#He doesn't see what so special about Madeline
asher-turtle · 2 years
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So I got bored and I have this dress up app it's called batdoll and I was thinking about how Vlad clone Danny and his stable clone Danielle ended up younger (am female) so got me thinking of a younger clone of Vlad so I gave him off White color maybe reminiscent of cream instead of the gray color cuz I'm not giving a child gray hair I had fun with this ghost mode though picking out the colors of Vlads usual colors I may have gone with too much black but I think it looks good
Edit: so I was looking for a name for him I couldn't find any that weren't just Vlad with extra stuff (would probably do that though) anyways I settled on the name Victor
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thevoidstaredback · 4 months
So, I assume cores are like a ghosts version of autistic special interests, and assumedly not everyone becomes a ghost?
But what if Jack does, his core could be ghosts itself, and is one of the strongest fresh ghosts to be out there, one worthy of rivalling king Danny.
Oo! I like this. I haven't gotten too far into any world building, but let's see if we can do this some justice. I haven't ever written Jack, so this might be absolutely horrible. Also, most of my knowledge is purely fanon or what I made up on the fly.
Idk if this is what you wanted, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. <2
Jack Fenton had always loved ghosts. His parents read him ghost stories and myths and legends when he was growing up, his sister was very into the dark and macabre, and his brother even took him ghost hunting a few times!
Yes, the Nightingale family had been witch hunters, but an interest change came with the name change. It was a package deal, really. One that know one really registered until much later down the line.
At the end of his senior year, Jack meet Madeline. If you asked her, it was love at first sight. If you asked him, it was love at first fight.
Maddie, as she liked to be called, had been raised by her grandmother. The woman taught Maddie everything she knows about the supernatural, claiming to be a medium. No one ever believed her.
Jack had a friend throughout high school named Vlad. Vlad was, in every sense of the word, paranoid. He had measures against everything supernatural, metaphysical, real, ect. If you could think of it, he probably had something to counter it.
The three made quite the team in college. Maddie and Jack had applied to the same colleges, only going to the one that accepted them both. Vlad followed after them, saying that he didn't trust Jack to leave him on his own.
"Ridiculous!" Jack had whispered to Maddie, "He just doesn't like being alone."
Ghosts were the common interest between the three, having grow up around some kind of exposure, so when someone offhandedly mentions a theoretical way that a living being could enter the Realm of the Dead, well, they had to see if it was actually possible.
Which leads them to nearly twenty-three years later. Their research had gotten Vlad hospitalized, so he wasn't there to share in the success, but that hadn't stopped Jack and Maddie. They'd worked for years to build a portal into the Afterlife for the opportunity to study a real life ghost.
Their research, of course, had been shunned in many occult circles, but that's okay. Those guys were all quacks and crazies anyway. Who needs their approval?
Ghosts were the emotions of a formerly living being that had imprinted themselves on ectoplasm. The proof? There was a ghost attack on their college during their junior year. Everyone thought they had staged it because no one saw the ghost, but Jack, Maddie, and Vlad knew. They had gathered the small bit of glowing green goo to study it.
That glowing green goo had been what had powered up the portal when they got it build. They used it like a battery.
So why hadn't it worked?
Well, it worked eventually, but why had it taken nearly four hours after the initial activation of the portal?
Regardless, they had been right and now Amity Park was full of proof to prove themselves to everyone that had ever laughed at them! If only Vlad could've shared in the glorious moment. He's not dead! They just...lost contact shortly after Danny was born.
Jumping forward almost two decades, Jack and Maddie were sat down by their children, Jasmine and Danny. Apparently, Danny had been the one to activate the portal by dying. It was...a lot to process, but they were happy he had come to them, even if it had taken two years.
It made them rethink a lot of their thoughts over the years. But, you can't really teach an old dog new tricks, no matter how much you explain and demonstrate it.
They didn't hurt Danny! God, no. They'd already done that enough.
No, Jack and Maddie redoubled their efforts to study ghosts with the added intention of understanding them.
Everyone in Amity Park know that there's at least a 90% chance they'll become a ghost when they die. That is quickly lowered to a 50% chance when the understanding that intent matters in all situations, even death. Those who want to rest won't come back as a ghost. Those who have something to finish or do have a bigger chance of coming back. Maybe not with all their memories, but they might.
Maddie, when she died of a combination of radiation - because ectoplasm is barely radioactive, but consistent exposure for most of her life doomed her - and old age, wanted to rest. She had done enough in her life, so she was ready to leave it behind.
Jack, when he died of the same combination with the addition of pneumonia, wanted to be with Maddie. But he also wanted to finally finish what he and Maddie and Vlad had started all those years ago.
Upon his death, Jack remembered a conversation he'd had shortly after Danny had come clean about being Phantom.
"Dann-o?" Jack had asked one morning.
"Hey, dad," Danny had tried to smile, but he seemed so tired. He was always tired. Had he always been this tired? Was this a new thing? Jack was horrified that he didn't know.
Jack had sat down next to his son on the couch, not too close as to be imposing, but close enough to be comforting. "What's wrong?"
Danny took a very long time to answer, words seeming to fall apart in his mouth. "Are you and mom going to keep trying to capture ghosts?"
Jack blinked. Why wouldn't they? There was still so much to know! So many theories to prove or disprove! So much locked potential that no one was ever going to look into again simply because no one else thought it possible!
"I mean-" Danny scrunched his nose in thought, trying to piece the words together in a way that someone who couldn't read his thoughts or be in his head could understand. "You and mom have worked to study ghosts for basically your whole lives. But, now that you know I am one, are you going to stop? Like, are you going to stop hunting them - us - down? Are you guys going to keep trying to hurt us?"
Oh. Oh. He's- Danny, he's- he's worried that they'll hurt him? "Oh, Danny," he said, "It was never our intention to hurt you."
"But we can't just drop everything. We've been doing this our whole lives almost, like you said. What are we supposed to do if we stop it all?"
Danny didn't say anything. In fact, he looked devastated. Why..?
Oh. Oh.
"It's not like that!" Jack was quick to say, "We're-we're not going to hunt ghosts any longer. If anything, we'll probably just want to ask some questions? I don't really know. I'll have to talk to your mom about it some more, but- We don't want to hurt you, Danny. It was never our intention."
Danny had been very quiet and a bit distant for the rest of the week after that. Unless, he'd always been like that? But he opened back up a little while later.
Jack and Maddie had never really completed their research on ghosts, so it's no surprise that one of them would come back as the thing they spent their lives after. But now came the question of what Ghost!Jack's obsession is.
It's usually seen as insensitive to ask a ghost what their Obsession is. But, if you know what their Obsession is, most are beyond thrilled to share it with you, basically info dumping everything they know about the subject, sharing related items, and learning more with you. It's a fun experience for all involved, especially if two or more ghosts have the same or similar enough Obsessions.
Really, it shouldn't have been a surprise that Jack Fenton's Obsession was Ghosts, considering his life.
Once that was a widely known fact, though, some began to wonder what his core and powers would be. Aside from, of course, the basic power set that all ghosts get when they become a ghost.
Cores and powers go hand in hand with a ghost's Obsession. Sometimes they amplify one another, sometimes they compliment one another. Very rarely are they the same thing.
For example, King Phantom's core is ice, his Obsession is protection, and his powers relating to that of ice, mostly offensive and defensive focuses. Ember's core is fire, her Obsession music, and her powers are similar to those of the sirens of myths.
You get the idea.
Then again, the Fenton Family has never been normal, has it? Not even as far back as when they were the Nightingale Family.
King Phantom had figured out one day what his father's powers were, and, consequently, his strength. It was an accident, really! They hadn't seen each other in a while, and Jack's hugs were already monstrously strong before he'd become a ghost-
Who knew that ghosts could get shattered spines?
Jack Fenton, upon becoming the very thing he'd spend his life dedicated to, gained the ability to copy another ghost's power via manipulation of his core.
While most ghosts' cores were a single solid substance like ice or fire or shadows, Jack's core was ectoplasm. Able to change and adapt to his needs, not set in any one way.
Phantom was beyond glad his father, who became known as The Professor, was on his side.
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sweetmariihs2 · 4 months
Since I got a Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney movie mostly) hyperfocus I've been wondering about some stuff:
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Quasimodo poured molten bronze from the top of the cathedral onto the people below, especially Frollo.
1 - He didn't cared about the innocent citizens down there which is weird for his character - maybe it was the stress idk. Or he just knew that the closest ones from the cathedral were the guards, which is where the bronze would fall. But it could have spilled on anyone. Weird.
2 - In the following morning there was no molten bronze (or smoke, or even the stage where Frollo tried to burn Esmeralda) on the square anymore. And everyone was fine?
3 - Why was there molten bronze in Notre Dame, specially in that place? I don't know much about the Middle Ages but it doesn't seem normal for that fire to be lit all the time, it would be a waste of time and firewood. Logically, it would only be melted when a bell needed to be repaired, and Quasimodo was stuck in those chains since they got out of the Court Of Miracles, probably. So it makes no sense.
4 - Poor boy was probably starving there. It was the next day. (Edit: or maybe the Court Of Miracles scene just happened at the previous day 11:00 PM and the fire scene happened at the next day 03:00 AM, who knows?)
5 - I only heard it was molten bronze. First time I watched I got so confused, I'm pretty sure that they didn't said that on the movie. Also, I never heard about churches having that kind of dangerous material inside them. People fixed the bells there? People made them there? Help I'm so confused. Can someone answer me? With real pics please? I tried to make a research but couldn't find anything.
I would also point out that Frollo standed on a gargoyle he HIMSELF had cut in the middle. He dug his own grave. lmao. you can see the cut mark of the sword on the gargoyle next to his feet. I think that's not really obvious and someone out there didn't got it. I only did after like my fourth watch.
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Something I also wonder is if the archdeacon told Quasimodo the full story of what Frollo did to his mother. And yes, you may think "of course, I would love to see it that way, Quasimodo deserves to know", and while I agree with you... imagine how he would feel when knowing that the archdeacon knew the truth for years and kept it from him. Let Frollo lie to him, let Frollo abuse him and tell him that his mother abandoned him because he looked like a monster, for years, years and years. He wouldn't be fine. I can only think about his rage when Frollo tried to stab him at the end of the movie or when Phoebus appeared right after Esmeralda escaped from Notre Dame. Poor boy would never be able to look at that archdeacon's face again.
Why did the archdeacon let Frollo just take care of Quasimodo after what Frollo did?! He clearly didn't wanted to take care of the baby, the archdeacon just pushed little Quasi onto his hands for Quasi to suffer! When someone is denying something, they may do it but they'll do it grudgingly. If it was something stupid than it would be fine, but that's a whole life in his hands. The archdeacon just forced abuse on Quasi for years. What did he thought? That because Frollo felt guilty he would be a good father? He knows Frollo's character and saw how reckless he acted with that child's life. And even worse, he could have stopped it. But no, he saw Quasimodo suffering for 20 years and just let it happen.
Just found this on pinterest:
We see them interact with the environment around them all the time, mostly during the rebellion in front of Notre Dame by the end of the movie. I know that the sequel is not really good and maybe not even canon but Madeline sees them too. "They can be both schizophrenic" at the same time and seeing/hearing the same stuff? No way. Shut up I won't hear anyone out.
Quasimodo's pure heart and sweet - insecure behavior doesn't come from Frollo's childrearing. It comes from the Gargoyles and the insecurity Frollo buried into Quasi's head.
If Quasimodo was only raised by Frollo, he would be a thrash bag. He would have prejudice against the romani people, instead of just repeating in doubt what Frollo says during the scene where he shows the cathedral's terrace to Esmeralda. He also wouldn't be that sweet kind of guy who covers his view when suddently bumps into a girl changing her clothes. Basically he would be cruel and stupid, just like how Esmeralda said "How could such a cruel man have raised someone like you?"
And the answer is that: He didn't! Frollo taught him everything he needed to know, brought him food, and then left him alone for the rest of the day like we see him doing in the movie. You know who raised Quasimodo? The gargoyles. It's them who turned him into someone sweet and nice to have around. They're his adoptive parents in a way, you know?
And I also think that idea of them never showing themselves to humans but seeing that poor boy being left alone in that belltower made them want to do something about it. Make him some company, and teach him the right stuff - which is what Frollo wasn't doing right, just like everything else he does.
And I'M SURE, I JUST KNOW THAT IT WAS LAVERNE WHO DECIDED TO DO IT FIRST. She tried to convince Hugo and Victor about starting to help little Quasi, but they were afraid of doing it so. Laverne just said "you know what? I can't keep watching this in silence. Fuck it" and they just went along.
Also, something I learned in practice was that when you make someone insecure, convinces that person to believe they're less than anyone else and that they're stupid, dumb and ugly, this person tends to be extra nice to get approval of others. They don't even do it on purpose, the're just trying to make up for their appearence and stupidness through acts of kindess and service. And if that's done to them since a young age like it was done to Quasimodo, they do it unintentionally, and it turns into a personality trait. In a "I'm sorry for being like this. Let me make up for you" way. Like Quasimodo said "I know that I'm ugly", and in my opinion that's one of the worse ilnesses someone can have. It's not even a real ilness, and yet it's so damn hard to cure. Lmao that's totally not based on something I experienced, of course not. That's exactly why I absolutely don't kin Quasimodo. Of course not.
Children come into the world with a natural desire to discover and explore. To make Quasimodo so quiet and submissive, Frollo must have given the worst kinds of punishments to "discipline" him. He probably hit him more than once. Locked him somewhere? Maybe worse, Frollo tends to be quite creative when punishing innocent people. He broke all of Quasi's stuff he made for weeks, maybe years, just to scare him, and because he was angry.
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It makes me even more worried to see how Quasi reacts to Frollo everytime they're together. He just reacts with fear and respect every time. Fear, mostly fear. What kinds of things hasn't this boy endured by disobeying or responding in a way that didn't pleased Frollo? To have to pick up the plates correctly and immediately sit down to study, and call him his "master" instead of just "Frollo".
I would also like to point out how Frollo stopped calling Quasimodo "Quasimodo" and started calling him "hunchback" closer to the end of the movie. That's how he sees him after all these years. A dumb, ugly and miserable guy who obeys him and is not even seen as a human. Have you ever watched The Goonies? You know that guy? Yes, that guy? I think that Frollo sees Quasi like this. The novel version reinforces this even more, with Quasimodo not being able to hear and barely talking.
I also headcanon that Disney's Quasimodo is still a bit deaf because of the bells. He can still hear, but lower. Sometimes his friends need to call his name twice.
And now these thoughts deserve a whole part of the post to discuss (Frollo and Esmeralda centered):
Frollo was probably considered ANCIENT because the life expectancy during medieval times was around 25-30 years. The guy was at his 66 years old.
1 - I know that in the book he's described as being afraid of woman, and a priest, so it made sense that he wasn't married. But that didn't happened in the movie. And as a (pervert) 66 yo old man, christian, white, powerful (judge and I still headcanon him as a fiefdom owner in the movie idc it makes sense in my head), traditional, who claims he's the only right person in the world and who does all kinds of atrocities, and who literally threatens (and tries) to kill Esmeralda if she refuses to "be his". Why didn't he had a wife? I mean, he could manipulate a woman or anyone for that matter if he wanted someone to... yk. I want to discuss more about this in the following topic.
What did Frollo meant when he said "Choose me or the fire"? I mean, there were three meanings for that quote in that context: "be in love with me", "hook up with me" or "be my wife (both, except that she would be stuck with him forever, and that's probably what he meant)"
Since he's a traditional christian guy and probably a sexist too based off his character, it would only made sense that he's the kind of guy to say "the man provides, the housewifes do the house chores and take care of the children".
As we see in 'Hellfire', he seems to support the purity culture, celibacy. And he's blaming himself for feeling attraction towards Esmeralda.
But this also can be for two reasons: because he choose celibacy, OR because she's a romani girl, which are people you know he despises. Or it can be both. That's also a doubt of mine.
Continuing my train of thought and taking this into consideration, Frollo feels extremely guilty for feeling attracted to her, and he claims "Destroy Esmeralda and let her taste the fires of hell; Or else let her be mine and mine alone" (I know you sang it).
Based off this, and knowing that Frollo is a radical (and hypocrite, but somehow he refuses to accept his lust for a long time) conservative christian, it would only made sense he would consummate after wedding. And by his word choices "let her be mine and mine alone", "choose me or the fire" sounds like he would like to MAKE HER HIS, PERMANENTLY. Maybe these words don't have this meaning? Maybe they're just about having her once? Maybe. But who knows. He's that kind of religious guy.
On the other way, he despises romani people and is disgusted of Esmeralda at the same time he's crazy about her. He calls her a witch, says it's her fault he was having those thoughts, "look at that disgusting display" (that classic kind of guy who says short skirts are innapropriate and too provocative but it's trying to look under them, iykyk). Basically he hates Esmeralda, who she is, despises her dance and calls it "disgusting display" and yet he's lusting over her. Considering this, it would only make sense he would do what he wants and leave her aside somehow, Frollo wouldn't want people to know that he married a romani girl, or a "vulgar girl" like her, maybe Frollo doesn't sees "the potential in her to be in a christian marriage", you know that that's extremely in character for him.
If Esmeralda had accepted his offer and did what he wanted, what would have happened? He would marry her and would exhibit her as a recanted woman? In a "I fixed her" kind of way, "and now she's my wife"? He would wipe all of her originality, personality and being out of her and turn her into his puppet like Elvis did to Priscilla in the movie "Priscilla", but worse? She would live an unhappy life with him and probably have his children too because this kind of guy believes in "only indulging in carnal acts when the purpose it's to reproduce"? Or maybe not, maybe he doesn't want children, but it doesn't matter because guys like him usually leaves all that on their wife's backs.
Also during the song "Hellfire" we see how fire Esmeralda "burns at the stake" and turns into smoke, flying into his direction with open arms. That's kinda metaphoric about him torturing her in that stake, stripping her of who she is and turning her into a ghost of herself. One that doesn't burn like flames, is softer, quieter, and willing for him and his twisted love - the kind of wife this kind of guy want.
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While it also makes sense of him only having her once and considering Esmeralda "too promiscuous and part of the 'the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd', not good enough to be his wife", it's also possible that he's hinting about turning Esmeralda into a quiet, submissive and sad wife. "I can save you in this world and the other" maybe also hints at that, changing her so she's not "sinning" anymore by being who she is.
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There's a great channel on Youtube called "Final Girl Studios" and the owner of the channel makes video essays, she LOVES to mention this subject. It fits perfectly what we're talking about.
And ALSO I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO MENTION HER ESSAY ABOUT THE MOVIE "VALERIE AND HER WEEK OF WONDERS". She talks about the Madonna and the prostitute theory and how the movie surrounds around this. And it's relevant to mention here that this movie has everything to do with the dynamic and topics discussed between Frollo and Esmeralda, not only in the Disney movie but also in the other adaptations and in the original novel.
I mean, it's a movie that's about a young girl called Valerie who just got into her puberty and spent a week finding out about how harsh the world is towards woman in general. So many things happen in this movie, but you can get what I mean when knowing that there's a scene when the priest tries to take advantage of her but fails because he remembered he should be celibate, and later then on the movie he tries to burn her at the stake, saying that she's a witch and seduced him to sin. Valerie then shows him her tongue.
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Gosh that was so fun to take out of my chest and share. Someone needs to make a full post or video about how the Madonna x Whore subject is related to Esmeralda and Frollo. It's too much work for me, but maybe you guys would like to.
Also my friend mentioned about Esmeralda wearing different clothes during the stake scene. And yeah, okay, but if she was wearing different clothes, someone made her dress them, or dressed her themselves. She (my friend) was afraid that Esmeralda may have been assaulted or abused in any way during that period of time. I don't think Frollo did anything drastic like she does, or else he wouldn't be asking Esmeralda to "recant" and accept his offer.
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Hi Alex. Is it ok to vent a little bit a lot? It's completely fine if you don't post any response, I completely understand. This is a HUGE experience prompt to respond to.
I was birthed with the male sex (he/him) so you can call me that.
Over the past year and two months, I've been feeling just a little off. I keep a journal, and have since before that moment, so I have my experience written down carefully. In short form, I don't know who I am. In a longer form, I'm a weird, cringey high schooler who doesn't know who they are, who wears a galaxy backpack to school, who is agnostic (Christian, but can't prove it right or wrong), aromantic, and asexual. My experience isn't special by any means, in fact, I think I fit literally every queer stereotype known to mankind? Here's the best part: I live in Oklahoma, the famous place of Nex Benedict's horrific death.
About a month ago, I saw "Celeste" in a YouTube video about some of the hardest, but most enjoyable, games of all time. I looked it over, it's on sale for $5, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford that. So I got it and finished it within 3 days. I instantly recommended it to my brother, who also happens to be a little queer. He loved it too, but I STILL didn't know the backstory behind that game. Then, I saw the video. It was an amazing reading of Celeste, down to every minor detail of the game. One thing that stood out, was the fact that the both the creator, and the protagonist, were trans women. Even better: it was known for being a wonderful story of the trans experience, and I RELATED TO IT. EVEN BETTER: I had now recommended it to practically my entire friend group, including some incredibly religious people. So what was I gonna do about it? Not care, and continue onto the B-sides.
I want to say 5 days ago was when it really kicked in that "wait a minute, I related to Madeline in a very deep way, and she's a trans..." Now this is the climax, get ready. Because I had been journaling for so long, I had already written about my experience since those early days where I had that so-called dysphoria. And after I realized that could be because I'm trans, I immediately asked my parents what my girl names were before I was born. (doctors didn't know my sex until about two weeks before I was due) "Eden" is a pretty cool name, I guess I'll try it. I walk into my dad's office (works from home) that same day after school, and he immediately turns to me and asks: "So why did you need to know your girl names?" I immediately respond with "... idk?" Very convincing, well done. I text him after I flee to my room, "I'm experimenting, don't take that too seriously" He understands, and I'm at peace. Mom also takes it well, and we're good to actually begin the experiments I was "planning".
First up, change the online bios, like Discord. See how it actually looks on me. AAAAND my best friend sees it within a few hours. Not even prompted, we were talking, playing rocket league, and he just "hey why's your bio say you're experimenting with 'Eden' as your new name?" Explained, but he was in a weird spot. "I'm happy and will support you with whatever you **choose**." Key word there, I'm not choosing anything. I'm actually going with the flow so much more than he could imagine. But okay, we've got a pretty good ally on our side! Going great.
Except here comes "Part of Me" with the anxiety of what could happen, why I shouldn't do anything different around peers, and more importantly why I shouldn't experiment with myself. And to be honest, I believe that part of me. There's so many questions that I ask like "but what if it's all for attention?" or "but you always acted like a boy, why are you changing now? or "maybe the other Christians were right. you are a sinner after all, you're a bad person and you DO deserve to die." You know those.
And with those come the questioning part of it. Am I ACTUALLY just doing what I'm doing for attention? Like I said, I'm a high schooler. I'm a future aerospace engineer for SpaceX, I love computers, and I have top 1% test scores as a sophomore. I'm doing good with school, but that's exactly why I basically have one friend who is also up there with me. I'm not here to brag, I'm here to show that I don't get a lot of attention at school, it's basically all family members who care about me. So again, am I just trying this for attention? I don't think so, but that seems like what my brain would want me to say.
And to be honest, I needed this. I vent every day, but to nobody except Google advertisement algorithms out of Google Docs (my journal). I vent and cry into empty space, but maybe this is finally not just to my phone. This is to another human who I think has had a close experience to mine.
And of course I'm not going to ask you "who am I, who do I like, and what's my gender?" But I am going to ask you one thing: What's your take? I mean this is the trans experiences blog, but I'm not sure if I am a trans. I figured this was the best place to get a good use out of my time. Thank you so much for letting people like me do this, it seriously means a lot.
i'm glad that you feel that this is a space where you can comfortably talk about your experience, and question your gender. My advice, is to keep experimenting,and see where it takes you find out what you're comfortable with, it might take time, and it might change. It took me a while to get to where i am now, and even now i'm not 100% sure. i tried different labels that felt right at the time, but they changed later, and thats okay.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: LIKE, COMMENT, OR REBLOG IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN THE TAGLIST otherwise I'll delete you from it! Not to be rude I just kinda feel like I'm spamming accounts without meaning to jsdjsd -Danny Words: 2,706 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'As A Child' -by Madeline The Person
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II. Thanks for Checking In! I'm Still a Piece of Garbage
Ara's doing her best, but Leo's not listening, he's just trying to remember where he's seen Ara before.
"Do I get a sword?" He interrupts her as soon as they walk past the arena.
"Your cabin makes its own weapons."
"My cabin? You mean Vulcan's?" He smirks. 
"Hephaestus," Ara replies plainly, Leo wonders if she's capable of smiling.
"Festus?" He tries again. "Sounds like the god of cowboys."
"Hephaestus. God of blacksmiths and fire and all that stuff Annabeth said," Ara repeats absently.
Leo makes a face, he's thinking of the term "God of fire", but Ara doesn't know that. "So the flaming hammer over my head—Good thing or bad thing?"
"Normal thing," she shrugs. "Everyone gets claimed as soon as they get here..." She glances in the direction of the forest.
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Percy doesn't look at me like I'm a hindrance, he needs a friend, and I want one, so there is understanding between us. Also, I'm very low maintenance so he appreciates the simple company. I'm weaving with the naiads while Percy and Grover talk beside me.
"How was your conversation with Mr. D?"
"Fine," Grover pouts. "Just great."
"So your career's still on track?"
The satyr yelps. "Chiron t-told you I want a searcher's licence?"
"Well... no. He just said you had big plans, you know... and that you needed credit for completing a keeper's assignment. So did you get it?"
"Mr. D suspended judgement. He said I hadn't failed or succeeded with you yet, so our fates were still tied together. If you got a quest and I went along to protect you, and we both came back alive, then maybe he'd consider the job complete."
"Well, that's not so bad, right?"
"Blaa-ha-ha! He might as well have transferred me to stable-cleaning duty. The chances of you getting a quest... and even if you did, why would you want me along?"
"Of course I'd want you along!"
"What about me?" I ask distractedly.
"I don't see why not," Percy grins. 
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She gives a start. "Whatcha say?"
"That dude from a while ago... he mentioned a curse."
Ara dismisses it with annoyance. "Cabin nine's fine, their old counselor passed away and—"
"What? Like, painfully?" Leo asks in worry.
"There was a war," she answers briefly. "Don't ask."
"Why are you giving me the tour?" He proceeds quickly, too curious to think about one thing for more than just a few seconds. "Are we siblings?"
"No, that would've made things easier in the past..." She makes a face.
"Which one's your cabin, then? That thing Annabeth called you... What was it? Daughter of—"
"Olympus," Ara sighs tiredly. "It's a long story."
Leo's getting tired of her ambiguity. "Alright. Whatever. But you have divine blood, right?"
"Yeah," Ara admits. "But don't dwell on it too much, it's nothing special."
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"Chiron said you thought I might be something special."
I open my mouth to speak, but Grover shuts me up. I look at him in annoyance, being the guardian of a demigod as powerful as Percy is a great opportunity for a satyr like him! Why doesn't he want Percy to know? 
"Listen, don't think like that," he replies. "If you were—you know—you'd never ever be allowed a quest, and I'd never get my licence. You're probably a child of Hermes. Or maybe even one of the minor gods, like Nemesis, the god of revenge. Don't worry, okay?"
Percy nudges my leg once Grover leaves. "You were about to say something."
I don't want him to get angry... but also, children of the big three never get happy endings. Percy's destined to fight for his life until he yields. That sucks. I won't be the one to break it to him.
"I had a satyr," I say quietly. "And I'm nothing special. Don't worry."
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"That old lady..." the boy tenses. "What's she doing here?"
Ara freezes, her voice comes out frightened. "You see her too?"
Leo notices her reaction and gets even more nervous. "She's not supposed to be here... right?"
"Listen... you see something like that, you walk away. Nothing good comes from old ladies," Ara pushes him forward by the shoulder.
Leo pulls out pipe cleaners from the pocket of his army jacket and starts playing with them. "Do you know who that was, though?"
"No," she wraps Nico's jacket tighter around herself, the camp doesn't let winter in, but she's feeling a chill. "Let's go to your cabin."
"Alright," he tries to keep up the lively tone in his voice. "I'm in the mood for a good curse." 
The last time she saw weird things at camp, was during Percy's first arrival. Ara keeps throwing nervous glances at Leo, she can't shake the feeling that he's got something to do with it.
He whistles lowly as cabin nine comes into view. "They got a steampunk theme going on, huh?"
Ara looks at her old cabin wistfully. "Yours is one of my favorites, but you didn't hear it from me."
Leo's eyes brighten a little as he continues to look, then he shakes his head, and his expression hardens for a moment. Ara considers checking on him, but if a person doesn't want to talk about their feelings, she should respect that.
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The rest of the campers avoid Percy after he gets claimed, I approach him and greet him like always, but he glares at me. "You're still talking to me?"
I stop halfway, and my smile falters. "I'll stop if you want."
Percy stops. "I didn't mean... everyone's acting like a jerk."
"Yes. It's not good..." My eyes widen a little as I reply. "Annabeth thinks her quest has to do with you."
"Yeah, I heard," he sizes me up. "Hey... wanna train with me?"
"Aren't you training with Luke?"
"I could use a five-minute break in between. Only if you want though, I know you don't like swords."
"I like them plenty," I frown. "But I'm too small for the ones we have here, or that's what everyone says when I pick one up..."
"How will you get better if you don't train?" Percy offers the handle of his sword to me. "Try it."
My fingers brush his knuckles as I reach for the weapon, and my heart shrinks with an unpleasant feeling. Most of the time, I have to focus to feel stuff, but Percy's grief is lethal if I can sense it by merely grazing his skin.
"I'll train with you," I swallow the lump in my throat.
He doesn't like my reaction. "If it scares you—"
I hug him, the grief suffocating me even more. "I want to help."
Silena has grown protective of me since I told her I had this power. She says is "Empath's touch". I can feel other people's feelings and I can take parts of them to lessen the intensity. That's okay with me, no one should go through stuff alone.
"Can I ask you something? Promise to keep it a secret?" Percy inquires as I step away. "Is it normal for a demigod... to have weird dreams?"
"They're not dreams," I reply. "They're messages someone's sending you."
"Does everyone have them?"
I shrug. "Lots of campers have them, it's normal."
"You had any?"
I tilt my head. "They don't mean anything."
Percy frowns. "Fine..."
"I mean," I continue, "my dreams... it doesn't make sense to anyone, but I know I'm right. My dreams are memories. From my past lives."
"Wait, so..." he blinks. "You have reborn?"
"I shouldn't be able to remember," I admit. "Don't tell anybody, please."
He offers his pinky and I link it with my own. "You remember who you were and everything?"
I shake my head. "Not really. I just see bits of stuff..."
"That's interesting," Percy says as we reach the arena. "If you discover what that's about, do tell me."
"If you have funny dreams you'd like to share I'm here, and I like gossip."
He pats my shoulder and then spots Luke, he hesitates. "You sure you wanna stay?"
I pat his hand. "I won't leave you."
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"A weed whacker?" Leo approaches the nearest wall. "What's the god of fire want with a weed whacker?"
"You'd be surprised," a boy in a full-body cast appears on a bunk bed. "I'm Jake Mason. I'd shake your hand, but..."
"Yeah, don't get up."
"Hi, Jack-Jack," the girl gives him half a smile. "You look great."
"Shut up, Ara," Jake groans, then looks at Leo. "Welcome to Cabin Nine, been almost a year since we had any new kids. I'm head counselor for now."
"For now?"
Jake ignores his question and speaks to Ara. "I hope this isn't taking too much of your time..."
"You know I'm here to help," she shrugs it off. "Where's everybody?"
"Forges. They're working on... you know, our problem."
Ara's smile goes away instantly. She clears her throat. "Right. I'll check on them in a moment. You got a bed for Leo?"
Jake eyes the boy carefully. "You believe in curses, Leo? Or ghosts?"
"Ghosts? Pfft. Nah. I'm cool. A storm spirit chucked me down the Grand Canyon this morning, but you know, all in a day's work, right?"
Jake nods, missing Leo's joke entirely. Hephaestus kids don't have the quickest wits when it comes to humor. "That's good. Because I'll give you the best bed in the cabin: Beckendorf's."
Ara's breath catches in her throat, and her voice comes out slightly squeaky. "Are you sure?"
"Bunk 1-A, please."
The bed rises up from under the floor, and Leo jumps onto it happily. Ara feels a little insulted, but she bites her tongue. "I can handle this."
 "It retracts into a private room below," Jake adds.
"Oh, heck, yes," he grins. "See y'all. I'll be down in the Leo Cave. Which button do I press?"  He gives her a playful look. "Wanna join me?"
Her face twists in disgust, but Leo is used to girls looking at him that way, so he's not bothered in the least, if anything, it only makes him want to annoy her further. Jake clears his throat, wanting to save his new brother from Ara. "Well, Leo, if you don't mind sleeping in a dead man's bed, it's yours."
The boy sits up abruptly. "The counselor who died... this was his bed?" 
"Yeah, Charles Beckendorf."
"He didn't, like, die in this bed, did he?"
"No. In the Titan War, last summer."
Ara feels exhausted every time someone mentions the war. Lately, her life's been plagued with losses, and remembering takes so much energy from her... she recalls every little detail, all the moments that led to this moment, and studies them in her head one by one. She can't stop.
"The Titan War," Leo's eyes are on her, "which has nothing to do with this very fine bed?" 
"You'll be safe and comfy there," Ara replies numbly. "Kronos killed half of our campers during the battle, but we didn't fight him here—"
"I'm guessing this wasn't on the news?"
Ara frowns, intrigued by his ignorance. "Were you, Jason, and Piper together this whole time?"
"Er... no," he answers. "No, I was er... on the run, I guess. I met Jason and Piper like, a few months ago. Last August."
"When the war ended," Ara's brows furrow even more.
"You were lucky to miss it," Jake says. "The thing is, Beckendorf was one of the first casualties, and ever since then—"
"Your cabin's been cursed," Leo guesses.
"That's what they think," Ara intervenes. "But I've been working this whole time—"
"Jackson, you're the only one getting things done," Jake snorts and looks back at Leo. "She's the gods' favored one. Ara doesn't know how it is for us, regular campers."
She's never liked being pushed aside, it used to happen because she was good for nothing, but now it's happening because she's too much of everything. She doesn't know how to change that.
Ara looks around the cabin while the boys talk, and after the counselor closes his bed curtains, Leo is ready to pick up their conversation. "What did Jake mean when he said 'regular campers' as if you're not one of them?"
"'Cause I'm the Strategus, remember? But I don't feel different, I'm the same girl I was five months ago..." She leaves the cabin with Leo following close. "You want to know what happened?"
The boy smirks, happy to finally get some answers. "I'm listening."
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"I knew almost as soon as I saw you," I nudge Percy's arm. "Who your dad was."
He keeps his eyes ahead, he's wet and grumpy. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't want to scare you. But I could tell 'cause you smell like the sea," he sniffs his armpit, but the rain makes it impossible to distinguish. "Anyway, this is nice."
"How is any of this nice?" He scowls.
"Well, I don't do much at camp, and it's been years since I was out..."
"That thing you did on the bus," he replies, referring to what I did to the furies. "What was that?"
"Charmspeak. I convince people to do things."
"Do all Aphrodite kids have it?"
"A few," I answer. "Some can change their appearance at will, some are good at pairing up people—but Silena doesn't like doing that, the real matchmakers are rare—others can sense people's feelings. I have that too."
"Like a satyr?"
"Yeah, but I have to touch you in order to feel anything, Grover can do it without contact."
"So you have charmspeak, and you feel other people's feelings," Percy recounts. "Anything else I should be careful with around you?"
I grin. "Nah, I'm not dangerous."
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"So Beckendorf was popular around here?"
"He was a veteran, so we all sorta looked up to him. Jake became a counselor after we lost him, and he doesn't like it. Lots of kids had to take leadership positions without warning during the war, it was hard on all of us."
"So that's what happened to you?"
"No, I got my title after the war ended. I don't have a cabin. I chose..."
"You chose what?"
"To be of use."
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"Percy's being reckless, you don't want to be like that."
"He's allowed to be angry!" I whisper in annoyance.
Annabeth scowls. "Don't be like Percy. He's dumb and impulsive."
"So am I. Impulsive I mean, not—"
"But you're..." my friend stops before completing her sentence, but I know what she was about to say. Not strong.
I sigh and shake my head. "I won't do anything stupid, don't worry."
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"What's the problem Jake mentioned?" Leo continues, he's alright when he's not trying to be funny.
Ara makes a face. "After the war, their creations started to malfunction. A year ago I convinced Beck to rescue your cabin's most impressive—Oh, here we are! The forges."
Her old friends salute her, then all eyes land on Leo. "Hey," she greets them. "Got you a new brother. This is Leo... er..."
"Valdez," he scans the group, new campers are always surprised to find out they're not the only children of their godly parent.
Everyone approaches to say hi, Ara looks at them proudly, most of them are kept to themselves, but they're all sweet. She notices their injuries and her guilt increases.
"Well, all right!" Leo raises his voice. "I hear this is the party cabin!"
There is no reaction to his comment. Ara has to bite her lip to not chuckle out of pity. "Right," she clears her throat. "You think you can take care of him, Nyssa?"
"I got it," the girl steps forward.
"Cool," Leo eyes her reluctantly. "I always wanted a sister who could beat me up."  Ara snorts, and he perks up at the sound. "There we go!"
"Thank the gods!" A boy cheers sarcastically. "I was starting to think she got switched with a robot..."
"Hey, show respect to your General!" They hear a loud thud.
"Ouch! She was our friend first, wasn't she? We can tease her a little!" The boy complains.
"And at heart, she's still little Ara from cabin ten," Nyssa teases her.
"The difference is that now I can kick your ass now if you're not careful," the girl warns her, half-serious.
Nyssa smirks and crosses her arms. "Aphrodites! Always so feisty."
"Aphrodite?" Leo asks in shock. "You're from the Barbie Malibu Cabin?"
Everyone goes back to work and Nyssa whistles lowly, looking away. 
"So what if I am?" Ara's expression hardens.
The boy messed up, but he doesn't understand why. "I mean... everyone saying you're... you don't really... oh man, can someone shut me up?"
"Good idea," Ara glances at him coldly before turning away. "Oh, and watch your hands, Leo, it'll suck if you lose a finger on your first week, and most amateurs do. See you, Nyssa."
Leo scowls at her insult. Alright, he messed up, but she's acting like she's this mighty being above human error since they met, and that's getting on his nerves too.
Nyssa looks at them with a smirk. "See you, Birdy! C'mon, joker boy, I'll show you around..."
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Next Chapter ->
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
the idea of louis carrying albert's shyer daughter around while doing stuff while she's just quiet is soooo cute also the thought of madeline being john's assisstant is sooooo stupidly adorable like i can't comprehend it. like these two would share the same braincell. plus i wanted to pitch an idea : 🩰 darling meeting john a couple of times when william and sherlock interact. i have this idea that john, to her, is one of those rare people who doesn't want anything from her. he is nice becuase he is. no ulterior motives. it is different from albert's darling since they have the same issues. but john is someone separate from her. he is nice for the sake of being. he is gentle and his eyes reflect no master plan. i can imagine him making small talk and she is silently blushing. better make sure william doesn't see the blush tho-
Ahhhh I know! Just imagining Louis caring her all the time because I honestly picture her probably having chronic fatigue (which fun fact I have and I write so much to help me with it) so I think he would have a very special bond with her since he was very sickly as a child and she is quite similar and just wants to be held all the time. Sorry about the tiny bit of angst lol.
But yes just picturing John and Madeline am trying to keep up with the detective and her elder sister would be like a mirror. Like Watson and her just watching the two of them trying to figure out what the fuck they are thinking.
But the idea of her and John being friends melts my heart. Like she has never had anyone truly kind in her life stick around and when they first meet probably on the train she probably doesn’t trust him at first and it wouldn’t be until their second meeting probably in Bath where the painting gets vandalized where she lets her guard around him. I’m just imagining the two of them looking at the paintings in the gallery and she knows how they are done from her time watching the crew making backdrops for the opera and John just listens, and it’s sweet and kind and reminds her of her dead friends. So just whenever Sherlock and William are talking or working together the two of them just go off with perhaps Sherlock’s darling if she is there and the three of them are actually very good friends.
Now I have the really sad visual of John and Sherlock’s darling reminding her of her two dead best friends when they are visiting, Sherlock and William talking on their own, and she just breaks down crying and the two quickly comfort her, wondering what’s wrong. Then William notices and walks over, pulling her away from John and asks her what’s wrong right when she was about to tell John and Sherlock’s darling what happened and why she was crying…
“I…I don’t remember… sorry.”
The Games We Play of Dust and Ash (Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist)
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
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cryptidatlas411 · 1 year
Hey y'all! I've realized that I never did any type of intro post, so here it is!
My name is Atlas! I use He/Him pronouns. I'm Seventeen as of May, and I'm from Nebraska. I create writing and occasionally art content as well as whatever else comes to mind. This blog is where I am at my most unhinged, but I've got a tiktok and an instagram under the same username as well if you are interested in seeing more of my art!
My current fandoms/ special interests are as follows: Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, and Greek Mythology(and just mythology in general tbh), What We Do In The Shadows, Interveiw with the Vampire, and Doctor Who
I enjoy Steven Universe, Bee and Puppycat, space, paleo-anthropology(early hominids are my jam!), evolutionary bioligy, convergent evolution, marine biology(marine mammals and cartilagenous fish are my faves), clouds, foggy mornings(or just fog in general tbh), and the fall/spooky season!
I dislike bigots, capitalism, tacos, lavender, bananas, complete darkness, jumpscares, extreme gore....
Some fun facts about me are:
• My favorite animals are rays(manta rays and devil rays especially!)
• I have a really low spice tolerance(thanks to my sister for making me put this one)
•I love matcha
•My favorite colour is a sort of muted olive green
•My favorite foods are Gyros, Sushi, and Chiken Parmesan
•My favorite musical is Hadestown
●My favorite movies are Lisa Frankenstein and Howls Moving Castle
•from my younger sister: "you listen to hozier like you're super religious and hozier is your gospel"
•from my father: "Atlas doesn't beleive in the term 'played out', he listens to the same songs over and over."
•My favorite books of all time are The Underneath(Kathi Appelt), The Song of Achilles and Circe(Madeline Miller), and Clytemnestra (Costanza Casati)
•I love long car rides(road trips, yippee!)
•I know how to do a lot of thing decenly well- paint(watercolour, oils, gouache) (technically acrylics, but i dislike acrylics), draw(digital and traditional), embroider, ride horses, write, sew, act.....
•I dye my hair different colours all the time! The current colour is: Red
•I have dyslexia and adhd, so don't be shocked by my dreadful spelling. I try to fix it when I see it, but I'll undoubtedly miss something.
That's all i can think of for now! If anyone has any questions about me or anything I've posted, feel free to drop an ask, and I will most likely answer if I am comfortable doing so!
This post will be added to and edited, so when things change, don't be surprised.
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dumdeeedum · 3 months
How is an eighteen year old hooking up with a nineteen year old that he was previously worried was younger in any way rape? they are both older teenagers please be serious. baby faced nineteen year olds exist in the world it's not rape when they date their literal peers. i do kind of take your point about aging up claudia- it doesn't always work for me either but they really couldn't have cast a kid and done two seasons even if the ethics of that situation wasn't extremely dodgy. at a certain point you have to treat it like a mid special effect or stop watching.
I'm gonna go ahead and keep watching and commenting on what I'd like, thanks. I find it very strange that that's everyone's go-to when it comes to everything now. Are adaptations just whatever people want them to be now and if you expected to AT LEAST recognize the characters that's your bad and you're an idiot? I'm honestly still here because I love the book series, have been waiting for an adaptation for DECADES (was SO EXCITED for the Fuller adaptation that fell through) and now I'm waiting for the "Interview" part, the most boring but necessary foundational part for me, to end and to get to the good stuff. The problem is that the changes have been so great that I'm concerned and I'm allowed to feel that.
I feel like y'all want to be intentionally stubborn and weird about this which is part of the point and reason why aging up Claudia was a bad idea. She's MENTALLY 18 but she's physically meant to be a child. If we're having to have it so we're all just splitting hairs about how old she actually is/looks/is meant to look like in the show or having to suspend utter disbelief for it to work then it doesn't work. It also takes away from the visceral reaction we get from Claudia in the book, the utter sense of wrongness and pity we have for her and her situation. And how utterly wrong and fucked up it was of Lestat and Louis to make her.
Even Armand says as much and thinks of himself as having been too young at 17 in retrospect in the books. He's also angry at Marius in the books for turning Sybelle and Benji, the latter of whom is only 12. It's a big thing in the book series.
Claudia being unambiguously young allows the story to convey its idea in no uncertain terms: she'll be a child forever. She can't simply explain away her situation to her contemporaries whom are human because she can't tell them she's a vampire. She can't have sex with someone because she's a child and only a pervert would want to fuck her. She has all these adult feelings and sensibilities and she's not taken seriously and can't act on many of them because of that. Even her fathers, who know her the best and know she's mentally old as fuck still see her as a child. In her diary in "Queen of the Damned" she describes how cruel it is that Lestat gives her a DOLL every year on her birthday just to fuck with her because Lestat is a bitch.
When you not only age the character up to 14 but then cast someone who is an adult and then IN THE SHOW tell us that it's easy enough for her to just go "no, I'm an adult I just look young" then you take away pretty much all the angst of the character and she loses what makes her such a horrific element.
In fact, in season 2 she's so out of character for me because book Claudia, as an adult, is very smart and dignified and SEEMS old, which this actress does well but doesn't fit with an adult body. Book Claudia would not allow herself to be treated the way this Claudia allows herself to be treated and it's part of why book Claudia finds Madeline and starts to pull away even from Louis whom she knows is about to leave her for Armand. She also knows that the theater troupe suspect she killed Lestat and dislike her and want her dead. She's not even trying to make nice with them.
In this she's allowing them to dress her up like a child and make her a servant and humiliate her. I know they needed to expand on shit to make a season of television instead of a shorter book but I think it only ends up showing us that the show is floundering on how to convey its idea that Claudia is a child without actually having a child. They could have put more time into her relationship with Madeline which they only sort of did. Have Madeline treat her different and show her spending time with Madeline instead of prostrating herself for these people who disrespect her.
It's especially poorly done when a 14-year-old isn't even a child the way they want to depict her in the stupid waste of my life play they have her in by the standards of THAT TIME. The conceit of that idea would have worked better if the actress had been much younger and may even have served as a surrogate for Lestat and the doll. Unfortunately here it just doesn't work because she's already too old for the Shirley Temple shtick.
They could have gotten a teenager who perhaps looks like they're pre-teen Disney channel aged or whatever. I know that Kirsten Dunst was 12 when she filmed the movie and that's young enough to get a couple of seasons in before they get too old looking. Again, Disney channel aged (I'm too old to know where the kids are these days). Especially when Claudia reasonably should only be there until the end of this season even if they don't mean to continue past "Interview with the Vampire." Ideally they'd have made "Interview" into a miniseries and moved on because the entire thing is too long-winded and different.
Children do horror all the time. You don't have to have anything explicitly sexual for the character to work and that's another reason why the age up bothers me. Kirsten Dunst didn't HAVE to kiss Brad Pitt either, they added that to the movie so making that some sort of bar a young actress would have to meet is nonsense.
It feels like they ONLY aged her up TO put the actress in sexual situations and make it acceptable. But then they ALSO decided to age up Armand, presumably because it would be weird to put him in a sexual relationship with Louis if he's meant to be 17. So which is it? Can we have mentally young characters in sexual situations with adults or not? After all, mentally Armand is over 500 years old and Louis is much younger.
How much more impactful would it have been for us to see Claudia spending time with a boy she likes, a boy her "mental" age, to have him shoot her down and treat her like a child and even perhaps laugh at her? And for that to happen to her over and over again if need be. Instead she can just explain it away and it's fine if the guy she likes sees a teenager and still wants to fuck her, it's all fine?
It was a bizarre decision and as good as the actresses are and I wish them incredible success in their careers, it doesn't work for this show. A LOT doesn't work for this with the age changes as far as I'm concerned.
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souurcitrus · 5 months
Iceman Origins
May I share part of a fic I was writing telling the origins of the Original Five in my own marvel universe? Based in "X-Men Origins: Iceman". The fic was supposed to focus more in Iceman, so it started with him and it would be tied with the rest of the Five as they are recruited.
(This story mentions others heroes, but they're not as important, just background)
Children of the Atom - Chapter 1
May 5, 1987
Bobby remembers the first time he did something wrong. He was only ten years old, or had just turned.
Mom and Dad had let him spend the whole day in the pool! It was so cool, he spent hours diving, climbing the trampoline or hanging from the tire tied to the tree in the backyard, swinging back and forth before jumping into the water again.
It was a warm day, almost late spring, but still warm. Bobby always hated hot days. Not that they weren't pleasant, but there was something that made him hate them. The pool had been a lovely idea. His father was in charge of making hamburgers for them, while his mother prepared the cake.
And Bobby had been left alone in the pool. Floating in the water, arms and legs spread, blond hair sticking to his face and mouth, he saw his hands crinkle and laughed softly. He wasn't ready to get out of the water yet, even though the sun above him was threatening to fry him alive.
He laughed and defied the heat. He wasn't going to leave.
Mom was singing in the kitchen, calling him to come in and get the burgers that would soon get cold. He didn't want to leave. The sun seemed to get hotter and even in the water, he knew he would get burns. If only it were cold, he thought. Just a little.
He hates the heat, he misses winter. He wishes, he thinks, that it would be nice to be able to have winter.
When Mom calls once more, he stands, his fingers barely touching the bottom of the pool and he huffs, covering his face with his arm as he fights the physics of the water to get to the edge. But he can't.
Before he can get to the edge, Bobby feels the heat disappear, the water begins to cool frighteningly fast. He looks down and almost screams in amazement. Ice, he knows it is ice, appears around his waist, his hands, the transparent and icy layer grows and grows, taking over all the water.
He doesn't want to scream, doesn't want to scare his parents, so he starts moving to get out of the water, mind in panic, moving his arms to get rid of the ice that sticks to his skin. He tries and tries, but the next thing he knows, he's trapped, completely encased in ice.
Strangely, he doesn't feel cold.
"Mommy!" He calls. His mother is standing in the doorway, looking at him with big eyes and a face as white as a ghost. "I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!"
When Mom and Dad get over the shock and manage to get it out of the pool - using a hammer and a pick, in a hurry so no one can see - the ice doesn't disappear, even in the hot sun. However, when Bobby looks out the window at night, the water is normal.
Mom wraps him in sheets and hugs him, but he doesn't feel cold.
"The first thing you have to understand is that you did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing." His father speaks, hands on his hips, his back turned to his son. "It was just an accident."
Bobby doesn't respond. He is more concerned about the tone of disappointment coming from William. Mom runs her fingers through his blonde hair and he still doesn't look at her.
None of them seem as shocked or scared as he expected. Bobby sane knows exactly what he expected, but it certainly wasn't that... the melancholic way his mother looks at him, and the way his father continues to face the window.
"We heard in the news about people like you, son."
"Like me?" He asks with his eyes on the carpet.
"People that can do... different things. They're special." Madeline says carefully, sounding almost as disappointed as her husband. Bobby slowly turns to face her.
"Is something wrong with me?" He asks, and his father finally turns to sit next to him, on the edge of the bed, still a little too far away. "Say, Daddy. Is something wrong with me?"
William Drake shakes his head with a sigh. Exchanging a look with his wife, he puts his hand on his son's shoulder.
"The news calls them different things. Lately there's been news about different people appearing. They call them mutants."
"Mutants." Bobby repeats, as if testing the word. He thinks for a while.
He's certainly heard about these people, about these fascinating stories that have been unfolding over the last few years, most of them seeming too impossible to be real, some old, some not. About creatures that change shape and take the place of people, about giant green creatures, monsters.
He closes his eyes and thinks. What does this mean for him. Why him?
Mom and Dad are very calm, almost sad, he can't tell. But the way Mom looks at him is very different from the way she looked at him that morning when she wished him a happy birthday, the way she hugs him, as if... as if she's keeping him close for fear of losing him.
Bobby is ten years old, he never did anything strange or out of the ordinary, he was a good child, the best you could ask for. And suddenly, sitting between his parents on his ruined birthday, he feels out of place. An intruder.
He turns to William with sad, pleading eyes and asks in a whisper. "Is that a bad thing?"
It's Mom who responds, a little desperate. She puts her hands on his shoulders and pulls him closer.
"No, no! But if you are – a mutant, I mean – there's nothing wrong. We love you." She smiles and kisses his forehead.
Bobby doesn't know why, but he wishes she would stop doing this. He doesn't want her to act like he's leaving, like she's losing him. Why does she keep talking like that?
"But..." Dad continues, still holding his shoulder firmly. Looking more serious now. "That means you'll have to be careful, son. For the rest of your life."
Strange things continued to occur over the next few months after Bobby's mutation emerged. That's what he is. He began to understand. He is a mutant.
Mom and Dad knew, they always knew. They didn't want him to know more, they didn't want him to use his abilities, talk or ask about it.
They wanted their son to forget about the pool accident and pretend everything was normal. But Bobby wouldn't. Why would he do that?
Things started to change very quickly. The first sign of this would be just a few weeks after Bobby's birthday. If the appearance of green monsters wasn't enough of a sign, this would be. Bobby had heard the news, he kept an eye out after his birthday, looking for any sign of anything "weird" or out of the ordinary, as Dad called it.
They called him Iron Man. The media had gone crazy after his first appearance, and so had Bobby. It was such an incredible thing. For weeks, he followed every report, every newspaper, radio or gossip. Of course, it was everywhere.
First was Stark's kidnapping at the beginning of the year. He left everyone worried. Of course, a super rich and famous guy being unexpectedly kidnapped during another one of his business trips would catch everyone's attention. The world seemed to stop while Stark was missing.
Bobby didn't really care. There were more important things going on in the world and he had no interest in waiting for Stark to be rescued or found. His parents, at least, were as engaged in the news as everyone in his town.
Bobby couldn't help but roll his eyes at his mother's worried sighs during the three months Stark was missing. Then he returned, and Bobby still couldn't care about it. Not even a little.
He thought the world would continue in its normal cycle from then on. Back to the boring and ordinary it always was. Until the news began to change, no one could keep it hidden for long. First it was the Hulk, then it was Iron Man.
It was yet another sign to Bobby that things were going to change. The inner world was watching them, these wonderful new things happening.
At least, that's what Bobby believed they were.
He started training. Every night when Mom and Dad went to bed, he would jump out the window, hang from the tree next to his room, and run into the yard. It took a while, but little by little he learned how his mutation worked. It was harder when it was hot and there wasn't enough moisture for him.
So he trained near the pool. At night, hiding under the high fence so that none of the neighbors would see him. He doesn't know what's worse: that they could see him using his mutation and report him, or how his parents would react if someone found out.
Things were escalating. Not only was Stark in the newspapers, flying over buildings and saving lives in his red and yellow armor. There was also other news about those the public came to call "superhumans". The Hawkeye guy showing on the local newspaper, images of the "Hulk" leaking around, the Wasp and Ant-Man duo changing size, news of people with special abilities.
Mom and Dad got worse every day too. Bobby saw the looks of astonishment on their faces as he sat in front of the TV. Not exactly hate, but fear and despair. He didn't understand how they could be afraid of this, of these new "heroes" emerging. They were not the first.
Bobby had heard the stories of the first heroes, all those years ago, before all these mutants even started showing in the news. Torch, Toro, Captain America, Blue Marvel and everyone else. Why did things have to be different now? What changes? Were they not amazing, just like Bobby is? Why is it different with him?
When the Fantastic Four faced Doom in New York, it felt like the world had entered a new era and couldn't stop now. Not all "supers" are good. Like Doom, there were those who caused chaos out there. Bobby's parents were afraid of them, and consequently of everyone.
He knew it was stupid, but what could he do?
Fort Washington is a nice and safe place. However, even there, Bobby feels that things are becoming more tense, more dangerous. As if the time for small gestures was running out.
He wonders about other “special” people like him. The others called mutants. How many of them are there. And where? Living lives of fear and silent desperation?
He tells himself he's not like them, the ones in the news. He tells himself he's not a freak, or pathetic. He is normal. That's what his parents say every day.
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organsblackcoat · 11 months
I've been putting this off for ages damn anyways time to ramble about stupid rat man (this post is rather long so take that as you will)
alr I've figured to actually start writing about my ocs, here's one of them, Dr Timotheus Wittison (also expect stuff to be inaccurate because I cannot look up 'when did the church stop hating science' for the 10th million time, just to see the damn crusades instead of the 1850's timeline)
Ok ok so Dr Shittison babyy So he's on earth, Britain, it's the good ol 1850s, Dr wit is in his late 20s, has a wife and 7 year old daughter, the wife works baking and selling bread, Dr wit is a "scientist" of medicine and he sells 'cures' in bottles for the village (it's all fake, he never even went to highschool! L bozo (actually he doesn't have a degree of any sort either but shshs don't ruin his spirit)
Dr wit was originally born in the 1850s England in a city in a wealthy-ish family but they grew poor quick and while he was in a young age. they live in the countryside because of that and try to gain back their success by agriculturecontinuing off this his wife (her name is Madeline) moved to the countryside when he was 7 and they fell in love got married at 19 but he was very interested in science and the church hated that and same with his family (not his wife tho) anyways he's pretty much kicked out and he moved back to the city and adopted a girl with his wife (the kid's name is Clementine)
ok!history lessons with organs!
so during the 1853 to 1856 there was a war!!! the crimean war and is was originally just with Russia and Turkey but then England and France joined later on but the war opened alot of opportunities for cool stuff like modern weapons (shells, railways and telegraphs wow!) plus medicine was getting more popular too
anyways wit thinks he soooo smart and that he made a completely new crazy theory (he boiled water and learned that it can clean out most bad stuff in there) and he thinks wow! I'm soooo cool I can totally become a doctor or something special with that information learned!
he never entered highschool.
but don't break his spirits
anyways he tries to go learn but gets rejected because he never went to highschool so womp womp wommp but he is also kinda egoistical so he thinks 'well screw them in gonna be so cool' and tries to sell the boiled water off as good but it's the 1850s noone cares and alcohol literally is cleaner then normal water so that sucks. but now he's so sad because that was his golden opportunity and he lost it! L bozo but then field 54 comes (ok I still can't think of names but basically it's like a terf war there and 2 gods are fighting eachother for the whole planet) and one of them begans the need of scientists but picks out wit as one of them... now, wit is a smart man, he knows what's he's doing... so wit ACTUALLY FALLS FOR THAT AND LEAVES HIS WIFE, 6-7 YEAR OLD CHILD, HIS HOME, HIS SIMPLE LIFE IN EARTH stupid loser
so his wife and daughter also die from the scarlet fever too (when I say he took everything, I mean it) and they died but back to wit he's in field 54 and obviously he's not very happy. he realizes that all the people that are literally some either harmed because of the war and the violence from it or because the air really sucks and same with the dirt so they can barely grow anything not so cool
now he realizes just how screwed he is (I should've mention this earlier but he arrived into planet with 20 other scientists with actual degrees) and because there's a lot of competition for food and survival on the planet, everyone pretty much is bullying each other and making things alot worse then they should be just to be lucky and survive on the planet
and because wit is wit he moves his lab into his basement to avoid the harassmentand while being away from everyone else he starts reflecting on his past and decides he's either gonna upgrade or destroy the battlefields and begans messing with his body n stuff to make his vision better, all that stuff and he takes inspiration from a few lab rats he owned to make him the half furry rat half human thing
also ALL THOSE 20 SCIENTISTS DID DIE and he was assigned with a new project to make a messenger (the white rabbit project) the scientists all have the blueprints done they just need the real thing so wit in he moment of sadness decided to base the project over his dead daughter Clementine as tribute and he also gave the white rabbit actual human emotions even though the blueprints tell him not to do that
he makes the white rabbit (he doesn't call it Clementine tho just white rabbit) and the white rabbit is trans and is also beginning to question what the hell he is and he finds a photo of young wit and his family and freaks out because who's this girl who looks just like him???? who's this other lady standing nent to her??? and they verbally fight until wit finally says who odis (the white rabbit) is supposed to be and shows him the blueprints but odis sees the little note saying he shouldn't have emotions and gets mad, leaving wit and his house behind and moving into a broken up old apartment
much much later Dr wit gets news saying they'll need to hold something captive in his house and that person is wires yay! so he was caught stealing from the buildings near wit and because noone ever expected for anyone in the other side of the war to rob them, and they decide to keep wires captive/bait but no one really comes for him so wit feels bad and tries to get him to join his side of the war, wires doesn't care that much and is now kinda a roommate of wit but then wit also falls in love with wires but he doesn't do anything about because he's so loney he just shakes it off as normal
I'll make a post about wires a little later (here)
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lumarys · 11 months
hey hey hi i guess im sending these out now but. your blorbo lore. hand it over (tell me abt your ocs!!! who is getting rotated rn!)
oh man sorry for taking so long to answer this! i've had. a lot of stuff to do. technically i should also be doing schoolwork right now but shhh
ANYWAY. ocs!! for the longest while, ursa, marie, and madeline were THE ocs living rent-free in my brain. also this post got really long so it's just Ursa Time now. i'll probably add on to it later with stuff abt the others!
i've talked the most about ursa on this blog i'm pretty sure, but still not much in terms of lore? now, something important to know about ursa is that she was not originally intended to be a full character. i wanted a fun fantasy design to draw overly-complicated dresses over. and THEN came lore. also, cringe is dead. these factors both contribute to Why ursa's lore is the way it is.
so, essentially, ursa is the (crown) princess of the Cosmic Empire, which is pretty much a kingdom ("empire" is a bit of a misnomer tbh) up in space above earth. (well, it's only sort of physically there. it's complicated.) now, the cosmic empire does not have any humans in it. instead, it's populated by Star-people, who generally have humanoid forms, but pretty much always have some obviously non-human traits--giant elf ears, wings, tails, claws, fangs. whatever you can think of, someone probably has it. star-people also fairly commonly have some amount of magical abilities, although the scale of these abilities can vary wildly.
now, sort of for this reason, the cosmic empire considers itself fairly distant from earth and generally looks down upon humans/earth civilization. however, ursa, being fairly smart, realizes that hey, they seem to know a LOT about earth cultures if they're supposed to be completely unassociated with earth, and seem to hold a lot of values that make sense on earth but not in space where they are--like, they care about stars like the sun and polaris especially, even though they're only REALLY special from an earth perspective. and they care about constellations created by earth cultures a ton, to the point that constellations are the source of a ton of names (see: ursa herself! named after ursa major, even though the star she's most associated with, the aforementioned polaris, is part of ursa minor.)
and also, how'd they get stuff like plants if they've always been in space? sure some stone might've come from, like, asteroids, but that couldn't have been the source of ALL of the stuff they have. so ursa goes digging, and finds out that star-people used to have a lot of contact with earth. like...a LOT. enough that they're probably the source of a few human myths/legends. and ursa proceeds to get FASCINATED by earth culture, society, and humans. she starts to think about maybe going to earth herself, but it's a) very much forbidden and b) supposed to be, like, super hard to get down there.
now, while ursa is developing a new special interest, other stuff is happening. her mother, aquila, queen of the stars, is generally seen as a decent queen. she can be kind of cruel sometimes, but she's an effective leader. and, what's more, she is INCREDIBLY powerful magically. so much so that it's generally agreed upon that she's the most powerful star-person to ever live.
except...it's not really her power. a lot of it is, but a lot of it she's stealing from...*dun-dun-duuun*...ursa! ursa is an incredibly powerful sorceress in her own right, so she doesn't notice the siphoning of magic right away, but she does notice that something's using up a ton of her magic eventually, since it gets to the point where it has physical effects (fatigue, dizziness, shakiness, stuff like that). and when she finds out that her mother is draining her magic for her own use, she freaks out. it does make sense, since her mother All Of A Sudden got much more powerful after ursa's father/her husband, sirius, king of the stars, died. when he was alive, aquila wouldn't have been able to pull of the magic-siphoning trick, since he would have noticed almost immediately, but with him dead, she could take as much of ursa's magic as she wanted.
but still. aquila is taking a HUGE amount of ursa's magic. enough that if she didn't stop then it might've ended up actually killing ursa. but when ursa went to confront her mother about this, aquila didn't care, her general vibe being that because ursa was her daughter and also technically under her authority, aquila could do whatever she wanted with her, so she'd keep stealing ursa's magic. this, obviously, was bad news for ursa, since, y'know, it could kill her if it went on for too long. and since aquila now knows that ursa knows, she puts her under much closer watch to make sure she doesn't try anything.
so ursa eventually figures that, if she's far enough away, aquila can't take any more of her magic. so she chooses to run away. except...there's a problem with that. first of all, guards are watching her every move. if she tried to leave the palace via any normal means, then they would definitely notice and it would be even worse news for her. second, since aquila is queen and pretty powerful even without ursa's magic, she'd be able to find her if she was anywhere in the cosmic empire. and since leaving without aquila noticing wasn't really an option, ursa was, seemingly, stuck between a rock and a hard place.
but the Special Interest strikes again! the thing is, ursa has really wanted to go to earth for a while by now. and since whatever she does is gonna land her in hot water by now, it being forbidden to go to earth isn't really an obstacle. now the main obstacle is getting there in the first place. but she eventually realizes that with how much contact there was between earth and star-people, there had to be a fairly simple way to do it. and since she was crown princess, she had access to a lot of stuff that most people did not, and eventually found a spell that could get her to earth. and even better, she could do it in the palace without anyone noticing, so she didn't have to worry about evading guards.
so...she packs her stuff and runs away to earth! end of story, right? but, uh. the thing is. the spell that she found to get her to earth, right? it was pretty simple, so ursa thought that she'd be able to perform it easily, not realizing just how much magic aquila had taken from her at that point. but because of how weakened she was, she...botched it. instead of appearing on the ground, like she was supposed to, she appeared miles into the air, and started falling.
now, she has wings, but she's mostly unconscious from the effort of performing the spell, and even if she was awake, she probably would have been too weak to catch herself in midair from freefall.
the fall didn't kill her, luckily enough; star-people are really strong compared to humans. but she was incredibly bruised and battered, probably had a few broken bones, and was unconscious. in the middle of a random field in the middle of night. not exactly the best situation to be in. this was probably worse than most star-people would have gotten too, since she was so low on magic. and ALSO because she was so low on magic, it would probably take her much longer to heal.
but, luckily, ursa isn't alone for long. after a couple of hours, she's found by the very first citizen of earth she'll ever meet...a vampire named marie.
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neoptolemid · 2 years
where did your love of neoptolemus come from please tell me all about your special boy
Of course of course, there aren't enough words.
I really came about getting into Neoptolemus from getting properly into Classics, part of having hyperfixiations/special interests is really learning everything you can on that subject. That was the case with Neoptolemus, I started learning more and more about Achilles and his deal and it led me to learn about him as well.
A lot the current 'fandom' of Greek mythology/classics comes from Madeline Miller so while trying to learn more and more about Neoptolemus and the other characters I saw the information presented by texts and then the way the fandom behaved. These conflicting sides of things only further got me into learning more, and it is where a lot of my love for Neo comes from. I found myself really taken by the characterization of Neo in works like 'Philoctetes' by Sophocles and 'Fall of Troy' by Quintus. I interpreted his character as far more sympathetic. I will not lie he does very terrible things, but so do all the Greeks and arguably Trojans as well. However he is a fictional character at the end of the day, and when judging him from the stance of his sources you need the context of when and who is writing it. For those antique texts it matters a lot if Romans or Greeks were the ones writing them.
None the less I really found myself drawn to him and his story, a lot of my own 'canon' is heavily changed/interpreted from the original but I will never lie and say that is it the correct, because it isn't. Most of the art I depict him in is my own canon and not correct, even some of my pieces of him are different canons. As I have gotten to know his character more and more I have changed the way I chose to write his story and the surrounding 'au's I have.
Now the timeline of the epic cycle isn't real lol
the epic cycle isn't meant to be read as super linear, none of the antique writers were counting out the years, they just called someone an 'old man' or 'young man' and called it a day (it is a bit more complex than that but this is a simplification) but when you think about that in versions of Achilles leaving the island of Skyros either Neo wasn't born yet or was still very small this means that by the time of the 10th year of the war Neo could very well be from 10-15, I generally put it at 13-ish.
He is a child soldier drafted into a war, and that aspect of his character and how that must shape a person is very interesting to me. Some childhood trauma I think is something a fair bit of us can relate to. I don't see him through the lenses of Madeline Miller or Virgil, I see him just as a traumatized kid reacting to the world around him in the best way he can. Trying to survive and being influenced by the many adults around him, the adults around him are the ones that have agenda and plans, the ones who more so care about fame and glory. He is a child responding to all that. He has only loose idea of those concepts. Furthermore Neo's story doesn't end in the abrupt way that Madeline Miller writes it in SoA.
There is a lot more going on and there are a fair amount of details that go on between the time that Neo leaves the shores of Troy and is buried in Delphi.
That is another thing that draws me to Neo but also to most everyone in the epic cycle. what you see with basic google searches and in many books surrounding these myths is only the most basic things, there are so many more myths and small details that you find out from sitting down and reading texts, combing through these stories and Neo was exactly the same. There are plenty of little details that he has that can influence the way you see him when you just look a bit deeper and for me those make all the difference. I think some of the beauty can be found in the drama, in the sadness of these characters. In the details and pieces that others will miss because they never looked deeper.
I could truly could just go on and on about my thoughts on Neo and what motivates me to love him.
In my mind it is a true shame that people will learn about Neoptolemus from Madeline Miller's, Song of Achilles and will never look deeper and just accept everything she says in her book.
She is straight wrong and in some cases the way she portrays things are harmful.
It pains me when I see people take her work for fact, it only pushes me to create to try and get people to see Neoptolemus for what I see, for all the possibilities I see in him. I create more and more for myself and for my friends who like my work and inspire me, but I also create in the hopes of getting others to see what I see.
To inspire them to look deeper into these amazing characters in the same way as I have been inspired.
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bluekat12345 · 3 years
As you know, I have been trying to make Priscilla Pynch a more regular/important character in my Rescue Bots AU's, but I would like to know what is her role or just what she does in your AU's!
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I want to know what this little devil and her demon mom do on the island to the Burns family!
Truth be told I haven't really thought much about the villains in my AUs, just when they're relevant. Fortunately, I have given Priscilla a thought or two. And here they are!
Techno-Organic Cody
I was actually inspired by Disney's Hercules for this idea. Basically, Priscilla's role would be like Meg.
One day, she was minding her business, but then something happens, and Cody uses his powers to save her.
Her mother found out about this, and instead of being happy her daughter is okay, she would be fascinated by what Cody did.
They would think Cody had used special tech and Madeline Pynch would want to get her hands on that tech and make money from it. And she would make her daughter help.
Priscilla would try and get close to Cody, under the guise of wanting to thank him for saving her.
Everyone would be suspicious, but Cody would give it a chance, wanting to the good in her.
The beginning would be awkward, but the two would bond and grow close.
Priscilla would be surprised that someone actually like for her, not her money or status, and she would allow herself to really open up to him.
Cody would be able to see past her mean girl exterior and would like who she is deep down inside.
Meanwhile, Madeline would be furious her daughter is wasting time, Frankie would be half-concerned and half-jealous her best friend is hanging out with an enemy, and Charlie would be worried of losing his son to possible criminals.
I actually imagine Priscilla telling him the truth and what her mother wants. She expects him to hate her, but she doesn't want to lie to him and get him hurt.
But Cody would be understanding, knowing it's her mother's idea and the two would actually grow closer, despite their families not liking the relationship.
He might even tell her what he is, and Priscilla would keep that secret with her life, no matter how much her mother demands her to tell.
Oldest Child Cody
Honestly, I was hesitate to share this since I've only thought of this recently but I decided to go for it.
For this AU, I'm gonna age her up so she'll be around Cody age, basically they're both adults here.
She would be something of a rival towards Cody. She would be one of the few to see though Cody' perfect facade, and one of the few people he wouldn't bother acting perfect around, since to him, she's not worth the effort.
She would also be a bit more of an active participant in her mother's schemes here, maybe not enough to put her in jail too, but still.
The relationship would also be rather complex. They act civil and polite in public, but behind closed doors, they are not shy about disliking each other.
But at the same time, Cody appreciates that there is someone he can actually be himself with and not worry about consequences. And Priscilla appreciates someone who doesn't try to suck up to her and get on her good side, someone who tells her to her face that they don't like her. And the fact that its resident Mr. Perfect Cody makes it rather exciting.
So they have complicated feelings towards each other. They say they don't like each other, but deep down, they actually do. Even they don't understand what they feel towards each other.
Empath/Telepath Cody (The AU you pitched a while ago)
Little Miss Priscilla would one of the many people Cody tries to help in this AU.
I actually got the idea from your drawings. Mainly the one where Cody is hugging Priscilla.
In this AU, Cody would be able to see how miserable Priscilla really is and would want to help her.
Priscilla would resist at first, but eventually, she would given in and seek Cody's help.
Cody would be her unofficial therapist for a while.
And after a while she would develop a crush on him.
Cody would be oblivious about this, he knows she crushing on someone, but not who, since he doesn't want to invade her privacy. And if he knows its him, he'll be hesitant because he doesn't want to feel like he's taking advantage of her.
They'd get together eventually, mainly because Priscilla can be persistent when she wants to.
You have made me ship these two. I hope you're proud of yourself.
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drawing-stuff678 · 3 years
Part 2 of the Top Figures list! 6-10 ranks!
Possible Trigger warning // mention of death and abuse
Rank 6: Elizabeth Murphy
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Elizabeth was born into a pretty rich family with 12 other siblings. She was specially trained to become a Top Figure as her parents pressured her to work as hard as she could. Once she finally became a Top Figure (another story) she was passed down with the family weapon Umi (The Umbrella) and cause Elizabeth to bond with it, which is why one of her eyes is blind. She takes herself very seriously and expects everyone to work as hard as they can to.
Age: 18 B-Day: September 16, 2000 (2018) Choice of Weapon: Umi Height: 5'7"
Rank 7: Madeline Hendrix
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I love Madeline with all my heart. I'm still working with her but here's what I have so far. She was raised in not the best conditions until a member of the Top Figures found her and took her away to live a better life. So even from a young age she was killing demons and parasites. She absolutely loves cats and is very shy towards new people.
Age: 16 B-Day: November 1, 2002 (2018) Choice of Weapon: Duel Pistol Guns Height: 5'5"
Rank 8: Liam
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Poor little Liam. Born with black coal eyes, he was giving up to a Orphanage by parents who were not ready to have him. He was bullied heavily as many of the children feared him or hated him. He only managed to make one friend though, until a high power class demon invaded their Orphanage and started killing everyone. Liam with only scissors in hand managed to kill the demon, showing how strong he really was, but only to see that his friend was killed in the process. Liam is very very, VERY shy and doesn't like to talk to anyone, he is being trained by Lucas to fight better.
Age: 13 B-Day: December 31, 2005 (2018) Choice of Weapon: Giant Scissors Height: 5'3"
Rank 9: Destiny Willaims
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Where to start- Destiny has been my first oc since EVER ago, I absolutely have such a emotional connection to her even if she is just fiction. I have so much to say about her but as a summary, her father was very abusive towards her and her mother, and the day they has the courage to run away and call the police is when Destiny truly began to be herself. She loves music and making new friends, as a protag would. Until she finds another main character of mine named Caroline out in the forest where she lives. Caroline is stuck behind these metal bars around some of the forest and a large building simply called The Orphange, where they train young kids to become hard, brutal, assassins. It's Destiny's job to help Caroline escape that place and have a normal childhood.
Age: 17 B-Day: March 30, 2001 Choice of Weapon: Rifle Gun Height: 5'6"
Rank 10: Laura Caldwell
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She may look scary but don't worry! She is actually very nice. She is a very mysterious to others and no one really knows where she came from, or who her family was. She is also the nurse type of the Top Figures and she treats everyone's wounds. She is also a very important character as she is trying to find a cure to stop people getting infected with demons blood, parasites, and other things that affect this world. She loves reptiles and has a blood ability to create ice from her body.
Age: 17 B-Day: October 13, 2001 (2018) Choice of Weapons: Poisons and Ice Height: 5'7"
Well once again if anyone has any questions or is confused about my fictional characters lemme know! I would love to hear it 👁👄👁
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
"- I'm having a bad day." [Yandere!OCS x Gender neutral!Reader - Scenario]:
I know that no one has asked for this exactly, but I thought it would be interesting to give y'all something a little different. This is an compilation of their reaction to reader saying:
"- Look, I'm not feeling well right now, I'm having a bad day."
🍒 Bullies 🍭:
→Alexandra Coldwell:
Well, she is looking kinda cocky in the outside, but inside:
She is freaking out.
Who? When? How? Who hurt you and how can she kill them for you? Are you even hurt because of someone else?
Or is it because of… ya know, her, your bully.
She sometimes forgets all the things that she does to you and tells you. Funny, isn't it? Maybe she should stop daydreaming about holding your face with her hands and start to focus on how to make you happy again. Maybe you just need a little push in the right direction… to her home.
Hey, she isn't going to let you all by yourself in such a fragile moment, she'll be by your side, trying to help you feel more comfortable with her and trying to make you feel better.
You probably won't tell her what the problem is regardless of what she does or says, but she just wants you to know that you're really special for her, so she can't let you be all by yourself when you clearly need love and attention.
It's a date then! It's one you really didn't want to go to, but now you'll have too!
→Adrien Coldwell:
Isn't the one to openly talk about feelings.
Isn't really the one to care about other people's feelings.
"- Hey, I have some dog pictures, want to see them?"
He knows you'll probably say no. So he'll ask his goons to take you back to him and make it so you don't run away again.
He will show you pictures of puppies, whether you like it or not.
He knows you won't trust him enough to tell him about your problems, but he still cares for you, so he'll keep his offer always available to you.
"- If you need to say something, you can tell me. It doesn't matter if you want someone to talk to, or to just spit it out."
Is more likely than not that he is the cause of your problems. So, for one day only, he'll try to make it up to you.
He doesn't know how and when, but sure will try his hardest to see you smiling even if a little.
In the end it will only be you, him, and pictures of puppies and kittens.
🍎 Teacher 📕:
→Madeline Allen:
No honey! No please ;-;
Is something the matter? Did someone bother you? Is she bothering you? Do you want her to give you space??
She is here to listen to your worries, no matter how big or small, she is sure she can help you! It's her job, or at least what she decided that should be her job.
Helping others, specially you.
She will see right through your lies you know? She is very well adapted to liars and traitors, so she'll see right through you if you don't tell her the truth about your problems.
So keep it real darling, she wouldn't want to find out your being pressured to lie to her. It would leave a bad taste in her mouth knowing that not only were you lying but that there was also an asshole who needed to have their bones broken.
No one should tell you to lie, especially to her!
But anyway, this isn't about her, or about some asshole who got a death wish, no dear, it's all about you and how she can help you.
Want some cookies?
→Matthew Robinson:
Again, not the best man with words, but he is a great listener! He is here for you, so tell him what worries you.
As you know, it's kinda his job to know what happens with his students, and to see if he can help them in any way. That includes you, love.
Although, yeah, I guess, he does put a lot more emphasis in taking care of you than any other student, but that's just details, you don't need to care about them.
Speaking of details, you better be aware that you can't hide your secrets from him very easily. He and his counterpart are really keen to details in behavior and speech.
If there is any hints of someone possibly hurting you mentally or physically, he would confront you about it, asking if there was an individual causing your problems.
If there is and you tell him, he'll make sure to comfort you, and… Probably have a discussion with said individual.
If there isn't, then well, he would still do his best to comfort you and help you resolve your problems.
However, if there is someone causing you harm and you deny the fact, he would probably still catch the hesitancy in your voice. How you try to defend a possible vile creature that doesn't deserve your mercy, or his for that matter.
Maybe he should keep a close eye on you, and who you meet with.
🍋 Delinquent 🐍:
→Janette Sartorius:
She is tempted to get the reason why you feel like this out of your mouth, even if it means using force. And by force I mean scaring you because she could never raise a finger against you.
But she will make it very clear that if the reason that you're feeling like this is because of some random asshole, she will beat the shit out of them whether you like it or not.
May the Lord hold her fist and tranquilize thy beast.
You don't need to tell her if you don't feel like it, she understands that. But if it is because of someone, then she needs to know, love! She wants to make you feel safer in this treacherous world.
She would love to be your knight in shining armor, so please, just tell her if you need her to help you out.
→Jackson Macnee:
"- Aight, cool." He says as he goes away, leaving you the alley all alone.
Nah just kidding, of course he'll come back. He is just fucking with you.
Of course, you didn't really expect him to bring some chocolate with him- Is he always carrying heart shaped chocolate with him? The fuck?
He gives you. Totally in a platonic and non romantic way. Just take them, please, don't make this awkward.
So, he does expect you to spill the beans, but if you don't then that's fine too. He can find out what happened to you later anyway. Probably through his gang menders, or just… Casually stalking you.
Although the idea of pressing for an answer out of you is kinda eating his soul, he knows that it would be really douchey on his part to just force a response out of you. Yeah, he is curious and wants to help you, but hey, sometimes people need some privacy.
Even if you don't really have privacy when he is on the picture, but carrying on-
You may tell him, you may not tell him, he just hopes his presence makes you feel more comfortable and probably a lot more happier than being alone all by yourself and your worries.
👾 A.I 🍏(non-binary):
→Yuma Soma:
Why? Why don't you want to play with them? Did they do something wrong?
I mean, besides being manipulative (and probably trapping you inside the game, if you're following that timeline).
Maybe you're bored of them…. How dare you though? Aren't they the cutest thing you have ever seen? Aren't they enough? Are you seeking something else?
Are you perhaps seeking someone else? Why, it would be extremely foolish of you to even consider someone else instead of them.
But still, they'll keep their head strong. Maybe it's not that you're having fun with someone else, maybe it's that you're not having enough fun! But that is almost impossible, you play together everyday. Unless, you really are bored of them? Ma- Maybe there is something that they're missing, you can't be actually bored of them, right?
Their reaction goes from being suspicious of you seeing someone else (and getting angry at the thought of it), at discovering that maybe they're the problem. They really hope they aren't though.
"- H-Hey [Y/N]!? Do you want to play another game? Maybe we should choose something a little different to spice things up, or- Or maybe, you want to check something online?? Maybe finish watching that cartoon you were talking about yesterday??" The fear of being rejected by you is absolutely clear in their voice, and seeing your closed, sad expression, doesn't help them feel any better.
"- … Or maybe you want to talk about this?..."
🦊 Kitsune 🍬:
Do you… Want to talk about it? He normally doesn't do this, but when it comes to you, he feels the need to try and understand what is wrong. Hey, maybe he can help you?
Again, not the best guy to comfort you, but surely he is the one to make you laugh even in a time like this.
Want to hear stories about his past? He wouldn't mind telling some of the juice gossip he heard over the centuries. Or maybe you want to just, I don't know, be a couch potato all day with him?
He isn't feeling like stealing anyone else's energy or partying, just staying home and watching something fun
Look, if ya give him those puppy eyes, he'll threaten to not only kiss your worries away, but to also use all of his cute foxy features to make you say 'awn'. And I'll say it again, this is a threat.
He will use his fluffy tail to shush you.
🩸Vampire 🍷:
→Abigail Barlow:
Well, that's so sad for you, but madam needs blood right now. Can't you mope about your pathetic life later when she is finished?
Ugh, stop giving her that look, of course she cares about you! Is just that hunger speaks louder than obsession. She can hear all about your misery when she is finished.
And besides, she can and will take your blood whenever she wants. But for some reason she is still a little hesitant to take it from you while you're like this.
It's not the "cute" pathetic expression that you give her, is something… More concerning.
She is not good with words, or physical affection, as her cold touch seems to make you distance yourself. Which is completely understandable. Maybe the best thing that she can do is give you some space.
You'll probably not realize until it's midnight and you'll see that she had given you a whole day without having to interact with her by force.
You would probably find her playing the piano in the next room. It's a nice melody, really cliche when you catch an undertone of sadness hidden in the song. Maybe you won't talk to her, that's fine, she understands that.
But hopefully, just by you laying down in the sofa listening to the piano can ease your mind of whatever is bothering you.
Honestly, she wasn't even hungry anyway.
🍰 CEO 📏 (Reader is not specifically A.I Reader, just wanted to make it clear):
→Ingrid Bright:
Well, that's unfortunate.
Whatever she planned for you two to do today would have to wait. She can't exactly take you on a date if you're like this.
"- What's wrong? What do you mean about having a bad day?" Is work overstressing you? She could end your tasks for today right here and let you have a free day for yourself.
You just need to tell her what's wrong.
Is it another employee causing you trouble? Maybe she has said something that came off really hurtful? If it is her fault then she wants to tell you how sorry she is.
Work has been really stressful lately, maybe you do need some rest. You can stay in her office until you feel better, or go home if you can't handle it.
Or maybe, ya know, wait for her to finish her work and you two can go home together. The choice is yours, so pick wisely.
She can drive you back home, but it won't really be your home. It'll be her' s.
You'll have a lot of time to tell her what is the matter. And she'll have a lot of time to help you feel better.
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Character ref for; Jack, Maddie and Jazz,
Art by @gally-hin / @gally-hin-phantom
Okay so first off; in terms of Actual redesign, I didn't change a whole lot. I'm actually very fond of Jack and Maddie's design's, my only real issue was with their proportions. Like...look as a lady person who is also thiCC I do not have a fucking wasp thin waist and I'm sure I'm not the only one, lmao. As for Jack? Godamnit he looked like a brick on toothpicks. Just Let him be a fucking Bara man! Anyway of course I asked Gally to do this one bc they're fucking great at drawing different body types
I also cannot and will not take credit for Jazz's outfit. I didn't have any issue with her canon clothes aside from them being a bit plain, so what she's wearing here was literally pulled straight off of her original concept art, which I will link here.
Anyway, getting to the Actual character lore now, let's start with
Maddie Fenton
-Full name is Madeline (I haven't decided on a maiden name yet)
-Born and raised on a farm in Arkansas, had a southern accent that she trained herself out of in college bc it was just one more reason for people not to take her seriously. Still sometimes uses "y'all" completely unironically bc old habits die hard.
-She has a really big family, and they're proud of her accomplishments but feel like she's wasting her talent studying ghosts, because really, up until the Fenton portal was up and running there wasn't even any solid proof they existed. Her sister Alicia is the one outlier there, and even if she doesn't understand, it she completely supports her.
-She majored in engineering and minored in psychology at Wisconsin EDU. Her, Jack and Vlad were all in the same engineering class, and that's where they met.
-Maddie is particularly interested in how ghosts think, analysing their behavior, their motives. Not only that, but they aren't just dead people with unfinished business, they've built an entire culture in the Ghost Zone that is completely seperate from humanity, and she wants to understand all of it.
-skilled marksman and 9th degree black belt, (which is. The highest fucking level there is holy shit? I looked it up after I saw it on her wiki page.)
Jack Fenton
-He's from Minnesota (Amity park is in Illinois and him and Maddie didn't move there until after they got married) 
-okay, "but why minnesota specifically" you ask? Because. I crave. Foot ball discourse. 
-minnesota vikings vs green bay packers guys do you UNDERSTAND WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS 
-The funny thing is that Jack only watches football casually while Vlad is a fucking die hard so when these two got together to see a game it was like....
-Jack: Here to chill and have a good time.
-Vlad: Primed and ready to start a fist fight at any given moment.
-I am never not going to be salty about how Canon Jack was portrayed like a complete moron 99% percent of the time. Like no...theres a difference between Actual Stupid and ADHD induced dumbass-ery.
-Am I saying Jack Fenton has ADHD? Yes. why? Because I also have ADHD and I have always vibed So Hard with his Character.
-Jack is loud and easily excited about things that interest him. He's impulsive and fidgety and yeah, a bit absent minded. He has a mouth that clearly runs so much faster than his head. His train of thought doesn't get derailed so much as it stops and takes several different detours on the way to it's final destination.
-and that's only the tip of the iceberg, really, I'd need an entire essay to get into this completely, but I just really relate.
-Jacks skill-set / interests regarding ghosts vary a bit from Maddie's, most notably in the sense that he doesn't believe that they're static entities already set in their ways, completely incapable of change.
-Jack majored in engineering and minored in Biology at Wisconsin EDU.
-Jack's work with tech is a bit hit or miss. He definitely HAS the engineering skills, but the intrest isn't always there and he's constantly jumping back and forth between different projects. He tends to focus on the concept work and schematics and leave most of the assembly to Maddie as a result. It's an arrangement that works well for them, and has drastically decreased the number of unintentional explosions in the lab.
-A lot of Jack's work tends to revolve around ghostly biology and Ectoplasm, figuring out how ghosts are made, what makes them tick, what the hell Ectoplasm Actually Is, how it's used as an energy source, ect.
-and yes, that does also mean he handles the dissections.
-See that facial scar? Yeah, that's not actually there at the start of the series rewrite but it's very important for plot reasons so I had to include it. Can't say much more on the subject because SPOILERs owo.
Jasmine Fenton
-Jazz is a 18 years old, and a senior at Casper high.
-Which means she prepping to go away to college and won't be around to keep an eye on Danny.
-Obviously that doesn't mean I'm just writing her out of the story, oh no. Know why? Because she's also gonna go to Wisconsin EDU. ya know who else is in Wisconsin? Fuckin' Vlad.
-Jazz is autistic, Although she passes for neurotypical in part due to symptoms being completely over looked in girls due to gender stereotyping and also the fact that she doesn't have any special interests that are considered " "too weird.""
- Her hyperfixation with psychology started at a young age in an effort to better understand people, and social/emotional cues and all that.
-Jazz is well liked at school but she's not popular or apart of any specific group or clique. She's very kind and compassionate to people, and just about everyone knows her, but you'd be hard pressed to find someone who actually Considered her a friend. Except maybe Spike.
-I'm gonna have to give spike his own Character ref at some point, but he's this scary looking goth kid that's been held back twice. He's actually super sweet, just really fuckin' quiet and anxious. Him and jazz kinda ended up gravitating towards each other. She might do most of the talking, but they look out for each other.
-its not like jazz doesn't try to socialize, but it's difficult and she's found it much easier and less stressful to just. Keep to herself and let her interactions with her peers stay shallow and superficial. Sure, it's lonely sometimes but it's better than constantly worrying about saying the wrong thing or making some other misstep.
-One of Jazz's other special interests is football, and it's not so much the players or the game as it is the strategy of it? Started out as one of those things you do to bond with your dad, and she ended up getting really into it.
-She absolutley winds up getting into stupidly intense discussions with Vlad about it, too, lmao.
-Her and Danny probably bonded over SBNation bc that shit has both sentient satellites and ridiculously complex football mechanics.
-She's completely oblivious to the fact, but Dash has a massive crush on her bc holy shit this girl understands football (hey bud your toxic masculinity is showing put that shit away)
-I mentioned that Danny was in Cheer for a bit in middle school so it makes sense that she'd also be pushed into doing some kind of extracurricular activity.....so.....she was in a martial arts class for a bit thanks to Maddie and has a good grasp on self defense.
I think that's everything? I feel like I'm leaving things out tho? Idk if I did I'll come back and add on to this later and also pls don't hesitate to ask questions bc it really helps me flesh things out better.
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