#Hope all ya'll who want him get him! :D
insertsomthinawesome · 11 months
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silassinclair · 2 months
Hi! It's me the "Maddox with a sassy y/n" annon. Omg i just saw your post and it made my Whole Week! 😭
Thank you so much!
Anyway, i have a new request (if that is alright). I saw that you have a yandere Boxer but i didn't see to much info on him.
Could we get an introduction or some information for him? I'm really curious.
As always, have great day/night! ✨
Sorry this took a while to answer, just came back from the Philippines and I saw this req in my inbox. I’ve been waiting to write for him so now I have the chance to!! Hope you like it :D Also the beginning of this is really long, boring, and angsty but bear with me ya'll :) Also the Russian is google translate so it may be inaccurate :(
Masterlist Here!!
Next Part Here!!
Yandere Boxer x Reader
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Viktor Markov was not the man you thought he was; well, not anymore. You both were raised in a small eastern European town. Him being the boy next door; always covered in dirt and was the sweetest little boy who would bring you flowers and bugs that he found. And you were the weird little girl who would collect the rocks and flowers that he gifted you with a smile. So naturally the two of you became friends, two peas in a pod.
He always had your back and you always had his. Growing up together in eastern Europe was hard. Both of you came from a pretty rough neighborhood and home life but that didn't stop you two from being happy. After all you only needed each other. It was just you two against the world. And it was like that for years.
Well, that was until high school. Viktor stopped talking to you in Sophomore year. Your calls went ignored, socials un-interacted, and texts delivered. So you just gave up. You no longer chased after him or begged him to tell you what was wrong when all he did was give you a cold shoulder. And honestly, you just didn't want to be around him anymore.
He got in with a bad crowd. Some upperclassmen guys who would just skip class to smoke. And seeing your childhood best friend become one of them broke your heart. You tried, you really did. But instead the blonde snapped at you, telling you to stop acting like his Mother and that he didn't need you anymore. And he was right, Viktor was more grown up now. Hard jawline, firm muscles, and standing at a staggering 6'3 feet tall.
He didn't need your back anymore.
And you didn't need his.
High school was a blur. You kept to your studies and only had a small circle of friends that consisted of all girls who have all been friends longer than before you ever came around. You were the grass friend. They all walked on the sidewalk while you trailed behind to the side; always stepping in the mud and grass. They weren't really your friends, you just didn't want to be alone. And they didn't see you as a friend, they just didn't want you to be alone. Pitiful isn't it?
But none of it mattered. It was all over and done in the blink of an eye. After high school was university and in university was medical school and after medical school was a new beginning. Being a docotor was never really your dream. It was your parent's dream and they just wanted the best for their little girl. You didn't want to disapoint them and go to culinary school like what you really wanted. So you worked and went to med school at the same time.
It was hard. It really was. You have no friends, no social life, and no one has your back. Yet it's your job to have people's backs. Ironic and unfair. But that's life.
Money was getting tight. Paying off student loans and working multiple jobs was getting exhausting. Living? No, it felt like you were dying. But you got offered a job you could not refuse. A patient came into your office. It was an older man in his early 50s.
"You're quite quiet for a doctor." He says. "Shy thing are you?"
You give him a silent nod. Hopefully this conversation doesn't take the turn you don't want it to take. Getting harassed by patients as a woman doctor is scarily common.
"I need a doctor. One like you; diligent, quiet, and quite the eye candy. Work for me krasivyy (beautiful). The pay is better than working in this heap clinic."
You eye him oddlyand whisper, "Why do you need me? Do you want me to be one of those underworld doctors or something? If so then no. I won't be patching up assassins or serial killers."
The man laughs, his voice booming in the small examination room.
"No no. You won't be dealing with any of those type. But this still is underground as you say. I own an underground boxing ring. And I need a doctor to patch up my fighters. Illegal, but good pay no?
You thought about it for two minutes then finally gave your answer.
“When do I start?”
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The man’s name is Radko. And right now you’re in his gym. It’s dark, stinky, and full of shirtless men training for their next match. You thought you felt out of place in school? Nope, this is 100x worse. And some of these guys are acting like they’ve never seen a woman before.
“Stop looking at me like that weirdo.” You think to yourself while walking past a guy on a bench who’s wiping the sweat off his chest. His hungry gaze on you sends shivers down your spine.
“Ignore their stares.” Radko puts a rough hand on your shoulder. “They’re not used to seeing pretty women.”
“Yeah I can see that.” You mutter.
You two stop in front of the door near the back of the gym. It says “Clinic” in front of the door. He opens the door and you’re greeted with a surprisingly clean office. Radko must have cleaned up a little when he knew you would be coming.
“This is where you’ll be. Some guys will walk in pretty roughed up. Just patch em up abd send them on their way. If any of em try anything with you, you tell me right away. Okay?”
Radko was like a Dad and you liked that about him. A pretty intimidating Dad who owns an illegal boxing ring but what does that matter. Doesn’t particularly make him a bad person.
“Okay. Thank you.” You say with a warm smile.
“Ah you’re so milyy (cute)! Please don’t quit within the first week, I don’t think my heart can handle it if you go.” Radko says and hugs you. You give the big man a pat on the back in return.
“I’ll leave you to it now. You’ll receive your pay bi-weekly. See you now.”
And with that you were left alone. You were left in a small private clinic you could call your own. Maybe this job wouldn’t be as bad as you thought? But all positive thoughts flew out the window when your first patient of the day walked in.
Tall, pale, short blonde hair, scarred torso, muscle on muscle, and piercing blue eyes. All features of someone whom you thought you would never see again. Who you never wanted to see again.
“Kroshechnyy?” (Tiny)
God that nick name. There was a time it would make you smile and laugh. But now it just pissed you off. He had the audacity to call you that as if you two were still buddy buddy? No, fuck that. Fuck him.
“It’s Y/n to you now. What do you want Viktor?”
The man’s face creased with pain. Not physical, no, something worse.
“What are you doing here? This place isn’t for you.” His voice was a deeper timbre from when you last spoke to him Sophomore year. He walks closer to you and you can smell his sweat from training but also… Jean Paul Gaultier? Why would you wear designer fragrance at a gym? Weirdo.
Little did you know when he saw you walk in the gym he immediately raced to the locker room to freshen up and see you.
“I’m a doctor. I got a side job from Radko.” You explain swiftly. “If you’re uninjured then please leave. Other patients may come in with actual reasons to see me.”
Rather than face to face you’re face to chest with him. How the hell did he get so tall? You crane your neck up to meet his eyes.
His expression stiffens. His usual cold demeanor returns.
“You shouldn’t be here. This place isn’t for you. It’s dangerous.”
You roll your eyes. “I think I can manage. Now please leave me alone. You’re the last person I ever want to see.”
Viktor ignores the comment and his gaze remains ice cold. You nearly shiver, did the room temperature drop?
“Stop acting childish. Tell Rad that you quit.”
“But I’m not quitting.”
He steps closer.
“I’ll make you.”
“And what are you gonna do?”
He bends down to your level and scoffs.
“I don’t need to lift a finger. You’ll get scared and run off with your tail between those little legs of yours. These men here will eat you alive.”
Did he not think you knew that before you signed up for all this? You were aware of what you walked into. Underground gym, surrounded by men, all physically fit to the max. They could rip you in half. But you needed this job. There wasn’t time to be afraid.
“Yeah yeah I know. I don’t need your lecture. Now get out before I tell Radko.”
Viktor leans closer. His nose mere centimeters from yours.
“Don’t come crying to me when you get hurt.”
“If I get hurt then I’ll just patch myself up. I didn’t go through 4 years of med school just to cry when I’m in pain.”
The tall Russian growls lowly to himself and leaves, not before slamming the door of course.
This new job of yours just got worse tenfold.
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It’s been about two weeks since you started working here. And you’ve met all of Radko’s men. They weren’t as bad as you thought they would be. Yeah they would flirt with you but not in the gross way. They knew when to quit.
Well, all of them except for Vladimir. The same one who eyed you like a piece of meat the first day you came here. Everyday he would come to the clinic to shoot his shot. And everyday you turned him down.
“Little kotenok (kitten) is still feisty.” Vladimir clicks his tongue. He manspreads in the examination chair, flexing his ab muscles and turning his head to the side to show off his impressive jawline. But all it does is un-impress you.
“If you’re going to waste my time like this everyday then I’m going to tell Radko.” You firmly state and cross your arms.
Like a kicked puppy the boxer whines, “Nooooo. I’m sorry please don’t kick me out. This is the only room besides Coach’s that is air conditioned.”
You can’t help but chuckle at that.
“Not my problem, do an ice bath or something.”
Vladimir chuckles and goes to say something else but stops himself when he sees and hears the door open. You also turn your attention to the door, wondering who it is and why they didn’t knock.
“Get out.” Viktor says. His voice like stone, as is his glare. His bloody swollen eye only ads to his intimidating aura.
Vladimir gets out of the chair and groans. “Way to be a cockblock Vicky.” He says mockingly.
You were about to shoot in and say how there was no way you would give him the light of day but Viktor had other plans. His fist makes contact with Vladimir’s abdomen with a mean punch. Making the other man wheeze and keel over in pain.
“Get the fuck out.” Viktor grabs him by the hair and kicks him out of the office. Literally. The door then slams shut, leaving you alone with your heated childhood friend.
“Thanks…” You mutter. Unable to look into his eyes, well… eye. The other is swollen shut.
He grunts and sits on the examination bed. Getting into doctor mode you walk over to Viktor and assess the damage. There’s a few bruises on his ribs but his eyes seem to be the worst. Delicately you touch part of the bruised eye and he inwardly flinches, making you draw your hand back in an instant.
“What happened?” You softly ask.
“Alexei sucker punched me. Dick.”
You stifle a laugh, making your patient deadpan. “Typical Alexi. I’ll tell him off the next time he comes in here complaining about his stomach aches.”
Viktor and you are silent when you rub ointment on his bruises. After the ointment is all done you hand him an icepack.
“Use this for the eye.”
He nods and thanks you with a silent nod. Then, he leaves just like that.
After that you would see more of Viktor and less Vladimir. To be honest you’ve been seeing less of everyone. Everyday Viktor came in with new reasons to come to you. Headaches, head trauma, bruises, scratches, and the worst was a dislocation.
“What is it this time?” You don’t even need to face the door to know who it is.
“He needs help!”
You whip around immediately, nearly spilling your coffee. You see Alexi and Cain at the door and draped over their shoulders is an unconscious Vladimir. You run over to them and tell them to lay Vladimir down on the bed gently while you assess his condition.
“What happened!?” You say worriedly. He was barely breathing. You begin doing chest compressions.
“We found him outside. Some of those bastards from west gym probably did this to him…” Cain says, his eyes are full of rage.
The compressions aren’t working. So instead you ready up the life support. He won’t last long with traumatic brain injuries like this.
“What’s gonna happen to him Doc?” Alexi sounds the most worried. He’s just a kid, only being 17.
“I’m putting him under life support.” And it was damn hard to do it on your own.
“Thank you.” Cain says. He puts a hand on the small of Alexi’s back. “Let’s leave her alone. She’s busy.”
The two men leave. Leaving you alone with Vladimir who has one foot in hell. No offense Vladimir, but no way you’re going to heaven. All day you stay by Vladimir’s side. Other men come in to check on him or get patch ups. And you go about your job, leaving the unconscious man to rest on the bed.
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If I knew she would be stuck to his side like glue then I never would have beaten the fucker half to death. The plan was to kill him but the stubborn bastard just didn’t want to die. I watch Y/n from outside the clinic. The window’s blinds are open. She’s so close yet so far; always out of my reach. Part of it is my fault. I was the one who pushed her away after all.
But I had no choice. I didn’t want her involved with the people I was involved with in high school. I needed them in order to get some side jobs. Hell, a couple of them box for Radko too at this gym. I thought Y/n would be gone from my life for good, but I was wrong. I thought God was punishing me for the things I have done but it seems like he took pity on me just this once by bringing her back to me and letting me have a second chance.
But so far I’m making no progress. What even is love? I know I love her but I don’t know how. All I know is that I need to protect her from all the wolves here. I already staked my claim on her but one fucker didn’t want to listen. Vladimir, that egotistical thorn in my side. The next chance I get I'll kill him for good. It's not like this is my first time killing for her after all.
High school was when I first took someone's life. Some upperclassman bitch was harassing Y/n. I couldn't stand watching her suffer. And I couldn't comfort her like before when we were young; by this time I already cut off Y/n for good. But I knew there was something I could do. So I killed her. And I killed anyone who dared breathe Y/n's name wrong.
I'll do whatever I can to protect the love of my life. Slowly, little by little, I'll win her back. She'll be mine again and we'll be even closer than friends. But for now I'll do what I can to keep her safe from the sidelines. Even if it means she'll find out and hate me forever.
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ann1-wr1tes · 7 months
Nanami Kento NSFW Alphabet
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Dynamics: Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Spicy Alphabet
Warnings: Adult themes, obviously smut, mentions of giving head, light bondage
A/N: So this is a little apology for not writing anything for ya'll. I've been busy but hope you guys enjoy this!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
-Kento is incredibly attentive and sweet after having sex. Honestly he always wants to check in with you after, to make sure you're okay and to make sure he knows if there was anything you didn't like. Then of course he's quick to get you some water and perhaps one of your favored snacks. Then he likes to run a bath for you and help clean you up. While he cleans you, he's always sure to press kisses everywhere he can. If there are any bruises anywhere, he'll always be extra attentive with those.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
-His favorite body part of his partner would be your tits. Doesn't matter what size, color, or shape. He is a man who can appreciate some boobs...respectfully of course. Though if you asked him he'd be too much of a gentleman to ever fully admit that.
-On himself her particularly likes his hands. After all, he can do so much with them. He can use them to smooth down your body, gently run through your hair, or of course he would finger fuck you until your crying.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
-He honestly doesn't care to make too big of a mess so he definitely prefers to cum inside you. Of course, he'll wear a condom if you ask and i'll be honest, he's got a huge breeding kink.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-He 100% uses pictures of you from his wallet to jack off. It may seem innocent when he pulls out his wallet and looks upon all the pretty pictures he has of you but sometimes behind closed doors, he misses you so much that he can't help it. You're just too cute~
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
-I can imagine Kento has a little bit of experience but not a lot. He's a busy, busy man keeping up with his job and then going back to Jujutsu Tech so he probably doesn't get laid that often. Granted, he has watched some porn but its not a whole lot.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
-Any position where he can see your face. Though I do think his two favorites would be Missionary and Cowgirl. Missionary is nice and easy, not too complicated and he can still fuck you good while getting to look at all the pretty expressions and reactions you have.
-For Cowgirl he'd really like that when he's tried from a long day of work. He gets to hand over the reins to you a little while you slowly roll your hips over his. He loves planting his hands on your hips and helping you as your eyes roll into the back of your head and you succumb to your own pleasure.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
-Kento definitely is not the joking type when it comes to having sex. He may crack one mildly funny comment here or there but his main focus is on making you feel good.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
-Despite his lack of free time, he is always sure to clean himself up. Self care is important he likes to feel well groomed and clean for himself and you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
-In the moment Kento can be very sensual and romantic. His eyes are on you, watching your reactions, feeling you and your body. It can be very intimate and I think Kento is one of those guys who doesn't just fuck, he prefers to make love.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
-Probably not too often, but often enough. Sometimes he can't come home until late at night and he feels the need to rub one out, or sometimes when you aren't around he takes matters into his own hands. But for the most part, he has you and his patience is incredibly strong so he'll wait for you if he has to.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
-Breeding kink. He 1000% has a breeding kink. He would never flat out tell you that he wants kids but if you ever went to him and told him that you desired to have a family, the man would jump on it so fast. There's just something about cumming inside you that gets him hard. I think he'd also like nipple play (giving and receiving). Oh and how could I forget..he'd also have a thing for bondage. With his tie or belt to be specific.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
-He definitely is not a huge fan of doing it in public or spaces where you could get caught. He definitely is more of the private type and just prefers the comfort of his or your house.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
-Oddly enough, you could be doing something as simple as washing dishes or folding laundry and he'd be turned on. There's something about doing simple, domestic things that gets him going.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
-He would never be too hard into choking. He's just not a huge fan and he doesn't like the idea of hurting you. He also isn't too keen on sharing you either. So no threesomes.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
-This man loves to give head. He absolutely adores it. There's just something about getting to bury his face into your wet heat for hours on end while rutting into the bed that does something to him. He finds it to be a form of stress relief and is one of his favorite ways to wind down after a long day.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
-I feel like it depends on his mood. Normally he's into slow and sensual. I'm talking about deep, passionate kisses, slow rolls of his hips, making sure you feel everything he's giving you. But if you ever decide to act like a brat or he just feels pent up and frustrated then he may go a bit rougher than usual. Of course if he's ever too rough with he'll always apologize and he probably feels too guilty to go too rough with it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
-Kento isn't a huge fan of quickies. I mean why rush it when he can have you all to himself? But if he really needed it, he wouldn't be completely opposed to having a quickie. But only for dire situations.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
-He's not too risky. He likes to play it safe and make sure you are comfortable. But if you ever wanted to try something new then he'd listen and consider it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
-It depends on how tired he is and how pent he is. I'd say he could last a good 3 rounds, taking about five minutes each. But at the end of the day I think it matters most about how long you can last? He'll stick it out for however long it takes you to cum, which trust me....it won't take too long.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
-Not completely against toys but he doesn't own any himself. If you were to buy some he'd totally be fine with using them on you and it comes to himself you may need to convince him a little but he could never really say no to you...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-If you are being a brat then he will 100% tease and hold back your orgasm. But in general, no. He's not too big of a tease.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
-Kento starts off quiet, maybe with a few hushed words here and there, a few assurances and compliments before he starts to breathe deeper. his breaths turn into small groans and pants and by the end of it I think you could get a few good moans out of him right before he cums.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
-As much as he hates it and is shameful of it, he steals your dirty panties. He just got so, so desperate one time and you weren't around. He needed something of you and he happened to find your dirty clothes bin. After that he became almost addicted. The scent of you lingering in his nose, the feel of your panties around his cock feels too good.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
-When soft i'd say he's about 6 inches and when hard he goes up to 7 inches. Its long-ish and girthy and can be a lot to take on sometimes. When he gets hard has a rosy red tip and one or two noticeable veins that run up and down his shaft.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
-His sex drive is on the average side but can be a bit high when he gets pent up. Sometimes he's so busy that he doesn't notice but as soon as he's with you all of the sudden his dick is hard and he has no idea what happened.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
-He always waits for you to fall asleep first. No matter how tired he is he'll always make sure you are comfortable and safe in his arms. Sometimes he'll even read to you if you ask. His deep, soft voice lulls you to sleep as reads over endless words on pages from his favorite book.
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the-possum-writes · 1 year
You may have gotten a request like this already so please ignore it if you have!
I really enjoy your works so far and I'd like to request the nsfw alphabet with Marshall Lee if that's something you'd like to do! Gender neutral or afab anatomy if that's okay but I really don't mind if you keep it fully gender neutral!
I hope this request finds you well and happy! Thank you for your time to read this ask and for sharing your work, it's very enjoyable to read! (It also helps that I adore possums hehe)
[Marshall Lee NS/FW Alphabet]
Tags: NS/FW, mentions of voyeurism, hcs, dirty alphabet
A/n: Thanks for requesting! Ya'll eating good tonight-! This is for the AT version of Marshall, the F&C Marshall would probs have some differences without the whole vampire thing.
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A = Aftercare
Marshall doesn't need sleep so he'll help you clean up asap and lay in bed with you so his low body temperature can help ya cool off, he would also sing you to sleep in compensation if he went too rough on you.
B = Body part
Regarding his partner's, he's fond of your chest. He doesn't breathe so he likes seeing it rise and fall whenever you're panting, and enjoys listening  to your heartbeat during cuddle sessions.
As for his body, he likes every aspect of it but if he had to choose it would probably be his eyes. They're the first thing someone sees when he's lurking in the dark.
C= Cum
Slick like glue, and lacks any kind of odor or taste (I guess it's because he's a supernatural creature). He doesn't produce an exaggerated amount of cum in a single shot but he's determined enough to fill you up until it's sliding down your thigh, no matter how many rounds it takes.
D= Dirty Secret
Marshall snuck into your house once cause he wanted to gonna prank you by hiding your toothbrush and other stuff but he accidentally floated in on you in a private time and didn't leave until you finished. Nowadays he knocks before visiting you, but there are times where he touched himself to that memory.
E= Experience
Marshall has been around for thousand years, he knows his likes and dislikes regarding stuff done to him, and what he likes in a partner. He's confident in his performance as well, he has skill and learns fast, he knows that he'll find and exploit your weak points that'll have you sobbing in a good way.
F= Favourite Position
The dude can fly, he likes having you cowgirl (or reverse cowgirl) style while on mid air even though you've told him how dangerous it is.
G= Goofy
Though he gets heavily feral most of the time Marshall is a versatile man who can still crack a laugh even at the most heated times, if he's feeling playful and is on a full teasing rampage he'd use wordplay/puns that depend on the location you two are at.
H= Hair
Marshall is well trimmed but not fully shaved, his pubes are just as dark and wavy as his hair. However, sometimes he'd occasionally try to do funny patterns and would walk out of the bathroom bare ass naked and ask. "Does this look like a bat to you?"
I= Intimacy
Okay so we all know Marshall portrays himself as the residential bad boy and everyone buys it, but in reality he keeps his relationships at an arms length since he's lost people close to him. The guy craves intimacy and it's evident in the small affectionate gestures during sex like how he intertwineds his fingers in your hands, and after sex, he's got his legs tangled in yours, plays with your hair and rests his head on your beating chest.
J= Jack Off
In the early years of vampire hunting he couldn't allow himself a single moment of vulnerability even if his hormones were getting the best of him, but in current times in Aaa where he isn't always on guard he wanks it on occasion here and there when he's lacking company. Once he starts dating you he can't help but stoke himself in front of you when you touch yourself for him.
K= Kink
Pray/Predator play:
He loves playing the part so much. On a full moon he will give you a 10 minute headstart to let you run loose through the woods in that white transparent nightgown he likes so much (fits your role as the helpless victim) as he shape shifts into a wolf or a giant bat and hunts you down by the scent of your arousal alone.
Size difference:
Okay hear me out on this- The guy can shape shift, it would be impossible that he wouldn't develop a knack out of it (especially with the prey/predator thing) when he's near you. He gets a thrill out of it when he's in his bat form, slowly diving you down on his shaft until your thighs come in contact with his fur.
Blood kink:
At first he wasn't interested since he had enough fighting those bloodsuckers (and because it's an obvious thing for him to have). So everyday he fought the blood kink allegations but after years of denying it, its become a new curiosity. He doesn't need to drink the stuff to survive but there's something euphoric about yours that tastes better than any shade of crimson, he'd avoid your neck the first few times but would obtain it from you inner thigh, it's like biting into a lovely jelly donut.
It's rude to spy on others but Marshall is well known to watch over others regardless if they're aware of it or not, you'd learn it the hard way when he caught sight of you touching yourself in your private time. In recent times you purposely masturbate in front of him as he sits back in a comfy seat but only after kicking his ass for being a creep.
Exhibitionism: He doesn't mind taking things in a public space like a bathroom stall or just outside a party, he already has his initials marked all over Aaa so a quickie is just another way to mark his place as his.
Praise kink: can't get enough when hearing you say how much you love him, how good he feels inside you or the sensation of his mouth all over you.
L= Location
Anywhere, anytime. The only place he refuses to go is the Nightosphere cause his mom has eyes and ear everywhere and those pesky demons would rattle him out and before he know it his mom is asking for grandchildren.
M= Motivation
It takes so little to rile him up but the fastest way is when you're wearing on of his band shirts.
Alright hot take. Although he jokes around with it sometimes; Marshall refuses to actually bite your neck with his fangs. Sure he'll nibble on your neck and bite your shoulder but his fangs never really pierce the skin of your jugular, it brings bad memories of his own forceful transformation and how it made him feel.
O= Oral
Appreciates anyone who's brave enough to let his teeth near their privates.
P= Pace
He goes rough and fast, he knows he gets too carried away but he forgets it right away when he sees you enjoy it as much as he does.
Q= Quickie
Doesn't mind them.
R= Risk
Definitely a risk taker. There's many ways to turn him on and he'd love to share them with you, his safe word is probably something like batshit or fries.
S= Stamia
Impecable. Unless you're a supernatural creature you can't match up with his subhuman self.
T= Toy
Marshall likes them both on himself and on his partner, he likes the dildo varities in particular (when he needs to prepare you for his bat form) and how crazy some designs can get.
U= Unfair
Ultimate tease, if you start taunting Marshall he's gonna return it in an instant. Doesn't care if you're out in public he'll get handsy with you as punishment, and dear glob have mercy on you in the bedroom cause he'd edge that bratty attitude out of you.
V= Volume
He isn't as vocal compared to you when he takes the lead, he would mostly let out an occasional hiss or groan intertwined with his dirty talk or teasing. Buuut, if he's the one on the receiving end he'll cry, whine and moan like a bish.
W= Wild Card
If it wasn't because of his vampire regeneration abilities he'd get dick piercings.
X= x-ray
A nice 9 inches long with a slight curve upwards, he's long but a bit on the slender side like most of his body, it's color is just as pale too but halfway it leads to a small dark gray tip.
Y= Yearning
High libido, watch out. Although he doesn't need to eat or sleep he can still feel lust and hunger which become stronger the longer his needs go unfulfilled.
Z= Zzz
He doesn't really sleep much nor does he get exhausted easily, if he's with a mortal partner he'd pretend to sleep just to keep you company or sing/ play a lullaby on his guitar for you.
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smoliboops · 3 months
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JSE Egos x Doctor Who Au - Jameson Jackson as the Eleventh Doctor
finally finished coloring my sketches from April :D! Dont know if i'll go as hard coloring-wise for future sketches lol, but hoping to get around to drawing more ego/doctor combos soon ^-^
(Bonus slight alternative for series7B JJ and bonus info/ramble in the read more:)
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JJ with all brown hair since while coloring I forgot that I wanted to still give him his blue hair but more grown out (to kinda show the passage of time for 11! JJ to imply that he retired for a bit like 11 did after TATM/before the Snowmen.) I like how both versions turned out although idk which I like more lol. also i used an online Sherman's Gallifreyan translator for the first pic; it's "Jameson Jackson" in gallifreyan!
also yes i have been thinking about this specifically since i accidentally used Doctor Who to spot that Schneep was studying time travel equations back in 2019 and I went insane xD
also also, shoutout to the discord server im in (ya'll know who you are) who've been seeing me work thru these on and off the last 2 months, genuinely appreciate ya'll <3 :)
and finally if you got here, i have ideas/episode scenes i want to do for either 12! or 15! Marvin, 10! Chase, 9! Schneep, and Master! Anti cos ive wanted to draw him as either Dhawan or one of the classic incarnations 👀 (someone also mentioned Valyard! Anti as well on the sketch post and while i havent gotten around to watching Trial of a Timelord/more classic DW i see your vision 👏). but im very slow at finishing art so pls let me know which ideas yall might want to see next if you like this niche crossover ^-^ ✨
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Heyy, love what you do. You're amazing.
I was looking for sterek fics where Derek has a dirty mouth, even porn couldn't compare to the things that come out of his mouth when he is with stiles. ♥️♥️♥️
Cover your ears ya'll.
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A quickie in the janitors closet by pizzz_10
(1/1 842)
Stiles wanted to go lunch after class, but Derek has other ideas
Something to Remember Me By by 1lostone
(1/1 I 5,038)
At a graduation party, Derek makes some assumptions.
Stiles sets him straight.... so to speak.
Gordian Knot (Of Sex) by tourdefierce
(1/1 I 5,859)
Losing his virginity was hard enough when Lydia Martin was his sole focus. Now there are werewolves involved and this is way crazier. For one, there are a lot more dicks involved. (To be fair, in some of his fantasies, Lydia Martin had an impressive rubber cock.) Either way, Stiles doesn't know why he thought getting rid of his pesky virginity was going to be easier with Derek involved—the guy is practically allergic to doing anything the easy way and that includes Stiles. Being done. Because he's easy. What.
Things We Know, Unsaid by uraneia 
(1/1 I 6,036)
Stiles accidentally finds a trunk full of Derek's professional dom gear from when he lived in New York. They don't talk about it. Then Stiles turns eighteen, and they do.
If he thought Derek would be angry or embarrassed at Stiles finding a trunk full of quality BDSM gear in his closet, he’d have been wrong. “I used to do it professionally, in New York,” Derek says easily, and Stiles—Stiles doesn’t know how to process that. Because he’s seventeen and has eyes and an unfortunately vivid imagination, and if he lets it go there he’s not going to get any use out of any body part except his dick for several hours.
Feel You Breathing by sugareey
(3/3 I 8,400)
Derek: So, you need a distraction.
Stiles: Maybe Stiles: It’d be better if you were here to help me with that. Stiles: ;D
[Or: Sexy things start late one night when Derek gets a text from Stiles and escalate from there. A few secrets are revealed along the way.]
Melt Me Slowly Down by maichan808 (maichan)
(1/1 I 20,307)
The last thing Stiles expects when he walks into Lydia’s exclusive S&M club is to rescue a sub who’s obviously been mistreated for a long time. His name is Derek, and when he awkwardly reaches out, asking Stiles to be his Dom, the urge to shield Derek from more pain is too strong for Stiles to resist. But Derek is still recovering from his past and learning how to set boundaries, so they have to take things slow.
Incredibly Gifted Fakers by Fortem
(21/? I 76,596)
Stiles desperately needs a new scene partner and Derek desperately needs a job. They may just be able to help each other out, if they remember that this is all supposed to be acting.
Yoda Said It Best by OKDeanna
(21/21 I 99,128)
Derek Hale knows he as a problem. Contrary to what some might believe, he isn’t stupid. He knows the Jeep has meaning to him, real meaning. The kind of meaning that he doesn’t want to think about, let alone stop and have to analyze. Except… his son keeps pushing him about it, prodding at him, and then before Derek knows it, Stiles is back in Beacon Hills, driving the one thing in the world Derek wishes he never had to set eyes on again. If Derek isn’t careful, he could open himself up to a fall, and that would affect more than just his son but also his own traitorous heart. Because with Stiles back, Derek finally has hope again, and its making him want the things he knows better than to ever crave: a home, a future, a life—love.
Domestication by Arver7, Moit
(37/37 I 280,892)
Derek and Stiles are heat partners, but neither realises how invested the other one is. When Stiles winds up pregnant, their relationship gets more serious, even if neither of them knows how to handle it.
236 notes · View notes
meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 6 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 5
I hope ya'll enjoy :D please comment and reblog, it really helps out (i just want that juicy feedback babyyy)
Two pristine white suits stood in the doorway. The laboratory's glaring white light bared down from behind the two men, framing them in an uneasy, uncertain shadow. Despite being indoors, the agents wore cold sunglasses, and one would be forgiven for assuming they were permanent fixtures on their heads.
"Our deepest condolences, Mr Wayne." The so-called Agent K said. Bruce Wayne noted not the slightest hint of condolence or sympathy.
He considered himself an effortlessly logical person. Someone who got what needed to be done, done. Someone who push away fear and stress in order to chip through the walls and find a path to victory in any situation.
But now, as he stared at the pile of bloody and torn clothes laid on the examination table, a DNA test on the side showing MATCH in bold letters, Bruce found himself blanking for the first time in years.
The first time since Jason...
Damian's tracker had blinked its last only hours before, and Bruce hopped on the first boat he could procure and organised a search part, recruiting the help of the local and governmental siren hunters, not that he was not still suspicious, but man power was man power, and his son was on borrowed time.
Time that had to be paid back.
"We could not find a body, sir. Your son has likely been consumed by the sirens."
No body. None. And that was not for a lack of trying. Divers had scoured the ocean floor underneath vigilant patrols. Sonars echoed across the bay and surrounding reefs. Nothing, not hide or hair or even a bone.
Bruce needed to stay calm, to stay effortlessly logical. There was no way to confirm a death just by some bloody clothes and a lack of a body. He needed to find a way, the only way.
"Thank, gentlemen. I'm gonna need a moment alone. I'll be returning to my room." The crack in "Brucie's" voice was not fake.
When Bruce got back to his hotel room, its emptiness like poison to his eyes, he beelined to his laptop. There he opened the staticky and blurry video showing the moment of disaster.
Damian was on the boardwalk, taking a moment for himself to get away from the hustle and bustle of yet another vapid party. All he wanted out of this trip was to see the fish...
An explosion rocked the boardwalk, sending splinters flying. The camera blurred into static. All that could be made out was a hand grabbing onto Damian's foot and pulling him under. The feed cut out.
Bruce played the recording again, and again, and again. Just like he had been doing all day. It was so blurry he couldn't even identify the colour of the hand.
Each time, his heart broke a little more. A tear came closer and closer to tearing its way out behind the barrier he'd put around his heart. The barrier these damn kids have wormed through over time.
Bruce dialed the phone. It answered on the first ring. "Dick, gather the family. I have some bad news..."
Danny buckled the last belt in his collection around his tail. Funny thing about belts, is that they're still useful even if you aren't wearing pants. The Fenton waterproof torch, the Fenton Stinger, Fenton Lipstick Laser among several other greatest hits slotted neatly into the loops of his belts along his tail. All he needed was a jacket and he might have a biker aesthetic to rival Johnny's.
Damian had spent the past hour or so pacing back and forth, trying to get a hang of his fins and occasionally bumping into a wall. Kid was itching to go out, and had taken to waving the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick around at imaginary enemies, despite having complained about the "inelegance of such a crude weapon."
"You will know suffering." He muttered. "I will make you beg for deliverance." He scowled.
Maybe Danny should introduce him to Sam. He feels like they'd get on like a house on fire.
Damian clung to his shoulder again, little arms wrapped around his neck for purchase as he swam out the cave. The Anti-Creep stick sat comfortably in a holster wrapped round the kid's waist with a knot Danny had to retie six times because he was so small. It was mid afternoon and the sun bathed the reef in bright colours like a warm blanket.
"We should keep an eye out for any other weapons. Our current stock is not enough."
Danny snorted. "You sound like a serial killer talking like that, you know?"
"I am more dangerous than a serial killer." Damian huffed. Danny could feel the offence radiating off him. To think that a himbo like Bruce Wayne could spawn someone with this many sticks up his ass. "And more intimidating."
"Please threaten me more. I'm shaking in my non-existent boots."
Damian growled. A deep guttural sound that rumbled his chest and tickled Danny's scales. Well, it would've been deep if Damian weren't half Danny's size.
"Where is your map and compass? How are we to get to Panama without navigation equipment?"
"Relaaax! We don't need a map because I've got a little something called celestial navigation." See Sam and Tuck? His space obsession was useful in his siren life!
The smaller siren head sank and banged on Danny's. "It is broad daylight."
Danny grinned over his shoulder. "Yeah that was a joke."
Damian screeched.
Danny laughed as he surfaced and got himself some fresh air. Calm waters for miles around them. Slowly he kicked off the swim, building up speed. "Relaaaax. It doesn't take a genius to figure out we need to go south."
"The only reason I have allowed you to live is because you are my only way home."
"As if I couldn't literally sit on you and you'd be helpless."
"I should invite you to try!"
Thousands of miles of blue ocean stretched on in every direction Damian looked. Below the two of them, the ocean floor lay deep enough that all Damian could see was a blur. Just above, the surface of the water rippling from slow winds blazes past. Phantom's strength lets them cut through the water at breakneck pace. The water rushing past his ears and fins reminds him of flying with Jon, if only much thicker than air in the upper-atmosphere.
Light from above, and unending darkness below. It was the darkness that Damian focused on. Occasionally, a tingle spread down his back and through his tail, like a warning, only for nothing to be visible underneath. The first few times, he shivered from surprise. Then it just unnerved him.
He'd read about lateral lines on sharks and other fish before, as a curiosity. Never had he imagined he would come to possess one himself, and never that it would feel so natural that it was difficult to parse it out from all his other sensations. The idea of not feeling this new sensation felt foreign, and unnerving, even though this form was the foreign one.
He would never admit this to anyone, but he didn't know much longer he could deny the creeping feeling on his neck. For all Phantom appeared friendly, Damian knew nothing of his motivations, or even his true character. If Phantom decided he didn't want anything to do with Damian, then what? With no weapons save a measly baseball bat, no contact with the outside world, no armour, no legs, no support and no knowledge of how to survive, he would be good as shark meat.
Damian tightened his grip on Phantom's neck. He was supposed to be above fear, and yet why was his heart pounding so hard?
A series of fast clicking echoed from the distance. Damian jerked his head to the left. Through squinted eyes hie made out long slender forms swimming parallel, their tails undulating up and down.
"Are those dolphins?" Damian muttered.
Phantom turned to the same sight, and raised his eyebrows. "Huh, I guess they are-" Damian jerked Phantom to their direction.
"We must approach them immediately!"
Phantom's body almost tumbled out of his normal swimming rhythm from the shock. "What? What for?"
"We must! The only reason I agreed to come to Amity Island was to see the sea creatures."
"Dude, you know dolphins can be total assho-" But Damian was having none of it. To solidify his point, he clamped his teeth into Phantom's shoulder, focusing them on the part where bone jutted out. Even if they couldn't penetrate, the blunt force against bone would be very painful.
"YOUCH Alright alright alright alright can you please stop biting me!"
Phantom rerouted their course, and Damian chittered in satisfaction. "Excellent."
The dolphins were as beautiful and majestic as he could have ever imagined. It was a small pod, comprising of about five adults, all swimming together in stunning synchrony. Phantom swam at a cautious distance, close enough to admire but too far to touch. How he longed to pet a dolphin... Even Damian slapping him with his tail could only move him an inch closer.
"Dude, I've dealt with dolphins before, and they're literally the most evil beings on the planet, right next to toast and Vlad."
Damian huffed. If only he had a camera on him. To swim alongside dolphins at top speed, out in the wild... He was pretty sure he was drooling, or would have been.
He'd just have to commit the scene to memory, and paint it when he got home.
The thought of home made his fins droop a little.
He felt a finger poking at his cheek. "Hey Damian, you ok? Fine, I'll give like two inches, but that's it."
Damian snappes teeth at him. "I am perfectly fine. Just thinking."
Before Phantom could get closer, Damian saw one member of the pod swerve right for them. Instinctively, he ducked, only for the dolphin to somersault overhead, twirling three times before 'landing' right of them. Two more of its podmates followed suit as they danced in circles around them. One of them came so close he could even catch its scent. It smelled tangy, like freedom and excitement.
Seeing dolphins performing manoeuvres at aquariums was one thing, sitting in dries seats what felt like half a world away from the water, but here? Damian felt the water stolen from right out of his gills.
And the best part was rubbing it in to Phantom. "What was that you said while disparaging these beautiful creatures?"
"Dude, don't these guys smell weird to you?" Even now he was suspicious? The dolphins smelled perfectly fine.
"Not in the slightest. I believe you are just trying to save face."
"Dude, I've seen dolphins before. Plenty of them, but none of them smelled this.. familiar."
Then again, now that Phantom mentions it, those moves seemed just a bit too disciplined for a wild animal. Just a bit too measured...
Damian's hackles spiked up. They were surrounded.
"Phantom, get us out of-"
Deafening squeals blasted from every direction. The noise was so horrible Damian could barely see. His ear fins felt like cracked glass. His field of view was getting darker. They were sinking.
Phantom moved Damian so he was flat against his chest and curled up. The boys crash landed into the barren sea floor. Pain erupted from every surface as debris and particles tore scales and broke fins. Phantom's screaming mixed into the water with teal blood. He held onto Damian like a vice the entire time.
They finally came to a stop. Damian's head spun and spun and his ears rang. He dimly noted the criss-crossing ropes of a fishing net entrapping them. Above him, the blasted dolphins loomed over them in circles like they were sharks, and in the centre floated a man in a large metal suit, a metal suit sporting a malicious, leopardlike grin, a grin that for a moment he could not place, until his mind cleared.
That was the last thing he ever had ever seen as a human.
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lutawolf · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 4
If you haven't read the others, they can be found here.
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Ahhh, nothing gets me going like a sub wearing what their Dom picked out. That subtle ownership. Why yes, I do pick out all my husband's clothes except the dreaded work clothes. I refuse to take the blame for those tacky things.
Right off, we can easily see that this is not an M/s situation. The fact that Segasaki is asking Yoh what he wants to do, tells us exactly what we need to know. Yoh is explaining what he is going to do. That is not something a slave would ever even think to do. We can easily tell that he is a subby sub though, cause when Segasaki brings out the Dom, Yoh eases back.
OMG, that chin grab! @bl-bam-beyond pretty please gif that chin grab.
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That chin grab with the "No." Ugh, how all my lovely subs doing? Are you still here? Have you been able to finish the show? Or are you stuck here on rewind?
Yoh actually questions Segasaki as to why not. Anybody still thinking Yoh a slave? Cause not to be rude, I can't fix stupid. This boy, a brat. Fuck, this whole scene is really showcasing their dynamic. "But we made a promise." "Tell her that you can't go anymore. Do it. Do you even know why you are in this house." And once again, we're back at the misunderstanding stage.
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A fangirl, I see. OMG, this is adorable. Yoh is like, sure. Let's look at the tie of my Dom, bestie.
Yoh calling with Segasaki standing over him. This episode is killing me in the best possible way. Don't revive me! (No! I have not taken my ADHD meds, don't judge me!) "I was ordered to stay home." Hahahaha! Then the ahhhh, after he tells her that he will make it up to her. Letting you know he was likely just punished by Segasaki. Yes, my mind went here.
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Then the reward of the head pat, "you did good."
She showed up to check on him! Woot! Haha, she is about to find out who is boyfriend is. Hahaha. I'm dying. Meanwhile, his boyfriend is like, "guess it's time for a face off." Ya'll I'm not okay. I'm laughing so hard.
And Yoho stepped over a line and got put in his place. But he is too busy having a crisis to care! 🤣🤣🤣 Her face is my favorite.
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That effortless lie. He wasn't feeling well. Uh huh. I love these two dumbass friends. I need sake too!!! I'm dying. Shit, I can't breathe through the laughter.
Now it's Yoh's turn to be jealous. Ahh, he got drunk and fell asleep on the floor. The places we find comfortable when we are drunk.
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Nope, he doesn't want to go to the bed. I love the outer dialogue we are getting. I really enjoy that we get Yoh's side of things and from his perspective, but this rounds it out a bit for me.
And look at that beautiful smile when Segasaki finds out she's married. "Are you in your rebellious phase." Does this sound familiar to certain people whom I will not mention by name!?! Hmmm! Brats! Stop breaking my heart! Make him stop Segasaki, make him stop!
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Fuck, I love these two so much. Everything he is describing is very much a Brat Tamer. Bossy but gentle. Controlling but caring. Charming and unreasonable. Brat Tamer.
The way his squishes Yoh's face! Ahhh, these two are gonna kill me!
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"It would be nice if you stayed drunk forever." Because of the honesty. Segasaki likes Yoh's quirks, but he also wants the honesty and the connection.
I need the curry story now! But apparently, I must wait. Heavy sigh.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know in the tags if you did. 💜💜💜 See you next time.
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
27 asks! :00 Thanks ya'll!! :} 💖💖💖
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Nope! Sorry, I don't take direct drawing requests or suggestions. <:/
Now I hear a few people saying; "But you've taken requests before" Now I do draw things in response to asks sometimes. But its rarely a direct request that I'm responding to. Usually its someone complimenting me on "something" and I feel so flattered and inspired that I draw that "something" again for them..
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Would you think less of me if I said I legitimately was? For what I think is a very valid reason? Hypothetically of course-
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:DD Oh hey!! Thanks!! Happy early Easter!! :}}} 💖🥚🥚🐺🥚💖
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Oh there's no need to worry Anon, my body is kind'a forcing me to take a break... 😅
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (In response to this post)
Thank you! And no worries, I'm sure I wont have to deal with all of this forever <:}
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Happy late reply Friday! <XDD
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Aww! Sweet widdol baby!! :DD
And thank you, I'm doing my best to take it easy.. <:}
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Woof. That is quite the sentence to say to someone who's grieving their late wife-
Its especially strange considering that my Bowser isn't in love with Peach at all and isn't interested in replacing his wife-
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I've heavily considered Louis having a crush on Ellie... 👀👀
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The biggest eater is probably Louis, followed by Seafoam. Now Seafoam is no glutton mind you, he just eats a ton because he's so big and tall. He's got a lot of muscle that needs to be fed and maintained. Louis however just loves food and loves to eat <XDD
The pickiest eaterr.... couuuld be Red. Kids am I right? <XD Or maybe Spidercrab. He's rather thin so I imagine there isn't much he likes to eat. <:/ Or maybe Spidercrab isn't picky, he just doesn't have much appetite--?? <:DD
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Aww! What a fun idea! :D I wonder if the game has anything like that.. and I wonder how a land animal like that would fare out on the ocean :0
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(In response to this post)
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Y-You realy mean all dat?.. Thank you.. 🥺😭💖
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XDD I am everywhere
(Also if you ever feel like getting those photos those would be hilarious to see XDD)
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YA- AWWWW... :(( sorry about the lost progress! I hope you catch back up to where you were pretty quick :( But YAY YOU HAVE IT BACK! XDD
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A marshmallow cookie and a S'mores cookie already exist in the game :( so I shan't make my own 😔
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I'm still working out the order of their ages.. So far I have decided that Ludwig is the oldest. And I'm leaning on Iggy being right below him, the second to oldest.
I'm solid on Bowser JR being the youngest, and Lemmy being right above him, the second to youngest. As for everyone else though..? I'm still trying to figure it out.
Thinking that Roy and Morton are on the older side, and Wendy and Larry are on the younger side. I just don't quite know what the order will be-
Hmm... I want Larry to be very different looking from Lemmy, maybe a bigger age gap would help. And I made Roy rather mature.. he could be older.. hmm...
Mayyybe.. in order from oldest to youngest, it goes,
Ludwig - Iggy - Roy - Morton - Larry - Wendy - Lemmy - JR..? I think I'll go with that for now <XDD
Now Bowser is complicated. Originally I wanted Bowser to be this ruthless monster. Both as a King and as a Dad.. But I made that Bowser around when the Movie trailers were all the hype. And boy, I hated how Bowser was shaping up to be. So my rotten Bowser was mostly just to make him more intimidating then the movie Bowser.
Since then I've settled down and thought that a purely evil Bowser is not that interesting.. or lore accurate. So I began to lean on him being a rather good dad, if not emotionally awkward.
....buuut then I saw the movie, and now I'm back on the Bowser hate train <XDD I guess right now its up in the air. He's not meant to be intentionally abusive or awful to his kids though. I'm thinking that maybe the gentle fatherly side of Bowser was usually brought out by his wife.. Since she's gone now.. well.. I guess he's a little emotionally absent at the least-
As strictly a King, I'm thinking that he's pretty rough. At least he's more ruthless than he may have been before. I guess a way to describe him as King would be.. The health and safety of his people are not his #1 concern. The strength of his kingdom and his position of power however, is. Though this Bowser is subject to change.. :/
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XD He'd probably look like this 👇
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I'm not sure if the Pizzaplex would have decorated the place for Easter or not.. In present day or in the past.
But if they did in the past, I imagine it didn't feel much different compared to any other time of the year..
And if the present day Pizzaplex celebrates it..? I imagine its hard for the animatronics to see all the bunny imagery everywhere.. 💔
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Google seems to suggest that there are no sirens in the games.. :( So Blue Beauty wouldn't be one, 😔
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Thank you!! I'm glad you do! :DD
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You mean my Refinedtale Toriel.?
Man.. I'm sure she does.. (Though heck if I know what their names would be or any of that stuff-- but I'm sure Toriel would know <XDD)
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Ooooo that's a good idea! :00 I haven't thought about it that way before..
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That sounds really fun actually! And normally I could see that happening.. though unfortunately, some of the structures I have set up in my AU make this scenario less likely..
For one, I intended for healing magic to be extremely complex and very difficult to master. And its intended to always leave a mark of some kind. A warning that Kamek gives to Lemmy and Iggy is something along the lines of "Whether you are healing, or destroying. Magic will always leave a scar." That's why Iggy's eyes look so strange and half of Lemmy's face and hair is discolored. The act of repairing their eyes left a mark on them..
What I mean by this, is that Kamek couldn't just turn around and heal them after every sparring session. Because it is very challenging to heal with magic and they would both be left with scars.. So they would both have to heal naturally over time after sparring. And considering that the Commander has a very important job, it would be wise to not tire him out or injure for the sake of some emotional relief.. :(
Although.. there could be a more mild version of this perhaps? Where the commander is involved in Bowser's training.? But not as his opponent. Perhaps he flies up high and chucks projectiles at Bowser for him to deflect. But not really getting involved on a way beyond that where he becomes overly exhausted or inured.
...Now for the Koopalings?? Dude, that's genius. Bowser is a hefty opponent and is sure to exhaust Commander and possibly even injure him.. But the Koopalings?? Commander would make a GREAT sparring partner for nearly all of them! :00
Specifically I can see him sparing with Morton, Roy, Ludwig and possibly Iggy. (The older Koopalings primarily) Whether its just muscle against muscle or being Iggy's target practice, I think he'd make a great sparring partner for the youngins :}}
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It started with being inspired by my band-aid covered hands (due to dry hands and cat scratches) and adding them into my sona
Nowadays its maintained by me having reaaaaally dry hands 💀 (I wash them way to often/harshly and don't rehydrate with lotion often enough-)
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You mean the factual fam? Aw, I'd like to think so. :}}}
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Bold of you to assume Jangles doesn't have hair
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<XD Yes, Bibi is around 2 years old-
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My anthro Scugs!! + Enot/Inv/???
I'll leave design and personality notesnotes under the read more!! :D Hope ya'll like my takes on the scuggies hehe.
MONK - (He/They)
Monk is known for being kind and willing to jump after their loved ones, so I decided to sort of make it look like they're the last scug that would do that. He's very family-oriented.
His more closed-off appearance is purposeful, I view Monk as a scug that takes a bit to come out of his shell.
He's very cute and gets very flustered pretty easily when someone compliments him.
His clothes were made by Gourmand.
SURVIVOR - (They/Them)
The glaringly obvious prosthetic leg is also on purpose. Survivor's fall was very bad, and it resulted in their leg becoming infected to the point it needed to be amputated, from the ankle down.
They're actually dating a scavenger, and that scavenger is the one who was there for them through the procedure, and even had a hand in crafting the new leg. It's modeled after a scavenger leg.
Their folded ear is due to a bite from a lizard that tore off a good chunk, leaving it floppy.
HUNTER - (It/They/She)
The scar on their throat has left them a selective mute. It doesn't mind all that much.
Its clothes were made by No Significant Harassment, for ease of letting other Iterator Messengers, if they were to ever happen upon her, to know who she was created by.
It's very no-nonsense, and takes its job very seriously. When not assigned a task, they're often seen pacing back and forth, or hunting.
GOURMAND - (He/They/She)
I knew from the get go I wanted him to be BIG.
The pearls around his neck were gifts from scavengers. They wear them with pride and have in fact made pearl necklaces and bracelets for the scavengers as well.
She's the motherly matriarch of the scug population in the outer expanse, and teaches them all what she knows.
She's SO fucking pissed off it's not even funny.
She refuses to leave the metropolis, even after chasing out the scavengers. She was unlucky in her attempt to kill the scavenger chief, as he ran off as soon as she started trying to kill him.
It's been so long she doesn't even recognize her own species anymore, killing with no remorse.
No bottom jaw, and only their upper canines developed.
Often seen exploring around, often with Hunter when it's time to hunt.
RIVULET - (Anything)
This scug wears nothing but a swimming suit and not even he knows why. It just likes it.
It's actually almost as tall as spearmaster, lanky legs are good for running after all.
They talk FAST, often needing to be reminded to slow down a bit so the others can hear her.
Somehow always wet regardless of the environment.
SAINT - (He/Him)
I knew I wanted him to look extremely fuzzy.
His coat was crafted using a raindeer's wool, and it's helped keep him warm in the event of a blizzard.
I also wanted to make it look like he has many old man secrets under that coat. Tell us your secrets old man.
The beard was a must. I needed to give him a beard.
ENOT/INV/??? - (He/Him)
Yeah this dude it just a being that the gods want dead.
No matter what way anyone faces, his snout will never be front-facing.
He speaks in 2000's scene, and can somehow say emojis as well.
Will often attempt to match the hobby of a scug of the day he's crushing on.
Kind of a dick to Monk tbh. Surv has kicked his ass about it.
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gamersansblog · 2 years
so uh i saw you're taking smut requests.... Do you think you'd be comfortable doing hcs of ratchet/ultra-magnus (TFP) with an autobot s/o who's a gentle dom/service top. It's totally fine if not or if this doesn't call to you. Thank you so much and drink some water!!!
Yes I can!
Don't worry I will drink some water :D
Now I don't know if you want gn, male, or female so I'm going to go with gn :D
Ratchet and ultra-magnus with a gentle dom s/o
Minors do not interact!
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Dis man whimpers I swear it's fucking hot
Loves the way how gentle you are with him everytime to guys fuck
Likes going rough but likes how gentle you are.
Get embarrassed when you tell him he's a good boy
You guys rarely fuck because there's people trying to sleep and because of the war
Yo ass bites his thighs and he loves it
He moans pretty loud ngl
He can last for 3 to 5 rounds with out passing out
Purrs after yall done
Don't tell anyone he purrs but the purrs are quiet that no one can hear
Mf has 3 kinks-
You dont know he does that
Gets grumpy when you have to leave after sex
He has one toy don't tell anyone that he has that cuz he'll get embarrassed and mad and will throw the biggest wrench that he has
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Dis man only grunts and whimpers
He's kinda demanding during sex
Blushes so badly when you decide to fip him over so can see his face
This man has a couple kinks but the top first one is a name kink
The way you call him baby girl, slut and more makes him weak to the knees
Jerks off sometimes which is rare
Does not like the risk he feels embarrassed when he get caught
That fact that you are gentle with him since it was his first time makes him melt and fall inlove with you again
Can last for about 2 rounds until he acts all sex drunk
When you bite his thighs he will whimper and squish his thighs on ypur head because of the pleasure he's feeling
Mother fucker is a cuddle bug after sex
Won't let you put of his grasp
Only will let ypu go when you have to leave or when he feels all sticky and bothered and you are getting a wet rag
Secretly has some toys but SHHH don't tell anyone 😙🤫🤭
Purrs LOUDLY mf won't shut up after happy time
Hope ya'll enjoyed this!
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All Hell Breaks Loose Pt. 4.
Hello there my loves, i brought to the next part of my angst series. :D Still no happiness, just excitement and all the feels in the world. So, it's not my first time to bring in some other love interest (i'm greedy af), i can't help it, i love it. Also i'm thinking about a sequel with Graves, let me know if ya'll interested in that. Happy reading!
Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Warnings: language, mentions of torture, injuries, military men, canon typical violence, Graves is bad (but i kinda like it), as i see it now it's lighter than the previous chapters.
Summary: You need to remind Graves of your shared past, hoping for more and easier time with him while Ghost and the team puts together a plan to get you out of the shadows by becoming one.
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You have his attention. His full and utter focus. Everything froze in place when the words left your mouth, and you could even hear a pin drop. You see memories flashing on his battle scarred face, and for a moment, a tiny little second you see Phil, your friend, your partner, your most trusted companion. Only for a moment really, while the pain lives so urgent in you, it's a weak split second, but you can't deny it. It leaves you as soon as the numbness take over in your mind, so you can block out the the physical body you are trapped in.
Graves stares at you. No visible emotion displayed on his features, he just stands there, arms crossed over his bulletproof vested chest. This is not the time to stop damnit.
"Because i remember. Fuck it was a good time to be a Shadow, wasn't it? Doing important and reckless shit while making a shit ton of money. "
His eyes widen, maybe not so recognizable for his men, but you know you stirred something up in him. What you don't know, if anything, a shallow wave of nostalgia that hits him, but it's perfectly enough for you. A small grip on him, but it's better than nothing.
"Leave." He states, eyes remaining on you. You hold his gaze, brave and stupid enough to do so, no fucking way he can have the gratification of seeing you tormented any longer.
Shadows leave without a word, but not without some suspicious looks towards you and Philip. It's quite quick, how they clear the room with ease, remembering they are not only mercenaries and criminals, but soldiers too.
You feel yourself let out a breath, left with the only person who can provide some familiarity, conflicting feelings clash in you as you realize you trying to find comfort in the person who's hurting you with no remorse. But for now, you'll let yourself to be more vulnerable if it means you can have a win in a long run. You sigh again, Simon's face flashing in front of before you speak again. You gather every moment that you can recollect about Philip Graves, involving all the cases where he was stuck between you thighs. You want to replace those memories with better and happier ones. But for now, you need to push Simon in the back of your mind in order to have a grip on reality.
"Who would have thought, that we will end up like this. On the opposite sides of the battlefield. Not me for sure, not when i was tangled in between the sheets with you. Damn, i thought i can fucking conquer this piece of shit planet with you by my fucking side." The images of him, a younger, cleaner, healthier him, with a shiteating grin, clutching an AR firmly, already turned on by just a look at you mirroring his smugness. The thoughts start to mix up with memories of the 141 seeping into your life. Your brain tries so hard to replace the naked and filthy recollections with Philip, it feels so surreal to think about purposely of him, while you yearn for Simon and only Simon.
He looks sheepish, hell almost sad if you are being honest. Maybe not every human part in him is lost. Not that it matters, it doesn't. He'll die at the end of this, either with you or by your hands.
"After that mission everything changed. The job, the team, you, us. Every fucking thing turned upside down because you was greedy. You had everything on this world, and you wanted more. More money, more to your name, more power, more more more." You rant, words spilling like they should have years ago. You need time, you have to gain time for the guys to get inside. That's what matters, not Graves and his feelings. Not your feelings.
"OH FUCK OFF! Like you didn't enjoyed it. You fucking loved every damn minute of my power. You fed off of it like a hungry leech, you were a lost puppy until you met me, always ridiculed by the others, always the outcast." He tries to get to you, get under your skin. Just by the look on his face you see that he counts on you getting defensive, clinging to your truths, to yell and ague. And you don't do it, he so mindful that he leaves you time to speak up, to regain some strength to go against his acclaims.
"You can say whatever you want, Philip. I know what i know, it's my memories too. And at that time, you looked pretty much like someone whos enjoying it. Everything of it. You can be fucking mad at me for leaving, admitting that you went to far with it, it won't fucking change a thing. You lost. You lost the day when you did that job for Sheperd. You aren't the one who came out on top, and i know you fucking despise the feeling. Oh i know. It's written all over your face, i have seen it a million times before, and those scars on your pretty face couldn't hide that from me." Shit you have to be careful what you say, you are aware of the things he is capable of. But the words just comes so effortlessly.
"Because you know me so well, huh? You think you have that against me? Darling this goes both ways. Does dear Simon knows what horrible things you have done to amaze me?" He smiles wickedly, just like so many times in your past. He's getting close to you, enjoying the bickering between you two, the back and forth, it's entertaining him. He waits for your response. "I bet he doesn't. You just smile sweetly, nod 'yes sir', riling him up on the field just to spread your legs later. Yes of course you do that."
"Don't tell me you are jealous now Phil." You smile up at him, the upward stance of your lips feeling out of the place considering your position, but it sets him off completely. "Yes you are. You just went through all the times in your head when you were lucky enough to experience me. All the secret glances, all the 'yes sir's you like so much, the sneaking around, fucking me into the wall as soon as we hit safety. Oh you do remember Istanbul just the way i do, don't deny it."
He smiles too, maybe too openly, too honestly for your liking. After all, he is still Philip Graves. He's not immune to you. You still have a firm hold on him, since the day you put down your Shadow patch. No, since way before that. Now you can taste freedom on your tongue.
"Jealous? Why darling? I have you, am i not?"
And with that, a genuine smile on his lips, he leaves you bleeding onto the old wooden chair.
It's the most unnatural feeling. To wear a shadows gear. Ghost feels almost naked without his own shit, skull changed for a plain black mask, the M4 alien in his hands, with the wrong attachments, his senses altered by acting like a Shadow.
From the moment the light-bulb lit up in his head, he felt lighter, suddenly he had a clear view on the operation.
"We thought about it Lieutenant, we went through it, and it's not possible. " Price was right, they went over it. Multiple times, but they never talked about one.
"No, it's possible. We did a job, it was one of her first with us. She went undercover, completely alone, in the blind, with only a code phrase. 'The good ol' days' in a shite accent you 've just heard. We teased her about for weeks after that." Soap explained, his face displaying a fondness of the memory.
"She wants us to go in alone, separately?" Price is shocked, not understanding it yet.
"She wants one person in there. One person is enough. If he's inside, and we set out a number of distractions, Graves will be busy with that, thinking we are using brute force to get inside."
Price and Gaz both looked wary of the idea. Yeah it can work, but will it work?
"We choose one Shadow who patrols outside. Preferably alone for at least minutes, i grab his stuff, get in, follow orders until i exactly know where she is. When i find where she is held, i can give out a signal to you for decoy." Simon feels life blooming inside him, the first usable plan in days. The one he knows will work.
"Let's say you find her, how do you get her out? She will be heavily guarded, you are one hell of a soldier Simon, but you are only one man." In any other scenario, he would have agreed with John. Him alone isn't enough, but he's never been more sure of anything.
"She will be guarded, but he'll have to cut the numbers if we hit the decoy right. If he thinks we are coming onto him with an army, he'll focus his strength on that, not guarding a door. Yes, a number of Shadow's will be there, including me."
There is no space left for protest or doubts. While Simon couldn't assure Price fully, he still went with the idea. Honestly it was the best they've got.
That led Simon to a Shadow about his height, wandering outside far enough and long enough to put on his clothes. He won't need them no more. He's walking down a hallway, listening to directions and orders from the radio, occasionally Shadows passing by. Not one of them paid any attention to him, to his surprise.
Simon is okay. He's on the field, alone, right in the middle of the monsters belly, on the edge of danger and safety. He likes the rush of it, he thrives in this situations. This is the first time in days he felt in control, despite he's more like out of control. Completely. He needs to wait and see, gather the intel, orientate himself from the memory of the blueprint. He knows where he's going, but he doesn't.
"Soldier! Where are you going?" A stern voice behind him calls out, probably for the poor guy who should be in the suit. He acts on his sudden fright, plays into it like he's caught like a kid fumbling in the cookie jar. "Let me hear it."
Well shit.
"I had to take a piss." He mumbles out, feeling his cheeks burning under the mask. He hasn't done this in ages, honestly he forgot how irritating it was to be ordered around, and questioned all the damn time in his early days in the military.
"No shit boy, you took a while. Now get back to Jameson, he's been talking my ear off about how long you take all the fucking time."
Ghost stands there, completely baffled by the absurdness of being scold for taking a piss for too long. "Not just stand there moron, MOVE"
Okay fuckin 'ell. He turns right on the corridor, hoping praying that it's the old locker rooms what they use for keeping you. Rooms are small, reachable and easy to look out for. There is one way in, bet plenty of ways to get you out of there, just in case. If he would have a captive, that's the best place to held them.
The voice behind him doesn't follow, or speak up again, so they choose the right person. There was a heated debate at the table around the blueprint on who is the lucky bastard to die quick. Soap and Ghost was on the same page about their guy, and so far it's payed off great.
Simon can feel it in his chest that he' s close, gloved fingers tingling on the weapon. He tries not to grip on it too hard, ease his hold, not look so fucking tense, but how can he be not tense when you are somewhere behind a door. How can he not be on the fucking edge?
He slows his steps down as soon as he meets two other men mindlessly kicking the dust with their boots in their boredom. Just where he thought they would be, locker rooms, one or two door before maintenance rooms. Three people guarding you isn't that of a surprise when other Shadows walking by every goddamn minute. It's crowded, people come and go in the neighboring hallway, and by the look of them, Ghost is in the very place where he wants to be.
"Finally you sonovabitch, right about time dude, i thought i'm gonna shit myself soon." The shorter guy leaves with that. Ghost takes his place on the other side of the rusty metal door. The fucking door he dreamed about every minute of his restless sleep. And now he found it, but he can't just barge through. He can't do that. He can't.
Simon tries not to think about anything. Not the hostiles walking around unknowingly of his presence, not the burning in his veins, not the utter silence behind the door. That silence what makes him question everything. Are you even there? What if he's guarding the fucking weapon stash? Or supplies?
He knows you are close, but his mind can't stop doubting the instinct. He just knows. He always knows when you are close. When you sneak up on him at the mornings to wrap your hands around his torso, while he pours the steaming hot coffee for both of you, when you slide soundlessly under the sheets after your millionth of gaming youtube video that evening, seeking his warmth with tired eyes. He just knows, and he's never been wrong. Right?
His mind could eat him alive, but he chooses to press on the small device between his fingers and the M4, letting know the team it's time. Whatever happens after this, he'll get trough.
Exactly 180 seconds later, the alarms goes off after a small shake of the ground under him. He's ready to bring hell to this place.
Taglist: @cabreezer0117 @multitargaryen@embers-of-alluring @batmanunicorns523 @5seastar @sweetybuzz25 @levisbebe @galagcica @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @afro-hispwriter @v-v-x-x @levi-llama @katnee @kuwizo @thefairybird @haythemsychopathicgirlfriend @woodeelf @sinon36 @actuallyanita @khjssss @randomchick546 @sinon36 @elliestark13 @jillvalentinesworld @kaghost @lumpypoll  @iwaizumicumslut
Please let me know in the comments, ask or message if you an to be tagged or ant to be removed from the tags. :)
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aalissy · 5 months
Anddd we are officially halfway through Adrienette April! Absolutely crazy to me haha. I hope ya'll like this lil reveal tho <3!
Marinette glanced nervously around the small pink foam prison she had gotten encased in. One of the akumatized villains had managed to trap her in here before she could transform. Once again, she attempted to elbow her way out with all of her strength. If she was alone this would be no problem. She’d transform. Get whatever lucky charm was needed and magically pop her way out of this cage. 
But... issue was that she wasn’t alone. Her gaze slid over to Adrien as she continued to ram her elbow into the foam at a faster pace.
“Marinette!” Adrien called out, grabbing her arm gently in his as he gazed down at her sadly. He shook his head. “It’s not working and I don’t want to see you get hurt. We’re going to need to wait for Ladybug.”
She sighed, shooting one last desperate glance at their walls before slumping down against them. “Or Chat Noir,” she muttered, hugging her knees to her chest. Right now it was only going to be Chat Noir who was saving them. Ladybug was a little... occupied at the moment. Marinette couldn’t stop herself from fiddling with her earring. She placed her chin down on her knees, staring down at the floor miserably. “His cataclysm sounds really good right about now.” 
She heard Adrien sit across from her and peeked back up at him. He gave an almost awkward-sounding laugh that had her raising a brow. “Yeah, or Ladybug’s lucky charm.”
Marinette gnawed at her lower lip, not wanting to think about that right now. Surely Chat would save them sooner or later. She just needed to wait.
But, after an hour of waiting, Marinette was slowly losing any semblance of hope. Maybe Chat had gotten caught in a foam prison like her and he was also trapped with someone next to him. At least she was with Adrien. Who she would trust with her life.
Sucking in a deep breath for courage, Marinette spoke up at the same time as him. 
“I need to tell you something!” They both burst out together.
They both chuckled, their previously wide eyes softening into a look of endearment as they gazed at each other. 
“What, um...,” Marinette said, fiddling with her earrings once again. She’d take any distraction to keep her identity secret for just a few moments longer. “What did you need to tell me?”
 “Actually, it might be easier if I show you.” Adrien scratched the back of his neck.
“Show me wha-”
“Plagg, claws out!”
The burst of green light had Marinette clenching her eyes shut. What?! But... but that can’t be! Slowly, she cracked an eye open, and to her surprise and utter bafflement, instead of Adrien, there stood Chat Noir, transformed into his alter ego with the signature black suit and cat-like mask.
"A-Adrien?!" Marinette exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief.
Adrien, now Chat Noir, grinned sheepishly. "I’m sorry, Marinette, but I couldn’t risk us staying in this cage for any longer. And, besides, I trust you."
Marinette's mind raced with a mixture of astonishment and pure joy. Adrien trusted her! Revealed his identity to her just moments before she was going to do the same thing. At the same time, though, she couldn’t help but wonder if she was lucky that both Ladybug and Chat Noir ended up stuck together, or if it was rather unlucky instead.
"You're Chat Noir?" Marinette's voice was filled with wonder as she took in the sight of her partner in a new light.
“Pawsitively!” He grinned and wow, he looked so good like that.
Shaking her head to keep herself on track, Marinette stood up too. “Then, I suppose it’s for the best that I show you what I wanted to say as well.”
His head tilted with confusion. “What do you me-”
Before he could finish that sentence, Marinette called on her transformation. “Tikki, spots on!”
Now it was Chat’s turn to look incredulous. “M-M’lady?” he asked almost hesitantly.
“Yep!” She nodded firmly. “But we’ll have to discuss this later. Right now there’s an akuma to defeat and we need your cataclysm to get out of here.”
“Right!” Chat’s eyes blazed with determination before he called on his power, finally letting the two be free for the first time in over an hour.
Though right now all she wanted to do was freak out, that would need to come later. Once the akuma was defeated then... then she and Adrien could finally talk about everything that they needed.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 7 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'm seeing Hozier tomorrow wish me safe travel! -Danny Words: 2,230 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Chronically Cautious' -by Braden Bales
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XVI: I Hope Ya'll Were Paying Attention, 'Cause I'm Never Doing That Again
From now on, Ara won't think about anything else than taking the seven demigods to the ancient lands. Once there she'll save Nico, and after that... she'll do what she must to make sure her camp gets saved, and maybe break her curse in the process.
Annabeth sits her on the mattress. "I shouldn't have forced you to do three missions in a row—"
Ara groans. "That is the only reason I'm here. And one of the missions was a tea party where Aphrodite complimented my eyeliner." She touches her face in sudden realization. "Oh gods, my eyeliner! Do I look insane?"
Annabeth smiles a little. "The storm and your crying washed it all away—you should get a better brand."
"I like how easy to remove it is," she lies on her back. "And that brand has pretty colors..."
The ship is groaning and swaying from one side to another, but Ara isn't allowed on deck. She had a meltdown and Frank had to carry her to the sickbay, and now she's too weak to do anything.
Ara stepped into the role of daughter of Olympus so sure of herself, and now... Why couldn't all this happen when she had the option to step out? She remembers how harshly she judged Clarisse during the first war, but now she understands that sometimes being impartial is not an option.
When the storm gets more violent, Annabeth is forced to leave the room. "I have to go help..."
Ara says something before Annabeth leaves her cabin. "You don't have to worry about me bailing out after this. I'll help you defeat Gaea if it is the last thing that I do." She stares at the ceiling with a blank expression. "I'm sorry I freaked out, I suck at diplomatic stuff. Lily always took care of that part..."
Annabeth crosses her arms and sighs heavily. "Yeah, that was concerning. You used to hold your front just fine, what happened?"
Ara makes a face. "Aphrodite told me not to be rash and I didn't listen. I wonder why I ignore her when she's trying to help..."
"You always complained about being underestimated," Annabeth shrugs. "Maybe you're doing the same to her."
Ever since the gods stripped her of her Aphrodite identity and dressed her in General attire, Ara has done her best to hide who her godly parent originally was. She acted all offended when Leo didn't believe she was from Cabin Ten, but deep down, she'd been satisfied. The implications of that, of course, are terrible, so Ara decides to ignore it.
"Could you not..." she clears her throat and speaks with more authority. "Don't tell the others, I don't want them to freak out over nothing. Let them have peace before we reach Rome."
"I figured you'd say that," Annabeth sighs. "Fine."
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Moving my stuff out of Cabin Ten isn't hard, I haven't kept much in there since I moved to New York. I choose a room on the second floor of the Big House, close to the stairs so I can get out fast in case of an emergency.
Nico takes the room across from mine, and Rachel the one in the middle. We go to Apollo's cabin, and the campers salute me as I enter. Nico and Lily stay outside to start the funeral rituals and I help where I can. I use my empath touch on the mourners until I can't hold more of their grief, I employ my charmspeak so the wounded rest. 
I stand next to Chiron and Mr D and we burn the shrouds, as that comes to an end, I introduce myself as the new head of camp. I promise to be there to help and protect them.
During dinner, Nico sits with me because he doesn't have a table. Tomorrow I'll see that he gets one. Lily will help him design his cabin, they'll leave tomorrow night and Lily will stay a few weeks in the Underworld to help Daedalus, I know she's hoping to catch a glimpse of Mike.
Campers approach our table to congratulate Nico, but they give me nervous glances as they move to me. Some of them, the Cabin Nine and Cabin Ten campers seem happy, although my siblings also look concerned about having Drew as their new counselor. I had to give up the spot for the bigger part, I was never a proper Aphrodite anyway, perhaps this is better.
The Stolls want me to change rules so they can go out on the weekends, but when I tell them that's out of my control, they lose interest in my title.
Most campers are anxious, Drew's spreading rumors about a curse, she says a child of Olympus and peace are mutually exclusive, and having me on camp taunts the fates. She tells everyone it's in my name: The bringer of curses.
The first night though, they're willing to give me a shot. 
I go to bed completely exhausted, so I don't wake up when Rachel walks in and stares at me for Hades knows how long. I wake and jump out of my skin when I notice the girl at the foot of my bed. I reach for Almighty but then notice the bushy hair and the large T-shirt. 
"Rachel?" I speak hoarsely.
Her eyes snap open and illuminate the room with their green light.
"When the dove touches the smith
Almighty raises her myth
And the curse of love releases
By tearing earth into pieces."
Rachel stumbles forward and holds onto the bedframe.
"W-Wha..." she blinks, her eyes going back to normal. "Where am I?"
I gulp. "My room."
She looks at me. "How did I get here?" Understanding falls on her features. "Did I just..?"
"Go to bed, Rachel," I get up.
"What did I say?"
I guide her out of my room and back to hers. She sits on the bed and I hand her the glass of water she had on the nightstand. "Can you please keep this a secret?"
Rachel frowns. "Why? What did I say?"
"Something that has to do with me, and only me."
"Are you sure?"
"Well, the oracle took you to my room, so if I had to guess..."
"But what did I say?" She insists.
"I'll figure it out, Rachel."
"Please," I press. "That's—er, an order."
"The Oracle doesn't answer to you, General," she gives me a grumpy look.
My shoulders fall. "Can't you do it as a friend?"
"What thing?" She teases me. "Keep the secret, or answering to you?"
"It wasn't a big deal, so I can take care of it on my own."
She doesn't believe me. Nothing was ever "not a big deal" if the Oracle was spitting out a prophecy about it. 
"Alright. But if you end up needing help, you have to ask for it."
I tense, not wanting to utter the words, but if I don't, Rachel will tell Chiron.
"I promise."
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There are better ways to wake up from a nap than to turn your room sideways.
The nap worked though, so as she navigates the large corridors slamming against the walls, she manages not to throw up at all until she reaches the deck.
"What's going— Gah! Shrimpzilla!" Percy crashes against her.
"What is that?!" Ara screams, drawing out Almighty and almost crawling to reach the helm.
"Must be one of Keto's stupid monsters!" Annabeth yells. "How did it get so close?" 
"I don't know!" Hedge shouts.
"I'm stupid!" Leo cries out. "Stupid, stupid! I forgot the sonar!"
The ship tilts again, almost completely on one side. 
"Sonar?" Hedge growls. "Pan's pipes, Valdez! Maybe if you hadn't been staring into Hazel's eyes, holding hands for so long—"
"What?" Frank and Ara reply in shock.
"It wasn't like that!" Hazel argues.
"It doesn't matter!" Piper intervenes. "Jason, can you call some lightning?"
Jason is completely drained from their encounter with the Romans, and Percy isn't any better. The monster's thin wire-like legs slid over the deck and Ara barely ducks and presses herself against the railing.
"Stay away from my ship!" Ara slashes tendrils as she goes.
"Hazel!" Leo screams. "That box! Open it!"
Ara's eyes land on the box of Greek fire Leo keeps on deck. She knows what he's got in mind.
"Ara, go and help!" The boy continues to give out orders. "Coach, take the wheel! Turn us toward the monster, or we'll capsize!"
"Hope you got a plan!" The satyr runs up to him.
Ara has half a mind to think about what Hedge said about Leo and Hazel, the current monster threatening to sink them is far more important than whatever feelings she may have about it, if she has any at all. Janus came, and she chose duty. She mutes her emotions and does what Leo asks of her, running to Hazel and opening the wooden box. 
"You gotta be gentle with these," she warns her.
"Ara," Hazel starts. "What Hedge said—"
"I don't care!" She snaps at her impatiently. "Come on!"
"Frank!" Leo runs across the deck. "Buy us some time! Can you turn into a shark or something?"
Frank scowls at Leo, and the monster knocks him out of the ship when he gets distracted. Hazel cries out and almost drops the vials she's holding, but Leo catches them when he arrives at their side.
"Come on! We can kill the monster—and save Frank!" He glances at Ara, his expression telling her nothing at all. "Can you help us climb to the port rail?"
"What is this stuff?" Hazel pants as Ara drags them up the deck.
"Greek fire!" Leo shouts.
"Are you crazy? If these break, we'll burn the whole ship!"
"Its mouth!" Leo points as they reach the railing, he holds onto it to not slip back down. "Just chuck it down its—"
Once again, Ara is the only one fast enough to dodge the tendril. She slips back and watches in horror as Hazel and Leo get lifted. The girl glares at the monster, Lily's stygian dagger gets heavier on her belt. "You asked for it..."
Leo singes the creature so it loosens its grip. It feels like it happens in slow motion, Ara can tell what his plan is as it happens, and she only has a few seconds to help. She presses twice on the alpha of her sword, turning it into a BB gun.
She shoots at the same time Leo throws his vial of Greek fire at the monster. The pellet crashes against it and makes it explode directly into the monster's mouth. Hazel throws the second vial, and Ara shoots again. That one explodes in the monster's line of vision. 
Ara presses on the alpha twice, and Almighty turns into a grappling hook. It attaches to the main mast, and the girl jumps overboard drawing out Lily's dagger. She swings across the length of the monster, cutting through the creature's skin. 
It's not a deep cut, but the injury is long, and mixed with Leo's Greek fire weakens the beast enough so it loosens its grip on the ship. Ara's hand hurts from holding all of her weight, but she pays no attention to it as the tool yanks her back into the ship. She stumbles to a stop, then puts Lily's dagger away and her skin glows teal.
"Everyone hold onto the railing!" A wave pushes them away from the monster, and Ara forces the currents to keep pushing until they're out of reach. "Annabeth, the ballista!"
Her friend shoots twice, the creature shrieks, and then the sea swallows it leaving nothing on the surface. Ara slips to the floor, her face turning green.
"Ara," Piper approaches. "Leo and Hazel—"
"And Frank," Ara nods dryly. "Where is my brother?"
"The monster knocked him out," Jason gets closer too, eyeing her with concern. "We should check on you too."
"Feed him ambrosia and bring him up," she turns Almighty back into a compass and looks at it, the needle moves speedily over the symbols without stopping and makes her dizzier, so she looks away. "We gotta search the sea."
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"Ara, we have a problem with the—"
"In a moment," she stops Annabeth and leans over the rail to talk to Percy. "What do you mean they're gone?!"
"I can't find them!" Percy shouts back, floating right next to the Argo II. "And no one here has seen them!"
"I saw them fall! Keep looking!" Ara looks back at Annabeth. "You were saying?"
Ara clings to her role and does her best, but Leo is the one who fixes what's in the engine room so that will have to wait until he comes back. If he comes back. In the meantime, Ara takes care of the rest with Annabeth's help and makes sure everyone patches up their wounds.
Percy comes back on board frustrated, this is the first time he's lost a battle against a sea monster, and he's deeply confused at the fact that he wasn't able to find any of their friends. Ara remains hopeful, if there are no bodies, then they didn't die.
Annabeth approaches and places a hand on Ara's shoulder. "We have to warn the camp about Octavian."
They call Chiron. Annabeth and Ara explain what happened. At least this she's familiar with, preparing the camp for attacks used to be her bread and butter.
"We'll be okay, Strategus," Chiron tells her. "Your job is to keep the seven in one piece until they finish the quest. Focus on nothing else."
"She's doing a great job," Annabeth informs him. "Last night she killed Shrimpzilla and made it look easy."
"Shrimpzilla took three of our crew," Ara points out sternly. "I gotta keep searching, Chiron, but... Tell everyone I'll return soon. I... I promise."
Chiron gives her a sympathetic look. Being a leader is nothing like she thought it'd be.
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Next Chapter –>
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someone1348 · 2 years
It's vacation time! You know what that meansss! Fics!! Woohoo!!
I hope you all enjoy! I promise the requests will be completed soon! I just wanted to get something out there for ya'll!
People in this: Lee!Mikey, Ler!Donnie
Tw: none this is adorable!
Again this is a tickle fic so if you don't like it please just keep scrolling :]
With all of that being said! Enjoyy!
-K :]
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Hard as Nails!
Mikey growled and pouted like a little kid in his older brothers lab. He wouldn't let him join in a particularly dangerous mission today. Mikey was upset that he wasn't being taken seriously again, and Donnie was in a rush.
Tensions were high and it was a clashing that the purple clad turtle just physically did not have the time for. He did his best to remain patient with his youngest brother but Raph, the oldest, was really hurrying him along for this mission.
"Michael, you can't come im sorry, but I have to go, I'll be back soon. Your main task is to hold down the fort until me and Raph get back, Capiche?" He put his hands on Mikeys shoulders to make sure he was listening
"I- but D! I could help! Please let me come with you!" His gut was screaming at him, he needed to be there, they're gonna need him, he repated in his head before he spoke again. "I'm Hard as Nails! Remember?"
Donnie blinked and giggled softly under his breath. His energy shifted from rushed and tight to calm and free, as if time had no meaning. 'Raph can wait a few minutes' He thought to himself as he came up with his plan to make his youngest brother listen to him.
"Mikey, this isn't a repo job. You and Leo have to stay here, okay?"
"But I'm Hard as Nails! I can help! Pleaseeee!" He gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes ever, and while it almost broke Donnie, he had to stay strong and continue with his plan,
"Oh yeah? Prove it, right now, that you're 'Hard as Nails' as you say it" he smirked and crossed his arms, waiting for his answer.
Mikey blinked a little before he flexed, showing off his muscles and growled, trying to make himself look as intimidating as possible.
Donnie's smirk grew as he poked his side mid-flex causing the box turtle to squeak and flinch out of instinct.
"I don't remember anyone who's quote, unquote, 'Hard as Nails', being ticklish?~" he teased him as he scribbled along his sides "maybe it was a fluke, you can't be ticklish, it's impossible I mean you said it yourself you're hard as nails, right Mikey?"
Mikey bit his lip and shook underneath Donnies tickly fingers. It took every ounce of strength he had to not burst out into laughter
Donnie tilted his head "Why are you shaking so much? This doesn't tickle? Does it Angie?~" Donnie used Mikeys nickname against him from when they were kids as he scribbled along the side of his neck, it was always Mikeys kryptonite.
"DOHOhoHoNniEEHEhe!" The dam burst as a light shade of pink entered his cheek bones. He scrunched up his head to his shoulders trying to prevent the tickles on one side which just made Donnie move to the other side of his neck "NOHoHoHo FAHaHaiR!-"
Donnies genuine smile came out as he moved back to his sides "Gotcha~" he moved down to the ground as he scribbled all over the back of his knees, the one time Mikey didn't wear his knee pads!
Mikey chirped and fell to the ground, Donnie caught him easily, making sure he wouldn't get hurt before he went back to scribbling over the back of his knees and the back of his thighs
"DEHEHE" Donnie gently flipped him over on his lap blowing raspberries into the back of his knees "What's wrong Angelo?~"
"IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!" Mikey snorted as Donnie giggled along with him "Does it now?~ hmm I hadn't noticed, thats very fascinating Mikey!" He gently bit into the back of his knees "Does this tickle too?"
Mikey gently hit the ground with his hand signaling to the older one that he was tapping out as his genuine laughter shined through
"YEHEHES! IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES ALOHOHOT!" He answered honestly before Donnie rubbed away the ghost tickles and held him close
"You still can't come with us but your job is just as important, does that make sense? someone needs to look after Leo" he joked as Mikey giggled as he caught his breath
"I guhuess you're right!"
Donnie smiled with relief. He always had a soft spot for the box turtle,
"Hey Donnie?"
"Yes Mikey?"
"Am I still Hard as Nails?,, you know even though I'm ticklish?"
Donnie melted before he answered
"In my eyes, Mikey, you'll always be Hard as Nails" he ruffled Mikeys invisible hair as he spoke "You're the toughest one here Michaelangelo, never ever doubt that okay?"
Mikey giggled and nodded before he got off of him. "Be safe!" He waved him off
"We will, I promise"
"Hard as Nails!" Mikey smiled to himself as he said that quietly, in victory, under his breath.
I'm starting the new Gif thing for my fics! Let me know if you like this layout and I'll keep it or not depending on your answers!
But I hope you enjoyed and a special thank you to @aninabanina6969 for the inspiration from our rps!
Have a great day today, treat yourself, take care of yourself, know that you are loved and that I am so incredibly proud of you for existing! /p /gen /pos
-K <3
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kit-williams · 6 months
not rlly an ask, just me wanting to say ty for all your wh40k yandere fics/ideas. they get me through the day <3 (especially those with the raven guard trio)
aww thank you!
I mean I have to thank @moodymisty for posting the initial idea of her writing a yandere space marine that I literally could not wait to read it that I just had to write something. (Like for real the initial post about the thought of a yandere space marine/black templar on her blog is what kicked it off and without that Brother Roland wouldn't be here)
Also if it sounds like I'm deflecting praise... I kinda am... it just feels weird to be praised at times... I'm kinda like Perturabo where it's like I wanna be praised but also like I know I'm just doing what I do...
But I'm happy that my menagerie of space marines make people happy. Like I've been gushing to my husband that I'm shocked that people like them so much here... I might polish them up and post them on ao3... maybe when my tiny night lord is a little older and isn't as demanding my attention. But I digress...
I have been gushing to him about all the kind words everyone has been saying and the several people whom I've inspired... it really feels weird to be on the other side of the fence of having people love your writing and not being the person gushing to the other writer.
I also gotta thank @wolf-tail for my partial success in the 40k space for their space marine husbandry prompt that helped spiral me more... which is slowly being lewded by my anons and askers (I'm sorry)((but also not?))
I do find it funny how my D&D crossover/au Primarch thing isn't what caught on but literally me being like "Lets make these boys yandere"
Also gotta thank @bispecsual for literally tending the fungus farm and like your wonderful tags that helped kept me going in those early days with the yandere boys.
Also to all my anons (who I really hope is actually multiple people and not just like the same person even if you were I still wanna be your mutual) I really have to thank you all... and I hope someday ya'll feel comfy enough to tell me who you are and let me follow you; even if its just some side account to your main just the support ya'll give to me makes me feel warm inside.
This post is long enough right? But yeah um tl;dr... thank you
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