#Haywire Mac
travsd · 8 months
Haywire Mac and The Big Rock Candy Mountains
Haywire Mac (Harry McClintock, 1884-1957) cleaned himself up for that photo above. Normally you see him in cowboy or hobo gear, and it wasn’t really a costume. He was a folk singer not unlike Woody Guthrie or Burl Ives though rougher and plainer and more prototypical than those entertainers. He really was of the “folk”, i.e. the singing and songwriting was just what he did for fun and…
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foundationsofdecay · 1 month
But wheee happy to have made it up in good time and form, but nope not going grocery shopping or anything today I am not touching that vehicle for at least 12hrs and also until I’ve gotten at least 12hrs of sleep too 😌
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
honey!! number 11 on the prompt list is so steve coded, don’t ya think??
it so totally is 🥰 11. back hugs
steve h x gn!reader. good ol' pining besties <3
"Robin," you say. "You're overthinking it."
"Signals, Y/N. People have signals. A hand on your wrist, a secret smile. Signals! Now: was Vickie sending me signals? We have to explore all possibilities. But mostly, the answer is probably no. She just wants to hang."
"She asked you to brunch. People our age do not go to brunch."
"Brunch is classy!"
"Brunch is a breakfast date," you scoff. "Brunch is I want to get a cat with you."
"Well, I think—" Robin groans, glancing over your shoulder. "Oh, God. Heads up. Loverboy, twelve o'clock."
Before you can turn, you're being swept into a warm hug from behind. Steve's cheek presses to yours, his chin tucked in your neck. The tip of his nose is cold from outside as it brushes your jaw. Your heart haywires.
"Steve!" you squeal, his arms around your waist. "What're you doing?"
"You're gonna love me," he says into your ear.
Already do.
"Am I now?"
He walks around to face you.
"Yup," he says, popping the 'p'. "Look at these."
Steve holds up two slips of paper. Tickets to Bruce Springsteen at Soldier Field.
"Holy shit!" you cry, and throw your arms around him. He catches you with a laugh.
"These must've cost a fortune! How did you get them? I thought they were all sold out."
Steve shrugs. "I know people. So, interested?"
He knows it's all you've been talking about (and lamenting over when the tickets sold out in three minutes). Bruce Springsteen is one of your favorites.
"You didn't—Steve," you say in awe. "You really didn't have to do this."
"I wanted to. Consider it an early birthday present."
"Then I want you to come with me."
You scoff. "Who else would I bring?"
"Someone who actually knows Springsteen songs?"
"You know enough of his hits. I mean, if you really don't want to go..."
"No!" He shakes his head. "No, Y/N, obviously I'll go. I just didn't want you to be embarrassed when I'm the only person there who doesn't know Glory Days."
"Well, that's why we're gonna listen to Born in the USA everyday until the concert," you grin. "Get you prepped."
Steve groans. "Can't believe you're giving me homework."
You turn to put the tickets in your bag. Steve crowds you as you do, chin on your shoulder. He's always affectionate with you, loose with his touches and pets.
Robin looks at you, brows to her hairline.
"It's fun homework," you say, ignoring Robin with all your might. "We can listen to the tapes in your car 'cause you've got the fancy sound system."
"That why you're friends with me?" Steve asks, arms curling around your belly. "Just for perks?"
You grin. "No comment. But the concert tickets have definitely moved you up to best friend status."
"Where was I before?"
You pat his cheek. Steve pretends to grumble for another moment before slipping away. Instantly, you miss the warmth of his embrace.
"If you're done clinging to Y/N," Robin starts. "The new releases need to be shelved."
Steve throws her an eye roll but goes, giving you one last smile. You return it sheepishly. Robin watches you like a hawk.
You finally relent when Steve's far enough away.
"What is it now, Robs?"
"Signals," is all she says.
"Concert tickets is not a signal, Robin."
"Oh, it's something. Steve's music taste is whatever's on the radio."
"Not true! He listens to Queen and Fleetwood Mac and AC/DC and—"
"Because of you." Robin huffs. "It's you, Y/N, it's all for you. And you're both so deeply in denial you think it's just friendship things."
"He's just..." You watch Steve stack the videos on the shelf.
The enamel pin you got him a few months ago is on his FV vest. It's a bumblebee that says bee mine! You'd thought it was cute and fun and that Steve would like it. He wears it everyday, even if it doesn't match his outfit at all.
You look at Robin, your heart in your throat.
"Signals?" you ask quietly.
She nods.
"Now you're getting it."
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ash5monster01 · 2 months
Ground Rules
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Pairing: Angus Macgyver x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, minor angst, just two first time parents trying to figure it out
Summary: Much to your dismay your shared child seems to take after Mac and his curious ways. You had heard the stories about his unique childhood and if you didn’t get it under control soon, your daughter was bound to follow right in his foot steps.
word count: 1.5k
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When you had first started dating Mac there had never really been any rules. It wasn’t until you moved in together you finally had to put some in place. You had tripped over one to many contraptions and been a little too close to some minor explosions that had you deciding on no experiments in the house. After a minor fight he finally agreed and Mac followed that rule to the best of his abilities and you appreciated him for it.
What you had never expected was having a kid just like him. You don’t know why it never crossed your mind that it was possible for your child to have Mac’s intelligence. To be honest you wished you would’ve and you could’ve prepared yourself for all that was to come with a curious mind desperate to learn. You had heard all those stories about Mac when he was a kid, blowing up football fields and smoking out labs, but none of it ever really felt real until now. They finally felt real because your daughter had now taken it upon herself to do science experiments anywhere she can.
You had left for only ten minutes. That was it. Ten peaceful minutes to go out and do some minor yard work. She was reading a Nancy Drew book on the couch when you left but when you had returned, the eight year old girl had covered the kitchen in what looked like some sort of green foam. It takes your mind only a second to go haywire, panic setting in, fear of chemicals, and misdirected anger at your husband.
“Jackie! What is going on?” you rush towards her, making quick work of pulling her away from the mess.
“Elephant toothpaste, I saw it on TV and Dad told me how to make it” you were sure smoke was steaming out of your ears by now. As proud as you were for how smart your daughter was, these actions could become hazardous.
“Honey, I need you to tell me what exactly is in elephant toothpaste?” you ask as calmly as you can, keeping your voice even as if to not scare her off.
“Hydrogen peroxide, yeast, dish soap, water, and food coloring for some fun!” she claps excitedly, eyeing that very mixture on the kitchen counter. Now calming over the harmless ingredients you look at where she has some foam now stuck in her curly blonde hair.
“All that made a huge mess in my kitchen?” you ask, reaching for a dish towel and wiping away as much as you can in her hair.
“Well I tripled the recipe for a bigger explosion” she says as if the sentence alone doesn’t make your heart stutter. Letting out a deep sigh you stand back up and start to guide her to the bathroom.
“You definitely are you father’s daughter” you mutter, hands squeezing her shoulders.
“You should’ve seen it Mom, it was huge!” she cheers excitedly as you start down the hallway.
“Let’s get you in the bath” you tell her and she just smiles wide, clearly content with what she had just accomplished and you now had to clean up.
Once filling the tub with warm water you help your daughter step out of her elephant toothpaste splattered dress and into the bath. Offering her a bath bomb she keeps her curious mind occupied as you step out and figure out how to prepare yourself for the cleaning you had ahead of you.
“What happened here?” you find your blonde husband with an amused smile on his face, eyes scanning the green foam.
“Someone decided to make elephant toothpaste, have any idea where she got that from?” you ask crossing your arms and Mac looks up to find you are not as amused as him in this situation.
“Shit baby I’m so sorry. I didn’t think she’d actually attempt it, much less inside the house” he says walking over to you and you sigh, trying your best to not place all the blame on him.
“It’s fine, I just have to figure out how to clean it now” you say, hands reaching up to push the hair out of your face. It had already been a long day and the last thing you needed was this.
“It’s okay, I got it. I’ve done elephant toothpaste a time or two” he says, hands reaching to squeeze each of your arms, and you offer a weak smile.
“She’s gonna be trouble, just like you” you say with an accusing finger and Mac smiles before pulling you close and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Maybe, but at least I know how to handle it. When I was blowing things up I never had anyone who understood me” Mac says and you give him a panicked look.
“I didn’t say anything about blowing things up” you tell him, head beginning to shake and Mac quickly stops you.
“I know but I happened to remove an entire football field once in my life. Maybe I can keep hers contained to a small park or something” he teases but you give him a stern look that says you’re not ready to joke about this just quite yet.
“How about no explosions and no more experiments in our home?” you say and Mac clearly mulls it over. You know he wants to cater to his daughter’s curious mind, provide her with every opportunity he could to learn, but could that be done at the expense of your kitchen?
“One explosion and experiments in the yard?” he counter offers and you sigh.
“No explosions and experiments small enough to not alert neighbors in the yard” you finalize and he nods with a grin.
“I can accept that” he says before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “Now where’s our little scientist, I want to applaud her”
“She’s taking a bath, you can say hi after you clean up this mess” you tell him, hands pressing against his chest and in the direction of the green foam.
“And what about you?” he asks, a small pout to his lips and you slowly press a kiss to them. The pout gone in seconds.
“I’m going to help her out of the bath and then we’re going to set some rules” you tell him and he nods, saluting you as you walk back to the bathroom to find Jackie hadn’t even washed her hair yet.
It’s only an hour later you finally have the small girl in fresh pajamas, damp hair combed, and sat between you and Mac on the couch. The Nancy Drew book from before is open on her lap and you finally give Mac a look to tell him it’s time to set some rules and create boundaries for her.
“Jackie honey?” you coo, fingers reaching to push away the book for a moment.
“Yeah Mom?” she says, half distracted and trying to chase the page as it moves away from her.
“We wanted to talk to you about your little experiment today” you tell her and Mac nodded, blue eyes finding his daughter’s matching ones.
“Yeah honey, just a quick chat” and at her father’s words she finally closes the book on her lap.
“We love that you enjoy learning new things. It’s amazing the things you already understand, but we need to set some rules” you tell her and a sad look flashes across her features in seconds.
“You made a big mess today, one that worried your Mom. So there can’t be anymore experiments in the house” Mac says and the girls is instantly defeated, a gasp leaving her mouth.
“But Dad, it was just elephant toothpaste. It wasn’t dangerous!” she whines and Mac shakes his head, staying firm and on your side.
“Yeah but your Mom didn’t know that. So there is going to be no more experiments in this house unless approved and supervised by one of us” he tells her and her lip instantly quivers as her arms cross over her chest.
“But you and Dad can do as many experiments in the yard as you want and he’s also agreed to bring you to his lab at work once a week to learn something new” you comfort the sad girl, arm wrapping around her.
“You promise?” she asks, hopeful eyes looking up at her Dad.
“Of course honey, pinky promise. We want you to grow and learn but science can be dangerous and it’s important we treat every experiment as that” he tells her and she nods even though you know she’s not entirely on board yet.
“Does that mean I have to tell you about the habitat I’m growing in my closet?” she whispers and you flash a worried look to Mac who is trying his best not to laugh.
“Well, why don’t we go find out” he says, standing and lifting the girl to dangle over his shoulder. The giggles and squeals she lets out are a stark contrast to the somber mood she was just in and you can’t help but smile as you watch them disappear down the hallway.
“Is that a toad?!” you hear Mac’s voice bellow down the hallway and you are quick to stand to your feet and rush down the hallway.
“Oh hell no”
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Taglist: @mayfieldss
Comment if you want to be tagged in any upcoming Macgyver fics <3
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salaciousdoll · 5 months
Rumors of salacious city pretty, pink princess have gone haywire, find out why she’s the number one topic in this debauchery city of pink desires ✩
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ৎ୭ Have a look at the princess’s website, see why rumors are brewing!!
Gosh, the princess is such a bitch, she get everything she wants, but what can we expect she is a Gemini. They tend to be pretentious bitches… mhm Mhm. She’s also twenty years old, goes by she/her pronouns as well. Can't forget that she’s a bisexual, maybe that’s why she’s a bitch, she get the best of both worlds without anyone interfering because if they do, the guards cut them down! Her favorite colors are light pink, blue, and purple and she’s a mocha and hello kitty enthusiasts! Look here! She also states she has a thing for older men, talk about daddy issues or what?
☆〜(ゝ。∂) Pay Attention to what the pretty dolly loves, psss that’s another alias she goes by
Bratz doll collections, 2000s girly movies, the color pink, Older men( age ranges between older than her and older than her) she clearly has no limits, what a shameless girl!!, strawberry Poundcake perfume and their diamond mist, cupcake swirl body fantasies perfume, Victoria secret velvet petal spray and lotion, Grape soda, hot chips, Mac and cheese, ramen noodles preferably beef( yeah she deserves whatever the public throws at her for this type of flavor), hello kitty plushies, Draken’s black ponytail( “good for her to yank”, oh she’s such a whoreee), baking brownies, eos vanilla cashmere lotion, pink Friday 2, yummy lipgloss, clear Dior lipgloss, her hello kitty mirror, her leg warmers, off shoulder tops, pink blush on cheeks, Nicki Minaj pink Friday 2 album, and finally her hello kitty sleep mask.
☆〜(ゝ。∂) Pay Attention to what the pretty dolly hates, *hint hint* maybe that’s what got the rumors started
Hates phony people, the color yellow and gray, racist people, colorist people, anti-abortion people(Ooh that one was probably the deal breaker for lots of people), Spiders, false accusations, Nonchalant people, lavender scents of anything like ewwww yucky( what did lavender do to her?!!), fics/drabbles with multiple characters at the bottom, plug troupe, people who complain about stuff when you could just block the tag, cardi b with a passion, misogynist and misogynoir people, people with Ed issues who make fun of fat/chubby people
☆〜(ゝ。∂) Now pay close attention to her dating record, MAN! she sure does get around. Guess that’s why rumors spread!
She was last seen with a man with blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, he has tattoos all over his body, mainly his neck. He was a tall man, Ohh wait wait, it’s South Terano. But just last week, she was with Taiju Shiba and the week before last week she was with Ken Ryuuguji. The princess is a slut for these men, I wonder what her family would say? What the salacious officials would say as well?
Let’s take another look at the pictures of men and women she loved or crushed on…
Jjk: Gojo satoru, Toji Fushiguro, Hiromi Higuruma, Ino takuma, Nanami( this is apparently on and off), Atsuya Kusakabe, Geto Suguru( on and off as well), Choso Kamo( he’s starting to become one of her crushes), principal Yaga, Shoko ieiri, and Yuki tsukumo
Tokyo revengers: Draken, Mikey sano, South Terano, Taiju Shiba, Senju Akashi, Keizo Arashi, Kakucho, Yuzuha, Hina, Hanma, and Takemitchy
Aot: Erwin Smith, Eren yeager( sometimes when she’s feeling horny horny, wow!), onyankopon Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Annie Leonhart, Armin Arlert, Miche Zacharias, Hange Zoe, Pieck Finger, Sasha Braus, Jean Kirstein, and Yelena .
Jjba: Risotto Nero, Prosciutto, Jotaro Kujo, Bruno Bucciarati, Mista, the entire group of la squadra, Abbachio, Hermes, Joylene Cujoh, diavolo, weather report, Anasui, Kars, and Kira
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eightyonekilograms · 8 months
God help me I'm actually considering writing my own window manager for macOS.
macOS is a decent operating system but it is just nakedly hostile to the concept of good window management. There are a bunch of third-party Mac window managers already, but none of them seem to have the specific thing I want.
I work from multiple places (home with a TB dock and 2 monitors with the laptop in clamshell mode, work with a USB-C cable using 1 external monitor + the built-in one, and totally on-the-go with just the laptop screen), and I want a preset arrangement of windows in Spaces (virtual desktops) for each of these, which kicks in automatically when monitors are plugged in or removed.
Unfortunately I'm not sure this is easy, or even possible. Various pain points include:
I have heard people claim that macOS basically does not expose any APIs for Spaces unless you really go digging in the guts of the compositor.
Thunderbolt is just flaky as fuck: when I wake the computer from sleep while it's plugged into my dock, it frequently just forgets my monitor resolutions until I unplug them and plug them back in. This would probably make any kind of system which moved around my windows based on external monitor status just go haywire.
This whole thing is more for my work computer than my personal one, but since I work at Google most of my windows during a workday are actually just 8 or 9 different Chrome windows, with a different collection of tabs for each. I'm not sure the APIs exist to give these persistent identities.
It's amazing how far we haven't come in decades of window managers. And since nobody cares about desktop operating systems anymore, this isn't likely to improve.
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purble-turble · 1 year
Wukong pretending to yandere macaque hes only falling in love with macaque and wants them to be together alone, and pretending to yandere azure that hes only falling in love with azure; all in an attempt to get them to turn on each other.
Unfortunately for him, azure and macaque have already fallen in love, and even though the yanderes doesnt realize it, they want a trouple and will both do anything to make that happen ( both act like they need the other in case wukong goes haywire, but its really an excuse by now)
This is awesome. Though, honestly, Wukong does not seem like he is very good at deception in my opinion. He's so strong he probably is used to brute forcing his way through most situations, and not having to be sneaky like that. Not that he isn't intelligent, but rather he's not as good at manipulating others as Macaque and Azure definitely are.
But yes, Mac and Azure falling for each other without even realizing it, and finding themselves strangely disappointed when Wukong confesses to them that he ONLY loves them and they should skip out on the third wheel.. yes! I love it haha! Instead of being excited and wanting to run off with him as Wukong expects, they each in turn try to argue, telling him that he'll grow to love the three of them being all together like this, and it's really confusing for the Monkey King because he thought he had these guys all figured out but there's definitely something going on here that he doesn't understand.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
[Chenxiang is similarly protective but is secretly really anxious, and since he wasn’t around for MK’s birth he doesn’t really know what to expect.]
At least he doesn’t faint, right? That’s already better than Tang XD
But it’s probably something he should discuss with someone if nobody brings it up with him. Maybe Sandy? He’s the best bet. Tang would have the factual stuff covered, I think – y’know, between the fainting XD
Realistically, he’s probably to be outside with the other kids – mostly to keep MK from wearing a hole to the USA in the ground and Mei from filming everything – to let the adults do what needs to be done.
I’m betting somebody’s gonna be turned into a stress ball by him at some point.
Oh yeah Tang got all the theory stuff sorted out when MK was on the way, but he did not anticipate himself fainting at game time.
Pigsy spent the whole time cleaning, cooking, and making sure Tang woke up.
Wukong was in full-on panicking dad-mode, even though he himself had helped deliver monkey babies before back on FF Mountain - the situation is just that more stressful when it's your baby. Spends a lot of the time soothing/tending to Macaque.
Sandy was able to provide moral and medical support in the meantime, but was secretly really nervous cus' it was new territory for him.
Nezha walked in at one point mid-birth, got freaked out, and fled to join Pigsy in the kitchen.
Macaque was seconds away from straggling everyone in the room - especially Wukong. Why are they freaking out? He's the one having the baby!
Eventually the Egg/baby!MK is born to raucous joy.
It didn't help that the destructive magical force of MK being born + combined with Macaque's own haywire magic also literally whipped up an unseasonable storm that blocked off the noodle shop from the outside world.
After MK was born, Guanyin (often a goddes of childbirth) made a brief appearance to bless the baby and annouce it and Macaque as perfectly healthy. SWK's lawyer also called within seconds of MK being born so that they could sort out the birth certificate.
Princess Iron Fan calls Mac a while later to congratulate him + still swear her family's mission to destroy Sun Wukong. Macaque chuckles and wishes her well. Chang'e gets so overjoyed by the news that the moon briefly turns blue.
Meanwhile, the entire Celestial Realm feels a cold shiver go up their spine...
The twins births were similarly dramatic. Esp since SWK caused an earthquake with his labor in addition to Macaque's shadowy storm. The big kids get sent outside to tackle the storm and damage control, and to prevent them from burning holes into the floors (I liked your "to the USA joke" XD). Bai He had to be distracted with Pigsy or else she would have turned herself into a kitten and snuck in to comfort her parents.
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theoutcastrogue · 6 months
"Joe Hill wrote a song for the Free Speech fight of 1910, and it was introduced on the streets of Spokane by Haywire Mac McClintock. He was a branch secretary [of the IWW] then, he wrote "Big Rock Candy Mountain" and "Hallelujah, I'm a bum!". He got together a little band: T-Bone Slim, a tuba, a garbage can lid. They stood in a doorway waiting to leap out at the unemployed throng, regale them with song.
They used a shill to build the crowd, you know, a carny shill? Somebody who uses tricks to build a crowd? His name was Tresca, he wore a black suit, a black bowler hat, a string tie with an umbrella and a briefcase. Looked like a banker.
He walked down where they were hiding in the doorway and suddenly he started to yell "Help! Help! Help! I've been robbed! Help! I've been robbed!". Everybody'd run across the street, "what's the matter, what's the matter". Soon as he got the crowd together, he yelled: "I'VE BEEN ROBBED BY THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM, FELLOW-WORKERS!"
He talked to them for ten minutes, and then the boys would leap out and start singing, and this is what they were singing."
Utah Phillips - The Preacher and the Slave ("Pie in the Sky")
Long-haired preachers come out every night To try to tell you what's wrong and what's right But when asked about something to eat They will answer in voices so sweet
You will eat, bye and bye In that glorious land in the sky [Way up high!] Work and pray, live on hay You'll get pie in the sky when you die [THAT'S A LIE!]
The Starvation Army they play And they shout and they clap and they pray When they've got all your coins on the drum They will tell you when you're on the bum
You will eat, bye and bye In that glorious land in the sky [Way up high!] Work and pray, live on hay You'll get pie in the sky when you die [THAT'S A LIE!]
Working folks of all countries unite Side by side we for freedom shall fight When this world and its wealth we have gained To the grafters we'll sing this refrain
You will eat, bye and bye When you've learned how to cook and how to fry [How to fry!] Chop some wood, it'll do you good And you'll eat in that sweet bye and bye [THAT'S NO LIE!]
full lyrics, from the 1911 edition of the IWW’s Little Red Songbook, here
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its-malarkey · 8 months
I’ve been randomly consumed by the concept of an LMK Gravity Falls AU (thanks to YouTube comments) Here’s what I’ve got so far:
MK- Dipper
Mei- Mabel
Macaque- Stan
Wukong- Ford
Red Son- Pacifica
DBK and PIF- the Northwest parents
Spider Queen- Gideon (I’m so sorry Queen 😔 but you do both build a mech and serve the main antagonist before turning against them and also exist mostly as a minor annoyance aside from your one big moment)
LBD- Bill
Sandy, Tang, and Pigsy all kind of vaguely fulfill the concept of Soos, Wendy, and Stan but not so much in a story manner
-MK finds the staff (which had been left behind much like the Journals, except Macaque left it where it was because he couldn’t lift it) and unlocks his powers in messy and chaotic ways so he and Mei train on FFM with Macaque
-Macaque is pretending to be the Monkey King, claiming he “started going by Mac around mortals, might be easier for all of us if you called me that too”
-MK and Mei get into various demon-related shenanigans thanks to MK being Monkey King’s successor. Macaque himself rarely shows up to help with those unless they’re in actual danger because he doesn’t want it getting out that the Monkey King is missing and that the Six-Eared Macaque is impersonating him
-Macaque: “I can’t lift the staff or use my Monkey King powers anymore because I passed them on to you. Heh, it’s okay, gold never was my color anyway”
-he and Wukong had their big falling out under the mountain, and after that, they didn’t see each other for ages. LBD grabbed a hold on Wukong’s mind during a thoughtless, impulsive move of his, and while she can’t quite possess him without her full power, she can feed his negative emotions and whisper thoughts into his head. He knows this and calls out to Macaque for help with “a curse” without explaining why (as usual)
-Macaque, the simp he is, arrives to help and immediately gets met with an LBDified angry Wukong ready to kill him. Mac, confused and upset, can’t keep up with a full-powered not-holding-back Wukong, and loses his eye. He panickedly pulls him into a shadow portal that he can’t control because his powers are going haywire with his panic and fear. He’s been dreading Wukong’s return, but in recent years, he’s gotten concerned and been trying to locate him because if Wukong hasn’t returned after this long, could he be… gone?
-Wukong chooses to spend time hunting down information on how to end LBD instead of returning, and he gathers the rings of Samadhi. He returns to FFM where he senses Mei (ya know, descendant of Ao Lie and all that), only to find Macaque fighting with a strange kid filled with Wukong’s own glowing light and power. Immediately assuming the worst, he jumps into the “fight” to stop it
-Mac is terrified, and Wukong is just terribly confused because he doesn’t know why he’s THAT afraid of him, the two haven’t even seen each other since their big argument… right?
-MK and Mei jump in to protect Mac and Wukong is, again, terribly confused
-MK: “Who the heck are you?”
Wukong: “Uh… I’m the Monkey King. You have my powers, don’t you know who I am??”
MK: “What? Nah, Mac’s the Monkey King”
(Macaque is very stealthily trying to escape)
Wukong, just befuddled: “Wh— no, I’m the Monkey King. Indisputably. Always have been.”
Mei, who was a little suspicious anyway but still liked Mac: “Prove it. Pick up MK’s staff.”
Wukong: (smirking) “Easy.” (It is in fact very easy) “See, kiddo?”
MK: (jaw-dropped, turning to Mac, who suddenly looks very guilty) “You LIED TO ME??”
Mac, rubbing the back of his neck: “Well—“
MK: “Dammit, I should’ve known Mac didn’t make any sense as a nickname. If you’re not Monkey King, who even are you??”
Wukong, before Mac can say anything: “His name is Macaque. Well, the Six-Eared Macaque is his full name, but— he’s definitely not the Monkey King. He’s a trickster, but,” (baring his teeth) “I never thought he’d stoop to stealing my identity.” (He looks at Macaque, who’s frozen) “Lazy identity theft, at that. What the hell have you been doing with my name, Macaque? Dammit, it’s been YEARS. How petty can you GET?!”
Macaque, finding his voice to be angry: “PETTY?! You TOOK MY EYE!”
-Wukong is, again, as always, confused because he would remember doing that… right? And Mac doesn’t elaborate and they continue bickering (with escalation) until Mei and MK break it up and explain what Macaque has been doing with them and how he hasn’t done anything evil and has, in fact, only been good
-Wukong settles down and decides he wants claim on training his successor which sparks an argument until they agree to compromise. Wukong, as typical, doesn’t tell anyone about the Samadhi fire. They end up bickering a lot during training
-LBD finds them anyway and starts the ritual and kidnaps Mei
-after getting Mei back, they have to all work together to beat her using the Samadhi fire, and they end up having to use it on her while she’s inside of a vessel that isn’t the child she was possessing (because no children murder). Macaque makes the sacrifice in Wukong’s place
-I’m not sure how it ends, but Macaque does come back :))
-the end, it’s 3:30AM and I have many more thoughts but am so so eepy
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bazooka-overkill · 4 months
hiiiii! I hope I’m not botherin’ ya, but I see you’d like some hcs (I’m a bit late lol) so I thought I’d share one of my good ol’ spooky tiger hcs if ya don’t mind some horror on your blog-
tiger’s clones aren’t clones, they’re actually ghosts or bhuts (vengeful ghosts from hindu folklore!) they’re all deceased family members that ended up possessing his body when he was younger cause he went upon their resting place unknowingly. and they’ve just followed him ever since. he’s managed to work out a kind of agreement that if they promised to behave, they could stay within his lil gem headspace.
the water gem is called Lahar, the snow gem is Sardi and the grass gem is Gaiya. they still care about tiger despite their circumstances, but death hasn’t been kind to their minds. sometimes they get out of hand, and that’s when problems arise for not only tiger but other boxers involved.
I’m so sorry for rambling op, I just like details snnsns but I hope the take is cool 💪
literally starts break dancing SCREAMS ITS OK ANON ANY HCS ARE NEVER LATE ON THIS BLOG TRUST. and trust me there is no such thing as rambling in my mind lmao. also also literally anything is allowed here as long as its not nsfw/flatout gore
this is the coolest take evr on great tiger's clones tbh; ive always just taken away that they're their own separate people, but still apart of tiger's "soul," in a way
stopp the thought that they're family makes me want to sob now. i can see them just kind of. bothering tiger like protective parents or something. tiger hasn't eaten in a hot minute? lahar's nagging him to go get or make a meal. hasn't been outside and touched grass? guess what gaiya's saying to him (99.999% get it wrong)
and the mere mention of them getting out of hand??? plus in the RING W OTHER BOXERS????? oh lord have mercy i can only imagine what could happen. i don't exactly have a good understanding/wording of what i can imagine lmao, but one things for certain: the wvba/ref has definitely had to stop rounds early because of the bhuts (am i using that word right).
damn now i want to see-- if nintendo makes a PO sequel/port on the switch or something-- the possibility of a TD 2 where great tiger and his ghosts (idk if i can use bhuts and ghosts interchangeably) lose control and mac has to counter and dodge like crazyyy.
if the above was added, i'd love to see what exactly happens when they go out of control. personally, i'd imagine great tiger gets all light headed and can barely move while his ghosts go absolutely haywire in the ring.
and that'd also explain why he's so nonchalant with them; they're his family members. when death decides to not torment them, i can see them being almost like,,, yknow family. you know that intermission cutscene right before the next round where they're all talking and great tiger tells them they gotta get back to work?
also,, idk if i want to be sad and think abt the possibility how great tiger had a strong bond with his family members before they died, but if that's the case i would imagine that's how great tiger copes; he pretends they're still alive, in that case.
GRAAGHHDHH now im gonna be thinking about this during my classes
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myf00djournal · 2 months
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Still felt off this morning so had the day off. Used it to rest until the feeling subsided and then did some uni work. It feels like a long day but I do feel better for having it. Ready for one last day and then using my long service leave next week while I’m at uni.
I had Nutrigrain cereal and a glass of pineapple juice
A coffee
A hot cross bun
Wedges in the air fryer
Mac and cheese
I literally logged 30 mini eggs because I mindlessly chowed down as I did my essay 😂 at least I was honest to MFP but it’s probably more to be real with y’all
Dinner was a Mexican beef and been dish but we only had a quarter of it each (probably because of my chocolate nibbles)
Just under 2400 cal. Wish it was better quality but it is what it is. Got heaps of water in as well.
Hoping things don’t go haywire with this predicted weather. We have received flood and road closure warnings for the weekend and I have no idea what the contingency plan is for the run I’m meant to be doing 🤦🏽‍♀️ let alone how I can make it across a bridge for my road trip on Sunday.
Fingers crossed it’s not as bad as they say it will be.
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realtalkingpoints · 6 months
Personal commentary... Probably a week or two ago now, I was heading down the driveway when my smart phone went completely haywire. It was opening apps and scrolling uncontrollably. Mostly apps I never use, but I could only see them briefly as they flashed by. It dialed and called my friend (who I almost never call) 17 times if I remember correctly. Almost like I had logged hundreds of swipes and key-strokes that were all suddenly executing at once, or in quick succession one after another.
I began trying to restart the phone to stop the activity, but the screen wouldn't stay long enough for me to get in the strokes. I was eventually able to restart and it was over. Not sure if this event was the type of attack described in the article above, but seems worth mentioning. I still have no idea what happened to my phone that day.
From the piece:
Turning off Bluetooth entirely when out in public might seem like a reasonable idea following the discovery of two new vulnerabilities that put iPhones, Android smartphones, Macs and other devices at risk of attack. While the first vulnerability, known as BLUFFS, could allow an attacker to impersonate your devices. The second could be exploited by hackers to take full control of your devices, as if they were paired to a Bluetooth keyboard. As reported by Dark Reading, this newly discovered critical Bluetooth vulnerability (tracked as CVE-2022-45866) is a keystroke injection flaw that works by tricking your smartphone or computer into pairing with a fake keyboard. To make matters worse, this fake keyboard can connect to your devices without confirmation from you.
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silverredtail · 2 years
The twins tried to call their traveling mom back to the kingdom! But looks like their magic went a little haywire again..
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"Sun Wukong, king of Flower Fruit Kingdom"
"Oh...another one"
Had to draw @zarinosa 's amazing reincarnated Mac and David!! He's adorable and awkward and a genuine good boy! The twins will take good care of him and make sures treated well during his stay!
Thank you for letting me draw Mac zarinosa!!
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lcnelyday · 1 year
hello my darling friends. i have a jam packed day today! we are getting an assessment on the damage from the flooding in my place at some point. i am going shopping for groceries. i have to make a character sheet for dnd tonight, as i am doing a play test for a live dnd game that will be played on stage in front of an audience during an upcoming theatre festival. i am finishing daisy jones and the six, my timing is impeccable as always and i tried to resist, but obviously i will be listening to fleetwood mac all day lol.. i am already exhausted, as my dnd game was rather late last night, my regular one. i have 20+ replies due, which, it was nice while i only had two haha. i look forward to a long day curled up to write and play ddv tomorrow. i am so grateful for you all. for your friendships. for your writing. for the little pep talks you give me. for your understanding when life goes a little haywire. for you, each of you that calls me a friend. i love you all.
keats <3
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emilythedog661 · 10 months
This is my take on my version on the finale of MLP G4 and G5
Firstly, Twilight has the the design of luna and cadence instead of being a celestia clone, she also has some of her rainbow form in her design mixed with a night sky look in her mane and tail, her friends are also still around and also have their rainbow design mixed into them, twilight has made it so her friends live as long as she does as she doesn't like the thought of letting them go so she did a spell that puts their souls into her so they have become the guardians of equestria.
spike has a design change and he looks like more of a dragon then a buff lizard thing, he is still twilight's friendship councillor and is always by twilight's side, he also got together with ember and had some little dragons together
with the mane 5, fluttershy still runs her animal resort with discord, still caring for animals and helping animals outside of ponyville, fluttershy also has a daughter called rosanna pink aka rose pink for short and she is a accident baby with her and pinkie pie after a student at twilight's school with special needs went a bit haywire (i might do a fanfic about this, also discord secretly ships pinkie and fluttershy so hard 😆) rose pink is a ballet slipper pink earth pony with a blush pink mane and tail, the mane and tail is long like fluttershy's but curly like pinkie's, she has the same eye colour as sunset shimmers and her eye shape is like a pinkie's mom's, lastly, her cutie mark is a pink paw print with a blue lollipop on the big pad, she'll grow up to make candy for animals.
pinkie pie is the party planner of equestria and with the help of her husband, cheese sandwich and their son, lil'cheese pie and pinkie's daughter, pink blush they spread party all over, lil'cheese pie looks the same as he does in the finale but his hair is light brown instead of pink, he also has a good bond with his half sister rose pink and he grows up to be a pie baker with his cutie mark being a pie.
rarity still runs her clothes boutique and she now has a shop all over equestria for each and every creature, she so successful that she's become a clothing celebrity like sapphire shores and photo finish, she's one out of the 2 mane 6 with no kids with the other one being twilight.
rainbow dash is now the captian of the wonder bolts and she like rarity has become a celebrity, she got a full fan base thanks to scootaloo and she has adopted scootaloo as her sister, she also has a relationship with applejack being married and have magic made son together called zap apple, zap apple is a navy blue pegasus pony with a short rainbow mane and tail like his mom's hair, he has dark blue eyes and his cutie mark is a zap apple with a lightning bolt coming off it, he loves his moms and he wants to be a wonderbolt like his rainbow mom but also loves helping on the farm with his apple mom.
lastly, applejack and she has taken over the farm after granny smith died, her brother big mac is the leader of the farm with his wife, sugar belle and 2 kids, big sugar and apple blossom, she with her son, zap apple help big mac on the farm as well as rainbow dash when she's not at the wonderbolt academy and they are making big money selling apples, carrots, pears and other fruits and vegetables, sugar belle also help pinkie pie, pound cake and pumpkin cake at the sugar cube corner.
the cutie mark crusaders help run the school and also run the cutie mark camp to help get fillies their cutie marks and it where big sugar, apple blossom, rose pink, lil'cheese pie and zap apple got their cutie marks, when they aren't helping at the school or doing the camp, applebloom helps on the farm with her siblings, nephew and niece, sweetie belle helps her sister out at the ponyville boutique and scoot also helps rainboe dash at the wonderbolt academy with pegasi that have flight issues like her.
at the crystal empire and flurry is the new ruler of the crystal empire while shining armour and cadence step down but not fully retire from their royal position, the couple have been renamed to the princess's mother and father and they do what they do before flurry became princess but with flurry have the big role while they step back a little.
at the friendship school and starlight and sunburst run the school together with trixie's help, the pair have a 2 kids together, a son called moonlight shine and a daughter called twinkle star, they are at cheerille's school and they haven't got their cutie marks yet but at the cutie mark camp trying to find their purpose, trixie meanwhile hasn't found a partner yet but has somehow became starlight and sunburst's 'daughter' as she seems to be acting like an older sister to their kids but a child to them which the pair find odd but let it slide.
luster dawn went off to do her own things after twilight helped her to see what friendship was about so she isn't twilight's student anymore but twilight doe have a new student that she's interested in, her name is rose gold which is a rose gold coloured pony with purple eyes, a short mane and tail in a goldenrod yellow and her cutie mark is the symbol of friendship but it looks like a rose.
the reason twilight is interested in rose gold is because she had a prediction dream about her with a magic alicorn power stopping another alicorn called nova, nova is a night sky purple alicorn but with bat wings with a brick pink and lollipop purple mane and tail, dark blue eyes and her cutie mark was a flame with bat wings on the sides, she was the evil older sister to luna and celestia that was locked away for millions of years after she became a threat to the ponies and to her sisters, she drained all the magic from her sisters the from the ponies, mind controlled the ponies to do her bidding to find more magic and it wasn't till starswirl came along, gave all the ponies their magic back and then drained nova of all her magic before banishing her far far away in a different dimension.
it seems though that nova has managed to find her way back to equestria after a long time and twilight need to train rose gold to make friends and unlock her alicorn magic to stop nova from taking over equestria again after a long time, nova also brings with her a sidekick named nibbler which is grubber from the mlp movie but he a lot different and a lot more aggressive
anyway, i hope you like my AU and i might do a fanfic on it at some point if i feel like it and if i have the time unless someone else can do it for me which i thank you in advance but yeah, you can also add some things in the comments to add to the au if you want 😁
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