#Herbal Incense smoke
witch-of-the-creek · 11 months
I’ve been having trouble finding shops online for incense, herbs, and candles that don’t sell endangered or threatened species in their inventory.
If anyone knows of a good shop that doesn’t sell {white sage, palo santo, dragons blood resin, frankincense, rosewood, spikenard, and myrrh just to name a few}, then please put in the reblogs or comments.
I’d like to compile a list of vendors that sell a variety of incense, herb bundles, candles, and oils, that are produced from plants that are sustainable and not threatened
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Hierarchy of Smoke Allies
Flowers smell nice, but they don't hold up under the weight of the heavy lifters to come. Burning mullein flowers has been used for clearing space as well as clearing chest congestion.
Leaves are stronger magic than their floral compatriots because they contain more volatile oils and have more energy to give to the working. Mugwort, for example, is a boundary plant, meaning that it can be used as a smoke to cross the boundary around your property to enforce personal limits for unwanted visitors.
Roots and seeds are stronger than the leaves because they form the foundation of the plant and are the basis of the network for the plant's ability to care for itself - the plant's "brain." Gingerroot has the fire necessary to burn away the ties that bind something to our homes that needs removing.
Wood allies are even farther up the food chain. These contain the life of decades' worth of the tree's knowledge because in almost all cases the entire tree must be harvested to procure these beautifully scented woods. Now that we're in the age of responsible stewardship, we are aware of endangered trees like sandalwood (Santalum album) being poached, so Australia has stepped up its game and increased its standards. The largest sandalwood farm from Australia's Santalum spicatum is now three times the size of France. For every tree that is harvested for essential oil, three more are planted.
Resins are the king of all smoke rituals, and the first to come to mind is usually frankincense. If and energy wasn't affected be the lower rungs of the plant kingdom, it stands a good chance that a resin will do the trick.
-Sacred Smoke by Amy Blackthorn, pgs 51-52
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cozycoffeewitch · 2 years
When your boyfriend swears, he woke up last night to a little boy watching him- but you don‘t have Kids.
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diana-thyme · 1 year
The Ultimate Grimoire Guide
So! I have been seeing a ton of grimoire ideas and thought I’d stuff them all together. A lot of ideas are from @manifestationsofasort, @banebite, and @pigeonflavouredcake. Check them out! They have a ton of cool stuff there.
What Do I Use For My Grimoire?
You can use anything for a grimoire! For a physical one, journals, binders, and notebooks are good. For digital ones, Notion, Tumblr, Docs, and even just your file folder are great.
A Book Blessing
Table of Contents
About Me
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Your Personal Beliefs
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Natal Chart
Craft Name
How You Entered The Craft
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Fire Safety
What Not to Burn
Toxic Plants & Oils (to humans, plants, animals)
Crystals That Shouldn’t Be Put… (in sun, in water, etc.)
Things That Shouldn’t Be In Nature (glass, salt, etc.)
Potion Safety
How to Incorporate Blood in Spells
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What Not To Do In Spells
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esoteric-chaos · 4 months
Safety in Witchcraft
What’s not talked about enough in the spiritual community is mundane safety along with spiritual. Critical thinking is vital. I wanted to share a lot of my personal rules for myself that I have adapted into my craft.
Fire safety, never leave an open flame unattended. Ever. Always burn in an open enough area with a fire safe dish or on ceramic tile away from animals and children. If you leave the room extinguish the flame. Do not sleep with fire going. I know we want to keep that spell going even during a nap but sometimes we don’t wake up in time for danger. This is absolutely vital to keep you safe. It won’t ruin a spell I promise or anger anything. Please do not add those herbs to that candle. I know it’s nice and pretty but that is a fire hazard. Stay safe.
On that note always have an open window or a well ventilated area when burning items. That goes for herbs, incense, or candle. Smoke inhalation can ruin your lungs.
Rodents, reptiles, birds, any animal is sensitive to scents and have small respiratory systems. Be careful using anything around them. Research what can be used around them. I mean research! Cross reference. Use veterinarian hospital guides, not pro essential oil blogs. Please don’t put any essential oils on your pets. They can be seriously harmed.
Moon water actually molds, very easily. So can herbal blends if not stored correctly. Check frequently and use before end of date. Distilled water is your friend to prolongs shelf-life along is storing in a cold dark place.
Witchcraft and magic is not a replacement for medical treatment and medically prescribed medication. It absolutely can aid your treatment but it is never a replacement.
Do not ingest any herbal remedies without consultation with your doctor and/or Herbalist. Especially if you have pre-existing conditions and need to take medications for it. Things can conflict and are deadly.
Also forage responsibly. Unless you are 100% certain what you have foraged is the correct plant. Don’t even chance it. It’s not worth sickness or in worst cases death.
Do NOT ingest essential oils. I don’t care what you have heard from pro essential oil pages. The distillery methods are not safe for ingestion. It can tear up your stomach lining and throat. Cause extreme nausea and vomiting. Seizures and in worst cases death.
Some covens and practitioners are not your friends. Be cautious and use stranger danger. Be cautious and never give out all of your personal information online. There are predatory people everywhere, including in this community. Please be safe. Always use your gut instinct.
Please feel free in the comments and tags to add important safety pointers you have.
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greenwitchcrafts · 5 months
Artemisia Vulgaris
Known as: Artemis herb, artemisia, artemisia herb, cingulum sancti johannis, felon herb, muggons, naughty man, old man, old uncle Henry, sailor's tobacco & St.John plant
Related plants: A member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat & cultivation: Common mugwort is native to Europe and Eastern Asia. Mugwort was brought into North America as early as the 1600’s for medicinal purposes. It spread throughout the Northeastern U.S. as a contaminant on ships and nurseries.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-8
Harvest: The flowering tops of mugwort should be collected once they bloom or right before the blooms open. The leaves of mugwort plants should be collected before the plant flowers. Older leaves & flowers are significantly more bitter
Planting tips: Mugwort seeds can benefit from a special 1 to 2 week treatment called cold moist stratification prior to planting them & need cold weather to break down germination inhibitors. The seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Mugwort does not like to be overwatered & is very drought tolerant. It is also an invasive weed & best kept in a container.
Medicinal information: Historically mugwort has been used in traditional systems of medicine in different parts of the world. Today, mugwort taken orally is promoted for digestive problems, irregular menstruation, and high blood pressure. It is also promoted as a sedative, laxative, anti-inflammatory & liver tonic. Mugwort lotion applied topically can aid in itching caused by hypertrophic scars & When being smoked, it exhibits mild intoxicating properties & strong relaxing properties.
Cautions: Mugwort should not be taken by pregnant people because it may start menstruation and cause the uterus to contract. Little is known about whether it’s safe to use mugwort while chestfeeding. Mugwort might cause an allergic reaction in people with pollen sensitivities
Magickal Properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus & Neptune
Element: Earth
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Isis, Lakshimi & St.John
Magickal uses:
•Place under your pillow to bringing peaceful sleep, prophetic dreams & aid in astral travel
• Add to incense for cleansing and clearing energy
• Place around scrying tools to increase their energy
• Add to herbal smoke blends to stimulate lucid dreaming, astral travel & visualization
• Make an infusion of mugwort to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls to aid in physic workings
• Burn with Sandalwood or wormwood for scrying rituals
• Carry in a satchets for protection and increasing lust, fertility & preventing back pain
• Throw mugwort in a fire during Midsummer for protection for the following year
• Keep under your doorstep to keep annoying visitors away
• Use in tea before bed to encourage lucid dreaming
• Hang mugwort over or on a door to keep unwelcome energies from passing through
• During a storm or when your life feels threatened by impending dangers, toss into your hearth fire or cauldron to keep you safe
•Wash your hands with a mugwort infusion to increase energy flow before tarot or pendulum readings
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
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enchanting-jewel · 2 years
Rituals under 5 mins
Here are a few suggestions for some ritual work that is under 5 minutes. Simple and quick!
Visualize your keys unlocking opportunities anytime you use them.
Use some herbal smoke, an incense, or diffuser to cleanse your home.
Turn your shower/bath into a cleansing opportunity to wash away all the negativities. Visualize the water as golden rain removing the bad.
Bless your morning coffee/tea with good vibes to be productive and creative for the day.
Close your eyes and take 7 deep breaths. One for every Chakra. Imagine each Chakra becoming aligned with each breath.
Bless your food with gratitude.
Set your intention for the day when you first wake up with an affirmation.
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cryptixani · 4 months
matching perfume/colognes to jjk characters...
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a/n: i did a bit of background research but i mostly went off gut feeling, and i'm no professional when it comes to fragrances and i haven't actually smelled any of these in person, so please correct me if i'm wrong about any of them!! i added fragantica links if anyone wants to check them out.
warnings: none.
characters: satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, choso kamo
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satoru gojo
i dunno why but i always picture gojo to smell kinda soapy?? not in a bad way but just a very clean, fresh, dove bar kinda smell. i can't picture him smelling overly masculine or mature, it just doesn't seem to fit how i view his personality and all that. i don't think he'd go for more juvenile smells either, but definitely something a bit lighter and fresher than heavy, musky colognes.
so for this i've matched him with prada amber pour homme. from what i could find, it has very soapy and clean notes of neroli and citrus as well as a bit of spice to it. it also supposedly smells very expensive and high quality, which i think would also fit as something for gojo to wear given the fact that he's, yk, fucking loaded.
suguru geto
geto has always given me earthy, oud-y vibes. probably the monk getup and that one figure of him with a smoking pipe. i feel like he'd smell of a woodsy, smokey incense with maybe just a teeny bit of playful floral - overall masculine and mature but with a bit of youthful playfulness.
for that, i've decided to match him with oud essentiel by guerlain. it's a unisex perfume that has top notes of agarwood, leather, and saffron. definitely gives vibes of mystery and luxury, it's described as a darker and heavier fragance with a nice bit of smokiness.
kento nanami
i can't help but imagine him with a very nice, simple, classic masculine fragance. i'm not really too much of a nanami girl (i get the appeal tho) but he seems like such a classic guy. musky and leathery scent for sure, with maybe a bit of light woodsiness.
givenchy gentleman feels like a good fit for nanami. from what i've read it's a very classy, masculine cologne. there's top notes of pepper and bergamot that give it a spicy sort of smell as well as a powderiness to it that then fades out after some wear. supposedly it's a very mature, masculine and 'daddy'ish cologne.
choso kamo
choso gives me kinda sweaty vibes. i say this with all my heart as a choso girlie, i think he smells at least a bit BO-y. not because i think he's dirty, but some people just sweat a lot, yk?
i think haute concentration by yves saint laurent. it's a masculine fragance that has some herbal notes that would work well with a BO smell rather than against it (mask the worst of it and enhance the muskiness). it also has citrus and spicy notes, which i think adds a fresher and more comforting touch, and is described as a slightly dated but still enjoyable sort of masculine scent.
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revelisms · 2 months
What's your personal favorite headcanon you've thought of and why?
Oh man, it's genuinely tough to pick a favorite - I love getting to piecemeal character concepts together, and lots of those HCs are special just in that respect, as they all tend to anchor on specific traits that I find interesting to write (speech, gait, emotional reactiveness, head voice vs. spoken voice, scent profile, fashion tastes, what animal/element/etc. they're associated with...the drawer is overflowing. It's a problem 🥲)
The one Ghost headcanon I've been toying with a lot recently (and that I personally love the idea of) is that all the Papas have magical abilities, and corresponding tattoos that are only visible when their spells are being cast.
I'm a sucker for magic anything, so that's partly why it's a favorite, but I also love the dual-edgedness of it: that it's something hidden, and seen by only a select few, and in that way very intrinsic to each of them.
The tattoos, and magic as a whole, also have direct correlations with their auras and how another spellcaster might see them, e.g.:
Primo's is a dark plum, almost indigo, with an autumnal chill. His spells smell like smoke and musk, and a touch of floral decay. It's unsettling to be around - just as he sometimes can be, in the right light. His tattoos primarily crest over his shoulders and arms, and end at his palms.
Secondo's is a bright, bluish sort of seafoam, and it feels heavy, even electric, the way ozone changes the feeling of air before a storm. His spells have a petrichor-like quality about them, and a trace of cypress. His tattoos are congregated largely at his back, spreading out from his spine.
Terzo's is an orangey, snapdragon-like pink: warm as a pyre and prickled as a bed of thorns. His spells have a tang of clove, incense, and an almost bloody, metallic edge. His tattoos largely follow his heartlines: branching out from his sternum and shoulders to the underside of his arms, and curving down his waist and thighs.
Copia's is a visceral, glaring red, the kind that is almost difficult to stare at too deeply, with hints of tiger's eye gold. The first thing any seer will notice is its omnipresence, which feels smothering, and in many cases frightful to sense in a single man. It smells like that herbal sweetness of crushed leaves, and a hint of woodsmoke. His tattoos cover his arms, most of his chest, and portions of his neck.
I've realized that all of these ideas are steadily morphing into how I write these characters in a scene, so it just...feels like a crux of them all, at this point. But I think it's a fun concept :-)
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noweyesee · 2 years
Let’s talk about ●●●
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●●● Warding II
★ As with almost everything in magic, there are countless ways to create protective barriers around objects and places.
☆ Wards need to be effective and powerful, so choose methods you can relate to, and avoid experimenting with things you don't know or have a lot of experience with.
❗ Before creating a protective barrier anywhere, physical and spiritual purification is necessary, because in the same way that wards are able to prevent certain energies from entering, they also prevent all energies that are already inside from leaving. Ideally, the physical space should be clean and purified, to prevent existing energies from influencing the expected final result.
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→ Warding Methods 101
• Spray warding
   This is a simple method that doesn't require much visualization, and is recommended for beginners. The intention placed at the time of creating and applying the flavoring, and choosing the right herbs is enough.
   Wards made from air fresheners are not as durable, and need to be redone every month or so. There are ways to enhance the effect, at the time of creating the flavoring, by combining it with sigils, crystals and using a good amount of herbs with protective properties.
• Incense
   For warding, it is recommended that only natural resin incenses are used, made from herbs with protective properties. If that's not possible, make an herbal smoking stick, but don't just use incense sticks to create energy barriers. Avoid using them, but if you still want to, combine them with other methods, or your ward will have low energy and will quickly deactivate.
• Sigils
   The best thing is that you create a specific sigil for the warding of the object or place you want to protect. You can adapt bindrunes for this purpose, but beware of runes that will be formed unintentionally during the process, as they can weaken or get in the way of the desired end result.
• Energy targeting
   If you're already experienced with energy manipulation and directing, this is a great way to work on these aspects and make your ward exactly the way you want it to look. It's also a very customizable way, so it's great for creating your own personal way of making energy barriers.
• Containers
   Barriers made using containers as a base have good longevity, and need to be reinforced less frequently. Choose a variety of fresh or dried herbs with protective properties, and add other ingredients that can boost energy, such as properly purified and energized essential oils and crystals for protective purposes.
• Salt
   Works well for creating temporary barriers. The salt used can be coarse salt, sea salt or table salt as a last resort. For more intensified protection, I recommend black salt
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★ Warding I | Free Witchy Newsletter  |  Tip your witch ★
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mythandral · 26 days
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Name: Kenwyn Greenwood
Nicknames: Wyn
Age: 24 (ARR) - 29 (EW)
Nameday: Unknown
Race: Midlander Hyur
Gender: Unknown (they/he/she)
Orientation: Unknown
Profession: Healer, spy, assassin?
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Ash blonde, long and straight, and lighter at the tips.
Eyes: Unknown
Skin: Fair
Tattoos/scars: Burn scars down their right side, always hidden.
Parents: Raised by their mother, a Gridanian conjurer. Their father left when they were young. He was a wailer, presumed to have died during the calamity.
Siblings: None
Grandparents: None
In-laws and Other: No in-laws. Childhood friends with Vaisha (@lilbittymonster), who took them under his wing upon seeing they were similarly looked down upon by their fellow Gridanians. Dating Osi (@hermits-hovel), being that the two of them are on very similar wavelengths.
Pets: No pets, but can summon a leafy familiar to assist with their spellcasting.
Abilities: They have a powerful but finicky echo, which allows them to remain unnoticed as long as no-one is expecting their presence. This requires a number of sacrifices to stay effective - they do not speak, remove their mask or attempt to develop friendships in order that they remain unknowable, unpredictable and therefore unexpected.
This affords them great efficiency as a spy or assassin, although their echo is not infallible to certain abilities. Some others with the echo, or who are resonant, are capable of detecting their presence no matter the safeguards Wyn has put in place.
They are also an exceptional white mage due to one of their prior shards, Alorus, having irrecovably influenced their soul by corrupting themselves with light aether in the time of the Amdapori. This is a double-edged sword - although it grants them great magical abilities, the elementals recognise their soul and abhor them. For whatever reason, they also have an odd relationship with the aetherial sea, almost as if it is trying to reclaim something lost...
Hobbies: Botany and woodworking, although they are not especially skilled at the latter.
Most Positive Trait: Despite their efforts, they have grown close to a number of people, and are highly loyal to them (if distant).
Most Negative Trait: They are an utter coward who always watches, never acts.
Colors: Neutral tones, greys, muted greens.
Smells: Forests at night, damp soil, candlewax, incense, thyme.
Textures: Fresh linen, long grass, varnished wood, soft fur.
Drinks: Herbal teas, elderflower cordial, honey & lemon.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No. The mask makes it difficult, for a start.
Drinks: No, and they'd be scared to try.
Drugs: Some of the herbs they utilise may have mild effects, but nothing strong.
Mount Issuance: None - hard to sneak around with a very visible mount following you. They walk everywhere - and are a decent runner, too.
Been Arrested: They are long gone before anyone has the chance.
Tagged by @lilbittymonster, thank you! I'm sure most people have done this now, but consider this an open tag - especially if you have a secondary character :)
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Buy Black Ice Herbal Incense Online For Sale
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Buy Black Ice Online is unique with it’s Aroma. Take a smidgen of Black Ice and put in an Incense burner and it will produce an enchating and very relaxing aroma. It’s a Great Incense and is medically sealed super strong Incense. It’s also has a great Potency. It’s a great product and is strongly recommended and it can be shipped to all 50 states in the US.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! 1g, 3g, 5g and 10g is very much Available with reasonable prices.
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starforger · 1 month
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♦ B A S I C S ♦
Name: Maha Lucrette
Nicknames: None important enough to stick.
Age: Exact age unknown, presumably late 20s-early 30s.
Nameday: 2nd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Race: Keeper of the Moon miqo'te
Gender: Female 
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Astrologian, part-time shopkeep, full time dabbler.
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♦ P H Y S I C A L ~ A S P E C T S ♦
Hair: Warm black, with reddish undertones that come out in the sunlight. Just like a cokey cola. Fluffy and luscious, she takes great pride in her hair and cares for it ritualistically.
Eyes: Bright amber mooncat eyes
Skin: Deep brown, with even darker freckling along the bridge of her nose, cheeks, shoulders, and upper back.
Tattoos/scars: Her clan's signature teardrop-shaped marking is prominent on her forehead; she has claimed it as her own despite no longer associating with her clan. To that end, the mark has been modified to have a line shaped like a closed eye running through it.
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♦ F A M I L Y ♦
Parents: Maha's mother was chief of her clan, a small sect of wandering Lyehgas. Her relationship with her mother is strained at best; Nadhri had a strict and punishing hand and high expectations for Maha growing up. Maha never knew her father.
Siblings: No direct siblings. Had once considered the other children her age in her clan as her siblings, but has long since abandoned that idea.
Grandparents: Maha's grandmother, Sahwa, is an astrologian hailing from Sharlayan who retired with her family in the Twelveswood before Maha's mother was born. Maha's grandfather was a simple fisherman until his arthritis made it too difficult to continue his work.
In-laws and Other:  Lithen's parents are Gridanians who share a distant, cool relationship with Maha.
Pets: A rescued owlet turned familiar. Luna comes and goes from Maha's home as he pleases, yet he is loyal, and comes when called (which is rare already.) He is remarkably wise, and often the reason Maha rethinks her more wild ideas.
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♦ S K I L L S ♦
Abilities: Divination via multiple outlets (cartomancy, hydromancy, astrology, etc.), alchemy, foraging, herbalism
Hobbies: Painting, gardening, reading, bargain-hunting
♦ T R A I T S ♦
Most Positive Trait: Decisiveness. Maha does not overthink and tends to make snap decisions, for better or worse.
Most Negative Trait: Pride. She will stubbornly ignore her faults until the bitter end, even if there are no witnesses.
♦ L I K E S ♦
Colors: Gold and bright colors juxtaposed on a black background.
Smells: Herbs, woodsmoke, incense, candlefire
Textures: Silk, velvet
Drinks: Coffee coffee coffee. Maha is an avid coffee connoisseur.
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♦ O T H E R ~ D E T A I L S ♦
Smokes: Used to smoke heavily, but was convinced to quit because her body wasn't handling it well. Nowadays, she'll casually partake in a pipe, but it's few and far between. She doesn't want to get addicted again.
Drinks: Maha's a casual wine-drinker, though when out on the town, she'll sample all kinds of weird mixed drinks if they catch her attention.
Drugs: Rare use. Will sometimes use hallucinogenics to induce visions as a part of her divination process.
Mount Issuance: Moa, a black chocobo she won in a bet in Ishgard.
Been Arrested: Not yet! Was almost arrested after streaking through Gridania after a set some years ago, but Lithen bailed her out.
Tagged by a few people! @peacock-mooncat @archaiclumina @iona-xiv and @gatheredfates I think. Thanks! Tagging: @but-first--tea @naejlas-axe @thorneyes @ffxiv-swarm @thekeeperschronicles @aethernoise @traveleorzea @arty-ffxiv @vazaymir @allagan-wol & anyone else who wants to do it!
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esoteric-chaos · 4 months
What is Cleansing? The how-to's and methods
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The act of removing unwanted energies from a person/place/object.
Cleansing is generally a gentle form of removal, whether it be spiritual or mundane (can also be a very in-depth and harsh process).
Instead of forcefully removing an influence or spirit, you simply brush the energies out of your space.
This process is useful for ensuring that you, or the things near you are clear of energies that could negatively impact you.
It’s useful for creating a blank slate in your environment or preparing tools for spell work and keeping your energy stable and healthy. Negative energies and clutter can impact your spiritual, physical and mental health.
Regular spiritual and physical upkeep is important to keep you balanced and healthy. Spiritual hygiene is a generally important practice for all practitioners. I'm going to share a few ways to do so from my own practice.
Try your best to cleanse every room, not just a single room. Ever had a space so clean but the rest of your house feels gross? It'll be off-balanced that way and it'll be the same way spiritually. However, if you can't you can't. Do what you can, that's what's important.
Remember mundane cleaning is just as good as spiritual. You can smoke cleanse that room all you want but if you still have things all over your floor and molding dishes in your sink, that's still going to bring in both negativity and health consequences. Cleanse responsibly.
Sound - Using a singing bowl, bells, music, chimes, drums, clapping, singing, chanting. A trusty old sound bowl cleansing video on YouTube being openly played in whatever space does the trick just fine.
Smoke - Burning incense with corresponding herbs or herbal bundle. Remember to open a window for negative energy to escape and for safety. Smoke inhalation is generally not a good practice for your lungs. Also, be careful with pets as they have sensitive respiratory systems.
Spray - Infused distilled water with corresponding herbs, oils or salts sprayed around the room to both cleanse and bring in the desired energy. Again be cautious around pets.
Candle - Charging a white candle with intent, dressing it with oils and burning it down to clear your space. Keep away from pets and small children, burn in a fire-safe dish or on tile.
Sunlight/moonlight - Opening your blinds to let solar energy and moonlight to cleanse a space. Only really suitable for that singular space with a window.
Simmer pot - A boiling pot of water over a stovetop filled with intention filled corresponding herbal components that lets off a fragrance to clear the air of negative energy. You can use blessed water for an extra punch if you wish.
Crystal grid - Setting up a crystal grid of crystals for cleansing that room or your house of negative energy. You can either intuitively make your own grid or find one online. Selenite towers as well are lovely for purifying spaces along with being self cleansing. You can use any piece of cleansing corresponding crystal to cleanse but remember you will generally have to cleanse the crystal afterwards to get out any energetic gunk from it.
Salt - Putting out a bowl of salt in what room you’d like to cleanse. Personally I like putting little shot glasses of black salt in high traffic rooms such as shared spaces as I find it packs a punch due to its associations. However do please be careful with salt with pets. Pets have been known to get into things like salt lamps or salt in general and have had very bad health consequences. So please be cautious.
Energy - Your own spiritual energy. You can use energy work to create bubbles of energy around yourself to push out into your space, to burn up and cleanse the energy around the space. This is more of a hard-hitting cleansing method and can be described as banishing. It can also be energetically taxing for fellow spoonie witches or those with small energy reservoirs. Drink plenty of water, have a snack and rest after.
Vacuum or sweep - Sprinkle sea salt and corresponding herbs on the floor to soak up negative energy. Vacuum or sweep up and dispose of for removal. Historically speaking you move from the back of your house to the front so you can push everything out of your house.
Washing - Physically washing down doorframes and windows with sacred water (holy water, spring water, moon water) and corresponding herbs. You’d go from the back of your house to the front.
Floor wash - Try out a floor wash charged with the intent to wash your floors to fill your space with a spiritual purpose. Get that grime off your floor while reaping both mundane and magical benefits. You’d go from the back of your house the front.
Opening a window - Open that window. Not only will your space be less stuffy but it lets in needed fresh air. If you're in the city near fumes it's a bit harder. Try to get an air purifier if you can, it's very helpful and health-changing.
Shampoo’s and Soaps - For physical cleansing’s try finding herbal based soaps or shampoo with corresponding herbal components for self based cleansing and purifying. For instance I use shampoo with Tea Tree, Lemon and Sage. It’s purifying and I pair it with a Rosemary conditioner for protection. Get creative!
Cleaning products - Cleaning products with lemon for example have been used historically for cleansing and purification. Let the citrus scent leave your space feeling clean and purified with intent. Can either be naturally made with vinegar or store-bought. Either is perfectly fine. Sometimes natural and handmade is good but if you are someone who needs a bacterial spray, it's best to just buy storebought.
All-Purpose Cleaner
What you'll need:
One part white vinegar
One part water
Dried Lemon rind - cleansing, purifying
Dried Rosemary sprigs - protective, healing
Combine the above ingredients together, pour into a spray bottle, shake, and then let infuse for a week before using. Strain out the lemon and rosemary. This is great for bringing in purifying energy into your house along with protective properties.
Caution: Do not use acidic cleaners on granite, as they will etch the stone and proceed cautiously on stainless steel. Some manufacturers recommend against using vinegar on their appliance surfaces. Know what's suitable and what's not.
Glass cleaner
What you'll need:
2 cups water
1/2 cup white vinigar
1/4 cup rubbing alcohol 70% concentration
Dried Orange peel - smells good and brings prosperity
Combine the above ingredients together, pour into a spray bottle, shake, and then let infuse for a week before using. Strain out the orange.
Cautions: Avoid cleaning windows on a hot, sunny day or in direct sunlight, because the solution will dry too quickly and leave lots of streaks.
Home Blessings Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner - Not for wood floors
1 cup distilled water
1/4 cup Castille soap
Dried Lavender buds - peace, relaxing
Dried Orange peel
Dried Rosemary sprigs
In a smaller pot boil together distilled water with the herbal components then strain.
Mix the ingredients and infused water with 2 gallons of hot water to incorporate in a bucket to mop away dirt and grime on tile, vinyl, or linoleum floors.
Remember, store-bought is fine. Look at the ingredients of what you'd like and use your intention. Sometimes making yourself takes up a lot of time and spoons. It's your craft, your rules.
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hairlessgoblin · 5 months
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I. You, Me and Literacy
AU: Reader meets Gale Dekarios at the Blackstaff Academy.
This is my first fanfic in a long long time but I couldn’t get it out of my head.I named the character Andromedas (after my tav) but if you guys prefer for it to be y/n let me know. I hope you like it 💜
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Standing in the halls of the Blackstaff Academy was mind-bending. The word exciting couldn’t come close to the tight feeling in your chest. You wanted to leap and squeal, but alas, you weren’t the only student in the hall.
Busy students buzzed up and down on their way to the second class of the day. It was your first time in Blackstaff after waiting for years to be admitted. You stood in the middle of the marbled-floor hall, honored to embark on a new learning adventure.
“Delightful? … Galvanized… Thrilling perhaps?” You stood quietly, talking to yourself.
The air smelled like wet grass, and the smoke coming out of the Alchemy class room filled the wind with herbal notes. The tall, dark pillars that held the arched paver sand ceilings with delicate Celtic symbols kept you wondering.
"Rousing... mhmm" you hum until you feel someone’s presence beside you.
“Definitely rousing, the architectural structure is not only built to last but to protect itself. They have been enchanted with the most powerful magic, and we are just standing so casually under it! Did you know the Elminsters symbol can be seen here only when the sun hits the pillars at midday? Its just fan-" clearing your throat, you bring back the attention of this new-found stranger.
“Yes, I know. I must correct you. Elminster’s symbol doesn’t show up here since he wasn’t dedicated just to the study of alchemy. Instead, his symbol representing resilience shows up in the hall of ancient Arcane history and in the small windows of the infirmary." You reply with the pride of an honor roll student.
To your surprise, he doesn’t seem bothered that you have corrected him, as most scholars would. Instead, he looks at you with a recognizing smile and holds out his hand.
"My name is Gale Dekarios from Waterdeep. To whom do I owe the pleasure?”
You take his hand and shake it with a firm grasp. His hand was a bit slippery, but you didn’t think much about it.
“My name is Andromedas of Waterdeep as well." You let out a small laugh and stare back at his brown eyes; they reflect the rays of the morning sun artistically.
The sound of the bell tower takes you both by surprise and even makes Gale jump a little. Both of you nod and part ways, ending the interaction coldly.
You fix your hair on your way to the Arts of Alchemy, and a slight smell of incense hits the tip of your nose.
You shake the thought away and concentrate on your professor. Every now and then, your mind drifts back to Gales beaming face and the golden morning dew that seemed so fitting to his character. The class was a basic introduction to the history of alchemy, which you had read extensively about. After all, you planned on becoming a sorcerer with a concentration in alchemical brews and enchantments. There was no harm in letting this handsome man occupy a space in your mind for now.
The next class was on the other side of the alchemy wing. Literacy was a course that included reading, writing, and the protection of literature. You hadn’t much experience with the subject, but nothing stopped you from being eager to learn.
Class wouldn't start for another 10–20 minutes; you hoped to be the first one there to get to know your professor. But he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Arriving at the classroom just a few doors away from the Blackstaff library, you see just one other person sitting down. Its just you, standing in the doorframe, and Gale, somehow reading two books simultaneously.
"Hello.” You managed to snap him out of his trance again. He answers:
“Ah Andromedas! I wondered when I'd bump into you again.” You wondered the same thing but didn’t respond.
With a surge of courage, you sit down beside him. The two-person desk seemed wider, but upon sitting down, you were unusually close. Considering Gale is a stranger to you, you shift your chair a bit further away. He notices his books are taking up all the space and starts to retrieve them. You catch a glimpse; the old pages seemed well cared for. One of the books had the symbol of the goddess Mystra, and it clicked. The fading smell of incense Gale left on your hand is Bergamot, used commonly by worshippers of Mystra.
“Are you a follower of Mystra?” The question came out a bit rude, unintentionally. Your curiosity was quicker than your decorum.
"Yes,” he says while setting the books safely in a leather messenger bag. His cursive initials were marked with warmth: 'G.D.'
"I'm sorry; I didn’t mean to be rude. I was asking because you smell of Bergamot, and I noticed the symbol on your book.” You blush from having to apologize.
“No need to apologize! Mystra is my goddess and the goddess of magic itself. I cannot deny her greatness. and how greatly she has blessed me.” If he had the chance, he would rant about his goddess until you fell unconscious. But more students walked into class, and the topic seemed too personal to share with the rest of the room.
Ignoring the awkwardness of the moment, you both fix yourselves from the relaxed posture into an attentive one. The professor begins to introduce himself and explain the terms of the class. The room is silent except for the sounds of scribbles and the ambiance from the wind playing through the columns outside.
“In the following weeks, you will be working closely with your desk partners. I exhort you to read the scrolls on magic resistance and books that touch on basic literacy protection. See you all in the next class."
The bustling from your classmates filled the room. After returning your writing pad and magic quill, you look to your side—empty.
Gale must’ve been quick to leave, which made you a bit sad. He seemed like an esteemed academic, and you looked forward to working with him, but maybe he didn't feel the same way. Walking down the hall to the library, you pondered about your deskmate.
“Maybe I was too rude... Why did I ask if he worships Mystra? He has an earring for god's sake!" You grunt in silent frustration and decide to go home.
Lost in thought, you didn’t notice Gale waiting for you at the entrance of the library. He thought of calling out for you, but you seemed heated with your own reasons.
He frowned and walked inside the library, a bit worried he might be the cause of your discomfort but still focused on his task.
“Surely I won't make a fool of myself next time."
You grumble on your way home, condemning yourself over your convictions.
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I had exactly 5 minutes to take a super quick pic of the Dragon Age candles I have up in my collection before they need to be shipped to their forever homes. Looking forward to doing a couple more in the new year!
The Dragon Age Collection:
Elven Temple: Radiant golden-green amber backed by a shimmering mosaic of heliotrope, oakmoss, galbanum, bergamot, and guaiac wood. Profile: Atmospheric, Herbal, Resin / Incense. Hold The Sky: Snow-capped pine, shivering mountainous winds, and a faint wisp of hearth smoke from the great hall. Profile: Atmospheric, Fresh, Woods. The Commander: Oakmoss, elderflower, golden amber resin, and oud wood. Profile: Atmospheric, Herbal, Resin / Incense, Woods. The Dales: Green leaves, nectarine, river stone, star jasmine, and meadow grass. Profile: Atmospheric, Fruity, Woods. The Dawn Will Come: An uplifting, hopeful blend of grapefruit, yuzu, and gentle mint straight from the chantry garden. Profile: Fresh, Fruity, Herbal. The Hanged Man: Leather, tobacco, brown liquor, and spice. Profile: Atmospheric, Woods. Veilfire: Lime blossom, damp moss, eucalyptus, and white jasmine. Profile: Atmospheric, Fruity, Floral. SihayaAndCompany.com
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