#Heccin' help
cq-studios · 7 months
(Hello! Future me here. This has an Ask Blog now and not everything here is still canon to the AU please keep this in mind while reading ^^)
Brain rotting about a KHUX AU I came up with right now
TW: Doomsday Cult, Mass Suicide, Child and Animal Death, Child Abuse (let me know if I'm missing something here and I'll update it)
A know that's a lot but hear me out.
Its the real world, late 30s early 40s. MoM's some rich dude who takes advantage of the influx of orphans to make Daybreak Town, which in this universe is essentially some sort of experimental orphanage. He stages the "War against Darkness" (the Keyblade War equivalent) which is a mass suicide. The Dandelions are to make sure they can defeat darkness again in case it ever came back (since MoM genuinely believes in what he's doing). The NULs are in charge for a while but then the government finds out and relocates all the Dandelions to normal homes. The NULs are mostly separated and need to adjust to normal society... but they're also determined to find each other again.
(My notes are under the cut... still developing everything I'll probably add more later)
Timeline of Events (Pre-relocation):
MoM is very rich and bought a massive property and built Daybreak Town on it
MoM adopted the Foretellers and Luxu, about 13 years before he bought the property, they are orphans from the Great War
Daybreak Town was a self sustaining cult masquerading as an orphanage
A lot of farming and hunting happening
All the ‘keyblade wielders’ are orphans from the Great Depression
MoM and the Foretellers basically convinces the kids KH lore (a la time of Fairytales) is real
Every “Keyblade Wielder” has a “Chirithy” which is just a cat
The “Keyblade War” is a mass suicide designed to destroy darkness
This happens halfway into 1939
They killed most of the Chirithies too
Luxu is the only Lost Master who survives this (and he leaves soon after)
The Dandelions are to “keep the light alive”
Ephemer and Skuld save Player from the “War” by stopping them from drinking the poison
They end up switching their cup with another Dandelion’s
Ven overhears Dandelions talking about surviving and ends up switching his cup with Strelitzia’s in a panic
He realizes afterwards that she was important and filled in out of guilt
He also totally mixes his memories around here and forgets what he did
Elrena is the one who buries Strelitzia and is the one who tells Lauriam she’s dead (only once he asks about her though)
The NULs are in charge for about a year and a half before the government relocates the Dandelions
The NULs were not particularly close before then
Basically the social events of Union X (minus the murder reveal, the relocation stops that before it can happen)
The NULs and Player try their best not to be separated but end up being relocated to households decently far from each other
Ephemer ends up alone
Brain and Player are pretty close together and meet up rather quickly
Skuld, Lauriam, and Ven end up a decently close together but far enough that they don’t know yet
Elrena is placed in the same household as Lauriam
(Post relocation stuff I'm still working on but I do have some ideas)
Additional Notes:
It’s the real world, USA, and the early 40s, whoop
1941 (at the relocation) to be exact
World War 2 is in full swing and the States are involved… I think
MoM (and the NULs afterwards) were totally bribing the people who were checking in on Daybreak Town before the “war” so he could keep it open… either that or there were just too many kids to actually check to see if they were all accounted for
Probably didn’t help that they would use any dead bodies as fertiliser for their garden so there’s no clear graves for anyone
Everyone drank something during the “war” (it’s easier to convince people if they don’t think anyone’s going to survive), the Dandelions just drank from glasses without the poison
Daybreak Town is significantly more accepting of than the greater society
The NULs are completely taken aback by any type of bigotry
Poor Player gets misgendered all the time and is forced to wear masculine clothes even when they want to be more fem
Skuld cannot with gender roles
like she’s actually gonna explode with all this lack of rights business
Everyone (outside of the Dandelions) assumes Ephemer and Skuld are dating
To be clear, they are not
Player and Brain both refused to be separated from their Chirithies
Ven’s Chirithy finds him
Oh my lord these kids don’t know how to be normal
They were essentially brainwashed so they’re all stuck on the KH lore they were taught as truth
They’re all severely traumatized, obviously, but on top of the whole “Keyblade War” thing and you know, other doomsday cult stuff, they had awful healthcare and so kids would die very often and gruesomely
The NULs’ instincts are still a main reason they’re still alive
They brush off death very easily because of this, normal people are alarmed
They’re way behind on education because of their situation
Brain is definitely the most literate out of all of them but he was still limited in what he could read
Brain loves making (and deconstructing) things whether it’s sewing new clothes and plushies (something he did quite often in Daybreak Town) or the new technology, like radios and telephones (something he takes to once he’s relocated)
Brain would make plushies for “wielders” who had nightmares they were often amalgamations of various animals (just like the spirits)
He prefers to learn things through trial and error rather than being shown and he is incredibly stubborn about that
Teachers hate him for this
The new parents of Brain do their damndest to convert him to Christianity but he ends up just becoming an atheist instead
He is not quiet about it either
He probably gets beaten because of it
People find Ephemer kind of off putting
He always has a new theory about something going on with the authority based on his KH lore upbringing
He’s also one of the NULs the deepest in the delusion (Ven is the only one I think is deeper)
He’s starting to pull out of it but it’s a very slow process
He brings up death way to casually, and is always talking about his friends and their weird adventures together
Even with all that though he doesn’t really behave his age since he was forced to grow up so fast in Daybreak Town
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ponyartistbrainiac · 1 year
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Hi I can't sleep
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egginfroggin · 22 days
I shouldn't be allowed to wander around and let my brain go on autopilot because then it results in things like the realization that numerous hateable, villainous characters used to be smol little children and that deeply wounds me internally
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Love the creepy vibes of Wild Blue Yonder, but even then I was not prepared. When Donna got left behind and thought she was gonna die, I just 😭😭😭
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moltengoldveins · 6 months
anyone know how to get your phone to format italics and bold when editing an Ao3 work on mobile?
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edenslostwallflower · 6 months
don't nobody be afraid that's this summer child ray of sunshine is excempt from angst or darker themes. there is a scene for her somewhere where she gets literally broken in half..
scene in point
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yourbelovedlucifer · 2 years
I bought one of those boxes of assorted cheeses and I. I just ate it all. What have I done omg so much cheese
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birdhism · 24 days
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Lenore the Raven is here to motivate you to do a heccin' tidy! 🧹
Tidying helps to sharpens your focus, reduces stress, and sparks creativity by keeping distractions away.
Available in sizes: 12″×16" and 18″×24"
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akanemnon · 1 year
Any tips for drawing Barney- i mean Susie?
why is she so complex?
Some people have troubles with her snout I think, because the rest of her body is pretty standard fair. What helps me is drawing two overlapping circles. One big one for her head and another smaller one for her snout. Then I just combine the two for like a wonky bean shape.
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Wonky MS Paint mouse doodle because I'm heccin tired lol
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angelxd-3303 · 2 years
Ok so there's a new clip out that a friend showed me, and it got me thinking. In the clip we see the Bros finding the pipe, and somewhere along the way Mario loses track of Luigi. We see him enter the pipe, and he says:
"Luigi, are you in here?" And he almost sounds... exasperated? Like this has happened before. Maybe it's just the nerves of being in such an unsettling place, but as a younger sibling I recognize the exasperation in his voice, lmao. That's the voice your brother uses when you once again get yourself into a Situation, and he's done with your Curious George arc.
That being said, if anyone has played Mario Galaxy, you know that every now and then Luigi will send you a letter basically saying:
"Hey Bro! I found something interesting, but now I'm stuck in x place and need help."
So you go to help him, and you end up finding this ridiculous green bean in the most bizarre place imaginable, and you're left reenacting that one Security Breach meme:
"GREGORY! What the *honk* are you doing?? HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE?!?!?!"
This man right here:
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Is absolutely impulsive as shit. Yes, he's jittery, and is most definitely going to scream at the sight of his own shadow, but put him on the trail of something interesting and all common sense goes down the pipes. This guy is ALWAYS getting himself into these situations, throughout the games, and presumably also in the movie.
I would not put it past this guy to cause unintentional chaos in Bowser's castle, just with his curiosity. Someone pointed out that his level of fear always stays the same, that he sees a spider in the bathroom and heccin' Cthulhu with the same level of fear, and it's absolutely true. Idk, maybe I'm overanalyzing this, but the idea just gave me a laugh. Feel free to share your thoughts!
(here's the clip, btw!)
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
KJERKJEKJRJKEKJREJK I LOVE THIS AHH! Ticklish hands are so underrated! Tanjiro would get so giggly during check ups akjrejkarjkejkrajek I've gotcha covered, friend! :D
Tanjiro really thought this would be easier.
He was proven very, very wrong.
“Hold still! Geez, how the hell do people take care of you like this?” Genya growled around a mouthful of tape roll, one hand squeezing Tanjiro’s wrist to keep him still as the other wrapped a roll of soft bandage around his calloused hand. Normally the task would be assigned to one of the caterpillar girls here, but they were all busy with other patients and Tanjiro felt bad for bothering them.
Then Genya felt bad that Tanjiro felt bad and blurted out that he’d take care of his injured hand without really thinking about it.
That was how they got here.
“I’m sorry! I’m sohohohohoohohrry!” Tanjiro giggled out, his free hand pressed into his mouth as he tried not to move so much. “It tihihihihickles tohohohohohohooo muuhuhuhuhuch!”
“Yeah, obviously.” Genya rolled his eyes- the gesture not unkind. “Is he always this giggly when you treat him?” He turned to look at Kanao sitting by the first aid box in her lap as she watched them struggle through the process.
“I’m not usually the one to do so but…yes, from the sounds of it.” She shrugged some, barely fighting down a giggle when Tanjiro hooted. “He’s one of the few people I know with ticklish hands.”
“Iihihiihihihs it thahhahahhat rahhahahhahahahre?” Tanjiro tried to keep the conversation going even as he laughed, jerking some when Genya’s fingers brushed along the inside of his palms. “I hahahahd no idheahhaahahhahaha!”
“Not really rare- all my siblings had ticklish hands growing up.” Genya grunted as he tucked the last of the gauze, taping it down. “Brother probably grew out of it.”
“He didn’t.” Kanao spoke, earning a surprised look from both of them. “I had to help Shinobu with him once.”
“Huh. Maybe it’s a genetic thing?” Tanjiro mused, suddenly eyeing Genya’s open hands. Without warning, he reached out and scratched his palm.
“GEHA!” The bigger boy yelped, shooting his hands back with a giggle. Kanao huffed out a laugh behind her hand.
“Genetic.” Tanjiro giggled, laughing more as he was pushed down and tickled properly.
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ponyartistbrainiac · 1 year
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Part 2 of my Outer Wilds collection because I have a new Hyperfixation and introducing my blorbo Solanum who I am correctly obsessed with help me
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theknifeclown · 1 year
It was a quiet night, It had been a wonderful date, Sunny knew that it was time, he had been fiddling with the box in his pocket for the whole date. He took a moment to stop and get Terrin's attention.
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It was sudden, Sunny isn't even sure what came out of his mouth, but he hopes it made sense and was convincing and romantic. He was very confused when Terrin began to giggle and crouch down to his level...
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"I thought.. I was going to quickly with this, but I'm not sure if I'm glad or not that you beat me to it?"
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Terrin began to laugh "Suppose this means it's gonna be a yes?" Sunny was shocked to see Terrin was planning the exact same thing! Of course! They'd always been in sync...
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They couldn't help but laugh at this. They're so silly! Of course this is something that would happen...
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They're just so happy...
Passes out
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It's all fun and games on spotify until By The River starts playing
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pastelfates · 8 months
Talk about some of your favorite experiences on this website if you feel comfortable doing so! I'm meaning favorite threads, partners, muse experiences, etc. You've gone through a lot of hardship across multiple blogs yet you never give up and you keep doing what you love so I figured it'd be nice to talk about the positive stuff that helps you to keep going despite all the trouble.
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◌・❀➵ Okie so this is gonna be long post so everyone grab a drink n some snacks! I just wanna start with that if it wasn't for my mutuals I have no idea where I'd be, ya'll have been with me through so much and some of the hardest times of my life and I can't thank everyone who has stayed enough.
➵ @morifactory ➵ Eddie and Serina meeting! Also the Riba and Serina and Riba ikea thread/ All our Carbon and Serina threads hav a place in my heart. And Talia w the blond bois! Also so far Kiki and Esmee has my heart. And ya know our first scarvi ocs and our stardew ocs. Me and Lena hav a lot of connected ocs
➵ I'm gonna count this as a thread bc it was a thread of asks but Mana once had multiple sections of the bee movie sent to her and it was absolutely hilarious. Committed to the bit with the url /frankiebeestan at that time.
➵ @constellationcrowned / @malusrecord ➵ LISTEN I care so much for Nellie, Mell, and Sunny's lil friendship (i hav a half typed starter for them in drafts shh), and Mana and Kariom's friendship is very special to me bc sobs Mana feels v comfy around him which means a lot bc she rarely fills comfy around ppl.
➵ @ervaurem ➵ Listen the family stuff with Law and the sisters is my weakness. It's been since 2021 that the fam has existed and I heccin cri. The treasure hunt thread has my heart,,
➵ This one is fairly recent but with @riftdancer, @ofstarsandskies, and @mathcs the whole Jude is evil arc has been so much fun so far!
➵ This was more so on discord but the relations have made their way to tungle but @pyonpyonpyon, @forgottenluck, @talesofourworlds, @mathcs, and @broadswordandpistol the sad boi drinking hours,, it was so cursed and sad at the same time, and it was such a highlight to me.
➵ @strebcr ➵ Can I say all of them? Just Streber and Mana have had so many good threads! Mana loves her new frog and just aaa
➵ @maligncntchain ➵ again with just recent threads but the two were cute and just silly gremlin uses the power of treats to not be immediately under the control of pecharunt was v funny to me
➵ @archivisim ➵ Sobs special place for the lil series of thread/asks we had just recently. Their similarities really just came through and they are hopefully gonna be more comfortable around each other!!
➵ @hxroic-wxlls ➵ cris it was like forever ago but the thread with Sunny and Luigi was so wholesome and I want you to know Sunny thinks Luigi is v cool. Also Mana and Simon has a v somft relationship i adore. the lil drill necklace he gave her for her birthday is one of her prized possessions.
➵ I know I posted a lot of newer stuff so I'm gonna bring up a thread from like ages ago?? 2018-2019 to be exact, the days I wrote non-seriously. I had a thread with two people over a skit in a game and it was just peak. Also that blog is still around (not deleted) so anytime I wish I can see the silly threads that bring me so much joy.
➵ Again on older threads, and while this one isn't on tumblr it is canon to Mana history. She has unapologetically set a bakery on fire with no remorse. That event also had like the first actual set appearance of REGRET and her lil maze which honestly makes me v happy bc REGRET is one of my all time favorite ocs. And Symonne's maze was there too, really care for that Ivar and Sync interaction in the rpg horror house w the fake Jude and stuff
➵ FAVORITE PARTNERS / People I adore seeing on dash
@ad-simul , @archivisim, @broadswordandpistol, @opscurus / @cpirits , @canidgrit, @castelias-comeups, @constellationcrowned / @malusrecord, @electricea, @ervaurem, @forgottenluck, @historias-multorum , @hxroic-wxlls, @kaizokugaris, @lightfallls , @maligncntchain , @morifactory , @nobuverse, @ofstarsandskies, @pinklocksoflove, @riftdancer, @talesofourworlds / @outofthisgxlaxy, @soulsbetrayed,
➵ I love seeing you all on dash, your threads are all peak and I just wanna say tysm for being moots with me and allowing me the opportunity to be a part of the stories you unfold for your characters. I am forever thankful to you all for everything and to the all of you have stayed with me despite how awful things have gotten, thank you for never giving up on me and seeing something in me when even I wasn't able to. You all are the reason I'm still here, continuing this hobby I love to my core. I hope I can be around for many more years to come and that I will continue to have you all by my side.
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wylanzahn · 2 months
*coughing up leaves* Jesus Christ— where the hell— oh it’s earth huh? Okay guys I need you to hear me out. Just really quickly.
I’ve spent the last month exploring a region of the Feywild known as the fallen Kingdom of Sylvarie… don’t look away, I need your guys’s help to help me map out the Feywilds before I get sucked back in to the Archfey’s keep.
I need resources for 5e (older editions will be accepted tho) any resources you guys use for the feywild or even modules that you run set in the realm of Faerie. If you have folklore or fairytales that you use or even whole heccin’ novels send them to me!! Please for the love of god I can’t go back to the Archfey Doministra again!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH— I’m getting sucked back in again!!!
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