#Hazels winter holidays
grogusmum · 9 months
Making a winter solstice spiral ...
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Already miss the snow and the mountains❤️
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
October 2023 witch guide
Full moon: October 28th
New moon: October 14th
Sabbats: Samhain
October Hunter's Moon
Known as: Blood moon, drying rice moon, falling leaf moon, freezing moon, migrating moon, moon of the changing seasons, shedding moon, ten colds moon, winterfelleth & windermanoth
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra & Scorpio
Nature spirits: Frost faeries & Plant faeries
Deities: Apollo, Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Herne, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, Lakshmi & Mercury
Animals: Elephant, jackal, ram, scorpion & stag
Birds: Crow, heron & robin
Trees: Acacia, apple, cypress & yew
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, apple blossom, burdock, catnip, pennyroyal, sweet Annie, thyme & Uva ursi
Flowers: Calendula, cosmos & marigold
Scents: Apple blossom, cherry & strawberry
Stones: Amethyst, beryl, obsidian, opal, tourmaline & turquoise
Colors: Black, dark blue, Dark greens & purples
Energy: Artistic works, balance, creativity, harmony, inner cleansing, justice, karma, legal matters, mental stimulation, partnerships, reincarnation & uncovering mysteries or secrets
It is believed that this name originates from the fact that it was a signal for hunters to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting. This is because animals were beginning to fatten up in preparation for the winter season. Moreover, since fields had recently been cleared out under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily spot deer and other animals that had come out to search for remaining scraps. Additionally, foxes and wolves would also come out to prey on these animals.
The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves. 
Also known as: All Hallow's Eve,  Ancestor Night, Feast of Apples, Feast of Sam-fuim, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Geimhreadh, Hallowmass, Martinmass, Old Hallowmas, Pagan New Year, Samana, Samhuinn, Samonios, Shadowfest & Third Harvest
Season: Fall
Symbols: Apples, bats, besom(brooms), black cats, cauldrons, ghosts, gourds, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, scarecrows & witches
Colors: Black, gold, orange, silver & white
Oils/incense: Basil, cloves, copal, frankincense, gum mastic, heather, heliotrope, mint, myrrh & nutmeg
Animals: Bat, boar, cat cattle & dogs
Stones: Amber, anatase, black calcite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, brass, carnelian, clear quartz diamond, garnet, gold, granite, hematite, iron, jet, marble, pearl, pyrite, ruby, sandstone, sardonyx, smokey quartz, steel & tektite
Foods: Apples, ale, beef, cider, corm, fruits, garlic, gourds, grains, hazelnuts, herbal teas, mushroom, nettle, nuts, pears, pomegranates, pork, poultry, pumpkin pie, sunflower seeds, thistle, turnips & wine (mulled)
Herbs/plants: Acorn, Allspice, catnip, corn, dittany of Crete, hazel, mandrake, mugwort, mullien, oak leaves, pine, rosemary, sage, straw, tarragon, thistle, wormwood & yellow cedar
Flowers: Calendula, chrysanthemum, deadly nightshade, rue & fumitory
Goddesses: Al-lat, Baba Yaga, Badb, Banba, Bast, Bebhionn, Bronach, Brunhilde, Cailleach, Carlin, Cassandra, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Crobh Dearg, Devanyani, Dolya, Edda, Elli, Eris, Erishkigal, Fortuna, Frau Holde, Hecate, Hel, Ishtar, Kali, Macha Mania, Morrigan, Nemesis, Nephthys, Nicneven & Rhiannon
Gods: Arawan, Baron Samede, Belenus, Coyote, Cronus, Dagda, Dis, Hades, Loki, Nefertum, Odin, Osiris, Pluto, Woden & Xocatl
Issues Intentions & Powers: Crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honoring ancestors, introspection, the otherworld/underworld, release, visions & wisdom (of the crone)
Spellwork: Divination, fire magick, night magick, shape-shifting, spirit calling & water magick
Related festivals:
• Day of the Dead- (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed & is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. Although related to the simultaneous Christian remembrances for Hallowtide, it has a much less solemn tone and is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.
• All Saints Day- is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints & martyrs of the Church, whether they are known or unknown
• Dedicate an altar to loved ones who have passed
• Boil a simmer pot to cleanse your space
• Have a silent dinner
• Light a candle for your loved ones & yourself
• Decorate your house and/or altar
• Release negative energy & cleanse your with a ritual bath
• Pull tarot cards to see what may be in store for you ahead
• Cleanse, clean & de-clutter your space
• Leave offerings to the Fae
• Journal & reflect on your accomplishments, challenges & everything you did this year
•Go on a nature walk
• Learn a new form of divination
• Have a bonfire with your friends and/or family
• Carve pumpkins
• Express yourself creatively through art, music, ect
• Visit a cemetery & help clean off areas that need it or to visit a family member/ ancestor & leave an offering
• Hold a seance
• Bake spooky treats & bread as offerings
• Refresh your protection magicks, sigils & rituals
Samhain is a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. Celebrations begin on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.
This fire festival is celebrated on October 31st & is considered the Pagan New Year. It is the first Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year, a cross-quarter festival & the third (final) harvest festival of the mundane year. This is the time when the veil between the worlds of the living & those who have passed is the thinnest, which allows greater communication between the two
Some believe this is the time of the Goddess's mourning of the death of the God until his rebirth at Yule. The Goddess's sadness can be seen in the shortening, darkening days & the arrival of cold weather
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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yiiyiiwrites · 2 days
🍁 | Autumn Equinox | Azriel
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Summary: you’ve been mated to Azriel for over a year now, but it’s your first time celebrating the autumn equinox outside your home court. Azriel tries his best to make it a good one 2075words
Azriel x Autumn court reader
Also Have one for [Cassian] & [Eris] & Lucien coming soon
[Acotar masterlist]
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The autumn equinox used to be your favourite celebration, now it just reminded you of everything you’d lost. A bitter sweet holiday you wasn't sure if you could do each year.
You may have gained your fated lover, your other half but you’d given up your home and family.
There wasn’t any other way, you knew that. The moment you’d stumbled upon the shadow singer in the golden forests of autumn was the final fraying thread snapping.
If you didn’t hurt Azriel by your own hands, Beron would make an example of you and use you in what ever way to break the bond. To snuff out any flickering ember that remained for your mate.
So you were as sly as a fox, crawling under the overgrown hedges of molten brown thorns keeping you in the court.
Your mother understood, she packed your things as sobs shook her whole body. Even now as you closed your eyes, you could smell the tendrils of her smokey caramelised scent and the undertones of cinnamon washing over you as if she were embracing you for the last time again.
Strong arms wrapped around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder. You opened your eyes, dark wisp falling away from caressing your cheek. For a moment you imagined the touch of your mother's hand warming your cheek.
Azriel sighed as you sunk into his embrace, his presence more frequent the days leading to the equinox. You’d refused to hold him the first few days after you caught the mark on the calendar, afraid your touch would burn him.
Velaris offered a similar bout of weather that reminded you of home. The nights growing longer, colder and you were thankful there was still a little scrap of heritage you could clutch onto.
Your magic however seemed to be like a fizzling firework in the night court. Touch running hot and cold, that you didn’t stand close to your mate for months as you got used to the warmer seasons.
The restraint you’d built since your arrival dulled your flames. You no longer needed to apologise for scorching holes in Azriel’s sleeve or slapping the fiery embers from the fabric a bit too harshly as you tried to it stop marring his skin.
In the beginning he’d gifted you a pair of leather gloves, but that increased the distance between you both. You wondered why the gods had strung you two together in the beginning, everything you were, summoned painful memories for Azriel. The simple action of holding his hand reminded you why, why you needed to cage the flame to offer him a semblance of the same affection he gave to you.
"I have something for you," he said, nose tracing your jaw and pulling you out of your thoughts.
The cold crept in as he slipped away, the winter breeze pushing the stray strands of hair out out of your face. You breathed in, another wave of smokey scents and sweet aromas tipped with oak prickling the warmth beneath your fingertips. Turning around to meet your mate, you took a step back.
In his gloved hands laid a whicker hamper, tartan blanket sticking out of the box. You gasped, adding another step back. No wonder you could smell their scents. "You saw my mother?" Your voice trembled, hands diving into your coat pocket, fists clenching as you tried to expel the overpowering scents that even mingled with his shadows.
He nodded, ever the cool and controlled mate, never raising his voice or moving too fast as if he'd spook a fox in Autumn. "Yes, it's customary to exchange gifts," Azriel said, pulling the blanket out of the hamper and rolling it out on the ground, he stilled. "Isn't it?" His hazel eyes snapped up to yours, shadows freezing under the curve of his wings.
You couldn't fight the smile, nodding down at him kneeling beside the hamper. He patted the space opposite him and that damned tether tugged you closer. "Yes Az, exchanging gifts are customary but I did not get my family any." You didn't see the point, there was no way you'd be able to step in Autumn without dire consequences.
"That's fine, I did." He shrugged, laying a pumpkin pie in front of you, steam curling off the brown pastry.
A tradition in your family to gift handmade presents to each other during the autumn equinox. Your mothers famous, pumpkin pie, honey tea and spiced apples.
"You got gifts for my family?" You asked, scooting closer to Azriel who didn't offer you a glance, his attention on the contents in the hamper. "What did you get my father?" You leant forwards dipping your head and tried catching his gaze. "My father hates you and you gave him gift?"
"I got him a hunting knife." He said it like it was the most logical thing, as if your father would not be thinking of gutting him with it. His shadows seemed to follow your line of thought, a dark wisp pushing you back to sit.
"Is that why you met with my mother instead?" You laughed, even though you wanted to cry at the thought of your mate stepping into autumn for a spec of your happiness and his own demise.
Azriel finally let his gaze fall on you, his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip. Always searching you before he decided what words to choose. "You're mother actually requested for me." His ears tinged a darker shade, hand scratching the back of his neck.
It was odd to think of your mother with him, you knew she'd be gentle and careful in her approach. Something you thought Azriel didn't receive much of in way of interaction. You also wondered what she thought of your mate, hoping she didn't worry and didn't judge alone from his stony features.
The grey cable knit sweater (the one you'd knit him last year) hugged his muscular arms, bicep flexing at his movement that you forget for a second what he said. A wave of your mother's scent hit you like a whip and brought you back.
"How the Gods does my mother manage to request your presence?"
"Well, she knows a lady in winter, that knows a lady in day and knows..." he trailed off the sentence, stumbling over his words trying to grasp the order of whatever your mother had told him. Trust your mother to use her network of gossips to send word to Velaris in order to find your mate.
"And how many ladies do you know?"
"Many," he smirked leaning in to you, "the only lady that matters is you though." His lips pressed against yours, warmth spreading through your chest as his hand cupped the back of your head and pulled you closer.
You smirked, storing away the memory so that you could show Feyre later and make your mate sweat about his duties to a high lady that didn't matter.
"Smooth, I bet my mother saw right through you." You said, tracing your swollen lips. You leant across Azriel's lap and plucked a ruby red apple from the hamper, teeth sinking into the shiny skin.
"Your mother probably thinks we're an equal match. How many guards did you court till you made it to me?" His lip twitched, fingers pinching your thigh for another swift attack. You swatted him way, squealing as his shadows skimmed the small slip of skin where your top had rode up over your hip.
It were true, you'd worked your way through nearly every division of the autumn army in the hopes of finding someone who wasn't just focused on following the high lords every word. What else were you supposed to do for five hundred years?
"I'd be quiet if I were you, recon I could get a rank higher than you back in autumn.” You swatted the curling wisps out of your face, sending them hissing back to their master.
"I doubt your mother would approve."
You didn’t argue with him on that, knowing that your mother was never fond of any suitor you’d brought home before.
“I take it these are from them?” You asked, lifting a small wooden box out of the hamper. A yellowing envelope stuck to the lid and sealed with red wax. You ripped the letter and scanned over your mother’s cursive writing.
The usual sentimental words she’d say to you around the table whilst you thanked the gods of harvest for giving you all good things and planting new seeds of regrowth and learning. At the very bottom below her signature however was a blurred splotchy mess, as if she’d written it last minute and folded the paper.
I hope this equinox brings you many blessings and offers you new fields to plant your own seeds. May you nurture the connection between you and your fated. My daughter you’ve been blessed, as have I now that I know you will be loved and safe.
Azriel peered over your shoulder, “I think she likes me,” he said, cutting a second piece of pumpkin pie and shoving it in his mouth.
“Just thank the stars you didn’t meet my father.” Now that you were banished from autumn, you doubted that you’d see him again. Too proud of his home to step out of tradition.
He hummed in agreement, pouring a cup of honey tea and setting it down in front of you. The view from the house of wind's balcony was your favourite, always bringing a smile to your face and reminding you that you could find beauty in any court. You did miss Autumn, but Velaris had grown on you, the constant stars blinking in the inky sky each night.
A small fire flickered in a homemade pit, copper bowl keeping it contained. Peeling the overlapping cloth, you traced the knitted mittens. Charcoal grey yarn that looked like liquid mercury woven together with softer orange, the two colours a symbol of your union with Azriel. Picking them up from the box, you slipped them into your pocket, freezing as something dropped out of one the mittens. A dark wisp dove out from its owner and caught the small object.
The shadows held it up and twisted it in front you, a fox figurine carved from wood and painted orange and beige. Tiny brushstrokes imitating fur, looking oddly like the fox you had as a child. A gift from your younger sister, you'd left your other figurines back in Autumn and hated yourself for it ever since. Least you had one now.
Azriel was silent as ever, watching you intently.
"My mother didn't give you anything? I mean I know I am gift enough Az," you said, laughing as he bumped his shoulder to yours.
His head dipped, Shadows concealing his face. "She did, wouldn't let me leave till I finished a pumpkin pie she made. Your sister made me a little fox of my own." Thats when you noticed the tiny wood carved fox pendent on a thin string around his neck, dark ink peeking out underneath it.
"Oh god's Az, don't let your enemies hear you say that. If that's all it takes." And by the looks of it, he'd enjoyed it so much, he was half way through the pumpkin pie from the hamper.
Cool metal met your fingertips as you lifted the cloth again, your reflection staring back at you in the silver blade. "I take it this gift is for both of us," you joked, Azriel picked it up and turned the hilt in his hand. A red stone embedded in the pommel, a scripture you couldn't quite make out on the hilt.
"Hunting knife, a few centuries old," he said glancing at your furrowed brows. "Look the hilts worn, the leather binding it, is coming away. Blade needs sharpening too, must have been in your family for a long time." He passed the knife back, blade pinched between his thumb and pointer finger.
You wrapped it back in the cloth, sandwiching it between the thick layers. "No idea why he'd give me that old thing," you mumbled, slamming the box shut. You were never one to use a knife, more inclined to using your magic and merging it with autumn's fighting techniques.
"No idea, just don't gut me with it in my sleep."
"Never," you gasped. "Just remember good behaviour or its a blunt blade my dear."
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Since its nearly autumn equinox I wanted to do some prompts for it :) there's other characters to come - Yiiyii
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princesssmars · 11 months
hazel falling in love with her childhood family friend is rotting my brain actually.
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wc : 1383
sfw and slight nsfw? fem reader. thanking emma and rachel for making hazel rich because i love writing rich people stuff. i’d say maybe a good mix of cocky!hazel and loser!hazel because i love both so bad.
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so for the first six years of her life she spends her winter holidays at a beautiful chalet in aspen with her parents, spending the days having snowball fights with her dad and falling asleep by the fireplace with her mom.
just like. she's rich, and her mom seems like one of thos wealthy women who loves to go on vacation to show off her perfect life and her perfect friends, so she or her husband definitely had a vacation house they'd visit every year.
when she turns seven they finally let her start skiing on the bunny slope, figuring it’s better than the little evil genius thing she does with the pots and the tiny snowmen. for a little kid she's pretty good at the sport already, if not taking the pizza and french fry tip a little too seriously.
about an hour in though, she's taking her umpteenth trip down the hill when a four foot mass slams into her right side, going at way above whatever speed limit was allowed in this area. she's lying flat on the ground, her right arm aching and her hound pounding and she's about ten seconds from crying when she looks over to see you, face planted in the snow and your shoulders shaking as you laugh like you're insane.
both sets of your parents rush over to make sure that the both of you are ok, and after you manage to calm down a bit and give hazel a very formal sounding apology that your mom whispered in your ear, you ask hazel if she can help you learn to control your speed on the slopes.
so after an hour of driving her crazy as she tries to teach you how to control your speed, your moms sit at a table watching over the both of you while sipping on their drinks and becoming fast friends.
ever since then, each winter was spent together. whether it was spending time in the snow, (hazel continued to excel at skiing, eventually giving up on trying to teach you), sharing stories of your normal lives over cups of cocoa at the cafe in the ski lodge, and helping each other decorate your christmas trees that you both had to beg your parents to buy.
whenever she went back home the days following new years, she’d count the days until she could see you again. to compensate for the time apart your parents let you send a horde of letters and e-mails to each other, letting the two of you share long phone calls on their phones when you were still to young to have your own.
hazels secret favorite hobby became photography. you couldn’t go twenty minutes without her shoving her polaroid camera in your face. she’ll tell you it’s because she’s using the vacation time to explore and try new things, and not that she constantly looks back over the photos of you with a big smile and a flush to her face.
(she also won’t mention that she’s addicted to the feeling she gets when pj and josie come over to her house and pj goes ona ten minute rant about how impossible it is that a girl that pretty could spend time with hazel without being insane. she ignores the insult because she’s hung up on the fact oh called you pretty.)
now i think hazel was pretty much always aware of the fact that she liked girls, if not because she realized that being obsessed with a certain scene from cruel intentions and always volunteering to play the husband when one of her friends wanted to play house on the playground was, in fact, not straight.
but at this point she’s maybe fifteen, she’s starting to grow into her looks and she’s definitely not ready to admit she might has a crush on you. at this point you both have had your own phones for a while, and she couldn’t even count the amount of times she had fallen asleep with you over facetime.
over the course of that year she often found herself wondering what your sexuality was. dumb ass stereotypes had her believing there was no way you, pretty and popular and preppy you could possibly be gay. and if you were a lesbian there was no chance that you'd like her back.
it was just made all the more confusing when once she had complained about how she hadn't had a girlfriend, let alone a first kiss yet and she was nearly halfway through high school with no experience for the hundredth time that you told her you had a solution for her on your next shared trip.
so you can imagine her shock when three days after landing in aspen you pull her into your room in your lodge and sit her on your bed before telling her you knew the perfect way to get more experience was to experiment with you.
"your first few times kissing and stuff can be pretty awkward, so why not just do it with me? i can show you the ropes and stuff.”
now on the outside she seemed normal, agreeing with an easy smile on her face, but on the inside her brain was playing the loudest tornado siren known to man.
it starts tame, the first few days consisting of you just telling her about your past experiences with girls and how to take it slow and everything. she knows its important but it honestly feels like torture. every time you talk to her she's wondering about what you'll do to start the physical lesson, if you'll set her down on her plush bed and softly touch her, or if you'll finally get fed up with the waiting like she is and press her and take her against a wall.
if you had known you would have prepared, but hazel was a freak in disguise and had decided that she was ready to take things into her own hands. you had invited her to sleep over at yours and drink hot cocoa while watching christmas movies and she had accepted in a heartbeat. what she didn't expect was for you to be wearing really cute pajamas, your legs covered in little hello kitty's and christmas trees with a plain red top and geez she could see you weren't wearing a bra.
hazel was a ticking time bomb, and when the two of you were sitting on the couch and she watched the reds and whites and golds dance across your face and you looked ovver at her with a 'what's wrong, hazie?' she exploded, smushing her lips onto yours in a mess of limbs and teeth.
she can feel your giggles in her mouth as she presses you down into the plush of the couch, her excited hands gripping your cheeks before brushing over your chest and gripping your waist, grinding her hips into yours and groaning when your giggle turned into high pitched moans.
it feels like she kisses you for hours before you reluctantly stop, your hands going to press into her shoulders when her head follows yours to resume making out. "hazel, as much as i'm enjoying this we were supposed to be taking this slowly. since when did you know how to...do that?"
"i dont know i just," she sighs as she tries to catch her breath, starting to get embarrassed about what a virginal mess she must look and be acting like. but you seem to like it, so she starts to not care all that much. "i just really want you. i wanna do everything with you."
you smile and hold her cheek in your hand, her eyes fluttering shut at your touch. you look at the gentle expression on her face, the slowing of her breath, and how her hips still occasionally stutter downward looking for yours, and you cant find it in your heart to deny her. you never really could.
"ok, hazie. we can do whatever you want-"
you're cut off before you can finish, the girl quickly rejoining your lips together and groping at your body once again.
when she gets back from vacation, hazel is less single, less unexperienced, and more than ready to throw this in pj's face.
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i kinda lost inspo for this can you tell :,(((( but i thought the idea was cute so take this thing. bye.
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toujoursrab · 13 days
Prompt: Shadow (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Pairing: Jegulus | Word Count: 463
“I’m not brave like Sirius.” Regulus murmured through the stillness of the air between them. James’ body was wrapped around him like a cocoon; arms and legs locked around his smaller frame and Regulus’ face nestled into James’ neck where he placed kisses every so often. They were in James four poster bed, the curtains drawn, and a silencing charm placed around them for total privacy.
“Who says you have to be like Sirius?” James answered back after a few moments, his tone soft and curious.
“I’m going home tomorrow, James.” Regulus sighed, closing his eyes tight. He wished he could be transported into another life. Just temporarily, maybe until Winter holidays were over and he could be back at Hogwarts ignoring the war raging outside the castle walls. “My parents expect me to take the mark.. I..”
James loosened his arm around Regulus so he could bring his hand up to card his fingers through Regulus’ dark curls. It always calmed the younger down. “Have you changed your mind?” James hated the way his stomach flipped at the thought of Regulus living for his parents and not himself. He knew what a good person Regulus was, he knew how pure his heart is. Sometimes he just struggled to make good choices.
“No.” he said firmly. His decision had been made. He wouldn’t be getting the mark. He didn’t want it. Now it was just relaying that piece of information to his parents. “I’m not getting it. I’m just scared. Terrified, actually.”
“No one expects you to be like Sirius. I’m glad you’re not like Padfoot, he’s an idiot half of the time.” James laughed fondly. “You’re brave too, Reg. By refusing the mark, telling your parents where you stand, stepping out from the shadows of how you were raised to be your own person—that’s so incredibly brave of you.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
“Maybe not right now, but it will once you finally tell them.” James’ moved a lock of hair behind Regulus’ ear, and slid his fingers down his jawline. He cupped his chin and pulled back a little so he could see Regulus’ face. Regulus’ grey eyes met James’ hazel. “No matter how the conversation goes, you have me. That means you’ll always have a home, a safe space, and someone who loves you just as you are. I won’t let you drown, Regulus.”
Regulus gave a slight nod of his head, leaned in and pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss. “I know, Jamie. I love you.”
Regulus wasn’t sure how the conversation with his parents would go, although he had some ideas, but he knew he would always have a place with James Potter and that was enough to calm his nerves for the night.  
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months
I never been this invested in fairly oddparents before. Like I'm so nervous about what's going to happen with Dev and Peri by the end of the season because if they get separated that would be the worst thing for both of them or if Dev gets his memories erased, he won't learn from any of this.
So to distract myself, I'm gonna think of what would happen when this show is renewed for season 2 (and it WILL be if I have anything to say about it!) like:
Peri getting embarrassed by his parents for not acting normal when they're humans in public because it's like winter and they're still in their regular clothes when outside, so he has to poof them up himself.
Dev getting invited to join in on holiday festivities with Hazel's family because we all know that's not gonna happen with Dale.
More time with Hazel, Dev, Jasmine, and Winn as a group.
Even more wacky neighbor shenanigans with Peri involved.
Same, my dear Anon, saaaaame. I remember FOP being one of my favorite shows when I was little (I remember being in elementary school and somehow stumbling upon the first couple seasons online, meaning I could watch it whenever, and to this day I still laugh when I remember the “Where did you get that?”-“Uh…. Internet?” bit, but there’s something so special about these characters I grew up watching and their silly hijinx and sweetheart new godkid getting into serialized shenanigans
I seriously hope we get at least one more season (or even TOH treatment where while the crew is put in the unfair position of having to rush through their story to wrap it up, but at least they get to wrap it up *cries in Infinity Train*)
I want all of the above, especially Dev getting to hang around Hazel’s family and getting exposed to a completely healthy family dynamic, and seeing Hazel, Jasmine, Winn, and Dev as a friend group in O:BT was absolutely delightful (I’m still sad the original show fazed out Chester and AJ over time — give our main character friends and let them keep them!)
Some other potential stories that I’d love to see
Another episode about Hazel’s hair. Diana actually grew on me (metaphorically) by the end and I wouldn’t hate if she became a reoccurring character. Plus it was amazing seeing an episode about a black character’s natural hair without it needing to be A Special Episode. They made that joke about “relaxing” and it almost flew over my head but when I got it I had to pause the episode because of my delighted laughter
An episode where Peri (who finally has his own human disguise) somehow gets roped into solo babysitting Hazel, Dev, Jasmine, and Winn (because for some reason kids really like me and whenever I visit my sister’s family I somehow always end up at an arts and crafts table talking about Ninjago with a bunch of 3-7 year olds and I need Peri to go through the same I Need An Adult — Oh No I Am The Adult emotions)
More Hazel and Antony shenanigans — maybe she visits him at college and wishes she could experience college life herself (knowing the types of jokes this crew likes making, there should be at least one student loans joke that makes you cry as much as it makes you laugh)
For that matter, even if it’s a long shot, I would love an episode that features the Wells Siblings and the Turner-Cosma-Fairywinkle Siblings. One set could have the A plot and the other could have the B plot, or they could all get up to shenanigans together, idc I just know that there are so many obvious parallels between Antony-Hazel and Timmy-Peri (the nearly identical age gap, the close relationship that had a wrench thrown into it when the older sibling grew up and moved away, the way the younger sibling looks up to the older one, etc) that I need to see explored somehow. Plus, maybe we could even get Peri and Antony bonding — since he’s a fairy, the way Peri aged is probably super weird, but developmentally he’s probably close enough to Antony that they could be peers. Give👏Peri👏A👏Friend
Does anybody remember that episode from the original series that was a back door pilot for a Crash Nebula spin off. It was one of my favorites as a kid and I would love if they did something like that with Prime Meridian Love — it could start with Hazel and Dev learning their favorite manga getting an anime adaption and doing everything they can to watch it premiere in English (or the crew could have the majority of the episode in Japanese and even make a sub vs dub joke)
Listen Peri was OP as a baby, and I need them to bring that up somehow. I don’t know, the could have him lose his wand and have to fight whatever the bad guy of the episode is with his bare hands and show off his martial arts skills. I can just picture Dev and Hazel’s reactions and I need to see it and see their faces when they learn he taught himself how to do that as a baby
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livwritesstuff · 9 months
‘tis my birthday today (it’s gotta be one of the worst birthdays to have, we don’t need to talk about it) anyways that’s where this is coming from
(also i’m not trying to imply that jan 1 is eddie’s bday. i wouldn’t wish that on anybody. besides, he is def a weirdo february aquarius)
The second half of the calendar year is nothing short of pandemonium for Eddie and Steve and their three daughters.
Moe’s birthday in late July kicks it off, almost immediately followed by Steve’s birthday in early August, then Hazel’s in September. Robbie’s birthday comes mere days after Halloween, and from there they dive headfirst into the bedlam of the holiday season.
Much to Eddie's relief, they all made it to yet another New Year's Day, and while the girls are definitely feeling the end-of-winter-break blues, Eddie welcomes the reprieve in festivities, brief as it may be.
His own birthday is up next – though not for another month.
He’s really not a birthday kind of guy. Never had been.
He loves making birthdays exciting for Steve and their daughters (they have a whole slew of traditions and everything – there’s names spelled out in pancakes involved; it's a very big deal), but his own…not so much.
It managed to fly under the radar for the past few years, but since this year is the big Five-Oh, he knows Steve won’t let him get away with that again.
Eddie has a complicated relationship with his birthday. When he was younger and the weight of Birthday Importance was at its peak, he never really celebrated the way other kids got to, and now, as an adult, he doesn’t know how to feel the things you’re supposed to feel about your birthday. 
Steve does a good job, despite Eddie’s weirdness. 
His favorite, Eddie thinks, was the year Moe was born, when Steve had managed to catch him off guard by renting a tiny cottage up in Maine for a few days.
“Moe or no Moe,” Steve had asked, “I’ve got Rob and Nance on standby.”
(They’d taken Moe. She saw snow for the first time. It was amazing, and people who don't want to involve their kids in stuff are a bunch of fucking weirdos).
Steve gives him a letter every year – handwritten on notebook paper and folded into whatever cheesy card he picks out.
Eddie keeps most of the letters in a fireproof lockbox along with all their passports and social security cards and birth certificates (look – Eddie doesn’t fuck around with priceless shit), but he keeps the most recent one – the one Steve gave him for his forty-ninth birthday nearly a year ago – in the top drawer of his bedside table.
He has it pretty much memorized at this point.
It says:
Ed! (with an exclamation point and everything – god, does Eddie love him)
Holy shit we’re getting old.
Writing this is making me think about all the ones from the beginning, when I’d write about our future together even though we didn’t have a damn clue what we were working towards for a while.
I think we’re in it, man. Crazy, right?
(The ink color suddenly switches from blue to purple)
Sorry for the color change. Hazy decided she needed a blue pen immediately. Hope your vision hasn’t gone totally to shit and you can still read the purple.
Anyways, since I have you hostage reading this, I’m gonna take the opportunity to discuss you, because you don’t let me in real life most of the time.
You are gorgeous. Best looking face I’ve ever seen. I wonder how much time I’ve lost off my day just staring at you (actually, not a loss. I take that back)
You suck at puzzles – I know that sounds bad, but it’s great for me. I need that to rub off on Moe because she’s getting pretty good and that’s gonna be a problem for me.
You make me laugh so fucking hard every day. I’m praying the girls get your sense of “elevated” humor or whatever you like to call it
You’re so fucking smart, Eddie. I count myself lucky for it endlessly
You are completely 100% you all the time. I’m still working on that I think but I’m getting there because of you. I’m glad all that shit we went through didn’t take that away from you.
the BEST dad. Can’t believe I didn’t say that sooner. Not to brag but our kids are turning out pretty awesome (can’t go around saying that too much though it’ll go right to their heads and then any power we have left goes out the window)
You’re probably the best person I’ve ever known. Don’t think I’ll be forgetting what a catch you are any time soon, because I won't.
Thank you for loving me even all these years later. My life is better every day that I’m with you.
We’ll keep things quiet this year. Don’t get used to it though. Next year’s gonna be a rager.
Love you always!
- Steve :) ♡ ☆
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gracev0609 · 3 months
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Love Blooms
Josh Kiszka X Female OC (Caroline)
Writing this really felt like we were creating a lovely little rom com movie. Enjoy this journey into an AU where the band doesn't exist and Josh is a kindergarten teacher who falls head over heels for one of his students moms, Caroline.
A @lipstickitty / gracev0609 collaboration.
WC: 10k+
Warnings: 18+ only, Minors DNI, mentions of an absent parent, explicit sex, cutie pie Josh (bc that deserves a warning).
There was a slight chill in the October air as Josh stood outside with his classroom. He pulled the sleeves of his sweater down over his fingertips as he waved goodbye to his kindergarten class as they left with their parent, one by one. Josh looked at his watch, it was officially ten minutes past dismissal time and one little girl, Martine, was left. He smiled at her as she sat on the ground with her slightly too large bubblegum pink backpack playing with the rocks.
“Mr. Kiszka! Look at this cool rock!” She extended her small hand holding it up for him to look at.
“That is so cool, Martine! It's very sparkly.”
Josh's eyes lifted to the parking lot as he squatted to the ground searching for her parent.
“I wanna keep it!” She exclaimed, putting it in her skirt pocket.
Finally an older model Toyota Corolla turned into the lot speeding to the spots near the front. Parking next to his truck a woman with long blonde curls, strikingly similar to Martine's, jumped out of the front seat .
“I am so so sorry Mr. Kiszka! The usual route I take to get here- well - the road was closed! And there was a crazy detour, and I am so sorry!”
He smiled at her rambling, holding his hands out in front of him,” It's okay! As long as you're alright, we're fine. Martine was showing me some cool rocks she found just now.”
“I hope I didn't make you late for your after school plans!”
He giggled,” Just dinner in front of the TV!”
She leaned down scooping up her daughter and hitching her on her hip,” Sounds about the same for us.”
He couldn't help but acknowledge her beauty, her hazel eyes that were almost green, her hair spiraling down to her waist. He thought she was quite an attractive person. She was beginning to turn away and walk back to the car when he stopped her,” Oh! I didn't catch your name before! Im, um, I'm Josh…. Josh Kiszka, obviously because I'm Mr. Kiszka.”
Giggling at his rambling,” Hi Josh. I'm Caroline. Caroline Hart.”
His brows furrow almost imperceptibly,” Martine has a different last name? I'm sorry if that was too forward.”
“Oh! No. Martine's dad isn't in the picture, we um, we never got married. It's just her and I.”
“Oh.. I'm sorry. That was inappropriate of me to ask.”
“Josh it's fine, really we're not upset, it's all we know. We have a beautiful life just us girls.”
Josh smiled again,” I'm sure you do, Martine is wonderful to have in class. Speaking of, I better let you go. I'll see you girls tomorrow!”
He extended his hand out for her to shake,” It was a pleasure meeting you Caroline.”
She slid her hand into his, gripping it and shaking it, she couldn't help but feel how soft and warm and gentle they felt.
“Bye Josh. We'll see you tomorrow.”
And with that she turned and took her daughter to the car, strapping her into her car seat. Her mind was running so fast, she couldn't shake how attractive she thought he was, how kind he seemed. He's a kindergarten teacher after all.
Once Caroline got into her car safely Josh made his way to his own vehicle. His own mind racing, she was so beautiful and so strong. How could he possibly find one of his students' moms so attractive?
One frigid December morning, Josh was setting up his classroom for the class Christmas party early before his students arrived. The room had already been decked out in winter decorations since the beginning of December, but this was the last day of school before holiday break and he wanted to go all out for it. He strung lights around his desk and hung some ornaments and tinsel on some of the plants he kept in the room.
On the table, he’d set out a few different bottles of juice and a couple trays of cookies he’d made himself the night before just for the party, decorating them all night long. He’d sent a newsletter home the week before encouraging all the parents to come if they could make it and he was truly looking forward to it.
Once his classroom was decorated to his liking, he took a seat at his desk, tidying up some stray papers and various other belongings just to pass the time. Finally his kids started filing in, holding the hands of the adults dropping them off and greeting him with big smiles. He must have heard a chorus of at least 15 different “good morning, Mr. Kiszka”s when everyone had made their way inside.
He watched the kids hang their backpacks on their little hooks and take their seats, the parents that had to get to work kissing their children goodbye and making their exit, the ones that were staying for the party finding a seat near their child. With a glance over at the table holding the refreshments, he noticed that a few of the parents had brought something as well. He felt the corners of his lips turn up into a small smile when he saw Caroline sitting with Martine, brushing her long blonde curls out of her face.
Josh stood and made his way to the front of the room, “Good morning everybody!! I’m so glad all of you could make it to our Christmas party!” He beamed at his students. “It’s the last day of school before we go on Christmas break so we’re just gonna eat our snacks and have fun, okay? It’s a party!” He giggled, crossing the room to the snack table and telling everyone to line up to take their picks. He handed each one a napkin with their treat, giving them all a warm smile.
He greeted Martine with a smile as she grabbed a brownie off a tray that he hadn’t brought in, assuming one of the parents must have brought them. “My mommy made these.” She declared proudly, grinning at her teacher.
“Did she? That’s so cool! They look really good, I’ll have to try one!” His nose scrunched in a grin as he handed the little girl a napkin. She skipped back over to her mother and he continued handing out the treats.
Once everyone was back in their seats enjoying their snacks, Josh grabbed a cookie and a brownie for himself and took them over to his desk, staying true to his word about trying Martine’s mom’s brownies. It was one of the best brownies he’d ever eaten, not that he was expecting anything else.
His cheeks flushed when he made eye contact with Caroline as he was taking his second bite and she smiled a little smugly watching him enjoy the brownie.
A short while later, Josh broke out a few board games he kept in his classroom for free days, setting them up for anyone who wanted to play. He watched a few kids with their parents pick out a game to play, Martine leading a laughing Caroline straight to the Candyland board. Then Martine made her way over to him, “Mr. Kiszka, will you please play Candyland with us?” She asked with a slight pout. He glanced over to the board and saw that another child and parent had come over to play also so he figured it couldn’t hurt anything. He enthusiastically played through the game with the kids, cheering them on.
At the end of the school day, Josh hovered over by the classroom door, telling each of his kids goodbye and wishing them a good Christmas break and thanking each of their parents for coming. Martine and Caroline were the last ones out, Martine having taken her sweet time packing up her belongings, but he didn’t mind one bit.
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Kiszka!” Martine shouted, clapping her hands excitedly.
“Merry Christmas, Josh! I bet you’re looking forward to spending the break at home with your partner!” Caroline said with a sweet smile.
“I’m actually single right now, it’ll just be me!” He chuckled a little. “Might go see my family.”
“I’m sorry to assume!” She laid her hand on his arm gently. “I don’t have anyone right now either, it’ll just be us girls.” She pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead.
“That’s a shame, really. You’re too beautiful to be by yourself over the holidays.” He flirted, her cheeks burning red. She sputtered for a second, trying to come up with a response but drawing a blank as he giggled and wished them a merry Christmas once more, waving as they walked out the door.
Spring had sprung, and the plants in Josh's classroom were growing. Many of his trailing pothos had new leaves, their vines spreading out long in the welcome sunshine. While watering them one morning he saw that most if not all of the babies on his spider plant were quite large. An idea sparking in his head, he grabbed scissors and plastic sandwich baggies. Carefully he poked a few holes in each bag before snipping off enough spiderettes to send home to each child.
Once the end of the day was nearing, the kids had practiced their shapes and their alphabet. They went outside and played in the warming sun. Josh gathered up the plants in his hands before explaining what he was doing.,” Okay everyone! I have a surprise for all of you today. One of my plants grew enough babies that I am able to give each of you a little plant. Im sending you all home with a care sheet, along with your plant. You're going to want to plant it in some dirt, and put the pot in a nice sunny spot so it can grow big and beautiful. Also! You'll want to water it once a week, but that's all written on your sheets.”
One by one he walked around the room placing the baggie on each child's desk.
Once he got to Martine's desk she was practically vibrating out of her seat,” Mr. Josh I love plants! They're so pretty! My mommy has some! She has a huge one called a monster plant!”
Another child, Marcus, interrupted her,” You called him Mr. Josh! His name is Mr. Kiszka!”
Martine opened her mouth to argue back and Josh quickly jumped in,” Well, actually they're both my names. Like you have a first name and a last name, so do I! But, we want to call our teachers by their last names, so that's why I'm called Mr. Kiszka.”
Turning his attention to Martine,” I hope you and your mom enjoy your new plant!”
Another school day ended and Josh stood dutifully at the door waiting for each child's parents to come and pick them up, saying goodbye to each one. Soon enough Caroline was making her way through the door and Martine was gleefully greeting her,” Mommy! Look at the plant we got today!”
She held the baggie up, letting her mom inspect it,” Oh nice baby! We don't have this one yet, it's been on mommy's list.”
Josh's eyes widened, and he made his way over to them, whispering,”Do you want another one? I can quick snip you off another baby.”
She smirked, her cheeks pinkening,” Would you? I'd love that.”
“Anything for you Miss Caroline.”
Pretending to sneak over to his desk he grabbed a pair of scissors. He held his free hand up to his lips, making a ‘shh’ motion, before he slinked over to his plant and snipping another baby off. Quickly he set his scissors down in his cup of pens and pencils and walked back over to the girls. Extending his hand out he held the small spider plant baby in his palm,” For you.”
She smiled, he really was so sweet, she kept her voice low,” Thank you Josh.”
Caroline smiled as sweetly as she could, but quite frankly she was bored. She wished she could be doing quite literally anything else besides sitting here across from this man at this restaurant/ bar. He droned on and on about his vehicle, a lifted something with a V something else engine. Trying not to roll her eyes she tried to steer the conversation elsewhere but it kept circling back to his damn car. All she wanted was a nice dinner, a little conversation and hopefully a halfway decent time in bed. She clicked on her phone, peering at the lock screen looking to see if her mom texted her, but no there was no update or emergency text about Martine. In need of stretching her legs, and a break from this conversation she excused herself and walked her wine glass back up to the bar. She scanned the bar top looking for a place where she could wedge herself in and get a refill. She found an opening next to a man in a black oversized jacket with long brown hair flowing down his back. Squeezing herself in, she waited on the bartender's attention when she heard a familiar voice call her name,” Caroline?!”
Turning her head to the left she found him sitting next to the man with the long hair,” Josh?!”
“What are you doing here? This place is kind of a dive,” he chuckled,” Come sit with us! This is my brother, Jake. Jake, this is Caroline.”
He smiled and waved hello before taking a swig of his beer. Briefly she thought about her date, but decided that she'd have a much better time sitting with Josh then she ever would with him. She sat down in the empty barstool next to him. After Jake called the bartender over she took your order as well as Josh's, and Jake told her to close his tab and handed her his card.
“Have a nice night Josh. It was a pleasure Caroline.”
Another glass of white wine was placed in front of her as well as an amber colored beer in front of Josh. He took a sip,” So really, why are you here?”
Giggling she replied,”Oh! I was on a date. He picked this place. He was horribly boring, he only talked about his car.”
Josh gasped,” No! Not a car guy!”
“Yeah… a car guy.’ She put her head in her hands and laughed,” Thank you for the plants by the way, that was sweet.”
“Oh! No big deal, I had plenty to share. Martine was telling me that you like plants?’
Josh twists in his chair, his hand coming to rest on the back of hers, his thumb stroking across her bare skin exposed in her sleeveless top. She felt a shiver run down her spine at the light contact.
“I love plants. We have quite a few! A few cactuses, some pothos, and a large monstera. We got it when it was only three little leaves and now it's enormous!”
Josh beamed, her excitement mirroring her daughters when she was talking about the plants earlier,” You're really cute Caroline. I hope I'm not overstepping, but I find everything about you really attractive.”
She blushed, placing her hand on his thigh, gently squeezing the muscle,” I find you really attractive too. You're very kind, and you're pretty, and my daughter talks about you constantly. Can I tell you a secret?” She asked leaning forward, her lips brushing against his earlobe,” After every encounter we have, I can't stop thinking about you.”
Josh's breath shuttered, eager to see where the night takes them,” I can't stop thinking about you either.”
She leans back, smiling sweetly and grabbing her wine glass as she downs the rest of the pale yellow effervescent liquid.
“One more round and then we go?” She smiled, running her tongue across her top row of teeth.
“Um. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely, I want to.” Josh stuttered.
They continued to flirt through their next drink, talking, laughing and touching.
Josh and Caroline stand, moving down to the cash register so their tab can be closed out.
“I got it, really, teachers salary isn't that bad,” Josh chuckled.
She leaned in to him, slipping her hand under his shirt, her fingers trailing up and down his spine,” Thank you Josh.” She could feel him reacting to her touch, goose bumps forming under her palm.
Once the tab was closed he led her out of the bar towards his truck.
“I'll tell you where to go, I don't live too far.” Caroline told him as she directed him which way to turn once he was out on the main road.
A few turns later Josh clears his throat,” I don't want to be presumptuous or anything but… Do we need to stop at the drug store first?”
Caroline laughs, her hand reaching over the center console, gliding up his thigh getting closer and closer to his crotch,” No, sweetie. I have plenty of condoms at home.”
Josh smiles, one corner of his mouth turning up, his hand pulling hers off of his body before wandering over to her jean covered thigh, squeezing and kneading the flesh between his fingers.
She grabs his hand sliding it higher until it meets the warm juncture of her thighs.
Josh mutters fuck under his breath.
“Needy girl…”
“My mom has Martine for the night, and I really want to have fun, preferably with you. Could you believe I was going to give it up to the car guy if I hadn't ran into you?”
Josh cups her heat with more pressure,” He wouldn't have deserved it Caroline. You need someone to treat you as sweet as you are.”
She thought for a moment, from where she stood he seemed like the sweetest and most deserving man of a fun evening. She was happy that she ran into him.
As they pulled into her driveway, Josh’s fingers trailed along her inner thighs and then tangled in her hair, pulling her face close to his. “I’m really glad we ran into each other tonight.” He whispered, glancing down to her lips and leaning in ever so slightly closer.
“I was just thinking that.” She giggled, leaning in and closing the gap, pressing her plush pink lips to his. His eyes fluttered closed and he deepened the kiss, letting out a soft sigh into her mouth. After gently sucking her bottom lip between his and giving it a little nip, he pulled away and shut the car off, shutting his own door and jogging around the front to open Caroline’s as well. She watched him shut her door and then took his hand, leading him into her home for the first time.
She slammed the door behind them, “I’ll give you the grand tour.” She giggled, still pulling him by the hand. They walked all the way down the hallway passing the bathroom and the smaller bedroom he assumed to be Martine’s, until they reached her bedroom. “Here it is!” She laughed, flopping down onto the edge of her bed and raising her eyebrows at him.
“Wonderful tour, 5 stars. Very thorough.” Josh chuckled, coming to stand in between her legs and leaning in for another kiss. He couldn’t get enough of the way she tasted, the little sounds she made when his hands roamed her body, locating each sensitive spot and making mental notes of all of them.
Caroline’s hands started out buried in his hair, wandering down his neck to his chest as the kiss grew more heated. He hummed happily as she familiarized herself with the full expanse of his torso, whining when she separated their lips to rip his shirt over his head. The disappointment was very short lived, her mouth going straight to his neck as soon as the garment had been cast aside.
She wanted so badly to leave marks on him, sink her teeth into his throat, but she knew she couldn’t with all the little sets of eyes that were on him every day. She settled for soft, open mouthed kisses and tracing her tongue over his skin until she arrived at his chest, now that she could leave marks on. He let out a soft gasp when she bit into the muscle of his right pec, soothing over it with her tongue as she ran her fingers down his stomach.
He broke the kiss, a little breathless as he rushed to get her undressed. He stopped to take her in for a moment once he got her in just her lacy black bra and thong. “This was for him?” Josh scoffed. “That fucking car guy couldn’t have handled you, sweetheart.”
A sweet little breathy moan escaped from her when his lips met the heated skin of her chest, kisses and gentle nips of his teeth drawing the prettiest sounds from her. “Pants off, Josh.” She whispered, ghosting her fingers over the bulge straining the fabric.
He stood back a bit to kick the material off his legs, not caring where they ended up. He watched her eyes rake over him, blushing a little under her gaze. “What the hell do you do on the weekends, Kiszka? I know you didn’t get those muscles in your classroom.” She cackled, flopping backward into the mountain of pillows at the head of the bed. He opened his mouth to answer but no words came out as she hooked her fingers into the strings of her thong, pulling it down her legs tossing it at him. Reaching between her breasts she unclasped her bra, letting it slide down her shoulders.
“Come here big boy..’ she teased grabbing her breasts in her hands squeezing the plush flesh.
“You're so beautiful…” Josh slipped his underwear off, giving himself a few tugs of relief before climbing up onto the bed. He kissed her hard before gliding down her body, his face nuzzling and kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples making her back arch into him.
She whined his name, gently pushing his head further down her body.
“You want me to lick it? Suck on it, make you feel so so good?”
Cupping her hands around his face her eyes pleaded before her lips did.
“Please Josh… eat me out?”
His lips left hot kisses down her tummy, kissing her mound. Her legs spread wide, welcoming him. Her breath caught, as he dipped his tongue in her wet folds. Groaning, she tilted her head back enjoying the feeling. He lapped at her swollen bud, swirling his tongue around it, licking and sucking. Dipping his tongue down he teased her sopping wet entrance. Slipping his tongue inside, she gasped. Licking his way back up to her clit he babied it in his mouth until her legs were shaking.
“Cum for me baby, please, right in my mouth.”
One final hard suck on her clit and pleasure was crashing down on her in waves, delicious Josh induced waves. When she finally came down he pulled his mouth away as she was panting desperately trying to catch her breath.
“You're…. You're good at that.” She breathed, her breasts heaving.
Gently he moved back up her body, his wet warm mouth leaving kisses on her breasts.
She pushes his curls back away from his forehead,” Can… can I go down on you?”
“No honey, not tonight, we can get to that later I just want to make you feel good.’
He continues to press kisses to wherever he can reach.
“ Josh?”
“It's been a little while since I've last… had fun with a man.” Caroline told him, cheeks reddening.
“Don't worry honey, I'm gonna take my time, treat you so well… you deserve it.”
She sighed melting into the pillows,” I want you now Josh, want to feel you.”
He whispered okay,moving off of her body so she could retrieve the condom from her nightstand. After a moment of digging she hands him a square. Quickly he unwraps it, rolling it down his cock. She rolls back over, hitching her leg over his thigh, a slight pout on her face,” You didn't even let me touch your cock.”
Josh laughs,” I'm sorry, you said you wanted me now.”
She skirted her hand down his slightly soft stomach, over his hip bones, before lightly teasing the suede soft skin of his uncovered shaft. She dances her fingertips over his latex covered cock until she takes him firmly in her hand squeezing him while rubbing his slit with her thumb. His voice comes out gravelly, reveling in her touch,” Do you have more condoms? Because I'd really like to take this off so I can feel your touch.”
She leans back over to root through her nightstand, he can't help but watch as her breasts jiggle as she moves. Giggling, she tosses a strip of golden foil at him.
“We have enough for a do over, and another round or two if you're up for the challenge.”
He swallows harshly, could he be falling in love already? Before he can move her hands are on him, rolling off the latex, tossing it into the trash can. She grips him in her fist, slick from the inside of the condom and begins pumping him. He melts back into the pillows, not remembering the last time someone's hands felt this good. She works him until he's twitching and leaking,” Are you sure I can't suck it? You have such a pretty cock.”
Josh whines, she's so pretty with such a filthy mouth.
“Just let me taste you baby. Real quick.”
Dipping her head down she sticks her tongue out, lapping up the trail of precum. She hums when the earthy salty taste of his arousal meets her tongue. Opening up another foil packet she carefully rolls it down his length, her hands moving further downwards to cup his warm balls making him gasp.
“You're such a tease Caroline. God, I haven't been this worked up in ages.’
Quickly he flips her onto her back, smiling as she looks up at him with lust filled doe eyes. He leans down, kissing her,” Gonna be so good to you…”
Her legs part naturally to accommodate his hips, fisting himself he lines up gently pushing himself inside. So slowly he enters her, her tight walls relaxing against him. Soon enough he's fully sheathed inside her warm wetness, he can feel her clenching and unclenching around him. “Such a good girl, taking me so well. You wrapped me up in velvet, feels so good baby.”
Josh continues kissing her, his lips melding with hers as she continues to adjust to him. In between kisses she tells him that he can start to move. Slowly he rears his hips back, pulling out only half way, before pushing back in giving her a gentle thrust. A small moan slips from her lips, as he does it again and again gently working up to a regular pace. Little gasps and whines freely fall from her lips, she can't keep quiet and they're ringing in his ears. Her hands pulling him closer, she gasps,” Just a little harder Josh, mm so close.”
In no time she's crying out, clenching hard around him as she cums for the second time, Josh grits his teeth and fucks her through it. Sloppy wet thrusts ring out in her bedroom, he can't get over how messy her pretty cunt is, coating his entire length, dampening his pubic hair.
“You feel so good baby. So so good, fuck…” she clenches around him causing him to whine,” I'm gonna cum soon.”
She cups his face, his cheeks pink and his curls damp and sweaty,” Do it Joshy, I wanna watch you. I bet you cum so pretty.”
He gasps, jaw falling slack, his eyebrows furrow and he moans falling under the waves of pleasure of his own orgasm. Caroline whines as she feels him pulsing, filling up the latex with his warmth. Josh pumps his hips a few more times letting her warm walls coax out every drop he has to give. Stroking his cheeks she coos,” Good boy Josh. I felt you, felt so good.”
Dazed from his orgasm he pulls out, tying off the rubber and putting in the trash can next to her bed. Turning back to her he snuggles into her body, his head resting in her lower stomach showering it with kisses. He looks up at her, big brown eyes pleading,” Can I eat you out until I get hard again?”
She giggles, tangling her fingers in his curls, gently pushing his head down.
The next morning Josh woke a little startled, realizing he wasn’t in his own bed. Once he took in his surroundings though, he realized he was in Caroline’s bed, fully bare and pressed against her body, holding her against his chest. He took the time to really look at her, studying her features while she slept. He couldn’t believe how beautiful he thought she was even sleeping, the little puffs of her breath heating his skin.
He watched her eyes gently move under her lids, wondering what she was dreaming about. Slowly, feather lightly, he traced one finger down her nose and over her lips, her nose scrunching up a bit in her sleep. When she started to stir he trailed his fingers up and down her spine, gently rousing her from her slumber.
A grin stretched across his face when her eyes fluttered open, “Good morning gorgeous.” He pressed sweet kisses to her cheeks and forehead making her giggle.
She yawned, “Morning Josh.” Her eyes opened a little wider, “Shit, what time is it?”
His hand reaches out to the bedside table, searching for his phone. He brings the device closer to his face, eyes narrowing a bit as his still sleepy eyes adjust to looking at the screen.
“It’s… 10:30. Why?” His brows furrowed in confusion.
“Fuck. My mom will be dropping Martine off any minute now. I didn’t set an alarm, I never sleep this late!” She whined, jumping up off the bed and dashing to her closet, rooting around for something, anything for the two of them to wear before her daughter arrived.
“Hey, it’s okay. We can just tell Martine I came over to check on the spider plant babies. If we don’t act like anything’s wrong, she won’t think anything’s wrong.” Josh soothed, coming up behind her to gently rub some of the tension from her shoulders as she searched.
Finally she emerged from the closet with the baggiest pair of sweats she owned and a big t-shirt for Josh, and a pair of black leggings and a t-shirt for herself. They dressed quickly, frantically trying to tame each other’s wild hair as soon as they were clothed, then they heard the front door open and shut followed by Martine’s excited voice as she made her way inside. She was eager to tell her mom about all the fun things she and her grandmother had done.
“Living room, she can’t find us in here. Go, go!” Caroline whisper-yelled, tugging him by the hand out into the hallway. They reached the living room, a little out of breath, just before Martine walked in there.
Her eyes popped a little when she saw her teacher in her living room, a big smile taking over her face, “Mr. Kiszka!!” She squealed, running over to both of them.
“Hi, Martine! I just came to check on the spider plant babies for you and your mom since you’ve never had them before! They’re doing so well, I’m so proud of you!” Josh beamed at her.
Caroline and Josh both took a seat on the couch, Martine excitedly climbing up right in between them. “I was just about to put on some coffee, Josh, would you like a cup?” He nodded with a grateful smile, watching as she walked off into the kitchen.
“Did you have fun with grandma, baby?” Caroline asked her daughter as she made her way back over to the couch to sit while the coffee brewed.
Martine enthusiastically launched into the full play by play of everything they’d done, absolutely thrilled to be telling her mom and her favorite teacher about her day. “We worked in the garden and she let me help pull weeds and plant seeds, and we made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and she let me stay up late watching movies but I’m not supposed to tell!” Her sentence ended in a whisper looking directly at Josh, seemingly forgetting her mother was right on the other side. Throughout her story she’d been inching closer and closer to Josh, so excited to see him at her house that she’d ended up almost in his lap, little hands gesturing wildly as she spoke.
Caroline was almost in a daze, watching Josh interact with her baby so sweetly, the way he really listened to her and responded perfectly, her heart melting. Finally she snapped out of it and noticed how close Martine had scooted over to him, giggling a little, “Remember, personal space, baby.” She gently reminded the little girl, brushing her fingers through her baby’s soft blonde locks.
“Oh no she’s fine, she’s just excited! Don't worry about it, really!” Josh laughed, turning his head just briefly to meet her gaze and her breath caught in her chest. His big brown eyes so soft and sweet as he looked between her and her daughter, he looked like he was really truly happy to be there with them.
Finally Caroline’s eyes zeroed in on his crotch, even the big, baggy sweats not doing much to hide anything. She let her mind wander for a moment, thinking about the night before, how he’d looked and felt between her legs, and all the other things she’d still love to do to him.
“Mommy, can I go color?” Martine’s big hazel eyes meeting her mother’s that so closely matched her own.
“Of course baby, your coloring books and crayons are on the kitchen table.” She smiled at her little girl, kissing the top of her head before she ran off to the kitchen.
“What’re you thinking about?” Josh asked with a smirk once Martine was out of earshot, having noticed her staring.
“Oh nothing, just the fact that those sweats you have on really don’t hide very much.”
His cheeks burned red and he searched his mind far and wide for something to fire back but couldn’t think of anything, not with the way she’d just caught him off guard and the small child happily coloring in the next room.
His face fell a little as his thoughts started to race, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. He felt a sinking in the pit of his stomach and it really threw him, he’d been so completely happy just minutes before. “Hey, Caroline… I had the best time with you, really. You’re incredible and I really want to spend more time with you, and I don’t want to upset you, but… I don’t think we can be anything serious right now. I’m her teacher, my job could be on the line. Fuck.”
Her heart plummeted into her stomach though she knew he was right, nodding once in agreement. “You’re right. Nothing more until she’s out of your class.” Her voice was soft, looking at his chin so she didn’t have to directly meet his gaze, afraid if she did her lip might start trembling.
Josh sighed heavily, pulling her into his arms and gently petting her hair back. “I should go, but I’d really like to see you again, Caroline.” He whispered, leaving her with a chaste kiss to her lips and a soft squeeze to her shoulder.
“Are you leaving, Mr. Kiszka?” Martine asked innocently.
“Yeah, I gotta get going but I’ll see you at school Monday okay? Keep up the good work with the plants!” He waved at her as he let himself out. He wasn’t sure what the hell he’d gotten himself into.
Josh had his AC cranked in his little modular classroom, he was trying his best to keep his kiddos cool. The metal box he taught in got warm quickly especially in the first few hot days of spring.
“Okay everyone! Let's pack everything up, it's almost dismissal time.”
Martine wiggled in her seat, jutting her hand high above her head as he walked by her desk.
“Yes, Martine.” He stopped in front of her and smiled.
“Mr. Kiszka! My plants are growing!”
His grin grew wider,” That's amazing Martine, you must be taking excellent care of them.”
Yet again,with the repetition of the school day parents slowly filed in to pick up their children. A few students' parents returned their permission slips for the spring field trip, he gathered them in his hands walking back behind his desk. Sitting down in his desk chair he leaned over opening the filing cabinet, finding the correct spot he placed them in with the others. While his head was buried in his papers he heard his most favorite familiar voice,” Hi Joshy.”
He smiled wide, lifting his eyes to her. Upon noticing her figure wrapped up in a tight tank top and short denim shorts he began blushing,” Hi Caroline. How are you?”
She smiles at him, leaning down over his desk, handing him a slip of paper,” Here's Martine's permission slip.”
Very subtly she pushed her chest out, and he gulped. The pink in his cheeks intensifies as he feels the familiar stirring in his pants.
“Thank you…’ he fumbles with the paper in his hands.
“You good Josh?” She smirks knowing exactly what is happening beneath his desk.
“Mmhmm! Yeah! I'm fine. Um, have a good night!”
She whispers,” You're cute when you're flustered.”
Martine waves goodbye as her mom ushers her out of his classroom. Josh crosses his arms and lays his head down on his desk wondering how she has so much of a hold over him. He couldn't believe he saw the slightest peek of her breasts spilling out and he got a boner like a damn teenager. After a few deep breaths he hears his phone vibrating in his desk drawer. He opens the drawer, grabbing it and unlocking it. Inside he finds a text from Caroline.
Caroline: It's okay baby, I was also thinking about riding you earlier today.
His jaw drops staring at his phone, unable to stop the blood flowing to his groin he huffs out a breath and starts typing away.
Josh: …. You're evil.
Josh: You couldn't have even waited until I got home. What am I supposed to do now?
Caroline: You could come over, say around 10?
Josh: Will you be able to stay quiet?
Caroline: You'll just have to push my face into the pillows.
Josh dropped his phone, clattering on his desk. Muttering fuck under his breath. Quickly he typed one more message before gathering his things to go home.
Josh: I'll be there, 10 o'clock sharp.
Josh locked the classroom door and walked over to his truck climbing in and he sat down, starting it and shifting into drive. Through his commute home he couldn't help but think about Caroline, imagining himself taking her from behind and pushing her gorgeous face into the pillows on her bed. He imagined her moaning into them with every thrust of his hips. Admittedly his cock was still hard and his wandering thoughts were only making him throb. His right hand dropped from the steering wheel, coming to his crotch. Slowly he started rubbing himself through his pants, and he gently groaned. He wanted it to be Caroline's hand on him, hers had felt so good the night before. He teased himself and squeezed his cock the entire ride home, by the time he pulled into his driveway he knew his underwear was soaked in his precum.
Taking a deep breath he gathered his things and made his way inside his home. Dropping his things off at the kitchen table he beelines it to his shower eager to get himself ready for his evening.
Josh put his truck in park in Caroline’s driveway before sending her a text.
Josh: Let me in?
A few moments later he saw Caroline stick her head out the front door, waving him in with a big grin.
“That was a mean trick you played on me today, baby.” Josh spoke softly right in her ear once the door was safely shut behind him, one of his hands brushing her long curls away from her neck before laying a few gentle kisses over her skin. She playfully shushed him with one finger over his lips, pointing over her shoulder to Martine’s room before folding her hands under her head to say ‘she’s asleep’.
She took him by the hand and dragged him down the hall to her bedroom. She pushed the door closed behind them so slowly it didn’t even make a creak before pouncing on Josh, tackling him to the bed.
“Was I so mean to you, Joshy?” She feigned a pout, slipping her hand between their bodies to grip his length over his pants. He shivered a little at the contact, having been craving her touch all day long.
“So mean.” He agreed, pulling her hips down against his own trapping her hand in between. “You had me so hard I had to touch myself on the drive home, needed you so bad.” He leaned up to attach his lips to her neck, teasing kisses and nibbles making her shudder as she tightened her grip, squeezing his cock harder through the fabric.
“That’s really fucking hot, Josh. So desperate you couldn’t even wait until you got home.” She connected their lips in a heated kiss, running her tongue across his lower lip prompting him to deepen it.
Finally she pulled away to take a breath, leaning to the side a bit to give herself a better angle to undo his pants, pulling them down his thighs as best she could and letting him kick them off the rest of the way. “Your turn.” He whispered, taking the opportunity to rip her tank top over her head. She knelt on the mattress to unbutton and unzip her shorts, Josh helping her slide them down and off her legs.
One handed, Josh ripped his own shirt off before flipping Caroline on her back and crawling over top of her, peppering kisses where the tops of her breasts were spilling out of her lacy white bra. He brought one hand down to cup her over her thong, the slight pressure pulling a gasp from her lips.
“You’re so wet, baby. Did being a little tease get you all worked up too?” He smirked, pushing the fabric to the side to swipe two fingers through her soaked folds, feeling her practically drenching his hand. She nodded, her hips bucking into his touch.
Josh reached underneath her body to unclasp her bra, gently sliding it from her arms and taking her in for a moment. Cheeks all flushed with arousal, lips slick and kiss-swollen, nipples pebbled aching for his touch.
He swooped down and swirled his tongue over one before fully enveloping it in the wet warmth of his mouth, the suction and gentle graze of his teeth over her flesh drawing out a whine.
“Gotta stay quiet for me, baby. Or do you need your face buried in the pillows already?” He taunted as he pulled her thong down her thighs, taking his bottom lip between his teeth at the sight of her spread out for him.
“Please?” She begged, her big hazel eyes pleading with his.
He stifled a groan, the fucking begging. “Flip over for me.” He rasped, waiting for her to comply. Josh stripped his boxers off while Caroline got situated, biting back another noise at the sight of her on all fours, back arched, looking at him over her shoulder.
He situated himself on his back between her thighs, pulling her hips down to attach his lips to her dripping center. Hearing the beginnings of a whine about to escape, Josh reached one hand up to gently push her head down into the pillows. His other hand dipped down between his own legs, stroking himself gently to alleviate some of the ache. His tongue dragged through her folds, savoring the sweet taste of her arousal on his tongue. Even though her cries were being muffled into the mountain of pillows, they were still some of the prettiest sounds he’d ever heard. She felt his tongue circle her swollen, sensitive clit before sucking it into his mouth, spoiling it as his first two fingers on his free hand circled her entrance. Her muffled moans and pushing her hips back into his hand were all the encouragement he needed, pushing both fingers fully into her. He pumped them in and out with a curling motion, hitting her g-spot with perfect precision while his mouth worked diligently against her clit. In what felt like no time at all he felt her walls beginning to clench around his fingers, not switching up a single thing he led her right off the edge into her first orgasm. He worked her through it, relishing in the soft sounds the pillows didn’t completely silence.
When her body slumped forward into the sheets, Josh slowly removed his fingers, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He stretched his arm across the bed to the bedside table, opening the top drawer to retrieve a condom. Her arm reached out blindly, trying to locate the drawer or possibly point them out but Josh gripped her wrist, gently bringing her arm back to her side.
“Don’t you dare move an inch, Caroline. I remember where they are. Sneaky little girl, hiding them under a magazine…” he warned, ripping the foil open and rolling the latex down his cock tugging it a few times.
At his warning Caroline seemed to find her second wind, fixing her position where she had basically folded on the bed and arching her back, wiggling her hips to encourage him to hurry up.
“Bite down if you need to baby, we can’t wake her up.” He growled, finally pushing into her tight wet heat. He muffled a groan with a bite on her shoulder blade, building up to a steady pace with his hands gripping onto her hips.
Caroline’s moans and whimpers gradually increased in volume prompting him to push her head down into the pillow a bit more, her teeth sinking into it in a desperate attempt to keep quiet. Her hips kept rocking back to meet his thrusts and the tip of his cock hit her cervix with the most delicious painful pleasure. Josh was draped over her back, letting out little grunts into her ear. He bit down on his bottom lip until it almost drew blood, feeling her starting to flutter and clench around his pulsing cock.
One of his hands left her hips to snake around and rub quick circles around her clit, feeling her body start to shake with her impending release.
“Cum for me Caroline,” his whisper was strained in her ear, holding back his own climax until he gets to feel her cumming around him. “God you feel so fucking good, c’mon baby soak my cock.” He gritted through clenched teeth, his words sending her over the edge biting down hard on the pillow as her eyes rolled back. The gush of wetness flooding around him combined with how tight she was squeezing him sent him over the edge, cock twitching wildly as he pumped his release into the condom and his hips came to a stop.
Slowly he pulled out of her and removed the condom, tying it off and throwing it into the trash. He flopped back onto the pillows, pulling Caroline’s body into his where she’d collapsed boneless on the bed. He held her close to his chest, brushing his lips over the top of her head and stroking his fingers up and down her back.
Her eyes were barely open, a blissed out smile on her lips with her face buried in Josh’s chest letting her hand trail over his chest. “Are you— will you stay?” She yawned, voice all dreamy, and he knew she was barely even conscious.
“Yeah, of course I’ll stay.” He whispered, kissing her goodnight and soaking in the feeling of her skin on his.
The end of the week was nearing, and Josh was feeling it. The kids in his class had been extra rambunctious and his late night escapades had drained his energy. Jake had asked him to go out, but ultimately Josh suggested that he come over and they could chill out on his patio with a cold case of beer.
Josh was already leaning back on his patio chair in the early evening sun when he heard Jake's car door shut in his driveway.
“Already back here!” Josh called over his shoulder.
Jake emerged from the side of his house carrying the case of beer in one hand and a cheap pack of gas station cigars in the other.
“Hey fucker. What's up man, rough week?” Jake asked, sitting down in the lounge chair next to him.
Josh ripped open the cardboard box, plucking a still icy beer and cracking it open. After taking a swig he replies,”Not necessarily rough, just long. The kids are getting rowdy, they're definitely comfortable now. And I think they're acting up because it's actually nice outside and they just want to play,” he took another swig and smirked over his bottle,” I've had some really late nights too, haven't been home much.”
Jake looked over at him, pale grey smoke billowing from between his lips as he took the first drag of his cigar,” Not home? Does this have anything to do with that chick we ran into at that bar?”
“It does.” Josh said, reaching for the pack of cigars and bic lighter.
Jake cocked his head to the side,” Come on now, don't make me pry it out if yah.”
Josh just shook his head, the grin never leaving his lips. “So, are you two like… a thing now?”
“No, not a thing.” He lit his own cigar, taking a puff, “We’ve just hooked up a few times. Nothing serious.” He explained, voice coming out a little thick from the smoke being exhaled while he spoke.
Jake took a couple sips of his own drink, meeting Josh’s eyes with a skeptical look on his face. “You? A booty call?” His eyes sparkled as a smirk formed on his face, ready to make all the jokes he could at his brother’s expense.
“Yes, asshole, a booty call. If you must word it like that.” Josh scoffed, rolling his eyes. He chugged the remainder of his beer before opening a fresh one.
“You? Mr. Relationship? What happened, was that her idea?”
“No, actually it was mine.” Josh’s voice got quieter, knowing he wouldn’t get away with not explaining further.
“Gonna need a bit more than that.” Jake laughed, playfully shoving his shoulder.
“It was my idea not to be anything serious because she’s one of my student’s moms.” Josh rushed out in one long breath, watching his brother’s eyes widen in amused surprise.
“One of your student’s moms?! Damn, that’s not what I was expecting. Wouldn’t have pegged you for the one to go after a MILF.” Jake tossed his head back laughing loudly.
Josh smacked him on the chest, glaring at him daring him to say something else.
“Okay, okay. Can’t say I blame you, she was pretty hot.”
Josh jabbed him in the ribs, “Shut the fuck up.” he tried to sound angry still but couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer. “I’m not gonna give you any details or anything, but the sex is fucking phenomenal.” He smirked.
“You’re not gonna tell me anything? You’re a fuckin’ tease, man, she like that about you?”
Josh giggles, taking a puff of his dwindling cigar,” She's the tease if anything.”
Jake's face fell,” Dude come on! Please?! I told you all the details of my one night stand last weekend. Throw me a bone!”
Josh threw his head back and laughed,” Alright, I'll give you one detail-”
Jake's jaw dropped,” Only one?!”
“Yes, only one. I like her Jake, I wanna keep seeing her”
Jake smiled, his twin was totally smitten.
“The first time we slept together she threw a strip of condoms at me, telling me, not asking, that we're gonna go multiple rounds.”
Jake chuckles,” That's hot man. Definitely a MILF.”
“Bro, shut the fuck up!”
His brain was hazy with that post orgasm bliss as he laid in her fluffy soft comforter, Caroline's head resting on his chest. Her head subtly bobbing up and down with each of his inhales and exhales, his fingers tracing shapes on her back. They were so comfortable, sleep was calling to them. Her fingers softly scratching in the subtle dusting of hair on his tummy, quietly she breathed,” Joshy?”
“Yes baby?”
“Is school done yet?” Her bottom lip jutted out, the side of her face still pressed to his chest.
Josh sighed,”Trust me Caroline, I'm counting down the days.”
“I know you are. I am too.” She let out a soft sigh, pressing a kiss to his chest where her head rested. “How many days is that, again?”
“Trust me, I want to take you on a real date so badly, Caroline. I want to be able to get a cup of coffee with you, or go on walks in the park together. I want to be more than a hook-up. I want to do this for real.”
She heard the sadness in his tone, leaning up to kiss him with her hands gently cupping his cheeks, “I do too, Joshy. Soon.”
“You’re right, baby. Soon.”
Josh looked around his classroom, taking in the mostly bare walls and various belongings in boxes around the room. It was finally the last day of school and it had been an insane year, but also definitely his favorite of his whole career because it brought Caroline to him. He helped the kids get packed up and with the time left over he stood up in the front of the room and went around asking each of his students their favorite part of the year and what they were looking forward to over the summer.
Dismissal time was a little bittersweet, he was sad to see his kids go and he knew he’d miss them a great deal, he never forgot his past classes. But his mind was also buzzing with all the possibilities- now that he wouldn’t be Martine’s teacher anymore, it was like the whole world opened up. He didn’t have to be Mr. Kiszka to Martine anymore, he could just be Josh and they could play in the park. He could take Caroline to the movies or out to dinner, and not have to worry about being caught in the middle of the night.
All the kids lined up by the classroom door with their backpacks on, Josh gave a few goodbye hugs to the students that asked for them, he knew this wasn’t easy for them either. Martine was the last to be picked up yet again, but this time he knew it was intentional.
When Caroline walked through the door, glowing in her sundress she offered a shy smile and he just shook his head, pulling her in for a hug which Martine happily joined in on. The little girl was chattering excitedly, telling them all about how much fun she had this year and how excited she was to be a big first grader now.
When her rambling paused for a minute, Caroline turned to meet Josh’s gaze with a smirk turning up her lips, “So… she’s out of your class now…”
“You’re right, she is.” He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face if he tried. “Would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner tomorrow night? A first, official, date?” He lowered his voice to a whisper, “I’ll take you somewhere much nicer than that old dive bar.”
She placed her hands on his chest, “Oh, but we ended up having so much fun there.” She giggled, one hand coming up to stroke his cheek. “I would absolutely love to go on a date with you, Josh.”
He crashed their lips together, pouring out all the pent up emotion he’d felt for her with no appropriate outlet into the embrace. “Thank god.” He laughed, scooping Martine up into his arms to carry her out to the car for her mom.
“Mommy! Can we go get ice cream? I was pretty good this year!” Martine bargained while in Josh's grasp.
Caroline laughed,” Sure baby, we can get some ice cream.”
Josh gently set her down on her feet in front of Caroline's car. Caroline got her strapped in and situated in the back seat, closing the door she turned to Josh,” You can come with us, if you want.”
He smiled,” I'd love to, but I have some more things to wrap up before I leave. You girls go have fun, I'll see you tomorrow night.”
She giggles rounding the front of her car,” Unless I text you to come over tonight.”
Now it was Josh's turn to laugh,” Patience baby, patience. I'll see you for our date.”
He waved goodbye before turning on his heel heading back into his classroom to finish up for summer break.
A few weeks passed, the warmth of the summer months welcoming and harboring their blooming love. Caroline wasn't ready for Martine to regularly see Josh in her home, which he understood and always set an alarm early in the morning so he could slip out without her little girl knowing any different. This morning however their evening activities had caught up with him, he was exhausted, between staying up in the early morning hours and the physical exertion she demanded from him. His alarm blared on his phone and his eyes fluttered open, 6 am feeling entirely too early,he hit the snooze button. After repeatedly hitting the snooze alarm Caroline stirred away, softly she cooed,” Josh, honey. You've gotta get up, it's almost 7.”
His eyes fluttered open, meeting hers for a moment before he slipped back into dreamland.
She sighed, softly stroking the fuzzy hairs of his eyebrows,” Oh baby… Such a tired boy.”
She tried a few moments later to wake him up one more time to no avail. Accepting the situation, she mentally prepared herself for Josh and Martine inevitably meeting this morning. Quietly she climbed out of bed, letting him sleep in. She closed her bedroom door and padded out to the kitchen and started making a pot of coffee. Not long after she heard little feet heading her way along with some not so quiet giggles. Turning she laid her eyes on her beautiful Martine, her blonde curls frizzy waving around like a halo atop her head. Her pant leg askew and her spaghetti strap slipping off her shoulder, her little girl slept hard. Smiling Caroline knelt down and fixed her baby's pajamas, smoothing out her hair with her palm. She got her little girl a glass of orange juice and carried it over to the table along with her mug of coffee. Climbing up in the chair next to her they drank their morning beverages, a morning ritual they had.
“Sweetie, Mommy has something to tell you okay?”
“Okay Mommy.” She said, taking a sip of her juice, a small orange dribble running down the corner of her mouth.
“So, I want you to know that Mr. Kiszka is here.”
Martine's eyes lit up in excitement, he was currently her favorite person in the world.
“He's going to come out of Mommy's room when he wakes up, and he's going to be in his pajamas okay.”
She nods her head, eager to see him.
“I know you really like him baby, and I do too.” Caroline took a deep breath,” I think we should start calling him Josh instead of Mr. Kiszka.”
A few moments later she heard her bedroom door open and close and a disheveled boy came wandering towards the kitchen. Before Caroline could greet him Martine opened her mouth gleefully shouting,” Good morning Josh!”
Josh beamed looking at Martine before looking at her mom who was smiling back at him.
“Good morning my girls!”
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n-e-t-t · 2 months
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Hogwarts, 5th of February, 1977, 22:20.
Young! Remus Lupin x Fem! Gryffindor! Self-made character! Pre established plot! Smut! NSFW! Fluff! Friends to Lovers! Lovesick! One shot!
Summary: It’s a cold and bleak winter night at Hogwarts, as two friends strike up their usual idle conversations. But for some reason, this cold winters day becomes just as important as any holiday.
Warnings!: Swearing, mentions of food, scars(not self inflicted), angst, sex and nudity, unprotected sex (wrap it up), virginity, kissing, hurt/comfort, smoking, drug mention, teenage problems, mentions of violence
All of these warnings are included for authenticity, not to be romanticised or abused. ALL CHARACTERS INVOLVED ARE 18 OR OVER - NOT SUITABLE FOR MINORS
A/N: 13.5k words. Oh no. I guess I babble? I hope I don’t talk that much in real life. This is my first ever fic, ever!! Please be patient, and caring. Any thoughts and suggestions on my writing would be appreciated. I don’t even know if anyone will read this, but you’ve got to try and put yourself out there!
Juno stirred, groaning in protest, her brows furrowed in her state of confusion. The warmth of the large hand that squeezed her shoulder was gentle. Only then did she jolt awake, whipping her head upwards from its place on her books, ginger hair flying around from the sudden movement.
“What time is it?-“
She asked quickly, roughly, after her light slumber. Her Irish accent flowed off the tip of her tongue, golden orbs dancing around the empty library and its ornate decorations.
Hells, she really needed to get her priorities straight. Hungover and grumpy.
Remus chuckled, looking at her with a slight smirk as she started to wake. He leaned against the table, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s 20 over, and you look like shite.”
He said with a soft chuckle, amused by the sight of her messy hair and tired face.
“I’ve been sitting here for the last half an hour trying to wake you up.”
Remus continued, watching her head whipping around, looking around the empty library.
“You were out cold, sleeping like a little baby.”
Juno groaned again, rubbing her temples before running an idle hand through her messy hair, long and disheveled. Only then did she realise the darkness that had creeped upon the castle, the only light illuminating the room casting from the fire goblets that adorned the stone walls.
“Why didn’t you shake me harder, Moony?-“
She asked, allowing the corners of her lips to twitch upwards in a lopsided fashion, in that signature smile of hers. She finally looked up at him, Remus, her best friend, fellow Marauder, his warm hazel eyes and signature knitted sweater that smelled like chocolate and coffee.
Remus smiled back at her, a lopsided grin growing on his thin face. He loved the way she spoke his nickname, even if he pretended otherwise.
“Oh, I was going to, but it was too funny watching you being completely out of it.”
He said, crossing one ankle over the other as he leaned more against the table, raising his eyebrow and tilting his head to the side.
“And look at you, grumpy and hungover. I can smell the alcohol from here.”
He said, chuckling again, teasing her. It was obvious how comfortable he felt around her, as he let little insults and jokes slide from his tongue like normal conversation.
The mention of alcohol in any capacity made her stomach churn and bubble like the cauldrons in the potions classroom, bitter bile threatening to burn its way up her throat. Juno grimaced, scoffing with a flick of her hand as she leaned back in her chair, ancient and wooden.
“Padfoot knows how to party-“
She replied, grumbling and muttering the words.
“It’s a shame, we missed you there-“
She added, reaching up to brush off some stray crumbs off Remus’ sweater.
Remus rolled his eyes, and let a small scoff escape his lips.
“Oh, obviously,”
He said, referring to Sirius, and all the parties he hosted in the Gryffindor Common Room or the Astronomy tower.
“I was studying.”
He said in response. He felt her fingers brush against his sweater, he chuckled, raising his eyebrow.
“You trying to touch me, McLean?”
Something in the way Remus spoke those syllables made Juno’s chest tighten, though she always prided herself in masking her emotions, at least the ones she didn’t dare want anyone else to see. She hummed, rolling her amber orbs that glistened in the reflection of the fire sconces.
“Shut it, Lupin-”
She giggled, rubbing the tip of her freckled nose with the pads of her fingers.
“You and your books, and your smarty pants glasses and knowledge-”
She continued. Remus laughed, a wide grin plastered on his face.
”You’re just mad that I’m smarter than you.”
He said, a teasing tone to his voice, sticking the tip of his tongue out, like a child.
“You’re smarter than everyone-”
Juno retorted, allowing her honeyed irises to dance across the details of his face. Warm and gentle. Sweet and kind.
She let out another quiet chuckle, reaching forward to close over her leather bound books. It was a double edged sword, loving him. Loving him like a best friend, like a dog or something sweet, like apple tarts. Loving him like dreaming of how he would kiss.
But she couldn’t tell him. She’d never dare. To lose their bond, their friendship. What a waste-
Remus chuckled slightly, looking her over as she closed her books. He felt the same way about her. The way his heart beat a little faster when she smiled, or how his eyes always searched for hers in a room. The way he wanted to do anything to make sure she was comfortable, and happy. He loved her, probably a bit too much. But they were just friends. Even if he sometimes did think about what it would feel like, to kiss her.
”Only you would get mad because I’m smarter,”
He said.
“Maybe you should try reading one of these books sometime.”
He continued, a cheeky smirk on his lips.
”You might actually learn something.”
He loved pushing her buttons. But he also knew that he could, and she wouldn’t mind. They had gotten used to each other over the years, to the light insults, and sarcastic comments.
‘What more is there to learn when the only thing I’m interested in is you?’
The thought ran through Juno’s mind, like a summer storm battering against the confines of her skull. Or maybe it was the alcohol, who’s to tell?
Juno hummed, tapping her fingernails against the hardback book.
“Or maybe I should learn to refuse wine from Padfoot-”
Remus chuckled, running a hand through his already messy dark hair. That was already a first step in the right direction. Refusing the alcohol from the party animals. He thought it was a miracle she was even still awake.
“Maybe you should. You’re gonna end up face down unconscious in the middle of potions one of these days-”
He said with a laugh, raising his eyebrows and giving her another smirk.
He couldn’t stop his eyes from dancing over her face, taking her beauty in. He had already memorized all the details on her face. The small beauty mark she had on her left cheek, or the way her lips were naturally pouting in a cute way.
“How many cups did you even have last night?”
“More than enough, clearly-“
Juno grumbled. In some ways, it was amusing to think about their teenage antics, to wash away every responsibility that fell at her feet. To be defiant, to refuse a smile to anyone that asked. But it was futile, and everything moves with time.
“Kind of wish I was just burning my skin off by the fireplace, studying with you-”
She spoke the words quietly, softly, genuinely.
Remus chuckled, shaking his head. He remembered his younger years at Hogwarts, the many nights he spent with his friends, talking in the common room until late, drinking firewhiskey and sneaking off to do dumb little pranks. He found himself missing that sometimes, before all the responsibilities.
He looked at her, his eyebrows raising slightly.
“Then why don’t you study with me?”
Juno smiled, warmly, the dimples on her cheeks decorating her face like Christmas ornaments on a mantlepiece. She looked at him, unable to wrap her head around how someone with his condition could be so warm. So kind.
“I will-“
She replied.
“Solemnly swear-“
She added, watching him roll up his sleeves.
Remus chuckled softly, his eyes fixated on her smile, the way her dimples adorned her freckled face. He could feel the heat in his cheeks as she smiled at him, his heart beat picking up a pace.
“Is that your best attempt at a serious tone?”
He smirked, teasing her and her lighthearted ways. He could probably count the amount of times she had been serious on one hand. It was part of her charm, in a way. She never took life too seriously, and didn’t waste time on being sad or upset. She always had a small grin on her lips, a cheeky tone in her voice, and a playful eye-roll on the horizon.
She groaned once more, head pounding, most likely from dehydration.
She pushed herself out the wooden chair as its legs screeched against the floorboards, smoothing out the fabric of her skirt with her palms before tilting her head to look upon Remus’ full height.
“Can’t help how I talk, Moons-”
She quipped, heart clenching as she breathed in the scent of him.
Remus chuckled again, rolling his eyes. That was typical Juno, not being able to stay serious for more than two minutes at a time. Though he couldn’t really mind it. It was what made her who she was, the thing that had made him notice her in the first place.
He watched as she stood up, smoothing down the fabric of her skirt. His eyes involuntarily danced over her body, taking in every inch of her.
“I know. That’s what makes you Juno. Pretty sure I could tell if someone had replaced you, like a shapeshifter or something-”
His eyes locked with hers, his heart beating in his ear. It was getting harder to control himself, to not push her up against a wall, and do all the things he’d wanted to do for months. Months? Years? He’d lost track of time.
“You’re gonna have the worst headache in the morning. And no one to blame but yourself-”
He teased, his thin lips pulling into an amused smirk.
She never had anyone else to blame apart from herself with anything. She was always her own demise, self destructive and selfish.
Maybe she was too harsh on herself.
Then she spotted it, the bright red packet of cigarettes hanging loose in Remus’ bag, peeking out menacingly.
“Come outside with me-”
She spoke, for once, sincerely. Her honeyed irises darted from Remus’ handsome face, to the cigarettes and back again.
Remus’ eyebrows raised, as he grabbed the cigarettes from his bag, taking two from the pack, lighting them both with his wand.
“Of course.”
Juno gasped and waved her hands about in front of Remus’ face, before grasping him by the sweater and pulling him towards the door.
“Not in here! Christ Moony!-”
She exclaimed, voice dropping to a whisper as her brown leather shoes scrapped against the old wooden floors.
“You boys will keep me in detention forever!-”
She could smell it already, the musky smoke staining her uniform. Luckily the library was near the courtyard, once they climbed the stairs, of course, the chill of the night nipping her kneecaps and kissing her cheeks once they had finally emerged.
Remus chuckled sheepishly, rolling his eyes. As she pulled him towards the entrance of the courtyard, he had to fight off a grin. He felt her hand grip tighter in the fabric of his sweater, as she yanked him out into the cold night. He took a long drag, letting the smoke roll off his tongue over his thin lips.
“You’re a bit overdramatic-”
He commented, a cheeky smirk on his lips as he watched her struggle to not shiver in the cold of the February night. He took another drag of the cigarette, before moving closer to her, to try and warm her up.
“You’re gonna get yourself sick-”
“I’m always sick-“
She replied, giggling softly as they gathered themselves underneath the large weeping willow tree. She could see the stars peaking through the vines, the constellations clear as day as Remus’ warmth hummed against her skin through her blouse.
If this was the end of the world, or the collapse of time, Juno would be satisfied. Joyful at his side.
“Stars are pretty tonight-”
She commented.
Remus chuckled, shaking his head at her comment. It was true that she was always sick. The girl was a disaster when it came to taking care of herself. Snotty nose and cranky attitude. He knew he’d have to get on her about it eventually.
He said, his eyes still fixed on her lips.
“They really are.”
He felt the cool night air stinging against his face, blowing back his messy, dark locks of hair and nipping at his neck. Despite the cold, he felt strangely warmed. He wrapped his arm around her, to pull her close against his side. He felt her shiver slightly, and he rubbed his hand gently up and down her arm, the sleeves of his sweater covering her skin. He had the urge to just bury his face against her hair.
Juno smiled at the action, effortlessly affectionate and endearing. Something friends do. He was so sweet, damn it-
Her shoulder pressed into Remus’ chest as she crossed her ankles, shifting her weight between each foot.
“Have you and Prongs made up yet?-“
She asked, taking a sharp inhale from Remus’ cigarette that lingered between his fingers as she looked up at him from the corner of her eye.
Remus’ eyes darkened slightly, frowning at the mention of James. It felt like ages since they had last tried to talk to one another. He took a drag after her, letting the smoke roll out through his nose as he exhaled it, and looked at her.
“No. But it’s not like it matters anymore-“
He said, his tone sharp and cold.
“I don’t know if we will for a while-“
He added. He didn’t know if they would be able to fix whatever mess this was, but he certainly wasn’t happy about the whole thing. Losing one of his best friends wasn’t on his list of things to do this year.
Juno hated it. Absolutely raging at the turmoil within her group of close friends. It was ride or die, it was special, irreplaceable.
“Yes, you will-“
Juno spoke, Irish accent flowing through the crisp air, breath visible.
“You have to-”
It made her heart hurt, watching Remus try and lock eyes with James across the breakfast table, yearning for a white flag of surrender.
“Its us. All of us. The Marauders, Moony-”
Remus sighed. He knew she was right. The Mauraders were inseparable, they always had been. But this fight was severe, one of the biggest arguments they’d ever had. He didn’t know if he could just forget it all and go back to how things were before. The thought of it tugged at his heart painfully.
“I’ll try, as soon as he makes an effort. But I don’t know, Juno… this isn’t like our regular squabbles.”
He leaned his head down slightly, so his forehead was almost resting against hers. He couldn’t help but take in a deep inhale of her scent, the smell of parma violets and warm sugar so sweet around him.
Fuck personal space.
“I want to fix things… I don’t want to cause the entire group to fall apart-.”
The look in Remus’ warm gaze was jarring, like he was swallowing his pain until he couldn’t help but vomit it back up again.
“It’s not your fault-“
She replied, snubbing the cigarette out against the bark of the tree.
“James is sensitive right now. Him and Lily are trying to figure out their relationship, he’ll come around. I swear it-”
She explained, suddenly feeling like the weight of the topic had drowned out her hangover.
Remus chuckled bitterly, and pulled her even closer. He knew she was right, of course. His issues with James really weren’t his fault, he’d done nothing wrong.
But he couldn’t help but feel responsible. After all, none of his friends were exactly stable right now. Everyone had an issue of their own to deal with, and the one who usually put everything and everyone before himself, was himself falling apart.
“I just want everything to go back to normal… I miss my friends-“
He muttered, burying his head against the crook of her neck. He hated himself for feeling vulnerable and lost. That wasn’t the role he was supposed to be playing. But he wanted to let himself be weak. Just once. Just a few moments with her alone.
Her heart shattered, and regardless of her easy going nature, she was serious. Genuine. Unmasked.
She whispered, trying not to slip into the void from a simple moment of intimacy between them.
She cradled the back of his head, fingers delving into the dark chestnut strands in an attempt to comfort him. The one that always had his shit together.
“I know you do. It’s- it’s going to be okay, I promise-“
He could feel her fingers gently twisting around the strands of his messy hair, and he couldn’t help the way he closed his eyes and slightly melted into her touch. He couldn’t fight the way his heart thumped hard against his rib cage, and the butterflies that were fluttering around in his stomach.
Juno, his best friend, his partner in crime, the one who always laughed at his dumb jokes, who never once failed to light up a room when she entered.
The girl he’d fallen head over heels in love with.
“How do you know?-“
He mumbled, his lips almost touching the silky soft skin of her neck. He pushed himself even closer against her, his need to be close to her overwhelming him. It was almost an addiction.
How did she know? How could she know? Remus was the smart one, the clever one. Juno wasn’t any of those things, in her mind at least.
She swallowed, the heat of Remus’ breath wafting over her neck.
“Because Prongs is stupid. But he’s loyal, like a dog-“
She replied, hushed and quiet.
“And Padfoot said that he didn’t know how to say sorry to you-“
He let out a deep sigh, his shoulders slumping at her words. That was just like them. They didn’t know how to communicate. Of course they didn’t know how to deal with things like this.
His fingers pressed against her skin, fingers tracing mindless shapes into her waist. As if he was afraid she’d disappear if he let go.
“How do you and Padfoot always know these things.. you two always know everything-“
“Sources. We have our sources, I guess.”
“Bloody gossip hounds, you two-“
Remus replied, grumbling. Juno sniggered, pulling away just enough to look up at him with those golden eyes. He was so pretty she thought she could cry, or at least slit the throats of all those other girls that wanted him, as selfish as that was. She didn’t even have the right to think that way.
“Anyways, enough with the depressing shite, huh?-“
This was Scotland, in February. Depressing was an understatement.
Remus let out a soft chuckle, his fingers still tracing his mindless patterns.
“I hate it when you get smart on me-“
He teased, though there was a hint of seriousness to it. It was like she could always read his thoughts and feelings, she just knew who he was. The things he didn’t like people to know about him.
He was quiet for a moment. He took in her features, the way her eyes gleamed in the dark, the way her lips looked rosy in the cold. He sighed out, a tiny smile twitching on his lips. He glanced up at the night sky, the stars and moon shining above them.
“You know the night sky pretty well, don’t you?-“
Juniper McLean. Astronomy extraordinaire. Record holder for how many times a telescope lens could be broken.
Remus’ syllables reminded her of something she had done last night at that party, whilst Sirius was too busy snogging blonde girls to pay any attention. She smiled toothily, before pulling away from Remus’ grasp.
“Can I show you something?-”
She asked, not even waiting for an answer before butting in again.
“Mary did it last night-”
She added, remembering the taste of red berry wine and firecracker whiskey on her tongue.
Remus quirked an eyebrow at her question, watching as she pulled away to stand in front of him. He studied her face as she spoke, noting the way her eyes gleamed and a small smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. She was up to something. He didn’t know what, but he wasn’t sure if he liked the look on her face.
“Mary did what last night?”
He asked, his voice filled with a hint of wariness.
Juno chuckled, amused by the curiosity in Remus’ hazel orbs that always lit up at the sound of something new.
“Just look-“
She chirped, before turning around to face in the other direction, her back to him. She was lucky it was the dead of night, or else there was absolutely no way in hell she would be this daring.
Juno swiftly pulled her blouse over her head, cursing at the chill of the air on her newly exposed skin. Her other hand came to pull her hair out of the way, revealing Mary’s handiwork. Ink from a quill, connecting the freckles on her back to one another, mapping out in constellations across her bare back.
Remus felt his eyes widen as she turned away from him, his heart thumped wildly against his chest as she slipped off her blouse, leaving her bare back completely exposed. His eyes instantly darted to the smooth skin of her back, tracing the constellations drawn on her skin. He hadn’t even realized he was moving his feet until he was standing right behind her, his eyes drinking in the sight in front of him.
His voice was low and hoarse, eyes tracing every little tiny mark on her skin. His fingers itched to reach out and touch the skin of her back. They ached to touch her, to feel the warmth of her body under his fingers. She was so close, and everything inside him screamed to just reach out, but instead he stood frozen in place, completely mesmerized by the girl in front of him.
He forced himself to breathe, his fingers clenching into a tight fist. He couldn’t allow himself to touch her. He knew he’d just want more.
Remus’ lack of words wasn’t unusual to her, knowing he was taking in the sight before him. It was enough to blossom her cheeks like a garden in spring, something she could easily blame on the winter air.
“Crazy, huh?-“
She spoke, giggling as her shoulders lightly bounced.
“She showed it to me in the mirror when she was done-“
She added, kicking her feet against the grass idly, holding the fabric of her blouse against her chest.
It took Remus a few moments to be able to speak coherently again. The sight of her bare back, the way the stars were drawn across her skin, the tiny little freckles that covered her.
"Yeah… yeah, it’s..”
He swallowed, his eyes fixed on her skin.
“Can I touch it?”
Juno’s honeyed gaze was locked upon a tree in the distance, watching the way it swayed back and forth. So simple, making oxygen for them both to breathe. Something that had a clear purpose in life.
She snapped herself out of her own chaotic mind, tongue darting out to wet her lips before nodding.
She murmured, thankful that he couldn’t see her face right now. Always a gentleman.
“You didn’t need to ask, Moons-”
His breath hitched at her words, as his heart throbbed painfully hard. He took a moment to compose himself, his throat dry as he slowly allowed his hand to reach out towards her. His fingers shook faintly as they hovered over her skin, as if he was almost scared to touch her. When his hand came into contact with her skin it was impossibly light, his fingers so gentle it was almost as if feathers were brushing against her back. Though his touch was soft as a caress, his hands trembled ever so slightly.
Juno’s breathing hitched in her throat, lungs constricting at his touch. Light and gentle like a leaf in the wind.
“That tickles-“
She spoke, giggling innocently. Never in a million years would she have let anyone else touch her like that, let alone have showed them like this.
But this was Remus. She could be herself with him, utterly and completely. She could remember it now, all those years ago when they took the piss out of people on the Hogwarts Express for the first time.
Remus was silent, his heart beating wildly in his chest as she giggled at his touch. The sound of her laughter made his hands shake and his mind scream like a mandrake.
The memory of them sitting on the train, laughing and making fun of people came to his mind, and his heart ached at the thought of how much things had changed, yet the two of them were still the same.
“…Can I ask you something?”
He breathed out, his voice hoarse and strained.
At that, Juno pulled her blouse back over her torso, adjusting it accordingly before turning back around to face him.
She replied, flashing him her signature smile, lopsided and cheeky. She had to pretend she didn’t feel anything, that her stomach didn’t clench at his touch, or that her mind didn’t swim with what it could possibly feel like for Remus to touch her everywhere.
His gaze was fixed on her smile as she turned around to look at him, his eyes tracing her lips, and down her neck. He swallowed before speaking.
“Are you.. Are you dating anyone right now?”
He instantly regretted the question as soon as the words left his mouth. What if she was dating someone? Worse, what if she was in love with someone? He felt his heart clench at the thought, as he looked into her golden eyes, praying that she would say no.
Juno scrunched her brows, but her smile didn’t falter. She looked up at him inquisitively, head tilted to the side as she examined the features that had grown so familiar to her, the details that never left her mind. Remus’ glasses, black framed and old. She could picture him nose deep in a book right now, stuffing his mouth with chocolate to stave off his impending werewolf transformation.
“If I was, don’t you think you’d know about it?-“
She replied, Irish accent light and airy, breath visible in the cold night.
Remus felt himself take a deep breath and relax slightly at her words. The idea of her dating someone sent pangs of jealousy through his heart, though he pushed those thoughts out of his head rather quickly. He let the corners of his mouth tug up into a tiny smile at her words. Trust her to say something snarky as a reply.
“Fair point. I suppose I’d know if you had some idiot trailing after you.-“
He teased, his voice soft and low. Gods, he was that idiot, wasn’t he?
He mentally cursed himself for a moment, but was able to push the negative thoughts away. He just wanted to be able to look at her, to hear her voice, to touch her and talk to her.
“Are you.. seeing anyone then?“
He inquired, shoving his hands into his pockets, trying to seem as casual as possible, even though he was anything but casual on the inside. He was pretty sure he could physically feel his heart beating in his chest, thrumming against his ribcage.
Juno began wondering what the hell had been in his porridge when he ate it this morning, or if someone had cursed him as a prank.
She chuckled, shaking her head in response.
“Are you asking me if I’m having sex with anyone, Moons?-“
She asked, point blank. She was never one to beat around the bush, especially around her best friends.
But Merlin’s beard, why was he even asking?
Remus felt his face heat up at her question, a flush of pink spreading across his cheeks. He tried to keep his composure, he really tried, but her blunt question caught him completely off guard. He felt the words get stuck in his throat, stuttering like an idiot for a few seconds, before finally being able to reply.
”I- No-“
He said, a strangled squeak in his words. He was a mess, and he knew it.
“No! I didn’t mean-“
He paused, his hands clenching and unclenching in his pockets. His heart was racing a million miles a second, his ears pink with embarrassment. He knew he should just stop speaking and move on, but the need to get his point across forced more words out of his mouth.
“I wasn’t- I swear I wasn’t asking that! I wouldn’t even want to know, that’s none of my business-“
He was babbling now. His face was red, this was definitely the worst outcome possible. For someone so clever, he felt like an idiot.
She wanted to stop him, to grab him by the broad shoulders and stuff his mouth with a rag. But in all honesty, the thought only made her giggle more. The sound vibrated through her chest, her hand reaching up to cover her mouth.
“No, Moony, I’m not shagging anyone-“
She replied through her laughter, leaning back against the willow tree.
“Are you shagging anyone?-“
Gods, is she still drunk?
She asked the question like she had asked him if he wanted a cup of tea, simple and nonchalant.
Remus’ mouth opened and closed, his mind completely malfunctioning. She looked so casual as she leaned against the tree, her eyes sparkling with laughter. He could feel his face heat up with embarrassment, and he mentally cursed himself for not being able to speak.
He was supposed to be eloquent. He was supposed to be suave. He was supposed to be sophisticated. This was a complete disaster.
“No-“ He said, still as flustered as he was before.
He paused, taking a moment to collect his thoughts and find his words. The idea of himself in Sirius’ or James’ shoes, the endless charm pouring from his lips, being fucking cool. It made his stomach twist into a thousand knots. He didn’t feel like he was the same as them. They chose to embrace their Animagus abilities, he didn’t.
‘You’re so fucking selfish. They do it for you.’
He ran a hand through his hair, fingers tugging at the soft locks in agitation.
”I don’t.. that’s not something I..“
He couldn’t even finish that sentence, it was all just word vomit. He was stumbling over every word he spoke, and he felt like burying his face in his palms.
Juno felt her heart swell in her chest, the night breeze dancing through her long ginger hair as she looked at him sweetly. Like she always did.
He looked so pretty with flushed cheeks.
“Take a breath, Lupin-“
She replied, her voice close to a whisper.
“Where’s my friend gone? Is he in there? My witty, sarcastic Moony?-“
She asked, eyeing his ruffled chestnut hair.
He closed his eyes as she spoke, the sound of her voice a breath of fresh air over the smoke inside him. He took a slow breath, taking a moment to compose himself even just slightly. He felt her eyes on him, the way she looked at him, the way she called him Moony.
That last bit forced a tiny smile onto the edge of his mouth. He opened his eyes to look at her, letting his gaze fix upon her golden eyes and her glowing face.
“He’s.. in there somewhere.”
He murmured back.
His eyes fell onto her face, looking at her soft features, her smooth skin. His breath was a bit less labored, his heart still racing but at a less erratic tempo. She was so beautiful, and she stood here in front of him, close enough that he could reach out and touch her.
‘Red is my favourite colour now. Didn’t realise it before.’
“And what about you, McLean? Juno, Is she still there?-“
He asked quietly, his voice barely a whisper.
Juno stood silently for a moment, pondering the question herself. It really shouldn’t be that complicated, a simple yes would suffice. But she smiled, pushing her tongue against the backs of her teeth as she stared back at him.
Finally, she nodded, hair falling across her freckled cheeks as her fingers pulled and toyed with the cotton of her blouse.
“You bring her out, you know. From behind the curtain-“
She spoke, beginning to sound like one of Remus’ handwritten stories. Like she was covered in his ink.
He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth. It was only a tiny smile, a fleeting moment, but it was there all the same, and it was genuine.
“I do? What am I, the magician then?”
He chuckled, a light twinge in his voice. He wanted to laugh, really laugh at her theatrics.
Remus’ laughter was contagious, like a deadly disease she would never want to be cured from. Juno laughed too, mirroring the twitch of his lips.
“Yeah, something like that-“
She replied.
“You’d look good in the top hat-“
She raised her hand a little, pointing to the top of his head, at the little tufts of hair that pointed in different directions.
He felt the grin that was growing on his lips, his head tilting forward as she pointed at his messy hair. He let out another chuckle, a real one this time. It rumbled through his chest, a deep and somewhat hoarse sound, but a sincere one all the same. He ran a hand through his hair self-consciously, the strands sticking up in an even more messy fashion.
“I’d look good in one of those capes too, I think.-“
He joked, his voice rough and low.
His eyes flicked back up to her at his own words, the tone of his voice coming as a surprise even to himself. He hadn’t meant the words to sound like that, that low and husky, but it had slipped out before he could stop himself. He looked at her, her wild copper hair, her freckles, those golden eyes that seemed to see right through him.
He wondered if she could see the desire that burned inside his chest. The need to touch her, to pull her into his arms and hold her and keep her there.
She nodded once more, lightly nibbling her plump bottom lip between her teeth as she stifled the bubble of laughter that inflated in her chest like a balloon. Remus’ hair, now messier than before, spoke volumes in itself. He could look worse and Juno would still look at him the way she looked at him now.
“We could do a traveling show, you could saw me in half or something, we can laugh at getting booed because we’re shite-“
Juno replied, rubbing a knuckle over her eye and accidentally smudging her periwinkle blue eyeshadow, glittery and messy.
Remus felt a small laugh tear its way out of his throat at her idea, leaning back against the tree trunk beside her. He gave her a side-eyed glance, his eyes flicking over her face and around her eye, noticing the smudged blue tint.
“Perhaps not the sawing in half. A bit too gruesome for my taste. I quite like you in one piece.-“
He said, his voice quiet but filled with mirth.
His eyes fell onto her makeup mishap, and he tilted his head curiously. He hesitated for half a second, then he found himself moving towards her. He felt like he was acting on instinct, no logic behind why he was suddenly standing in front of her. His fingers found their way to her cheek, his calloused thumb gently rubbing over the smudged makeup on her skin. If anyone saw them, there was probably a million different conclusions jumping into their heads, but Remus couldn’t be bothered with any of it.
It was one of the most intimate things anyone had ever done to her, despite it all. The simplicity, the innocence of it. It forced her to look him in the eyes, to soak in the warmth of his thumb and melt into it.
“You’re too good to me, Moons-“
She whispered, dancing her honeyed orbs between each of his earthy pools.
“You couldn’t even saw me in half?-“
She spoke again, unable to stop herself from spilling.
Remus’ entire being seemed to be hyper-focused on the feeling of her skin against his fingers.
“Maybe if you asked nice-“
He murmured in reply, his voice rough and raspy but dripping with genuine affection.
“Nah. Not even for money.-“
He added. He hadn’t really meant to do any more than fix her makeup, but the thought of pulling back now made his heart ache. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, staring down into her eyes, his thumb gently rubbing over her skin.
“Perhaps you have some kind of voodoo over me, you’ve put a spell on me or something.-“
He joked, his words only half true.
“And change the way you think? Never-“
Juno quipped, far too in love with his mind to even consider the option.
That’s how she knew she couldn’t be that selfish, or desperate. There was nothing more terrifying than losing him. Than losing this.
The night only became colder, nipping her nose and slicing her lungs with every inhale.
“Let’s go inside, yeah?-“
His eyes flickered over her face, taking in every small twitch of eyebrow and corner of the mouth, every tiny detail that made her who she was.
He felt as she shivered. He let his hand drop slowly from her face, grabbing her hand instead, his fingers intertwining with hers and almost recoiling from the frostbite.
“You’re freezing.”
He started to walk slowly, hand in hers, the warmth of his grip probably the only thing keeping her from turning into a popsicle.
He had a clear destination in mind. The Astronomy tower. He would take her up there, and they could sit under the stars, next to the muggle space heater Juno had managed to knick from her parents and enchant to ensure no electricity was needed.
‘Smart girl.’
Perhaps it was a cliche, in fact it definitely was. He loved the stars, and he didn’t fear the moon when she was around.
Juno’s leather shoes clipped against the marble floors leading to the Astronomy tower, her fingers clenching and unclenching in Remus’ large hand.
“Gods, so predictable, Moony-“
She teased, ducking her head down to slip herself through the small doorway. It was empty, dead as summer. The telescopes unused and rusted during the winter season.
Remus let go of her hand, and instead took a seat on the cold floor, his back leaned against the wall as he looked out over the breathtaking view. The night was clear, the sky full of endless stars. It was mesmerizing.
He patted the floor beside him, looking over at her, the smile still on his face, an encouraging look in his eyes. He wanted her closer, wanted to have her next to him, as close as space would allow.
“Turn that thing on, would you?-“
He said softly, his voice low in the dark of the tower.
Remus didn’t have to tell her twice.
Juno manoeuvred herself closer, swallowing her heightened heartbeat hoping to muffle the ache. She slid down the wall until her backside touched the floor, pulling her knees close to her chest before letting the leg closest to Remus flop down, resting against his thigh as she swished her wand, igniting the radiated heat.
“It’s nice,”
She started to speak, allowing the rough wool of his sweater to itch against her skin happily. What was nice? Gods, so many things about this were nice.
Remus felt her settle down beside him, her body heat seeping into him through their close proximity, and he had to force down a shiver before he spoke again, humming in agreement.
“It is. It’s very nice-“
He agreed, his voice almost a whisper.
He took his eyes away from the stars, slowly turning his head to look at her instead. She was so close. He could see the way her freckles were sprinkled over her face like glitter, and the way copper strands of hair fell across her forehead. Her eyelashes were like little brushstrokes, dark against her skin, creating shadows on her pale skin. Her eyes, those golden eyes…
He felt the ache in his chest return, more insistently than last time.
Remus’ gaze was felt before it was seen, burning into the skin of her right cheekbone, slowly flowing down the expanse of her neck and collarbone. He could burn her all he liked. He had been burning her for years.
“Thanks for waking me, in the library-“
Juno whispered, digits idly fiddling with the flesh of Remus’ knuckles, like it was a normal thing for friends to do. God, what was normal? Anything? Really?
Remus felt himself shiver, just a slight one, when she started fiddling with his hand, her fingertips gently tracing the skin. Why did he let her do this? Why was he letting her toy with his heart the way she did? Why was he enjoying it so much? Why did he want her closer until he couldn’t breathe anymore?
Why couldn’t he get her out of his damn nightmares?
“I- Uhm… It was getting late, I just- I-“
He mumbled, his voice catching in his throat.
He stumbled over his words, something he hadn’t done in years until this night. He was always cool and collected, he never stuttered, he always knew what to say. Not with fucking pretty girls, but- Why was he stumbling over himself now? Stuttering and mumbling like he was fifteen and had just discovered that the girl he liked existed. So stupid. He felt like he was fifteen. He felt like he was fifteen and utterly lovestruck and scared to death.
Juno knew him. She knew him like she knew how Butterbeer was far too sweet and how loud Sirius shrieked when he seen a spider. But surely, the heavens above would have told her what was chewing him up.
Either that or she was just plain blind. In denial. Maybe both.
She spoke, unbeknownst to her until she heard her own voice. She was looking at him now, drinking in the sight of him.
“Is the moon making you queasy?-“
Remus let himself look at her, taking in her freckled face and her wild hair and her lips, the way her lips moved around those words, around the nickname.
He chuckled lightly at her question, though it was quiet and forced, a weak attempt at normalcy.
“I feel like I’m going crazy...”
He mumbled without thinking. He cursed under his breath, his eyes widening a little as the confession slipped out. It wasn’t meant for her to hear, yet it had. He didn’t think before he spoke, his brain was just a big jumbled mess at this point. It was all her fault.
The air went still, like every gust of wind ceased to exist in the moonlight. Juno’s digits ceased their actions alongside it, her brows being the only thing to move, furrowing in response to Remus’ confession. But what exactly was he confessing to? Feeling mental? Everyone feels a little mental sometimes.
Juno queried, leaving the moon behind to look at Remus. The money she would pay to sneak a peek into his mind was abysmal. Maybe she felt crazy, too.
“It’s not even half full-“
She spoke, pointing at the crescent moon.
He let out a soft chuckle, feeling how the air was thick between them, a heavy burden on his chest. He looked up at the moon, trying to look away from her, looking at the stars and the night sky instead.
His voice was quiet, barely a whisper as he spoke again. He had already slipped up, he wasn’t sure that he could handle it again.
“It’s not the moon-“
He mumbled, his eyes tracing endless constellations in the night sky. Visions of her back flooded his mind, taunting him.
He let out a slow, shaky breath, before finally turning to look at her again. He swallowed hard, his jaw clenched shut as he slowly spoke, his voice low and rough, and just above a whisper.
“I can’t even describe it-“
He closed his eyes, squeezing them shut and letting his head fall back against the stone wall behind him, his fingers clenching into fists in his lap, the knuckles white from exertion.
Why could he never say what he wanted? Why couldn’t he talk to her? He was a poet, for merlin’s sake, he should be able to find the words.
Remus was so full of life. So human. Not even his affliction could take that out of him. Or the ivory fangs, the large talons.
Juno wanted to write a book about him, or a song. She wanted to drink from his glass and leave a cherry red lipstick mark on the rim, and maybe then he’d kiss her when he was thirsty.
“If you don’t describe it, it’s lost to the void-“
She whispered, nudging his broad shoulder with her upper arm.
A shiver went down Remus’ spine at the touch, a breath being forced from his lungs as he felt the touch through his sweater. God, her touch was intoxicating.
He let out a dry, humorless chuckle at her words, tilting his head down a little so that his eyes met hers again. There was something in his gaze, something desperate, something panicked, something vulnerable.
“You’ll hate me for it-“
He mumbled, the words falling from his lips before he had a chance to stop himself. His voice was rough as he spoke, his eyes flickering over her face, watching her reaction, searching for a trace of something in the golden depths of her. Anything, a sign, anything that he could cling to that could tell him what she was thinking, feeling, how she would react when he told her.
The longer Juno stared back, the less she thought she knew him. He was carefree, light and focused, a stark difference to what she was looking at now. Nothing ever bothered him. Nothing was ever too serious, too hard. He stitched his own wounds with a steady hand every full moon, biting on a cloth so he wouldn’t wake the other boys.
She returned to the surface of her mind, shaking her head as she kicked off her shoes, letting them clatter to the side.
“Well, you know that’s not true, Lupin-“
He couldn’t focus on her words, every sound being swallowed by the roar of his own heart in his ears. He could only look at her. Look at the way she tilted her head, the way her hair moved with the slight action, the way her eyes bore into his with so much conviction.
His eyes followed her as she kicked off her shoes, taking in the way her skirt rode up a little in the process, and the glimpse of skin that was revealed.
“You don’t know that-“
He mumbled, his voice cracking.
“I know that, so uncomfortably well-“
Juno almost cut him off on his last syllables, injecting her words into the atmosphere.
“Something is eating you and I want to hear about it,”
She encouraged, stomach clenching at the puppy dog expression Remus seemed to sport on his face like it would cost too much to use it again. Getting his moneys worth.
Remus swallowed hard, looking down at his hands in his lap, watching how they trembled involuntarily, a nervous tick of his. He couldn’t see her eyes on him, feel the way she was watching him so intently, looking right through him, right into the darkest parts of him.
He knew he should stop while he could. Stop now and there was a chance that they could still be something that resembled friends. He needed to stop.
‘Stop. Now.’
He drew in a shaky breath, his shoulders hunch and tense as he looked up at her again, his eyes meeting hers, almost immediately regretting the move, like a shitty game of chess. She looked so open, so vulnerable, in a way that he’d never really seen her before.
Maybe he could try. Maybe he could be completely honest with her, and just tell her how he felt, confess everything, tell her what she did to him, how she made him feel. His heart was thudding so fast now it felt like a small bird trying to break free from a prison made of ribs. His hands were sweating. He forced in another shaky breath.
It hit him in that moment. That sudden realization. The cold, hard truth. It felt like a bucket of ice cold water, like he had been doused by it completely.
He was in love with her. All the way, 100%, helplessly in love with her.
At this point, Juno was on edge. Remus had pulled her all the way to the edge, far enough to see the waves below the cliff side, at least.
‘Gods, give me your pain, I’ll take it. Nothing hurts that much, right?’
She thought, running her tongue against her molars.
She didn’t say anything, this wasn’t about her. She didn’t need to make it about her. She lifted her pointer finger, circling the space on her chest where her heart lay underneath, watching Remus’ pupils on their travels. A silent voice, something that said ‘Say it, I dare you.’
Remus’ watched the movement, slow and graceful like the wave of a wand, yet powerful in its simplicity, in its silent message. He felt a shiver go down his spine, his eyes fixated on her hand, moving in slow circles on her chest.
‘I’ll carry it for you.’
The mere thought of speaking made him want to break down, run away and never look back. Fall sleep in the Shrieking Shack. Yet her eyes, her eyes were pulling him in, looking at him with so much earnest, telling him that he could. That she wanted him to.
And who was he to deny her what she asked for?
“I’m so fucking in love with you-“
Silence, ominous. Comical.
Suddenly, Juno’s head felt like a microwave oven. She wasn’t sure if her heart was even working. Maybe she had passed out from dehydration, or Sirius’ iconic parties have slowly turned her eardrums to mush.
She knew she was alive and breathing when she swallowed the saliva that had pooled in her mouth, amber irises focusing on Remus’ face.
“You’re so fucking what?-“
She asked, almost breathlessly, attempting to avoid her own expression in Remus’ glasses, focusing on the scar indented into his jaw instead.
Remus couldn’t help the breathless, almost humorless chuckle that escaped past his lips at her question, or the nervous smirk that spread across his face.
He had done it. He’d said it out loud. He should throw himself a party.
“I said, I’m so fucking in love with you-“
He repeated it again, each word spoken with a newfound confidence.
Now that the words had finally left his lips, he found that he didn’t want to stop saying them. He wanted to repeat the words, over and over, again and again, until they had burned a permanent mark on her heart, on her mind, on her soul, so that she would never forget, never doubt it.
If Amortentia was a feeling, this was it. Like the weeds had been plucked from Juno’s guts.
“Like, as friends?-“
She spoke, wide eyed and innocent.
She wasn’t bloody stupid, of course it wasn’t as friends. Well, it was, at some point. But not now. She had never felt more alive, like she was enough for somebody. For him.
Remus held her gaze, a flicker of amusement in his eyes at her question, the barest hint of a smirk on his thin lips. He wasn’t buying her innocent act. He let out a low, breathless chuckle, letting his head fall back against the wall, a soft thud sounding in the silence, as if to say ’really?’
“Like friends? You wanna play that game?”
He asked, a hint of a challenge in his voice. It was fun, trying to read each other.
“I’m so fucking kidding-“
Juno rushed the words out, orbs becoming half lidded as she quickly tilted her head the right way, capturing his lips between her own before she had a chance to hesitate, to question herself.
Suddenly, it was a rainy Sunday that kissed her lips, the taste of him like coffee after a large meal. The feeling went straight to her brain, dopamine in a nostalgic sense suffocating their friendship.
Screw it. They could call it something else now.
Remus’ eyes fluttered shut immediately at the touch, his breath hitching in his chest, his heart stuttering for a beat. Her lips were as soft as they looked, and he felt as if he were drowning in the feeling, as if he was sinking deeper and deeper into it, and he would willingly let it happen. He was quick to respond, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer, one hand burying itself in her hair.
It was a messy kiss, not really well thought out, but it was perfect, she was perfect.
She should have been gentler, graceful like a lady. How could she be soft when her emotions were so loud? Juno pulled away, just enough to breathe in Remus’ velvet breath, saliva mixed like a dangerous cocktail. She rested her freckled nose against Remus’ cheekbone, face flushed and heated.
“Did that feel right? For you?-“
She asked, an Irish whisper ghosting over Remus’ skin.
Remus let out a low, soft noise, a sound somewhere between a moan and a scoff when she pulled away.
“God, yes-“
He muttered, his voice coming out as a hoarse whisper. He tilted his head to the side, his nose brushing against her jaw. He was practically clinging to her now, like she was an anchor, and he was a wrecked ship bobbing around in the open sea.
Juno wondered if he had ever been kissed like that, or even kissed at all. Remus was never one to brag like the other Marauders, like James and his plum coloured love bites or Lily’s sheepish grin.
She ceased her thinking, Remus’ proximity like white noise radiating through her body.
“I love you, too-“
She whispered, talking into his messy, mahogany hair, fingers fisting his charity shop sweater.
“Not like a friend-“
She added, for the mere purpose of clarification.
Remus’ hold on her tightened, his grip firm and secure. He was holding on with everything he had, as if he was scared she’d disappear if he loosened it. The feeling of her breath against his hair, the sound of her voice, the words that had escaped her lips in that quiet, soft tone. It was everything he had ever wanted to hear, and more.
He pressed a soft, lingering kiss to the skin of her neck, his eyes fluttering shut again as the words left his lips in a low whisper.
“I’m all yours."
Juno moaned, shamelessly.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time-“
She muttered, the cold air haunting the moistened skin of her throat from Remus’ kiss as she dipped her head to meet him once more.
He tasted like a firework, like cinnamon and coffee creamer.
The way her tongue slipped into his mouth would put a Slytherin to shame, her wet serpent scraping the inside of his cheek. Maybe it was too dirty, or filthy, the way she slipped her milky thighs on either side of Remus’ lap, resting against him completely as her ginger hair tickled his face. Let the gods strike her down if it was.
Remus groaned at the sound of her moan, low and guttural, desperate and needy. He wanted to fuck her right then and there, the sound alone sending a wave of burning desire through him. Her weight in his lap made it hard to think, to focus, all his senses screaming for her.
He gripped her thighs, holding her against him, his hands slipping under her skirt. His fingers dug into her soft skin, a possessive move that he knew he would have to apologize for later. But right now, all he could focus on was her, the feeling of her skin, the heat that was radiating from her body, the way her lips felt against his and her tongue in his mouth, hot and wet and messy.
If Juno’s arousal hadn’t peaked hours ago by simply looking at him, it damn sure had now. Her abdomen clenched, lust driven by pure infatuation. Raw emotion. She knew it from the way her pussy had slicked, moist and sensitive against her underwear and Remus’ tented groin.
She whined involuntarily, digits twitching against the hem of Remus’ sweater. She didn’t even recognise herself. It was like she was someone else, living her perfect reality from the outside.
“Bloody hell, Moons-“
She muttered, not giving a single damn about their surroundings.
Remus’ breathing was picking up in speed, his hands roaming over her skin, mapping it like charting the stars, committing the feeling of her to memory. No words left his lips, only ragged breaths and soft moans and a litany of sweet, sweet curses that fell like prayer from his lips.
“F-fuck, Juno-“
He growled, lips finding purchase against her neck. He knew they were outside, and that anyone could find them any second. The thought of getting caught like this, with her in his lap, on display for anyone to see, was only fueling his fire.
His hands gripped her harder, almost painfully tight, as he left a trail of dark, purple marks down her neck and collarbones, marking his territory like a wild animal would claim their mate.
Never in Juno’s entire existence did she believe love could feel this good. This rich. She felt like putty in his large hands, or the quill she had bought him for his birthday that lived between his fingers.
She shuddered, shoulders slumping as she returned the favour, reddened lips assaulting Remus’ throat, fingers tilting his jaw back to lick around his Adam’s apple.
“Tell me-“
She swallowed, slipping her hands up his sweater to rest upon the toned surface of his stomach.
“Tell me what you like-“
In other words, ‘I want to please you. Help me do that.’
Remus was losing himself, drowning in the sensations that came from her touch. His head fell back, baring his neck for her, the sound of her voice in his ear driving him near insane, like Azkaban was as close as the corner shop to his home back in Wales.
He couldn’t formulate words, not like this. And she hadn’t even really been doing anything yet, and still he was already drowning in her, like a man on the brink of death in the desert.
“I.. F-fuck, I like a lot of things-“
He said between breaths. His words cut off by a shaky moan, his eyes rolling back for a quick moment at the feeling of her hands against his stomach. It was too much, and yet not enough at all.
He gripped her hips, pulling her down against his lap, forcing her to press against the growing bulge in his trousers, his hips rolling up into hers in a desperate attempt to get friction. The action caused him to let out a low hiss, his head rolling back against the wall again.
Juno could make an endless list of all the things he liked, in a normal sense. Christmas shopping, French fancies, chocolate. Gods, anything sweet. Such a big fucking kid.
Her thoughts were struck by lightning as her arousal ground against Remus’, the contact shooting pleasure into her veins like a junkie. The moan she choked out was ragged, far from anything innocent.
“S-Shit, Remus-“
She stammered, suddenly a virgin all over again.
Remus couldn’t think straight. The thoughts in his mind had dissolved into a haze, overwhelmed by the ecstasy that her body was sending through him. She was going to be the death of him, he swore it.
The sound of her voice calling his name was enough to make his blood run hot, and he pulled her harder against him, grinding his hips up against hers again, the heat between them burning like a forest fire.
He muttered, his teeth finding her shoulder again. He needed her. Now.
He didn’t know how much longer he could hold back, being with her like this. He was so desperate, like if he didn’t have all of her, he’d die. The wolf in him would starve.
“Tell me-“
His voice was low and raspy, filled with desire.
“Tell me I can have you-“
Remus’ words only served to completely ruin Juno’s favourite pair of underwear, turquoise and lacy. The fabric most certainly darkened and damp. He was ruining her, scarring her soul for eternity. Hells, all those shitty books were right-
She nodded almost violently, breathing harsh and unsteady.
“Have it a-all,”
She whined, wanton and parched, digits tugging at his sweater.
“Take it off-“
She whispered incoherently.
Remus’ pulled his sweater off in a quick, desperate motion, tossing it to the floor carelessly, his glasses getting lost in the battle, not even bothering to think about where they landed. They were for distance, anyways. Nothing distant about this. He just needed them off.
His hands were on her again immediately, tracing the skin of her back, finding the zipper of her skirt and pulling it down, before his hands moved to the buttons of her blouse. His fingers had no trouble working the buttons, and he all but tore the fabric off of her when they were all opened, his eyes going dark at the sight of her in just her bra and panties.
His hands traced the skin of her stomach, slowly moving up to her chest, finding the lace fabric of her bra and fumbling with it before managing to get it unclasped. He took a moment just to admire her, his gaze roaming over her body, taking her all in, every inch of her.
“You’re so beautiful. God, you’re so beautiful..”
He whispered, his eyes roaming up to her face, his hands tracing a path over her thighs.
Juno didn’t even care that she was almost naked, that Remus’ warm eyes baked her bare skin in what felt like sunlight beneath the stars. Not when her own eyes, dilated and blown, admired every single silver scar etched into his torso like traumatic artwork.
Her breathing slowed, the chill of the February air caressing her breasts. If she was beautiful, Remus was magnificent. Magic.
Goosebumps formed on her thighs underneath Remus’ large hands, as she finally uncorked her mouth.
“Have you ever done this before, Moons?-“
Remus swallowed, shaking his head slightly as his hands continued tracing her skin. She was so soft, so warm. And her eyes roamed over his body like he was something special, like she truly found him enchanting.
Her question made the heat he was feeling turn into a blush that spread from his neck to his face, his breathing coming out in shaky exhales. He tried to speak, but all that left his lips was a shaky, low,
He’d been with girls before. A few snogs here and there, and one or two of them had come close to going further, hand in the trousers, but it hadn’t happened. It had never gone that far.
“I’ve never…”
He started, his voice rough, almost hoarse.
“I’ve never done this before..”
He finally managed to get the words out, the confession leaving his lips in a shaky breath.
Gods above, if they even existed-
Juno had to refrain from smiling, padlocking the corners of her lips and maintaining the look of awe that she currently possessed.
Of course he hadn’t. He’s too good. Such a god damn gentlemen, was she even worthy of it?
“You’re killing me-“
She whispered, shaking her head all the while. It was an unconscious action, the way her hand lightly grasped his own and placed it around her right breast.
Remus’ breath hitched again as he felt the weight of her breast in his palm, his thumb starting to move slowly on its own, running over her breast, against her rose bud nipple, before repeating the movement.
“You’re perfect.”
He muttered, his voice almost cracking at the sound. No words could describe how she made him feel, how her very existence left him speechless. His other hand moved to caress her other breast, gently squeezing them in his palms. He was trying to keep himself from going wild, from letting the last bit of self control he had left drop completely, all while trying to not act as inexperienced as he truly was.
He had to stop talking to her like she had been the first to put petals on flowers, like he was threatening to inflate her ego that had been smooshed into the dirt for so long.
Juno’s mind silenced, distracting herself with the gentle moans that tumbled past her open mouth, before muffling the sound against Remus’ throat, tasting his salty skin.
“I’ve had d-dreams about this-“
She whispered, cursing herself for her futile words. This wasn’t the time for talking, but his voice was her favourite song. She wanted him to keep fucking singing-
Remus had to hold back an outright moan at her words, her confession, the thought that she had been thinking about him like this making his hard cock twitch in his pants. He let his hand move once more, down her stomach, finding the lace of her turquoise panties and gently pushing down on them, a silent question.
“You have?”
He asked, trying to push the words out through the haze that was making him dizzy. His hand went to the waistband of her panties, his fingers slipping under the lace, playing with the hem, his whole body screaming at him to just take them off and be done with it, yet he waited, holding himself back from doing it until he was absolutely sure she wanted it to.
His other hand went up to her hair, tangling his fingers in her ginger locks, gently gripping them in frustration, trying to keep his desires at bay.
“Show me. Show me how you dreamed about me.”
He muttered, his voice low and hoarse.
The sound that left Juno’s throat was more than unholy, it was down right sinful. She felt his fingers tickling her pubic bone, mere inches away from her blazing, throbbing flesh. She wanted him to notice the mess she had made of herself, the mess that he had made of her.
She swallowed, inhaling sharply through her nose, allowing her fingers to explore the wilderness of Remus’ tense stomach, kissing his scars with her fingertips until her nails clinked against the metal buckle of his belt.
“C-Could never say no to you-“
Juno whimpered, unsure if she had ever felt this desperate for anything.
Remus bit down on her shoulder to keep himself from letting out a moan. His hips bucked at the sound of her voice as she spoke, a shaky breath leaving his mouth. He felt like he was losing his mind, like the last bit of self control he had left was about to disappear completely.
“Take it, take it off-”
He muttered between breaths. He couldn’t wait any longer. The sight of her sitting in his lap, half naked, the sound of her voice saying his name, it was too much.
He fumbled with the buckle of his belt impatiently, struggling to unclasp it as his hands shook, before finally managing to get the damn thing open and pushing his trousers down his legs, lifting his hips. The feeling of his own clothes against his leaking cock was unbearable, only making his desperation grow even more.
He let out a low hiss at the feeling of his aching hardness against the heat of her, his head immediately falling back to rest against the wall again, his eyes closing for a brief moment to try and regain some control.
Tell another joke.
Nothing could have prepared Juno for the sight, throbbing and raw and red-
Huge. Like a fucking candy apple.
Her breath hitched in her throat, seeing him like this. She could only imagine the look on her face, unfiltered and genuine.
“Bloody h-hell Remus-“
She spoke as her voice cracked, digits slipping into the soaked material of her underwear as she manoeuvred her thighs accordingly to slip out of them, the fabric stinging against her sensitive flesh.
Remus was already gone. She was all he could think about, all he could feel. He felt her body move against him, and he opened his eyes again to look at her, watching her as her slender fingers moved against her skin, tossing her panties to the side like they were the only thing in the world that was keeping her from him.
“God, Juno…”
He mumbled, his voice almost shaking as he looked at her, his hands gripping her hips tightly as his blown pupils zeroed in on her slick flesh. Fucking delicious.
His eyes were roaming over her body as she sat there in his lap, her bare skin against his, and he once more felt like cursing God for making her the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful. You have no idea how good you look right now.”
He muttered, not even caring about the words coming out of his mouth.
To be the light in Remus’ eyes was more than a pleasure in itself, dopamine flooding her belly and swishing around for the fun of it. Like a high, a better high than any sort of spliff. There they were, as bare as the day they were born, just like nature had intended.
Juno stuttered, enveloping her fingers into Remus’ messy brown hair, watching the way his throat bobbed.
“I think I’ll die if you don’t touch me-“
She confessed, dangerous and needy.
“I got you, I got you-“
He mumbled, repeating the words as he reached down between them, wrapping his fingers around his own veiny length as he tried to steady himself enough to guide himself to her.
“I’m gonna touch you, don’t you worry-”
Juno wasn’t fucking worried.
The words were barely out of his mouth before his hands were on her again, caressing her thighs, holding her in place as he pushed his hips up a bit, trying to find the right angle.
“Please, please-“
He was shaking, so damn nervous and yet desperate for her, needing her so badly he was about to lose his mind completely. He tried to steady his breathing, his words shaking a bit as he spoke.
“Just- just tell me you’re ready.”
Juno couldn’t let him go on like this any longer, second guessing and pushing away his own needs like he did every single second of his life. Everyday, giving up his seat and letting his coffee go cold for someone else.
She just wanted him to look after himself. To value himself. God, they were fucking perfect for each other in that way.
Words were futile, Juno had decided, as she let herself sink down slowly onto him, stretching herself out for him until she had made it halfway.
Foreplay was overrated.
She cursed, fingernails painting Remus’ broad shoulders with crescent moons.
He was not prepared, at all. His eyes slammed shut as soon as he felt her around him, sinking on him so damn slowly, the feeling as she wrapped around him like a vice driving him mad in the most wonderful way. A moan escaped his lips, low and shaky as her nails scratched across his skin.
He couldn’t keep his hips still, a curse leaving his lips as he tried and failed to just stay motionless. As if by magic, it felt like her body was made for him, molded just to fit him, and him alone.
He opened his eyes after a few seconds, forcing himself to just look at her, to see her, the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. Her head was thrown back, eyes shut, pink in the cheeks and a string of curses leaving her lips as she adjusted to the feeling of him inside her. The sight almost made him cum on the spot, a ragged breath leaving his mouth.
“Look at me, look at me-”
He mumbled, trying to bring back his voice long enough to speak. His hand came up again, grabbing her chin and pulling her face back down so their eyes could lock back together.
Soulmates are a bunch of hogwash, right? Just something people believe in to feel better, more at peace when they’ve felt empty for too long. Juno was being converted at the speed of light.
Her eyes met his, with a depth she wouldn’t have dared to swim to before. And by the gods, was he the most magical thing she had ever seen.
“W-Whatever you want-“
She choked out, accent muted in the bliss as the scent of their combined arousals filled her senses.
“Just say it, Moons-“
Her hips jerked, untethered to the bounds of anxiety and fear, as she slowly started riding him. Slick. Soaked.
Remus’ eyes darkened as he looked at her, watching her ride him in desperate, shaky movements. He was trying hard to keep his composure, to hold back and not lose control of himself completely, but goddamn it was hard, when all he wanted to do was give her everything he had to give.
“God, I need-“
He tried to say, but the rest slipped right out of his head as he felt her walls clenching around him, his head once more falling back against the wall with a thunk.
Words weren’t coming anymore, or at least ones that made sense, so instead Remus wrapped an arm around her, grabbing her hips and keeping her in place, holding her firmly in his lap, her body flush his chest. He couldn’t look away from her as he planted his feet flat onto the concrete floor, finding the leverage he needed to begin meeting her movements with his own, his hips thrusting up into her as he moved.
He was falling apart, losing control, the only thing he could think about being how good she felt around him, how tight she was. Every sound coming out of her mouth making him push himself to give her even more, to drive even deeper, to just try and give her everything he could, anything she wanted.
“You like that, sweetheart?”
He managed to ask, his voice sounding absolutely wrecked, almost not even recognising himself.
The pang of ecstasy and pleasure almost pierced Juno’s guts at the sound of him, the innocence of his words, groundbreaking and oh so Remus.
She cried out, choking into Remus’ cheekbone.
“Love it-“
She whined, not a care in the world at this point as the sound of skin meeting skin was her new favourite tempo. She could feel the sting of her kneecaps scraping against the harsh flooring, her juices sticking to her reddened skin.
“Don’t stop- please don’t stop-“
She sounded like she was about to burst into tears at the weight of it.
Remus didn’t think he could stop if he wanted to. Her words were driving him completely insane, the sound of her voice filling his ears, the need to hear more, to hear her fall apart just for him.
“God, don’t cry, please, I got you-”
He muttered, holding her even tighter, one of his hands coming up to cup her face, his thumb gently wiping away the tears running down her cheeks.
“I’m not gonna stop, I promise, I’m not gonna stop-”
Juno was so blissed out she didn’t even realise the tears had fell until Remus wiped them away, smudging her makeup like he always did. Even now. She didn’t even have time to feel pathetic, as every stuttered thrust from him hit that gooey spot inside of her, causing her stomach to clench and her thighs to tremble.
“Y-You’re making me cum-“
She spoke the words urgently, like she couldn’t get there quickly enough.
She cried out, strained and broken as she fell apart in his lap, in his large hands. Her safe place, clinging to him like a childhood teddy bear.
He could feel her clenching around him tightly, her body shaking and trembling, trying to keep itself together, and he had to bite back a cry of his own, feeling her fall apart in his arms, around his length, driving him to the very edge.
“F-Fuck yes-“
He choked out, his hold tightening as he tried to hold back, his hips still working, driving into her.
“God, yes-“
He breathed out, struggling to form the words.
“So- so beautiful-”
He could feel her body trembling against his own, the way her walls clenched around him, bringing him ever closer. His breathing was getting faster, more intense, and he knew that he couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Gods, I’m gonna-”
He gritted out the words, his hands gripping her hips so hard they would probably leave imprints of his thumb prints. He couldn’t stop moving, his body moving on autopilot, chasing his release.
“Do it-“
Juno begged, point blank and purposeful. Careful wasn’t in her deck of cards tonight, she could think about that later.
She rode out the aftershocks, chest catching with labouring breaths as she grasped Remus’ by the jaw, anchoring him to look at her like she wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“Look at me and finish, Moons-“
Juno whispered, whining at the overstimulation of her fluttering flesh.
Remus’ entire body felt tense, like a string being pulled taunt, pulled to the breaking point but not yet snapping. The sight of her face, still flush from her release, her voice pleading, and the words that left her mouth sent him over the edge, his hips stuttering one final time as he buried himself as deep inside her as he could, coming apart and shooting ropes with a shaking moan that bordered on a soft cry.
His body immediately went slack afterward, the strength leaving his body completely as he leaned back against the wall, taking her with him. He slowly let go of her hips, not sure if his hands could be trusted not to hurt her, bringing them up to run through her hair instead as he tried and failed to slow his racing heart.
What was there to say? What was there to say when Juno could feel his release trickling out of her like a leaking tap, hot and wet against her reddened inner thighs? Juno didn’t know.
She slumped against him, freckled cheek indenting into Remus’ shoulder like it had many times before. His fingers in her hair, enough to remind her that he was still him, and nothing had changed.
“Hey, Moony.”
She whispered, amber eyes shut.
He hummed softly in response to her call, letting his hands run gently over her back, tracing the bumps of her spine and the shape of her shoulders as he focused on her.
“Hi, Juno.”
He mumbled into her hair, tilting his head slightly to bury his nose into the locks, inhaling her scent and letting it fill his head, like a drug that didn’t wear off, like a sweet fix that he didn’t want to let go of.
‘Thanks for waking me, in the library.’
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marleneoftheopera · 9 months
Holiday Audio/Video Gifts!
For the holiday season, here are some audio gifts from various shows and one Phantom video! The link to them is here and the info is below the cut:
Happy holidays and I hope you are all having time for some rest!
Jon Robyns, Paige Blankson, Joe Griffiths-Brown, Kelly Glyptis, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, David Kristopher Brown, Maiya Hikasa August 22, 2023; London
Tim Howar, Harriet Jones, Nadim Naaman, Lara Martins, Nicholas Garrett, Arvid Larsen, John Ellis, Valerie Cutko, Kelsi Boyden March 19, 2023; Greece
Josh Piterman, Corinne Cowling (u/s), Danny Whitehead, Katy Hanna (u/s), Ross Dawes, Kris Manuel (u/s), Sophie Caton (u/s), Paul Ettore Tabone, Georgia Ware October 17, 2019; London ​Matinee.
Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Samantha Hill, Greg Mills (u/s), Michele McConnell, Richard Poole (u/s), Tim Jerome, Ellen Harvey, Christian Sebek, Kara Klein, Scott Mikita (u/s) March 9, 2013; Broadway Matinee performance.
John Owen-Jones, Deborah Dutcher, Matthew Cammelle, Bruce Montague, Charles Shirvell, Margaret Mary Kane (u/s), Janet Murphy, Jeremy Secomb, Lucy Middleton January 5, 2002; London
Love Never Dies
Tam Mutu, Celia Graham, David Thaxton, Daniel Dowling August 25, 2011; London Tam Mutu's last performance.
Les Miserables
Christopher Jacobsen (u/s Jean Valjean), Stewart Clarke (Javert), Katie Hall (Fantine), Will Callan (Marius), Lulu-Mae Pears (Cosette), Amena El-Kindy (Eponine), Luke Kempner (Thenardier), Claire Machin (Madame Thenardier), Dejan Van der Flyert (Enjolras), Alex Shaw (Gavroche), Clohe Sullivan (Little Cosette), Tom Hext (Grantaire/Majordomo), Adam Pearce (Bishop/Claquesous), Ellie Ann Lowe (Factory Girl), Jordan Simon Pollard (u/s Foreman/Bujon), Matt Dempsey (Bamatabopis/Lesgles), Annabelle Aquino, Hazel Baldwin, Emily Olive Boyd, Ben Culleton, Matt Hayden, Sam Kipling, Anouk Van Lake, Harry Lake, Ben Oatley, Jonathan Stevens, Phoebe Williams, Ollie Wray September 28, 2023; London 15,000th show in London and the 5th show for the new company.
Sunset Boulevard
Nicole Scherzinger (Norma), Tom Francis (Joe Gillis), David Thaxton (Max von Mayerling), Grace Hodgett Young (Betty Shaefer), Ahmed Hamaad (Artie), Tyler Davis (Sheldrake), Charlotte Jaconelli (Johanna), Jon Tsouras (Cecil B. de Mille) September 28, 2023; London
Laureen Jones (I), Richard Carson (Maxim de Winter), Kara Lane (Mrs Danvers), Sara Harlington (Beatrice), Neil Moor (Giles), Piers Bate (Frank Crewley), David Breeds (Ben), Alex James Ward (Jack Favell), Shrley Jameson (Mrs Van Hopper), Nicholas Lumley (Colonel Julian) September 27, 2023; Off-West End
POTO Video
Ian Jon Bourg, Olivia Safe (u/s), Kyle Gonyea 2001; Hamburg, Germany VOB files. One of the most legendary Phantom's opposite one of the youngest Christine's!
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searchingsomewhere · 3 months
All Too Well, Part 12
{"And if it's right, I don't care how long it takes. As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face."}
Poly!Gojo x OC x Geto
All Too Well Masterlist
Part 1
Miho sat on her bed, her jaw slack. Her boyfriend and best friend sat in front of her. Suguru sat in the chair at her desk, hands clasped politely. He was watching her carefully, hazel eyes searching her face for answers. Satoru was cross legged in the floor, biting his lip.
Both waited on her response.
"So..." she began, "...you mean like, we all date...each other?"
"Yup," Satoru said.
"If that's something your comfortable with, of course," Suguru said gently.
"Just say the word and we'll forget all about it," Satoru added, gesturing with his hands.
Miho bit the inside of her cheek. It was a strange proposition. She had personally never given much thought to being in any relationship, much less one like that. She knew from the very start that Suguru and Satoru were close. It wasn't too surprising to her that they were that close.
Still...the idea didn't bother her. She thought back to when they had all fallen asleep together. How at peace she had felt. How it just felt like a puzzle piece falling into place, like something that was supposed to happen. Her hands tightened around the hem of her skirt.
"I think...we should try it," she said finally. A smile graced her lips and she tucked her hair behind her ear.
Satoru smiled a toothy grin and turned to Suguru. Everything was working out the way it needed to.
"What do we tell the others?" Miho asked.
"It's probably best to not tell anyone," Suguru said quietly, "Who knows how they'd react."
"Are you okay with this, Satoru?"
"I sort of knew it'd have to be like that," Satoru rubbed the back of his head. He winked at her over his glasses. "It might be exciting, sneaking around."
Hiding their relationship was easy at first. Satoru already spent most of his time either with Suguru or Miho anyway, so it didn't stick out to anyone that he was around them all the time. When the boys were away on missions together, they'd treat it like dates, going out to eat and spending time together. When they were home, Suguru and Miho often acted as they did before, as a couple, and in the evenings, the three would sit together in the library or in one of their rooms. Satoru and Miho would spend time together when Suguru was on missions.
One such night, when Suguru was off with Shoko, Miho and Satoru walked together through a shopping district in Tokyo. The winter holiday was coming up, and Miho had the idea to get gifts for both boys. She left Satoru standing on the sidewalk as she raced back to the shop.
"Stay there! Don't move!" Miho called back to him excitedly.
Satoru shook his head, but obliged. His blue eyes glowed, the look neutralized by his dark sunglasses. A giddiness was stirring in his chest, his hand still buzzing from holding Suguru's hand the other day. It had been a brief display of affection, but one that left him dizzy.
Miho jogged back to him, adjusting her scarf around her neck. Her hair was falling in her face again. She had a small bag in her hand.
"Here!" she said, slipping something onto his wrist.
Satoru stood there, dumbfounded. It was a bracelet made of glass beads in a repeating pattern; light blue, green, and brown.
Miho held out her wrist. She wore an identical bracelet.
"I got one for Suguru, too!" she said, her cheeks flushing red, "I-it doesn't really match our eye colors, but I thought it was cute-"
Satoru grabbed her face and pulled her close, kissing her forehead quickly. It was a short, shy peck. Miho froze, eyes wide. Her ears were bloodshot. As he pulled away, Satoru chided himself for chickening out. He was going to aim for her lips.
"I think it's a great idea, Miho," he breathed.
The brunette couldn't respond. She stumbled over her words, "Y-Yeah, I think so. Do-Do you think Suguru will like it?"
Seeing her so flustered was doing something to him. He turned away, quickly, running a hand through his hair. He beckoned her forward, ione hand slipping forward to intertwine with hers and the other resting in his coat pocket.
As they headed back to the station he felt a prickling sensation in the back of his neck. Satoru ignored it. With his Six Eyes, he sensed any cursed energy, regardless of its strength or grade. The prickling was second nature to him. Two blocks down, the painless needling spiked in a painful throb.
Satoru stopped abruptly and turned, looking behind them. He tilted his head to look over his glasses.
Throngs of people walked by, ignoring the teens.
His hand tightened around hers and Miho followed his gaze. "What's wrong?"
"Someone's following us."
Part 13
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ghoularaki · 2 years
Loved your baj keisuke primal prey fic! Especially the plot in the chase was soo good eventhough it was the built up!
I was wondering if you'd be cool with writing something along the lines of a crossover of a yokai or a vampire. I would love a little demonic energy. Along the lines of denying feelings, to being in heat/need for blood (?) To a little chasing and well wooing in the yandere way >>:)
Happy holidays ! :DD
my bloody valentine
ig chase scenes and clubs are just gonna become my staple, i aint complaining >:) (meant to post this on valentine's so heres a 12 day late holiday fic lmao)
tw yandere vampire! baji, vampire hunter! reader, manipulative! baji, aged up! baji, dom! baji, DUBCON, violence/blood, sex work?, blood play, biting, praise, breath play, drugging, cunnilingus, overstimulation, size kink, reader almost dies from blood loss, hinted mindbreak
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You blew hot air into your freezing hands. The warmth would only linger for a second but it was idle movement that kept you busy. This winter was incredibly cruel this year. Shivering, you look around into the den you will be infiltrating. You can’t say you weren’t thrilled to be given this mission by the Higher Ones. 
Humans and vampires have been at war since life and death were created. It was a constant push and pull. Humans would win for a century, vampires would retaliate, then vampires would reign for the same length. You were sadly born in the time where vampires ruled. Most humans kept to themselves, some would even offer themselves to be feeds for promises of luxury. Others would hand over their lives in a different way, swear an oath to the Higher Ones to wipe out vampires for once and for all. 
None of the hunters—or rather cleansers—knew exactly who the Higher Ones were. All cleansers knew was that they would receive a message whether in the mail or on their phones with a simple location and target. The target was usually the sire, cut the head of the snake and others will follow. It wasn’t rare for cleansers to work alone. Usually you would be given a partner but for this mission, you were left to your own devices. It’s not like you worked well with others, anyway. Maybe the Higher Ones finally got the message, or they were trying to kill you off. Either way, you were going to finish this mission and reap the benefits. 
Flipping your phone open, you spied the message. Your mission was to pretend to be a feed to cleanse a higher ranking vampire by the name of Baji Keisuke. The number of those sired to him wasn’t the highest count—only somewhere around a dozen—a concerningly low number considering he usually had a feed. 
Slipping your phone into your jacket pocket you finally make your way into the den disguised as a club. For some reason there was no bouncer at the door. Immediately you were hit with the thumping of a constant bass. Up high was a platform where a DJ set the mood for the atmosphere. The only illumination were red, flashing lights that cut through the artificial fog. There was a gaggle of grinding bodies throughout the room. By the bar were even more people. A balcony was right over the bar which you assumed was where the feeding rooms were. Glancing up, you swore you felt eyes boring right into you, but as you squinted your eyes to see farther, all the vampires hanging off the side were enjoying the show. 
On high alert, deep in vampire territory, you were surprised that no one had smelt your very human scent.
“You must be lost!” A sweet, bubbly voice called to you.
Not knowing how you didn’t sense her, a petite woman stood before you. To say she was beautiful was an understatement. This woman had dazzling hazel eyes paired with soft-looking, blonde hair. Her skin was just as perfect, no blemish in sight that made you want to cover your own face. The best way to describe her was as angelic. 
“Oh!” She piped up, realization on her face, “you must be a new feed.”
Straightening up, you replied, “how could you tell?”
“I can smell you, silly.”
She tapped her nose. Looking closer, from her grin you could see the baby fangs poking out.
“Yes, I don’t really know what to do, though.”
“I’ll take you to Draken!”
You were correct to describe her as bubbly. Minutes into knowing you, she wrapped her arm with yours and led you to whoever Draken was. Pushing her way through the crowds, she pulled you towards a set of doors near the bar. Now under the balcony, the feeling of being gawked at went away. You needed to be more careful.
Past the doors was a hallway not as smokey and loud as the club. A few couples leaned against the wall in their own worlds. Further down the hall stood a gargantuan man with a long, blond braid. On the side of his head was an intricate, blackwork tattoo: you can’t imagine how much it must have hurt. 
“Draken,” the girl called with you in toe.
He looked up from his phone to see you both. His eyebrow twitched. He seemed displeased with said girl.
“Emma, why did you bring a human back here?” 
Ah, so that’s why he was so pissed. 
She ignored his question, “she’s a new feed.”
His eyes widen at that, almost relieved, “thank fuck,” he turned to you, “have you ever been a feed before?”
Pretending to seem insecure and meek, you shook your head no. Sensing your nervousness, Draken took you from Emma. She had made a noise of protest, but he had given her a look.
The hand on your shoulder was warm. He must have fed recently. It was true vampires were cold to the touch, but once they satiate their carnal needs, the blood they drank would warm their system for about an hour before becoming cold again like freshly baked cake left to cool for too long. That is why so many vampires indulged, to feel the warmth of being human again. 
Further down the hallway you two went. Draken cleared his throat, “I’m sure you know that being a feed means that you will have a vampire drink from you.”
When you nod your head, he continued. 
“Feeding doesn’t hurt if you are worried about that at all. Anyway, how we do feeding here is that we make sure that all feeds' needs are met. You will always be allowed breaks, and plenty of foods and drinks to bring back up your blood sugar. You also have the option of anything sexual happening and whether or not penetration will happen as well.”
Your face heated up at the implication, “no sex or anything like that, please.”
“Good to know.” 
Draken led you up a flight of stairs to what you saw was the balcony you were previously looking at. Similar to the hallway, the walls were a burgundy with gold detailings. How stereotypical. 
“I will inform who will be feeding from you what you decided. Wait here.” 
With that, he went into a room beside you. You looked left and then right. While taking you upstairs, you memorized the route in case something goes wrong. You needed a fast escape in case. This mission was completely solo so you had to watch your own back. 
Draken pushing the door back open startled you out of your thoughts. The door was left wide open as he gestured for you to come in. Taking the invitation, the room was just as red as the rest of the club. In the room were two wine hued, velvet couches adjacent to each other. Right between them was a mahogany table, under what was a mini fridge. You guessed that’s were all food and drinks you were promised for your blood sugar was. 
The most eye-catching part was the three men in the room sat on said couches. On the sofa to the right were two men, one had bleach blond hair. You could tell from here that he was on the shorter side but you didn’t let that fool you. He had an alluring, cat-like look to him. 
On the other hand, the man beside him had honey gold, rounded eyes. His hair dangled past his shoulders with yellow money pieces framing his sculpted face. Along with that, thick inking was displayed on the side of his neck depicting a tiger. It oddly suited him. 
But what grabbed your attention the most was the vampire sitting on his lonesome, arms sprawled over the back of the couch. Legs spread as well, his whole posture demanded attention. He tilted his head to the side with a cocky smile. His hair was in a similar style to the tattooed man across from him. Though, the vampire’s hair was that of spilled ink. It tumbled around him, his fair complexion all the more pale in contrast. Similar to Emma, his fangs were on display as he smiled up at you as a cat to an unsuspecting mouse. 
“Must be the new plaything,” the black haired vampire teased.
The bottle blond scoffed, “don’t scare her, Baji.”
You schooled your expression. That was a lot easier than you thought to find your target. So sure you would have to ask around without being conspicuous to find him, this seemed almost too easy. 
Baji reached a hand out from where he sat. Taming your disgust, you leave the security of the doorway and enter the belly of the beast. Placing your hand into his freezing, larger palm, Draken took his leave and closed you in with the enemy. Forgoing any formalities, Baji pulled you right into his lap. You struggled in shock but he was quick to snuff the resistance by gripping your hips. 
The other vampires in the room laughed. You silently seethed being used as a toy for their sick entertainment. Knowing in this position you couldn’t even imagine taking down the vampire, you melted into his chest.
“Atta girl,” he sighed into your ear.
Coming down from their giggles, the other men introduce themselves. 
“I’m Chifuyu. I will not apologize for Baji because he will just be annoying,” the bottle blond—Chifuyu—clarified with no malice in his voice. Baji playfully snarled at him.
“Kazutora. Lets hope you last longer than the other ones,” the tattooed vampire spoke cryptically. How reassuring.
Chifuyu elbowed him. 
Ignoring the bickering, Baji placed his attention on you, “Don’t listen to him. I don’t intend to break you… yet.”
“I don’t like what that implies.”
The room became silent at your sass. Kazutora smirked, “so the little lamb has fangs as well.”
You clamped your mouth shut at that. Baji adjusted you in his lap, but he didn’t give away any displeasure. 
At that, the room becomes lively once again. Your presence was completely ignored. You didn’t know if you should be insulted or not. The strangest part was the whole time, Baji didn’t feed from you at all. Besides in the beginning of the session, he had not even grazed your neck. This confused you as you were sure it has been weeks since he has fed. His self control was terrifying if he could starve himself and have basically raw meat served to him on a silver platter and not give into temptation.
You tried your best to keep your cool and slow your pulse to not show how confused you were. By the end of the night, Baji had sent you away by dragging his nose up the length of your neck.
Kissing the skin beneath your ear, “‘til tomorrow, pet.”
In a daze, you leave his lap and walk out of the den with not a scratch on you. As you made your way back to your hideout, you completely forgot about your goal of immediately annihilating him.
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You were awoken with two text messages. One from a Higher One and another from Draken. While walking down the hall, you had totally forgotten you had given your number so he could contact you when Baji wanted you. You were officially Baji’s feed.
sent 10:00 AM
Come to the club at 10 pm 
sent 5:53 AM
Throwing your phone in anger at the first message, you racked a hand down your face. How the fuck where you supposed to kill him in a week? These old fucks were definitely trying to kill you off. 
Sending a thumbs up to Draken, you lay in bed contemplating your next move to take out this den. 
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When you went back to the club, you were met with Draken at the door this time. He guided you through the crowds. You caught a glimpse of Emma, exchanging a shy wave to her overexcited one. 
Going down the same path to the room, you once again mark in your head how to swiftly get out of the building. There were no windows to not let sunlight touch the inside. Vampires didn’t burn up in the sun, but it could make them ill if exposed for too long, like a worm stuck on the concrete on a summer day. 
Deja vu crept in when you walked in just as you did yesterday to see the same vampires in the same position. You could tell yourself that they never left like dolls in a dollhouse waiting for whatever child to play with them again. 
Baji welcomed you back into his icy embrace. Less skittish as the day before, you thaw into his cold body. They went back to their conversation. You played the part of a lap dog for these beasts. 
This went on for seven more days. 
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Anxiety bubbled up inside you. This was the last day given to you to complete this assignment. Typically, you were fast at finishing a job, but for some reason you had dragged this one out. Maybe it was the first time you had to actually get close to a target instead of your usual shoot and leave. You had grown comfortable with the company of those three vampires. Dare you say, safe, as no one had harmed a hair on your head. It had been years since you had been cared for. It was hard to befriend fellow cleansers as you never knew who would make it back, whether it was a vampire or by the Higher Ones’ hands.
There was a reason not many chose to be cleansers, most didn’t even have a choice. You bared through the cards dealt to you. You can’t afford to not complete this job. Tonight was the night.
Adjusting the silver blade strapped against your thigh, you saw Draken waiting for your arrival. 
“Before you come in, I must warn you tonight is Valentine’s day so there is going to be a lot of traffic. You will go to your usual room, but don’t be surprised by the influx of your kind.”
You understood the implications. Some people were here to get their kicks. “Whatever, let's just get out of this cold.”
“After you.”
Nodding your head, you are hit with the warmth of tightly packed bodies, a mix of vampires and humans. Lust really does bring camaraderie, you mused. You abandoned the sentiment, prepared to finish this once and for all. If you were smart, you could use the crowd to blend in when you make your departure. It was difficult to see over the sea of people. 
Forcing your way through, you take the road to what could be your doom and be in the company of those strange vampires. Usually Draken would lead you to the room, this time he was too busy dealing with the crowd. There were plenty of inexperienced humans he had to make sure wouldn’t be drained like sun dried fruit. 
Knocking on the familiar door, you awaited entrance. If you were in a better mood, you would have laughed at how the roles were reversed. You, a human, had to wait to be invited in. 
“Come in,” Chifuyu’s voice called.
You twisted the door open to be presented with your typical company. 
Baji beckoned you to take your place sat upon his thighs. Cocooning his body around your smaller form, you noticed that he seemed colder. His skin had light frost to it, but now he was glacerial. 
On the side table were four wine glasses of varying heights of liquid in them. Baji grabbed the only cup almost filled to the brim.
“Here, drink,” he didn’t let you answer before tipping the glass to your lips.
Unable to refuse, you gulped down the rich drink, parched. As if you haven’t drank in a millenia, you let Baji pour the liquid until the glass was empty. Chifuyu and Kazutora watched on, sipping their own drinks. 
“Good girl.”
Finished your glass, he placed it down and went about his business. Following routine, he ignored your pulsing jugular and kept banter with his fellow vampires. At this point, he must be famished. He hadn’t fed in what you guessed three weeks. Lesser vampires would have withered in a couple days without blood. Vampires could get nutrients from human food, but blood is where they thrived. 
Mixed with the suspense of having to kill Baji without getting slaughtered and the suspicion that Baji refused to feed from you, you were more fidgety than normal. Picking at your fingernails, your eyes bounced to the door and then subtly to Baji. If you were quick you could puncture his carotid artery and sprint out, praying to whatever god that Chifuyu and Kazutora would be too stunned to instantly pounce on you.
A whisper breathed against your ear, “getting antsy, little hunter?”
You instantly struggle in his hold but he wrapped his arms around you tight, tight, tight. 
He snickered at your misfortune, “don’t think you could trick me, little hunter, I saw you eyeing out the club weeks before finally presenting yourself on a platter. Thorough aren't you?"
Spiteful, you clenched the dagger hidden in the garter belt and stabbed right through the meat of his thigh. He growls at the pain, face contorting more demon-like. Vampires were good at hiding their true forms unless presented with silver.
You sprung yourself from his lap as he cradled the wound. Him refusing to feed came to bite him as the wound would take longer to heal. Cursing yourself for only having a dagger, you raised your fists in self-defense. You were so worried about the attention a gunshot would bring, you forgot how useless a dagger would be. 
Inching towards the door away from the three vampires, you braced yourself. "I will kill you all.”
Kazutora giggled, "how boring." He looked at you as if you were a kitten hissing. 
Your face twitches at the taunt.
Still cradling his thigh, Baji’s voice cut through the room, "how about let's make this a game. I will give you five minutes to make it out of the club. Do so and I will let you leave. If I find you, though, little hunter, you're mine. My eternal."
Your eyes widen at the proposition. You will not become a vampire's pet. 
Weighing your options, you seethed, "fuck you."
He simply pouted before grinning, "tick tock, you now only have 4 and an half minutes left.”
Even if you didn't want to play he was going to force you. You looked at the three vampires before you. Baji elated, Kazutora bored and Chifuyu looked almost concerned, but you knew it was falsely placed.
You ran out the room with the haunting cackles calling after you. How naive of you to think these creatures were any different. They will always satiate their hunger before anything else. Gluttons, the lot of them. 
Sprinting down the intimate, winding corridors, you were confident in your escape. You memorized the path over the week, knowing it would come to this. But before you were even in the vicinity of the stairwell, you felt woozy.
The red walls blending together, the hues likened to meat more than plaster and wallpaper. Shaking your head, you steeled your teeth. The fucker put something in your drink.
You weren't going to be shackled to him no matter what. Leaning against the walls, you try to hurry away from the private rooms and down to where the population was. Hopefully you could slip away as easily as you planned before. It be damned if you were punished by the higher ones for failing this mission, you weren't going to lose your autonomy to a vampire of all things. You rather lose the eye you sure were going to. The repentment was always a high price.
Willing yourself to push forward, you kept your weight against the wall. If you played your cards right—and stayed awake—you could possibly make it out of this alive. He did say he would give you five minutes. Despite this, with the drug pumping through your veins, time slowed. Every muscle in your body was sluggish. Clutching onto the blooded dagger, you tread on. The one thing you had was your stubbornness and you let that fuel your heavy bones. 
There had to be a reason you lasted this long, especially with spending most of it alone. You were built to endure. And endure you must if you truly don’t want to become a vampire's eternal. 
Brain swimming, you made it to the stairs. Almost there, you reassured yourself. Once you make it to the crowd, your scent and form would disappear into the pool of bodies. Surely, Baji would lose you like a bloodhound presented with too many stimuli. Hope was all you could cling on for now.
Trying your best to forgo the fuzziness, you race down the stairwell back into the forsaken hallway that started this all. You were almost there, all you needed to do was exit the winding corridor. You would crawl back from the mouth of hell. 
A chuckle bellowed in the deserted space. Speak of the devil.
At the top of the stairwell was the very last creature you wanted to see. Stood before was the very vampire that damned you. Smugness reeked from his posture. His hair was tied back. Doom settled in your belly. 
“Hard to focus, huh?” He mocked.
You sneered. Even if he caught sight of you, this morbid game of hide and seek was not done until you decided so.
Adrenaline pumping ever faster, you ripped open a door not too far from you. Slamming it closed and locking it, you ignored the screaming of a woman. On a couch very similar to the one upstairs was a woman with a vampire drinking from her wrist. 
“Get the fuck out!” The vampire sneered, her body shielded the woman. How sweet.
“Don’t let him in,” was all you replied. 
This room also had no window, though there was a door to the right. You swung open to see it was another room just like this one. Must be a safety precaution. Doesn’t matter, all that does is that you can use this to your advantage. You will just room hop until you reach as close as you can to the exit. 
Baji slammed against the door of the room you had just left. Not tempting fate and not wanting him to know you knew all the rooms were connected, you jumped over the couch to the next door. 
You opened and once again you were met with nothing. Sighing in relief, surely if another person kicked up a fuss Baji would instantly pinpoint your location. Dagger in hand, you barged into room after room. The repetition of decor flashed in front of you like a fever dream. 
After what could have been the tenth door you were met with a deadend. This must be the last room in the hall. Inhaling as much as you could, you open the door to the hallway. You were met with nothing and the red lights poured into the hall. Just as you were about to leave the room, a hand grabbed your lower face and pulled you backwards. A scream caught in your throat as the door was pushed shut. Slammed into a tall, freezing body, you struggled.
How the fuck were you caught? You were careful, this wasn’t fair. 
The body wrapped their arm around your waist and hauled you further into the room until you both collapsed onto the couch. Sat upon the lap of the very vampire you wanted far from you, you dug your nails into the skin of his arm. He simply squeezed you tighter. 
“Guess you lost, little hunter.” His tone was condescending and amused.
No, no, you weren’t done. This wasn’t over until you decided it was. The forgotten dagger was quick to dig into the meat of the arm binding you to him. He growled in pain. The hand clutching your lower face, moved its grip to slam your head against the arm of the couch. Your brain wobbled in your skull. Blood gushed from your nose. Everything was in a daze. 
Baji ripped the dagger that poked from the other side of his forearm. You were sure you nicked yourself, but it was worth it. He threw your only weapon far from the both of you. 
He leaned over you and gripped you by your throat. “You brat.”
You laughed in his face. You had definitely sealed your fate as rage built in those molten eyes, but the satisfaction was worth the penalization. 
“You content with yourself?” He mocked, and as you laughed harder, something in him shifted. 
In those golden irises, mischief crept in. Baji never liked prey that rolled over and let him devour. The best part of a meal is the anticipation. 
Still clutching your fragile throat, he leaned down and licked the blood that pooled from your nose down to your lips. A moan left him as his nails grew sharper and the teeth in his mouth stretched. Feeding was always a vulnerable time for vampires as their true forms manifested. Still beautiful, but oh so haunting. Black veins spidered from his under eyes as his mouth became a darker hue. 
“You are absolutely divine.” The words were meant to flatter, but you recoiled. Baji saw the fear start to build. “Now don’t be like that. I won’t hurt you, unless you want me to.”
“Get off me!”
He pressed his body further into yours, his cold meshing with your warmth. The chase had left you heated and your body almost craved the ice he gave. 
“Don’t tell me you didn’t have fun, little hunter. Your kind are always the adrenaline junkies. Can’t say I can judge, though.”
You sniped at him, “yes, running for my life was very thrilling.”
“That's the spirit!” He laughed. This damned vampire was insane. 
You squirmed, wanting him off you. Your arms still freed, you slapped and hit what you could, but it was useless. Baji easily gathered your wrists into one hand and pinned them to the arm of the couch. His weight pressed further into you. His legs, he pried yours apart so he could slot your crotch to his. There was no way you could escape his hold now. 
Exhausted, you don’t know if you even want to. The drugs still haven’t left your system. 
Baji nosed the side of your neck as he did the past week. “See, it doesn’t have to be hard. Just give in to me and you will never have to worry again.”
The words were tempting, but how can you believe the words of a forked tongue beast?
Still seeing you hesitating, Baji pushed more, “it can’t be a great life as a hunter. You spend your days in solitude, in fear of your Higher Ones. With me, you will no longer be afraid.”
You furrowed your brows, his words were too accurate. “How do you know that?”
“I have watched you for so long, my dear hunter. You can say I’m a picky eater.”
Of course, he had been stalking you, why would you think anything else? “Get off. Get off!”
Baji’s thumb stroked right where your carotid artery is, entranced of the blood flowing under the flesh. He stopped listening to your defiant quips. The vampire forgot how long it had been since he fed and he has his meal right under his thumb. He wanted you to be more willing about this, but if he must be mean, he will.
Moving his thumb so it dug into your jawbone, he tilted your head to the right. Baji licked your neck before diving in. A screech bubbled in your lungs when he bit down. His teeth were needles and the more he sank in, the more agony spread throughout your body. Your feet kicked in instinct. God, it fucking hurt but as he gulped down your rosy life essence, your body became pliant. 
His saliva finally hit your system, endorphins clouded your mind. These happy chemicals dimmed the pain and how he was draining you of all your worth. Your screams ebbed into tiny whimpers.
Seeing you had calmed down, Baji pulled away from your neck and licked the blood that fell from the open wound. Falling into blood lust, Baji grew hard from your noises and the taste of you. A warmth grew in his tummy. He needed you and he needed you, now. 
He dragged himself from your body until his knees hit the ground. You were too blissed out from the blood lost to refuse him. Taking advantage of that, Baji pulled your pants and panties off you. Despite his hunger, he was gentle with how he undressed you. The vampire wanted to savor you. 
He took your shoes off as well so you were completely bare for him. Groaning, he spied how slick collected on your slit from the endorphins and fear. Taking your right leg and placing it on his shoulder, he kissed your calf. He slathered you with open mouth kisses until he reached your inner thigh. 
You whined at how he teased you. The build up was making you clench around nothing. Your clit throbbed, begging to be stimulated in any way.
Baji laughed at your impatience. He kept up kissing your inner thigh, switching to the other side to give it the same amount of attention. Dragging his teeth gently over the skin, you whimpered when his breath hit your cunt. You bucked. He took his other hand and splayed it on your tummy to hold you down. 
You kicked him and he scowled at you. The endorphins were wearing off faster than he wanted. Baji went back to your right thigh, so close yet so far from your cunny, he placed another kiss. Before he bit down once again. Your eyes shot up from the half-mast and you gasped in pain. Baji was quick to remedy the pain and licked you. A moan left you when he drank from you again. 
It was borderline addicting how your life was drained from you. The familiar sluggishness crept back up. No wonder people were feeds. To stay in this cloudy sensation was heavenly. 
Baji parted from your thigh and finally licked your pussy. Blood was smeared over you as he sucked your clit into his mouth. You yelped at the attention. He laughed into you. The vibration of his mouth sent more pleasure down your spine. He pulled off your clit to drag his tongue from the bud down to your hole. The appendage dipped in, testing the waters. Bucking up again, or at least attempting to, Baji took that as to keep going.
And keep going did he. Nose deep, he kept tonguefucking you. It was an odd sensation but not unwelcome. His tongue was more dexterous than fingers. He twisted against your walls. Pulling his tongue out, you whined but he was quick to shut you up by taking your clit back in his mouth. The constant attention was becoming too much. 
Finding purchase, your hands gripped the one holding your hips down. He welcomed the contact as he kept pushing you closer and closer to the edge. It was unfair how good he was at this. 
“Please, please!” You begged. At this point for more or for him to stop, you didn’t know. It was just too much. 
His tongue flicked against the swollen bud as his hand dipped down to split you open with two fingers. The intrusion was almost enough, you just need more. Moans poured out. The stuttering of your chest and the shake of your thighs was enough of a tell to Baji. Ending your misery, he sucked your clit in his mouth as he curled his fingers just right. 
Ringing in your ears was all you could hear as you fell apart for the creature you swore you would end tonight. Tears bubbled up at how overwhelmed you were. Baji gave a few more licks and pumps to slowly bring you down from your orgasm. Like he cut all the strings from you, you flop further into the couch. 
Oversensitive, you whined when he took his fingers from you and pulled away from your thighs. Blood coated his lower face along with your slick. Your face almost steamed from the humiliation. Still kneeling, he kept eye contact as he brought his fingers to his lips, coated just the same as his face. He dragged his tongue from his palm up to the underside of his appendages. 
A wicked gleam flicked in his now ruby eyes, “here, you have a taste.”
He crawled back up to crowd and pin you against the couch. Without poise, he shoved his fingers into your mouth. You gagged at the intrusion and the taste of your own blood and cum. Though still high on the happy hormones, you sucked on his fingers. Maybe if you clean him, he will release you of the taste. “Fuck,” he breathed, slack jawed. “Fuck, you’re perfect.”
You kept his gaze, eyes bleary. That was enough for Baji. He pulled out from your mouth and sat back up. Impatient, he flicked up the button of his black jeans along with the zipper. The vampire couldn’t take it anymore. He had to be in you. From what he gathered tonguefucking you, you were warm and tight. 
He tugged down his pants and boxers with the crass he lacked when he undressed you. His cock was heavy as it flopped out from the constricting material. Baji sighed in relief. His cock was pretty. It was about average length but it was thick. His pubes were untamed and you squirmed at how it would feel against your already overstimulated clit. Precum drooled from the head. 
Thank fuck he opened you up or else you don’t think you could handle it with no prep. Baji gathered your arms again. Now filled with your blood, Baji was warm, hot. With his free hand, he lined himself up to your twitching hole. 
With no warning, he breached your slit. You groan at how the head bullied its way inside you. Baji followed the noise as he forced his hips further. The drag of his cock against your almost reluctant walls was having you see stars. 
He went back to wrapping a hand around your throat, fingers almost meeting at the back of your neck. Baji was so much bigger and stronger than you. He was just a tall man in general, but as he hovered over you with his hips smooshed against yours, you melt at how he engulfs you. 
Buried to the hilt, the vampire brings his mouth back to your throat, the wound still throbbed. 
“So good,” he slurred.
At that he started his rhythm. He pulled his hips back until only his cockhead was in you. You whined at being almost empty again. He shushed you. Right when he slammed in, he bit down on your throat, a lower place than before. You screamed. 
“T-too much!” you cried.
“You can take it.” 
Baji ignored your pleas as he fucked into you like a piston. He was using you like a cocksleeve. His pace was thorough and hard. His cock was filling you up in ways you never had before. It was like he was trying to mold your cunny to the shape of his cock. 
Baji kept gulping down your blood until you were fuzzy again but this time it was from the blood loss. If he kept drinking from you, you might actually pass out. 
You clenched down at the thought. Would he still keep fucking into you even if you were unconscious? A sick part of you wanted him to. So drunk off him, you wanted to be used by him in any way he needed. Why were you so set on killing him only hours ago?
Fuck, maybe you were dying. What a whorish way to go out.
Baji squeezed on your wrists as he lost his rhythm. 
“I’m close, fuck, you are divine. Your blood and your pussy. You were built just for me, my eternal.”
A sense of foreboding tried to dig into your consciousness but you were so focused on how you were right that his pubes digging into your clit was too much. Almost to your end as well, you canted your hips in tandem to his. 
“More, more,” you pleaded. More of what? You had no clue.
Baji did know what you needed as he pressed his hand further into your throat, squeezing the sides to cut off blood flow to your brain. That was enough for you to clench down so hard that Baji growled. As your cunt fluttered around him, the vampire bit further into the juncture of your shoulder until teeth almost met teeth. You screeched at the pain and Baji’s hips stuttered as he came deep in you. Him filling you has that same ringing blind you. 
You came right after him as he kept thrusting his hips into yours, not ready to leave your warmth. The strain of cumming left you limp in Baji’s grasp. Pulling his teeth from your throat, he saw the mess he left of your neck. It was as if you were mauled by a wolf rather than the vampire before you. 
You were losing blood fast and no matter how much Baji licked your wounds, it wouldn’t take back all the blood he took from you. Releasing the hand from your neck, he ripped open his own wrist so the life he stole from you and cycled through his undead heart poured from him. 
He brought the bleeding arm to your mouth, “drink,” he commanded just as he did earlier tonight.
With no way to resist, you drank. You drank until your belly was filled with his blood that was once yours. Letting go of your bound hands, you cradled the wrist as you swallow all you can, desperate. This was likened to drinking liquid candy. 
Baji pulled his arm away as you whined, missing the taste. Your chin was drenched with blood just as him. Slowly your wounds started to close and your missing blood was replenished. Despite this, you still were in an endless fog. 
The vampire leaned back on the other end of the couch and gathered you in his arms. He rested your weary head on his plush pectoral. Whatever drive you had was gone. You wanted to stay in his arms forever. Eternally. 
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network: @tokyometronetwork
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greenwitchcrafts · 9 months
January 2024 Witch guide
Full Moon: January 25th
New moon: January 11th
Sabbats: None
January Wolf Moon
Known as: Bear Moon, Chaste Moon, Cold Moon, Disting Moon, Goose Moon, Moon of Little Winter,  Moon of Strong Cold, Quiet Moon, Snow Moon, Stay at Home Moon, Sun Has Not Strength to Thaw Moon & When Snow Blows Like Spirits In The Wind Moon
Element: Air
Zodiac: Capricorn & Aquarius
Nature spirits: Brownies & Gnomes
Deities: Freya, Hera, Innana & Saraswati
Animals: Coyote & fox
Birds: Blue Jay & pheasant
Trees: Birch & Hazel
Herbs: Cones, holy thistle &marjoram
Flowers: Crocus & Snowdrop
Scents: Mimosa & musk
Stones: Chrysoprase, garnet, hematite, moonstone, onyx & jet
Colors: Black, blue-violet, grey, silver & white
Energy: Adventurous, ambitious, awareness, beauty, beginning & conceiving; business, career, conserving energy, energy below the surface, organization, political matters, potential, protection, recognition, reputation, reversing spells & spirituality
The name for the January full Moon is believed to have originated from Celtic and Old English roots, which European settlers then brought to the New World.
At one point, gray wolves were among the most widespread land mammals on our planet. According to the Wolf Conversation Center, gray wolves “inhabited most of the available land in the Northern Hemisphere.” Habitat destruction and persecution by humans have reduced their range by about a third worldwide and 90 percent in the lower 48 states.
The wolf’s adaptable nature to survive in a wide range of habitats and ability to prey on the largest mammals living in those regions made it widespread. Basically, if there are enough deer, moose, elk, caribou, bison, and musk ox, wolves can survive. Predation of domestic animals caused friction with European settlers and early Americans who aggressively hunted the wolves.
Werewolf myths can be found in ancient Greek and Roman societies, throughout European history and among some Native American tribes. In modern storytelling the transformation from man to wolf has been closely tied to the full Moon in films like “The Wolf Man” and “American Werewolf In London.”
Howl at the Moon means to waste energy pursuing something unattainable. It’s shorthand for doing something crazy. However, howling is hardly a waste of energy among wolf packs. And they aren’t howling at the Moon. The Moon just happens to be shining during times when wolves most often howl.
A wolf’s howl can be heard miles away. The vocalization helps wolves locate separated members and even communicate between packs marking their territories. One study recorded spontaneous howls and responses happen most often between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.
The cry of wolves doesn’t play into the Sioux name for the January full Moon, which is known as “The Time When Wolves Run Together.” Wolves do plenty of running to defend territory that can stretch hundreds of square miles to find enough prey to support the pack.
Other Celebrations
• Hogmanay | January 1st: is the Scots word for the last day of the old year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year in the Scottish manner. It is normally followed by further celebration on the morning of New Year's Day (1 January) and, in some cases, 2 January—a Scottish bank holiday. In a few contexts, the word Hogmanay is used more loosely to describe the entire period consisting of the last few days of the old year and the first few days of the new year. For instance, not all events held under the banner of Edinburgh's Hogmanay take place on 31 December.
The origins of Hogmanay are unclear, but it may be derived from Norse and Gaelic observances of the winter solstice. Customs vary throughout Scotland and usually include gift-giving and visiting the homes of friends and neighbours, with particular attention given to the first-foot, the first guest of the new year.
• Compitalia/ Feast of Lades | January 3-5: was an annual festival in honor of the Lares Compitales, household deities of the crossroads, to whom sacrifices were offered at the places where two or more ways met.
Dionysius said that Servius Tullius founded the festival, which he describes as it was celebrated in his time. Dionysius relates that the sacrifices consisted of honey-cakes (Ancient Greek: πέλανοι) presented by the inhabitants of each house; and that the people who assisted as ministering servants at the festival were not free men, but slaves, because the Lares took pleasure in the service of slaves. He further adds that the Compitalia were celebrated a few days after the Saturnalia with great splendor, and that the slaves on this occasion had full liberty to do as they pleased.
During the celebration of the festival, each family placed the statue of the underworld goddess Mania at the door of their house. They also hung up at their doors figures of wool representing men and women, accompanying them with humble requests that the Lares and Mania would be contented with those figures, and spare the people of the house
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Encyclopedia Britannica
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headfulloflettuce · 24 days
The Human Who Fooled All of Prythian
18. Family Meeting
Note: I would like it to be known that I love Kallias and Viviane and that they're an absolute power couple. The woman literally kept his court together during the years he was gone and now they finally get to be reunited. In other news, I have discovered the 'read more' function on tumblr.
Aquilo wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep. Unfortunately, that right was denied due to his official duties.
I didn’t actually expect those two to show up.
He had of course been truthful in giving Edur his well deserved punishment, but it wasn't exactly common for fae to show up at the training grounds the way they did. Even with permissions, most would think twice before taking up a soldier’s offer and walking straight into a lion’s den. Aquilo, to put it simply, was impressed.
Their actions warranted respect. The blonde one’s confidence is contagious, and Ophelia is...well, beautiful. That was the only way to describe her. From her hazel hair that looked like maple leaves and eyes that held an entire Autumn forest-
Aquilo shook his head, trying to focus on the soldiers training before him.
“Another lap!”
The soldiers continued with no complaint, though Aquilo could see their exhaustion.
Get your head in the game Aquilo. Now was not the time to think about a female’s lips, or the way her skin was perfectly tanned, making her stick out in the winter landscape-
“That’s enough for today!” Aquilo dismissed his trainees, stomping off to the changing rooms, his ears slightly pink.
He entered one of the palace’s side buildings, grabbing a bucket of water and pouring it over himself; the cold clearing away any unwanted thoughts. Aquilo quickly changed into his formal attire, walking back to the main palace. A soldier, stationed on one of the garden paths, saluted the captain as he passed by. Aquilo gave him an acknowledging nod, but wasted no time on pleasantries. With the solstice approaching security had been heightened, soldiers stationed nearly at every corner and door. 
Wish this festival would end soon so we could go back to our normal routine.
The Winter Solstice was a wonderful holiday, one of Aquilo’s favorites. However, the amount of things to keep track of had always overwhelmed him, not that he would ever let it show. His High Lord and Lady needed him in top condition, and they would get no less.
Preparations were in full swing with courtiers and maids ran back and forth within the main palace. From food, to decorations, to potential debates, the Court was attempting to prepare for anything that may occur.
Aquilo stopped before the door to the High Lord’s office, knocking on it three times.
“Come in.”
Aquilo stepped inside, bowing. Kallias didn’t look up from his work, simply waving him over. Aquilo approached his ruler.
The man needed a break. Kallias had always been pale, but his eyebags currently made him look like a skeleton.
Aquilo stood awkwardly as Kallias said nothing.
“How did the meeting with the businessmen go?” Aquilo prodded.
Kallias groaned, putting his head into his hands, “As well as one would expect, badly. Things are stagnating culturally and economically.”
Aquilo nodded sympathetically, “I am sure it will get better.”
You and Viviane have been working very hard, there’s no way it’s going to go to waste.
Kallias hummed, staring at the papers in front of him, “Amarantha’s reign really screwed with any projects we had at the time. The war with Hybern just made the situation worse. We also need to tackle the lack of food due to Spring being out of the picture.” he sighed, “I think we have no choice but to start considering larger trade routes with Autumn or Summer.”
Aquilo tensed at the thought of dealing with Beron.
As if reading his mind Kallias nodded in agreement, “It’s not ideal, but it may be necessary, so please prepare for it.”
Emotionally or physically?
Kallias’s look answered; both.
“Oh, how is that disciplinary program of yours coming along?” The High Lord’s cold blue eyes met Aquilo’s.
“It’s going well sir.”
Mother, the shame he felt reporting the Eduro incident to Kallias…
“Good. I don’t need us gaining a reputation for military corruption.” The High Lord noted.
“I will ensure that never happens.” Aquilo’s voice gained an edge. If there was one thing he would protect it was the reputation of Winter Court’s military.
Kallias ran a hand through his hair, “My apologies, we got sidetracked. You had a report to give.”
“No problem my lord.” Aquilo straightened his back, “Security measures have been heightened since the war which has led to a decrease in conflicts out on the streets and major cities. We’re currently spreading out our military units to more rural regions to offer them additional support.”
Kallias nodded, tapping a pen on the table as he thought.
“My men…have reported Night Court soldiers traveling by forest in the direction of Summer again.”
We both however know of their real destination; Spring.
“How many times has this happened already?”
“We have twenty five recorded instances sir. Three times just this month.”
Not counting the potential incidents my men simply didn’t spot. Night Court soldiers were known for their discretion. Always hiding in the shadows.
“Those winged bats really think they can get away with anything?” Kallias snarled, his icy demeanor breaking to reveal a blizzard underneath.
Aquilo shivered as the temperature of the room dropped.
The poor maids will have to scrub ice off the furniture again.
Suddenly, a black blur burst into the office, making the two men break out of their tense scene.
“Kallias! Look, look!” Briar practically yelled, waving her arms around, pausing as she saw their expressions, “Oh, I am sorry, are you two in a meeting?”
Aquilo had to admit; it was wonderful seeing the mortal become more comfortable within the palace. When she had first arrived she stuck to her room, avoiding most of the staff members.
“Yes, we are, is this something important?” Kallias took a deep breath, the temperature in the room returning to normal.
“Oh, it’s huge!” she ran over to the large desk, “Look at this perfume!”
Kallias and Aquilo immediately both recoiled.
“Briar, no!” the High Lord warned, trying to snatch the bottle away from the human, but Briar pulled back, “You know how…strong the scents of Winter Court perfumes are.”
“Not this one!” she insisted, “It’s a new release, just try it!”
“Briar, you know I am not a big fan of these things.” Kallias tried to reason with the child.
“Aww, pretty please!” she pleaded, “I promise you’ll like it!”
Kallias physically pulled back as Briar waved the bottle in his face.
“Briar, are you terrorizing Kallias again?” Viviane chidded, stepping inside, smiling gently.
The Lady of Winter smiled at the young girl, “Yes de-”
“Try this perfume!”
Viviane’s expression instantly fell, her hand protectively resting on her pregnant stomach, “Absolutely not, and didn’t I tell you to not go near the perfumery street?”
Briar groaned, grabbing a napkin and spritzing some of the perfume onto it.
“Briar no!” The three adults tried to stop her, but nothing happened.
Viviane approached Briar, sniffing the air, then taking the napkin and taking another small whiff.
“Where did you get this from?” she asked quietly.
“Evelyn gave it to me!”
Viviane shook her head. Her sister was always trying new things; for better or for worse. In this case, certainly for the better. 
“Kallias, smell it.”
“Love, you know how I fe-”
“Smell. It.” Viviane walked over to her husband, thrusting the napkin into his arms, which he reluctantly smelled, his eyes widening.
“This…is actually good.” he paused, looking at Briar, “What is this?”
“Perfume.” Briar looked smug.
“I realize it’s perfume, I mean where did you get it?”
“One of Evelyn’s personal servants got it.” Briar explained, “Apparently there is this new perfumery that opened up near one of the city’s centers outside of the perfumery street. It's affordable so the maid bought this bottle and began wearing it. When Lady Evelyn inquired about it the maid gave the perfume to her to try.”
“Wait, are you talking about the new perfumery run by two women?” Aquilo perked up.
“Yeah!” Briar nodded vigorously, “That one! Though I believe they have two guys working there too. A fae and his father to be more specific. Why do you ask?”
Wait, Ophelia worked with another mal-
Aquilo coughed, hoping the group didn’t notice his hesitance, “The two ladies running it just stopped by the training grounds.”
“What?!” Briar stared at Aquilo, “What do you mean they visited? Why?”
“You remember the Edur incident, yes?”
“Of course!” Briar huffed, Viviane ruffled the human’s hair fondly.
“Well, those two were the victims of that situation.”
Specifically Ophelia.
Aquilo couldn’t help but bristle at the memory.
“What were they like?” Briar asked curiously. 
“They were quite interesting. Cosette, she’s the blonde one, she definitely has a spine, while Ophelia….” 
Was a forgiving individual with an unparalleled grace and friendly demeanor.
“…has quite the positive attitude.” Aquilo had to stop himself from voicing his true thoughts.
Stay professional brain.
“Do they both make perfumes?” Viviane chimed in.
“Oh um…” Aquilo paused, “I don’t actually know, I didn’t ask.”
Briar groaned, “For being the royal captain of the guard I would have expected you to ask more about peoples’ identities.”
Aquilo nodded.
She was right, it was irresponsible of him.
Viviane shook her head, “Aquilo, she’s not being serious.”
”How long has this been on the market for?” Kallias looked at the bottle thoughtfully.
“Uhh…the maid said the group has been selling perfumes for the past couple months.”
Kallias quickly set the bottle aside, rummaging through some papers, “Hmm…based on the business ownership reports I’d guess it’s the fae called Cosette.” 
“So we do have information on them!” Briar’s face lit up.
“Yes, albeit minimal since they’ve only been active for the past couple months.” Kallias nodded, looking at the reports.
“It's very hard to get a hold of the perfumer. Since they’re a new business they still have a very small team and thus she’s constantly busy making perfumes.” Briar pouted, “Me and Evelyn tried to visit several times undercover but she was always gone or occupied with existing customers.”
“Why go undercover? Simply visit under the royal name.” Viviane smiled mischievously. 
Briar rolled her eyes, “That would make a bad impression! Besides, I am not a royal.”
“Please don’t worry about using our names to get somewhere.” the High Lord tried to reassure her, “You're our guest and a human on top of that. It would be irresponsible of us not to provide for you to our fullest extent. That includes you having access to everything you may need or want.”
Briar looked unconvinced by Kallias’s response.
How long will it take for them to stop being so possessive? They were practically smothering the poor girl with their affections.
Aquilo kept his face neutral, hoping he wouldn’t have to watch another argument between his two rulers and their unofficially adopted child.
“Just because I am a human living in Winter Court under your care doesn’t give me the right to parade around throwing titles at random business owners!” Briar retorted.
“Wise words dear.” Viviane interjected with a polite smile, sensing a growing conflict, “It’s good to remain humble. Now, how about instead we all go together? Kallias, you have been complaining nonstop that there are no good business people in the city, we should go meet the owner to establish relations!”
“Yeah! Diplomacy or whatever else Lucien likes to talk about.” Briar quickly agreed with Viviane.
The head of the guard cringed internally as the two High Fae missed the true root of the problem.
The issue wasn’t time or the desire to network, it was that the human was lonely. She was surrounded by beings that barely understood her and treated her like glass. Briar needed a friend, not another sycophant that wanted to get close to the rulers of Winter Court through her.
Kallias nodded, following his wife’s lead, “That’s a good idea. How about we go after the Winter Solstice though? We’re all quite busy right now and preparations are taking up all of our attention.”
Viviane nodded in agreement, while Briar huffed slightly.
“I was looking forward to meeting her though…” Briar muttered.
“Although I am sure the perfumer is an interesting conversation partner, we still don’t know much about this business. Seeing how they behave in the lead up to the solstice and during it will help us gauge their intentions and legitimacy.” Kallais spoke calmly, not wanting to take an unnecessary risk. 
Aquilo understood his High Lord’s preference for caution when considering the perfumery businesses’ past activities within the city. 
I wouldn’t want to endorse something potentially illegal either.
“He has a point.” Viviane’s voice was soft as she looked at Briar, “If the business seems fair and good after the celebrations are over then we ourselves would love to go and see the place with you.”
“On that topic, how is the perfumery street investigation coming along?” Kallias turned back to his head of the guard.
“Not well my Lord. Any tracks we try to follow always lead to dead ends, and proving the usage of drugs is challenging due to magic wards.” Aquilo sighed.
Kallias’s eyes narrowed in frustration, “If this continues half of my damn court will become addicts.”
“I am sure this new place isn’t like that!” Briar glared indignantly.
“We can’t know for certain.” Some ice seeped into Kallias’s voice, the temperature of the room throbbed.
Aquilo coughed.
Please don’t freeze the mortal sire.
Kallias took a deep breath. An argument now wouldn’t help anyone.
“Just try to keep an open mind.” Briar shivered slightly, a flash of guilt passing over Kallias’s face.
“Alright.” he nodded, yet his tone remained cold, “I promise to keep an open mind when we go to meet the perfumery owner.”
“For such a simple bottle the scent sure is good?” Viviane sniffed the napkin again, making Briar smile.
“Well, looks aren’t everything.” Kallias said, his voice devoid of humor. Perfumery street had taught them all that the hard way.
Viviane shook her head at her mate’s moodiness, approaching him and gently stroking his messy hair, “When was the last time you slept Kal?”
“Yesterday?” Kallias took a deep breath, relaxing against his mate’s touch.
“Haha, if you were in bed yesterday, I would have remembered.” Viviane winked suggestively.
“Okay no, ew. We don’t need to hear about that!” Briar exclaimed.
I agree. We don’t need to hear about that.
“I just want to make sure the event goes well. Tensions are high right now and we can’t afford-”
“Aww just admit you want to beat Helion’s Winter Solstice celebration.” Viviane kissed his cheek gently.
Kallias grumbled, but didn’t argue.
Aquilo restrained the smirk that wanted to escape. His High Lord has always been a competitive one, despite the cool exterior.
“How about, instead of working yourself to the brink of seeing the Mother herself, we go get some food in you?”
Kallias nodded, kissing Viviane's hand, “I would love that Viv.”
Viviane booped his nose, pulling him up, “What do you want for lunch Briar?”
“Can we have the chicken the cooks made yesterday?”
“Of course dear.” Viviane smiled. They had been trying to get Briar to try different foods but the human was stubborn in her ways, insisting she didn't want them to waste more money than necessary, sticking to simpler dishes.
The two rulers didn’t stop the young human, permitting her to eat whatever she wanted, merely suggesting alternatives.
“What do you think of trying a different type of desert today?” Viviane asked gently.
“Perhaps Eclairs?” Kallias’s eyes sparkled as he walked on Briar’s other side.
Briar seemed conflicted. Eventually, her curiosity to try a new sweet treat besides ice cream won out, “I would like that.”
Aquilo watched the group leave, chatting happily, trailing after them quietly.
I wonder what Ophelia’s favorite sweet is?
Next: Chapter 19 - Memento
Back: Chapter 17 - All Things Magic and Mystic
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noahmullariii · 6 months
11 random pjo&hoo headcanons
mostly Will Solace centric cuz I'm hyperfixated on this dork
Will is terrified of birds (which is canon in tsats apparently but idgaf about that book sooo) after those chariot races in sea of monsters. that shit was traumatising okay.
literally any song can heal. cue Will bursting into I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters while healing cabin 5 for the umpteenth time.
Jason is a feral wolf boy (it's not really an unpopular opinion but whatever). he bites, barks and growls when sparring. extremely territorial. doesn't like the feeling of a table edge against his forearms so he eats sitting cross-legged on the ground. doesn't like wearing shoes and only started sleeping on a normal bed at 12 when during a particularly cold winter he kept getting sick from sleeping on the barracks' floor and Reyna manhandled his ass to New Rome's furniture store and got him a thin mattress.
Jason needs to be within touching distance of someone at all times. he'd reflexively comb through and braid Reyna and Piper's hair, play with Dakota and Leo's curls, press his forehead against Gwen and Nico's shoulder blades and side hug Bobby and Thalia.
unmasked Will has murder in his eyes. his pacifism is not an innate trait, but his ultimate choice. a very hard one at times, because his brain's first instinct is always "choose violence". his anger issues are even worse than Percy's, although his self-control is better.
on a related note - grandpa Micah taught Will how to shoot a gun when he was 6. his archery skills are nonexistent, but he's the best shot with firearms. he tries to keep it on the down low however, cuz he prefers to give off a non-threatening sunshine vibe to most other campers, but he occasionally works on his shooting during solitary forest patrols and while at home on holiday breaks.
Hazel becomes a hardcore brony the moment she finds out about MLP. her favourite character is Princess Luna. her bunkspace is now full of merch and creepypastas are her new bedtime stories.
Nico doesn't like peanut butter but absolutely loves cottage cheese. Will finds that interesting. Will himself likes both.
Will loves emo music actually. although he will annoy everybody by always picking the silliest country songs during his shifts at the infirmary. he thinks it creates good vibes.
Nico's hair is thick, kinda wavy and hard to manage so he's constantly caught between craving to grow it out really long and impulsively cutting it chin-length. so in last olympian it's down to his shoulders but during Gaea war he sports a short shag again. after settling at camp he can finally grow it out cuz Drew shows him her cabin's secret weapon - conditioner!
everybody in cabin 7 knows italian (just like cabin 10 knows french. and yes, I know it's another popular one), but only to the extent of their music gift. so while Austin is bilingual, Will's innate italian knowledge is lower intermediate at best. although naturally they can only speak and understand it (just like with ancient greek and cabin 10's french) so they still have to study writing.
lots of those are inspired by general fanon as well as many fic writers' personal headcanons, but off the top of my head I can only tell you that the peanut butter one is from iyncbyhim by @yrbeecharmer
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