#Hermione Granger angst
slytherheign · 9 months
LETHAL LOCKET | harry potter
PAIRINGS: harry potter x reader, hermione granger x reader (platonic), ron weasley x reader (platonic)
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SUMMARY: each time one of you wears the locket and how you comfort each other when things get overwhelming.
WARNINGS: depression, doubts, anger, and hopelessness. let me know if i missed any warnings. [⚠︎︎RATING: G]
AUTHOR’S NOTE: this is a gender neutral one and i didn’t specify which hogwarts house the reader is in. requested by an anon here. also, ron leaving hasn’t happened here yet. i barely got time to proofread this so please let me know if you see any mistakes!
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DESTINATION: Angst Avenue | GO BACK TO THE STATION. CLICK HERE FOR ALL THINGS LETHAL LOCKET (reviews, commentary, etc. about this fic).
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Nothing has been the same ever since you managed to get Salazar Slytherin’s locket from Dolores Umbridge. And now you were hiding in a tent in some forest Hermione led you all into.
You all knew that the locket contained a piece of the Dark Lord’s soul, that was why you and Hermione deduced that whoever wore it gets irritated, angry, and extremely depressed. You came up with a plan to take turns wearing it and it was your turn.
You slowly put the locket on your neck, already feeling anger clawing its way into your heart. It was suffocating, corrosive, eating away at every ounce of happiness you tried to hold onto. You did your best to shake it all off at the moment.
“Are you okay?” asked Harry, holding your hand. You squeezed his hand to tell him you were fine. You followed him towards the table, sitting on the chair beside him. 
The tent glowed from within under a starlit sky as Hermione poured tea from a kettle into the cups. “How’re the mushrooms? Seem to be the only edible things growing round here,” she asked.
Harry could only grimace as he chewed. “They’re great,” he lied. 
“Make sure to leave some for Ron,” Hermione said.
You looked at Ron who was sleeping as Harry asked Hermione how bad he was at the moment. “He’ll be alright in a few days. Hopefully. If we could take him to Hogwarts, to Madam Pomfrey–” she cut herself when Harry glanced at her, giving her a look that confirmed what she already knew—it was not possible to take Ron to Madam Pomfrey. You would just have to settle with what you have right now.
You felt it again, that familiar weight pressing down on your chest. The world felt like an empty void, and the possibility of winning the war seemed so distant… so out of reach. You took a deep breath, trying to push the darkness away. Yet, depression started to creep its way in, causing your shoulders to slump.
“Take it off,” Harry instructed you, instantly feeling the change in your demeanor. 
“But I haven’t been wearing it for that long. I can manage a little longer,” you reasoned.
“No, Y/N. Take it off. I’ll wear it instead,” he told you and you didn’t bother to fight with him anymore. You gave him the locket, and he placed it on his neck.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him, kissing his cheek. He smiled in response, yet again squeezing your hand that still held his.
“It’s comforting to know how much you care for each other. Especially during these times.” Hermione grinned at the two of you.
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Hermione was agitated, you could tell it by the way she handled the fish she was about to cook. And you knew it was mostly because of the locket she was wearing. 
You immediately grabbed her hands tightly, stopping them from further stabbing the fish when she was supposed to remove the scales. “You know the fish is already dead, right?” you asked. She looked at the fish, realizing what she was doing. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was doing that,” she replied, shaking her head. You could see the disappointment that etched her face.
“It’s okay,” you smiled. “I can cook for tonight.”
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Of course. You’ve already done so much today. You deserve some rest. I’ll just wake you up when it’s time to eat,” you replied, taking the knife and the fish away from her.
She teared up a bit, smiling widely. “Thank you so much, I really appreciate this. If you need any hel–”
“Hermione,” you stopped her. “Stop. Please, just rest. I know how to cook a fish. I’ll be fine.”
“If it makes you feel better, I’ll help her cook,” Harry offered, coming up from behind you. “I’ll make sure the fish stays edible.”
You glared at him and he just laughed. You did not appreciate the fact that he couldn’t trust you with cooking, but you did appreciate that he was going to help.
“Thank you guys so much,” Hermione smiled, hugging the two of you before going to bed.
You saw Ron covering her with a blanket and you looked at Harry to see if he saw it too. He did, and now you were giggling with each other at how your two friends couldn’t just admit their feelings for each other.
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Ron was staring at the fire. There was so much anger and doubt beneath his eyes and you understood where they were coming from. You walked towards him, sitting down beside him.  He nodded, acknowledging your presence before looking at the fire again. You could tell from the way he breathed deeply that he was attempting to steady his thoughts. However, a pang of anger emerged, causing him to clench his fists.
He was still injured and you have noticed that he seemed more quiet and reserved lately. You wanted to ask him a question, to ask him how was he but you were scared you’d make him more annoyed than he already was. The locket on his neck wasn’t helping.
“I’m guessing you’re here to ask how I feel?” he voiced.
“Yes…” you replied, still skeptical of whether you should leave him alone or stay with him. 
You chose to stay with him.
“Well, how do you think I’m feeling?” he snapped. “What do I look like? Do I look like I’m fine?”
Harry and Hermione stopped their conversation as soon as they heard Ron. Harry stood up from his position immediately, ready to intervene. 
“Ron, I’m just concerned–” you told him.
“I feel horrible,” he interrupted you. “I feel like I’m a barrier stopping all of us from making progress.”
Harry’s stance changed, he was ready to fight Ron earlier when he heard him snap at you. But now, he felt heartbroken for his friend. He sat down beside you and Hermione followed him. Now, the four of you sat in a circle.
“What makes you feel like that?” Hermione asked him. “That’s not true.”
“Really? Do you think I don’t hear you all constantly talk about how long it takes until I get fully healed?”
“Ron, it’s just–we don’t have all the time in the world and we want to get you healed as soon as possible,” you reasoned.
“Exactly,” he said. “I’m halting all of us. You all wanna leave but you feel like you’re forced to stay because of me.”
“You are taking all of this wrong,” Hermione spoke up.
“It’s the locket,” Harry interrupted, trying to remove the locket from Ron’s neck but Ron swat away his hand. “Take it off,” Harry warned him. He was getting irritated as well.
“Can you both stop?” you vocalized. “Ron, I don’t know what it is that you want us to say but at least believe me when I say that we don’t feel forced staying with you here. Yes, we could’ve traveled more these past few days but we still made progress by staying here. We had more opportunities to talk and brainstorm together. And at the same time, we were able to get some rest from constant traveling. If we wanted to leave you, we could’ve done that way earlier. We could’ve left you injured, but we didn’t. We didn’t leave you, we stayed with you because we care for you. Now, please take that locket off before you assume things again.”
That seemed to calm him down. Harry tried to take the locket off from him again, but this time, Ron let him. Ron looked down, letting your words sink into his head. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. Hermione moved so she could sit beside him, rubbing circles on his back to comfort him.
“It’s fine. We all overthink things when we’re stressed,” you said, smiling at him.
“Thank you,” he spoke, looking at each one of you. “I’m glad I have you all.”
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You were all gathered around the table when you noticed that Harry’s hands started fidgeting. He hid them behind his back but it was too late because you already saw them. When Hermione asked him a question about where all of you should go next, he only shrugged. At that moment, Ron and Hermione knew something was wrong. Harry suddenly walked out and you immediately followed him. Hermione wanted to go after him as well but Ron stopped her before she could even move a step.
“Let Y/N talk to him,” Ron said and Hermione agreed it would be the best.
You saw Harry sitting alone, visibly overwhelmed. His hands were grasping tightly onto each other, trying to fight off the anger and depression creeping in. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to regain control. The locket he was wearing doubled up the anger and depression he was already feeling.
"Come on, pull it together," he whispered to himself. He didn't notice you sitting beside him. It saddened you to see him like this. If you told your young self that the giggly kid you met at the Hogwarts Express back in your first year would end up like this years later, you wouldn’t believe yourself. But now here you were, beside him, watching him say positive things to himself when you knew there were little to no positive things left.
Harry hugged his knees. His eyes were still closed, and he put his head down as if he were trying to cover himself from the world. You teared up just from that sight alone.
That little kid who gave you candy on the train years ago grew up with the weight of the world on his shoulders, and you were a witness. The war was far from over and each day that passed without finding a horcrux troubled every one of you.
You didn’t know what to say so you just did what you could do at that moment. You hugged him, so tight to make him feel that if he wanted to cover himself from the world, you would provide a second layer of protection.
His body stopped shaking and he looked up at you. That was when you saw he was crying. You wiped his tears gently with your hands, telling him that you were there for him and that you were always going to be there for him.
“What if everything fails and he wins?” he asked, hugging your body with every bit of his strength. He was holding onto you like his life depended on it. You hugged him back, kissing his forehead before putting your chin above his head. You saw Ron and Hermione standing at the entrance of the tent, their eyes were tearing up as well. You didn’t know how long they had been watching you and Harry but you motioned for them to go outside.
They joined the hug, and right after, you felt safe from every harm that would come your way. Moments where you felt safe only happen rarely, so you cherished this moment.
“He won’t win,” you stated.
“How do you know so?” Harry asked.
“I don’t know so. I just believe so,” you answered. 
You hugged them even tighter, whispering that it was going to be alright when in reality you weren’t sure if everything would be alright.
Maybe what you were doing was instilling them with false hope, but at least it was still hope.
And right now, you all needed hope so badly.
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SLYTHERHEIGN TAGLIST: @writingstoraes @joshiiieeenesx
message me or comment down below if you want to be added to my taglist! specify if you want to be added to my main (slytherheign) taglist where i’ll tag you in everything i publish in the future or just the wizarding world/hp taglist.
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oriengranger · 2 years
Caught (Hermione Granger x Reader)
warnings: smut, mature topics
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here you were, grinding yourself against your pillow as thoughts about Hermione filled your mind. you've needed her ever since you first laid eyes on her, she was the most desirable crush you ever had.
you kept yelling her name over and over again as you ignited with pleasure, luckily everyone was outside so no-one could hear you, or so you thought.
as you were about to reach your release, the door to the prefect dorm suddenly creaked open, unbeknownst to you. you felt a hand land on your shoulder, but with your eyes shut you couldn't see who it was. you shot your head up and let yourself rise off your pillow, calling out for their name before opening your eyes. it was Hermione. you stared at her shocked, to your surprise she had her hand down her pants, and was staring directly at you.
"I never knew such a girl like you would even think about things like that." she cooed, voice filled with pure lust. you were speechless, embarrassed to be caught masturbating to her, not knowing what to say or do. "Tsk tsk, going shy on me hm?" she got closer and closer to you until she was on the bed, her face practically leaning on yours. "I'm sorry i-" she set her finger on your lips, shutting you up immediately. "No need to apologize, princess." you went red at the pet name, you could've came just from that.
"Now, on your back." she demanded, sliding her top and pants off. you obliged, laying yourself back on the bed, eyes still focused on her every move. she knew how much you wanted this, she could practically see it radiating off of you, she made it her goal to mark you as hers.
she teasingly slid off your clothes, maintaining heavy eye contact with you, a smirk plastered on her blushed face. she left you in just a brassiere and panties. "Such a hot body, and it's all f'me." she said, a moan barely hidden in her voice. she bent down and kitten licked up your thigh, you moaned as she did. then she reached your already soaked cunt, looking up at you for permission, earning a nod.
she started by running her digits along your inner thigh, she then planted small kisses along your folds, you shuddered at her doing so. "Ready pretty girl?" she asked, smirking directly at you. "Always." you were barely able to speak.
she slid her tongue into you, her finger massaging your clit, making you moan louder than ever. "Fuck, fuck fuck fuck!" you cursed over and over again, practically drowning in this newfound feeling. her finger was now rubbing at an almost animalistic speed, you were practically screaming at this point.
you got closer and closer to your high, and as you did she only got somehow faster. you squeezed your thighs together, pushing her head further in so she wouldn't move. as you were finally about to release, she suddenly stopped, managing to get herself out of the headlock you had her in.
"Hey! What was that for?" you asked, almost whining like a child. "I want something out of this too you know." she smirked, getting off the bed and re-appearing behind you. "I wanna sit on your face." she bent down to whisper in your ear, you looked at her shocked but turned on nonetheless. you obeyed, letting her climb on top of you so you 2 were in a '69' position. you had to admit, you loved the new view.
she got right back to eating you out, and you did the same. all that was heard now were loud moans and screams filling the room, no more sounds of quidditch practice, floorboards creaking, and whatever else.
she started to shake more, signaling she was close to releasing, so you sped up, giving her a taste of her own medicine. you barely held her down as her body spasmed like crazy, finally coming down from her high, covering your tongue in her substance. you finished at the same time as her, also releasing onto her tongue.
"That was-" she stuttered, barely able to form a sentence. "Amazing I know." you smirked as you pulled her in for a kiss. "So did I fulfill your fantasy?" she giggled. "Maybe, maybe not. There's still a lot more I thought about besides what you walked in on.."
"Guess we'll be here for a while then."
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
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Hermione Granger x fem! reader
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Summary: Y/n is a natural flirt but when a girl gets cosy with her at a party Hermione gets jealous, but when Hermione tries to do the same it backfires
Warnings: swearing, post-hogwarts, established relationship, jealousy, light angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of drinking, sex and nudity (non-sexual), reader is an animagus, Ron is a good friend
A/n: 2.3k words, non voldy au and once again wolfstars adopted daughter because I have no control x thank you so much for the request, enjoy love 💛
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Navigation | Golden Era Characters Masterlist
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Hermione didn’t hear what her friends were saying, her eyes were focused on you. A few minutes ago, she wouldn’t have batted an eye, but a few minutes ago Cedric and Cho were also there and a few minutes ago that ex puff wasn’t giggling like an idiot and hanging off of your every word
She tried to ignore it, people natrually gravitated toward you. It wasn’t technically possible but you inherited Sirius’ gene for flirtation, pair that with Remus’ soft-spoken side and people were goners…her included. 
She knew deep down you were just chatting and had no reason to feel like this but she was growing a little tired. The girl wasn’t exactly turning down dates right and left but she wondered how you would react if you were in her shoes, what if you had to watch some beautifully sculpted being slobbering all over her…or maybe the next best thing
Hermione wasn’t exactly proud of her next decision but that didn’t stop her pulling her ex up to dance, an ex who she was still best friends with but the way she started dancing with him wasn’t very friendly
“Mione” Ron gently stops her from grinding into him “What are you doing?” he whispers firmly, looking awfully confused
“Making y/n jealous” she admits, turning around to face him arms moving around his neck 
Ron sways with her hesitantly, face softening but the confusion remains as his eyes flick from you, who’s happily talking with some girl, to her. The boy had no idea what his friend was doing, a year ago he would have been killed for this and in truth he would be the first to admit he hated you for a while, but now he was happy for you both, you treated Hermione the way she deserved, far better than he ever did
So what the hell was she doing?
“I thought you two were solid?” 
“We are…but” she huffs “She’s always so flirty Ron. I do love that about her, it's one of the reasons I fell for her. It's just…I want to make her a little jealous because she’s always so unbothered. Like last week this guy asked me out and she was completely unfazed” she argues, growing a little annoyed as she remembered you didn’t even look up from your book, no reaction, none!
Ron's eyes widen, trying not to chuckle 
“Mione I understand being jealous…believe me” he says and she giggles nodding “But this isn’t the way to fix it” he cups her cheek “Just talk to her, I wish I had cause then maybe I wouldn’t have lost you to someone…” he shakes his head “...someone way better suited and so much better for you” he gives her a smile before he drops his hand back to her waist
She sighs, nodding herself 
“I hate when you’re right” she grumbles playfully, igniting more giggles
“It does happen very rarely, must be a blue…moon” his words trail off as he sees you heading up out of the party quickly
“Must be” she giggles but then clocks his expression, looking in the direction he is staring but there’s nothing out of the ordinary “What was it?” she asks turning back
“Y/n left” his eyebrows knit 
A pit forms in the girl's stomach uncoupling herself from Ron 
“Was she alone?” she hated herself for asking, the moment she said it she wanted to punch the little green gremlin in her stomach
Ron gives her a look she can only describe as hitting that gremlin in the noggin “Course she was” he says firmly “She might just be going for more firewhisky or Neville's stash but you should go check on her just in case she did just leave”
She nods, beginning to walk away but turns back to ask “When did you grow up?” 
He chuckles “When I lost you and gained a brain” he jokes light-heartedly, no malice in his voice “Now go get her”
She gives him a smile before making her way through into the hallway, asking some boy if she saw where you went and being told you went through the fireplace
Heading home via the floo network, she was met with a still flat besides a trail of light coming from down the hall. The bedroom. Reaching the door she finds it ajar, light from the room flickering through the small crack. She was about to push it open when she heard it…a sniffle…although it’s more like a whimper?
She slowly leant one ear towards the door checking she heard it right, maybe it was just allergies you didn't know you possessed or a very strange crackle from the fire but it wasn’t and that broke her heart
You rarely cried. Movies? Yes. Bambi hitting pretty hard when she made you and Harry watch it…thinking back that probably wasn’t her smartest moment 
No, tonight trumped that, big time
“Y/n?” she calls out
She hears rustling of sheets then a yip of some kind before it’s followed by a distant swear 
“I’m getting changed!” you say quickly before nothing
Hermione swears she can hear the cringe, more so she can picture it, the little cringle on your nose, the rare yet cute embarrassment flooding your expression…shame it was bittersweet
“That was a terrible excuse wasn’t it?” you ask, an awkward laugh escaping your lips but she can hear the graininess in your voice from crying
“Little bit yeah” she nods even though you can’t see it “Can I come in?”
Please say yes
“Promise you won’t laugh” 
She new that tone, already trying to suppress her laughter
“You know I can’t but I can try” she offers
There's a small silence 
“Okay you…you can come in”
Hermione pushes the door open, pressing her lips together as she sees you sitting on your shared bed, the sheets clearly like you were hiding under them with a blanket covering your figure
“Are you nude?” she inquires but she already knows what happened
You nod, not shyly or really embarrassed more just…well she can’t place it, you had never looked this way before, so timid, so unlike yourself
“You startled me and I forgot to shift back with my clothes” you say quietly, fiddling with your fingers “Actually that's a lie I somehow still have one sock” you stick your foot out of the blanket, wiggling it around
She lets out a quiet giggle “What did you lose this time?” she asks, moving to sit next to you but keeping a little distance in case you didn’t want her there
“Just my shirt and underwear…oh and the other sock” you gesture to your jeans and jacket hanging over the chair “Got tired so I was going for a nap ya see” 
Half of that was a lie
She could see the glistening of your cheeks, painted by tears, stray hairs sticking to them. Eyes puffy, raw almost bloodshot…and still that look she couldn’t place, a look that terrified her
“You go back to the party, I’ll get a good nap in then I’ll be good as new” you say softly, sadly, that usual charm in your voice gone
“Sweets” your face scrunches at the pet name, face tilting away from her “Please look at me” 
You swallow before turning to look, tears brimming your eyes, leg shaking as you plan what to say
“What's wrong?” Hermione wonders, hand moving to cup your now bare knee as you had managed to shrug the blanket off when you showed her your one socked foot and shaking
“Do you still…still want me?” you ask, voice a broken whisper
Her mouth drops open, that expression she couldn’t place was clear now, no wonder she couldn’t read it, you were feeling insecure
“Course I do” she shifts closer, grasping your hands “Why…” she closes her eyes “...sweets it wasn’t like that with Ron, It was just a dance” she tries to explain but you don’t seem to gain any solace from it 
“Not from where I was standing” you quip with a foreign lace of bitterness “You said you were over him, that he’s just your…”
“Friend, he is just my friend” she cuts in, panicking over where this was going, panicking you weren’t looking at her anymore “Y/n”
“Why then?” the tears fall down your cheeks, voice cracking
She cups your cheek, bringing your face around so she can see you properly “I wanted to make you jealous” she confesses, shame evident on her face 
“Jealous?” you shake your head, eyebrows knitting “Am I not giving you enough attention?” 
Suddenly the roles switch, you’re moving to comfort her, thumbs running over her knuckles, face switching from upset and mild anger to sympathy and worry
“You are” she nods “You are” she repeats a little quieter but harder
“You sure? I know I blew off our date last week on the day…”
“...so fucking stupid of me to do. George and Fred were setting up their new store and I should have…”
“...told them to fuck off cause so what if I’m the third own…”
“...er…sorry, so sorry” you take a few quick breaths, re-gaining your composure
“It’s not about the date, I honestly forgot about that and if you recall you took me up a hill to watch the sunset later to make up” 
“Wait so if it isn’t that or…why?” you look a mix of confused and fearful as you wait for the answer
“Would you believe me if I said it was because I was jealous?” she poses 
Now you were perfectly clueless and her heart ached. You had no idea what you had done, completely innocent and she hurt you for no reason…even if she had one nothing merited what she did. You never consciously made her jealous but she did and it was down right cruel now she thought about it
“You were talking to some girl and she was…well you’re so flirty and I was just…I’m sorry” she takes a moment to breathe and you let her, listening sadly “I wanted to get a reaction out of you, make you feel possessive…that's not the right word but just…you don’t ever get jealous, or annoyed when someone makes a move on me and I guess wanted to force it out of you. ”
“You’re wrong” 
“What?” she cocks her head
“You’re wrong, I do get jealous. Very jealous” you shrug “You know how many people talk to me like I’m not your girlfriend? They think because I’m a flirt they can subtly tell me how hot and smart you are as if you’re my single friend and not my girl” you say with clear emphasis on the last part
“Why have you never told me that?”
“I was scared you’d think I was like Ron…sorry” you flinch at your words, apologising
She knows what you mean though and even if you think you've overstepped, given the circumstances you were more than in your right to say it 
“I’m like my dad. I use flirting as a coping mechanism. Everyone thinks I’m this happy, confident person when in reality I have the same…hell sometimes I think more insecurities as everyone else”
“What kind of insecurities?” she inquires, letting you fiddle with her fingers
“I’m a bit of a tomboy for starters. I never cared much at school, I was fine with a pass but sometimes I hear people talking about how you’re dating an idiot…a hot idiot but an idiot” you let out a little laugh as does she “You have this amazing career and I’m so fucking proud of you" you look her in the eyes as you say it, honing in your pride before looking away "I feel like you could do so much better than me…merlin I could be here all night love I mean we haven’t even got onto physical stuff” you motion to your body and she grabs your hand
“You’re beautiful. Do you have any idea how good you dress, tomboy or not everything you wear is sheer perfection. God, I wish I had your style, why do you think I steal your clothes so much? For one they smell like you and two, they are so cool!” she tells you, cupping your cheek “As for my career, all I care about is that we are happy with what we do. Yeah the ministry can be tiring and I want to kill some folks on occasion but I love it, just like you love the shop. Our happiness trumps everything else. I love coming home and hearing about your day because I never know what to expect. You make my life exciting! If anything I’m the boring one...”
“Are not” you argue “Who made you think that? I’ll make sure a damaged shipment gets directed their way” 
She giggles leaning forwards, forehead kissing your own “I’ll give you a list” she says half seriously
Theres a comfortable silence before you pull back, meeting her eyes
“Please tell me next time” you plea “My heart can’t handle that again” 
She presses her lips to your forehead, lingering there for almost a mintue
“I will. It’ll never happen again…never ever” she kisses your cheek “Never” your other cheek 
She continues whispering ‘never’ between each kiss across your face. This goes on for some time. When she finally looks at you you’re smiling, a little bashfully actually and it makes her heart soar
“You missed one more never here” you tap your lips
She pecks them softly but as she parts your hand comes to the back of her head and holds her lips in place, extending the kiss before she can mumble the word
When you finally break apart you flick your thumb across her cheek “I love you and I’m going to tell you every day until you don’t want me anymore”
Hermione's heart flutters, how could she ever believe you would ever stray elsewhere? You looked at her like she was your everything and she was never making that mistake again...because if she did, she really would lose you
“I promise you the exact same. You better get ready because when we're in our 70’s and you forget, that's it, divorce” she jests and you bark a laugh
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Thank you for reading 💛
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smalls-words · 2 years
What Three Words?
Summary: Part 2 to Dancing In Pyjamas. The Second and Third Tasks are done, but will you save her? Or will she save you?
Pairings: Hermione Granger x Jock!Fem!Reader, Harry Potter x Reader (platonic and a lil' something else).
Warnings: Sappy love stuff involving saving Hermione; torture, blood, mind control but with victim knowledgable (Imperio, Imperius Curse), bodily control with added pain (Crucio, Cruciatus Curse), near-death experience. And then some more fluff :)
A/N - This is the most I've written in ages!! She's also a bit rushed, but I couldn't let myself go to sleep without finishing her off! I also changed it a bit, so see if you can spot it! (it's really not that hard tbh, i just didn't know how else to do it)
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*let's pretend Ron isn't there, not my gif*
A few days later, morning came and you weren’t greeted by Hermione upon waking. Normally, you’d brush it off, but today you had Potions together and you kind of needed her. However, you let it go and headed down to breakfast, noticing Harry was sitting alone too. 
“Where’s Granger and Weasley?” You asked as you sat opposite him.
“I don’t know. But I’ve got my Second Task  of the tournament later. Are you coming?” He looked up at you before taking a bite of his toast.
“Yeah. Do you know what the task is?” You replied.
He nodded. “The egg held the clue.”
“Well do you remember it?” 
He nodded again. “Come and seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you’ll have to look, to recover what we took.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. “What do you think they took?” 
“I don’t know. Probably a treasured item of the contestants - come to think of it, I haven’t seen some of my things lately.”
“Maybe they took them?” You offered and he sighed. 
“Maybe. You should go to Potions. The quicker you get it done, the quicker you can come down to the Black Lake.”
You nodded and stood when your plate was empty, giving him one last glance. “I don’t blame you, by the way. You just… got caught up in the middle of it.” 
He gave you a thankful expression before you left, your mind still worrying about Hermione. She’d never miss a class, she was a star student.
She’d never miss one on purpose.
After Potions, which you were tempted to rename Hell because of Snape, you made your way down to the Black Lake with the other students. The twin Weasleys were offering bets for anyone and you passed them both, shaking your head as you patted them on the back. 
You hopped into one of the boats that coincidentally rowed next to the competitor’s boat, your kind eyes giving Harry some confidence. You scanned the boats around you, looking almost desperately for Hermione, but not even Ron was around. 
*They might already be on the lake. Calm down, Y/N.* You thought to yourself as the boat came to a halt. 
You climbed off, thanking Professor McGonagall as she helped you. “Professor, where’s Granger?” 
She gave you a look that confused you. It seemed worried, almost like she was trying to warn you. “Go find a seat, Y/N. We’ll be starting very shortly.” 
“Welcome to the Second Task!” Dumbledore’s voice echoed out, your House professor rushing you along onto one of the lower platforms. 
“Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure, of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough… except for this.” 
Your eyes scanned the dark waters, the clouds above no help. Your mind wandered to wild places and assumptions, but surely they couldn’t be correct…
“They will have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they’ll be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the start of the cannon-”
The cannon blasted and everyone around Filch got to experience his rotten-toothed smile. The three other champions dove into the water, and you watched Moody shove Harry in, giving you a slight giggle that was odd when your stomach was churning.
Time passed and Cedric returned to the surface with Cho, your worst fear confirmed. 
*If Ron and Hermione are gone, that means Harry is probably going to rescue Ron and Viktor will rescue Hermione.* 
However, Fleur came to the surface, begging for help as the grindylows attacked her. You threw out a Stupefy and stunned the grindylows, helping Fleur out of the water since you were standing on the ‘finish line’ stand. 
“Th-Thank you.” She shivered, cuts all over her body whilst bite marks pressed into her thighs and arms.
“Don’t worry about it. Go get a towel.” You ushered her past.
Another splash behind you alerted you and you almost dove in to help Hermione swim. Viktor’s shark head transfigured away and he helped Hermione swim towards your outstretched hand, a single pull wrenching her out of the freezing water.
“Y/N? Y/N!” She realised it was you and hugged you tightly, your grip slightly tight on her.
“Come on, you need to get these robes off and a towel.” 
You saw Seamus in the corner of your eye supplying towels and grabbed two, helping Hermione strip down as much as decently possible before wrapping her up. You rubbed up and down her arms in an attempt to keep her warm, but her blue lips and shaking form alarmed you.
“Accio Firebolt!” McGonagall cast behind you, worry built into the wrinkles of her forehead as she nodded to you.
“Get her to Madam Pomfrey.” 
You nodded back and caught your broomstick as it came grinding to a halt, hopping on as McGonagall fiddled with your broom. She placed a hand on your knee and you looked down at Hermione behind you, her soaked robes wetting yours.
“Go. Go, now!” McGonagall shouted at you.
You sped off, aiming straight for the nursing wing. Whimpers from Hermione echoed in your ears and gave you every ounce of motivation, one hand holding onto the broomstick whilst the other wrapped around her awkwardly.
“Hold on, Hermione. Just hold on for me.” You ushered.
She nodded, wrapping her arms around your waist even tighter but her shivers weren’t very good at keeping her still. Eventually, you swerved into the nursing wing with a few shouts from students, but when you came to the front door, you jumped off easily and burst through.
“I need some help, please! She’s too cold!” You yelled out, with Madam Pomfrey immediately coming towards you.
She nodded, pointing out the window as she told you that McGonagall sent a message - a bright blue firework had gone off. You sat down away from the nurses as they prepared to undress Hermione, pulling the cover sheet around her bed. 
When the nurses pulled the sheet back around, they invited you to sit by the bed before leaving you alone with her. You instantly pulled off your robe, leaving you in the rest of your uniform, and draped it over her like a blanket. 
You held her hand softly as you cupped it against your lips. “Come on, Hermione. Stay with me here.” 
You were surprised when she seemed to listen, her eyes opening. “Y/N? Have… Have you learnt a new spell recently where you can split yourself into two?”
You shook your head with a soft chuckle, bringing her hands into your lap. “No, Granger. I’m afraid that’s just your double vision.”
“Ah…” She sighed, sitting up weakly.
“Hey, hey, hey. Stay down, Hermione. You need to let your body catch up.” You pushed her back down gently, her nose brushing against yours as she tried to stay up.
“Granger…” You warned her.
She giggled softly and stopped pushing, but neither of you moved your heads. Her hand glided up your arm and she gave you a hazy smile as she cupped your cheek. “Stop worrying about me.”
“You are literally seeing double.” You sternly spoke.
“Well, lucky me - I get to see the most beautiful face in the world twice.” She countered, lifting her chin ever so slightly to capture your top lip.
Hermione was kissing you. Hermione Jean Granger, quite possibly the smartest witch of your generation, was kissing you ever so softly, like she’d practised countless times before. It was slow, it was gentle, and it was perfect. 
Except for the fact that she pulled away, leaving you both breathless. Her eyes started to shut and your hand moved behind her head, gently laying it back down.
“So so beautiful…” She trailed off, falling back asleep. 
You sat down next to her and lightly pressed your fingers to your lips, still feeling the phantom touch of her. You wanted to never forget it, but as the hours passed by, you eventually succumbed to sleep, hoping that what you just experienced wasn’t a dream.
When Hermione woke, the heat around her felt comforting; warm enough to easily pull her back asleep if she so wished, but cold enough to not make her sweat. As she sat up slowly, she realised that she didn’t have many clothes on, but the familiarity of a robe in her grip made her look around.
Your sleeping form was enough to stop her thoughts.
She’d never seen you sleep before. It was odd - seeing your face still when it normally held a grin or smirk of some sort. Sure, you looked peaceful, but there was a furrow in your brows that she recognised as an unpleasant dream. 
Then her eyes trailed down your body. Your uniform sagged slightly from the position you sat in, but she relatively knew what it looked like. Many evenings spent by you as you worked out had your form etched into her mind, a memory she could always retrieve and secretly admire. 
“Hey.” She croaked, squeezing your hand gently.
You jolted awake and your eyes fell onto her, a small smile on her lips. “Are you okay? How are you feeling? Cold anywhere?” You fretted.
She chuckled at you. “No, Y/N, I’m fine now.” 
“Good.” You sighed in relief, sitting back down in your chair, only now realising you were still holding her hand.
You moved to let go but her grip held fast on your hand, using you to pull herself up. “Can you pass me those clothes, please?” 
You handed them over and closed your eyes, yet still able to picture Hermione in front of you. She gave you a tap on your palm to let you know she was done, moving to stand up with shaky legs. 
“Easy, Granger.” You smirked softly, hiding your worry as you helped her take a few steps forward to regain her balance. 
“Thanks, Y/N.” She hugged you tightly and you sighed into it, almost picking her up off the floor.
“You’re always welcome.” 
“Shall we have some dinner?” She asked as she pulled away from you.
“Sure.” You offered your hand and she took it, swinging it childishly as you walked through the halls.
As you sat opposite Hermione, with Ginny and Angelina sitting by her side, you watched her closely. She was telling them the story of how she got taken, not even looking at you which made your heart ache.
*For Merlin’s sake, Y/N, you’re not on her mind 24/7.* You thought to yourself before the events of a pre-dinner came back. 
Dumbledore had announced that in light of the events of the Second Task, the Third Task would take place tomorrow evening to minimise the possible effect and injuries of other innocent students. That made you slightly happier, as then none of your friends would be in serious danger anymore. 
Eventually, your appetite was lost and you made your way back to the common room, your robe resting on your bed thanks to the castle elves. A knock at the door had your frustrations and fatigue bubble up to the surface, a sigh coming out quite quickly. “I’m not in the mood, Weasley Jr-”
“It’s me.” 
“Oh. Come in, why are you knocking? It’s your room too, Granger.” You opened the door.
“I know.” She stated as she entered, walking awkwardly around the room. 
You climbed over to your bed and sighed into the comfortable sheets, clutching your stuffed lion with your Gryffindor emblem on it until you heard whispers in the bathroom. You groaned, hoping they would go away, but they didn’t.
“Granger. Stop. Studying.” You grumbled out in short huffs.
You heard footsteps come to your bed and opened one eye, seeing confusion as Hermione’s expression. You sighed, sitting up. “What’s wrong?”
“Did I do anything before I woke up?” She asked you plainly. 
“Gotta be more specific.” You yawned.
She turned away from you, pacing back and forth in a distance that matched the length of her bed. “Because I had this dream, and I can’t tell if it was real or not.” 
Your eyes opened properly now, looking at her. Did she remember? Did she remember filling your heart with peace at the slightest touch of her lips? Did she remember the way you calmed her with nothing short of a few words?
“What was in your dream?” You needed the answer.
“You were there. Um- Uh- Sitting in the chair next to me and holding my hand.” She replied quickly. 
Too quickly.
“Maybe you just opened your eyes a little bit when I was sleeping.” You shrugged, hiding the complete and utter weight that fell on your heart. 
“Yeah. Yeah, maybe.” She mumbled.
“Goodnight, Granger.” You mumbled, turning back into your bed. 
Hermione couldn’t sleep as fast as you, but she tried to. She climbed into bed, facing away from you until she knew you would be asleep. So, after ten minutes on the dot, she turned around to see you asleep.
Compared to how she found you after waking up, you seemed to be more relaxed. You didn’t have the crease on your forehead, which she thought would mean that you were having a pleasant dream. 
She could only hope it was pleasant as her memory of kissing you. 
A select few from each school, including some Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors, were rushing to get down to the Maze, which had ‘mysteriously’ grown via Moody’s creation. Stands had been built to house the four different groups of fans, each with banners and flags alike. 
You sat next to Hermione in the Gryffindor stand, cheering along as Harry came out from the champions change rooms. Then, you were silenced by Dumbledore, who explained how the task would work before the champions set off. 
Instantly, the four groups began to sit in silence, hoping for their champions to return unscathed, but the first of red sparks went up into the air only three minutes in. A bright blue light came from the maze and everyone began to cheer, but nobody saw the winner land back in the rightful spot. 
Dumbledore began to speak with Moody quietly, with the people in the stands groaning as they made their way to leave. You, however, felt a sense of unease rest within your stomach. 
“Granger…” You put your arm in front of her and she hid slightly behind you.
Dumbledore suddenly jumped back as Moody writhed on the floor, his entire body shaking as howls and grunts of pain echoed out. Then, his head jerked up and you eyed the infamous Death Eater. 
“Barty Crouch Junior.” Dumbledore spat, with Snape and McGonagall’s wands at the ready beside him.
Suddenly, a blinding flash of light had you looking away, only to feel Hermione slip past you and run down to Harry, crouched over a familiar yellow jumper as he cried. 
“My boy…” Mr Diggory from a few metres away muttered.
“Let me through. Let me through! That’s my son!”
He pushed past you and you stumbled, catching yourself on Ginny in front of you with an apology she immediately accepted. 
“That’s my boy!” Mr Diggory cried, kneeling down by Cedric’s corpse.
You raced down as Barty made a dash to grab Hermione, shoving her away and getting yourself captured instead. He gripped you tight like a snake with its prey, his tongue darting out of his mouth to lick your neck whilst his wand was pressed to your throat.
“One movement and I’ll kill her.” He swore and you winced at Hermione’s cry, trying to get to you.
“No! Y/N!” 
“Granger…” You shook your head at her, but she kept fighting against Dean and Seamus.
“Y/N, please!” 
“Hermione Jean Granger!” You growled, a promise in your mind that it would be the only time you yelled at her. 
She stopped struggling but her full name from your lips wasn’t enough to keep away her tears. She shook her head as you glanced at Dumbledore, a firm nod coming from him before you turned back to her.
“Whatever happens, Hermione… I love you.” 
Her eyes widened.
And yours shut.
“Imperio!” Barty cast and you felt fear strike into your heart as you swung at Hermione wildly.
McGonagall raised her wand at Barty but Snape stepped in front of her. “If you do anything to him, it rebounds onto Y/N. If we must stop Barty, we…”
She scowled at the male professor as you kept trying to hit Hermione, tears pouring down both of your cheeks. “Please, Y/N, fight it! Please! Please, don’t hurt me...” She begged you.
“I’m trying, Hermione, I’m trying!” You cried back, a plank of wood from the stands as Hermione’s downfall; literally.
You leaned over her and wrenched off a piece of wood, raising it above your head with the intent to kill before pain radiated through your body. It felt like your skin was on fire and that your blood was boiling your organs, your body writhing to the side of Hermione just like Barty’s a few moments ago.
Hermione looked at Professor Snape, his wand out towards you. “Crucio.” He muttered again, another cry coming out of you that paled in comparison to the song of a Dementor.
“Stop! Stop, you’re hurting her!” Hermione begged.
“Barty, drop it. Now.” Dumbledore warned him, putting his wand to his chin.
Barty looked between the other students, some cowering behind others whilst they protected them, before looking back at you. He dropped his wand, ending the spell on you, before Snape did the same thing.
Hermione scrambled towards your shaking form, your eyelids fluttering closed before she saw what Barty had made you do to yourself. The piece of wood destined to have her meet death had now become lodged within your torso. “No, no! Y/N, stay awake, please!” Her melodic voice seemed miles away, even if you knew in your heart that you were in her arms.
The world faded slowly around you as you looked over at the Professors, McGonagall coming towards you in worry whilst Dumbledore and Snape conversed. Finally, you looked up at Hermione and cupped her tear-filled cheek with your hand, only for the darkness to consume your vision.
When you woke up, you were afraid. Afraid that the darkness wouldn’t leave, even if your eyes were open. Afraid that you had lost everything you ever wanted, because you could not even see the hands in front of you. 
Then you realised it was night, a nurse coming to light your bedside candle. “She hasn’t left your side.” She commented.
You looked down at the slight weight on your arm, surprised to find Hermione holding it as she slept on a bed connected to yours. You looked back up at the nurse. “How long have I been asleep?”
“Almost two weeks.” She reached out to touch your shoulder but you flinched, causing Hermione to wake but not show it.
“It’s alright, dear. Nobody can hurt you now.” She assured, simply leaving.
Your eyes were clenched shut until you felt fingertips dance across your stomach, a familiarity to their movements. A waltz. “Easy breaths, Y/N. In and out.” 
You slowly opened your eyes to be greeted by the glow of the candle across Hermione’s face. Her chocolate brown eyes seemed to be almost golden whilst a jagged cut stretched across her cheek, held together with butterfly strips. 
“Did I…?” You reached up to touch it and Hermione took your hand.
“What do you remember?” She asked you.
“I remember… I remember…” You strained to find the memories.
“I can’t remember anything after Moody was revealed to be a Poly-Juiced Barty Junior.” 
Hermione sighed and your thumb gently brushed over her cheek. “Hermione, did I do this to you? And don’t lie to me.” 
She leaned into your touch, a tear tracing the curve of your palm, and she nodded. You closed your eyes, begging for the memory to tell you otherwise, but it could not. 
“I hurt you. I… I didn’t mean it, Hermione, I wasn’t in control, please…” Your voice broke and she shakily exhaled.
“I know. I know it wasn’t your fault. Listen to me when I say this, Y/N. It. Wasn’t. Your. Fault.” She stated each word clearly as you hugged her tightly, repeated ‘i’m sorry’s muffled into her shirt.
She pulled away slightly and cupped your cheek, but she surprised you when she leaned in further. “It…” She kissed your left cheek. “Wasn’t…” Right cheek. “Your…” Nose.
Both of you were sound of mind, and yet, it was nothing in comparison to your dreams. Hermione pressed into you and you closed your eyes, letting her have control as her tongue bravely darted across your lips, begging for entry to explore you in a way neither of you had done so before. 
But… her tongue…
You flinched and pulled away, your eyes squeezed shut as a whimper came from your weak chest. Hermione tearfully sighed, situating herself to your side with her head in your neck. “Shh, shh, shh. He can’t get you anymore.” 
You shuddered out a few breaths as Hermione calmly combed her fingers through your hair, kissing your nose as a gesture of kindness as her calm voice vibrated against your skin. “Now… I heard three lovely words out there… Do you think you can remember them for me?” 
You sniffed up your runny nose before you nodded, closing your eyes as that memory, distorted and sad as it was, gave you one of the warmest feelings you’d ever experienced.
“Hermione Jean Granger…” 
“Not those words, silly-”
“I love you.”
She pulled her head away from your neck and smiled at your shyness, eyes looking everywhere but hers. A hand on your cheek directed you to look straight at her, even as she came and tickled your nose with hers.
“I love you too, Y/N Melanie Black.” 
You smiled as she kissed you again, a much softer tone to it this time. One that sealed her love for you, to show you the kindness and care and love you had always had before, with a twist.
You might have fallen first, but she fell much, much harder.
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14thgalerie · 1 year
He waits, and he waits forever
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• pairing: draco malfoy x hermione granger
• now playing: memory lane by haley joelle / weird by lizzy mcalpine
• word count: 229
• genre: angst
— a short scenario of my favorite character x character ship
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There are moments in life that humans wish to relive. There are only two reasons we do so— to feel the emotions of our past or to change them.
And for Draco, it was the latter.
He desperately wishes to be relieved of the awful nightmares that plagued his mind during ice-cold nights. To be relieved of the taste of bitterness from his past.  
Once appearing so gallant and proud becomes a shell, nothing but a boy inside. He holds fabric remnants of his lover, crying silently, longing to hold the warm body of its owner.
Swimming in the shores that held ashes. Drowning in hopes of carrying the waters that his lover is held in back home. 
Sleeping in the cold cement, waiting patiently for his darling to come. For he is reminded of bright days when he used to see Hermione standing on said cement, basking in the sun.
Wails of sorrow and grief accompanied the tears that never seemed to stop flowing. Calling out the name that he grew to love but failed to keep. Hopelessly thinking that the heavens will hear his plea. 
He waits and waits,
and waits once more.
Straining his ears because maybe, just maybe, the wind does carry the voices of our loved ones. And he will hear an answer.
As expected, there is nothing, and anguish thrums in his veins. 
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Can i request a Hermione x Fem!Reader? something like y/n (maybe ravenclaw?) gets bullied for her mixed race? i wanna see hermione stand up for her and then comfort her if she runs away.
I think me writing this is almost ironic given JK's stance on literally any minority. I'm proud to take the characters she's written and make them the complete opposite of her beliefs *evil laugh* 😈 if you know, you know.
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"Mudblood in more than one way if you know what I mean." The words make my blood run cold, the hairs on the back of my neck sticking up beneath the dark blue scarf wrapped around my neck. My warm, teary breath mixes with the freezing air around me, my eyes just locked on the Slytherin girls in front of me who snicker and giggle.
It was apparently amusing, my difference, the thing that sets me and a few other students aside from the rest of them. Mudblood in more than one way... The words are appalling and disgusting, closed minded beyond belief and I'm sure a reflection of what they've been taught since a young age.
Hate, ignorance and a distaste for a whole group of people, a community, is built and installed in a person. It's learned.
"Cat got your tongue?" My head just shakes, words falling flat and I feel a hand resting on my back. I turn to see Hermione, a scowl on her lips and her brows are tightly pulled together in disappointment.
"I'm sure Professor Snape would not be pleased to hear that his prized students have violated the student handbook but also alienate and bully a student." She says simply, her fingers intertwining with mine quietly as the girls roll their eyes, annoyed at her 'empty' threat. "Go on, call her another name. Maybe I'll have to go to Draco to tell him you've been following Blaise into the mens restroom between classes." I don't know who she's talking to, nor do I know how she gained this information but based on the look of fear that covers one of the girls faces and the look of disgust coming from her two sidekicks, I can tell she's telling nothing but the truth.
The girls leave without another word, tossing their hair over their shoulders with arrogant huffs. Hermione blows out a breath and a laugh, turning to me fully to grasp my cheeks between her palms.
"Is she actually with Blaise?" She giggles, wiping my tears away with the pads of her thumbs, gentle and kind as can be.
"I wasn't sure but based on the ghastly look of fear on her face, it must be true!" She cheers, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to my forehead before linking her arm with mine. "C'mon, I'll buy you lunch." She steals another quick kiss from my cheek, my eyes lowering to the ground bashfully and relief fills me, happy that she was the one to come to my rescue.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee
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avalynlestrange · 10 months
Hermione Granger
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Back to The Library (Main Masterlist) To The Kitchen (WIPs)
Send me an owl post if you have a fic request.
Tone: ♡ Fluff ♥ Angst ❥ Suggestive Themes
✿ coming soon
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veryberryjelly · 10 months
hey 🕺 i love your writing!!! could i please maybe get a chocolate croissant from the whole non-poly harry potter fandom? :)
so, i’m an enfp hufflepuff and i think i really fit the general stereotype for a hufflepuff. i’m very cheerful, sunshine-y if that makes sense, i smile a lot and i think i’m mostly just a happy person. unfortunately i’m also very sensitive and tend to overthink a lot. even though i’m usually quite outgoing and it’s easy for me to meet new people, in some groups of people (usually the most extroverted ones) i kind of shut-down and get all shy and quiet.
as to physical appearance: im medium height, quite slim i think??? my eyes are blue, my hair is dark brown, medium length (like, goes a little under my shoulders), quite wavy and i have kind of dakota johnson-esque bangs which i absolutely love and feel like they’re part of my personality at this point😭 i always dress in very light colours (i literally have no black clothes in my closet), mostly whites and beiges and pinks and i love midi skirts, big sweaters and linen shirts. and i love gold jewellery!!
i think my main hobby is watching movies, i’m obsessed with it, i watched over 200 last year. the other thing i love is writing. my dream career would probably be something like a film journalist! besides that, i like singing, reading (romcoms or just contemporary or memoirs) and listening to music (pop, jazz, r&b). oh and i love travelling!!!!
whats worth mentioning is that i am obsessed with everything love-related. like weddings, hearts, cute dates, romcoms, love songs, i love all this!!😭😭
alright, i wrote a lot, im sorry dskfnsjssfds
thank youuuuu, have a great day!!!
𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
i ship you with...
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hermione granger !!!
hermione would be right by your side watching all those movies and would definitely have read the book before hand if there was one.
i can imagine hermione taking you on the cutest dates!!
dates to hogsmeade
setting up a little study date in the library with roses and a few candles
i can see her being absolutely obsessed with your style.
all colours and the midi skirts are absolutely admirable and i think while she dresses more conservative she is completely envious of your outfits & fashion sense.
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lovelycassy · 1 year
Hermione Granger Masterlist
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
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weasleyreidstyles · 5 months
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chapter eleven
summary: it was only meant to be a purely transactional relationship. he would help her strengthen her abilities in return for her getting his friends out of his father's nasty path. he didn't mean to fall for her, but loving her was the easiest thing in his dark world.
no use of y/n, but your general nickname is Meadow. all characters are aged up to be over 18.
pairings: mattheo riddle x fem!ravenclaw reader; platonic!slytherins x fem!reader; platonic!golden trio x fem!reader
warning(s): fighting, mentions blood, more angst lol
series masterlist; previous part; next part
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The three of you sit in varying states of unrest beside Ron's hospital bed.
Hermione was still gripping his hand, as if her touch would entice him to wake up; Ginny was throwing a ball against the nearest wall as she quietly chatted to Mione, ignoring the glares of annoyance from the matron every time her ball made a thwack sound against the stone; you were sat on one of the uncomfortable chairs, a copy of 'Mythical Lore' in your lap, your eyes darting to and from Ron's chest to check that he was still breathing. Harry was Merlin knows where, but you knew he'd be back soon, never willing to leave his friends in distress for too long.
It had been like this for hours. Your tears had dried up and your anger had simmered away slowly; all that was left was the hollow feeling of helplessness and despair as you sat there.
Helpless against the poison that was slowly leaving Ron's bloodstream.
Helpless against forces that harmed your friends.
Helpless to whatever was happening to you.
A monster is what you were. A mythical, dangerous monster. Your gut churned with unease.
The somewhat peaceful atmosphere was interrupted as the doors to the Hospital Wing behind you burst open in a flurry that alerted Madame Pomfrey instantly.
"What is the meaning of this?" she said to whoever had appeared in the doorway. You swivelled in your seat to see, noting Ginny's incredulous look and Hermione's annoyed one, which could only mean one thing.
"Where is my Won-Won?" the squeaky voice of Lavender Brown sliced through the calm. "Cormac McClaggen told me he was here but I didn't believe him."
Madame Pomfrey tutted at her dramatics and pointed the girl in the direction of where you were all sat. You tensed at the blazing heat simmering in Lavender's eyes as she looked between Hermione's hand in Ron's.
"Y'alright Brown?" you say with a grimaced smile, discontent with the fact that you knew the other two wouldn't dare to speak. "Ron's been out for a few hours. Should be cognisant properly in a week's time."
Apparently you'd taken to snarky remarks to cover up your terror at the fact that he had not so much as stirred from his dreamless sleep. She turns to you then, her features betraying how worried she was for her boyfriend, but she had let jealousy rear its ugly head.
"And what is she doing here?" she hisses, pointedly looking at Hermione as you and Ginny share bewildered looks.
"Well-" you say, awkwardly glancing between the girls, "Well they're friends aren't they?"
"Yes well, you're friends with Theodore Nott, but it's so obvious that you're fucking each other behind closed doors." she snaps and you gape at her in disbelief. "Forgive me if I don't think that Granger's intentions are any less pure."
"I am not fucking Theodore." you jibe, throwing a whithering glare at Ginny who had let out a loud snort at Lavender's self assured statement.
"I've been friends with him for longer than he knew of your existence." Mione snapped, not letting go of Ron's hand, scowling as Lavender lets out a catty laugh.
"You're joking right? The two of you haven't had a civil conversation in weeks. But I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's all interesting." she says shrilly and its Ginny who whirls on her this time.
"You call being poisoned interesting? Are you that dim?" she questions and Lavender's resolve jostles only slightly.
Suddenly, Ron's features contort in discontent.
"Oh look at that." Lavender says smugly, eyes flicking to Hermione's grimacing face. "He senses my presence."
You yelp as she practically shoves you away from where you are sat, leaning over to peak at her boyfriend's face as it twitches with his dreams. He begins to mumble something that you can't make out and Lavender begins to encourage him to speak up, as if he'd be able to hear her.
You just stare at the back of the girl's head in annoyance until she staggers away, mouth agape with shock. You're confused until you hear it for yourself.
"Her- Mione. Mione. Mione." he chants her name like a siren's song.
Hermione smiles gently and her thumbs caresses his hand softly as he continues to mumble incoherently in his sleep. Lavender lets out a broken exhale and promptly flees the ward. You pity her in that moment. Not even the most incorrigible of people deserve that kind of betrayal.
The three of you are silent as you watch Ron. But he's sound asleep again. Still, as if it had been a combined figment of your imaginations. You stand to make the matron aware of this development, playfully shoving Ginny away as she taunts you.
"I can't believe she thought you and Nott are fucking." she laughed. "Unbelievable."
"Shut up." you berate her and she lets out a giggle before replying in a barely hidden whisper.
"Wrong Slytherin Prince, right?"
She smirks as you throw up a middle finger towards her as you reach the matron's office on the other end of the Hospital Wing.
Somehow you've mastered the accute art of stealth.
In the week that has passed, you have managed to drift through the castle halls without so much as crossing paths with any of the Slytherin group. Partly due to the fact that you spent your time in the Hospital Wing with a near-cognisant Ron, in classes or in your dorm. You didn't dare go to the Room of Requirement or the library and you were eternally grateful that it was not your week to do the nightly Patrols.
Ancient Runes proved to be a difficult feat, but you somehow coerced a fellow Ravenclaw to switch seats with you in exchange for completing the next essay so that they could focus on training for the quidditch match at the end of the week. Under normal circumstances you would've abhorred the idea of it, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
You could feel his eyes practically burning holes to the back of your head in all your shared classes, and you felt him in the corridors, but you didn't dare give in. You didn't want to see him. Couldn't bare to face him.
Mattheo was restless and agitated. All week long you wouldn't so much as look at him, let alone deign to spend an ounce of time with him. He was worried.
When you slammed the common room door in his face a week ago, he had reluctantly confessed to his friends about what the two of you had discovered; each of his friends were wholly willing to help him find a way to help you, if only he could tell you the good news.
And he'd tried. He'd reached over the tether that had connected your mind to his, but each time he was met with an offensive wall of dark stone. You'd blocked him out completely, and he would've been impressed if he wasn't so desperate to hear your voice.
Now he knows how you must've felt all those weeks ago, but it's different now. Now there are feelings involved. Now he doesn't know how to cope without your snark and sarcasm.
When he found Jeremy Stretton sat in your seat in Ancient Runes he found his reigned in emotions snapping. Especially when he saw that you were sat in the front, happily chatting away to Hermione and one of the Patil twins, waiting for Professor Babbling to turn up. He doesn't know why the sight of the Chaser makes his blood boil.
Mattheo slammed his hands onto the desk, bringing his face level with Stretton's, who had looks up in startled alarm. Mattheo was seething, and he didn't particularly care that everyone was beginning to peer curiously at the scene that was beginning to unfold.
"What the fuck are you doing at my table, Stretton?" he snarled, eyes narrowing as his hands tightened around the lip of the desk.
To his credit, Jeremy shook off his stupor and looked at Mattheo obstinately.
"I'm sitting in my seat, Riddle. Problem?" the Ravenclaw chaser replied, challenge flaring in his oceanic eyes.
Mattheo's glare became venomous.
"That...is not...your seat." he said slowly, his voice low and dangerous. He could see you standing up in his peripheral, looking as if your going to intervene, but Granger stops you with a hand to your shoulder, a look of incredulity on her face. "I suggest you move, before I move you myself."
"Well actually," Stretton says with a barely there smirk, "I think you'll find that it is my seat. I don't know why it's taken her so long to do so, but Meadow practically begged me to swap and I can only oblige to her wishes."
He sees red almost instantly and Stretton's shirt collar finds its way into the clenched fists of Mattheo's hands, his hot breath fanning over the Ravenclaw's smirking face. He now knows why fury coats his every being with a tiny detail that whispered to his consciousness. Stretton had taken you to the Yule Ball two years ago. This was a product of pure jealousy as well as rage.
"Oooh did I hit a nerve?" Stretton says. "What could dear, sweet Meadow possibly see in you, Riddle?"
Mattheo doesn't register the feeling of his fist untangling from the shirt collar, until he feels the soft cartilage of Stretton's nose breaking beneath bloodied knuckles. He can vaguely hear Theodore and Pansy telling him to stop, can barely hear the sounds of people jeering and gasping at the scene. But what he does hear is your blessed voice.
"Mattheo stop it." you say, and it's like the sound brushes away the feelings clouding all his senses. He lets go of Stretton, who flops to the floor unceremoniously, but he doesn't pay him another glance. Not when you're looking at him the way you are. With bewilderment and what he thinks is unease. His breathing is ragged as he steps towards you, but you step back.
"Are you insane?" you hiss at him and to his utter horror, you turn your gaze to the blubbering boy on the floor and kneel down to help him instead.
"Jeremy?" the way you say his name with a soft tone grates through him and he's about to step towards you again, when Theodore's firm hand on his chest stops him.
"Let it go. You've already caused quite the scene brother." his voice is a gentle caress to his ears and his graciously listens to Theo who sighs in relief, pushing Mattheo out of the door, ignoring the shouts of Professor Babbling, who had just entered the classroom.
Wordlessly, you heal Jeremy's wounds as Professor Babbling meanders in, unaware of the turmoil that had occurred only moments ago. Jeremy was hissing and cursing as your magic washed over his skin.
"You can take your godsdamned seat back, Meadow." he spat. "It's so not worth getting another beating over."
You smile grimly at him, guilt clouding your eyes. "Of course. I'm sorry, Jeremy."
"Not your fault, love." It's nearly impossible for you to hide the way the nickname makes you cringe. "Can't say I won't miss the opportunity for some extra quidditch practice though."
He bats your healing hands away as Professor Babbling stands above the two of you.
"What on Earth is going on?" she says, voice stern. "Does it have anything to do with why Masters Riddle and Nott are notably absent?"
Jeremy nods immediately at the same time that you freeze, not willing to give them up so easily. He stares at you incredulously. You clear your throat awkwardly.
"Uh, yes. Yeah." you say in a muted whisper. "But it's been sorted."
Jeremy throws you a look, which you adamantly ignore as you rise and go towards Pansy's table, taking Theo's empty seat. She doesn't so much as look your way, tense as you sit down. You close your eyes and sigh.
"Look I'm sorry that I've not spoken to you." you mumble without turning to face her.
"Ignored and neglected more like." she retorts in response. "I had no idea about Ron, Meadow. You have to believe me."
You reach over and squeeze her hand in your's. "I do believe you, Pans. I do. But it doesn't mean that the others didn't. And I-"
You're cut off by Professor Babbling's introduction to the lesson's topic, but the squeeze that Pansy's hand gives your's is all you need to know that you're both okay. And that's enough for now.
"For what it's worth," she mumbles almost imperceptibly. "You're doing an awfully good job of avoiding him. I've never seen Mattheo so ruffled."
Instead of satisfaction, that statement only brings you an aching sense of pain. And whether you do it unconsciously or not, you'll never admit, but your mental walls break down the smallest amount.
Enough for him to know that you're in as much agony as he is.
As soon as Pansy leaves your side after you've walked out of Ancient Runes, Hermione is there immediately.
"Okay, what in Merlin's name happened in there?" she asks incredulously.
"We both know Riddle has a short fuse, Mione. It's not that abnormal to see." you retort and she gives you a disbelieving look.
"Maybe so, but it can't be just me that's noticed that he hasn't resorted in bloody fist fighting in months." Damn her and her brilliant observation skills. "And why was Stretton in your seat in the first place?"
"I asked to swap." you say with a shrug and when you don't give her the answer she's no doubt looking for, she pins you with a glare.
"You've been avoiding them all week. Parkinson, Nott and Riddle. You've spent more time with me, Ginny and Harry this week than you have all year."
"Tired of my presence already, Mione?" you say with the ghost of a smirk of your face. When she doesn't return your humour, you sigh. "I've been a little busy with visiting Ron. And maybe Harry's spiels have been getting to me."
"What?" she questions before lowering her voice. "You think they're Death Eaters?"
"I don't know what to think." you say. "But I can't talk to them. I won't."
"You spoke to Pansy, just fine earlier."
"She's not the one I'm avoiding."
A brief glance into her mind shows you that she thinks you're speaking about Theo. And while the thought of speaking to him after what he no doubt had a hand in helping orchestrate, seeing Mattheo, speaking to Mattheo, makes your heart want to drop right down to your stomach.
You can still feel the phantom of his power all this time later. Though that could just be you imagining it; you don't doubt that the brief feeling you got was exhilarating. It terrified you.
"Are you coming to see Ron after lunch?" Hermione asks as you part ways for your differing classes.
"Yeah. I'll find you in the Great Hall once I've finished Astronomy." you smile in farewell as she makes her way towards her Arithmancy lesson.
Your smile slips immediately as you turn the corner, because you find yourself trapped between a cold stone pillar, and his strong, muscled chest, his arms straining as they pin you to the hard structure. You don't look up to lock eyes, instead glaring intently at his loosened Slytherin tie.
"Hello, Princess." Mattheo spits menacingly. All he gets in response is a huff from you. "Still intent on avoiding me, are you?" he lets out a dark chuckle that sets your skin alight, and you can tell without looking that a sinister smirk paints his gorgeous face.
You feel as he sensually caresses your mind, and it has you keening into him.
Let me back in. His deep voice is demanding and assertive. At your blatent refusal he growls. Why won't you let me in?
I can't. You say back, your inner voice a mere whimper in comparison to his. He tilts his head down to look at you, chasing your eyes with his own. He can feel your fear and self hatred like it was highlighted in bold colours for all to see.
"What are you so afraid of, darling?" he asks out loud in a low and raspy tone that makes you melt. Your eyes shut on instinct, squeezing away the light until your dizzy.
"I'm going to be late for Astronomy." you say, deflecting and he scoffs, pushing you further into the wall.
"It's barely eleven o'clock. I'm sure you're not going to miss a change in star pattern any time soon."
"That's not even the point and you know it." you argue, trying in vain to evade his strong hold.
"Stop avoiding us. Stop avoiding me." he begs. "Do you know how insufferable Teddy has been?"
"What a horrible thing to say about your best friend." you retort halfheartedly. But Mattheo is only partially glad that you're returning his words with quips of sarcasm. He sighs.
"I don't blame you for what happened in my dorm, love." Unlike how you cringed away from Stretton, your heart sings at the nickname. "'S not your fault."
"I could've drained you to death, Théo." you say quietly, and his face heats at the shortened nickname. One that he had not heard in years, since the passing of Theodore's mother. "I don't know how you can stand to be around me."
You're still evading his eye contact, so he lifts a hand from the wall and gently cradles your chin, moving your gaze to his; bloody knuckles contrasting with the smoothness of your skin.
"You're not a monster." he says resolutely, like he truely believes it. "You never have been, and you never will be. Not to me, not to my friends, not to your friends, either."
Your brow furrows and your eyes line with unshed tears.
"I went to Dumbledore." you say and he stills. "After I left your common room. I went to him and he said I was a weapon. Because I can detect certain magical objects and people."
Mattheo's body lit up with fury again. You were not a weapon to be used and discarded. No, you were a person who did not belong on the frontlines of war.
"And what did you say to that?" he asks you, onyx eyes narrowed in anger that was not directed your way.
"I told him that I didn't know how to control it. That I wasn't interested in being fated to die." you say, and it feels good to talk about things you're too afraid to speak to your friends about. "I asked him to grant you all safety too."
At this, Mattheo's gaze snaps right to your own. Incredulity lacing his features. "Why would you do that?"
"He could see right through my shield." you defend yourself at his tone. "He refused anyhow. Said you had to ask for yourselves, and he knows that you won't."
He admired your ire for his friends. But he almost winces at the glare you send his way.
"You knew that he wouldn't help any of you no matter when or how I asked. Didn't you?" you couldn't believe him.
"You learn to expect nothing less from the people who expect nothing but bad intentions from you, sweetheart." he replied with a shrug. "Though I wish they'd help the others, no matter if they associate with me or not."
His face is dark as he lets you go. But you don't move away. Instead you tilt your head and stare up at him, eyes moving across his features: from his onyx eyes framed by gloriously long lashes; to the bridge of his nose, crooked from previous fights with a long scar stretching across the middle of it; to his perfect mouth that pouts slightly as he gazes down at you.
Keep looking at me like that and I'll take you in this very corridor. He snarls in your mind and you smirk.
Kinky. But I draw the line at exhibitionism. You pat at his hard, muscled chest and make to move away and run towards the class that you are no doubt now late for. But he stops you with a firm grip to your bicep and he spins you around to face him again.
"Tease." he mutters with his own smirk as he presses his lips to your's. It's as euphoric as the first time, and every time after that as his lips fight against your's, ultimately winning your miniature battle for dominance. You mewl into his mouth as his tongue brushes against your's, hands clawing at the hairs at the nape of his neck as he pushes you into the wall once more.
You're so lost in eachother that you don't hear them when they turn the corner. Ginny and Harry stop dead in their tracks as they stare at the two of you wide eyed. The former smirks at the thought of finally catching you out but it drops immediately when she turns to the boy beside her who is visibly fuming. And she can't steer him away fast enough to save you from his wrath.
"Shacking up with Death Eaters now, Meadow? I thought that was below you." the spitting sound of your best friend's voice breaks you from your daydream like state and you force yourself away from Mattheo's wondering mouth to gape at your two friends.
Ginny is sending you an apologetic look which you bypass in order to face the scathing eyes of Harry Potter.
"Harry-" you say, stepping out from where you're trapped between Mattheo and the wall, and you're so grateful that he doesn't keep you pinned there, instead he stands slightly infront of you, arms folded, a glare set on his face.
"Don't." Harry says, eying the way Riddle stands infront of you protectively. "All this time, I thought you were only tutoring him for Nott's sake. But, of course you just had to get in his bed, too."
The hand on his bicep is the only thing stopping Mattheo from launching at the boy.
"Watch it, Potter." he snaps, his position infront of you turning defensive.
Harry lets out an incredulous laugh; Ginny's attempts to persuade him to leave it alone, are ignored.
"I overheard you." he continues as if Mattheo had not spoken at all. "In Dumbledore's office. Begging him to help your friends."
You don't know what to say. Starstruck by his anger. But you understand why he's angry at you, and that ache burns ever brighter in your chest.
"The same friends who have tormented us, tormented you for years. How can you even ask such a thing?"
"They deserve to be helped just as much as the rest of us." you say at last, your voice quiet and on the verge of cracking with emotion. The lump in your throat gets bigger with every word you speak. "You know what it's like to grow up in an unwanted home Harry. You know that no one deserves that."
"That's not the point Meadow." he snaps and he visibly delights in the way you recoil at his words. "They're all Death Eaters. Working for his–" he points a steady finger to the boy stood beside you, "-father. Did you ever stop to think that they were buttering you up to take to him once they got wind of your powers."
You blanch at that and turn your gaze to Ginny. She gapes between the three of you and avoids Harry's eyes. "I didn't tell anyone. I promise you, Meadow." her resolute tone is the only thing grounding you to reality right now.
Harry shakes his head. "Dumbledore told me that you can siphon people's power as well as perform Occlimency. When were you going to tell us?" his anger gives way to betrayal as he looks you up and down. And the way he spits out the word 'siphon' tells you everything you need to know. He thinks you're a monster.
"I was going to tell the rest of you." you promise, not looking at Ginny again. "But only when I had a better grasp of it."
Harry scoffs and steps towards you. Rolling his eyes when Mattheo stands directly ahead of you.
"Back off Potter. If you know what's good for you."
The way his venomous lilt travels through you should make you ashamed, but it only sends sparks of arousal to your core.
Harry only looks at you from over Mattheo's shoulder, distain painting his pale face as he utters a heartbreaking sentence before he leaves, with Ginny following quickly behind him, with a silent promise to find you later and apologise for Harry's (entirely justifiable, you think) words.
"Don't go to see Ron later, and don't you dare seek us out again. I don't trust you, and I don't know if I ever will again."
Mattheo is onto you the second the pair depart, wrapping you in his arms as you collapse from the onslaught of emotion that crashes down on you.
What have I done? What have I done? What have I done? You say over and over and he does his best to comfort you, going as far as to sit against the wall, cold floor stinging against the fabric of his school trousers, cradling you into his chest.
It's okay. I'll fix it. I promise. Is all he can muster up in comfort as you crumble before his very eyes, sinking into his embrace.
i love writing angst lol i hope you enjoyed this shortish chapter (lots of time skips im sorry)
the coming updates will probably be slow since i've gone back to uni - i have to complete three presentations and come up with a product idea and a lab report in like 5 weeks 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
i've tried to fix it and i've reported the bug but i'm still incapable of editing pretty much all of my posts (not the serendipity masterlist post though, thankfully) and its getting quite frustrating now but we move 🫡
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(striked out users are ones that i couldn't tag)
@camille-1019 @lovelyygirl8 @xluansstuff @babeylover @thejadeazalea @undercover-smutlover @adhxmoony @dreamingofonceuponatime @thepassionatereader @urmomsgayforme5 @aphroditeisamilf @devotedlycrookeddonut @purplegirls-posts @nofacenonamelikekira @foxboyapologist @lafrone @lovely-maryj @nromanovaswife @leeknows-wife @dracygf @wildlyobserving @ravenclawprincess33 @melllinaa @vellicora @lantsovheiress @emiliahoward @stunkbiggu @vcosette @prongsprincessworld @mattiesgirl @rachmmb @x-kermit-x @sun-fiower-seed @cas-planet @certaindreampost @weirdowithnobeardo @mikalovesicecream @sunasbbie @rainy-darling @faeriepigeons @lovely-blackinnon @hiireadstuff @gimalo135 @elsafromcabinsix @moonlightreader649 @blueshome @nopedefe @spencerreidsthings @navs-bhat @agent-tempest @magimtz23 @y0urm0m12 @sbrn0905 @leona-hawthorne @whatsupb18 @moni-cah @taylorann2013 @unstablereader @gisellesprettylies @nat1221
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apparentlytheproblem · 9 months
s w e a t e r w e a t h e r
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- Draco Malfoy
a/n: so this one is based on a situation I've been in which had me bawling, crying and literally dying. I also saw something similar on Pinterest and I thought why not? requests are always open, love, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
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You found yourself in the edge of the black lake sprawled on a fuzzy blanket with all sorts of delights, giggling and laughing with a blonde Slytherin over something absolutley preposterous, the idea or to be more specific, the rumors between you and a Malfoy.
The evening was crisp already, the last of sunset just a fading pale stripe in the sky. Evening shadows deepened into blue and purple. the wind was icy and withering, it sent chills down your back.
"c'mon, its almost time for bed luv"
love. love? did he just call me love? am I okay?
"yeah, let's head back" you assented.
a cold wind swept past the both of you, Draco's eyes bumped together in a scowl and his nystagmic eyes hadn't missed anything. All he was waiting for was an ask and maybe a pretty please too.
"would it be alright if i borrow your sweater?"
their eyes my god, as if I'd say no, fuckin damn
"it would be more than alright sweetheart"
fuck. sweetheart? is he tryna kill me? what does he want? oh god
His fingers gripped the ends of the sweater covering his abdomen and quickly pulled his sweater of green and silver and handed it to her.
it was loose to say the least, but you loved it almost as much as he loved seeing you in it. it smelt of mahogany apples which he loved so much.
Draco towered over, trying to roll the sleeves for you, and grabbed your palm and began to walk as if he wasn't absolutley panicking inside.
"it smells like you"
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exhaustedcatte · 5 days
You’re a Wizard.
Remus bit his cheek, the juvenile words of “Detention Prewett” were on the tip of his tongue.
No, he reminded himself harshly. That’s Fred and George Weasley. Not Fabian and Gideon. I’m not a Prefect, I’m the Professor.
Remus grit his teeth.
Luna Lovegood floated into the room and Remus saw unwelcome visions, the present melting away to accommodate the past. Regulus Black was there, guiding Pandora when she was batting her lashes at Xenophilius Lovegood.
Draco Malfoy was an amusing mixture of Lucius and Narcissa. He stuck his nose up and raised one manicured brow like his mother, but his ugly words and prideful manners were all his father.
Remus laughed guilelessly, what was wrong with him. Fraternising with the enemy, Moony? A very familiar voice chirped in his head.
It hurt so bad.
Every time Hermione Granger raised her hand, to the chagrin of the rest of the class, Remus saw Lily Evans. Her fierce intelligence and determination a weapon to dismantle the prejudice faced by Muggleborns. Lily would’ve loved her.
He wiped his face with tired hands.
Honestly, Remus was never meant to survive this. He was simply unfortunate, unlucky. An anomaly.
Hah, now suffer.
There was Neville Longbottom, with ears that stuck out like his father and a shy smile to match his mother’s. I’ll watch over him now, Remus promised the smiling Alice and Frank in his memories, apologising for the years gone by.
Then there were the little things.
Snape always caused a spark of his old Marauder spirit to overtake his senses. It also brought forth very vivid sounds of two devils whispering into his ears. Potter and Black, always at the crime scene.
No, no. He batted that thought away before he could spiral.
Remus found himself shocked by the streaks of white in Minerva McGonagall’s hair, which 15 years ago that would’ve caused an uproar. Not even his own greying roots had caused him so much sadness.
His heart ached when he saw Madame Pomfrey pressing her knuckles into her strained back. How much had he missed while hiding from this wretched world?
But what struck a raw nerve was Harry Potter, of course.
The Toad green of his eyes and the bird’s nest of his hair. It had been so long but all he could see in the young Potter boy was his friend. A friend who had betrayed him, but his friend nonetheless.
I know you, he pursed his lips to prevent screaming that when he was addressed as Professor Lupin and not Unc’e Moo’y. He had to remind himself that he wasn’t the one who could get Prongslet to burp or take a nap anymore. He was the weird, mismatched man for a teacher.
You know Harry doesn’t think of you like that. Ah, Lily, wise as always.
The James in Harry Potter stuck out like a sore thumb, much like his hair, when he whizzed across the quidditch pitch with innate talent, when he couldn’t hold back his tongue while talking to Snape, when he faffed about in lessons. But it pained more to see Harry stand up for his friends, like his father had always done, and when he went searching for trouble despite being explicitly warned against it.
Oh, how I miss you Prongs.
He sat back in his chair, creaky and hard as it was. There was only one person he hadn’t found in his students.
Remus closed his eyes.
Sirius Black grinned at him from behind his eyelids. Miss me, Moony?
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Second Son (Epilogue) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: The new era. The end of one chapter, and the beginning of another.
Part XIX / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader
Notes: Thank you all so much.
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You peer out of the fenestrated walls, eyes glazing over the faint swinging of wooden signs and veranda covers. The ambience around you swirls like a sheer veil as you lean back into your seat, sighing out blissfully as your cooling charm beats with fervor, shielding you from the blistering heat of the summer day. 
Dragging your eyes away from the bright view, you run your finger along the thick cardstock in front of you. The blocky letters begin to fade into the background of snowy mountain caps and faded waterfalls as you continue to trace your eyes over it. 
‘Greetings from OREGON’ 
You flip the postcard over and swipe a finger across the swirly letters. 
‘Hope you’re well, kid. - A. Fiske’ 
A sudden thudding noise echoes across from you, and you slowly shift to sit straight as your eyes drag themselves away from the letters. You tilt your head with a coy smile as your companion leans back to get comfortable, evidently miffed by the unrelenting heat waves. 
“Good to see you, B.” You smile saccharinely, fingers dancing along the chilled cup in front of you. 
Blaise rolls his eyes and places his own drink down on the table—iced americano, simple, bitter, and everything that Blaise wasn’t. You would never understand his fascination with the drink. He huffs before smiling sarcastically at you, “Yes, how long has it been? Two days?” 
“Don’t whine, it’s unbecoming.” You mutter playfully, twirling your straw around the rim of your cup. 
“Merlin, you’re even starting to sound like her. Really, no wonder mother finds you so endearing.” He tuts as he throws his elbow back to rest on the back of his chair. 
You chuckle and shake your head, “Okay, let’s digress then.” You lean forward and cross your legs, “How is Draco doing? Theo is irritatingly uninformed on the topic.” 
“He’s alright, thanks to you and Potter anyway. His father might not be facing a long sentence, but many of the elected Wizengamot heads are shifty even with your statements. Lucius Malfoy has been a slippery eel for a few years too long.” He hums, face unflinching as he sips on his potent drink, “How the mighty have fallen so.”
Nodding, your voice drops lower as you survey the rest of the cafe, “Azkaban will still do a number on him even with a lighter sentence. Narcissa is worried.” 
“As she should be,” he replies curtly, “and speaking of Azkaban, how is Lord Black nowadays? He’s become quite the hermit. Is he faring well?” 
You sigh and rub your chin, “Yeah, he’s just been busy with remodeling. He’s still quite miffed that Reggie and I decided to move out.” 
“At least he has Potter with him.” Blaise supplies, eyes darkening in rumination at the mention of Regulus. He levels you with inquisitive eyes, “Before I forget, what should I send over?”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you hum, “How do you mean?” 
“Your house warming gift, daft one.” He rolls his eyes lightly. 
“Just bring your lovely self.” You huff out. 
Blaise crosses an ankle over his knee, “A vase then.��� 
“If it clashes with the aesthetic then I’m tossing it into the basement.” You warn jokingly, smiling widely at your friend. 
He shakes his head with a muffled chuckle, “No worries. Anyways, you still need to unpack, right? Need any help?” 
“Oh? Work not keeping you busy enough?” You rest back against your chair, head bleeding with thoughts about how taxing work has been in the past few months with the Ministry trying to dial the reconstruction process to an inconceivable pace. 
Blaise groans at the reminder, taking a long sip of his drink, “Merlin, they should rename the whole Department! Department of International Magical Cooperation? What a joke, all they do is sit in an oval and squabble.” 
You throw your head back to laugh, a feathery light bubble of relief expanding in your chest. It was mind-boggling to think that not even a year ago you were all fighting for your lives, and now the same backdrop of fear that followed everyone around for so many years had disintegrated. People strided through halls and streets with lifted shoulders and bright eyes, war-hardened, but jovial as their burdens gave way. 
Blaise had worked his way up the Department of International Magical Cooperation, often leaving meetings with a sharp migraine and dwindling hope in the frequency of common sense. Theodore was faring well, now a highly revered Unspeakable for the Time Branch, all made possible with his swift denouncement of his father. Draco was the more withdrawn one out of the three, but you held out hope for him, having corresponded with him over his budding fascination for Alchemy. 
You found that your new friends were on your mind often, and you were endlessly grateful to them as they took Regulus’ reintegration into society with stride, often giving you advice on how to politely tell inquisitive reporters to bugger off. Meetings with them were slowly becoming a rarity as all of you became engrossed in work, but your friendships remained resolute as you all quickly became each other’s closest confidants. 
Luna wrote to you often, and you sent her trinkets and snacks by the dozen, finding yourself constantly worried that others would mistreat the girl with the absence of your friend group. Luckily, the girl found a friend in Ginny, and you were looking forward to reuniting with her during her Summer Break. 
Harry and Ron were inducted into the Auror ranks by Shacklebolt only a few weeks after the war. You had your reservations about their decision to jump into such a high-risk job, the stench of carnage and battle throbbing like an open wound, but they insisted that they would never be able to focus enough to finish school. 
On the opposite side of that sentiment, there was Hermione. She had quickly delved back into Hogwarts’ curriculum amidst its reconstruction, and was now looking to you with hopeful words about beginning her own sabbatical. 
You had published your research under both yours and Regulus’ name, omitting information about Regulus’ discovery of sentient portraits as a precaution for the future. 
You both respected Anders’ wish to leave his name off the cover and the research, but he failed to warn you against leaving his name anywhere else, so simply on the first page of your book, you dedicated the findings to him and Asger with a simple ‘For A. & A. Fiske.’ 
The research was groundbreaking, to say the least. You wouldn’t be able to forget the swaths of letters and documents from the Ministry, and one very heated missive to you from Blaise about how he was even more swamped with work, many foreign countries reaching out to inquire about the findings. 
It all paid off though, the royalties you and Regulus got would sustain you both for the rest of your humble lives, and the boost on your portfolio made getting a job in the Department of Mysteries a cakewalk. 
Once the sun rolled across the cloudless sky, the singing blues morphing to hues of pinks and purples, you bid your friend goodbye, wishing him luck with work and promising to gather with the rest of your friends the following week. 
You were certain that apparition was the most useful skill you had in your toolbelt, and you couldn’t fathom how you managed to survive the majority of your life without such a feat. As your shoes pad against the pavement, the bristling of leaves skidding around you, you let out a content sigh as you approach your destination. 
It was the closest thing you had to home for so long, and it still felt like safety and comfort despite the sudden heaviness of your own house keys in your pocket. As you pop the door open, head peeking around the heavy wood, your face lights up as a figure comes into view. 
“You’re home!” You exclaim excitedly, stepping inside with a wide grin. 
Harry approaches you and gives you a fleeting hug, hand raising to adjust his glasses as he pulls back, “Yeah, Tonks let me off early. How was your meeting with Blaise?”
“Good,” you draw out suspiciously, eyes narrowing as you both pace through the dim walkway, “how’d you know about that?”
“Regulus.” He answers simply, eyebrows raising in tease as you huff. 
You both cross into the threshold of the kitchen, stopping in your tracks as you see countless manuals splayed across the wide berth of the table. Regulus and Sirius are both hunched over in their seats, flipping furiously through the catalogues. 
“Some light reading, Sirius?” Your voice rings out playfully, body already moving towards your squinting boyfriend. Both men shoot up from their positions and blink owlishly at you and Harry, the sea of papers long forgotten. 
“Furniture shopping, pup!” Sirius replies with a tired grin as he stretches his arms over his head. 
Regulus rises from his chair and meets you halfway, arms wrapping securely around your body as he burrows his face into the crook of your neck. A few more moments pass by before he cranes back and blinks slowly at you, “Birdie.” 
You run a hand through his curls and smile lightly, “Love.” 
Regulus keeps you secure to him as he moves to drop back down into his seat, leaning his head against your stomach as you remain standing. Your eyes drop down to look at the varying bleak images on the shining white pages. 
Raising your eyebrows, your eyes drift around an image of a steep bookshelf with two glass doors, “Is this for us or Sirius?” 
Sirius leans back in his seat and rubs the bridge of his nose, “Your place. Reggie helped me pick out a few pieces earlier.” 
Your eyes wander around the aged cabinets and drabby wallpaper, trying to envision the space in a remodeled visual, one that would be Sirius-esque rather than screaming of cobwebs and medieval torture. You smile minutely before reaching a hand out across the table, bringing your other hand to card through Regulus’ hair as you mutter quietly to the tired man across from you, “I’m happy for you, Sirius.” 
The man reciprocates your smile and clasps his hand in yours, “Thank you, pup. I’m happy for you too,” he huffs and glances at Regulus, who remained immobile against your stomach, “the both of you.” 
The tender moment continues for a few more beats before Harry slowly leans on the seat next to Sirius’, eyes scrutinizing a forgotten pile of booklets off to the older man’s left, “Sirius, where are we going to put a lion table?” 
You snort out a muffled laugh as the man swivels over to his godson with beaming eyes, knowing that Harry would be whining to you later about Sirius’ ineptitude at interior decorating. 
“You should start cleaning up, Remus will be here soon for dinner.” You murmur with a pointed look at the trio. 
As the final outlines of the sun slinks away in the horizon, you and Regulus bid farewell to the occupants of Grimmauld Place, intent on spending the rest of the night in your home. It was fortunate that Regulus had managed to set up the floo network to your home only a matter of days before, and the journey back left little room for complaints as the green flames dragged away from your vision. 
You step out into the darkness of your study room, ears perking imperceptibly when the network flares again as Regulus joins you. The twilight sky filters into your home, dimly illuminating the barren room. 
“We’re home.” You mutter with a content smile. 
Regulus slowly pads towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he sways you both. Your eyes are drawn to the French casement windows behind the desk, getting lost in the sight of the dancing flower field. 
“Shall we head to the cliff, birdie?” Regulus muses, eyes following your gaze as he drifts into rumination. 
You nod and reluctantly step forward, pivoting on your heel and dropping a hand onto Regulus’ arm, “I’ll meet you at the front? I need to drop off a few things in the bedroom.” 
“Of course, baby.” He leans over to capture your lips in a soft kiss, hands dropping to your hips as he lightly grips onto you. 
Humming against his lips, you slowly pull back and rub a thumb across his cheek, “I’ll be quick, promise.” 
He pecks your lips again and gives you one last squeeze before he slowly backs away, shooting you a warm smile as he makes his way to the entryway. You retreat from the study room soon after, making a sharp right turn as you pace towards your shared bedroom. 
Regulus had been the one to bring up the idea of getting a beach house, assuring you that he was unsettled by still water and not turbulent waves. It was a quaint building, one that sprouted into the center of a lustrous flower garden, and you both knew it was the one when you toured it. Just a short walk away from the blooming fields, a precipitous cliffside broke away and loomed over a thick landing of sand, giving a small brief from the swaying waves 
As you enter the lusterless room, you shed away your bag and walk towards your bedside table, propping the Oregon postcard against your lamp. Atop the same white bedside table sat Regulus’ old golden frame, now whole and without trace of ever having been shattered. Under the frame, the folded piece of paper that Regulus had given you the night after you bought the property peeked out. 
You grasp both items in your hands, and smile lightly as an idea formulates in your head. 
“Kreacher!” You call lightly. 
The house-elf pops into the bedroom with a curious frown, teetering towards you as you extend the items out. You fish out your wand as Kreacher grabs the frame, muttering a faint engorgio at the rectangular object. The frame wobbles in the elf’s grasp before slowly stretching to nearly thrice its original size. 
“Could you possibly frame this note for me? Maybe above the headboard?” You request with a small smile. 
“Kreacher will do that.” The house elf nods and begins to fiddle with the frame. 
Your eyes run across the note one more time before you hand the slip to the elf, making your way out to Regulus with a fleeting farewell. The boy has a jacket slung over his arm as he waits for you by the door, carding his hair back as a flicker of joy flashes through his eyes when you appear in his line of sight. 
“All ready?” He murmurs once you reach him. 
“More than ready.” You reply with a hum, leaning to peck his cheek. 
The trek towards the cliffside passes by in the blink of an eye, and you’re left with butterflies in your stomach as Regulus picks several tulips for you along the way. By the time you’re close enough to the ocean to hear the crashing of waves, you are left to huddle close to Regulus for warmth. 
The sky begins to darken above you, but you give no protest when Regulus drags you to sit down on the ground. He peers up at the sky above him, eyes tracing across the faint twinkles of the approaching stars. 
You bring a hand to trace his chest as you do the same, cradling the flowers to your side as you begin to sift through the reel of memories in your head. 
“I love you, birdie.” Regulus whispers into the air, his arm moving to rest on your waist. 
You smile widely and press your face into the crook of his neck, “I love you.” 
And as you both laid under the stitches of glowing stars, sharing tiny whispers and shielding each other from the brutal winds, back in your home, Kreacher makes the last adjustments to the new wall decor. 
Kreacher mutely assesses the space as he backs out, the elf’s head full of future possibilities.
It was peaceful. After so many years, he felt at peace.
The door closes with a faint click just as the stars peek through the bedroom window, reflecting off the glowing frame. The swirls of inks encapsulated in the shining beams dance amongst the canvas of the wall. 
‘29 October, 1979
I wonder what being in love feels like. 
26 April, 1999
Love is like flying freely from the inhibitions of your burdens, where your person is your wings, your eyes, and your heart; you soar freely with the knowledge that they will carry you above the storms of doubt. I no longer wonder because now I know.’ 
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txorua @xlifexdeathx @trikigirl271 @the-marauders-world @sleepydang @blueberry-thrawn @lestat-whore @chanaaaannel @clockworkherondale @peachyaeger @thegayhoenextdoor @l--absinthe @ok-boke @summer-noir @mikeikax @musically-ambiguous @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @friendly-neighborhood-boricua @randomfaeriechild @misacc08 @that-bitch-bri @littleshadow17 @chocochannie @bl4stonesc @shari-berri @mrs-billyrussooo @pandemicboredom @gojosbucket @brain-has-left @googie-jeon @lovely-maryj @lokifriggason1 @aloramalfoy @godmitski @justanotherkpopstanlol @hpboysslut2707 @coffeehurricanes
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zzeraphilm · 22 days
Building Bridges
Regulus Black X Potter!F!Reader
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Summary: After finding the note left behind R.A.B in the presumed Horcrux. The Golden Trio seek Sirius’ help in locating R.A.B, they end up finding him yet the reunion is not as expected. (Roughly set at the beginning of DH)
Note: Sirius didn’t die in Order of the Phoenix and Regulus didn’t die in the cave he just run off abroad to hide :p
I haven’t written for Harry Potter (ever) so apologies for any thing that might be out of character! ;-; i kept thinking about this rough idea during work
Harry looked up and locked eyes with his Godfather, Sirius had been silent the entire time. They were perched neatly in a two by two formation, his two best friends behind him and his only remaining familial tie. They had taken a portkey to the Scottish highlands, the icy gusts of wind cutting threw Hermione’s ponytail so high it nearly smacked Ron on the back of his head.
“Sirius, are you sure this is the right place?” Harry’s fingers clutched his forearms, rubbing them vehemently to produce some warmth.
In front of them was a lonesome cabin, mere metres away from the vast forest line that dotted along the coastal shores. Crashing waves hit the jagged rocks like the sound of an applause.
Sirius clutched onto the note the Golden trio had given him.
“For years I had questioned by brother’s last found writings. I am certain this is what he meant.”
The quartet marched ahead, the uneven stone path dug into Ron’s trainers, nearly tripping him, thankfully Hermione caught him by the seams of his jacket.
The door beyond had its metal hinges rusted beyond repair, a faint shadow of the number plate ‘8’ was the only reminisce of the original oak. Cracks and blackened mould painted over the door, weirdly however, the door knocker was untouched, no sign of usage or age. Despite Sirius’ persistence to wait to check the area, Harry banged his first against the wood, the booming shakes forced the door knocker to tap in sync.
There was a faint shout from within the cabin, heavy footsteps and whispers. Then silence.
The door creaked open, a woman tight lipped and furrowed eyebrows, her E/C eyes shot daggers towards Harry. She glanced at Ron, then Hermione and finally she focused on Sirius.
With a swift push, the door flung open revealing herself and a disheveled man behind her aiming his wand towards them.
“Sirius! Oh My! You’re alive!” She threw her arms around Sirius, behind Ron was flabbergasted, yet Hermione had her wand matched with the man behind the woman.
“Y/N, what are you- Regulus?” Before Sirius could enjoy his reunion with his long lost friend, he could only focus on his brother.
“Regulus Arcturus Black.” Harry spoke softly.
“Do not call me that,”
Regulus’ grip on his wand tightened with a slight shake in his wrist, his fingernails dug into his palms. “How did you find this place?”
Y/N took a few steps back and held onto Regulus’ raised arm gently easing it lower and lower.
“Darling, put your wand down. Your brother has finally come home yet you show him such malice. It has been years may we talk about this over tea,” her whisper felt like a soft hug unlike any other. “Please?”
After guiding the four to their small dinning table, Y/N left to the kitchen to boil the kettle. With only two chairs at the table, Harry, Ron and Hermione insisted on standing behind Sirius, who sat opposite his scowl faced brother.
After years of believing his brother’s death, Sirius now was sat face to face with the little boy he used to love. But they were both no longer just boys, now they were men, in the eye of a hurricane waiting for things to come to a crash. Regulus’ hair had become unruly, his curls was as just as untameable as Sirius’. His previously porcelain face, had deeply settled in scars and frown lines that framed his lips. He was far from the young boy destined for power and prestige. He now slept under a rotting roof with walls that could barely hold its own weight. Sirius was torn between grasping his brother after years of separation or running away from everything all over again. But war was coming and time was of the essence. They must leave Scotland for London by nightfall, with everything Regulus knew of the Dark Lord.
“Here, it’s just my own blend of floral herbs and spices. It is quite hard to purchase any professionally made tea round here. It tastes better with a bit of honey, don’t worry.” Y/N laid out two teacups, three short glasses and one tall glass full of her freshly brewed tea. In the middle of the table was a pot of honey with a teaspoon lodged inside. “Please bare with the glassware, we only have enough for the two of us.”
Regulus sat in silence, eyes closed lightly sipping his tea that had two teaspoons of honey mixed in.
“Let’s cut to the chase.” said Harry, Regulus still not paying him any mind, whilst Y/N’s eyes softened when he spoke.
“Regulus, we found this note in this locket signed R.A.B, your initials.” Hermione chucked the locket by its chain onto the table, skidding across to meet Y/N’s fingers. “We know its a fake. We need to know where the real one is now. Voldem-“
“Do not speak his name.” Despite his stern tone, Regulus had delicately placed his teacup onto the table with no splash.
“Under my roof, my home. You do not say that wretched name.”
Sirius slams his hands onto the table, abruptly standing up.
“Regulus, first you fake your death and now I find you cozying up with Y/N Potter, of all people! You are to give these children that bloody locket now or I will show you how Azkaban has changed me!” Sirius’ voice boomed against the four walls, leading Regulus to look up with a scowl.
“Brother,” the younger Black rose from his chair and stepped towards Sirius, in a matter of seconds he had grabbed the elder Black by his collar and slammed him against the nearby wall. His tongue spewed venom targeted his brother.
“You still remain as ill-tempered as always. You have no right to stand in front of me and disrespect my family. Leave whilst I show you mercy!” Regulus already had wand digging deep into Sirius’ throat, in response Sirius had gripped his younger brother’s wrist, attempting to claw his fingers away.
“Regulus! Stop it this instant!” Y/N screeched, pulling her husband away from his brother. Sirius dropped to the floor coughing, Regulus looked down at his brother with a glare, spat on the top of Sirius’ head and left the room.
Harry was left stunned in place. His Godfather looked like a shell of a man the moment he locked eyes with his brother. Now, his estranged aunt was comforting his Godfather after everything. How strange.
“Come, let’s move to the living room and we can all talk calmly there, without my husband.”
Ron turned to Hermione and whispered ‘husband?’ With his eyes darting across the room to focus on the many framed photographs of Y/N and Regulus. Hermione, as shocked as Ron was, merely shrugged and followed the adults to the front room.
Like the rest of the house, the sofa was barely useable, the longer they sat the further they sunk into the cushions. Harry, Ron and Hermione shared the three seater, Y/N perched at the edge of her armchair. Whilst Sirius leaned against the wall by the door with his head down, he felt beyond ashamed at his reunion with his brother.
Hermione coughed trying to clear the air of any tension, “Sorry that we didn’t get to have your tea Miss Potter- or uhm Black-“
“Y/N’s fine dear.” Her E/C eyes softened at the teenagers, they reminded her so much of her brother’s friends in their younger years.
“Y/N, how are you related to me? Sirius hasn’t spoken about you until earlier today.”
She gasped comically, clutching her chest to add to the act.
“Pads, you traitor! You were supposed to be my best friend!” She fake cried but Sirius looked up pleading to her with a string of unintelligible excuses. With a light chuckle her demeanour changed.
“No, in all seriousness I’m not surprised. You were never supposed to know about me Harry. We may be related by name, but not by blood. I was adopted into the Potter family, almost like dear Padfoot here.” Sirius huffed in response.
“I basically was already part of the family when I join you guys.”
Y/N chuckled sincerely this time, her left hand covering her smile, a noticeable silver loop around her finger.
“Yes and you ate all of my hidden chocolates by the third day you were with us!”
Harry couldn’t help but smile at this family’s banter. He was so used to the bickering and squabbling of the Dursleys’, and he hadn’t seen Sirius so animated with anyone but him and Remus.
“Harry, I wish I could’ve been there for you. But before your birth I had responsibilities that called for me that I could not disobey.” Y/N stood up and began to rummage through a chest of draws in the corner of the dimly lit room. She turned around and knelt by Harry’s knees placing a little cardboard box onto his lap. She began to slowly take out its belongings. An enchanted photograph, a notebook and a rusted Snitch.
“After my brother and his friends left for the Order, I tried to join but was vehemently denied by Dumbledore.” She lifted up the tattered notebook, “It would be too long to go into details but to summarise - he did not see me fit to fight alongside James. Instead I was given a separate mission that meant relocation to France. I too was tasked by Dumbledore to find a Horcrux, more so, I was tasked on recovering Regulus. I found both, clearly.” She placed the notebook back in the box and picked up the photograph.
“This was the last time I saw your father, my brother. 1979, their wedding. Look at how young we were Sirius!” She looked up, smiling lightly at the man holding back her tears, he now was leaning over the sofa looking at the photograph in her hand. It was the entire Marauder’s pack alongside Lily who hand her arms linked with Y/N’s both laughing towards the camera. Sirius had his arm slung over James’ shoulders whose tie and top button were undone. Remus and Peter were behind the two, ruffling James’ hair and chanting a silent hoorah for their union.
“That was quite a night, if I remember correctly you couldn’t stop crying at the reception. Saying how you always dreamed of having a sister and Lily was the perfect woman for the role. You were so drunk!”
“I was not!” Y/N screeched, Sirius only laughed in response.
The teens laughed at Y/N’s outcry. Harry kept watching the photograph loop, his parents and their friends could forever enjoy an eternal happiness in this photograph. He only wished he could experience all of their joy and warmth together in person.
“Ahem. As I was saying,” Y/N sat herself down on the armrest beside Harry. “I loved your parents Harry, I truly wish I was there for your birth, for everything. Unfortunately after that night, I had to fulfil my duty as Dumbledore’s foreign agent. By the time news reached to me of James and Lily’s death and Sirius’ arrest, it was too late. I was ordered to not contact you. So I,” With a deep sigh Y/N looked towards the hanging photograph of her and Regulus.
“I threw myself at work, by my fifth year of scouring the neighbourhoods of Europe, I finally found Regulus. And well, you can guess that happened next.” She dangled her ringed left hand over her knee.
“I never meant to keep everything a secret for so long, it became life consuming. By the time I had realised nearly 18 years had pasted, I was a different woman. I’m so sorry Harry.” Y/N clung onto her nephew in a tight embrace, tears dampening his shirt. He gripped her back in response as if she were to disappear from his arms. As they parted, Y/N’s sombre gaze started to brighten.
“Regulus means no harm to you three,” she turns to Sirius “Of course, you know your own relationship with your brother better than anyone else. I know you don’t plan on staying here any longer than you must, so let me handle it. Just stay here for a bit, I’ll get you the locket.”
Then she left the room, leaving behind an ear piercing silence.
“Do you think we could grab some food from the kitchen whilst she’s gone?” Ron uttered.
“I’m sure she won’t mind. Knowing her, she has probably hidden her snacks behind some bowls.” Sirius chortled, he drifted into the hallway and entered the kitchen.
He opened the cupboards one by one until he found Y/N’s fine china. And just as he guessed, she had placed a packet of custard cremes behind a stack of bowls. Still using the same hiding spot, shame there’s no chocolates this time. Before he could shut the cupboard door, he heard shouting from the slightly opened backdoor to the right of him.
“You have no idea what they’ve probably been through to even get here Reg!” Y/N was stood next to Regulus, who was smoking a cigarette and tapping his foot against the grass.
“He shouldn’t be here. I don’t care for the young Potter, he can do what he pleases with that damned piece of shit. I just don’t want to see him for one more second!”
“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me! Don’t you dare speak ill about my nephew! And in case you forgot, you took my name! You’re a Potter now as well, he is your nephew! Don’t you care about your family? Your brother is here acting more of a father figure than anyone else could for that boy who has only known pain. You of all people should know what it’s like to live like that.” Y/N hand grabbed Regulus’ hand and lightly rubbed the back of his palm.
“…so he can be there for Harry but not me. Y/N, I-I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. I can’t just let him back into my life like nothing happened. We left that world behind because of how much it has failed me. You. Us. I only planned my life with you in mind, not once did I consider my brother and now Harry to be there. It’s all too much. I just want things to go back to how it was. Back when it was just you and me.”
Regulus began to softly whimper, Sirius could see from the crack of the door Regulus’ shaking head of hair against Y/N’s shoulder, he saw his brother’s shoulders shake whilst he clung onto Y/N’s waist. Y/N lightly rubbed Regulus’ back with her right hand and patted his hair softly with her left. Just as he did when the two were children.
“I know darling, I know. But we’ll take it slowly. One step at a time. For now,” The two pulled back from each other, their foreheads pressed against one another. “We give them the Horcrux, and once it’s all over. We’ll invite them round for a proper meal. And we can finally clean up the place, yeah?” Regulus hummed a light tune and nodded, he closed his eyes and kissed Y/N’s lips delicately.
“Exactly as I suspected! Right behind the bowls,” Sirius returned to the front room before he could see the couple be affectionate to each other. The thought of his best friend’s sister and his brother together was still alien to him. He drew a biscuit from the packet and kept it between his teeth, then threw the whole packet at Ron who gladly caught it in his arms.
It was nearing sunset, they would’ve ideally made their way back to London by now. Harry couldn’t help but sit in silence admiring the photograph in his hands, clutching to it like a prayer.
Y/N and Regulus walk into the room, hand in hand. Before Sirius could utter an apology to his brother, the younger Black pushed his fisted hand towards him, then revealing Slytherin’s Locket in the palm of his hand.
“Take it. Take it and destroy it. Once you’re done with it. Y/N wants you back for a proper dinner.” Sirius slowly takes the chain of the locket, once the weight had been freed from Regulus’ hand, he unlocked his fingers from Y/N’s and disappeared back into the halls of their cabin. Y/N only looked towards them with a glint of hope.
“He’ll come round eventually, you know. He’s changed over the years.”
Whilst Hermione and Ron were nibbling at the biscuits, Harry turned around and stood to face his aunt.
“Y/N can I, can I keep this? Just for now, I’ll give it back once I come back to visit. I just, I really-“
Y/N only chuckled at her nephew’s nervous demeanour, “Of course love. Just make sure you look after it okay? Plus I’ll need you back here with your uncle here so we can take more photos to put up on my walls!”
Sirius, who was still chewing half of his biscuit interrupts “Actually I’m his Godfather,”
The H/C haired woman flipped her head around, “Since when? Why would James- Are those my custard cremes?”
“Goodbye Y/N! Goodbye Mr Regulus!” Ron waved as they walked down the stone path back to where they left the port key. He turned to Hermione, “You know maybe living out in the wild seems alright, you know? Pretty nice don’t you think?”
“You think you could make your own food and drink from just the bare essentials like Y/N?” The curly-haired girl retorted with a smile.
“Oh well no, maybe I could just conjure up something!” The two continued to bicker and laugh till the end of the path. Behind them Harry and Sirius stuck a few seconds longer to speak with Y/N.
“I’m sorry for the state of our cabin, my dear. I’ll make sure Regulus repairs all of the broken furniture before your return!”
A faint “I heard that!” echoed from the hallway. Y/N laughed and drew Harry into a hug, lightly patting his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll see you soon.” Harry squeezed her tightly and thanked her again softly, promising to return the moment he is finished with his goal. He turns back and rushes to his friends.
Y/N steps back and turned to Sirius. “Pads, tell me who else is left from us lot?”
“Ah well, Moony’s still kicking, still part of the Order.” The two laugh at the thought of their shared memories. A light sigh trails the end of their joy.
“Merlin, things really have changed so much now. I heard that it was Peter, yes?”
Sirius nodded, still resentful towards his traitorous friend yet his eyes gleamed with sorrow. Y/N rubbed his forearm in response to comfort him.
“You’ve got us now. Reggie will take a while, but you’ve got Harry and me. We’re family now. So, don’t be a stranger okay?”
After a lifetime apart, the two friends hug as if it was their last day at Hogwarts all over again. As Sirius walked back to the teenagers ready to go back to London, he took one last look at the cabin behind him. From an upstairs window, he saw his brother. The two nodded at each other, either out of pure politeness or an unconscious agreement to meet again, to rebuild what was lost.
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mastermindmiko · 8 months
Request: Where reader is jealous of some girl who flirts ron. And ron and reader have passionate sex
Thank you so much for the request! I hope you don't mind, but I've left out the smutty parts because I feel uncomfortable writing them. Sorry it took so long.
Green eyed monster and green skin girl
Pairing: Ron Weasley + reader
word count: 1008
Summary: Lavender gets too close to your boyfriend
Warnings: jinxes, some sexual innuendos, y/n being kinda cruel, maybe some mistakes? noot proofread
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
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Ron has always been a jealous person. Sometimes, it didn't even make sense why he was jealous. It had sprouted over years of insecurity and feeling like his brothers were better than him. I've always tried to reassure him and make sure that he felt loved.
What didn't make sense, though, was the fact that today, Ron wasn't jealous, I was. So when madame Sprout announced that Ron's partner was Lavender I was too busy fisting my pen in my palm and trying to ignore her obnoxious laughter than celebrating the fact that Neville was my partner which guaranteed me an O.
They were sitting in the seats a few feet in front of Neville and I, and after a few minutes, I couldn't resist the urge to glare at the back of Lavender's head.
Poor Neville was trying to explain something to me, but I couldn't help but fantasize about chopping off Lavender's long blonde hair or even better yet, setting her whole head on fire.
My blood was already boiling, but when Lavender let out a high-pitched giggle and decided to place her hands on my boyfriend's arm, I was seeing red. All I was thinking about was how after the lesson, I couldn't wait to give her a piece of my mind.
Suddenly, I didn't have to wait till the end of the lesson because her hair caught fire. She started screaming and shouting. There was chaos all around her, and I tried to ignore it as much as I could. I didn't know I was that angry.
"How could you do such a thing?" Hermione whispers, angrily from the chair behind me after madame Sprout poured water on Lavender's head, leaving her looking like a drowned rat. I shrug my shoulders and avoided her gaze, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Please! Everyone here noticed the way you wanted to stab her." Hermione scolded, and I scoffed at her (very true) insinuation. I said, "I did not want to stab her."
"You did, too. I stopped explaining ten minutes ago." Neville pipped in from beside me. I rolled my eyes and huffed. I turned back to find that Lavender's hair was intact and after a quick drying spell, she looked normal again.
Lavender continued her antics and pressed on my boyfriend's bicep, no doubt telling him how fit he was. Ron flushes and awkwardly shifts away from her. He looks back at me to find me glaring at both of them.
Lavender looks back at where Ron's looking and notices me. Her face turns to disgust. She looks me up and down, then scoffs, and she looks back to the front. I growl and try to claw at her from behind my table while Neville holds me back. Neville says, "You can't go to Azkaban for murder!"
"You're right, Neville." I say while straightening out my uniform before sitting down in the stool again. I grab my pen and whisper, "There are too many witnesses here anyway."
"What was that?"
"Nothing!" I reply, feigning innocence. Thankfully, the lesson is over in a few minutes. Neville and everyone else leaves the greenhouse. I wait, noticing how Lavender has my boyfriend cornered, talking to him about something idiotic.
Ron stops her mid sentence and rushes out of the greenhouse before she can catch him again. Lavender huffs and flips a bit of her hair over her shoulder. It was my moment, I slung my back over my shoulder, and as I walked towards her, I flick my wand to preform one of my favourite spells.
After it's done, I grin, satisfied. She's done packing when I reach her. I clear my throat and she looks at me. The give her a fake smile then say, "You should really know not to touch what isn't yours, especially since I know that you know that Ron isn't yours."
"What are you going to do if I don't?" Lavender replies with a hand on her hip. I smile, and head to the door, leaving the greenhouse, but not before replying, "You'll know."
Ron's waiting outside, fidgeting anxiously. I ignore him and walk a few steps towards the castle. Ron follows muttering, "I'm so sorry, I would never-"
"Relax, Ron. You were great, she, on the other hand...she'll get her punishment." I mutter the last part of my sentence. Ron looks confused. He asks, "What do you mean?"
A few laughs are heard and then a loud scream. I grin, knowing what happened. Ron looks back at the havoc that's occurring, and his eyes go wide. I can only imagine what he must be seeing, Lavender with green skin and hair. Ron looks back at me, eyes wide. Then, his face turns into what can only be described as incredibly smug.
"You're jealous." Ron says, and I look at him, mouth agape. I was, but no way I was telling him. I roll my eyes, but the blush on my cheeks betrays me. I huff, "You're insane."
"You're very jealous." Ron replies and lets out a chuckle at the end. I pout and start marching away from him. Ron wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to his chest.
He presses his lips to mine and raises his hand to cradle my face. It's slow and passionate. I open my mouth, and he deepens the kiss. I feel butterflies in my stomach. He parts, voice significantly deeper, "You're very sexy when you're jealous, darling."
He trails his other hand and fidgets with the hem of my skirt. My eyes widen, and I look around to find no one noticing. Ron whispers into my ear, "How about...we go to my dorm, and I'll remind you how you're the only one for me."
He presses a long kiss to my lips again, but this time, it's filled with lust. A need grows inside me, and I can't help but let out a small moan when he pinches my waist. Ron doesn't waste any time taking us to his dorm.
a/n: I think you can guess what happens next. I hope this was good, its my first time writing a request, I hope I did it justice.
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ravenelyx · 1 year
I love you in every timeline - Prologue: In Search of Lost Time
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader
Words: 1.9k
Chapter Warnings: angst if you squint, Harry Potter characters appearance, no name appearance (not even y/n dw), some swearing, use of 2nd person for the reader (I know I know but I promise it makes sense for the story)
Summary: "He turned around, and the world seemed to stop around him. She had followed him: into another timeline, into another universe.". In which Sebastian, in his search for a cure in the Dark Arts, finds himself 100 years into the future and meets his most trusted companion's descendant (who looks far too similar to the girl he was once secretly in love with).
A/N: this is the first english fic I've written, so I'm terrified. Anyway, Trimetravel! AU with Sebastian Sallow. Some background info: Reader is not MC; Reader is a Gryffindor, MC was a Slytherin; MC was a Pureblood, Reader is a Muggle Born. Also, english is not my first language so if you find any mistakes, I deeply apologise. Not proof-read (for obvious reasons).
→ Find the rest of the fanfiction here on AO3 :)
"For we are not as faithful to the being we have most loved as we are to ourselves and sooner or later we forget her — since that is one of our characteristics — so as to start loving another." - Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time
If a chasm had opened under Sebastian's feet and swallowed him all the way to the depths of hell, he would have gladly accepted his demise there and then.
Unfortunately, its mercy seemed to be out of business that day — or any other day in his life, really.
Sebastian paced the corridors, a frown adorning his face; he had just come out of the Headmaster's office due to the absolute disaster that had occurred to him just a few hours prior.
After weeks of research, he had finally found something that could help him, a breakthrough with which he could finally achieve his goal. An artefact so powerful that it could break the fabric of time and space, something that could help his poor sister live a happy and healthy life again. He did not care that they were not on speaking terms at the moment: he would find a way to talk to her so that she would take this last chance. He would force her if he had to. It was his last hope, and Merlin knows he had tried everything.
If he had known about the artefact's effects earlier, he would have thought twice before using it.
"So, Mr Sallow, could you be so kind as to tell us how you came to be in our time?" the Headmaster, who had earlier introduced himself as Albus Dumbledore, had asked him.
Truth was that not having stopped dwelling with the Dark Arts in search of a cure for Anne had led him to find himself in another timeline instead. His face twitched: in terms of unlikelihood, the scales seemed pretty unbalanced.
It had been a brief conversation, really, with Sebastian omitting some details (like his friendship with an Ancient Magic wielder or the murder of his uncle, for which he bore full responsibility) and grimacing against his own will when the Headmaster had looked at him through his half-moon shaped glasses as if asking him, 'Why are you lying to me?'
He had pushed the thoughts away as quickly as they had come: it wasn't like he could read his mind... or could he?
Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief when the Headmaster had dismissed him after giving him specific instructions on how to behave until they found a way to return him to his timeline — one of which was, "Please don't inform anyone of your condition unless it's absolutely necessary." That had seemed quite reasonable to him, so he nodded.
The artefact was damaged, as expected, and unlikely to work again unless a powerful form of magic came into contact with it and repaired it: something like Ancient Magic, perhaps, or a miracle.
"I see you're still causing trouble everywhere you fare, aren't you, Mr Sallow?" the familiar voice of Phineas Nigellus Black had mocked from his portrait, effectively startling him. Sebastian had looked up and into the eyes of his old Headmaster, his mouth falling open at the sight of him. He looked old, weary, and angrier somehow — yet, in a way, he had brought Sebastian some form of comfort, almost. A sense of familiarity.
Before he could have said anything, Black had disappeared, and a woman with severe blue eyes and long robes had escorted him out of the office.
Sebastian looked around at his familiar surroundings, which would have been almost comforting if not for the nameless faces looking at him with curiosity: Hogwarts students tended to recognise each other effortlessly, and anyone who didn't fit into that bundle of familiarity was to be ostracised. He remembered all too well when he was the one helping the new fifth-year find her way around those same corridors, except he didn't need guidance: this was his home, after all.
But he did have a guide, and she wasn't as charming a student as he was either.
The Head of the Gryffindor House walked right next to him, a stern expression on her face made even more prominent by the shadow of her large witch hat. The woman Sebastian had come to know as Minerva McGonagall was also the Transfiguration teacher and Deputy Headmistress, at least it seemed that way, which was no doubt why she was accompanying him rather than the Head of his own House.
Sebastian decided not to ask himself any questions and do what the Headmaster told him to: attend class, fit in, and pretend to be either a transfer student or someone with a complex background — he hadn't decided which story to tell yet (and both, in a way or another, would be true).
The clacking of Professor McGonagall's shoes stopped so abruptly that he almost would have missed it if she hadn't started speaking.
"You're about to meet two of your new classmates. Prefects of the Gryffindor House." She raised her left arm in their direction, and his eyes followed it to two red and gold robes leading into warm faces.
"I am pleased to introduce you to Ms Hermione Granger—" she gestured to the girl with curly hair to her left, who wore a friendly smile all while maintaining a serious and clean look, "—and Mr Ronald Weasley." Sebastian's eyes shot to the boy to his right when he heard the familiar name, and to be honest, he might not have needed an introduction at all: the red-haired boy gave him a wry smile, his freckles standing out even more in the natural light. He would have recognised those features anywhere.
Finally, Sebastian noticed their uniforms. He didn't pay much attention to the boy's — he himself also wore a very similar one, uncomfortable and informal as it seemed to him — for his eyes were fixed on the girl's. She was wearing a grey cardigan with red and gold trim, the colours of her House, and her skirt was much shorter than he remembered, with black denier tights covering the rest of her legs. Sebastian felt himself blushing slightly and averted his eyes.
He wondered why the Slytherin prefects were unsuited to the situation: at the end of the day, he was a Slytherin, too. Sebastian didn't undergo the Sorting again — the Professors didn't seem to deem it necessary, not to mention the Hat had recognised him from his shelf, too. He didn’t forget easily.
McGonagall turned back to Sebastian and briefly adjusted his robes, her face softening slightly, "For the time being, it is best if you don't draw attention to yourself. We will find a solution," she straightened her posture and nodded at him, "Welcome to Hogwarts." She turned on her heels and walked away, leaving him with the two Gryffindors.
He studied their faces for a moment, searching for the right words to say, deciding on which story to tell, but the only thing he could muster was: "How come you're Gryffindors?"
The two students stared at him, appalled, and he mentally slapped himself. He wanted to correct his statement and explain his intention, but the girl stopped him before he could even form a coherent thought.
"You're wondering why they asked us to guide you and not the Slytherin Prefects, am I right?"
Either his question wasn't that unclear, or the girl had excellent deduction skills, and judging by the epiphany on the other boy's face when he understood the meaning of her words, it was most likely the latter.
Sebastian sighed inwardly and nodded, mentally promising not to stumble over his words again.
The boy — Ronald, Sebastian recalled — chimed in: "Because otherwise you'd have to deal with Malfoy, and he's an idio—" the girl slapped him on the arm and gave him a warning look before turning back to Sebastian.
Malfoy, Sebastian thought. A family of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. It was clear why a Weasley would want nothing to do with him.
Sebastian wondered if they still held the same values as in his day: if the Malfoys were still blood maniacs, and so was the person they spoke of, or if he wanted to distance himself from his family as Ominis did. Judging by Ronald's opinion of him, Sebastian did not think that was possible, but then again, he did not know the fellow. Maybe, Sebastian thought, things had moved on after a century: no blood wars, discrimination or superiority complexes. Perhaps this was all just a simple rivalry between two students from different Houses.
"Professor Dumbledore thought us to be best suited for this difficult situation. No other student but us knows about your... misadventure," said Hermione.
To call it a "misadventure" would be an understatement , Sebastian wanted to say. As it turned out, however, he didn't need a story to tell. He didn't know whether to feel betrayed by the Professors who had decided to disclose that information or relieved that he didn't have to go through it all alone. A beat of silence followed, in which Sebastian could only nod at the girl's words, and then it was interrupted abruptly.
"Where have you been?" called a voice from the end of the corridor, directly behind Sebastian.
He turned around, and the world seemed to stop around him.
He definitely didn't have to go through it all alone because there she was. Standing a few feet away from him, looking straight at him, was the person who had accompanied him on all his adventures.
She had followed him: into another timeline, into another universe.
He felt his lips twist into a grin, and he beamed at the sight of her. Had she been looking for him?
He frowned a little as he noticed her expression: she seemed annoyed, almost angry. Perhaps she had no intention of following him and had just ended up here for no reason? Were the two of them connected on a deeper level than he thought? Or perhaps she was just worried for him and angry he didn't look for her too?
The girl started to walk towards them, and his smile widened even more the closer she got.
She was almost there when he realised she wasn't sparing him a glance.
Instead, her eyes were focused on the red-haired boy next to him, who was staring at her in horror, looking completely terrified.
Sebastian looked back at the girl, finally noticing the red and gold tie around her neck where a green and silver one usually belonged, a crease in her eyebrows that wasn't there before, and her eyes were a different colour than he remembered.
What the hell is going on here?  he thought, staring at her wide-eyed.
"Ron, for God's sake, I've been looking all over for you! Do you intend to give me back my book before class starts, or should I pull a new one out of a hat because you can't use your own?" she threw her hands in the air disapprovingly.
Ron stuttered briefly before hesitantly pointing at the Slytherin boy next to him, "I've just had too much to do. Prefect stuff, you know."
The girl scowled at him before turning to the said boy, her eyes softening slightly. "Oh! You're the new fifth-year!"
Sebastian's eye twitched. How bloody ironic.
"I'm Sebastian Sallow," he replied feebly, body stock-still like marble.
"Nice to meet you," she smiled politely.
And then she introduced herself.
His breath caught in his throat. Sebastian could have recognised that surname anywhere, but her name fell completely deaf on his ears.
You weren't her.
→ Chapter 1
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