking back into the house. He follows you inside, grabbing you by the arm to stop you before you reach the living room. You turn to face him, snatching your arm back. 
“So you give me shit about wanting to see other people, but now you’re living in a house with these frat bros?” He arches an eyebrow.
You shrug. He becomes more annoyed at your response. 
“You’re fucking them aren’t you?” He spits, stepping closer to you, leaning down so you can hear him over the loud music. He grabs you by the arm again, dragging you to him.
You put a hand on his chest and struggle to push him away, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. You’re certain the music is still blaring, but it suddenly feels extremely quiet.
“You’re fucking all eight of these squinty-eyed motherfu—“
Your fist connecting with his jaw cuts him off. You don’t know what’s come over you to react in such a physical way, but you’d be damned if you let him finish that sentence. 
The next few moments happen in a blur.
He yanks you closer, seething, as he opens his mouth to say more disprectful shit. But someone wraps their arm around your waist and pulls you away from him and at the same time, someone else shoves your ex. Then Chan is standing between you and him, facing your ex. You can’t clearly hear what he’s saying over the music and the erratic beating of your heart, but they look to be exchanging some heated words. Your ex looks furious with Chan in his face, acting like the literal big, bad wolf. 
You look back to see who’s grabbed you—it’s Seungmin. He’s holding you close, but his eyes are locked on Chan, waiting to see if he needs to get involved. 
Hyunjin and Felix come into the dining room amidst the commotion. He walks behind your ex and places a hand on his shoulder. Your ex shoves his hand off, says one last remark to Chan then storms out of the room. Hyunjin follows behind him to make sure he leaves. Felix puts a hand on Chan’s chest to keep him from following. He forces Chan to look him in the eye to hear whatever he’s saying. 
Changbin storms in, coming from the basement a little too late, but still looking ready for a confrontation. All while dressed as Mary Sanderson. The sight sends you into an immediate fit of laughter. 
The partygoers go back to their own conversation as Changbin approaches you, Chan, Felix and Seungmin. 
“Why didn’t you ride your vacuum?” Seungmin says to him. “You would have gotten here sooner.”
“He’s lucky I was late,” he huffs. 
Chan turns away from Felix to face you and Seungmin releases you from his grasp.
“You okay?” Chan asks, softly. 
“I’m fine,” you tell him, wiping at a stray tear as you regain your composure.  
Chan lifts your chin up with a finger so you’re looking him in the eyes, possibly wanting to make sure the tears are from laughing. 
You nod your head, reassuring him. 
“Nice job, slugger,” Seungmin says, ruffling the top of your hair. You swat him away and wince as your hand comes in contact with his arm. He laughs at your pain. “I’ll get some ice.”
He disappears behind you towards the fridge. 
Chan gently takes your hand in his and brings it up for inspection as you weakly wiggle your fingers. 
“Can you make a fist?”
You squeeze your hand together the best you can but it becomes painful before you can make a complete fist. 
You hear Chan take a deep breath. He closes his eyes, hand still holding yours. 
“Tell me I shouldn’t go after him,” his eyes snap back open and they are brimming with rage. 
“Don’t,” you plead. 
“I wouldn’t lose,” he says, rubbing his thumb across your fingers. He’s here, physically, in front of you, but it seems like his mind is already out the door. 
“He’s not worth it,” you shake your head. 
He readjusts the wolf on his head and nods, as if trying to convince himself you’re right. 
“Go to Seungmin, put some ice on it.”
He lets go of your hand and heads for the basement with Changbin.
You’ve apologized profusely to the members and the other assignees, hoping the altercation with your ex hadn’t put a damper on the night. They assure you it’s alright—they all seem more concerned that you’re okay, and it makes you feel warm and cared for.
The house has mostly emptied, Seungmin and Jeongin are getting the last few stragglers out. Changbin and Hyunjin are supposed to be helping clean but Changbin, drunk off his spiked punch, is cradling Hyunjin’s face in his hands and loudly alternating between calling him the cutest piglet he’s ever seen and asking him to ‘oink’. Hyunjin is cackling, trying to squirm away from his touch, but he’s no match for Changbin’s strength.
Chan, Jeongin and Han come up from the basement and shut the light off behind them. 
“Everyone’s clear from down there,” Han says, removing his pirate hat.
Chan has his arm around Jeongin’s neck as Jeongin supports his stumbling steps. 
“…and that’s why you’re my baby,” Chan is saying to Jeongin.
“Okay, hyung, okay. I’m your baby forever,” Jeongin is smiling widely, amused.
He must not get to see their chapter president like this often. 
You’ve never seen him like this. 
“Y/n,” he says with a smile when his eyes fall on you.
He shakes free of Jeongin and walks to you.
“What did you do to him down there?” You ask.
“We had to keep him from going after that guy—he’s at least responsible enough to not drive drunk,” Han tells you. 
His words give you some pause. You would never want to condone any further violence, but…had Chan been ready and willing to fight over you? 
Chan hugs you from behind, head hanging over your shoulder.
“You should probably take him upstairs,” Felix says, taking the stack of paper plates you’ve amassed and tossing them into the trash bag he’s holding. 
You step to the side and drape Chan’s arm around your neck, holding on to it with one hand as the other holds him by the waist. 
He lets you walk him up the stairs, giggling to himself as he concentrates on taking one step after the other. 
“Do not fucking fall. I’m telling you right now I can’t save you,” you warn him.
“Yes, ma’am,” he giggles again, putting his other hand on the rail to grip as he walks.
Once in his room, finally, you ease him onto his bed and he immediately splays out flat on his back. You kneel on the bed to get his costume off and he lets you remove his gloves, and vest without putting up a fight. However, when you get off the bed to place them on the dresser, he protests
“Come here with me,” he whines. 
“You need to sleep it off, Chan.” You tell him, softly.
“No,” he pouts, sitting up on the bed, swaying. He looks like he’s concentrating every fiber of his being on holding steady. “Come here.” 
There’s more demand to his voice the second time. You sigh and walk towards the bed.
“Don’t do that,” he chides.
“Do what?”
He mimics your sigh.
“Like you hate me or something. Don’t hate me,” he turns to look at you with sad eyes and pout once again firmly in place on his lips. 
“I don’t hate you,” you tell him truthfully, crossing your arms in front of your chest as you sit next to him on the bed. “You’re just always so hot and cold with me. I don’t know how to be or feel when I’m around you. I’m in a perpetual state of conflicting confusion with you.”
You choose to be honest with him about your emotions. You do want him to know how it feels, but you also wonder if he’ll even remember any of this tomorrow.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles, leaning to the side to rest his head on your shoulders. “I have to be this way, y/n.”
You furrow your brow at his response. Why on earth would he have to be this way to you? You shake him off of you and he sits back up on his own, leaving his head hanging. 
“Why, Chan?” You ask angrily. He doesn’t budge. “Chan. Look at me!”
Your sharp tone of voice causes his head to snap up.
“Why?” You ask again, softer this time. 
“It’s just easier this way…I don’t think I cou—“ he starts but trails off and shakes head, unable to finish.
“Chan, please,” you plead with him. “How is this easier? Easier than what?”
He shrugs and places his head in his hand. A silence falls over the room as you wait to see if he will respond. He doesn’t, and it angers you. 
“Why would you choose me,” you start slowly, “if you’re so determined to treat me like an object you own when everyone else in this house can be both friends and lovers, fuck buddies, whatever the hell you want to call it with their assignee. Why is it so fucking hard for you?”
“I couldn’t let you end up with anyone else,” he says, words muffled by his hands.
You sigh. Again. You’re desperate to know what he means, to get some kind of clue about why he keeps you at arms length. Why he wants your full submission but refuses to let you get closer to him. You wish he were sober. It's even more frustrating that even when he’s drunk, he’s not spilling out helpful information. It’s the most of an explanation you’ve ever gotten out of him, though, but talking to him like these feels useless. He’s too heavily guarded. 
He looks up again and turns to face you.
“Stay with me tonight?” 
What is he trying to do to you? It’s the second time tonight he’s asked you to stay with him. And the way he looks right now, annoyingly adorable, you want nothing more than to grant his wish. But it’s infuriating to think that this isn’t the real him. Or if it is, why the fuck can’t sober Chan be the same? If you give in to him like this, after he’s explained nothing yet expects everything from you, you will lose even more of yourself. 
You find logical ways to justify your shared intimacy and lack of anything else, telling yourself that it’s part of the gig as an in-house stay. But what happens if you start to choose him and his behavior doesn’t change? Will you become upset if he continues to treat you the same?
“It’s Saturday,” you say finally, standing from the bed. 
He pouts again.
“It’s Sunday, actually.” He corrects you. 
He stands, taking a moment to catch his balance. He reaches for your hand and brings you towards him. He rubs his finger over the back of your knuckles. The pain from the punch earlier had mostly subsided after icing it.
You think back to Chan’s actions in the kitchen, how he immediately sprung to your defense. It’s as if he wants to be the only one who can get away with mistreating you. 
“We’ll just sleep. Stay with me.” He asks again, bringing your hand to his mouth and placing a soft kiss on it. Your stomach flutters at the sight. 
“No,” you say defiantly, shaking your head. “That’s not how it works.”
“It works how we decide it works,” he counters, placing his hands on your hips and looking down at you. 
“No, Chan…not like this.”
“Fine,” he mumbles, dropping his hands from you. 
He turns away from you and walks towards the corner of the room—to your bed. He grabs your pillow and hugs it to his chest as he walks back to his bed. 
He’s acting like the cutest fucking brat you’ve ever seen and yet you still want to slap his face. How had his parents put up with this? Maybe shipping him off to the states for school had been in their best interest. He would have been a handful, and spoiled rotten. You can almost guarantee it.
He climbs into his bed, holding your pillow as he gets comfortable. You stand watching him. You want to go to him. You want to curl up behind him, to hold him. To share a bed with him for the first time. But you can’t keep setting yourself up for failure. If you do that tonight, what happens tomorrow? He won’t treat you any different and you’ll be upset you let yourself fall for it. 
“Goodnight, Chan,” you say, turning for the door. 
He grunts in response as you turn the light off and exit the room.
On your way downstairs, you stop to listen and see if anyone is still cleaning in the kitchen but it’s dead quiet so you continue to Hyunjin’s room. You make it back to the room and see he’s already knocked out. You contemplate waking him up but decide against it. Any mood you had for fooling around is gone. 
You rid yourself of your costume piece by piece and climb into bed with Hyunjin in just your underwear and a shirt. His body adjusts to your presence, as it always does, and you snuggle in to him. What started as a promising night that could have ended with some fun—with either Hyunjin or Chan—turned out to be quite the opposite.
[ read chapter 10 here ]
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a/n: I am struggling so much to keep Chan in check. I want him to just give in an be the bestest boy ever, but then it'll be a rush and the story will end sooner. So, let's ride this out together.
taglist: @iflmho / @skzstaykatsy / @blackhairandbangs / @ayoitschannie / @idunnomanmynamewastaken / @charmer-c / @ihatemen55 / @channiesprincess / @channniesslefttt / @jiwoos-babygirl / @krayzieestay / @kayleefriedchicken / @sunnyhonie / @cotton-candycloudz / @lubsungie / @conwunder / @puckmaidens / @ashleighland / @hyunjiinnnn / @bmnyy / @ihrtlix / @maqqiekwon / @hynxnelly / @teti-menchon0604
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alcinaslittlemaid · 4 months
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Naughty Little Lamb~
Pennywise 2017xFem!reader
•Warnings: Smutty smut, degradation, spanking (a lot), angry sex.. and much much more, Mild DD/LG (tiny bit) uses of pet names
(I’m not great at writing buts it’s the red hour 😳🌶️)
Come join the clown~
The hour was very late, you had struggled to get to sleep and Pennywise had gone out hunting. You felt a familiar throbbing in your underwear, by god you were missing him so much, your hand slipped down between your silky thighs and coating your fingers were your own sinuous juices.
You smirked and began pleasuring yourself, grabbing your vibrator imagining penny’s long slippery tongue slurping your insides out, your toes began to curl as you bucked your hips in submission, your mind travelling further, now imagining how smaller tentacles would slither out, gripping your thighs to keep you in place, long slimy tentacles restricting your movement, as his long, hard alien-like tentacle is forcible pushed into your tight hole, the ridges of his length hitting your clit as he completely ruins you.
Trying to get his entire length inside your tight, little cunt, you were getting close, finally going to be rid of your need for him (until tomorrow that is) you were almost riding your vibrator with pleasure
“Dooonnnt youuuu Dareeee~” that taunting voice in your head rang out like a bell you had recognised all too well
“Fuck…” you whined “Watch your mouth little slut” the voice growled, it’s raspy voice grunted in your ear as you slowly peeked up at the darkened side of your room, there…two golden orbs stared back at you, dark red circles rimmed it’s golden stare
“Oh my~ look at the filthy mess you’ve made, you dirty little slut” pennywise barked, stepping towards you “my! Dirty little sewer slut” he grinned before sitting down
“Come” he snapped patting his lap “But you said I couldn’t-“ you attempted a joke, but the state he gave you was stern, cold and deadly
“I said…COME!” He snapped, before dragging you roughly over his knee, your ass now presented to him like his next meal on a silver platter “Ah! Ow your hurting me! Penny what the fu-“ you were soon cut off by his to clawed fingers “Good little girls should be seen and not heard” his fingers were almost in your throat, you hadn’t a clue what was happening.
“You’ve been such a naughty, filthy little lamb Y/N” he teased before hiking your skirt up higher, his tentacles keeping you tightly in place as his hand slowly lifted behind your rear
“Now, we’re gonna play a little game~” he began, you shook your head at his silly games, but he was having none of it
“your gonna count every time I spank that little ass” he continued “and if you mess up or miss a number, they’re gonna restart and be even harsher…got it?” He hissed, you squealed and tried to squirm out of his grasp
“Ohhhh you wanna play hide and seek? Okay! If hide and I don’t find you in under 2 minutes I won’t punish you! We can doooo whatever you want~” he had crossed his fingers behind his back while saying that. You nodded and took off running, trying to find a hiding place he hasn’t seen yet, meanwhile the clown began to the countdown to your demise
“Shit” you winced
“Fuck fuck fuck!”
You finally found a spot, sliding into it and shutting the door behind you ever so silently, you sunk beneath the piles of sheets and bedding
“10! Ready or not little bunny! Mr wolf is coming to find you hahahah” He cackled maniacally and began searching for you, his boots thudding against the ground in desperation. This was horrifying, he could do anything to you…you could hear doors opening and the disappointed sigh when you weren’t there “Oh my little lamb you are clever..” He then opened the door to your linen cupboard “but not clever enough- oh! Oh fuck where on earth is that little girl?” He slammed the door shut and began walking away…or so you thought
As soon as you heard a door downstairs creak open, you poked your head out and began sneaking back to your bedroom thinking you had won.
You were suddenly pinned to the ground by his clawed glove “You! You are so gullible…you think I couldn’t smell that throbbing, aching slit? Hahaha oh little one, you fell for the oldest trick in the book! You are a fly in my spider web” he giggled maniacally in pure pleasure, before dragging you back to the bedroom, a thread of drool trailing behind and a sinful, sadistic look in his eye.
End of part 1🎈
Lemme know what y’all think and I’ll write the next part!!
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slasherstories123 · 1 year
Hello there! I saw that your starting to write slashers as dads so I got an idea! Jason voorhees, Micheal myrs, pennywise, and art the clown (of u write for him) reacting to kid reader being bullied (also this is when the slasher already took him in) how would the slashers react to this:)? Ty and have a great day
Jason, Michael, Pennywise, and Art the clown’s reaction to kid! Reader being bullied
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Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @slash3rl0v3r @the-anxious-youth @mrs-heelshire @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @emychan @charliedawn @sleepypersonblog @slasherscrybaby @anim3l0v3r @kawaistrawberry21 @l0sercat
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Jason Voorhees
Jason was looking everywhere for you.
He thought you might’ve gotten lost in the forest, it even cause his mother to freak out in his head thinking you got trapped in one of his traps set up for the trespassers.
Ever since he took you in he set up more traps for trespassers so they won’t hurt you, he didn’t want to think of the sight of you being hurt
Once he heard laughing in the distance, he stopped walking, slowly hiding behind the trees to see what was happening.
A group of kids were picking on you, he could tell that you were trying your best not to cry.
“Knock it off! Or I’m telling my Dad!” You yelled. One of the kids laughed at you, “Aw what’s your Dad gonna do? He dosen’t even know you’re here!”
Jason was livid, seeing those kids bully you reminded him of himself. He wasn’t gonna let that happen to you. Jason silently walked up behind you, you didn’t feel the dark presence radiate off Jason, but the kids sure did.
Once they saw him they ran away in fear. You felt him pick you up, it took you by surprise but you still hugged him.
“Thank you dad.”
Michael Myers
If you bully his child it’s over for you. But clearly a few kids didn’t get the message.
When it comes to you Michael will do anything to protect you, that’s why he watches from afar to make sure you’re okay and no one hurts you
He lost track of you since you were running away from a bunch of kids.
Once he caught up to you and the kids, he watched them from afar. Seeing them push you around while you begged them to stop. “Stop it!” They didn’t listen.
Once you fell on the ground you thought you saw him in the distance, but once you got up he was gone. You then heard a few of the kids run away
You turned around, seeing Michael having one of the kids in a death grip by his shirt while looking deep into his eyes. The kid tried to pry himself away. “Dad wait!” You yelled, grabbing onto his arm
Michael let out a huff towards you before dropping the kid, he ran away along with his other friends.
He then looked at you, your hands were still on his arm, you quickly pulled them away. You didn’t hear him, but you could see him let out a big sigh from his chest. Placing his hand out for you to take
You took it, now walking home with him.
You must be god himself if you think you can get away with bullying Pennywise’s child. There’s a lot of bully’s in Derry and besides the losers club they like to pick on you
A group of girls were chasing after you on their bikes while laughing at you. You managed to escape from their attack, trying to pour trash all over you.
“Come back y/n!” One of them screamed.
You kept running until you mad wit to the sewers. Hoping that your father Pennywise was still in there.
One of the girls let out a scoff. “Going in the sewers huh Y/N? No wonder why you smell like shit!” That caused the others to laugh too.
A loud growl made them all stop laughing, one of them even going into the sewers themselves. A balloon floated in front of them, once it popped Pennywise bolted towards them with his razor sharp teeth
The girls screamed before running away. Even though he wanted to chase after then, you came first.
“You can come out now little human.” You slowly poked your head out from behind one of the corners, his yellow eyes then turning back to blue,
“They won’t hurt you as long as I’m here.” He’ll make sure to terrorize them in their dreams once you fall asleep.
Art the Clown
Not many people know your father and that was okay, considering the fact that he does leave a lot, but he comes back rather quickly just to make sure you’re safe
Art has his own way of taking care of you unlike the others, even though his ways are wicked, you still love him as a father
A boy wouldn’t stop following you, calling you names as you tried to walk back home. Art heard him too
Once you passed an alleyway, Art jumped in front of the boy with his trash bag. Waving at him. You turned around and let out a sigh of relief
The boy was confused, even calling Art names too, but names don’t affect him, instead, it fills his ego
Art held up his finger, telling him to wait as he looked in his trash bag. Knowing him, he was probably gonna pick out a weapon of some sort
He pulled out a fire gun up in the air like it was a trophy. Then pointing it at him. The boy put his hands up in defense, once Art pulled the trigger, the fire shot out, nearly hitting the boy if he didn’t back up in time, screaming for help while running away from the two of you
Art nodded his head when the boy left, putting the fire gun back in his bag before excitingly extending his hand out towards you.
You smiled and grabbed it, you both slipped down the street together to go home.
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radioisntdead · 2 months
It's 4 am, I haven't slept and I'm supposed to be sleeping but Alastor shenanigans are plaguing me, headcanon time folks! Throwing the reader in at random times
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Alastor is stunned when you shine a flashlight at him, like eyes wide, smile stuck, ears forced straight,
Deer in headlights fr fr
He's NOT happy once he's freed from the flashlight pause, if y'all are romantically involved you are getting bitten, if you are not romantically involved, then you are getting threatened, sucks for you good luck.
Dude makes deer bleats, it's canon
Imagine just giving the dude some form of affection like a slight smooch on the cheek and BLEAT
Also hooves, I imagine dude has to get his shoes custom-made to fit comfortably,
Do y'all think he could tapdance with the hooves? Like click clack, I have no idea how tapdancing works it's late, I'm sleep deprived and delusional.
If you know how tapdancing works feel free to infodump in the comments I love reading infodumps
I have no context but onlyhooves popped in my head and I found that hilarious,there are probably people who have a thing for hooves in that universe in a non cute way. Yucky shame on thee.
Anyways put this man shoeless, hooves out on a fleshly waxed/mopped floor or something and he's becoming Bambi, he is NOT dignified when he's slipping and sliding, do not laugh at him you will get bit and I said it once and I'll say it again this man probably has something, Now I adore Alastor that deer guy is why I'm in this fandom BUT THAT MAN DOES NOT HAVE GOOD HYGIENE,
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Why do I like this guy? [It's probably because this is the only fictional character that I unwillingly got a thing for that's ace and I feel safe in that way, only in that way though he would kill me. Or I'd kill him first because I AM NOT GETTING TAKEN OUT BY THAT DRENCH HIM IN HOLY WATER]
Anyways back on topic y'all would 100% have to chase him down with a bucket of water, soap and a sponge.
Like use the flashlight to stun him and throw him into a bathtub, dab shampoo and conditioner in his hair and leave him there to soak, this is a weekly debacle
Like he'll take a bath on his own but that's like once a month maybe twice if lucky
You will have to remind him to brush his teeth and stand in the bathroom and watch him brush his teeth, y'all are going to have to change out toothbrushes often because he destroys them brushes his sharp ol' teeth
also I just realized his teeth GLOW? Brushing isn't going to make it any less yellow but maybe glow more.
Deers apparently do this lil' ol' foot stomp while agitated and I can't remember if Alastor does a lil stompy stomp in the show but I can just imagine dude leaning on his radio staff probably bickering with reader because y'all are trying to get him to brush his teeth and then stompy stomp.
You could probably dress him up festively for Christmas, he won't do it willingly but you could try, put Christmas lights on his lil' antlers make him grow em' out and you can put ornaments on it too
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I should be sleeping but I'm doing this instead, I am making great decisions here!
I'm yawning rn and that has lead to me thinking he probably unhinges his mouth like pennywise to yawn, Sometimes I wish I could do that, big yawn.
According to his wiki Alastor is a canonically a foodie and cooks
He has a cookbook that he made himself, it's handwritten and looks like it belongs to a older woman [COUGH COUGH he took care into making it look like a cookbook his Ma had cOUGH COUGH]
I imagine he cooks in bulk [me projecting but that's because when I cook it's usually for my family] and before the hotel he would pack it in advance like "this is my delectable lunch, and this is my partners lunch for tomorrow and this is for-" but after the hotel it's just "Salutations! I made dinner now feast."
I imagine there's a few checks to make sure he didn't put any sinner meat in there, like Sir we did not consent to cannibalism.
He usually makes dishes with sinner meat separately.
Dude sleeps with his eyes wide open, dry ol' eyes, give him some eye drops like sir you had glasses in life, I'm assuming your eyesight got fixed to some degree, TAKE CARE OF IT this is coming from someone with glasses, I want good eyesight SOBBING.
anyways if y'all were married for example in life the first time you go to snoozeville and you wake up you freak out because he's staring at you and he did NOT DO THAT WHEN HE WAS ALIVE.
Dude definitely got freakier in death, like dude was a funky lil' charmer that killed people, I can't emphasize enough that this man killed people, Remember it's alright in fiction but we don't condone it irl.
And now he's a funky cannibalistic dude, still kills people
Imagine keeping a diary or something and one entry is just like
"Dearest diary, Alastor has developed a taste for sinner flesh."
I really don't use Alastor making puns in my fics enough, I need to put that in more I ADORE puns
I've been kicked out of like two gcs because I wouldn't stop making stupid puns at bad times.
Same with the 1920's-1930's slang and just everything like that was my hyperfixation for a good bit [I say good bit like I wasn't a walking talking wikipedia article and like it isn't actively ongoing] [I am SO GLAD I WAS NOT BORN THEN I WOULD NOT SURVIVE FOR MULTIPLE REASONS.]
Dude has chest fur. Also random tuffs of fur around like his elbows or knees.
I also headcanon that he sometimes sleepwalks, so you wake up at 2 am and he's just standing over you, watching.
Assuming you're used to it you just blink before turning around and going back to sleep, add in a "Alastor go back to your side of the bed"
When he's not freaking you out with his sleeping habits he's staying awake for multiple days in a row.
Okay I'm going to sleep now goodnight folks, Let's see if this makes any sense when I wake up.
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sparklingsjy · 2 years
enhypen's reaction to you getting them jealous with other members
note: requested by anon!
contains: fluff and suggestive for some of hyung line! niki kisses you !!?!?;"$
you and hee have been dating for quite some time but he wasn't used to pda in front of his members yet
on the other hand, you and sunoo are close friends and hee's always been jealous of you two
once you guys are at a little party with friends, sunoo and you decide to get him jealous :>
you and heeseung were speaking with his old lab partner but she rarely paid any attention to you and got touchy with him
obviously this irritated you but it also helped you push forward with your plan on getting heeseung jealous !
you make eye contact with sunoo and lightly brush your ear (which is the signal to come over and get the show started LMAO)
"y/n! you seem so bored here, let's dance!"
"hmm alright!"
you two both run off while heeseung is watching in a confused state
sunoo tells the dj to switch to his the weeknd playlist to make this <spicy> between you two
hee switches places with the girl so that he has a better view of you and sunoo but whew that may of been a mistake
you and sunoo were all up on each other which was a sight heeseung was clearly not found of since when you looked at him, he was staring daggers at sunoo
to piss him off even more, you just smirked and brought sunoo closer
that definitely pushed it when he dragged you out and into the car
"heeseung . . you can't just take me out of a party when i'm having fun!"
"is grinding on sunoo fun to you?"
"i was not grinding??"
"you think i'm oblivious?"
"you're done for when we get home"
"what is that supposed to mean . . ."
"means you gotta behave for me y/n"
heeseung looked at you with darkened eyes which meant you were in for a night of edging :')
enha members decided to have a movie marathon since it was their first free night without having to practice
you and jay were dating but lately he's been distant with you so you weren't sure if you wanted to join them
"i don't know sunghoon . . . he's been acting weird lately"
"let's teach him a lesson then"
"what do you mean by that?"
"you'll see"
once it got darker, everyone got set up for the movie marathon in the living room
"should we watch something scary?"
"noo you know how easily scared sunoo is!"
"i'm not easily scared!"
"you were in tears every time pennywise showed up"
"that's different . . ."
you woke up a bit late so once you got to the living room, all the seats were taken
"y/n! there's no room on the couch for you uhh"
everyone started glancing at jay but once they noticed he didn't even acknowledge your presence, that's when sunghoon decided to speak up
"that's alright, she can sit on my lap"
which is exactly what you did and this clearly caught jay by surprise
yeah he's been distant with you but it wasn't because of anything bad . . he just felt like he was too clingy with you and didn't want you uncomfortable if he pushed your limits
a good hour passed and most of the members were already asleep, sunghoon included
on the other hand, jay was not able to keep his eyes off of you two
you sitting on his lap was already pissing him off but the fact that you were brushing your fingers through hoonie’s hair made him even more upset
so, he walked over, picked you up, and took you to his room, ignoring jake’s comment on being gentle with you
"did you forget you're with?"
"considering you barely paid any attention to me . . yeah i did, and?"
"seems like i have to remind you then princess . . . you just have to keep quiet"
butterflies. that's all you were able to feel besides the dampness between your legs
"we don't want to wake up your hoonie now do we?"
honestly praying for your legs because angry sex with jay is on a whole other level
you and jake were inseparable
everyone knew by now you two were a couple but that didn't stop people from getting touchy with either of you
you, enha, and some other idols were having a little hangout session when you noticed seeun getting a little too "friendly" with jake
your bestie jungwon clearly took a notice to your attitude change and followed your eyes to the pair
"isn't it obvious he's yours?"
"should be by now but my main concern is him letting her get touchy"
"y/n . . . want to make him jealous?"
that's when jungwon got up, looked for a bottle of some sort, and stood in the middle of the room
"alright everyone! who wants to do spin the bottle?"
cheers emerged and you noticed jake sit next to heeseung while seeun followed closely behind
jake made eye contact with you and smiled but you didn't return it as seeun whispered something in his ear
she then got up and moved opposite of jake while he was scratching his neck awkwardly
jungwon was sat across from you and the game began
a few rounds later, jungwon spinned the bottle and luckily it landed on you!
"ooh y/n and jungwon are going to kiss~"
jake was watching you two get closer and closer until he had enough
"jungwon! you can't kiss her . . i won't let you"
"why not? it's not like you two are dating or anything~"
"but we are. she's mine and can only kiss me!"
jake confirming your relationship made everyone cheer while seeun had a shocked expression
jake pulled you to sit in front of him and wrapped his arms around you
"you know i only love you y/n . . . right?"
"of course jake! i just wanted to get you jealous since seeun was so touchy with you"
"i'm sorry love, i'll make sure to set boundaries next time"
he kissed your head and you guys watched chaos unfold every time the bottle got spun <3
you guys were at a mall with hyung line and considering how handsome sunghoon is . . . you were kinda used to girls drooling over him
because of this, you and hoon are always making the other person jealous
sooo it wasn't a surprise when you winked at him while heeseung had his arm around your waist
why was he doing this anyways? well . . . a girl approached sunghoon for his number and he smirked at you when he took her phone to put it in
that's when you told gullible heeseung to put his arm around around and whew hoon did not like this at all
yeah you guys get each other jealous but it never went far as to being physical with other people
"y/n . . . why did you ask me to do this?"
"cause sunghoon gave his number to a girl!"
"but aren't you two dating?"
"that's what i thought . . . "
heeseung understood where you were coming from so he went along with your little plan
once you all returned to the dorms, sunghoon pulled you aside
"you think i didn't notice heeseung being all touchy with you?"
"i hoped you would've saw"
"yeah? why? is it because i gave my number away~"
"you're funny hoon . . . it's because heeseung looked so cute today, he deserved to get some affection~"
"you're gonna regret saying that princess"
"oh really?"
testing hoon's limits never ended well
i mean . . . in a way it did
you guys finished doing your <thing> and he cradled you into his arms
"you know, i actually gave her your number"
"eh? but you smirked at me!"
"yeah cause i like seeing you jealous~"
"you get so cute! i do not like you being touchy with my friends though :("
"i'm sorry love"
"i'll forgive you this time~"
you and sunoo were such a lovely couple that even the enha members envied you two
"y/n and sunoo are so cute together~ it's not fair"
"when will i find a relationship like theirs?"
you two were so sweet and cautious with each other because you both really care about each other's feelings
however, niki had a big influence on you sometimes :<
"y/n! let's make sunoo jealous~"
"niki . . . noo"
"why not! it'll be funny to see his reaction since he's always so happy!"
"it's mean to do!"
"yeah? well i did see him and kazuha be so cozy this morning . . ."
"what? he wouldn't . . ."
"but he did!"
"niki . . ."
"come on y/n! don't you want revenge~"
and that is how you found yourself sticking to niki for the day
sunoo obviously took this to notice and got upset since he got no attention from you
he isn't the type to get jealous since he knows you care a lot about his feelings but seeing you and niki feed each other gave him a little pang on his heart :(
once night time fell, you went to niki's room and played some video games together
"i'm gonna take a break . . . you keep beating me and i don't even know how!"
"it's cause i'm better~"
"whatever . . ."
you went to get a cup of juice when you ran into sunoo
"y/n . . ."
you noticed his voice was crac noking up and looked up to see teary eyed sunoo :(
"sunoo? why are you crying!"
"you're being mean today . . ."
"what? niki said you were being cozy with kazuha . . ."
"she was giving me advice on how to plan our anniversary y/n . . ."
all you could do was open your mouth in shock
"i'm sorry sunoo :(" and boom you were both crying
"it's okay y/n . . . i know you meant no harm but it hurts seeing you with niki like that"
you guys ended up crying into each other's arms while the members walked out of their rooms in question
"what the hell happened?"
"and why are you guys crying at this time? it's 2 am!"
both you and sunoo started giggling and he wiped your tears away
"you guys get back to sleep! i'll deal with you in the morning niki . . ."
"sure . . ."
everyone went back to their rooms while you and sunoo had a cuddle session in his room <3
you and wonnie have been together for six months now
and it has been THE BEST six months of your life <3
however  . . . you do get jealous when you see him speaking to this girl on campus
you thought it would stop but it seemed like they got closer as the days passed by
jay was very observant so he also noticed and nudged you gently
“i see you eyeing them like they’re your prey”
“i don’t like how close they’re getting . . .”
“understandable. i would feel the same way.”
you put your head on jay’s shoulder and sighed
“want to get him a bit jealous?”
“i’m petty but not that petty . . . yes i do!”
jay held your hand and you both walked over to them
“hey guys! y/n and i are going to the movie theatre later, want to join?”
jungwon noticed you two holding hands and looked up with a confused expression
“oh that would be great! right wonnie?”
wonnie? she’s calling him WONNIE?
jay noticed your eyebrows furrow and started getting nervous for them both
“uh yeah sure we can join”
“great! we can all meet at my place!”
you wrapped your arm around jay’s arm and smiled
“yup! see you two later!”
once you and jay got far enough you were fuming
“did you hear what she called him? wonnie? are you kidding me?”
“yeah no other person calls him that besides us and you . . .”
“we are def going to get him back tonight”
“hell yeah y/n!”
hours passed and you were already at jay’s waiting for them to arrive
once you heard a knock on the door, you opened it and saw jungwon with the girl standing next to each other
despite jungwon being your boyfriend, she had her arm wrapped around his and smiled
“hi y/n!”
jay walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist while resting his head on your shoulder
“hey . . .”
you and jungwon were staring at each other awkwardly and he removed her arm from his
“hi love”
jungwon gives you a quick peck and jay removes himself off you
"hi . . ."
"ohh is she your girlfriend?"
"yes she is! i've been meaning to introduce you to her"
"i'm minji! jungwon 's cousin~"
you and jay both smiled nervously at her
"oh uh hi!"
jungwon smiled at you and sent you a wink
"let's head out!"
jay grabbed his keys and walked with you behind jungwon and minji
"i did not know they were related"
"me neither . . ."
you guys went to watch a comedy movie and once it was done, you guys had dinner and left for home.
jungwon dropped off jay and minji while you two were sitting in awkward silence
"so . . . you and jay?"
"i'm honestly so sorry . . . i didn't know you guys were cousins!"
"it's okay dear. were you two trying to get me jealous?"
"yeah . . ."
"well it worked a little bit. just don't do it again since you're mine, okay?"
"of course wonnie~"
you guys went to his place and watched another movie while talking about each other's day <3 #jungwonisinnocent!
you and niki are childhood friends who like each other
will you confess to him? most likely not
will he confess to you? definitely not
that all changes when you decide to make him jealous . . . using his own best friend >:)
"jake! you know how niki likes me but won't ask me out?"
"y/n~ yess why?"
"AHA! i knew he liked me!"
"eh?? did i just give him away?"
"yes you did jakey >:)"
"don't tell him i said anything!"
"i won't . . . unless you help me make him jealous!"
"jealous? i'm listening >:)"
"okay so during practice let's be all flirty with each other to see his reaction :D"
"ooh okok!"
"see you then!"
2 hours passed and jake texted you saying to go to the practice room
you made your way down and saw them all practicing pass the mic
niki looked at you and rolled his eyes while smiling right after
butterflies butterflies BUTTERFLIES!
jake noticed you started blushing and once they took a break, he made his way over to you first
"hii y/n~" he said while pinching your cheeks
you were confused at first since you forgot about the plan until you glanced at niki seeing him furrow his eyebrows
"hii jakey~"
jake lied down on top of you so that his head was on your lap
you started patting his head and heeseung walked over to you both
"ohh jake and y/n look so cute together don't they niki?"
heeseung winked at you and giggled once niki came over
"she can do better"
jake sat up and put his arm around you
"nah i think she's fine with me"
"not with the way she was eyeing me down during the practice"
the members started oohing and jake stood up in front of niki
"at least i'm confident enough to confess"
that's when you stood up and giggled
niki pulled you in, cupped your face, and kissed your lips
"you don't have the guts to do that though" he said smirking at jake
everyone was shocked but started laughing
"oh . . . well at least you can back off of her now"
jake laughed and niki pulled you to him for a hug
"did you have to get me jealous y/n?"
"just wanted to see your reaction~"
he laughed and kissed your forehead
"before anyone else tries to do the same thing, will you be my girlfriend?"
"hmm i'll have to think about it!"
niki started pouting which made you laugh
"of course niki! now get back to practicing~"
"just for you dork~"
ending note: thank you for reading !
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halucynator · 9 months
Hi Lucy hope you’re days going well! I had a fic ide for Mattheo x best friend fem! Reader where it’s been a stressful week but it’s Friday night, raining in Hogwarts and they’re hanging out watching IT (Mattheo convinced her) after class and she’s a gryffindor and acts like she’s not scared but when it’s night time she’s afraid to fall asleep because of the movie and she ends up going to his dorm and he confesses he likes her and she sleeps with him?(maybe a longer FIC?)
I love your work so much!
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Big mistake.
Decided to combine these two x
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader (they are bff's BC bff to lovers is the second best trope to ever exist. Nothing beats e2l imo but that's beside the point.)
Warnings: mentions of violent imagery ig?, cuddling, mentions of intercourse, kissing, not proof read lmk if I missed any.
Summary: you and your friends decide to watch a horror movie. Unfortunately for you, you still wonder what lingers under your bed.
Sorry this took me so long! I was preparing for my Uni which starts in a couple days so I'm super sorry for the wait! Hope you like it x
I watched IT when I was 6 because my parents were watching it on the big TV in the same room as me and I thought it'd be a cute movie but it was... Bad to say the least. I have been traumatised ever since 🥰
reblogs (with tags) are always appreciated!! It is so much help!!
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You hated horror movies. But somehow you let your best friend, Mattheo, convince you to watch "IT" with your friends.
Big Mistake.
The violent imagery flashed your mind. The cannibalism, the blood, the balloon, the- the everything.
You didn't get scared by horror movies easily. You'd watched Annabelle, the Conjuring and whatnot without being terrified but IT, oh god, IT.
"You okay, princess?"Mattheo asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled.
You had. You'd seen a ghost. Or a clown. But it was more terrifying than any other ghosts you'd ever witnessed in your life.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I- I'm alright!" You exclaimed too caught up in terrifying thoughts than to pay attention to your boyfriend.
He knew. Of course he did. He was your best friend. But he didn't hold it over your head. He didn't even mention it.
"Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?" He asked.
"Yes but I don't know if they allow it." You replied.
"Eh they probably don't allow a couple of 16 year olds to watch IT during night either but we did it anyway." He joked.
"Wouldn't you be afraid of being seen with a Gryffindor?" You asked knowing he had quite a high status and hoped him being seen with a Gryffindor wouldn't lower it in anyway.
"Not as much as you're afraid of Pennywise." He winked.
"I so am not!" You said offended, crossing your arms and pretending to be mad at him.
"Ok princess, keep telling yourself that." He chuckled as you elbowed him.
As you neared your dorm, the scenes obscured your mind again. You took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Bye princess" Mattheo waved.
"Bye Mattheo. Thank you." You replied as you waved back.
And there it was. Your facade fell apart and petrifying thoughts clouded your mind. You pulled the sheets over your head as you laid in bed. You were fine for the first few minutes until... giggles and lines clouded your mind.
Lines such as "You'll float too!"
You were caught in an endless loop of a nightmare and the only way to stop it was... was to admit you were afraid so you'd be okay. So he'd take care of you. No, not Pennywise!
You made your way to his dorm and knocked.
"Come in!" A voice shouted from inside.
You entered Mattheo's dorm.
"Princess? What are you doing here?" He asked bewildered.
You took a deep breath and dreadfully opened your mouth to tell Mattheo the reason for your presence.
"I'm scared." You said.
He chuckled slightly.
"IT'S NOT FUNNY." You whisper-shouted.
He giggles before he pats next to him. You walk over to his side and sit down next to him.
"I don't think I resonate well with the idea of you sleeping with me." He said as he realised what you were there for.
"Huh, why?" You asked deeply hurt.
"I wouldn't be able to control myself" he smirked as he winked.
You elbowed him yet again.
"Ow! That hurt!" He stated.
"It's about to hurt a lot more if you don't shut up!" You threatened half joking.
"Alright alright. You can sleep here." He replied.
"Thank you." You said.
"I meant it, you know." He said.
"Huh?" You asked confused.
"I wouldn't be able to control myself if you slept with me." He stated.
"Huh and why's that?" You questioned.
"Because I- I like you princess." He replied.
"Oh." You simply said.
"Oh?" He repeated looking hurt. "I probably shouldn't have, I'm sorry I made it weird. I-"
Without thinking you kissed him. It felt good. You felt better. You could feel Mattheo smirk into the kiss.
You both pulled away when you started getting breathless.
"I like you too." You replied.
"Yeah I figured." He smirked.
"Get over yourself!" You exclaimed.
You placed yourself next to Mattheo on the bed. He placed one of his hands in your hair and the other one on your waist to pull you closer. His hand moved down from your hair to your cheek as he caressed it.
Butterflies exploded in your stomach as he did so. You closed your eyes and melted into his touch.
And with that you slept.
The next morning you woke up. At first you were confused as to what you were doing in Mattheo's room but soon enough you remembered.
"Good morning Princess." He smiled at you.
"hey. I mean- good morning." You replied.
He chuckled at your flustered state.
After the atmosphere in the room became thick, Mattheo spoke.
"I didn't know you had a fear of clowns, princess." He teased.
"I didn't! I used to like clowns!"
A/n: I hope you liked it! Hope this is long enough for you anon. Sorry for the unnecessarily long wait xx
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silly-circus · 1 month
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★SillyString’s story/background★
(Way long overdue lmao and long I’m so sorry guys, also made some edits because I wanted to word some things better)
I want to start off by saying she is me, me is she(Im not sure if I made it clear or not so apologies I’m kinda dumb🫰). I say “her” in my posts instead of “me” because idk it feels right since I make her look differently than I actually do. Even so, we share the same name and I do the clown look all the time when I go out to places that I get an excuse to🧍‍♂️so really it is just me but anyway,,, time to begin! This is my first time actually writing this out so I’m sorry if it’s formatted and explained terribly
First off, Silly String is my persona’s clown name. She came up with it herself, everything else was Pennywise’s idea. She was originally a human, and still looks like one and has the appetite of one(when she changed Pennywise assumed she would want to eat people. He was wrong.) She lived in texas(yee-honk) before moving to Maine literally because she thought “why not?” and ended up in good old Derry. Her life growing up wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t the best. She was always into odd and strange things, or things that most would find creepy(clowns. Love clowns. They’re so cool) so she was kinda outcasted from others at a young age but soon people learned to just let her live in peace which of course she was happy about. She did manage to make some friends, solidarity. After moving, she continued pursuing freelance photography and painting, but her full time job is as a barista in a local coffee shop(wow, how interesting💀).
The way that she met Pennywise was kinda stupid. All she was doing was taking photos of the local wildlife and next thing you know a kid is running by before she notices a fucking weird ass clown creature from hell charging straight towards her(she still snapped a photo before running). He does catch up to her and jumps her. How she managed to not get away, but the kid did, don’t ask me. She survived, her camera unfortunately did not(he gets her a new one eventually guys trust).
since then, they kept bumping into each other. He does try to kill her again but she kept managing to escape him(pissed him off more and more each time) but soon enough he starts to chill out and basically decides to learn more about her. The more she realized he was going to not continuously try eat her every time he visited she would start asking him questions about who he was as an entity and where he came from. It does start out as a weird friendship where he would mess with her at work or appear out of literally no where to hang around. He does start to enjoy her company and watching her do normal, human things since her doing it made it seem entertaining. After a while of slowly getting closer and closer they become loving parters yay(she was still human at this time).
Fast forward and they get “married” which they really call their “eternal binding.” Basically what it means is that she became a part of him. As in if he dies, she dies. She unfortunately didn’t gain any cool shape shifting and such, she just gets to live and thrive as long as he does. When it first happened she was having a hard time with it simply because she’s going to outlive everyone she knows and will continue to, but over time she made her peace with it and saw it as a privilege to watch the world change around her and of course stay with her beloved.
Also the year they met was set in the 1980s, or honestly it could be any time after that or something I don’t know yall get creative I’m just going with the flow.
That is it :) sorry again this is long, and I hope every one has a good day/night(it’s 3 am why do I do this to myself). I also hope you guys continue to follow along with me on their lover clown journey :D
AND- little sneak peek of an upcoming piece I’m working on for Mermay 😙
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dollfxcx · 1 year
penny p... pussy eating 🙌🏻 (love your blog btw!!)
Context: after spending the night with a man named Robert Gray, reader wakes up from a nap with someone between her legs. but he's not who she expected to be.
TW: nsfw, mentioned tentacles??
Word count: (1.2k+)
You don't see him until late at night. When you woke up, after crawling, the night before, into your undone bed, the blankets fern green, you didn't find him by your side, neither in the kitchen, nor in the living room, as if he had dematerialized. But it's just as you're waking up from a nap, which surprised you in the middle of a movie you've put on to pass the time, that you feel his presence between your legs.
You try to move, idly, eyelids half closed and numb with sleep, but your wrists are locked firmly, as if bound by an invisible rope, above your head, resting gently against the back of the sofa. When you finally manage to open your eyes, a head of red hair happily emerges between your legs, a sight that makes you crane your neck to take stock of the situation. The slight expectant smile that had made its way across your face abruptly disappears when, to your horror, it's not him. Not anymore, at least, better way to say it. Pennywise smiles, bunny teeth peeking out of his cherry red lips, head tilted slightly to the right in a mocking way.
"Aw, is my Y/n disappointed? She doesn't like the way I look anymore?" he questions, his hands slide on your knees to spread your legs and make more space between them. You frown, slightly concerned as the grip on your wrists is getting tighter with every passing second, reducing your chances of escape.
"Oh, but yesterday she looked so happy, sucking on ol' Robert Gray's cock like it was candy, huh?" One of his gloved hands reaches for your cheek, gently grasping it, while the other, fingers light and teasing, caresses your inner thigh. He must notice your confused look as you feel him huffing against your crotch in exasperation, shaking his head slightly with an expression of disgust on his powder white face.
"Silly, silly humans. Always stop at what they see, never go beyond that." One of his fingers flies dangerously close to the zipper of your pants, a gloved touch so faint it almost tickles you. You lean your head back on the couch, lips slightly parted, as you wait for him to speak again.
"The man you so desperately crave is gone. I am him and he is me." Deep down, you knew it very well already and when he takes off your pants with hatefully studied slowness, you stop thinking about it completely .The man from last night must be in there somewhere, anyway, right?
"I gave him one of my favorite forms, the most human of all, for you." You open your eyes again, jerking your head up to meet his golden gaze. He grins at you, but it's not a sweet smile, it's hungry. Craving.
"Mh!! You get it, yes?" he asks, the pad of his index finger traces an invisible line from the elastic of your underpants to your throbbing cunt, slowly poking it with unexpected curiosity. You inhale sharply through your nose and try to wriggle out, lazily, you hear him chuckling in amusement.
"Get what?" you hiss as he pushes your panties to one side, fully exposing you to his critical gaze.
"That you've always been mine, doll." he murmurs, too engrossed in what he has in front of his eyes to pay any attention to you. You moan as he runs the tip of his nose over the skin of your thigh, gingerly sniffing your scent, you notice how his eyes have turned blue again and the sight seems almost enough to make you dizzy.
"Yet, as I am to adapt to the form I take, he gave me a part of his humanity." he explains as his now ungloved middle finger presses against your opening, spreading and stretching your walls with little to no respect, eliciting a whimper from your throat, your hips jerking in a vain attempt to meet and follow his movements, which are excruciatingly slow.
"And his physical needs. And his innermost desires. Oh, you'd never guess what he wanted to do to you, what I want to do to you." His finger curves into you, bumping into a spot you didn't even know you had and making your eyes burn with evil tears you try, in vain, to hold back. He grabs your thighs and yanks you violently off the couch, then pushes his finger back inside you now that the position allows it better, your back arches when his index finger is carelessly inserted too. He starts pumping them slowly, then faster and faster, thumb tracing light, devious circles against and around your clit, until you can't mutter anything but his name, over and over and over. Pennywise leans towards your chest, his free hand, previously gripped around the flesh of your thigh, thick claws now exposed, rips through your shirt, allowing him to dip his cherry-colored nose into the skin between your breasts. Since your wrists are now free, your fingers fly into his hair, tugging at it to pull him closer to you. Pennywise, however, doesn't allow it and stops thrusting his fingers inside you, he blinks quickly as if he has just discovered something new. Something very interesting. He brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks on them and if you weren't totally about to pass out, just the sight of it would make you cum.
"Oh yes, now I understand why he liked you so much." he licks his lips, golden gleam back in his eyes, and, without giving you time to say anything, he grabs you by your legs again, this time making the backs of your knees rest on each of his shoulders, cunt dripping right in front of his mouth. And it's a very uncomfortable position, you're already shivering, but you don't care anymore when his tongue, rough as a cat's and disturbingly long, begins to push inside. Your fingers try in vain to find something to grip, but there's nothing, there's just you and him and your whimpers, and they get louder and more shameless with every inch his tongue manages to reach, which is a lot, it seems to be endless, it wiggles and flicks and savors. His claws dig lightly into the flesh of your thighs, which he's still squeezing as if he's afraid you might escape, fine streaks of blood drip from the lacerated skin. When you cum on his tongue, however, after making sure he's sucked, tasted and swallowed every drop, he moves it to your new wounds, lapping away the blood, the color of which blends in with that of his lips, which, for some strange reason, leave a few lazy kisses on your skin, as if to comfort you.
"You taste good." he notes to himself, clicking his tongue. It's horribly enrapturing to see him like this, completely fascinated by the sensations he's felt just now, his gaze darts between your legs, hoping to find some… leftovers. You start to get up, your knees shaking, but you don't even have time to try that he jumps on you, his hands, miraculously and magically gloved again, wrapping tightly around your exposed throat, a treacherous little smile on his lips.
"You know I want more, don't you?"
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Dating skz headcanons pt2
fluffy fluff
not proof read yet
You guys would play board or card games together,like monopoly.He would get a bit pissed when you win so he would resort to cheating."Chan you just can't just do that!","Do what?Your just mad cause im better",If your playing Uno he would secretly look at your cards then put down the card colour he knows you don't have.You get him back though and make him lose three in a row because that's what he deserved
Lee know
You guys would bully kidson roblox together,you would go on the voice chat games and just roast little kids😭,one of the little kids would be secretly one of the members(han)and you would just annoy and bully him so much to the point you could hear him get mad in the other room.When you hear him talk about someone bullying him on rolls you guys would just look at each other and smile while Han is whining about being bullied
I feel like you guys would match with each other,intentionally and unintentionally.You guys would have matching bracelets,rings,shoes etc.One day you would wake up and feel like wearing a saniro onesie turns out that's exactly what Changbin was thinking.you guys would take so many pictures and post them.The captions would be like "I just unintentionally matched with my s/o,soulmates?yes."
You guys would act out movies scenes together,you would be watching twilight and something cringe would happen so you just have to pause it and act the scene.The best one you guys would do is when Regina George got hit by the bus,especially because he's so good at being dramatic,you would be fully convinced he's a part-time actor"Your acting is so good you should be the next Zendaya", "I am zendaya"
You and Han would try act like each other,you know those tiktoks like "acting like my sister for the day", that's what you guys do but more regularly.He would purposely exaggerate what you do,for the memes of course. "Han I do not act like that"," Are you sure?".But when it comes to you acting like him he would get all embarrassed," Stop,I don't talk like that", "Are you sure?" You say mimicking him from earlier
For each others birthdays,you guys do this thing where you make your own cakes for them(You have a backup just in case)You would do the funniest designs on the cake,the fans know about this because on his birthday live he explained it and said "so far they've been on a big foreheaded style,last year they have me pennywise,this year they gave me megamind"he would show the cakes to the fans and have a whole taste testing thing to see which came taste better,his normal cake or your cake
I feel like you guys would remind each other or embarrassing moments that happened,if you guys were play fighting (verbally)he would 100% be like "remember when you fell in front of the whole class after doing a presentation?" , "You can't even talk because you did horrible aegyo for the whole world to see",So you wanna be like that?" He would say then you guys would go back and forth about humiliating moments
You and Jeongin would have staring contests out of nowhere,You could be standing line for something and you spot Jeongin in the room instead of saving you just stars and him and it becomes a contest to see who can not blink for the longest,if he wins more than three times in a row he would flex it on you non-stop,he would have so much fun reminding you that you suck at staring contests but then quickly shut up when you win
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charliedawn · 9 days
Hello i really like your fanfics about the slashers and I have a request as to what if the nurse one day walks in with a baby in her hands and the slashers think it's hers but not knowing she was just babysitting
(If you do not want to do this request I understand I was hesitant when I wanted to ask this😭)
Warning: Reckless babysitting involved
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Freddy: "That thing yours ?"
Freddy is cash.
He ain’t gonna beat around the bush.
The moment he sees a baby in the hospital, he’ll ask himself two things: first, who shagged and brought that thing to life. And two, why is it looking at him like its gonna suck his nonexistent soul out of his body ?
And since there aren’t that many women in the hospital and you were the one holding the baby, he would automatically assume that the pink fleshy thing is yours. He would then be relieved to find out that it wasn’t yours. (Not because he doesn’t think you would be a great parent, but because he kinda sees you as the mama bear of the asylum and could get jealous of not receiving enough attention.)
Freddy *proceeds to carry the baby and puts shades on him and moves its little arms to make it dance on the table*
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The baby *stares at Michael*
Michael *stares back*
Michael didn’t really care who’s baby it was. He just stared at it. It was such a funny thing to find in an asylum and he just kept staring at it. But then, he thought about who would be irresponsible enough to leave a baby unattended in an asylum with cannibal clowns ? He hence took it upon himself to take the baby and protect it until the mother or caretaker would arrive…
The baby will be safe if given to Michael.
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"Oh ! Nursy laid a child overnight ! Didn’t know your species could do that !" Penny joked as he found the baby.
He did have the craving to take a bite at first, but then he realised the baby was under your care. And as he does respect you to an extent, he decided to spare the child. Besides, the child wasn’t ripe enough for him…It wouldn’t be as nutritious as it would be if it were 4 or 5. He would hence say that he would wait until it is older. He would however observe it and smile at it or do funny faces at it when you’re not looking. He would also throw it in the air (giving you a small heart attack in the process) and giggle as he managed to successfully catch it each time.
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The baby *crying his lungs out*
Pennywise: "Give it here."
You *suspicious* : "Why ?"
Pennywise : "Do you want it to sleep ? Give it."
You then witnessed Pennywise use his powers to sing the baby to sleep. Pennywise would lull the child to sleep by singing him a song. Pennywise is older than Penny and has hence a greater repertoire and remembers…everything. He would find a song to make the baby sleep and be extra gentle with it. Unlike Penny, Pennywise is much wiser and careful. He understands the fragility of a baby and would know best what to do with it, even more since Pennywise used to have 7 siblings growing up when he was still human. But, do not leave the kid unattended for too long with Pennywise because after all…old habits die hard and unlike Penny, Pennywise isn’t fussy about the food he eats.
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Patrick Bateman is NOT a baby person, he isn’t a person person on a regular basis, but babies ? They are the worse in his book.
Loud, dirty and can’t do business.
What are they even for ?
The only baby he would get along with would be boss baby. But since he is a character in a cartoon, they would never meet. So the very real baby will stay FAR away from him and he wouldn’t even touch it. He would mildly be interested if the baby is yours, but not a lot more…
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You: "Jack. You were a father, right ?"
Jack: "Yeah. Why are you asking ?"
You *dump the baby in his arms*: "Here. I’ll be back in 5."
Jack *momentarily stunned and then calling after you.*: "Hey hey ! No ! Nurse Y/N ! Come back here !"
Jack finally sat down on a chair while the baby was just chilling in his arms and staring at him.
Jack *looks down at the baby and huffs* : "What are you looking at ?"
Him and the baby proceeded to chill all afternoon.
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You *forgot the baby in a room*
The baby *chilling on a table and about to roll off said table*
Bo *uses his unexpectedly big brother superpowers and catches it before it falls and then looks down at it…wondering what the hell he just did and why*
The baby *giving him the most baby smile ever*
Him *smirks* : "Well…Ain’t you an absolute sunshine, huh lil’ ugly ?"
Also him *carries the baby to the garage* : "Don’t worry, uncle Bo’s gonna take good care of ya. Lemme show ya how to fix a car now."
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Brahms would be happy to take care of it, but he would be clueless and would be afraid to hurt it. Brahms is strong and sometimes he doesn’t even realise how strong. He could involuntarily crush the child. So, he would just sit in front of it and be on guard duty. He would make sure no danger gets near the child and keep an eye on it until you are back. He would then ask if the baby could come back when it is a little older so they can become friends and play tag together.
Brahms *making puppy eyes at you and keeps asking when is the baby going to come back*
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glorious-spoon · 9 months
Thinking about the prompt "no, you’ll get an infection." since I just saw a gifset of our beloved firemen ripping open packages with their teeth. 😄
thank you! have a bit of established-relationship dorks on a very serious rescue mission.
"Buck," Eddie says, in the deeply patient tone that means he's refraining from adding, what the fuck is wrong with you. Buck's found that most people have a version of that tone, at least around him. Eddie doesn't employ his all that often; most of the time, Eddie is on board with pretty much anything Buck suggests. Digging around in storm drains for a missing stuffed animal is the limit, apparently.
"I've almost got it," Buck says, twisting slightly to wedge his shoulder against the grate. His fingers just brush the soggy synthetic fur of the small purple stuffed rabbit a few feet down.
"Isn't this how that kid lost his arm in that movie?"
He twists back to stare up at Eddie, who is backlit by the midday sun with the carnival spread out behind him. His hands are on his hips and his expression is half-amused, half-exasperated. "What?"
"Pennywise? Evil clown monster that lives in the sewers and eats children? It's based on a Stephen King novel."
"I repeat," Buck says. "What?"
"Right, I forgot that you don't watch anything other than nature documentaries and whatever Christopher adds to your Netflix queue."
"Bold words for a guy who's memorized every single telenovela from the past twenty years."
Eddie scoffs. "Come on. Who knows what's down there, you're not even wearing gloves, you're going to slice your hand open on some grimy piece of metal and get an infection."
"I'm being careful." Buck turns his head to squint down into the storm drain. It's too dark to see much of anything other than the faintly oily glimmer of water. There are cigarette butts and greasy fast food wrappers floating in it, and it doesn't smell great, but he's definitely dealt with grosser over the course of his career. Besides. He's so close. If he just stretches—
His fingers brush the rabbit's ear again. It topples over into the grimy water with a splash, and Buck swears under his breath. The toy is now half-submerged and several inches out of reach no matter how much he stretches.
"Buck," Eddie says again, softer. "Come on. It's just a stuffed animal."
"That Christopher won."
A sigh. "He's thirteen. I don't think this is going to break his heart, sweetheart."
Buck knows that this is probably objectively true. Chris was gleefully triumphant about winning at balloon darts even after Eddie grumbled about rigged games, but the stuffed rabbit itself seemed like an afterthought. He shoved it into Buck's hands with a quick grin before going off with his friends twenty minutes ago, and Buck is—stupid, probably, for the fact that this is sort of breaking his heart.
He hasn't thought about that giant stuffed bear that they won at the pier, the one that must have washed out to sea along with half of the Los Angeles coastline, in years. He doesn't even know if Christopher remembers it. He was little. And it wasn't exactly the most memorable part of the day. The little stuffed rabbit, which fits in the palm of Buck's hand—and incidentally, between the holes of a storm drain grate—makes a much more convenient souvenir. And it felt kind of—nice, having a sort of redo on that, even if Chris doesn't remember.
But Eddie's right. Short of trying to pry up the grate cover—which he could absolutely do, if he had a halligan handy—there's no way he's going to reach it. He sighs, resting his forehead on the metal frame, then wriggles his arm out of the grate and sits back on his heels, defeated. "Okay, fine. You win."
There's no response. When he turns around, Eddie is nowhere to be seen. Feeling more than a little put-out, Buck straightens up and looks around. It's not that crowded here, but there are enough passers-by that Buck's been getting a few strange looks, which he's been ignoring. The two streets to his left are closed-off for the carnival; to his right is a black-and-white parked across the median with a bored-looking beat cop directing traffic, and a couple of sanitation workers in hi-vis vests. Eddie is talking to one of them, but he glances back like he can tell Buck is watching him.
Buck spreads his hands in question, and Eddie holds up a finger, turning back toward the guy he was just talking to. Buck slumps, then sits down on the curb, staring forlornly at the storm drain.
A moment later, footsteps approach.
"Come on, stop pouting, scoot over," Eddie says as his shadow falls across Buck.
"I'm not pouting," Buck grumbles, but he scoots over.
"Sure you're not," Eddie says agreeably, sitting down next to him. "Here. You think this'll work?"
Buck blinks at him, then looks down at the trash picker Eddie is holding out to him, which has LA - DPW scrawled down one side in Sharpie. "Did you…"
"I mean, I had to give them a whole sob story, so you might as well try it," Eddie says, wrapping his hand around Buck's knee and jostling him gently. Buck takes the picker, then laughs, dropping his forehead to Eddie's shoulder.
"Sob story, huh?"
"Just saying. Probably more sanitary than trying to stick your bare hand down a storm drain."
"I love you," Buck tells him, and he feels Eddie's shoulder shake slightly with laughter before he straightens up.
"Love you too," he says. "Now come on, let's get started on this rescue operation. Though I think our patient is gonna need a thorough hose-down before we can transport him."
Buck snickers into Eddie's shirt. His eyes aren't wet, because that would be dumb. He rubs his cheek against the warm cotton anyway before lifting his head. "You're such a dork."
Eddie grins at him, ruffled and lovely in the afternoon sunlight. "Just trying to follow proper triage protocol here."
"Dork," Buck repeats, but he leans in to steal a brief kiss before they get the rescue operation underway.
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sanctum-of-ramshackle · 5 months
[TWST AU]: An MC/Yuu who knows how to serve a smile, and sensing everyone’s deepest fears…
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, the MC/Yuu here is more on the deranged life form that can shape-shift into anyone, cause horrific illusions and devours its feared victims.
[Gender Neutral!Pennywise the Dancing Clown!MC/Yuu]
[(A/N)]: Oh my god. This banger of a song was a great inspiration for this AU. If you’re a fan of horror and a metal head, check out Ice Nine Kills. The band creates great music retelling horror classics and novels through the lyrics.
[(A/N #2)]: I know it's not October or near Halloween, but whatever. I don't think the story was taken place during October.
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[Ice Nine Kills - IT Is The End ft. Peter Wasilewski & Buddy Schaub]
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"On a pouring day, Night Raven College had their classes canceled for the day due to a heavy rain storm. Kalim Al Asim, the Dorm Leader of Scarabia was rushing back to his dorm with only a yellow raincoat on him to protect himself from the fallen drops. He was rushing back because he doesn't want to worry Jamil for staying out late. As he hurries on his trail, a voice catches his attention, leading back to a sewer drain."
"Hello? Anyone? I'm stuck down here."
"Kalim had been warned by Jamil and his family to not trust the noises he encounters when being alone himself and never follow through."
"Though, he followed the eerily calm voice and he peeked down at the drain, something came to view..."
IT!MC/Yuu: *Appears in the storm drain*
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Kalim: *Gasps and backs up*
IT!MC/Yuu: Please call the DWP. I’m stuck in here.
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[Headmaster Crowley's office]
IT!MC/Yuu: After 27 years of being dormant back in Derry, Maine and being defeated by adults who roasted me, I’m now stuck in a world where kids have magic. Worst of all, I'm a teen myself!
Crowley: Now now, child. There is no need to have such anger.
IT!MC/Yuu: *Shape-shifts into a grotesque spider-like creature* I’m gonna rip your limbs apart and devour your flesh!
Crowley: *Hides behind Crewel* They’re not an ordinary student.
Crewel: *Sighs* No, really? I never recall a monstrous spider clown registering for Night Raven College.
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Ace: You can't eat regular food?
IT!MC/Yuu: I can. Just prefer a certain type of food.
Deuce: I don't think they serve that kind.
IT!MC/Yuu: It's fine. I still can drink.
Jack: Aren't you underaged?
IT!MC/Yuu: My boy, I'm way passed the drinking age limit before you were born.
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IT!MC/Yuu: Oh my god. This child…I cannot sense any fear. I can’t even taste any to begin with.
Cheka: *Giggles* You’re a funny clown. What’s your name?
IT!MC/Yuu: …MC/Yuu. You can call me Penny. Where are your parents, little child?
Cheka: I’m here to visit Ojima!
IT!MC/Yuu: Where are they?
[After hours of searching]
[Savanaclaw Dorm]
[Leona's room]
Leona: *Sleeping in his room*
IT!MC/Yuu: Leona~
Leona: Huh?
IT!MC/Yuu: *Shows him a face*
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Leona: *Jumps out of bed* What was that?!
IT!MC/Yuu: Leona, your nephew was looking for you and... *Covers Cheka's ears* I'm not good with children, if you know what I mean.
Cheka: Ojima! Penny gave me an animal balloon.
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[During the Stage in Playful Land ~Dancing Puppets and the Fantastical Theme Park~]
Grim: Why do I need to wear this stupid rain jacket? It smells weird.
IT!MC/Yuu: You’re part of my show. We have to give these folks some entertainment. Just act like an innocent little kid named Georgie.
Grim: Whose Georgie-
[Then the show starts.]
Allow me to introduce myself
They call me the dancing clown
And you must be Georgie
Did you hear my circus was in town?
It seems I have your boat here
The storm blew her off track
Just reach your hands down here and take it
If you really want it back
Oh, Georgie
You can trust me, sweet child
Step right this way
I'm at your service with a smile
Believe me
IT's nothing to fear
When I feast on your flesh
You'll see that we all float down...
Pick through the past you'll see
I'm living history
Come one come all
'Cause I'm starved for the kill
Prey on the pure at heart
Feed on their body parts
I've got some big fucking shoes to fill
Follow me and I'll show you the truth
Devastation as the dead lights defuse
Follow me and I'll show you the truth
Face down in the fountain of youth
Just like Georgie
IT's all out of hand
So join me
Catch me at the big top
Buried underground
You know I'm not clowning around
Even with a smile
From ear to fucking ear
IT's everything you know
IT's everything you fear
A carnival of carnage
That much you assume
But it's more than just a costume and red balloons
IT's coming back around every 27 years
IT's everything you know
IT's everything you fear
So let go
You know what makes me smile?
Devoured juveniles
Their innards tangled in my twisted grin
Chuckled so hard I choked
Call it an inside joke
They say that laughter's the best medicine
Follow me and I'll show you the truth
Face down in the fountain of youth
Just like Georgie
IT's all out of hand
So join me
Catch me at the big top
Buried underground
You know I'm not clowning around
Even with a smile
From ear to fucking ear
IT's everything you know
IT's everything you fear
A carnival of carnage
That much you assume
But it's more than just a costume and red balloons
IT's coming back around every 27 years
IT's everything you know
IT's everything you fear
So let go
IT is the end
IT's come again
Believe IT or not
You'll all disappear
IT cannot be fought
We all float down here
IT is the end
IT's come again
Believe IT or not
You'll all disappear
IT cannot be fought
We all float down here
IT is the end
IT's come again
Believe IT or not
You'll all disappear
IT cannot be fought
We all float down here
We all float down here
IT's come again
Believe IT or not
You'll all disappear
IT cannot be fought
We all float down here
Fellow Honest & Gidel: *Holding each other, shaking in fear*
IT!MC/Yuu: You scared of a little clown~? *Grins sinisterly*
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Malleus: I must say, you're truly are fearful for many.
IT!MC/Yuu: And you don't find me terrifying?
Malleus: I have not.
IT!MC/Yuu: ...You know, I can sense your fear is not having to make any friends outside of your domain because they seem to be frightened by your presence. And it has something to deal with your late mother.
Malleus: *Glares at them* In what sense are you speaking of? What knowledge you have of my family?
IT!MC/Yuu: *Shrugs* All I'm saying you should speak with your guardian. I'm just a clown from another world.
[Shit. IT!MC/Yuu entered the trope of "Enemies-to-Friends".]
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cupids-scream-queen · 7 months
Can I please have a art x reader smut!! I will beg 🤭
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Warning: EXTREME dubcon, blood, knives, physical assault, mentions of sexual assault, forced blowjob, bite marks, might just be the nastiest piece of shit I've written to date
Summary: she was just a little clowngirl, so innocent, so lost...until he showed up.
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She was beautiful. That's how all these start, right? Some beautiful girl kidnapped and sexually tortured by some fat, old man and his sexually incompetent wife.
Except, that's not how it started, at least not for her. No, it started at the local fair, on Halloween night, looking for $5 to purchase a candied apple from a kiosk.
She was dressed like a clown, her makeup a mix of Pennywise and some other twisted clowns, her face and neck covered in fake blood. She wore fishnets, with two different patterns of thigh-high socks on. She had her jet black hair tied in pigtails, false strands of red and white peaking through. She was hot as fuck, and she knew it.
Perhaps that was why she wasn't comfortable with asking the myriad of men who approached her for money, afraid of them asking for much, much more than just a thank-you as payment.
Perhaps that was why she trusted the silent, horror clown that was peering at her through the windows of an old building that was being used as that night's Haunted House.
She went to him confidently, her smile flashing her teeth, her red lips parting to ask him a so very, very simple question.
"May I borrow $5, sir? I don't have enough and I'd like to buy an apple," She pointed to the stand, which a fat, cheerful-looking man handed out three delicious, red-coated apples to a mother with a gaggle of kids. The Clown looked at her, smiling with a set of bewildering teeth. She wasn't nervous, though, not at first. It was Halloween--he simply had an elaborate costume, right?
Instead, she was surprised when he beckoned for her to follow him, through a valley of dark and otherwise intimidating trees. She raised her eyebrow, quizzically, questioning her options.
"Did you park your car there, sir?" The clown nodded, motioning for her to join him. She still trusted him--how could she not? He looked as if he worked here, with how elaborate his costume was. Perhaps she should trust him, then, perhaps he really did leave his wallet in his car, and perhaps he was going to give her the money.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Another nod, and the clown reached out to touch her hands. She wasn't scared, not yet, because she hadn't had any red flags from this strange man yet. He was maybe doing a bit, wasn't he? It would be rude of her not to play along, isn't it?
"I'll follow you if you promise me the five dollars, okay?" He nodded again, and she let out a sigh before she started walking with him to the treeline, his hand holding hers. He was quite a bit taller than her, and stronger--her hand was in a small amount of pain from how tightly he gripped her. For his part, the clown was trying his best to appear appealing--the girl was someone he didn't want to get away, at least not yet. Perhaps later, but his plan has to happen first.
She was shivering slightly and struggling to keep up as the clown walked faster, his back turned to her as he navigated his way through the dense Forrest of trees. She could barely hear the fair anymore, the sounds of children's laughter replaced by the occasional caws of a crow.
"Aren't we a little far, Mr. Clown?" She asked, her voice starting to lace with worry. This was the part he so desperately desired--when she was going to realize she was alone, truly, and she had trusted the wrong person.
He turned, and stopped suddenly, and she bumped into him. Without warning, the clown taped her wrists together, binding them with a sticky layer of tape. His hands on her shoulders, she tried kicking andscreaming, but it was no use. He was stronger--and apparently smarter--than she was.
He taped her mouth shut next, the tape ruining her whiteface clown makeup and her lipstick. She looked at him, begging, to be let go. Art had no sympathy for her, he was incapable of that feeling.
But sexual pleasure was one thing that Art could feel, and tonight, he was going to exploit her body for all it was worth. He started by unpacking the bag at his feet, and she couldn't help but wonder where it came from. But when Art pulled out a knife, screwdriver, and a broken piece of a doll's head, she knew she was in deep shit.
She tried to scream against the tape as he started to undress her, ripping the seams of her costume with his knife. He touched her soft breast, groping it. How beautifully it felt against his hands. How pretty it was, when her nipples got hard. Should he cut them off? No, he had a better idea.
Smiling sinisterly, he pulled nipple clamps out of his bag, and ripped the bra off of her. Exposing her bare breasts, her nipples hardened at once to being exposed to the cold air of October, and she felt the tears prick in her eyes as she felt the hard, tight clamps clip down on her nipples. She started to cry, the sight only arousing Art more.
He then began the business of her pesky legs. Not wanting to get rid of the beautiful limbs, he settled for taping them securely, eliminating any chance of her running away. She was naked now, bound and gagged for this sick clown's pleasure. And all she could do was helplessly feel everything he did to her.
He then got his screwdriver, and rammed it into her pussy, the cold metal stinging her insides. He was careful not to hurt her, instead deciding to use this as a sort of lesson. To show her that, if he wanted to, he could hurt her, and to show her to be careful of whatever she did. She had no power in this situation.
He began to take his own clothes off, and he smiled sinisterly as he took his throbbing, aching dick out. Instinctively she swallowed upon seeing the size, her pussy beginning to get wet around the screwdriver as she began to wonder if he'd fit. If he didn't? She guessed he would make it fit.
He began stroking it in front of her, before slapping her across the face with his member. He grinned at the sight, and she looked at him with glassy eyes. She was beautiful, and his to ruin, and he took that job to the next level.
He tugged on her pigtails, forcing his dick on her face a few more times before he got tired of it. He then rubbed it against her ass, her tits, and her back--threatening her. The screwdriver was still inside of her, the thin rod of metal doing nothing to help the empty feeling inside of her as Art continued to rub his dick on her body.
He paused his game, twisting the screwdriver hard inside of her, pressing it farther against the walls. She screamed against the tape again, and Art slapped her, tired of her not realizing or comprehending what kind of a situation she was in. How stupid could this woman be?
He then took his abandoned knife and brandished it against her throat, cutting it. Not enough to kill, enough to draw blood and warn her not to get out of hand. She nodded as if understanding the gesture, and Art decided it was time to have some other fun with his fucktoy tonight. He ripped the tape off of her face, pressing the knife against her cheek as he stood above her, pressing the tip of his dick against her lips.
She took him in, parting her lips. But it wasn't fast enough for Art, who pushed past and went completely into her mouth and hitting the back of her throat. He fucked her mouth, using one hand to use her pigtails as a rope and the other hand pressing a knife against her cheek, the blood spilling out of it mesmerizing as she sucked on his cock. Obediently, like a good clown slut.
Her gag reflexes were working overtime. She puked more than once, being forced to swallow it from the rate at which the clown was fucking her mouth. Her makeup was ruined with tears streaming down her face, her head tired and her mouth sore. Art kept the knife on her face, periodically slashing a new part of it, marking her as his.
He was finished with her mouth. Slapping her across the face, then patting her on the head, he put another piece of tape on her mouth, holding a finger to his smiling lips. She understood.
Now that her throat was bare, she felt the aching emptiness of her core, and realized she was wet. For him, the man who was currently rummaging around in his sick fucking bag, waiting to present her with yet another instrument of torture.
This time, it was a leash.
He grinned as he attached it to her, enjoying the way she looked up at him, pleading with him to let her go. Of course he wouldn't. Not when she was such a good girl for him.
He tugged on the leash, forcing her to sprawl out at his feet. He spit on her, allowing her to know her place as beneath him. He then rolled her tired body over, and took the screwdriver out of her pussy. Sticking two fingers in, he quickly added another two, stretching her to her limits. She cried out against the tape, earning her yet another slap across the face.
He then pulled out, and she whined, practically pleading to be fucked already. Art would oblige. And with no warning, he pushed in all the way, forcing her to take his massive cock. And she did, though it felt as if she was being stretched in a million positions. She was going to be a good whore for him--maybe she'd get out alive.
He fucked her rough and hard, continuing to make tiny cuts into her body and pinching down on the nipple clamps as hard as he could. He used her body, he was fucking her roughly. And she, for her part, was beginning to find pleasure in the pain.
He kept the collar and the leash on, tugging at it occasionally if he felt she was enjoying it too much. This was to be her worst nightmare; he couldn't have her fully in pleasure, now could he? He picked up the screwdriver and made the decision to shove it in her pussy alongside his cock, making her whine. It was cold, but the sharp point of it was hitting against her walls, likely drawing blood. Good. This was not to be enjoyable for anyone except for him.
He felt her cum against his dick, her pussy clenching on him as she tried to conceal her orgasm. No matter, he'd simply torture her. He'd certainly experience the same amount of pleasure.
Taking his dick out of her, he slapped her, jabbing the knife into her shoulder, causing her to wince and cry in pain. Good. To Art, it felt like music, and it was music--a song only he would hear, ever. And he continued to abuse her, cutting her and hurting her in ways she couldn't even dream of. And all the while, he was rubbing his cock, an ever-present reminder to her that he was enjoying every second of her pain.
When he finally came, it was not in her, it was on her face, ruining her hair with thick ropes of cum. Art looked at the woman in front of him, bruised, broken, and battered, and grinned. A joke only he could understand, a scene that would play only for him. He'd allow her to live--he couldn't fathom someone finding her before she died of the cold or her injuries. It wasn't something that was a priority to him.
And so he packed his bag, leaving her taped-up and cummed on, her makeup ruined and her clothes in shreads around her. As pretty as a picture. Getting dressed, Art moved back to the fair, his grin more dastardly than ever before. Leaving her to figure out how to survive alone.
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pkay...so a little dark. Thank you to @miracleslifewithart for requesting this; hopefully I did a good job!
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