#Have a fanfiction of the AU they made too
heymacy · 22 hours
it's weekly tag game wednesday thursday! i was tagged (and/or mentioned) by so many sweethearts, namely @jrooc, @creepkinginc, @doshiart, @mybrainismelted, @deedala,
@gardenerian, @blue-disco-lights, @spookygingerr, @thepupperino, @stocious,
@vintagelacerosette, & @palepinkgoat 💛 I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH (and if i missed anyone bc of the glitch i am so, so sorry!!!)
how did you get into the fandom? a friend of mine on twitter DM’d me a gallavich compilation video in mid-2020 and said “i think you might really like this show” — i’d tried watching it before in 2018 but only made it to 1x06 which is a CRIME. can you imagine if i’d kept going? insanity. anyway. the worms got me, i made a new tumblr in october 2020, and the rest is history ✨
how long have you been here? 3.75 years and counting
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) YouTube, then tumblr
what’s your favourite now? tumblr now and forever
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? @7x10mickey — hi lizzie! ily lizzie!
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? funny you should ask! my very first fandom crush was the beautiful, talented, spectacular @gardenerian. i was mesmerized by their gifs and their playlists and wanted to be their friend so i messaged them requesting a gif set based on a song from the show. cut to 3.5 years later and i’m packing a suitcase to visit them for the second time in a month. life is funny like that!
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher by @goodkwuestion. read it in like 3 days flat. one of the best pieces of literature, fanfiction or other, that i’ve ever read
first fan art that blew your mind? i don’t remember exactly which one but it was definitely one by @steorie — one of the first artists i followed in the fandom!
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? echoing @deedala (who also knows how deep it goes) and saying SPORTS AU!!!!!! boy oh boy. i am IN THE TRENCHES
what surprised you most about this fandom? how kind and considerate everyone is. i’ve never been a part of a community that is so welcoming and warm and it makes me all fuzzy (positive)
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? the club kiss (though i was fixated after 1x07 i will not lie to y’all)
ian or mickey? i’m saying both and you can’t stop me!!!!
which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? fiona. hot mess, waffle knit henley tees, dreams of owning a laundromat, comes from a chaotic family, eldest daughter syndrome, always ugly crying for one reason or another
tags below the cut!
@too-schoolforcool, @mmmichyyy, @transmickey, @sam-loves-seb, @darlingian,
@deathclassic, @energievie, @michellemisfit, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @sleepyheadgallavich,
@crossmydna, @tanktopgallavich, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @the-rat-wins, @transmurderbug,
@lee-ow, @callivich, @kiinard, @sluttymickey, @thisdivorce,
@xninetiestrendx, @y0itsbri, @captainjowl, @arrowflier, @astaraels,
@ardent-fox, @wehangout, @gallapiech, @roryonic, @mickittotheman,
@jademickian, @solitarycreaturesthey, @spacerockwriting, & @rayrayor
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ryobitheaxololt · 6 months
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But what is more interesting is that..
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leonscape · 4 months
Ikemen Prince AU Series
“A Reflection of the Parents”
Kids are like sponges. They soak up every bit of information. They are also like mirrors in the way they mirror their parents’ behavior.
Lawrence and Anastasia seem to have picked up certain habits from their fathers.
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Ever since he could remember, Leon always fell asleep while reading. The quiet words on the page always lulled him to sleep. He couldn’t help his eyes when they slowly started to droop from being bombarded by tiny letters on a large page.
And ever since he could remember, Chevalier has always known the value of a book. These books were the only world he had ever known to be tolerable. He couldn’t help but feel protective of them.
Leon had face planted right into the pages of the book. He looked like a little shrimp with the way his back bent over to rest his head on the table. When Chevalier saw this atrocious crime being committed, he walked up to Leon and pulled the book out from under Leon’s head. In response, Leon bonked his head on the table.
“Owww... What was that for?” Leon groaned, rubbing his forehead.
“How many times do I have to tell you that books are not pillows?” Chevalier huffed in frustration.
“I wasn’t using it as a pillow, I was reading it!” Leon said.
Chevalier scoffed, “Unless you’ve evolved to the point where you have the ability to read with your eyes closed, I doubt you were doing any reading.” Without another word, Chevalier walked off with the confiscated, or some might say rescued, book.
It wasn’t a new occurrence. Chevalier has been doing this to Leon for years. Nothing’s changed except for maybe Chevalier had become much more hostile and a little more protective.
So it wasn’t surprising when the exact same scene was set up between Leon’s daughter and Chevalier’s son.
Lawrence grabbed the book out from under Anastasia’s head. She bonked her forehead on the table and woke up in a painful daze.
“Ouchie! Hey! What was that for?!” Anastasia shouted, rubbing her forehead.
“Books are not pillows. You’re going to ruin the book with your drool,” Lawrence told her.
“You’re so mean!” she exclaimed and stomped out of the room.
Lawrence looked down at the book and slowly put it back. He wasn’t able to bring himself to look at the book after what he’d just done.
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Tag List (let me know if you'd like to be tagged or untagged): @violettduchess @nightghoul381 @moonlight-library
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Saw a post. Got to thinking. Am now wondering how my interpretation of characters differs from the canon, and how much of that is:
Deliberate and reasonable: in a 'fighting against canon-authorial biases' way (e.g. taking queer-coded characters to actually queer, addressing the religious stereotypes and racism baked into certain characters, expanding a female characters motivations in ways that don't match up to canon but do match up to Logical Thinking Human Behavior, updating language and slang to not include slurs, etc.)
Reasonable: in a 'yeah, I guess if you stretch your extrapolation of the canon, or focus on this part of the narrative, you can get there without contradicting the rest too much' kind of way
Deliberate: started nearly canon, and then 'ooc' but as an understandable result of the fic's events
Semi-Deliberate: kind of an art style thing, where it's definitely That Character, but through the author's specific style of dialogue and prose; author-tinted glasses, if you will
Semi-Deliberate: the author was trying, but kind of juggled too many things and you can tell that they slipped too far away from canon, and realized it, but didn't have the time/energy to fix it
Deliberate: different from canon, but within an acceptable standard deviation from the canon/mean
Deliberate: different from canon, in a sort of an AU-where-character-is-X, rather than just a different lens or the result of the fic events
Deliberate: ...but you should have honestly just made an OC, this is basically a different, new character
Probably not deliberate: different, but in a way that's kind of just. off-putting, and not particularly self-aware on the part of the author.
Feel free to reblog and have fun, and use this to talk about your own writing but DO NOT use this to vague and talk smack about other authors in your fandoms. Be Nice.
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somer-writes · 5 months
The Heart of Hyrule Modern AU pt 1
Alright AU dump let's goooo
Let's get some character stuff down for the 3 grown ups (not including Malon)
He's a retired adventurer/hero. He's actually been knighted by the crown but he only agreed as a favor to his old childhood friend, the crown princess Zelda. He's pretty well known as more myth than man for his monster slaying escapades.
Mysterious origins abound. No one except for Malon knows how old Time is and where he's *actually* from. He is in fact from the Kokiri Forest which is a common fairytale. His mother left him there while fleeing the civil war which ended a few years after his birth.
Able to sense magic. Uses it sometimes.
He's married to Malon. When Talon passed, Malon inherited Lon-Lon Ranch. Everything is in her name. He has a coffee mug that says 'Princess' on it as a joke. They also joke he married her for the horses. Lon-Lon Ranch is small, mostly managed by the two of them and Twilight.
Time's pretty reclusive. He doesn't like to go into town. There's rumors about him bc of it, but Malon throws hands for him.
Time and Malon "hired" Twilight as a ranch hand when he showed up on their doorstep with an old ad in the paper from when Talon still ran things. They couldn't just let a kid like him out of their sight and have essentially adopted him.
They also look after the others. Their home is a safe place for the younger ones to go when they need it. Also they pay them to help out with chores (esp during the summer).
Time has issues with chronic pain which is part of why he stopped going on royal errands. His back and knees are pretty rough.
He keeps out hummingbird feeders for both birds and fairies.
Caffeine addict. Always has a cup of coffee within 5 feet of his person. Malon buys his coffee mugs. They are all jokes at his expense.
His favorite food is milk. The colder the better.
Not a strong reader. Malon taught him how to read.
Next oldest. He's 22, just slightly older than Twi.
He's a city boy. He left his family's primary home there to live in their summer house in town. It's a big manor and he lives there alone. He doesn't really like it much but he doesn't know what else to do with himself
Heir to a weapons development company that got its foothold in the war. wealthy upbringing. His dad's been married three times so Wars has a large amount of step and half siblings he's not close to. He himself is an "only" child. He does not get along with his father and doesn't know the rest of his family well.
He was in school for architecture but is taking a break bc it got to be too much for him. He works part time at the city office as a clerk.
Doesn't make friends easily, is used to getting picked on.
Emotionally neglected/abused as a child. Struggles with being too clingy when he makes a genuine bond with someone. Lots of feelings of insufficiency
Prolific dater for a while in high school. Cheated on his partners. Had one extremely toxic ex as a teenager (theres cw worthy stuff here so i wont mention it in this post) and has been put off on ever having any real relationships with anyone ever again.
Touch aversion bc of the aforementioned. Doesn't mind if it's Wind or Twi tho. Slowly warming up to the others.
He struggles to relate or says very ignorant things sometimes just bc of his privileged upbringing but he's doing his best to learn better.
Came up in private school. Had nannies until he was 14. Nowhere's ever really felt like home to him
Writes poetry and paints. Greatly enjoys romcoms.
Next oldest at 21. He's from Ordon which is an occupied territory of Hyrule
High school dropout/teenage runaway. Has his GED.
Orphaned, found by Rusl when Rusl was out on a monster hunt. Raised by Rusl and Uli.
Ran away at 16 after fucking around with dark magic and finding out. Saw Some Shit. Still has nightmares. He's still in contact with Rusl and Uli and they know he's safe but he's doing some "soul searching" and so hasn't gone home.
The dark magic let him go to the spirit realm. He can turn into the wolf as a result (and has to bc he gets grouchy if he's Hylian for too long). Some of his keen hearing/smelling carries over. Can see spirits. Nobody knows yet.
Tried to make a living at first as a freelance monster hunter. Got his ass handed to him a few times. Eventually blew into town as a very hungry/sick 17-yo and wound up at Lon-Lon looking for work
He doesn't feel like he deserves Time and Malon's love but they care for him like he's their own kid. He's always working extra hard to try and make up for it.
Missing his left arm from the shoulder down. Lost it to the monster that attacked his village shortly before Rusl found him.
Does not like when people offer their help when it comes to his arm. He will let them know when he needs a hand (kek).
Extremely fond of and good with animals. Also really strong once he got healthy again. Very capable on horseback, adores cats.
When he can't be found at the creek or stables, he can be found sleeping in various places around the farm. Always has cats on/following him.
Reads a lot, draws too. Fishes often. Works on his truck with Malon and Four.
Looks up to Time, best bros forever with Wars, very close with Wild
pescatarian (only fish hes caught tho, never bought)
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piedoesnotequalpi · 2 months
In all seriousness, I still can't quite believe it's actually done. I'll have more thoughts tomorrow.
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yall I was JOKING about how this would fix me but like
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that man Fixed Me for real. this actually isn't a joke
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
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oh of course izaya is an oscar wilde fan. he would definitely use this as his bio for his private discord/twitter account
pulls out the importance of being earnest and the picture of dorian gray. time to analyze these from the psychological/literary perspective of izaya lets go baby (he has his own category)
edit check tags and rbs for some actual analysis stuff lmAOo
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rapono-writes-stuff · 6 months
Excerpt from a fic I might end up not posting:
Mostly cuz it's a very simplified version of a plot brainworm I've had for the past few months, mixed with my lack of confidence in understanding the fandom source material. Also it's not even finished yet lol.
The new stranger is familiar, and the hunter doesn't know why.
Tall, too tall, and blind, hair a stark white. Eyes always closed, and yet used their keen hearing to move as if they could see. Nothing about her was familiar, the hunter would've definitely remembered someone so vividly unordinary.
And yet, the song she often hummed scratched something familiar in the back of their mind, an undeniable feeling they'd heard it before. And for some reason, it made their guts twist with a terror they couldn't quite recall, a memory that refused to surface, but was undeniably there.
“Where'd you learn that song?”
They'd eventually been brave enough to ask, pretending they hadn't been putting off doing so, the stranger turning their head to face them, despite never opening their sightless eyes.
“…I can’t recall. Known it as long as I can remember.”
With that, they sung the beautiful tune once more, the mountains carrying their voice. The hunter stood and listened, as if the melody didn't strike them with prey-animal fear.
They dream of losing a hunt that night, but can’t recall what the monster they face looks like.
Today, the stranger approaches them first.
“What's troubling you little hunter? I can sense the tension in your limbs.”
They bite their tongue. They don’t want to admit the truth, make her stop singing, but they can’t find a lie.
“Your song is familiar, but I can’t recall why.”
Her posture stiffens, if only for a moment, a beat of silence unbroken. It feels a little too long, before her answer comes.
“Interesting. I wonder why.”
There's an old flatness to her tone, but the hunter doesn’t question it.
They notice she sings it less frequently around them after that, as if she knows the fear it brings. Only catching the tune in the distance, but quieting to silence as they grow close.
The hunter regrets their words, despite the fear it caused, they hadn't wanted this.
The stranger has become a stranger no more. Still unusual, yes, but proving herself in the hunt, despite her lack of sight. A fellow hunter, a friend.
The song loses its bite, the tune becoming familiar for a new reason. Her voice is beautiful, and carries far, able to hear her from across the village on good day.
She no longer shies away when the hunter approaches, as they come to sit and listen.
“Would you still fight alongside with me if I was a monster?”
The question catches the hunter off guard, an unusual question,
She elaborates.
“If I was turned into a monster, would you hunt me?
Instinctually, a part of them pounces on a yes, of course. She would be a danger to them and everyone if such a horrible thing happened. And yet, they hesitate to answer, as a smaller, quieter voice is the one to break the silence, put the words on their tongue.
“…I don’t know.”
And it, unlike the first answer, feels more like the truth.
The former stranger smiles.
“I'd hope, at the very least, you'd hesitate.”
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allylikethecat · 1 month
More on the carsickness haha bc it’s such a sweet and like niche hc but also like makes so much sense ?? Also because I’m obsessed w atkh at the moment just like probably everyone else who ever stepped foot into ur tumblr page lol. How do you reckon fictional George ends up finding out about it? Bc obviously this fictional Matty is less of a complainer and more likely to like pretend everything is fine ig? I guess it’s just one of those things that he’d notice when they spend more time together?
ALSO. Since I’m here, and you said send asks so you can’t stop me ;)
I have been slacking on my atkh chapter comments and I realised I was sooo taking them for granted SO
Starting from the chapter where he breaks down at fictional! George’s, OH MY GOD ????? Written to perfection and I cried. I feel like it’s just such a good way for it to all happen but also so devastating?! And they fact that he’s finally realising that he was soo wrong about everything So then I’m super glad that they got some time to like- be happy- even if you’re going to crush that for a bit..
And then the chapter w charli and everything was so sweet. Fictional Carly is really just another mini protector
The SLEEPOVER ???? Was definitely NOT too self indulgent from you I ate it up oh my god.
And then the date oml. I love anything w the horses in tbh it all seems so personal and real. And the blushing oml so sweet.
Hope your team win the hockey game ? If that’s still going?
I am going to start off by apologizing for how long this response is I got very excited about your WONDERFUL ask...
IDK maybe I'm just projecting but like Matty, fictional and IRL just gives me "gets carsick vibes" so like he will be getting carsick in all of my fics lol Also thank you SO MUCH for being obsessed with ATKH because I am also very obsessed with ATKH and I am just so excited and so grateful that people are enjoying it and will to chat with me about it because that is what I want to be doing at all times lol I don't know if Fictional!George is ever explicitly going to find out - but if he does its probably going to be in the sense that they're going somewhere that's further away, Fictional!George is driving as always, and it starts out fine, but maybe they hit some stop and go traffic, and it's just taking forever and Fictional!Matty has gotten quieter and quieter, and he's got his forehead pressed against the window and his eyes squeezed shut and he is breathing really heavily and Fictional!George is like what's wrong you're really pale and Fictional!Matty is just like "I need you to pull over as soon as you can because I am going to throw up" and Fictional!George is like 😮 what shit and is scrambling to try and pull over and is just like in awe of how calm Fictional!Matty is about the entire thing and is like why didn't you say anything! But Fictional!Matty is just like I get carsick it's fine and Fictional!George is like THIS iS NOT FINE HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS and next time they go on a roadtrip he's got like water and ginger ale for him and like anti-nausea lollipops and is READY.
No part of me wants to stop you keep the asks coming this is absolute AMAZING and thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to read All the King's Horses I'm just so extremely grateful for everyone who has given it a chance and who has taken the time to chat with me!!
AHHH I'm so happy that you liked the chapter where they really ~talked~ about Fictional!Matty's history, that was one of the very first chapters I saw like fully formed in my mind when I started outlining this fic! It had moments where it was hard to write, but looking back I am happy with how it came out! Fictional!George is very obsessed with Fictional!Matty and that line between love and hate when it comes to obsession is very thin... but yes! They are going to be happy for a little bit 👀
I LOVE Fictional!Charli SO MUCH she is the MVP and the voice of reason in this fic and Fictional!Carly is a compilation of all the fabulous wealthy women who ride at my barn and have adopted me as their like bonus adult child I love them all so much and am so grateful to them and have had so much fun turning them into Fictional!Carly
HEHE I was so excited about the only one bed thing, that is like one of my FAVORITE things and I was so happy and excited to like full send it lol
YAY! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the date chapter! That was another one that was very self indulgent because I NEEDED to get Pop in there - I had to make some major edits to that chapter because I had accidentally made Pop the main character haha he might be the main character in my life but I was like this fic is about Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George not you Pop lol He retaliated IRL today by getting his third eyelid stuck over his eyeball and absolutely freaking me out because he can never NOT be the center of attention lol I was also really amused by how much Fictional!Matty was blushing - part of me worried it was too much but I was also like this fictional man has hardly had anyone do anything truly nice for him just because, ever, in his life, so he is going to be so anxious and embarrassed about it the entire time.
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little snippet from the next papa mia chapter?👀
Ask and you shall receive 😉
There was a soft song playing, and Regulus decided he needed another drink. His buzz from before was now completely gone. As he tried to get the bartender, a boy not much older than Harry, attention, his son shuffled up to his side, laying his head on Regulus' shoulder. “I think I am traumatized now.” 
Regulus offered him a pathetic pat on the head, “Sorrows, sorrow, prayers.” 
Harry snickered, bumping his shoulder with his own, “It’s not funny.” Even as a hint of a smile on his lips crept on his lips. 
“I’m sorry did you come to me to confirm or deny the rumors about your dad’s dick?” He deadpanned.
Harry shrieked, covering his ears and very maturely chanting, “La la la la, I’m not listening!” Squeezing his eyes shut.
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Every single soulmate AU I've ever seen is doing it wrong
Alright, I got some shit to say about soulmate AUs.
First off, I think everyone can agree that "soulmates" are defined as "people who fall in love with each other on a soul-deep level, such that even when reincarnated with no memories of their past lives, they still fall in love with each other." Is that the definition everyone uses? Probably not! But it's mine, so fuck you, shut up and keep reading.
Now, the thing about soulmate AUs, where they have marks that represent their soulmates or tattoos of their first words or whatever, is that they're doing it fucking backwards. For a pair of people to be considered soulmates, they shouldn't need any sort of prompting or hinting in order to find each other and fall in love. They become soulmates BECAUSE they keep finding each other and C H O O S I N G to fall in love life after life. Saying or writing that they fall in love because they're soulmates is fucking dumb and we all know it's just an excuse to mash their faces together and go "now kiss" like you're playing with dolls, and it's not even a GOOD excuse like other fic premises.
I even have comparisons to make as examples! The way soulmates are supposed to work is like getting your favorite food every time you go to a restaurant, or being called a musician because you learned to play an instrument.
The way everyone WRITES soulmates, on the other hand, is like you're being forcibly served the same thing every time you go to a restaurant because you're wearing the same shirt, or like saying that you learned to play an instrument because you're a musician.
Is everyone going to agree with me? Hell no. But I'll fucking die on this hill, because soulmates are such a great concept and yet the entire internet abuses it more than they abuse doge, irony and there/their/they're.
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the-nsr-family · 1 year
mmmmm maybe I will come back for real this time.
I lowkey want to like. write a fanfic. issue is I’m already running one for SU and I’d never forgive myself if I abandoned my readers in the middle of such an intense moment.
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cloudsandwichsoup · 1 year
If I talk badly about omori or decide to criticize it in any way, I think the fandom is gonna blow me up or something…
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The weird thing that refused to let me sleep until I got it written down (idea is free to good home)
Audience: "Arceus, you're a monster sending a child into such a dangerous place to do your bidding! If you want to stop someone from tearing up space/time send an adult!"
A nice Arceus: "I did seek outith a human adult for great skill and calm would be required in order to halt the efforts of my wayward children and bind those of my favored land in harmony, and only one of an endless many agreed to mine terms, wanting only to record the delights of such splenders lands for his kin."
*cue that one Legends Arceus trailer with the H!Zoroa and the person filming who takes a fall*
That same Arceus beginning to look a bit stressed: "He landed and was filled with joy at the sight of mine iceland children and since I had not rested in a timeless eon I... MAY have taken mine eyes off of he for a spell. When next I woke I could not find my champion but I did find his wrist bound communications device I had blessedbroken in the cold and was... somewhat upset. And assuming of the worst."
*cue massive explosion in some other dimension that causes all sorts of weird stuff everywhere for promptly one hour everywhere before just as suddenly settling down*
That same Arceus looking extremely stressed: "Then in the vast and endless void I had created for mineself to vent, thy plucky fifteen year old appeared floating and since I was in such a state that I cared not for specifics, and in a fit decided if they could reach and survive mine realm without my aid then they much have been called by mine self and able to face all struggles."
*cue a picture of eldritch Arceus wiping its brow after sending PL:A protag off with the caption "The feel when you forgot about the meeting and everyone arrives early"
That Arceus now looking proud yet confused: "...So far I have seen them shrug off fires, lightning, uncountable poisons, the mortal requirement for rest or sustinence or even the limit at which one should vacate their mortal coil multiple times. They do not send me communications through their device which I blessed no matter how I update their quest list to be of use. They fight mine hero of yore's blessed champions corrupted by my wayward child, mine direct children and have even bested mine avatar without their pokemon, only with little sacks and their fists. I do not understand how or why but they have done wonderfully, even reuniting me with mine lost champion and I hold them as a most dear creation, able to command a fragment of mine self without harm."
*cue a picture of the PL:A protag smiling as they walk while covered head to toe in fire*
That same Arceus slumping over and burying its head in between its front hooves: "But they do not call upon me despite all efforts made for their ease of contact so I know nothing of what they want from the rest of creation. Mine lost champion deserves to return home but thy wonderful eldritch child and adoptive clan art greatly attached and he knows naught of his kin... Who so fiercely awaits his return and may be ready to burn down my gates at the behest of my wayward child's former champion who, despite the eons I gifted in the hopes of showing he is dearly loved, continues to desire all to end? I do not know know anymore, my wayward child is no longer in contact and my mortal children of that age react so when I appear so I cannot ask."
*Cue a grainy black and white picture of what appears to be a very blurry Arceus in front of a computer with a caption in blood curdling, eldritch text reading 'saw creator seek parenting advice from randoms on internet. suddenly understanding much'*
Wobbily eyed Arceus now cradling his fermented berry juice bottle at Oranguru's Place: "I don't know what to dooOOoooooo, it's all going wrong and everyone hates me..! Do I just, make more childers who can take people anytime whenever and start handing out extra years like this, these, sweet round sugary things? Or this, what is this? An onion? Onions are grand creations making themselves, very healthy and tasty... There should be more onions, everywhen, for if creations should need them- Oh! Could give mine champion's kin a bottle for everywhere, childrens diamond and pearl would like the balance-"
Oranguru: Doesn't comment but is starting to get a sinking feeling s/he might just get to see the creation of the first(?) Hoopa and Celebi before a hell of a lot of timeywhimey stuff ensues.
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i couldn't say this earlier while i was still shaking because tumblr broke on my end so anyways
it's based on the SR:ICP au (specifically the mandela catalogue timeline) pls give this fic the love it deserves
actually, scratch that...
give every SR fanfic you see the love it deserves (except if there's a reason to not)
edit: tags
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