#Homestead Red
heelanhomestead · 17 days
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Wow … what a success. We spent the morning pulling onions and look how many we’ve got. 🥳
I’m so happy and grateful for such a lovely harvest, especially as we get through so many onions, I literally can’t grow them fast enough. Now we just have to lay them out and let them dry / cure for a couple of weeks.
I can’t wait to cook with these little beauties … they look so good 😋
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getthrawnin · 7 months
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Something done a LONG TIME AGO and somehow it got flagged for sexual content. Let's if this one does not get flagged.
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oldfarmhouse · 1 year
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davekatzdefensesquad · 3 months
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6•26•24 || ninebark & red/white clovers
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tomorrowsgardennc · 2 months
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someone please talk me out of making this the artwork for the red robin dwarf tomato seed packet plz and thnk u.
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arthursfuckinghat · 8 months
What the fuck did I just find
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Today is my father-in-law’s 90th Birthday (Observed). The party is supposed to be at 1pm, but in the way of my wife’s family, celebrants began arriving at 9am.
I am hiding in the basement, writing fic, while I can still get away with it.
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rederiswrites · 2 years
Experimental Farm Network
Since it's seed-buying and garden-planning season again, I'd like to highlight a few of my favorite nurseries and seed sellers, and Experimental Farm Network is way up there.
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For the love of all that's good, somebody in zone 6 or warmer grow Szechuan Pepper, because I can't.
To quote their website,
We believe agriculture can and should be used to help build a better world, not help destroy it. As the planet warms and the climate changes, it is critical for all of us to do whatever we can to prepare for what lies ahead. We need to preserve and expand crop biodiversity. We need to grow more perennials to trap carbon in the soil. And most of all we need to put the brakes on neoliberal capitalist exploitation of the planet and its inhabitants.
EFN's seed operation functions as a cooperative. While co-founders Nate Kleinman (in New Jersey) and Dusty Hinz (in Minnesota) grow most of our seeds, each year we are adding more growers to our roster. Many of them are inspiring plant breeders who receive precious little support for their incredibly important work.
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I need more calendula like I need a hole in my head, but LOOK AT THAT!
Their general area of operations is significantly north of me, but that matters less than it might otherwise, because their specific focus is on experimenting with a diversity of genetics and cultivars to try to expand and explore plant ranges. Many of the things they sell originate further south of them to begin with.
EFN is fun even if you're just window-shopping, to learn a thing or two about the plant breeding world and the incredible diversity of plant genetics. You're bound to see things you'd never heard of, which is actually kinda hard for me to find in the seedhouse world at this point.
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Aptly named "Mr. Lumpy". The fact that the photographer is wearing a rubber glove to handle it is a bit intimidating.
I've been following EFN for a long time, and never cease to be impressed by their commitment to intersectionality, to preserving the cultural roots of their offerings and giving credit where due, and their determination to improve the wold.
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t-dubber · 9 months
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“Just take on what you can.”
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gar-a-ash · 1 year
It is HOT so the duckies get a pool party while they're outside today
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My favorite is Bitty, separate in the top picture. Really hoping Bitty turns out to be female.
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oldfarmhouse · 1 year
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kochlandhomestead · 1 year
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Today is my Dad, or as everyone calls him Pop Pop's 81st Birthday! Happy Birthday to the man I wake up every morning trying to be more and more like. A loving, hard working, family man with a love for the land and red tractors. ♥️
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fiadorable · 1 year
My kid's school board is patting themselves on the back for lowering the millage rate for the first time in decades while still providing teacher raises (sorely needed raises, I fully support this!).
I have a permission form on my desk right now that says the performing arts program is funded 100% through parent donations, and would I be so kind as to donate money to allow my child to see a production of the goddamn Nutcracker. Also, would I be so kind as to donate extra money for those who can't afford the recommended donation?
(To be clear, this is not like the drama program at a high school, this is just, we would like to take your elementary kid to see the highschool orchestra play or bring a kid-friendly theater production to perform at the school).
My god, raise the millage rate so we can have educational experiences that don't take place behind a desk. Raise the millage rate so I don't have to deal with eight thousand microtransactions donation requests for my kid to have a well-rounded education.
Field trips, yes! Take my kid to a farm so she can pet a goat and smell fresh air. Take my kid to a planetarium, a museum, a public garden. Help me expose my kid to as many different ideas as possible.
This is the village, [Redacted] School Board. You are part of my village now, as mandated by the state. Help me educate my kid.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Quick OOC note to say I have never seen this before and support Red Snake's goals: hiking, saying hi to dogs, and being known as a bad boy.
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egoschwank · 2 years
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1162
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first posted in facebook march 4, 2023
leslie sills -- "detention" (2020)
"some works [in this exhibition] decry the trump administration’s policy of separating children from their families at the mexican border. in 'detention,' a painting with collage that could be a fairy tale illustration, leslie sills portrays children asleep or fretting amid a sea of red cross blankets" ... cate mcquaid
"this is where i remain. while i explore the quotidian and celebrate it wholeheartedly, i am attuned as well to world crises and its victims. with compassion and empathy, i seek to portray those in need. in this way i see art as an agent for change, one that can enlighten the viewing public, make them think, and hopefully act accordingly" ... leslie sills
"i was standing on a ladder outside the homestead juvenile immigrant detention center outside miami, looking over the fence, and i saw children lined up like prisoners. they had been separated from their families and put in this private detention facility. it was horrible" ... kamala harris
"good night ... sleep tight ... don't let the dead bugs bite" ... al janik
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