#Heavy Lifting
pink-onyx-au · 8 months
Jasper, what's the heaviest thing you can lift?
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gnarlymarbles · 1 year
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projectbatman193 · 18 days
176,3Lbs Sandbag
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I'm getting there Bane!
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cjisfit · 3 months
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green kinda day 🌿🦎🌱
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sunnysunshineyogi · 1 year
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Lately I’ve just been working out for myself, I’ve been trying out different gyms right? I’ve worked in sales almost for the last 4 years until recently I changed fields. This sales guy is trying to get my why and couldn’t phantom the thought that I’m just working out for myself to feel strong and accept myself as I progress, for a long time. I would obsess over trying to lose ‘x’ amount of calories, starving myself and realized literally this month that I deserve to treat myself to the highest esteem, show up with no expectations, be consistent, make a plan that fits my needs/wants while still enjoying pleasures and not be litting myself to negative thought patterns. Anyways this is me currently at 182lbs, meal prep has been: basmati rice, ground beef, avocado, sweet potato (2) and veggies. Breakfast is either a smoothie, tea, coffee. or Biscuit (Ezequiel sprouted bread) eggs (farmers market) bacon (2 strips from grass fed grass finished) with dill or rosemary to top off, tea and coffee.
I find it that the simplicity always works let’s not over complicate food. 😩 I know I always did for such a long time.
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sexyvixen7 · 9 months
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(Source: Jensen Ackles Instagram Stories)
Super Strong!
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shirozen · 7 months
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Not a job to be taken lightly
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grappler-73 · 4 months
Ufff 140 kg (309lbs) in bench press.
I didn't even believe I could lift it, the other time I failed 135kg and today I was able to do 140kg
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Team work 🤭
more like this
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ungojirasapiente · 7 months
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a quick and funny drawing of Rocma lifting A FUCKING WHALE. ------ un rapido y gracioso dibujo de Rocma levantando UNA PUTA BALLENA. --- Ice Scream (and Rocma) by Funamusea
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euesworld · 1 year
"God knows I have had a lot of heavy lifting lugging this heart around, it's so heavy from all this love that I have for you.."
My heart weighs so much it has it's own gravitational pull, haha.. good lord that's a lot of love - eUë
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feralchaton · 11 months
Last song played or current song playing? 🤔And?🤫
Huge thanks to the tagging prowess of @not100purrcentadick and @mortifiedandawesome (didn't forget about you).
What's playing?
@night-swimming-society, @mizminx-musings @toskrinio @theredheadedhellcat @theresmorethanmeetstheye
Anyone & everyone welcome to share some music 🎶
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brainanalyse · 2 months
Ego Lifting Definition
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Did you know that ego lifting, the practice of prioritizing heavy weights over proper form, is a widespread phenomenon in gyms across the country? In fact, studies have shown that a staggering 80% of gym-goers engage in ego lifting at some point during their training routines. This means that the majority of individuals are putting themselves at risk of serious injury and hindering their progress by letting their egos drive their workouts.
Key Takeaways: Ego lifting involves prioritizing heavy weights over proper form in the gym. About 80% of gym-goers engage in ego lifting, putting themselves at risk of injury. Ego lifting can lead to muscle imbalances and hindered muscle activation. Finding the right balance between form and weight is crucial for optimal results. Lifting smart and prioritizing technique over ego-driven weights is the key to long-term success.
What is Ego Lifting?
When it comes to weightlifting, ego lifting is a term that often surfaces in the fitness community. But what exactly does it mean? Ego lifting refers to the mindset of prioritizing heavy weights and pushing for maximum strength at the expense of proper form and technique.
Many individuals engage in ego lifting because they believe that lifting heavier weights equates to superior strength and muscle gains. It becomes a competition with oneself or with others at the gym, as the focus shifts from effective training to the desire for validation or admiration.
Unfortunately, this mindset can have serious consequences. Ego lifting increases the risk of injury significantly, as lifting weights beyond one’s capabilities or without proper form places excessive stress on the joints, muscles, and connective tissues.
Source: Health & Fitness Magazine
“Ego lifting can be tempting, especially when you see others lifting heavy weights. However, it’s important to remember that proper form is crucial for long-term progress and injury prevention. Don’t let your ego dictate your training; focus on mastering technique first.”
Additionally, ego lifting often results in muscle imbalances and limited muscle activation. When form takes a back seat, certain muscles may become overworked while others remain underutilized. This imbalance can hinder overall strength development and limit the effectiveness of your training.
Ego lifting should not be confused with challenging oneself or setting goals to enhance performance. It’s about finding the right balance: lifting weights that are challenging but manageable without compromising form and risking injury.
Why Do People Engage in Ego Lifting?
There are several factors that contribute to the prevalence of ego lifting in the gym. In many cases, it stems from the desire to prove one’s strength or prowess to oneself or others. These individuals may seek validation and recognition from their peers and may mistakenly believe that lifting heavier weights is the only way to achieve this.
Moreover, social media has played a significant role in promoting the culture of ego lifting. With countless videos and images of people showcasing their impressive strength feats, the pressure to measure up and gain online recognition can be influential.
It’s essential to remember that the true measure of success in weightlifting lies in the ability to effectively target the desired muscle groups, maintain proper form, and progress gradually over time. Prioritizing technique over ego-driven lifting will not only prevent injuries but also foster sustainable long-term progress.
The Impacts of Ego Lifting
When it comes to weightlifting, many individuals fall into the trap of ego lifting, prioritizing heavy weights over proper form. However, this ego-driven approach can have negative impacts on both your physical health and overall training progress.
Increased Risk of Injury
Ego lifting often involves pushing your body beyond its limits, disregarding proper technique and form. This increases the risk of injuries such as strained muscles, sprained joints, and even more serious conditions like herniated discs. Pushing too hard to lift heavy weights can put unnecessary strain on your body, leading to long-lasting setbacks in your fitness journey.
Muscle Imbalances
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Hindered Muscle Activation
Proper form is essential for activating the targeted muscles effectively during weightlifting. However, ego lifting often involves sacrificing form in favor of lifting heavier weights. This can result in reduced muscle activation as your body compensates by recruiting other muscle groups to assist in the movement. Ultimately, this hinders the muscle groups you intended to target, limiting your gains and slowing down your progress.
To ensure a safe and effective weightlifting routine, it is crucial to prioritize proper form over ego-driven lifting. By focusing on technique and gradually increasing weights while maintaining good form, you can reduce the risk of injury, promote muscle balance, and maximize muscle activation.
Form vs. Weight: Finding the Balance
When it comes to your training routine, finding the right balance between form and weight is crucial for your long-term success. Proper form not only reduces the risk of injury but also allows for optimal muscle activation and growth. On the other hand, lifting heavy weights can help you challenge your limits and increase your strength. It’s important to strike a balance between the two to maximize your results.
By prioritizing form, you ensure that you are executing exercises with proper technique and alignment. This not only minimizes the risk of injuries such as sprains, strains, or muscle imbalances but also ensures that you are targeting the intended muscles effectively. Focusing on form allows you to engage the correct muscle fibers, facilitating efficient growth and development.
However, it’s equally important to challenge yourself with progressive overload and heavier weights to continue making progress. Lifting heavier weights stimulates your muscles to adapt and grow stronger. It’s a fine line to walk, as sacrificing form for the sake of lifting heavier weights can lead to compromised technique and potential injuries.
The key is to prioritize proper form while gradually increasing the weight over time. This ensures that you are constantly challenging yourself while maintaining the integrity of each exercise. By paying attention to your form and executing exercises correctly, you will not only reduce the risk of injuries but also optimize your muscle activation and growth.
The importance of incorporating proper form and weight balance:
“Finding the balance between form and weight is crucial for maximizing your training results. Prioritizing proper form minimizes the risk of injury and allows for optimal muscle activation, while gradually increasing weight challenges your muscles to grow stronger.”
Benefits of Proper Form and Weight Balance : Risks of Ignoring Form and Prioritizing Weight - Reduced risk of injuries - Efficient muscle activation - Targeted muscle growth - Improved longevity in training — Increased risk of sprains and strains - Muscle imbalances - Stagnant progress - Potential long-term damage
Striking the right balance between form and weight requires self-awareness, patience, and constant evaluation. It’s important to listen to your body, focus on proper technique, and gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable and confident with your form. Remember, it’s not just about lifting heavy weights, but about doing it safely and effectively for long-term progress.
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Lifting Smart: Tips and Techniques
When it comes to weightlifting, prioritizing proper form over ego-driven lifting is crucial for long-term success and injury prevention. Below are some valuable tips and techniques to help you lift smarter and maximize your training results.
1. Tempo Training
Tempo training is a technique that involves controlling the tempo or speed of each repetition. By slowing down the eccentric (lowering) phase and focusing on proper muscle contraction during the concentric (lifting) phase, you can enhance muscle activation and promote better form. Incorporate a 2–3 second eccentric phase and explosive concentric phase into your lifts to improve body control and build strength more effectively.
2. Progressive Overload
Progressive overload is the gradual increase in training stimulus to continually challenge your muscles and promote muscle growth. Instead of solely focusing on lifting heavier weights, aim to progressively increase the intensity, volume, or frequency of your workouts. This could involve adding more sets or reps, reducing rest periods, or incorporating advanced variations of exercises. Remember to maintain proper form throughout, even as you increase the challenge level.
3. Mind-Muscle Connection
The mind-muscle connection refers to the ability to consciously focus on and activate specific muscles during exercises. By developing a strong mind-muscle connection, you can ensure that the targeted muscles are properly engaged and working throughout your lifts. Visualize the muscle working, concentrate on the muscle contraction, and avoid relying solely on momentum or external forces to move the weight. This technique can enhance muscle activation, improve form, and prevent potential injuries caused by compensatory movements.
By implementing these tips and techniques into your training routine, you can lift smarter, enhance your form, and achieve better results. Remember, the goal is not just to lift heavier weights but to lift with proper form, ensuring safety and sustainable progress over time.
Overcoming Ego Lifting Habits
When it comes to weightlifting, it’s easy to get caught up in the desire to lift heavier and impress others. However, prioritizing heavy weights over proper technique and form can lead to a range of negative consequences. To ensure long-term progress and minimize the risk of injury, it’s essential to overcome ego lifting habits and shift your mindset towards technique and form.
One effective strategy for overcoming ego lifting habits is to focus on progressive overload. Instead of constantly trying to lift heavier weights, gradually increase the difficulty of your exercises by adding more repetitions, sets, or resistance. This allows your muscles to adapt and grow stronger without sacrificing form.
Another helpful technique is to incorporate tempo training into your workout routine. By slowing down the eccentric (lowering) phase of each exercise, you can enhance muscle engagement and control. This not only reduces the likelihood of relying on momentum but also promotes better mind-muscle connection and overall form.
“Your ego wants you to lift heavy, but your body needs you to lift smart.”
Additionally, focusing on proper breathing during your lifts can help you stay grounded and maintain better control. Take deep breaths in and out, ensuring a consistent flow of oxygen to your muscles. This can prevent unnecessary tension, which often occurs when ego takes over.
It’s also important to listen to your body and prioritize quality over quantity. Give yourself ample time to recover between workouts and pay attention to any signs of strain or discomfort. Incorporating mobility and flexibility exercises into your routine can help improve your range of motion and decrease the likelihood of injuries caused by ego-driven lifting.
Lastly, surrounding yourself with a supportive and knowledgeable community can greatly aid in overcoming ego lifting habits. Seek guidance from experienced trainers or workout partners who prioritize technique and form. Their expertise and encouragement can provide valuable insights and keep you accountable on your journey towards sustainable training progress.
By implementing these strategies, you can break free from ego lifting habits and establish a foundation built on technique, form, and long-term success. Remember, the ultimate goal of weightlifting is not to impress others with the amount of weight you can lift but to prioritize your overall well-being and achieve your fitness goals in a safe and effective manner.
Signs of Ego Lifting in Others
When observing fellow gym-goers, it’s important to be able to identify signs of ego lifting to ensure their safety and help them prioritize proper form. Here are some common indicators to look out for:
Inconsistent range of motion: Watch out for lifters who sacrifice proper technique by not completing the full range of motion. This can indicate a focus on lifting heavier weights rather than maintaining form. Excessive use of momentum: If you notice individuals using excessive swinging or jerking motions to move the weight, it’s a clear sign of ego lifting. Proper control and stability should be prioritized over momentum. Ignoring safety measures: Those who disregard safety measures such as not using a spotter when attempting heavy lifts or neglecting to use safety clips on barbells may be driven by ego rather than training responsibly. Frequent need for assistance: Someone who consistently relies on others to help them complete their lifts and is unable to maintain proper form on their own could be ego lifting. Excessive grunting: While some exertion is normal during intense workouts, excessive grunting or vocalization solely for attention-seeking purposes is a common sign of ego lifting.
Remember, spotting signs of ego lifting in others is not about judgment but rather about promoting a safe and effective training environment. If you notice these behaviors, approach the individual with kindness and offer guidance on proper form and technique.
By helping others prioritize form and safety, you contribute to a supportive community that benefits everyone’s progress and reduces the risk of injuries.
In conclusion, ego lifting may seem appealing and impressive in the short term, but it can have detrimental effects on your overall training progress and physical well-being. It is crucial to prioritize proper form over the desire to lift heavier weights, as this approach ensures optimal muscle activation and reduces the risk of injury.
By finding the right balance between form and weight, you can achieve long-term training success and avoid muscle imbalances. Remember, lifting smart is the key to achieving your strength goals while maintaining a sustainable and injury-free training routine.
Take advantage of techniques like tempo training and progressive overload to challenge yourself without compromising form. Focus on establishing a strong mind-muscle connection to maximize muscle recruitment during your workouts.
Lastly, don’t forget to be mindful of ego lifting habits in yourself and others. Offer support and guidance to individuals who prioritize lifting heavy weights at the expense of proper form. By cultivating a supportive training environment, we can all strive towards smarter, safer, and more effective workouts.
What is ego lifting?
Ego lifting refers to the practice of prioritizing lifting heavier weights over maintaining proper form during exercises. It involves allowing your ego to drive your training, focusing more on the quantity of weight lifted rather than the quality of movement.
How does ego lifting manifest in the gym?
Ego lifting is often characterized by individuals pushing themselves to lift weights that are beyond their actual capabilities, disregarding proper technique and form. It can involve excessive weight loading, cheating reps, or sacrificing range of motion to showcase strength.
What are the impacts of ego lifting?
Ego lifting can have negative impacts on both physical health and training progress. It increases the risk of injury due to incorrect form and puts unnecessary strain on joints and muscles. Ego lifting can also lead to muscle imbalances and hindered muscle activation, limiting overall progress.
How do I find the balance between form and weight?
It is essential to prioritize proper form over lifting heavy weights. Finding the right balance involves focusing on maintaining correct technique and gradually increasing weights to challenge yourself without compromising form. Emphasizing quality over quantity will lead to better results and reduce the risk of injury.
What are some tips and techniques for lifting smart?
Lifting smart involves techniques such as incorporating tempo training, which emphasizes controlled and deliberate movements. Progressive overload, gradually increasing the weight lifted, is also effective. Additionally, focusing on mind-muscle connection and engaging the targeted muscles during exercises enhances the effectiveness of each lift.
How can I overcome ego lifting habits?
Overcoming ego lifting habits requires a shift in mindset. Focus on the importance of technique and form rather than solely on lifting heavier weights. Gradually reduce weights to ensure proper form, incorporate corrective exercises, and seek professional guidance if needed. Emphasize progress built on a solid foundation of good form.
What are some signs of ego lifting in others?
Common signs of ego lifting in others include excessive weight swinging or using momentum to lift weights, performing partial reps instead of full range-of-motion, and consistently sacrificing form for higher weights. Additionally, lifting weights that are clearly beyond their ability and displaying risky behaviors are indicators of ego lifting.
What is the importance of prioritizing proper form?
Prioritizing proper form is crucial for maximizing the benefits of each exercise and reducing the risk of injury. Maintaining correct technique allows for optimal muscle activation, ensures balanced development, and facilitates long-term training progress. It is the foundation for safe and effective strength training.
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linaamm · 6 months
I had way too much fun editing this pic
Vintage with a glitch, it's a vibe ✨️
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The collapsed northern wall of the reactor building of Chernobyl Reactor 4.
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A cross section diagram of the final design of the Sarcophagus.
The Cascade Wall (seen on the left of the diagram above) was one of the most difficult sections of the Sarcophagus to build, but it was one of the most important. It covered the partially collapsed northern wall of the reactor building, as well as the pile of highly radioactive debris left by the explosion. The wall was composed of four stepped tiers, and topped out at 54 meters above the ground.
This was the first part of the Sarcophagus to begin construction. To begin, the men of Sredmesh Unit US-605 installed "Pioneer Walls" (I will make a post on these later) to lessen the gamma radiation at the site. They then filled the space between the Pioneer Walls and the reactor with concrete. On top of this base, they placed huge prefabricated metal wall sections, like the one seen below.
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Demag 21 prepares to lift a section of the Cascade Wall into place.
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The first tier of the Cascade Wall during installation.
Once the wall sections were all in position, remote controlled concrete pump trucks (seen on the left of the above image) filled the space between the wall and the reactor building, in a similar manner to the area between the Pioneer Walls and the reactor building. This process was repeated until the Cascade Wall was completed.
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Crews help to position a section of the third tier of the Cascade Wall before it is lifted into place by crane. These sections weighed more than 120 tons.
Note the white cabin on the crane. These were built similarly to the bathyscaphes used to survey the reactor building during construction of the sarcophagus, with air filters and thick lead sheeting.
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The first and second halves of the fourth and final tier of the Cascade Wall, on the left and right respectively.
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The men of Sredmash Unit US-605 Shift Four, who installed the fourth tier of the Cascade Wall.
I could not find their names, but I felt compelled to share this photo in their honor.
Without the Cascade Wall, radiation levels would have remained dangerously high and radioactive debris would have been left exposed to the atmosphere. Additionally, it shored up the collapsed northern wall of the reactor building, which had to support some of the weight of the roof section of the Sarcophagus. The men who participated in the project are some of the worst affected amongst the liquidators in terms of sickness.
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Men of US-605 fourth shift celebrate the completion of the Cascade Wall with a ceremonial flag raising.
[Image descriptions:
First image: This black and white photo shows the partially destroyed northern wall of the reactor building. Twisted metal and piles of concrete rubble sit on various ledges within the collapsed wall. A network of pipes is visible about three fourths of the way up the wall. The main circulation pumps of the reactor sit partially covered by rubble at the bottom of the wall. Burns cover much of the concrete. An even gravel surface makes up the foreground of the photo, and a large crane is on the right. The striped circular stack of the plant rises in the top left of the image.
Second image: A cutaway diagram of the sarcophagus viewed from the west side of the reactor building. It shows the original structure of the power plant and the plans for the structure of the sarcophagus. From left to right it consists of the four steps of the Cascade Wall, then a slight incline up to the roof section over the reactor hall, then another more gradual slope down to the section covering the turbine hall.
Third image: A black and white photo showing a large crane on the right preparing to lift a large section of metal wall on the ground in front of it. The wall has a small section to help it stand on its own protruding at ninety degrees at its bottom, with angular pipes bracing it against the wall. The crane is lifting it via its hook, which is attached in the shape of an uppercase A. A large metal brace holds the two halves of the lifting section apart above the wall section.
Fourth image: A black and white photo showing the early construction of the cascade wall. The collapsed northern wall sits above the newly placed first section of the cascade wall. The wall is on a raised embankment, below which sit a concrete pump truck sticking its spindly white boom into the wall to add concrete and help build the structure.
Fifth image: The same large crane is lifting another section of the cascade wall just off of the ground. The first and second tiers of the wall can be seen in place in the background of the photo. Nine men, dwarfed by the section of wall they are working on, pull on ropes attached to the wall to angle it correctly for placement on top of the previous sections. The heavy protective cabin of the crane can be seen mounted on the crane chassis, a large white metal box with thick windows to protect the driver from radiation.
Sixth and seventh images: these twin images show the lifting of the two final sections of the cascade wall into place. These sections are both shown in the air on the way to their destination.
Eighth image: A group photo of about forty men in front of the destroyed reactor during the construction of the cascade wall. The wall is only partially finished, but the men are posing in two rows for a photo (crazy!). The men are dressed in dark khaki/deep blue clothes, and white sanitary caps that cover their hair and prevent contaminated. Some of them are also wearing masks or respirators.
Ninth image: this color image shows another gathering of liquidators around a blue concrete pump with a red banner attached to the end of its pump arm. The arm is fully extended about a hundered feet into the air. The group is a lot more informal. The cascade wall is seen fully completed behind the men, but several white and orange concrete pumps still work on other parts of the Sarcophagus. The large yellow crane used to lift the wall sections into place sits idle on the right of the image. Also in this image is the iconic red and white striped chimney of the plant.
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iabull · 8 months
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Shoulder work.
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