#High value appreciation
becomingher-era · 1 year
The more you love your own decisions the less you need others to love them.
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24krealtors · 2 years
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jackklinemybeloved · 12 days
kipperlilly is suuuch an apt villain for a season that takes place during a junior year of high school. she’s basically the smart privileged kid who’s mad she doesn’t have any interesting trauma to write about in her college essay.
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succulentsiren · 5 days
Inferiority can only exist when you're constantly comparing yourself to others. Lack mentality originates from poverty and low-self-esteem. To cure this toxic mindset, simply decide that you have enough. It’s that easy.
“The grass isn’t greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it.”
Your self-esteem has a direct influence on your ability to attract abundance and when you start believing that you are enough, you’ll attract just that and excess. With high self-esteem you'll manifest all the things you once believed yourself incapable of having and you’ll no longer find it necessary to compare yourself to others.
This is the importance of focusing on yourself, honoring your unique abilities and staying in your own damn lane.
Instead of seeking external validation, pour into your own cup and validate yourself.
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bonefall · 4 months
is there any death in the rewrite that you consider to be really graphic? where do you draw the line in the violence of a character's death?
Hmmm... Probably Tigerstar honestly! The cats wrote a song about his organs falling out.
I think when it comes to the "line" of a character's death, it's very subjective. Me and every other kid who read WC pogged out when Tigerstar had a really drawn out, horrific death on-screen, but I'm still haunted by Sootfur with his broken leg, falling down towards a badger while Squilf couldn't save him and seeing the aftermath of his "sightless eyes" when the animal moved off him.
One of those was objectively less graphic, but imo a LOT more harrowing. I think emotions are a lot more important in how deaths are received by an audience than the actual blood and guts, which I think gives you a decent idea of what you're gonna get here.
I think Leopardstar's rock concert is the "ceiling" of how intensely I describe deaths. I think that one's pretty graphic, but it's for a reason. The point is that it's a brutal killing that haunts Mistystar, you get me? And I try to write "around" the gore, describing sounds, the rest of the body, etc.
There is also cosmic/body horror with the Ancestor Rats, and more importantly, BB!Cats do food processing. They skin dead animals and separate the organs and such. When I get around to doing an entry on animal fat, I would also like to show WHERE in the body the fat is stored on certain animals. It's a lot more important to nutrition than you think it is.
BUT whenever I feel like I'm "around" Leopardstar's Boulder Appointment or an Ancestor Rat, I always always tag that. Less "violent" things like the song about the organs (Tiger's In A Heap) and more gentle food processing (like an offhanded mention of removing entrails or skinning) isn't tagged.
If I ever end up including a "diagram" of where fat is stored in the body or "how to properly skin a small rodent" It will be tagged as gore and I'd try to stay tasteful to begin with, I would ABSOLUTELY never drop something like that on anyone untagged and unwarned.
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astrobei · 1 year
every byler creator who has ever felt unappreciated or has never seen their work on a rec list or has stayed awake for hours working on something for it to get no interaction or has had their work passed up in favor of the big fandom favorites or has never been taken a chance on or has ever come last in a poll they didn’t ask to be on or has felt self conscious about posting or about calling themselves a creator if what they’re posting is not a magnum opus or has created something for themselves and still hoped deep down that people would love it: get behind me. i’ll protect u
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it-is-only-a-novel · 8 months
Wishing my fellow Jewish people a g'mar chatima tova!
A good year to all. An easy fast, if you choose to keep it. A pleasant day if you don't.
A special shout out to any non religious Jews, especially if you are formally religious. This holiday is yours as well if you want it.
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stormofdefiance · 22 days
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2.2 spoilers //
He finally texted me back and I’m on my knees. Like I might actually cry - he wants to live 😭😭 ffffuck. HAPPY about being alive, FUCK - I can’t believe he just said that with his fingers aaaHHHHH. He’s worrying about being a bother but also actually SHOWING he’s insecure about it oh my god lay me down in the tall grass
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moonsvillain · 1 year
i personally like to headcanon that tsukasa—when he gets a home/has one of his own—collects things from the people around him to fill it out before considering buying anything at all... sort of has pieces of the people around him in his home. 
like i don’t know maybe all his crockery and cutlery is mismatched. he has a couple of cups that he’s fairly certain are old elementary school gifts for teachers that never made it out of the house and bowls that were made in art classes in middle school and plates that his friends let him borrow and forget to bring back when they crash over for dinner and run out of dishes.
also like to imagine that he collects furniture from places around to refurbish them altogether—gets fujio to help him fix up a dining room table and when they’re done fujio carves his initials into the grain before it becomes a tradition for everyone who happens to come to tsukasa’s place. 
i don’t know this is very rambly i’ve just made up in my head that he’s very sentimental and it would show in his home. shrug
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becomingher-era · 1 year
List of priorities in 2023:
1. Me
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24krealtors · 2 years
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guilty-shot-au · 24 days
What if the coin - between heaven or hell - lands on its side?
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The whole saying around the heaven and hell coin initially represented duels. The loosing side experiences a hell, the winning a heaven, and with how close a fair duel is, it's always like a fifty-fifty chance.
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Time passes, and the saying finds fit with disagreements as a whole. Only one side of a crossing path will really win in the end.
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What would a sideways coin be but the rare draw, or an equal agreement between the two?
It is possible, it is real, and yet…
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Landing a coins sideways is nearly impossible in practice, it's hard to even purposefully place one on a table this way.
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And that's what the world is, dominated by the chaos of conflict, with only few finding and accepting an in-between.
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leblancsvoleur · 4 months
ok so modern lupin au, do you think he would be a theatre person *asking that as a fellow theatre person*
also what do you think he’d prefer: plays or musicals?
Hmmm I can see him fitting the trope of a theatre kid but idk if that would be something he'd actually sign up or do. Maybe only briefly. Though the nice thing about Lupin is that his background is rather vague and the details of what he can and cannot do is flexible, so you can have him do almost anything you desire.
Plays or musicals? Neither, I'm casting my vote towards opera lol.
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prplexx · 2 years
i’m tryna see something…
men, what body type do you like on a woman?
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cxffeeink · 5 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ how to break the curve : a guide ♡
--- the matter of breaking your teachers, first ---
( I dedicate this blog entry to my cousin, who is in the 9th grade )
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
My classmates are shocked. They are shocked because right now I am typing away on a laptop instead of working like the rest of them, as they get to spend an entire period doing a seatwork I wish I was able to take. Actually, that is a lie. There is so much to do this week I'm glad that one thing was taken off my schedule because-- truth be told-- I don't think I would have been able to handle one more assessment (we just had two).
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The very next day, I was exempted from our philosophy quiz, as well. Anyway !! Welcome to the short and quick guide on : how to break the curve !! I know it's been a week since I've last written, but so much has happened I don't even know where to begin--- I've just taken an entrance exam that's going to change the trajectory of my entire future, and last week I was working on so many things left and right. Anyway, let's get on to the guide!
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Try not to focus too much on actually breaking the curve. Focus on making a great impression ✩
I feel like something that really contributed to how well I did in regard to my written requirements in school + my favorite subjects ( Philosophy, Values, English ) was the fact that I simply wanted to make a good first impression--- especially when classes had just begun. When it came to my favorite subjects, I asked questions, I spoke. At the end of the first quarter I had asked for good philosophical book recommendations--- next thing I knew I was talking to three other girls and the fact that we were chosen to teach sessions on the feminist philosophy, on the book The Second Sex by De Beauvoire.
Try to excel at what you know you're good at. ✩
For instance, I love writing. I've kept notebooks and pens in my drawers since I was nine and wanted to try journalling for the first time, chronicling every moment of my day and trying to find different ways to portray different things. If you know you do well in sports or debate or arithmetic, try concentrating on your strengths !!
Instead of thinking of exceeding the expectations of others, try to exceed your own. I like thinking I am my own competition. ✩
I like picking apart the things I've worked on before, looking at each and every part of it and wondering how I can do better than I've done before. I don't like thinking I've done my "best," at least in some instances, because it feels as if there's no more room for improvement when there always is. Challenge yourself, but not in a way that's unhealthy !!
Consider what your teachers look for // want to see in the requirements they receive, the standards they set for their students. Then transcend their ideals. ✩ Back in August of last year, when classes were just beginning, I listened to my values teacher explain what he wanted to find in the papers we passed in. He'd said his standards were higher than most, and that he took the time to recheck each and every one of our papers with keen observation, despite there being at least thirty children in each class he taught.
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Then I heeded to whatever our philosophy teacher said about our requirements, how he would consider them no matter how lengthy they were or how short they ended up being, so long as they made sense. I weighed the factors, I considered the work I could pass in. I made sure that the first paper I passed in for Values was better than what I usually wrote, the pinnacle of anything I wrote for school--- in Philosophy I did my research, I read through articles on things like optimistic nihilism and the nature of our existence--- concepts like absurdism and phenomenology and all that. I made sure the first homework I passed in--- a poem about a philosophical query we were captivated by--- hit all the right spots, made all the right points.
( long story short, a few days later that same Philosophy teacher sent an email to the class assistant, asking what the heck was wrong with me--- he cried twice reading the poem apparently )
Don't brag / let it get to your head ! Cherish the moment ( e.g. the time I read the aformentioned poem that moved a lot of people to tears in class ) and go with grace. ✩
If there's one thing I tend to think too much about, it's whether other people think I'm full of myself or not. I don't think I'm the best person to ever write in the whole school, but I can't deny the fact that I am someone who loves poetry and loves reading and writing and doing my best for the subjects I really, really like. I also can't deny the work that goes into everything I write, how sometimes it seems to come naturally and other times it just doesn't. I also won't deny the fact that I mess up, too--- maths clearly isn't my best subject, chemistry can be a pain, and sometimes I end up making grammatical errors humiliating enough to send me flying into the stratosphere. I know that there will always be someone else who can do better or who knows better, and that's okay ! I feel like everything I do can always be improved--- I suppose that's one reason why Heraclitus's philosophies stuck with me, considering the fact that the only unchanging thing is change.
The point of this whole post? Focus on your strengths. Be humble. Consider the quality of your work, consider your health--- truth be told, I didn't even mean to break the curve. The second caption of this post, "the matter of breaking your teachers first," has to do with blowing their standards out of proportion and exceeding their expectations after flying above your own. You've got this !! I'm proud of you !!
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So here's me, Abby, signing off---
You're doing great, whether or not you've broken the curve. All the best,
Abby *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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westywallowing · 2 years
been listening to playlists and reading blog posts of other people with different types of chronic pain disorders, and it's honestly been the most comforting and least lonely thing in my journey. it really is something where you don't truly understand the feeling unless you're unfortunate enough to experience it yourself
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