#Having a very many spinny thoughts today
Okay, suddenly overcome by an MBS story that's, like, an Aesop fable or The Town Musicians of Bremen.
Reynie is a fox, Kate's a raptor of some kind, Constance is a chicken, Sticky's a frog.
Milligan is a big old hound dog, Number Two is a hedgehog, Rhonda's a squirrel, Nicholas is an owl (of course)
And then things happen. That's literally all I've got for you.
But I think it would be interesting! And the idea is highly likely inspired by @mahpotatoequeen's fantastic writing style, since it always kind of reminds me of fairy tales, so go read her work!!!!
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sweetstars-posts · 26 days
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matt sturniolo x british!fem!reader
the oneshot is based on this tiktok !!
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summary — while matt, chris, and y/n are on stream, the chat has questions on where y/n is from.
a/n — based on a mia goth interview where she was talking about where she is from. i'm using mia goth as a face claim and as a voice claim but you can imagine whoever you like!!
While Nick was in Australia, Matt and Chris have been streaming very frequently, and today you decided to join.
While the weather was gloomy and dull, you guys were having fun just chatting on stream. You sat on the left side of Matt on a fuzzy pink spinny stool.
“Hold on, I’m gonna post on my instagram story” Chris said as he posted a story with a link to the stream.
‘where is y/n from? her voice is beautiful’
“Hey,” Matt nudged you and pointed to the chat, while holding your hand.
“Well thank you Katherine,” you begin while Matt stares down at you adoringly.
“Yeah chat she has the most confusing story” Chris said while doing weird hand motions.
“Well, it’s a bit of a long story. So I was born in London, and then when I was two weeks old we moved to Rio” you smiled while talking to the camera.
“Her moms brazilian” Matt chimed in, still holding onto your hand.
“Oh yes! And then we lived in Rio for a couple of years, and then we moved back to London, and then we moved back to Rio again, and then we moved to london” You explained while Matt and Chris were dying of laughter although they heard this story so many times.
“And then we moved to Canada! My dad’s Canadian,” You took a laugh — breath before continuing,
“And while I was in Canada, in Nova Scotia, that's when I dropped math … I dropped it and I never picked it back up again” you said as you held onto the arm of Matt’s chair.
“Math was the WORST” Chris exaggerated.
“What happened next y/n?” Matt urged you to continue — loving when he could listen to your soft british voice talk.
You continued smiling, “And then my mom asked me, she was like, ‘well, y/n, Canada’s not working out. Would you rather go back to Rio or go back to London?’ see if you ask an 8 year old that, I said ‘well Rio!’”
Chris was laughing like a maniac in his chair, while Matt was laughing quietly reading the chat.
You continued the last bit of the story, “And then that didn’t work out, so then we came to Boston. And that’s where I spent the rest of my teenage years”
“And now she lives in LA with us!!” Chris added on.
The chat was spamming random things along the lines of: ‘how can you move so many places’ , ‘that was crazy’ , ‘matt is so cute’ , and so much more.
“That’s my story” you laugh quietly while turning your head to look at Matt.
“WOOWOO” Chris cheered dramatically, while Matt clapped for you.
“Chat’s going so fast, how do you read all this?” you question, squinting at the chat.
As you continued to try and read chat, occasionally responding to some, Matt was resting his hand upon your back — watching you express yourself through hand motions. He loved how you were so well spoken, so thoughtful, so loving, and so grateful. He adored you and your cute little voice.
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kirbyprompts · 2 years
content warnings: alcohol, drinking, killing, death, murder. feel free to change prompts as necessary!
❝i feel like it’s my responsibility to stop them.❞
❝i ask people if i can trust them, they say yes, and then they trick me! or they use me to do bad things.❞
❝this seems like a very large task for one person.❞
❝i almost died today, motherfuckers. i almost died.❞
❝well, only one place to go and that’s down.❞
❝stay put. don’t move.❞
❝hi! want some booze?❞
❝you seem to have such an affinity for cute things.❞
❝anyone else feel like going for a swim?❞
❝as long as you don’t mind dying, sure.❞
❝we are the worst people.❞
❝i respect you and your intentions, but your caution does not get to control other people’s destinies.❞
❝there’s only so many burdens we can bear before we’re just asking for failure.❞
❝you did check for traps, right?❞
❝no! i’m opening it. fuck off grandpa!❞
❝maybe you’re cursed.❞
❝how did you survive?❞
❝we solved the mystery.❞
❝light the damn sticks of dynamite, just do it!❞
❝i don’t know what i’m doing. just go with it.❞
❝should i burn it?❞
❝you faded away there for a second. are you good?❞
❝let's focus on the good things in our lives.❞
❝is there anything of use or value here at all?❞
❝things are looking up.❞
❝earlier you said i could talk to you whenever i want. and i thank you for that.❞
❝that’s a good name. names are important.❞
❝i’ll take out everyone!❞
❝wake up, there’s an ambush!❞
❝are you bullshitting me?❞
❝we’re doing what we need to survive.❞
❝if you’re going to do bad things, at least work for someone who’s rich and doing bad things! don’t just steal from people on the road, that’s stupid!❞
❝only steal from grumpy people!❞
❝i was trying to be jovial, i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have tried that.❞
❝there’s nothing better than waking up in the morning with no pants and flowers in your hair.❞
❝i’ve never been here, but i’ve heard stories.❞
❝where do the best parties happen?❞
❝laughter and music? i don’t trust laughter and music.❞
❝have you ever been dancing before?❞
❝is this your first time here?❞
❝sorry to interrupt your incessant flirting. can i please have a damn drink?❞
❝if you drink enough you won’t remember either way.❞
❝was it someone special?❞
❝i’ve never thought of you as an optimistic person, but that’s a very positive way of looking at things.❞
❝you are not going to pass out on the street.❞
❝what’s the thing you’re most proud of?❞
❝am i allowed to rob him?❞
❝you look like you’ve got an honest face.❞
❝it’s fine. you’re not in any danger.❞
❝hi, i’m here to take care of your spinny death problem.❞
❝i don’t think they’re going to let me in.❞
❝i’m quite sure. did i stutter?❞
❝can’t we just please go kill your damn death robot?❞
❝i can speak when i have to.❞
❝is that your blood or is that mine?❞
❝the only thing that’s magical here is you.❞
❝sometimes the people who help you are the least expected.❞
❝my entire life has been plans being made for me.❞
❝i don’t think you and i have the same plan, but they might overlap. i will be willing to help you.❞
❝let’s make a pact that if either one of us does something stupid, we’re each other’s failsafes.❞
❝i don’t think i want to hurt anymore people and i don’t think you want to either.❞
❝i think i can help you. i think you can help me. i think we can do some good here.❞
❝if i left, i would find my way back to you.❞
❝i do better with you around.❞
❝for all the visions, the darkness out there, it’s good to know that somehow we’re all putting a little bit of light out there too.❞
❝i have a question. does anyone have booze?❞
❝i’m trying this thing where i’m trying to be more polite.❞
❝i am the greatest detective of all time! i took one drink and solved the case!❞
❝you’re going to be a fucking piece of work.❞
❝i’m more than happy to kill something at this point. i have some aggression to work out.❞
❝do we want to stay in the haunted house?❞
❝that’s the most fucked up shit i’ve ever seen.❞
❝truly nothing escapes your astute observation.❞
❝i thought we were getting to know each other.❞
❝did you have a happy home life growing up?❞
❝i’ll help you try to get revenge on your vague past.❞
❝how about you tell me one fact about you and i tell you one about me?❞
❝what’s the best lie you’ve ever told?❞
❝you are a good friend to have and a terrible enemy to make.❞
❝i didn’t know! i’m sorry. i’m sorry. i didn’t know.❞
❝i’m not walking away from this.❞
❝it’s funny how the good people can make us assholes feel so small.❞
❝i think you’re supposed to say some stuff about how good they were and how many people loved them, and what a wonderful life they had, but i don’t think any of that is true.❞
❝i thought you were talking to yourself again.❞
❝are you willing to kill?❞
❝i have lost people before. i have found ways to find them in nature.❞
❝this is my first time trying to be more than i am.❞
❝you and i, we’re going to survive this.❞
❝i don’t have any family; you’re the closest thing i have.❞
❝you may be kind of weird but you’re also nice.❞
❝i am nauseous. let’s go kill a bunch of people.❞
❝i would like to hug you.❞
❝usually when people come here, it is because of some great tragedy. how can i alleviate your pain?❞
❝i’m gonna take a guess: you don’t leave here very much do you?❞
❝violence is extremely natural.❞
❝i’m canonically a coward!❞
❝oh this is going wonderful.❞
❝you don’t need to do this if you don’t want to.❞
❝brave. dead. it’s semantics, really.❞
❝they. are. going. to. die.❞
❝it’s not your fault.❞
❝this won’t happen again.❞
❝i would have laid down my life for you.❞
❝i’m sorry i wasn’t faster.❞
❝it looks better on you.❞
❝you can cook?❞
❝leave me alone. i’m reading.❞
❝i would feel a little safer if i knew a little bit more about you.❞
❝i’ll find you when i’m ready.❞
❝most people in my life leave.❞
❝there is always a cost.❞
❝i made the earth remember him.❞
❝congratulations on being alive.❞
❝you cannot blame yourself when you are taken advantage of.❞
❝i have people i want to find and things i want to remedy.❞
❝i feel like you should embrace the morbidity of life.❞
❝afraid? i’m not afraid of anything!❞
❝did you see what i did?❞
❝why didn’t you come?❞
❝you promise you won’t leave?❞
❝i don’t think i’ve ever come across magic like that.❞
❝things that are unknown are notably able to draw dangerous and inquiring eyes and minds.❞
❝just so you know, i think i can punch ghosts now.❞
❝i just know if i saw a ghost, i would want to punch it. ghosts are scary.❞
❝it’s easier to steal things when you can pay for them with money.❞
❝this is not where i am supposed to be.❞
❝i have no specific destination in mind.❞
❝i’ll go where you go.❞
❝what do you want to know?❞
❝well i can’t go home.❞
❝we stick together.❞
❝we have things we need to do and we don’t have forever to do them.❞
❝you know what i’ve done.❞
❝sometimes you have to take a big risk if it’s that important.❞
❝you can’t just sneak up on a person!❞
❝sorry, just figured you’d want some company.❞
❝i've always loved the water.❞
❝feels good to be back, yeah?❞
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sarcastic-positivity · 10 months
     It was the middle of July and despite Tim’s aspirations as a kid, he did not, in fact, have a job that gave him summers off. As such, it was a miserable affair, getting to and from work. Usually Tim would be in an airy t-shirt and shorts but Jon had caught sight of his Hawaiian themed top last week and it had been a close thing to avoid being forced to go home and change. It would be a few weeks before he could get away with such a ‘blatant display of disrespect for work procedures’, as Jon put it, so here he was: sweating his ass off on the tube and praying to whatever god would listen that they’d fixed the AC at the Institute.
     God never did like Tim.
     “Christ above, does Elias want us dead or something?” Tim cried to the room at large as he dropped heavily onto his spinny chair. It was stifling. “What did we ever do to him, huh?? Did someone submit a statement about Bigfoot again?” He immediately started popping buttons on his ‘work appropriate’ shirt.
     Sasha popped her head up from her cubicle and grinned at him. Her waist-length braids had been piled sloppily on top of her head and she looked about ready to topple over from the imbalance. She’d already shed her top layer down to a simple purple tank top but she still had a sheen of sweat on her brow that had her large round glasses slipping down her nose.
     “Pretty sure it’s cause Gerry called him an old codger and compared him to the statement giver from the McGregor case last week. He’s out for revenge now.”
     Tim wrinkled his nose. “What, the stuffy one with the cane who wouldn’t shut up about how the Tories are implementing a surveillance state?”
     “The very same,” Sash confirmed, pushing her glasses back up with a hand. “Though I personally think Elias would be very pro Big Brother. Did I tell you he asked after my aunt the other week?”
     “You told Elias about Matilda’s lung cancer?”
     “That’s just it! The only person I told about that was you, and I’m pretty sure you didn’t run off to tattle to Elias.” She leaned forward in her chair conspiratorial and Tim couldn’t help but do the same. Sash was magnetic when she was like this. It had led to more than one rendezvous in their first year at the Institute. “I think he has cameras down here.”
     It wasn’t the most insane theory she’d come up with, somehow. Just two months ago she’d followed Jon home because she didn’t believe he actually had a home; she’d thought he’d been sleeping in the Institute of all places. Besides, there was that feeling of being watched that pervaded this place. Still, Tim couldn’t help but laugh.
     “I think we’d know if he had cameras, Sash. Did I tell you what he-”
     “What fresh hell is this?” The voice from the doorway was flat and scathing and Tim immediately spun in his chair to grin at the intruder.
     “Gerry!” He called happily. “I didn’t know you were coming in today!” He was wearing his signature black trenchcoat and a scowl that did things to Tim. Luckily for both of them, Tim was well guarded against Gerry’s scary-sexy goth vibe by virtue of sharing a flat with him. There were only so many times you could get a chub from simply looking at your roommate before your prick just gave up on the enterprise entirely.
     “There’s a statement I need but this is fucking ridiculous.” His voice was as deep and rough as it always was but the angry edge to it managed to send a little zing down Tim’s spine. The days that Gerry showed up at work are always so interesting. “It’s at least 10 degrees hotter in here than it is outside. The fuck is Elias thinking?”
     “Gonna rough him up for us, Ger?” Tim asked with a grin and Sasha laughed. “Stomp on him a little with those boots of yours? 10 quid says he’s into it.” Gerard shot him a look but there was a smile playing around his lips, pulling slightly at the snakebite piercings there. His makeup that day was the same as it usually was, eyeliner and three exaggerated lower lashes that made his gaze all the more intense. Thank god for the aforementioned Roommate Protection. Especially when Gerry’s eyes swept over Tim before meeting his eyes again and giving a mocking little smile. His eyes were slate grey and impossible to look away from.
     “Projecting much, Stoker?” He asked in a low tone. It was teasing and Sasha cackled but Tim’s brain stuttered and properly died. What did one say when a hot goth implied that you maybe wanted him to stomp on you with his giant sexy boots? Especially when it was true.
     “What, you wanna find out, Keay?” Tim shot back. That was good. Keep it light, let it plausibly pass for playful workplace banter – a little bit of light flirting to keep thoughts of the heat at bay. Gerry arched a brow at him, face betraying nothing but that same cool amusement. Sasha snorted and shook her head, turning back to her computer.
     “You two are ridiculous,” she told them. Tim shrugged, eyes still on Gerry, and then Jon’s office door creaked open.
     “Oh good, you’re here, Gerard.” Gerry’s eyes flicked away. “You said you needed the Anderson file?” 
     “Yeah, that’s the one,” Gerry said. He passed by Tim’s desk to take the file from Jon. Tim turned back to his desk. “By the way, your workplace is a HSE violation waiting to happen.”
     “Yes, I am quite aware,” Jon said drily. “Make sure to get that one back to me by the end of the day. And not stinking of smoke this time, Gerard. I have more notes I plan to add to it.”
     “No promises.”
     Inevitably, it was Tim who had to go hunt Gerry down at a quarter to five to get the file back. Luckily the fire exit to the left of the stairs to the archives was conspicuously propped open by an unopened carton of cigarettes and Tim pushed outside into the slightly cooler summer air.
     Gerard was lounged on the steps leading to the back alley, facing away from the door with the file open at his feet and a lit cigarette in hand. He’d tied his hair up sloppily, much like Sasha had hers, but it was so long that black sheets of it still cascaded down his bare shoulders. His trenchcoat had been completely abandoned, laid out on the step beside him, and he was left only in a crop top Tim had never seen before. It was made of a sheer grey material that matched his eyes and had no sleeves to speak of. Even worse, Gerry had a hand tucked under his shirt, shucking the top halfway up his chest. His alabaster skin shone in the dim light of the setting sun and Tim nearly took a tumble down the steps when Gerry tilted his head back to look back at him. 
     “What?” Gerry asked in a gravelly voice when he caught Tim staring. Tim opened his mouth to respond but he suddenly found himself incapable of speech. Gerry rolled his eyes and turned his head languidly back forward, lifting his cigarette to his lips. “AC’s broken inside but it’s barely any cooler out here. Don’t be a prude.”
     That surprised a laugh out of Tim. “A- A prude?!” He choked out. Never in his life had he been accused of such a thing. And this, this was so far on the opposite side of the scale he wanted to laugh. Or cry. Gerry just blew a smoke ring.
     “If you’re here for the file, it’s there.” He kicked at the manila folder at his feet and Tim could hear the wounded noise Jon would make if he were there. Right, Tim had actually come for a reason that wasn’t to ogle Gerry. Supposedly.
     “Right.” Tim cleared his throat and picked his way down the steps so as to not step on Gerry. God, did his legs have to be so long? “This thing has gotta reek by now,” he said as he bent down for the file. “Pretty sure the boss man won’t be too happy with you about that one.” He turned back and around and Gerry quickly lifted his eyes. His eyes were a warm hazy grey, much like the smoke drifting around his head.
     “Afraid of Sims then, are you?” He drawled. His piercings glinted as he grinned at Tim.
     Tim rolled his eyes and made his way back up the steps. He very pointedly kept his gaze on the ground as he did so, enticingly bare torso be damned. “Everything’s a question with you,” he said. “‘Projecting much? Afraid of Sims?’ Just call me a bottom and get on with it.”
     Gerry rasped out a chuckle right as Tim reached the top step. Tim hesitated but couldn’t help but glance back down behind him. Gerry’s head was tilted back, hair messy and top askew, and his eyes half lidded against the dying light behind Tim’s head.
     “Now where’s the fun in that?”
     He was sight to see, all stretched out and half clothed on the steps to the alley. Tim shook his head and turned back inside without another word. Gerry’s rapsing laugh followed him all the way into the archives.
     Damn tease.
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
hello bee!! Had a tiiiiiny, baby-size depressive episode + panic attack over the weekend. But GREAT news, I created an infinity cube out of Lego while in the trenches. Autism win.
I did have to upgrade my little stim-toy carrying case, since. If you remember me, I’m the anon who mentioned ordering a pinned moth and set of magnet stims when the whole Wilbur situation started overflowing. So my Altoids tin of fidgets got too small after I suddenly had two new ones within a few days, lol. Found a good zipper-container for them. Little spinny-ring, Lego infinity cube, and a set of stick magnets, nice and portable now.
My moth is still on the way :) I’m excited for him to come home.
I started writing on a few of my wips again. It’s been slow going, especially with university. But it’s nice going back to the stories I’ve been working on. I still have to build my stamina up again, I am finding it difficult to sit and write for hours at a time, utilizing his character for as long as I used to. But I’m getting better :)
Just have to give it time, work on it slowly. And it still IS fun. The character is different than he is, and while it’s a bit rattling, it’s just part of the process.
It’s not really an ask. Just an update. But I do feel better than I did a a few weeks ago :) I have some tea. My fidgets. A moth on the way. A haircut appointment in a few days. Found a couple new video-essay channels to watch.
Remember to take care of yourself, too, Bee <3 thank you for looking after all of us and our thoughts. So excited to see more of your writing. I think I’ve gone back and reread this year’s Halloween-special fic six times or so. It’s been a big inspiration for a horror-y SBI writing project of my own :) the suspenseful writing is just so fun.
I'm gonna be so honest I read the phrase "I created an infinity cube out of Lego autism win" and laughed so hard. I love that for you so much /gen
hooray for having so many stim toys you need a bigger container for them!! sounds like you have a great collection going. very excited for you to get your moth!!
yes, just give it time. it's great that you've already started trying to work on your wips again, but don't feel like you have to rush it. while I mostly feel settled about things, I'm still waiting to go back to trying to write any of my wips. take it slow and just be mindful of how you're feeling and all that.
sounds like you have a lot of nice little things going for you right now and I'm so happy about that :)
I'm doing my best to take care of myself. got myself to write some qsmp stuff today so hoping to start posting this wip soon.
also picture me as one of those crying cat emojis rn because I'm so happy you reread that halloween fic. it's literally one of my favorite things I've written and I hold it so near and dear to my heart I'm so glad you enjoyed it <33
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seariii · 4 months
oh oh oh!! how fun!! holi cosita ♡♡♡
2, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 24, 29, 31, 40, 46, 47? ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ lo siento its a lot, i am a curious boy
those are quite a bit of questions hehe i had already answered a couple!!! but lets see~ (14 31, 21)
... Since these are more than a couple I'm gonna put it under the cut hehe
2. lighter or matches?
i really like fire!!! what? oh okay i really like setting things on fire!!! eh? that wasnt the question? okay i love burning th- what do you mean still wrong? i like both!! but i dont like the little spinny thing from the lighter because if i play too much with it it hurts my fingers!!! i really like matches because they also smell very good after you put them out <3 i have an old sweatshirt with matches hehe
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
hmm.... dancing and singing, probably!! you already know this, but when i was little i went to dance classes!!! (ballet, jazz and tap)
12. what kind of day is it?
yesterday (when i started answering your questions) was kinda difficult.... but!! i have high hopes for today!!! hehe i have a date
18. what hair products do you use?
hmm i use hair cream (?) and sometimes oil/silk.... um shampoo and every once in a while conditioner?..... but there are particular ones that i like! especially from those last two! there are some that leave my hair feeling soft and healthy, i really like those! i particularly like the one that smells like coconut <3
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
ooh! Hmm.... My first thought would be sitting down and talking.... I'd be under my umbrella because sunlight kills me <3 we would be listening to music... But I'd also really enjoy if we were in quiet, listening to the way the wind gently sways the leaves of the trees... If it's not too hot, maybe hugging/cuddling hehe or if it is hot, maybe eating ice cream or popsicles??
We could have some activities, but I really enjoy the thought of just relaxing with you in there
29. how do you like your shower water?
I'd say warm/hot!!! But... When it's very hot outside (you know I live in a very hot town jsjsj) I like it more on the colder side!
40. did you have any snacks today?
Chi! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) Remember I got 2 brownies? I ate the second one before leaving!! Thank you <333
46. favorite holiday film?
Oh! This one is a little difficult, I don't think I have one.... But the Home Alone movies ALWAYS came up on tv when I was little around Christmas, and usually we would sit through the middle part (I don't have many memories of the beginnings nor the endings of the movies?)
47. what was the last message you sent?
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Si* "yeah dude the unnameable (fem)"
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angelsleepinggurl · 11 months
𝐒𝟏:𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝟕 | 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓: 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘒𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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It's taken you a week to fully realise that you needed to depend on being organised if you wanted to make it to the end of the month as a functioning human instead of a blubbering mess. Sure your job was easy, but that was in theory. In theory, all you had to do was give your boss breakfast, make a few calls each day, write some emails, schedule meetings and organise his data. Kinda easy right? Absolutely not. It was weird because even though you didn't have that many tasks to do, you were still one of the last people to leave the building each day. However, in the wise words of Naaila, " It was all fine because you're getting paid a shit ton of money at the end of the month."
This morning wasn't any different from all your other mornings each week. You woke up with a good attitude because you were working in a new environment and you were feeling pretty positive when you entered the building, you weren't feeling that good when you entered your office. What once used to be your favourite place ever, slowly turned into a white torture room. It was a room which hoarded all your stress, irritation and despair, which you didn't know was possible until now. As you sit on your spinny chair, which you now realise isn't as spinny as you first thought, you print off your schedule for the day, scooting over to the printer to collect the checklist.
Great another long, boring and isolated day.
A heavy sigh flies out of your mouth as you pick up a stack of paper and walk over to Nanami's office. It doesn't take long for Nanami to let you in after you knock on his obscured glass window.
"Morning sir, here are the spreadsheets you asked me to make yesterday, and I've also booked your meeting for 3 PM today." You follow the blond-haired man as he walks further into the room, only for you to notice two men from the corner of your eye. You stop to acknowledge them, your lips curving into a faint smile. One man was sat in one of the chairs in the office, his legs in a manspread, and a smirk on his face. His dark hair was tied half up half down.
The other man is leaning against a wall nearby. His appearance takes you aback as he has a blindfold covering his eyes, he also has white hair that sticks up a little. "So who are you, the receptionist? How come I didn't see your pretty face on my way in?" he says with a playful tone, the smirk that followed his compliment causes your face to heat up.
"I-uhh." I begin, unable to finish because of the man's charming smile.
"Leave the woman alone, she doesn't need to be harassed by you." the other man says, standing up next to him.
"Yeah yeah, whatever Suguru." Satoru responds, waving his hand dismissively at the other man. "Could both of you just shut up?" Nanami snaps at the two men, a frown evident on his face as he sighs in disapproval.
"Sorry dad." Satoru whispers, leaving both of the men snickering at Nanami's antics. Even though they aren't directly talking to you anymore, you can't help but feel them glance at you. You try to look away and focus your attention on your shoes instead.
"Y/N I'm actually gonna need you to cancel that meeting at 3." Your boss instructs, causing you to snap your head back up.
"But I just-," I begin. The problem with this is that the company he scheduled a meeting with are very difficult to reach. You were on hold for an hour, and then it took a while to actually set up and organise the meeting, who knows how long it was going to take to cancel it? Why should Nanami even waste his breath on a company that doesn't even have their phone situation sorted out first? I nod reluctantly. " Yes sir." I try to say with a positive tone before walking out of his office.
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You want to kill yourself in the most gruesome way possible because even that wouldn't be as mentally taxing as whatever you were stuck doing now. You close your eyes to imagine it, to imagine forcing your muscle into a ball and keeping it in a ball with your flesh tightly wrapped around it. You were imagining that until you heard knocks at your door.
"Come in." I call out, using my fingers to touch up my hair. Two familiar heads popped into your office. Darios and Annalise.
"I was right." Darios tells Annalise as they both walk closer to me.
"Right about what?" I ask, looking up from my computer, my question is completely ignored as Annalise walks up to me and wraps her arms around my head, pulling me in for a hug.
"We came here to save you baby girl."
" Come on we're going out for lunch," Darios says, closing the door behind him.
"But what about-"
"Nanami? Don't worry about him, we have that motherfucker a piece of our minds, right Darios?" Annalise says, letting go of my head to face him. You're shocked when you hear Annalise say that, mostly because you can't imagine anyone calling your boss a motherfucker. Sure Nanami always made sure you were drained at the each day but that still didn't mean he was a horrible boss.
"We sure did." Darios responds, standing behind Annalise with his hands in his hands in his pockets.
That's not how it went at all. 
The two of them were shaking in their boots at the thought of asking Nanami that simple question, they've worked for him for years and they've seen him fire people just because they asked a silly question which irritated him. The two of them were debating which one of them should knock on his door for 2 minutes as they argued with each other under their breath. Eventually, they finally got the balls to knock and ask him. They could've risked their career, Darios still didn't know if it was worth it, but they still did it out of compassion for their new work friend.
"Mr Nanami sir, please may we maybe take Y/N out for lunch with us, we both know how busy you and her are." Annalise begs as respectfully as possible, trying her hardest not to offend or irritate the man.
"We understand if you reject our proposal." Darios adds on, the both of them lowering their heads and preparing for the worst.
"Huh? Do whatever you want." The two employees blink in shock. No way their boss just allowed that. To be honest he wasn't even paying them an ounce of his attention because he was too invested in his iPad. That's how the two of them ended up asking you to lunch.
"Oh okay then, I guess we can go." You say, surprised that you had permission to abandon your duties to hang out but you didn't want to think about it too much. Once the three of you arrived at your destination, you ordered your lunch and sat on the balcony eating peacefully.
"Soo Y/N how many times have you fallen in love?" Darios asks, his whole body perks up in intrigue at my response. I look over at Annalise who seems to be feeling the same way as she leaned her body forward.
"Love? Umm, I don't know, I don't think I have." You state honestly, distracting myself by stabbing the leaves of my salad repeatedly. This felt awkward.
"Really? Ok then, if not love then how many boyfriends have you had.", Annalise asks, seeming more interested than you are. 
"None, if been on dates but I've never really stuck." You answer You've been on plenty of uncomfortable dates thanks to Naaila, every single one of them more painful than the last.
"Okay so who would you wanna fall in love with, who's your type?" Darios asks again, resting his head in his hands. These two were, very keen on being friends with you and it shows. Sure there was a slower way to do this, but who has time for all of that?
"Are you the type to be friends with your ex? It never really ends well." Annalise adds, mimicking Dario's body language subconsciously.
"She's talking from experience." The dyed blonde tease as he looks at Annalise who only rolls her eyes and shoves the male causing the both of them to chuckle."Once she went out with this guy called Tom, and he was all up in her business for like 2 months and he was texting her like, 'Oh this reminded me of you.' and dumb shit like that. Then Annalise being Annalise, folded and one night she went over to his house cause they were throwing a party. I remember she texted me saying like, 'He's flirting with another girl.' Tell me why she then texted me the morning after all like ' I slept with him'." Annalise hid her face in embarrassment, resting her head on his shoulder as they laughed at the memory.
"Ok Y/N your turn. Tell us something embarassing." Annalise says, looking at you, her cheeks still flushed.
"Once in high school, I was talking really bad about a teacher I hated then I said 'That's probably why his wife won't ride him, because he has a saggy dick." But I didn't stop there, turns out he heard everything." I admit, laughing slightly but dying deep inside, trying to shake off the feeling of embarrassment and cringe.
"That kinda felt worse than mine." Annalise adds trying to hold in her laughter.
"It happens to the best of us girl."
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𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫…
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chaoticevilbean · 3 years
Another Star Wars AU, TBN*
I love time travel. A lot. So here is a time-travel au, with the CW trio.
Somehow, perhaps by touching a Sith artifact, perhaps by the Force deciding they should, perhaps from some sort of weird ritual the locals were performing that the trio didn't know about, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Anakin, Rex, and Cody travel aback in time.
[Please keep in mind that Canon Timeline has died tragically in a fire, and I am but the weeping widow with an inheritance.]
Due to whatever happened, they all also end up (technically) deaging. They still have their memories and their knowledge and skills, just stuck in smaller bodies. They can think and act like adults, but they also have to struggle a bit more to implement Older Skills in Younger Bodies.
Ahsoka is 2. She's nubby. She's emotional. She's tired and sore from her deaging.
She wakes up in someone's office. She's in a spinny chair, a big one with leather padding. It's kind-of chilly in the room.
She's not thinking, because all her brain is putting together is that she's still tired. She grabs the jacket off the back of the chair and pulls it over herself. She goes back to sleep.
Rex and Cody wake up together.
They are their actual age, which is to say they're both about eleven.
They find themselves on Mandalore. In the more wild areas.
(let me believe that there are parts of the planet that aren't covered in city)
(also, this is the Mandalore in the cartoons)
They find a teen trying to wake them both up. Rex has absolutely no clue what's going on. Cody has a vague idea, because this girl looks very similar to a picture he once saw...
Obi-Wan does not fare as well. He is 3.
He wakes up in someone's arms. He's just as tired and sore as the other three. However, he's also got more awareness because he's in someone's arms.
He looks up to see who's carrying him.
He looks around at the people walking with them.
He starts crying. He cannot help this, as he is suddenly flooded with Emotions, and he is Smol. Smol = harder to handle Emotions.
Because Qui-Gon is walking right next to him, tapping away on a holopad as they go. Dooku is on his other side, on a comm call where both parties sound very tired.
And Obi-Wan is being held... by Obi-Wan.
So, yeah, not that great for a suddenly Smol Obi.
Now, Anakin is 8, so he's better off in that perspective.
But he wakes up on some remote planet without anyone around. He just was in the middle of a group, so he ends up kinda panicking.
Then he hears something coming towards him, and he panics more.
He's Tiny! He's Smol! He's massively at a disadvantage against attacks! He can't fight off whatever is on a planet like this!
It's Mace (and Depa).
Anakin, however, doesn't realize this. He has gone Feral.
Back to the beginning
Jango Fett has been very busy w/Important Mand'alor Paperwork all day. He finally has time to go and relax a little, and he makes it all the way down to the exit before he realizes:
It is really cold outside. He is not in armor bc he was planning to only do paperwork today (though he still has many weapons). When one plans to stay in the same room for almost the entire day, one does not wear normal garb.
That said, he has no protection from the cold. He forgot his jacket upstairs. He rushes back up to his office.
He distinctly remembers that he left the jacket on the back of his chair, not on the seat.
He also is wondering what that lump is.
He arms himself, grabs some of his "emergency" armor plating, and walks over to the chair.
He lifts his jacket up, expecting a bomb or some paperwork that fell off the desk, or something logical.
He does not expect to find a tiny Togruta child clinging onto the fabric, whining as they're woken up by his yanking of the jacket.
Jango's brain stutters for a moment, then he kicks into action.
First things first, he wraps the jacket around the Togruta. They thankfully stay asleep. Then he turns up the heat, because he knows the office has gotten colder in the twenty minutes or so he's been gone, and Togruta are from warm temperate zones.
He decides to call, in this order, a guard who can help him watch the Togruta (they did break in, after all), a medic to check the Togruta’s health, and the first person he can find in his contacts that might know an adult Togruta.
Next group
Rex and Cody manage to get the teen to stop fussing over them for long enough to ask for her name.
Her, clearly lying, but that’s understandable: My name is Ine.
Cody, who knows exactly who this is now: Oh, kriff. You’re Duchess Satine, aren’t you? Kriff.
Rex: Wait, Satine? As in the General’s Satine?
Satine, now very suspicious and reaching for her stunner: I think you need proper medical attention.
Cody, looking down at their eleven-year-old selves: Yeah, I think so, too.
They agree on one thing, at least.
Obi-Wan is crying. Loudly, uncontrollably, w/too many Emotions to even care that he’s supposed to be an adult rn.
Other Obi-Wan is very uncomfortable, bc he doesn’t know how to handle children too well.
They found this kid unconscious in the middle of a ruined, abandoned town.
Obi-Wan was meant to hold this kid while Qui-Gon did research and Master Dooku tried to convince the Council that it was entirely necessary to bring the kid back to Coruscant. Granted, they can still give the child to the locals at any time before they make it back to their ship, but apparently the Force is Being Loud.
The Force was Being Loud when it told Master Dooku to come along.
The Force was Being Loud when it led them to that town.
Qui-Gon and Dooku have argued fifteen and a half times on this mission, and an additional six times on the flight here. Obi-Wan is trying to mediate but also doesn’t want to overstep. The Force is Being Loud, sure, but the kid is also Force-sensitive so it might be something off that.
He didn’t argue with holding the kid bc he thought that it was better than being caught between the Masters.
Holding a crying child and trying to get two adults to stop arguing bc they can’t decide how to comfort the kid is not better.
Obi-Wan keeps walking past them to the ship with this baby. He does what he’s seen some crechemasters do to the younglings. The kid eventually calms a little, and he belatedly realizes that both Masters are still behind him, not with him.
Anakin is panakin.
He is currently in a state of Feralness. His instincts have kicked into overdrive, full-on Survival Mode.
Depa and Mace do not know this. All they know is that there was suddenly an extremely powerful Force presence that started fading quickly (bc Anakin started shielding).
They burst into sight of Anakin and are suddenly attacked by all four feet and some of Feral Force Child.
It’s all they can do for a good minute or so to avoid losing their fingers, eyes, or untorn clothes.
Mace puts a few things together very quickly.
This planet is uninhabited by any sapient life. Therefore, this child is utterly alone. This child also is clearly strong in the Force, and knows how to hide their presence, for whatever reasons. Mace is a Jedi, and therefore is bound by certain duties.
He decides it is his Duty to get this kid back to Coruscant safely.
Back to the beginning
Ahsoka wakes up to find a familiar face looking down at her. She’s still tired, but not as much. She’s very aware of her size, and does a few quick observations.
She does not fully know who Jango Fett is. She does know that some clones run off bc they hate war and weren’t given a choice an- no. Not going down that path yet.
Ahsoka assumes, semi-incorrectly, that she was shrunk or deaged and somehow found by a rogue clone.
She knows it’s a rogue clone bc they’ve got weird armor.
So she does the logical thing and tries to comfort this clone bc he looks really worried and kinda panicked. She stands up on the spinny chair and tries to balance and he practically lunges to help her and she can’t help but giggle, but it comes out in a bunch of chirps instead.
The clone picks her up and looks really awkward so she pats his face bc that’s the best she can do bc she doesn’t want to disprove the fact she’s two yet.
For all she knows, this rogue clone has no idea she’s actually a Commander in the GAR.
He doesn’t, but for different reasons than she thinks.
Rex and Cody go with Satine to the city. They have introduced themselves and said that they were separated from their aliit. They don't know where said aliit is.
Satine is highly suspicious by this point, bc these two kids recognized her with only part of her name, and they were alone, and they speak Basic with Mando'a thrown in.
Basically, she thinks that they're children of people like Death Watch, but she's too young to know that Death Watch isn't really into children.
Rex and Cody get checked over by a medic, but also start trying to get access to some working comms. They are refused on account of being suspicious children (which makes them a little upset bc they're not children)(Well, they are, but not those types of children)
They have not yet figured out that they are in the past, bc Cody and Rex only know that General Kenobi talks about Duchess Satine, and they know about Padme Amidala from General Skywalker, so clearly this Duchess is really young and the General simply viewed her as someone he wants to protect.
They are very very very wrong.
Obi-Wan manages to calm himself somewhat now that it's just him and... him.
He is three, and he knows roughly what's happening, so he knows he should probably act like a 3yo.
Unfortunately, he has very little understanding of how child ages work. 3 is smart enough to go up the stairs and communicate with adults, but def. not old enough to speak sentences that are 15 words long with at least 2 5-syllable words.
Fortunately, his older (younger?) self doesn't know children either.
So when this 3yo starts telling him that he needs to leave the two Masters on the planet and head to Tatooine really fast, Obi-Wan is more concerned about the idea than the strangeness of "this is a 3yo suggesting this".
Obi-Wan is really good at convincing people. Including himself. He manages to get Padawan Kenobi to leave supplies where the ship is supposed to be and head towards Tatooine.
He says that the Masters will be fine, they know how to survive, and they need to be alone together in order to work through all the tension. Plus, it gives them plenty of time to talk to the Council.
Toddler Kenobi also tells himself that he'll take the blow and say he used a mind-trick.
Padawan Kenobi doesn't believe him yet, but Toddler Kenobi smiles like a very smug adult and says "you'll get there eventually". What he truly means is up in the air.
Anakin, since waking up, knows much less than everyone else. Which is saying something.
He knows he's Smol. He knows he's Alone. He knows Someone has come and they are Strangers.
One thing about Anakin's instincts is that they are very much Survival Based. He was Feral when he joined the Jedi, only he had to hold those instincts back for most of his life bc of being a slave.
A slave cannot bite someone who approaches and Vibes Wrong.
By the time he felt okay with being Feral Out Loud, he also felt safe enough that he didn't need to activate his Survival Mode.
What I'm trying to say is that Anakin does not realize how strong his Feral Instincts are. He has absolutely no control over them rn.
When Mace decides to Help this child, this child is trying to Maul them.
Mace makes a small ruckus to draw Anakin's attention to him so Depa can move back. Depa pulls out her saber now that she won't hit the kid. The kid notices Purple and Bright and Lightsaber.
Lorge Jedi Mind says this is Good. Safe. Jedi.
Smol Feral Brain says this is Dangerous. Mean.
Anakin freezes on sight and just starts tracking Depa's saber. She does one of those things where a snake or something is focused and the person waves the fire or the food slowly to make sure the wolf is watching it and usually they toss the thing away so the snake follows it.
Mace instead takes this opportunity to wrap Anakin in his cloak. And Depa's cloak. And the spare ones in their bags.
Feral Child is not happy with this. Feral Child is also unable to scratch or Maul or do things other than bite and snarl.
Depa carries Feral Child while Mace comms the Temple and they walk back to their ship.
The Temple is having a field day.
First, one of their Shadows reports that a well-known bounty hunter got an emergency message from a pal of theirs that said Jango Fett needs help learning Togruta childcare.
Then they get a call from Dooku, which is not the mission report they wanted.
Yoda: Mission report, you have?
Dooku: Of a sort. We successfully spoke with the locals, then went to investigate a rather large disturbance.
Mundi: A disturbance?
Dooku: We found the source to be a Force-sensitive child.
Mundi: So you are here to ask for more time on the planet?
Yoda: Bring the child back, you wish to?
Dooku, unapologetic: He is of an acceptable age to be admitted into the Temple, and no other beings were around at the time to entertain the idea of there being guardians.
The Council is sighing and muttering bc this is a Disaster Lineage (and they haven't even met the other two yet). Their call is interrupted by the sound of crying and Dooku saying the child's woken up.
Then there's another Shadow who sends a message saying a set of twins that seem like Death Watch were found by the heir of Clan Kryze.
Finally, to top everything off, they get a call from Mace Windu and Depa Billaba. Two very dignified, not-at-all chaotic Jedi from a perfectly respectable lineage.
Yeah, most of the Council and the Order itself forgets that Yoda had a hand in raising Windu. Yoda "Feral Grandpa" who throws children at every problem. Grandson isn't doing too well? Throw a child his way. Other grandchild is struggling to cope with grief? Throw another child their way. Oh, there's a war going on and newest grandchild is angry a lot? Here's a child!
The entire lineage has a soft spot for children.
Mace: Our mission was a success. We found the artifact and both specimens.
Koth: How long until your return?
Yoda: Found a child, you did?
Gallia: Master Yoda, that's a rather illogical guess. Once is unusual, twice is-
Mace: Oh, did Qui-Gon find a child as well?
Yoda, smugly: Bringing the child back, are you?
Depa, from the background, after a rather loud snarl is heard: We do not bite things, young one.
*more snarling*
Mace: We have no reason to believe he was not alone.
Tiin: *deep sighing*
Mundi: *mild confusion noises*
Koon, eagerly: Please send photos of this youngling. For the archives, of course.
Mace, nodding sagely: Of course.
*extremely loud yowl* *sounds of Mace turning*
Mace: DEPA!
Depa: He nearly bit off my finger!
Mace: That doesn’t mean you pinch him!
Depa: What else am I supposed to do?!
*sudden exclamation filled solely of Mando’a, Huttese and Twi’leki curses*
Mace: So, I don’t know if he speaks Basic, but Master Che should be able to talk him through a check-up.
Yeah, several Council members are experiencing headaches now. Normally, they would have some empathy for Mace and his own stress-induced migraines. They currently do not.
Right after that call, Dooku calls back to say that Obi-Wan has left without them.
Mundi: He left the child with you, right?
Mundi: He left the child with you, right?
Obi-Wan did not leave himself with the Masters. Obi-Wan has listened to Mini-Obi and is off on some wild space adventure to a criminal-run planet.
The toddler won’t stop staring at him. He asks for a name. The kid says to call him Ben.
OW: Is that your name?
“Ben”: It is a name I am called :)
OW: That isn’t what I meant.
“Ben”: I know :)
Ben also keeps staring at OW’s lightsaber. OW decides to make sure the kid doesn’t start playing with it when he isn’t looking.
Ahsoka has figured out that she was really very oh-so wrong. She’s on Mandalore. As in, the Mandalore that is under Jango Fett. Bc she’s with Jango Fett. He’s holding her hand bc she was nervous about the strange looking medic (who was just wearing armor, but not clone armor and civies don’t wear armor.)
Ahsoka knows very little about Jango Fett. Clone Buir, Mandalorian leader, tried to kill Master Kenobi. Also dead.
He asks how she got in. She shrugs. She is too small to fight back so she can’t let him know anything. Whatever everything is right now. But also, he doesn’t seem mean or evil or anything.
Oh yeah. Skyguy said that Mandos love children. That's why the clones were so protective of her, even with Skyguy on her side of the argument.
She decides to use this to her advantage. She can probably get herself a comm, and enough time to call the Temple. If she can convince them she at least knows a Jedi, then they can come get her and she'll work from there.
Rex and Cody are getting really upset. This Duchess is really nice, but she's acting really weird and keeps insisting she's not actually called Duchess. No one will give them a comm, they keep getting weird looks for speaking Mando'a even though they're on Mandalore, and Satine's father keeps mentioning a Fett. Maybe Boba's set a bad example again.
Rex starts to fall asleep, to his chagrin. He's too bored, sitting and getting some abnormally extensive check-up. Cody is fine, but he's used to the calm that is General Kenobi. Rex usually has a Togruta teen in the vents and a Human that is never where he's supposed to be.
Rex does, in fact, fall asleep. His "twin" starts glaring when a doctor goes to wake him up. Cody makes it clear that his brother is like Cat: once asleep, you do not wake.
Satine is giggling, but trying not to let the others hear. Cody does. Cody looks at her. They have a stare-off.
Cody goes back to glaring at the doctors. He will not admit to any emotions besides Protect™.
Obi-Wan and Ben have made it to Tatooine.
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circles, mirrors, self-reflection: soft initial thoughts on vocal symbology in as it was
listen, new heart tattoo just dropped in the form of this gorgeous song and the accompanying visuals from the music video. it’s gonna take me literal years to process this (and i don’t think it will ever end, as in all of h’s music, and i love that) and i’m sure i’m gonna come back to this with more structured thoughts but i did want to get a few initial feelings down and out of my head. this is going to approach more of a ✨journal entry✨ type reflection on some of h’s harmonics rather than a super coherent analysis but hey that’s pretty par for the course over here at ~butterfly h world~. 
okay honestly this title feels more aspirational than anything else bc i don’t actually have the ability to tie in everything there i just wanted it up there as a reminder to myself of something i’ll have to come back to again and again to try and figure out (and read all of your wonderful thoughts)!
whew okay i’ll move chronologically through it and provide some commentary!
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so we start out with a child’s voice and then move swiftly into the jumpy poppy synth chords—there’s something so playful about this melody, which really has me thinking about all the inner child discourse going on about the music video, combined with a young child’s voice at the start. there’s a deeper slower synth beat in the background, which weaves in an undercurrent of melancholy and makes me think of joy in the middle of pain—i find myself both smiling and crying during this song. when it first came out i think i was crying more, today while listening i can’t help but dance and smile, perhaps because i’ve watched it so many times that what i’m really left with is the joy, the surviving, the multitudes housed within harry’s body. but yeah back to the beginning!
holding me back / gravity’s holding me back
ahhh, harry alto our familiar our beloved!!! (check these out for a better explanation of this tone lol) we’ve got our favorite comfortable register here with extra echoing effects, which already has me thinking of spinning in circles in a tonal sense, with words blending together temporally (like h’s selves??). it seems to tonally mirror the imagery of harry and his blue counterpart spinning around and around.
his voice here is soft, ever so slightly breathy, with the qualities of a head voice. the lightness of his tone adds to the effect of the synth, combining to heighten this sense of floating around, spinning in a sonic space.
i want you to hold out the palm of your hand
here h drops low, his voice growing even softer with that range drop. he does the same on all the counterpart lines in this song (seems you cannot be replaced | why are you sitting at home on the floor? | your daddy lives by himself) and you can hear the breathiness particularly well in 
seems you cannot be replaced
ahh just the softness of the voice drop in “-placed” gets me every time, he’s almost whispering at the end and i looooooooove it, makes me feel so many things. i think part of this is a personal vocal gender thing too, like i’ve said before my most comfortable register is around the same place as what harry’s seems to be, and the fact that he needs to be softer on his throat at that deep pitch, just like i do?? wowowow
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okay so this isn’t a clear structured thought, but the texture of his voice in these verses is something that hits me too. sort of like how you can often tell if someone’s smiling when they’re talking even without seeing them just based on the sound of their voice, certain parts of songs can feel more smiley than others, even if they don’t have that truly ~brassy campy smiley~ sound of songs in say disney princess movies (or tpwk....). in the verses, harry very distinctly does NOT sound like he’s smiling. there’s a reflective, introspective quality to this soft voice that feels congruent with his facial expressions throughout most of this video. that combined with the floaty, spinny synth, the people flooding around him, h walking backwards, the spirals of the penguin enclosure—i just, i don’t know, there’s something here about constant emotional cycles and running round and round in circles and the soft introspection of his tone here seems to complement that.
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okay lol i wrote them like this to be extra but also to reflect what i think is a fun little instrumental mirror to what some of the background synth instrumentals are doing, which looks sorta like this:
and it sounds like h is mirroring the instrumental notes i’ve bolded here in his “oh, oh, oh”. this feels slide-y, like he’s moving down some steps.
in this world, it’s just us / you know it’s not the same as it was / in this world, it’s just us / you know it’s not the same
okay! chorus!! here we’ve got a lovely familiar choral harmonic breakdown:
- h high consonant harmony with extra vocal doubling
- harry alto
- very very soft low consonant harmony
the extra vocal doubling on the high consonant harmony makes it sound extremely foregrounded, while the low pitch of the other consonant harmony (both a production feature and the effect of harry dropping into a very low tone for his vocal range) sounds almost ghostlike, gliding along beneath the surface. 
as with anytime we’re thinking about gender and vocal symbology, if i’m talking about binaries it’s to discuss how h explicitly fucks with them. just like how we have h and his blue counterpart separated and coming together near the end of the video, i think the explicit separation of the high and low consonant harmonies, along with their associated historical gendered connotations, make for a beautiful vocal display of the gender push and pull happening within h himself. i think by clearly aesthetically delineating those binary associations of man and woman within himself and the blue counterpart, along with the historically feminine higher register and masculine lower register, harry is able to deftly demonstrate the existence of both binary ideals within one person, which really challenges the notion of a binary existing in the first place. 
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also also, we have dissonance!!!!!! it’s extremely brief but i think really significant. on the first iteration of the phrase 
it’s just us
the harry alto and low consonant harmony both drop downwards, while the high consonant harmony floats upwards. this harmonic deviation occurs most notably on the word “us”. okay okay okay wow so we have harry using dissonance on collective pronouns? have we seen him do this to emphasize points when he’s talking about himself before? (yessssss see this post on falling for an example). the power of him using dissonance on the line “it’s just us” when it’s only him on vocals??? 
just to break this down, we’ve got different tonal inflections by different harry voices on the word “us”, essentially suggesting that seemingly disparate entities (the feminine and masculine registers) are joined together in this “us”—presumably, the “we” of fine line, h themself. this is a theme we see all throughout the music video (and all of h’s music but anyway).
i’m also struck by the fact that the next time he sings “it’s just us” in the chorus, every register follows the same downward track—that is, there’s no dissonance now! as if he’s underscoring, yes, they sound different but they really are all “us” (me). 
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also are u kidding me his little painted red toenails my fucking heart
as it was / as it was, as it was
okay here the high consonant harmony steps out for a second and we just have the harry alto, now delivered in a punchier chest voice, and the low consonant harmony (which you can hear a little clearer now). 
the tonal journey of the chorus feels very bouncy, with the pitch jumping up and back down in slides and the texture of the sliding rhyme as/was almost suggesting a circle: as->was->as.
verse 2 is tonally much the same as verse 1. then we’ve got harry doing more vocal slides on the "oh, oh, oh” before the second chorus, so it all runs together a little more than the previous instance, where they felt a little more siloed as distinct notes. to use some terms, the first “oh’s” sounded more syllabic, whereas this feels like a slidey run, a melisma. i love the idea that this could be mirroring h’s identity journey as described in this song, a feeling of distinct things blending together (almost like there are ~no binaries anymore~ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)
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the bridge is delivered in a very straight-faced, introspective tone (once again, no smiley singing here). there are radio-ish effects on his voice (which like, i need more time to process the meaning of this lol), and there isn’t a lot of vocal jumping here, especially compared to the tonal bounciness of the rest of the song. i actually think this still creates a spherical effect though! the smoothness of the way his words move together in this section seems to sonically evoke the same-ness of moving around in a circle, the viewing of the same things over and over again, whereas the tonal bounciness of the rest of the song seems to describe the curves and ever-changingness of the arcs of a circle. (same-ness and ever-changingness meaning the same thing? breaking down binaries??)
this has me thinking about some of the perspective choices in the music video, how the camera is sometimes on the wheel with h and his blue counterpart, so that they are fixed and the world is spinning, versus when the camera angle is from the outside and we’re seeing h spinning around. i’m still trying to figure this out, but i wonder if the tonal differences between the bridge and the rest of the song evoke these different perspectives at all.
is the tonal same-ness of the bridge a reflection of the way that when you’re outside of the wheel all you see is the same thing? is the tonal bounciness of the rest of the song a sonic reflection of the feeling of being on the wheel, always reaching for something, your movement describing the arc of the circle? is it the other way around? is it both? honestly i have no idea, someone pls lmk if you have any thoughts on this it will continue spinning around my mind for ages, i’m sure.
emotional release!!! no coherent thoughts here, h just has such an emotive, musical shout, and it gives me so much joy to hear him yell.
h delivers the final chorus (i guess it’s a hook? but like we know we don’t strictly follow definitions over here, it’s just ~vibes~) in his mixed head/chest voice that i’ve talked so much about particularly in adore you. i LOVE this voice. i have SO MUCH gender? vocal? envy over this voice. wowowow. i feel like once more the texture of his voice is reflecting his facial expressions in the music video here. this is the only time in the music video that he’s smiling and emoting joy! and while this chorus isn’t exactly that brassy smiley voice, it feels like there could be an emotional grin in there! it feels joyous, cathartic, celebratory (with the bells chiming in, almost just almost reminiscent of wedding bells? anyone? like not in the marital sense as much as in the sense of a union? of self?? idkkkkkkk).
the sound of h’s mixed voice sliding up into “you knowwwwhhhhh” here just WOW i can absolutely see the veins in his neck standing out when he hits this live (for reference, esny behind the album live performance “tell me something i don’t already knowwwwwwwwhhhhhhh” hmmm hmmm self-knowledge beautiful registers that require some vocal strain hmmmmm).
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okay! so, not gonna try and summarize bc this is really just a little vocal journal entry after new harry music!!!! i will say in thinking about shifting perspectives in the music video, circular imagery, tonal “bounciness”, etc. i’ve been finding this song really bouncy and beautiful to sing along to, and i’ve really been finding myself jumping around to different harmonies. there just feels like so much ~possibility~ housed in the vocal landscape of this song which i think can be partly attributed to the fact that it’s new music and i haven’t been listening to it for years yet, but i do think it’s also got to do with the reflective, floaty, echoey, tonal arcs h has created in this gorgeous song. 
and i sort of love that as a note to conclude this journal entry?? like.....maybe this is why the song can break you and also leave you with so much joy. even the vocal space (house?) of this song is suggesting boundless possibility. and i think that’s pretty cool <3
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massivedrickhead · 3 years
Bechloe Week 2021 - Day 1! July 26th: “Cause I’m in love with you, dumbass!”
Read on AO3
Beca let out a slow groan as she woke up.
God, I think I’m dying.
She attempted to open her eyes but the light was too bright, and the pain in her head was too much.
Her mouth was dry and she could still taste the tequila from the night before. It made her stomach turn.
She tried to remember what had happened but she didn’t even remember getting home last night.
Chloe’s gonna kill me.
As if she’d been summoned by mere thought, Beca heard the soft footsteps of her fiancée - if she still was her finance - entering the room.
“Am I dead?” Beca asked, her voice rough like sandpaper.
Chloe let out a soft chuckle and sat on the edge of their bed. She pressed a cool hand to Beca’s forehead and the brunette practically whimpered at the contact.
“What did I do last night?”
“Well, you won a Grammy, and then got very drunk at Amy’s afterparty,” Chloe said.
Beca groaned again. She had a vague recollection of making a speech that she had definitely not prepared and she felt the heat of embarrassment rise up her neck.
“How bad was I?” Beca asked.
“Let’s just say it’s lucky Amy doesn’t allow phones or cameras in her parties,” Chloe said, trying hard not to laugh at Beca in this pathetic state.
“So my career isn’t over?”
“No,” Chloe said. “You gave a very cute and rambling speech in which you thanked me twice, and you didn’t drink anything until we were away from the cameras.”
“Good,” Beca said, feeling a small amount of relief.
“How are you feeling?” Chloe asked. “I don’t think I’ve seen you that drunk since college.”
“Yeah, I feel like I’m currently dying a very slow and painful death. I don’t know how I got so drunk, I don’t remember any of it,” Beca said, sitting up and rubbing her left eye. “I hope I didn’t embarrass you or anything?”
“It was your first Grammy win,” Chloe said. “I’ll let you off.”
“Was I a pain in the ass?” Beca asked, already cringing in preparation.
“No,” Chloe said, laughing. “It was like taking care of a toddler. Pretty good practice for when we have kids.”
“Great,” Beca said. “That’s exactly how I want my fiancée to view me.”
“It’s not my fault you asked for a bedtime story.”
Beca groaned and then seemed to notice what she was wearing. “This isn’t my shirt.”
“No,” Chloe said. “Once I finally managed to get you into some pyjamas you threw up on them. So I just grabbed the closest thing I could find.”
“God. Please kill me now.”
“I don’t think he’s listening,” Chloe said, laughing as Beca attempted to burrow back beneath the blankets and hide.
“How are you not mad at me?”
“You were being very cute if it helps,” Chloe said. “How can I be mad at you when you’re telling me how much you loved me every ten seconds?”
Yes, Beca had been a drunken mess at the after party. She had done way too many shots of tequila and had almost broken her neck by dancing on a table. She had even almost started a fight with some random guy who was talking to Chloe because she thought he was hitting on her.
“Ms Mitchell, I’m gay, I promise I wasn’t flirting.”
“Oh my god, dude, same! Look, she’s my fiancée!”
“I know.”
“Look at her!”
She’d spent the entire night making sure Chloe wasn’t bored or left out. And she also told everyone who’d listen that they were recently engaged, and just how hot she looked.
She even stole the DJ’s mic to make an announcement about it, but Chloe didn’t think she needed reminding of that right now.
During the Uber ride home, Beca started getting even more clingy.
“Everything’s so spinny.”
“I know.”
“Don’t let go, I'll float away.”
Chloe gave the Uber driver an extra large tip in the hopes that he wouldn’t say anything.
When they’d gotten back to the apartment Beca’s motor-function skills got even worse.
She barely made it up the front step, and ended up lying and giggling in the hallway while Chloe looked for their keys.
“Chloe, hey, psst, Chloe,” Beca whispered, giggling.
“I won a Grammy.”
“I know baby, I’m so proud of you.”
“Chloe, Chloe, guess what?”
“You look pretty and I love you.”
“Let me get you some more water and aspirin. I’m sure I could rustle up some pancakes and bacon too,” Chloe said, again feeling the same rush of affection she’d felt the night before. Even when Beca had thrown up and had mascara smudged all over her face, Chloe felt nothing but love for her tiny drunken Grammy winning fiancée.
“Chloe am I gonna die?” Beca groaned as Chloe peeled off the vomit covered pyjama top.
“Not today.”
“‘Kay,” Beca sniffed.
Chloe helped Beca stand and lead her to the bathroom. She sat her on the edge of the tub and handed her a toothpaste covered tooth brush.
“You can do this yourself right?”
“Of course. I’m a grown up,” Beca said, proudly taking the toothbrush before smearing most of the toothpaste on her cheek. “I’m a Grammy winner,” she said, her words muffled by the toothbrush that she had finally gotten in her mouth. “Betht new artitht.”
“I know,” Chloe said.
“Thtarted from the bottom and look at me now.”
“Uh huh,” Chloe said. She grabbed one of her own pyjama tops for Beca to wear, because she couldn’t find any of Beca’s and she didn’t want to leave her unsupervised for too long.
“That’th not mine,” Beca said before she spat out the toothpaste and wiped her face. “You like it when I wear your clothes, huh?”
Chloe smiled and tried not to roll her eyes.
“Sure baby,” she said. She handed it over to Beca who pulled it on before throwing Chloe an exaggerated wink.
“You’re adorable,” Chloe said.
Beca turned to look at herself in the mirror. “I’ve never looked hotter.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” Beca asked, poking her head out of the covers. “This is all self-inflicted.”
“‘Cause I’m in love with you, dumbass,” Chloe said, kissing Beca on the cheek. “And you’d do the same for me.”
Beca smiled. “I would.”
“I should hope so.”
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drc00l4tt4 · 3 years
Can I please get a one shot of scrooge boozoo with an s/o who is an employee of his and completely oblivious to his feelings at first? I love your writing btw!!!
This. We want this. We need this. /pos
And thank you! I love wrtiting these so if other people enjoy them, I feel happy! ^^ /gen
Boozoos Ghosts Boozoo;; Clueless
You were currently helping Banny clean up Boozoo's shop. You were dusting the shelves whilst she was sweeping the floor. "Can I ask you something?" Banny spoke up, catching you off guard. "Of course! What is it?" You responded, still dusting the dirt and germs off the toys. There had been so many people here today that most of these toys probably carried a virus.
"Why do you think Mr. Boozoo is so nice to you?" She asked, which actually made you think for a moment. Why was he so nice to you? Just the other day he got you a desk chair (the spinny kind) because you had said your feet hurt. For Banny, he'd probably just tell her to suck it up and keep working. It was rather odd, now that you thought about it.
"Maybe he's more used to me? You two don't talk much, I try to talk to him frequently, if I'm honest. I just like his voice." You added the last bit as a few conversations you had with him slipped into your mind. His voice was actually very likeable. "I think it's more than that." Banny stated with a small laugh, as if she knew something you didn't.
You got worried, wondering if he was doing it to get rid of you. Would it make sense? Not entirely, but with Banny's phrasing, your mind didn't really register the possibilities.
Just as the conversation came to a close, Banny had knocked over a plate. The sound was loud, and it even made you jump a bit. "Oh dear- Banny, I got it, don't worry!" You stated quickly as you knelt to the floor and began picking up the glass shards.
"Banny? Did you break something-?" As Boozoo entered the room, he saw you knelt over picking up the mess, "-again..? What are you doing-?" He didn't sound annoyed at this rate, he sounded panicked; maybe even worried. "I accidentally dusted too hard and it fell over. You can take it out of my paycheck if you want, I can-" "Why on earth would I do that?" You were now surprised, as you had seen him take money out of Banny's paycheck multiple times over things like this.
"Because- Because I broke it?" You said rather confused, you were sure he'd be more upset. "Accidents happen. Here, I'll help clean it, I don't want you to get cut." He waved his hand dismissively before going to pick up the glass. You looked at Banny to see her not even being surprised, she just had a knowing smile then she went back to sweeping. What kind of reaction was that?
"I would also like to- ehm- talk to you. Privately. Soon." Boozoo stated after picking up the last of the glass and tossing it into the trash bin. "It's not anything bad, I'd bet." Banny whispered to you once Boozoo was out of earshot. "You think it's a raise?" You asked, wondering why you would get a raise of all things. Banny just laughed, "Oh, you'll see."
A few hours went by and the shop looked spotless. You said your goodbyes to Banny before heading to Boozoo's office. Were you worried? Of course you were. For all you knew, he could be firing you! Just the thought made your stomach drop. You loved it here! And you loved talking to Boozoo! You actually started to feel fuzzy and calm around him, you didn't want to loose that!
You sighed before entering his office where he seemed to just be twiddling his thumbs. "Oh! (Y/N)! Wonderful- take a seat!" His enthusiasm caught you off guard but it did ease your mind. You sat in the chair across from the desk, so you were right infront of Boozoo. "I- I wanted to- I've been wanting to ask you something-" Boozoo now seemed nervous, which was something that didn't usually happen. "Is everything okay?" You asked, now getting worried. "Yes, yes, everything- everything is fine." He sighed and went silent for a minute.
"I want to take you out. To dinner. As a date. Sometime." He stated, looking incredibly flustured as he did. "I- What? I'd love to go, don't get me wrong, but this is sudden." You admitted, smiling a bit as calmness swept over you. "I- Really? I thought I was being obvious? Maybe I should've gotten you something more expensive?" He wondered. "No! No no no, that's not it at all! I just didn't know you liked me in that way! I mean- I think I like you in that way too, but that's- that's a whole commitment and I don't know if you actually like me or-"
"(Y/N), you're the most wonderful thing I've ever laid eyes on. I would know. Just like I would know if I loved you or not, and I do." Boozoo interrupted, now standing and walking over to you. "I- Okay, fair point. Just don't feel like you have to show love through gifts, I'm fine with kisses and hugs! Honestly, I think they're better." You stated, now standing as well.
"If that's the case," Boozoo paused as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, "Do I have permission to kiss you?" He asked, looking smug. "Y'know what," you paused getting as close to his face as you could without kissing, "I'd like that."
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Anonymous asked:
( @viviskull​ ) Okay, okay.. She just had to make this quick. Liam has been a good friend of hers since they first crashed in through the window of her own home. Taking care of another’s wounds always came natural to her, just as much as she had come to adore her own feathery friend after becoming familiar with his own fascinating angelic culture. However, having to walk up to him with a singular goal in mind.. Vivi had lost a bet to one of her own husbands, having lost a food baking contest to her own personal chef, Lewis, and here she was just strolling up to this blissfully unaware angel with an extra nervous energy in her step.
Vivi had a plan in mind; just go in and get out. It’s that simple, right? She couldn’t exactly chicken out now, not when she already traveled so far from her own home dimension to visit her own angel. Goodness, her angel.. That didn’t even sound right now she thought about it.
Still, seeing as she already had him right where she needed him to be, having him busying away at his own desk was enough of a distraction; just in case she needed a proper getaway, if things were to go south for them both. She tapped her companion upon their shoulder, then peeped out a gentle whisper, “.. Hey, Liam, do ya have a minute?” All she needed was a minute, if only for a brief moment to get whatever she needed to be done.
Liam turned on his spinny chair. She leaned in, her hand gripped his nearby armrest.
Liam’s eyes met hers, and the next.. Their lips connect. Suddenly, everything felt too much to process.
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Liam had long since given Vivi a key to his office that was originally for emergencies but at this point even he knew that it was more or less used for when he desperately needed to be reminded to go outside and stretch his wings if only for thirty minutes. So when his favorite blue haired friend had once again made her way into his office, the Angel wasn’t the least bit surprised. Her wild and caring nature was one of the reasons he found her company comforting. More so than some others that he would also call friends. Sometimes he found himself thinking about this but he never dwelled on them for long. 
In fact today, he was relatively pleased to see her as today’s paperwork in regards to some court related situations were feeling rather annoying and tedious to do. Any excuse to get away was very much so welcomed at this point of time in his day. The soft way she spoke along with the sense of nervousness he sensed in the air did cause him to raise an eyebrow but he decided that perhaps there was something she wished to speak about. 
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“Only a minute? A bit quicker than your normal visits but if that’s all you want, I don’t see why not.” 
He said as he turned in his chair and met her gaze. Her leaning in was not new to him, but that was when familiarity ended. His eyes widened and his whole body turned a bright shade of pink as his brain tried to catch up to what was happening. 
Many questions ran through his mind but he didn’t make any attempt to push her away. Liam didn’t even appear mad, staying pink as his cheeks heated up and he leaned back after the kiss. 
“I-- Well that explains why you asked for just a minute...”
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Don’t Treat My Love Like a Habit Part Thirteen
Previous Part | Next Part | Masterlist Pairing: Santiago Garcia x Reader Rating: Mature (this may change) Warnings: Cursing; canon-typical violence (not terribly descriptive); flirting; pining Notes: Set before the movie. Not beta-read. Reina is Spanish for Queen. Happy New Year! 🥳 Summary: Pope and Alex had pulled a couple of stakeouts together in that time, and when neither had come back with black eyes or missing teeth -- in fact, when both had come back and neither had mysteriously ‘disappeared’, you’d taken it as a sign that things were improving.   
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“I’ve got eyes on ya,” You said, watching Alex through the monitor. “Well, now I feel self-conscious. I knew I should’ve worn tighter jeans today,” Alex’s voice was quiet as it crackled through your earpiece. “Not a problem from my point of view,” Was Pope’s retort; he was only a few feet from Alex’s position. You rolled your eyes. The two of them had continued to be somewhat combative over the last couple of weeks, but it had defrosted slightly and taken a turn for the teasing. At least, Pope had stopped openly griping to you about him. He and Alex had pulled a couple of stakeouts together in that time, and when neither had come back with black eyes or missing teeth -- in fact, when both had come back and neither had mysteriously ‘disappeared’, you’d taken it as a sign that things were improving.
“Glad it hear it, Garcia. You know, I picked these with you in mind?” Alex answered, and you huffed a laugh, unable to help it. “You know, you two were bad enough apart, you’re insufferable on the same channel,” You teased. “Oh, ouch--” “He and I are not as bad--” “How dare you, Reina--”  “If anything I make it better--” Santiago and Alex hurried to correct you over one another and you groaned, “Alright, alright, I take it back, fuckssake! Eyes up, you’ve got a car approaching.” It had been a tip from one of Santiago’s informants that had gotten you there. When he’d told you that he had a new informant, you hadn’t gone out of your way to ask the questions that you usually would’ve asked. When Isabella had first come up, before she’d disappeared with your best (and only) lead at the time, you’d made fun of him a little, asked if she was hot, if he bothered to get dressed up for her, if they went to his place or hers. This time you’d just taken the information in the same way you did when the guy handed you a tequila shot - with one solid nod and a wince once he’d turned his head. Whatever feelings you had toward the methods Pope sometimes employed, now was not the time to take issue with them. The man was letting you stay in his apartment - sleep in his bed for goddsake. Besides that, the two of you had never been closer. It was beyond being around him so constantly. You felt like you understood Pope on an entirely different level now. “What’ve we got?” You asked as you watched the car pull to a stop on the live feed. “I am seeing… Three people in the car…No one’s making a move to get out,” Alex relayed. “Just give it a minute,” Pope grumbled. Neither you nor Alex replied, just waited for a few tense seconds. And then the passenger side front door opened. “Alright, hang on, hang on,” Pope was cautioning, even as you were working to enhance your stream. You froze, fingers over the keyboard as the picture became clear. “Guys,” You mumbled, “Is that-- Are you seeing--” “Yes,” Alex breathed, even as Pope hissed, “Fuck.” That was Camilo Hernandez. You’d been looking for the man for months. He was distinct, even on a grainy camera feed. “Guys,” You warned quietly, “We stick to the original plan. I know that this changes things, but it doesn’t change how many people we have at our disposal. I’m calling for backup now,” You added, fingers moving swiftly over the keys again, “But if they can’t get there in time--” “Understood,” Alex grumbled. Pope didn’t even answer you. You couldn’t imagine what was going through his head - and fuck, you wanted to ask, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. He needed to be focused on what was right in front of him. You were resolved to only speak up again if it was absolutely necessary - reinforcements were on their way, or another car pulled up. You watched as the other two people got out of the car - one of them being Pope’s informant. She was cute. You whacked the thought back down as suddenly as it appeared. There was no time for that, and the fact, while true, was not a helpful one. The three of them started toward a house not too far from where they’d parked. “I’m moving into position,” Alex warned through the comm. “Right behind you. How are we doing on reinforcements?” Pope asked. You glanced at the messages that had come through. “Eight minutes out.” “You can’t speed them up?” Pope growled. “If I could, I would,” You gritted out, leaning against the desk and watching as the two crept into position around the car. You held your breath as Alex slid under the car to place a tracking device. “Get out of there, ‘Brano, they’re coming back out,” Pope hissed. “I’m not finished--” “Alex, move--” You ordered as quickly as you could. But it wasn’t quickly enough. When you were on that side of the screen, it was never quickly enough. The feed was hazy and sluggish, the actions of the people unclear and moments behind what you were hearing. You balled your hands into fists as you heard gunfire, yelling, the squealing of car tires. You took in a shuddering breath as quiet fell on the other end. “Zambrano?” You finally dared to speak, “Garcia? Someone talk to me.” “‘Brano’s been hit.” --
The way that Santiago had delivered the news was flat, but you knew him better; his voice was tight with the fact, with worry. When you’d finally been able to leave, to meet the two at the hospital, you found Alex in one piece with a woozy ‘just-given-painkillers’ smile and his arm in a sling. The bullet hadn’t hit anything vital - it had passed through his abdomen; the stitches could come out in a week or two. Pope looked like he could’ve eaten the world twice over - his brow was drown low, in frustration or upset, you couldn’t tell; his jaw was clenched as if he was the one that had been shot. “I’ll get him home,” You told your boss quietly (because right now, that was what the man was to you - your boss; this was still work). He gave a short nod and hardly met your eye as he left the hospital room. You sighed, turning back to Alex and shaking your head. “It’s always something with you, isn’t it, ‘Brano.” “Gotta keep it interesting, Q,” He retorted, “Now help me stand up, the room feels like one of those spinny horse up-and-down rides.” “Carousel, ‘Brano,” You smiled in spite of yourself, in spite of the situation as you gave him your arm to steady himself, “A carousel.”
-- You didn’t make it back to your Pope’s apartment until very early the next morning - it was nearly 5:30; the sun had yet to rise. You’d gotten Alex to his apartment and stayed to get him settled. You’d made sure he’d had something to eat, helped him get changed into more comfortable clothing. You’d tucked him in, too, after he’d sworn up and down to call you when he woke up. You only left to check in at the office. The tracker was working. The damn thing that Alex had crawled under the car to place and nearly died working on was working. On the other side of town, while you, Pope, and ‘Brano had been in that situation, Diego’s team had hit a stash house and been able to seize a fair amount of product, cash, and several workers.  The night had viable leads, tangible results, a functioning tracker to show for it.
-- You moved around Pope’s apartment gingerly. You showered first, trying to rid yourself of the night's grime, taking twice as long, as if you could scrub off the feeling of helplessness that had lingered with you. You hadn’t heard from Pope all evening. You hadn’t reached out; you’d figured he’d have his own ends to wrap up, his own questions to ask of his informant, and you didn’t want to interrupt that...Situation. You stepped into Santiago’s room, peering around. You’d laid your pajamas out for yourself the day before, and they were still there, undisturbed on your side of the bed. You crept closer, towel wrapped tightly around yourself as you eyed where Santiago lay, back to you. You reached out, tugging your sleep shorts on. You eyed the tank top you normally slept in next. You were still a little damp from the shower, and you knew that you’d be chilly. You stepped over to his dresser, opening one of his drawers rather than yours and pulling out one of his few long-sleeve shirts. He wouldn't mind, right? They didn't get much use, anyway. 
You dropped your towel and tugged it on, sighing at the immediate feeling of warmth and comfort that washed over you. You shut the dresser drawer gingerly before scooping the towel off of the floor and creeping back out of the room. Coffee. You’d make coffee, head back into the office to see how the tracker was doing and then get some food to bring over to Alex’s. That was the best course of action. You took yours and Pope’s mugs out of the dish drainer, pouring freshly brewed coffee into your mug. As you waited for it to cool a bit, you found yourself bracing yourself against the counter and closing your eyes. You were tired. It had been a long night. You hadn’t taken a moment to rest at Alex’s, more concerned with getting him situated so that you could follow up with the rest of the op. Of course, it was a relief that everything was running smoothly, but-- You glanced back as you heard a creak in the floorboard, your hand instinctively flying to your thigh, where you typically had your gun strapped. Of course you’d just showered - there was no gun to be found. “It’s just me,” Santiago’s voice was somehow soothing even when it was rough as sandpaper from sleep. You sighed quietly, nodding and straightening up to pour coffee into his mug as well. “That’s a relief. I was about to reach for the spatula.” You smiled as he chuckled and crowded up behind you. He curled his arms around you, his face pressing into your neck. “Your nose is cold,” You grumbled. “Give it a minute,” Was his muffled reply. You smiled.
“How are you feeling? Bout last night, I mean,” You clarified. Santiago took a moment to answer. And when he finally did, he mumbled, “We almost got him.” “I know. You’re gonna get him.” “We’re gonna get him. The dual raids were your idea.” “Yeah, yeah. But you guys did all of the heavy lifting.”  You glanced down, absently trailing a finger over one of Santiago’s arms where it was wrapped around you. “Your coffee’s getting cold.” “I can handle lukewarm coffee, Reina.” “...You’re cuddly first thing in the morning.” “Mm.” “Are you always this cuddly first thing?” “Mm.” You rolled your eyes as Santiago lifted his head, nudging his nose against the hinge of your jaw before he stepped away, leaning against the counter. That’s when you realized how… Well, how shirtless he was. You and Santiago always slept with your backs to one another, and you hadn’t exactly gone over to get a good look at him when you’d gone in to get dressed. Did he always sleep shirtless? You turned away as quickly as you had looked, not wanting to be caught out. You’d certainly gotten an eyeful. Whoever this informant was, she must’ve been less territorial than Isabella was. Santiago was hickey-free -- from what you could see, anyway. “How’s Zambrano?” Santiago asked after a few sips of coffee. “In one piece. He’s hopped up on pain meds and has eight stitches on his left side. He’ll be fine. He’s had worse,” You answered, warming your hands around your mug. You felt a tug on the hem of your shirt and glanced down to see Pope fiddling with it. Your eyes trailed up his arm to his face, giving him a bashful smile. “Uh… Ha, yeah, sorry. I took a shower and I was chilly so I kinda… Borrowed it.” You raised a brow as Pope tugged at the hem again. “You want it back?” You teased. “Would you hand it over right now if I asked?” Santiago’s eyes were as dark and as warm as the coffee he was sipping. You huffed out a shaky laugh, feeling yourself flush as you raised your own mug to your lips. He always did like to fuck with you; you took his flirting with a grain of salt. “I’m gonna head out soon, check on ‘Brano and see how things are at the office. Also, considering how picky you are, you’d probably just tell me I was taking it off wrong,” You added as you headed out of the kitchen. You were well into the hall when you choked on your coffee, hearing Santiago call after you, “I could show you how it’s done.” Tag list: @justanotherblonde23​  ; @revolution-starter​ ; @emurlemur​​ ; @badbitxhbuckybarnes ;  @supernaturalcat7​
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bluebellwriting · 4 years
Mom-Friend Looking For A Dad-Friend - Part 1
Summary: Saru x chubby!reader in which you are Sylvia Tilly’s older sister, (Y/N) Tilly. You are a therapist on the USS Discovery and the ship’s resident mom-friend. Your little sister thinks it’s about time her Starfleet parents finally hooked up. (Title is based off of my Hinge profile)
(Y/N)’s POV
You were settling into your office on the USS Discovery, situated just down the hall from the med bay. It was small but cozy and would only get cozier once you unpacked your plants and little trinkets from home. Once the doors were closed behind you, you set your box of mementos down and took a moment to take in the room. Making sure that the doors are closed, you take a moment to squeal and pump your fists in the air. It’s quite unprofessional for a lieutenant commander, but you’ve never had a whole office to yourself before. 
Apparently the ship’s former captain, Gabriel Lorca, never felt the need for counselors or therapists, which you thought was horrible and inconsiderate. But when your own captain, Captain Pike, announced that he was transferring temporarily to head the Discovery, he had requested you accompany him to be the ship’s temporary counselor. He didn’t go into much detail for “security reasons,” but he felt that the crew would benefit from your services and your motherly nature.
It also helped that your baby sister was an ensign on the ship.
Your little celebratory moment was ruined by the sound of your doors opening. You froze, imagining the captain or some high-ranking commander walking in on your moment of unprofessionalism. Honestly, this was not a reflection of your normally responsible self and as you turned slowly around, you were running through in your mind exactly how you would defend yourself. Until you saw the familiar red and wild hair of your sister. 
You run forward and envelop her in a hug, relishing the feel of a familiar body pressed against yours. You have been so worried for her while you were away on the Enterprise and she was off fighting a war. Not a day went by that you didn’t dread the idea of getting the message from your mother that she was gone. But now she’s here, safe and sound in your arms where you can protect her, like you always have. You were so wrapped up in fussing over your sister that you didn’t even notice the incredibly tall man watching you both fondly from the doorway until he cleared his throat.
“Oh! Oh right.” Sylvia steps to the side with her arm stretched, literally presenting the tallest and... cutest man you had ever seen. Immediately you were entranced by the ridges of his face and his eyes. Oh dear Lord those eyes. 
“Commander, this is my sister, (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Commander Saru. He was my sponsor to the command program and was--”
“Previously acting Captain, yes. Captain Pike filled me in.” You step forward and extend your hand to him. You try really, really hard not to shiver when his fingers engulf your palm and hold it securely. You feel so small in front of him -- which is rare for you, your past boyfriends made it a point to constantly bring up your largeness -- but your hand fits perfectly in his like two puzzle pieces finding each other. It’s as thrilling as it is frightening.
“I’m Doctor (Y/N) Tilly. It’s very nice to meet you, Commander.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, as well, Doctor.” Oh he was such a gentleman. 
Saru’s POV
Saru was expecting another Sylvia Tilly, when said ensign insisted that he come meet her sister. And because he was so fond of the tenacious girl, he allowed her to all but pull him through the halls towards an office just off of the med bay.
“I just have a feeling that you two will really like each other,” she was telling him as they approached the doors. “She’s so kind and sweet. She was basically the mom I always wanted which was nice considering the mom we did have was--” As she rambled, Saru just nodded his head and mentally prepared himself to engage in some pleasantries and then a quick return to the bridge for a meeting with Captain Pike. He was honestly in a somewhat sour mood after having the captaincy stolen from him, even if he knew it was going to be temporary anyway. Hey, a Kelpien can dream.
What he was not expecting was the sight of quite literally the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. But there she was, hugging her sister tightly and soundly in a very cramped office filled with boxes of plants and flowers. And when you took his hand and grinned up at him, he felt his heart soar and a tingling in his limbic system. He could stand in the glow of your smile for hours and so desperately wanted to know what a hug from you felt like. Probably like being home. He had to restrain his arm from reaching out for you after you had pulled away from the handshake. He was completely and utterly hooked on you.
Sylvia seemed to notice, because she shot him a devious grin at the sight of what he was now realizing was his own love sick smile. Really, you have to be more professional, he scolded. But you’re chatting happily away with your sister while unloading your plants, cradling each adorable pot like a mother carries her child. Alright, professionalism be damned, he knew he needed to be next to you every moment for the rest of your lives.
On Kaminar, Kelpien life expectancies were uncertain but undeniably short, which meant that when decisions about family, friends, children had to be instinctual. And while Saru knew that he was safe from that life, that he was far more secure than anyone from back home could have ever hoped for, he still felt those same instincts. He felt them for Michael and Captain Georgiou and Sylvia and now here you were, the sight of you creating a piercing, knowing feeling deep in his gut.
You struggled to hang one of your plants on the highest shelf behind your desk. Just as you were about to pull out your spinny chair and use it as a stool, Saru quickly made his way over so he could hover over you.
“May I?” He was genuinely nervous that you would say no and he’s not quite sure why. But this was important, this offering of help and for care. You gave him a toothy grin and carefully transferred the plant from your hands into his large, awaiting ones. 
“Thank you, Commander. This is my String of Hearts and she likes to be up high.” Saru didn’t bat an eye at the fondness you held for the plant, rather he was quite familiar with the love you felt for them.
“It’s really no trouble. I too have quite the collection back in my quarters.”
“Yes, they are mostly plants from my home world, although I have collected quite a few species from visits to other planets.”
“Maybe you could show my sister some time, Commander!” Sylvia’s voice, really it’s more like a yelp, interrupts you both. You were eyeing her strangely while Saru tried his best to signal her with his widened eyes, stop, please with a hint of what are you planning. Sylvia just grinned widely and devilishly at them both.
“If, um, you don’t mind Commander, I would be happy to have lunch with you sometime to discuss our plant babies,” you offered slowly, your voice soft and hopeful. Oh, oh, he definitely wanted to have lunch with you. Was today too soon? Probably. Okay, calm down Saru, she’s not going to disappear.
Third Person POV
Four Months Later
Sylvia was just absolutely ecstatic that her plan was working. When she had started getting closer to Saru during the way, started seeing his paternal nature and his unmeasured empathy towards others, her mind had immediately thought of her darling sister. How you were just as nurturing as him and cared about everyone, how you were so caught up with loving others that you very rarely had time to meet anyone who loved you just as deeply. How the only two boyfriends you had ever had were complete assholes who took your tenderness for granted and only gave you criticism for return. How you were so hesitant to fall in love again and how she was absolutely sure that Saru was made for you and vice versa. So as soon as you stepped onto the ship, Sylvia begged and bothered Saru to come welcome you until he finally agreed. And oh is he glad he agreed.
From that day on you and Saru became practically inseparable. Saru made it his mission to be near you every second possible and you found yourself quite taken with the impossibly sweet man. Which was unusual, you had built this thick wall around your heart after your last relationship ended. But Saru just wormed his way past your guard with his gentle smiles and thoughtfulness. You would spend every meal together, talking about your plants, your favorite books and music. He had even started teaching you some basics in some of the many languages he knew. You don’t know why, but knowing about his profound knowledge of languages made you fall even harder for him.
Everyone on the ship seemed to realize that you were made for each other, too. There were bets made about when you would get together, whispers about ships through the halls. The drama over when Discovery’s mom-friend and dad-friend would make it official was a welcomed respite from the stresses of their mission to find the Red Angel. 
But the turning point for you was one night when you were completely swamped with patient notes and analysis. You had just messaged Saru letting him know that you had to skip your dinner plans to finish your work. You were quite disappointed, you hadn’t missed a dinner with him in the four months of your friendship and you lived for your conversations with him. It was just so comfortable and he made you feel so heard. But tonight you were looking at a sad, late night meal in your quarters after you were exhausted from staring at PADDs all day. At least, you thought so, until your door opened mere minutes after you had messaged Saru. In walked this precious man, carrying your favorite soup and a cup of coffee on a tray, along with some tea and salad for himself. 
“Just because we can’t have dinner in the cafeteria, doesn’t mean we can’t have dinner together.” He gave you a shy look as he set the tray down in front of you and took a seat on the other side of your desk. Honestly your heart felt like it was about to burst from your chest. He was a dream, a lovely and beautiful dream.
“Saru I... Thank you.” You set your PADD down and decided that maybe a short break couldn’t hurt.
“You are most welcome, (Y/N). I couldn’t bear the thought of you not eating a proper meal.”
“Is this potato leak soup?” Saru nodded, pleased with himself.
The two of you ate silently for a while as you continued your work. Saru was quite content in watching you. It was quiet moments like this where he would take in everything he loved about you besides your mind and wit. The soft curl of your hair, the way your eyebrows creased as you read, or the bright (e/c) of your eyes. His eyes very slowly trail down, when you aren’t flashing the occasional smile at him, to take in his other favorite part about you. Saru -- and he gets incredibly embarrassed when he thinks of you like this because he is a gentleman through and through -- just really loves your body. In a totally not creepy way, he is obsessed with how small and soft you are compared to him. He still has dreams about the first time you hugged him and the feeling of his arms around your plush waist holding you close.
“All done,” you announce with a sigh. Saru snaps his eyes from where they were lingering on your collar bone back up to you. He throws on his most innocent smile, trying to pretend he wasn’t just fantasizing about wrapping his body around your own. 
“Thank you again. I’m sure this is not how you wanted to spend your evening, sitting in silence while I just work away.”
“Nonesense.” He pauses, debating his next words. “Any time spent with you is time well spent.” 
You bite your tongue for a moment, wondering if you should let slip the words you so desperately wanted to bestow upon him. Would he think you’re being too forward? Would he think you were flirting with him? I mean, you did want to flirt with him, and hug him and kiss him and rub your hands down his-- woah, calm down, (Y/N), he’s right there. 
“Still,” you start, deciding to take a big risk. “It was incredibly sweet of you. I’ve never had anyone bring me dinner before.” Saru beams and fills his heart swell at the praise, but his joy stalls at that one offhand comment.
“Never?” Honestly, he was curious. You had never mentioned past relationships before and he was secretly dying to know if he was even someone you would consider for a romantic relationship.
You take a deep breath, “I mean, I’ve only ever had two boyfriends in the past and neither were that... thoughtful. Well, at first they were. But over time they both ended up being a bit too self-centered, a bit too critical.” 
Saru feels like his cup is about to break in his grip. How could anyone be so cruel to you, so unappreciative, so blind? 
You bow your head, worried you might have divulged too much but Saru leans forward and takes one of your hands into his. His thumb rubs your knuckles and immediately your past relationships and the sad memories they dredge up vanish. As if there was no one before him, as if there was always just Saru.
“If you don’t mind me being so forward, it is their loss. (Y/N), you are a wonder, anyone who cannot see that or appreciate that is a fool and does not deserve you.” He’s staring at you incredibly intensely, his lovely eyes trying to convey all the adoration he feels for you, his desire to see you cared for as you deserve.
Your eyes shine and you don’t even think. You just stand and round your desk, engulfing Saru in a hug before he can rise to meet you or he can see the tears in your eyes. Your body folds perfectly into his as his arms wrap securely around your waist. In this position your heads are level, and he uses this opportunity to slightly nestle his head against your neck and shoulder. He hopes he’s being inconspicuous. He also hopes you’re getting the message, that he is absolutely smitten with you. 
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cheetahsprints · 4 years
All good things now come from you
Summary: Wu visits Mako. 
What have I done to fall so hard for you? 
The first time is a total surprise. Mako flops out of bed, kicking away the tangled sheet as he grunts with frustration. Many nights he experiences nightmares, and he reaches for another body. He doesn’t know who he expects to be there or why. But there’s no one there. It’s just him in his lonesome apartment. 
He’s grown tired of Korra and Asami trying to include him in things out of pity. Of course, there’s offers to hang out separately, but in his patheticness he still feels awkward being alone with either of them. He’s also grown tired of Bolin’s attempts to set him up. Nothing seems to click, and he can’t help comparing them to… to… he doesn’t know who, except he does, and it hurts. It’s not Korra or Asami, he’s not quite that bad. Any lingering feelings have turned platonic.
He gets ready for the day, opens the door, and he’s there. Mako abruptly remembers that he doesn’t have work today. Now, he’s not sure whether that’s a positive.
Mako intones, “What are you doing here.”
He’s supposed to be on some kind of tour with his… music career. Mako likes many of Wu’s traits that he’d never admit, but his singing leaves a lot to be desired. Nonetheless, something about Wu’s alluring voice attempting to hold a note always makes his heart jump into his throat.
“Is that any way to talk to your old friend?” Wu spreads his arms. Mako is surprised he doesn’t go in for a hug. Perhaps, he’s learned some boundaries.
“Old employer, you mean.”  Mako is semi-aware that he’s trying too hard to distance himself. He tried and tried to drop hints about his feelings, and he’s lost hope that Wu will ever see him that way, that he even could.
“Aw come on, after all we’ve been through?” Wu frowns. “I thought I meant a little more to you.”
Mako raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms. “Did you want something or did you just come by to say hello?”
“I thought we could just… talk. I don’t know. I’m bored.”
So, Mako lets him inside. Wu looks around a bit, then shuffles over by a wall where he stands there staring at Mako. He offers, “Are you going to… sit down?”
“No, I’m good.”
“Um… okay.”
They talk. Hours fly by that Mako scarcely notices at first. He has plenty of input in the beginning, but eventually he lays on the bed. He places his hands behind his head, closes his eyes and just listens to his voice, his unexpected insights. Wu speaks of his travels, with plenty of humorous stories. 
He vanishes as suddenly as he came. Mako must have fallen asleep, because when he opens his eyes Wu is gone with no sign that he was there.
You are my everything… My head, my heart, my mind, my wing
It takes the second time to hear the edge in Wu’s voice, his deliberate leaning on the light-hearted. Whenever the serious side of his stories seems like it will thicken, he changes course.
This time, he has visited Mako at work. Mako has some backed up paperwork to take care of. A few pages in, he’s slacking and trying to play Pai Sho with himself; it’s not going well. He’s not a keen player to begin with, never as interested in it as Bolin. A hand reaches out and moves a piece. Mako looks up, and there’s Wu.
Mako actually hasn’t noticed the station is empty except for him until this moment. 
“Wu… it’s been a few weeks hasn’t it? How are you?”
Wu waves a hand. “Oh you know. Seeing things, meeting people. Did I tell you that time I ran into the swamp chasing that -”
“Right. If you like the swamp so much, maybe you should live there.”
Wu stares at him. His gaze is searching, but Mako is uncertain what he’s looking for. 
“Do you want to play?”
“Oh I’m terrible!”
“Well, I’m so great either…”
Wu reaches up to run his fingers through his own hair. He pauses and drops his hand. “I guess we can be terrible… together…”
There’s a twitch of a smile, and Mako realizes his smiles haven’t reached his eyes, not even the last time he saw him.
The past, the present, tomorrow too... 
The third time, part of Mako is expecting it. He’s at a spa after all, in a steam room. It was Asami’s suggestion, and it was just going to be them hanging out. Then, somehow everyone else got wind of it and showed up. And by everyone, he means: Korra, Bolin, Opal, Wing and Wei, Tu, Jinora, Kai, even Lin. Not every single person he knows fairly well, but it might as well have been. 
He managed to ditch them all at one point. He got a little… overwhelmed when they started talking about Kuvira. He definitely did not start sweating and run out of there like a chickendeer with its head cut off. 
Mako’s eyes snap open when he feels a brief and slightly damp sensation on his forehead. Wu grins at him, but his eyes are unfocused. It’s unsettling.
“Did you just… kiss me?”
“Haha sure… oh buddy, the heat must be getting to ya.”
Mako glares at him. He knows what he felt, and there’s no other explanation. He decides not to press the issue. Then, his eyes wander to Wu’s bare torso and his throat tightens. Wu lowers himself to sit beside him. It’s close but not so close as to be brushing against each other. Mako squints. It seems deliberate. Does Wu know about his feelings? Is he grossed out or just trying to spare him the rejection? Mako’s head gets kind of spinny.
This time is mostly silent. Mako - to his own surprise - is the one who tries to start conversation. Wu seems lost in thought though, and his responses are too monosyllabic to work into more. Occasionally, Wu catches Mako’s eye when Mako glances at him. Every time, Mako looks down at his own lap, cheeks heated and not from the steam. 
I’ll spend my final day with you
The fourth time, Mako is so shocked it angers him.
It’s a bust gone wrong. He’s tied up, definitely not expecting any visitors. That sonorous voice calls to him, “Heyy Mako. Looks like you’re all tied up, am I interrupting?”
Mako’s face aches where he was punched, one of his eyes is swollen shut, and he’s pretty sure a few ribs are cracked, if not broken. Somehow, he manages to glare at Wu. Then, he panics.
“What are you doing here?!”  Mako squirms, but it’s no good. “Get out of here!”
“Nah, I’m good. Can’t stay long though, but I got you a present.” Wu tosses him a knife. There are jewels in the hilt. “Nothing extravagant, but I think you can take it from here? The guard was asleep… they hired a kid, poor thing. He looks to be about… twelve? Maybe you should I dunno, adopt him or something.”
Mako stares at the knife. This has to be one messed up dream resulting from head trauma. “I - I feel too young to be a… a dad to a pre-teen and… I don’t think I’d make a good one.”
“Nonsense! You have just the kind of experience to relate to the kid. Big brother then?”
Because that went so well with Kai, though that was more Bolin’s mission than his. “He’d probably just see me as condescending.”
Wu shrugs. “Well, see you later Mako. I - I hope I can see you again soon.”
He walks out. Not long after, Mako escapes by managing to cut the ropes with his limited range of movement. It helps that the obviously expensive dagger, though probably meant to be decorative, is incredibly sharp. He hoists the kid over his shoulder kicking and screaming, then leaves it up to Lin to sort out. He has too many of his own issues. 
Later, when he’s giving his statement, he’s at a loss explaining his escape. 
He decides to loosely suggest that the kid helped him out. He’s adopted to a nice family within the week, and Mako sends him an encouraging letter with Bolin’s assistance with the wording. He doesn’t tell a single soul about seeing Wu.
I hope you feel the way I do, I hope you give yourself up too
The fifth time, he gets the immediate sense something is very wrong, and he’s been blind this whole time. He’s walking through the spirit wilds of Republic City, just to clear his head. Wu stumbles out from a tangle of vines. He’s disheveled, a complete wreck. His eyes are wild.
“Mako… Mako…”
“Wu?” For the first time, Mako reaches out to him as though to cradle him.
His hands pass right through him. Mako gasps, his eyes widening. “What - how -”
Wu gives him a pleading look and whispers, “You have to save me Mako… please… if I mean even a quarter to you what you - what you mean to me.”
“Save you…? What do you mean? From what? Are you projecting your spirit or something? Since when can you -”
Wu puts his hand up. “Enough questions. I’ve officially run out of time, Mako. I - I love -”
Then, he fades, just as Mako chokes, “You -”
 Mako can’t breathe. He sprints to the station and barges in on Lin.
“Mako? What do you think you’re -”
Mako slams his palms flat on the desk. “It’s Wu!”
Minutes feel like hours. Korra isn’t able to sense him, claiming to Mako’s horror that it means his life force is weak. Eventually, they’ve gathered everyone who has remotely associated with Wu in the last few months. His location is tracked to somewhere in the swamp… which ended up being the result of Mako’s gut feeling based on circumstantial evidence.
The evidence being that Wu somehow brought up the swamp in every conversation. Something that he only vaguely recollects after thinking about it really hard. 
Mako finds him first, of course. He’s laying in a muddy ditch, as disheveled as when his spirit most recently appeared. There are scrapes on every inch of skin he can see, and an especially deep wound somewhere in the abdomen. He’s wrapped in glowing vines that may or may not be keeping him on the cusp of life. The blood is difficult to see amongst the mud and vines, but Mako can smell it. He rushes to Wu and kneels down. He gently scoops him up, even though he knows he shouldn’t move him.
It’s probably too late. The vines retreat.
“Wu, please. Please don’t leave me. You were wrong okay? I care about you so, so much.” Mako finally releases his stranglehold on his deepest emotions, and the tears flow. “You need to pull through this, you need to fight so I can - so I can - tell you that I-”
He can’t say the words, not like this, not when he can’t even hear them.
Soon, the others appear. Korra and Kya quickly rush to his side and take over. He stays close. His vision blurring. Someone pulls him away, rambling something. Someone else puts a blanket around his shoulders. Someone says, “It’ll be alright.”
Mako can see the doubt in their eyes.
Mako and Wu are carted in different directions. It feels wrong, to be pulled away from him. However, he doesn’t think he can take it if the worst scenario is true. 
How could he miss it? 
Mako is numb and quiet as hours or maybe days pass. It’s discovered that Wu met someone claiming to be a scouting agent. Apparently, he had worked with Varrick and Bolin at one point, and that was all that was needed for Wu to trust him.
Mako should’ve never left his side.
It went very south. Wu was innocent in everything, but of course he somehow ended up in the crossfire of a scandal involving spirit vines, former Kuvira followers, and big, big debts. He was nothing but a puppet for some fiend to hide behind.
“I’m in love with him,” Mako says out loud, just so the universe at least can hear it. Of course, he’s overhead by several people. He distantly registers he’s in the air temple. He doesn’t know when that happened. 
“...You’re kidding,” Bolin remarks, staring. 
“You didn’t know?”
“Dude… I thought you were straight. Everyone knew Wu was into you, but we thought it was an epically tragic case of unreciprocated affection!”
“There’s nothing epic about that,” Mako grumpily mutters. He’d thought himself in that position once, and Bolin is making it sound like fun mover material.
When he explains how he guessed Wu’s location, Lin of all people says, “He was about as obvious as you were with how you felt. That is, too subtle… by the spirits, how could you two be such idiots?”
“I know right? They’re made for each other,”  Asami says. 
“He didn’t know.”
“Probably not, Mako.”
Mako slaps his forehead. “I’m such a moron.”
No one responds to that, but they don’t refute it either. He doesn’t blame them.
I’m damned to feel the way I do
Mako is going to visit Wu. It feels strange the other way around. He carefully crosses the threshold, flowers clutched in his hand. It feels weird, but it also didn’t feel right not to bring anything. This is it, after all; an end and a beginning.
“When I saw you, hurt and lifeless… there are just so many things I wish I had said,” Mako murmurs. “Despite the time I’ve had to think about, I still don’t know what words to choose. I couldn’t even say it to your face, but this is catharsis, I suppose.”
He goes on, “I’m sure you know, when we first met I thought you were one of the most obnoxious people on the planet. Okay, maybe you didn’t know - or if you did, you hid it well. Somewhere along the line I started to see… what a truly amazing and strong person you are.”
“You really impressed me with how you had grown,” Mako continues. His chest aches. He’s not sure what he’s doing. He takes a few steps closer and drops to his knees. “I can’t imagine a world without you in it. I couldn’t even bring myself to tell you goodbye. Every stupid little thing you would do became so endearing, it made me so - so stupid. A stupid fool in l-”
He still can’t get the word out, not when addressing Wu without him being there. Silence falls as Mako loses the strength to talk. He wipes at his dampened cheek feebly with his sleeve. 
“What happened to my big tough guy? Not that there’s an -” A pause and a weak cough. “Anything wrong with being touchy-feely. Good for you.”
Mako drops the flowers, and he rushes so fast to stand that his knee rams into the metal bed frame. He winces, then he looks at Wu, and his minor pain evaporates. Wu’s eyes are half-lidded, his knuckles pale where he’s clutching the sheet. He’s clearly struggling to stay awake. However, he gives Mako a lopsided smile, his beautiful eyes twinkling. 
“It’s a  good thing you don’t have to, huh? Be in a world without me that is,” Wu mutters.
Mako reaches to brush his hair to the side. 
“Sure scared me though. You should rest.”
“I’m just excited you’ve come to see me,” Wu admits. “Stay with me?”
Without hesitation, Mako squeezes himself onto the cot. “Of course. I’m here. I love you.”
Wu grins wide enough that it doesn’t really look comfortable. “Mako I -”
Wu breaks away to cough again. “I love you too, big guy.”
“I wonder, do you remember visiting me?” Mako murmurs, “Do you remember coming to me when you were unconscious? How did you do that?”
“Whaaat? I’m not exactly Mr. Spiritual Guru. How would I do that?” Wu adds, “Also, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Huh. Maybe I had cracked and hallucinated it.”
“Or, or, your spirit was the one reaching out and pulling me to you! Because we’re deeply connected.”
“Pfft. It was probably the spirit vines.”
“Yeah... probably.”
Wu cracks a yawn, and his eyelids droop. Mako kisses him on the forehead. His lip has a bad split, so this will do. Wu snuggles into him, and Mako knows the meaning of true peace.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Ej x Reader??
anon how did you know I was thinking of EJ x reader ideas last week BDFSHFGSHD. You didn’t give me anything specific so I went with smth short and goofy :) hope you enjoy.
There's this guy. 
His name is Jack, and you've known him for a while. But only online. He's nice. Laid-back, funny and understanding. You like him, and the two of you are close. Really close. You've spent many a night texting each other deep, personal struggles. He's told you a lot. He lives with his adoptive parents, and a bunch of siblings that aren't related to him by blood. He's a doctor, and he's incredibly smart. He likes cooking and cheesy black and white rom-coms. He also has a skin condition, one you can't find much info on, but he's sent you pictures. His skin is an ashy grey colour. He's also blind. Apparently he uses braille to type to you. He told you before, the story of how he lost his sight. An attack by a gang of classmates that didn't like him very much. It's a sad story, but Jack is always an optimist, and you admire him for that.
Currently, you're laying on your bed, waiting for him to text you. He's busy sometimes and it can take a while for him to respond. You don't mind this. He has his own life but- well today has been long and tiring, and you just want to talk to him and forget about it for a while. Maybe watch a movie together. You two usually screenshare, though it's really just for you. Jack can't actually see the movie, but he says he knows them all off by heart. Nerd.
Your phone buzzes and you roll over, grabbing it. You smile at the notification. 
"Hey. Soz, was busy." As you unlock your phone a second message appears. "Long day huh?" 
"Yep." You text back. "School is killingggg me."
"Feel that." You watch him type, smiling to yourself. "Wanna call? Might cheer u up."
You beam. A voice chat with Jack! It's something you guys don't do often, on account of him having such a large family. They often make noise in the background or interrupt him, so he tries to only call you when there's only a few people home. 
"Sure! One sec." You drop your phone and climb off your bed, instead going to your desk where your PC sits. You turn it on and swivel from side to side in your spinny chair as you wait for everything to load. Once you're set up you message Jack again. "Call me when you're ready :)"
A few seconds pass before your computer emits a ringing noise. You click the 'answer call' button and lean back in your chair. There's static for a few moments, then you hear a deep sigh. 
His voice is deep and gravelly, but also soft and gentle. You smile wide and lean against your desk. "Hey dude." You greet tiredly. "How's your day?"
"It's been good- I spent it reading." You hear shuffling from his end. "Dad got me this new book, he found a new place that sells braille stuff. It's called uhh…" there's silence for a few moments as he palms at the book's cover. "The Grapes Of Wrath. It's a classic but- I've never read it."
"Huh." You tilt your head at the screen. "Just been reading?"
"Well- I guess I uh-" he pauses. "I was uh...thinking earlier…"
You frown. "Oh? What about?"
"Well uh- y'know how…" his voice lowers a bit. He sounds...shy, almost. "I've never sent you any pictures of myself?" 
Your eyes widen. "Uh- yeah." You furrow your brows. What's he getting at?
"I uh...well I was thinking maybe I-" he pauses for a second. "I could turn my camera on?" His voice is soft, meek. Your eyes widen in surprise. You'd see him for the first time...your stomach does flips at just the thought. 
"I mean-" you smile a bit. "I'd love that."
"O-okay- well uh-" he sounds nervous now, but excited. "Just- just promise me you won't freak out. My skin is weird a-and- well I don't have eyes so...I look a little freaky."
You nod. "I won't."
"Okay…" you hear him mumbling to himself nervously. "You ready?"
It's silent for a tense moment. You hear a click on Jack's end, and then his icon disappears, replaced by a black square screen. It takes a few moments for his camera to load. When it does, you're greeted by a dark room. The only light seems to be the computer screen, which is pretty dim. Your eyes go to the person sitting in the centre of the camera however. 
He's wearing a baggy black hoodie, and has the fluffiest auburn hair you've ever seen. His skin is the ashy grey you've seen in pictures he's sent you, and his eyes are closed. You stare. He looks nervous as he waits for your response. 
"...woah...you're hot." You blurt. He perks up, looking surprised. His eyes open, showing black empty sockets.
"Wh-what?" He asks, sounding confused. You don't dare say a word. Your cheeks feel red hot and you're glad your camera is off. "...hello…?"
You hang up immediately and shove your chair away from the desk.
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