#Hey so would it be okay if I just sort of slid back in here or
ltcdrmcgarrett · 1 year
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Unnecessarily big gifs of Steve McGarrett [1 of ?]  
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
new(ish) anon here. I’ve been lurking for a while but here’s my first prompt/request. sorry if you’ve already written something like this
vox would try so hard to come across as a dom. he’s the head of a voxtek and he has so much power over everyone, including people. so when he gets with you, he’d try so hard to show how dominant he is, only to come apart with each touch he receives. he’d keep losing control until he’s a pathetic, whimpering mess under you.
thank you -📺
a/n — I absolutely eat this idea up. Sometimes I just look at Vox and get this incredible desire to be cruel and terrible.
Also I took a lot of inspiration from that one anon who had a similar idea! Just basically turned it into a whole fic.
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At first you were okay with it, him having the power in the dynamic. It was an interesting change from usual so you decided to give it a try.
He was alright at first, even good at what he was doing. 
“That’s right, take it, slut,” He muttered harshly as he slid his dick into you.
However, it only took a couple thrusts before he started getting sloppy. You noticed his body start to shake above you, how his harsh words turned into quiet whimpers.
“Fuck, just like—nzz—just like that,“ he would try again, almost giving himself away when his voice cracked at the end.
“Everything ok, vox? You look a little—“ you gesture with your head as he sloppily thrusts into you, “—out of sorts.”
“No I— shut up,” he grunts and buffers slightly.
“Getting tired, already?” You tease as his hips begin moving more frantically. He squeezes his eyes shut as a high frequency starts coming from his head.
Your hands crept up his body and brush over his nipples. Then, finally, his body tenses and he lets out a disgusting, needy whine.
You don’t wait any longer. With on swift movement, you grab his hips and flip positions, leaving him underneath you.
“Hey! S—szz—stop that, you fucking slut i’m—“ he command comes off as more of a tantrum than a display of power.
You ride him so slowly it’s almost unbarable, he weakly attempts to thrust up into you. You shove back down forcefully and wrap your hand loosely around his neck, just strong enough to hold him in place.
“I’m obviously not the slut here, Vox,” You hiss down at him. 
He still squirms against you, “G—go faster, fuck,” he complained, his whines making him sound like an indignant child.
“Oh, I don’t think I will,” You hum against him, nails digging into his neck, “It’s embarrassingly clear you can’t handle calling the shots here, baby.”
“Nngh— bzz— yes I can I just—“ he whimpers uselessly, unable to think when you’re riding his dick so agonizingly slow. 
“Stop throwing a hissy fit and maybe i’ll speed up,” you say keeping your voice even. “Honestly, Vox, how did you ever expect to dominate me when you pout like a child when you don’t get your way?”
He whines and squirms below you, trying not to glitch out. 
“It’s honestly pathetic,” you laugh, speeding up a little bit when he refrains from arguing, “But, it is funny, how fast you fall apart.” 
He simply whimpers in response, screen lagging out almost as rapidly as his voice. He practically sinks into the mattress when you ride his dick faster. 
You start to hump him at a rapid, rough, pace, making his back arch him and his screen complete blank out for a couple seconds.
“You make it so much harder than it needs to be, Vox,” you grunt against him, “How hard is it to be good for me? Do you need to throw a fit every time?”
“Fuck— zzs—“ Vox cried out, trying not the thrust upward, trying to avoid anymore degrading words from you.
You were being so mean, and even though he knew it was his doing, he miserably craved validation from you after all of these harsh jeers.
Although it was getting harder to speak without incoherently glitching out, he tried his hardest to mutter out sorry excuses for apologies.
You took them into consideration and rode him faster, caressing his chest with your thumb. “I have to admit though, baby, you are so damn pretty when you’re like this.”
It was stupid, it was barely praise. And yet he grasped desperately at the strings of your approval. 
The frequency in his head got unbearably loud and he threw his hands to the stop of his screen and moaned loudly.
All of a sudden, your hips slowed to a stop, and you gazed down at him in disgust.
“Why’d you st—st—stop?” he whined up at you before realizing his mistake. He had came prematurely and without permission.
You grabbed his throat and he moaned, “Did I say you could do that, pretty boy?”
He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, feeling his screen blank out for a couple seconds.
“And to think you tried to hold any power over me,” you practically laugh, “You cant even control yourself, you stupid whore.”
He hiccuped and let out a low whimper, “‘m sorry, ‘m so s—szz—sorry, please,” he cried, “‘need praise, I cant—“
His voice glitches out and the power flashes. You start riding him again as you take his wrists and hold them down on either side of him, preventing him from touching you as he squirmed and writhed below you.
“Earn it.” 
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a/n — Maybe later tonight i’ll finally get out that one pegging Lucifer fic i’ve been teasing for the past four days but literally never finished.
The night is young!
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justlemmeadoreyou · 15 days
I'd love some period fluff if you're taking requests 💘 maybe reader staying round H's pretty early in their relationship and she starts in the night or something and is obviously super embarrassed but he's just very gentle and calm and trying to make it all ok for her ☹️
sure, pookie <3 here it is! hope you like it ❤️
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You woke up in the middle of the night feeling a dull, cramping pain in your lower belly. As you became more awake, you realized with dread that your period had started unexpectedly while staying over at Harry's place. 
You felt mortified when you reached down and discovered you had bled through your sleep shorts and onto Harry's nice sheets. Panic rose inside you, your face flushing hot with embarrassment in the dark room.  
Thank goodness Harry was still sound asleep beside you, snoring lightly. If he woke up to this messy situation, you thought you might actually die from humiliation. 
As carefully and quietly as possible, you slid out of his warm embrace, trying not to make any sudden movements that could wake him. The cramps made it hard to move silently, but you didn't want to disturb his peaceful sleep.
Finally free from the bed, you wondered what to do next. You desperately needed some feminine supplies, but were too embarrassed to go searching through Harry's things without permission. But what other choice did you have?
Taking a deep breath, you tiptoed into his private bathroom, praying you could find what you needed. The fancy bathroom gleamed even in the low light, with its sleek fixtures and plush towels. But you had no idea where to look first.
"Looking for something, love?" Harry's deep, sleep-roughened voice startled you from the doorway.
You let out a muffled shriek, whirling to find him standing there in all his shirtless glory, looking concerned. Your face burned hotter as you struggled for an excuse for rifling through his bathroom uninvited.
"I...uhh...s-sorry, I'll just go back to bed-"  
But before you could make your escape, Harry stepped closer, worry etched across his handsome features as he noticed your hunched posture and the arm pressed to your abdomen.
"Wait, love, what's wrong? Are you alright?" His brow furrowed as you shook your head miserably, trying not to cry from the mortification.  
"Hey, it's okay," Harry murmured soothingly, reaching to pull you into a gentle hug. You tensed at first, but then melted against his warm, bare chest as he started rubbing soothing circles across your back.
"Whatever it is, we'll get through it together, alright? No need to be embarrassed with me."
You sucked in a shaky breath, leaning back just enough to meet his caring gaze in the dimness. "I...I got my period," you stammered, feeling heat flood your face again. "A-and I wasn't prepared and..." 
You trailed off, grimacing as you glanced down at the stained sheets peeking through the bathroom door. But instead of the disgust you expected, Harry's expression was nothing but compassionate.
"Aw, baby, I'm so sorry," he murmured, cradling the back of your head and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "That's no fun at all, is it?"
Sniffling, you shook your head again, fresh tears pricking your eyes at his sweet understanding. Most guys would be completely revolted. But not Harry, of course. Your wonderful, loving Harry.
"Come here, let's get you sorted out," he soothed, keeping an arm wrapped around you as he guided you further into the bathroom. With his free hand, he started rummaging through the sleek vanity, pulling out various supplies.
"Harry!" you gasped, watching with wide eyes. "I didn't think you...I mean, do you actually keep...?"
He shot you a cheeky wink over one broad shoulder as he lined up pads, tampons, pain medication, and even a fresh pair of cotton sleep shorts. "A guy's gotta be prepared for any situation, love. Never know when my best girl might need me."
Your chest flooded with a rush of affection and appreciation. How was this amazing, considerate man actually yours? You stepped into his arms again, hugging him tightly.
"Thank you, Harry. I'm so lucky to have you."
"No, I'm the lucky one," he corrected, scratching lightly at your scalp in the way he knew you loved. He pulled back to drink in your features, emerald eyes shining with pure adoration.
"Feeling any better now, darling? Need a warm bath or heating pad?"
You shook your head, squeezing his waist. "No, I'm okay for now. Making me feel completely loved and cared for is the best medicine." 
Harry beamed down at you, crinkling those adorable dimples. "Well in that case, I've got an unlimited supply."
He dipped his head to capture your lips in a soft, lingering kiss, one hand cupping your jaw tenderly as the other traced soothing patterns along your lower back. You sighed against his mouth, relaxing into his strong, steadying embrace.
When you finally parted, his forehead resting against yours, you took a deep, calming breath. "I love you so much, Harry."
"I love you too, period and all," he quipped, making you snort-laugh even as happy tears blurred your vision. "Now let's get you cleaned up and back to bed, alright?"
You nodded wordlessly, watching through an adoring gaze as he set about quickly changing the sheets with fresh ones from his linen closet. Within minutes, the bed looked fresh and inviting once more.
Harry ushered you in first, plopping down on the mattress beside you and instantly gathering you against his chest. You nestled into his warm, comforting embrace, trailing your fingertips idly across the silken smooth skin stretched over his toned biceps.
"Thank you, Har," you murmured drowsily, feeling your eyelids already growing heavy again as the stress from earlier fully dissolved.
You heard the rumbling vibration of his low chuckle against your cheek. "Anything for you, darling girl. Always."
Pressing a soft kiss to your temple, Harry stroking your hair soothingly. You were just drifting off into peaceful slumber, cocooned in his arms, when his voice rumbled once more.
"Though if you do happen to wake up with any particular cravings, I'll need some advance warning before raiding the shops for the entire stock of ice cream and chocolate..."
requests are open! | masterlist |
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jasmines-library · 11 months
Hey Jude
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Summary: When a demon hunt doesn't go to plan, the Winchesters have to rush to save their little sister. Though to make matters worse, once back home in the safety of the bunker her wound gets infected. With their angel friend MIA, Sam and Dean must battle time to find a way to help their sister.
Warnings: (Kinda Graphic) description of injury, Near death experience, infection and illness, one? swear word, angst, fluff,
Word count: 2.8K
Note: this is my first spn fic so I hope you enjoy :)
It came from almost nowhere.
You hadn’t sensed it coming, too tied up with the demon before you. She was tall and wore her dark hair slicked back in a ponytail. With much effort, you had managed to pin her up against the wall, away from her three friends who your brothers were occupied with. Dean managed to gank the blonde one with Ruby’s knife. She lit up like a candle before slumping lifelessly to the ground. He glanced in your direction to see that you were managing fine, before slinking off to help Sam who was juggling two demon skanks of his own. 
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritu-” 
The Latin had barely slipped from your lips when shit hit the fan. The woman got a hit on you, sending you reeling away from the graffitied wall, enough for her to slip out of your binding grip. You narrowed your eyes at the woman, reeling your arm back for another punch. She just smirked, her black eyes glistening under the moonlight. And that was when you felt it. A blinding white pain that blossomed across your abdomen and tore its way around body like someone had lit a bomb and your veins were the fuse. You collided harshly with the damp concrete, the sound ricocheting across the narrow street. You could feel the crushing weight of the hellhound above you and feel its hot breath fanning across your neck as you struggled, desperate from some sort of release though you could hardly move, trapped within the agonies of the invisible claws buried inches deep within your skin. Your cry of anguish had your brothers’ heads snapping towards your writhing frame. Their screams lost within your own. You gaped blindly at the dog above you. If it wasn’t for the hellhound’s snarling, or the blood seeping from the lacerations on your stomach, you would have had no clue what hit you. It felt like an eternity before the crushing weight was lifted from you and Dean came into view. The knife in hand was dripping with blood. He quickly discarded it on the floor and was by your side in an instant, pressing down harshly on your abdomen to slow the bleeding. He recoiled slightly when you let out a cry of pain. 
“I know, I know it hurts. I'm sorry sweetheart.” Dean tried to soothe you, but he could already see the blood oozing between his fingers.
You watched him through blurry, pain tinted lenses, eyes moving frantically, struggling to focus on one area too long. Dean’s panicked complexion never left your body. His green eyes trailed your damaged body, swimming with worry.
“De…” what came out of your mouth in between your ragged gasps for air was hardly audible. Dean would have missed it if his senses weren’t so honed in on you.
“Shh,” He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Don’t talk kiddo. Sammy’s coming. Sammy’s gonna get here and then we’re gonna take you back to the bunker and we’re gonna fix you up okay?”
You nodded feebly.
There was a squeal of rubber and the blinding light of the Impala’s headlights filling the dingy alley before Sam’s mop of hair came into view.
The ghost of a smile found its way onto your lips as your breathing began to slow. “Sammy...” you mumbled, watching your older brother move to your side.
“I’m here, kid. ” He reassured as he slid one of his arms under your knees and the other under your back. The brothers shared a silent look before they stood up, shifting you from the cold concrete. You screamed and cried out in pain as you were jostled around in Sam’s arms. Dean’s bloody hands were replaced with one of his flannel shirts which Sam was plastering to your wound as the two of them raced the short distance to the car. It hurt Sam to watch the way that your face contorted in pain with each giant step he took. Each whimper that escaped your lips had Dean shuddering. Once you were secured against Sam’s chest in the car, Dean had never moved quicker than he did to the front seat to press his foot on the gas and send the car hurtling down the road to the bunker. 
Your head lolled against Sam’s chest as he held you close and whispered reassurances into your ear. He wasn’t sure if he was trying to reassure you or himself. A deep pit had settled at the bottom of his stomach. “You’re gonna be fine. We’ve got you.” he repeated like a mantra when you whimpered. When you didn’t respond, he glanced down to see that your eyes had begun to droop closed, the effort of keeping them open had just become too much as you slowly lost sensation across your body. Your fingers and toes had began to go numb, all feeling lost within them
“No, no.” Sam cupped the side of your face with his hand and tilted it gently towards his. Your skin was pale and clammy and your cheeks were lined with tracks of tears that had beaded down your face. “Look at me Y/N, don’t close your eyes.” Sam’s voice seemed to raise an octave as he choked out his worry. 
You tried to keep them open. You really did, but your eyelids had begun to feel like lead and keeping them was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You struggled, but as the black spots began to consume your vision, you gave in and let unconsciousness claim you.
Sam cursed and tapped the side of your face desperately. Dean glanced back at his younger siblings. He saw the way that your frame was curled up against Sam’s, looking even smaller than you were supposed to in his arms. He pressed his foot even harder on the pedal when he saw the way that Sam’s face ignited with fear as he listened to the soft thrum of your heart; all out of beat and losing time. 
When you peeled your eyes open, and they had adjusted to the harsh light in the room, the first thing you were aware of was the throbbing in your abdomen. Gingerly, you had tried to push yourself up, much to the protests of the muscles in your shaky arms. You had barely managed to get halfway up before you were being eased back down again by a pair of calloused hands. 
“Take it easy, kid.” Dean said. He had been slumped in a old green chair half asleep when you had begun to rouse. There were dark bags under his eyes and he looked as if he hadn’t slept since he got back. That was something you knew Dean did when he was worried.
You blinked groggily. You looked like you had had a run in with death. I suppose you weren’t too far off. Your head was pounding and your skin was still devout of its colour, besides the dark bags that dropped beneath your sunken eyes. The throbbing around your stitches had quickly begun to feel much worse as the itchiness set in. “How long was I out?”
“ ‘Bout a day.” he told you, tracing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. His skin was rough from years of hands on work, but his tough was gentle and far from what you’d expect for a man in his line of work. “Sammy sewed you up.”
You hummed gratefully, gathering your brewing for a moment. Once you had had a moment to think, it all seemed to come flooding back to you.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered. 
“What?” Dean had to do a second take. “Sweetheart, what are you sorry for?”
“If I had ganked the bitch faster then-”
“No. No. This isn’t your fault.” Your brother said sternly. “If I had gone to you instead of Sam then-”
A tall figure appeared in the doorway to the infirmary, he had to hunch slightly to fit the whole of his tall frame in. He bore two cups of coffee in his hands and too looked as if he hadn’t slept a wink in a few days. Stubble had begun to make itself prominent on his cheeks.
“Dean, for the last time, this isn’t your -” Sam stopped when he saw you staring at him. He was at your side in seconds after placing the coffee on the table by Dean, then pulling you into a hug. You groaned at the pull of your stitches. “How you feeling?”
“Like I've been hit by a bus.”
Sam chuckled, though he furrowed his brows. “That bad, huh?” 
You shrugged. 
Gesturing towards your stomach, Sam asked “Mind if I take a look?”
“Go ahead.”
Peeling back the white sheets and lifting up the hem of your shirt, Sam revealed the white bandage fitted snugly to your body. He then untucked the bandage and gingerly unravelled it to reveal the angry redness and the pus that had gathered around the neat rows of stitches. 
“Shit.” Dean uttered. He was trying not to panic, but the way forehead etched with concern gave it away. 
“What’s going on?” You craned your neck to try and see the damage, but you were hit with a wave of vertigo that made you slump back against the bed. 
“It’s infected.” 
Sam’s gaze followed the length of your stitched skin. 16 stitches in total, all in three rows across your abdomen and down towards you right hip. They would leave a nasty scar, but nothing that a Hunter wasn’t used to. He followed the red lightning-like pattern that the infection had left on your skin. 
“How the heck did it get infected, Sam? Didn’t you clean it?” Dean demanded. 
“Of course I cleaned it.” Sam shuddered at them memory of pouring the alcohol into your wound. He remembered the way you unconsciously flinched as the needle sank into your skin. He remembered the way that your heart and your breathing slowed as Dean raced towards the bunker. 
“Well clearly-”
“Stop.” You whispered. “Please.”
Both men stopped their bickering and turned to you. You looked so small and fragile lying there in that bed; your complexion nearly as pale as the room around you. Sam looked guilty. His eyes found the ground and he fiddled with his hands nervously in his lap. Dean’s furious features softened. He knew it wasn’t Sam’s fault really, he had just let his worry morph into anger. The alley had been filthy and in the rush to stop the bleeding, he wasn’t surprised that some of the dirt had managed to conceal itself. The wound was deep and time was running thin. 
“Come on. Let's get you sorted out.”
The infection had taken hold of you quickly. Despite the brothers cleaning your wound and dosing you up on antibiotics, only after a day or so; you were now fighting a fever. 
Sam placed a hand on your forehead. Your skin was too hot and clammy, but shivers racked your body like you had just been dunked in an ice bath. Sam moved some of the hair that had stuck to the beads of sweat on your forehead away from your eyes and frowned deeply, his eyebrows knitting together in the middle of his forehead. You were curled up on your bed, trying your hardest to pull the sheets even closer to your body. Your brothers had moved you out of the infirmary and into your room a few days ago after they had discovered that your wound was infected. Dean had insisted that it would provide you with a better sense of comfort than the eerily pristine walls and uncomfy beds of the infirmary. Your room was also a lot closer to theirs, which meant that they could keep an eye on you easier. That had put a small smile on your lips, what took it away however was when Dean refused to let you have your thick blankets. Your protests nearly made him cave and give them back, but he knew that if he did you would overheat and they couldn’t risk that with how high your fever was running.
A dry coughing fit tore its way through you, leaving you wheezing once it had subsided. Since the fever took you in its clutches a few days ago, the boys had watched you deteriorate. It broke them to see you like this; a ghost of the person you usually were. Sam knelt down to face you on the bed. Your eyes were barely open as you struggled against the exhaustion, but the fever wasn’t letting you sleep. “Y/N?” Sam asked gently. 
You pushed your eyes open weakly. 
“Hey.” He smiled at you and reached blindly for the glass of water that was on the bedside table. Easing you up, he held the cup to your chapped lips and helped you take small sips of the water and then another antibiotic. He placed the glass back on the side and moved to pull the covers away from you. You tried to turn away, but whimpered when pain flared through your wound.
“I know, I know. But we have to change them.”
Reluctantly, you allowed your brother to pull the covers away from your body. You felt like the air was stabbing you with icicles when it hit your body. You shuddered and Sam looked at you with pity. Watching your brother work as he removed the bandages was what you opted to do take your mind off of the way you were feeling. Sam’s face scrunched as he concentrated, his hair falling across his eyes. He pinched hs bottom lip between his teeth as he unraveled your wound. Your brothers had tried desperately to stop the infection from spreading, but now the wound had swelled to twice the size and it had become an even darker shade of angry. Sucking in a breath, Sam began to redress it with fresh bandages. 
Sam and Dean had been taking great care of you. You were barely left alone and they always seemed to have everything you needed on hand. The pair would take it in turns to sit by you for hours and make sure your fever didn’t get too high, while the other searched for any way to help you. Dean had tried a million times to get Cas down here, but he was always left with no reply, only a silence that seemed too loud. He had even tried threatening him, but still, the angel never showed. He then moved on to help Sam with the stack of books that he was skimming through. It seemed as though the pile would never end as the two of them searched. Logically, one of the first things they had considered was driving you to the nearest hospital, but they had opted out of it, figuring that it was too dangerous to move you that far in your state and that it would be too hard to explain how you received wounds like that. Of course, then they were hoping that Cas wouldn’t ignore his angel radio, or that they would have found a spell within one of these books much faster.
Sam sat with you for a while, tapping his foot repeatedly and playing with his hands as he made conversation with you, trying to bring smiles to your sunken features. Sam loved it when you smiled; they were pure, golden. you could light up a whole room with one. When the three of you were younger, when you still wore your hair in pigtails and were too young and to go on hunts with your brothers and your dad, Sam remembered how he used to yearn for that smile whilst he was away, how they made him feel whole again when he returned and he’d wrap you up in his arms and you’d greet him with a big smile on your face.
Sam told you stories of his hunts, of embarrassing stories that he swore he wouldn’t tell anyone and of his favourite memories of the three of you until he thought you had finally let sleep take you under. You had stopped interrupting his stories with your own quips, or giggling at his jokes, though when he stood, the old chair creaking as he rose, and began to move as quietly as his boots would let him towards the door, your meek voice spoke up.
He hummed at the nickname. 
“Thank you.” You said.
“Anytime kid.” He smiled sadly, placing a kiss on your forehead. “You’re gonna be okay Y/N. I promise.”
Not too long after Sam had left your room, Dean floated in. He wasn’t sure whether to be surprised or not at the fact you were still awake, gazing vacantly into empty space. Dean knew that sleep had never come easy to you, even as a small child. You used to crawl into his bed at night, seeking comfort. Another cough shook your frame as your eldest brother came further into the room. After ensuring you were okay, he replaced his brother in the seat beside you and took your hand. 
“Can’t sleep, huh?”
You shook your head. That was when Dean climbed in to the bed behind you, tucking you to his chest like he used to when you were just small. He ran his fingers through your hair as he listened to your raspy and short breaths. He felt you shift to look up at him.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Sing to me? Like when we were little?”
Dean smiled as you pulled yourself closer to his chest. You breathed in the scent of his old band shirt and his cologne as he began to sing.
“Hey Jude, don't make it bad, Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, Then you can start to make it better.
Hey Jude, don't be afraid You were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin, Then you begin to make it better.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain, Don't carry the world upon your shoulders. For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder.”
Dean was still singing when Sam came back to your room with a bowl in hand. His face lit up at the sight of you curled up in Dean’s arms. When Dean finally lifted his head away from yours and looked up to see his little brother hovering in the doorway, Sam was singing with him under his breath. It only took him a few steps to cross the distanced between the door and your bed and when he reached you, he pulled the book out from the arm it was tucked beneath and placed the bowl on your desk. The book was leather bound, and was at least an inch or so thick. It was once red, though with time and use it seemed to have lost its colouring to the grey fraying around the edges. The pages of the book were dirty too, thinned by age. The bowl, carved from wood and decorated with an ornate gold, seemed to be filled with herbs and other mojo that Dean didn’t even want to know about.
“I found a spell.” Sam told him, a grin sneaking across his face. “She’s gonna be okay.”
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lindsey-laufeyson · 7 months
Saying Goodbye
Tom Hiddleston x wife!reader oneshot
Your husband just finished filming season 2 of Loki, thus concluding his long journey as the God of Mischief, but as a stunt double for The Marvels, you’re stuck doing a reshoot on the night of the wrap party when all you want to do is be there for him.
Warnings: angst, fluff
A/N: After watching the Loki finale, as well as Tom’s interview on Jimmy Fallon, I guess I wrote this to process my own grief (and be a little self indulgent)…
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When you walked into the wrap party, you spotted your husband immediately, talking to Ke Huy Quan across the room by the bar. Tom’s dyed black curls were slightly disheveled and he was gesturing wildly with his hands, clearly very passionate about whatever the topic of conversation was. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you watched him, until you were pulled from your thoughts by a familiar voice.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Owen Wilson greeted you, pulling you in for a hug. “Glad you could make it!”
“And just in time, evidently,” you added as you pulled out of the hug. “Is he doing any better?”
Owen shook his head and sighed. “He’s not doing any worse, I can say that much.”
The two of you walked over to Tom and Ke, and you slid your arm around Tom’s slender waist. “Sorry to interrupt,” you told them both.
Tom’s eyes lit up when he saw you. “Darling! You made it!” he said excitedly, standing up from his seat at the bar and quickly giving you a hug and kiss before addressing the entire room. “Y/n Hiddleston, everybody!” he shouted, pointing at you as if you were the big surprise guest for the night. Everyone played along and cheered while you waved bashfully at them all before turning back to Tom.
“How are you doing, my love?” you asked him, concerned, as you cupped his face in your hand.
“I’m wonderful,” he assured you. “Why?”
You glanced at Owen apprehensively. “Owen said you were sort of… spiraling.”
“What?” Tom looked at Owen confused. “You said I was spiraling?”
“You’ve been spiraling a little,” Owen said quietly from behind you. You and Ke proceeded to watch the two men bicker back and forth.
“I think I’d know if I was spiraling.”
“I mean, it’s a subtle spiral, but a spiral all the same.”
“Is there even such a thing as a subtle spiral?
“So you’re admitting that it’s not subtle. Good!”
“No, I’m saying there was no spiral to begin with.”
“Oh my god! If either of you say the word spiral one more time, I’m going to start spiraling,” you shouted abruptly.
“I promise you, darling, I’m fine. Really.” Tom attempted to reassure you as he pulled you close to him. You looked over your shoulder at Owen briefly who held up his hands in defeat.
“Alright,” you conceded, before turning to Ke. “I’m so sorry, Ke! I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.”
“It’s okay,” Ke said cheerfully. “Tom was just telling me about how I shouldn’t get too attached to anything because everything ends eventually.” You and Owen both gave Tom a look.
Tom chuckled nervously and then clapped his hands together. “Shots anyone?” he asked, as he turned to the bartender. “Another round of Loki shots, please! And add one more for my beautiful wife!”
“No need,” Owen called after the bartender. “She can just have mine!”
“Oh no, I’m good. I’m driving,” you chimed in, shooting a glare at Owen.
“That’s fine. I’ll just have both of theirs,” Tom said nonchalantly.
You quickly stepped between Tom and the bar. “Hey, maybe we should forget the shots and have a little fun of our own at home.” You gave him a playful wink, hoping to distract him.
“But you just got here,” he protested. “Please, let’s stay for a while and celebrate the end!”
The way he said ‘celebrate the end’ sounded excited and happy, but you could tell it was forced. Still, it was his night tonight (though he would never accept it if you told him that), and you didn’t want to be the one to spoil it, so you obliged.
You, Tom, Owen, and the rest of the ‘Loki’ cast and crew spent the next couple of hours laughing, dancing, and sharing stories (most of which ended up being about Tom), and it seemed like maybe Tom was handling things better than you had originally thought. There was a moment when he reprised his rendition of ‘Very Full’ from the first season of the show, and you thought for a moment, during the slower part of the song, that he was finally letting his feelings to the surface, but as the song picked up again, so did his demeanor. It wasn’t until people started to say their goodbyes for the night, that you really began to see his happy exterior fade.
“I think it’s time to call it, boss,” Owen said to Tom as the last few cast members departed, leaving only the three of you along with a couple of closing staff in the venue rented out for the night’s festivities.
“I suppose so,” Tom agreed with a sad smile.
“We’re still on for lunch before your flight leaves tomorrow, right?” you asked Owen as he hugged you and Tom goodbye.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” he replied. And with that he left.
You then turned to your husband and held out your hand. “Come on, love. Let’s get you home.”
The two of you spent the car ride reliving the fun of the party, and were laughing as you walked in the front door of the house. As you set your purse down on the buffet in the foyer, Tom wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and nuzzled into your neck.
“Thank you for coming,” he said softly.
You placed your hands over his and swayed back and forth. “Of course, baby. But I want to ask you one more time…” You turned around to face him, putting one hand on his shoulder and the other gently cupped his face. “Are you alright? Because it’s perfectly okay to not be okay right now. You just closed a huge chapter of your life and no one expects you to just take it on the chin.”
As you said this, Tom’s eyes slowly welled up with tears as he finally let go of the mask he’d so tirelessly upheld all night. “I’ve said goodbye to Loki before, and I thought I could do it again” he began, his voice cracking slightly. “But it’s only that much harder now. He changed my life. He’s become such a deeply rooted part of me over the last 13 years. How am I expected to just move on from that?”
A tear fell down his cheek and you brushed it away with your thumb. “No one expects you to, sweetheart,” you replied in a soft, comforting tone. “You’re allowed to grieve.”
Tom squeezed his eyes shut, causing more tears to fall as he hugged you tight, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You held him there for a moment, stroking his hair while he quietly cried.
“But, Tom,” you continued, taking his face in both hands, lifting his head, and looking deep in his eyes. “Even if Loki’s on-screen journey is over, it doesn’t mean he’s gone. You said it yourself that he’s a part of you. Even if Kevin Feige never calls you up again— which, let’s be honest, is never out of the question at this point—” He let out a small chuckle. “As long as you’re around, so is he, and that’s because you put your heart and soul into that character, much like everything else that you do. It’s one of the many reasons I fell in love with you.”
Tom smiled at you through his tears before leaning down to kiss you tenderly. When your lips finally parted he leaned his forehead against yours and sighed. “Thank you, love,” he whispered.
“No, thank you Tom,” you replied, tears forming in your own eyes now. “Thank you for giving us Loki.”
One year later:
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celtic-crossbow · 7 months
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Chapter 7
Warnings: Reader’s poor mental health
You awoke to raised voices but found yourself alone, still in Daryl’s space. Wiping your eyes, you attempted to fight through the fog of sleep to hear what was happening somewhere in the cellblock. One of the voices was unmistakably Daryl. You could hear the anger but not the words. The second voice was also raised but not in anger. Feminine. Carol?
“I’ll handle it! Go cool off before you pull something!” 
Definitely Carol, her voice closer and words decipherable. You could hear her boots on the stairs just before her silver hair came into view. Well, at least you knew what they had been yelling about. Her stony expression softened over immediately when she raised her head to find you awake. 
“Good morning! How are you feeling?”
You eyed her suspiciously, fingers twisting and tugging at the blanket. You still weren’t sure about who to trust, what to believe. You couldn’t even trust Daryl, but why should you really? He purchased you. Even with his kind eyes and gentle touch, he was still a man. And men at the end of the world only wanted you for one thing. Still, you continued to find you wanted to trust him. 
“Hey.” Your eyes focused again on Carol, a little closer than she had been but now sitting on the floor, a bowl in her hands that you hadn’t noticed until then. “Where’d you go just now? You were a million miles away.” Your knees were dragged up against your chest, assuming the familiar position. You said nothing but watched the woman carefully. Her finger was tapping against her own knee as she studied you. “Let’s try a different approach, hmm?” She smiled at you and relaxed her posture. 
The bowl was gently slid across the floor, stopping just in front of you. It looked like oatmeal, with some berries of some sort on top. 
“Not a lot of fresh fruits available right now. Daryl brings in berries that are safe for us to eat when he goes out to hunt. Those are a little bitter but they make the plain oatmeal taste more like…well, something.”
You waited for a moment, eyes flickering back and forth between the offered food and the woman in front of you. You were hungry. Famished, actually. But she wasn’t Daryl. Could she even give you permission to eat? 
“What, um… what do you want me to do for it?” 
“Nothing. You don’t have to do anything special for your portion of the meals here. You may have chores later but not until you’re settled in and feel at least a little safer, okay?” 
“Did S—um, I mean, did he say I could eat?”
“Who? Daryl?” Her brow creased in confusion. “Why would—oh.” When understanding once again soothed her expression, that gentle smile she seemed to always present you was back. “I can promise you that Daryl will always want you to eat what is offered to you here. Always.”
You remained unconvinced. 
“If he or anyone else ever says you can’t eat, they’ll have to personally answer to me.” 
Your stomach chose that moment to sound off its displeasure at being left empty. With trembling fingers, you began to reach for the bowl, noting that Carol’s eyes remained on your face. The moment your fingertips brushed the edge, you snatched up the bowl and hid it between your knees and your body as if she would attempt to take it back. 
It was just plain, unsweetened oats, but the woman had been right. The berries did at least provide some flavor. Even if it didn’t, you were too hungry to care. Carol stayed but had averted her gaze to somewhere past the railing. 
“Why, um…why do you get to wear regular clothes?”
She seemed to contemplate your question before countering with one of her own. “Can you explain why you would ask that? Just so I understand. There is no consequence for asking questions.”
No consequence? Hell, you shouldn’t be speaking, let alone questioning. “Do you dance? Or are you one of the special ones that the men get to take in the back?” There was the briefest expression of disgust, but you caught it, even if she was quick to bury it. 
“The women here are not property. We are free and independent, equal with the men. I mean, I do need the occasional jar opened but otherwise, we do our part and live as we please.”
“The men don’t—Sir, I mean, Daryl doesn’t fuck you?”
Her eyes opened so wide that you thought they might evacuate her skull. “Oh god, no! That’d be… no, just no.” Carol eased a little closer and sat right back down, maintaining a comfortable distance between the two of you. “I know what Daryl took you out of. I can’t even begin to imagine the things that happened to you there. But here? These people? You don’t have to worry. No one is going to touch you without your consent. No one is expecting you to do anything like you were forced to do before. The men here will protect you, not hurt you.”
You narrowed your eyes skeptically while taking another small bite. 
“I know it will take some time to trust again, but it will come.” She watched you take the last bite, eyes following your trembling hand as you placed the bowl onto the floor beside you. “I’ll be with you as often as I can. You’re welcome to join me throughout the day.”
You didn’t answer, choosing to fiddle with the buttons on Daryl’s shirt instead. 
“You can sleep in my cell if you’d feel safer but Y/N,” she paused and waited until you finally met her gaze, “you need to give Daryl some space.”
“I…I, um… he…”
“I know what he did for you, but Daryl has his own demons. You don’t belong to him. You don’t belong to anyone.” How that woman could have such a conversation and remain so calm was beyond you. “You don’t have to accept that now. I know it can be hard to unlearn things that were beaten into you. I just ask that you try. That’s all. Just try. And if you forget, I’ll be here to remind you.” That smile again. 
You nodded, finding comfort in Carol’s gentle presence. You could feel the tendrils of fear receding into the dark crevices of your fractured mind. You still didn’t understand and you were still afraid, but you no longer felt paralyzed. 
“If I… I’d like to stay with you.” You shrank back a little, as if accepting what she offered would lead to some horrific punishment. “Please.”
“Of course.” Carol answered softly. She climbed to her feet and then held out her hand for you. “Why don’t you just stay with me today too, hmm? I’ll show you around and then we’ll fix things up on the cell later. Sound good?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Her hand was rough in places, calloused from years of work. A story she hadn’t shared with you yet but you found you were eager to hear it. 
Carol quickly tutted you with a laugh. “None of that. Call me Carol. Can I call you Y/N?” You gave her a small smile even as your shoulders drew up with anxiety at having offended her. She must have noticed because she turned to face you and requested you take a deep breath. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Everything is fine. You’re okay. You’re safe.”
And for the first time in a very, very long time, you actually felt it. 
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Daryl observed you finally vacating his space, your hand in Carol’s as the two of you exited the prison. Though your apprehension was still quite perceivable, you were making an effort and that was truly all he could ask for at this point. He hadn’t been angry at finding you occupying his area. He was more overwhelmed by the grand propensity of helplessness as you continued to futilely seek comfort from him when he had none to offer you. 
It was better for you to be inducted into a normal way of life within the world as it was then. You had to learn to live again, to be your own person. There was no one better to help you than Carol. 
No longer tired, Daryl hefted his crossbow onto his shoulder and headed outside. The people could always use fresh meat, so it was only logical that he use the time to hunt. 
He could only hope that you would leave his thoughts long enough to get the job done safely. 
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@royaltysuite @thegeorgiahuntsman @livingdeadblondequeen @deansapplepie @feral4daryl @walker-bait-1973 @lazyneonrabbitt @bizquake @littlelovingideas @ririi-3 @ankhmutes @blackvelveteen1339 @sokkasimp101 @lehhos @loganlostitall
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axelsagewrites · 2 months
really loved your “decide” fic with jamie and roy! was wondering if you could do something where fem!reader is dating both jamie and roy. they’re always competing whose the better boyfriend. (maybe smut if not i completely understand!) 💕💕
Roy Kent & Jamie Tartt*Best Boyfriend
Pairing: roy x reader x jamie
Word count: 1575
Warnings: mentions of smut but nothing explicit, poly relationship, competition/rivalry
Masterlist here
dating a footballer was not exactly a calm life. Especially not when you were dating two. Two who used to hate each other to be specific. You’d met Jamie on a dating site and had told him from the start you weren’t looking for anything monogamous. It started out as a casual fling, hookups mostly and a few dates.
Despite knowing he was a footballer you didn’t follow the sport too closely so had no clue about his past with your other fuck buddy. You worked in Roy’s local supermarket, and he began making up excuses and deliberately forgetting things just to come back and see you.
They both knew each other existed they just didn’t know who they were up against. You were currently on a date with Jamie. When he came to pick you up, he was in a suit and tie with a massive bouquet of roses in his hands. “Let me put these in water first,” you giggled as you took the flowers.
Maybe this was less casual than you thought as you quickly went to retrieve a vase while Jamie glanced around your living room. “This other guy, he some sort of biker?” he joked, nodding to the leather jacket hung up.
You rolled your eyes as you finished setting the flowers up, “No, he just forgot it when he was leaving,”
“Who forgets their jacket?”
“Jealous?” you teased, leading him to the door, “Nah he slept in, and he was going to be late for work,”
“What does he do?”
You paused in your tracks, smirk on your lips, “Why? You wanna go on a date with him instead?” with an eyeroll and a teasing wink you were both finally on your way.
The next morning when you woke up you carefully slid yourself out from under Jamie’s arm to go answer the front door. “Roy,” you smiled, trying to cover your panic.
“Hey. I was just swinging by for my jacket,” he said, walking in like he’d done a million times.
You prayed Jamie wouldn’t wake up as he did. “Its just over here,” you said, passing it to him.
“Thanks. Hey while I’m here we could go get some coffee or breakfast,”
“I’m not dressed,”
“I can wait,”
“I don’t want to impose,”
“I don’t mind,”
“I- “you sighed, running out a lies.
A look of realisation dawned on his face before a small smirk grew, “You have company,”
“Maybe,” you smiled, awkwardly biting your lip as he chuckled. Unlike Jamie, Roy was not shy of a little competition. He almost seemed to delight in the fact especially bringing it up during his dirty talk. While you found Jamie’s jealousy ridiculously hot, Roy’s cockiness was equally as refreshing.
“alright but don’t forget you’re seeing me tomorrow,” he said, giving you what was supposed to be a quick kiss.
You finally pulled away, slightly breathless and laughing, “Okay you need to go now,”
“Who is it babe?” Jamie’s voice rang out, Roy’s expression instantly hardening, “You,” Jamie deadpanned as he stood across from Roy in your fluffy robe.
“You,” Roy almost growled.
“You know each other?” you asked but the tension in the air answered it, “Oh fuck,”
“You’re sleeping with that prick?”
“Why would you fuck a grampa?”
“At least I can get her off,”
“And I can’t? Watch me, cmere babe- “
“Woah!” you said, putting your hands in the air as you stood from your couch where’d you’d sat during their near ten-minute scawble, “Now now boys, you’re both pretty,” you teased but neither were amused, “How was I supposed to know?”
“Well, you can’t date both of us,” Roy protested.
Jamie made a face, “Eh you’re not the boss of her,”
“No but I also don’t want your diseases,”
“I am not diseased!”
“Prove it,”
“Boys!” you almost shouted making them both pause, “If you don’t calm down neither one of you is dating anyone. We’re all adults here,” you said, finally thinking they’d calmed down as they moved to sit on the sofa.   
“Well, I am,” Jamie muttered under his breath, getting a sharp glare from you and a growl from Roy.
You sighed as you began pacing the room, “Look I like you both but if this is gonna be a problem then maybe its better if we all just take a break,”
The two stared at their feet like scolded children, “I’m sure,” Roy began through gritted teeth, “We can make this work,”
And finally, Jamie agreed, “How hard can it be?” you sighed in relief however soon after decided to kick the pair out your flat to try decompress from this whole mess.
What you hadn’t seen was the icy glares they shared as they both gave you a goodbye kiss and left. “May the best boyfriend win,” Roy said as they walked down the stairs of your flats.
A cocky smirk went on Jamie’s face, “I intend to,”
While you enjoyed love and affection even you knew this was getting excessive. Your date with Roy went from being a meal out at a local diner he liked to Roy cooking you a three-course meal from scratch in his house with a bottle of ridiculously expensive wine to match. “This is worth more than my rent,”
“Yeah, but nothings worth more than you,”
You had been awing over the whole evening all night and all day the next day to your friends however Roy had also been bragging about the whole ordeal to Jamie. So, Jamie naturally knew he had to step up his game.
Jamie arrived to your flat at 10pm with a blindfold and his car keys. He led you to your seat before insisting you put on the blindfold until you got to your mystery location. “I’m gonna fall,” you squealed as Jamie helped you out the car and you felt your shoes hit soft grass.
“You’ll just have to hold onto me then wont ya?” you didn’t have to see him to hear his smirk and you knew he could tell you were rolling your eyes.
Eventually after many stumbles and almost facing planting a couple times Jamie had you take off your blindfold. “The park?” you looked around confused before realisation hit when you saw the blanket laid on the grass.
“Thought we could look at the stars and that,” Jamie mumbled, pink tinging his cheeks.
You lent forward, placing a kiss to the hot cheek, “You’re such a softie,”
“Only for you,” he grinned as he sat down on the blanket, pulling you with him, “Brought snacks as well,” he said handing over the picnic basket.
Unlike usual picnic baskets with sandwiches and cakes this was filled with all your favourite sweets, crisps, pringles, and cans of fizzy juice. Jamie laid down on the blanket, pulling you into his arms so you could stare at the stars together. It was so peaceful you almost fell asleep right there.
At first you thought it couldn’t get better but it wasn’t just the romance they were trying to out do each other on. Whenever they weren’t taking you out on sappy film worthy dates you were being dragged to the nearest bed, sofa, or car. Not that you were complaining, however.
What you didn’t know what Roy and Jamie actually came up with a schedule in their own time of who got to see you when. Neither was happy with the outcome, claiming the other got the better days or more time despite making it up themselves.
Apparently last night had been Roy’s night but between taking you bowling and mini golfing then not letting you leave the bedroom for several rounds you ended up sleeping in later than usual. You woke up in Roy’s arms to a text from Jamie saying he was coming over.
You groaned when you saw it, not realising Roy was awake, “You good?”
“Yeah, its just,” you sighed before deciding to just get it off your chest, “I’m just tired. Don’t get me wrong I loved yesterday and all our other dates, but I just wish we could all hang out sometimes,”
“You want me to hang out with that twat?” he asked, eyebrow raised. This was exactly what you meant. You groaned and went to roll away, but Roy wrapped his arms around you to stop you, “I’m sorry,” he sighed, “I guess we were so wrapped up in being the best boyfriend we didn’t think about how it would affect you. I’ll stay, if you want me to,”
You perked up at that, giving Roy a kick excited kiss, “and you’ll be nice?” a loud groan came from Roy, “please?” you whined.
A small smile appeared on his lips, “fine. For you,”
Jamie’s reaction was oddly similar to Roy’s that you wondered why they weren’t already friends with how similar they could be. You were currently sat with your feet in Roy’s lap, your head resting on Jamie’s shoulder, watching some trashy dating show both boys pretended to hate but suddenly had strong opinions about.
“What is she doing? Her and Declan are made for each other,”
“Yeah, right?” Jamie nodded in enthusiastic agreement, “What’s so special about Simon?”
You couldn’t help but snigger at the pair. “You two boys wanna be left alone?” you teased only to be met with unison hushes as a new contestants entered the villa and drama ensued.
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keirawantstocry · 3 months
that one time tubbo called pac a dilf 😵‍💫
okay wait…
young teacher tubbo and dilf pac comes to collect his son from class…..tubbos got such a crush on him and maybe he asks pac to stay back to talk about richas’s behaviour but it turns into something else….
you've come to the right person (guy who is obsessed with pacbo)
Tubbo wasn't quite sure how he ended up with this job. He had never in any of his years considered being a teacher of any sort. But after he adopted his daughter, he needed a second job. Mechanics weren't paying him enough. Luckily there was a daycare nearby that was hiring. It was a more difficult process than he had expected, much like the adoption. But he got it. 
His daughter stayed with her “other father”. Tom's name was always said in a sigh like that. They were young and stupid and drunk and Tubbo didn't know what he was doing when he signed the stupid paper that Tommy had slid him across the dirty bar table. 
Tommy, and unfortunately Molly, found it hilarious. They both insisted on watching Sunny while he was at work. Thankfully Sunny loved them. Tommy would do her hair in braids. It was something they did when they were younger. Tubbo remembered sitting in fields with Tommy's older cousin braiding his long hair. 
As soon as Tommy saw Sunny's thick 3C curls, he stayed up two nights in a row researching and watching video after video of how to do cornrows and other braids in her hair. 
Molly often sent him videos while he was at work on Sunny prattling on while Tommy listened intently, braiding her hair as best he could. As much as Tubbo joked about divorce and threatened, he was glad to have two people he loved watching his child and caring for them so well. 
He closed his laptop with a sigh, rubbing his eyes. He was the last one there, his co worker had to leave because she had to pick up her own child but they needed someone to watch the singular child whose parents were incredibly late. 
Opening his eyes, Tubbo stared down the young boy in front of him. 
He was a Latino boy, probably around 7 or 8 with an oversized yellow jersey that he wore every single day. He was staring at Tubbo with large brown eyes. It was almost unnerving but he was a cute, decently well mannered child. 
Tubbo remembered the day he joined the daycare. A man with shoulder length brown hair and a singular white streak through it brought him in and explained how the boy had been born without part of his leg but was still very capable of movement with the prosthetic his Pai had made him. 
The owner of the daycare had nodded, assuring the man over and over that his child would be well cared for and that they would make sure the other children didn't say anything nasty as children tended to do. 
Richas, Tubbo remembered, as he continued to stare down the boy. His name was Richas. 
“Hello,” he said. 
The boy grinned. “Ola!” 
Tubbo laughed at his enthusiasm before picking up his phone to attempt to call the boy's parents once again. It rang and rang, like it had three times before click. 
“Holy shit, we are so sorry. Our schedule got all mixed up and we didn't know who was supposed to pick him up today. Fuck!” 
“Hey, hey,” Tubbo said calmly. “It's okay. I'm here with him. Get here whenever you can.” 
The voice on the phone that Tubbo didn't recognize took a few deep breaths. “Sim, sim, of course. Peqi is on his way already. He should be there any minute.” 
Tubbo smiled at Richas who bounced up and down excitedly, trying to climb up the front of the desk to reach the phone. “Sounds good, Mr…?” 
The voice laughed. “Just call me Mike yeah?” 
Richas made the saddest noise possible and Tubbo's heart melted. “Wait, before you go, I think he wants to talk to you.” 
He removed the phone from the side of his ear and carefully handed it to the boy who cradled it with both hands and held it up to his mouth. “OI, PAI.” 
Mike's voice came through quietly. “Oi, Richas. Você está sendo bom?” 
“Sim, sim,” the boy sang happily. “Eu sou bom.” 
“Bom menino. Pai Pac will be there soon okay?” 
“Okay, okay.” 
“Eu te amo.” 
“Eu também te amo.” 
The phone clicked, ending the call and Richas handed it back to Tubbo with a smile. Not even five seconds after the phone was back in his hand, the door slammed open. Standing in the now open doorway was a frazzled and incredibly attractive man. 
Richas ran over, bounding easily into his arms. 
“Richarlyson!” the man cooed, swinging him back and forth in his arms. He met Tubbo's eyes over his son's head. ‘Thank you’ he mouthed. 
Tubbo was almost too stunned to nod but he managed to as Richas's father slowly lowered him to the ground to step over to Tubbo. 
“I have to sign him out, yes?” 
Tubbo nodded, still speechless. He cleared his throat and slid the sign-out sheet across the desk. “Yeah, uh, yeah.” 
The man, Pac, from the signs of his scribbled signature, smiled blindingly at him, his son clinging to his leg. 
Tubbo noticed at that moment that Pac had a near identical prosthetic to his son. “You match,” he said before mentally slapping himself. You don't just fucking point out a man's prosthetic, no fucking wonder you're still married to Tommy. 
But Pac just laughed softly. “We do,” he said softly, rubbing the top of Richas's head. “He is very clearly my son.” 
“Are you his biological father?” Tubbo asked. Holy fucking shit, shut up you fucking idiot. He is so tired of you already, why are you asking so many questions? 
Pac just laughed softly again and the twist in Tubbo's chest felt like falling off a cliff. “Sim, yes, I am. I was the one who gave birth to him.” 
Tubbo stopped himself from asking any questions about that. He knew better than that at least. “That's really cool.” He tried a smile and felt so awkward. 
“Thank you,” Pac said. “And thank you for watching him past time. I know you probably have places to be.” 
Tubbo brushed him off with a wave of his hand. “Oh don't worry about it. My daughter is more than happy to spend more of their time with her ‘other father’.” Out of instinct, he raised his hands and made quotation marks with his hands. 
Pac raised an eyebrow curiously. 
Tubbo flushed. “A, uh, friend of mine. We got drunk married and now my daughter considers him her other father.”
Pac laughed. “No spouse of your own then? One that you're in love with anyway?” 
Tubbo flushed darker. “Ah, no. Just my husband and his girlfriend.” 
“Mmm,” Pac said, leaning over on the desk. “Good to know.” 
Tubbo froze in his spot as Pac's eyes, big and brown just like his son's, stared into his soul. He gulped before clearing his throat. “Yeah, uhmm, yeah.” The heat of his face was nearly unbearable. 
Richas gently smacked his dad on the leg. “Oi, stop that.” 
Pac leaned back, holding his hands up with an innocent expression. “What?? What?” 
The little boy glared at him with no heat. “Pai Mike told you to stop that.” 
“Well, Mikey isn't here right now is he? And he also has no control over my life.” Pac turned back to Tubbo and grabbed the pen again. He motioned towards Tubbo's arm which he held out willingly. 
Quickly the man scribbled a number onto his arm, his grip strong and warm. Tubbo felt dizzy. 
Pac dropped the pen with a smile and a wink before grabbing his son's hand. “Call me yeah?” 
Tubbo stared in disbelief, red as a beet. “...yeah,” he said softly as Pav happily bounded out the door, his son berating him in Portuguese. 
“Tommy,” he said softly when he got home, holding up his arm. “I think I got hit on.”
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Cleaning Fever
Natasha and Wanda come home from a mission to find you feverish and cleaning the bathrooms. (wandanat x reader)
Word Count. 853
All you’d wanted to do was surprise your girlfriends when they got home from their mission. You knew it’d be a dangerous one, so you figured the one thing you could do was clean up a little bit. Between missions, paperwork, and doing whatever Tony wanted your room was sort of a mess and there was very little time to clean it. 
You decided that you’d take it upon yourself to make the room shine. Then, you’d clean the bathrooms. 
Naturally, you couldn’t even do that right. You’d woken up alone (again) with the flu and a brain-melting fever. You were determined to do it anyways. 
“Why are you cleaning the bathroom while you’re sick?” Natasha demanded startling you out of your dizzy cleaning frenzy. You spun around, nearly knocking over the bottle of bleach you were using. Wanda caught you before you could slam your head into the surprisingly clean surface and knelt beside you, her hand brushing your cheek. 
You were wearing a towel as a blanket, and there was no doubt that you looked ridiculous. 
“Tasha, she’s on fire. What the hell were you thinking?” The witch took your face in her hands, forcing you to meet her worried chocolate eyes. You felt your lower lip start to tremble as you looked at her, afraid that she’d yell at you. Why were they mad? What had you done?
“I…I was fixing it. It was dirty. I was helping.” Natasha followed Wanda’s example and knelt beside you, her hand going to your back. The two women exchanged worried looks and helped you off of the chemical-covered floor. 
“You were gone…I wanted to help.” You repeated, grabbing Natasha’s hand for emphasis. She squeezed your fingers gently and gave you a warm smile. 
“Yeah, you did a great job baby. Let’s go back to bed, yeah?” You looked over to Wanda, who was absently running her fingers through your hair. She felt good. 
“M’kay.” You mumbled, leaning back against the auburn-haired woman. You could feel your eyes falling shut, but a shake of your shoulder roused you. 
“Not here, in bed. The floor is not a comfortable place to sleep.” You pouted slightly and rubbed at your dripping nose. 
“I don’t want to go to bed. You just got home.” Natasha chuckled at your stubbornness and picked you up with ease. You wrapped your legs around her waist and arms around her neck so she was carrying you as if you were a toddler. Maybe you should’ve been embarrassed, but you were cold and tired and she was comfy. 
“Mmm, Tasha. You probably smell pretty.” You were sort of sad that you couldn’t breathe because you were sure she smelled nice. Plus it would’ve been nice for your lungs to stop hurting. 
“Aww, love your breathing sounds not great. We might have to get you looked over by Bruce in the morning.” You shook your head against her, sniffling miserably. Wanda put a hand on your back and frowned. She could feel you wheezing. 
“Let’s go to the couch.” Nat sighed, carrying you into the communal living room. Tony was sitting on the couch, working on something that looked mind-numblingly boring.
“Hi, Tony.” You mumbled, curling up on the couch on the far end. You were shivering uncontrollably, struggling to get a deep breath. A painful cough brought up a glob yellowish-green glob of mucus that you quickly spat into a tissue. You couldn’t help the tears that filled your eyes. Nothing was okay.
“Hey kid, so…how are you feeling?” You shook your head, curling in on yourself. 
“Honey, you’re shaking. Let’s get you back under the blankets.” Wanda tucked the blankets up to your chin and slid in beside you, yawning a little. Of course, they would be tired. Natasha wrapped herself against your other side and tucked her head into your neck. 
“Alright, I’m going to get you some medicine. FRI, play The Office.” Tony stood from his spot on the couch and walked around to pat your back as he left the room. The Office started playing in the background, drawing your attention. 
You didn’t notice when he got back until he was waving a glass of Pedylite in your face. You had no idea where he got it from, but it was probably a good idea considering that you hadn’t had anything to eat in a few days.
“C’mon Y/n/n, take the pills and drink this.” Nat coaxed, taking the glass from Tony. The man smiled gently and ruffled your hair. You did what Natasha wanted, still mostly focused on the television. 
“Good girl. Now for the love of Thor, go to sleep.” Wanda pressed her lips to your temple and warmth leaked through you. 
“Missed you guys.” You slurred tiredly, clinging tightly to Natasha’s arm. You had Wanda’s hand in your free one, worried that they’d leave you alone.
“We missed you too detka. Sleep, or I’ll knock you out.” Natasha smoothed your hair out of your face, and you nodded, rather opposed to being drugged. She’d drugged you before and she’d do it again.
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willsimpforanyone · 1 year
Can we please get a part 2 of the poly! Solangelo x gn!reader smut? The one with Nico's hair getting long? It can be about Will's turn or just general fluff after the session :>
i got two requests for a part two lmao you can find part one [here]
how about will's turn AND fluff
i spoil you lot, i really do
apparently i gave will a spit kink, didn't mean to, just sort of happened
Will raised an eyebrow. "My turn? Thought you just wanted to annihilate our boyfriend."
I grinned, rising from my place on the sofa. "Aw, baby, did you think I'd be content with you doing all the work?" I hopped up on my tiptoes, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. "Lie down, honey."
Nico set his half-empty glass on the floor, reaching up and making grabby hands. "Head here, please."
How could Will resist? He practically melted into the sofa, golden curls contrasting sharply against Nico's black clothing. He smiled up. "Hey there, sunshine, you feeling okay?"
Nodding, Nico combed his fingers through Will's hair. "I'm good, hoping that our partner doesn't make me do anything though, I'm a bit shaky."
Internally, I thrilled at Nico's honesty- sometimes it was hard to get him to open up but he was soft and able to talk easier when he was a little loose and sleepy. "Don't worry, Neeks, all you gotta do is look cute and keep Will there- and you look adorable, so you're already halfway there." He gave me a small smile.
I tapped Will's hips. "Up." He obeyed, and I slipped his jeans off his legs. He was half hard in his boxers and I felt his breath hitch as I smoothed my hands up his thighs.
Kneeling down by the side of the sofa, I took one of his hands in mine. Slowly, inch by inch, I tugged the band of his underwear down. His dick bobbed out and he hissed as it came in contact with the air.
I looked up. "Sorry Neeks, I'm afraid I lied, I need you to do one more thing for me." I held my hand up to his mouth, maintaining eye contact with Will. Nico understood immediately, taking a small sip from his water and spitting into my hand. We both blinked as Will groaned, eyes fixed on my hand. Okay, new information.
Will's cheeks were already stained red, chest expanding just a little more than it was a moment ago. I carefully wrapped my hand around his dick, not moving, just resting my hand there. His hips shifted ever so slightly, but I was always impressed at how easily he slipped from in control to putty in my hands.
"You need to tell me what you want, baby, or I can't do it."
Oh, I was so mean, but he loved it.
Eyes squeezed shut, he swallowed. "I wan' you t-to touch me proper, I wanna be touched, please."
Nico gave me puppy eyes- such a sucker for Will's sweet southern drawl, but I had to agree this time.
I took my time, moving my spit-slick hand up and down his cock, feeling it grow steadily harder in my hand. I could see his thighs trembling, head only still because Nico had it faithfully in an iron grip.
Nico had a curious look on his face. Not stopping with Will, I cleared my throat. "What's up, Neeks, you look like you want to ask something."
His face snapped up to mine, a sly smirk on his face and if I had been standing, my knees would have wobbled.
"Just thinking about doing something, that's all."
"Oh?" I awkwardly walked on my knees over to where he was sat, still jerking off Will. "Do tell."
Nico leaned in, one thumb stroking Will's face to reassure him we hadn't forgotten him. He whispered something in my ear and a grin spread across my face.
"I think that's a fantastic idea, babe, but better ask him first."
Nico nodded, and turned back to the head in his lap as I shifted back down to where Will's cock was painfully hard and red, leaking precum.
"Will, honey?"
Will looked up, dazed from the relentless stimulation. "Hm?"
Nico's face was the picture of innocence, hiding the filth that lay behind in. "Can I spit in your mouth?"
Will choked and his stomach tensed. I slid my hand down and held tightly at the base of his dick. "Answer him, baby."
Swallowing and trying to remember words, Will nodded emphatically. "Yeah, yes, feel free, sugar."
I winked at Nico, and returned to my movements, going just a little harder and faster.
Nico brushed a thumb over Will's bottom lip. "Open up, darling."
His jaw fell open, eyes wide and dilated. Nico glanced up at me, before spitting directly onto Will's tongue at the same time as I sped up my hand.
Will tensed, moaned from deep in his chest, and his hips stuttered upwards. Streaks of white stained his skin and my hand as I stroked him through his orgasm, careful not to go into oversensitivity. Nico burshed throug his hair, eyes fixed on Will's blissful face as if he had to commit it to memory.
"Well damn," Will breathed. "That was new."
I laughed. "Nico has a weird intuitiveness with kinks, you know this."
Nico shrugged. "It was an educated guess. Anyway, you finish off the rest of the water." He helped Will sit up as I got up from my kneeling- ow- and got another damp towel to clean Will with along with new underwear and some soft clothes.
Returning, Will accepted my gifts and Nico wiggled over to me as I settled into the opposite sofa corner. "You good? Wanna get off?"
I shook my head. "Nah, I just wanted to see you two have fun. You had fun, right?"
He nodded, kissing my forehead. "Yeah, it's always fun to be the centre of attention with you two. No one else, but you two."
Will, now fully dressed again, surveyed the two of us. "Alright, Neeks, you're good, but you-" He pointed to me. "-are absolutely not snuggly enough, go change."
I scoffed. "Demanding, much?" But I stood from the sofa. "I'll get changed if you both pick a good movie and order takeaway, I'm not cooking and I don't think either of you are either." Nico already had the remote and I quickly changed into my biggest sweater and soft sleep shorts- it was hot work, pleasing both partners.
Will had opened the living room window when I returned, a Disney movie playing on the TV. They both dragged me to lie on their laps, my legs thrown over Nico while Will supported my head with a pillow on his lap.
I looked up. "So, was the spitting okay?"
He nodded, a light pink returning to his face. "Yeah, it was new but good, I think. Was it too weird or am I in the clear?"
Nico gave a small chuckle and I grinned. "Nah, you're fine, Will, we'll just talk more about it when we aren't tired, yeah?"
He smiled, bending down to kiss me. "Cool, so what are we thinking for takeaway?"
Nico perked up. "How about-"
"Absolutely no McDonalds, I will throw up."
thank you to everyone who requested a part two! hope you enjoyed!
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strangernstranger · 2 years
Right Place and Time
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Eddie x Chronically ill fem reader (Requested)
Summary: Fate was kind to you that day. After another one of your fainting episodes, you wake up to see none other than Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson waiting by your side. After hearing how he came to your rescue in your time of need, you two begin spending lots of time together. (Fluff and Angst. Descriptions of fainting.)
Inbox is still open for requests :)
Eddie sat outside the principal’s office, swinging his leg over the bench as he awaited his turn for punishment. A process he had become familiar with over the years. It was a lot of the same every time. The principal would read the referral, express how ‘deeply disappointed’ he was in Eddie then offset his scolding by telling him what a ‘promising young man’ he was before undoubtedly sentencing him to detention. Just a few steps down the hall, you rummaged through your locker in search of a due assignment.
“I did it! I know it’s here!” You whispered to yourself as you frantically shuffled through a mess of papers. Eddie watched, amused by your struggle. It provided some much needed entertainment during his otherwise boring wait. “Shit!” You hissed, dropping a book flat on the ground. You dipped down to collect it but must’ve stood up too fast. Eddie noticed the subtle sway upon your standing. He saw you grip your locker door to steady yourself.
“Hey! You okay?” Eddie sat up in his seat. Something was wrong, that was obvious.
“I’m ju-just feeling a little dizzy.” You couldn’t see the man asking but he immediately rushed to your side, hearing the shakiness in your voice. In an instant, you were gone.
“Oh shit!” Eddie quickly pulled you into him as your legs gave way. With arms around you, he dropped to the floor, his knees taking the brunt of the fall. You were completely unconscious, the back of your head resting against Eddie’s stomach while the upper portion of your body laid in his lap. “C’mon, wake up, wake up!” He tapped your cheek with his ringed hand hoping to coax you back to consciousness but to no avail. He lightly touched his fingers to your neck, relieved to feel the steady beat of your heart. With no clue what had happened or what to do his eyes searched desperately for someone, anyone who could help. Everyone else was in class, no one was coming. Eddie didn’t want to waste another second. “Alright. C’mon.” He whispered despite you not being able to hear him. He slid one arm under your legs, another behind your head to carry your limp body. “I’m gonna get you some help.”
You blinked harshly at the fluorescents as you came to. You sat up slowly, taking in your surroundings. You were laid up in the nurse’s office.
“Nice to see you again, miss l/n” She joked. This wasn’t your first time being here and it wouldn’t be your last.
“How long was I out this time?” You groaned, still feeling groggy.
“About 7 minutes I’d say. But Mr. Munson here brought you in with record time.” She gave Eddie an admirable nod before leaving to write you out an excuse. He could’ve left. The nurse assured him you would be okay but instead he waited. He was still a little shaken up by the incident but was relieved to see you awake. You rubbed your eyes to see Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson sitting across the room.
“It’s alive!” His hands shot above his head. The chain around his wrist jingled with the motion. You looked at him almost in disbelief. You two had never even talked. You always found Eddie sort of intimidating with his edgy style of dress, macabre interest and startling behavior (climbing on tables, screaming at other students for a laugh, ect.) You squinted at the man in confusion.
“Wh-what happened? How’d I get here?”
“Well, uh…you completely checked out. I saved you from going splat then I carried you here.” His brown eyes peered up at the ceiling as he recounted the incident.
“…oh.” That was the only word you could manage. Of all people to come to your rescue, Eddie Munson would’ve been one of the last people you’d expect.
“So…you wanna tell me what happened or…?” Eddie was genuine in his concern. You looked so vulnerable lying in his arms. He worried for you.
“POTS.” You replied simply.
“Pot?!” Eddie’s brows shot sky high. He had partook in the green MANY times and never passed out like that.
“No, no!” You giggled. “POTS. It’s a medical condition. Causes me to faint.”
“Oooh POTS.” He nodded. The nods quickly shifted to a shake from left to right. “I have no idea what that is. Buuut maybe you could tell me more about it…pretty, fainting girl.” Eddie’s dimples deepened into a charming smile.
That afternoon, Eddie walked you home. Your books tucked under his arm like a gentleman while you explained your condition. He frowned upon hearing the frequency of your fainting episodes, his puppy dog eyes peering down at you.
“It is what it is.” You shrugged. You weren’t the type to feel sorry for yourself. This was the only life you had ever known. Maybe things weren’t ideal but you were still grateful to be alive. Little moments like this reminded you of that fact. The midday sun illuminated Eddie’s features perfectly. You never really noticed how beautiful he truly was.
“I think I know what you need.” His lips curled at the corners, eyes still locked on you.
“Oh yea? What’s that?”
“You need a bodyguard. Y’know, someone to keep close just incase you conk out. It just so happens I make a pretty good landing pad.” His proposition wasn’t subtle in the least which you actually found strangely attractive.
“How are your knees?” You scrunched your face feeling guilty for what had happened.
“Oh they’re definitely bruised, but it’s fine. Small price to pay to save a damsel in distress.” You rolled your eyes playfully.
“My hero.” You clasped your hands over your heart which made Eddie laugh. “Your services as a bodyguard might actually be helpful, but how will you know when I need you?”
“I won’t. I’ll just have to follow you everywhere you go.”
And just like that, you and Eddie became inseparable. He walked you from class to class. Saved you a seat at lunch everyday and even drove you home after school. He learned your triggers as well as little ways to manage your condition like keeping salty snacks in his van for you or reminding you not to stay stationary for too long. It was always the plan to spend as much time with you as possible. Acting as your service dog provided endless opportunities for Eddie to get to know the girl behind the beautiful face as well as show he wasn’t the polarizing person the students of Hawkins painted him to be. You quickly came to realize he wasn’t scary at all. He was funny, gentle. Even charming. After each an every episode, you awoke to Eddie stroking your hair, tucking pieces behind your ear as you laid across his lap. His deep, warm eyes welcoming you back to reality with a smile. He became your biggest source of comfort. Just as Eddie had hoped, you became a couple before too long. The Freak and the Fainter his Hellfire friends called you which you found amusing.
You often accompanied Eddie to his D&D nights, playing mediator between the captivated party and the merciless dungeon master.
“Oh my God, we’re fucked.” Dustin panicked. Eddie had just released a zombie hoard upon his friends. All of which were low on HP. “We are so FUCKED!” He screeched.
“Maybe not! We just need to strategize!” Lucas feigned hopefulness while Eddie chuckled darkly at their dismay.
“Gentlemen, I would have to agree with Henderson here in saying….you’re totally fucked. You fought valiantly but let’s not delay the inevitable.”
“Eddie, come on. Aren’t you the least bit interested in seeing what they can come up with? You gotta give them a chance!” Your eyes pleaded with him while you rested your hand on his knee. He was such a sucker for you. Eddie was wrapped around your finger and you knew it. His dungeon master persona began to falter. Jeff mouthed a grateful ‘thank you’ from across the table.
“Fine. You’ve got three minute. Devise your plan, then it’s judgment day.” He turned over a small hourglass. The sand trickled down grain by grain.
“Where’s my notebook? WHERES MY GODDAMN NOTEBOOK!? I NEED TO WRITE THIS STUFF DOWN!” Dustin yelled. Time was of the essence. You were invested at this point.
“There’s some in the supply closet!” You rushed there and immediately began scanning the shelves for the extra pads of paper. You spotted them on the top shelf. You stretched your arms high but they were just out of reach. The party was huddled, speaking in whispers while Eddie watched them arrogantly. You felt the pressure on you when you glanced at the hourglass. Just a little further, you thought. You stood on your tip toes and craned as tall as you could. Your fingers were finally able to graze the corner of a notepad but then it hit you. Overcome with a dizzy sensation, your vision blurred. Your head felt heavy and your knees weak. Eddie was so caught up in watching his friends scramble for options, he hadn’t even noticed you were having an episode. A loud thud followed by the crashing of supplies struck everyone’s attention, all turning their heads to the closet.
“NoNoNoNoNo!” Eddie practically jumped out of his chair to get to you. You were out cold, a small cut bleeding on your forehead. “Shit, I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He scooped you up in his arms and brought you out to where everyone else stood and waited.
“She must’ve fainted again.” Mike deduced.
“Yea, no shit, Wheeler.” Eddie snapped. “I didn’t think! I wasn’t thinking that she- Oh man, I messed up!” Eddie dabbed at your cut with his sleeve. He cradled you while rocking back and forth as he waited for the moment to pass. The minutes felt like hours. The party members were scared. They had never seen Eddie so shaken up before. “Its been almost 15 minutes! She’s never out this long, man!” Guilt was consuming Eddie while he looked at your unconscious form. He should’ve been there to catch you. What if something is terribly wrong this time and it’s all his fault?
“What should we do!?” Mike questioned frantically.
“Call an ambulance! We gotta get here somewhere! She’s not okay! This isn’t okay!” Eddie’s voice was broken. He held back tears. He was scared. Gareth ran to a phone and called the emergency line.
“Our friend, she-she passed out! She’s not waking up!” Eddie bit his lips harshly as he listened to Garett on the phone.
“Please, Y/N. Please wake up.” Eddie pulled you tightly to his chest and rested his chin on your head. Everyone watched the two of you, rocking back and forth on the floor. A small twitch animated your left hand which otherwise hung limp from your body.
“Eddie! I think she’s waking up!” Dustin pointed to your hand. Eddie noticed the motion and started tapping at your cheeks.
“C’mon, Sweetheart. You gotta get up. Wake up for me, please?” Your hand lifted to rest against Eddie’s chest.
“Wh-what-” You pried your eyes open to see Eddie’s tearful face hovering above you. “Passed out?” You weakly question. Gareth informed the person on the phone you were waking up, the ambulance wouldn’t be necessary.
“Yea…you passed out big time.” Eddie exhaled a small chuckle. “I didn’t catch you…I wasn’t there.” He was so remorseful. He half expected you to be disappointed in him for not being there when you needed him most. You blinked, swimming in your own aching head. A smile crept to your face.
“Better luck next time.”
Eddie put the remainder of his campaign on hold. You joked with the boys that you were proving them the ultimate distraction so they could escape Eddie’s clutches. They just didn’t utilize it properly. You were so tired after all that, you could barely stand. You wrapped your arms around Eddie’s neck while he carried to his van. He grabbed a bandaid from the glove compartment for your head, applying it with the upmost care.
“Does it hurt?”
“Stings.” You winced. Eddie placed a bottle of water in your hands and a kiss to your cheek.
“Let’s get you home.”
He carried you up the stairs bridal style. Once in your room he pulled back the cream colored comforter on your bed and helped you slide beneath its warmth.
“Did I scare you?” You asked, your voice small and exhausted.
“That was terrifying.” Eddie laughed. He had finally calmed down from the ordeal and was able to smile again. He pulled the blanket over you, tucking it snugly along your sides. “I thought I fucked up big time. I was scared you weren’t gonna wake up.”
“Eddie…it’s gonna happen again. As much as you might want to, you can’t be there every time it happens. Nor do I expect you to.” You touched your finger tips to his cheek. “It’s okay.” Eddie grabbed your hand, pressing a small kiss along the back of it. “Will you stay? I kinda don’t feel like being alone.” It wasn’t a question the even needed to be answered. Eddie kicked off his shoes and laid down next to you over the blankets. You smiled at his perfect face, just inches away from yours. Eddie kissed you softly amid the light’s warm, yellow glow. Your eyes grew heavier with each slow blink. Eddie played with your hair as you drifted off. Maybe he couldn’t be with you all the time, but he’d be there whenever you wanted him.
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
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Bad boy!Hyunjin x female reader
Word count: 9.3k (I am so sorry)
A/N: 18+ only! This was a request of sorts sent in by @svintsandghosts (thank you girl for lighting a fire under my ass to finish this one!) I hope you like it! As always there is hella angst super sorry about that. Tried to balance it out with hella smut. If you enjoy it please like it, reblog it, leave some feedback, send an ask what ever! Love hearing from you guys! Also tagging @ughbehaviorior because Hyunjin lol. And @seospicybin Warnings and smut below the cut! **Update: I wrote an alternate ending to this fic called An Alternative you can click here to check it out!**
Warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY Stong language/cursing, Hyunjin comes on to MC STRONGLY, fuck buddies, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected PIV sex (please use your head and wrap it up), semi-public sex, dirty talk, pet names (good girl, baby etc), cum eating, a little rough sex, a little spanking, little hair pulling, squirting, cream pie, breeding kink, overstimulation. I think that is everything as always if I missed something please let me know so I can add it to the warnings.
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Hwang Hyunjin. The two of you ran in completely different crowds. You could not be more opposite if you tried. You knew that going into your little arrangement with him, yet still you couldn’t resist him. Who could? It was so cliché. You were on the dean’s list, wore preppy clothes, you were quiet, reserved, a good girl. He was the bad boy, or so he would try to appear. Combat boots, chains, and clad in black from head to toe, minus the bright red hair he’d recently started sporting. Your stuck-up parents would never approve of you dating such a boy let alone the things you were actually doing with him. Hyunjin had a way of getting you to do things you never thought you would do with anyone. He didn’t pressure you or guilt you into any of it. Never. No, he just had a way of bringing that side out in you and making everything he would suggest sound so… appealing.  
The first time you saw him was on one of the rare occasions he had actually shown up to class. It was easy to spot him when he confidently walked in a little more than fashionably late with flaming red hair. He was absolutely beautiful and you couldn’t take your eyes off him. None of the girls could. He had been walking up the stairs by you to take a seat towards the back of the lecture hall when you had accidently knocked your pencils on the floor. You reached down to pick them up at the same time he did, his hand grazing one of yours. You glanced at him and he gave you a sly smile, one of his dimples popping out. As he placed your pencils back on your desk his other hand gently slid up your calf stopping at the back of your knee and squeezed. You blushed and bit your lip and Hyunjin winked at you before going to take a seat right behind you. You couldn’t focus the rest of the class that day.  
The second time you ran into him you did just that. You were running to make it to one of your classes and Hyunjin was roaming campus halls instead of being in his class as usual. You rounded a corner and ran right into him full force. Of course, he was sturdier than you so while he stumbled you crashed to the floor. 
“What the hell watch wh-” When he realized it was you, he stopped. You were on your ass rubbing the heels of your palms where you had tried to catch yourself but only ended up hurting yourself more. Hyunjin’s demeanor changed immediately.  
“Oh shit hey sorry. Are you okay?” He was genuinely concerned as he reached down to help you up. When you got up you didn’t realize who you had run into, you were too busy trying to rub the soreness away from your ass, wincing. Hyunjin couldn’t help the way his mouth watered and his dick got a little hard watching you rub your palm flat against your full ass, your skirt bunching just a little, riding up showing more of your thighs. You smoothed your skirt back down and finally looked up to see who you had bumped into. When you did your mind went blank.  
“Uh...” You just stared at Hyunjin speechless and he gave you that same smirk he had given you in class and took a step towards you. You backed up against the wall and one of Hyunjin’s arms came up, his hand resting on the wall by your head, partially caging you in. He leaned in close and your breathing hitched. His other hand rested on your waist before sliding down and gently gripping your ass cheek that you had just been rubbing, his thumb caressing it. 
“I asked if you were okay?” You swallowed hard and shook your head as blush crept up your neck and face. He leaned in closer pressing his pouty lips against the shell of your ear. 
“Good, wouldn’t want anything to happen to such a nice...” Hyunjin gripped your ass cheek harder, fingers dangerously close to gripping flesh and not fabric, making you gasp. 
“Girl.” He nuzzled against your ear and then let go of your ass and walked away leaving you there absolutely breathless. You had a few of these interactions with Hyunjin. He was always very forward, borderline aggressive with his advances, light touches and gentle groping. You could tell under the façade he was trying to put up that he was really a nice guy. No matter how hard he tried to give off the bad boy vibe you saw through it. He had picked up your pencils for you, he had been genuine in his concern and helped you up when you fell, and he would never cross a certain line when he was flirtatious with you. Hyunjin wanted to tease you, push you. He could tell you wanted him, the way you would hold your breath and close your eyes in anticipation when he got closer. The way you leaned into his touches. The blown-out lust filled eyes you gave him every time he pushed your buttons and walked away. Hyunjin would only ever go that ninety percent just waiting for you to burst and take the other ten. Every time walking away leaving you more frustrated than the time before.
One day when you were studying in the library for midterms you were walking up and down rows of shelves looking for a specific book and suddenly you were grabbed from behind and pulled into the back utility closet. You went to scream and a big hand clamped around your mouth as familiar pouty lips were pressed against your ear.  
“No need to scream now it’s just me good girl.” Once you realized it was Hyunjin and relaxed he let go of you and you spun around. You slapped and hit him and yelled. 
“You scared the shit out of me Hyunjin god!” He laughed at your outburst. You had never even spoke to him before let alone said his name. He grabbed your hands that swatted at him and pulled you close. 
“Mmm I like the way my name sounds in your mouth good girl.” You had enough. You couldn’t take his teasing anymore. You wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine.  
“I have a name. It’s Y/N, thank you very much and if you think you like your name in my mouth you have no idea how much you’re going to love your cock in there.” Okay you weren’t exactly sure where that boldness came from but he’d pushed your buttons long enough. Hyunjin looked at you and his jaw dropped. He thought he’d get you to break but he did not expect that. A mischievous smile spread across his face. 
“Ooo dirty and here I thought you were a good girl. Or are you just all talk baby?” You smirked at him as you sunk to your knees. You unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and started pulling down his zipper. You licked your lips as you looked up at him. 
“I’m a great girl by the way.” You pulled his pants and boxers down enough to free his cock. It was long and slender and pretty just like him. You wrapped your hand around the base and spit on it before taking him into your mouth. 
“Fuuuck yes you are. God damn! The BEST girl!” Hyunjin thread his fingers into your hair and held onto the back of your head as you bobbed up and down on his dick. You sucked and swirled your tongue around him as you continued to take him further into your mouth. His other hand came up and he gripped your head on both sides as you hollowed your cheeks and he fucked into your mouth, making you gag before finally pulling you off. Hyunjin pulled you up from your knees and kissed you pulling you close, his hard cock pressing against you. Suddenly he dropped down to his knees in front of you. He pushed your hips up against the wall as he lifted your skirt. Hyunjin pulled your panties down holding them open so you could step out of them, he brought them up to his face and took in your scent before shoving them in his pants pocket. 
“You won’t be needing these.” He hiked one of your legs over his shoulder grabbing a hold of your ass wasting no time burying his face in your wet cunt. The way his lips and tongue worked at your clit, sucking and slurping at you, it was exquisite. You grabbed a hold of his fiery red hair with both hands to balance yourself when he threw your other leg over his other shoulder, pressing you against the wall harder as he continued to eat you out as if his life depended on it.  
“HYUN-” You bit on your fingers trying to keep quiet as Hyunjin hummed against your clit pushing you over the edge quickly with only his mouth. Your legs shook around his head as he kitten licked you through the aftershocks of your orgasm. He removed one leg at a time from his shoulders making sure you were steady before letting go and standing up. He pulled you close pressing you against him again and kissed you running his hands down your body and grabbing your ass. He quickly turned you around pressing you against the wall, pulling your hips out and kicking your legs apart. It made you drip with excitement the way he handled you so roughly. Hyunjin lifted your skirt over your ass again and gave it a smack before he leaned over you and lined himself up with your soaked entrance. He stopped before pushing into you. 
“Tell me you want this. Tell me you want me good girl.” You laid your head back against his shoulder and grabbed a handful of his hair as you pushed yourself onto his cock. 
“God, I want you. Please Hyunjin I want you.” He groaned as he pushed and sunk further into you. 
“FUCK so wet, so fucking tight!” Once Hyunjin was balls deep in you he started rocking his hips gently against your ass. It was totally different than the way he’d man handled you into position. It was almost tender the way he fucked you, his arms wrapped around your body, plump lips grazing your neck and shoulder with soft kisses. Barely pulling out before he buried his cock deep into you again. One of his hands traveled down and his fingers started teasing your clit, he felt you clench around him. 
“Are you close good girl? Are you gonna give me another one? You have another one in you right come on good girl?” He pushed in even deeper and harder and you moaned out. He clamped his other hand over your mouth again and fucked you faster. 
“This is a library you gotta be quiet while I wreck your pussy. Don’t break the rules, now be a good girl and cum for me.” He kept fucking you hard and fast as you pushed your ass back into him, skin slapping against skin as he pushed you to your peak again. You screamed into his hand as your cunt coated his cock in your juice. After your pussy stopped throbbing around his cock Hyunjin removed his hand from your mouth. He bent you over more, grabbed your hips with both hands and continued to pound into your dripping pussy.  
“Fuck Hyunjin, don’t cum inside me. I have class in fifteen minutes...” He gave you two more hard deep thrusts and pulled himself out spinning you back to face him. He kissed you hard, it took what little breath you had away. 
“On your knees good girl, open up.” You knelt down and opened your mouth sticking out your tongue as he pressed his tip against your tongue and stroked his cock. The first warm spurt of his cum on your tongue surprised you a little but Hyunjin aimed carefully squeezing every bit of his load out and into your mouth, making sure to not make a mess so you could get to your class on time. He ran his hand through your hair. 
“Be a good girl and swallow what I gave you.” You swallowed Hyunjin’s cum just like he told you and then grabbed his cock and sucked on the head to get any trace of his seed left. He shook and twitched from the overstimulation. 
“FUCKfuckfuck...” He pulled away quickly and you looked up at him smiling very content with yourself. You stood up and this time you pulled him in for a kiss as he tried to get post nut clarity. You fixed your skirt as he stood there trying to wrap his mind around what just happened.  
“Fuck, I have got to say good girl I was NOT expecting that!” You smiled and gently stroked your fingertips along Hyunjin’s sensitive body making him erupt in goosebumps before pecking his lips. 
“I told you it’s Y/N and now that you know what to expect we should do this again some time.” You blew him a kiss and winked as you opened the door and left to find the nearest bathroom and get cleaned up before your class, leaving Hyunjin standing in the utility closet with his pants and underwear around his ankles. He pulled them up fastening them and his belt, grabbing your panties out of his pocket and putting them up to his face again breathing you in. 
“Oh Y/N that will definitely be happening again.” Hyunjin laughed to himself breathless.
That was how your arrangement with him started. At first you would meet up in empty class rooms, closets, any little hide away you could find and fuck, that’s it. No conversation, no how was your day, just raw lust. Fuck, cum, go your separate ways like you didn’t even know each other. It had been going on for a couple of weeks when you finally fessed up to your best friend Chan about it. He was getting suspicious of your absences between classes when normally you’d be meeting him for lunch or study sessions and he was less than enthusiastic when you told him the reason why you had been absent.  
“That guy is a dick, you should steer clear of him baby girl he’ll just end up hurting you.” You rolled your eyes at your friend and pinched his cheek playfully. 
“Thank you for worrying about me Channie but he’s not as bad as he tries to act and anyway it’s just sex.” He gave in and dropped the subject but he still thought it was a bad idea. It always starts as just sex and then... He did make a point to corner Hyunjin alone after he found out so he could let him know what would happen if he did hurt you. Hyunjin didn’t take the threat very seriously but Chan wanted it to be known regardless. After you almost got caught a few times fucking in class rooms you and Hyunjin started sneaking into each other’s dorms. When that happened things started evolving little by little. Sometimes you guys would order pizza and watch a movie before you fucked. Sometimes Hyunjin would hold you after in bed and you would talk about little things, silly likes and dislikes or funny things that happened during your days. Sometimes Hyunjin would run his fingers through your hair instead of pulling it and placed sweet kisses when before he would have bitten and sometimes you fell asleep in his arms after and he watched you sleep and whispered things to you he wouldn’t dare say when you were awake. It all transitioned so gradually neither of you realized you were already fucked. 
That’s the way things were between you now. Just the night before Hyunjin had snuck into your dorm and the two of you had ordered in dinner, laughed, and ravaged each other half the night before crashing, your limbs tangled together. That’s what you were thinking about as you walked the halls of the university building. You were in on the way to your next class but all you could think of was lips and teeth, tongues, and hands, roaming, exploring, tasting. You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard a group of guys around the next corner being louder than necessary. Then you heard a familiar voice. Hyunjin. It wasn’t surprising that he was skipping a class to cause chaos with his friends. You were just going to keep walking and you would ignore each other like you always did in public but you stopped in your tracks when you heard one of the other guys bring up your name. 
“Y/N man? I don’t know why you hang out with that stuck up bitch all the time Hwang.” You were surprised his friends knew you spent time together at all.  
“She’s not that bad man…” You smiled. So, Hyunjin had not only told his friends about you but was actually defending you too? 
“Oh what is it Hwang? Does she have you by the balls? Never thought I’d see the day a bitch could get your nuts in a jar.” You heard Hyunjin scoff. 
“She’s not a bitch...” Your heart swelled hearing him stick up for you again. 
“She’s a good girl...”  
“and good girls do the nastiest things.” And then your heart shattered. 
“Every time she blows me it's like she’s trying to suck my soul out of my dick.” All of the guys laughed. You could feel your face getting red and tears prick your eyes as he continued. 
“And the way she sticks out her tongue and opens up wide for my load just like I tell her to. Ugh. She swallows it every time! So eager! She annoys the hell out of me most of the time so if I’m spending time with her, it's because my dick is about to be inside her.” You couldn’t believe he would tell them the things you did together, that he would talk about you like that. You didn’t want to hear another word. You walked around the corner just as Hyunjin was about to speak again and his eyes locked with yours. The look on his face went blank, like a deer in headlights. When the rest of the guys turned to see what Hyunjin was looking at and saw you standing there they started snickering and tears started streaking your face. 
“I didn’t realize I was annoying you; I won’t bother you anymore.” Your voice came out in a quiver. You could hear the burst of laughter coming from his friends as you turned to walk away, then running, not wanting to give Hyunjin the satisfaction of seeing you cry because of him. 
“Don’t think she’ll be so eager to swallow anymore of those loads now Hwang!” One of the guys slapped Hyunjin on the back still laughing. Hyunjin shoved him away. 
“Shut the fuck up shit head no one’s lining up to suck your dick either.” The guys laughed and Hyunjin took off the opposite direction pulling out his phone and immediately trying to call you. You knew you weren’t together; it was just an arrangement between you, you knew that. You didn’t even speak to each other outside of your meet ups. You didn’t want to taint his ‘bad boy’ image by approaching him in public and he certainly wasn’t going to risk anyone seeing him talking to a goodie two shoes like you. You knew. You knew he wasn’t your boyfriend but you didn’t think he was just using you either. You quickly ducked into a hidden alley nearby just wanting to be alone. You huddled down hugging your knees and cried. Your phone rang and dinged with calls and text notifications that went ignored. When you finally stopped crying and sat up it felt like a lot of time had passed in that alley but it had only been about twenty minutes. You looked at the missed calls and texts on your phone as it started to get dark outside. 
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You rolled your eyes, closed the text thread with Hyunjin and opened Chan’s texts that also had multiple notifications. 
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Missing that’s rich you thought to yourself. 
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You text back Chan first. He had been right about Hyunjin all along and he was worried and you just wanted him to come get you. 
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You opened your text thread with Hyunjin again and sent him the only words you had to say to him. 
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You put your phone away and huddled back down, resting your head on your knees again, and waited for Chan to show up. About ten minutes later when you finally heard footsteps approaching in the alley you stood up assuming Chan was there to collect you but when you looked up you were met with Hyunjin’s bright red hair practically glowing in the dark. 
“Oh, fuck thank god!” He breathed out a sigh of relief having found you not knowing Chan already had. You tensed up and backed away as he came towards you and he stopped. When he took another step, you put your hands up and he stopped again. 
“Don’t.” You wanted your voice to sound firm but it was the furthest from that possible. Unsurprisingly he didn’t listen and came closer. You couldn’t stand it. You couldn’t stand him being near you after what you heard him say about you. You screamed at him and he stopped dead in his tracks. 
“Get the fuck away from me Hyunjin! I mean it! I mean it! Stay the fuck away from me!” You were shouting and crying when Chan came running up the alley pushing past Hyunjin to you. 
“What the fuck did you do?!” Chan spit his words at Hyunjin as you clung to him and he attempted to calm you down. Hyunjin was speechless. What HAD he done? Chan shook his head and rolled his eyes. 
“Whatever, just go Hwang. I’ve got her.” Hyunjin wanted to argue. Wanted to tell Chan to fuck off and take you in his arms. Tell you he was an idiot for saying that stuff. He wanted to tell you all the things he whispered to you in your sleep but he was frozen in his spot. Chan guided you past him back down the alley towards his car. Hyunjin continued standing there, his heart wretched and it was his own stupid fault. Because being tough and heartless was supposed to be easier. Right? Hyunjin pulled and then ran his hands through his hair yelling at himself.  
“FUCK!” Once Chan had you in the car he got in the driver’s seat and took off, tires chirping as he sped away.  
“Okay Y/N what the fuck happened?” You turned away from him and looked out the window. 
“You were right Chan, okay? You were right. He’s an asshole. Is that what you want to hear?” You sniffled and Chan sighed. 
“Of course that’s not what I want Y/N. What did he do?” You shook your head trying to fight back more tears. 
“He told...” You choked on your words and took a deep breath. 
“He told his friends things... that we... that I did... with him and made fun of me with them. Said I was annoying and he only spent time with me to fuck me.” You sobbed and Chan let out a breath like he had just been punched in the gut. His ears went red as he fought the rage building inside him. 
“That piece of fucking shit. I warned him.” His words came out through gritted teeth. 
“I didn’t expect him to fall in love with me or anything but I thought he was at least a nice guy you know? That he would... I don’t know. I don’t know what I expected Chan. I’m so stupid.” Chan shook his head. 
“No. You’re not baby girl.” You looked over at Chan with big tears in your eyes and he glanced away from the road for a second giving you a tight smile. He put his hand on your knee and gave you a reassuring squeeze before putting both hands on the wheel and focusing on the road again. Chan didn’t want to be right at all and after you and Hyunjin’s thing had been going on as long as it had Chan started to think maybe Hyunjin wasn’t as bad as he’d thought at first and maybe he did actually have feelings for you. Now he knew better, knew he should have trusted his gut. When Chan pulled up in front of your dorm he parked, got out, opened your door, and walked you to the front of your building. 
“Okay baby girl, I’ll be back.” He kissed you on your cheek and went to leave. You turned to him surprised. 
“Wait aren’t you coming up? I don’t want to be alone right now Chris.” Chan turned back and smiled at you. He tucked some stray hair behind your ear. 
“I’ll be right back, I’m just gonna go grab us something to eat.” He kissed your forehead and left and you went into your dorm.
Chan was absolutely definitely going to get food. Right after he went and found Hyunjin again. Considering it was any night of the week on a collage campus he had a good idea where to find him. Chan pulled up to tonight’s frat party. He walked into the house weaving through the sea of people looking for the tell-tale red hair that would indicate that he’d found his target. When he went out into the backyard he finally spotted him. Hyunjin was standing with a few of his friends, red solo cup in hand. Chan charged Hyunjin and shoved him. 
“What the FUCK is your problem?!” Chan shouted at him. Hyunjin stumbled and fell on his ass dropping his drink. Before he could say or do anything his friends grabbed Chan and hit him. It took a couple punches before Chan went down and then they started to kick him. Hyunjin got up and ran over to the group of guys pulling at them. 
“STOP! STOP! It’s enough! Leave it and let him up!” The guys all stopped and stepped back behind Hyunjin. Chan stood up wincing and grabbed his side trying to take deep breaths. He looked at Hyunjin and spat a mouth full of blood on the ground in front of him. 
“She didn’t deserve that and you know it. Just what the fuck is wrong with you?” Hyunjin didn’t know what to say. Chan shook his head and went to leave, walking around the side of the house. Hyunjin stood there for a minute and then ran after him. 
“Is she okay?” He shouted after Chan. Chan stopped and closed his eyes in absolute disbelief.  
“Is she okay? NO! Hyunjin she’s not o-fucking-kay! Just... stay the fuck away from her Hwang. I mean it.” Chan turned and left to get you the food he’d promised he was bringing back, trying to figure out how he was going to explain how he got beat up in the process. When you heard knocking at your door you knew Chan was back with dinner. You opened it and you were shocked to see the state he was in. He was covered in grass stains and scrapes with a fat lip and what looked like the start of a black eye. 
“Christopher Jesus what happened?!” Chan shook his head and lifted the food ignoring your question. 
“I hope beef with broccoli and egg rolls are okay.” He walked in, more like limped in, and set the food down before sitting down himself with a grunt. 
“Christopher Bang, I don’t give a shit about egg rolls tell me what the fuck happened right now.” Chan looked at you and considered lying for one second. But Chan was a terrible liar so he abandoned the idea as quickly as it came and opted to bite the bullet and tell you the truth. 
“Okay before you get mad just remember that I’m very protective of the people I care about and you know that.” Your eyes narrowed. 
“Christo-” Chan interrupted you. 
“Okay okay! I went to give Hyunjin a piece of my mind and perhaps things got a little physical.” You tilted Chan’s head inspecting his injuries. 
“Hyunjin did this to you!?” You asked shocked and Chan quickly shook his head. 
“No no, his buddies did. I shoved Hyunjin down and his friends all swarmed me.” You walked over to your freezer, grabbed an ice pack and walked back over putting it against Chan’s face and hugged him pulling his head against your stomach. He winced a little. 
“Chan you shouldn’t have done that.” He nodded his head pressed against your belly and wrapped his arms around your waist. He knew it was stupid the moment his hands made contact with Hyunjin’s chest and he shoved him but he was so angry he couldn’t stop himself. 
“I know I’m sorry Y/N.” You shook your head and went to grab the first aid kit in your bathroom. 
“It’s okay Channie, I appreciate you sticking up for me and trying to defend my honor.” You gave him a sad smile and started cleaning up his scrapes. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up and we’ll eat.” As you concentrated on Chan’s injuries, he watched your face trying to figure out if you were going to be alright or not. Usually, he’s good at reading you but he honestly couldn’t tell so he just asked. 
“Y/N... are you gonna be okay?” You looked down at Chan as you tossed away the antiseptic soaked cotton ball. You let out a heavy sigh. 
“So! Beef with broccoli you said?” Chan took the hint and dropped it for the time being but he wasn’t going to let it go forever.  
“And egg rolls.” He said handing the bag over to you. You and Chan had dinner and watched a couple movies in silence which you were thankful for. Chan was your oldest and best friend for many reasons and picking up on when to drop a subject instead of pushing you was one of the things you loved about him. It was around midnight when you walked Chan out. You stood outside the door of your dorm building with him quietly for a minute before he broke the silence. 
“You know if you need me...” Before Chan could finish his sentence you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He was caught off guard at first but then wrapped his arms around you squeezing you tightly back. You pulled away and gave him a quick peck on the lips, tears had quietly run down your face. Chan pushed your hair out of your face and wiped a tear away wishing he could take the pain away for you. 
“I know Channie.” He closed his eyes and kissed your forehead. 
“Call me tomorrow.”  
Hyunjin was crouched by some cars. He was just about to try and make a break to sneak in to your dorm building. He had to talk to you, he had to tell you he was sorry and how he really felt. He needed to lay it all out for you. Before he could, the door to your building opened and you and Chan walked out. He sunk down lower so that neither of you saw him. He felt guilty seeing Chan grass stained and hurt even if Chan had shoved him first. Hyunjin had deserved that and worse as far as he was concerned. You both stood there for a bit and then you suddenly hugged Chan. He hugged you back and Hyunjin hated seeing it even though he knew you were only friends. Then you kissed Chan and Hyunjin knew he had well and truly fucked up because Chan was the kind of guy you really deserved. One that wasn’t afraid to admit he cared, one that would stand up for you when someone wronged you, one that was kissing you goodbye at midnight not sneaking in to fuck you. He saw Chan kiss your forehead and then leave and you walked back inside your dorm building. Once Chan was gone and you were back inside Hyunjin left no longer feeling as confident about confronting you as he had been. 
The next few weeks you focused on your classes and school work and avoided Hyunjin at all costs. It wasn’t very hard. Even in a diverse campus like yours his bright red hair still stood out. Any time you saw the fiery red hair you went in the opposite direction as quickly as possible. You just had to get through these next few weeks, then it would be break and you would be home and you wouldn’t have to worry about seeing him for a while. So, you threw yourself into your work and had your usual study and movie nights with Chan to pass the time. The few times Hyunjin worked up the nerve to talk to you he always found you with Chan which wasn’t unusual but he just couldn’t confront you in front of him especially since Chan had told him to stay away and even more so since he had seen you kiss him.
A few days into break with half of the school gone home Hyunjin finally ran into Chan at one of the campus cafes for the first time since the frat party fight. Unable to avoid him this time Hyunjin walked up to the line behind Chan. Chan rolled his eyes when he saw him. After standing there in silence a minute Chan couldn’t take it. He couldn’t just act like nothing happened. 
“You know you’re an idiot. She might not have ever admitted it and probably never will but she was crazy about you Hwang and you did one of the most awful things you could do to her.” Hyunjin didn’t argue with Chan, he just shook his head in agreement. 
“Your right I fucked up. I fucked up and hurt the one girl I've probably ever loved and lost her. You are the type of guy she needs, not me, and you guys are together now so...” Chan looked at Hyunjin like he was speaking a foreign language. 
“We’re what now?” Hyunjin looked at Chan and cocked his eyebrow. 
“You guys are together now.” Chan shook his head. 
“Uhh. No. Never in a million years.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes. 
“You don’t have to lie. I saw you guys kissing.” Now Chan was VERY confused. 
“When?!” Hyunjin pushed his fingers into his eyes not wanting to picture the memory while talking about it. 
“That night, after the party, in front of her dorm.” Then Chan realized what he was talking about.  
“No... dude. Ugh. That was just... me and Y/N have done that since we were like toddlers. That’s not... we’re not. It doesn’t mean anything. Hyunjin me and Y/N are and will only ever be friends. Wait... why were you there in the first place?” Hyunjin ran his hands through his hair pushing it out of his face frustrated.  
“I was gonna beg her for forgiveness, tell her how I really feel. I was gonna throw myself at her feet and hope for mercy even though I don’t deserve it for what I did to her.” Chan let out a long, exasperated, sigh. He couldn’t believe he was about to say what he was going to say. 
“Hwang... ugh. Hyunjin. She doesn’t need a guy like me, she’s always had me and we’re just friends. She just needs you to be the type of guy she needs. Stop trying to be such a fucking hard ass and go tell her what you just told me.” Hyunjin looked at Chan shocked. 
“Wha- but how? She’s gone and she’s blocked me on everything!” Chan shook his head.  
“We grew up together Hyunjin! I lived across the street. My mom said Y/N’s parents are having a party today. I’ll give you the address just don’t make me regret doing this!” Hyunjin could barely contain himself. He started running towards the nearest exit. 
“Text it to me! There’s something I gotta do first!”  He shouted back at Chan before bursting out the door. Chan considered warning you for a moment. Just so you weren’t completely blindsided. Chan pulled out his phone and texted your parent’s address to Hyunjin and then pulled up your text thread. 
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Chan gritted his teeth raising his eyebrows as he put his phone away.
"Yikes!" ‘She wouldn’t REALLY tell my mom about my porn... right?’ Chan hoped things went well so this didn’t bite him in the ass later for multiple reasons now. 
When Chan stopped replying to your texts you considered actually going across the street to his mom’s house and telling her where his porn was but you didn’t for two reasons. One your parents were having another ‘fancy backyard party’ and you had to help finish setting up and two you didn’t really want to talk to Chan’s mom about porn in any context especially not with her son involved in the topic. So you tried to ignore the ominous feeling Chan’s foreboding I love you text gave you and helped set up the rest of the party decorations.
After everything was set up you went to your room, showered and got ready. You put on your favorite pastel purple sun dress to try and feel better, it always made you feel pretty. It was gauzy, a little ruffled, lose in the skirt and hit you mid-thigh. It had a more fitted top that tied in the back with little gathered sleeve and a rounded neck line. It showed a little chest and back but was still tasteful and appropriate for the party. You slid on a pair of sandles, sprayed on the designer perfume your mother INSISTED on you wearing and went down stairs to help your parents greet guests that were starting to show up. The one good thing about these parties is your parents always made sure there was a stocked bar and you were old enough to drink. Once the party was in full swing and you had a few drinks in you it didn’t seem quite so bad. You were talking to an old high school friend and as long as you didn’t think about... 
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Either your drinks were laced with LSD or walking through the crowd of people in your backyard was Hyunjin. At least a it was a guy that looked like Hyunjin. His signature red hair was dyed black and instead of hanging carelessly in his face was half tied back. Gone was the grungy band t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans, replaced by a blue blazer, a white button up with the top two buttons unfastened, a lose black tie and fitted black slacks. When Hyunjin saw you he stopped dead in his tracks. You looked amazing. Like a literal angel. Your hair, your dress, the way the sun had your cheeks a little red. You were gorgeous.  
“I’m gonna fucking kill Chan.” Your high school friend, who you now remembered crushed hard on Chan, started looking around trying to spot him. 
“What? Is Chan here? I didn’t think he was coming.” You shook your head. 
“No sorry he isn’t, excuse me just a minute.” You walked past your friend and straight up to Hyunjin. He was a little surprised he kind of thought you’d take off when you saw him not approach him but you had those drinks in you and you were furious that he was crashing your parents party.   
“What the hell are you doing here Hyunjin!” You spoke harshly but in a hushed tone so that you didn’t draw attention to yourselves. He tried to grab your hand and you snatched it away. 
“I’m... I’m here to be the guy you need me to be.” You looked at him like you were cracking a safe. 
“What?! What does that mean?” Hyunjin was flustered there were a lot more people around then he thought there would be and he was hoping to talk to you in at least semi-privacy. Before he could answer you noticed your mom making a b line over towards you and Hyunjin with one of her fakest smiles plastered on. 
“Don’t say anything!” You hissed at him as your mom walked up. 
“Honey... who is this handsome young man?” You rolled your eyes as she all but forced you two a little closer together. 
“This is Hyunjin mother, a FRIEND from school.” Your mother gave you the intrigued hum. 
“A BOYfriend?” You shook your head. 
“NO mother. JUST a friend.” She looked him up and down and then you got the disappointed hum. 
“A shame dear, he’s very pretty, perhaps reconsider?” She pinched his cheek and you let out an irritated huff. 
“Mother.” She lifted her well-manicured hands and shook her head. 
“Yes yes, I’ll leave you now. Pleasure to meet you Hyunjin.” Hyunjin bowed and your mother left you. When she was out of site you grabbed Hyunjin by the wrist and pulled him into your house.  
“What do you mean the guy I need you to be?” You didn’t waste time getting straight to the point again. Hyunjin took a deep breath and motioned towards the party, his appearance. 
“I can do this, I can be this for you.” You shook your head still confused. 
“I’m so sorry okay I’m so fucking sorry. I shouldn’t have told them those things; I shouldn’t have said any of those things about you. You don’t annoy me, my memories with you are the best parts my life and I don’t mean the sex, which is great, amazing, the best in my life honestly, but I mean the real parts. Arguing about if pineapple goes on pizza and what k drama to watch, talking until we fall asleep and calming you down when you wake up from a nightmare. I miss all of those things with you. I understand if you can’t forgive me but I just... I... you have to know how sorry I am and how much I love you Y/N.” Hyunjin’s head sank into his hands and he gently pulled at his hair trying to stop his tears but failing. You pulled his hands away and he looked up at you with tears welled in his eyes, surprised you were even near him let alone touching him. 
“I just need you to be you Hyunjin. Whoever and however that is. Red hair, black hair, jeans, blazers that stuff doesn’t matter to me, I just wanted you. Don’t you get it?” Hyunjin shook his head in disbelief. 
“No, I don’t. How could you possibly want me, what’s so special about me that I get you?” You pushed his hair away from his beautiful face as his tears trailed down his cheeks. 
“Everything Hyunjin.” You kissed him. You kissed him with your eyes closed so tight. You kissed him like it was your first kiss and your last kiss. He pulled you close and kissed you back, his full lips pillowy soft against yours. Suddenly you pushed Hyunjin up against the wall and started trailing kisses down his jaw and neck, loosening his tie further. He gently cupped your ass while you pushed your body against him, dragging your teeth across his collar bone after getting his tie removed.
The feeling sent electricity through Hyunjin’s whole body and he started to lose control. He turned you and pressed you against the wall lifting your legs and making you lock them around his waist. When he pushed his growing hard on against your already wet panties you both let out moans. He started kissing your chest and grinding into you as you held on to his hair and panted against him. You both heard a loud sound come from the back door and you stopped, your legs still wrapped around Hyunjin. When you knew no one was coming in you both let out a sigh of relief and kissed again.  
“We shouldn’t do this here Hyunjin.” Your words came out against Hyunjin’s lips and he shook his head. You were right. It was your parent’s house and you were just talking things out and... 
“Take me to my bedroom.” You kissed him after you said it and Hyunjin pulled back surprised by you yet again. 
“Are you sure? I mean, it’s your parent’s house and I... we don’t have to... it’s just I get if you want to wait...” You cut Hyunjin off by kissing him again.  
“Do you want to wait?” 
“Fuck no.” He answered immediately and you smiled. 
“Then why are we still here Hwang?” You unlocked your legs from around him and pulled him towards the stairs to your room. Once you were in your room you slammed the door closed and locked it before turning around and immediately being devoured by Hyunjin’s lips and hands. You jumped up and he did his best to catch you but stumbled back and luckily fell on to your bed you landing on top of him. 
“Damn baby!” You laughed and pushed off his blazer before working on the buttons of this shirt. 
“Sorry, I missed you.” Hyunjin’s heart swelled hearing you say that he pulled you down and kissed you again as you slid your hands over his shoulders removing his shirt. Once his torso was bare you ran your hands over every inch of skin you could touch. Every time your fingers dragged across Hyunjin’s skin he got goosebumps. 
“I missed you too baby. Missed you so fuckin much.” Hyunjin flipped you so that you were under him now. He ran his hands down your body and then pushed the skirt of your dress up exposing the wet patch on your panties. He buried his face in your clothed pussy and breathed you in before pushing a kiss against the wet spot. He hooked his fingers in the waist band of your underwear and pulled them off, tossing them over his shoulder. Hyunjin spread your pussy lips and licked softly from your entrance to your clit. His lips wrapped around your clit and he gently sucked on it while teasing it with his tongue and you arched your back off the bed. 
“FUCK! Hyunjin yes! Oh my god yes!” Hyunjin hummed at your praise and it sent delicious vibrations through your cunt making you flush with arousal. He pulled you towards the end of the bed your legs hanging over now, your feet on the ground. You laid back as Hyunjin continued his ministrations pushing a finger inside you, pumping it in and out, getting it good and coated with your juices. 
“God baby you’re so wet. Is this all for me beautiful?” You nodded as he added another finger and continued to suck on your pussy hungrily. When Hyunjin felt you tense after his fingers brushed that spot inside you he started finger fucking you hard hitting it over and over as he sucked and slurped at your clit. 
“Fuck... Hyu....Jin... I’m... its... I’ve never...felt...FUCK!!!” Hyunjin’s fingers kept ramming into your cunt as you started to squirt all over his face. He took long languid licks up your entire pussy through your aftershocks drinking in as much of you as possible. 
“Fuuuck you’re such a good girl squirting for me like that baby. God damn!” You shook and laughed hysterically as you came down from the out of body experience you just had. You sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled Hyunjin in for another kiss. You couldn’t not kiss his pouty lips especially after how good they just made you feel. Hyunjin untied the back of your dress and slid it down your body placing kisses down your neck and breasts. Once you were completely naked for him you slid back in your bed and laid down waiting for him. He took his pants and boxers off and climbed in the bed over you. He slid one hand up your thigh lifting and spreading one of your legs for him. Just before he sank into you he stopped and looked at you blushing and panting in anticipation under him. 
“Tell me you want this baby, tell me you want me.” You pushed his hair out of his beautiful face again and pulled him down to kiss you. 
“I want you Hyunjin,” you kissed him again. 
“Just you,” and again. 
“Only you. Make love to me Hyunjin.” When Hyunjin pushed into your warm wet sex he almost lost his mind. You always felt perfect, like you were made for each other. Once he was completely inside you he buried his face in the crook of your neck and shoulder and stopped, afraid if he moved he’d cum immediately. You ran your fingers through his hair and kissed the side of his face as he tried to regain control of his body. After a minute you moaned and squirmed underneath him. 
“Please baby. Move. I need you. Please.” You begged and Hyunjin gently bit down into your shoulder as he pulled out slightly and pushed back into you deeper. 
“Fuuuuck...” He moaned out still trying to keep it together. You could tell he was struggling. 
“So good baby, you’re doing so good. Keep going, keep going. PLEASE!” He did the same thing pulling out a little and pushing into you deep and hard again. 
“FUCK yes Hyunjin keep going baby.” He kept fucking you not going too fast at first. Once he was certain he wasn’t going to blow his load he started pulling out a little more and going a little faster still thrusting into you hard. Your hips started meeting his as he pushed inside you faster. 
“God baby you feel so good. You make me feel so good. I love you Hyunjin, fuck I love you!” Hearing you say that set something off in him. He leaned over and kissed you as he held you close and started pounding into you mercilessly. Your body and bed shook, your headboard beating your wall as Hyunjin fucked you hard and fast sucking and biting on your lips. His hips griding firmly against your clit as his cock abused your drenched hole pushing your closer and closer to you high. Hyunjin was close too. 
“Fuck baby be a good girl and let me cum inside. Please please let me cum inside.” You shook your head but Hyunjin wanted to hear you. 
“Tell me baby tell me you want me to fill you up. Tell me you want my babies.” You moaned out as your pussy trembled around his cock at the idea of him filling you with his cum and babies. 
“Yes yes yes Hyunjin fucking cum inside me, want to have your pretty babies please cum inside me!” Hyunjin sat back on his knees, pulled your hips up off the bed and continued to fuck you at a god tier speed. Your legs tightened around Hyunjin and he fucked you to your second orgasm. You started squirting all over his cock and hips, soaking the bed beneath you. Hyunjin’s cock slipped out as you sprayed him with cum. He grabbed the base of his dick slapped the head of it against your clit hard a couple times making you twitch before he stuffed it back in your pussy, your juices continuing to squirt and drip from you. 
“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! OH MY FUCKING GOD HYUNJIN FUCK!” Hyunjin fucked your soaked hole pumping into you hard a few more times before unloading inside you. 
“Shit I’m coming baby, I’m coming fuck fuck take it all, fucking take my cum. Such a good girl FUCK!” You and Hyunjin’s hips slowly grinded into each other for another minute riding the waves of your orgasms and then he pulled out of you, his cum dripping out after. He took his cock, scooped up his cum, and shoved it back inside you both of you jerking and having spasms from the overstimulation. 
“Keep that baby. Keep it inside... fuck! Make me something pretty with it.” Hyunjin collapsed on top of you a sweaty mess. He was heavy but you liked the feeling of his weight on you. It made you feel safe for some reason. You ran your hands up and down his back and through his hair as you both caught your breath.  After a minute of rest he propped himself up on his elbows and looked at you, pushing sweaty hair away from your face. You looked back and smirked tucking some of his sweaty fly away hair behind his ear. 
“What’s so funny.” He kissed the tip of your nose and you ran your fingers through his dark locks. 
“You know I do like the black but... I kinda miss the red.” Hyunjin just laughed and shook his head before cupping your face and kissing you again. 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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borrowing clothes
summary: johnny wants tomas to shower before getting in his bed
warnings: suggestive :)
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Tomas buried his face into the blankets on Johnny’s bed and relished in the softness of the silk sheets and the however many count thread blanket Johnny had purchased. There was never this sort of luxury and softness at the Lin Kuei, especially considering that they were supposed to live humble lives with only the threadbare essentials. It was a rule the previous Grandmaster had instilled to keep the Lin Kuei assassins humble and to remind them to never grow too comfortable. As much as Tomas appreciated the rule, the hard bottom beds and rough sheets and blankets had rubbed Tomas’s skin raw and grated on his nerves.
“Hey! Change out of your dirty clothes before getting all cozy with my bed!”
Tomas looked up to find Johnny’s face adorned with a frown, his arms crossed in front of his chest, and his hip cocked to one side. Tomas let his head flop back down into the sheets, unwilling to part with the soft heaven that was this bed.
“I didn’t bring a change of clothes.” Tomas mumbled into the bed, burying his fingers under the silk pillow sheets and curling a little further into the bed.
“Come on. You can borrow some of my clothes.” Johnny sighed and tugged at the assassin’s arm. Tomas’s head perked up at the offer.
“And take a shower! These sheets were expensive!” Johnny whined, fully pulling and dragging Tomas out of the bed now. The assassin laughed and grabbed onto Johnny’s arm, dragging him into the bed and bringing their lips together. Caging Johnny underneath his body, Tomas pressed Johnny into the bed and kissed his boyfriend. Johnny wiggled a bit but eventually melted into the kiss and tugged at the lapels of Tomas’s assassins. After a few seconds, Tomas lifted himself off to look at his work. The actor now had a dazed look in his eyes, and his cheeks were dusted a light pink.
“As much as I would love to continue the make-out sesh, I still need you to change, babe. I was not kidding when I said these sheets were expensive.” Johnny wiggled in Tomas’s grip, and Tomas sighed and reluctantly slid off the bed.
“Okay okay. I'll change.” Tomas waited for Johnny to get out of the bed, and the actor excitedly led him to the walk-in closet. Flinging open the doors, Johnny perused through his extensive collection of pajamas as Tomas ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’ at the variety of clothes. He let his fingers run over the clothes, taking in the soft textures of the clothing. Johnny truly did not skimp on any of his clothing. Not that Tomas expected him to. It was Johnny Cage after all.
“Here!” Johnny shoved some clothing into Tomas’s hands and pushed him to the bathrooms before Tomas could have a good look at the pajamas.
“I’ll be waiting for you!” Johnny then promptly closed the door to the bathroom. Tomas blinked at the door at Johnny’s sudden exit. The assassin had expected some smart remark about the clothing and had even expected Johnny to join him in the shower. Tomas looked down at the clothing that was neatly folded in his hands and decided to unfold it to see what Johnny seemed so excited about.
Suddenly, it made a lot more sense. The clothing was skimpy and would show off Tomas’s physique. The bottoms might as well be considered a thong, and the top was just a sleeveless crop top with a generous boob window. And it was Johnny’s clothing. Johnny’s skimpy clothing that he purchased and wore.
Tomas took a cold shower.
Emerging from the bathroom, Tomas tried his best not to look phased, but he was sure that the flush across his cheeks showed differently. He had looked at himself in the mirror, adjusting the cloth, which despite its tightness still managed to feel like heaven against his skin, until he was satisfied with how he looked. Johnny sat on the bed and was leaning back on his hands and very clearly enjoying the view he had in front of him.
“How do I look?” Tomas gave a little spin for Johnny, and the actor just grinned at him.
“Come here baby.” Johnny motioned for Tomas to come over. The assassin rolled his eyes, but obliged happily and collapsed into Johnny’s arms, knocking the two of them over so that Johnny laid flat on the bed. The actor wrapped his arms around Tomas’s back, tracing his hands along the defined musculature, and Tomas brought his face down so that his lips and Johnny’s were only millimeters apart.
“Now can we continue kissing?” Tomas asked. Johnny just smiled and used one of his hands to cradle the back of Tomas’s head and close the distance between them while his other hand groped at Tomas’s back.
The sheets were dirty by the end of the night.
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soobtkl · 4 months
“You want me to what?!”
Rafayel chuckled. “I want you to paint me. Well, paint on me to be more specific.”
You took a step back, watching as Rafayel grabbed a paintbrush and held it out in his hand.
“You aren’t scared, are you?” He teased, taking a step forward and grabbing your wrist. He placed the brush on your palm and closed your hand into a fist.
Rafayel kicked off a shoe and spoke: “If you don’t mind me, I’ll have to get prepared.” The man peeled off his sock and continued removing his clothes. Next was his right shoe and sock, then his shirt. Surprisingly, his pants stayed on.
Taking a seat on a stool in front of the high windows in his studio, Rafayel stretched. He lifted his hands in the air and groaned, feeling his spine make all sorts of cracking noises.
You were still in disbelief upon his request. What kind of man asks you to paint on him?! Rafayel had to have been a psycho.
“Oh, c’mon. I don’t bite.” The painter winked, waving his hand for you to come closer. It worked, as you’d taken a few steps forward before Rafayel stopped you.
“Almost forgot! Paints are right over here,” He pointed to his left. You looked down to see a table with almost every color of paint imaginable. “Hope you aren’t indecisive.”
You took a breath before finally embracing his request. “Alright…fine. I’ll do it.”
“Good! Here, I’ll make your job a little easier,” Rafayel held his arms to his side, forming a T form with his upper body. "Now you can get every inch of me."
Still, you had no idea what he meant by 'painting him'. Would you paint something on him? Or would you simply paint his body a single color?
Your mind was full of questions as you dipped your thin paintbrush into a tiny cup of pink paint. Where would you begin? Tired of all the thoughts in your head, you closed your eyes and let your hand go where it pleased.
"Wonderful starting point~" Rafayel snickered. You opened your eyes to see your brush was placed on one of his nipples.
Gasping, you quickly slid the brush down to his stomach, eliciting a strange noise from his lips. It sounded like a giggle, but it was too quiet to be sure.
You led your brush inside Rafayel's belly button, swirling it around gradually. Looking up, you could see Rafayel biting his lip.
He looked down at you before speaking.
"Don't mind me. Just keep going..."
It was clear that something was wrong. You could tell by the look on Rafayel's face. His cheeks were tinted a light pink and his lips occasionally quivered.
Nodding, you did as he said and continued. The bristles of the brush etched alongside his ribcage, bumping against each and every bone it could touch.
Rafayel's eyes widened and he grabbed your wrist, halting your painting. "Okay now. I think that's good for-ahaHOho!"
“What? I just started…”
You used your free hand to take the brush from him and continue painting along his ribs, causing him to shake and giggle on his stool. He had to balance himself to not fall.
“I said stop! H-hehey! StOHohOhop!” Rafayel chuckled, bringing his arms to his sides, and using his fingers to hold his bottom on the stool. If he let go, he would surely fall flat on his face!
You ignored his demands and dipped your paintbrush into a cup of red paint.
"Heheh-hey! Don't you have any manners?!" Rafayel shouted, watching you bring your paintbrush back to his body. He shuddered, feeling the tip of the brush glide underneath his chin. Fighting the urge to bring his neck down, he shut his eyes and prayed you'd stop with this ticklish punishment.
You wiggled the brush against Rafayel’s collarbones, causing him to scrunch up his feet and bite his lip. It tickled so bad, yet it felt so…good!
“Rafayel, you’d make a wonderful canvas if you’d stay still.”
this isn’t really finished but i got bored and felt like posting something
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Hi!! I have a small request that can either be in drabble or hc format (it makes no different to me) for a GN!reader that is touch sensitive? Certain textures just give them the ick and leave them overwhelmed. (Think having your flooring be all stone and having to walk on it bumps and all without any breaks or changes in texture. It would get annoying and uncomfortable) So they avoid touch like its the plague when it comes to their neighbors because they sometimes just feel 'gross' in a sense, sometimes to fuzzy, others to scratchy, or sometimes just too alive (*eyes wally*)
Kept it semi-vauge, so you can go ham on your own interpretation of it, hoping to see what you will produce if you find this interesting :]
OH REAL. REAL REAL. I’ve got touch based sensory issues myself (along with “contamination anxiety”? Akin to the ‘gross’ part you mentioned HAHA), that shit slaps (as in it slaps me, daily) /neg /lhj !!
Thank you for the request though >:] I hope what I write satisfies!!
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Felt Fingers
Welcome Home x GN!Reader with a Touch Sensitive Reader!
Headcanon format, relation(s) are platonic!
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When you moved into the sleepy neighbourhood, you had already geared up for your usual “new people routine”.
If they went to touch, you’d curl away— nervously chattering off that you’d prefer to not be. Some understood immediately, others took it personal— grew defensive, and then some were simply confused. You had grown used to the reactions, and you were ready!
…After all, you were meeting.. quite a few new people, quite fast, today!—
You had been taken on a tour of the town by no other than Wally Darling, who— to your unspoken relief— was not the touchy type. At least not with a very new friend. Instead, he held his hands clasped neatly behind his back.
Some of the other neighbours were, though— specifically one by the name of Julie Joyful, the first one you were pulled up to meet.
When Wally acquainted you both to one another, she rushed in for a friendly hug— only to be left confused, head tilted when you back stepped.
Ah, here we go..
You chattered off, nervously tugging at the edge of your sleeve— but she soon perked up, like a light bulb had clicked over her head.
“Ohhh..! Okay!! No worries!” She beamed at you, “I’ll keep that in mind!!- Sorry! Haha-“
Wally watched the interaction silently, also taking note of it.
Next up was Frank Frankly, who wasn’t very far off from Julie. As of current, he was crouched near what seemed to be colourful milkweed, watching a butterfly of some kind intently.
You watched as Wally slid up behind him, not really making any noise before he hummed.
“What’re you up to, Frank..?”
The reaction was immediate, some gruff, garbled spew of confusion quickly followed— before Frank huffed.
Soon, though, you were being introduced. Frank held out his hand for a handshake, and you declined with a weak smile.
He didn’t seem bothered, just nodding and lowering his hand.
Soon, you were moving onto the next person; Howdy Pillar.
As you both walked into the cooled down store, Howdy warmly greeted you from the counter— immediately taking note of you.
“Oh! Hey! Is this th’ new neighbour you were talking about, Wally?”
Upon confirmation, his attention slid to you with a warm smile. He introduced himself, and held out one of his four arms for a shake— leading to another decline.
You watched his head tilt in confusion momentarily before he gave a quick, understanding smile.
“Just not in the mood?” He asked, voice softened— he didn’t seem upset. You simply just explained the boundary, as you had been all day, and he nodded along.
“Alright! Got’cha, neighbour!”
As Wally pulled open the glass door, the little bell hung above going off, Howdy would wish you both “a swell rest of the day!”
And you were off!
For just a moment, before a large, blue dog strolled up.
He was soon introduced to you as Barnaby B. Beagle.
He didn’t reach out for a handshake, instead just sort of giving you a small wave with his large paw, paired with a cheeky grin.
“ ‘ello.” [Hello]
Wally and he seemed to catch up for a moment, before Barnaby somewhat.. patted his head. Wally simply stared, still smiling— and a non-hostile look!.. He just.. didn’t react very much.
And, soon, you were being whisked to the next neighbour; Sally Starlet.
You found her atop a rickety built stage, seemingly warming up her voice— speaking loud and proud, from the chest!
.. Before she noticed you both, of course.
Soon, almost in the blink of an eye, she was in front of both of you— smiling.
“Hello!! Hello!! Is this the new neighbour?” She absolutely beamed as she spoke, to which Wally calmly nodded.
Ecstatically, she’d take your hands in hers— giving them a shake as she began to introduce herself— before Wally cleared his throat.
“They.. don’t like to be touched.”
Ah. Agh. Agagghhhfhh.
You smiled at her, though strained, trying to discretely wipe your hands off on your pants once she had (quite quickly) let your hands go.
Very quickly, she was apologetic— seeming concerned.
“Oh— shoot!- I should’ve asked, first, my bad!!- Are you alright?”
Very quickly things had become a notch more overwhelming, but you’d be fine.. you’d be fine, just had to trudge through..
You nodded, giving her a weak smile and reassuring her you were fine.
Your hands felt tingly, and it felt like she was still squeezing them with the scratchy felt and— auuggjhdhr. hhrhrhrr.
She introduced herself far more calmly, still holding an apologetic smile.
Soon, yet again, you were off— quick to run into what seemed to be the neighbourhood’s mailman!
He gave you a warm, chipper smile as he introduced himself as Eddie Dear, but he was quick to move on.
“It’s a delight to meet you, neighbour, but I gotta get goin’!! Have a good day though, you two!!“
And with that, he was gone! A brief introduction after the one with Sally was a relief, and soon you and Wally were left in silence— walking up to one of the houses this time.
“.. How are you feeling, neighbour?”
His voice lulled through the silence, and you perked up. You answer was pretty curt, but polite! You liked the neighbours, but you were still awfully tired from moving…
“That’s good. Don’t worry, there’s.. just one.. left.”
Though his voice was flat, you could tell it was supposed to be reassurance (or, you at least took it as such) as you nodded.
And, soon, you dawned upon the Final Neighbour; Poppy Partridge!
As Wally knocked on the door, she soon pulled it open— staring down at the both of you with kind eyes.
“Ah.. hello..!! You’re— the new neighbour, I’d take it?”
Her voice held a nervous ring, though friendly! With confirmation, you introduced yourself— and she smiled.
“It’s— it’s a pleasure to meet you, dear..” She then glanced back into her home, before back to you. “I— I made a few treats, for you! If you’d- like one, of course!”
You accepted, might as well, and she soon handed you what seemed to be a few freshly baked cookies wrapped up in cloth. Your hands made brief contact, making you tense again, but her soft, feathery hands didn’t get to you— tttoo badly. You still felt that familiar drip of discomfort slide down your neck and throughout your back, but it passed.
She seemed to notice, though, and her gaze instantly flooded with concern.
“Oh, dear.. are- you okay, neighbour? Do you feel well? Are you sick-? Do—“
Before she could continue nervously rattling off what may be the matter, you nodded, and— with a smidge of hesitance— took the chance to properly state the boundary to her.
“Oh— oh! Of course,.. I’m sorry,” She held a small smile, “I’ll keep that in mind, sweetheart..”
And, soon, after wrapping up conversation with the sweet bird, you and Wally were headed back to your own home.
“.. So..” You could feel his intent gaze start burrowing into your face. “.. How was that, neighbour?”
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I hope it’s satisfactory!!! Thank you for requesting >:] /g
Have not proof read!! Will do so laterrr!!!!!
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gurugirl · 2 years
just found out I have covid (again!) so I’m here to ask for some stepdad!H to get me through my isolation week, if not I completely understand and am sending my love always!
Of course anon! I'm sorry about you getting covid (again) (;′⌒`) I hope you feel better soon!!
This one is based off this anon request: Can I have soft sex with stepdad harry? Please? Pretty please ? I'm begging you. Im a Sucker for your stepdad au and I want some a sweet and soft harry. PLEASE ?🥺😭 3k words
Warning: Smut, inappropriate relationship between a stepdad and a stepdaughter (DON'T READ IF YOU'RE NOT INTO IT), cheating
stepdad!harry masterlist
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You were feeling a bit sad. Your period was due any minute, you were very bloated and sensitive emotionally, and now putting your bra on was a pain - a literal pain. Your breasts were a bit swollen and it was uncomfortable putting your bra on. It was frustrating. You were just sad and frustrated and emotional and puffy.
Then to top it off your mom had invited a friend over for dinner so you felt like going without a bra just wasn’t an option, even if it would have felt so much better. A guest also meant being sort of social and of all days, today you were not at your best and thinking of what to talk about and having to answer questions about yourself (everyone your mom's age always seemed to ask you a million questions about college and what your future plans are).
You slid your dress on over your head. At least the dress was comfortable and was one of your favorites. You stared at your reflection in the mirror and talked yourself up then sighed, here we go.
In the living room Harry and your mom were sat on the couch and your mom’s friend Cheryl was on the loveseat. They were laughing about something and you forced a smile as you joined them, sitting on the end of the couch.
Conversation went just as expected. Cheryl asked about your major and then what your plans were for when you graduate. Then she asked the one question that should be banned from all casual discussions; if you have a boyfriend.
You stayed polite and answered the questions but were relieved when Harry interrupted you before you could answer the boyfriend question. He changed the subject entirely and moved the spotlight off of you. You were definitely giving him heart eye after that. He could tell you were not feeling very well.
Dinner was actually very good. You were hungry and your mom and Harry made a really good meal that made the whole boyfriend interaction with Cheryl worth it.
But once you put the plates away you waved at your mom and Harry and said you were tired and so you were just gonna turn in for the night. You said goodbye to Cheryl and the moment your foot hit the stairs to head to your room and everyone was out of sight, you pulled your dress off over your head and then immediately plucked at the back of your bra and popped it off with a sigh of relief.
In your room with your door closed you put a t-shirt on and then laid onto your back on your bed and stared up at the ceiling.
You were woken up to a knock at your door, “Yes?” you spoke in a groggy voice.
“Hey, Cheryl and I are going out for some drinks and to have girl chat. You okay? You seemed a little sad at dinner,” your mom moved into the room and sat at the edge of your bed.
“I’m okay. Just PMS a little. Tired and grumpy,” you said as you turned your head to watch your mom as you stayed on your back.
“Awww, well, I have some Pamprin if you need it. It’s in the master bathroom, second drawer by the wall. Okay? Do you need anything else before I head out?”
You shook your head and your mom leaned down to give you a kiss to your forehead before leaving you alone in your room.
The moment she closed the door you began to cry. Because it was so overwhelming to have her being sweet to you when you were worth nothing more than the dirt on the bottom of her shoes. You were scum. Worse than scum.
You rolled to your side and let your tears pour out. You needed a good cry. Not only were you emotional because your period was coming, but you truly felt deep guilt for the things you were doing with Harry behind your mom’s back.
Not long after your mom had left the house grew quiet at her absence. And just like you knew it would happen, Harry came into your room.
“Not tonight, Harry,” you croaked as you wiped your face and tried to hide that you were crying.
He didn’t respond but you felt the bed dip behind you when he sat down, “Hey, are you okay?”
You sniffed and opened your eyes to see the dark sky and moonlight shining into your window, illuminating your bedroom.
“I just feel so off. I think my period is going to start soon and I’m pretty sensitive today. I just need to sleep.”
It was quiet for a moment but you knew Harry was still there because the bed hadn’t shifted under his movement to get up. That’s when you felt his palm on your back, slowly rubbing up and down your spine.
“That’s okay. I can be here for you too, you know. If you want. Maybe I can just hold you until you fall asleep?” Harry’s voice was soft.
You turned your body to finally get a look at him in the dark on your bed, “Yeah. Okay,” you nodded.
Harry moved deeper onto the bed and laid next to you before pushing one of his arms under you and then pulled you into his chest so your face was against his shirt and you could smell his cologne.
It was comforting and warm. Harry’s slow breaths in and out, the shallow rise and fall of his chest had you lulling off to sleep quickly.
When you woke up you were still in Harry’s arms, pressed against his body. It was a feeling that you adored. You hated that you liked it so much, but you couldn’t help it.
It seemed that Harry was asleep. His breaths were light and his limbs were heavy. You tilted your head back to look up toward him, not that you’d be able to see much in the dark but you certainly would try. You wiggled an arm upward and put a hand on his face, slowly running your fingers over his scruff.
“Hmmm…” Harry groaned sleepily.
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” you whispered.
“How do you feel?” Harry’s eyes finally opened as he spoke.
"A little better right now," and you were telling the truth. It really did feel good to be in Harry's arms. You rarely got to lie with him like this.
Harry shifted a bit and you felt his palm move over your thigh. He pulled your leg up over his hip and continued smoothing his hand on your skin. It felt nice to be like this with him; quiet and slow.
You still had your hands in between his body and yours and you were rubbing them over his shirt covered chest. You loved having your hands on his chest, feeling the muscles he worked hard for under his skin, so you lowered your hands to underneath his shirt and brought your flat hands upwards on his warm skin.
"Y'like touching my chest don't you, baby? I like when you touch me," he spoke softly.
"I do. Wish I could whenever I wanted," you let your fingertips lightly graze over his nipples and kept your eyes on his.
Harry's arm underneath your body was trapped but the hand he had smoothing over the skin on your bare thigh slowly dragged upward to your hip and then under your t-shirt. He rubbed your back gently and slowly.
Having his hands on your skin was doing things to you. Before you'd fallen asleep you weren't in the mood at all, but now you certainly were. You wiggled your hips and adjusted yourself so your center was pushed into Harry's. He was still wearing his pants. So you moved a hand downward toward his button and you kept your eyes on his.
Harry let out a soft laugh, "Want my pants off?"
You nodded, "Yeah."
Harry removed himself from you and sat up so he could undo his pants and he pulled them off his legs. You sat up and placed your hands on the tops of his thighs and moved them upward to the bottom hem of his boxer-briefs and Harry grasped your wrists, "What are you doing? I thought you just wanted rest?"
You furrowed your brow and opened your mouth to speak but couldn't find what you wanted to say. You were still frustrated and you knew that you wanted him inside of you but it felt like a lot to ask in that moment. You huffed and pouted.
"Is this what you want?" Harry spoke as he moved one of your hands upward over his crotch where you could feel him thickening underneath. His other hand he slide up your thigh and to the edge of your panties where he dragged his thumb along the elastic but not touching your warm center like you hoped.
You nodded and licked your lips, "Please."
Harry smiled and cocked his head to the side as he brought his hands up to your panties waistband to pull them down your hips and off your legs.
He gently nudged at you to lie down and he spread your legs, all in silence. When you noticed he was about to put his mouth onto your pussy you sat up, "Wait! I'm about to start my period, Harry. What if I'm bleeding a little?" You bit your lip.
Harry shook his head, "Do you really think that would stop me?" He put a finger through your labia and you were already slick for him. He rubbed over your clit and you keened when he hit that spot that worked so well for you.
"Look at that... you're already soaked and you're all swollen too, honey. Bet it's achy huh?"
You nodded, "But just... I want you inside of me. I need to feel really full right now and..." your breaths picked up when Harry didn't let up with his gesture over you clit, "... please."
Harry wouldn't say no, but he really did want to eat you out. He leaned over you and put his hands at the bottom of your t-shirt and lifted the material over your head. His warm palms massaged your tender breasts and you sucked in a sharp breath when you felt him squeeze.
"So tender. Poor baby. I'll be gentle," He spoke as he watched you and leaned in wrap his mouth around your left tit. Your nipples were already hard and his tongue darted around your pebbled skin and then he sucked at you. Moving to your right breast he palmed over your wetted one and rolled your nipple softly between his fingers as he sucked on the one in his mouth.
You moaned loud and bucked upward. You felt a storm of lust and need building in your tummy. You lifted your hips upward again and Harry released your nipple from his mouth with a laugh.
"Need Daddy's cock right now little one? Need me to make you feel good?" Harry pulled his briefs down his legs and then quickly put his hands back on your sore breasts.
You nodded, "Yes!"
"How do you want it? What feels best for you right now?" He was serious. He wanted to make sure you got whatever you wanted. Normally he'd take you how he wanted but right now you were sensitive and achy and needed special attention.
You laid back onto the soft bed and spread yourself, "Just like this. But slow, and soft. And deep inside of me so I feel you all the way up here," you slid your hand up your tummy to your belly button.
Harry groaned and put himself in between your legs and his cock was rock hard already. He loved feeling you around him. He'd never get tired of it. He'd never not want you.
With his eyes on yours and one hand holding his shaft, he nudged his tip to your entrance and slowly began penetrating your sensitive hole. You both moaned and gasped when he got past your tight opening. The initial plunge inward was always so tight but once his wide head was past your entry it was easier to glide into and out.
Your knees were bent, feet flat on the mattress, thighs spread wide as Harry worked himself into you slowly, in and out, and back in until he was pushed as deep as he could possibly go.
He kept a nice slow, languid pace, but he did pull back all the way so his tip was nearly out and then he'd slowly push back into you repeatedly. The way his thick cock traveled inside of you and stretched you when he pushed in, his tip grazing your g-spot each time he pulled out and pressed back in, you were moaning constantly from the pleasure he'd built in you.
"You need Daddy's cock so bad don't you?" Harry cooed at you as you whimpered at the slow, divine pace. You nodded and mumbled nonsense in response.
"I know, baby. I know. Gonna make you come on me and it'll help relieve that ache in your tummy, okay? Just let me take care of my girl," Harry spoke quietly and breathily. His own needs were being met as well. With you. Not just your pussy around him, slippery and tight, but with your coos and your eye contact. Your presence, your hands on him. He needed all of you.
The slow thrusts upward and his pelvis pressing into your clit had you quivering in lust. He felt so good inside of you, on top of you. His breathy moans meant something to you too. You loved that you made him feel good. You could tell he needed it too.
You grew wetter and wetter the more minutes that went on. With Harry's gently rocking into you it would take longer to orgasm, but you knew when you did, it would be explosive. Your bottom was wet with your arousal and Harry's long cock dipping into and out of your creamy cunt was hitting everything right.
Your bed barely moved under you, Harry's languid thrusts were so slow, but the noise of your wetness being fucked into and heavy breaths falling from your mouths filled your bedroom.
"Daddy!" You yelped when Harry thrusted in a little harder. He hadn't meant to do it but he was feeling so good and his orgasm was just around the corner so his motions became a little more irratic.
"Sorry baby. You just feel so fucking good. Gonna come on daddy's cock baby?" Harry gritted his teeth and grunted his words.
You smiled and nodded and Harry's slow thrusts became slightly faster, dipping in a little harder and deeper. The bed began to creak now as you both rounded the edge of your eventual highs.
"Such a good girl for Daddy. Taking his big cock with a smile. Baby I love you..." Harry paused his motions and he lifted himself a few inches and you saw the look on his face. He hadn't meant to say that.
Your own mouth dropped open and you smiled at him as you gasped your response, "Daddy I love you too!"
Harry panted and then dipped down to kiss your mouth and he picked up his cadence again, making the bed squeak and the springs bounce a little now.
He kept his mouth over yours and he grabbed your hands, intertwining your fingers as he continued fucking into you.
You opened your mouth for his tongue and you felt your heart swell and your pussy began to flutter around his large dick. Your orgasm was blinding. You gasped and moaned into Harry's mouth when you started to come and Harry finally felt that was his permission to really fuck into you faster, harder.
With the slick sounds of your hole being penetrated repeatedly and the bed squeaking under you Harry finally released into your tender and puffy pussy, allowing himself to completely fill you up. He pushed into you deeply and with his final pump of come of he stilled his hips and his breath was heavy, deep.
He backed away from the kiss and looked down at your face. He could feel how you'd soaked his entire groin area. His pubic hair, his balls, drenched.
With his hands still holding yours he brought one up and kissed the back of your knuckles, "I mean it. I love you. Was that okay?"
You watched him kiss over your knuckles and with a sigh and your heart hammering in your chest you responded, "Yes. And I meant it too. I love you. I love you, Harry."
As much as you both wanted to lie together and fall asleep wrapped up in one another, you couldn't. You understood why he couldn't stay in your room. You drifted off to sleep with smile on your face and relief in your body.
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