#Hogwarts Inquires
superconductivebean · 4 months
#994: Hogwarts Inquires - 117
Did you know? - 18
The text on the Boards from the Undercroft:
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appears before the In the Shadow of the Estate quest.
Few attempts on text legibility were made here and in the reblogs of that post. And no, these notes do not belong to Sebastian -- it is a headcanon.
We do not know the author. Howevor, Isidora is the most probable candidate for the authorship due to the name 'Percival' appearing but the what is likely a timestamp, 1632, veils on that probability, if to assume it is a timestamp, of course. It might be not. We don't know.
Interestingly, the artist tasked to fill up the boards wrote the spellings of the Middle English words: weter, strem, ston, chaungeable.
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Diacritical marks were not widely used in the writings done in this language, if at all. You can read about it in more detail here.
These symbols are the triskelion and the valknut:
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The latter although predates the Viking era, may not be as old as the former; the former is common in many of ancient art, going as far deep into the ancient history as Helladic and Mycenaean eras of the Ancient Greece and the neolithic mound in Meath, Ireland. Weirdly, the stone objects MC can throw with magic have blue-ish carved symbols on their surface; the carvings look somewhat distinctly Pictish, the choose for colour therefore sounds… like it's Let's Throw Everything Ancient To The Region To The Greater Mix Of Things.
This knot:
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is the doire / dara knot; symbolises the oak tree, perhaps the most sacred among Celtic people.
This bit could be important to remember: according to this website, Oak's astrological period starts at June 10 and ends at July 7.
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are half Alchemy symbols for basic elements (tin, lead, silver, gold, mercury, etc), half transfiguration alphabet as seen from this image:
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This little fella is Saturn/lead:
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The congregation of the points at the lower left eludes me but the number of points is 7 and the number 7 appears on the end point of the dimensional door aka the wall MC and Sebastian appear at after they are teleported back to the Undercroft from the Isidora's estate:
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Perhaps it tells us Isidora had 7 hideouts and not 3? Besides, the number 7 is the number of the planets corresponding to the 7 metals:
Sun - Gold - ☉
Moon - Silver - ☽
Mercury - Quicksilver - ☿
Venus - Copper - ♀
Mars - Iron - ♂
Jupiter - Tin - ♃
Saturn - Lead - ♄
Uranus, Nepture, and Pluto aren't a part of Alchemy due to a very simple reason: by the time Uranus was officially discovered in the 1781, Robert Boyle had already published the book The Sceptical Chymist: or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, in 1661. He'd effectively removed the word 'Alchemy' from the use and replaced it with the word 'Chemistry', thus also avoiding the confusion between branches of Alchemy that did research on various materials (that includes spagyric teachings; Paracelsian physicians were the people turning poisons into cures and remedy) -- and what people inspired by Hermes Trismegistus developed smooshing many different things together, such as philosophy, alchemy, astrology, etc, creating a wtf.
I'd say it gives geodesy but may also be a weird depiction of the sal commune err common salt:
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What to say about these I can't decide, but they look like ~compound names for various alchemical substances, from left to right: Spiritus Fumans (Stannic Chloride), Aqua Tofana (the infamous tasteless belladonna poison), and Verdigris (Carbonate of Copper, once used as a green pigment; was mildly toxic):
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What it's supposed to mean eludes me, besides, it is an assumption.
What I suppose it should mean: something Isidora, if that belongs to her, found; all things besides Verdigris were discovered after her death in the late 1400s, however, there is a person who could've been trying to decipher… these things.
In the In the Shadow of the Undercroft quest Sebastian mentions:
No, someone in his family knew about it [the Undercroft]. The Gaunts are full of secrets.
That Gaunt should've been alive in 1632, assuming it is a timestamp. They also needed to be at school at the time, so could be a professor, a member of the staff (a gamekeeper, for example), a Headmaster; unlikely it was Corvinus Gaunt, who was a student by the time the castle would receive plumbing update (late 17th--early 18th century).
'Aura? Ancient Magik' has to become my favourite kind of explaining things to meself because I, too, have no idea what this means:
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I can only tell some text is in Greek. An attempt to type after this bit yielded some results:
Ιαεω is probably Ιασω, recovering&recuperation;
ΒαθρεμονΝΟΝΙΛα is probably βαθμολογία, a degree of smth or a grade;
ρπδ is a greek numerical for 184;
φ, a golden ration mention?;
πδ has to do with the Ptolemy's table of chords?
May not be linked to the much speculated Ancient Magic's capability of healing anything but more so of a celestial body's movement, tied, anyhow, to the Magic's power. Probably.
Speaking of which, Is this the constellation of Lacerta? The number of stars doesn't match, however. Lacerta has 9, this one appears to have 10 or 11; likely 11 + it has a satellite constellation of just 3 stars. I summon astronomy nerds to solve this one + the text and the table below is likely have something to do with Astronomy. I might also suggest: weirdly drawn Draco.
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Ginny: [to Luna] It's hard to maintain a reputation for being cool and mysterious when I'm accompanied by a brightly clad young thing, skipping merrily along at my side, holding my hand, and smiling sweetly on one and all...
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savingsallow · 4 days
Can we have more garreth x your oc headcanons / facts ?
— thank you for your interest, darling! 🤭 i'd gladly yap‐ I MEAN share facts about them ♡
☆ Valentine used to hate Garreth with a burning passion. This kid was just petty about their trouble with Professor Sharp.
☆ They eventually became good friends and started dating in their 7th year.
☆ Even though Garreth always showed interest, they didn't date as early since Val was in love with someone else at that time (5th year days).
☆ Garreth knew about her first since his Aunt Matilda mentioned the new fifth year being the Headmaster's niece in one of their conversations. He actually thought that she'd be as condescending and ill-tempered. But oh boy, he was surprised that Val was so nice and genuine.
☆ Val helped Garreth to sneak more for their dates during their 7th year.
☆ Garreth gifted Val a hand-sewn Niffler stuffed toy for Valentine's Day since she loves Nifflers and had a stuffed toy of it when she was a kid but was ripped apart by her cousin.
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moonstruckme · 1 year
Ok James but him and his slytherin girlfriend seem to come out of nowhere and the boys are supportive but are more mad at James for not telling them? Idk I loved your other fic SO MUCH
Thanks for requesting <3
part 1
cw: mention of injury, no details or anything though
James Potter x Slytherin!reader ♡ 1.5k words
You hesitate outside the doorway to the infirmary at the raised voices coming from inside. 
You don’t need to be here, strictly speaking. James told you his injury wasn’t bad, and he has his friends to help him if he needs it, but…you can’t settle yourself down. You hadn’t liked the way he’d limped off the field, nor the tiny grimace on his face when Sirius had wrapped a bracing arm under his shoulders. It would be just like James to downplay how hurt he is to make you feel better, and the longer the game had gone on without him the more your guts twisted themselves into knots over the idea that he was in pain. 
You’d seethed at yourself and your stupid soft heart all the way to the infirmary, where now you’re frozen just outside like a coward. Something inside you is coiled tight with tension at the idea of going to see James Potter, on purpose and in public, even though that’s dumb because now everyone at Hogwarts knows about the two of you anyway. Your sappy display on the quidditch pitch made sure of that. But now that you have official and widely-known claim to the girlfriend title, you have just as much right to see him as anyone else. You shove your anxiety back into your stomach where it belongs and open the door. 
As soon as you’re inside, the voices become clearer. “—like this isn’t a big deal. The Prophet’s going to be all over the two of you by tomorrow, and we had to find out with every other fucking bloke at the school!”
“Pads, you don’t think I would have told you if I could?” James sounds exhausted, and something mutinous throbs in your heart. It’s followed quickly by the more familiar twinge of irritation at the use of those moronic nicknames they all have. “She made me promise not to tell anyone, including the both of you.” 
They’re talking about you. Of course they’re talking about you. What else could possibly be more important after James has fallen a good twenty feet off his broom than his dating life? This is why you hadn’t wanted to tell people. Hogwarts wears away at private lives like dementors at souls, and the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin is too strong for your relationship with James to have any hope of remaining untainted once the gossip mill got ahold of it. 
Your instincts are screaming at you to turn around and leave before they catch sight of you, but you force yourself to keep walking. If you start letting what people think about you and James affect you now, you’ll never be able to get past it. 
Remus is the first to spot you, going still as if you’ve come to hex him, but James’ face splits into a lopsided grin that has the knots in your gut loosening very slightly. 
“Especially you,” you say to Sirius as you brush past him, perching by James' pillow and weaving your fingers into his curls. There’s a wrap around his middle. It’s very hard to appear calm and blasé when you feel like you’re going to rupture something if he doesn't promise you he’s okay right this instant. “You’d have had all of Gryffindor talking about us within an hour.” 
Sirius bristles but visibly shoves his temper aside, his voice matching your coolness as he says, “If I’d told anyone, Y/L/N, it would have been to inquire about whether anyone’s noticed you gathering ingredients for amortentia recently. James doesn’t keep things from us. Artificial infatuation is the only explanation for why he’d tolerate you and your secrets.” 
“Oi,” James says, but you pat his head placatingly. You can fight your own battles. 
“That how you got this one?” you jut your chin towards Remus, who’s looking somewhat entertained as he watches the two of you spar. “If I’m ever in need of the recipe, Black, you’ll be the first person I come to, but I don’t need to resort to such measures myself.” 
Sirius glowers at you, and James sets his hand on your shoulder just as Remus wraps a pacifying arm around his boyfriend. “Alright, I think that’s enough,” the taller boy says in his usual calm manner, and though Sirius is still tensed for a fight, he allows himself to be drawn into Remus’ side.
James nods in agreement. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, really. I thought I’d get a chance to before everyone found out, but…” He turns up his palms helplessly. “Things didn’t go as planned.” 
“We’ll get over it,” Remus says, Sirius quietly fuming beside him. “Won’t we, love?”
Sirius looks up at Remus' face, which is clearly a mistake, because he softens like butter in the sun. “Yeah, yeah, just gimme a bit,” he grumbles halfheartedly. “Anything to keep our Prongsie happy, right?”
James beams, so clearly relieved at the settlement of the conflict that you feel a bit guilty for participating in it. He kisses you on the cheek, chuckling against your skin. “You stink.” 
“Some of us stuck around to play the whole game,” you reply.
“Ouch,” James says, but he’s grinning. “Couldn’t really help that, could I?”
You give him a look to let him know you haven’t forgotten how his negligence had gotten him hurt. “Debatable.” 
You hear Remus chuckle but don’t take your eyes off James’ face, inspecting it for signs of the pain you suspect he’s hiding. “How bad is it really?” you ask, softening your voice even though there’s no chance of his friends not hearing you. 
James worries his lip, big brown eyes looking into yours guiltily. “Pomphrey says I broke three ribs and bruised my tailbone pretty badly. Minor concussion, too, but nothing serious.” 
Sounds serious enough to you. You ghost a hand over the back of his head as if you’ll be able to find and fix his hurt. He leans into your palm though, so it’s not for nothing. “I’m sorry I walked away out there,” you all but whisper. “I should have stayed with you.” 
James eyebrows pinch together. “Hey, sweetheart, it’s okay,” he promises just as softly. He knows what it costs you to talk like this in front of people, like you’re turning yourself inside out for them to judge and stab at as they please, but James has no such reservations. He dots a kiss, feather-light, at the top of your cheekbone, wrapping an arm around you protectively. “Thanks for coming, I mean it.” 
You clear your throat. “Yeah, and in my fucking quidditch gear,” you say in your normal voice, attempting to banish the heavy mood. As if your heart isn’t still beating, hummingbird-fast and fragile, in your throat. “We both need to change and shower, and then you should rest. Did Pomphrey say you could leave?”
James nods, still looking at you like you’ve cracked open in his hands (he might be right; it feels like you have, and it wouldn’t even be the first time today). He rubs your upper arm affectionately, but his voice is easygoing when he says, “Yup, I’m good to go.” 
Sirius steps forward, as though to remind the two of you that he is, in fact, also present. “Great. We’ll walk you back to the room.” 
You turn to him, not quite ready for your time with James to be up and aching for the opportunity to dote on him in private. “That’s okay, I can take him.” 
Sirius’ eyes narrow. “You can’t even get into our dorms.” 
“Please, like Gryffindor’s riddles are so perplexing.” 
“I don’t need an escort,” James interjects. He pushes himself up with a grimace. 
You halt him with your hands on his shoulders and Remus says, “Don’t be stupid, Prongs, you can barely walk.” 
“I’ve got him,” you say firmly. Sirius stares you down, but you don’t flinch from his stony gaze. You know he doesn’t trust you. You don’t think he’d willingly trust any Slytherin. Since you’ve been at Hogwarts, the talk in your house has always been that Sirius Black shuns his family because they’re all Slytherins. Although James assures you there’s more to the story than that, it’s still obvious to anyone that he considers his friends his true family. He won’t entrust just anyone with James’ safety. But maybe that’s one thing you can agree upon. 
He must see something of this in your face, because after a minute Sirius relents, rolling his eyes. “Fine,” he says. “I wanted to stop by the kitchens anyway.”
James is looking between the two of you curiously, aware that something has transpired but not quite sure what. 
You don’t give Sirius a chance to change his mind. “Alright,” you say, gripping James' forearms and helping him to stand. “Let’s go, pretty boy.” 
James drapes his arm across your shoulders gamely, and the two of you start out the door. “I don’t think that’s the insult you think it is.”
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ur-local-anti-hero · 6 months
Remus Lupin x reader
Summary: Remus swears he's never been more in love.
Genre: Domestic fluff
Cw: None
Word count: 552
This is the first part of my Speak Now (Marauders' version) collection
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"Flash forwards and we're takin' on the word together, and there's a drawer of my thing at your place"
"You are the best thing, That's ever been mine"
If there was something that had stuck with Remus after his years at Hogwarts, it was waking up as soon as the sun raised. Opposite to his girlfriend who tried to make the most of her time in bed, meaning that she usually slept in through the morning during the weekend. 
Therefore it was a common occurrence for Remus to be the one waking up to make breakfast when you were at his place. However, it wasn’t common for him to feel your arms wrapped around his middle while he was making tea. 
“Good morning, darling” he said, a smile creeping into his face when he heard you mumbling a good morning back, your head pressed against his back. “Did you sleep well?” he asked while turning around to wrap his arms around you. 
“Would’ve been better if you hadn’t left the bed so early, I missed you.” you replied, earning a soft giggle from Remus. 
He raised one of his hands to rest on your head, patting it lovingly. That made you hum against his chest, he made you feel safe and loved with a simple gesture like that, if he kept going you were sure you would fall asleep right there. 
“Are you wearing my clothes?” Remus asked when he finally took in your appearance. 
You nodded, face still pressed against his chest. “What else would I wear, we are at your place.” you stated as if it were a matter of fact. 
Remus couldn’t help but chuckle at that. You’ve been together for years now, and even though you insisted on having your own place to “learn to be independent before living with another person”, as you always said when your friends asked why you two didn’t live together. You spent most of your days at his place, a little cottage in the outskirts of Cornwall. 
“I’m pretty sure half of the wardrobe is full of your things” he said, a fond smile adorning his face when you finally looked up at him. 
“I don’t know what you are talking about, plus, you clothes are comfier” 
He just laughed at your response and looked into your eyes. Seeing you with his clothes,
and the sight of your sleepy face being hit by the morning sun coming through the window made his smile widen more, if it was possible. He felt like he was falling in love all over again. 
“What are you staring at?” you asked him, poking your finger in his side to get his attention as he appeared to be lost on his thoughts. 
“Can’t I stare at my beautiful girlfriend?” he said, voice filled with affection. 
“Hmm I think there’s a price you have to pay for that.” 
“Oh yeah? Which one would it be?” he inquired,his frame leaning slightly towards you. 
You pretended to contemplate for a second before answering “I think a kiss would do the job.” 
“I’ll give you as many kisses as you want.” he said before kissing your lips repeatedly. 
You giggled at his affection “I love you, Rem.” you said genuinely when he stopped. 
“I love you too, honey.” he sighed, thinking about how lucky he was to have you in his life and pledging to himself to protect this, the best thing that had ever been his, forever. 
Note: this is the first Drabble for the collection, is pretty short and fluffly, they'll get longer... If you want to be added to the taglist of the event, send me a message or ask! Series' taglist: @feral-posts @izuoyarmin @aremuslupinsimp
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himegureisu · 7 months
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Summary: Your husband, Severus, finally introduces you to his colleagues. The Hogwarts staff.
Pairing: Severus Snape x Female Reader
A/N: I feel like I forgot some people.
In the previous and last staff meeting of the year, the headmaster announced the schedule for the Annual Staff dinner.
This commemorated the end of a successful school year and the hopes for more to come. They were always encouraged but not required to attend the festivities. Your husband, Severus, would often stay for an hour before leaving.
This year, however, he vaguely inquired about inviting a guest to the castle.
A phenomenon that didn’t happen quite often and one that Dumbledore wasn’t lenient to grant. This sparked their intrigue and excitement. They were quite eager to meet you. They hoped it was you. The one that puts a smile on their Potions’ Master’s face.
To no surprise, the headmaster stated that any guest of his was welcome to join in the festivities.
Especially if it would encourage him to interact longer than what was professionally deemed necessary in a setting that was not the Three Broomsticks, Hog’s Head, Grimmauld Place, his office, or the high table in the Great Hall.
That’s why you were home, in front of your mirrored wardrobe half naked, unable to decide on what to wear.
“How about this?” you turned, black robes at hand, “Yes? No?”
“You’ll look splendid in anything, darling, in fact,” Severus said, from the bed admiring the sight of you. “I quite like what I see at the moment,”
He smirked.
His eyes locked on you in a haze of desire. Your cheeks heat up as he slowly walks over. His hand reaches out to gently brush a strand of hair away from your face.
“Severus,” his lips dangerously close to yours, your heart racing, his scent enticing, your hand gently pushing him away, “We shouldn't,”
“Why don’t we put that away for a moment?” His warm breath against your cheek sends shivers down your spine, your defenses crumbling as he puts the clothes away, leaning toward you, "Hmm?"
His lips are tender on yours as he pulls you closer. His eyes searched yours in consent, and you surrendered to his heated touch. Your arms wrap around his neck as you lose yourself in his embrace. His robes were warm and soft against your bare skin. Your nose gently nudges his. Closer. More. You silently pleaded. His hands roamed every contour and curve of your exposed skin.
His clothes needed to go. Now.
——————————— 🪄———————————
In the end, you’d matched his outfit. In black robes, and shoes, except for your jewelry in platinum and a scarf in your house colors.
“You were of no help,” you said, after apparating outside Hogwarts grounds’, “No help at all,”
“You love me,” he laughed, you pouted as he showed you in, “Yes, I do,”
In the castle halls, Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall caught the sound of his laughter. Their eyes turned to the bridge where their Potions’ Master walked side by side with a lovely woman.
“It’s time,”
In the spirit of celebration, their staff room was tastefully adorned in Hogwarts’ colors. Each color was distributed in a way that one was not as prominent as the other. His colleagues were absorbed in their own tasks as the two of you entered.
There were three women by the fire, punch at hand, talking. One you recognize as the Head of Gryffindor House and Transfiguration Professor, McGonagall. By the punch table, there was a small man you know from description as the Charms Professor, Flitwick, and a huge man, Hagrid. The remainder, however, were unfamiliar.
“Severus, so glad of you to join us, my boy,” the Headmaster entered from an office within, “Who is this lovely lady with you?”
“Someone you all wanted to meet for quite some time now,” Severus remarked, as he pulled you closer by his side, “My wife,”
“Oh, finally!” one small but lively woman, head full of curls, approached you, “You made quite an impression, dear,”
“We have never seen Severus so chastised,” Professor McGonagall joined the throng, “It was the highlight of our days,”
“Oh please,” Severus huffed, as you glanced at him and said, “I would’ve thought you’d open that Howler in a more private setting,”
“I was told Howlers shouldn’t be left waiting,” he justified, and sighed, “Imagine my guilt upon opening it,”
“You made up for it quite well, Sev,” you smile, his body relaxes, “Though, I hope outings like those wouldn’t need much incentive to be done,”
“I’ll do my best, my dear,” he sighed, and said, “Ah, apologies, formal introductions.”
His colleagues, Professor Hooch, Sprout, Pomfrey, Flitwick, McGonagall, and Trelawney greeted you in their way. They were very pleased to meet you and whisked you away once your husband was distracted by the headmaster for their short inquisition about your marriage.
To which you happily recanted for them because Severus was a private man and kept information about you to the chest.
It takes him an hour to escape the clutches of the Headmaster and return by your side. With the ladies by the fireplace, thoroughly exposing your husband’s romantic side to them.
“I simply cannot imagine Severus doing such,” Sprout chuckled, “Then again it is you, not us,”
“What are you talking about?” he menacingly came up behind you but no one was intimidated, “Darling?”
“Do you remember that trip to wizarding Paris?” you said. It takes him only moments to recall. His cheeks to the tips of his ears quickly flushed then he hid his face in your hair, “Dear god, please tell me you didn’t tell them that,”
“No, not exactly that,” you giggled. His arms securely wrapped around your waist, “But a more censored version,”
“We’re going now,” he insisted pulling you away from them as they laughed and you squealed, “Severus!”
“You are all menaces,” he pointed to the women as they stifled their laughter, turning to you, “And you are the worst of them all,”
“I love you,” you teasingly grinned, as he sighed happily taking your presence in, “And, I too,”
They briefly stared in awe at your husband’s admission. That’s how much you can get in public but in private he never hesitated to tell or show you his love. Their stares changed to smiles as he wrapped his arms around you. Your hands on top of each other’s above your stomach, rings twinkling in the firelight as you both warm up to them.
It was the first and only time he ever stayed the whole duration of the Annual Staff dinner.
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crushribbons · 11 days
𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖉𝖎𝖊, 𝖕𝖙. 𝖛
summary: Sebastian Sallow should have been a Ravenclaw. (series masterlist)
cw: 6.7k words, career-and-life-choices-related angst, SMUT (18+ ONLY), unprotected af sex, fingering, oral (m. receiving), questionable behavior if he doesn't have a breeding kink, not the ending you deserve but the ending you're gonna get, fem!oc/reader. requests open.
a/n: i'm so blown away by the love for this series. thank you for all the support and kindness you've shown!! unfortunately for everyone, i suck at endings :/ xx laney
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“Come on, Seb! If we get there early, we might see the Bloody Baron run Peeves through with his sword again!” the sixth-year trotting past him called over his shoulder as he joined the throng queuing at the Slytherin common room door. Sebastian laughed and waved him on, promising to be down in a minute. Wish I could remember that kid’s name. Oh, well, no sense learning it now. 
Not now, on the night of his final Hogwarts end-of-year feast. When he’d first arrived at Hogwarts, he hadn’t been any taller than the runt who was currently getting trampled through the door by the gargantuan Gerald Gillooly. He turned his head away from them and caught sight of himself in the aged and spotty floor-length mirror that was at the top of the staircase he stood on. He was surprised not to see that runty little first-year who’d quietly begged his sister to hold his hand while they watched their peers get sorted by a smelly old hat. He had cleared six feet over a year ago without stopping, and the man who blinked back at him looked older and more haggard than he felt. Perhaps that came with the territory when you’d done what he’d done. 
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This thought made him pause, one foot in mid-air ready to step down the stairs and join his classmates. What if he was aging more rapidly because of what he’d done to his uncle? Could the guilt he was carrying around, though he had thought it absolved, be etching itself into the lines on his forehead and the corner of his eyes? Would Anne have had something to say about the dark circles under his eyes? His shoulders sagged a little at the thought, although a sad smile tugged at his lips when he noticed how broad they had gotten. His Slytherin robes were beginning to pull at the ankles and wrists, but Sebastian never could justify a flighty purchase like robe tailoring when there was so little time left to wear them. 
So little time. Months left at Hogwarts had dwindled down to a few weeks, and his counseling meeting the previous Monday with his head of house had solidified the warbling jelly of nerves in his gut.
“So, Mr. Sallow.” Professor Ronen had leaned across his desk, gloved hands crossed beneath his chin. “The purpose of this meeting is to discuss your ambitions outside of your Hogwarts education, as your graduation date is nearing. And, as we belong to the noble house of Salazar Slytherin, ambition is everything. Now, what age are you?”
“Nineteen next month, sir.”
“Excellent.” The Charms professor scribbled on the roll of parchment in front of him. “And what were your highest N.E.W.T. results?”
“Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, sir.” 
Ronen was ecstatic. “Ah!” He rubbed his hands together and looked at Sebastian with a special glint in his dark eyes. “And what career do you plan to pursue with such skills?”
Truth be told, Sebastian had never been able to visualize a career that appealed to him. Lack of ambition, never. But lack of clarity for that ambition? Absolutely. He asked too many questions, over-thought each decision when it had come time to write owls to the Ministry and inquire about job postings. It had paralyzed him to this point, worry about choosing incorrectly and being stuck with a profession he detested gnawing at him from morning ‘till evening. 
Then, as always, she’d been there. Curled up at his feet and happily plotting the layout of her desk in the Department of Mysteries. And maybe whatever the future held wasn’t that nerve-wracking.
“You don’t even know if you’ll have a desk,” Seb had murmured on a rainy night in the Undercroft after his meeting with Ronen, running his hand through her hair while she doodled on the back of an old History of Magic essay and Ominis softly dictated a letter on the other side of the fireplace. She had looked up at him with those great big eyes and laughed.
“Good point. But come on, wouldn’t the Department of Mysteries be perfect for my little Ravenclaw drop-out? It’s all questions, all day.”
“You could stand working with me all day, every day?”
“Another good point.” She twisted her face up and stuck her tongue out at him. I love you. Say it, tell her, tell her now!
Time was definitely running short, for more than landing a career. 
The rest of April, after they’d done something resembling kissing outside the Three Broomsticks, had been…stiff. Tense. They both still refused to acknowledge their rampant attraction to one another, and Sebastian didn’t know how much longer he could take this. To make matters worse, Ominis kept being very pragmatic about the whole situation.
“Is it a good idea to be with a woman who is as equally stubborn as yourself?” he had asked Seb after being debriefed on the events of that fateful evening in Hogsmeade. Sebastian had rolled his eyes.
“Rolling my eyes,” he narrated absently, and Ominis sighed. 
“Sure, don’t listen to me, an objective outsider and the only one in this whole situation who isn’t acting based on pure, insane passion. What could I know?”
“She’s not stubborn about everything,” Sebastian let slip with a grin, the image of her legs locking around his hips and the sound of her moans filling every available inch of space in his brain. He realized his mistake when Ominis’ eyebrows dropped and tried to recover. “We get along fine. It’s just this one, stupid thing.”
“If you care for her so much, why won’t you just end this and ask her to dinner?” Ominis inquired. Damn that logic of his.
“Well, because,” Sebastian dead-panned. “Then I won’t have won.”
“I hope she curses you when you finally break down.”
And now it was the final night of the school year, of all his school years, and Sebastian found himself clutching his heart through a low-burning panic attack as he made his way to the common room entrance. His legs were on autopilot as he climbed through it and trailed a few meters behind the rest of his chattering and excited schoolmates. Each of his fingers sported a vicious hangnail by the time he entered the Great Hall, hardly paying attention to the enchanted galaxies and shooting stars streaking across its deep indigo ceiling. 
Why hadn’t he given his post-educational plans more consideration before now? The thought had produced so much anxiety within him that he’d been quite content to put a stopper in it until now, but now the anxiety reared its head with a vengeance and snapped and coiled dangerously inside him. 
Sebastian stopped at the end of the Slytherin table and glanced down its length. This was last night that he would be shoveling down its scrumptious food without a second thought; it seemed like a childish ingratitude now that he was facing the prospect of growing and catching all his sustenance over the summer, alone. 
The only available seat was next to Ominis, whose hand was planted firmly on the bench next to him to reserve it. Sebastian stumbled over and dropped into it. 
“Don’t sound so happy to be here,” Ominis muttered, passing the large plate of roast to his right and missing Grace Pinch-Smedley’s hands by a good distance. She smiled graciously at Sebastian and grasped the platter away from Ominis, who grunted in thanks. Despite the delightful-looking spread, Sebastian found himself unable to put anything on his plate.
“Psst.” Someone pinched the back of his elbow and he yanked it away on instinct, whipping around to catch the offender. She was sitting directly behind him at the table opposite, her back already facing him once more by the time he turned around. “Last night, birdie. Got a job picked yet?” she muttered over her shoulder, low enough so only he could hear as he strained his neck towards her.
His heart hammered. Why did she have to be the one to ask? “No, that blasted crystal ball only showed me winning the Quidditch World Cup in ten years, and I’ve no idea what that meant.”
“Oh, unknowable universe,” she sighed. Sebastian noticed that she had a black ribbon in her hair for the occasion. He slipped a finger into one of the loops and felt it.
“This is nice.” 
“Well, there you go! I hear Gladrags is hiring right now.”
Sebastian scowled. “Stop, please,” he muttered, turning his body away from her and feeling a little bad about it at the same time. She twisted herself around and grabbed at his sleeve again.
“Hey, it was a joke! You’re going to be fine, Seb.” She set her fork down fully and flipped her legs over the other side of the bench so she could tickle his back. Sebastian buried the reluctant grin on his face in a long gulp of water.
There was so much mingling and getting up to yell over people among the four house tables that no one paid them any mind as she continued running her fingers, distracted, up and down his back. Since this whole mess had begun, there’d been entirely too many casual, unspoken touches that set his mind reeling while he tried to figure out just what this woman was to him and how she felt about it all. But he didn’t even have the bandwidth to feel the usual level of arousal that her touch always conjured. “Come on, birdie, look at me,” she said, and Sebastian heard the tone in her voice as it dropped an octave that meant she wanted the teasing to pause temporarily. 
He turned to face her fully, and the look of pity (and, was that an ounce of longing he saw in those endless eyes?) carved into her mouth made him want to eat his robes. 
“I know things have been…” She glanced around the Great Hall, apparently hoping to find the perfect words written across the walls in floating candles. “Strange. With us.” She was floundering, and pleading with Sebastian to understand what she meant, but he couldn’t find it within himself to help her. He just stared, impassive and paralyzed by all things he’d neglected in his stupid, selfish youth. “But, they don’t have to be.”
She sucked in a deep breath, then jerked her head in Ominis’ direction, where the Gaunt had been slyly turning his ear towards their conversation. “Bugger off,” she hissed at him, and he snorted.
“The first time you two have been interesting in months and now you don’t want to keep me apprised,” he grumbled. But he turned his attention back to his plate and to the very inventive discussion about what Professor Black got up to in the summer holidays. Sebastian waited, still staring blankly at her, for her to reboard her train of thought. 
“Stop looking at me like I’ve got horns sprouting out of my forehead, first of all,” she began, and Sebastian blushed, dropping his eyes. “Look. What if I stayed at Feldcroft, just for the summer, and we worked on finding something you love to do for work, and get the cottage looking presentable. Then, you could sell it to that sweet, old couple down the road from you, the ones who wanted it for their daughter and her new husband. And you can move to London with Ominis and me, and we can just…figure it all out. In our own time.”
One of the few things Sebastian hated about himself was that when he was thinking of something to say, the rudest answer usually supplied itself first. “Wow, you’ve put a lot of thought into this.” “I’ve had to, because you haven’t!” she immediately spat back, poking him in the chest hard with her pointer finger. “I know it seems like a terrifying void out there–” She motioned outside the walls of the castle that still kept them safe and warm for one more night, “–but there’s so much time to do whatever you want–”
He cut her off, his hands fisting into his hair in frustration. “Whatever I want! I’ve no idea what I want!” he cried, accidentally jostling the student sitting on the other side of him with his long limbs as he rose to his feet. 
“Where are you going?” she asked. She stood and followed him, weaving through the crowd of chatting kids. Part of him wanted her to, and the other part didn’t. Where he usually found solace from his anxiousness with her, tonight he found only more push to confront it. Her plan was good. No, it was wonderful; the thought of living with her for the first few months of their adult lives and having her to help him find his passion? It sounded like heaven on earth. 
And apart from the appeal of her career counseling, sharing a living space with her might also provide some easy lubricant to the other plans he was working on. The plans that involved visiting her in her dreams again, for however long it took, in hopes of pushing her to the brink of sexual frustration and forcing her to confess her feelings to him. The book Legilimency and the Dreamer had been stuffed in his nightstand, collecting dust for the past few weeks while N.E.W.T. studying took up every spare waking and sleeping moment he had. But he had every intention of stealing it from the school (“It’s a dangerous book, really,” he had reasoned when the disapproving glare of Madam Pince appeared in his mind at the idea) and taking it with him when he left. It had been too easy, too good, too fucking wonderful poking around her subconscious that he longed to be back inside it. And her, as well.
He cut a sharp left turn away from the Slytherin table and past the distracted gazes of the professors, who were looking just as giddy, if not more, than their students that the summer holiday was imminent. He pounded up the staircase tucked at the back of the hall and hoped he wouldn’t hear any footsteps behind him. He just needed it to be quiet, just for a minute, so he could clear his head of everything and calm down.
When he reached the dust-covered storeroom at the top of the stairs, he let out a sigh. Then the candles on the unlit candelabra next to him blazed to life and a tiny scream jumped out of him.
“Will you talk to me now?” she demanded, her hands on her hips and her wand clutched loosely in one of them when he caught sight of her. 
“You have an extraordinarily light tread.”
“Thank you.” She sniffed and threw her hair over her shoulders like he’d just called her beautiful. Maybe he had. At this point, his brain was such a stew of anxiety and panic that he couldn’t trust a word out of his own mouth. 
Sebastian made his way over to some crates that had been stacked in a corner, dust cloths covering a few of them, and plopped down on one. She watched him, and her expression softened when she saw the way his chest was pumping air in short gasps. “Seb,” she said, jogging across the room and kneeling in front of him, between his legs. Her hands slid up to his face, and her voice suddenly lost all its tough-loving edge. “Hey, hey. Everything’s going to be alright.” “And what if it isn’t?” he choked. The future encroached on him with its talons outstretched, and his vision swirled a little. Air couldn’t reach his lungs quickly enough. “What if I choose wrong, and I have to spend the rest of the life I traded my sister’s for on NOTHING?” He was shouting now, he was sure of it, but the din floating up the stairs from the Great Hall covered it. When he glanced at the woman holding his face for the first time, he saw her lips had parted in shock.
She swallowed. “I didn’t know…I didn’t know that was why you were so scared.” Sebastian knew it was his own fault; he had swept his uncle’s and Anne’s death under the rug and rolled the rug up so tightly that he sometimes forgot about it himself. 
“I don’t like to talk about it.”
“I know,” she whispered. Her thumb stroked his cheek. "But you didn't trade anything for your life, sweet boy. It's yours alone. To do what you want with." The candlelight was twisting weird, dancing figures over her pretty face as she gazed up at him. Why are we always here? He thought. Always here, always close, but never anywhere further. Then she cleared her throat. “So, how about it? Let me stay with you and…figure it out.”
Yes, please, just stay forever. “I don’t know,” his double-crossing mouth said. “What if we can’t sell the cottage? And what about Ominis, in London? He’ll need you there. And what if I still–”
“Oh, see, you’re asking all the wrong questions, baby bird.” She forced him to look at her, her hands clamped down, hard, on either side of his neck. “What do you want to do? Answer me, don’t think.” 
“I want to be with you.” For Merlin’s goddamned sake, it slipped out so easily once he finally got out of his own way. Her eyes rounded, and he half-expected her to whoop out a victory cry. He had lost, given in, quit their stupid little game. Her arms were around his neck and she was kissing him before he had a chance to realize what he’d even said. 
A broken sob of relief passed between their mouths, unclear where it had come from. Her lips were wonderful and soft, better than the dream. It was all better than the dream, he realized: the scent of her filling up his nose and the very real weight of her pressing desperately close to him while they sucked down air in the few reluctant seconds they would break apart for. 
As she shrugged off her robes and lifted her leg to scoot onto his lap, the full severity of how stupid he was hit him squarely in the face. He had been dancing around her, wasting his time with little fantasies and dreams, and why? When he dug his hand into the flesh just below her ass, hoping to confirm this was all really happening, she moaned, dulcet and a little irked, and bit his bottom lip. 
“Fuck,” he laughed, after she had relinquished it with a satisfying smack against his teeth. “Didn’t expect that.” She pulled herself off of him and sat back on her heels while still straddling him. 
“Thank Christ you finally gave in,” she was muttering under her breath. Her fingers worked into the knot of his tie and she grunted in frustration, her hips inadvertently rocking against his cock and making blood flow out of his head and into his lap. “I was thinking of slipping you some veritaserum. I’ve been going mad.”
Sebastian groaned. “You’ve been going mad? I think my hair’s falling out.”
She gave a satisfied grunt as the tie fell loose around his neck, and she pulled him by both ends of it back to her lips. Every pent up ounce of stress and anxiety was rapidly pouring out of him as they kissed with fury, their tongues licking against each other and driving Sebastian wild. She pressed her lips to the spot on his neck where his jaw and ear met, and he discovered with a whimper that would have embarrassed him three months ago that it was his sweet spot. He begged her to do it again (“Shit, please, there again, baby,” was about as eloquent as he could manage) and she obliged with fervor. Her teeth sunk into the spot, pressure and delicious pain getting him harder by the second.
He grabbed her hand and showed her what she was doing to him, and it made her abandon her efforts on marking his neck to say, “God, is that all for me?”
“Who else?” She licked her lips and swallowed, seeming impressed as she stroked him up and down. She swore.
“Seb, this has been ridiculous.”
“Yes, it has,” he agreed, already irritated that now he had actually tasted her, nothing else would ever be as sweet. “But you won.” 
A grin that would have looked more at home on his own mischievous face spread across her lips before he kissed it away once more. “I did, didn’t I?” she said with a small quiver of triumph and pride in her voice as she pulled back to look at him. He was well aware that he probably looked ridiculous, hair pushed askew by her fingers and his gaze stupid and lovestruck. “Every minute of torture since I saw you in that stupid towel–” She punctuated the last word by pushing his robes off his shoulders and throwing them on the ground behind them, “–totally worth it. Every assignment I missed, every class I couldn’t concentrate in, all of those fucking dreams…”
Sebastian’s heart skipped two beats. “DreamS?” he inquired, frantic, while she was tugging off her grey, woolen tights. He emphasized the “s”, barely daring to believe that she could have had more than one without his influence. Had it really been this easy the whole time? Had she been eating herself alive like he had since, what had she said? That stupid towel? 
Since then? Why on earth had he bothered planting little seeds in her mind about being with him? The idea had taken root long before he’d even made his little nighttime excursion. God, this woman would never stop surprising him.
She huffed. “Yes, asshole, dreams. Too many dreams.”
“What kind of dreams?” He couldn’t help teasing her, not even now. When she sat back down in his lap with her tights removed, her core made contact with his cock and they both swallowed back moans at the sensation. Sebastian could feel how wet she was, even through his trousers. Wet and warm. And real. 
“Want me to show you, birdie?”
“Oh, fuck, yes,” he breathed, looking up at her like a supplicant at the altar. There was a fuzzy glow emanating from all around her, and he wondered briefly if it was the candle-lit room or if she was part-deity, about to lead him through the “pearly gates” he’d heard her mention before. She leaned down and kissed him, her fingertips grazing his jaw. Their lips fought a little bit before he had to smile and she won, yet again, her tongue sliding against his. She tasted perfect.
“Did you have cherry tart for dessert?” he asked when she broke apart and pressed her forehead to his. In spite of their already-compromising position, she blushed and nodded. “Well,” Sebastian continued, his hands moving down her waist and thighs to flip up the front of her skirt. “I never got to have mine.” His voice was husky and broken, but he couldn’t care. 
His fingers found purchase on the hem of her underwear. They skimmed over the lace there and they both gave up on trying to be cool and groaned. “Yeah, you were there,” she sighed with a slight choke as he ran one finger up her covered slit and pushed against her clit. “You touched me like that.” Sebastian applied more pressure and rubbed in light circles, and in what felt like seconds, she was circling her hips and grinding against his hand, just like she’d been so close to doing in the Three Broomsticks. 
He decided he’d burn the entire castle to the ground before he let them be interrupted again, though.
Her arms were around his neck once more, hanging on for dear life while she pushed against him and chased down the orgasm that, if her huffy moans and whines were any indication, was looming near. Sebastian had tasted true power before and hated himself for not hating it, but never anything quite as potent as the weight of the woman he loved pressing to his chest and begging him to touch her, to really touch her. He slipped his hand inside the lacy scrap covering her heat without any break in his motions on her clit, and she cried, “Fuck, Bash!”
Sebastian moaned a curse out into his bitten lip and held it between his teeth while he slid one finger into her with the utmost ease. He had only ever heard her call him that once before, during a tense Slytherin/Gryffindor match on the Quidditch field. He’d flown past the stands where she had been clutching the edge of the box, squinting into the blinding sunlight to try and locate the bludger that had been dead set on de-brooming him, just long enough to hear her scream, “Fuckin’ kill ‘em, Bash!” and the fire in her voice had almost done the bludger’s job and knocked him clean out of the air.
She was soaking through her underwear, and the feeling of it pressed against his aching cock was getting him drunk. He pumped the finger upward and watched her shake and chase it back down with her hips. Perfect, he thought, utterly perfect. The idea that nothing would ever be able to compare to that dream seemed ridiculous now, when the real thing hovered over his lap. “I’ve had dreams about you, too, you know.”
“Is that so?” A smug smile flashed across her lips before it vanished in favor of a fucked out scream as he inserted another finger that stretched her even further.
“Mmhm. Awful ones.”
“Like what?” Words were becoming harder for her to gasp out. Sebastian increased the speed of his hand and twisted the fingers inside her so they were brushing against her walls in just the right way.
“I fucked you senseless into my bed.” You braggart idiot. “And I couldn’t think about anything else for a goddamned week. You sounded so fucking sweet, calling me ‘birdie’, and so tight around my cock. I never wanted to wake up.” She shuddered and cried out, driving her hips downward and coming all over his fingers. The peacock in him preened, wondering if the secretly shared memory had been what pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm was so powerful that, when he pulled his fingers away and slipped them into his mouth before she had a chance to protest, he saw a dark stain left on the lap of his trousers. He groaned around his fingers and tipped her chin down with his free hand so she could see the mess she’d made. 
She moaned a feeble, “M’sorry,” when she saw the spot she’d left, shocking Sebastian so much that he used the hand holding her chin to swat her, barely making contact, across her cheek and glared. 
“That is the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he growled, holding her in place until she nodded with a whimper and acknowledged it. “I never want to hear you say sorry for anything that gorgeous again.”
If sneaking into her dreams had been wrong of him, he couldn’t imagine that this was any sort of punishment for it.
She grumbled, “You smacked me.” Sebastian snorted.
“Yes, and therein lies the problem.” He swore as his slacks tightened even more across his lap, and she giggled, wiggling her hips. He bucked into her, trying not to dig his thumbs into her waist too hard but unwilling to let her move from the perfect position he had her in. “Is that your wand?” she inquired. Her lips were pursed as she held in more laughter. “Or are you just pleased to see me?” 
The filter that usually stopped Sebastian from speaking everything on his mind had left him quite alone for the evening. “I’m always pleased to see you. I swear, everything you do gets me so hard,” he said unabashedly. Based on the furious reddening of her cheeks, it seemed she could dish it out but not take it. 
She freed herself from his hands and dropped to her knees again, in front of his spread legs, but this time, there was no pretense of comforting him. Sharp fingernails ran up his thighs while she looked at him from beneath her lashes and inquired, “My turn now?” Sebastian wondered if he’d accidentally ingested a few drops of felix felicis at some point. 
“If you’d like,” he replied, smarmy and satisfied. He leaned back against the stacked crates behind him and spread his legs wider, watching her eye him as if she’d never seen anything better. When she unbuttoned his trousers and pulled him free of them and his underwear, his breath caught for a minute. He hoped it wasn’t disappointing to her.
“God in heaven. How am I meant to take this?” So not disappointed, then. The look on her face was closer to hunger, and Sebastian felt precum leaking out of his throbbing length when she wrapped her soft hands around it and gave a few experimental tugs. “I’ve never done this before,” she admitted, though without embarrassment. “Never knew a man who deserved it.”
“I’ve never had it done,” Sebastian said, “but what you’re doing there feels fucking fantastic.” He sighed in bliss as she stroked him faster. “So, what did I do to be the first one deserving of your beautiful mouth?” he asked, intending to sound very suave but instead eeking out the question with a slight choke. Her thumb swiped over the tip of his cock and he whined. 
She hmphed, concentrating hard. “You mean besides torturing me for a month because you’re too stubborn to tell a girl you fancy her?” He had to give her a sheepish smirk, which she rolled her eyes at. 
When she sank her mouth down around him and he felt the warmth envelope his length, Sebastian mewled. Head thrown back and his fingers clenching against her scalp, he groaned and sighed as she worked her tongue and lips against him. “Sh-shit, wow,” he whined. His composure left him completely. She felt indescribable, but it frustrated him to not be able to form words and tell her. His stomach contorted and flexed, and he stretched his long legs out, letting her steady the free hand that wasn’t jerking him on his thigh.
She pulled off his cock with a pop and looked up at him. “You’re like velvet,” she said, eyes wide, starving. Sebastian took her face in his hand and selfishly prayed that when he died, he’d still be able to take her with him, wherever he ended up. Now that he had her, there wasn’t anything living or dead that he would let separate them.
Such maudlin fantasies manifested themself in the room in the form of Sebastian muttering dumbly, “Sit on it, fuck, please, I need to feel you.” 
“I’m not done here.” She dipped her neck again and licked up the length of him, and the sight and sensation almost broke his resolve, but he managed to pull her off of him by her hair, which made her squawk indignantly. But when he tugged her into his lap and kissed her again, their combined tastes mingling between them on their lips and tongues, her protestations died down.
She dug her fingers into his shirt, then realized he was still wearing a shirt. “Take this off,” she ordered, but as usual, took matters into her own hands and began unbuttoning it, pausing after each button to press kisses to the patches of skin that were revealed when she did so. Her lips left burns behind. When the shirt was finally open, she pulled it off him. 
“My turn now?” he asked, cocking his head to one side and grinning. 
Her uniform and his cast aside on the floor, the two looked at each other for a long while, although the feeling of their cores pressing, bare, together, had them softly panting and grinding. Sebastian laid his forehead against hers. 
“Is…is this real? I mean, is it?” he breathed. He didn’t know what he meant but she did, and she nodded, her lips pressed like she was trying to stop herself from saying something. 
“I’m not letting you fly away that easily.” She kissed up his neck while he smiled. 
“Your little birdie.”
“Yes,” she gasped when his hands landed on her ass and he rolled her hips over his still painfully hard dick. Her clit brushed against the base of it and they both cried out. Sebastian had never felt anything so good, so right.
Her fingers wrapped around the back of his neck, then paused. She frowned.
“God, Seb…when was the last time you had your hair cut?” His smile was almost predatory. One month and thirteen days.
“Hmm. I guess it has been awhile. No good?” he asked, like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. He could feel her fingers twirling the locks at the base of his neck, and she unconsciously ground against him even harder. 
“Very good,” she groaned and threw herself forward so their chests were flush and they were kissing so deep that they had to share air. “You look fucking sinful. Whenever you come back to school with it like that I…” She trailed off, suddenly bashful, as if she wasn’t naked in his arms.
Sebastian thought he might be glowing. “I’ll never cut it again, darling,” he swore. “Just for you.”
The feast in the Great Hall, his nerves about graduation, the murky uncertainty that faced him after Hogwarts, all of it was gone as he helped her lift her hips and legs enough to line up his cock with her entrance. She sank down onto him and they cried out together, her slapping at his chest as she tried to relax around the thickness and him biting down on the inside of his mouth so hard it drew blood as he tried not to come then and there. Shivering, she wiggled her hips side to side while she became acclimated to his size. “Shitshitshit.” Sebastian gritted his teeth. “You’re really tight, wow. You feel…you feel so g-good.”
Her eyes flew to his, and he struggled further to not burst when he saw how flushed and hot she was. She was still steadying herself with a hand pressed against his chest. “S-sorry,” she said, “You’re–you better not fucking gloat about this, Sallow, but you’re the biggest…ugh.” She dropped her head to his shoulder in embarrassment, but Sebastian was beaming. Was he, now? His ego puffed up at the thought. It really didn’t need to hear that. 
“I’ll be gentle, I promise.” “Why don’t I believe you?”
He showed her his canines. His other half, his better half. She knew him too well. “Because how could I possibly? Look at you, you’re a goddamn vision.” She really did look like a goddess on top of him, taking him so well and clutching him like she never wanted to be torn away from him. Then, she squirmed, and his cock somehow hardened further inside her, until the pain and pleasure of it was almost blinding him. “Fuck, you’re warming my cock so well, darling. Can I move?” 
A whimper of assent and a hurried nod almost set him on his course, but he decided in that moment that there was one more thing requiring attention before he could really take her like he wanted to. He placed both hands on either side of her face and kissed her, slower and softer and sweeter than any yet, and said, “I love you.”
He expected a gasp, a cry of disgust, a puzzled look, something from her that would be an appropriate response to his wholly inappropriate confession, but all she said was, “I love you too, Seb.” 
“Alright,” came the dopey response. She giggled and adopted a deep monotone to make fun of him.
“Alright.” They kissed again, and it felt like everything that had been upside down in Sebastian’s mind turned right side up. “I love you so much, my little birdie. I love your curiosity and your chirping. Promise you’ll let me stay with you until–”
“You think I’ll ever let you leave?” He cut her off, incredulous. “My home is ours now. And what’s the rush to sell?” A grin spread across her face as she watched one take over his. “Quite like the idea of a little privacy for the next few months.” He snapped his hips up, just once, and a shriek tore out of her throat. Her cunt was so slick and hot, he had to bite the wound he’d opened in his mouth again to not shout. “Ominis is far too light of a sleeper for how often I plan on making you scream my name.” 
She began chasing his thrusts in earnest, picking up their pace and riding him until her legs were shaking. He hit her limit with every movement, and his abdomen flexed with the effort of fucking up into her the way he was. Their mingled panting and the slap of her ass against his lap were the only sounds filling the storage room, their own private concert for an audience of each other. When her tired legs couldn’t hold her anymore, she begged him, “Harder!” and Sebastian obliged happily by wrapping one arm around her waist and tilting her backwards so he could brace his free hand against the crate beneath him and rail her. A silencing charm would not have been amiss, he vaguely thought, as she cried through her enthusiasm for him. “Fuck, Seb, Seb!” she sobbed. “Please, just please!”
She hadn’t fallen in love with him because he never teased her, he reasoned, so he couldn’t resist a cheeky, “Please what?”, although his own climax was so close that it came out in a pathetic little huff. She was an angel above him, her hair framing her face like a halo and her back arched right where her wings would be. His desire to make her come first was the only thing stopping him from spilling into her. The question plaguing his mind for years finally answered, he was pleased. “So, you do cry when you come. I fucked myself a thousand times thinking about how perfect it must sound.” 
Tears spilled down her cheeks as she slammed her hips down on his cock one last time and he gave three tiny thrusts inside her. His fingers flew to her clit and rubbed it through the searing orgasm washing through her, her cunt spasming around him and pulling him up to the peak as well. She wept and he breathed, "Little birdie fucking loves you,” and they both came together, him pumping his seed into her with labored pants and her greedily taking it in. 
She huffed, “I want all of it,” and he moaned, hoarse and scratching. Cum was leaking out of her as he slowed down, his arm still supporting her as she slumped against him. Their combined mess covered their legs, and the sticky sight almost had Sebastian hardening inside her once more. 
For several minutes, neither said anything. The chatter from the Great Hall had died down significantly. They laid together on the crate and played idly with each other, Sebastian’s fingers kneading the flesh below her ass and hers drawing light shapes over his chest. The air was heavy. It felt as though someone ought to say, “What now?” but neither of them wanted to. It didn’t matter, anyway. “What now?” was never going to be a concern of Sebastian’s again. The drive to ask questions, to wonder, to worry. It was all gone. Settled and soothed by something that curled itself around his heart and laid there, comfortably heavy.
“Come to bed,” he murmured, his eyes drifting open and shut, as if they were playing house in Feldcroft already, and not under strict instructions for one more night to sleep in separate dormitories. 
“Oh, yes, I’m sure the other boys would love that.”
“They don’t hear anything.” Sebastian’s orgasmic haze made everything swirl and swim. He yawned. “Even when you kicked me out of that dream.” His fingertips ghosted over her bare back, toying with the ends of her hair as she lay curled into him. He didn’t realize his mistake until she said, dangerous and low,
“Even when I what?”
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wilted-society · 4 months
what do you think about soulmate au with either Theo or Mattheo thanks!!
It's currently 1 am here but considering that this is my alone time and i'm also bored, i will absolutely do this! i hope you like it!
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soulmate au!hot and cold
pairings: theodore nott x reader
genre: soulmate au
warnings: none
— In a soulmate AU with the hot and cold dynamic, the world operates on the belief that each person has a soulmate who, when near, brings warmth to the individual. The farther their soulmate is, the colder they get. And the nearer their soulmate is, the warmer they get.
You shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, your body curled around the well-worn spine of a book, attempting to anchor yourself against the biting cold that permeated the Slytherin common room. The chill seemed to seep through the stone walls and the thick curtains drawn across the windows, as if the very air itself conspired to dampen any warmth that ventured inside.
As you flipped to the next pages of your book, Theodore Nott entered the room with an ethereal grace, his silhouette melding with the faint light spilling from the fire. There was a peculiar warmth that radiated around him, an almost imperceptible shift in the atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the bitter cold that clung to the room’s corners. It was a phenomenon you had become aware of, an inexplicable warmth that accompanied him wherever he went. It intrigued you. It made you think if you were imagining the sensation of how it became less chilly when he entered the common room.
His gaze drifted to you, observing the tension in your posture as you tried to ignore the chill. “Having trouble with the cold tonight?” he inquired, his voice low and unhurried.
You glanced up, feeling a faint flush rise to your cheeks. “It’s a bit relentless tonight,” you admitted, lowering your eyes to the pages of your book. “I feel as though the chill has taken residence in my bones.”
Theodore approached the fire, his steps deliberate and measured, and the warmth that seemed to surround him followed in his wake. It was a strange sensation, one that you had yet to fully understand, but it provided a subtle reprieve from the icy grip of the common room.
Theodore stood there—wordlessly for a good minute. Just staring into the fire as if he was waiting for something to jump out, his mind dazed as he was deep into his thoughts.
You glance at him, wondering ‘What could be in his mind?’ Before drawing your attention back to the book you were reading. Distracting you from the fact that it was warmer since he entered the room.
“Well, you mustn't be staying up all night then. You might end up asleep during Charms class tomorrow.” He spoke up, turning around and smirking at you. You smile, closing the book and looking up at him.
“You're right, I probably should've learned my lessons by now.” You held the book on your lap, much more comfortable now. Though you were intrigued why it was warm all of a sudden.
Theodore nodded, “I'm off then. Have a good night.” he flashed a genuine smile. “Goodnight, Theodore.” You simply replied, returning the genuine smile as you stood up as well.
You bade your goodbyes and went to your respective dorms, you simply can't help but notice the warmth slipping away as you went to different paths. Which made you confused, and intrigued. ‘Is he the one?’ Oh nonsense! You decided that it was best to sleep your thoughts off and deal with them in the morning.
You wandered through the empty corridors of Hogwarts, the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows that danced along the cold stone walls. The chill of winter had permeated every corner of the castle, lingering like a constant, unforgiving presence. Every movement you made seemed to intensify the cold, as if the very air around you had become a barrier between warmth and you.
Theodore Nott had always been an enigma to you. There was something magnetic about him, a charm that was both infuriating and alluring. It wasn’t just his looks—though his dark hair and enigmatic smile certainly added to his allure. It was the way he seemed to challenge everything around him, pushing boundaries with a nonchalance that left everyone guessing.
Tonight was not any different than last night. Tonight, the cold seemed particularly harsh, clinging to your skin and settling into your bones. You found yourself wandering toward the entrance hall, where the heavy wooden doors creaked shut behind you. The gust of icy wind that greeted you seemed to double in intensity as you stepped into the night air. You drew your cloak tighter around you, feeling the cold bite into your fingertips.
Theodore appeared out of the shadows, his tall figure looming over you. There was something in the way he looked at you, a mix of curiosity and something darker that sent a shiver down your spine.“Still freezing, huh?” he asked, his voice low and smooth.
You sighed, leaning against the stone wall for support. “Seems that way.”
He stepped closer, his presence almost crowding you against the wall. The cold around you seemed to intensify, yet there was a flicker of warmth in the air between you, something you couldn’t quite explain.“Maybe it’s not just the cold,” Theodore murmured, his breath warm against your ear.
You felt his fingers brush against your arm, sending a surge of warmth through you. It was as if he carried a fire within him that could chase away the cold, if only for a moment. “Are you trying to tell me something, Theodore?” you asked, your voice low and challenging.
He chuckled softly, his gaze never leaving yours. “Maybe I’m just trying to see if we can figure this out. After all, the cold always seems to follow you.”
You pressed your lips together, feeling the tension between you tighten. There was something about the way he looked at you, as if he could see right through your defenses. You glanced away, trying to ignore the heat that flared between you.
“I'm sorry but I have to get to Astronomy. Goodbye, Theodore.” You blurted out rather quickly, trying to keep a poker face as your legs began to pace out of the situation. Not daring to look back because if you did, you feared you wouldn't be able to get your eyes off.
Later that evening, after Astronomy, you found yourself in the dimly lit library, searching for an elusive book to help with your Potions project. The rustling of pages and the occasional creak of old furniture provided a serene soundtrack to your solitude.A shadow loomed over you, and you glanced up to see Theodore standing there, a smirk on his lips. “Still searching for warmth?” he inquired.
You sighed, rubbing your hands together. “The cold seems to follow me everywhere.”He moved closer, his fingers brushing against the edge of your arm, and you felt the warmth spread through you. The cold around you dissipated, replaced by a gentle, comforting heat.
“There’s more warmth where that came from,” he murmured, his voice low and husky.You glanced at him, feeling the tension between you intensify. “What are you playing at, Theodore?”
He chuckled, stepping closer. “Just trying to figure out if we’re soulmates or not. And if we are, I’d say we’re pretty damn close.”
Your heart raced at his words, and the warmth seemed to surge between you. You leaned in closer, drawn to him despite your better judgement.
“Or maybe you’re just trying to take advantage of the situation,” you whispered.
Theodore’s eyes gleamed with mischief. “Maybe. But if it’s a game of hot and cold, I think we’re pretty damn close.”
The heat between you became palpable, and for a moment, you hesitated.
But when his lips brushed against yours, the warmth became unmistakable, and you surrendered to the moment.
Suddenly the cold you felt was gone, and all that you could feel now was warmth. It was a foreign feeling to you, it felt like something you would only feel when he was around.
You surrendered to the kiss, feeling the connection between you deepen with every touch, every brush of his lips. The cold that had plagued you for weeks faded into a distant memory as his hands explored your body, drawing you closer.
And then it hit you.
It was in this moment that you realized—perhaps there was more to this cold than mere coincidence. Perhaps Theodore Nott was the missing piece to your own warmth, the one who could chase away the chill that had haunted you for so long.
And as you clung to him, feeling the heat between you intensify, you knew that the cold had no power over you anymore.
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Latency Lingering {F.W}
Chapter II - Cold Comfort
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Synopsis: after your run-in with Molly earlier in the afternoon, things come to a head when the very man you'd hoped to never see again shows up at your front door, breathless and demanding answers. And thus, your once so peaceful life comes to a sharp and grinding halt, rather likely for good.
When you looked back on it, your final happy evening with Fred was absolutely chock full of the kind of irony that could make a grown man weep.
It was something you'd scarcely considered prior to the birth of your children, the stinging pain of it all dulled by the persistent dread brought on by the promise of an unsupported birth and the overhanging threat of your ex finding out about the secrets you were keeping from him.
But, of course, that dread hadn't lasted forever, and mere weeks after the birth of your son and daughter you had found yourself suddenly consumed by the near hilarity of the tragedy that had befallen your love life, and the ever present sense of irony that hovered over it like a cloud.
After all, it had been on your last joyful evening with your former boyfriend that the then seemingly far off topic of pregnancy had come up, the weight of it manageable for what you had not then known would be the final time.
It had been a warm spring night, and although the weather had been pleasant enough as of late and the promise of your worst school year yet coming to a close never ceased to bring a sigh of relief to your lips, you couldn't help but feel completely miserable.
For weeks at that point, you had been dealing with utterly debilitating nausea (and the less than welcome side effects associated with it) all throughout your days, and though your love always did his best to support you, you could sense his hesitance and worry over your health as the date planned for he and his brother's conjoined escape drew nearer.
Thus, when you'd found yourself in the gryffindor common room pulled tight against his chest, you'd simply melted into him like a scoop of ice cream dropped upon sticky asphalt.
It always made you feel at least a little better, you'd found, to have him near, and you could tell that he was put at ease whenever he felt your familiar weight against him, a subtle reminder that you were alright even in spite of the illness that plagued you.
He would never admit it, and for you, he didn't have to, but Fred Weasley was a worrier, and a skilled one at that.
So, in order to stave off that worry in favor of spending his second to final evening with you at Hogwarts in better spirits than he otherwise might, he'd begun rattling off utterly ridiculous theories regarding the cause of your long term illness, the likes of which ranged from not having received enough kisses as of late, to bearing witness to Draco Malfoy's face each day.
Though, it was your darling's final theory that had truly managed to capture your attention.
"Ugh, don't even joke about that, Fred. It isn't nearly as funny as you think it is."
You'd huffed out with a light groan of semi-exaggerated despair, unable to stop yourself from rolling your eyes as your then boyfriend had laughed in response, tossing a lithe arm, strengthened in part by his history with quidditch, no doubt, across your shoulders.
"Who’s joking?"
He'd inquired with a feigned sincerity, his hand raising up to splay across his chest as if appalled.
"This is a matter of utmost seriousness, I'm afraid."
At that, you'd scoffed.
Fred Weasley, engage with a matter of "utmost seriousness"? Unlikely.
"It’d most certainly better not be. I am far from ready to have your child, Weasley."
Your boyfriend had hummed in response, the look of gleeful mischief in his eyes hard to miss.
You braced yourself for whatever ridiculous thing he was about to say.
He'd questioned as if truly baffled by your (sensible) admission.
"Well, you certainly could have fooled me the way that you- ack!"
Suddenly realizing exactly where he was going with that statement, you’d all but lunged to cover up his mouth before he could finish, not too keen on the idea of random passerbys hearing of your (admittedly rather active) sex life.
Still, Fred had dodged your "attack" quite easily, grinning wide as you'd fixed him with your most intimidating glare,
"I'm being serious, you git. You'd have to be mad to find something so disastrous amusing enough to joke about."
To that, Fred had simply shrugged, pulling you ever closer with the arm he'd kept wrapped around your now slightly tensed shoulders.
"I think we may just have different interpretations of what is disastrous, my dear."
He had teased, breaths tickling the baby hairs that grew atop your head,
"I have it all planned out, you know."
You'd hummed at that, eyes twinkling with curiosity as you turned your head to better see the man sitting beside you.
"Oh?" You'd asked, "Do tell."
Fred had chuckled, leaning his cheek against the top of your head as he spoke.
"First, we get the bloody hell out of here."
He'd teased, knowing full well just how much closer his impending absence was in comparison to your own.
"And then, as we'll doubtless be wealthy and well adjusted men by the time you graduate in a few weeks time, you'll move in with George and I, doing whatever job you please until I either convince you to work at our wildly successful shop, or you really do fall pregnant. Whichever comes first."
You'd burst out laughing and smacked your boyfriend's shoulder at that comment, noting with joy the way that he shook with his own laughter against you.
"A child before marriage, Mr. Weasley?" You'd teased once your amusement had been quelled enough to allow for speech, "I fear your mother would just about flay you for such a thing.”
The ginger had hummed in subtle confirmation at that, shrugging slightly as he replied,
"Perhaps, but I reckon she'd be utterly besotted with you for it, so you've not much to lose there besides your future husband."
"Future husband and the father of my child in this hypothetical scenario, I'll remind you." You'd teased, "I'd be rather cross with you if you fell to your mother and left me to raise Fred Jr. all by my lonesome."
Your love had grinned wide at that, raising a brow as he considered your words further,
"You think you'd give me a son first then?" He'd asked teasingly, "Because I have a feeling our first will be a girl."
You'd outright laughed again at that admission, baffled and highly amused by your boyfriend's utter certainty in regards to your future.
"Ah, my apologies. Fredette then."
The man sitting beside you scowled as if you'd said the most absurd thing he'd heard in weeks.
"I think not. Frederica perhaps."
To that, you'd groaned, shaking your head back and forth in utter exasperation.
"Absolutely not. If you'd have our daughter named after you then I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more creative than that."
"Oh, not to worry, love."
Fred had quipped back immediately,
"As I said before, I've got it all planned out."
You opened your mouth to question the man further, but already knowing what you were going to ask, your love had spoken up before you could,
"Winnie for a girl, and Augustine for a boy."
You'd all but gawked at that, shocked by the sincerity of the man's tone as you pulled away to see him already smiling down at you.
"Why Winnie?"
You'd asked gently, watching as the gryffindor sitting beside you shrugged his shoulders,
"It's a rather cute name, isn't it? I think it would fit an adorable little ginger girl splendidly. I can already hear you calling it out across our home, chasing her down to rub sunscreen on those doubtlessly freckled cheeks of hers as she fights tooth and nail for her right to roast in the afternoon sun."
Laughing, you nodded semi-exasperatedly at the rather vivid scene presented to you,
"If she's yours I'm sure I'll be doing that and many similar tasks quite often."
You'd paused for a moment to think further before speaking up again,
"And Augustine?"
Fred smiled softly,
"I've always rather liked the name, but have never heard it used much." He began before continuing almost hesitantly, "And it certainly helps that I fell for you in the month of August, as well."
Your eyes had widened slightly at that, brow raising alongside them as you'd urged Fred to elaborate.
"August?" You'd asked, "We didn't even have school in August, Freddie."
The man sitting beside you nodded in confirmation to your words.
"I know. It was summer, I was free of schoolwork and able to terrorize Ronald, Percy, and little Ginny as much as I well pleased, but even so, the only thing I could think about was you. Can you imagine, fourteen year old me desperate to get back to Hogwarts all because I wanted to see a girl? It was not an easy realization to come to terms with, I'm afraid."
You'd scoffed at that, hand reaching over to squeeze his own where it draped across your shoulder in spite of your seemingly nonplussed reaction as you considered the proposed names further.
"Winnie and Augustine." You had murmured aloud, tasting the two names together on your tongue for the very first time. "I quite like those."
And just as he'd begun to fiddle with the promise ring adorning the hand that rested gently atop his own, your love hummed softly in confirmation.
"I knew you would."
And then, smiling as you'd closed your eyes contentedly and leaned against him, you couldn't help but let out a pleased sigh.
In spite of all the stress you'd endured as of late with Umbridge's rule, your sudden and unexplained bouts of illness, and Fred and George's impending absence, the future, it seemed, was bright.
Until, that is, the very next day, when you'd learned alone in the girls bathroom that some aspects of it would be coming far sooner than you ever could have planned for or even imagined.
That night, just over twenty-four hours after your hopeful conversation, you had broken things off with Fred Weasley, and you hadn't seen him since.
That is, of course, until today.
Because even in spite of your insistence that she not tell him anything earlier that afternoon when she'd caught you on your way out of that accursed doctor's office, it seemed that Molly Weasley had paid your pleas little mind, for it was only a few hours after you'd arrived home that Fred had turned up at your front door.
And truthfully, you knew that it was partially your own fault that he had found you with such ease.
After all, you still lived in that same flat your aunt had rented out to you during your summers away from Hogwarts, the one she used to supplement her income as she persisted with her freelance photography abroad.
Your mother, her sister, hadn't spoken to her (at least to your knowledge), since she'd refused to kick you out of it after your graduation, but the woman in question had never seemed to mind.
In truth, you hadn't yet found it within yourself to miss your children's maternal grandmother much either.
But still, even in spite of your aunt's kindness, you couldn't help but wish you'd had the forethought to move elsewhere as you stared helplessly at the man standing on the other side of your door.
He looked positively frazzled, and utterly determined.
"Fred I-"
"Tell me that she's mistaken."
The young wizard half demanded, half plead, his hand coming to rest upon the inner lip of the door as if afraid you might close it on him at any moment.
You would be lying if you said you hadn’t considered it.
You swallowed thickly at his words, opening your mouth in search of a reply only to have him cut you off once more before you could even begin.
"Or better yet, tell me that she's lying and that this is all some utterly ridiculous ploy to get me to see you again after all these years. Tell me anything Y/n, just not that she's right."
Unsure of what to say, you cast your gaze downward toward the floor and away from Fred's prying eyes, and immediately he drew in a sharp breath and cursed above you, bringing his unoccupied hand to rub across his face.
The silence that descended upon the two of you afterward was thick and cloying, the absence of all sound so harsh that it nearly made you shudder, an urge you only held back because you refused to come across as weak to the man standing before you.
Which, as things went, happened to be rather difficult considering how absolutely terrified you felt.
He breathed out after several long seconds of nothing,
"All this time, and you were just never going to tell me?"
Slowly, and with a shameful certainty, you nodded at that, hands clasping in front of you as your fingers worried away at the spot on your finger where your promise ring had one sat.
Old habits died hard, you supposed.
"Fred, I..."
You trailed off for a few moments, desperately seeking out the right words, only to give up with a sigh when you realized they would likely never come.
There were no "right words" for you to say in this situation. There was only the truth, as ugly as it may have been.
"I didn't know what else to do."
At that, a short burst of harsh and humorless laughter that was jarringly similar to that which he'd let out on your final night together in the astronomy tower pushed passed your ex's lips, and despite your best efforts, you couldn't help but flinch back from it, a movement which he either didn't notice, or chose to ignore entirely.
"You didn't know what else to do besides dump me with no real explanation and hide my own children from me for nearly three years of their lives?"
He scoffed, looking down at you as if in utter disbelief,
"Does that seem like the most rational decision to you, Y/n?"
In response to his mocking tone and blatant disregard for your reasoning, you looked up to meet your former lover's eyes once more, glaring daggers into them as a hand came to rest upon your hip.
"Was it a rational decision for you to set off fireworks in a school, Fred? Or for you to drop out mere months before graduation?"
You snapped, taking a step closer to the man as you pointed an accusatory finger to his chest, the space between you decreased enough now that you could smell the familiar cologne he'd always worn, the very same one you'd described while smelling amortentia all those years ago in Snape's classroom.
Fred glared right back at you after a moment of what appeared to be surprise at your sudden displeasure, but before he could even think to open his mouth again, you continued.
"How about when you decided to fight in a war that from what I heard, very nearly killed you, huh? And let's not forget to mention this very moment here, where you've turned up to my aunt’s flat in search of your ex girlfriend while looking half a mad man instead of thinking to send an owl first to at least make sure that I even still live here. How rational does that seem, Fred?!"
Your voice was raised now, having been increasing in volume since you'd begun the second half of your rant, and while he had never been one for shouting, it seemed that Fred Weasley was far too concerned with not being outdone to care today.
"You're saying I should have sent an Owl?!" He asked incredulously, the laughter that left him just as barren of humor as the bout before it.
"Oh that's rich coming from you, love, because you could stand to learn a thing or two about sending important owls, it would seem!"
You scoffed, arms crossing atop your chest as you opened your mouth to reply once more, a no doubt biting remark already primed and ready to go at your lips.
As unfair as it was, after all, there was some long buried part of you that felt angry at the man standing before you.
Because even if it was entirely your own choice, you had endured nearly nine long months of pregnancy completely alone, before laboring just under two weeks early all by yourself, which of course had preceded you then raising both of your children all by your lonesome, exhausted and afraid of whatever it was that would come next, because as you'd soon discovered alongside the existence of your children, there was always something else looming on the horizon.
And it just wasn't fair.
It wasn't fair how desperately you yearned for the touch of a man now supposedly unknown to you as you laid in bed each night,
It wasn't fair how curiously your little ones asked about other children's fathers,
It wasn't fair how obviously and agonizingly they took after their dad,
It wasn't fair how you saw him briefly each time you looked into their beautiful little eyes or brushed your fingers through their soft ginger hair,
None of it was fair, not in the slightest.
But just as you were about to open your mouth and express these long buried and ignored feelings of yours, a small and painfully poorly timed voice called out from behind you.
And when you shifted your gaze to see your ex's face more clearly, all you saw expressed upon it was a deep and sorrowful dread as he stared just past you at the once empty door frame, which you hoped against all hope and sense was still bereft of life.
Of course though, you could already tell from Fred's face alone that this was not the case.
The young voice that you immediately identified as that of your son questioned curiously from behind you, and finally you swallowed your hopes and fears and turned around to face the music for what felt like the one millionth time in that day alone.
And of course, standing there, backlit by the slightly yellow glow of the bulbs from the kitchen that sat just inside, was your boy, your darling Augustine, looking the very picture of the man that stood just a few feet away from him.
His hair was an absolute mess from his clearly restless sleep, and he was rubbing at his eyes in a manner that made it nearly impossible to make out their color, but even so that inarguable likeness was there.
He looked every bit the quintessential Weasley child, and it made your heart flutter in your chest when you noticed the way that your former love seemed to take this in, as if it were a knife to the gut.
Clearing your throat to rid it of the sudden thickness that you found there, you were quick to reply.
"Yes, love?"
You murmured softly, reaching out gently to help guide the young boy to you when he began to fumble all but blindly in your direction, eyes still blurred by sleep.
"Can sissy and me sleep with you? We've had another bad dream."
At that, you frowned immediately, maternal instincts quick to take over in spite of your stressful situation.
For nearly a year now your twins had suffered from nightmares, often on the same nights, though thankfully from what they had shared with you, they at least seemed to be about differing things.
That said, it did cause you rather significant grief as a parent to see your children suffering so with something you could not even hope to control or change.
It made you feel weak, helpless, and above all else, afraid of your own potential errors or failures in raising your little one's to have something like this plague them for so very long.
Several nights a week you would awaken to the sounds of pattering feet on hardwood, petrified voices crying out your name from down the hall, or little fingers poking at your body to rouse you as one or both of your children sought out the comforts of their mother.
Most often during times like this though, you'd found that it was Winnie who came to get you, her brother (younger by a whopping nine minutes and twenty-three seconds), typically favoring bundling up beneath his covers until you went off to gather him up in your arms and carry him to your bedroom before cocooning him alongside his sister within the blanket that smelled soothingly of you and the detergent you used on it once weekly.
So, naturally, it worried you to note that it was August who sought you out on this particular evening.
Sympathetically, you cooed to the boy standing before you, reaching down to pick him up with ease before setting him familiarly upon your hip with a skill that was rather jarring to the nearly forgotten man standing with his back to the wall just opposite you and your son.
"Of course you can sleep with me, darling."
You assured him gently, rubbing his back with your still free hand as you allowed your voice to take on that soft and soothing tone that all mothers seemed to master at one point or another,
"Does sissy need me to go and get her tonight?"
Your son had just begun quietly shaking his head when the sound of small feet on tiled floors caught your attention, and you immediately turned to better see the source of it as your daughter came into view.
There, backlit in the very same way that her brother had been, stood your ever so brave and dreadfully witty Winnifred, whose hair was still up in messy pigtails from earlier that day due to her refusal to allow you to take them out at bedtime.
You often claimed that she didn't get such stubbornness from you whilst you were teasing her, but you knew deep down that such a statement was far from true.
She was, after all, just as much your daughter as she was Fred's, and it seemed that the apple did not fall far from the tree in that particular regard.
"There's my sweet girl,"
You began, squatting down to offer your unoccupied arm to her,
"Would you like a cuddle as well, then?"
And immediately, the elder of your two children all but launched herself into your arms, muttering softly of her nightmare and the fading details she recalled of it as she buried her face into your neck, relaxing herself with any and all familiaritites you carried about your person.
You shushed her gently, swaying your body back and forth with a practiced rhythm until all of the sudden, Fred's voice snapped you straight out of your reverie.
"They truly are real then."
He said softly, as if in utter disbelief of the sight unfolding before him.
Unsure of what to say, you simply nodded, avoiding his gaze to the very best of your ability as you prayed he didn't notice the quiver in your bottom lip upon hearing the hurt and confusion in his voice.
Seeming to choke a bit on his words, Fred faltered for a moment, floundering in place until finally, he simply shook his head and sighed.
"I should go."
Your eyes widened at that, and your head quickly snapped up as the man standing before you pulled a small pen and notepad set from his back pocket, the front of it clearly stained with ink and worn from use.
No doubt for his ideas, then, you realized idly before putting a stop to any familiarity you felt for the individual standing before you.
He was a different man now, a totally new person.
You had no right thinking of him as if you still knew who he was today.
Scribbling out a few lines of text in writing that you knew all too well, the ginger sighed before tearing the piece of paper he had been using out and handing it to you.
"That there is the address to mine and George's shop and our apartment just above it. If you don't find me there, I'm likely at Mum's or somewhere just down the road. Have someone let me know if you ever stop by while I'm not in."
Shocked, you nodded absently before finally finding it within yourself to speak up once more.
"So I'm guessing you'll be wanting me to come to you about all of this sooner rather than later?"
Shrugging in a manner that you would almost describe as hopeless, Fred looked to you briefly before quickly glancing away, as if pained by the mere sight of you alone.
"I would have wanted you to come to me about our children years ago, but better late than never I suppose."
Opening your mouth as if to argue with his statement, you found that nothing worth saying would come.
Once again, it seemed he was rather justified in how he felt.
Once again, it seemed you were the bad guy for doing what you had felt was right all those years ago.
What a mess.
Seeing your apparent speechlessness, Fred simply nodded in farewell before apparating out of your apartment complex without another word, leaving you to wonder how today could have begun so typically and ended in such a life altering manner.
Such was life with twins, you supposed.
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fandomlit · 2 months
academic affair, prologue (remus lupin x reader)
series summary being a professor at hogwarts always brought you an interesting day, but your past starts to reappear in odd ways: in the son of one of your former best friends, a dog you can't stop seeing, and an old crush getting the cursed job the school. it all looks to mean one thing--it's time to stop running from the things you tried hard not to think about.
warning none
a/n if you all are interested in seeing this continue as a series please please let me know!! im loving this concept :)
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gif cred belongs to @rxmuz
harry, hermione, and ron were gathered in the empty classroom you were to begin a lesson in after your snack break--a habit they had grown into shortly after meeting you their first year. your feet were propped up on your desk as you ate your salad, watching harry pace and complain about his third-year classes already, despite only being a few days into the term.
"i think they're all riveting so far," hermione spoke bossily, shaking her head at the complaining boys.
"how would you know? you weren't even in potions today!" ron accused. you winked at hermione as her face flushed slightly. you knew her little time turner secret--it was a fate few students endured, but you had been one of the professors to recommend her for the honor when dumbledore inquired.
"i was there! we learned about the benefits of frog liver in healing potions!"
ron and harry looked to each other. "I actually don't know if that's true or not."
you let out a laugh before speaking, "it's just the second week, harry. it'll get better! patience is key."
harry huffed as he flopped into one of the chairs in the front row. "why can't i just take your class already?"
you shrugged. "i'll let you in." his head piped up. "if you can read my leaves from my old cup of tea for me." he sunk back down into the chair as you tutted, "have to know divination to take theory, harry. sad, but true."
he sulked for another moment before admitting, "i do like the new defense against the dark arts professor. lupin seems good."
the other two agreed and began to chat about it as you froze mid-chew.
when you heard remus lupin was taking the dark arts position, a rush of old, buried emotions came flooding back to you. your stupid schoolgirl crush seemed to take up space in your heart once again before you had even seen him again, and you cursed yourself for letting it happen. but remus was one of your best friends in your hogwarts days, and you had always wondered what could have been if you had ever had the guts to pursue something with him..
" .. professor? y/n!"
you snapped back into the moment, swallowing your bite as you gave your attention back to the trio. "sorry. got lost in thought. what's up?"
"did you know lupin when you went to hogwarts?"
your heart jumped unwillingly. "oh--yeah, of course. i don't want to air out his business for him if he hasn't said.. but he was very close to your parents, as well, harry." harry blinked in surprise. "but again, not my place to say without knowing if he wants all that to be said." the trio nodded.
"has he always had those scars?" ron asked, waving to his face. 
you smiled a little. "yes. not those, specifically, but he always had a knack for getting new wounds back in our hogwarts days. never without a scratch."
"sounds like-"
"professor l/n?" all four of you looked to the open door of the classroom to see professor lupin himself standing with one hand on the frame, as if he had been summoned when you began to talk about him. your heart skipped while he swept his gaze to the students, lifting a hand in greeting, "hello harry, miss granger, mister weasley." they greeted him in return before he looked back to you as you swung your feet to the ground a little clumsily. you prayed your face wasn't as hot as it felt. "have you all seen a toad hopping about? had a student say he lost sight of him after charms this morning."
"oh, neville?" you laughed softly and the other three chuckled. lupin nodded. "no, we haven't seen trevor. we'll be sure to inform the owner if he's spotted, however."
lupin gave you a nod. "thanks." he paused for a moment in the doorway, looking like he was going to say something more, before patting the doorframe and moving away. after a moment you cleared your throat, swinging your feet back onto your desk and shuffling your fork through your salad.
"so, what were we saying before all that? something about divination?"
"you totally fancy professor lupin!" hermione scoffed. it was the first time you had seen her gaze properly off of her homework all afternoon. and she looked delighted about it, too.
now you knew your face was bright red. "you're loony, hermione. i'm thirty-five years old--i don't 'fancy' people."
"oh, what do you call it then?" harry grinned. "a crush? taking a liking too? or do we skip straight to pining at your age?" he dodged when your shoe came flying at him, but he was laughing the whole way. ron was chortling just as loudly.
"you three have lost it!" you declared, standing unevenly from your desk. "remus and i were good friends back in the day--nothing more, nothing less."
"remus, is it?" harry gawked, making the other two laugh and tease again while you stripped off your other shoe. the warning bell rang just then.
"you've been saved, you have!" you called as they scrambled to get their things together. "teasing a professor like a student--rotten children!"
"and yet, you keep inviting us around!"
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malfoyscoffee · 5 months
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cruel summer ౨ৎ theodore nott
pairing theodore nott x fem!reader genre fluff, slightest angst | 2.4k words | best friends to lovers warnings mentions of alcohol consumption, crying, and au with no voldemort. song "cruel summer" — lover, taylor swift
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It was the best summer you could have asked for.
All your friends had decided to spend your last summer before graduation at one of your estates; one located in a small yet beautiful muggle town where no one knew of your identities.
Your big and empty villa helped everyone have their own space. Yet you had spent every waking moment making more fun memories and getting close to your friends, especially Theodore.
Even yesterday, the two of you went out to the nearby beach and returned drenched from the ocean water and rain combined, forgetting to bring spare clothes to the spontaneous trip. Your friends didn’t bat an eye when the two of you returned like wet dogs, knowing it was normal for you two to go on your own adventures.
Today marked the final three days before summer ended before you had to return to Hogwarts for your seventh year.
The sun was starting to set, painting the sky with pastel colors, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of ash from the bonfire that Mattheo and Blaise had started. Your group had recently learned of a muggle snack called Smores, so everyone found a spot around the fire, trying to make the treat for the first time.
“We should all go out to the town bar later tonight since it’s better to be hungover tomorrow than the last day,” Draco suggested, leaning back in his seat as you took a bite out of the dessert. You leaned over to Theodore, who shared the spacious seat with you, letting him take a bite too.
"That’s a brilliant idea, it's our last night to drink before we start the semester,” Mattheo agreed, nodding along with what most of the group was thinking.
Theodore shifted next to you, leaning down on your shoulder while speaking up, “I’m feeling a bit under the weather, so go without me.”
You looked at your best friend closely, not realizing sooner that he had felt sick today.
"Did you catch a cold from yesterday?” Pansy inquired, reaching over to one of the plates to grab some graham crackers. There were many plates sprawled out over the side tables filled with crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars.
You felt Theodore nod next to you, "Yeah, I think it’s from the rain yesterday, I’ll be fine though. You guys go without me,” Theodore reassured, popping a marshmallow into his mouth.
“I’ll come to pick you up if you want to head back early from the bar later,” He spoke with his mouth full, making you laugh as you could barely make out his sentence.
After he finished eating the marshmallow, he placed his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. “Thanks, Theo,” You said before taking the last bite of your Smore.
He smiled brightly at you before the group soon fell into different topics. 
You eventually got up from your seat, walking over to the girls to listen to the latest gossip that Pansy heard through the grapevine.
However, a conversation caught the attention of everyone.
“You're going to go abroad?” Lorenzo's eyes widened at Theodore's announcement, causing a hush to fall over the group.
You turned straight to where you were previously sitting. Blaise was the next to speak, “Mate, when was this decided?” Everyone waited for Theodore’s response while your nervousness suddenly kicked in.
Sure, none of you verbally discussed your future after Hogwarts, but it was a silent agreement assumption that all your friends would settle down nearby.
“I’m planning on going to the States for a while, nothing is set yet though.”
Your heart sank as you watched Theodore's gaze meet yours, his expression a mixture of regret and apprehension.
"When were you going to tell us?” You questioned, still shocked by this announcement.
He looked down at his hands, feeling ashamed for keeping this from everyone, especially you.
“i just didn’t know when to bring it up, so thanks Enz,” Theodore glared at Lorenzo, “For dropping the bomb like this.” He spoke sarcastically at the boy who sighed.
Astoria tried to lighten the mood, noticing the frown on your lips, “Draco, aren’t you going to London after we graduate?”
The conversation shifted to Draco’s plans to study in university longer to become a healer before the group shifted to another topic.
You couldn’t focus after hearing about Theodore’s future plans being abroad, meaning it would get hard to see him.
But why were you worried when he was just your best friend?
“Hey, can you both go inside and help me get more ingredients?” Pansy asked you and Astoria loudly, the two of you agreed to go inside for a moment.
“So, are you going to tell Theo?” Astoria looked at you, curiosity playing in her eyes. She walked over to the shopping bags on the kitchen island to grab more chocolate bars.
“Tell Theo what?” You stare at her with confusion, walking over to your pantry to grab the marshmallow bags. Pansy sighed, setting out more plates for the ingredients on the counter.
“Are you going to tell Theo that you like him?” You froze your actions for a second, standing in the middle of the kitchen with the marshmallow bag in your arms.
“What do you mean? We're just best friends.” You wave them off and open the bag.
Astoria slaps a hand to her forehead, “Yeah, but you fancied him for years! Also, the two of you have been hanging out every single day of our summer. What two best friends don’t get sick of each other and act like a couple?”
“Two blind idiots, that is.” Pansy finishes Astoria’s question, right as you finish pouring the marshmallows.
You sigh, “Okay, sure I fancy Theo. But you guys just heard that he’s leaving for the states after graduation. I won’t even see him, so it’s hopeless.”
You felt yourself getting more upset at the idea that Theodore didn’t tell you before, “Why did he hide that information though?”
Astoria walked around the kitchen island to comfort you, a hand resting on your back. "You know, it’s okay if you do end up confessing to Theo. We still have one year at school together,” Astoria comforted you.
Pansy picks up the plates you filled and sets it on the island, “Also, didn’t you hear when he said it’s not set yet? He might not go abroad, who knows?”
You turn around and grab the plates, walking towards the door to go back outside, “It's useless, he doesn’t like me back. Let's just forget this happened.”
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A few hours later, you sat in a booth at the town’s muggle bar with everyone except Theodore.
The muggle bar was bustling with activity, filled with the raucous sounds of drunken laughter and the rhythmic beat of music from the large speakers. Your group opted to sit in the big booth instead, the furthest away from the commotion. This was more fun as it was similar to what you did at parties back at Hogwarts.
In front of you laid three empty pitchers, once full of dirty shirleys, the alcohol gone in two hours due to your rushed drinking.
“Can someone drink the rest of my vodka cran?” Astoria asked, leaning into Blaise’s shoulder. Everyone chuckled at her behavior, knowing Astoria was always the first one to get tired while drinking.
Blaise pushed her cup towards Mattheo, who gladly accepted the drink for himself. Most of your friends had a high alcohol tolerance, so it was expected to drink for hours.
“It’s okay, you can close your eyes for a bit,” Blaise spoke while looking down at Astoria with adoring eyes. The entire group saw the interaction, feeling bittersweet about the affectionate couple in your friend group.
“Salazar, if only I had a boyfriend who would watch me while I'm out drinking,” You spoke while grabbing Astoria’s—now Mattheo’s, drink and chugging it down.
Everyone was taken aback by your action because this was not how you usually acted during the many years of drinking with you. 
“You do have someone who takes care of you every time you drink.” Draco reminds you while pushing the vodka cranberry away from you.
You stare at Draco with wide eyes, “No, Dray, Theo only sees me as a friend.” You let out a dramatic sigh and your friends laugh at your obvious crush, which only Theodore hasn’t picked up on yet.
Draco puts his hands up in surrender, but with his signature smirk, “I didn’t even have to say his name for you to talk about him, huh?”
“Theodore Nott, my best friend, does not like me.” You groan while putting your hands on your eyes and leaning back in the comfortable seat.
Tears welled up in your eyes, catching everyone off guard as your emotions spilled over. “Guys, Thor’s going to leave for the States. How will I see him when he’s abroad for Merlin knows how long?”
Pansy started to pass your napkins to wipe away your tears, while Lorenzo took out his phone. “I’m going to text Theo to pick her up.”
Pansy nodded at Lorenzo before looking at you in pity, “Yeah, she’s going to be out soon.”
Everyone kept their gaze on you as your tears eventually stopped falling. “Rest your head and sleep a little.” Mattheo spoke while moving your head to his shoulder while you closed your eyes.
Seeing your eyes closed, Draco twirled the black straw in his cup, “So when do you guys think they’re going to get together?”
Pansy chuckled at the comment, taking out her phone to snap a few photos of you for memory's sake. “First week after we get back to school, I’ll bet on it.”
"I say in one day,” Mattheo chimed in with a grin, resuming the conversation while you rested.
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"Theodore!” You exclaim while running to your best friend. You pull him into a hug while breaking into a big smile, Theodore laughing at your drunk state.
Theodore waves behind you to say goodbye to Mattheo and Pansy, who walked you outside the building. Everyone else planned to stay longer at the bar.
The fresh cold breeze greeted you as you stepped outside, causing you to shiver lightly for not dressing for the weather.
Theodore quickly draped his hoodie over your head, the fabric offering warmth against the chilly evening air.
The cold breeze nipped at your skin, causing goosebumps to form as you wrapped Theodore’s hoodie tighter around yourself.
Theodore quickly found your hand and intertwined it, a smile reaching both of your faces. The two of you walked back to the villa in comfortable silence.
It was a short walk back and when you arrived, you excitedly pulled Theodore to your spot.
You had told Theodore about the garden kept away in the gates in the back of your villa, hanging out many times during your stay. You decided to keep the garden a secret, wanting it to be your little hideout.
“Did you have a fun time?” Theodore asks first, walking towards the white bench placed in the garden.
You shake your head, staring at your connected hands,“No, Blaise and Astoria were being so cute it made me sad.”
Theodore frowned, pulling you to sit down next to him. Your connected hands were placed on his lap.
“It’s okay, you can tell me anything” Theodore reassured, unsure if you would open up to him while being drunk. He knew the walk back would sober you up a bit, but not completely.
“It’s just,” You stopped to think about your next words while Theodore waited for you to continue.
“Never mind, I’m fine.”
“But that’s not true.”
Theodore’s gaze bore into your own, not making any effort to move. The moonlight cast a soft glow over Theodore's features, illuminating his face as he looked at you with a mixture of concern and affection.
"Let’s just go inside,” You suggest, standing up from the bench and pulling his hand.
“Did you cry?” Theodore asks, being able to see your face more clearly after you’ve stood up.
Theodore rose and cupped a hand on your face, tracing over your cheeks. “Why did you cry?”
You place a hand over his hand, moving it away from his face. “This,” You break free from his hold completely and take a step to create space away from him, “Theo, this is why I cried. You’re the reason that I cried.”
Theodore stares at you without saying anything, making you more frustrated.
“Theo, I love you, isn’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?” You yell your confession, finally voicing the feelings you’ve kept from him. Your heart raced as you finally voiced the feelings you had kept hidden for so long, the weight of your confession hanging in the air.
Theodore had a devious grin on his face, his laughter echoing in the quiet garden as he pulled you into a reassuring hug. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard in my life.”
You stand there shocked at his actions, “No,” You mumble into his shoulder. “No, this can’t be happening.”
You pull away from his hug, “Theo, you’re going abroad after graduation, I won’t even see you. Salazar, how is this even going to happen? No, how are we going to happen? Wait, do you even like me?”
As Theodore pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, you felt a surge of warmth flood through you, dispelling the lingering doubts and fears. “You really can’t see that I’ve loved you since first year?”
Your mouth is open from shock, and Theodore laughs once again, this time wiping the tears away.
“This can work. I’ll be gone for a few months but I’ll come back, here, to be with you.”
You look at Theodore, a smile now forming, “So we can do this? Give this relationship a try?”
“Yes, now let’s walk inside, you’re going to catch a cold.”
You give Theodore a quick peck on his cheek, before taking his hand again.
“You know,” Theodore pulls your intertwined hands to kiss your hand, leading you to exit the garden.
You blush at his action, “What?” You ask curiously.
“It’s a cruel summer with you.”
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And you can guess that Mattheo won that bet.
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superconductivebean · 2 months
#1159: Hogwarts Inquires - 118
Did you know? - 19
There is a WIP version of the in-game map left in the game files. It shows few interesting locations only partly utilised in the final game:
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Top: Pitt-upon-Ford region used to be narrower and wasn't sitting as close to the Forbidden Forest as it does in the final release;
Left: A path to the Korrow Ruins was a narrow trog to the mountain valley vast enough to have a small loch. Korrow ruins must've been situated there, somewhere;
Top-right: A passage to the mountain lake valley accessible via the Falbarton castle (The High Keep quest). The dragon quest where you have to return the egg to the dragon is set in that location;
Bottom-right: Northern and Southern Bogs are likely to be the remnants of this separate location. Swamp Vivarium might be its part as well.
Speaking of Korrow ruins…
If you thought the world border cut off more at that location than it reasonably should, you supposed correctly. There is a continuation to a whole location with a stream, a lake, and a motte-and-bailey castle structure; moreover, it may had been possible to climb the summit of the hill seen from anywhere at Hogwarts, an example:
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You can see the 'walkable' land right behind the castle's walls:
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Immediately upon breaching the world border you will see the tracks of stream that ought to run through the trog:
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Climbing up the hill reveals its possible point of origin:
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And looking to the right opens the full view of the place:
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Lake's basin:
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Likely a junction area between the upper point of this location and any kind of the side activities:
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The could-have-been Korrow Ruins:
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Bonus: Hogwarts from up the summit:
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Quick theory: if Ranrok's Loyalists managed to communicate all the castles in the area, they could've attacked Hogwarts from both below and above ground. In castle architecture, placing any weaponry on the mountaintops— wouldn't say 'considered insanity' but mountains used to be perfect natural defence against sieges.
Flying goblins would've been my favourite part of the game, I swear.
tags: @the-magiarcheologist @thriftstorebabayaga @endeavour12345
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perseephoneee · 11 months
Can you do a isaac lahey imagine where the reader us on her period and freaks out and doesn't know what to do so lydia tells him what to do
hehe yes omg
period talk (isaac lahey x f!reader)
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warnings: fluff, period talk, dumb boy
a/n: try the drink mentioned if you want to imagine running through hogwarts on a winter day.
↳ masterlist ↳  want to be shipped with a fic character?
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Isaac wouldn't admit it, but he loved the cold weather. He liked when the winter season would hit, and holidays were a topic of conversation. Holidays were the only time his Dad treated him like he was actually proud of him, and despite that fucked up relationship, Isaac couldn't help but romanticize the season. It's why, when Beacon Hills hit a new low for the weather, he was excited to see you at school. Perhaps he could even convince you to skip class and get hot coco with him.
Unfortunately for him, your period had started therefore your mood was sour. The cold just added to your discomfort, and you basically hissed at him when he came by your locker.
"Woah, what did I do?" Isaac recoiled, a nervous laugh on his lips. You took a deep breath before turning and facing him.
"Nothing, you did nothing," you sighed. "I'm just...not doing great."
"Whats wrong?" Isaac inquired, brows furrowed and concern evident on his face. You loved your cute werewolf boyfriend, and while he was very helpful, he probably couldn't do much for you right now.
"I'm on my period," you admitted with a twinge of shame. Talking about these things was never fun, even to someone you trusted. A blush coated Isaac's cheeks as he processed what you said.
"Should I, uh, do something?" Isaac stammered, hands in his pockets.
"Just be you, I'm a big girl and can handle myself," you chuckled, lightly slapping his arm as you closed your locker and started in the direction of class. Isaac stood in the hallway a moment longer, before deducing a game plan and targeting the area of the school he knew the familiar red head would be. She was typing on her phone when he ran up beside her, backpack slung lazily over his shoulder.
"I need your help," Isaac said hurridly, earning a squeak of surprise form Lydia. She set two angry eyes at him, and he resisted the urge to run away. Women did not like him much today.
"Stop sneaking up on me like that," Lydia rolled her eyes, putting her phone in her purse. "What is it?"
"Y/N is on her period, and I want to help, but I don't know what to do, and you're a girl and you're smart so I thought you'd have some ideas?" Isaac rushed, lips pressed in a thin line as Lydia cocked a brow at him.
"Why do you have to make everything so dramatic?" Lydia huffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Isaac sent her a look though that showed that he wasn't going to figure anything out, anytime soon. "Look, unless she asks for products, don't bother trying to buy her them-- you'll likely get the wrong ones anyway. Get her her favorite warm drink, a heating pad, blanket, maybe an activity or something calming."
"Drink, heating pad, blanket, activity, got it," Isaac listed out everything, brows scrunched together in concentration. "Anything else?"
"Yeah, during this time, she's always right. Even if you think she isn't, just agree that you're wrong and she's right. Otherwise, she'll claw your eyes out," Lydia crossed her arms, daring Isaac to challenge her. He stayed quiet though, and she loosened up her stance. "I have to go, have fun, don't get killed."
Isaac was never that great at social cues, but he really liked you, and that was enough. Ignoring the uncomfortable feeling taking pit in his stomach, he skipped out on school to go get the necessary things Lydia listed. Starting off with a butterbeer chai, a concoction you created (two pumps caramel, two pumps toffee, caramel drizzle, and chai); going to CVS for a heating pad and a blanket; then finally the bookstore down the street where he found a book you wanted (after searching through his phone for fifteen minutes trying to find the text where you mentioned wanting a new release). By the time he had finished his grand adventure, school was out and he would be able to surprise you.
You were having a crappy day with a side of more absolute garbage, so you were very pleasantly surprised when your golden hair boyfriend comes bounding up the street as you exit the school building.
"Woah, where's the fire?" you chuckle. You finally take notice of the bags he's carrying, as well as the drink.
"These are for you," Isaac stutters, passing you the drink. You peer in the bag and can't hide the grin on your face as you take in the plethora of supplies he got. "I know you weren't doing well, and I felt bad, so I got some stuff."
"Isaac, you are the sweetest puppy of a boyfriend a girl could ask for," you smile, wanting nothing more than to pick him up and twirl him around (he is too tall, you are too small). "How did you know what to get?"
"I asked Lydia," he mumbles, staring at his feet. You fight back a chuckle.
"Probably the smartest thing you could've done."
"That was my thought process as well," he chimes, scratching the back of his neck and shooting you a grin. You lean up, kissing him on the corner of his mouth and looping his arm through yours.
"C'mon, lets go hide from the cold together and I'll bitch to you about life," you chime, the cold dusting yours and Isaac's cheeks in shades of pink.
"Sounds perfect, just like you," Isaac smiles, kissing the top of your head as you walk off back home.
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the marauders being clingy
Characters: James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Synopsis: The Marauders loving their s/o and being all clingy
TW: Drunk, alcohol (Sirius)
James Potter
“James,” you whined, “breakfast is going to be over soon, we need to get out of bed.”
James was still half-asleep, with his face pressed against your chest as he laid on top of you. He was like a koala to a tree, clinging onto your warm body.
The way your hands massaged his scalp probably didn’t help keep him alert.
“Five more minutes,” James mumbled sleepily against your skin. “You’re too comfy.”
“James, don’t you have a quidditch match this afternoon? Don’t you want to strategize with the team this morning?”
“They can wait.”
“I have classes to get to, you know?” you stop playing with his hair, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed.
“Please, baby, I don’t wanna get up yet!” James complained pathetically.
“You have to get up eventually,” you sat up slowly, James reluctantly following suit. “Let’s get ready, go to breakfast, go to class, I’ll cheer for you at your game, and then tonight we can cuddle until we fall asleep.”
James grumpily got out of bed and ready. “Tomorrow morning is a Saturday. And I will not let you out of my arms until lunch, you hear me?”
Remus Lupin
“And so the combination of rose petals and swan feathers creates a sand-like powder that is commonly used in beauty and love spells. Rowena Ravenclaw, however, feared that access to such emotional magic would harm the students, so for the first two centuries of Hogwarts’ existence was an impeccably swan-free zone…”
You read your history book out loud to Remus, who had his head rested in your lap.
“Remus? Are you listening?”
“Hm? Yes, of course, love. Swans and the lack thereof,” he nodded, as he flipped himself from his back to his stomach. His head still resting comfortably on your thighs.
“Tired, Moony?” you put the book down.
“Mhm, a bit. But don’t stop reading on my account. I’m still listening,” Remus’s voice was tired and relaxed.
“Don’t be silly, you go to sleep.”
“Are you gonna fall asleep with me?” he looked up from your lap, expectantly.
“No, I still need to study. The history of Hogwarts waits for no one,” you sighed with a faint smile. “But you had this class last term, so you don’t need to sit through all this.”
“I want to, love. I like hearing you read,” Remus laid his head back down. “Please, continue.”
You smiled with a roll of the eyes and reopened the book. “In addition to swans, all white feathers were equally prohibited. Notably, doves and cranes got it particularly rough…”
Before you could make it to the next page, Remus was asleep on your lap.
Sirius Black
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know who else to call,” Remus frowned as he led you into the Gryffindor common room.
On a couch, laid a very drunk Sirius, talking some poor second year’s ear off.
“Oh, and you should just see them! They’ve got this smile, and these eyes, and, ugh! I hate them they’re so perfect. And I’m dating them! How did that happen?” Sirius ranted.
“I, um, I don’t know,” the perfectly sober second-year shrugged awkwardly.
“Me neither!” Sirius said just a bit too loud.
You walked over to relieve the poor kid from their duties. “I’ve got him from here, thanks.”
“Darling!” Sirius cheered happily at your arrival. He opened his arms for a hug, which when you accept he turns into a cuddle.
He wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you down on top of him on the couch. The scent of alcohol hit you.
“How much have you had to drink, Sirius?” you inquired.
“Enough to feel good enough to do this,” he smirked as he pulled you into a kiss.
The kiss was long and sloppy, until you pulled away. Sirius frowned slightly at that.
“Siri, you’re smashed. I think you should get to bed,” you advised.
“What? No! You just got here, I’m just starting to have fun!” Sirius whined.
Suddenly, another Gryffindor approached you, asking for help with an essay he had due tomorrow.
“Back off! She was just about to take me to bed!” He declared proudly, with drunken loudness and shamelessness.
And you did just that. Took him to his room, and cuddled him to sleep. Although his hangover was not as pleasant.
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lilacmingi · 6 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Slytherin!Mingi x Hufflepuff!fem reader
Word count: 5,861
Note: Reminder that this is an imagine from my Wattpad from 2023 so there will not be extra parts or continuations
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Mingi pushed his food around on his plate, eyes fixed on the peas that rolled across the saucer and into his mashed potatoes.
"Mingi?" You inquired softly, tapping your index finger on the table to gain his attention.
He blinked a few times, looking up at you with those heart-melting sparkly brown eyes of his.
"Hm?" He hummed.
"What's got you so distracted? You've barely touched your steak. It's your favorite."
"I was just thinking."
"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"
He hummed, nodding his head.
"Then, what's weighing on your mind?"
"What if I end up as an evil wizard?" He questioned worriedly. "Most of the bad wizards are from Slytherin."
Your expression softened and settled into a gentle smile as you let out a chortle. "Mingi, you don't have anything to worry about."
"That's easy for you to say. You're in one of the nicest houses in Hogwarts."
"Your house doesn't define you, you know. For instance, you. You're so friendly and kind to everyone you meet. Slytherins aren't always mean."
He blinked a few times, his eyes shimmering as he took in every word you said.
"You know, I've come across some awfully mean Hufflepuffs."
His eyes became wide at this.
"Mhm." You nodded. "Some meaner than any Slytherin I've met."
"Ah." His brows raised. "That makes me feel better."
"Good." You gave a nod of finality before finishing your meal.
You waited patiently for Mingi to eat, sipping on the remainder of your drink until he was done.
"Ah." You sighed contently as the both of you left the dining hall. "Nothing like a good meal to end the day."
"Yeah." Mingi agreed.
Your gaze moved to the windows of the school seeing the evening sky outside. Classes were over for the day and this was usually when students would go to their respective dormitories and hang out in the common room or spend time in the study hall, but you wanted to do something with Mingi. You thought back to what he had said just a few minutes ago at dinner about being a Slytherin. Though your words seemed to bring some comfort and relief to him, you felt he needed something else to cheer him up.
"Hey, I know something we could do." You spoke up as an idea popped into your head.
There was one thing that was 100% guaranteed to cheer Mingi up.
"We could stop by Hagrid's hut to see what new creatures he's taking care of."
Mingi's eyes lit up, glimmering with excitement as he nodded vigorously. "Let's go!"
With his confirmation, the two of you took off across the quad and exited the area, waking together across the school grounds. Hagrid's hut was just a small, dark lump in the distance as he lived quite a ways away from the castle.
"You remember those things we learned about in our care of magical creatures class? Ah. What are they called?" You murmured. "Oh! Mooncalves. Do you think Hagrid will be caring for any of those?"
"I hope so. The pictures in our textbooks look so cute. I'd love to see one in person." Mingi gushed.
You approached the small hut, giving a knock on the weathered wood of the front door, watching as plumes of smoke escaped the chimney meaning Hagrid was home.
The door swung open moments later revealing the jovial half-giant, but before he could even greet you, his dog, Fang, came running by his feet, jumping up to greet you and Mingi.
"Fang!" You cooed, scratching the massive dog's ears, his droopy face looking too cute.
"Hey kiddos." Hagrid greeted once Fang had calmed down. "What brings you here?"
"It's the end of the day and Mingi and I wanted to see if you had any new creatures you were taking care of." You told him, rocking back and forth on your heels in anticipation.
A small grin pulled at Hagrid's features.
"I just got a new little fella yesterday, actually. Would you like to see him?"
"Yes, please!" You and Mingi both piped up, speaking at the same time.
Hagrid gave a hearty chuckle before stepping aside. "Well, come on in, then."
The two of you entered his cozy hut, both looking around trying to find this so-called "little fella."
"You two are excited, aren't ya?"
You and Mingi nodded vigorously, earning a chuckle from him.
"Alright." He sighed out, rummaging in a corner where a basket sat. Hagrid pulled a cloth off the top of the weaved container and reached inside. "Well, here he is."
When he turned around he was cradling a small creature in his arms, which was curled in on itself slightly.
Both you and Mingi let out gasps in response.
"A niffler." Mingi squeaked.
"That it is." Hagrid nodded. "You don't have any jewelry on, do you?"
"No sir." You shook your head along with Mingi.
"Good. This guy goes crazy for that stuff."
"Yes, we know. He's so adorable though, you can't help but wanna give him shiny stuff." You cooed.
"It's very tempting, but as soon as he sees something shiny he goes mad and won't stop until he has whatever eye-catching object grabbed his attention. And catching one of these is no easy task. Newt Scamander, the author of yer textbook Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, had a niffler along with many other creatures and one of these guys got out. Ended up in a jewelry store stuffing his pouch with gold and silver."
Your eyes widened along with Mingi's.
Hagrid nodded.
"What happened?" Mingi inquired. "Did he catch the niffler?"
"He did, but it was difficult."
Your gaze moved to the creature still tucked in Hagrid's arms. He noticed your eyes lingering on the niffler, prompting him to hold the little guy out to you.
"Would you like to hold him?"
You nodded eagerly, gingerly taking the creature, cradling him in your arms. Mingi leaned over your shoulder to watch, slowly bringing his hand up to run along the niffler's tummy. He stretched out in your arms in response to Mingi's affectionate actions making you chuckle.
"He likes that." You commented.
"You can brush him if you'd like." Hagrid spoke up.
Mingi nodded eagerly as Hagrid handed him a small oval brush. He began running the bristled object along the niffler's tummy until he rolled over in your arms, allowing Mingi to brush along his back, his eyelids slowly drooping.
"He's closing his eyes." You whispered. "I think he's about to fall asleep."
Mingi's endearing giggles reached your ears, the sound making your heart do flips. He's the biggest softie you'd ever met and everything he does makes you melt. His sweet personality was a big contrast from his deep voice and six foot tall stature. On the outside he (sometimes) looks intimidating but he's really just a big softie who loves to give hugs and gets scared easily.
The both of you moved over to sit on the couch in Hagrid's quaint and cozy hut, Mingi continuing to brush the fuzzy niffler that was slowly starting to doze off in your arms. The atmosphere was pleasant as you watched the little creature's eyes slide shut, the sound of the cracking fire filling the air.
"Can I offer you two somethin' to drink? I can put a pot of tea on." Hagrid offered.
You and Mingi shared a glance before nodding.
He got to work placing a kettle of water over the fire to boil while you continued watching the niffler in your arms. Being close with Hagrid had its perks, one being moments like these where you could spend your free time caring for any creatures that he happened to have.
Mingi's eyes glimmered with unadulterated joy, a toothy grin plastered on his face while gingerly stroking the niffler's back with the brush.
Hagrid poured you both a cup of steaming hot tea, placing them on the wooden table by the couch. When the warm beverages were served, Mingi stopped what he was doing and took a sip of the tea while you did your best to reach for your cup without waking the snoozing niffler curled up in your lap.
You thanked the kind half-giant for the beverage before giving it a taste, offering him a thumbs up in response.
You and Mingi stayed long enough to finish your tea and chat with Hagrid about how your other classes were going as well as learning more about nifflers, finding out things about them that your textbooks didn't cover.
Hagrid glanced out the small window of his hut, noting how low the sun was hanging in the sky.
"You two best be getting off. Don't want to get in trouble."
You stood up, reluctantly handing the niffler off to Hagrid.
"Is it okay if we come back to see him again?" Mingi asked, glistening eyes darting down to the creature who had started to stir.
"Of course. You're both welcome back whenever. You know that."
"Yes sir." You nodded with a grin.
The both of you waved goodbye to Hagrid while leaving his small home and started your brief journey back to the school, not realizing how dark it had gotten outside.
"I want to take him with us." You pouted, making grabby hands towards the hut as you walked away from it.
"Me too." Mingi clutched his chest. "I've never seen a real niffler before. I didn't realize they were so cute."
"They're irresistible." You gushed. "I want one as a pet."
Your Slytherin friend chuckled in response. "Do you think you could handle caring for one?"
"Maybe. Though that story Hagrid told us about Newt Scamander makes me a bit skeptical. They must be really drawn to shiny things. I'd have to keep it on a leash or something." You spoke your thoughts aloud. "Maybe I just like being around them for a little while."
"Me too." Mingi agreed. "I don't think I could take care of one. Imagine how difficult it would be to keep one from going after anything shiny it laid eyes on."
You pictured it for a moment, imagining utter chaos.
"Yeah. Being a niffler mom might not be for me." You laughed.
Once back inside the school, you and Mingi went your separate ways, waving goodbye to each other while heading off in the direction of your respective dormitories. Leaving Mingi was always difficult for you because you enjoyed his company and wanted to spend as much time around him as possible.
One thing you hated about being in separate houses was not being able to live in the same dorms. Yes, boys and girls were separated but at the very least, you both could hang out together in the common room and prolong your time together.
Mingi made his way to the Grand Staircase, descending the seemingly endless stairs that led to the dungeon where the Slytherin dormitories were located. His mind was clouded with thoughts of you, as usual. You had been friends for years yet every time he was around you his heart raced like crazy. He was so in love with you it was almost embarrassing. What's even more embarrassing is how he still hadn't confessed yet. With how long the both of you have known each other, one would assume he already confessed, but he was too afraid of rejection, or worse, making things awkward between the both of you and ruining your friendship.
If only there was a way he could ease into confessing, maybe test the waters a bit and see if you might be interested in him the way he was with you.
Mingi's hands were clammy as he held the small velvet box between his palms. He spent so long choosing this piece for you and hoped you would like it. As soon as his eyes landed on the item he knew he had to get it for you, clearly imagining how nice you would look wearing it.
He took a series of deep breaths, letting them out slowly in a futile attempt to calm his nerves as he approached the place where you stood, not noticing his presence.
"Hi." He announced himself by greeting you, hiding the box behind his back.
"Hi." You flashed that heart-melting smile of yours that he loved so much.
"You look pretty." Saying the compliment aloud made Mingi's cheeks flush. "Did you do something different to your hair?"
"I styled it a little, but I hardly did anything. How'd you notice?"
I notice everything. Is what he wanted to say, but he just shrugged.
"So, why'd you want to meet here?"
"I wanted to give you something."
Your face lit up at his statement, clearly not expecting the gesture.
"What is it?" You inquired.
Mingi revealed the velvet box he had concealed behind his back and held it out for you. He noticed the way your eyes became wide at the sight, carefully taking the box from his hands to open it up.
You gasped upon seeing the necklace displayed inside.
He stood nervously as you removed the jewelry, examining the silver chain that had a single pendant hanging at the end; your favorite stone encased in silver.
"Mingi." You gaped. "This is beautiful."
The design of the piece was simple, which you loved, silently vowing to wear it all the time.
"You like it?" He asked quietly.
"I love it. What's the occasion?"
He shrugged. "Just because."
That was a lie. Getting you the necklace was just one way he could attempt to convey just how much you meant to him without actually confessing.
"Would you like me to put it on you?" He asked with pink cheeks.
"Yes please."
You allowed him to take the necklace while you turned around and let him clasp it around your neck. Your hand reached up to gently touch the pendant hanging perfectly between your collarbones, your heart leaping in response.
Just because, huh? You thought, holding back a smile.
No one buys their best friend jewelry just because. You knew there had to be another reason behind it and you hoped your suspicions were correct.
"Thank you."
"Yeah." His eyes were cast upon the ground, unable to meet your gaze. "You're welcome."
Your fingers unconsciously fiddled with the pendant.
"It's very beautiful."
"So, you like it?"
"I love it." You smiled.
Those three words were enough to fill Mingi with a feeling of adoration, his heart beating with joy. Seeing your reaction to the necklace gave him a small glimmer of hope that maybe you did like him the way he liked you.
It was nearly impossible to stay away from the lovable niffler you and Mingi met a few days prior. As soon as you had time to slip away, the both of you took off to Hagrid's hut once again, hoping to see the magical creature that captured your hearts.
"Oh. I should take this off." You paused, reaching up to unclasp the necklace Mingi had given you. "Don't want the little guy to snatch it."
"Smart." Mingi nodded, watching as you slipped it into your pocket.
You hadn't taken the necklace off not once since Mingi had gifted it to you. The piece of jewelry meant the world to you and you had no intentions on losing it or having it taken by a magical creature, so it was best to pocket it for the duration of your visit at Hagrid's.
Mingi gave a few knocks to the large wooden door, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as it creaked open.
"Hey you two. Didn't expect you back so soon."
"We couldn't stay away." You responded.
"Yeah we wanted to see the niffler again, if you don't mind." Mingi added, looking up at the half-giant with hopeful eyes.
"'Course you can." He bellowed cheerfully, stepping aside so the both of you could enter his cozy home.
The niffler was up and skittering about the hut this time instead of being curled up in his basket. Fang, who was lying peacefully by the fireplace, sat upright when the creature skittered past his paws, startling him a bit.
"He's got what I believe muggles call zoomies." Hagrid said with a hearty chuckle.
You squeaked gleefully as the creature scurried over to you and Mingi.
"I think he remembers us." You chuckled, leaning down to pick him up.
Mingi reached over and started to lightly scratch the top of the niffler's head before going down his back, the creature letting out small chitters of approval.
"You wanna hold him?"
Mingi nodded vigorously, gently taking the niffler from your arms and cradling him in his own, gazing fondly at him. His fingers came up to give the little guy some belly scratches which he seemed to really enjoy, for a few moments anyway. He didn't stay still for long before he was squirming in the Slytherin's arms, trying his best to wiggle his way out. Mingi got the message and placed the creature on the ground allowing him to run about to his heart's content.
"He's got a lot of energy today."
"He does." Hagrid chuckled. "Excited little thing, he is."
You and Mingi watched him in amusement and adoration as he skittered about.
"Would you like to feed him?" Hagrid asked, making the both of you look up at him.
"Yes please." Mingi nodded.
Hagrid stood up from his seat and went rummaging through some of his belongings before pulling out a bucket.
"You'll have to do some work, if you don't mind gettin' yer hands dirty."
You and your friend shared a look before you put forth a question.
"What do we have to do?"
"Nifflers are herbivores so this fella only eats grass and weeds. I haven't had the chance to gather any food for him so if you're both willing to do that you can feed him."
"Of course we are." You agreed straight away, Mingi nodding in agreement.
"Great." He handed the bucket over to you, making sure the niffler didn't run out while you and Mingi stepped outside.
"Here." Your friend pointed to a cluster of grass near an old wheelbarrow.
Wrenching the blades from the ground, you tossed them into the bucket you had been given and began to slowly fill it up. The two of you made your way around Hagrid's property yanking handfuls of grass up out of the earth. Eventually, the bucket was nearly full to the top.
"Should we stop?" Mingi questioned. "He's a small creature and this is probably plenty of food."
"You're right."
Hagrid was impressed with the work you two had done, bringing you back over to the couch so you could feed the magical creature.
Mingi held some grass in his hand, the niffler crawling over to him right away to start chowing down. His little hands held onto the blades of grass while he ate, making him look oh-so-adorable.
You decided to join in and pulled a handful of grass from the bucket, holding it out for the niffler who scurried across the small space between you and Mingi on the couch to eat the grass you had presented to him.
Your palm was emptied in no time and you found yourself reaching back into the bucket for more grass.
"Oh. Did I ever tell you two about that one time I raised blast-ended skrewts?"
Mingi turned to share a look with you before you both shook your heads.
"I don't recommend it. They're very ill tempered when they get to two months."
"What are they?" Mingi inquired.
"They're a mix between a manticore and a fire crab. The look like a giant faceless scorpion mixed with a crab."
"Scary." Mingi shivered.
Your brows raised. "That sounds dangerous."
"It was. Bought 'em from an illegal breeder."
"Makes sense." You muttered in amusement.
Hagrid was always getting himself into some sort of trouble and caring for incredibly dangerous creatures that he probably shouldn't have contact with.
"Let me show you a picture." He got up and started skimming through a pile of books before pulling one out of the stack and flipping through the pages. "Ah. Here we are."
"No thanks." Mingi declined, covering his eyes.
You peered at the drawing in the book, your face scrunching in response. Mingi made the mistake of peeking through his fingers and catching a glimpse of the image.
"Ah!" He squeaked. "That's terrifying. Who would want those?"
"Me, of course!" Hagrid gave a hearty belly laugh.
After another fun-filled visit at Hagrid's hut you headed back to the castle to spend the rest of the evening.
"I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow." You waved goodbye to Mingi while parting ways.
Once you were out of sight, Mingi decided to wander the halls with no particular destination in mind. He merely felt the need to take a walk, maybe think about some things that had been weighing on his mind.
During his stroll, he noticed a familiar-looking lump sitting amongst some sculptures and set of armor lining the hallways. He had been down that hall hundreds of times throughout his years attending Hogwarts and whatever was on the floor wasn't supposed to be there. He took a few steps towards the lump until he was able to make out what it was.
The niffler.
"Oh. What are you doing here?" He asked, unsure of how the creature had followed the both of you all the way back to the school. "How did you get h-" His question was cut off when he saw something silver gleaming in the niffler's hand.
"Hey. That's Y/n's necklace!" Mingi gasped, wondering how the little guy managed to snag it without either of you noticing. "Give that to me."
The niffler took off as soon as Mingi attempted to advance towards him.
"No." The Slytherin groaned, taking off down the halls towards him.
Mingi kept his eyes on the magical creature as he skittered down the corridors, rounding corners and leaping onto pedestals housing sculptures that Mingi had to catch and keep from toppling over after the little guy jumped off them.
This is the worst. He though to himself miserably.
Despite how much he was struggling, that necklace was far too important. There's no way Mingi would let the niffler have it, at least not without a fight.
Finally, after what felt like ages, he came to a halt, sitting near one of the large arched windows.
Finally. Mingi thought, his chest heaving up and down while he attempted to catch his breath. It was a miracle he didn't get caught by any professors running down the halls or he would've been in big trouble.
Choosing to take a different approach, Mingi decided to advance towards the creature with the utmost caution, sneaking up behind him while he stared at your necklace in his tiny hands. Just before he could slip it into his pouch, Mingi grabbed a hold of it, thinking he had managed to get the precious item from the creature, until he felt a tug on the opposite end.
You reached up to mindlessly fiddle with the pendant Mingi had given you, freezing when you didn't feel it around your neck.
Before you could fully begin to panic you remembered you had put the necklace in your pocket before going to Hagrid's place. However, when you reached into your pocket, you didn't feel the necklace. You heart dropped to your feet.
"Oh no."
Slipping out of the Hufflepuff dormitory, you made your way down the halls in the direction you had come earlier, hoping to find the silver necklace lying on the stone floors of the hallway. It meant so much to you and the fact that you lost it made your heart shatter. The necklace could have slipped out of your pocket at Hagrid's or in the grass on the walk back to the school. The only possible solution was to retrace your steps.
You went down the corridors, keeping your eyes glued to the floor as you scanned the area. As time passed and your necklace didn't show up, a feeling of hopelessness slowly started taking over. At that point, you started thinking that maybe you should just tell Mingi what happened and be honest. Then, maybe the both of you could look outside on the school grounds tomorrow. Changing directions, you started making your way to the Slytherin dorms, hoping you'd run into Mingi along the way.
Your search came to an abrupt halt when you spotted the man you were looking for playing tug of war with a niffler. You could barely question how the creature had gotten all the way to the school when you spotted a familiar silver chain gleaming in the lantern lights. Your necklace.
"Y/n!" He jerked his head towards you, eyes wide like a deer in the headlights. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. He took your necklace. I don't know how."
Giving one final tug, the niffler released the jewelry and Mingi fell on his bottom, letting out a grunt when he hit the floor.
Mingi let out a huff, clutching the piece of jewelry in his hands.
You scrambled to grab the niffler before he could scurry off, holding him closely. His tiny clawed hands reached towards your necklace in Mingi's hand as he squirmed in your hold, trying to reach the jewelry.
The Slytherin pushed himself up off the ground and pocketed your necklace for temporary safe keeping.
"We need to return him to Hagrid before he causes any more trouble." You told Mingi.
He took a glance at a large clock on the wall.
"It's a couple hours until curfew. We've got time."
With that, you and Mingi set off towards Hagrid's hut for the second time that day. It was 8:00 PM and the sky was a deep blue color that was so dark it was almost black. Once outside the quad and away from the torches that provided light, Mingi pulled out his wand.
The tip of his wand lit up, allowing you two to see where you were going as you hiked across the grass. The niffler had calmed down at bit after the necklace was put away, but still squirmed every so often, clearly wanting to be put down.
"Sorry buddy." You apologized. "I can't set you down until you're back home."
"I'm sorry he got a hold of your necklace."
"You have no need to apologize. It was no one's fault. I'm just trying to figure out how he got it. Maybe it fell out of my pocket or was about to fall out and he spotted it and that's what led him to follow us."
"That seems plausible." Mingi nodded.
You gave a few knocks to Hagrid's door as Mingi extinguished the light on his wand, the door creaking open just a few seconds later.
"Niffler delivery." You joked, forcing a laugh.
"I've been wondering where he wandered off to." Hagrid responded. "Been lookin' everywhere for him."
"He followed us back to the school. I think he might've seen the necklace I had in my pocket because he had it earlier."
"Oh, yes." He responded, taking the creature from you. "One glance at something shiny and these little fellas will go after it."
"He's stronger than he looks." Mingi commented. "I spent nearly five minutes playing tug of war with him over that necklace."
The half-giant chuckled at the image.
"That they are." He nodded. "Well, thank you for bringing him back."
"Of course. We couldn't have him roaming the school all night." You chuckled.
"I feel like you two need a reward or somethin'."
Before either of you could deny, he reached into a wooden bowl on his round dining table, holding out two dragon scales.
"Here ya go. Genuine dragon scales."
Both your's and Mingi's brows raised as you each took a shiny scale.
"Woah." You gaped. "Thank you."
"It's the least I can do to show my appreciation."
"So cool." Mingi murmured in awe.
"You two best be heading back so you don't miss curfew."
Thanking Hagrid again for the incredibly special gift, you parted ways, waving goodbye as you started back towards the castle. Holding your wands out, you and Mingi illuminated the ends of them, using the light to guide you back to the school.
"We've had an eventful evening, haven't we? You more so than me. After all, you're the one who chased the niffler and pried the necklace away from him."
"I wasn't kidding when I said he's stronger than he looks."
"I believe you." You chuckled. "It seemed like he had quite the grip on that necklace."
"You have no idea."
You passed by the study hall, catching sight of a few students hitting the books before curfew. The halls were mostly empty, not many people were roaming around at this hour as most students preferred to hang out in the common room of their dormitories.
"Thank you for getting the necklace back." You spoke up, wondering how long he had been chasing the niffler before he was able to catch him and successfully pry the chain from him.
"Oh. That reminds me." Mingi paused, pulling the precious piece of jewelry out of his pocket. "Here you go."
A soft smile graced your lips at the sight of it and you moved your hair to the side, turning around.
"Could you put it on me?"
Mingi stepped forward and clasped the necklace just as he did when he had first gifted it to you. You thanked him, turning around to gaze up at him while your fingers unconsciously toyed with the pendant.
The light from the flickering torches on the wall danced across Mingi's sharp features and illuminated his cheekbones. For a moment, all you could do was stare, entranced by his hypnotizing features.
"Can I tell you something?" He inquired softly, cutting through the silence hanging in the air.
You hummed, prompting him to continue.
"There's a reason I gave you that necklace."
As much as you wanted to smile because you were right, you held back and stayed silent, waiting for him to go on.
"The truth is, I like you, Y/n." Mingi bravely stepped forward, feeling nervous as ever. "I was too afraid to confess and to be honest, I didn't even know what I would say. So I decided to buy you something nice in hopes that the message would get across without me having to confess."
This time you couldn't hold back your smile.
"I knew there had to be a reason." You grinned. "I just didn't want to get my hopes up about any possibilities."
"Possibilities of what?" Mingi pressed.
"That you like me."
In the blink of an eye, Mingi grabbed your face with both his hands and closed the gap between your faces, pressing his lips against yours.
Fireworks exploded in your stomach upon contact, your eyelids fluttering closed in response. You'd always imagined what it would feel like to kiss Mingi and feel his pretty, plush lips against yours. Now, you can happily say it feels like a dream come true—because it is.
Your palms slid up his chest, slowly finding their way to his lengthy hair, tangling your fingers in the strands. Mingi sighed softly at the feeling, his head tilting for better access while he slotted your mouths closer together.
His cheeks burned and were more than likely sporting a deep pink color, but he didn't care. He was finally kissing you and that's all that mattered to him. He had imagined this so many times and none of the fake scenarios came close to the real thing.
He stepped forward, backing you against the wall while his arms caged you in, his lips moving at a more rapid pace. Your closed eyelids fluttered at the feeling of his plush lips encasing your bottom one, sending you into a foggy daze. It was as if he was letting himself go completely, putting in all of the emotions he had been holding back into the kiss: desperation, passion, longing.
You were vaguely concerned that a teacher would catch you two, the worry being pushed to the back of your mind as soon as it surfaced.
Your fingers pulled away from his hair and relocated to his green and white tie, using it to tug him closer to you. Mingi let out a small noise at your bold action, his heart rate speeding up in response. He was already very close to you, his body pressed flush against yours, but it wasn't enough. His hands, which were previously anchored on the wall on either side of you, had moved to your waist, squeezing it tightly as if to ground himself. Your fingers curled around the collar of his school robes, tightening your grip every time he kneaded your hips. It was all so overwhelming, the way he kissed you with such longing paired with the feeling of his hands sent you into a daze.
Just when you thought you couldn't take it anymore, Mingi parted ways and rested his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed as he tried to process what had just happened. Both of you huffed and panted, trying to catch your breaths that had been taken by the passionate make-out session.
Your hands came up to cup Mingi's cheeks, holding his face between your palms, soaking up the moment. When he finally pulled back and opened his eyes he felt like he had just been punched in the gut. You stared up at him with glossy half-lidded eyes and puffy lips; your appearance reflecting just how the kiss had affected you.
"You're so pretty." He blurted, too caught up in the moment to consider the words coming from his mouth.
You gave him a drunken smile, letting out a giggle or two, your thumb running across his swollen lips which had became puffier due to the kiss.
"So are you."
He held back a grin, turning his gaze to the stone floor. Though his mind was still reeling from the events that occurred just moments ago, he was still able to ask one question that was begging to be asked.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, of course I will." You grinned from ear to ear, pulling him into a hug.
Mingi felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders as he rested his head on top of yours, his arms giving you a light squeeze to make sure this wasn't all a dream.
"I don't want to leave." You admitted, your voice muffled from being buried in his chest.
"Me either." You could hear the pout in his voice. "We don't want to miss curfew though."
The both of you reluctantly parted ways, saying your goodbyes.
"See you tomorrow at breakfast." You told Mingi.
He nodded with a small smile. "See you tomorrow... girlfriend."
Hongjoong ⟡ Seonghwa ⟡ Yunho ⟡ Yeosang ⟡ San ⟡ Wooyoung ⟡ Jongho
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lovefoolholland · 1 year
about you - theodore nott x reader
summary: the train reminded theo of you. thestrals reminded theo of you. what did theo remember about you that wasn’t as heartwrenching? 
warnings: angst, a couple of lines from little women (greta gerwig’s movie) 
a/n: i can’t stop picturing theo as a the 1975 type of guy. like, he gives off matty healy’s vibes, you know? 
English is not my first language! 
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The platform didn’t quite spark memories of you, but boy did the compartment he and his friends shared sparkle something.
“Theo!” exclaimed Pansy Parkinson, clearly confused by the looks on Theodore Nott’s face “Are you alright?” 
That was an understatement. 
“Indeed” he answered instead. 
“You don’t seem alright” Blaise inquired, and Pansy gave him a glance. 
“I’m just tired” Theo said, rolling his eyes. 
“Tired of spending all summer thinking of Y/N, I’m sure,” Draco’s voice spilled like venom, and Theo turned to look at him with a dark demeanor in his eyes “am I wrong?” 
“Shut up Draco” Pansy said, and then looked at Theo with an apologetic smile. 
“It’s fine,” Theo heard himself answer “but you’re incredibly wrong. Apparition always tires me.” 
No one mentioned Y/N again, but Theo could feel the tension in the air. 
The compartment reminded him of the smell of freshly baked cookies, and how – somehow – you always managed to smell like that. You’ve mentioned before that you’d stayed over at the Weasley’s for a couple of days before going back to school, but it had never occurred to him until later in the relationship that cookies were something Molly Weasley surely did the morning her children (and her friends’ children) left for Hogwarts. 
Now, he missed the smell and he missed having his head dipped into the top of your head while his arms tangled on yours as you read some boring book that had to do with the classes to come. 
“We’re here mate” said Blaise when everyone but him had gotten out of the compartment. 
“Thanks” he said, and watched as a bunch of students started walking towards the thestrals that always drove everyone to the castle. 
He didn’t find you in the crowd. 
He got up and got out of the train in order to get to the castle in no time. He didn’t want to keep depressing himself over his failed relationship and the memories everything in Hogwarts brought him upon with. 
At least not until he saw your wild hair waiting for a carriage. 
“Hey” he said, and you couldn’t help but jump in place once you saw him. 
“Oh, hi” your voice was as soft as the day he left you “, waiting for a thestral?” 
He stared at you for a solid minute, watching how you curved your hands in your robes and a shy blush creeped up your cheeks. He then nodded. 
“Yeah,” you nodded along “how long have you been here?” 
“Not that long” your voice came out squeaky, noticeably ashamed “I just got off the train. I fell asleep.” 
“What?” he asked, quite interested now “Why? Didn’t your friends wake you up or…?” 
“I was alone” you said, pulling your lips together. 
Of course you were. 
“Right,” he said, uncomfortable “we should probably start walking. 
“We should, yeah.” 
The two of you made your path down the castle in silence, both of you unconsciously thinking of the other. 
Theo remembered the first time he got on one of these carriages. He was incredibly nervous, and that’s when a girl with a bright smile sat next to him and started asking him questions. Just… Asking. She didn’t know about his nerves, if anything, she was interested in meeting new people and getting to know them. 
That girl was you. 
Four years later, during the Triwizard Tournament year, he had told you about the Yule Ball during your ride to the castle and had noticed the way your cheeks flushed when Draco mentioned he was going to ask Pansy to go with him, pretty proud of himself. 
Days later, he asked you, and you went together. 
Now it all seemed like a daydream, a cruel, plain daydream he had the day he told you he didn’t want a relationship with you anymore. How he told you that anyway or another, you were an obstacle in his life. 
How stupid of him. 
“How has your family been?” you asked, head tilting towards him. 
He frowned. 
“Father’s been pretty busy. And mother's portrait has been asking about you.” 
Of course he had to say that. 
He looks up to you to find a startled, yet satisfied expression on your face. He feels as if hot porridge has been spilled all over his face and neck because he knows he has turned red out of embarrassment. 
“Send them my greetings” you simply say before accelerating your pace “, come on, we’re going to be late for dinner.” 
“Wait, T/N,” the lights of the path leading to the school flick a little, and you stop in your tracks as he reaches to you “how have you been?” 
You open your mouth and then close it. It almost seems as if you want to tell him everything about your summer but… But you can’t. 
“Good,” you say, and start walking, slower this time, to the castle “my parents have been pretty busy too. The Ministry is going mad over the news of the return of You-Know-Who.” 
“Yes, of course,” he says, and then slightly smiles “did you stay at the Weasleys?”
He’s met with silence. You look at him with suspicion, and he notices. 
“What is the point of you asking these questions?” 
He scoffs. 
“Alright, sorry. I won’t be asking anything else.” 
“No, Theo– I mean, Theodore,” your breath hitches in your throat “it doesn’t bother me. At all. You know it never will.” 
He knows what you’re asking. 
But why? 
As the two of you step into the entrance of the castle and Flitwick tells you to register yourselves, Theo realizes why. 
“I’ve missed you” he confesses, and notices you try to evade his eyes “, Y/N–”
You take a sharp breath before speaking. 
“Stop it,” she says, and he notices the tears forming on your eyes “Theo, you’re being mean.” 
“Mean?” he asks, eyes narrowing. 
“Yes, mean” you emphasize in the word, and suddenly the two of you find yourselves right at the doors of the Great Hall. 
Theo realizes neither has the intention of going in. 
“I’m telling you how I feel, I don’t see how that’s mean.” 
“No,” you say again, and now inevitably make eye contact. He instantly regrets, you’re on the verge of tears “you don’t get to say this, not after hurting me so much.” 
“Not when I haven’t forgotten about you, not completely” you hiss, and take a step back. 
Theo’s mind runs wild. 
“You haven’t forgotten about me?” 
The choice of words amuses him. How can you forget all that you’ve been through? From sleeping in each other’s arms on the train to the sight of you wearing captivating robes to the Yule Ball, dancing until the last song ran out. 
“No, okay? I’ve tried, and I’ve tried, and I’ve tried, but I can’t” you say, tears sprinting down your cheeks as they turn red “I miss you on the train, I miss your arms around me, and I never know what to think about but…” 
“You think about me” he finishes off, and takes a step towards you “, do you think I’ve forgotten about you?” 
He knows you know that’s impossible. 
You put your lips together tightly and look up at him with a frown. 
“That’s right,” he says, cupping your cheeks with your hands. He cleans the tears with his thumb “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” 
You close your eyes once you feel his skin against yours. 
He silently dips his head and kisses your forehead. You still smell like freshly baked cookies. 
“I’m sorry.” 
You simply nod. 
He sighs and dips even more, sliding his hands against the back of your neck before kissing you more feverishly than before. Both of your heads spin as every student storms out of the Great Hall, and even a poltergeist calls you two out. 
“I will never forget you,” he assured you “all I can think about… Live about, is you. I’ve never stopped.” 
You smile and nod, opening your eyes and clenching him by the robes surrounding his body. 
“Never let go, Theodore Nott.”
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