#Hope I drew everyone's kiddos alright hehe
silvers-starrway · 24 days
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The Robo Club means so much to me and Tulip, as the last remaining member still in the @sonic-fankid-showdown they are going to do everything they can to get as far as possible!! Their nervousness from the first two rounds is being replaced by determination to do their best for their friends!
Lapis - @time-of-your-life-au Chroma - @m3tr0n0m333 Midnight - @kristhesheep Nova - @spicychimera Leonid - @deimostes Pegasus - @transzsonix Scrap - @the-gay-ghost-king
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birdy-bat-writes · 4 years
Final Conclusions
A/N: So Fish and I came up with this Dad!Constantine concept while talking about this one OC I created and a few OC’s she created. The one I created is named Maya. The premise of her story is that she’s a love interest for Damian and she treats John like a mentor/father figure since he’s teaching her to control her magic. This plot is basically what has sprouted any of the Dad/Uncle/Mentor Constantine content I’ve created. Fish has contributed a lot and I love her so much. The basis for this interaction is that John finds a lot of amusement in the fact that Damian likes Maya and he just hates John so much. Even though it’s based on an OC, I’m going to write it x reader style with the reader having the same powers as my OC. So now that there’s context let’s begin!
 It’s the opening night of the Gotham Academy’s festival of the arts. The night where young artists and musicians show off their talent in the galleries and performances, and two people who never show up to these things- like ever- both happened to be here at the same time for the same reason. You. And it irked them to no end.
Both John and Damian arrived at 6:30 pm on the dot. Damian looked so irritated to see John there. Why is he even there? He doesn’t even like going to these things. But then again, neither did Damian. He decided to put his irritation aside and began to walk into the building with John. He had to admit, John stepped up for the occasion.
John cleaned up, did his hair, shaved and actually wore a jacket that was not his usual beige trench coat, all to attend some crummy high school art show. But he did it anyway because it was your work that was being displayed. The disdain he felt towards these events was replaced with a sense of pride he had in you. He sported a grey blazer and black shirt with matching slacks, that contrasted Damian’s black suit.
“Nice to see you here, Damian.”
“Likewise.” The conversation stayed stagnant for a while as they looked around at the different works displayed. Neither of them walked around much. The silence was broken when you walked up to them, looking elegant as ever in your green dress.
“Hey, guys! I’m so happy you both could come.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Damian said sweetly. And that was a rare sight for John to see. Damian being sweet?!
“Do you want to see my display?” They both excitedly nodded “yes” and followed you to a wall at the end of the hall. You cautiously cut through the crowd and pointed. “Tada!”
“That looks amazing, Y/N. You’re more talented than you know.”
“Not bad, kiddo. It’s the best thing I’ve seen from you since that chicken you managed to turn green.”, John said ruffling your hair. Thank goodness you left it down. If it was done up, it would have taken ages to fix, but since you knew john was coming, you took the precaution. He had a habit of doing that when he was proud of you, and it made your day every time.
“Thank you. I’m just going to check out the ceramic displays, you guys want to come?”
“No thanks, dear.”
“I’ll just wait here.”
“Okay, see you in a bit. I’m so happy you both are here.” You chimed. You had that little gleam in your eye that you always did when you were happy, and Damian didn’t fail to notice. He lingered on it. Just as he did with your smile, and the soft glow on your cheeks. He was regrettably brought out of his love-trance by the sound of John’s voice.
“Does that look like ketchup on paper to you too? Or is it just me?” Damian wanted to roll his eyes and say something snarky, but instead, looked up at the painting john was talking about. It really did just look like a glob of red paint.
“I can’t even tell what that’s supposed to be. If it’s abstract, they did a good job.”
“To be honest, I don’t really get this ‘art’ thing. Half of these canvases look like something a two-year-old could muster.” John said, and Damian sighed in return.
“You have to look beyond the surface. Art is about the emotion behind the paint and pencil.”
“Alright, Picasso, what’s that one about then?” Damian stayed silent. “I thought you were an artist; you don’t get art?”
“I sketch sometimes but that doesn’t make me an artist.”
“Ah, damaged closet-artist.” Damian groaned lowly.
“There isn’t anything in that piece to understand. It’s just paint splatters. Half of these can only be admired for their technical skill; there’s no emotion behind them. If there is one, it’s not one that I understand.
“Whose work do you like then?” Damian gave that one some thought,
“I like the classics, I suppose. The only current artist whose work I’ve liked is Y/N.”
“Interesting, so, what emotion do you get from her work?” John had his trademark devilish grin plastered upon his face. He knew Damian was head over heels for you, and it sure was fun to get a rise out of him with that. Damian was trying not to let his mind wander off to the charcoal sketches he has framed in his room. You drew them for him and left them in his room one day. They were all sketches of Titus, Batcow, Alfred the cat and his personal favorite, a charcoal rendition of a polaroid you took. It was the two of you at the beach with the family, and Damian was smiling. It was rare and reserved just for you, so he couldn’t help but think the emotion he got from it was love. That photo stayed between the two of you, and the drawing wasn’t shown to anyone but him. John doesn’t get the luxury of knowing that. Why did he even ask? Why is he even here?
“Why did you come here?” Damian asked.
“Y/N invited me.”
“You don’t like going to these events. Why’d you say yes?”
“Same reason as you mate, I care about her more than I hate the rest of society.”
Damian gave a light nod that anyone would have missed if they weren’t’ looking for it. “What about you? It’s not like you enjoy school activities and such.” Damian looked a little flustered.
“I wanted to support my friend and classmate. It’s important to her.”
“Right, you wanted to support your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend!”
“Aye, but you want her to be.” John said with a smirk.
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t give me that. Its plain as day that you like her.” Damian scoffed and looked down for a while.”
“How did you come to that conclusion?” He tried to play it off like sarcasm, but that didn’t really go as planned.
“You hate people and yet you love being around her. You’re an artist and can’t understand anyone’s art but hers. You want to protect her from anyone who you think isn’t good enough for her, myself included. The signs are pretty obvious.” Damian looked a little flushed but remained speechless. “And besides, she’s pretty easy to fall in love with, I hear. My home phone gets calls from boys on the daily.”
“What?! From who?!?”
“Hehe, and that’s how I came to that conclusion.”
“There you guys are! I’ve been looking for you. Art awards are going to be announced soon. Want to go find a seat?” You had just found the boys and were ready to take them into the auditorium for the Art Awards.
“Sure thing.”, John said cheerily.
John smiled and Damian just returned a cold glare.
They were seated next to each other and chose not to complain about it. Instead, opting to tense over the fact that they were nearing the end of the awards ceremony and your name hadn’t yet been called. This meant one of two things: Either you were about to win one of the top cash prizes or you weren’t going to win anything. And the thought of the latter had both John and Damian gripping the arm rests of their seats tight enough to dent them. The anticipation was building in all of you, but it flooded away from you when you turned and looked at the boys. They looked more stressed than you did, and it made you want to laugh. Of course, you stifled it. This is what you liked to call “Chaotic caring energy”. And truth be told, these two were awfully similar for a pair of people who can’t stand each other.
It was down to second place. You had lost hope and accepted you wouldn’t win anything. The boys hadn’t, though. They were literally at the edge of their seats, and you swear you saw Damian grab John’s shoulder at one point. Just then, you heard your name called. First place, Y/N L/N, 8th grade.
“Yes! I’m so proud of you!”
“Well done, N/N! I knew you’d be up there!” They could be heard over the Loud cheering from the rest of the audience. You walked up and received your award and you waved at them from the stage. John looked at you with a genuine smile and adoration in his eyes. He knew you were talented, and he was so proud of you for working so hard for this. You had finally gotten the recognition you deserved and the look in his eyes reflected how happy he was about it. Damian noticed too. John really cared about you. Damian saw it now. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad mentor for you after all.
While leaving the hall, the three of you saw Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Alfred waiting by the doors. They congratulated you and showered you with hugs. They had seen the ceremony as well, but they watched it from the auditorium balcony. While you were off showing your plaque to everyone, Damian took an opportunity to say something he felt he needed to say.
“Hey, John?”
“When you said I want to protect Y/N from people who aren’t good enough… I don’t consider you to be someone I should protect her from. You’re a good mentor.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” They shared a look of agreement. Perhaps they had finally settled a truce. “And of course, I’m a good mentor for her. I’m the master of my craft.” John added smugly.
“I saw you light your tie on fire once.”
“Who said that was an accident?” They shared a chuckle. Meanwhile, Bruce and Alfred were making celebratory dinner plans, and you were standing flabbergasted with the boys because Damian and John were smiling at each other??? They walked up to you and overhearing Bruce’s discussion about dinner, Damian took the liberty of inviting John to join you.
You choked on your saliva, Tim looked beyond concerned and when John said he’d be delighted, everyone freaked. Bruce looked terrified, Dick squinted, and Jason was about to take a picture while Alfred just stared.
“Are they smiling at each other?”
“No, that’s not possible.”
“Um, they’re walking side by side and talking without grimacing.”
Y/N looks like she’s about to pass out. Someone catch her.”
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Leopold Looney Interview
As a way to get to know my characters better and find a way to better write their voices, I found many articles saying I should interview them and just write what comes naturally. Sooooo here we go! (This may or may not lead to spoilers for Do You Have the Time? so, you know, read at your own risk, I suppose!)
“Hi there, Leopold, come in and have a seat.”
Leo: Ah, uh, well, don’t mind if I do, thank you, heh.
Leo: What-- uh, am I doing here, exactly? I didn’t expect to be... here today.
“I’m here to learn more about you. Just ask some basic questions to get to know you better. To get an idea on how you talk, how you think, who you are as a person. Down to the core. Is it okay if I ask you some questions?”
Leo: Wh--I-- I suppose I don’t see why not. Sure. Yes!
“Great, that’s what I like to hear!”
Leo: Oh, but, uh, um... what--what will you do with this information.
“Umm... that’s a bit of a... complicated question.”
Leo: Well that’s... not a very comforting answer. Perhaps I should go...
“Wait! Okay, hold on.”
Leo: ...Yes?
“Okay, I’ll tell you as much as I can without compromising the, uh, study.”
Leo: Oh, this is part of a study?
Leo: Okay...
“I can tell you that anything you tell me today will be completely confidential in that none of your peers or acquaintances will have access to the information.”
Leo: Okay, that’s a start.
“The information you do share with me will be used as a tool for learning and analysis. Like they use in some therapy sessions to teach.”
Leo: Oh, interesting! I believe I understand now. What will you be teaching with these recordings. Is this... recorded?
“I thought I was the one who was asking the questions.”
Leo: Err-- right. Perhaps you could humor me, though? Just a curious old man? I’m a scientist myself, so, I can’t seem to help asking questions about these sorts of things.
“Yeah, I know.”
Leo: *Extremely fast and repeated eyebrow raising*
“I’m using this information for... character development. Inspiration for science-fiction.”
Leo: Oh, so you’re writing a story? And you wanted to pick my brain to get it off the ground?
Leo: That sounds great, why didn’t you just say so!
(Under breath) “Because you weren’t supposed to know this much.”
Leo: What’s that?
“Nothing! Nothing at all. Uh, yes, that’s what I’m doing. Though, I’d like to keep the specifics under wraps, if that’s okay with you.”
Leo: Oh, heh, yes, of course! You’re secretive with your projects until they’re presentable. I understand. *Whispering* I’m the same way. *Wink*
“Why don’t you tell me about one of your projects, since we’re on the subject of sharing.”
Leo: Why, I can’t tell you much! Did I not just say that I was secretive and protective of mine as well?
“A project you’ve already finished, then.”
Leo: Mmm... I suppose that will do. Okay! I’d been working on this for over a year.
“Okay. Do share.”
Leo: I was set on baking the perfect Boston cream pie.
“Oh. I didn’t know you baked. I love Boston cream pie.”
Leo: Oh, so do I. Ever since I was a boy!
“And did you do it?”
Leo: Better!
“You baked a Boston cream pie that was better than perfect?”
Leo: I did. Because I discovered the perfect yellow cake to custard to chocolate frosting ratio.
“You even talk about baking like it’s a science.”
Leo: But it is a science, kiddo! That’s what’s so fascinating about it.
“So what’s the ratio?”
Leo: Ah! A good baker never reveals his secrets.
“Wow, I think I get it now. I always got low-key magician vibes from you, even though you’ve never done any magic tricks.”
Leo: But I can tell you that I improved it even further!
“How’s that?”
Leo: I used a hazelnut frosting instead of chocolate.
“Oh, cool.”
Leo: Sprinkled some sliced almonds on top.
“Mmm, nice touch.”
Leo: And I also made it... a TRIPLE-DECKER Boston cream pie!
“Good God man, that actually sounds delicious. I REALLY want some now.”
Leo: Well perhaps next time I make one, I’ll give you a call. ;)
“Thanks so much for sharing. Can I ask what exactly drew you to baking?”
Leo: Oh, hmm, well... lots of things, I think.
“Really. Like what?”
Leo: Well... I wasn’t good at any sports as a kid.
“Eh, same. They’re overrated.”
Leo: Not that I disliked them, I just... wasn’t as gifted as other kids, heh. And, my father wasn’t around to teach me anything like that. He left when I was very young.
“Oh. Uh, wow, I didn’t know that. I’m sorry to hear that, Leopold.”
Leo: Eh, well... it was a long time ago. A long time ago, heh. But my mom and I got on just fine.
“Did she like to bake too?”
Leo: Umm... well... no. Not that I can remember actually. She cooked, but it was really just because she had to. You know, to feed us, hehe.
“That’s fair.”
Leo: But one day, I came home from school and I was upset because the other kids all made fun of me. ‘Cause I couldn’t catch anything in any game we played. Football, baseball, frisbee, hah. And I wasn’t that fast, either. I didn’t want to play any of those games ever again, when I barged through the door.
Leo: And my mom asks me, she says “Honey, what’s wrong?”
Leo: And I say “I hate all the sports! All the catching and point scoring! They all made fun of me because I’m bad at it!”
Leo: And she asks me “Well, don’t mind them, they’re just being stupid boys. What do you wanna do instead?”
Leo: And I say “I wanna make cakes.”
Leo: And, I guess once I said that, my mom really just took that and ran with it. We went out and bought all kinds of baking supplies and recipe books and hunkered into the kitchen for hours. Baking cake-after-cake, day-by-day, until we made our first one together that wasn’t lumpy or lopsided or dry as a brick, hehehe.
“Your mom sounds like she really cared about you.”
Leo: I was lucky to have her. We weren’t that great at baking at first, heh.
“Well, no, but that’s what practice is all about.”
Leo: It is. And we got better! Or rather, I got better. My mom was never that keen on baking anyway, I think she just did it to spend time with me, hehe.
“Heh, oh, that’s all?”
Leo: It was nice to be able to make something so nice, too. I always thought to myself “who could be upset at a cake?” Cakes and desserts just seemed like the most objectively good thing someone could make. Have you ever been upset that you were given a cake?
“Not that I can recall.”
Leo: Ha! Exactly! One day, when I retire, I always liked the idea of opening my own bakery.
Leo: It’s just that, there’s just so much... bad in the world. So much hurt. So many reasons to be upset. I wish I could fix all those things, but I know I can’t. And so I bake. If even to make just one person a little happier.
“Why do you wish you could fix all of the reasons to be upset?”
Leo: Well... wouldn’t anybody? Wouldn’t you be happier if none of those things existed?
“Some might say one wouldn’t know happiness if not for all the things that cause sadness and anger, too.”
Leo: Ehhh, I see the point, but... Surely we could be doing better.
“Do you think that using a time machine to change events leading to outcomes you know to be bad will help you fix these problems you see?”
Leo: Hmm. I don’t know if I have answer for you on that one, yet.
“Do you feel that you’ve made choices leading to bad outcomes that you wish to change?”
Leo: Again, doesn’t everybody?
“I asked if you did.”
Leo: ...
Leo: ...Like everyone... and as I’m sure, like you as well, some choices I’ve made, I wish I did differently. And I would give anything to take them back. To have a do-over.
Leo: ...I’ve hurt people. Sometimes by accident, sometimes... on purpose. And some of the wounds could be healed, and others... are permanent.
Leo: I wish I could take it all back.
Leo: But, well, things happen for a reason. And the sun rises in the east all over again, and... we just try to keep moving on. That’s all anyone can do. It’s not easy, but...
“But you get through it.”
Leo: Yeah. You do.
“And you’re still here. Still alive. And the bad from your past doesn’t cancel out the good you do in the present.”
Leo: ...Hmm.
Leo: I really hope you’re right about that.
“...Me too.”
Leo: Heh, we talked all this time, and we barely even got to talking about something to help with your science fiction project.
“Don’t worry about that.”
“Some other time. Yeah?”
Leo: Okay, sure.
“Thanks for being so honest, Leopold, this was very helpful.”
Leo: ...I’m happy to hear that. :)
“You can go. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of other things to attend to.”
Leo: Thank you. I really should be going. There’s only so much time in a day to finish our research goals... for now, that is, hehehehe.
“Alright, you take care now!”
0 notes
Ali & Ro
NYD Catch-up
Ali: *Daintliy throws the tiniest of pebbles at our window 'cos I'm in trouble enough if this goes tits up without also breaking a window* Ropunzel, Ropunzel, let down your hair! Ro: allow me to busily make tea while I loudly quiz Tess and whoever else may be in earshot about their resolutions Ro: I can't believe you're only just getting home! I was going to ask how you're evening was but I think I can guess Ali: You're a 🌟 Ali: We need to fully mind-map and dream-board ours later, I've got so many ideas already but I at least need in on that tea action first, builder's brew please and thank you 😘 Ali: Shh 😉 I've been in bed since 1 💤 like an 😇 Ali: Hehe social media never lies, not mine at least Ali: I'll tell you all about it, whilst Ma tries to tell you she quit the fags years ago, like 🙄 Ali: 💃 Ro: Of course. Well, there has been a kitty there so the universe should stay on our side with that one, hopefully. Ro: Hm yes, if anyone asks you got back before I did, there's not much I can do if social media decides to answer instead though alas Ro: Oh Tess, no offense intended, but truly I'd much rather hear what you have to say Ali: Oh, Bluebs, hope she was alright with the fireworks, I paid Rocky with a selection box to keep her company but bet he was too busy being a hooligan come 12, nutter...but I'm sure she hid herself nicely warming the blankets for us anyway, like 😽 Ali: Did you and Meena have a good time? With all dem 💶💶💶 you can both more than make up for missing the hottest part night of the year, ay Ali: Bless her heart, though perhaps take her pack away from her still, you'll be helping her and, you might need one after I fill you in, like 😉 Ro: I can't tell a lie there was some bribery involved for us too with the older kids. They had me baking and the text advice I received from Tommy wasn't as helpful or coherent as usual Ro: We definitely earned our crusts it has to be said Ro: I think Meena would've liked to join you so you might want to play down the finer details when you fill her in but no complaints here, fussy children aside Ro: I draw the line at that level of trickery, we'd both be caught if I even tried I think Ali: I think its to be expected, babysitter rules are there are no rules, or very few, ESPECIALLY when it comes to sugar 😋 Lucky kiddos, I would kill for a sweet treat rn Ali: Maybe I can push it and see if the old man is any fit state to do a fry-up too, mmm Ali: We should deffo ring Tommo then and be annoyingly loud and cheerful 'cos he always gets hangovers un🍀 🦆y Ali: Payback Ali: Well her brother was there so she wouldn't have been able to have all that much fun, like, I'll be sure to downplay it though, tact is so my strong suit 😏😂 Ro: Oh? You'll be glad to hear then that I had the foresight to make enough cookies to bring a batch home. There's still a few that could be claimed by you if you're quick enough. Ro: I can make no such promises about a proper breakfast but time will tell I suppose, I'd consider it favorable if you work a little of your own magic Ro: You have plenty left don't you? Ro: We'll likely need an actual spell to wake Tommy after all Ali: Faster than a speeding bullet, me Ali: I can climb these drainpipes like nobody else 🐈💪 Ali: I'm sure we could concoct a pepperup potion, getting him to drink it is another kind of magic altogether Ali: even if we settle for calling it an energizer smoothie or something muggle Ro: Perhaps we could say it has lots of biotin that'd make him more inclined for sure Ali: When quiff is life Ali: He truly is sweet 16 Ali: And 15 is looking up for me too, fingers crossed and knock on wood rn, this is gonna be our year, Posy, and that ain't the after-affects still talkin' Ali: Wished on every 🎆 in the sky Ro: Wishing is very powerful so I'm not surprised, I am very intrigued though Ro: Go ahead Ali: I'm in 💚 Ali: 🙃 and now hiding under the covers eeeeeeeeeeeppppp bye Ro: Did Marlene get off work early last night and surprise you? That's so lovely Ali: No, no, no Ali: It's all but ended and it will be if my feeling is correct and reciprocated Ali: We'll be better off as friends, honestly, I can't give her what she wants but I can be there for as a mate so that's what's best, she'll see that given a bit of time, I'm sure of it Ali: That said...do you think I'm a total slag for who did surprise me last night now? 😳🙈 Ro: Oh okay. That makes sense Ro: No Ali, I'd never Ro: Is it someone I know? You've mentioned Meena's brother already... Ali: Oh lordy no 😂 Drew is an alright lad really but no, he's not the sort, definitely would not be reciprocated, he's got half the girls at School after him and he loves that Ali: More power to him but you're getting warmer Ali: you know the lad him and Meena live with, don't you? Caleb Cavante, in my year too Ali: 😍 Ro: I think so? He's always in the music block isn't he? Ro: He smiles a lot. Not in a weird sense though I don't mean that Ali: Oh Ro 😂 you make ME smile Ali: sounds like him, cool hair Ali: obviously, I knew of him before last night but it was just like...right time, right place, you know? Ali: Sounded triter than all the 'new year, new me' posts aren't I? Ro: Not at all Ro: It sounds like a fairy tale and we're treating it as such! Ro: Did you kiss him at the end of the countdown? Ali: Oh no, I forgot to lose a shoe...Typical, on the one night to make throwing dancing shoes aside count! But I suppose he won't have to search the kingdom high and low Ali: Back at School Tuesday Ali: At least this promises to make my weekdays more entertaining at any rate Ali: Mhmm 😊 *Gameshow host voice* BUT THAT'S NOT ALL Ro: What else is there? Did he lose a shoe instead? I dread to think what I'm missing here... Ali: [Improptu selfie with the tattooed finger over her lips like a moustache] Ali: Not saying that trumps 'Facebook Official' but 😎 Ro: !!!! Ro: did Caleb get a tattoo too? Ali: Oh silly me, yeah Ali: [Photo they took together post-tattoo] Ali: Big n Lil dipper, its cute, right? Ro: Oh my god! You better not post these, Tess will kill you, but Ro: I think that's adorable Ro: Did it hurt so much?? Ali: She'll love it Ali: we did it ourselves, on each other Ali: thank god he wasn't really crap, unfair, I'd have to go over it myself 😂 Ali: Not really, doing lil dots like that by hand is probably the most chill way to do it, it really wasn't anything to think about even Ali: I could do one for you, really get the mumbot shorting a circuit 😈 Ro: Really?! Weren't you scared?! I would be. Ro: Ali that's so brave. He must have trusted you and vice versa to such a degree Ro: Only you'd get all of this out of the way before a first date has even happened Ro: No wonder you're so giddy Ali: Nah it's not scary, you can watch next time I do one on me, if you like, see for yourself Ali: Promise it isn't dead gory or anything Ali: I'm thinking of doing a Clitocybe rivulosa, our 👑 achievement in witchery to date, you want in? Ali: Won't show Mum that one forreal, she'd lock us in separate dungeons again 👎💔 Ali: Yeah...it felt good to get that shit out of the way, this way, if he wants to look down at his hand ever again and not be reminded of a bad memory, we'll have to make it good Ali: Clever, non? Everyone will think its ridiculous, I know, but I trust his intentions now, which is more than I can say for any of my previous Ali: Bar Marlene, of course, although technically she didn't set her intentions but not in a malicious way so we're letting it slide Ro: Do you sincerely promise? I'd like to see the whole thing for myself before I make any of my own but Ro: It does sound lovely. I'd be jealous if I wasn't so pleased Ro: No offense to Marlene, oops, I'm getting carried away here Ro: It is happy news though Ro: I mean, a love letter on skin, that's just Ro: It makes me speechless Ali: 🤞 Ali: ❌💚🙏☠💉👁 Ali: Me too, it's catching Ali: It'll be better in the long run, she can find her a wifey Ali: I know, I just- ahh Ali: He just text, asking if I got Home alright Ro: Sorry but this boy is a keeper Ro: that's so gentlemanly it's like we've stepped into Austen Ro: Are you nervous about school? It just sounds so magical and classrooms are so...well, not, aren't they? Ali: Better! He wasn't stand-offish and rude to me at the party, only to be won 'round by my wit, humor and independent spirit Ali: Clearly, he's more clued in and go-with-the-flow than Darcy, a win in anyone's books, even Jane's Ali: Hmm, not particularly, nah Ali: I'm not overly concerned with what other people think, so that won't spoil it, fat chance Ali: and we've always had a certain talent for making the mundane magical, haven't we? Ro: Jane would be spinning! Lydia with all her apparent lack of concerns for 'social conventions' has nothing on you and I have little doubt you'd be overjoyed by whatever 'disgraces' Caleb had in mind Ro: A much better match that anything she'd have conceived no doubt Ro: School seems so far off still but now I really am envious that you've made certain you'll have reason to look forward to it. Very unfair! Ro: The only fly in the ointment, potentially is what Marlene might say, how much are you going to tell her? Ali: 🙊 Ali: I'd be happy to regale you with the night's disgraces but I have even less doubt that you'd rather not hear about those details Ali: You're not trying to tell me you've previously nearly eloped with Caleb yourself though, are you? 🤔 Georgiana Darcy is a pretty good fit for you Ali: Now that would be a scandal worth the gossip 😏 Ali: Perhaps you can join me and make the music block your new haunt for a bit, give the library chance to REALLY miss you, like Ali: Hmm, no doubt she'll say things she'll regret when her pride is less hurt Ali: but they aren't prejudices against my 'fake' sexuality I haven't heard before, from her as well, so 🤷 Ali: I understand why, not that I agree with her. For one, I can attest to the reality, and also, I've not got any issue with experimentation, whatever the outcome but I see her frustration Ali: Serious as she is, about, everything Ali: It'll be okay, if she doesn't want to be my friend then alright, her loss frankly, but I'll always be there for her if she chooses Ro: To be honest, no I would not. It's much too early in the year, and day, for all that Ro: Oh goodness! Flattered as I would be to considered an accomplished woman, I fall short in all necessary regards, least of all the elopement alas Ro: Hm, as much as I both enjoy, and clearly need the practice for that comparison to hold true in any sense, I think I'll leave you to the necessary haunting yourself Ro: True. She's always been very vocal, hasn't she? I can understand if you slightly relish the opportunity to leave her speechless just this once too Ro: And it really would be her loss if she chooses that path to go down anyway Ali: What can I say? I'm an overachiever Ali: Couldn't even help myself, like 😎😂 Ali: No you don't, and you're a year younger, you're well ahead of the curve set and it ain't even necessary for a lady to have pleasant hobbies and talents in our day and age so Ali: You're an overachiever too, that's why I loooooove you 💚 Ali: S'cool though, suppose we don't wanna turn up en masse, put him off his A game, bit rude Ali: It is one of the things I admire about her but less so her dogmatism Ali: No one is always right about everything, even me 😜 Ro: Thanks I suppose Ro: Though I probably shouldn't pass on that wisdom about not always being right to everyone else at the kitchen table Ro: Not if I would like to live to be a year older at any rate Ali: Honestly 🙄 Ali: No wonder they love Marlene so much Ali: Ma is gonna be gutted, no doubt it'll be all my fault Ali: like lowkey but damn, woman, show a little loyalty when your daughter can't 😂 Ro: She'll calm down as long as you keep your gentleman caller away from the door for a while I'm sure Ro: When is the first date set for actually? Oh so exciting! Ali: Yeah, we've both agreed as much Ali: For Lene's sake as much as mother's Ali: Gotta get my house in order Ali: I don't know, ooh, what should we do?! Ro: There's always the open mic if he'd adore being serenaded Ro: Sounds like you'd have time to work on a dedication if not a song Ali: THAT IS A FANTASTIC IDEA Ali: I'll bring out an old classic, best to stick with what I know and am best at for max best impressions Ali: Can always go new and exciting with the outfit 🤩 Ro: Exacty Ro: Your full of good ideas when it comes to that Ro: Oh! We should go donation diving. New year, new clothes to peruse through Ali: Yes! We must we must! Ali: Best time of year for it, ungrateful fuckers binning their unwanted presents Ali: Regift 'em our way 🙏 Ali: Marlene wants to meet up later Ali: Looks like we're doing this today then, ugh, we can hit the charity shops tomorrow maybe? The sales rush shoulda died down a bit at least Ro: That works for me, I'd rather not fight for my faux furs, somewhat defeats the desired purpose Ro: I'll be around if things with Marlene go according to plan, or otherwise and you need to talk it out Ali: Agreed, though I'm down for granny bashing our way to the bargains if needs must Ali: I'll be getting some practice in today, like 🙃 Ali: Thank you though, Posy Ali: Sure it'll be fine Ro: I know it will. You can do this Ro: I can condone that much at least, your shopping behavior less so Ali: 😽 Ali: With you on my side, how could I fail? Ali: She is getting narky though so watch me waltz down the stairs and out again like missed me missed me
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