#Hick's Law
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sirenesolace · 8 days
your desires, SP, and higher self watching you give up on persisting when you were so damn close
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you literally CANNOT fail! get it together!
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young-goddessx · 4 months
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a-path-by-the-moon · 3 months
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positiveupwardspiral · 2 months
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mrs-trophy-wife · 10 months
Your desires are not miles away. They are vibrations away. Alignment collapses time. Miracles happen in an instant.
—Abraham Hicks
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aceofworlds · 2 years
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© Do not repost without permission.
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Revision is a term we use when we’re rewriting or creating specific past events using manifestion. Revision isn’t only about changing people’s memories. It’s about ACTUALLY changing the past & how everyone views it.
Your past is formed by your assumptions about it. Revision is basically changing your assumptions about your past and hence overwriting it with your desired reality. It will then consequentially impact your future & change it.
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When we speak about “past” or “future”, we are only talking about it in relation to the observer. In truth, nothing but the present actually exists as we are only experiencing consciousness for eternity. The past only exists in the form of assumptions in our memory. Whenever we think of the past, we become reaware of what happened and we strengthen our assumptions regarding it. We constantly relive it in our heads so much that we begin to feel it real. By doing this, we re-experience it in our consciousness.
As we know, persisting in any thought or assumption consistently makes it true. That’s why the 3D shows us ‘proof’ or ‘evidence’ of our past since we constantly re-experience it in our consciousness whenever we recall our past experiences. Therefore, if we chose to replace our negative assumptions about the past with those that will benefit us, the 3D will start reflecting the changed past as well.
If time isn’t real, so isn’t memory. Memory is simply imagination. So when we make assumptions off of our memories, we are making assumptions off of something that isn’t even real and can be changed extremely easily. It is important to understand that the past is as undetermined as our future. That’s why, it’s super helpful to always assume favourably for ourselves regardless of what happened and not spiral or lose faith when the 3D shows us the opposite of what we desire.
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You can revise any event that has happened in your life. There are absolutely no limitations or logical restrictions. You are the Operant Power. Hence, you’re the one who decides what is possible in your reality. Here are a few examples of what you can revise:
A failed exam or a bad grade.
A loved one’s death.
Your childhood/teenage years.
Your relationship with your entire family or revise that you’ve always had different parents with your desired looks, background, personality, characteristics etc.
Any traumatic event or experience.
Looking like your favourite celebrity.
Your birthday / zodiac sign, birthplace and name.
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Revision is simply a branch of manifestation. The way you revise an event is the same as what you do to manifest any of your desires.
The law of assumption in the simplest terms states that “your assumptions create your reality”. What you assume to be true is what forms your 3D reality. Now let’s look at the definition of an ‘assumption’: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. So how do you change an assumption? By simply accepting your desired reality as a fact regardless of what the 3D shows you. You assume that you already have what you desire and ignore everything that says otherwise. The instant you decide you want something, you have it. It’s undoubtedly yours.
𝐢. — You can start by rewriting the old story into a new, desired one. Let’s take an example:
Old story/assumption: “I failed my exams.”
New story/assumption: “I passed my exams with top grades.”
𝐢𝐢. — Henceforth, whenever you think of your situation, think of your past as if it happened in the way you desired. Disregard the old story and assume the new story is true. If a thought pops up that reminds you of the old story, dismiss it as false and reassure yourself that you already have what you desire. Using the same scenario mentioned above as an example, your new mindset should be something like this:
“Now, whenever I think of my exams, I know I’ve passed it with a perfect score. Despite what the external reality shows me and what people around me tell me, I live in my imagination and accept that fact that creation is finished. I am the version of myself who has always been the top student all my life.”
𝐢𝐢𝐢. — Persist in this new assumption & live in your imagination. Remember, you're not persisting to seek change in the 3D, you are persisting because change has already occurred (it is done) & you’re simply stepping into the mindset of the person who already has what you desire (what I am, I see).
Leave the 3D (your external physical, tangible reality) alone & accept your imagination (your assumptions) as your true reality. Don’t worry about the 3D conforming because it will. The 3D has no choice except to reflect your 4D (your inner imaginative reality). It has to because that’s the LAW and it can never fail. Keep thinking this way and your new assumption will surely harden into fact.
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You can use revision on the spot whenever the 3D shows you something unwanted. All you have to do is assume and affirm: “that didn't happen.” and persist in this assumption. You can also replay the scene in your head and replace it by visualising a more ideal one. Accept this new story as the truth and move on with your life.
If you spiralled during the day, just assume you didn't and affirm this: “I lived in my imagination the entire day and kept my thoughts in check perfectly.”
If you’re the type to look for evidence in the 3D, then revision can you directly change your physical reality as soon as you notice unpleasant circumstances.
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Thank you for reading all the way. ♡♡ I’m rooting for you, loves. Please like, reblog & share my post with your friends if it has helped you !
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lifeiswaitingforyou · 6 months
Success story time- manifested my dead uncle to come back to life!
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godofmanifesting · 1 year
“Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to re-infect yourself. Turn from appearances and assume the feeling that would be yours were you already the one you wish to be.”
—Neville Goddard, “Feeling is the Secret”
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sproutedlavender · 7 months
10 Things to Manifest
There are so many great things to manifest and it's easy to get overwhelmed or confused. Personally, I've found that sometimes I want to manifest so many things at once and I just DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START. I've realized this is a problem a lot of people have.
Don't let yourself get overwhelmed or bombarded by hundreds of different things to manifest. Start with a list. What do you want the absolute most? Start from there and create a list of the top 10 things you want to manifest.
Here's mine- Take what inspires you, leave what doesn't.
Happiness. I've found this is one of the best places to start when manifesting. If you have happiness within yourself, you find you don't need things outside. Funny enough, you actually tend to manifest more easily and effortlessly when you feel that you don't need anything. The universe is funny that way. Tell the universe you want to be happy. Make that intention. Feel it, the joy of just being alive. Let your desires rest for a little and once you cultivate joy within yourself, everything begins to fall into place. Joy=High vibrations=Manifestations=More joy 😊
Self love and beauty. When you love yourself for who you are and adore the way you look, you attract more confidence and beauty in your life. Try being grateful for your looks, even if they aren't 'perfect' in your eyes and you'll be surprised by how both your mindset and body changes. Manifesting beauty or anything else for that matter is simple, feel it, believe it, receive it!
Your Dream Career. What's the one thing you would do if you couldn't fail? See it in your mind. Visualize it and feel the emotions. Once you do, you've set the intention to live that life. What do you truly want to be? A writer? A singer? A doctor? Don't allow the fear of failing to stop you. Write down exactly what you want to do and who you want to become. If you have the passion for it, it's meant for you! You are the exception!
Best Friends. Image the people you wish to surround yourself with. How do they make you feel? Who are you when you're around them? What activities do you do together? You don't create people but you do attract them into your life. Visualize your desired friend group and feel as though you already have it in your life. Even if you're going out alone, feel as though you're with the people that make you feel great! Once you step into that vibrational state and hold it, it's only a matter of time before it appears in your life!
Money and Wealth. This can be quite easy, if you let it be. If you have struggles with money or if you have a negative belief about it, you may find it difficult to manifest it into you life, but no worries! You have the power to shift your mindset! Money is a tool, just like everything else, it's not good or bad. You decide what to do with it, and you deserve it. My favorite way of manifesting money is by writing checks. Write a check for the amount of money you would like to receive and keep it in your pocket every day and look at it constantly. I like to sign mine from the Universe, but you can write whatever feels good to you.
Adventure. Life feeling a little stagnant? Manifest more adventure into your life! What type of scenarios would you like to experience? Who would you like to experience them with? Write it down on a piece of paper and feel the excitement.
Good grades. School doesn't have to be a struggle. You can manifest good grades easily. Try taking your focus away from school for a bit, funny enough, when you stop placing so much importance of it, you might find yourself easily getting A's left and right.
Losing weight while eating whatever you want. There are hundreds of stories out there of people who have their desired bodies simply by believing they do. They imagine everything they eat is not only helping them to lose weight, but heal their bodies. I've heard of people who had literally healed cancer by simply believing that everything they ate was healing them. But you have to believe it! Feel it and believe it. you're mind is powerful. it can do pretty much anything.
Resolving problems. If you have a problem, don't focus on it. Instead, either focus on the solution and visualize it happening or forget about it all together. When you let go and trust the universe to resolve it for you, challenges begin to dissolve. I've had problems magically fixed over night because I affirmed to myself they were fixed. I don't even know how they happened! The universe is your greatest ally, use it wisely!
Pretty much anything else you intuitively want. A random desire pops up? Manifest it! Set the intention, give it momentum, let it go! You can even manifest your manifestations coming quicker if you'd like. Make sure whatever you're manifesting aligns with you. If something doesn't feel right, focus on something that does. Your inner self will guide you to the right path.
You are literally the universe. You are god, you are the power, you are everything you see around you. This reality is only a reflection of who you are? Don't like something? Change it! Want something? Manifest it! There are ZERO limitations. You are infinite, don't you forget it!
Love, Andie ❤️️
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taurusbae222 · 2 years
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guys i found a new technique for manifesting that has been helping me with my limiting beliefs
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what has helped is when a negative thought pops up and arises, i say either in my head or in the mirror ❝whenever i think negative thoughts i attract miracles and positive experiences into my life❞ and just even with legit anything or this is just something i do for anything to feel like i attract my desires more for example: whenever i breathe, blink, drink or walk, $1000 flows instantly into my account why? because i fucking said so. and just affirmations like this so i can believe it more i guess just finding a affirmation that you can see your self actually believing in and constantly feeling this thought as true, then fucking do it.
although, if you are the type to stress about to when and the how when manifesting and questioning the law, this is what you should not do and common error a lot of ppl do: do not feel like you HAVE to constantly say your affirmations, visualise your dr, constantly switching back thoughts from your dr to your current reality, checking tumblr all the time for new methods that work like “magic”. this will just drain you and make you feel separated from your desire. instead trust the fucking law. if you feel triggers on trusting the law ask yourself why? question your beliefs take some time later throughout your day when you have finished work or whatever, a time when you are alone to journal or meditate, whatever you feel comfortable doing to really think deep on these limiting beliefs you are currently having about this desire. for example you desire to have $1,000,000. but when you think about manifesting those high numbers you start feeling triggered because that does not feel reachable you to have this. if you feel triggered, answer questions like this:
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆
“why do i feel like this desire is entirely unattainable for me?”
“what are the limiting beliefs i have on receiving this manifestation, what do i feel like caused the way i think?”
“do i feel like i deserve to have my desire?”
“do i feel secure in this aspect area of my life to manifest? how can i ensure i feel more secure and ensured on receiving what i want?”
“when i think about receiving my desire, what emotions am i feeling, what do i picture in my head?”
“how can i change the way i feel and this about achieving this desire?”
“what actions can i do in my daily life to build my self concept on getting what i want”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆
once you have figured out the causes and how you can change your mindset upon them, go live your life living as if you already have whatever you want. if you need time to cool of the tension and exhaustion from putting so much energy to manifest, do it. take a few days or a week to not think about that burning desire and just live your life and then just decide you have and it’s yours.
happy manifesting i wish you all the best of luck. i really hoped this helped anyone -taurusbae222 ♡
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glitzreyasblog · 10 months
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₊❏❜ ⋮ you're already what you want to be. your refusal is the reason you don't see it.
₊❏❜ ⋮ don’t go back to the old story, you can’t be aligned with both the new and the old one, you cannot serve two masters
₊❏❜ ⋮ how can I create and uncreate? I dismiss what my senses tell me and I decide to be aware of what I want, knowing it is mine, I experience it. I cannot fail.
₊❏❜ ⋮ what will doubting myself bring me? nothing but more doubts.
₊❏❜ ⋮ having doubts are fine and completely natural. don't identify with them and continue to accept your desires as true.
₊❏❜ ⋮ if you really want that dream life, you need to discipline yourself into not giving up on the first day or the second something goes wrong. one thought shouldn't make you spiral, so put your foot down and pay it no mind!
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♡ ♡ ♡ 
08.16.23 xx
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Make a declaration to yourself right now that you are ready to take back your power and use it to create the life you want.
Idil Ahmed
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young-goddessx · 3 months
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a-path-by-the-moon · 5 months
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sirenesolace · 2 months
‧₊˚ʚ the siren’s songs ꒷꒦ 🐅 ✷
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🍒 playlist with songs to boost your confidence/improve self-concept
🍒great for self-concept, sp/love, money, traveling and luxurious lifestyle, fame, beauty, and higher vibration
🍒my personal favorite way of manifesting with this playlist is have it run through the background as I’m visualizing (similar to day dreaming) in my head or on Pinterest! I also use it while scripting my affirmations.
🍒i wanted to share this playlist to facilitate and help people manifest their desires while using their emotions. i find myself listening to this playlist whenever i’m feeling a little depressed or wavering really bad. AUTOMATIC MOOD BOOSTER!!
🍒OFC!! i cant wait to expand this playlist and i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do!
LINK (spotify)
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