#Hawkeye the sheep
crazy-sheep-lady · 2 days
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Some more boops
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ririthedevil · 6 months
Omg remembering that Metric originally did the Black Sheep song unlocked so many memories. Like ‘Collect Call’ was used for a Roy x Rita AMV I was obsessed with and I remember the lyrics to a T. Literally haven’t heard that song since I was like 16.
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marley-manson · 3 months
Doctor Winchester Mr Hyde is genuinely a pretty great episode.
Loved Hawkeye telling Winchester he's been there and it sucks, love him showing concern for Charles multiple times and being particularly joke-free about it in the ending tag, love Charles asking him to proofread a paper lol. Loooove Hawkeye's fear of mice and especially love him basically showing off that fear when he asks to pet Daisy for luck in front of the marines and makes a show of cringing. And BJ automatically doing the thing certain people do when they find out you're scared of something and shove it in your face to make you freak out lmao, that's exactly correct for him.
Charles demanding Radar go fetch his opera glasses when he's about to dose the mouse, and then in the next scene he actually is watching the race through binoculars was an amazing detail lol.
Also I overall liked the way Charles taking speed was handled - the ending was a little DARE-esque ofc, but generally it was a pretty light and funny touch. Klinger directly asking for them (with 0 narrative condemnation) only for Charles to condescend and then take them himself was great, as was this exchange between them: "Do you want extreme depression, chronic fatigue?" "I already got those!" a+
The drugs actually helping Charles for a while was solid and there was little in the way of overtly impared behaviour which I like - more sold by little details, like Hawkeye mentioning that Charles' 27 page paper seems to be all one sentence.
First mention of Honoria is her marrying 2 dudes in succession and getting ostracized from the family which doesn't seem to fit later mentions unless she divorced second dude and was welcomed back, which tbf isn't implausible lol. Though I don't really remember, so maybe it's possible that Honoria is the family black sheep and only Charles remains in touch with her, which would be interesting.
Last time I watched I had the minor complaint that Hawkeye and co admit to the marines that their mouse was on speed and I considered that annoying when My Hawkeye(TM) happily cheats to win competitions against random army guys ie Requiem for a Lightweight - buuut to be fair to the episode he did say they should "give the marines their money back while we're still alive" suggesting he thinks they might find out they were cheated? I don't see how lol, and it's still a little too moralistic cheating is wrong-esque for me, but I'll accept it as an explanation that keeps Hawkeye ic for me.
Anyway yeah, solidly written, good dialogue, good character moments, little oasis in this chunk of season 6.
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lwh-writing · 2 years
I was just contemplating Fullmetal Alchemist (as one does), thinking about the absolute peak hilarity that is Ed, Al, and Havoc, the certified Country Boys(TM), teaming up to bully Mustang, the certified City Boy(TM), when I was struck with an epiphany.
Riza Hawkeye is the OG Country Girl.
Lived in the middle of nowhere with her father in a 1900ish setting. In THAT time period and THAT location, she and Hawkeye Sr. would've had to have at least a homestead type of deal. Something small that they could work on and live off of on their own, unless they hired farmhands (which I doubt).
So a two-person homestead. I would love to claim they cultivated dairy to go with Arakawa's background, but to make that livable, it would be too many cows for 2 people to realistically handle on their own. So either they did a smaller animal, like, say, sheep and goats, or they harvested corn, wheat, or tobacco. Midwesterner here, so let's say corn and wheat.
Anyway, Riza and her father living it rough on a homestead.
Money's a bit tight at times, but Hawkeye Sr. can take care of most of the repairs with his alchemy, so they always get by.
They've got chickens, two cows, and a lovely mare who pulls the cart whenever they need to go to town.
Three-year-old Riza being super excited about feeding the chickens for the very first time, giggling and squealing with joy as she throws feed everywhere.
Five-year-old Riza walking five miles into town to attend classes at the little one-room schoolhouse. There are a little more than thirty total students, only eight of which are anywhere near her age.
Seven-year-old Riza holding back tears when Hawkeye Sr. teaches her how to pluck and prep a fresh chicken. She can do it all on her own with a dry eye by the time she's eight.
Eleven-year-old Riza finding a goat one day on the farm, and after checking with the neighbors to see if they're missing one, decides she might as well keep it.
This is a mistake. The goat and Riza are mortal enemies. The thing will refuse to stop nipping at Riza whenever she goes out to milk it. But it keeps giving milk and sneaking away only to come back with baby goats, so she's left to suffer in silence.
Twelve-year-old Riza waking up at dawn in the summer to go detassel corn. Comes back around noon with scrapes all up and down her arms and eats enough to feed an army.
Thirteen-year-old Riza learning how to shoot and being known as the best shot for miles around before the year is up.
Fourteen-year-old Riza coming home from school only to find a sharp-looking, sweet-talking, soft-handed City Boy who her father claims is going to be his alchemist apprentice from now on.
Riza despairing about Roy-Fucking-Mustang and his complete and utter incompetence at everything that isn't alchemy. The boy can't cook, can't hunt, and wouldn't know the first thing about farm animal care if Bessie the Demon Goat bit him in the eye.
Eventually, Riza puts Mustang on cleaning and laundry duty, because that, at least, he can do. (Thank God for his three-dozen sisters and their insistence that Roy pulls his weight with chores.)
Riza's schoolhouse friends sighing over "that handsome Roy" and Riza blanches because she could never see herself falling for someone who thought milking the cows hurt them somehow. (It doesn't. Refusing to milk an animal is extremely harmful to the critter involved, and it's very likely that they could get an infection and seriously injure themselves and/or die. Don't let the radicalized vegans fool you)
Riza, to her chagrin, does develop a crush on Roy-Fucking-Mustang, who wouldn't know farm animal care if Bessie the Demon Goat bit him in the eye.
Roy, for his part, has long been crushing on Riza Hawkeye, the swol farmer's daughter who could pick him up with one hand a shoot a goose out of the sky with the other.
Neither admits it though because Roy has long since embarrassed himself past the point of no return, and Riza has complained too much to the folks in town that if she were to romance Roy now.... Well. Ain't either of the kids going to make the first move, so no move is made.
Fast forward a decade or so and Team Mustang is investigating something in the country.
Ed, Al, and Havoc are giving Mustang shit about approaching a horse wrongly and how there ain't no fancy cars out here.
Roy tries to refute it and shut them down, but Riza snorts and idly says something about him still not knowing jack about farming despite living on hers for two years.
Riza exposes Roy. Ed, Al, and Havoc rejoice. Roy despairs about his secrets being out, and Maes demands any and all pictures once he finds out.
And that's how Roy Mustang spent the rest of his days being bullied by four blond-haired Country Folk(TM).
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Okay, I said I was going to get into some supermarket wine and do this, I'm sans the wine but lets still do it. to be fair this is something I cooked up for my lougetown au but it works for canon mihawk too So, rough outline of my backstory for Mihawk (things will be altered from time to time) consists of him being more a less closely related to Imu (yes that one) due to some fuckery the WG was doing, think proto-seraphim project, and having been spirited away as a baby after the project was voided to save him. He was taken to and hidden away on some nowhere island where his caretakers/parents surrendered him to the care of a religious order stationed there in order to cover any trace of their association with him, but kept watching over him in secret. Officially he was a orphan the church took in, and he was raised there for the first few years of his life. Given his rather obvious physical likeness to Imu (the eyes) he was mostly kept away from the island's population as a child to prevent anyone looking for him from recognizing him, hereby meaning he was sent to watch sheep and water tulips on a mountainside with a stack of books for company when he wasn't napping in the monastery, weeding the gardens, or being a consummate atheist on main, thus leading to the introvert-cottagecore aesthetic he has going on in the future. When he was very young he witnessed a swordfight (the swordfight was on his account but he was too young to understand what was going on) and ever since then he was fascinated by the art of the blade. That, combined with him being a precocious child and being influenced by the books he was reading (he took a further interest in sword-fighting from some stories he read) he'd sneak off his mountainside from time to time to steal a sword and pick fights in the town below, and subsequently get his ass beat/get bullied by other kids in the town, because he was the defacto quiet kid and kids are assholes and thought he was witch. Or something. The town kids were also the ones who coined the name Hawkeyes. After almost getting killed and almost killing someone else at one point, his secret caretaker/parent, who up until this point had been posing as the local blacksmith, stepped in to train in him, since as he was getting bigger and drawing attention to himself, (and potentially drawing dangerous attention) he needed to learn to defend himself. Of course, actively training him in sword-fighting encouraged Mihawk's obsession in swordsmanship and led to him getting faster stronger better in the blink of an eye after a few bumps in the road, he had all the town bullies in a chokehold a year in and was constantly getting into arguments with the brothers/priests for trying to practice inside the church. Sometime later his caretaker/parents had reason to believe that the WG was not looking for him anymore and decided with the brothers/priests to allow him some more freedom, said freedom led to him killing a marine who challenged him when he was fifteen. (it was also due to the marines threatening the town) When he was told that the marines might come to hunt him down for that, Mihawk decided to hunt them down instead. Before leaving the island, he had the blacksmith make him a sword and his kogatana, which he designed to honor the church that raised him. Before he left, the blacksmith also encouraged him to seek out Yoru, in the hopes that looking for it would distract Mihawk from gaining a large profile. It did not work, and Mihawk quickly gained the title of the marine hunter. After Mihawk left, the caretakers/parents took a risk and reached out the WG and made a deal to ensure Mihawk's safety going forward, something that led to Mihawk being offered a warlord commission in the future. What Imu thinks of him is mystery, but Mihawk was allowed to roam free. For the time being.
Present-day Mihawk is blissfully unaware of anything going on behind the scenes of his life. He takes his past at face value and doesn't care to try to find anything out about it.
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sock-ness-monster · 2 years
The following post is about Hawkeye and the way that people write his lip reading in fanfictions that I've read recently
Listen,,, the last thing I wanna do here is be mean, I know for sure that no harm was intended in any of this, I just wanna share my point of view on something real quick, kay? Love that you're acknowledging his deafness, love it. I just thought I'd share some things from my perspective that you may not have thought about. No worries tho if youve done this! No hard feelings! So, I am not fully deaf, I can't justify the cost of a hearing aid just yet. But part of that is because I'm really good at lip reading, I've had to be. Between that and sitting in the front row of class, I do all right. But about 75% of what I can get is from lip reading.
Now, a huge part of lip reading is using context clues as well, which is mainly what I wanted to talk about here. Something I see a lot that irks me a little every time is a sentence like this;
"What were you [ewe?] thinking?"
I see this ALL. THE. TIME. WHY.Assuming that I got all those other words, which the phrasing implies, why on EARTH would I think you're trying to talk to me about a female sheep right now? Yes, those are homonyms. Yes, they do look the same when you're mouthing them. But keep the context in mind. We were not and have not ever talked about sheep. There's no reason for that to cross my mind when I'm reading your lips. I see the word 'you' all the time and I know where it appears in common sentences. Unless we are actively around sheep the word 'ewe' isn't going to cross my mind!
For me, at least, it would go something closer to this;
"Water you thinking?" [Oh, what were]
People run their words together, accents make it tough, if they're chewing gum while talking it's nearly impossible. Letters that are made in the back of your mouth are the ones I miss, I can't see that, so like g and h. S and t are hard to tell apart, and n and l sometimes. Things like that. If it's a word I've never heard before I'll ask for them to spell it, it's generally faster than repeating it a few times and me still not getting it. And I almost never figure out the words in the middle of the sentence they're saying, I'm still focusing on getting the next few words so I can use context to help figure it out, so there's generally a delayed reaction where I put it all together after you speak, so the corrections would be at the end. And, sometimes, I get something absolutely off-the-wall bonkers not even close no idea how I got that from what you're saying. Put something like that in your fic, if you'd like. Often I'll just nod my head and agree and then realize hours later what it was meant to be.
Anywho. That's my personal experience anyway. Do with this information what you will.
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noose-lion · 8 months
will you tell me about your warriors au
I think about this crack au too often. Anyway, sorry it took me so long to type this up!!!
Not gonna lie making a comic with this concept would heal me in a way.
So our clans are Dayclan (Special Division), Nightclan (Port Mafia), Duskclan (Ada) and Dawnclan (Guild but also a few Doa members). Instead of living in the forest or around a lake, these clans live on the edge of a port town.
The Order of the Clock Tower are basically going to be Bloodclan btw, the Hunting dogs minus Tachihara are the Pack.
Obviously, Tiger later known as Tigermoon (Atsushi) is our protagonist. He's a former kittypet, that lived in a orphanage, fed and taken care of by the children. The old caretaker died and was replaced by a cruel man. Tiger was protective of the children and tried to defend them, the cruel man hurt him badly and locked him in the basement. He barely survived, and nearly starved he escaped out a broken window.
He was eventually found by an eccentric cat who called himself a warrior of Duskclan. Things Tiger only knew of as fables.
The following events are more or less a fusion of warriors and bsd.
Any connection has been lost to Starclan (basically replacing the Book), and the Clans are desperate to fix this. There was a prophecy of a great mythical tiger being the guardian of the path back to the stars, so of course the appearance of Tiger(moon) threw the clans into desperation.
Individual characters have their own backstories and stuff, too much stuff for one post, I will answer any questions.
I'm going to break down the clans a little:
Dayclan: Considered the most elusive and secretive of the clans, a part of their territory overlaps with open farmland.
Duskclan: Considered the cleverest and best hunters, their territory runs alongside a river in a well wooded area.
Nightclan: Considered the strongest and most ruthless warriors of the clans, their territory lies in a heavily forested area between the ocean and the town.
Dawnclan: Considered the boldest and most reckless of the clans, their territory straddles the port/warehouse district and a small wooded area.
Character names and clan alignment below.
I put a lot of thought into the names they all contain obscure references and metaphors.
*There are several bsd background characters I didn't include that are simply not super important for the current plot I have forming in my head, if you want me to give them a warrior cat name and affiliation just tell me.*
Duskclan (Agency)
Leader- Wolfstar (Fukuzawa)
Deputy- Steadystrike (Kunikida)
Medicine-cat- Mothflower (Yosano)
Greengaze (Ranpo)
Brokenweb (Dazai)
Lightsnow (Tanizaki)
Tigermoon (Atsushi)
Nightfrost (Naomi)
Molepaw(call) (Haruno)
Bullpaw(step) (Kenji)
Rabbitpaw(foot) (Kyouka)
Kits- Boldkit (Aya)
Elders- Brownbean (old cafe guy)
Nightclan (Mafia)
Leader- Spiderstar (Mori)
Deputy- Ramhorn (Chuuya)
Medicine-cat - Lemontree (Kaiji)
Silversmoke (Hirotsu)
Bloodblossom (Kouyou)
Rushcoat (Akutagawa)
Scarnose (Tachihara)
Goldstone (Higuchi)
Hiddenshadow (Gin)
Jewelshine (Ace)
Dreampaw(field) (Q)
Gleampaw(skip) (Elise)
Cloverpaw(fate) (Karma)
Duskclan (Special Division)
Leader- Hailstar (Taneda)
Deputy- Owleye (Ango)
Shadowmoon (Mizuki Tsujimura)
Russetfang (Yachiyo Murakoso)
Crowblizzard (Aoki Takuichi)
I need more for this clan kinda bare, would love suggestions.
Dawnclan (Guild, and kinda DOA)
Leader- Goldstar (Fitzgerald)
Deputy- Rattail(star) (Fyodor)
Medicine-cat - Softstep (Louisa)
Scarletfur (Hawthorne)
Blackthroat (Lovecraft)
Grapevine (Steinbeck)
Stripecoat (Nikolai)
Hawkeye (Twain)
Skyfall (Sigma)
Batfang (Bram)
Ravenheart (Poe)
Smallbug (Mushitarō)
Redpaw(storm) (Lucy)
Huckleberrypaw (Huck Finn)
Timberpaw (Tom Sawyer)
Queens- Windsong (Margaret)
Elders- Seasand (Herman Melville)
Blackfox (Verlaine)
Summerstar (Natsume)
Sheep (Shirase)
Lamb (Yuan)
Snailnose- Katai
Bearshiver (Rimbaud)
Clearsight (Oda)
Cherrykit (Sakura), Pouncekit (Kosuke), Flipkit (Katsumi), Chirpkit (Yu), Quietkit (Shinji) (The Orphans)
Albatrosspaw (Albatross)
Blackice (Iceman)
Swiftwire (Pianoman)
Needleclaw (Doc)
Foxface (Lippmann)
Woolheart (Murase)
Blue (Sasaki)
Eelpaw (Rokuzo Taguchi)
Newttail (N)
Mimic (Gide)
The Pack (Dogs)
Lion (Fukuchi)
Soul (Teruko)
Snow (Tetchō)
Sorrow (Jouno)
Sod (Adam)
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ahollowgrave · 10 months
👁️ - what do they think about their appearence?
Oh, Odette knows herself to be beautiful.
She likes the roundness of her face, she adores the bump of her second chin. The dimples on the back of her hands match the dimple on her cheek.
Her stomach is soft and its curve is lovely to look upon. Her stretchmarks show where she has grown and she delights in watching them in the light.
Her hair is spun moonlight - the touch of her Bride’s hand.
Her lap is wide so she can hold more of her sheep.
Her thighs are strong so she can walk the star.
Her eyes are gemstones stolen from some unnamed art.
Her smile is radiant. How can it not be?
She is a bride of the Lover.
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Thank you so much for the ask @the-hawkeyes!!
> Sinday Questions <
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fullmetalscullyy · 2 years
anywhere with you - chapter 22
summary: Two kingdoms came together after a brief, but bloody, war and brokered peace, strengthening the bond between them. The price? One of the kings sending his son as a peace offering. King Berthold was baffled at the prospect and the reason behind Prince Roy’s arrival. It was completely unexpected. However, with another invasion from the north looming on the horizon just beyond their forest borders, he had no choice but to keep Roy by his side. At a loss of where to assign him in his grief, Prince Roy was appointed as Princess Riza Hawkeye’s guard.
A Royai fantasy and adventure AU
read on ao3
rated: t
words: 2404
tags: royai, fantasy au, roleswap, kinda, royalty au, adventure, grief, conflict, war, angst, angst with a happy ending, idiots in love, friends to lovers, mutual pining, pure self indulgence, character death, death, past abuse
“Thank you, Roy.” Her reply was quiet. It was spoken so softly he automatically leaned an ear toward her to hear better.
“You need not thank me, Riza.”
Riza’s “bedroom” – a small, private space closed off by walls of stone in a nook within the keep and concealed by a sheep’s wool blanket hanging from the ceiling – appeared before them. Roy slowed to a stop, no doubt to leave her in peace, but she gently tugged him within to talk.
Once inside, Riza turned and lifted a hand to cup his cheek. Roy’s eyes fluttered closed at the gentle touch and turned his face further into her palm.
“I know I do not have to, Roy, but perhaps I want to. You continue to look out for my people, and I am grateful for it.”
He was silent for a beat or two before his eyelids batted open. He pressed a kiss against her palm. “I often think of them as my people too,” he admitted. His cheeks even took on a pinkish hue with his confession. 
read the rest on ao3
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kiwiwritescrap · 2 years
Ranking the Hermits on how easily I could beat them in a fight (Based on my headcannons) (this isnt all the hermits just the ones i know enough about)
Mumbo- 7/10 He’s so tall that I can just sweep his legs from under him, but also he’s stronk and could probably push me and I would die
Impulse- 4/10 If I had help then maybe but I would most likely end up being drop kicked
Zedaph- 8/10 Squishy little sheep man. Easy to fight physically, but do I want to?
Tango- 5/10 He’s tall and also on fire, although buckets exist for a reason.
Grian- 9/10 I will throw him
Jevin- 10/10 Two words: vacuum. cleaner.
Gem- 6/10 She’s very gentle, I could take her but I would end up with several injuries
Pearl- 5/10 I might be able to win a fight with her but the outcome is iffy
Cleo- 0/10 She is far too powerful
Stress- 9/10 She’s so dainty but yet again do I want to fight her
False- 2/10 Strong lady. Very strong lady. Very strong lady that can easily win a fight against me
Iskall- 7/10 Diorite armor
Doc- 1/10 I would run at him and he would just push me back by the forehead with one hand, althogh water on the redstone may inflict mental damage
Xisuma- 5/10 Same as Gem, I could win but I would end up with broken bones
Scar- 0/10 I simply cannot fight him he is my blorbo (and he would hawkeye me)
Bdubs- 8/10 Tiny moss man. He would probably try to bite my ankles though
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hermit-kinhelp · 2 years
mcytfictive -> hermit-kinhelp
Welcome, welcome! This is your typical system run, kin/system help blog!! Please stand by & make sure to read the terms before you submit anything. And of course, if you've got any further questions, pop them into our ask box. We will get them answered as soon as possible.
We take every MCYT source for our requests! However, keep in mind that some requests we cannot fill because of our lack of knowledge on said source. That said, you can always provide extra information on your request!
We can do:
Stimboards / Moodboards (+ association stimboard!)
Pronoun suggestions (no names however!)
Pendulum readings / Shufflemancies
Canoncalls / Kinfessions
Recipe kits(?)
Timeline questions
YES TO BOTH!! We love spam requests, they're just going to take a while to finish!
Noooot exactly. Just the general criteria and syscourse. We do not want any of that here. And as for blacklist; usually anything bunny related.
# hawkeye! | request accepted
# oh snappers! | request denied
# grain? who is this grain character? | more info required
# the back of the mansion.. | inbox check
# omega promos.. of doom! | promos
# greetings cyberdogs! | mod post
& That is all, folks. Have a great ride!
🐍📚 anon
🍎🧃🍎 anon
🌱 anon
💣🧡 system
🌷 anon
🌕 anon
🐾 anon
🐮🍓 anon
🌙🐚 sys
🌃 anon
🧟 anon
🧨🌙 anon
📼☄️ anon
haze anon
ace of hearts
sheep anon
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crazy-sheep-lady · 2 months
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pantoneverland · 1 year
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you know what time it is
!! ;; it’s been a while since i’ve done one of these but i’ve had these playlists sitting around on my spotify for so long, i might as well share them.
this category is; my favorite characters! (which is a two-parter on it’s own but i haven’t made the rest of those yet shshsh) - - -      - - -     - - -    - - -    - - -
FLAME EMPEROR; sabo (highlight songs)        + Is Everybody Going Crazy? by Nothing But Thieves          + On & On by PLTS      + So Down Low by The Elwins           + Thiskidsnotalright by AWOLNATION
FIRE FIST; ace (highlight songs)         + New Person, Same Old Mistakes by Tame Impala            + Brother by Kodaline          + Fireball by Pitbull, John Ryan
THE PHOENIX; marco (highlight songs)                + Sheep Go To Heaven by CAKE            + Do What You Want by OK Go              + Troublemaker by Weezer           + The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy (obviously)
SURGEON OF DEATH; law (highlight songs)             + Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless           + It Gets Worse by Mindless Self Indulgence               + The Bird and the Worm by The Used
HAWKEYE; mihawk (highlight songs)       + Differently, Still by BADBADNOTGOOD           + Mausoleum by Rafferty         + Hunt You Down by The Hit House, Ruby Friedman
GHOST PRINCESS; perona (highlight songs)           + Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land by MARINA      + If U Seek Amy by Britney Spears        + Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
- - -
                                    !! ;; you can find the playlists by clicking the                         links in the titles or searching the titles(?) on spotify
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 years
Distraction question: What was your first fandom and if you had to write a crossover between that and your current fandom how would it go?
Hmm...first fandom is a tricky question. In some ways, it was LotR, but that was back when we had dial-up, so I didn't really engage in fandom. There was also an abortive attempt to participate in a Harry Potter forum, but some people were mean to me. Then there was my early tumblr era (just reblogging spn stuff). But the first fic I ever wrote was Good Omens. And my current fandom is Stargate Atlantis, but I also have one of my MASH WIPs open, so here's several answers:
LotR x SGA: Sheppard is definitely an elf (ears), except also he has that whole black sheep of the family on a suicide mission thing that make me want to cast him as Frodo. I don't think I'd write a true crossover, honestly. It would be pretty funny to do Halloween on Atlantis where McKay makes Sheppard dress up as Legolas and he tries to argue that character-wise, Ronan should be Legolas and he should be Strider.
LotR x MASH: again, I would have a hard time writing a true crossover, but there's a lot of potential in a post-canon MASH fic where Hawkeye starts reading the books and then sends them, a chapter at a time, to BJ.
I don't want to think about Harry Potter. And it's been done, I'm sure.
I also don't want to think about SPN. And there's a few SGA x SPN crossovers out there already.
Good Omens x SGA: I'm sure someone would write Crowley and Aziraphale showing up in Atlantis, but I am not the person to do that.
Good Omens x MASH: this definitely exists, and again, it's just them showing up and participating in history.
With everything, there's plenty of potential for McKay and Sheppard watching these shows and trying to explain them to Ronon and Teyla. It would be great. But I've actually been thinking about SGA x MASH crossovers:
Rodney Mckay goes to Maine - I'm sorry to say, I've fully outlined this. It's happening. And it actually makes sense (and isn't a true crossover, just borrowing a fanfic trope because Rodney totally is the guy who promises they'll keep in touch once he leaves Atlantis to have blonde babies with Jennifer and then realizes years later that John was always the one).
Not actually SGA but SG-1 where Teal'c and Vala watch MASH to help them understand something about geopolitics and American culture and then go around deciding who in the SGC would be each character in MASH (Walter is so obviously Radar that it might even be mentioned in the show).
Thank you for the distraction. I obviously enjoyed it too much :)
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hugglebunny · 2 years
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Had some goodies arrive today! So happy to finally have Old Man Hawkeye.
My collection is slowly growing.
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The literal black sheep, Captain America, has Tales of Suspense no. 57. The insane discount, and the classic issue are the only reasons why I bought it...
Next bunch of comics on my list get are the Hawkeye Epic Collection, Wastlanders Hawkeye, and Wolverine: Old Man Logan.
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bugbbear · 1 year
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6,491 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,996 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#bug hive - 2,680 posts
#hermitcraft - 569 posts
#hermitcraft fanart - 231 posts
#gtws - 219 posts
#bug squeaks - 153 posts
#lepidoptera - 131 posts
#grian - 125 posts
#yea - 103 posts
#mcc liveblogging - 97 posts
#dlsmp - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#'oh gods above my brother died in front of me and im in denial and this affects the campaign greatly bc the brother was a player character'
My Top Posts in 2022:
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witness me
598 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
obsessed with the fact that scar, cosplaying as a wood elf, calls himself hawkeye and not legolas.
660 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
was discussing with my husband earlier and he said that zedaph and docm77 are like different evolutions of the same pokemon bc Sheep and Goat, respectively, and also Menaces To Society.
so i bring to you, today, this concept:
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i will not be taking criticism.
please reblog this i spent so much more time than necessary on it
696 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
ok i know we all freakin out over 3rd/last life s3 but can we just take a pause and talk about this
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See the full post
2,149 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*looks too closely at grian's character for a minute*
huh. he fills the roles of leader AND first follower.
he makes all these games and events and everyone joins in, yea, hes a leader for sure.
but when scar built a random diamond pillar, grian decided not only to follow but to spice it up a bit.
a leader is nothing without the people who decide to follow them. and the first follower, the one who decides "yea this crazy man has a good idea", is instrumental in deciding which things become big.
grian is a leader. and when he isnt, hes the first follower.
all this to say that no matter where grian goes, he is ALWAYS going to create chaos, whether it is his own or someone elses.
he HAS to participate.
thats the big thing. he HAS to push the button. he HAS to escalate the games. he cant turn anything down.
not only does grian disrespect the authority of the watchers, but he does so so fucking hard that instead of just participating in the games he was "only supposed to watch", he fucking wins.
grian is a fucking force of chaos. hes the toddler that you say "DONT go brush your teeth" to, and he falls for it every time.
its his greatest strength and his greatest weakness.
3,400 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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