#Dc prompt
alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Duke, new to the family, awkwardly entering the kitchen where various members of the Waynes are hanging out/baking/drooling over the baking: Uh… random question, is Tim dating someone?
Steph, all her training focused on stealing baked goods: oh yeah he’s got a boyfriend, why?
Duke, just wanted a book, utterly disgusted: I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t outing him if I told you he’s currently defiling the library.
Jason, slamming down a bowl of brownie batter: he’s fucking WHAT-
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florisa6s · 18 days
a idea- mainly Bruce
I like the idea of Bruce being really weird and random at the most surprising times just to mess with people and Damian, Dick and every other kid sadly got that trait too.
Damian: as a child of divorce-
Talia: me and my beloved is not divorced.
Clark: Bruce why didn't you say anything about them?!
Bruce: What they look at me first it's not my fault I'm a snack
Clark: Bruce you have kids.
Bruce: A Dilf snack
Clark: No!
Bruce: Listen as the hottest one here-
Hal: What you not that hot-
I swear all his kids got this trait from him, they watched and learned from the best so they all do it too
Jason: one time I got stuck in a hole for months
Roy: A hole why'd you get stuck-
Jason: I kinda like....died so yeah kinda got stuck in a hole for months I'm lucky they didn't cremate me.
Dick: if Damian ever had a date I'd kill them
Wally: Dick you can't just kill someone because-
Dick: if anyone lays a hand on my baby brother they are dead.
Wally: I thought bats don't-
Dick: I'm not a bat I'm a big brother first.
Tim: why did my camera break? It lasted two years falling off fire escapes and getting shot at but it died when I knocked it off my desk...why did it have to leave me in this cold cold world...
Steph: are you sure he was only supposed to take 2 pills?
Cass: *shrugs*
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medusas-graveyard · 1 month
Bruce Wayne has a new adoptee that quickly stole the hearts of Gothamites for his personality. The birds gains a new baby brother that doesn't like to fly. The joker finds a new plaything.
Danny receives a mutilated crow and a smile on his birthday.
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There should be more Justice League/Superbat fics where most heros arent really sure if Batman is even real or only know him as
"Supermans Demon Boyfriend Who Hangs Around And Can Be Convinced to Help The League Sometimes"
with like full weird off putting batman who sticks to the shadows and moves with all the wicked grace of an executioners axe and definitely an alien comforting but to bright to look at for too long Superman
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cripskis · 7 months
if danny was in the justice league, you CANNOT convince me that him and Shazam wouldn’t screw with the other leaguers. like, they’ve both “technically” been around for millennia. there is not a universe in which they wouldn’t exploit that for The Memes™.
“Hey Phantom, you remember that party that Julius threw? Total rager. Can’t believe Calpurnia is still up and kicking.”
“Shazam, my dude, Calpurnia is a band. Miss girl is long gone. But no, yeah. Kinda missing that weird cheese they had. Want me to fly over to Rome and grab some? Worth it, honestly.”
“Ooh, get me some of that weird chip dip stuff too. The one he dumped on Antony.”
Meanwhile everyone else in the watchtower meeting room, having an aneurysm: “Julius… Caesar…?”
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caicie · 16 days
Dick stared at the ceiling fan. It spun, slowly but surely turning, ever ignorant of the world around it. It spun, regardless of the ribbon tied on the third blade, regardless of the breeze blowing in the window, regardless of the winter chill almost making his breath visible. The ceiling fan spun and the world spun and Dick couldn’t comprehend it.
The front door opened. Footsteps pattered into the hallway, past the kitchen and into the living room where he was laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling fan. The footsteps stopped for just a minute, before walking over to the window and sliding it shut. The lock clicked into place and a hand reached up to turn off the fan. Dick waited until it ceased any and all motion before tearing his eyes away from it.
“Have you eaten?” Tim asked.
Dick pried his mouth open, ignoring the awful taste that spoke of dehydration, “I…”
Tim waited a minute before accepting that was all he would get in response. He nodded, turned around and walked out of view. Dick watched him go with a pit in his stomach. A fourteen year old shouldn’t have to do the things him and Bruce made Tim do. Tim was too good. Too young. Too innocent. Except he wasn’t innocent because Bruce was breaking him and Dick was letting him and they were poisonous vines, weaving their way into Tim’s life, sucking the life out of him. Just like they did with Barbara. Just like they did with Jason. God, Jason. His baby brother, who was scared and suffering and died, all without Dick knowing.
“Dick,” Tim nudged him with a foot. Dick blinked, registering the water bottle and microwaved food in Tim’s hands. When had he had time to do that? Dick blinked again and he was sitting on the couch, food on his lap and opened water bottle in his hand.
Tim handed him the lid and a fork. “Drink and eat.”
Dick mechanically took a bite. Then another. Then a sip of water. He turned to look at Tim. His eyes were clouded and bruised, with his lip sporting a bloody cut that made Dick want to cry.
“Bruce?” Dick asked, voice raspy.
“Locked in the cave.”
Dick hummed, leaning over to bump his shoulder against Tim’s. He pressed his lips into the side of Tim’s head in the mockery of a kiss, trying not to remember doing the same thing to another little brother.
“Thank you. I’m sorry.”
Tim ducked a little to slide into place perfectly cuddled up against Dick’s side. “‘S okay. It’s always hard on the anniversary.”
Dick’s eyes watered. “It’s not okay, baby bird. You shouldn’t be…” looking after two grown men just because they can’t get their crap together.
“I’m sorry,” Dick said again.
Tim pressed closer. “Okay.”
Dick closed his eyes and thought absolutely nothing was okay.
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jaybirbie · 10 months
With the official crowning of the Infinite Realms new King. Fright Knight can finally retire. Thousands of years he has waited for this moment, to finally rest.
But first he must find a suitable replacement for his new king whom he had admittedly grown fond of.
But Whom?
The answer was quite simple. Just as he had been trained long ago to prepare for his potential fate. Having been bestowed the duty by his own ancestor. Who had been chosen herself by the previous, on and so forth.
His bloodline, an heir. He was sure it held strong. Protecting their doorways and preparing for the next Chosen weilder of the Soul Shredder, protector of the High King.
The Next Fright Knight.
After informing his new King of his temporary leave. He entered the Royal Library to follow along his family tree and remind himself of the name he had long since been summoned away from.
And from the looks of his descendants only one met the criteria he was searching for.
18, Male ( his time around his new King had certainly been enough to gleam where his..interests lie and being the same age should help smooth the reaction of his new King when he finds out)
If you are to be soul bound to one enother for the rest of your existence, it is a benefit to appeal to one another afterall.
Now, he must simply shred the soul of Damian Wayne and bind him to the sword.
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satoshy12 · 4 months
After Danny was hit by the invetion of his parents, he turned to a child or toddler and needed someone to take care of him. So Vlad promised to take care of Danny while his parents worked to fix what they did. Well,  Tiny Danny didn't like Vlad. But as Vlad promised him to take him with him around the US, Danny joined.
Well, Vlad lost Danny, or better, Danny flew away after a short time. - At least the boy was Phantom as he fought against the aliens. Danny loves it! He should go outside more!! He met so many cool people and fought many new villains, even if most didn't attack back. +
Vlad, at the start, didn't notice that Danny was gone; only later did he see him on TV. Well, what is the worst that will happen? + Danny leaves Vlad when he sees something funny and returns when Vlad is back and taking a nap. And Vlad could take care of his work while it was there; other than the GIW, nothing could hurt him as Danny has his full memories too!! They/GIW/Ghost Hunters can't be that stupid to shoot a toddler in public where they can't cover it up, right??
Well, surprise!!! They are, as he watched TV and saw it on the news. Thankfully, Hero came, and Danny is back, but it is time to leave.
And the Public is pissed, he seem to have forbid Danny from flying out of the Building till they move again.
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flame-343 · 4 months
What if clockwork had HUGE beef with the flash family? They slow down time or travel back and forward in time and it just ruins all his hard work. At the beginning, it was ok but after five years? No, just no. Now the justice league has to summon Danny to make political connections, but after the summoning Danny is just gon smacked and asked flash to sign something, when asked why Danny just says "you and your entire family pissed off the controller of time and timelines. He isn't allowed to because ghost writer won't allow him, so he has been planning your lives after you die, he has a HUGE grudge with you guys, you're like celebrities". And flash? He has a new love for being alive and absolute terror for when he dies
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
You know what would be hilarious.
Trans Batman accidentally convincing Gotham that the batclan are like clownfish.
This is helped along when Red Hood comes onto the scene and is later also revealed to be a batclan member.
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Tim gets his hands on Jason’s helmet and hacks the voice modulator to sound like Hatsune Miku.
Feared crime boss Red Hood uses it anyway.
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florisa6s · 2 months
A idea- bats/ mostly Jason
Do you think as a crime lord Jason ever gets people putting hits on the bats asking him to kill them.
They pay him to kill Nightwing, and you just have Dick and Jason setting up a whole bloody scene and taking photos as 'proof' Jason killed Nightwing. (They put the discowing in the middle all bloody)
Then if any of them payed him to kill Damian he would get so angry and defensive immediately killing them or just maiming them really badly.
I think Jason keeps count on who gets the most hits on them just so he can brag about who's the most annoying or killable.
He definitely would keep the photos the people have of all the bats because it's always low quality and funny.
I can see Jason getting payed to kill Batman which will lead to a week or two of Jason trying to kill Bruce but in all honesty it's more playing.
Jason: hey B
Bruce: hey Jaylad, I didn't know you stayed last night
Jason: yeah I came about an hour ago
Dick: so is anyone going to mention how you just stabbed B?
Jason: tch no I didn't stab him it's just a knick
Dick: he is bleeding, it's stuck in his side!
Bruce: come on Dick he's just playing
Jason: Yeah you heard him I'm just playing!
*Damian in the background absolutely furious that Jason doesn't get punished when he stabs people but when Damian stabs people suddenly that's a problem!? It's just friendly bonding*
Ps: Dick's the one with the most people trying to kill him via assassin.
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evilminji · 11 months
:T Hello there, Thought(tm) of the day...
I? Just remembered that Constantine's "Laughing Magician"(?) title is... f*ckin HEREDITARY?
Like?? As in The Constantine Meances have been out here, harrasing divinity and demons alike for GENERATIONS on behalf of a Good Time, the Lols, and probably Humanity if they can be arsed and you make a good case.
W... What chance would there even BE of at least like? HALF those f*ckers(conflicted but affectionate) NOT becoming Realms Ghosts? With the sh*t they're exposed too? With THEIR luck??
You think DEATH can trick them? Take them away for good? Take away the local Rat B@stard, Tricks Gods Just To See If He Can, Fate Is My Second Mistress and I Cuckold Glory On Your Mother's Bed, Constantine?
They run down main street, *ss in the breeze, wearing someone else's shirt and two shoes that don't match, not a stitch else, like run away lovers. Let Death TRY and catch them. Sorry, Luv, it's not them, it's definitely you.
..........I bet they're the wooooorst~~✨️
No joke, I bet they set up a whole *ss TOWN of Constantine.
Where the odds are in THEIR favor, gods fear to tread, and reality straight out stops working right. Like Diagonal Ally for B*stards, extended to a whole floating island. Everyone's related. It's Chaos. They can barely stand each other. Would sell each other for a toothpick.
Mess with ANY off them... and you can kiss your afterlife good bye.
They have NO neighbors because both no ones dumb enough to get NEAR them AND no one can stand to be around that many Constantines at once. The physical Manifestation of Fate wants to take the whole LOT of the handsy F*CKS to court for child support and a restraining order.
Somehow... they keep getting Earth Booze.
They SHOULDN'T have access. It's been anywhere from decade to centuries since they died. Millennium for a few. Howms't The F*CK, do they keep getting cheap gin and vodka? Bourbon and beer? Even the odd fruity cocktail for funnies.
Please... PLEASE! Tell the Zone at large, that their innate birthright powers STOPPED at Death. They... they are just REALLY good at smuggling right? Excellent con men?
Tell us they can't f*ckin PREDICT AND INFLUENCE Natural Portals!!!
*smug sipping noises from a large room full of Dead @ssholes*
Okay... They Won't Tell You~ 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
Now! I hear you ask? Why are John's Terrible, Terrible, God Awful Ghostly Relatives relevant? Absurdly powerful as they are... they seem to take the afterlife as an extended "Ha! GET F*CKED, DEMONS WHO WANTED MY SOUL!" Vacation/Family get together.
Minded their business and expected everyone to mind THEIRS, or ELSE.
Didn't give two solitary SH*TS that Pariah woke from his little nappy-poo to cause a tantrum. After all, in their family? When DOESN'T some "great and terrible Power That Be" get itself in a snit? Meh... it's baby Johnny's turn to clean sh*t up. Best of luck to 'im~!
They must've been drinking... making out with their equally terrible and bamf trainwreck significant others... sitting around playing "who can cheat best at cards"... when? Huh.
Never seen the Fate and The Odds... STRANGLE like that.
Billions of billions of What-Ifs, Maybes, Could-bes, and more... suddenly YANKED towards a single spot. The allowance of Only One Outcome. Almost like what they can do, but... not, WRONG, per say...
Just... impossible.
There's NEVER.. JUST one way this plays out. You can control the big notes. The script. But the details and set dressing will always decide themselves.
NO ONE can just... Decide What Will Happen. And yet?
...............was....... was that Little Johnny? Has to be. Right? Where's his old man? Oi! Was that your Kid??! John's closest relatives are baffled. Nope. They can still feel him laying a beat down on some demon in Norway. So then? Who?
Well mark them CURIOUS(tm).
They decide to actually get up. Put their various drinks and cards down. Put pants on. Somebody's done something... INTERESTING(TM) and they want to know what's up. So? Off they trot.
It's traumatizing for everyone who sees them. The Constantines have breached f*ckin B*stard Containment and are spilling into the Zone. On this! The DAY Pariah Waged A War! THEY JUST GOT RID OF HIM!
And Danny? His everything hurts. The Eyeballs are starting to come out of the woodwork and ARGUE about him like he's not even there. He's DANGEROUS blah blah blah. Give them the crown. Right now! Etc etc.
Somethings telling him not too.
It's... it's HIS isn't it? Has been for centuries and seconds. And... and... everyone one of him is King. There is only one of him. The Zone covers all the multiverse and all of the Hims that were and aren't here and helped and... and...! His head is starting to hurt.
But the more they try to push him to hand it over, the less he feels like unhanding the dang gaudy thing. No. His now. He'll use it as a DOOR stopper if he dang well feels like it! Stop yelling.
Then all these blonde ghosts saunter in... and all he can think is "F*ck. I think they noticed."
@stealingyourbones @cyrwrites @bjurnberg @the-witchhunter @hdgnj
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Justice League meet the Batfam au fic BUT the secret only gets out because Batman had a choice between staying quiet or acting on a truly golden opportunity to embarrass his son and like any father he chose embarrassment
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remarcely · 28 days
Rumors start when Batman is seen entering a room at Wayne Manor, halfway through a gala, and five minutes later a ruffled looking Bruce Wayne exits, hastily rebuttoning his shirt
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justsomebatfamstuff · 2 months
Prompt idea
What of instead ‘Depressed/Abused Tim with no inhibitor because of some drug and tries commit unlive, making Batfam realises they phucked up’ we got Tim who tried eating his phone or just doing every thought that just came to mind like,
And like so on, and by the end Tim’s phone has been smashed into bits, half of the medbay was destroyed, and Tim had to be removed from a watchlist for sending out nuke warnings as a prank.
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