#Healing Wands
ihatebrainstorm · 1 year
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"The Caduceus. Commonly mixed up with the Rod of Asclepius."
Guys I think it'd be really funny if Pharma and Ratchet had the same voice
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mrsthunderkin · 7 months
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When your arch nemesis is your ex-best friend and also your brother-in-law, you have to show you care as noncaringly as possible because you still wanna be cool.
Hyram appreciates Errol's approach to concern
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ask-elland-n-will · 30 days
11. What are your boys' fears?
[Elland's — death/serious injury to his loved ones; William's — being in pain/sick.
Elland's comes from how protective he is: making his family happy is a self-imposed goal of his, a reason to live. It doesn't mean he wouldn't let Cyrus make mistakes or that he will babysit William. But he is much rather be the one getting hurt instead.
William's is easier: poor lad is just horrified of physical pain. He has poor health as it is, got sick often as a child. Not to mention his legs injury that left him bedridden for a while (even with magic and potions, it was partially in his head, being in pain and depressed cause he couldn't compete, fearing he'd be in pain for the rest of his life — psychosomatic stuff.) He is fine now, none of that, it's been years, he is a sunshine and does not get stuck in the bad places for long. But he can't compete anymore because after a rigorous exercise his knees started aching again when Will tried getting back into it, and Will switched into Quidditch. Climbing stairs is not easy, and he cannot allow himself to run. But walking is fine.
He just hopes he'll never go through anything like that again. No pain, thank you! He had enough of that to last him a lifetime.]
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nouveaucrystals · 2 months
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Lovely faceted towers of Blue Owyhee Opal🩵
🩵 Shop 💙
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experimentjr · 10 months
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The Valkyrie known as "the purest" and "the pacifist" was finally redesigned!!! Known as the goddess of healing and has a seat in the hall of Vingólf.
She now finally looks like a norse healer!
In her living days, Eir had always been a care and kind soul, always treating with compassion even the most dangerous of creatures, befriending everyone that she crossed path with, and that reflrected on her village, filled with the most of amazing people. From the littlelest of elves to the largest of ogres and she managed to not only make peace among the villagers, but also between other villages and kingdoms, which evolved into such a gigantic kingdom of peace, it was used as reference for other villages and kingdoms inside AND outside Midgard. The news of Eir "The Pacifist" spread like fire, but one person did not like all this mixing of races and species, and that was Eir's supposedly best friend and right hand.
The man couldn't for his life accept any non humans and his so called "best friend" title was nothing more than a way to raise into power. His plan of assassinating Eir took place in her own room, at the dead of night and the culprit was none other than the monsters she wholeheartedly let inside her kingdom, or so the villagers heard from the right hand man. That led into an all out war against the magical creatures and the banning of them, making it a human-only kingdom.
As for Eir, she couldn't go to Valhalla neither Fólkvangr due to the way she died, but the gods were so impressed with her work in life, they gifted her the most incredible items in her journey to Helheim. Through the cold desert of Helheim, she never ever doubt her friend's trust, but instead, blamed herself for making him hate her and knew she would spent eternity with the guilt of losing her most closest friend, but her good heart and kindness led her to be welcomed to Helheim with utmost honors by not only Helgeisten, but Rán and Gefjon, deities of the dead, that gifted her with the eyes of the deities, able to go and see through all realms and inbetweens.
After finalling being able to return to Midgard, now as a Valkyrie, she wanted to see her friend and apologize for being such a bad friend to him, but upon witnessing her friend's true intentions, she cried rivers, blaming herself for not noticing her friend in his dark path, and flooded the surroundings of the kingdom, protecting the creatures from townspeople and creating a lake around her old kingdom. After the demise of the kingdom and death of the king in battle, she herself took him to Valhalla.
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natureselements · 7 months
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✨Custom wand for banishing and protection✨ Black Kyanite, Coyote bone, Clear Quartz- handcrafted with polymer clay and uv resin 🌿 Customs are open, send me a message or contact me via any of these platforms here 💚
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wolfgirlfloof · 6 months
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You're about to make it to Floor 6 for the first time with nothing but reserve operators? Impressive! And with such a powerful and highly synergistic set of relics too! And 1hp 40+ shields, that's enough to survive even a boss leaking! It looks like you're on track to win this run!
It would be a shame if your command level leveled up from the fight right before Highmore, giving you +1 hp and deactivating your 50aspd king's lance and lowering your damage output and causing Highmore to leak and obliterate your shield reserves and getting you killed fighting Skadi when you could've won if you had a bit more hp to stall with.
Sure would be a shame.
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dndtreasury · 1 year
Frozen Shard by Monkey DM
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antihibikase-archive · 9 months
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Poisonous Flower, Slater
Weapon: Fairy Lock (Wand) A peculiar wand in the shape of a key. Legends say that this wand opens the gates of the heavens. When used in battle, it increases the wielder's defense and special defense by one stage. This effect can only be used three times per battle.
Equipment: Destiny Knot A ribbon brooch part of the Plasma Harmonia Chorale's uniform, with a pearl sewn on by Slater. Hoennians believe that pearls carry the power of the sea. Cannot be unequipped. When a sound-based move is used, its effects target all enemies/allies on the field.
Abilities: Serene Grace, Healer Moves: Relic Song, Chatter, Sparkling Aria, Heal Bell
"A songster of Plasma Harmonia Academia's Aspertia City branch. Does not particularly excel in strength or studies, but is the star of his school's choir. His songs assist his allies in the battlefield. Born on 12/28."
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meridian59 · 6 months
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Looted From:
Troll (7%)
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bexxthehexx · 3 months
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aflo · 4 months
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the type of shit im on
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 7 months
found a second rock of life and this guy gave me an empty bottle for it so now I can fill the bottle with water from the healing spring and carry it around like the world's most inconvenient estus flask
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sylverra · 1 year
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Double terminated clear quartz mini wands at sylverra
Link above | $5 flat shipping all US orders | Free US shipping over $50
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healingislimitless · 9 months
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Three of Wands - (Smith-Waite Tarot Deck - Centennial Edition)
Hey Friends!
Happy Winter Solstice / Yule! Today is that special day that marks The Sun returning after the longest night of the year. The days only get longer from here! For many of us, it's a another beautiful cozy night in with friends and family. For others, it's a beautiful opportunity to honour Mother Earth in her darkest state, and honour the darkness and #shadow within ourselves. Remember your Shadow Work? What better day to sit and do some introspection than a day that celebrates bringing our inner light forward.
If we look at the figure in the Three Of Wands, he stands with his wands or staves and looks out over an empty valley. He himself is reflecting on his journey - where he's been, where he is now, and where he is yet to go. Notice how he holds one staff, while the others are behind him - he's recognized what has helped him get to this point, but now he needs to shed to make space for his journey ahead, and only keep what is needed. What he's holding on to, is his will - his will to move forward and push on. He's reminding us to wake up and be even 1% better than the day before in whatever way, shape or form that may be. Also, the colours of this card, his robe and the background make for the perfect Yuletide card don't you think?
Reminder this #Solstice to give yourself some downtime and check in with yourself. What is it you want to leave behind this year? Did you meet the goals you set at the beginning of the year? If so, what helped you get there? If not, what changed? What are your plans for the year ahead? How can you give more to yourself in the New Year?
Remember to take inventory of what you have and who you are. Enjoy time with yourself and your loved ones this Holiday!
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retta-creep · 10 months
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Готовлю к Новому Году ролик по Гарри Поттеру. Видео посвящено второй части игровой вселенной и будет выложено на youtube rettagames
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