#He knows. He was there once. He's hoping getting me out of the Hero Commission will be enough on it's own eventually.
kakusu-shipping · 7 months
🥥&/or🍫&/or🧋for Nezu (i hope one of these works haha) - @wheresunandseameet
Yes and thankyou very much!!! I'm so sorry for being picky like this, thankyou for your patients!!
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🥥 - If your familiar f/o is being hurt by someone else what would you do to help?
M-Mister Nezu.. Hurt by someone else...? I... I'm not really s-sure... All I'm good at is teleporting an-and I need to be.. touching someone to teleport them and.. Mr. Nezu... Doesn't like being touched... so I couldn't get him out of danger......
I-I'd have to go get some-someone else, someone st-stronger, a-a good hero.. May-maybe Mr. Yagi o-or Mr. Aizawa... Someone else.. wh-who could help..
🍫; What would other characters in your familiar f/o's source think of you and your f/o?
(out of character) Most of the UA staff are rather thrown off by Nezu adopting a kid, especially one raised by the Hero Commission. He's never been a compassionate mouse, he can't handle being touched in any way, and truthfully his energy for children start and end on a professional level.
All Might is probably the only one who understands the guilt Nezu carries for leaving Hawks behind when he left the Hero Commission, and that this, taking one of their child soldiers out of that life, is his way of easing his conscious at least a little. He's also the only one who supports him in this, playing a sort of co-parent to me. More like a grandfather I suppose. He's the main one to give physical affection, support, and encouragement. Though he certainly shows favoritism to Midoriya, he tries to be there for all his students, including me, especially sense I have no one else in my corner.
Most of Class 1-A and 1-B react to Nezu legally adopting me with the same amount of confusion as the teacher's did. It just seems so out of character for their aloof principal. The rumor that we're closer related than just adopted father/son spread and a lot of 1-A pestered me for background information on Nezu for a while until Bakugo made them back off.
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reidingandwriting · 5 months
domestic > keigo takami/hawks (mha)
Word Count: 3.6k
Ship: Keigo/Hawks x Reader
Warnings: Corrupt hero commission (we hate the hero commission on this blog), keigo overworks himself, keigo & reader fight, miscommunication, some cursing, keigo’s a little shit (he has his reasons okay), mentions of a rescue mission and the aftermath, hurt/comfort
A/N: So sorry this fic is so delayed 😭 Have been going Through It lately but I’ve got a few fics queued up to make up for my absence ❤️ This is my favorite Keigo fic so far
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“pro hero hawks is the first on the scene!”
“pro hero hawks took down the villain that’s injured dozens, including some pro heroes!”
“another takedown by pro hero hawks.”
“hawks is finally on the scene, this should be over soon.”
keigo wasn’t answering his phone. which was expected for the first night. he had just come home from a week long mission and on his flight home, another issue came up that he had to answer to. he didn’t get home until midnight, having refused any other hero’s offer to relieve him once his shift had technically ended, until best jeanist all but escorted him off the scene. you had hoped keigo had been resting when you walked into your office the next morning, until you looked at the news and saw he was already back out on patrols.
when you walked into keigo’s office, you expected to see a mountain of paperwork on his desk. you were fully prepared to work all day to catch him up, hoping to surprise him by finishing all his work for him. you were the one surprised when you saw only one paper on his desk, a note for you.
‘gonna be working late tonight, don’t wait up for me’
you scowled as you read the note, even if you had to fight the urge to melt when you saw the little bird doodle keigo had signed the note with. you once again called keigo, this time his work number, and you resisted the urge to throw your phone at the wall when your call once again went unanswered. you pulled up your text conversation with keigo and began to type.
‘you’re going home tonight. i will be outside at eight and you will let me in. i am not kidding when i tell you i’ll wait all night. please, just let me know you’re okay.’
you knew the text would go unanswered, but you hoped. you hoped that he would read it, at the least. that he would talk to you. your phone buzzed and you quickly picked it up, and you sighed when it was just another text from rumi.
‘i’ve seen him pass by once or twice, but he doesn’t stop. i’ve got a few others looking out for him, i’ll let you know if i hear anything’
you set your phone down with a sigh as you sat back in the office chair. this was going to be a long night.
you texted keigo a warning before you entered his apartment. you had been given a key by keigo to use in case of emergencies, and your chatty birdbrain suddenly ghosting you is an emergency in your eyes. it was two AM when you entered, and you felt your eyes begin to sting when you realized keigo wasn’t home. a quick search on the hero network showed that he was last seen a little after ten, and none of your own security alerts had gone off at your apartment. he was at his agency, avoiding you. it stung, the avoidance settling heavy in your chest, weighing you down as if there was a physical weight on your body.
you texted a quick update to rumi before you left keigo’s, and you made the walk back to your own apartment. keigo would definitely have lectured you any other time if he knew you walked home alone, and a selfish part of you hoped he’d find out. you’d take the scolding if it meant he would talk to you.
you flinched as you heard a voice speak from beside you.
“surprised he let you walk home alone at this hour,” you relaxed once you recognized the drawl of eraserhead’s voice. “your guard bird working tonight?”
“you’re going to sneak up on me at the wrong time one day and you’re going to get your shit rocked,” you replied, no real heat to your words.
“i’ll take my chances.” a hint of a smirk graced his face before it relaxed into his usual stoic expression.
“but no, he’s not working tonight.” you paused. “not patrolling at least. he is working hard at avoiding me, though.” while you and eraserhead, aizawa, had only met a few times, you had established a friendly relationship with the underground hero. you had also developed a friendship with present mic, which seemed to influence eraserhead’s opinion of you. odd.
“that’s… different.” eraserhead says after a moment. “i’ll keep an eye out for him, and i’ll have hiz- present mic look out for him as well.”
the two of you continued to talk as he escorted you to your apartment. minutes later, you opened the door to your apartment and let the door shut with a soft click, and you barely made it to the couch before you fell asleep.
“ooh, rough night?” one of the tech interns, kazuki, teases as he watches you walk in.
“hilarious.” you scowled. you knew you looked tired; you woke up frequently throughout the night, unable to sleep for more than half an hour at a time. you gave up on sleep around five thirty this morning, and you clutched to the thermos of coffee in your hands like it was the only thing keeping you alive. “didn’t really sleep much last night.”
“hawks working you too hard? i saw him walking around a few minutes ago. looks like he was headed to his office,” your heart stopped at those words. was he actually here?
“thank you, kazuki!” you called as you sprinted for the elevator, reminding yourself to send kazuki a proper thank you later. when you burst into keigo’s office, you jumped back as a sharpened red feather flew at you, stopping mere centimeters away from your neck.
“shit, you scared me.” keigo smiled when he recognized you, and the sight of it filled you with anger. “oh, sorry. let me just.” keigo’s feather returned to its natural state and you swatted it away as it went to caress your cheek, not in the mood for his usually sweet antics. “songbird? you okay?”
and you couldn’t help but laugh. full body, doubled over laughs. keigo tilted his head, confusion flashing across his face as you continued to laugh. your name left keigo’s lips, and you recognized the slight movements he was making. he was twitchy, like he wanted to move but he couldn’t decide which move was the best. you could practically hear the wheels in his head turning and you looked up at the ceiling as you felt the familiar sting of unshed tears in your eyes.
“you son of a bitch,” you whispered. you looked at him and his form became blurry, the tears now sliding down your cheeks. “you, you have me worried for days. you ignored my calls and texts, i even had other heroes looking out for you!” you started to walk towards him and you stopped just out of his reach. “you went to the point of staying here to avoid seeing me. why?” you finally met his gaze and golden eyes were filled with an emotion you didn’t recognize. his gaze was cold, distant. yet still, he kept the smile on his face, the smile he plastered on for annoying news reporters.
“i’ve been busy.”
“you’re running yourself ragged! you’re going to get hurt or cause someone else to get hurt because you’re working yourself to death.” you reached out and jabbed him in the chest.
“you don’t understand. you never will, so why are you even trying to? i can’t answer every call and text from my assistant.”
“that’s all i am to you? your assistant?” you asked. you were met with silence and you felt your heart begin to break. “look me in the eyes and tell me that’s all i am to you. and i promise, from now on, that’s all you’ll get from me.”
“what else would you be?”
wordlessly, you dug your key ring from your jacket pocket. you pulled off the key that belonged to keigo’s, to hawks’s, apartment and you set it down on his desk.
“noted. since you’ve clearly got a handle on things, i think i’ll be taking the next two days off for some personal days. i’ll be back on monday, hawks.” the name felt foreign on your lips and his wings twitched in response. you wordlessly spun on your heel and slammed hawks’s office door shut behind you. you could feel the stares from everyone in kei- hawks’s agency watching you, and you briefly shook your head when you saw kazuki before rushing out of the building, straight into the rain that had suddenly started to downpour. because of course it did.
as you walked in the rain to the bus stop, you ignored the frequent buzzing that came from your pocket.
“what else would you be?” echoed through your head, and you couldn’t believe that came from kei- his lips. what happened during his last mission? you shook your head to clear your thoughts.
“just an assistant,” you muttered under your breath. “what the hell, birdie?”
it was the middle of the night and you were sitting on your couch, eating from a carton of ice cream as you flipped through the channels on TV. you had finished your second movie of the night when you stumbled across the news. you paused when you saw hawks’s name flash across the bottom of the screen and you wanted to change the channel. but you couldn’t.
“eight hours later, the search and rescue has been completed. over 200 victims were rescued from the destruction thanks to the effort of our number two hero. thank you to pro hero hawks for being the first hero to respond, and the last to leave the tragic scene of the collapsed apartment complex.”
the reporter continued to talk about the injuries and the casualties, and you scanned the screen for him, not seeing a glimpse of red anywhere, save for some discarded feathers on the ground. you pulled out your phone immediately and searched online for something, anything about your- kei- hawks. your messages were full of texts from rumi and kazuki. a few from present mic, even a text from best jeanist’s assistant with a message from the pro.
suddenly, there was a knock on the door and you jumped off the couch. you glanced at the time, a little after midnight. you had hopes for who it was. you also didn’t know what you’d do if it was him. you slowly walked to the front door, willing your heart rate to calm down, and you reached forward to open the door.
you gasped at the sight in front of you, your phone clattering to the floor but you paid it no attention. hawks stood at your door, covered in dirt and dust and… blood? his jacket was gone, pants torn and ripped to barely there shreds of fabric. his flight goggles and headphones were gone, hair caked in dirt and sweat and he looked like he was seconds from falling over. he looked small without his massive wings behind him, most of the feathers left at the scene.
“‘m sorry. i tried, tried to go home. you were closer and,” hawks gestured to himself. “kind of grounded. i’m sorry, i can go.” he swayed a bit. you dove forward as he stumbled, and you held him up as he leaned into you. you kicked the door shut and you repositioned yourself to better support the hero as you walked towards your bathroom. “what are you doin’?” his voice was hoarse, and you made note to grab him water, as well as a million other things once you got him settled.
“first, im gonna clean you up. get some water for you, heat up some leftovers, and get you in clean clothes before i put you in bed.”
“what? no- i. i was horrible. you can’t… you can’t be nice to me. not after everything i said.” hawks said and you shushed him.
“shh, you’re going to wreck your voice more. we’ll talk once you’re taken care of.” you walked into the bathroom and made quick work of setting up a shower. you started to step away to grab towels and you felt a hand grab your arm.
“don’t leave me. please,” he rasped and you turned to face him, your heart aching at the sight in front of you. your keigo.
“not going anywhere. just grabbing towels, yeah?” you walked with him to the hallway, and you grabbed your fluffiest towels. you then grabbed a caddy full of keigo’s favorite toiletries. his shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and oil for his wings. he was missing a lot of feathers, but you’d take care of what was left. he was hurt, your birdie was hurt. it was your turn to be the hero, to make sure he was okay.
when you returned to the bathroom a minute later, keigo’s tired eyes lit up at your return.
“let’s get you in the shower, yeah?“ you set the towels down, put his supplies in the shower, and turned on the shower to his preferred temperature. you then walked to him and placed a gentle hand on his shirt. you glanced up at him and when he nodded, you gently began to peel his uniform off him. you quickly scanned him as you removed more articles of clothing, taking note of any new injuries and were relieved to see relatively little. once keigo had been stripped, you stepped into the shower with him, ignoring the fact you still had your t-shirt and sleep shorts on. your only focus was keigo right now, and you guided him under the shower head.
keigo’s exhaustion had seemed to hit as he leaned against you, and you supported him as you let the water get the top layer of grime off him. “there we go,” you soothed as you shifted, reaching for his shampoo. “there’s my birdie,” a weak chirp left him and you smiled sympathetically. “think you can sit so i can wash your hair?”
wordlessly, keigo moved to kneel down and once he settled, you began to scrub his hair. your hands worked in his hair until they ached, getting everything from the collapsed building from his hair before you added the shampoo. you took your time sudsing up his hair, and you smiled when you brushed some baby feathers in his hairline that caused keigo to coo quietly. keigo pressed a kiss to your stomach as you worked and leaned into your touch, much like a cat being petted. you helped him stand back up once you were ready to wash his body, and keigo practically laid against the wall of the shower as you worked to clean him off efficiently but quickly.
what felt like ages later, you turned the shower off and wrapped keigo up in a towel. you used the other towel to pat your own clothes dry quickly before you started to towel dry his hair.
“why are you… being so nice to me?” keigo asked and you frowned.
“i’m always going to care about you, pretty bird. you were a dick earlier,” you admitted. “but like it or not, you’ve wormed your way into my heart. you deserve to be taken care of, kei. we both know you don’t do it enough for yourself.” you moved to stand behind keigo and you looked at him in the mirror. “is it okay if i touch them?” you glanced at his baby wings and back at him. you held the oil in your hand, letting him see what your intentions were and you panicked when you saw his eyes fill with tears.
keigo couldn’t believe it. he had been horrible to you. he had tried to be horrible, he had never planned to come back to you this way. but he did and you? you dumbfounded him with how you treated him. as if you had just had a little spat over him breaking your heart. he could feel your heartbeat change during the conversation you two had in his office, he could practically hear your heart breaking over his words. but when he came to you, bloody and dirty, wings practically gone, and you treated him so tenderly. so… lovingly. when the first tear slid down his cheek, a dam broke. keigo chirped in surprise as you spun him around before he threw himself into your arms. he sobbed as he clung to you, as if you’d vanish into nothingness if he let go.
your arms immediately tightened around him and you used one hand to stroke his wing, the other combed through his hair so gently, sad warbles left his throat. “whatever happened,” you started. “we’ll handle it. me and you, yeah?” keigo tried to respond but couldn’t force any words out, more chirps leaving him as he nodded against your neck. “that’s my songbird.” you held him until his sobs turned into soft cries, and the cries into the occasional sniffle. keigo’s wing twitched as he felt you began to pay more attention to the feathers, and his eyes began to well up with tears again as he realized. you were preening him.
you’ve straightened his feathers out before a handful of times, usually for shoots or press interviews. he’s never had this much attention paid to them before, never in such a caring way at least. his body became lax against you, pleased coos and quiet chirps leaving his throat every now and then.
once you had finished, you led keigo to your room. you walked to the drawer with keigo’s things and he watched as you pulled out clothes for him to sleep in. “gonna change out of my wet clothes real quick, okay?” he nodded and you smiled softly at him before walking to your own side of the dresser. the two of you got dressed in a comfortable silence and you guided him to the living room, where minutes later, you settled onto the couch with dinner. keigo stayed curled into your side and you seemed perfectly content as you stroked his hair.
what felt like an eternity later, keigo was finally able to speak again. “i tried to come home. when i got off that mission. it.. it went horrible and i just wanted you. but i fail- they had told me i failed. i wasn’t as efficient as i should be, one of the villains had managed to escape before i caught him again. if i was a proficient hero, he never would have gotten a chance to get away.” you looked up as keigo spoke, and keigo struggled to maintain eye contact with you. you always seemed to see him, and that was terrifying.
“so i was already beating myself up when they sent me to another disaster, to redeem myself,” he quoted and you scowled at the words. “and i did better, that’s what they told me. and for a minute, i didn’t feel like a failure anymore. i felt worthy of my hero title so i…”
“you stayed busy, worked harder and harder to get rid of that bad feeling.” you finished for him and keigo nodded.
“but no matter what i did, how many patrols i went on, how many hours late i worked, it wasn’t good enough. they said i’m letting personal things get in the way of me being a good hero, that i was a better hero alone.” keigo trailed off and you looked sad, yet angry at the same time.
“they were the reason for our fight.” you said and keigo hummed in response.
“still. i never should have said what i did,” keigo cupped your cheek and you leaned into the touch. “i need you to know. need you to know you’re so much more to me than an assistant. maybe i’m a worse hero for it, but i love you. i love you, so much.” keigo’s voice shook and you scooted closer to him.
“i love you too,” you whispered. you glanced at keigo’s lips then back up at him, golden gaze meeting your own. you leaned in and brushed your lips against his, and keigo let out a soft breath as he kissed you. he had kissed you countless times, but none had ever been this soft. this slow, this.. vulnerable. there was no rush, nothing you were aiming for. just the two of you intertwined, and keigo didn’t break the kiss until he was out of breath, and he smiled at the quiet whine you made. “i think,” you said after a minute. “you need a few days to recover. bed rest, doctor’s orders.”
“you’re a doctor now, hmm?” keigo smiled as he pressed lazy kisses down your jaw and you pulled a blanket over the two of you. “can’t argue with doctor’s orders.”
“bed rest is the first step in treatment. cuddles could speed up the healing process, as well.” you said matter-of-factly as you tangled your legs with his own. keigo closed his eyes as you buried your face into his chest, and as you rubbed his back, keigo’s thoughts became fuzzy.
“careful, will stay here forever.” you nuzzled closer and keigo vaguely remembered your reply before you fell asleep.
“i’d love nothing more.”
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silentium-symphony · 4 months
A Lamb in Wolf's Clothing (Link x Reader) SMUT
(a/n) hey ya'll! i'm so sorry for going MIA for a few months--as some of you may know, I have just recently graduated from college, so there are a lot of big changes happening in my life right now! i appreciate your continued patience with me :) this fic was commissioned by the lovely @mistressofdeathsblog! thank you for giving me such a fun prompt, I had a lot of fun trying smth new and I hope you enjoy it too!
before you start reading, please take special note of the cw below. also, please remember that this is not a healthy relationship you want to emulate and is written for the sole purpose of entertainment. if you are in a relationship that strips your autonomy and you feel unsafe bringing this issue up to the offending party/parties, please reach out to someone you trust. there is no power in staying if there is no freedom to leave. stay safe out there.
and ofc, since this is smut, minors do not interact with this piece.
cw: dubcon, afab!reader, ooc!link since i highly doubt Hylia's Hero would be so life-alteringly possessive of their lover, tp!link, reader being chased, reader being held against their will, blood, tight spaces, swearing, name-calling, dumbification kinda??, cunnilingus, doggy, mirror/standing sex
wc: 5k
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Sweat and blood dribbled down your forehead, stinging your eyes with a salty, metallic bite. Thorn-kissed hands grasped and blindly waded through thick patches of bramble. The dark, bristling whips that surrounded you worked every exposed piece of skin into a raw, bloody mess quivering from the forest's cruelty.
You couldn't care less.
The birds overhead guffawed at your efforts as splotches of pale moon danced mockingly, titillatingly along the cold earth. You chased every moon patch with the frenzy of an escaped convict a morning away from freedom.
Because that's what you were, really.
The beginnings and ends of thoughts knotted and frayed into each other, flurrying your head into a cohesive garble. Just how big was this forest? It looked like a sprawling mess from the fortress you were locked up in, but it was absolutely impenetrable now that you were in the thick of it. It was as if the very woods were enchanted to keep you from ever escaping.
A ring of pain hooked the topside of your foot, propelling all of your momentum downwards and towards the forest floor. You couldn't even scream before you bashed your cheek through a thin layer of crusted mud. The cold soil caked your flushed cheeks--the only shred of relief you've felt since your mad sprint to freedom.
Your spine slinked up into a curl--a pathetic attempt to get up, to begin your chase again, but your battered body refused to endure further abuse. (E/C) eyes flitted about you, trying to interpret the shadows that danced and weaved through the trees.
Running in this state would be pointless. You dug your forearms and elbows to crawl towards an ivy overhang that promised hidden refuge and curled into as tight of a ball you could muster. The silky white dress he gifted you had been ripped past recognition. The airy fabric that once brushed your ankles now clung tightly to your blood-laced thighs, soiled from the toils of flight. You pulled your legs closer; your lungs fought for precious breath against your pounding heart.
What a shame. If only it weren't beating so fast, you might have heard the crack of a single twig located too close for comfort.
From several paces into the unseen was a pair of blue eyes misted over with sinful hunger; your quivering, shorn form was scintillating to watch and feasted his mind with imaginations more heart-racing than the last. Your blood, sweat, and tears mixing with your natural scent proved to be the most tantalizing olfactory cocktail, scattering his thoughts into overdrive.
He hated the rush he got from seeing you like this--lost and confused without his guidance through these nested thorns, yearning for warmth and safety he knew he could provide (and had been providing since you stumbled into his castle that fateful day).
Why did you leave him? Was he not enough for you? But he'd given you everything! Everything! Freshly made home-cooked meals, tailored clothes that hugged your form, a bed warmed by him, his body...
He could still feel the soft plush of your flesh sinking and dimpling in his hands as he thrust into you with the faux tenderness of a starved man. Your beautiful eyes locked with his own, only leaving to disappear into the back of your head. Your mouth agape to let the cutest sounds escape...
If you were happy with him, why were you leaving him?
Not waking up to your face smooshed into his pillows, not beholding you in all the pretty silk and ribbons he had lying around, not fucking you in every position you could possibly think of, not spending every waking moment with you...
Why, he'd rather die.
If it made you happy, he'd allow the ambrosial drippings of freedom to bead your lips.
If it made you happy, he'd let you delude yourself into thinking you were far enough from the castle to be away from him.
But only for now. Link prided himself on his chivalry and patience, but even that was growing thin from your incessant attempts of escape. He was going to have to show you why it was such a good idea to stay here with him, forever and ever and ever.
You were nodding off now, it seemed. The way your head kept dipping and rising in a futile attempt to stay wary was so adorable, he just had to ravish you right then and there! He had barely managed to stave off his intrusive thoughts as he stalked closer to you, still clinging closely to the dark cloak that hung off twisted branches.
You saw something shift from the corner of your eye; your neck snapped up and a croak clawed out of you.
"Who's there?!"
Why was it so quiet?
Had it always been so quiet?
Where have the birds gone?
A familiar silhouette emerged from the trees.
"L-... Link..." Your throat, parched and scratched from heaving the cold night air, rang a voice unfamiliar to you.
Azure eyes that once beheld you with all the love in the world now stare back with deadpan coldness. Words need not be exchanged here; his presence alone blew any hope of escape in the next breeze that ruffled his fur.
A calculated step towards you retreated you further into your little alcove, a prayer that the ivy could take you in as one of its own on your lips. There was no telling what he was thinking, or how close to the edge he was. But that look, that hunger.
That familiar, craved look your body knew too well pulsed anxious tingles through your fingertips.
Another step.
Then another.
He was here.
You could feel him, all of him--his hot breath against your arms, his fur bristling against your thigh, his warmth freezing your blood where it ran. You hadn't realized how much you were shaking until you heard the rhythmic shifting of ivy buzzing into your ear.
He pressed his head into your lap, prying you open to make way for him. And you sat there, obeying him like the perfect little doe you were. As he lazily dragged a tongue across your thigh, lapping at the dried blood that crusted your flesh, he looked up. Relief, adoration, love. That stifling comforting, possessive protective obsession love that he had so readily wrapped you in the moment he met you. For a moment, he looked like a lamb in wolf's clothing.
So many thoughts swirled inside you, your brain numbing to prevent overstimulation. But amongst the chaos, a single thought backdropped every complicated emotion you were feeling.
He had found you.
Had it not been for the blood drumming through your ears and temples, you would have thought time had frozen in this purgative state. He was splayed atop you now, seeming to rest from his hours-long stalking; he wasn't crushing you, but it was clear he had all the control in this dynamic. Any undesirable shift away from him, to preserve your own personhood, would most certainly have led to a 'gentle' nudge toward him.
A single cobalt eye lazily cracked open after a million years ticked by. His piercing gaze, though fringed with some life, made it abundantly clear that your race to freedom was placed at an indefinite standstill. He had never once snapped at you, but the fear lodged in your chest informed you not to test him further.
He hauled himself up, joints locked from inactivity popping to life as he arched into a long stretch. His carefree pose hinted at obliviousness--borderline forgiveness--to your impertinence, but you knew better.
Link never forgets.
He eyed you again with a sort of child-like excitement that twisted your gut into a sickening pattern. His tail arced to and fro, painting his excitement in broad strokes. He wedged his snout between the small of your back and the wall and firmly pushed you forward, scooting you a couple inches toward your prison home.
You knew better than to anger him.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Link's skillful navigation through the thorns was unimpeded by your clinging onto him. It had taken hours to get to where you once were, but a quarter of that time for the wolf. The gloomy castle you had called your home for months (years?) broadened into view until you could clearly see its spires puncture through occasional clouds. The moon, basking in its celestial sovereignty, jeered at your return.
Link slipped through a tiny crack in the iron-clad door, made by the wolf confident in its tracking and retrieving abilities. You slugged off him with practiced movements; a sound akin to obscene magic asundering flesh preluded your captor's transformation. Grisly black fur gave way to sand-blonde hair; the worn, patchwork shirt which heralded his humble beginnings as a rancher ran taut against the back you had spent several minutes clambering onto.
He continued looking ahead unblinkingly as you idled a few paces behind him, your chest constricting and mind frenzying with murky anticipation. Your nerves, frayed from adrenaline and brain-altering fear, now swam in the heavy nothingness of silence; you were a breath away from weeping before a tenor tone disturbed the still.
"Let's get you cleaned up."
Silently, you both moved through the halls, paying the torchlit shadows the special type of attention one gave to the mundane in moments choked with awkwardness. Worn, freshly torn hands bunched the hem of your dress until your knuckles whitened. A part of you wished to never reach your destination, preferring thickened stillness over the unpredictable inevitable. You rounded a familiar corner and gathered the shreds of your sanity to brace yourself for whatever may come.
The sullen wooden door gave way to the man's heave and you followed him in. A large bathroom decorated only with the essentials filled your view. As Link ran the faucet, your eyes absently glazed over the rickety plumbing he had installed to transport hot spring water to the tub. For the first time since his transformation, he turned to you.
His clear, authoritative tone cut sharper than any thorn that had shredded you. Eyes downcast, your fingers wrought the straps of your dress further, further down your shoulders. Your skin burned from your clammy fingers; you blamed it on the steam that had begun filling the corners of the room and ignored the heavy, heated stare placed on you by the male.
Link followed your dawdling, hooking his fingers under the hem of his shirt and lifting it to reveal a stomach sculpted by years of farm work and adventuring. The straps of your dress coiled close to your elbows before settling by your ankles. Your hands immediately scattered to cover your exposed parts as Link finished undressing himself, his fully erect length blurred by warm mists and (eventually) a deftly wrapped towel.
He reached over to squeak the faucet shut; the comforting, monotonous lull of running water now halted to scant droplets. After pulling out the small basket of rags and soap, he sat on a bar stool and beckoned you with a lone finger.
"Come here. You're filthy."
You shuffled out of the shredded dress and forward, keeping your eyes trained on the end of the tub where he sat.  The wanton desire for a hot bath waived your concerns over the situation, dulling your fears enough to throw a leg over the edge and sink everything but the top half of your face below the water.
The warm panacea cloaked you in an elixir of ease, and a satisfied groan unintentionally lapsed your lips; your hand figuratively slapped over your mouth when the air honeyed into something...
Link dipped a small bucket into the bathwater and slowly poured it over your head, calloused fingers expertly combing through knotted, crusted strands. The hardened skin tenderly brushing the back of your neck jolted heated memories to the forefront of your mind.
You could still feel the harsh, almost desperate grip laced in your hair as he pounded you from behind, panting sweet promises to give you more for the rest of your lives. Your face, buried in his pillows, blindly nodded along to the specifics of what he had said, your mind too blurred to focus on much else aside from your umpteenth high of the night.
The warm water felt like a cold deluge and a noticeable shiver ran through you. Soapy hands stopped caressing your scalp.
"How about we play a little game?" Link murmured suddenly, absently twirling your locks in his fingertips. Had it not been for the taut fingers interweaved through your hair, your surprise would have been more apparent.
"What... What game?"
"A little game similar to hide-n-seek." He started languidly, as if savoring every vowel that lisped his tongue. "If you can evade my capture until dawn, I will guide you to the forest's edge so you may leave. However..."
Rough fingerpads traced up the side of your bicep as darkened ears caught your quiet, involuntary gasp.
"If I catch you... You're mine. Deal?"
Throat tightening and heart palpitating, your mind fought to keep its last ounce of calm as your captor's hand circled to your front to cusp and knead your--
"What's the catch?" You breathed, somehow managing to divert your attention away from Link's sinful reaches.
"There is no catch, but there are rules." He pecked your cheek, his lips curving into a soft smile that thinly veiled iller intents.
"You are allowed to hide anywhere in the castle grounds and use whatever means necessary to hide from me, so long as neither of us gets seriously injured... The moment you step foot in that forest, I will claim you where you stand. Is that fair?"
Was this a trick?
A sick joke meant to dangle tonight's failure in your face?
Surely it was... But what if it wasn't?
His steady stare that peered shamelessly through your soul conveyed a degree of seriousness and sincerity required to make a truthful statement.
"How do I know that you won't go back on your word?"
"I have never lied to you." He gritted his teeth. "Can you say the same?"
The genuine hurt masking his eyes ached your chest, but the tiniest shred of dignity you had left netted the apology that almost escaped your mouth.
"Is there anything else I should know before I make my decision?"
"No. I have told you everything you need to know and will uphold my end of the deal. The final decision is yours."
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Moonlight masqueraded through the gaping windows, streaking drab grey pillars with hints of alabaster. The halls which you have called home for what felt like time immemorial now crowded your vision with a foreign bite, sinking into your flesh an unnerving uncertainty around every corner.
Your neck swiveled on all axes, one eye trained in front of you and the other separating the benign from foe that hid in every dancing shadow. Bare feet pattering against olden stone filled the gaps in between each racing heart beat, drumming your ears in a never-ending symphony of chase.
Legs aching, quaking, begging for proper rest are promptly ignored, outcompeted by the more urgent matter at hand.
Your final gambit for freedom.
You cursed under your breath as you ascended a spiraling staircase, your lungs burning with the rage of a thousand suns from heaving in the cold, arid air. The stone floor kissed knicks into the soles of your feet as you skidded around a corner and madly dashed down the hall, shifting down a narrow crawlspace that branched off from the main hall.
Whispered hisses and curses bounced off the tightening walls as rough-hewn stone jagged into your skin, reopening recently closed wounds from the brambles. You could only pray that Link was far enough away to not pick up on freshly streaked blood.
A familiar carpet--the one from the main hall--filled your view and you slowed your shimmying into a momentary pause. You fought to see through your grimace to peer around the corner and hoped that your heart wasn't beating loud enough to mask the signs of your stalker.
All good...?
You scooted out of that uncomfortable position and ducked towards the exit.
The private gardens opened up to you. Trails of ivy found residence in the cracked grey of decayed walls and the fountain was spewing the most delicious water your parched throat had ever seen. You circled the mini courtyard, your frenzied mind shunting the garden's haunting aesthetics in search of a practical hiding place. To your right was the more open space of the main courtyard, and to your left were the untrimmed topiaries of Hyrulian heroes commemorated only in flora.
Streaks of morning were just beginning to tip the horizon.
Your feet teetered toward the right, but a certain non-human shadow slinked past the threshold. All color drained from your pallor as you scurried around the topiary's wide base and hid behind the cloister's stone pillar. The sounds of flesh ripping and reanimating shot through the air; tears began to freely flow as a carefree whistle ambled closer to you.
"My, my... It's almost daybreak. I must find my beloved soon, or else I'll lose her forever."
The sky was just beginning to tinge a magenta-red.
"Is she... Hiding by the door?"
Boots clicking against stone rang like a departed's dirges. Your clammy fingers dug into the side of your face--a feeble attempt to muffle your whimpering.
"Is she... Behind these topiaries? No? Hm... But I'm getting close, aren't I, (F/N)?"
All strength, all hope, had been sapped from your body; your knees locked and buckled.
"Oh? Have we always had a little walkway back here? What a wonderful surprise! I know my darling would love it here."
Your vision darkened.
Leather nestled softly into your face as the heat of another poured and mingled with the cold stone pressed to your back.
"Guess who?" He sang.
You felt all your muscles simultaneously release their tension; your legs folded in on themselves, but secure arms hooked them under and hoisted you bridal style.
As you were carted inside the dark fortress, the morning sun greeted you in its soft-rayed glory.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
The stale castle air flooded your lungs as your body was unceremoniously tossed onto the bed. A hand tightened around your wrists and hot, agitated lips locked with yours before your brain could register the cotton plush of your sheets. His other hand feathered up your thigh, learned fingers grazing all your tender spots and teasing your thoughts into a foggy mix of want.
Your figure writhed uselessly under him as he flattened you further into the bed, using his full weight to keep you pinned where he wanted. The hand that carried out its sinful ministrations below shot up to seize your cheeks. Rough fingerpads bruised the softer flesh as he craned your neck to make way for his lips, flushed with a feral red and coated with soft proclamations of domination.
"You're mine... All mine..."
Hot breaths ghosted the surface of your neck, tickling a heated whine out of you. Your needy noises hitched into a gasp when you felt moistened lips lock onto your skin, suckling and teething the flesh into discolored patches. Rich vermilion fringed with a sinful violet bloomed below your jawline, trailing down and darkening with each claim closer to your chest.
He yanked the noisome dress down, exposing all of your chest to him. The snaps of cloth ripping from its handles and the sudden whip of cold air across your most sensitive parts pierced a jolt through your body. He pulled away to admire the shades of purple and red marring your fair complexion, a visual reminder to the dust haunting old halls and courtyards lost to time that you were his, and his alone. A lone tongue swirled around an irritated bud.
Trembles quaked through you--from heated anticipation or disgust, you were unsure. He hooked his fingers back into your cheeks and pried your face to look into his own. Sky-blue eyes, which once beheld you in crinkled happiness, had dimmed into a hazy navy clouded with lust.
"So pretty... My gorgeous, gorgeous girl."
Soft lips brushed your forehead, ambled down to your nose, and finally settled on your lips.
"My good girl."
Lips warmed with depraved whispers silenced around your bud. Starved suckling backdropped the more apparent whimpers scratching your throat, dredged in pleasure with a dulling edge of resistance. Scarred skin delicately cusped your mounds, tweaking and flicking your perkiness until it was a rosy red.
Your growing sensitivity stung tears into your eyes. Achy hands, now free from his grasp, grappled onto sinewy shoulders but did little to convey genuine discomfort. A deep groan purred from his chest as Link balanced your sore bud in a soft knead between his teeth. A pop filled the room.
"Let me see those eyes."
Your eyes wedged open to see blown-out blues taking all of you in. Your heart pounded a flush into your cheeks and christened an unholy flame to spread through your core.
"That's it... Now watch me..."
He dragged his body lower and lower, his eyes unwavering from yours for even a second. Steady hands balled into the collar of your dress and tore through the silk, the symphony of rips bouncing off the walls and knocking coherence out of your head. His lips matched the pace of the ragged unveiling and chased progressively exposed flesh with soft kisses, down, down, and farther down. Feverish breaths along your inner thighs sent chills up your spine.
"Watch me as I make you cum for me."
Hands gnarled from knighthood knotted into the delicate lace separating him from his prize, tearing it apart with ease.
"Link, hold--ah!"
Your eyes shot to the back of your head as your mouth gaped into a silent 'O.' An orchestra of colors, conducted by a madly indulgent maestro, symphonized into a crazed, otherworldly experience. His tongue coiled and stretched into you with the practiced precision of many amorous nights while his thumb circled the space around your clit, teasing the nub until agony. It was only a matter of time before your impassioned gasps and pleas competed with the downright sinful wetness Link lapped below.
"Tell me you love this--that you love me."
"Link, please! Just give it to me please, please, please...!" The top of your head rolled further into your pillow when the painful prick of a pinch shot too much for too short a time.
"Don't look away. Don't you dare look away, you filthy slut." Deft fingers plunged into you until pleasure fried your brain. "You'll cum when I tell you to."
Your whines and whimpers hiccuped into full sobs for release, whistled with pleas and promises you both knew you wouldn't keep.
"You'll love me forever, right? You'll be my good lil' cock slut forever, right?"
"Yes! Yes, I promise! Please Link, just let me cum already, please!"
You damn liar.
He pulled away, coldly gazing at the weeping, quivering, gasping mess of his beloved.
"Link...? W-why did you--"
"Your heart may have forgotten, but your body remembers..."
His sweet lips, tinted with a hint of bitter longing, moved with yours in a desperate, crazed dance. Every lust-filled, haggard groan ripped from his lungs masked the quieter crack running up his heart.
The bed creaked from the sudden redistribution of your weight as he spread you on all fours. He aligned himself to your entrance and, in a single motion that he had done hundreds of times, completed you. A wail, colored in pleasure and streaked with pain, contrasted Link's blissed-out groan. Tears brimmed the corner of your eyes; each droplet slipped down your cheek in time with his frenetic pounding until it had thickened into a steady stream.
He wasted no time in his pursuit for pleasure, hitching his pelvis to your ass, pulling away, and slamming back in with the gentleness of a starved wolf ripping into a lamb. His fingers dug crescents into your hips as he adjusted himself, propping one of his legs up to angle himself deeper and faster into you.
He was stretching you past your limits, and every thrust was accompanied by a heated flash of pain. Your upper half sunk towards the bed as he moved your hips higher, closer to him. Helpless (E/C)s stared at the creaking bedpost while your whitening knuckles dug through the sheets clumped in your hands. A salty mixture of tears and saliva pooled on your pillow as honeyed cries haunted your walls.
"What, is my princess not having a good time?" He jeered, reaching over to give your engorged clit a cruel flick and your ass an even crueler slap. "What does my baby want me to do to her? Huh? What do you want me to do to your tight pussy?"
"L-Link, It hurts! It's too--!"
The side of your quivering hips slammed into the mattress and forced you on your back. Your face snapped into the pillow when his writhing tongue replaced his thick cock, tonguing and lapping at your dripping pussy as if your ambrosia would be the last thing he was to taste. He pulled out and spat on your entrance, pressing his tongue flat against your pussy and swiping up towards the clit that he coiled.
"Mmph... Fuck, I love you... Give me more... Gods, give me more."
A bruising ache pressed into your hips as his frenzied circling spurred faster, faster, faster. Pleasure dizzied your senses towards a dark void; the familiar knot in your stomach that ached to unravel popped with the abrupt re-emergence of Link.
"Mm, tight as ever... How're you feeling, my dove?" He husked, ragged breaths encapsulating the shell of your ear.
"Too b-bi--Link, you're too big!"
"Shhh... You can take it. You've taken it hundreds of times. C'mon, squeeze my cock like a good girl."
"It's so--Link, you're stretching me out, I need to--"
"Not yet. I'm not done fucking you yet." He swiveled you back on all fours and pounded you into the mattress, your cries and pleas be damned. Slender fingers snarled through your tresses and strained you away from the pillows that held your screams.
"When I'm ready, I want to watch you cum all over my cock." His erratic pounding slowed for a split second, enough time for a certain thought to come and go. "I want you to see it too."
Your abused cunt finally had a moment to breathe and process; if only your brain had that same luxury.
The bed sighed a relieved groan as Link crawled out and wrapped his arms about your lower abdomen to hoist you up. When it was evident that this pathetically limp curl was the best you could do, toned forearms hooked under your knees and spread your legs in the most vulnerable position you've ever been in. With a huff, Link brought you front and center to the mirror. You both watched breathlessly as he lowered you onto his slicked cock, sinking every inch into your gummy walls.
"Fuck, you're so tight... I need you, (F/N)..."
His crazed pistoning began once more; the sensations that ransacked your body were unlike anything you'd ever experienced before. The tip of his cock so easily, so effortlessly rammed into your sweetest spots; every thrust he slammed into you turned you into a shamelessly shaking, overstimulated mess.
"Look at you," he hummed darkly, "look at all the sin running down your legs."
Link's voice was so far away now. The way he kept disappearing into your sopping cunt and your juices dribbling over your thighs consumed your every thought. The only tangible you could feel was the building pressure coiling in your gut, tightening with each passing second.
"So beautiful... So tight... Don't you want to do this forever? Hm? Don't you want to be ruined by me forever and ever?"
His teeth sunk into your neck, adding to the carnal collection and ripping a hoarse cry out of you.
"You're my good girl, aren't you? My good girl... You're all mine--all fucking mine."
Veins marbled his arms and forehead as he nuzzled into your neck, tongue tracing the edge of every bite. The labored grunts that occasionally wheezed out of him, along with his stuttering hips, signaled that he was teetering closer and closer to the edge. Hooded blues stared piercingly into your own, weighed down by mindless intoxication. His lips brushed a flame through the curve of your ear.
"Look at me..." He purred. "Look at me and confess your lust to me."
A shattered cry, followed by a wave of profane heat, collided with your system. Winced eyes lolled to the back of your head while you spasmed and twitched in still arms. Your violent clenching and knowledge of your release strained a guttural growl through Link's chest as he spurted his cum as deep as it could go. Thin, white threads coated your walls and trailed out your still-plugged hole until drips of sin stained the stone below.
Link tripped to the foot of the bed, his body folding into the sheets the second his foot made contact with the wooden post. With arms wrapped comfortably around you and the familiar presence of your spent lover, you passed out the moment your body recognized blissed finality.
As you commenced your near-immediate foray into the realm of dreams, a familiar voice--soft yet broken--rang through your last layer of consciousness.
"Sleep well, my dove. If eternally precarious possession is the closest thing we will ever have to love, I will gorge myself on it."
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lessons for a shopaholic
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pairing: real dad! chris x reader
cw: father-daughter incest, degradation, spanking, pussy slapping, spit kink, edging, semi-public sex, oral sex (m! receiving), p in v, handcuffs, daddy kink
a/n: this is another commission for an anonymous commissioner!
wc: 5.1k
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As much as it pains you to be apart from the man you love the most, your dad’s job requires him to travel quite frequently. He keeps you updated as much as he can while he’s gone, calling whenever he gets cell service – which is a rarity on certain missions. As it turns out, bioterrorists will find ways to wreak havoc in the most remote places. Objectively, he’s a hero, but he’s more than that -he’s your hero. He’s your dad, so you need him more than the BSAA does.
When he does return home, Chris makes up for his long absences in many ways. While sex is a favorite for both of you, your dad knows his daughter is a bit of a shopaholic. He’s much more frugal than you are – or he used to be until you came into his life. Children are expensive, but you, Chris’ baby girl, are spoiled rotten. You spend many of your Saturdays at the mall accompanied by daddy’s credit card, and sometimes, if you’re really lucky, you get to take daddy along on your shopping trip. Having your dad with you makes things all the more fun. Over time he learns your style and your sizes. He could put together a new wardrobe for you if he had to, though he can’t imagine he’d ever need to do so considering the amount of clothes you own. Most of them are pink, frilly, and pricy.
Despite Chris’ middle-aged man brain addled with the immense desire to go home and take a nice long nap on the couch, your adorable pouty face convinces him to let you take the maximum amount of garments the store will allow you to back to the dressing rooms to try them on before inevitably purchasing them all. You enter the dressing room alone to avoid suspicion but you bring your phone so you can snap a few cute photos to send to Chris, hoping to keep him from getting bored while he waits. Your bra is cute but your tits are cuter, so you take your bra off and bare your half-naked body for the camera. You snap a few mirror selfies and send the one you deem most attractive to Chris, but don’t receive an immediate response. Maybe he isn’t looking at his phone, you think. You’re wrong about that - he sees it, and he spends the rest of the time waiting for you trying to conceal his erection in his unfortunately tight pants while also devising a punishment for you.
When you emerge from the dressing room and meet back up with Chris, you don’t pick up on his cold demeanor as anything out of the ordinary at first because your dad can be a quiet man – plus, you’re wrapped up in taking one last look around the store to make sure you’ve bought absolutely everything on your ever-growing wishlist.
Once you’ve made your final purchases of the day, he abruptly takes you by the arm and drags you out into the parking lot.
He holds out his forefinger in front of your face, silently scolding you.
“Sorry, sir.”
You should know better than to call him ‘daddy’ in public. He doesn’t call you a good girl, though he wants to; instead, he gives you a curt nod and walks you to the car. He shoves your things into the backseat, and you open the passenger side door to get in, assuming you’re being taken home, but he stops you.
“Bad girls don’t get to ask questions.”
When he sees you standing there, looking confused, he says, “come with me,” and holds out his hand. You take it and he guides you to a relatively secluded part of the parking lot.
“Do you know what I want from you?” he asks, quietly, though no one is within earshot.
“An apology?”
“Not quite. Think harder.”
“A blowjob?”
“Excuse me? Is that an appropriate word to say in front of your daddy?” He pretends to be appalled at your choice of language but he can’t fault you for using crude terminology since there isn’t really a proper way to talk about sucking dick.
“No, sir,” you respond quickly, hoping to avoid getting into trouble with Chris. He’s the master of tough love and you know it – he’s not afraid to discipline his princess when he deems her deserving of it.
“I don’t want a daughter with a dirty mouth,” he says. Then, he grabs your jaw, tips your head back, and spits in your mouth.
“Swallow,” he says, and you comply without hesitation. “I hope you can talk to daddy with a clean mouth now.”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good. Now get on your knees.”
You do as you’re told, looking up into his eyes for instructions. You know what to do, but you know he likes it when you act all innocent, so you stare up at him with a coquettish smile.
“Do you know why you’re here? Kneeling in front of your dad in a mall parking lot?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you think you were being a good girl when you sent daddy those pictures of you in the dressing room?”
“I didn’t know you would get mad.” “That’s not an answer. Do you think sending photos of your bare tits makes you a good girl or a slut?” “I’m sorry, daddy. I wanna be a good girl.”
“Yeah, I know you want to be a good girl, but you’re not acting like one today, and that’s why you need to show daddy that you know how to be good for him.”
Chris briefly surveys his surroundings before quickly unzipping his pants and taking out his hard cock. It comes as a surprise to you when he slaps your cheek with it. You pout and he rubs the tip along your lips, coaxing them open. He lets you suckle on the head the way you like to, but only for a minute or so. Quickly becoming impatient, he shoves himself deeper into your mouth, feeding you his dick inch-by-inch without regard for your comfort. You gag, and unlike the first time you took him too far into your mouth, he doesn’t stop you – he knows you can take it, so he tells you to breathe through your nose. It helps enough to stop you from choking but mascara tears run down your face and saliva drips from your lips. You look like a mess, but a beautiful mess in the eyes of your daddy. Chris holds your head against his pelvis and bucks his hips into your mouth before he cums down your throat.
He wipes the excess from your lips with his thumb, subsequently sticking it in your mouth so you can lick it clean. He tucks himself back into his pants and grabs your hand, quickly shuffling you into the car like he’s shoplifted you. If anyone caught a glimpse of you, they’d know exactly what happened between the two of you, and despite how enticing the idea of risking getting caught sounds, it could land you both in jail for more than one reason.
It’s quiet on the car ride home. The radio is off and Chris’ eyes remain fixated on the road ahead. You don’t catch him sneaking glances at you at red lights and his hand never crosses the center console. Usually, he’s more physically affectionate than this – at least, since you’ve gone from being just father and daughter to something more than that – and you wonder if he’s truly angry at you for sending him that sexy mirror picture, or if his head is hazy after getting blown in the parking lot. He hasn’t touched you in hours, hasn’t even spoken to you in minutes, but the spark of arousal inside you is a fire you can’t snuff out. Feeling yourself get progressively wetter on the car ride home, you wonder if dad was right: maybe you really are a slut.
The possibility of truly being a slut in your dad’s mind is worrisome to you. “Daddy, am I a good girl?” you ask, hesitantly, making sure to use your most precious tone of voice.
“We’ll see,” he says in a tone so neutral that it’s impossible for you to discern how he feels about the topic at hand. He’s not pissed – how could he be after cumming down your pretty throat a mere half-hour ago? - but his response is not reassuring either. In truth, he’s caught up in his own thoughts, trying to decide if you’re a good girl or not. You might not be one at the current moment, but if that’s the case, he can remind you how to be one.
When you arrive at home, you can tell by the look on his face that he has something planned. Something fun.
After dropping your shopping bags – countless, all filled to the brim – by the bed, he asks you to put on a fashion show for him. “How ‘bout you show daddy what you look like in those pretty clothes he bought you?”
You smile, coy like you’ve got something up your sleeve but you don’t – you’re well-aware that Chris holds all the cards. You drag the biggest bag of clothes with you to the bathroom so that you can change into your first outfit. You decide to start your one-woman show with a simple sundress. When you exit the bathroom to show Chris, you look a bit shy despite the fact that you both know you look beautiful.
“Give daddy a spin,” he says.
You do – and much to his liking – the skirt billows as you twirl and give him a peek of your cute panties. When you face him, he pretends not to be phased, though, in reality, he can feel his cock stiffening already. Despite Chris being the dominant one in your relationship, you have him wrapped around your finger.
You cycle through outfit after outfit until you end up in something that daddy considers a bit too short for an aspiring good girl. As a concerned parent, he can’t let you go out looking like that.
“Did you really think you could get away with this?” he asks, tone getting sharper. “My daughter is not a slut, so I expect her not to dress like one.”
“I didn’t mean to, sir. I thought-”
“You thought what? You thought that boys were gonna get a peek at your pussy? Is that what you want?”
“No, sir.”
“Guess you weren’t thinking, then, huh? You were being a dumb little girl, weren’t you?”
You shake your head in dissent. “I wanna be daddy’s smart girl,” you pout.
“But you’re not, baby.” His tone is lighter but still mocking. “You need daddy to teach you a lesson. Then, maybe you’ll be a smart girl.”
You nod, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, nervous about what kind this lesson is going to be. Surely, it won’t be a simple conversation.
“Look me in the eyes,” he commands.
When you do, he says in a much softer yet more serious voice, “I expect you to do everything I say. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
He resists the urge to say ‘good girl’ – it’s on the tip of his tongue, but he decides that you don’t deserve it yet.
He remains in his current position – seated at the foot of the bed – and silently, he beckons you closer. Without any preamble, Chris bends you over his lap and hikes your skirt up to reveal your cute ass.
“Let’s see how smart my little girl is,” he says as he kneads the flesh of your ass like he’s deciding the perfect spot to strike. “Count to ten with me.”
Smack. His hand hits your ass hard enough to leave a handprint. “One,” you say.
Smack. This time his palm hits the other cheek, making sure they receive equal attention. “Two,” you say, your voice already wavering a bit.
Three, four and five go by quickly, but your knees threaten to buckle at six. Daddy has to hold his baby girl still to keep her from falling over now.
“C’mon baby girl,” Chris sighs, feigning exasperation despite actually being proud of your obedient behavior. He would’ve stopped ‘teaching you a lesson’ multiple spankings ago if it weren’t for the wet spot forming in the gusset of your panties. He can tell you’re getting off on this, and with a view like his, he’s in a similar boat. Chris probably looks like he has hearts in his eyes though you can’t see it with your face pointed towards the ground.
Seven, eight, nine, ten. You manage to count them out without much trouble despite progressively becoming less confident about your accuracy as you’re absorbed in the feeling of your dad spanking you. After your ‘lesson’ concludes, he doesn’t give you a moment to rest before he pulls you to your feet with more instructions at the ready.
“Lie down,” he says, though he pushes you onto the bed before you can comply. He would be a good drill sergeant if he had more patience. Clearly, he has the authority aspect down.
“Arms above your head,” he says, and it’s in these moments that you remember that he used to be a cop. Being a slut is akin to being a criminal in your dad’s book, so maybe you’re reminding him of his younger years, maybe that’s why he’s so enthusiastic about this whole charade.
You put your arms up and to your surprise, he walks out of the room, turning back when he reaches the doorway, only to say, “I expect you to stay like that until I get back.”
“Yes, sir.” You consider saluting him to take this bit of roleplay to the next level, but you don’t want to be spanked again. (Not because you don’t like spankings, but because he’s gotten you riled up to the point where you’re getting more and more antsy each moment that passes without his cock inside you.)
You stay put with your hands raised above your head, fearing the punishment you might receive if you don’t do what he asks. Maybe this part is the punishment. A couple minutes without daddy is no fun for you. Though, being away from his favorite girl would be a punishment for him too.
He comes back with not one, but two, pairs of handcuffs.
“You know what these are?” he asks.
You nod. “Handcuffs.”
“How do you know that? I thought you were a good girl. Have you been in trouble before?”
“No, not like that. I promise I’m a good girl.”
“Okay, good girl,” he starts, mockingly, “then you’re not going to complain when I put these on,” he says as he grabs one of your wrists and attaches one cuff to you and the other to the headboard. When you’re fully restrained, he takes a step back and looks at his handiwork.
“You look pretty like this,” he muses. Sometimes he can’t believe he made something so precious.
“Thank you, daddy,” you say, somehow still flustered by the compliment despite having heard it from him countless times.
You swear you see a hint of a smile cross his face but as soon as it appears, it vanishes. He climbs atop you – no, pounces onto you – caging in your body beneath him. He pulls your skirt up, almost ripping it. All thoughts of the money that dress cost him have left his mind.
“Daddy! Don’t do that. It’s new,” you whine.
“Shut the fuck up,” he says with a smack to your cheek. Your face is doubly red – embarrassed and aroused, and more importantly, your pussy is soaking wet.
Chris slides your panties to the side and shoves two fingers inside you, pumping them in and out at a rapid pace, too pent up to waste time trying to ease you into it when he knows how badly you want him. The pleasure inside you rises so quickly you don’t realize you’re moaning until Chris chuckles at how loud you’re being.
“You like this?” he asks – his tone isn’t sultry, it’s patronizing.
“Ye-ah,” you try to say, but you only get half the word out before it turns into a moan.
“Do you think all those other guys who’d get a view of this soaking wet cunt could make you feel this good?”
You shake your head – a vehement no. There’s no way anyone other than your daddy could have you writhing against the sheets like this. Daddy is observant, and he knows his daughter well, so he can tell you’re getting close to your peak.
“Are you gonna cum?” His tone is deceptively encouraging.
“Uh-huh.” Foolishly, you think he’ll let you finish.
He laughs when he retracts his fingers, letting the heat in your abdomen fizzle out and watching your expression drop.
“Gonna cry already?” He doesn’t even feign pity when he mocks your tears.
You don’t need to answer his question verbally because you already are crying. The tears are falling on their own.
“You look so pretty when you cry,” he says, and you can hear more than a hint of poorly-concealed arousal in his tone. You’re beginning to break his cold facade, and that thought alone stops the tears from truly streaming down your face.
Chris has been rock hard since the moment you walked into the room wearing this cute little number, but now – unbeknownst to you due to his still-clothed state – the tip of his cock is leaking precum. He’s so desperate to feel your warmth engulfing him that he doesn’t care about the fact that he’s surely staining his boxers.
“Since you got the special princess treatment earlier, it’s daddy’s turn to have fun.” He unbuckles his belt, pulls his zipper down and takes his cock out, not wanting to waste time undressing all the way; and more importantly, he’s intent on not giving you the show you so desperately want. While Chris can keep his language in check in any other situation, his ability to hold in the vulgar things he wants to say to you flies out the window when he gets this turned on. “Gonna use you like the good little whore you are,” he says as he slips inside you in a single thrust.
“I’m not a whore,” you protest through a near-pornographic moan.
“Yeah? Then why do you like your dad using you?” He grips your hips and tightly enough to leave marks and brings them up to meet his so he can fuck you deeper. “You like your dad’s fat cock stretching you out like this?” Every word is punctuated by a hard thrust forward, the head of his cock reaching your cervix each time.
You try to answer but you can’t get a word out while you’re practically sobbing for him. You’ve been entirely reduced to moans and incoherent babbles.
“It’s okay, baby. You don’t gotta say anything ‘cause I already know how much you like this based on how fucking wet you are.” Sweat barely graces his brow while he fucks you at a merciless pace. Sometimes his stamina amazes you. Maybe carrying all of your shopping bags was just a warm up and this is his real exercise routine.
“Bet you’re close to cumming again, princess. Is that what you want?”
“Yes daddy,” you whine. You know he’ll deny you again, but you have to trust that he will let you cum eventually, and that the prolonged satisfaction will be worth it in the end.
“Too fucking bad,” he says as he pulls out abruptly.
You cry harder this time, and in return he opens your thighs wider and slaps your chubby pussy lips. The sound of his flesh against your slick reverberates. You gasp – startled, though the sting of his palm against your wetness feels electrifying.
“Did you like that?” He sounds amused – maybe even excited to have discovered a possible mutual kink.
When you don’t respond, he grabs your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes, and asks again, “Did you like that?”
“Yes, sir,” you say. When you open your mouth, he spits into it.
“Knew you would,” he mutters, pretending to be irritated, though the way his cock twitches untouched gives away his insatiable need for you.
Without warning, he buries himself to the hilt inside you. Your inner walls clamp down around him tightly, as if your body is begging him to stay inside you.
“Daddy’s gonna breed you,” he says, making your cunt flutter around him. The involuntary contraction of your muscles is subtle, but daddy notices everything.
“You like that, huh? Want your dad to get you pregnant?”
You nod, trying desperately to respond but hiccuping out moans instead of words while Chris slams into you, steadily upping the pace with each thrust.
Both of you are well-aware that your father actually impregnating you would be disastrous to say the least, but the idea of Chris fucking you raw and filling you to the brim with his seed is too arousing to resist.
He pushes your knees to your chest and keeps one hand on the back of your thigh while the other grips the headboard, giving him double the leverage. Though it wouldn’t have seemed possible moments ago, he’s able to fuck you deeper in this position than he was previously.
“I can feel you squeezin’ me, baby…” He throws his head back and mutters something profane that you can’t quite make out. “You’d tell daddy if you were getting close to cumming, right?” His words come out like a threat. You’ll be in huge trouble if you cum without permission and you know that.
“Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” you cry, knowing he’ll pull out once you admit it. Being a good girl is hard.
Predictably, he does pull out, and you sigh in dissatisfaction. “Need it that bad, huh?” he taunts, but there’s a hint of sympathy behind his words. He’s been delaying his own pleasure too.
He drags his cock along your folds, barely dipping the head into your hole each time he slides his length across your slit. And each time, your pussy clenches, trying to grab onto the tip and suck him into you. The amount he teases you is almost mean – you weren’t that naughty. You want to be a good girl for him – both because you know only good girls get to cum, and for the simple fact that you love seeing the pride in your dad’s eyes when he sees your sweet obedience. He loves the pliancy of your body, the way you give yourself to him fully – the trust, the devotion, the love.
His love for you is unconditional, but making him proud takes work. So, you persevere through the countless rounds of edging so that you can bask in mutual bliss.
And, you can’t deny that although the ebb and flow of pleasure is frustrating, chasing your climax and knowing your efforts are in vain, the shock-wave of ecstasy you’re rewarded with is well-worth the toil.
Chris slaps your folds with his cock, bringing you back to reality, and when you meet his gaze you see his amusement at your irritation and if you weren’t cuffed to the headboard, you’d force him inside you to wipe the smug expression from his face. His state of arousal is equal to yours, all he has is a better poker face.
Your legs shake from the stimulation – so much and still not enough. When he stops moving momentarily to take in the view of you lying on your back with your thighs spread to reveal your cute cunt, glistening with arousal that dribbles down onto the bed sheets, you struggle against your restraints and make a noise of frustration, so fed up with his teasing that you can’t stop yourself from trying to break free.
“You know how to ask for something you want,” he says. “Or did I fuck you stupid already?”
You pay no mind to the second statement because your begging words are already falling from your lips. “Please, sir. Please, I need you inside me. Please, please, pl-” His hand covers your mouth.
“That’s enough begging. You’re gonna keep being a good girl and I’m gonna let you cum – after I stuff you full – got it?” He removes his hand so you can answer but the ‘yes, sir’ you want to say comes out as an unbridled moan when his cock hits your cervix in one swift movement.
He presses down on the bulge in your tummy, the visible imprint of his cock stretching you out, and it multiplies the pleasure. It’s like he’s testing out every trick to see what will get you to break, piling on sensation after sensation until he has you teetering on the edge. Chris’ soft grunting turns into fully groaning, but you can barely hear it over your own obscene moans and the wet sounds of your bodies colliding repeatedly.
“Gonna cum inside you, baby,” Chris says through ragged breaths. “Gonna make sure you know who this pussy belongs to.” The pace of his thrusts becomes frenzied right before he hits his peak with a low, “Jesus Fucking Christ.”
You’re on the crux of orgasm already – holding back until daddy lets you cum – but throughout his own high, Chris rolls your clit between his thumb and forefinger, sending you tumbling over the edge.
“Daddy!” you scream as pleasure courses through your veins. You can’t cling to Chris like you want to since your hands are tied, so your cunt compensates by clamping down around him so hard he can’t move. After being edged multiple times your orgasm is more intense than ever. Chris’ fingers stroke your clit slowly, leading you through the overwhelming sensation. The aftershocks toe the line between pleasure and pain, making you sob. Chris leans down and wraps both arms around you, cradling you like a baby while your body calms down.
“Daddy’s right here,” he whispers. “You did so good for me, baby.” He presses a kiss to your temple before he uncuffs you from the headboard.
With what little energy you still possess, you fling yourself into his arms. With your head against his chest you feel a low rumble of laughter. You’re still his cute little girl, and as you’ve successfully proven to him, you’re his very good girl.
You both end up a sticky mess with your bodies entangled until eventually your breathing steadies and daddy decides you ought to get cleaned up.
“I think it’s time for a bath, baby,” he says, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you bridal style to the bathroom. He sits you down on the bathroom counter and leaves you there – you want to call out for him but your voice is nearly gone from screaming while he fucked you.
Luckily, he comes back a moment later with a shopping bag of things you didn’t know he purchased. Bath bombs, body wash, exfoliating scrubs, and more.
“While you were in the dressing room being naughty, I was shopping for you,” he says with a playful grin on his face. All of his frustration with you is gone – really, love was beneath it all along, but now that he’s not pent up with arousal, it’s more obvious. Chris’ face is nuzzled into your neck, placing light kisses from your jawline to your collarbone. His facial hair tickles your skin and it makes you giggle which only makes him want to kiss you more.
He runs the bath while you chit-chat about anything and everything. Mostly, it’s you doing the talking because he’s a good listener and he was chatty enough while he was fucking you.
When the water is to your liking, he lifts you into the bathtub.
“Are you getting in?” you ask nicely, though you’re willing to beg if you have to.
“If that’s what my girl wants.” It is, in fact, what you want. Chris sits behind you and scrubs your body of all remnants of sex. You’ll still be sore and might have a mark from his hand on your ass, but all of the sweat you shed is wiped from your skin.
Your dad insists on carrying you everywhere for the rest of the night – luckily, you don’t have many more places to go besides bed. He helps you into comfortable pajamas and gently places you on the mattress. He motions for you to turn onto your stomach, and he massages all the sore spots on your backside, spending an especially long time tending to the muscles on your lower back… and then your ass… and then your inner thighs… until of course he ends up back at his favorite part of you.
“Dad,” you groan, annoyed at his inability to shift his focus from the area below the belt. “I need you to rub my shoulders too.”
“Sorry, sweetheart. Just wanted to give you some lovin’ down here first.”
You laugh lightly at his somewhat corny phrasing before protesting once again. “Seriously, I’m already sore! I’m not gonna be able to walk for a week if you don’t stop.”
“Okay, okay,” he concedes and moves his hands to your shoulders, giving your poor pussy a break. “Just so you know, I’d happily carry you everywhere for the next week.”
“Will you carry me around the mall next time we go shopping?”
“Baby, how am I gonna carry all your bags and you at the same time.”
“You’re smart, daddy. You’ll figure it out.”
You’re only half-joking. He is a smart man, and you admire him for his intelligence and wisdom among many other things such as his skills in the bedroom. You’d never make him carry you around in public, though. It would draw too much suspicion to your relationship. The relationship that remains unlabeled because he fits in too many categories – he’s your dad and your daddy. But neither of you need a term for what the two of you have. The only words you care about are the ones he whispers into your ear after he gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, dad.”
He could challenge you and insist that he loves you more, but his smile says enough – he’s happier than he’s been in quite a while. As are you. Soon, your post-sex sleepiness kicks in and you fall asleep in Chris’ arms while he tells you stories about the good old days, though in his opinion, the best days are yet to come.
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freya-fallen · 5 months
Little Dove 5/?
You're Pro Hero Hawks' little sister. Dabi finds out and everything devolves from there.
TW: none for this chapter, but future parts may include, but are not limited to, noncon, dubcon, drugging, forced incest, yandere hawks, yandere dabi, coercion, lying, manipulation, grooming (of an 18 year old character), obsession, gaslighting...
Part 1 Part 6
Keigo is still home when you wake up, a rare occurrence given his hours. You stare down at your phone to read through a few texts from Dabi and look up when you hear an abrupt sound. Your brother is making scrambled eggs wearing your frilly apron and a pair of boxers. You can’t help but giggle at the sight of him whistling a little flourish while he flips the spatula through the air.
“‘Morning, Dove. Sleep well?”
You blush, remembering that you fell asleep while Keigo was preening your wings. You’d woken, tangled in sheets and diagonal across the mattress. “Did I steal the covers last night?”
He grins that heartbreaking grin of his that comes so naturally when he’s around you. “Only a little. I kept plenty warm, considering you were half on top of me.
“I’m sorry.”
He bats away the apology. “If it bothered me, we’d have separate beds. You’ve always been clingy in your sleep.”
To be fair, so is he. It’s a remnant of your childhood, when you were each other’s only real family. You still are, but now you have a stable life to go along with your relationship.
There was a time Keigo left. It was sometime after your father was finally arrested, when your memories become a blur for a while. You know you were hungry and cold and sad. Your mother was annoyed at your complaints, but there was nothing she could do about them. She yelled at Keigo, called him useless, and he took off.
You think you saw him once after that, then nothing. 
For a little while, you stayed alone with your mother. She rarely helped you with clothes or food or anything, really, so you quickly became a mess of a child. By the time the HPSC dropped in to pluck you from Tomie’s grasp, you were in such deplorable state that Keigo became furious when you saw him.
It was in the penthouse, your now-home. He’d fought with the commission to get a place for you, and a separate one for your mother. When you asked why, he always shrugged and muttered something about everyone being happier this way.
Keigo had run across the bare floor and dropped to his knees to look at you. “Did mom hurt you?” His hands were warm on your shoulders, his eyes boring into your own. You shook your head. “Did she feed you?” he asked next, to which you shrugged. Keigo sighed, glanced up at an adult and said, “Go get her something to eat.”
It was the first time you ever heard Keigo give a command. 
Your brother guides you to the table, snapping you from your memories. He has a full plate and orange juice all laid out. 
“Thank you, Keigo.”
 He beams. “You’re welcome.” He has made himself a plate with more food than yours. He spends all day most days out on patrol and apparently flying takes a lot of energy, so he keeps fueled. You’ve always marveled at how much he can scarf down per meal.
Your phone buzzes and he frowns at it. “Just a friend from school,” you explain, though you have the phone upside down, so it’s not like you can see the screen. He hums in response.
“Do you have the day off?” Hope lays thick in your voice. You’d promised to see Dabi later, but he’d understand that Keigo is home.
He shakes his head. “No, I just had a little time this morning. Sorry, Dove. I know I owe you some one-on-one time, but things are hectic at work right now.”
You know what that’s code for. “The commission has you on a special mission, huh?” You hate when this happens. They suck the life out of your brother, promising him the moon for one more little favor. It never ends; you know they’ve sent him to do things he shouldn’t, things he won’t talk about to anyone, but especially you. He could never ruin your image of him; it would break him.
You tell him you’ll love him anyway, but he just shakes his and smiles sadly.
“Yeah. It’s a really important one, though. It might stop a war.”
“Does it have to do with that guy who fought All Might?” you ask. He’s behind bars, but maybe he has some sort of team who can take over his evil plans. 
Keigo bites his lip. “You know I can’t tell you anything about it.”
“Yeah, yeah, secret squirrel stuff.” You raise a hand in defeat. “I know.”
“The secretest.” He puts your plates in the dishwasher after you’ve both cleared them, then pulls you into his arms for a hug. “I told them I’m taking a break after this one. I need it. We’ve all been working our asses off since All Might retired, but the flame man and I most of all.”
His heart is a steady beat against your ear. You wrap your arms around your brother and take in how much stronger he is than you. Even without him feathers, he could throw you over his shoulder. He takes his work seriously, despite his carefree appearance. You squeeze him, aware of how strong some villains are and how small your brother is compared to some. “You promise?”
Keigo rubs your back. “I promise. They won’t get anything outta me for at least a month.”
“A month?” The idea thrills you; you’ve never gotten to spend that much time free with him.
“Yep, just you and me. We can do anything, go anywhere.”
You grin up at him. “I can’t wait.”
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newtthetranswriter · 9 months
Frosted Wings
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Word count: 1168
Paring: Keigo Takami x reader
Summary: What was supposed to be a relaxing birthday turned into an interview and a meeting, neither of which Keigo wanted to deal with. Lucky for him, You’re there when he gets home to help brush off the snow, make some hot chocolate, and give cuddles
Warnings: Keigo calls reader dove, talk of over throwing the government, The hunger games movie mentioned, slight cursing
A/N: Hello and Happy Birthday to the lovely Hawks, who needs to be protected no matter what. Anyway, thanks to @keigotakamiz for the idea for this fic. I hope you all enjoy and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
    I had been waiting all day for Keigo to get home. What was supposed to be a relaxing day of watching movies and cuddling, turned into me sitting at home waiting for my boyfriend to return home. We had barely gotten settled for our movie marathon when the Hero Safety Commission called him in for some press thing they conveniently forgot to inform him about. It honestly can be so annoying having the few days off we get together, interrupted by those money hungry asshats. Plus we had this planned for months, he specifically requested the day off, so we could just relax and not worry about anything, and maybe just once let Keigo actually enjoy his birthday.
    Now instead of watching movies, I'm stuck watching my Lovely boyfriend answer the interviewer’s questions with scripted enthusiasm, but a faint look of exhaustion in his eyes. He truly mastered hiding his true feelings in public, but when he enters our shared home, the mask falls, and you can see how truly tired he is. I could only hope this would be over soon, and I could wrap my arms around his chest as we lay on the couch watching random movies drinking hot chocolate, the way we had planned in the first place.
    The interview took about an hour, which was then followed by Keigo being taken away for some ‘dumb meeting’ with the HSC, his words not mine. I could tell from the random texts that he just wanted out and after another two hours of brief texts about the meeting could have waited until he came back to work, I finally received a message saying he was finally on his way home. Feeling relief that he would be home soon, I got up to put the kettle on for some fresh hot chocolate. With the water heating, I set out our mugs and waited patiently for the Winged hero to get home.
   It didn’t take long for me to hear a soft thud on the patio, followed by the sliding door opened. “Holy shit, it’s freezing out there.” I heard as I turned to Keigo as entered our shared space. I took a second to take him in, he was still in his hero costume, as he had to wear it for any public appearance, but what really caught my eye was the light dusting of snow sticking to his feathers and hair. I quickly stood up to grab a towel and a blanket.
   “Damn Keigo, you shouldn’t have been flying if it’s snowing enough to stick to your wings. What would have happened if ice had a chance to form?” I said in concern, helping him get the snow out of his hair first. He just shrugged in response, accidentally sending some of the snow from his wings to the floor. “Don’t move your wings until we get the snow off, I don’t want to clean up a puddle.” I tapped his shoulder as I moved behind him to start brushing the snow into the towel I had in hand.
   “Sorry dove, you know I wouldn’t fly in this if I had a choice. Those dicks at the commission love using me as a sales tactic and don’t care about whether it’s safe for me to be out showing off.” Keigo responded, clearly upset that his employers cared more about money and looking good than the safety of their star hero.
   I frowned, knowing that even though he enjoys hero work, he just wants to be able to relax. “Hopefully soon you’ll be able to realize your dream, and heroes will have more time on their hands than they know what to do with.” I said, wiping the last of the snow off his wings. “Anyway, I got all the snow off, so why don’t you go change while I finish making the hot chocolate.” Keigo whispered a quick thanks before shedding his coat and heading to our room to put on some more comfortable clothes.
    While I was careful pouring the boiling water over the hot chocolate mix in the mugs on the counter, I heard the bedroom door close. Moments later, there was a sigh and soft thud from the living room, a tell-tale sign Keigo was changed and patently waiting on the couch. Finishing off the mugs of cocoa with some marshmallows and a candy cane in mine, I carefully walked them out to the tired pro slumped into the couch.
   “You know if you keep laying like that, you’re going to hurt your wings.” I said, pointing out how he had them folded to his back, lying directly on the joints where they connected to him. He just grumbled before sitting up and accepting the warm cup out of my hand. “So, what movie are we watching first? Figure since it’s your day, and it’s already been so wonderful, you can pick first.” Sarcasm gracing my sentence as I sat next to him on the couch.
   He stretched the wing closest to me out and wrapped it around me, pulling me into his side. Pausing a moment to enjoy the contact, before responding. “I was thinking maybe the Hunger Games, as I too would love to overthrow or corrupt government sometimes.” I moved to take a sip of my drink to cover my laugh before nodding in agreement. Keigo grabbed the remote off the table, playing the agreed upon movie, before setting the remote and his mug on the coffee table.
   I didn’t think much of it, thinking he was just taking a break from the drink, I just stayed focused on the movie. Jokes on me though, right as the opening played my mug was taken from my hands, set on the table and red overtook my vision. Keigo had set my cup down and completely enveloped me in his wings, pulling me to his chest as he adjusted to lay on his back with me on top of him, both of us cocooned in his wings. “Keigo, I thought you wanted to watch this?” I asked, confused by the sudden cuddle attack.
   “I did, but then I realized cuddling is a much better option.” He said, burying his face in my hair. I let out a soft chuckle, accepting it as it’s a regular event with the winged hero. “Plus, cuddling with you always makes my day better.” Keigo mumbled, placing a kiss to the crown of my head.
   I just sank deeper into his embrace, realizing that even though not much had happened today, I was exhausted. Before I feel asleep, I spoke one last time. “I love you Keigo, sorry your birthday wasn’t perfect.”
   As sleep took over, I felt him sleepily chuckle and heard his quiet response. “I love you too, dove. And every day with you is perfect no matter what.” With that, we both drifted off, completely content in each other's arms, forgetting the movie and the no longer hot chocolate sitting only feet away.
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peachymilkandcream · 4 months
Fraud | Part 18 | Yandere All Might x Hero!Reader
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(A/N: Hope you enjoy and comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, cheating, forced orgasm, suicide, etc.
Hawks stared completely frozen looking at the woman in front of him for a long moment. It was as if he was trying to decide if she was even real. This kind of utter brutality something he could hardly even fathom in all his years of hero work. He had trained for situations similar to this, but he never dreamed of finding something quite this gruesome, and by the Number One Hero on top of that.
He knew All Might wasn't a good person deep down. Probably bribing the authorities, some tax fraud, and things of the like. Run of the mill crimes for most in positions of power. But to think that the man who saved thousands was keeping a woman held and in this condition was unthinkable.
The windows were locked shut, but with a bit of picking with his tiny feathers made for such an occasion, he was able to get in without much of an issue.
Quietly he snuck in and over to the girl, trying his best not to startle her while also being aware of any traps. This could all be some kind of set up, framing him for breaking and entering, and even though Hawks was shady at best, he still had a duty as a hero to help those in need.
"Hey, are you alright?" He whispered softly.
She jumped, startled, but didn't answer, she seemed to be sizing him up. No doubt her faith in pros had been shaken after all this, she probably thought he was working for the big guy himself. Poor kid. She'd clearly been through a lot, but for how long was the question.
"I know you're scared, and you probably don't trust me at all, but I'm here to help you. I'm gonna get you out of this."
Then he paused, seeing her face entirely when she turned to him. This was the woman who went missing, that small time pro who had been working closely with All Might. Had the bastard really let her come to trust him and then kidnap her like that? He was depraved! Now more than ever he had to get her out of here.
"Alright, I'll carry you out the window, it'll be scary but don't worry, I won't let you go."
To his surprise she shakes her head. "I can't leave, he'll find me- He'll-"
"I won't let him get to you, I promise. You'll be okay."
"I can't do it-"
Then he hears it, an elevator ding. Someone was coming, whether it was All Might himself or his sidekick Nighteye, who very well might be in on the whole thing as well.
She heard it too, opting to push him towards the window. "You have to go, he'll see you, you have to get out of here before he comes in!"
"I'm not going to leave you here with that madman, I'm a hero, I can't just let you go like that- I have to save you-"
"You can't save me! No one can! I'm doomed to rot and die in here when he's through with me, just like all the others!"
"You have to go! Now! Please just leave!"
"Listen to me! You don't have to be afraid of him anymore. The Hero Commission, they've launched a full scale investigation on him. With your testimony he can be put away, for good. You can go back to your old life, and be free of him! You don't have to live in his shadows, but you have to trust me. Right now. I can go and leave you here to clean up his messes and eventually die. Or you can come with me right now and I can save you. It's your choice."
She hesitates, looking from the hero back to the door and the ever closing in footsteps, knowing she had no choice.
All Might bursts through the door, the police had been asking him questions once again and his patience was wearing brutally thin. He needed some serious stress relief and he needed it now.
Poor Shade, she'd have to nurse her wounds for a week when he was done with her.
The first thing he was hit with when he opened the door was the draft.
And the second was the open window.
Shade clung onto Hawks as he flew through the air. What made her do something so crazy as to go with him she didn't know. But she had to take a chance, just one more at being free. If she truly resigned herself to forever being All Might's lapdog she'd never forgive herself. Now she had a chance at making him face justice, now she had a chance to make sure he paid for what he had done to so many and be locked up to never harm another soul again.
She had to take it. She had to be free.
The safe house Hawks had taken her to was a small warehouse long since abandoned. It was dingy and dark, but it was better than the luxurious hell that was All Might's penthouse. To Shade, anything would be better than that, she could grow accustomed to it.
The entire of their time together was spent with Hawks taking all her statements and pictures of her various injuries. For someone who appeared so arrogant, he never pried into her deepest hurts, only taking down what she willingly shared.
Maybe the world of heroes underestimated him.
He was more than just a pretty face with a bad attitude, he was kind, and sweet. And perhaps he had something to gain out of all this, but the way he was going about it made her inclined to share more and more to make his job easier. After all, he had risked everything to help her.
Days passed, it turns out compiling all that information takes a long time. But Hawks was patient, never asking her to hurry up or getting frustrated when she took a moment to collect her thoughts.
"It's better to take the time to make sure everything's in order so we know a conviction will stick, instead of rushing it and he goes free."
The unease was slowly fading, his calming presence allowing her to forget sometimes momentarily of the abuse she had just escaped. He was coming for her, she knew, All Might would never let someone who knew that much to escape forever. But she could forget about that for just a little while. Feeling the smallest amount of safety.
Until the roof caved in.
He came like a bolt of lightning, one second all was well and the next the structural integrity was compromised.
As he stood up, taking in Shade's terror and Hawk's defensive stance All Might smiled. "You'll regret double crossing me young lady."
"Because I am here."
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kywaslost · 2 years
Hi there! This is my first request here and uh.. I really like your stuff... 👉👈..
I was wondering if it would be okay to ask for your interpretation or a story thing on erasermic (accidentally) adopting a very shy, and light self harming/deprecating deaf kid?
If it's not too much to ask!! I don't know how to do this I don't wish to over step ^^'''
Thank you ^^
You’ll Fit Right In - EraserMic
A/N: Man I am such a sucker for erasermic comfort!! So, hello! I’m really glad you like my writings! And I’m so glad you requested this because I love writing for erasermic but I basically trauma dump in every erasermic fic I post (including the one I’ve been working on in my free time…). I hope you really like this one!
Warnings: bad childhood, sh, self-deprecation
Aizawa and Hizashi weren't planning on adopting another child. They already had Shinsou, afterall, and Eraserhead was listed as one of Eri’s guardians, so she was around from time to time. But they couldn’t resist bringing you into their home.
You had a past much like Eri’s, except instead of being experimented on by a group of villains, you had been experimented on by the Commission. They wanted to try and create the perfect hero, but in the end they only messed up your quirk and caused you to go deaf. Hizashi and Aizawa were on the team that was sent in to rescue you. If you were honest, the only reason you went with them was because Hizashi knew JSl, and he was able to communicate with you way better than the Commission ever could.
When the two heroes found out you had no remaining relatives, they immediately asked for adoption papers. You tried to tell them that they didn’t have to keep you around, but they wouldn’t have it. They explained that they didn’t want to throw you to some foster home who didn’t know how to care for you, and that they already had experience handling situations like this.
So here you were, living with Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Shinsou, with the occasional visit from Eri. As expected, there were some bumps and setbacks. You were very shy, and meeting so many new people at once stressed you out. You went from living in a small, sectioned off room the size of a storage closet to a house with your own giant bed room that you could decorate any way you wanted. You sat down every meal with your new family, and eventually you had to get to know them.
Aizawa was the first one to notice your scars. You were sitting next to him on the couch as he graded papers. You had a cat in your lap, petting it gently as you read a book. Some would say Aizawa looked over at the wrong time, but he’d argue otherwise. The cat in your lap was pushing up the hem of your sleeve, and the teacher beside you could see thin, angry, red lines along your arm.
It startled him at first, and then it didn’t. He should have figured you would result in something like this. He tried so hard to make sure Eri didn’t harm herself, but he never thought to talk to you about this unhealthy coping mechanism. Shouta gently took your hand with his, turning it ever so slightly to get a better look at your wounds.
His touch caught your attention, and when you looked up at him, he looked at you with something between worry and distress. That’s when you realized that he had seen your arm. Tears immediately welled up in your eyes.
‘Y/N,’ Aizawa signed to you. ‘Let me help you. Tell me what’s wrong.’
You sniffled, then wiped your eyes with your other sleeve. ‘I’m not worth your time.’
You could have sworn Aizawa’s eyes glowed red for a split second. Now he’s angry with you, you thought to yourself. You’ve surely done it now. You wanted to look away but Aizawa began signing again. ‘That’s not true, Y/N. You are worth our time. We want you here.” His thumb lightly grazed your cuts again. ‘Please, let me know when you feel like doing this.” Shouta’s hand stalled for a moment. ‘I struggled with it too, when I was in high school and I lost someone very close to me. I know how to help you, you just have to let me.’
You may be very shy, but so is Aizawa. And you may be a bit self deprecating but so was Shinsou, and Aizawa and Hizashi could help with that. And for your unhealthy coping mechanisms, all three of them had dealt with. You just need to let them in, let them help you, and you’ll be alright in the end :)
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jweekgoji · 2 years
I keep thinking about this senario where five has recently developed a fixation on reader and has been stalking them for a little while, following them home and watching them from outside their apartment. But oneday, after watching you leave your apartment he decided to teleport inside and have a look around only to discover your small walk in closet is full of photos of him covering the wall and youve obviously known about him longer than hes known about you. Hearing you enter back into your apartment, you cant have been gone anywhere that long, were you watching *him* and perhaps hoping he would break in if you left? Did you want him to find out about your secret? But as you stand in the entrance to the room hes in, a smile on your face, he cant help but wonder.. has he walked right into your trap or, are you walking into his?
Also i wanted to say i love your contentt!!! I get so excited when i see youve posted you always have such interesting senarios <3
Yandere! Five x (Yandere?)Reader
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warnings: yandere/dark themes, yandere Five, obsessive behaviour, blackmail.
a/n: sorry if it's not what you expected ":v
You know, it's always very embarrassing for a yandere (I'm not talking only about Number Five, but in general) to find out that they're the object of another yandere's obsession. Like you said, anon, Five could have been following you for some time, which means you've already took his heart, haven't you? Cool! But once he finds out that his methods of "defending" his lover are being used against him, he'll be... not entirely happy at first.
At first he will act like a hypocrite in such a situation. He will find it strange, your incredible obsession with him,he will think that you are obviously not okay and that this is disgusting. At least this is what he will feed himself and you in his first moments of awareness.
F: “What the hell? What the hell does that mean?”
Y: “Sorry, but it was you who broke into my house and I have to ask these questions-”
F: “Don't change the subject.”
But the more he thinks about it, the more he understands that you are the same as him, he has slightly conflicting thoughts.
1) How cute! You love him so-so much, which means that the chances that you decide to run away from him or find for yourself someone else are incredibly low. This is a good chance for Five, but we move on to the next paragraph. ↓
2) You. Followed. Him. Everywhere.
You have photos of him from different angles, they were taken at different times and circumstances. You know almost everything about him. Is he afraid of you? No. Rather, it will be feared that you are very well informed about his personal life. Yes, old Five is unlikely to live a very interesting life if this happens when he is on his "retirement", but Five, who is still a member of the Commission, Five, who kills people for a chance to see his loved once — not a good man;
2.1) How can he be sure that your obsession with him is incredibly strong? Let me remind you that he didn't know about your interest in him before, only after he made his way into your house. Yes, he followed you before, but YOU did it MORE than him. How could he, the best of the best assassins from the Commission, fail to notice this?
2.2) I like to think that Five would never want to talk with his obsession about his past. He doesn't even tell his family everything, but there's probably a slightly different reason than the one he keeps for you. Five wants to distance himself as much as possible from his past, from his work there, about those people who forced him to do all these horrible things. He just hates to remember it, because he no longer considers himself a hero, and even more so, he is not yet insane enough to consider himself your hero.
2.3) As soon as you find out what he did, his world may shudder at this. He's not sure enough to know if you'll change your mind about him after this. You will surely leave him and then everything will be much, much worse. He will again do something bad that you and he will not like, but it will be just as necessary as it was then.
3) The last point is the most interesting. He is the first to use your obsession against you.
You smile slightly as you notice the real shock and confusion on face of your obsession. The more he silently stared at the walls covered with photos of him that you carefully pinned one after the other. It's hard for you not to smile even wider, like a proud Cheshire cat, when this all lasts on for some more time.
“Oh, you don't like it, honey?” you chirp sweetly, blink a few times, and stretch forward a little.
“And why the hell am I supposed to like it?” Five frowns as he rips off some photos before throwing them on the floor. “Is this some kind of fucking joke?”
You shivered a little in place, looking at all this view. In fact, who wouldn't be offended when the love of your life doesn't appreciate your work so much? Nevertheless, you maintain your pretty, smiling face, even if inside you are still feel a little sad by such a response.
“Come on, don’t react like I’m the only one doing this!” you move closer and lean down, picking up what Five threw out.
“I know that you love me too.” you tease, trying to hug him, but in return, he gives you his cold reaction, like a grumpy cat that fights against his owner who tries to pet.
As soon as your hand touches his body, almost instantly for you, he twists your hand, after which, he presses your cheek against the wall, holding both of your hands behind your back. To be honest, just a little more and you would be sure that he would just easily break your arms with just more force. It makes you hiss in pain at first, but as soon as you look over your shoulder to look at Number Five's cold expression, you can't help but smile. He, your love, holds you so close to himself!!
“Try to touch me one more time and I'll shove your hands so deep down your throat...” he threatens, clenching his jaw tightly. His gaze on you is almost murderous, as if he caught a dirty petty thief right at the scene of the crime. Noticing your smiling face only makes him more angry.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch,” you complain quietly, feeling his grip on you only grow stronger. “Sorry Sorry! I really won't do that again! Please just let me go, it really hurts, you know?”
Five scoffs, rolling his eyes in annoyance. However, that didn't make him let go of you, just ease the pressure quite a bit.
“Yeah, I noticed it, idiot.” he clicks his tongue, speaking in a tone that barely hides his complete superiority over you in this position. “But listen to me here, I'm not going to tell you this twice. You fucking creep, been following me all this time and doing this lunatic bullshit in your house without a shred of shame. You have so much evidence here that no real lawyer can get you out of this shit, so you have two choices.”
You silently look at him the whole time he speaks. Was there any point in saying something against? He's right, all the walls in your room are covered in pictures of Number Five. Some would consider this just a fun obsession, because come on, Umbrella Academy fans are definitely still left in their universe, so it's no surprise that some comic book fan fell in love with a completely nice guy like Five. But your photos were taken in places where no normal sane person has ever taken. You just invaded his personal space. Not to mention, if the police were actually here, they would definitely be able to find a bunch of items that would get you in more trouble.
“I just call the cops and then they put you in a mental hospital for a couple of decades, injecting you with a dozen drugs at a time every day. Believe me, I know what it's like,” it was Five's turn to smile contentedly, this time not from obsession with you, but from the fact that he outplayed you. “Or, you obediently do what I tell you and no one will know about your dirty little secret except me.”
You tenses up, your eyes are wide open at the very idea of what he offers you. In his hands it has become so comfortable now, even the pain that he caused you, even threatening to break a couple of your bones just like that, but now it doesn't bring painful pleasure, sweat flows down your face.
“So what will you choose?”
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
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Hating you as well
(And loving you too much)
PT juan, Part Two, Part 3, part FOUR (awkward)
Part four of Hating You As Well, where if you want the best happy ending, stop reading ^+^
Tw!: Angst, mentions of past suicide attempts, mentions of self-harm, death, talks of death, talks of dying, loss of limbs, angsst
Fem!Reader, She/Her pronouns
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You and Shouta have spent the last couple of days in utter bliss. Both of you happily existing around each other now knowing what you were both were, now knowing you both loved each other. 
Of course, good things can’t last forever. 
It was when Shouta had taken Eri out for a quick shopping trip, you had forgotten to pick up pads from the store, and you were completely out. The stupid man had left his phone, and you tsk-ed to yourself. What if something happened while he was out? He’d have no way of communicating with him. Though, you knew you wouldn’t stay mad. You haven’t been dating for very long at all, you thought to yourself over the stove, prepping dinner for when your two knuckleheads got home, but it almost felt like it had been longer. Maybe it was the long months you spent dancing around your feelings that made the routine much more comfortable, like the last piece to the puzzle that was slowly building, unknown to the both of you. Shouta’s phone buzzed loudly from his table, vibrating itself almost near the edge. You caught the electronic before it fell, answering the call without checking the caller ID.
“Hello, this is not Shouta Aizawa, but I can relay the message to him.” You chirped, already getting a notepad and a pen out.
“Oh? And may I inquire to whom I’m speaking with?” You pulled the phone away from you, confusion written all over your face, even if the other person couldn’t see it. Your heart dropped when you saw it.
‘Hero Public Safty Commission/ICE’
You set the phone down, putting it on speakerphone. 
You stated your hero name, then your real name. “I’m Eraserhead's partner and roommate.” There was quiet typing on the other end.
“Ah, you are Eri’s other guardian?” They spoke, and you nodded, before mentally chastizing yourself that they couldn’t see you.
“Yes, I am. May I ask what the message is about? Me and Eraserhead have been very prompt and on time with Eri’s reports.” You quickly transferred the Miso soup to three bowls, picking up the large pot for the rest of the broth to cool for leftovers tomorrow.
“Ah, nothing about Eri. This is more about a villain called Kurogiri I’m afraid.” Even if you didn’t like the commission, not just because they were corrupted on every level, but because they seemed to not care about anything other than themselves. But the person on the other side sounded genuinely remorseful. 
“Oh? You’ve captured him, correct? I heard about all of that from the police.” The email that was sent out about the warping villain made you rest easier that night.
“Yes, but I’m afraid that there is terrible news. As you may have known, Nomu’s are made from the bodies of the dead, and subsequently given a multitude of quirks.” That much you did know, the idea horrified you to no end.
“Right.” You set out the bowls on the table, getting spoons at the ready.
“Well, we found out through experimentation that Kurogiri is in fact, a Nomu.” 
“Oh, how horrible.” And it was horrible, but you mentally questioned what this had to do with Shouta.
“Yes, indeed. With further study, we found out the body that was used was one of his old friends, Oboro Shirakumo, who had been killed in a terrible accident in high school. We just wanted to request Eraserhead's presence at Tartarus in the hopes that there can be a medical breakthrough with the Nomus.” Their voice went back to curt and cold. Despite that, you froze. Shouta never once mentioned to you his deceased friend, though, you couldn’t blame him. Your eyes went to your bedroom door, the picture of a blue-haired boy with a bandage on his nose flashed in your mind. You never questioned it, since there was another photo of the mysterious boy, Shouta, and Hizashi in it, always just assumed all of them were alive. Your gut twisted in guilt, feeling like you had just exposed a very delicate part of Shouat’s life without his consent.
“I…I will relay this message to Shouta, and-and make sure that he gets in contact with you soon.” Your voice was airy, mind going blank as you stumbled into a chair. Even if you had no idea of this before, now the mere thought of this haunted you.
“Thank you, I will be in contact once more shortly.” The line hung up, but you still held the phone up to your ear.
The front door jingled, and you could hear Eri’s little happy feet tapping from behind the door. It swung open, and the little girl was holding her own grocery bag, already bounding to you. She started rambling about something, maybe another cat she saw or a cool toy she wanted, but it was all water in your ears. You slowly set down Shouta’s phone, hands coming around to wrap the energetic girl in a hug. You looked over to your boyfriend, who was smiling softly at you. He lifted up the bag he was holding, his mouth moving to say something, but no sound came out. You nodded, and he went off to do whatever. Eri hopped out of your lap, already putting apples in the middle of the table, she pulled out a cat toy for Cutie, dangling it in front of the white cat. Shouta came up from behind you, kissing your cheek from your spot and settling down beside you. He thanked you for the food and called over Eri to eat. Obediently, she bound over, taking her spot on the other side of you. 
Throughout the whole dinner, it was like there was water in your ears, guilt eating you up inside. Shocked that one of Shouta’s friends had been turned into a zombie, and forced to be part of the League of Villains' evil plans. You had no idea how he would take the news, and just before school started up again? Would he break down? Would he pretend as if nothing is wrong? Or would he do an unimaginable third option? Still, you tried your best to bring yourself back down to Earth, trying to participate in conversation the best you could. Still, you knew everyone could tell something was wrong.
“‘Zawa?” Eri peeked out from her blanket, watching Shouta try and fail at trying to replicate your burrito. 
“Yes, Eri?” His voice was soft, his hand coming up to brush away stray hair. Over time, with proper feeding and no longer being forced to use her quirk every day, her hair grew thicker and shone in a much healthier light. Her horn was steadily growing as well, but each day she had fewer and fewer accidents regarding said appendage.
“Is Ms. doing okay? She was quiet during dinner, and she’s not here to tuck me in, is she mad at me?” Her voice wavered, eyes growing wide. Shouta placed his hands on either side of her face, trying to brush away tears before they fell.
“No, of course not. Ms. is just feeling a little under the weather today. It happens sometimes, but it has nothing to do with you, I promise.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, smiling softly at his little girl. 
“Pinky promise?” She shifted her hand from under the blankets, holding out her tiny pinky. That was another thing, thanks to yours and Shouta’s insistence that she ate, Eri was also steadily reaching her healthy weight diet. You had taken her to the doctor for a check-up, where she warned you two that she may grow ‘fat.’ That made you and Shouta furious, you almost blinded the woman and Shouta angrily demanded that she get her license revoked. Least to say, you got a new, and better doctor.
“Pinky promise.” Shouta reached out, interlocking the small fingers. “Now go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow, so you need allll the rest.” He crouched down to plug in her nightlight, getting up and walking to flick the lights off. “Goodnight sweetheart.” He whispered.
“Good night.” She whispered back, that young baby voice made his heart melt. He left the door open a crack, walking over to your shared bedroom. Neither of you had renovated yet, both were too lazy to move the beds again. (Even if Shouta hadn’t moved one.) He walked over, peeking behind the curtain to see you already cuddling up with Cuite, petting his purring form while you stared at the wall. He couldn’t see your face, but your energy was all wrong.
“Hey, what’s up with you? Eri thinks you’re mad at her.” He whispered, crawling under the blankest with you. He took his spot by the wall, lying on his side, facing you. He looked at your sad eyes, your eyebrows pinched up, and your mouth turned down. “Hey, what’s going on?” Shouta reached out, grabbing one of your hands in a tight hold. 
“Shouta, whose…whose the blue-haired boy from the two pictures on your dresser?” You asked, getting to the point. You had to make sure.
Shouta sucked in a deep and shuddering breath, turning on his back. He stared at the ceiling for a moment, deciding his next words. 
“My best friend from high school. He died when we were about sixteen, I think. He was…he was the first person I ever loved.” His voice was now just sad and deep, eyes rolling up to try and keep his emotions at bay.
“What was his name?” Please god, please don't let it be true, please let it be someone else.
“Oboro Shirakumo. Why?” He looked over, surprised at the expression on your face. A deep frown on your face, eyebrows pointed way up, and tears falling slowly from your closed eyes. You took a deep breath, nose becoming clogged with snot. You breathed out, holding his hands tightly.
“The Commission called me earlier, they captured Kurogiri, remember?” There was a slight tremble in your lip, and Shouta became more and more afraid with every word.
“Right.” Shouta decided to be patient, letting you take your time. You took a sudden deep breath in again, eyes filling with newly unused tears. 
“Do you remember what a Nomu is?” The answer was rhetorical, he got the same email as you did, you had read it together, and had discussed it together.
“Stop.” His mouth trembled, heavy breathing as Shouta’s stormy black eyes filled with his own tears. “Stop, this is not funny.” His face screwed up in disgust. He sat up, almost folding over himself as he clutched at his chest.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” You sat up with him, pulling him into your arms. His strong shoulder dug into your chest, trying to soothe his heaving lungs.
“I-I don’t..I don’t trust myself right now. Don’t leave me alone, please.” Shouta pleaded, placing his mop of black hair into your chest. You felt cold wet drops of tears fall down your chest.
“I won’t, I won’t-I promise.” You ran your fingers through his hair, clutching him close. He wrapped his strong arms around you, shaking. 
“I don’t understand. He’s…he’s gone, he’s supposed to be gone. It was my fault.” Shouta mumbled. 
“No, don’t say that. The League of Villains-” You shook your head, but he cut you off.
“No, he shouldn’t have died in the first place. If I had been faster, or-or-" How quickly Shouta fell apart alarmed you. Things have been hard lately, you knew that, days of sleep deprivation and being overworked to the bone had done a number on you. But there was also a sense of dread that this was the beginning of the end.
"It's not your fault. You were just a kid, it's not your fault." You whispered, rubbing his head.
The next morning was rough. It was the first day back to school. Eri was starting her own schooling, a private exclusive elementary school for kids who needed a different learning path than the ones at public schools. In the middle of his lecture, the Commission had called him again, requesting his presence at Tartarus. Principal Nedzu recommended that Shouta take the next couple of days off, but vehemently refused. Even going as far as to say he would bounce between yours, Nemuri's, and Hizashi's rooms. 
You spent the rest of the day worried about him, barely able to teach your class. You kept clock watching, waiting for him to text you he was on his way back, or for him to update you. 
He never did.
The night was fast approaching, and there was no word from your dark-haired friend. Even Eri was starting to get worried for him. Even trying to contact Hizashi was futile, not even a sign of life from either of them could soothe your worries. That is, until your phone buzzed to life. In an instant you picked it up, not even bothering to check the caller ID.
"Shouta?" You breathed, heart hammering out of your check. 
"Nah, sorry to disappoint." Hizashi laughed from the other end, but it was strained and forced. Like he was the fry middle piece of a breaking rope, and one more thing would make him snap.
"Are you two alright? Why aren't you home?" You immediately started to pace your small living room, unknowing to the large red eyes watching you from a dark corner.
"Yeah, we went out for drinks." He muttered, the slight slur in his voice obvious.
"Are…are you kidding? I asked you two to text me when you were out, and I've had no word from you since nine in the fucking morning. It's seven o'clock at night. I thought something happened." You growled, frustrated tears building in your eyes.
"It slipped our minds, we're sorry. Now we're calling you." There was a bite to his tone, and it was bitter.
"Don't fucking talk to me like that." You barked, the tone he used was dripping with sarcasm. He had no right to sound like that when you had to take over both of their classes unpromoted with no word.
"I'm not talking to you in-what? Fine-" There was shuffling and murmuring on the other end.
Shouta's absolutely drunk voice breathed your name.
"Where are you Shouta Aizawa?" Your voice was low and dangerous, begging to be tested with.
"I'm just out drinkin' with Hizashi. It'ss fine, we're fine. Stop fuck'n worrying, yer not my mother." He grumbled, he was plastered and you could smell his breath from here.
"How can I not worry?! You've been out all day and I have no idea where you are. How are you gonna get home? Where are you so I can pick you up, you're coming home." You were already grabbing your keys before you stopped. Eri, noticing your eyes on her, immediately ran to her room and hid.
"Stay on the line, do not fucking hang up." You set down your phone, slowly making your way to the little girl's room. "Eri, honey?" You called out, slowly opening her door.
Her room was empty, devoid of any human beings. Panic ripped at your throat, and you almost yelled out if not for the little feet that kicked out from under her bed. You got down on the floor, looking up at the ceiling while you lay by her bed.
There was silence for a long while before you heard shuffling. You didn't look at her, knowing that it would make it worse.
"Are you two fighting?" She whispered, that baby voice melting your heart.
"I-kinda? I'm not mad at you, or at Zawa, I'm just scared. Adults are weird, and sometimes when we get scared or sad, we get mad. It's not very good, but it's a reaction that happens. I'm sorry I scared you, honey." You whispered back, laying absolutely still. She didn't say anything for a while again.
"Can I stay with Uncle Mirio tonight?" You slowly looked over, guilt stabbing and twisting your heart at the sight of tears in her big eyes.
"Of course honey, I'm so so sorry." Your lip wobbled, and she immediately crawled out.
"It's okay, don't cry." Eri placed herself in your arms, hugging you close. "If you want cuddles, I'll come back, I promise. I won't be far away." You chuckled when you realized she was parroting the words you had used on her so many nights ago. Though it actually wasn't that long ago, but the way time had been slipping through your fingers felt like it. 
You wrapped your hand around her head, giving her a forehead kiss.
"Thank you, honey."
"Again, thank you Mirio." You bowed, handing over Eri's Hello Kitty bag. She took it out of his hands, immediately pulling out her pink switch. The little girl ran off to go show Hado something on her animal crossing island, seemingly proud.
"It's really no problem! It's perfect timing too! Since we were having a sleepover anyway!"  The blonde cheered, smiling brightly. But there was a deep sadness in his eyes, one that made you feel deeply for him.
"I apologize for the short notice. I'm sorry I can't stay longer, I have to go." Anger spilled into your voice again. Despite you clearly telling him not to, Shouta had hung up on you. When you called back, there was no response.
"Don't worry, do what you need to. We'll be right here waiting." Mirio's smile never wavered, shooing you off. Gladly, you stormed away.
You nearly ripped the door off of Shouta's car, immediately speeding out of the facility parking lot. The tires squealed loudly, and the gates of UA opened at a speed you'd never seen before.
"Fucking answer!" You growled, trying again and again to dial the man. Even calling Hizashi provided no help, you nearly thought the blonde had blocked you at the speed of which his calls were declining. But after realizing it took different lengths each time, you realized they were denying them.
You hard braked in front of the dingy bar where the teachers usually met up at, swinging open the doors. They weren't there.
The owner of the bar, a big burly dog, looked up at you with tired eyes.
"Do you know where Eraserhead and Present Mic are?" You asked, hands shaking.
He shook his head, big ears flopping with him. You growled, stomping out, and revved the car again. 
Tears pricked your eyes as you looked around for bars. You were angry because Shouta hung up on you, after not calling you or texting you all day. I mean, last night the man was clutching onto you because he didn't trust himself to be alone for fucks sake! Then there was Hizashi, a man you could call a good friend yourself and Shouta's best friend, enabling his bad behavior, even going as far as to get snotty with you for caring. But most of all, you were scared. Scared of what they might do, scared of what Shouta might do to himself. What would Eri do without him? Their kids who looked up to the two men? What would you do without them?
It took you nearly twenty bars after that to find them. Hunched over drinking themselves away. They didn't look over at you while you stomped over, nearly fuming with rage. None of you three even noticed the lights flickering. They only noticed you when your very hot hands grabbed their shoulders, wrenching them to look at you.
"Do you have any idea what time it is? Not only do you have work tomorrow, you're both vulnerable late at night!" You nearly screamed, pulling them both up.
Shouta looked like a mess. His eyes were bloodshot and barely opened, his dark hair wild and everywhere. He could barely stand on his feet, nearly falling over on you. Hizashi on the other hand, was shaking, pure emotions stricken across his face.
"We're fine! We don't need you here to mommy us!" Hizashi screamed at you, grabbing you to turn you away.
"Is that why you're here, halfway across the fucking country to drink yourselves to death?!" You shoved him back, trying to hold up Shouta. The woman behind the bar was giving you three a wary glance, but she turned around to mind her own business. 
“Yeah, because you have no idea how this feels! You’re-” Hizashi started, tears welling up as his voice broke.
“Stop. Stop before you say something you’ll regret. You’re both drunk and I’m tired. We should go home.” You grabbed his wrist and hauled both of them men to your car. Throwing them in the back, you went back inside to pay the tab and grab a familiar scarf and iconic leather jacket. 
Shouta was pressing his flushed face against the window while Hizashi was glaring off somewhere. He mumbled something angrily, eyes blinking rapidly. 
“What? I can’t hear you.” You snapped, reversing the car roughly, driving bad and reckless as angry as you felt.
“I said I’m sorry. For being messes.” Hizashi hiccupped, refusing to make eye contact with you. You sighed, anger simmering away as you realized how heavy your eyes were. Your heart just ached, your body tired.
“It’s…I understand. I was just scared. With everything going on right now, with Eri being home I just…” You trailed off, lip wobbling while trying to blink away tears. You were trying to drive home after all. The whole two hour drive was spent in unbearable silence, you had already angrily shut off the radio and found it too awkward now to turn it back on.
At the dorms, you managed to drag Hizashi back home and get Shouta to sit at your dining table.
“Where’s Eri? I don’t want her to see me like this.” Shouta looked around lazily, movements sluggish.
“She saw me get mad and got scared, she went over to Mirio’s.” You admitted, filling up a large water bottle and grabbing some pain meds for the man. You turned around and saw Shouta staring at your fridge, glaring.
“How could you do that to her? You know she’s been extra delicate because of school, and with her quirk training coming up.” He hiccuped. You sighed, handing him the water.
“I know, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to her with a girl's day tomorrow.” You hung your head in your hands, nearly falling asleep on the spot. “I worry about you all the time, y’know?” You knew anything you said to Shouta would literally not matter, he was black-out drunk right now, and nothing you said would matter by the morning. “Especially today. You scared me so bad today Sho’.” You admitted.
“Why? I was okay.” He slurred back, confused.
“Because you didn’t call or text me! All day I was wondering how you were, not even Nedzu knew where you were. Eri was getting worried too, and you know how she gets about you, you're her Zawa. You’re her favorite. Then at one point, Hizashi was hanging up on me. Did I do something? I don’t understand.” Looking up, Shouta had already downed his whole glass and had taken his pills dutifully. But he shook his head in response.
“‘M not her favorite. You are. When I visited her in the hospital, all I talked about w’s you. She w’s so excited to meet you, and when she met you, she told me later, ‘She’s so pretty, like you said.’” He mimicked her high-pitched voice, eyes drooping. But his small smile dropped, and he looked at the table dimly. “‘M sorry. I wanted to call you but, I’m supposed to be the strong one, how could I face you knowing I failed-” His voice cracked, big fat crocodile tears spilled down his face. You jumped over to his side immediately, holding his face while you brushed away his tears. Shouta was a stranger to emotions, especially his, so seeing him be so open and emotional meant that he was drunk drunk.
“You didn’t fail anyone, you’re still here, aren’t you?” You whispered, trying to help him. Shouta’s large hands wrapped around yours, curling his fingers to hold your hands.
“But they’re not. He’s not.” Shouta whimpered again, face filled with the years of pain he’d had to go through. His long baggy sleeves slipped down, and while you were no stranger to Shouta’s scars, you’d never paid attention to them. You’d seen the ones coating his forearms at a distance, but you never thought much of them. Now that you were closer to him, your frown deepened at the years-old clean cuts decorating his otherwise pale arms. Each varied in thickness, but you could tell they were all old, all except…
“Oh, Sho…” You sighed, and you held up his arm, the slightly fresh ones close by the junction of his elbows were already scabbed over completely, so they were decently old. “What happened? Why didn’t you come to me?”
“Because you deserve a strong man, and I’m not. I let my students die, I like Oboro die, I deserve to die.” He cried into your shoulder, having shifted from you holding his face to you holding him. How long had this man buried his pain? Masking it into throwing himself into as much work as he could, trying to prevent all the lives he’s lost as a teacher, as a friend, as a person. Shouta was the strongest, most brutal, and hardcore man you’d ever met, but even the strongest of mountains would fall under the constant blow of loss and hardships. You could always see the pangs of loss and hurt in his eyes, but before you could even see what he was going through he masked it under anger. No matter how hard Shouta tried to kill the child buried under false anger and faux strength, it would still cry under the rubble of his past.
“Shouta, you deserve more than life itself. You’ve made so many people proud, and you’ve saved hundreds of lives. I’ve never met Shirakumo, but if he meant that deeply to you, I’m sure he would’ve been proud of you.” That made Shouta lose it, his sobs muffled by your shoulder. He hated it, he hated every moment of this because it meant he’d gone soft. Shouta’s whole hard, no-emotions exterior had been broken down in less than a year, and all because of you. Well, he supposed he couldn’t blame it wholeheartedly on you, a certain little girl who was currently sleeping soundly was another part of this, but still. How long before you died? How long before Eri died? How long before Hizashi and Nemuri? Shouta knew nothing lasted forever, and in his mind, you were already dead. Desperately he was clinging to your ghost, as he did with Oboro, trying to keep whatever he had of you with him, trying not to fail you too. Time and time again, he’d seen it. Shouta knew his job was dangerous, but that's why he preferred to be alone, hell, it was one of the few reasons he loved cats. They were independent creatures, if he ever died, they’d know to move on and live with other humans elsewhere. But if he left you behind, if he left Eri or Hizashi behind, he would be haunted by the guilt even in the afterlife. Shouta preferred to be alone, preferred to clean his own wounds, stitch up his own gashes by himself, it was less people to deal with, less strings he could cut at a moment's notice, less people he’d leave behind, and less people to leave him. But now he had you, and Eri, and all of his students and friends who relied on him. Now he had you to hold his head up high when he couldn’t, had someone to take over his overwhelming workload, someone who could stitch up the cuts on the places of his back that he couldn’t reach. You left a wake in his life he’d never get rid of again, you made him dream again. Something Shouta thought died the moment he realized Oboro was gone under the rubble of that building.
Somehow without his notice, you had changed him out of his work clothes, and tucked him into bed, watching over him over the blankets as you forced him on his side, one foot off the bed.
“This is her side though.” Shouta blinked mumbling to himself. Your hands raked up and down his sides, leaving goosebumps from your touch.
“It’s alright, if you need to puke in the middle of the night, I’d never forgive myself if you choked on your own vomit.” You whispered, tucking your hand under your pillow. “Now go to sleep, I already called in for us, and I’ll pick up Eri tomorrow, so sleep in.” Your voice was quiet and soft, everything Shouta was unused to, something he’d forgotten after so long of the harsh and jagged road he’d been forced to trudge.
“I love you.” He whispered, finally falling asleep after the harsh day.
“I love you.”
Shouta awoke the next morning with a start, clutching his head at the sudden movement. 
“Fuck, what time is it?” The teacher grumbled, and he froze when he opened his phone. It was one, in the afternoon. He immediately panic-dialed his boss, trying not to absolutely flip the fuck out.
“Oh, Ereaserhead, what-” His boss’ squeaky voice greeted from the other end, but Shouta gave him no chance to speak.
“Principal I am so sorry, I have overslept and failed to tell you. I will gladly accept the punishment I will be given out, again, I profusely apologize.” He had a bass in his voice, sleep still evident in his few moments of the waking world.
“Oh, no worries Eraserhead! That was figured out last night, you’re class was already taken care of.” Principal Nedzu happily name-dropped you, explaining that you took over the training for that day. They ended the call with friendly, and relieved, greetings, before Shouta just sat on his bed, trying to calm his racing heart. It was always you, wasn’t it.
You came home with Eri in tow around four, as you promised you would over text. Immediately, Shouta greeted you with a kiss. Though you were caught off guard, you didn’t reject his advance, knowing these moments where he initiated the affection were rare. When he pulled away, he just donked his forehead against yours, holding your arms while you breathed each other's air.
“Thank you.” He muttered, pulling away with a slight blush on his face. Eri giggled, happily jumping up into his arms.
“I missed you!” She smiled, hugging around his neck. He smiled back, his eyes not so tired today.
“I missed you too.” 
“Well, I missed all of you, so I win.” You smiled, setting down your shopping bags on the table, each landing with a heavy thud.
“We had a girl's day! Look, I even got my nails painted!” Eri shoved her little mix-matched colored nails in Shouta's face, and he had to lean back a little to fully comprehend the colors. If his heart could melt, he sure it literally would. It was a mix of all three of your guys' favorite colors, each color on a different nail. “I couldn’t get them clipped or shaved down, but I got them painted.” She looked kind of sad at that fact, looking down slightly in disappointment.
“That’s okay, you were so brave to even go to stores with just Ms. and you, and even more brave to get your nails done with all those scary sounds around you. Maybe next time you could try letting them cut your nails?” He offered, sitting down with her at the table.
“That’s right.” You nodded in agreement. “She was very brave and good today. Why don't you show Zawa all the new stuff you got?” You asked, already opening the bags for her. Eri smiled, jumping up and down on Shouta’s legs, ignoring his look of pain.
She happily showed off the new clothes she got, and the new clothes she’d forced onto Cutie later. Eri also happily showed Shouta all the clothes she picked out for both you and him, matching couple outfits for you two to rock out. He flashed you a look, and you just shrugged in response. 
After showing him everything she got, she disappeared to her room to put everything away, demanding independence so she could show how ‘big girl she was’. That left you and Shouta to sit awkwardly at the table. He decided to bring up the first thing that he noticed in the house, a new development.
“You hid all the knives.” He said, leaving it open in the air. 
“Yeah, I did do that.” Shouta looked down to see your leg bouncing under the table.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, scratching his arm, long sleeves bunching under his hand.
“I get it, it’ll be okay. I’m here, we’re here. Hizashi was the one who told me too.” You answered the question you knew he was going to ask.
“Thank you.” He sighed, and neither of you knew what he was thanking you for. Maybe everything.
“You never have to.” You shook your head, tired eyes betraying the strength you were showing. 
The next month was filled with unease, the looming threat of an all-out fight hung over all of your coworker's heads. It made it hard to focus on anything, especially when papers came in the mail demanding you and Shouta update your wills.
You, Nemuri, Hizashi, and Shouta all sat around your dining room table. Eri was in her room, instructed to watch her YouTube shows at whatever volume she wanted while she played games. The sound of some man screaming soothed your nerves about her overhearing, but you all still whispered.
“So you’ll agree to help watch over her in case something happens?” Shouta asked blankly, masking how he really felt. Nemuri and Hizashi nodded, seriousness etched deep in their faces. 
“I’ll watch over her with whatever demands you leave me with, I promise.” Hizashi swore, looking over to you and Shouta. The day after the night you picked up the two men drunk from the bar, Hizashi had already gone out to grab your favorite flowers and snacks, profusely apologizing for his abhorrent behavior.
“I’m sorry I was a horrible friend the other day, it was a moment of weakness that will never happen again!” Forgiving him was easy, since you now knew how greatly of a cavern Shirakumo left in his life, Nemuri’s as well. You learned of how bright and happy the blue-haired boy was, how he left an influence on all three of the friends’ lives, even today.
“Thank you.” You nodded, smiling sadly at him.
“Of course.” Hizashi shrugged you off, it was nothing after all, he was merely doing a favor for a friend.
“Now, it’s not as if I do not trust Hizashi with a live animal, but I do not trust Hizahsi with a live animal.” Nemuri sighed, pushing her glasses back up her face, preventing them from falling off her nose. Said blonde gasped with indignity, holding a hand over his chest while he looked at her with absolute betrayal in his face.
“I have been a great step-dad for Sushi! I spoil him with toys every Christmas and for his birthday!” Hizashi argued, pouting at the implication that he could not take care of the cat that was left behind by the friend they lost.
“Yes, but you’re hardly home, ‘Zashi. Plus, you do tend to go overboard with the food.” She countered, giving him that motherly look you’ve grown to love.
“That’s true, I remember you got him fat one year.” Shouta agreed, tapping his cat pen on the table.
“So it’s decided, Sushi goes to those two.” She said it with such tiredness as if it was something that had been argued and not something you knew she had already made up her mind with. Hizashi pouted in response, mumbling under his breath. 
The rest of the signing went like that, all of you trying to make light of the fact that you were writing your wills, pretending as if there was no possibility that any of you could die by the end of the month. Because if not, what else could you do?
Springtime was rolling around again, as proof of the clothes that donned Eri getting looser and more flowy. Currently, she was wearing a Hello Kitty t-shirt with shorts, a sun hat donned on her head. She was holding both yours and Shouta’s hands while she walked to the infirmary, knowing that her Quirk training would start today.
“Now remember, you can stop at any time you want, just say the word and everything will stop immediately.” You assured, rubbing your hand over her smaller one. She nodded, face set. You knew that look, and you knew it meant she was going to push herself to her absolute limits. The look that said, ‘I’m going to show you how far I’ve grown!’
“And we’ll be there every step of the way.” Shouta reaffirmed, holding her close. After what happened, you had asked him to never drink like that again, and he agreed with great fervor.
“I’d never want Eri to see me like that, and I’m ashamed you saw me like that.” Shouta was still feeling heavy guilt after that, no matter how much you reassured him that it would happen. People will always have relapses in their recovery and bad behaviors, but as long as you grow and move on, then so can others. Shouta’s mental health was still rather fragile, but with your and your friend's help, he’s been slowly building back his confidence in himself. Now standing in front of Recovery Girl’s doors, you both turned to look at each other, then Eri.
“You’re sure you want to do this? You absolutely don’t have to if you don't want to.” You said, for what must’ve been the hundredth time in a row.
“I want to! I want to save Mirio like he saved me.” She nodded, holding a fist in front of her face. Shouta, nodded, opening the door to reveal Monoma sitting, already waiting for you three. 
The plan was to have Eri try her quirk, then the student would copy her quirk and try to use it as well, in an attempt to have at least someone try and guide her through her quirk. 
Eri sat between you and Shouta, and in front of Monoma and tried to activate her quirk. She strained, puffing out her full cheeks and forming tight first with her small hands. Her face grew red with the effort, and quiet humming grew into loud humming. You knew this moment was big for her, so you made a triangle with your mouth as you tried your damnest not to laugh out loud. The poor student just looked at her confused, while Shouta just sighed. He slowly put a hand on the girl's shoulder, snapping her out of her little grunting effort. Better stop her before she shits herself.
“Eri, you can’t force your quirk out like that. In the past, how did you feel when you activated it?” He asked, quickly taking his hand away.
“Uhm, I felt scared.” She pulled up her knees to her chest, picking at her Five Nights at Freddy’s shoes. “And I wished I could just go back and fix everything, or just make everything stop.” Her horn crackled in response, and Shouta quickly shut it down, hair floating up immediately. 
It would be of no use for her to correlate her quirk with fear, the baseline of her abilities would be held back if it was plagued with that emotion. She needed to be in full control of her quirk to even be able to live alone, one panic attack and she would send a friend or concerned stranger back into nothing.
“You’re safe now, no one is out to hurt you.” You patted her head, rubbing away the little worry marks on her forehead.
“Yes, instead, why don’t we take deep breaths and look deep into ourselves.” Shouta offered, placing his hands in his lap, closing his eyes he breathed in deeply. Eri rushed to follow his lead, copying his movements exactly. You glanced up to the Monoma who had been sitting there rather awkwardly, motioning him to do the same. He looked at you warily before complying. You kept your eyes open, and Shouta had reopened his to watch over Eri.
“Now take a deep breath in.” The teacher instructed, doing the motion so she could hear him. She did it perfectly, her little body relaxing from his voice. “Now hold your breath, but don’t panic. Everything will be alright.” He waited for a moment, before instructing her to breathe deeply out as well.
“Now look inside yourself. Your quirk is part of you, and you are in complete control of yourself. You can do good things in life without hurting others, all because you are capable and strong. You can save people with your ability because you’re a strong little girl.” You couldn't help but let out a little gasp when she lit up. Energy crackled around the little group. But she must’ve heard you since she immediately stopped and looked up at you worried.
“Did I do something wrong?” She asked, scared.
“No baby, you did so well, you did wonderful!” You smiled, heart absolutely leaping with joy. Just a few months ago, Eri was too scared to even ask for more food on her plate, and now she was taking back every ounce of control she had never been given. And you were just so proud. Happy tears spilled from your face while you laughed, opening your arms for her to leap into. Eri did happily, jumping up and down with joy. Shouta leaned over to rub her back, softly smiling too. 
“You did so well, you’re very brave.” He scooted close to you two, happily watching over you with pride in his chest.
Monoma coughed, getting all of your attentions at once. You and Shouta burned with embarrassment, while Eri was in blissful ignorance of the awkwardness. Still, she was just so happy that she activated her quirk on her own.
You and Shouta couldn’t help but be proud of her.
The plan all along was to get Eri more comfortable with her quirk so meltdowns for her were less dangerous, but there was also an ulterior motive underlying as well. A motive that worked, after weeks of working with Eri non-stop every day, hugging her close when sessions didn’t go the way she wanted, and celebrating with her when they did.
Mirio got his quirk back.
Which opened a new realm of questions, but for now it didn’t matter.
Now all that mattered was celebrating Eri’s development and her bravery, and Mirio getting his quirk back, his life back.
“And how big do you want your slice Eri? It can be as biiiig as you want." You gestured to the cake in front of the little girl. A white cake with bright red lettering that says 'You did it!' on the front. Mirio, Amijiki, Hado, and Monoma surrounded the small table, happy-faced and looking at Eri. Shouta had Eri on his lap, holding her midsection.
"This big!" She made a wide gesture with her hand, far bigger than the cake itself. You all laughed, and you smiled and shook your head.
"How about this big?" You started to cut a piece, big enough for three fingers to be placed at the top of the slice. She nodded excitedly, jumping out of Shouta's grasp to stand on his thighs. He poked the back of her knees, and she buckled.
"Sit when you're eating." He chastised lightly, and she nodded, bringing a plastic green fork to her big slice. You handed out the other pieces to the students around you, Mirio happily phasing through a bite of cake through his face over and over, pretending to not know why he couldn't eat.
"You're using your quirk Uncle Mirio!" Eri squealed, frosting already on her face. 
"Am I?" He yelled in a very happy voice, still doing it. Turning around to wash your hands and the knife, Monoma approached you from behind. He hadn't taken a bite out of his slice yet, instead wholly ignoring it because of something bothering him.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help." His voice was smooth, devoid of any teasing or pompous attitude. That was something that gave you whiplash, whenever the boy wasn't blinded by his jealousy of class 1-A, he was a kind and smart kid. Another thing you learned was that he was great with children, also aiding in helping soothe Eri whenever you and Shouta didn't jump the gun fast enough.
"Don't worry about it, Quirks aren't a cure-all, and no matter how OP they are, there's always going to be drawbacks." You shook your head, waving a wet hand at him. But the look on the copycat's face was not one of comfort.
"Still I wish I could be able to be a mentor for her." He looked down like he had failed in the worst ways possible.
"Monoma, listen." You fully dried your hands, putting one on his shoulder to make him look at you.
"There's only so much you could do, and what you did was wonderful. If you want to be a mentor to Eri, be there for her. Help her, be her friend." You gestured your head to the girl happily chattering with Hado. He followed your gaze, tense shoulders drooping at the sight. He looked back at you, nodding with a new determination in his eyes.
"Of course! I'll be the best mentor/friend/guide there is!" He sauntered away, joining in the large conversation. You smiled and leaned back against the sink, crossing your arms to fondly watch them. Shouta was blankly staring away, unwillingly participating in the conversation. He saw you, glared at you, and picked Eri off his lap, joining you by the sink. 
"Hey." You smiled and looked at him.
"Hey." He replied back, watching the children.
You wrapped your arm around his back, rubbing soothing motions into it. Shouta’s dark eyes flashed to your face, watching you for a moment. 
"I'm so proud of her." He mumbled, barely audible.
"I know, I hope we can keep her this happy." Your voice was fond and soft, love in every syllable.
"Me too." 
But his eyes weren't on Eri.
It was one in the morning, but neither of you could sleep.
Eri didn't know much, other than you and Shouta were going to be in a very big battle tomorrow and she'd be with Principal Nedzu all day. Or more. Or maybe forever. 
You tucked your head under Shouta's chin, rubbing his back in circles. He was gently scratching your hair, holding you close.
"I can't sleep." You whispered, stopping your hands to hug him tightly. 
"I can't either." He admitted, doing the same as well. "Promise me something." He whispered into your hair.
"Anything." You probably couldn't keep it. You knew it, if he asked you to stay alive, you couldn't possibly be in control of that. 
"Don't make me do this without you." Shouta wrapped his legs further around you, unwilling to let you go.
"Of course. Promise me something?" You asked back, an ache starting in your heart.
"Anything." Shouta curled into you, tucking you further into himself.
"Come back alive." 
"Of course."
You and Shouta were separate, which was fine. Your quirks didn't exactly mesh well together, and you both were needed in separate areas. Still, you were terrified.
Your legs pumped as you ran straight into the broken building, the moment Ken had broken the Paranormal League Fronts base, you had been the few to immediately jump to action. Blame Shouta for your quick reaction time. Jumping up, you landed a swift but harsh kick to a villain's head, knocking them out cold. Soon, there were three others on you, quick to action. Thankful for the bright sunny day, you made a long knife with the light, slashing their legs. When they fell, you made quick work of cuffing the hands and wrapping their feet so they couldn't escape. 
You did that again and again, perfectly dodging any close-range attacks they shot at you. Distant rumbling filled your ears, catching you off guard for a moment, just for a moment. But that moment was important, worry for your students and your friends distracted you from the person behind you. Barely turning around in time to catch their eyes. 
A sudden searing pain filled your right side, blindingly hot and vicious. Your shoulder flung back, but it swung much harder than you intended like you had lost a monumental amount of weight. The air was knocked right out of your lungs when you landed on your back, trying desperately to catch your breath. Your eyes were unfocused, the only things visible were lights and darks. A shadow stepped above you, a harsh contrast to the hot white sun. Someone screamed from a distance, you didn't know who, but it sounded familiar. Slowly, you got your breath back, and just as fast, the pain dissipated. A feeling of floating overcame you, your mind losing all train of thought as consciousness escaped you. Another feeling invaded your stomach, a heavyweight worming its way into your soft belly, squirming and wiggling around in the delicate inner workings of your stomach. Just as it all started, it stopped in a sudden, jarring movement.
Someone lifted your limp head, and you tried to utter out a thanks, but only a quiet whisper came out. Someone was shouting your hero name, but the only thing you could work out was bright blonde hair. There was only one thought that came to your failing mind.
Shouta would be disappointed with how quickly you fell.
Those were the only things you felt. You couldn't tell where you were, or even who you were, but they didn't really matter when you felt this good. Happiness filled your every atom, joy making your fingertips buzz. You could hear yourself breathing, but you couldn't really feel it, just like how sometimes your vision would go black for a mere millisecond before everything became bright again. What was that called? Blinking? Whatever it was made you upset, why couldn't you see? You sighed, deciding to succumb to sleep before anything else could upset you, too dizzy to try and look around.
That happened a couple more times, the fleeting waking moments you were granted filled with that dizzying euphoria. Until it wasn't.
You came to with a broken gasp, an electrifying pain forcing you to sit up. But that in itself brought pain to your right side and stomach, something hot and uncomfortable. You tried to protect your middle with your hands, but the feeling of a stump and something missing made you look down in a panic. 
Your arm.
Your right arm.
Your right arm was gone.
From your elbow down was nothing, a stump of your upper arm. It felt like there were pins and needles in the arm that was no longer there. Your stomach ached too, like you ate rotten food and ate it far too quickly.
Your breathing was quickening, heart racing as you tried to compile all your thoughts into one coherent train of thought. Loud and insistent beeping made your head swarm, your head snapped in that direction. In a sudden movement fueled by pain and fear, you toppled over the heart monitor. You were upset and so fucking scared. Your arm was gone, you were missing an entire limb. With no explanation as to why. Where was it? Why had it been taken from you? 
Suddenly, a hoard of doctors flooded the whole room, one you hadn't even been aware of until now. Two grabbed your shoulders, trying to hold down your struggling form, trying to placate you with soothing words. 
"Please, we're only trying to help." One whispered.
"We understand you're confused." Another meowed. Two were trying to set back up your monitor, while another pair tapped and messed with your vitals.
"It'll all feel better in a moment." One of the ones from your vitals spoke up, dropping a long tube that was connected to you on the ground. "We probably should've tried to wean you off the opioid better, but there's only so many of us." They shrugged apologetically, backing up.
The others did the same, giving you breathing room. Soon, your lungs stopped trying to fill themselves with air they didn't need, instead slowing down to a near-alarming degree. That same fuzzy feeling of pure euphoria filled you again, and you slowly slid down on the thin pillow on your cot. The scratchy feeling of the hospital blanket was quickly forgotten, instead replaced by the lack of feeling in your lower half. 
Dreams never came to you in your drug-aided sleep.
The next time you woke up wasn't nearly as traumatizing nor painful. It was still uncomfortable, and you were still confused, but thankfully an angel was waiting by your bedside.
"God? Am I dead? Oh God, I don't go to church nearly enough. Please forgive me Father, I have led astray from the path-" you started mumbling prayer, left hand shakily coming up to grasp out.
"Oh no, please I'm not an angel, even if I get that a lot. I'm a human with a quirk." The woman giggled, guiding your hand back down the cot, her skin was milky white and smooth, her fingernails long and white. Looking up, she had no pupils, only an expanse of white in her eyes. Speaking of eyes, she had much more than two. Nowadays, that wasn't much of a sight, but the upper half part of her face was filled with them. All of them missing pupils, all of them pure snow white. Her hair was long and just as white as her, almost curly. Two wings rested on her head, filled with eyes along the base. Unlike her own eyes, the ones on her wings had golden pupils, though they lacked any iris'.
"My name is Tenshi, and I'll be here to guide you through your confusion and pain." Even her voice was angelic, each note hitting perfectly in your ear.
"You are an angel." You murmured, eyes still fluttering from the bright white light above you.
"Here." She got up, her towering frame would've been overwhelming if you were fully conscious. She flicked off the lights, mid-afternoon light pooling in the room, making the room golden and making the tall woman even more ethereal. She walked over to you, form turning fuzzy and warping as she got closer. Tenshi leaned over, slapping your cheeks to get you to fully focus. When you did, she backed away.
"You must be confused." She walked back to your side, sitting on the side of the bed to face you. She ran a long and thin hand down your upper arm, the feeling making goosebumps rise. She stopped at your stump, instead, she hovered over the spot, the feeling of pillows on your aching stump soothed the pain, almost making it go away.
"Your arm was cut off during the battle, but thankfully one of your students managed to get you to a pro, who was able to cauterize it for you." She pulled back, wiping her hands. 
"What…happened?" You gestured to your stump, lifting it up gently before setting it back down. There was also more to the question, like what happened after the battle? Months of planning, months of sitting anxiously for the end to come only for it to be over like that? How much did you actually help? How many did you lose?
“Well.” She sighed. “There is no easy way to put this, many heroes fell. They were either killed in battle, or they quit in the aftermath. Many villains were caught, but many high-level prisons were broken into by a man called One for All. Shigaraki and many of the Paranormal Leauge Front are still missing. One of your students briefly went rogue as well, but he returned safe and sound. And I think that's it!” She cheered, adjusting you more. “Now, I’ll go fetch your husband, bring some food and water, and leave you to your rest.” Tenshi sat up, wiping off her manicured hands and leaving before you could protest. 
It was probably Midoiya who left.
So first of all, you were right. That little shit went off on his own, weighed down by the guilt of Shigaraki’s escape and his self-acclaimed failures led him to believe he had to single-handly take on the world. Secondly, there had been a traitor amongst you, but it hadn’t been one of the staff, it had been a student. While it shattered your heart to hear the news, it also perplexed you, Aoyama of all people? It made sense why he never took his hero name seriously though, but that made you hurt more. Thirdly, society was falling apart behind the senses. People no longer trusted heroes at all, how could they when one by one they were all dropping? When their current number one had come out as a child abuser and wife beater, who bought his wife to use her quirk. Especially when his first child accidentally ‘killed’ himself at the age of twelve, and then turned into an arsonistic serial killer. But most importantly, last but not least.
“You cut off your own leg?” You yelled, incredulous. “I thought someone got you, like me, but no! You just fuckin’.” You made wild gestures with your hand, stump flailing along, still in absolute shock that your dumbass boyfriend cut off his own damn leg.
“It was the best course of action. It was either my leg or my student. The decision was easy.” Shouta shook his head, one eye closing. You sighed, shoulders slumping heavily. Your eyes trailed across his face, analyzing his lack of an eye, and lack of a right leg.
“Guess we’re both fucked up now.” You laughed emptily, flopping back on your cot. You brought one hand to softly trace your bandages, your wound didn't hurt as much anymore, bt the phantom pains were brutal. They often left you biting down on your pillow as your right side seized up in angry pain. 
“We’re not fucked up.” He mocked your words, and you could hear him lean forward, metal leg creaking with him. “We’re scarred.” He reassured, reaching you to your bed. You looked over to him, eyes heavy and empty. 
“Yeah, and it’s not over. Shigaraki is still out there, and All For One is out there now. I’m…tired Sho’. I’m so fuckin’ tired.” You put one hand up to cover your face, momentarily panicking when there wasn’t another hand to cover your right side. There was a pregnant pause.
“There is, something else I need to tell you.” You looked back over to Shouta, now fully taking in how beat the man was. His strong demeanor broken down to a hunch, hands limply hanging off his knees.
“Yeah?” Your heart leaped to your throat, please god, or anyone if you’re out there, if you’re out there, don’t let it be Eri.
“It’s about Nemuri. She’s…gone, they’re giving us her part in the will sometime next week.” Shouta’s voice was soft, devoid of any negative emotions. Even if your eyes filled with tears, you shook your head and laughed.
“Don’t mess with me like that Sho’, it’s really not funny.” You stared at him, your smile falling when he just gave you a sad look. His lips pulled in as a frown etched into his rugged features. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to.
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered, opening up your arms to him again. Shouta closed his eyes tight, falling into your arms. You both cried together, sobs heaving out of your bodies. Another one of his friends gone. One of your friends died.
Even if you both were older, no longer trapped in the awkward stages of young adulthood, you both felt so small at that moment. The whole world was tilting, and you had no choice but to fall into the inky black abyss of the unknown, no matter how desperate your attempts to flee were.
You were scared. You were cold, and it was a terrible day for rain. 
Your leg was slowly crumbling under your sight, there wasn’t even any pain as your left leg slowly disintegrated before your eyes. A flash of green filled your eyes, quickly pulled away the hand that had been gripping your ankle in a painful grip. But it did nothing to stop you from plummeting to the dirt, hundreds of feet off the ground. 
Technically, you shouldn’t even be here, in the heart of the battlefield. But during a national emergency, the Japanese government had to pull out all the stops, especially after the fall of the Commision and the death of America’s number one. So you and Shouta and many others had been pulled out of recovery to be put on the front lines, with little to no warning. Both of you had sat in his hospital room, just sitting side by side. The memory was clear in your head as the wind rushed by your ears.
“What about Eri, who will take care of her?” You whispered, not able to look at Shouta, instead your eyes hyperfocused on the white walls in front of you two. The man’s arm was wrapped around your shoulder, making sure he would not disturb your stump. You decided not to wear a prosthetic, it would only get in the way of you Quirk anyway.
“Worse comes down to worse, Nedzu will do a decent job. She’ll come out smart at least.” Shouta shrugged as if the thoughts of leaving the child you two had been raising and taking care of side by were nothing. It was so much more than that, Eri was basically your daughter at this point, having spent so much time with her, giving her the right environment for her to grow and learn, giving her the school to go to school. She was the child you never wanted to have, and now the one that you couldn’t bear to leave.
There was a pause as you rubbed your only hand on Shouta’s left side. 
“Don’t die on me Shouta Aizawa.” You lolled your head onto the expanse of his chest, his usual blue nightgown replaced by a thick dark blue sweater. 
“I could say the same.” He whispered into your hair, tugging you close. The dead night air only made the silence in the room deafening, every and all noises amplified a hundred times. Still, you’d never replace this moment with anything else.
You smiled sadly at the memory, fat tears rolling up into the sky. 
“Sorry I couldn’t keep my promises.” You laughed, the ground getting closer and closer. There was a cacophony of noises around you, the sounds of crashing buildings, sirens, screaming, shouting, things breaking and crumbling beneath your eyes. The disintegrating had stopped, the only thing remaining of your left leg was a dusty stump ending mid-thigh. “Sorry I couldn’t stay Sho’.” Your smile was becoming one of a grimace. “Sorry I’m making you do all of this without me.” Someone was shouting your name, but your vision was too clouded with tears, too busy coming to tears with your own impending death to care. “Sorry I’m not just a call away, I’m sorry to everyone I failed.” You finally sobbed, the hand you had left was covered in blisters and burns, but you had only barely noticed. Suddenly everything was dark, and the feeling of absolutely nothing engulfed your whole body.
“You’re…alive.” His hand reached out to you, covered in mud and blood, his dark hair wild and splayed across his head, like a dark halo. 
“You’re alive.” You breathed back, trying desperately to reach over with your other hand. You were so tired, every bone and fiber in your being filled with lead, the energy sapped out of you. There was screaming, sounds of crying and yelling surrounding you in every corner. But none it mattered, all that mattered was who was in front of you. 
Shouta Aizawa.
“Not even death himself could reap me. Not without you.” He laughed softly, tears filling his dark eyes, falling down his pale cheeks. You laughed wetly with him, pain choking you off. Still, that didn’t stop the pure bliss that filled you. 
“You know, I used to think you hated me. And for a little, I hated you as well.” You admitted, trying to scoot closer to him. The hard cold ground made it hard, dirt and rocks digging into your delicate body.
Shouta shook his head, trying to scoot closer to you too.
“No, I never hated you. I knew the moment I met you, that you’d be the biggest pain in my ass.” You brought one shaky hand up to brush through your hair, fingers gently caressing your sweaty and bloodied face. He paid no mind to your black eye, or the cuts and scrapes littered across your face.
“I knew from the moment I met you, that I would love you.” Shouta admitted, eyes never faltering from yours. Finally, his hand met yours, interlocking your fingers as you both had wormed each other into one another's lives. Palms touching, ignoring the sting of pain and blood that emerged from the touch. You sobbed out a laugh, and he did too, uncaring of who saw you two. Shouta let out a real, belly aching laugh, dissolving into sniffles. How you made him so weak, he’d never know. Not even the highest ends of Nomu’s could do that, but you? 
no body talk to me,, im so upset,,MY BABAYYYYY WAHHGHGHGGH
anyways, i have a small thing for pt five imagined, but I'm gonna focus on other projects, more specifically try and finish two asks that have been rotting in my inbox,,oopsies,,but I'm literally so sad to know this is overrrrrr,,I lowkey struggled with the end, since I love canon and the ending isn't over yet, but the idea of aizawa dying literally rips my heart open so I'm gonna pretend he literally can't
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luimagines · 1 year
That Dragon AU
I can’t believe I’m doing this. But I’m doing it XD
Written once again for @cafecourage and for myself. It will be self explanatory as we go on this adventure. Remember that one commission with Dragon Warrior with the headband and the party? That was based off of this. But now I get to share it with all of you!
This is their side of the story. I’m sure they will post my side on their blog soon enough XD
This is definably going to be longer than the last one. I hope you’re all excited for this. Forewarning: It’s is incredibly self indulgent. But honestly, those are the best kind of fics.
Content under the cut!
Chapter 1: Silent Claims
Enno hated parties.
They didn’t even want to be here to begin with. Their only consolation was that Warrior didn’t seem too thrilled either despite the fact this was his world. 
They patted down their clothes and adjusted their headband. Warrior gave it to them. He said that it would look good with the color they were wearing. Enno wasn’t sure if that was true or not, but what did they know? Warrior always seemed to know what he was doing.
They were by themself for the time being. The boys had all split up to not cause any trouble and Warrior was being forced to mingle with the Lords and Ladies of the land. This was fine. From beyond the dance floor, Enno could see Pinky and a few of the others by the food table. Maybe they could stick with them and ignore the rest of what’s happening. This was a bit much.
An enraged shriek causes the ball room to fall entirely silent.
Enno freezes on the spot, hesitating to turn around and look at the scene that no doubt is about to be caused.
“You!” Cia cries out. “What are you doing with my headband?!”
Enno freezes even more, going over the escape route in their head. The door is too far away.
Next thing they knew, Cia was in front of them screaming, grabbing their arm and trying to pull the headband off of their head. Not wanting to be near the yelling, Enno punches her and tries to create distance. Their fight or flight was kicking in. It only makes it worse
“Get off of me!” They scream.
“Cia!” Warrior pushes the sorceress away, blocking Enno with his body. He’s panting. He was running. Something dark and primal growls. There’s a fury in his eyes that the nobles of the land have only seen on a rare occasion. “Don’t touch them.”
Within moments the room erupts into whispers and gossip. Link this and Link that. Cia was certain and Cia was wrong. Who’s this and who’s the new person. All questions and theories to who Enno is and why they’re next to their hero and why Cia seems to be as angry as she is.. 
Enno wants none of it.
Cia gulps and begins to shake, pointing a finger at Link. “You can’t- Link, you know better than anyone what that means. Them? You’ve chosen them?”
Warrior takes Enno’s hand. “This way.”
They run.
Cia screams like a banshee but doesn’t seem to follow them.
Warrior leads them out of the ball room and through the hallways of the castle. When he stops, Enno needs to catch their breath. The castle is still as elegantly decorated as the rest of what they’ve seen but between all the twists and turns that they’ve taken, they are utterly lost. They have no idea where they are. At least they can still hear the party music from where they are. They must have fixed whatever scene was caused to get the party started again.
A curse falls past their lips. “She’s crazier than I thought. What the hell?”
Warrior pivots, putting his hands on their shoulders. “Are you ok?”
Smaller curses fall silently under his breath. He’s panting and out of breath just as much as Enno is. Warrior is suddenly all over them. Brushing down their clothes, adjusting the headband, running his hands over their hair and looking over where Cia had grabbed them.
Enno is still reeling from the rush of adrenaline. “Ma-maybe… I don’t know yet.”
“I’m so sorry.” He buckles slightly. “I should have known she would have tried something. I just didn’t think… I’m sorry. I take full responsibility for this.”
“No? No. She’s an adult. She can take responsibility for her own actions.” Enno feels like they’re missing something. “This has nothing to do with you.”
Warrior doesn’t seem too convinced. He plucks and adjusts small wrinkles on their clothes, thinking about what happened no doubt. But the silence makes Enno feel awkward. They also begin to feel a little guilty. “Warrior- Link-”
“You look good in this. Zelda chose well.” He smiles bitterly. An awkward laugh follows and he steps back a bit. “Is it too late to ask for a dance?”
"No... but do I want to know about what that was about back there?"
Warrior flushes a bit and he scratches the back of his head. "... What... Do you mean?"
"Uh, Cia and like half of the population of Hyrule has been either glaring or staring at me." Enno was still having trouble coming to grips with the events but they still took his hands for an impromptu dance. "Should I ask why?"
Warrior takes their hands gently, leading them to the beat of the faint music. He doesn’t respond right away. He doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and make matters worse. It was already a tough enough inner battle to give them the headband, let alone tell them anything else.
"Possibly because you're absolutely stunning." Warrior replies easily. "And we walked in together. They're assuming things My Dear. That tends to happen when I'm involved I'm afraid. Don't pay too much mind to it."
Enno blushes genuinely at the compliment. It might have been the first time he was able to get that reaction out of them. And not because they feel flustered or feel embarrassed or annoyed. Certainly not that. "So you just ran? That's gotta be a bad idea. Isn't Zelda or Impa going to kill you for making a scene?"
"Hey. Cia started it." Warrior leads them effortlessly. It's a waltz.
"That should be enough to be my freebie. We did nothing wrong." Warrior pulls them a little closer. "Besides, you looked like you wanted to be somewhere else anyway. And if you had similar desires, who was I to deny you?"
Enno let him do as he pleased. They had never danced before so they weren’t sure if they were doing it correctly. "She got angry over a headband. I’m still confused over that part." 
They were tempted to dip him before he dipped them but with how things are they didn't think that was a good idea. "And you’re right. I hate big parties. So... thank you..."
"Cia is just mad I never gave her anything." Warrior huffs before he leans close. "And I'll let you know a little secret~"
He leans close to their ear with a smirk. "I hate them too. So you're welcome."
"That was a lot of commotion just for that-" Enno leaned back trying to ignore the shivers they felt. 
"Sir-  I will bop you on the head." They said, not wanting him to know their weaknesses.
Warrior snickers against their ear, leaning away. "As you wish."
"This is preferable to the party though." Warrior smiles charmingly, spinning them before pulling them close to his chest again. "I only hope that we didn't worry our companions too much."
"I think they are probably thinking about fighting Cia, probably." Enno’s eyes darted around the hallways, trying to look at anything but him right now, "...I prefer this too..."
"Good." Warrior let's a breath out, seeming to relax with it. "I'd also like to apologize about Cia. She hasn't really.....for all her reform effort she still struggles with past tendencies. I had hoped she would be on her best behavior tonight. I suppose I did you no favors, Sweetheart. I'm sorry."
"You....really like using such endearing nicknames." Enno brought their arm up and around his neck giving a slight hug "It’s fine though, don’t worry about it. I'm just more confused than anything else. It just seems like it was out of left field."
"Do the nicknames bother you?" Warrior bites his lip. His hands rest on their hips, dropping the waltz and just slowly swaying back and forth with them. "And Cia.... yeah, it was. I'll have to talk to her later."
"You don't have to! I just don't know what to think about anything she said." Enno blurts. They try to clear up any possible misunderstanding before it gets out of hand. They wanted to make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble. 
"I don't mind the nicknames. Just be careful your fangirls might get jealous." They teased. "Unless you already call them that."
Warrior blushes a pleasant rosy color. His voice goes a bit soft and he smiles. "Occasionally, but that's just to lessen some tension. They get a bit... rowdy, at times. And no one really knows what to do to keep them away so I have learned to deal with it. You on the other hand, get to have it 100% genuine. You don't expect anything from me. So I don't have to worry about you misunderstanding when I call you Darling or Sweetheart."
He spins them around some more, leading them into the middle of the hallway. "I'll talk to Cia anyway. She's been getting on my nerves. This is just something I can't turn a blind eye to."
Enno stops still holding his hand, wanting and waiting to see if he pulls them back. "Darlin'? What are you, Twilight?" 
They laugh, teasing him, swaying the arms between them. "Please don't be too harsh when it comes to what happened tonight. I'm not mad."
Warrior hums. "You may not be. But I am."
He sighs and absolutely pulls them close once more. "It's a bit complicated and I know you don't have all the context. But I'll explain it to you. Eventually. Tonight let's just unwind for a bit, yeah?"
He spins them again, his chin gently nudging the side of their head. "And how the Rancher has a monopoly on that one? That doesn't seem very fair."
They sighed, bonking him on the shoulder in response to being not told anything. "He has that country boy charm. You, sir, radiate noble boy. It gives a different vibe."
Warrior snorts and wraps his arms around them. "Should I lean into it, Your Grace? How about Jewel? If not, would Amore suffice? What do you suggest, My Sweet? I have plenty."
“Careful there Hot Shot, suggest any more and people might start to think we’re an item.” Enno laughs, trying to play off his flirting behavior. “I don’t care about the nickname, do what your heart so desires.”
Warrior hums, pleased. "That works for me, Honey."
He grins and simply sways back and forth with them again. The dance has long been lost but neither of them seem to mind. "At least tell me you tried the food?"
“A bit.” Enno sighed into him, getting comfortable, hiding their blush against his body. “There were a lot of eyes on me. It felt weird just to keep eating and not dance or socialize.” 
The warmth of the moment makes them smile. “Though if we stay like this I might fall for you, soldier boy.”  
They are100% joking and teasing him.
Warrior breathes in deeply. "I can't say I'm against the thought of that."
His head gently rests against theirs. "I'm afraid that might just bring more eyes on you though."
A hand rises up to card through their hair, tenderly playing with it. "It's not very ideal.... being associated with me."
“I’ll just be a cryptid. Always talked about, barely seen.” Enno laughs at his talk, leaning into his touch. “Though shall I take this as an official declaration? Or do I have to wait until that talk that’s needed later.”
"Um!" Warrior tenses. His eyes pop open and he stops his movements. "Some.... more time would be... appreciated."
He laughs awkwardly. But he hugs them tighter and rubs his head against theirs like before. "Sorry, I-...I'm not actually very good at this.... I'd also hate to see anything happen to you because of me. There's a lot that I have to do... If you're willing, that is."
He takes a deep breath and it's suddenly very warm behind their head. "I just wanted you to have a good time tonight. That's all."
Enno waits until he finishes talking to actually hug him back. The sensation of a fireplace on their back was strange but not enough for them to question it outright. “I did. Thank you.” 
They let him just hold onto them. It was weird. He felt warmer somehow or… was he always this warm? “Though I would love to head back to a bedroom and just cuddle. I’m tired.”
It’s even stranger to be so close to him, almost physically feeling Warrior preen at their words. They could have sworn on it.
He pulls back a bit and looks at them, his gaze soft. "We can do that. Would you rather go to the one you were supposed to share with Pinky or to mine? Mine's closer but obviously the other has all your stuff in it."
They laugh at his reaction, covering their mouth to stifle it. “I’ll just steal your clothing, it’s fine.” Enno gestures for him to lead the way. “Pinky can figure out where I am.”
Warrior grins, stepping away to bow jokingly. "This way, Your Grace."
He extends his elbow for them to walk arm in arm as he guides them once more through the castle and towards his room.
Enno’s arm slips into his as they hold back from rolling their eyes. “You’re something else.”
Enno continues to take in the castle as he leads them to his room. There’s many gold accents and large tapestries that adorn the walls. There’s also many stained glass windows with forged stories of the royals and heroes before them. As soon as they got in the room, Enno was already ready to steal more comfortable clothing.
Warrior opens the door to his room, revealing that it looks fit for royalty. He ushers his companion inside and lights the lamps, closing the door with a soft click.
"Hold on a second, I think I have something that'll fit you." He scrambles around the room, going through his clothes. Enno looks around, trying to be as subtle as possible. They notice that he's only going through 3 drawers. In a dresser of 7.
He takes out a small pile and tosses half of them on the bed. Then he pauses.
"I have a connected bath." He looks up at them. "Do you want to bathe before or just change into your clothes?"
Enno looked around, being more obvious this time around. This is not a normal room, “So uh… when we teased you about being a noble city boy…” 
They picked up the clothing. Despite Warrior being a twink, his clothes were still big for them.
“I’ll take a quick bath, hold on.” Enno said, awkwardly rushing into the bathroom with the clothing.
"Do you need help to turn it on or can you figure it out?" Warrior calls after them with a small laugh.
“NO!” They squeaked out, turning on the bath to see which was the hot water. They wanted to get in and out as fast as possible. It took them quicker to figure it out than they thought it would. Within 8-10 minutes, they were already relaxing in the water. Once they were finished, they got up from the bath and hit their foot against the tub’s rim, almost falling over. 
“AHH!!” Enno scrambled back to regain balance. They take a moment to breathe before getting the towel.
He hears their yell and he perks to attention. "You ok?"
When he hears no response, his face falls a little bit. But he doesn’t want to make them feel more uncomfortable than they were no doubt feeling already.
"Knock twice if you're dead." He yells out playfully. He's in the middle of changing his clothes.
“I’m not dead. You heard nothing.” They say, drying up fully. Putting on the new clothes, they take extra care to fold the fancy clothing. They take the headband with them and place the stack of clothing in the hamper. 
Warrior laughs and puts on his pants, putting his fancy clothes away.
“Hey do you want this back? I’m not gonna wear it really unless I’m going somewhere fancy.” Enno comes into the room holding up the headband.
He hears them call and looks their way, shirtless and disheveled. He doesn't seem to care.
His eyes lock onto the headband in their hand and he gulps a bit. "No. That's yours. To keep. If you want it."
Enno’s brain stopped in its tracks to process what they were seeing. “I- uh…” 
They cough into their hand, suddenly getting super flustered, not wanting to look at him any more. 
“Thank you.” They turn around to give him some sort of privacy “I can go back in the bathroom, and give you some room.”
Warrior's eyes scan over their body, taking it in completely. He wasn't expecting Enno to look as perfect as they do in his clothes but he forces himself to look away. 
He tosses on a plain shirt, ignoring the thoughts in his head and the blush on his face. He stands. "No need. I'm good now."
Enno relaxed and instantly flops onto the bed. 
“Thank god.” They look another way, still blushing from seeing him.TheyI didn’t want to think about him being shirtless. But there he was… in their mind’s eye.
Warrior doesn't hesitate to follow their example and jumps into his bed. He lands next to them. "You ok?"
“Define ok.” They turn back to face him, a bit shy. “You’re very handsome. Kinda took me out a bit. Sorry. I didn’t mean to stare at you.” 
Enno’s eyes dip into the space between them. They don’t want to invade his personal space despite asking for cuddles earlier. They didn’t think about how quickly he agreed to it. They were simply minding their distance, hoping they didn’t ruin everything.
Warrior takes a moment to process their words before he realizes what they were talking about. His ears turned a bit pink and he bit his lip at the thought. "Oh."
"Well..." Warrior tilts his head, looking at the ceiling as he says this. "For what's it worth, you were too stunning for me to finish fast enough. I would have been properly made up otherwise."
He looks back at you. "I don’t particularly mind the staring if it's you. You're not like every stuck up, hosehead that was in that party. I trust you."
Enno reaches over, taking his hand. They’re not convinced. They’re still worried that he might make a connection between them and Cia. The thought terrifies them.. “I am happy you do.” 
They play with his hand, fiddling with them. “Truly…” They sigh but smile “Now I was promised cuddles?”
Warrior grins and scoots himself closer to their body. He's quick to wrap his arms around them, nuzzling his head gently into theirs and intertwining their legs together. "You were indeed."
He adjusts himself a bit so that he's not on top of Enno or crushing them. A hand of his comes up and plays with their hair, lifting it and letting it fall. "I can get used to this."
He yawns.
Enno wraps their arms around him, nuzzling into his shoulders. 
“I hope you know that I won’t sleep, even with cuddling.” They poke his cheek.
"Hm... and why not?" He says by their ear. "....You know there's a lot of things I can say here that would probably end up with me getting smacked."
He chuckles and pokes his nose against their cheek. "Just relax and stay here until morning. It'll be alright."
He still gets smacked gently, “Shut up you.” 
Enno also adjusts themself so that they’re holding him better and playing with his hair instead. “You need your beauty sleep so you can’t claim we were doing anything.”
Warrior laughs a bit louder and holds them tighter as a result. He leans into their touch and sighs contentedly. His eyes flutter close and he smiles blissfully. "I wouldn't have dreamed of it."
Enno doesn’t respond as they start to think about his adventure and their situation again. They were brushing his hair as a mild distraction. It was hard to control their thoughts from going down that line but at least it kept him from looking up to seeing a far off look on their face. The less questions he asked the better. Enno hoped that he would sleep soon. They suddenly didn’t feel safe with Cia around in the castle but they didn’t want him to know that.
Warrior frowns and his eyes open a bit. "Are you sure you're ok?"
He nuzzles them closer. "No one can get in here unless I let them. So you don't have to worry about anyone seeing this. It's just you and me. Not even Cia would break down that door or the windows. I made sure of it."
“That’s- I don’t think she can’t be beaten with just a lock on the door or window.” They sighed into his hair. 
Warrior huffs and turns to murmurs into their hair. "The lock is magic. Cia tried to get in once because I overslept for a meeting. She couldn't get in. It’s ok. Is that what you’re worried about?"
“I’m…fine…” They don’t sound confident enough in their own words. “It’s just….”They pull away a bit to look Warrior in the eye. “Has Pinky told you how we know about all of your adventures?”
He takes a deep breath, the silence falling over the two of you like a blanket.
"Oh...Yeah" Warrior stretches. "Pinky said a lot. Like moving pictures with sound for story telling."
He yawns again, snuggling into their shoulder. "She said you knew all our stories."
"So..." They pause, slowly going back to brush his hair "You’re ok with this? With us? I don't want to lose the trust you have in me."
"You haven't done anything to lose it." Warrior mumbled, not even moving his lips to speak. He was being pulled under by their touch and soon his breaths even out and he falls asleep.
"Go to sleep." They adjust him so he is laying on top with his head on their chest and continue to brush his hair. Enno waits for him to fully fall asleep. They weren’t that tired to begin with.
Warrior had fully passed out beside them. The stress from the event, from Cia's and company's reactions and the overall attitudes from the nobles have worn him out. He has to keep a face for all of them but he lets go entirely in their presence.
Enno feels him relax deeper and lean into their touch despite his unconscious state.
If they looked close enough, they would be able to see him smile in his sleep.
If only things would have been just as easy as before they arrived at the castle.
Next Part
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
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──── 𝐌𝐈𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄 ˊˎ -
☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: bc @teyvatmoon mentioned having migraines in a reblog of my lil diluc post n I get them a lot too so here's something for a fellow Diluc enthusiast n i hope you feel better ♡ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: diluc 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none
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。・:*˚:✧。 diluc ragnvindr
♡ I can imagine that between running the Winery, working the bar at Angel's Share and being the Darknight Hero, Diluc's no stranger to stress migraines from time to time and so he knows just how to treat you.
♡ if you've got medication for them, he'll make sure that you take it; but if not, he insists you take some regular painkillers for your head. He'll give you plenty of water and will close the curtains tightly in the bedroom so that it's dark while you get settled down in bed.
♡ he'll join you and will hold you close with your head tucked under his chin, your face pressed into his chest to better block out the light that still creeps in slightly from beneath the heavy curtains, doing any little thing he can to accommodate your aching head. He also insists that you have plenty of water to drink in order to help you recover quicker.
♡ he's completely silent during this whole process, not wanting to do anything that would provoke any more pain and so the only noises from him are those of his deep and steady breathing as he holds you in his arms, hoping that it will coax you into relaxing so that you might be able to fall asleep while the painkillers do their job.
♡ one of his hands will come up to gently play with your hair and tenderly smooth this hand up and down just above the nape of your neck to try and help you unwind, to ease the stress from your body that won't help to relieve your migraine. All while he does this, he's pressing little kisses to the top of your head, to your forehead, your temple, right down to your brow before tucking your head beneath his chin again so that he can assure the light will not worsen the pain behind your eyes.
♡ he's a busy man, yes, but he truly thinks he couldn't be doing anything more important right now. Your well-being is of utmost priority to him and so he'll do whatever he can to try and help you feel better and it's in moments like these - when his busy day takes a pause and he can hold you in his arms - that he feels at peace and he's sure that these moments of respite with you are the reason behind his own migraines lessening as of late.
♡ in the end, you usually end up falling asleep like that and he can feel the pant of your steady breath puff against his chest where your face is buried. He'll pull back just enough to be able to look over how much more at ease you look once you've managed to rest and will reach out to trace all the features of your face that he's so enamoured by with the tips of his fingers, pressing soft kisses across your face and stopping at your lips before he lets himself rest for a while with you. He'll make sure that there's another dose of painkillers, plenty of water and some food prepared for you when you next wake up.
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☾ ⋆ ゚like my work? why not: ∘ buy me a coffee? ∘ commission me? ∘ join my taglist ∘ consider following/reblogging
🏷️@kingheinrey @darlingdoctor @aeonianarchives @mirroredpaladin
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sanscat0414 · 8 months
Love Hurts 2
Hawks X Reader
Scenario: You have a crush on Hawks but he loves another or so it seems. One day you learned that you have the Hanakai disease. Will you be saved?
Warning: Blood and gore
Here is Part 1.
H/n=Hero name
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For the past few weeks your Hanakai disease had gotten worse. You started from coughing less than ten times a day to coughing more than 30 times a day. Surprisingly it hasn’t hindered your work to much but you had to take more breaks inbetween. You did your best to avoid Hawks catching you coughing for the most part. What he did notice was that you were spending less and less time working. The commission wasn’t happy about it either, especially when they found out about your disease. They kept pressuring you to do the surgery and you insisted that you won’t. There’s a lot of things you’re willing to do for them but this is something they can’t force you. You had to give them a threat of leaving and exposing the whole commission to convince them not to tell Hawks. You hid who you in love it for the most part. No one really knew aside from the doctor and some higher ups in the commission.
Unlucky for you today you were patrolling with Mirko. It’s not so much that you hate her, it’s more about how jealous you were of her. Patrols went well up until a villain showed up. An in expected coughing fit was a missed. Thankfully you were able to get the villain under control before you started coughing. You excused yourself for a few minutes but Mirko was more perceptive than what her personality may make you believe. She followed you to a secluded alleyway where you started coughing up more blood and blood. You hadn’t noticed her until you felt a hand on your back rubbing back and forth. It took a few minutes to stop but once it did you said “I’m fine now thank you.”
“Who is it?” She asked plainly.
“What are you talking about,” feigning ingnoreance.
“It’s Hanakai right? Seen it a once or twice before.”
“Why do you care?” You said with a harsher tone than you mean.
“Because you’re a good hero. I have a tone of respect for you H/N. I wouldn’t want see you die like this. I always thought if anything you probably die in a blaze of glory or something heroic you know? Not that I wish that would happen.”
You just shook your head “it doesn’t matter. They’re not going to reciprocate it anyways. Please don’t tell Hawks. He’ll only worry and I hate for him to be off his game because of me.”
“Girl, how would you know that if you don’t try?” Mirko said encouragingly.
“Cuz they like someone else. All they talk about is yo- her.”
You finished your patrols and went straight home. For the next few weeks you started coughing small buds along with all the blood. It was kind of disgusting but at the same time reminded you just how much you cherished Hawks, so much so that you’re willing to die for your feelings. You stared going to work less and les. When you do, you patrol with Mirko, the very woman that stole your crushes heart. She was the only one who knew, and she kept quiet out of respect for you. Mirko had a small inkling of who it might be, knowing form what you told her it match up a bit to well to when she met Hawks and how it was around the same time that you said you started to have symptoms of it.
For the most part you avoid Hawks once it started to get even worse. Sure you texted him but always refused to meet him in person. You efforts of trying to make Hawks not worry had made him even more worried about you. You were his best friend after all.
Hawks tried to reached you multiple times but every time you ignored him. It was getting worse by the minute and last thing you want was letting Hawks see you in such a pathetic state. It’s a strange feeling looking at those yellow flowers bathed in your blood. They remind you of Hawks, he’s golden eyes shining with an everlasting hope and the crimson wings that made him look like an angel in your eyes.
Meanwhile as you stayed home coughing up. Blood and yellow flowers. Hawks was at a bar with Mirko chatting away about you.
“I just don’t get it. Did I make her mad?” Hawks ranted as he took another sip of alcohol.
“Don’ know. But maybe you should ask her man.” Mirko said back watching her bird friend drinking away his problems.
“I mean I been a lot more busy lately maybe she not happy that I haven’t been spending much time with her. I just wanna hang out like we use to.”
“Hawks be honest with me. Do you like H/N?”
“What kind of question is that?! Of course, I do! She my b-bestest friend in the entire world. She nice, she a great hugger, she puts up with all my bird tendencies. She even Cook me chicken and other food so I stay healthy. She’s the best!”
“Do you like like her,”
Hawks fell silent for a second only to change the subject “ Mirko your a woman, do know why H/n is avoid me.”
“Ask her in person then. Find her and ask her.” Mirko simply stated.
A few nights later you started to cough up more petals , sometimes even full flowers and blood. It’s was so bad that you couldn’t go to work anymore.
One night, you didn’t stop coughing you ended up calling Fatgum out of desperation and because you didn’t want to be alone. You knew Hawks was hanging out with Mirko that night as he invited you to come along to have some fun. You declined Hawks offered due to your health and because you didn’t want to be the third wheel. Fat Gum was the one few outside of the commissions and doctors who knew. Fat Gum found out how sick you were after a mission you two were on. He was a good at acquaintance of yours. He came faster than you thought. Seeing out badly it had gotten he rushed you to the hospital. The hospital called Hawks informing him that you were in critical condition.
“What?! Is H/N going to be okay? What happened?!”
He damn nearly dropped his phone but he was about to rush hospital only to be stopped by Mirko.
“What the F*CK MIRKO. I NEED TO G-“
“I know! H/N told me not to say anything but it’s Hanakai disease. Try to convince her to take the surgery or confess her love to a person and hope they like them back!” Mirko said before letting go.
“THANKS!” He yelled and rushed to the hospital to find you.
Hawks rushed to the hospital front and got your room number and dashed to your room.
“Y/n!” He said as he rushed to your side and held your hand.
You open your eyes to see him.
“You’re here….”Your voice was raspy, you were as pale as a ghost from all the blood you lost. You hated the fact that he had to see you like that.
“Mirko told me about what’s happening to you. Why did—“ he stopped himself from questioning you, he had to endure your survival first “Please take the surgery, feather. It’s not worth dying for someone who doesn’t even know how much they’re missing out.”
Here’s your choices:
A. Confess your love.
B. Take the surgery.
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msfantasy-anime · 1 year
Something Stupid
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Summary: Deku is in love with a villainess and says something stupid
Warning: Aged up, Deku is an adult hero, Smut, Minors DNI, profanities, manipulative, BJ, face riding, domination, sub Deku, squirting, dumbification
Part one - Masterlist - Tip Jar
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Cat and mouse is how you’d describe your relationship with Deku.
You would commit a crime.
He would chase you.
You would escape.
At first you hated him. That green freckled do-gooder always getting in the way of your next pay day. Ever since Deku stepped in, your burglary success has gone down quite dramatically.
You’re not quite sure when it happened, but one day you started to look forward to seeing that irritating crystal green eyes stare back at you with that intense ferocity he always did.
The way his muscles clenched around your form when he tried to pin you down.
The positions he’d put you in to stop squirming out of his grasp.
The commands he’d call would make you melt ever so slightly.
Your not quite sure when it happened. All you know is that one day you wanted to be trapped under those muscular arms, pinned into an impossible position as he make commands whilst pounding into your tight little hole.
There was something just oh so delicious about it all.
Corrupting the international hero everyone loved.
What would they think of their precious Deku sweating and whimpering under the devious villain as she milks him of all his essence?
These are the dirty thoughts that plague your mind regularly.
But atlas this is just a mere fantasy.
Deku would never sink to that level.
You will always remain at arms length… or so you thought.
It was just like every other night, you had stolen a precious relic and here is god-damn-Deku to save the god-damn-day.
This night you were really hoping not to see him.
You were holding The Koh-i-Noor, the maharaja had secretly commissioned you to steal the diamond from the English Sovereignty Exhibit which is hosted in Japan. This isn’t just some random pay-day, this is a middle finger directly to the English monarch and there was no way Deku is going to ruin this heist for you.
“I’ll give you one chance to return the diamond, do it now, or I won’t go easy on you.” Deku exclaims as electricity whips off his form. A playful gasp escapes your lips at his threat.
“Oh silly Deku, I’ll never want you to go easy on me. I’ll always want you to take me the hard way~” You coo as you dash across the roof onto the next.
“Must you flirt with every hero? I’m being serious, you’ve gone too far this time.” His teeth clench making his jawline taut in that way that makes you swoon inside.
“Now, now, don’t be jealous. My flirtatious are reserved for yours truely.” You turn around and flash him a cheeky smile and avoid his narrow kick into your frame. “Why would I flirt with anyone else? Your the only one I want to be pretzeled under your heavenly thighs.”
Making a mad dash for the staircase you make haste for the fire exit only to be pushed down onto the concrete below your feet. You splay flat across the floor as you take the impact of your fall, quickly kneeing into the ground ready to take off at a mad speed again, only for Deku to grab your head and push it back down.
You hold your arm out-stretched placing the diamond as far away from Dekus’ reach, back arching, hips high in the air. You feel Deku press his hand down onto your neck from behind to prevent your escape. His fingers stretched out the the relic you are holding onto in sheer desperation. You lock your legs around Deku and push your hips back into him to create some distance from the relic.
Deku groans as your ass slides across his crotch, his fingers quickly fleeting to wrap tightly around your hips and he unconsciously pulls your hips harshly back into his crotch once again.
A sudden blush shoots across your face.
Utter shock shrouds you as you finally feel and hear Dekus’ arousal.
More than that, he actually grabbed your hips and pressed it into his bludge for a second feel.
A sly grin spreads across your face as you lean over and look over your shoulder to see an very pink and embarrassed Deku pulling away from you.
“Oh god, oh my god, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” Panic fills him as he crumbles at his pathetic actions. “I can’t believe I just did that! Im so sorry!”
He falls back on his butt as you slowly rise onto your hands and knees, slowly crawling towards him like a hungry jaguar. “Oh Deku, you naughty boy!” Your laughter was teasing. Crawling between his legs, you begin to straddle him and continue your teasing taunts. “I can’t believe our precious hero just pressed his fat bulge into a villains ass, what would your fans think?” He began to whimper at your words as you began to slowly rut against his hips.
“I-I- d-didn’t mean too!”
You smile a the pitiful display beneath you. Deku looking incredibly pitiful as his hands wrap around your hips once again to add extra friction to your rutting. He begs for forgiveness whilst he is still whimpering and pressing his harden bulge against you. “My precious Deku, why are you lowering yourself to rubbing up against a villain? Are you not taking care of your needs properly?” He gives a shameful nod as he diverts his gave downwards. “There’s no need to be embarrassed, I’ll happily take care of you, just sit back and relax.”
Sliding off his lap you free his member from his suit, cupping his balls you rub them expertly in your hands, earning you an explicit moan. “Oh my, I didn’t realise how severe this case would be. You poor thing.” You wrap your hand around his raging boner and begin to slowly stroke him as you lock your eyes onto him. Placing his tip to your lips you give the smallest of licks. Deku rolls his head back and groans at the sensation. “I want you to look me in my eyes when I suck your cock for the first time.” He rolls his head back and looks at you.
Mouth widening, your mouth sinks on his veiny boner earning your Dekus s’ precious whimpers. Nose touching you pull your mouth back as Deku throws his head back once against, clutching the back of your neck, continuing to guide yourself along his shaft.
This was fun.
Your imagination could not have prepared you for the delicious sight before you. Your precious hero, clutching desperately at your hair, his face turning an impossible pink. His teeth gritting in desperation as you suck away at his weeping cock.
“Please- haft cum.” You nod and hum in agreement. Deku moans at the sight, his chest heaving heavy breathes. His muscles clench under the pleasure of it all as he releases his load down your throat. Swallowing eagerly you lick his tip collecting the final bead of cum adorning his shaft.
“You make me feel so hot, I’ve always dreamt of riding that gorgeous face of yours, do you mind?” Delirious from his unloading, he slides onto his back, waving for you to join.
Freeing your self from your confines you lower yourself slowly to Deku. He grabs your meaty thighs in haste and slams you into his mouth. Rolling your body down into his mouth you lull your head back at the sensation. His slimy tongue encircling your swollen clit, he sucks and nips at your box as you continue to ride his face. A warm sensation spreads across your thighs and crawls slowly up your abdomen.
“Deku your tongue feels so fucking good!” You praise, pressing your hips into his mouth. “Too fucking good!” You moan as a coil tightens in your tummy. Your so close to the edge. “Lemme ride your dick, I wanna ride your dick.” You whine as your squirm on top of his tongue. His fingers press bruises into your thighs, locking your pussy onto his face. “Mh-!” The coil in your stomach snaps releasing heat across your body.
Shuddering, Deku pulls his mouth away from your box and flips you onto your back. He grabs your ankles and drags your form to line himself up. He presses his tip to your slit and slides it along your sopping core. “Do you want me to fuck you?” He asks.
It was funny.
Too funny to hear the dirty words ‘fuck’ falling from his mouth and it was too funny that he’d had asked such a stupid question. A heavy laughter erupts from your lips at the absurdity of his words.
“Yes Deku. Incase you didn’t notice, I’m absolutely wet for you.” That’s all he needed to hear. Slamming his fat shaft down your tight slit. You choke on a moan as he bottoms your tight hole.
“S-s-so good.” He exclaims as he continues to pound into your weeping hole.
This scene was filthy.
You laying on your back as Japans number one hero holds you by your ankles, slamming his hard cock mercilessly into your sweet gummy cunt.
The cacophony of moans and groans that escape each other as you rut mindlessly into into one another, searching desperately for your highs. Using each other unapologetically.
Deku presses the back of your thighs into your torso as he begins to slam into you. The new angle pressing his thick dick into that sweet sponge spot. “Oh fuck Deku- your cock feels so fucking good, mh gonna fucking cum on you. Mh gonna cum.” You whimper as his tip rubs desperately against your special spot.
“Mh sorry- haft cum. Pulling out.” Your hands wrap around his arm, pressing painfully into his flesh.
“Don’t you fucking dare pull out.” You threaten, as your back arches, head throwing back at the coil retightening.
“Hafta cum- sorry!” Deku pulls out with a second to spare spraying his hot cum all over your stomach with a defeated groan.
Anger fills you as your orgasm rescinds back. You push Deku onto his back and straddle him. “Naughty boy! If you just came in me I would’ve had the best orgasm and could’ve just taken a pill!” A shameful blush cross his face and you begin to line up his member and slide down.
“Ah too sem-sensitive.” He squirms pitifully beneath you.
“Good!” You bite back viciously, as your hips slam down his lap at a delectable speed. His shaft rubbing against your sponge spot once again. Your orgasm is fast approaching. Looking down at Deku, he continues to mewl and squirm under your ferocious sex. “What is it?!”
“Too-too much!” He whines.
“Want me to stop?” He sniffles and shakes his head.
“Good. Then be a good little bottom and let me fuck you dumb.” A small cry escapes him at your words.
Poor precious pathetic little Deku. Whining how it’s too much, but moaning and rutting against your slick sex. It’s all too much. Seeing your precious little hero howling at the overstimulation. His eyes rolling back, the slight dribble that is escaping his mouth. Swear dripping down him.
It was so fucking unbelievably hot.
Your coil snaps harshly, a fire spreads ruthlessly across your abdomen making you come undone too fast. “Fuck!” You scream.
You coat Deku in your essence, your stickiness dripping down his thighs. The feeling of your fluttering walls clenching intoxicatingly. He looks up at your o face making him cream instantly on the spot.
Your hips slow to a halt as you come down from your high.
Both breathing heavily you roll off to his side and press a wet kiss to his lips, he leans into your mouth desperately.
“That- that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Thank you.” You whisper pressing another kiss into his cheek. “Same here.”
You tiredly move to stand only for your legs to wobble as you stand. You fix your costume and pick up the diamond once again you give Deku a small wave.
“Your not leaving already are you?” You swear Deku looked almost upset, but his voice remained neutral.
“Hafta- I can’t let you arrest me for a rightful crime” You pause looking at Deku one last time. “Don’t look so upset my little lamb- you’ll see me again I promise.”
“How could Japans number one hero let a low class villain escape with our precious diamond!” The museums director is sweating and yelling angrily. The hero’s representative sigh and message their temples.
“A heros protection does not guarantee any outcomes. We will investigate this matter and provide a incident report.” The directors fist slams into the table.
“Screw your incident report! I paid a lot of money for your failure of a service- oh Y/n! Thank goodness you are here!” Deku looks up at the familiar figure entering the room holding a tablet and one hand. “What does the security footage show?!”
His heart sinks in his chest.
“The feeds show Deku pursing the thief only for the cameras to malfunction soon after- IT confirms its impossible to retrieve further data.” The directors vein pops from his head, teeth clenching together an angry hiss escapes his lips.
“Get this useless hero out of here! I should’ve just hired Dynamight to begin with!”
“Director~ if I may. Deku saw and fought the villain himself. It would be best if Deku investigates the incident further rather than involving a second party in-“
“Non-sense. Dynamight has done excellent work for us in the past, the one time he wasn’t available for service this goes and happens.” The director grabbed the woman’s hands and began stroking it. “My dear Y/n I’m so sorry. I know how hard you worked on curating the English Sovereignty Exhibit only for some low life to come in and ruin all your hard work.”
“Fear not Director, I have full faith Deku will solve-“
“No! Deku, your fired! We are locking down the museum and contracting Dynamight first thing in the morning! Y/n my dear, please attend tomorrows contract meeting, I would like you to provide a report to Dynamight on the Koh-i-noor, please ensure you provide a full analysis on its significance and who may want it.”
The director takes his leave with his secretary in tow. You look towards a defeated Deku seeing his representative give him a small pay. “Head up, we can’t always win. Meet me in the car when your ready, we will drop you home.” She gives Deku a small smile and takes her jacket leaving you two in the room.
“I’m sorry for-“
“No need to be sorry my little lamb.” Deku whips his head up instantly, looking at your face his eyes drinking into your grinning face. You had placed a finger to your lips and point to the camera before moving your hand out in front of you. “I’m sorry things had to end this way. Thank you for your services, I trust we can continue working together another time.” She says teasingly.
Deku shakes her hand, feeling a small chip being pressed into his palm. She yanks his arms forward, leaning into his ear she whispers. “Hold onto our tape for me.”
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Secret Partner
Keigo Takami (Hawks) X Reader
Alright so I just started watching season 6 of My Hero Academia. I know I’m way late to the party and I know that there may be 100 different ways that this idea has been written but I honestly can’t get it out of my head so I thought that I’d let you guys have it.
So you know that one scene where Dabi says Hawk's real name and he’s shook to his core. Imagine if he was worried for a completely different reason…
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🪶 You’ve been dating Hawks for years before this even happens, he’s been so careful with you, unfortunately there’s nothing that he can keep from the Hero Commission but you are a secret from other heroes and the public. 🪶 When he took the undercover job he was worried about you, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to check in with you, he wouldn’t even be able to fly by and check that you were okay. 🪶 It was all for your safety and he thought that it was working, that is until Dabi says his real name with such confidence and venom. 🪶 There were so many thoughts in his head, all jumbles and running through his head at high speed but he sticks on one. What if they know about them? 🪶 His only goal then becomes ending the fight and apprehending all of the villains in this building to make sure that you're safe. However we both know that doesn’t happen and he ends up in hospital instead.
🪶 Now with you who had been far enough away that there was no need for evacuation so after everything was over you waited for a call that you never got. 🪶 No one was going to tell you what happened the Keigo because no one knew that they needed to so you were left in limbo until the reports started coming out reporting those who had died or been injured, that was how you found out that he was injured badly. 🪶 You can’t go and see him so you have to wait until he contacts you or it’s reported that he succumbed to his injuries.
🪶 When Hawks finally woke up, he takes note of the fact that he’s in a hospital room, then his eyes frantically move around the room. 🪶 Of course you weren’t there, The Commission wouldn’t be that good to him, he knows that they probably haven’t even told you what his condition is, he could only hope that you were okay. 🪶 After finding out that the information that Dabi got was from his mother, he was relieved, she knew nothing about you, so they knew nothing about you, however he realised that in order to keep you safe he needed to at least tell someone that existed and how important you were to him. 🪶 Now he was finally able to see you, he had Jeanist take him to you. 🪶 After waving Jeanist off with a promise to call once he was done, he used the key you had given him to get into your house. 🪶 He could hear the shower, that must have been where you were but as he got closer he could hear you crying, his heart seized for a second as he thought about all of the worry and stress he had left you with. 🪶 When he was finally face to face with you, you hadn’t actually got into the shower; it seemed your hand was wrapped around a necklace that he had gotten you, one with a feather pendant that looked a lot like his smaller feathers did. You’d gotten a K engraved onto it after he had given it to you and you never took it off. 🪶 When your eyes connected with his you stopped breathing he waited for you to take a breath and when you didn’t he prompted you to, the tinny, robotic sound bouncing around the room. 🪶 “You're still hurt.” that’s the first thing that you say, he can tell that your afraid to get any closer, to touch him. 🪶 He steps forward taking your face in his hands and he feels like he can breathe properly for the first time since he woke up. 🪶 He lifted his hands to take the modulator off his face “Babybird, thank god you're okay.” His voice was rough and deep, almost completely unrecognisable. If you weren’t looking at him you’d have thought someone broke in. 🪶 “Me? You're the one that really got hurt.” “Occupational hazard.” “I kind of hate it.” 🪶 He spends the rest of the night with you, he can’t work at the moment so there was nowhere else for him to be. He just got you used to touching broken body and reassuring you that you weren’t hurting him while he put your broken mind back together and promised that he wasn’t leaving you.
Alright that’s all folks, hope this is worth something to someone because it was clogging up my brain in a very unhealthy way so until something else in season 6 gives me some kind of feeling…
This whole season is just me going (Insert character here (usually hawks or Dabi)) no! (Insert Character here(usually hawks or Dabi)) Yes! No idea how I'm going to write the guard dog series while still emotionally compromised stayed tuned it'll be back soon
Request Here!!
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clickerflight · 1 year
The Lion and the Mouse - Part 1
I remember reading asops fables as a kid and reading the lion and the mouse. I remember being disappointed that they didn't linger on either of the character's capture. Anyways, this one is inspired by all of the hero villain whump I like to read, Lion and the mouse, and I wanted to try my hand at tiny whump.
Content: There's some heavy stuff here. Tiny whumpee, creepy whumper, temporary character death (twice), strangulation, broken neck, reference to past deaths, hoping for permadeath, non sexual nudity, dehumanization. There will be a happy ending at the end of all this.
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Vigil hated taking commissions, but he had to. If he didn’t he’d be moved from a vigilante classification into a Hero classification, and the paperwork and hoops heroes had to deal with were all too annoying for Vigil to get into. Instead, he did the bare minimum of accepting a commission once every three months and got it over with as quickly as possible. Easy jobs. Sneaking in and getting some information the heroes couldn’t get, bagging a criminal with slightly less moral techniques so the heroes could keep their image. That sort of stuff. 
Of course, this time, Vigil put off taking a commission until he had to take literally whatever came his way next, and of course it had to be this stupid team for a long term deal. 
The team consisted of five heroes, and all of them, from the leader down to the sidekicks, were all pretentious and ‘righteous’. Pompous hypocrites, the lot of them. Vigil wished he had someone he could have taken with him for all of this. He had heard of the kinds of things they did to the villains they were supposed to rehabilitate, and while he was a part of the Eastern Vigilante Union and they’d keep an eye out for him, it still made him very nervous. Florence never came back the same. Vigil heard that he was still camped out in the forest outside the cities where he hoped the heroes wouldn’t find him again. Gave up the whole villain thing, sure, but at what price.
Vigil got his visitor’s badge from the secretary and headed on up. He was wearing some of his suit, unable to convince himself to leave it behind. Which of course got a comment immediately. 
“Hey, Vigil. Nice outfit. You do realize today is just a planning meeting, right?” Nautilus said as he caught up with Vigil in the hallway. 
Vigil rolled his eyes. Nautilus was one of the heroes he didn’t hate outright, but he was still an arrogant pain in the backside.
“Doesn’t matter,” Vigil replied, sweeping down the hall at a pace that forced Nautilus to rush to catch up. 
“Touchy! What’s got your panties in a twist?”
Vigil decided not to respond to that, simply turning to enter the conference room where the leader of the team, Technical, waited for him. There was a young hero sitting next to him, a sidekick or apprentice Vigil didn’t know the name of yet. 
“Morning, Vigil,” Technical said, raising an eyebrow at him. “Expecting an attack today?”
Vigil sighed and sat down in the office chair. “I’m dressed down, I'll have you know.”
Nautilus snorted and took another chair. After a minute or two of silence, the others came in. 
The heroes all sat down and the briefing began. 
It was going to be a long mission. One with lots of stake outs and figuring out who was in charge of a syndicate of people who were trading in illegal goods. 
“You should be able to handle it, right Vigil?” Leshy said, looking the vigilante up and down doubtfully. 
Vigil sighed heavily. “You’re the one who commissioned me, okay?” 
Just imagine the money at the end of this. Long missions means big rewards. Long missions means big rewards. 
Vigil repeated that silently in his head every time he got a strange look or snide comment. That was, until he heard something strange behind him. 
He turned to find it, ever alert to danger. Behind him was a countertop, and there was a sturdy looking box there with holes along the bottom. Something flesh colored was pressed against the holes, just barely visible. 
The others looked where he was watching as well, Technical clearing his throat a little to try and get his attention again. “Don’t mind that.”
The sound came again and Vigil recognized it as a groan, though much higher pitched than he was used to. “What is that?” he asked, turning back to Technical. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Technical replied firmly. “Leshy, would you?”
“Yeah,” and with that, Leshy stood up and took the box out of the room. 
Vigil didn’t see the box again until after a couple of missions where they hunted down goons and figured out who was their boss and then found those people’s bosses and so on. He was waiting in Leshy’s personal office, working on some paperwork when he noticed something. There was a faint spot on one of the papers on the desk. On a hunch, Vigil looked around and pulled out his light that would make dried bodily fluids shine. Sure enough, there was splatter everywhere. All over the desk, on the walls, on the floor, on every counter. 
Vigil stood up, feeling unclean even just standing in the room. He turned and spotted, on top of a cabinet, the box. It glowed in the light and, as he watched, something poked out of the hole. It took him a moment to recognize it for what it was, but after a moment, he realized it was a very small finger. 
Vigil didn’t really think. He just left, leaving the unfinished paperwork sitting on Leshy’s desk behind him. 
Vigil couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t understand. All he could think about was that tiny finger, proportioned like an adult’s, poking out through a hole in a box. He felt like he was going to be sick all of the time. 
Especially when he saw that box. Apparently everyone except the youngest traded it around like it was some school pet that needed to be watched over on the weekends. Vigil couldn’t stand to look at it when it came out, especially knowing that there was something living in it. 
So, like a coward, he ignored it. 
Kai curled up in the box, leaning his face on his knees. He was getting too big for the box again. He shuddered, feeling his spine brush the side. He wished he could stop growing back. He wanted to stay small. He didn’t care if he would be kept in the box forever, at least he wouldn’t have to die over and over again. 
He closed his eyes, keeping his sobs as small as he could. If they heard him, they would know to give him back to Leshy. The hero would ‘cut him down to size.’ He shivered again, his mind pulling up times Leshy had tortured and killed him over and over again like some perverse slideshow. 
And to think, he’d thought there’d be a chance of rescue. There had been a new voice around for a while, and Kai was pretty sure it was Vigil. He’d faced off with the vigilante a couple of times when he was free, and he’d seemed a decent enough person. 
But when Kai was alone in the office with Vigil, even after he’d miraculously managed to garner the vigilante’s attention, the man had gone very pale and left, taking his light with him. The light that showed every place in the room when he had been killed. 
Kai bumped his head against his knees, choking down another sob. He was going to be trapped here however long had been designated, maybe even longer. Leshy had threatened to keep him for as long as the government let him, and Kai had been a nuisance. He wasn’t high enough to warrant special attention, but he wasn’t low enough to get out anytime soon. 
And he couldn’t even die here. Well, he did. He died here every few days, but he couldn’t actually properly die. He wished he could. 
He was getting bigger. His back was pressed against the wall of the box and he lowered his head. He hoped this wouldn't be another time where he was left to suffocate in his own flesh until he died and got smaller again. He supposed he could make some noise and die a bit quicker but the idea of Leshy holding him down and killing him in some new way he’d concocted was almost too much to bear. 
This time he did sob out loud and one of the voices, which he had grown used to ignoring, chirped up. It was one of the sidekicks, he was pretty sure. “Leshy, I think he’d gotten big again.”
The sound of footsteps crossed the room and Kai willed himself smaller, imagining becoming tiny and harmless and not needing to be killed, but just like every time he tried, it didn’t work. 
He sobbed again as the top of the box slid open. There was a layer of mesh in between him and the outside world, and Kai had stopped trying to get it open months ago. 
“Yeah, looks like it,” Leshy said, sliding the lid closed and then lifting and carrying the box. Kai rocked with every step, trying not to imagine how Leshy would kill him this time. He hoped he’d just break his neck or crush his head. Something quick and easy. Something that wouldn’t last long. 
They entered the office and the box was opened. This time, Lesh reached in and grabbed him. Kai was maybe the size of a small cat, and certainly more harmless than one. He’d stopped struggling as that usually only made it last longer. 
Leshy sighed, like he was bored with this. Like there were better things he could be doing with his time. Kai sobbed once as he was laid down on a counter, Leshy rummaging in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a rubber band. 
Kai sobbed again as Leshy pulled Kai’s hair away from his neck. “No, sir, please, sir. Please, just crush my head, please!”
“Too messy,” Leshy replied, stretching out the band to go down over Kai’s torso to hold his arms to his body, wrapping another too tightly around his ankles to keep Kai from thrashing too much. 
“Please, please, no. Snap my neck, then. Please, s-sir, please! I’ll be good! Snap my neck please!”
“Too quick,” Leshy replied and he pulled the last rubber band over Kai’s neck. 
Kai sobbed openly as Leshy twisted the band, pinching skin and sending it back over his head. The third twist, though, silenced him as Kai began to suffocate. Leshy stepped back, grabbing his chair to sit and watch with a satisfied smile as Kai silently writhed on the counter, trying to breathe. He could see spots, his throat hurt so much he knew his windpipe was already crushed. The spots grew bigger and an instinctual fear that never went away no matter how many times Kai died rose up inside him causing such desperation that it felt like a physical creature trying to crawl out through his chest, ripping his flesh and mind with terrifying claws, making the world inconceivable and-
Kai awoke. He was curled on his side, under a glass dome. He stared at the distorted world past the glass, shivering anxiously, He could see Leshy at his desk working. Kai swallowed and closed his eyes again, taking slower breaths. The rubber bands weren’t in the dome with him, probably to make sure he didn’t climb out the hole at the top somehow. Kai had tried that in the past and he’d been killed again, squished like a bug under Leshy’s palm. He’d woken up at about the size of a thumbtack. He’d actually tried to kill himself one more time so he could be even smaller than that and Leshy wouldn’t be able to see him that well. Then he could run and hide somewhere until he could find a way out. Leshy had caught him, though and trapped him in a capsule you’d get out of a toy vending machine at the front of a store. He’d even managed to make it into a necklace that the older of the sidekicks paraded around for the day. 
“You awake?” Leshy called across the room. 
Kai slowly sat up as an answer. His vocal chords were too small to make any noises that sounded like a voice, so he had to move but the effort seemed to take everything from him. In the past when he would wake up he would feel full and hydrated and energetic again, but he hadn’t been fed in…. Well, since he got here, and while he still felt full every time he woke up after dying, he was getting more tired with each pass. He hoped that meant he would eventually die, but something within him warned that this wouldn’t be the case and he would just grow weaker and weaker until he could do nothing to even try and save himself. 
Leshy grunted as he got out of his seat and stared down at Kai, who only met his gaze for a moment before looking away, still partially curled up. 
“Oh, don’t act like that. It’s not like I haven’t already seen everything,” Leshy said mockingly, laughing when Kai curled up more. 
Leshy lifted the dome and grabbed Kai, his hand wrapping around Kai’s whole body save for his feet and head. Kai held very still as Leshy looked down at him with a hum. 
“You were supposed to leave us a week from today, but I let them know that you wanted to stay for a bit longer,” Leshy said, a feral grin spreading on his face as he gave Kai a threatening squeeze. Kai’s muscles seized with panic and he closed his eyes, holding his breath, praying that Leshy wouldn’t squeeze harder. He didn’t want to spend the next three days with broken ribs. 
“You have another, mmmmm 2 months with us, dear flea.”
His hand relaxed and Kai sucked in a breath that quickly turned into hyperventilation and desperate twitched as he tried to free himself. 
“I’ll have to sit down and plan some real fun things to try out. I’m sure I could think of 25 entertaining ways to watch you die, right?”
There was a knock at the door as Kai dissolved into tears and Leshy sighed, putting him back under the dome and calling, “Come in!”
Kai curled up as small as he could, sobbing harder, letting it all out in wails that no one could hear. 
At least, he thought no one could hear. 
“What’s that buzzing?” Vigil asked.
“Ignore it. Just an insect.”
Kai grabbed at his hair, staring blankly at the counter in front of him. Just an insect, worth nothing but the entertainment value of his death. Just an insect, just an-
There was a large eye staring in at him and then Vigil flinched back. “What is that?” he asked softly, leaning forward to look again. 
Kai slowly uncurled and twisted to look up at Vigil, whose mouth was open in shock. 
Kai knew Vigil couldn’t hear him, but he mouthed ‘Help me,’ as big as he could. 
Vigil stared at him and Leshy sighed. “You remember Kai, right?”
“Kai? Kai Gordon? That’s him?”
“Yeah. Did you ever get the chance to see him become smaller.”
“Can’t say I have,” Vigil said cautiously. 
“I’ll show you. It’s cool.”
Kai whimpered in a voice only he could hear, scrambling back as Leshy came over. When the dome was uncovered he lunged to get away but was caught all the same. He struggled hard. He didn’t want to be tiny again. He’d gotten used to the three day starvation periods, he didn’t want to have to go six days again. It was too much!
Leshy pinched Kai’s head and the last thing he heard was a horrified sound from Vigil. 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Vigil screeched. Kai was dead and limp in Leshy’s hand, his head hanging at a very wrong angle. The villain was completely naked and obviously terrified before Vigil had seen the life leave his eyes.
“It’s fine,” Leshy said, rummaging in a drawer and pulling out a capsule. “Watch.”
Kai’s body was shrinking and when it was small enough, Leshy shoved it in the capsule, closed it, and let Kai finish in there. 
“He’ll be healed and awake in another minute or two. It’s how we keep him easy to contain,” Leshy said with a shrug. “Better than trying to keep him alive and him finding ways to kill himself so he can go small and escape. We control when and where he becomes small. Easy.”
Vigil didn’t respond. He couldn’t. How were you supposed to respond to that? He glanced at the capsule, rigged with chord and a necklace clasp and Leshy smiled. “Do you want to wear him for the day? He gave you a nasty beating once or twice, didn’t he?”
Vigil had to act quickly. “Oh, yeah, sure. Serve him right, I guess. I was just worried you were going to get in trouble for killing him was all.”
“Yeah. Go ahead, then. Bring him back at the end of the day. He’ll be big enough to go into his box.”
Vigil nodded, carefully picking up the capsule and, with a very sick feeling in his stomach, hanging it around his neck. 
“Have fun,” Leshy called, distractedly looking up from his paperwork as Vigil left. If he noticed or cared that Vigil didn’t respond, he didn’t show it.
Part two
@whumpsday I think you wanted to see this
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