#How Long Does It Take For A Cat To Stop Spray
etheries1015 · 8 months
I had sort of a crack idea of what would the non-human twst boys do if their crush or s/o was allergic to them? Savanaclaw and Octonivelle with like the fur allergy and seafood allergy. Maybe diasomnia’s s/o has some sort of fairy allergy? Sorry if this is too silly for you to write, it’s alright if you don’t 😭
I LOVE THIS BECAUSE I'VE HAD A SIMILAR THOUGHT i'm allergic to cats and i'm like...man what am I gonna do around Grim BUAHAHA...this is a great idea. Nothing is too silly to write my friend!
Non-human Twst boys reacting to a S/O who is allergic to them!
featuring: Savanaclaw and Octavinelle!
general warnings: gender neutral reader, not really proof read \
TW: None! just fluff. and allergies.
The first time you sneezed around him, they didn't know it was literally BECAUSE of him. This was until you two took a nap together for the first time, and when you woke up he saw your face...Oh, brother. Your eyes were puffy and red, congested, and your nose leaked like nobody's business. He genuinely felt bad about this, but wouldn't let you in on his true feelings/emotions. Without understanding the cause (though he had an inkling) he immediately took you to the doctor.
"They're allergic to me? What kind of shitty nonsense is that?!"
Leona invested in the most expensive of healthcare for you. Allergy pills and whatnot, because he wasn't about to sacrifice his lovely naps with his significant other. No amount of allergy is gonna stop him from getting what he wants, and that is your affection.
"Sooo...basically you're saying you're allergic to me? Cause' im part heyena?"
"It's a little more complicated than that. It's more like...animal dander? I guess?" You didn't seem to certain in your answer either, it was more or less a guess since...well, there wasn't half beast half human where you are from. You can only make an educated guess on why you're so allergic to him based off of the information you had back at home.
Ruggie is honestly so sad about this. He can't afford to get you any treatments or medical help with this, so you two just have to be careful. He does manage to get his hands on some special washing products (probably legally) and takes extra care of what he eats, and how clean he his. He's consistently brushing his hair and cleaning his ears.
"Man i'm such a simp. What's wrong with me?!" ...He isn't used to bending backward for people. But seeing you so sick around him, hurt him even more than his pride, so he of course would do anything to make sure you're as comfortable around him as possible. Ahh...the power of love <3
He gives me the "I must stay away from you for your own good," Type. Although this doesn't last very long. Jack is incredibly loyal, and he's far too attached to let you go. There's times where he would try and keep a distance (much to your annoyance), but when you began sneezing and itching your eyes you knew he was somewhere nearby. Jack is protective like that, but it pains his heart to see you so sick because of something he cannot control.
He does both a mix of what Ruggie and Leona does. He took up extra part-time jobs to afford good allergy medication for you, the entire works. Pills, eye drops, nasal sprays, breathing treatments...He also invests in high-quality shampoo and conditioner to help rid of his dander and hopefully reduce the amount of shedding he has.
With the amount of hair Jack has, he is CONSTANTLY brushing it and it is CONSTANTLY shedding. He does EVERYTHING under the sun to control this, all for you. Although... this is a partnership! You told him that a relationship goes two ways. You love him regardless of how itchy you may get, and you equally chip in to problem-solve.
You're both loyal to each other until the very end, no matter what trivial matters may get in your way <3
He knew before you two started dating that you had a severe allergy to seafood, so he made it a point to avoid you. But...that didn't stop YOU from coming to HIM. It was one of the things that drew him towards you, the way even though you were gaining a rash you would still wrap your arms around the back of him. Although it wasn't as bad in his human form, he was always terrified what would happen if he were to unleash his original form.
But worry not! We are talking about the literal king of potionology. He finds a remedy very quickly, and you trust him...a little too fast. He is astonished when he says;
"Take this...the second you drink this your allergies will be something of the past. But be warned-" You grabbed it out of his hand and chugged it. He stared at you with his jaw slacked open, his face turning a deep shade of hot red when you throw yourself onto Azul and place a big fat kiss against his cheek.
He imploded. But hey! his potion worked! He tried to get you to give him some sort of paypack, but you mentioned that your form of payment was in that kiss.
He now demands kisses every time he makes the potion for you <3 It's kind of a silent agreement. He just stares at you after you're done drinking it, and whenever you feign ignorance the point upon his lips is far too obvious.
The first time you broke out in hives, he remained completely calm. Jade is rather smart, and he understands your allergy must be because of his disposition as a mer-folk. Although in human form, he couldn't help but notice the way you would hide your rashes either behind makeup or by bulking clothing. He was amused by this for a moment, but when he saw it worsen he couldn't help but become worried.
"Why would you go so far for me? what do you gain by allowing yourself to become sick?" When you replied with a blush that you simply liked Jade, thus his shock soon turned into action. He excused himself for a few days to climb mountains and collect the most effective of flowers and medicinal remedies for allergies and put together a potion that you were able to take to alleviate your symptoms.
He isn't the vice house warden for nothing! His talents and magic prowess truly aided him, albeit in a way that was seemingly selfish. It was all worth it for you, though.
But he does use you as an example during a class project in potionology, having you stand up in front of the class while he compares your allergies before and after taking the potion.
He got a 100% in the project. And a Significant other. A win-win for everyone!
Floyd is much smarter than he lets on. The moment he hugs you from behind and touches your arm, he notices the rash right away. He eyed it with a frown, and without saying anything he let go of you much to your dismay, leaving you to your lonesome for a few days on end.
You had to admit you missed Floyd, his silly jokes and way of talking, his unpredictable personality, and the attention he would often give y you. While sitting at the table during a free period, your head was propped up against your hand and a sad sigh escaping your lips.
"Ehhhh? Why is shrimpy sitting here all alone? Didya miss me?" A familiar voice teased as arms wrapped around you and something akin to a vegetable drink set in front of you. You gasped and smile up at the tall male, who wasn't wrapping his arms around you as you were used to, typically ignoring the itching of your rashes. He convinced you to drink what he sat in front of you, and although you eyed it with suspicion, you sighed and drank it in one gulp and tightly shut eyes.
Nothing happened. You turned to look over at Floyd, about to question the purpose of making you drink the (surprisingly tasty) smoothie-like liquid but were quickly interrupted by lips pressing against your own.
The kiss caught you off guard and you began to panic, talking about your allergy...before you realized that nothing was happening. No rash, no itchiness, nothing.
"Seeeee? It's a potion. I made Azul make it for me. Now I can touch you as much as I want," He smiled proudly. However he managed to convince Azul would forever be beyond you...
He forgets to give you the potion sometimes, only when you two are cuddling and a rash or itching pops up do the both of you realize it's time for a dose.
Ya'll are so silly for each other <3
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shatteredearth-if · 1 year
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Shattered Earth is an Interactive Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction about retreading old ground and working for your good ending. less formally, this is meant to go on my portfolio
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Five years ago, you watched the world split open, bore witness to what you could only refer to as "dragons" made manifest in scale, flesh and skin. You saw cities razed to the ground, asphalt streets shattered like ice. Fleets of dragons and foreign—almost alien—aircrafts alike seared across the skies, while towers of dirt and metal tore free from the landscape. The world has inexplicably, incomprehensibly changed, but you know this to be true: Earth never really stood a chance.
With your world now overrun by dragons and dangers alike, you've lived alone, hiding from the world you once called home, scrounging for scraps and surviving by the skin of your teeth. But when a chance encounter with a mercenary ship leaves you reeling with the realization that you're not the average-joe of a human that you thought you once were, you're forced into an ultimatum: enlist with the Seekers, or live out the rest of your life in a Human compound on Therius. But your horrors extend far beyond the threat of the dragons; your monsters are at home in your head, but they might just be the key to stopping all of this madness… if they don't take you out first.
The gears turn, the worlds spin inwards like ever-onwards like painted tops. You will undergo a journey of self-discovery, of potential romances and of incredible loss. And somehow, you can't shake the sensation that this has all happened before…
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A customizable protagonist: Customize your gender, your body type, your pronouns, and personality.
Five ROs to romantically pursue—some in the most conventional sense, others in… a not so conventional sense.
Engage in brief flings, one of which is... an RO's estranged divorced mother. (Your crewmates will disapprove.)
Train your body or your mind to perfection. Are you a frontline fighter, or do you prefer the aethereal arts?
Cute cat dog wolfboy…?
The female version of a himbo
There's no good way to put this: you remember things you shouldn't. The end of your story is not the end; something awaits you at the place where your endings converge. What is it? What are you?
There's an egotistical mind entity in your head, and the flags aren't just red; they're blood-crimson. Romanceable, but at a steep cost to your sanity. Or maybe…
Skippable, customizable NSFW content. My friends have advised me not to continue.
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Avett Ironsturm
Role: RO
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Kattish
Age: 20
Specialization: Arms specialist
Appearance: Avett is a Kattish man of average height. His complexion is fair. Perched upon his head are two swivelling cat-like ears, and at the base of his spine is a prehensile tail that is about the length of his arm—both are adorned with soft, black fur. His hair is black, hangs just below the shoulders, and he keeps most of it in a messy ponytail. Most of his frontal hair frames his boyish, youthful face. His irises are copper colored, his pupils slitted.
Personality: Avett is bristly, prickly, and very easy to anger if he's not trying to get into your pants. He's a flirt through and through, and knows how and when to be charming, just… not with his coworkers. Or you. Though if you can get him to let his guard around you, you might just find him a lot more bearable.
Your impression: Once upon a time, you saw his old ID, stuffed in a cabinet along with his boxers and body spray, and you realized he was smiling in his photo. Not outwardly—they don't want you smiling on those cards, but behind those eyes was a laugh ready to bust out at any moment. That was four years ago. Now? All he does now is sulk and yell at people. Something happened in those four, long years, and those years have only been getting longer since.
Sexuality: Bisexual (woman-leaning)
Yuda Hellsbridge
Role: RO
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Half Gallian, Half Kattish
Age: Secret?
Specialization: Restrainer
Appearance: Yuda is a half-Gallian, half-Kattish woman of above average height. Her complexion is a pale, seafoam green—common for most Gallians. Her hair is white with blue undertones in the right lighting, and is short and choppy. If you look too closely into her metallic gray eyes, you will notice a swirling, foggy substance within her irises, as is common for all Gallians who are at least a bit adept in magic… which is to say, almost all of them. Yuda is extremely fit and exercises often, and as a result her build is stocky and muscular—very uncommon for a Gallian, though she claims that she's half Kattish.
Personality: Yuda is outwardly cheerful, loud, and brash—tact is not her forte. But behind every sunny smile is a shadow, and Yuda keeps her shadows well away from the spotlight.
Your impression: It's not trauma. It's not a blip in her personality. There is something genuinely terrifying hiding behind Yuda's eyes, and that's not including the fact that you don't know how old she is. Oh, she's nice, and she's got no ulterior motives, you'll give her that. But it's like she's wearing her own body like a shadow.
Sexuality: doesn't care for labels, but for clarity's sake she is pansexual.
Ysh'vanna O'Raal
Role: RO
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Draconian
Age: 26
Specialization: Captain/Pilot
Appearance: Ysh'vanna is a short girl with wispy, white hair that topples down to her waist—if she doesn't brush it out of her face, it has a tendency to smother her slight frame like an oversized scarf. Her irises are orange, with a ring of emerald green around her pupils. Trailing from her ears are two, small, green webs that resemble translucent dragon wings.
Personality: Everyone onboard the Seeker is a wreck, yes, but Ysh'vanna is always at least two crises away from a mental breakdown everyday. Sorting through admin, funds, Avett's shenanigans and the odd dragon attack has left her riddled with anxieties. She has difficulty forming bonds outside of work because of this, so her relationship with Avett isn't great. After any particularly grueling mission, she will often be found comatose in front of the navigation panels, staring off into the skyline. Otherwise, Ysh'vanna tries to be cheerful. Most of the time. Some of the time.
Your impression: She's probably by far the most average person on this ship. Every morning she takes her coffee with three sugars and a cupful of milk; every night she takes a nail-sized tablet along with a full glass of water. "For the anxiety," she says. She's incredibly open about most things... until it comes to her family. What's the deal?
Sexuality: bisexual (woman-leaning)
Auren Draksparrow
Role: Platonic Option
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Gallian
Age: According to Avett, "Like, a hundred or something." He looks about forty in Human years to you.
Specialization: Warder
Appearance: Auren is a Gallian man of above average height. His frame is gaunt, almost frail; his hair is platinum blond, and is secured in a low ponytail that reaches down to his waist. His complexion is seafoam green, and his eyes are a faint violet. Swimming in his irises is a fog, a trait most Gallians share. His facial features are long and soft, but his cheekbones sit high upon his face.
Personality: Auren is cold, aloof, and it can be difficult to discern what he's thinking from speech and body language alone. He is clear in mind, even during high-pressure situations, until his abilities as a caster fail him.
Your impression: Here's the deal about living past one hundred and one; you're going to mess up. You're going to mess up a lot more than the average person, and your book of guilt's going to be pushing a trilogy if you don't start forgiving yourself for some of those mess-ups. You know for a fact that Auren has never forgiven himself, not even once, because he's yet to save the Seekers. Because he's yet to, in his eyes, make himself useful. But you're his lucky break: he's the only one on the ship who can see that thing in your head for what it is, and he knows it's a threat.
Sexuality: he's not looking for a relationship right now, if ever. He's married to his tomes and the study of aether.
Liam Salazar
Role: RO
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Human
Age: 24
Specialization: Researcher
Appearance: Liam is tall with an athletic frame and broad shoulders. He usually keeps his dark brown hair in a nest of curls atop his head. His skin is a deep umber, and his eyes are an even deeper shade of brown. He often wears a white lab coat over a simple sweater and dress shirt.
Personality: Quiet, but goofy; aloof, but sensitive. You sense that this boy would rather bury his head in a good book or some other complicated research than look you in the eye. That's not to say he's meek, though—come any threat, and he'll lash out swinging. You had to be a special kind of tough to have survived the Migration as a Human, and Liam is no exception.
Your impression: You didn't expect to make friends at the IRC training facility—most Humans there wanted your head on a stick for the cardinal sin of having a deal with a merc ship already. The Migration wore everyone's patience thin, but not Liam's. For a hot moment at that facility, you were two renegades against the hateful world. Until your training period finished up.
Sexuality: Panromantic demisexual, though initially he believes that he's straight.
The Entity
Role: RO
Gender: Customizable/it
Race: Something intangible. A voice in your head.
Age: It laughs when you ask this. "How old is a concept? The fear of death, the love of life? How old? Are you counting? Think about that."
Appearance: A dark wisp of smoke that occasionally shifts to form parts of a person.
Personality: Loves you, like an overbearing parent. Punishes you, like a torturer gleaning for answers. It maims you and calls it affection.
Your impression: When you're not talking to it, it's rummaging through your memories. Why? For fun. It knows about that time you did this and that in the locker room and almost got caught for it. It knows about that time you stopped someone from leaving after class just so you could hit on them, unsuccessfully, for ten minutes before they had to beg you to leave. It knows everything about you, all the bad, all the good—and it loves you anyway. That's the purest kind of love, isn't it?
Sexuality: Wouldn't you like to know.
With that all said, thank you for checking out this post, and DOUBLE thank you if you decide to try out Shattered Earth. 🙇🙇
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theeoriginals · 10 months
klaus or elijah (your choice) x former flame!reader 👀
all i want | elijah mikaelson
+ Ohhh I loved your cat and mouse one! Could you please make a calm housewife/mom of the friend group type of girl and Elijah falling for her in a kind of best friend to lovers situation? Idk I just think it would fit cause elijah’s very family oriented and I see him falling for a dear old time friend too? Idk so uhm yeah. Feel free to refuse ofc!
elijah mikaelson x vampire!reader (no y/n)
author's notes; combining these requests :) hope that's ok!!
warnings; vague references to past violence but nothing insane. exes to friends to lovers, just plotless fluff, with an extra side of fluff. yes elijah is extremely charming, yes he can't make eye contact with a pretty girl. duality of man.
It’s an unspoken thing, what lingers between them still. Unspoken in the sense that they don’t talk about it, but everyone else does. 
It always shocks people to learn that the oldest vampires on Earth are ridiculous, catty gossips. Elijah doesn’t know why it’s such a surprise. Living as long as they all have, you’ve got to keep things interesting, otherwise immortality becomes mind-numbing. He supposes that it just doesn’t measure up to their reputation for being ruthless animals, which isn’t unfounded. It’s just not the only thing they could be classified as. 
Ruthless monsters that defend each other to the death at the end of the day, no matter how many times they’ve stabbed each other in the backs, certainly. Childish gossips that like to start rumors and rewrite history when they get a little bored, definitely. The two identifiers can coexist, and very much do.
And this thing, this unspoken thing that is unspoken for a multitude of reasons but none more so than the simple fact that even as long as they’ve known each other it’s still fragile, and something could break it with ease, is only unspoken to Elijah. 
His brothers and sisters, however, like to do nothing but talk about it. 
“Well, she’s almost here,” Rebekah rolls her eyes, but it’s just for the fact that her older brother is going to be a lovesick idiot the entire time the girl is here, and it really takes away from Rebekah’s own quality time with her. “No wonder Elijah’s been bumbling around like a fool all day.” 
Klaus chuckles, and the two of them dutifully ignore the glare their brother sends them. “Do you think she sent him a letter to announce her arrival? Elijah always loves things like that,” 
Rebekah’s blue eyes light up. “Oh, yes! I wonder if she sprayed it with her perfume– us ladies used to do that with a suitor back in the day,” She fans a hand towards her face, closing her eyes at the small breeze it creates. “They don’t text or call, of course, it takes all of the personality out of it. And god knows Elijah’s all personality,” 
Klaus laughs again, and the two finally glance across the room to where Elijah’s leaning against a wall, glaring at them with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“I hate you both,” He says, earning another round of laughter from them. “And stop going through my things, Rebekah. Those letters are none of your business.” 
The blonde girl pushes her lips out in a pout. “But I get so bored, Elijah. You can’t be mad at me for entertaining myself,” 
“I fear he just hates fun, dear sister,” Klaus says, feigning a wistful tone. “He doesn’t approve of my methods of entertainment either.” 
“That’s because your methods of entertainment always end in a bloodbath,” Elijah says accusingly, earning a shrug from the hybrid. “You’re both immature. A thousand years old, still acting like children.” 
Their faces twist in offense in unison, and Elijah distantly thinks that even though they’re not even fully related, let alone the same age even in their vampiric years, they were twins put on this Earth to terrorize him and ensure that he never knew peace. 
Before they can begin their outcries of dramatized offense, and Elijah can continue to lightheartedly mock them, a voice comes from the hall, echoing fondly. 
“Must you two always tease your brother?” The smile is obvious in her voice as she walks into the room, and the three of them snap their gazes towards the woman in surprise. “He’s a delicate soul, you know. His poor heart can’t handle too many jokes,” 
Elijah recovers quickly, rolling his eyes, though he can’t (and won’t) stop the smile from growing on his face as she meets Rebekah for a hug. “Oh, wonderful. That’s just what they need. Encouragement.” 
She chuckles at his poorly-feigned exasperation, and the sound settles in his ears like a morning dove’s song. She releases Rebekah from the hug and leans down to where Klaus is stretched out in a chair with his feet kicked up on the table, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
Glancing around at the vaulted ceilings of the compound, she sighs wistfully. “I can’t believe this place looks the same as when you bought it,” She shakes her head in slight disbelief. 
Klaus shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. “When we first returned, there was some… cleaning up to do, but it’s maintained its shape wonderfully.” 
If she catches onto his double entendre, she doesn’t say anything, just nods in understanding. That’s something Elijah has always liked about her– she lets things go unsaid. She’s always had the ability to connect with him and his siblings in a way that most others can’t, and even when Elijah is at his worst, she’s been that olive branch that he can grab onto to bring him back to himself. Always so understanding and level. It’s a wonder that she still associates with any of them, given their penchant for chaos. 
Finally, she turns her attention onto him, and in its entirety he feels breathless. Even after decades of knowing one another, it’s never gotten easier to hide his ardor for her. He knows she can still read him as easily as she could thirty years ago, too.
“Elijah,” She says his name better than he’s ever heard it, with a tilt to her head and a fondness in her voice that makes him feel more alive than anything else he’s found in his centuries on this planet. 
She crosses the room to where he’s at, because he froze in his spot as soon as he heard her voice, and wraps her arms around him like she’s never been more relieved to see him. 
It’s another thing he’s always liked about her. She’s never stopped loving him. He knows that. Lives with it everyday. 
Regrets a lot of things, too. 
He says her name back as gently as he can, like she’ll break in his arms. He wonders if she thinks of all the times she has broken in his arms, and then he tells himself there’s no way she’s forgotten it, because he hasn’t. And that is something that is theirs and theirs alone. 
She pulls away and he misses her touch the moment she goes because it feels rarer and rarer with each day that passes. Every time she leaves, he fears it’s the last time he’ll see her. 
He doesn’t want to ruin her visit with these thoughts. Even though he knows she’d offer him endless comfort, he doesn’t want her to worry about him for a second. 
She turns to face them, clapping her hands together with a smile. “Well, then. What’s first on the agenda?” 
Something that comes with living as long as Elijah has is learning that some things about yourself you’ll just never be able to change. Such things like being a vampire in itself, having a firm hand when it comes to doing business with people. He’s been told he’s somewhat of a snake, and he’s well aware of his silver tongued ways, and it’s something he knows he can’t change, and hasn’t ever wanted to. 
One thing that has yet to fall under that category of acceptance is his jealousy. 
In his defense, he’s never jealous when he thinks he should be. He’s never been jealous of his siblings, spare for a few embarrassing months spent around the doppelgängers, but Elijah has never had to envy someone for something they had because if he wanted it that bad, he could just take it. 
But this. This he knows is jealousy, pure and unbridled, and nauseating, if he’s feeling that correctly. 
This is the jealousy that he’s seen destroy entire regimes. This is the jealousy that has driven his family to madness at times. 
And of course, she’s at the center of it all. Of course she is. There would be no other way he could feel this so strongly if she was not involved in it somehow. 
She’s the source of a lot of jealousy, he knows. He’s jealous of the carefree relationships his siblings get to have with her because they don’t have to be burdened with the feelings of the past that are most definitely still there. They don’t have to worry if they looked at her lips for too long, or if they held her a little too gentle to be considered entirely friendly. They don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing, stepping past that line they so carefully drew in the sand for everyone’s sake. 
These are the consequences of his actions, he knows. It doesn’t make it any easier to deal with, though. It might make it worse. 
Watching his siblings drink freely as the band played on was nothing unfamiliar. Patrons had long since joined in on the fun, and he’s sure there’s a crowd outside looking in on the celebration of unknown origins. 
At the center of it all, she is there, standing on a table with a crowd of adoring admirers surrounding her as she swayed and moved to the music. He would swear there’s a light shining on her, just for her, projecting her shadow above everyone like some sort of angel. He thinks she has every right to be worshiped. 
And the reason he’s so maddeningly, bitingly jealous is because he is the reason that he’s not the one dancing with her. He can’t be the one to dance with her, and he can’t be the one that makes her laugh like she is because he’s the one that said they shouldn’t be together. He is the one who broke her heart, and he doesn’t deserve an ounce of the kindness she still shows. 
So all he can do is sip his drink at the bar and watch as she pulls his sister, sweet, dangerous, devastatingly insecure Rebekah, up onto the table with her and shares her spotlight with her. Making his sister light up like she does with no one else. Earning another round of cheers from Klaus and Kol as they watch on, demanding another round of drinks for everyone in an odd show of generosity. 
She brings out the best in his siblings. In him. 
It makes him burn bright inside. Boiling, hot to the touch. He knows then and there that there’s a reason he’s seen something as trivial as jealousy take down the most powerful of men. Love is such a dangerous thing to get involved in in the first place, but finding someone, finding the woman who makes you feel like you could conquer the world is something else entirely. It bypasses dangerous and heads straight into fatal. 
Because she makes you feel like you could conquer the whole world, but the second you lose her, it all means nothing. You’ll tear it all down if it means she won’t be there, too. 
And the worst part of it all is the only reason he feels like this is because he is the one that ruined it. Blamed his family, blamed his parents, blamed everything else but his own fears for the reason they couldn’t be together. The distance, the timing. Whatever he could grasp, he pulled it out of his pocket and gave it to her on a silver platter, served with a distant coldness he’d long since perfect, and never wanted to use on her in the first place. 
He had so much time under his belt, but he was such a child. So helpless it bordered on criminal, all because he fell in love and he didn’t know what to do with it. 
It’s embarrassing more than anything else. 
He hasn’t taken his eyes off of her since she started dancing. Hadn’t stopped listening since he heard her first laugh. Didn’t want to miss a single second, just in case. 
For the first time all night, he blinked and turned his head away from her and threw the rest of his drink back like it was water. 
He could allow himself a bit more wallowing. Just a bit. 
“Well, Rebekah’s safe in bed. I even got her in pajamas, believe it or not,” Her voice carries even in its whisper, and he looks up from his lap as she enters the small living space, hands clasped in front of her as she takes a seat in the chair beside him. “Original vampire or not, I doubt she’ll feel very good in the morning.” 
Elijah hummed, thinking of his dear sister and how even if she’d healed a thousand times over, she’d still find a way to complain. He adored it. 
“What about you?” 
He raises a brow, lips twisting confusedly. “What about me?” 
She gestures towards his slightly slumped form on the couch pointedly. He follows her direction, looking at his rumpled suit, and the white button up he’d undone the top four buttons off, at least. He feels momentarily embarrassed at his state of disarray but he simply huffs out a laugh, lifting his gaze to meet hers again. 
“I’m a mess,” He shrugs, earning a quiet laugh out of her. “But I don’t think that has anything to do with our drinking tonight.” 
“I can’t disagree, unfortunately,” 
He hides the way his grin threatens to split his face behind his face, rubbing along his scruffy jawline as he looks at her. The longer he lingers, the more she avoids his gaze. 
He shakes his head. 
“Elijah,” She intones, such a familiar adoration in her voice that it nearly makes him sick. He doesn’t deserve it. “You’ve been so quiet tonight. What’s on your mind?” 
Her eyes widen in shock at his quick, candid answer, and he has to hide his own surprise at how quick the word had shot out of his mouth. 
“Me? What about me?” 
“Everything,” He sighs, shifting his long legs so he could turn towards her and give her his full attention. “I’ve missed you.” 
“Oh,” She breathes out, looking slightly bashful. “Well, I always miss you. I wouldn’t ever leave if I didn’t–” 
She stops herself, covering her mouth with her hand as a sheepish look crosses her face. He knows she wants him to move past her slip up, but he doesn’t. Can’t. 
“If you didn’t, what?” He leans forward, looking at her imploringly. “Why do you stay away so long?” 
She takes a moment to collect herself, picking at the skin around her nails half-heartedly, like it’s not really bothering her, she just doesn’t want to be so open right now. He’d feel worse about pushing her if he didn’t feel like his heart was leaping out of his throat. 
“Well, I didn’t think you wanted me around that much,” She says quietly, gesturing towards him. 
He rears back like she’s slapped him. 
“How could you ever think such a thing?” He whispers her name, a distant veil of horror laced in his tone. Fear, really. 
“You said,” She says, face furrowing in confusion. “All those years ago– you said that there was no reason for me to stay here with you in New Orleans. So, I– I left. And I travel all the time until I come back here for as long as you’ll let me.” 
Elijah feels something gripping his chest and it feels remarkably like his heart is breaking. 
His voice breaks on her name and he leans forward again, reaching into her space to grab her hands in his. Allowing himself this piece of her that he simply doesn’t deserve. 
“I never,” He stops, breathing out harshly. “I never wanted you to leave. I just–” 
He stops again, squeezes her hands, and then steels himself because this is the least he owes her. 
“You deserved more than to be stuck here with my family,” He starts slowly. “I never– I never wanted you to leave. Every time you walk out of those doors, I want to chase you down and make you stay. You have to believe me when I say that I only ever wanted you to be happy, and you wouldn’t have found that stuck here in the mess we had made back then.” 
There’s a poignant silence that settles as she processes his words, and he holds the ragged breath that builds in his chest when she begins to drag her thumbs along the backs of his hands, smoothing at the skin there. Ever so gentle. 
“All I’ve ever wanted was to be here with you and your family,” She says, shaking her head like she’s scolding him, even though her tone is anything but. “Being here makes me happier than any place I’ve traveled to. And I’m– I’m truly grateful that you had my best interest in mind, Elijah, but you have to understand,” 
She trails off and an incredulous laugh leaves her lips as she smiles at him. “I’ve loved you my entire life. And my heart used to break every day knowing that I’d only have a short time with you. When I turned, I was so– I was so happy because I suddenly had the rest of time to be with you. And you… you broke my heart, Elijah. You truly did,” 
She presses her thumbs into his skin firmly, just a pressure point to punctuate her words. “But I have never stopped loving you. And every time I walked out of those doors and left you behind, my heart broke again. You wouldn’t have ever had to make me stay. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.” 
Elijah’s breath stalls in his chest, and lets it out slowly, shakily. There’s a distant string of hope he lets himself pull on, just this once. Because she let him. 
He meets her gaze and smiles softly, just for her. “Will you stay, then? I’m– I’m asking you, truly. Will you stay?” 
She nods before he even finishes speaking and laughs quietly, the sound just for him. “Of course I will, Elijah. I’ll stay as long as you want me to,” 
“Forever, then. I’ll stay forever.” 
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miss-starlet · 10 months
♡ Pet Play W/ Minnie ♡
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18+ MDNI
Word Count: 500+
Warnings: Punishments, Bondage, titles such as master & owner, mentions of spanking and degradation.
Kitty Minne (Receiving):
♡ I know everyone loves a good bratty Minho (Guilty ✋️), however I want to say it's not often the case. On a scale I probably would say 70% good boy and 30% a brat.
♡ He just wants to be loved and spoiled. Which might lead into bratty kitty territory when he doesn't get his way.
♡ Licks and nibbles at your hand and fingers. All the love bites from him.
♡ When he is good, he is your prize kitten who want to be pampered. Pls help him put on his collar w/ a little bell and ears. Brush his hair, give him tons of pets, and kisses. An absolute cutie when he is all dolled up!
♡ He is a big fan of bondage, especially loves when you bind his legs and elbows so that they are forced to stay bent and have to crawl around.
♡ One of Minhos favorite things is to cum. When he starts to get bratty and misbehave, taking away his orgasms is a good way to get him back to acting like your good kitty.
Minho was seated by your feet on the floor. Dawning his fluffy kitty ears and baby blue collar. All day he has been naughty, but you knew just what to do to make him behave again.
You gently patted your thighs to catch Minho's attention, making soft "psk" noises to get him to join you on your lap.
He gazed up at you with those honey-brown eyes, scrowling at you; clearly annoyed.
"Does Minnie need help getting up?" You asked teasingly, putting your hands under his armpits and lifting him up into your lap. "I didn't need help."
"Don't get all grumpy with me mister. Doesn't my kitty want to feel good? " You asked. Your hand wraps around his dick, starting of with slow tugs before jerking him off merciless. Minho's moans starts to get louder and louder as your speed increases.
"Y/Nnie p-please" Minho's body squirms between your legs as your other hand comes around his waist to still him.
"So loud baby and so needy too." Your hand stops and he whined loudly. His hips started to thrust up against the air, trying to feel some type of sensation.
"My bratty little baby just doesn't deserve to cum, does he?" You ask as your fingers grabbed his chin, shaking his head no.
Owner Minho (Giving):
♡ A very strict, but loving owner. Will spoil you rotten by letting you have whatever you want as long as you are good for him. Buys you a new collar and toys almost every week because he loves how excited you get when he gives them to you.
♡ He doesn't mind whatever animal you want to be, but it will change how soft or rough he plays with you. If you are his kitty, he will treat you just like his own cats. If you are his little puppy, he will be a lot more rougher with you.
♡ Minho has many rules he expects you to follow, and he isn't very lenient with them. Some of his rules include not speaking unless asked, always calling him by his title (master or owner), and respecting him.
♡ He doesn't like to be disrespected, and he doesn't mind training that brat attitude right out of his pet.
♡ Will spray you with a water bottle.
♡ When you misbehave, he turns into a big meanie. He does give you a chance to correct yourself depending on what rule you broke, however, if you keep on he will punish you. He is mean and vile with what he says when degrading you. Spanking is his favorite punishment to give you, especially when he is able to use his belt or get out his favorite paddle.
Minho had came home and surprised you with a new tail plug that had a vibrator setting. He made sure to get his little pet ready by helping you put on your collar and new tail.
You were kneeling in between his feet trying to be good and not squirm. He set it to the lowest setting, and to say you were desperate was an understatement. You rubbed your head against the fabric of his jeans, whining softly.
"Aw, my poor kitten. Don't worry, your master will take care of you."
"P-please" You whine out, Minho hand find their way into your hair, pulling your head back.
"Kittens don't talk." Minho said as he unbuttons his pants, following the action by unzipping his fly and pulling his cock free from his underwear.
"Does my kitty want a taste?" You nod, while letting him move you head close to the tip by your hair.
"You been so good for me, how about you enjoy your reward?"
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dullgecko · 23 days
Some Gukgak headcanons ^^
1) Riz has near-daily headaches from hitting the cliff stairway at the end of Sping Break.
2) He likes to hide in the Bad Kids' lockers occasionally and will attempt to jumpscare them when they open the door.
-on occasion he falls asleep in them, much like he does when he's in their backpacks.
-he also rigged Fabain's once to spray him in glitter. Instead of being mad, Fabian made no intention of cleaning up and waltzed around coated in pink and gold glitter for the rest of the day.
-he accidentally jumpscared a young student who mixed up her and Adaine's lockers, leading most of the freshman to be absolutely terrified of the resident Oracle and the goblin that they presume is just paid to live in her locker and protect her stuff.
3) While he isn't the best at cooking, he did it a lot when Sklonda had irregular shifts and couldn't be home for dinner. One day in middle school he learned that his mom's favorite comfort food was mac-and-cheese, so he mastered the recipe and makes the arguably best mac-and-cheese in Elmville. (After the end freshman year, he began to add a "mystery meat" to his recipe. No one except the Bad Kids and Sklonda seem to know what kind it is.)
4) Despite being traumatized from Kalina, Riz LOVES cats. A lot of strays hang out near Strongtower, so he often goes out to feed them.
5) He draws backgrounds. Like, a lot. From the school campus to Farhaven Woods to the little dining area of Basrar's. He isn't even passionate about art, it's just a passtime. Fig and Gorgug, who love to draw but can't draw backgrounds to save their lives, are constantly pestering him about it, but Riz always denies that he draws well, or tries to teach them and fails spectacularly.
That's all I got. Sorry if it's a lot XD
He doesnt mention the headaches to anyone, just takes painkillers and tries to move on with his day. Adaine is the one who notices that he has a bottle of headache tablets in his locker and another in his office and that its a new one practically every other week and gets concerned. She convinces him to go to the school nurse to get it checked out because he's been healed several times between when it first started and now and obviously that didnt fix the problem.
Riz gets extra credit in his rogue classes for breaking into places without being detected. Lockers are a good way to meet the requirement because he has to relock them somehow from the inside for no one to notice he's in there. Trap setting is also an extra credit so sometimes he does both at once.
He'll purposefully take a nap in one if he knows his friends arent carrying a bag big enough for him to hide in that day. He knows they'll have to swing past his locker eventually and will wake him up for his next class.
Mmmm, delicious dragon meat mac and cheese. Sadly, despite how good it was, the mystery meat leftovers only lasted a few weeks.
He likes cats a lot. They're soft and cute and aren't freaked out by his claws. Plus they purr just like him when you scratch the right spot between their ears. Dogs he's a little wary of though, especially the bigger ones. They dont seem to like goblins very much.
Riz taught himself to draw backgrounds just in case he ever saw a crime scene and wasnt able to pull out a camera without getting stopped. He's really good at sketching them out quickly and can hold onto the small details for a fairly long time in order to add them in later.
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mors-neptune · 2 months
707 / Luciel / Saeyoung Choi Headcanons I Have
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• Has ADHD but if anyone brings it up he brushes it off because he thinks it makes him lesser. He’s not ableist he just needs to be educated :(
• I know in the official art he’s pretty pale but I hc him as having tanner skin and some freckles
• Has an undiagnosed personality disorder probably
• Too paranoid to go to church in person so he made a personal shrine in his home that he makes sure to spend time at
• Hates seeing his father on TV because it reminds him how similar they look. He’ll go into a weeks long depression every time where he’ll avoid mirrors because all he sees is his mother and father
• Loves cross dressing but is too scared to think deeply and self reflect about the gender euphoria it gives him because Korea isn’t very accepting
• Hated college because he felt like it was too structured and he doesn’t like being told what to do
• His favorite color is red (obviously)
• Doesn’t want or have any tattoos
• Most of the decor in his house was handmade impulsively and placed somewhere random
• Ultimately wants to move out of the bunker and into a more realistic house with no sci-fi-like doorbells or weapons but his paranoia stops him
• Sometimes stays up till the morning watching security cams in and around the bunker out of fear someone will try and hurt Saeran or MC
• Loves the dopamine hit that buying new cars gives him. It’s almost addicting impulse buying expensive things
• Desperately needs someone to match his neurodivergentness and thankfully his twin brother does perfectly
• His glasses are constantly dirty he never cleans those mfs
• Likes to paint his nails black but it’s always cracked and messed up
• Him and Saeran made up a secret language that they refuse to teach anyone else, even MC
• Welded flowers and spray painted them for him and MC’s anniversary (Saeran told him which flowers to make bc he knows their meanings)
• MC’s engagement ring is a Ruby (to represent Saeyoung) and whatever stone is MC’s favorite swirling together to look like a binary star system
• We know in his route that he has muscles because of his work, but after he runs from the agency, MC noticed some of his bulkiness going away
• But he still keeps a lot of his muscle, he just has some more squishiness around his torso
• Regrets his bunker not having windows because he knows Saeran loves looking at the sky
• Builds a garden in his backyard for Saeran :)
• Too paranoid to get a therapist so one of his more toxic traits is using MC as a therapist
• Goes through periods of not sharing anything emotionally with MC & sharing way too much and borderline dumping all his shit on them
• Has bad abandonment issues
• Loves experimenting with makeup and showing Saeran and MC
• Has both an inferiority and superiority complex
• Owns an obsessive amount of stuffed animals and yes, they all have names
• Idk if this is canon or not but he has curly hair
• I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned this already but I hc him as bisexual (he literally mentioned at some point that V’s voice was his type)
• And since it’s basically canon he at least finds V attractive and V is more of a parental/guardian figure to him, I can conclude Saeyoung 100% has daddy issues (duh)
• Has had feelings for Vanderwood at some point
• Horrible at personal hygiene
• Doesn’t drink or do drugs (canon)
• He’s a compulsive liar :/
• Wants a cat but is so bad at taking care of himself he doesn’t trust himself taking care of an animal
• Has staff constellation, and planet stickers & posters all over his room (he’s a nerd)
• Learns sign language so when he’s mad at MC or Saeran he only communicates through sign to piss them off
• Wayyyyyyy too comfy invading people’s personal and cyber privacy because of his line of work
• Lactose intolerant because I think it’s funny
• Light sleeper because of the house he grew up in and his work at the agency
• Kind of apathetic to traumatic things other people go through if it wasn’t as “bad” as his. Not in a “I think I’m better than you” kind of way, but in a way where some issues just don’t compare to an abusive, alcoholic mother, a politician father who wants to kill him, being a secret agent made to do who knows what, and more.
• Catches up on childhood by indulging in childish hobbies and interests. He’s making up for the lost time :(
• His tummy always hurts from his horrible diet
• His cologne smells like apple spice (it’s actually a perfume for women but who cares)
• But tbh on the daily he smells like a mix of his basic masculine body wash, honey buddah chips, and grease (sorry)
• Very protective. Takes on a caretaker role for those closest to him
• Sometimes very controlling. Gets anxious when he can’t control everything around him.
• Acts very parental towards Saeran. He always did because he had to in their childhood, but Saeyoing still does it. It makes him feel good being able to properly provide for Saeran.
• He mentioned in his route that he never really wanted or thought about having a family other than Saeran, and I feel like he would still think the same after meeting MC. Just now he thinks of his family as just him, Saeran, and MC. I don’t think he’d want kids
• Literally never cleans his sheets…
• Can only convince himself to clean anything in his house because he doesn’t want Saeran to have to live in filth again
My first post. I just wanted to share these :)
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verdemoun · 22 days
Pspspsps! Just food for thought about pets inspired by your wonderful precious amazing incredible Micah art piece 🤭💕
In the modern au, I was imagining Baylock would be a dog, even though I can honestly see Micah being a cat guy because they’re so independent. Maybe he’s a pittie? Or some other “tough” breed that Micah gets to look badass, but Baylock is the sweetest puppy around. Micah tries to hose him outside to get him mean and “wake up his fighting spirit” but Baylock just gargles the water and does that pitbull lip flappy chomp on the hose
I think the Count would be a white Persian cat that Dutch constantly takes to shows. He takes priority over his actual human sons even though the Count would turn Dutch in to the cops for a piece of kibble
Bonus African Gray Parrot Silver Dollar that Hosea somehow inherited and adores nontheless
Thank you for all your amazing posts!!! You’re an inspiration mwah
If I'm an inspiration you're awe-inspiring poppet.
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Micah has a doggo called Baymax! Pets don't get reincarnated though a lot of the gang named their pets after their horses (rip only Arthur has a horse). Baymax is a massive white bulldog mutt Micah got as a 6month puppy from a shelter 1. thinking puppy was his adult size and 2. because the name Baymax reminded him of Baylock. Baymax was clearly neglected and has many scars from either other dog attacks or abuse and was the most cowardly dog Micah could've picked up. Despite growing to a very respectable 110 lbs and absolutely striking fear into the hearts of parents of small children everywhere with his looks Baymax is the biggest sook. Micah claims he is a guard dog only for Baymax to cower behind him at the slightest hint of confrontation (another dog tried to sniff his butt). Micah is not afraid to babytalk his dog in front of the gang. Everyone knows what little mental stability Micah has is linked to that dog. Of course Micah will also pretend he has no emotional attachments to Baymax and call him a dirty mutt at gathering, to which Baymax happily bounces over because it's pretty much the nickname Micah uses when he's dropped food for his living vacuum to clean up. Micah only learned to use a stove so he could cook steak and hamburgers for his dog while he lives on take out and frozen microwave meals. Baymax loves the hose but also when Micah took him to the beach he had to teach his dog to swim. The only doggy life vest in store in Baymax's size was baby girl pink and Micah still insists Baymax looks terrifying in it.
Dutch is the bird man! He has an albino canary called the Countess that is his favorite. Yes he would probably blow off actually leaving the psych ward to see the gang if he was too busy fussing over his birds. He has every color of canary you can imagine because Dutch can only form emotional attachments to thing he can keep in a cage.
Hosea doesn't need a pet he has Kieran and Javier to look after. Similar to owning cats he needs to remind them when to eat, deal with 'i won't drink out of that glass i don't know how long the water was sitting there' 'how did you survive as an outlaw', and keeps a spray bottle on hand to stop them making out on the couch. Kieran however has chickens and Hosea has walked into the living room to find out Kieran snuck the chickens inside because it was raining. In Kieran's defense they're very domesticated chickens who will just sit on his lap while he's watching his shows.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
DnD Night at Arkham
[They started it on Arkham as a form of group therapy and kept it after they scaped but on a special room on the Iceberg Lounge. Catwoman and Penguin entered later (via Harley and Riddler insidtence respectivaly) and Joker was banned because he kept geting Nat 20s in all his rolls]
Riddler: You rescue the hostage. He is a simple human lumberjack. He offers you wood as a payment.
Poison Ivvy: Is the wood ethically sourced?
Riddler: He is a human lumberjack in a medieval scenario I don't think he even knows what ethically sourced wood is.
Poison Ivvy: I cast poison spray on his face. How dare he hurt the trees!
Riddler: Let me roll... You know what, no, he is a normal middle aged lumberjack. He just dies.
Penguin: NO! I wanted that wood! I could have sold it!!
Catwoman: Didn't he had some important information? Pam?!
Poison Ivvy: Well he should had ethically sourced his wood!
Penguin: Edward bring him back right now!
Riddler: I can't just bring him back! Pamela killed him. You should have tried to stop her. Do not blame me, I'm just the DM. By the way your next encounter are his wife and kids.
Scarecrow: I cast fear!
Riddler: *rolls dice multiple times* The soldiers fail their test. They are terrifield.
Scarecrow: Good. What are they seeing? What is their fear reaction? How is their heart rate?
Riddler: That's it! Every single time you cast fear you force me to do a ridiculously long description of their reactions no one else cares about. *the other Rogues agree* Please stop.
Scarecrow: People react to fear differently and afraid of different things, Edward, and is my mission to study it.
Riddler: They all see a monster and run.
Scarecrow: That's unrealistic. Not a single one paralyzes? No one screams? They all have the same monster as their biggest fears? Did they had a similar traumatic experience? But even so it wouldn't explain they all having the same reaction. Honestly, that's truly not how real people act.
Riddler: They aren't REAL, Crane. They are FAKE PEOPLE I just MADE UP. They act in any way I want.
Scarecrow: Oh so they are a reflection of your fear of losing control!
Riddler: You keep that and you're out.
Scarecrow: So if I just described their fears and reactions would it make you anxious because you lost control over your "fake people".
Riddler: Anyway is Two-Face's turn. Also Crane you characther is poisoned. He acidentaly steped in a poisonous plant while trying to analyse the soldiers fears.
Scarecrow: That's not fair.
Riddler: Two-Face?
Harley: Can I cast a illusion spell to pretend to be his dead wife?
Riddler: I'm interresed. Make your roll.
Mr. Freeze: Don't do that. It's too cruel, this poor man deserves better.
Two-Face: He separated our group in different torment chambers and he is trying to kill us!
Mr. Freeze: But his dead wife! He clearly loves her still and loves her soo much.
Catwoman: I think that's the point...
Riddler: It's up to Harley.
Harley: Does he has a dead daughter?
Riddler: Does he?
Harley: *rolls* NAT 20!
Riddler: He does. He loved her even more than his wife.
Harley: I pretend to be his dead daugther.
Mr. Freeze: See way less cruel.
Riddler: *starts giggling*
Two-Face: ugh.
Harley: oh no.
Penguin: Is another puzzle maze isn't it?
Catwoman: Please don't be another puzzle maze.
Riddler: Is not a puzzle maze!
*everyone celebrates*
Riddler: You guys see yourselfs trapped in a beutifull, amazing, perfectly done... death trap! : )
*everyone boos*
MadHatter: Can I kiddnap his kid, Dormouse?
Riddler: You can?????!
Catwoman: Why? Why do you want to kiddnap the royal's guard kid?
MadHatter: She has a Cheshire cat.
Scarecrow: Is not a Cheshire Cat is just a cat called Cheshire.
MadHatter: Same thing, March Hare.
Harley: Kiddnap the cat!
MadHatter: But than she'll be alone. If I take booth of them, they will be together as Alice and the Cheshire Cat. She'll be ny daugther and we will be a Woonderland family.
Poison Ivvy: Her name is Ophelia.
MadHatter: If I succeed in kidnapping her can I change her name, Dormouse?
Riddler: I supose?
Two-Face: Don't fucking encourage him, Nygma!
Two-Face: I attack the sphinx with my sword of shadows. *rolls the dice* Dammit Nat 1.
Riddler: Your paladin tries to attack the sphinxs, his sword does no damage. The sphinxs smiles cruely. How dare you try to solve matters of the mind with muscles??? YOU TRULY ARE ALL BRAWL AND NO BRAINS! YOU ARE THROWED AGAINST THE WALL. YOUR HP DROPS TO ONE. NOW YOUR ONLY CHANCE IS TO SOLVE THE IMPOSSIBLE RIDDLE. HOW DARE YOUR MORAL PALADIN OF JUSTICE THINK HE COULD JUST PUNCH ME AWAY? YOU HAVE NO CHANCE DARK NIGHT! NO CHANCE AT ALL AHAHAHA. TODAY IS THE END OF BATMAN AHAHAHAHA *everyone looks at Riddler* *he blushes* i mean ... is harley's turn...
Two-Face: I steal his sword. I finally have two swords!
Harley: But both need two hands to use.
Two-Face: Perfection.
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changanomaly · 11 months
Anyways. Dundie imagines and hcs and other things that pop into my brain about them because I think about them a lot and I hope someone out there cares as much about them as I do or likes them a normal amount and would also be as interested in reading this bullet point list I've made
They're very, very queer. I am just unable to tell you in what way but they ARE trust me
Duncan fell first AND harder. Sadie admits to it first.
They're long distance but they both always try to meet up whenever possible- esp Duncan, not that Sadie doesn't try bc she does but! there was this one time in like Christmas break where Sadie got a phone call from prison and it was Duncan telling her that he fit himself in a suitcase and illegally got into her hometown but don't worry he's gonna break out (she ended up getting him out instead)
Sadie (and Katie who she brings along when she can which is often) do Duncan's nails. He's been doing them himself prior and they're chipped and gross looking and are obviously ONE COAT only which they both say is stupid if he's picking BLACK nail polish like smh
I think Sadie, while bringing out his nicer side, brings out Duncan's awkward side just as much. She swoons easily over him but she's equally as unintentionally charming as he is smooth and it catches Duncan off guard.
Duncan grew out his mohawk after the show because at some point Sadie was trying to braid it while they were hanging out in this awkward point between their like friends and their feelings blossoming. She was a bit sad that she could barely make it into a braid and he. HE REMEMBERS!! and it's only barely braidable but it made Sadie sooo happy
Duncan and Sadie both like being little spoon. THEY TAKE TURNS!!
Sadie made him a little friendship bracelet and he's like so attached to it. He made her a skull in return and AUGHH they're so cute
In terms of love language, Sadie's the type to like giving words of affirmation (she really likes expressing herself verbally, always speaks what's on her mind about him and it's often nice, makes cute nicknames) and Duncan's the type to enjoy gift-giving (he's spraypainted her so many murals in random alleyways) (they both love that abt each other btw.)
Sadie calls him various things. "Duncey" sticks, obviously, but she's tried stuff like "pumpkin" and "sweetie" which he seems to like. She calls him snookums sometimes too and he comments on how they sound old and married. She blushes, he blushes, and they stare for a bit before going back to what they're doing.
Duncan tries to respond back by calling her stuff like his "main squeeze", "sunshine" and "charmer". He also lets her call him by his middle name when they're alone. (I think it's Tate. He looks like a Tate.)
Duncan thinks it's kind of corny but sort of endearing but. They do good night and good morning texts (Sadie initiated and he thought it was adorable and they haven't stopped since)
Duncan usually just sends her pictures of his random alley murals but figured out how to send stuff over to her house and mailed her a brick that he spray painted a small mural on for her. She has it on her desk (which she thanks god can hold it).
Sadie always ends up giving him small trinkets she like to make in return. Made him a little skull pin and gave it during Christmas and he's keeps it wherever he goes even when he doesn't wear it.
Duncan tries to tease her all the time and it seldom works and she usually replies in earnest which flusters him real bad. It's so damn cute.
But when he gets her OHO he gets her GOOD. She starts blubbering about and giggling. Which still flusters him so bad.
This especially happens when they watch horror movies together. Sadie's scared of most of them and clings onto Duncan for dear life when they watch it at home and like. He thinks it's so cute aghh!!
Their future domestic life is kind of bliss. They share an apartment, have a cat and a couple lizards and spiders, maybe. Whenever it's the other's turn to cook they always hug em from behind.
Whenever they visit each other or get to meet up they always leave something with the other person by accident. Duncan has multiple of Sadie's jackets and wears them sometimes and keeps forgetting to return them. Duncan usually leaves his shirts but Sadie actually remembers to return them.
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shewhoeatssand · 2 years
I come up with the best topics for posts
Hide 🌞 : axe body spray, probably loves Kaneki more than you, has nicknamed your boobs, has also nicknamed Kaneki’s boobs
Shuu 💐 : introduces you to his entire extended family after less than a month, spams you if he hasn’t heard from you in a week, his house is so so big you will get lost in it very fast (not his fault but still annoying)
Suzuya 🔫 : thinks shoplifting 10 bags of candy is a good date idea, has killed someone in front of you and then desperately tried to explain why it was actually okay because the guy was wearing crocs
Marude 🏍 : refuses to use public transport after having his bike stolen, won’t stop talking about how much he misses his bike, yell-y
Shinohara 😊 : prints out minion memes and shows them to you
Nishiki 🦎 : is ginger, immediately wants to make out with you and have hot ghoul sex after eating a raw lung, easily irritated
Ayato (:re) 🤬 : doesn’t know what a period is and thinks you’re making it up, bullies people on roblox, can be so rude sometimes
Kaneki (pre aogiri) 🥺 : describes everything in incredible detail when he doesn’t like something, will make his best attempt to be talking to you all the time (even when you are pooping) and thinks you hate him if you ask to be left alone, scarily average dick
Kaneki (post aogiri) 🐙 : sleeps on top of you and makes you so sweaty, won’t shut up about fitness and getting stronger, wears a mask with a smile for hours at a time, probably ghosting you by this point tbh (there’s a lot wrong with him so I might make a separate post about why he sucks)
Yoshimura ☕️ : really wholesome, but can’t be dated because a) I’d assume you’re not a boomer b) can’t take hints and c) misses Ukina ;-;
Koma 👹 : he’s actually pretty great and very fun but he brags about how good his coffee is and also about anything else he can think of
Uta 🎭 : eats people’s eyes in front of you and says “it’s okay because they aren’t real, they’re halloween decorations!”, also ate a plastic spider to prove this to you, mind games, spooks you from behind the corner all the time and it gives you anxiety
Amon ✝️ : refuses to kiss with tongue or see you naked until marriage, takes up too much space on the bed, keeps doing long ass speeches about “doing what is right” after killing a guy with a wife and 3 kids
Shikorae 🫠 : doesn’t sit still long enough to have a conversation that makes any sense whatsoever, has so many issues to the point where idk if you’d even be able to befriend him unless it’s by feeding him coffee grounds
Takizawa (pre :re) 🥺: makes everything a competition, disney kid, insists that you have a glass of milk every day
Takizawa (post :re) 🦉: never sleeps, an actual cat, bites your hand, smelly, insists that you have a glass of milk every day
Urie 😶 : first name is “cookie”, punches a hole in the wall when he doesn’t get an award after a raid and someone else does, hides important stuff from you
Shirazu 🦈 : sooooo cool but he can’t spell so you have to edit all his emails for him
Naki 😎 : loud while playing fortnite battle royale, also screams while playing any horror games but insists he should keep playing them, his reading capabilities have the power to instantly kill a literature major
Hanbee 🎩 : unironically loves licorice, absurd fashion, also eats the licorice with a super fancy fork kept in a little fork bag he carries everywhere labeled “the licorice suitcase”
Tatara 🤯 : is always busy so you can’t spend much time together, one time a cat meowed at him and he meowed back in the most serious voice, penis is actually too big to fit inside 😔
Mutsuki 😇 (before the insane shit happened): you have to kill all the spiders, very clingy and has similar issues to pre-aogiri Kaneki, puts cinnamon on a lot of things that don’t really need cinnamon
Arima 🌨 : cold, you’ll never truly know about him, not very open, a general mystery to the point where you don’t even know if he’s actually your boyfriend
Haise 🐼 : BAD PUNS, insists that he spends every afternoon and evening with you instead of doing his work so he ends up doing it super late into the night and gets tired in the morning, too easy to manipulate and too eager to please (kind of an issue with all the Kanekis really), sometimes he talks to the wall or makes a sour face for no reason
~~~~ BONUS ~~~~
Yamori 🕺 : sadistic torturer (obvious part), his farts smell so incredibly bad that you have to evacuate the room while he wonders wtf is going on (not so obvious), unfixable
OS! Kaneki 😎 : walks around shirtless in winter, sometimes he doesn’t even wear pants, touches your boobs randomly and it gets old real fast
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
Hi can you write a Connor x deviant reader where Connor meets the reader before he deviates and he’s trying to take the reader into the staton (by like tracking him down and stuff im bad at explaining 😭) and the reader does the thingy where their skin goes up and they like show memories and information and the reader shows what happened to them (like the reader being in a group for like a care center and then humans like destroy the other androids and the reader escapes) and then Connor and the reader just talk for a bit and Connor kinda just deviates a bit after that (btw I’m so sorry if this doesn’t make any sense)
Software Instability
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Fem aligned people (+ She/Her users) DNI
[FTM Friendly] DEVIANT Male Reader x Connor
Fluff/Long Fic
Detroit Become Human
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Connor's POV:
Where is he? This deviant is the best link we've got to Markus, but he's difficult to catch. We've been practically playing a game of 'cat and mouse' as Hank says.
He leaves notes and shrines for us yet leaves little trace of himself. The closest I've gotten of useful information was a couple drops of blood from our first encounter with him. He got injured at a care center, where supposedly an entire group of deviants had attacked the people new batch of people who needed help. It seems unlikely considering the past links of deviants who just wanted to live a normal life, but justice needs to be served...
It's getting late and I've been standing in this snowy area of the city, surrounded by abandoned building that the deviant led me too for the past hour, trying to find any hint of a shrine or note, but even those aren't here.
Hank had already wrapped his stuff up to go, and at this point- I think it's time for me too. Until I hear a loud hissing sound, like spray paint, coming from inside these abandoned buildings. I quickly (and quietly) make my way around where the sound is coming from.
I climb up on of the buildings where a rusty ladder was, and found one of the buildings with a huge gap in the window. I take a peak inside to find 3 androids. One is spray painting a Jericho symbol onto the walls while the two others are walking away with a large box. Deviants.
I note that the broken glass is how they get into the building as they've built platforms fit for people to safely walk in from here. As the two other androids are no longer in hearing distance, I start to silently sneak myself towards the one left. The closer I got, I was finally able to read what type of Android they were--
A Care Android.
"Joey are you ba-?"
I interrupt him, grabbing onto his free arm, and then the hand that carried his spray can. Immediately, he started fighting back and tried shouting for help "JOEY, SIMON"
His led blipped red in a second and he pushed me up against the wall next to the spray painted symbol. I finally had a good look at his face-
A tear across his cheek, not to deep but still enough to make someone wince at the injury.
"God dammit, Connor just give me a damn second!" he yelled. Him knowing my name was the least of my problems in this moment, but I'm starting to realize I may have underestimated how strong he is.
Care Androids are made to hold heavy weights considering that they had to carry people, help bring in shipments of medication and food, and so on.
But no matter how much I budge, his hold on me gets tighter. "Connor, please" He pleads loudly, making me stop, "Just listen to me. Hand, give me your god damn hand" he demands.
A look of desperation slips into his eyes, and I can't help but hesitate. After seeing these many deviants so far, it's impossible to think his intentions are purely evil.
As I finally stop fighting back, we stare into each other's eyes, silently checking for approval of a truce. His eyes soften, and he lets go of me. We stand frozen for a moment before he pulls out his hand. The flesh of his hand is pixelated away as he waits for my hand as well.
I delay for a second before finally grasping his hand and close my eyes with him.
"It's okay, Ellie" I whisper, running my hand over the little girl's forehead. In reality, there's androids getting torn apart down there, and I'm hiding with the sick little girl I was told to take care of. I'm afraid, for the first time in my life, I feel a nauseas feeling as I try to find a way to leave this place while leaving everyone in this room safe.
If I want to live, I must leave, but it's my job-- my only reason to exist is to defend the people who live here.
I feel myself become a traitor, I feel selfish for leaving and wanting to live. But they're human, they'll be safe. I know I have to live for something in the future.
The little girl looks up at me on last time. Hopefully she finds her gift after this whole mess. Hopefully she sees the little happy birthday note I've placed in her room. I'll visit her one day if I live to get out of this.
I open the door and quickly shut it, looking around. Androids attempting to fight back while others lie limp to the suffering, and humans have had enough of us.
I grab onto a broken rail from the stairs as I try to sneak across to the other side where I find of group of deviants trying to escape from.
No eyes on them just yet. One care android, now deviant, looks over to me with worry, almost like they're telling me to be careful and that we'll meet after, before heading out.
I take a deep breath, for the first time I feel something like adrenaline. Like I'm alive
I make a run for it, and finally as I'm about to reach the window, I feel something trip me. I fall onto my side, finding a human lady over me. Anger and hatred has filled her, and pinned me down, pressing a knife against my cheek and slowly trying to slide it against my face, but by instinct, I swing. I swing the rail right onto her head. She cries out, getting the attention of the other humans. Fuck.
I scamper up and pull my way out of the window as the shouts get louder and closer. I slam the window closed, and as I'm about to run away, my legs finally give in, fear and tiredness swallow me whole.
I let go of his hand, panting. I could feel all of it, I could hear everything, his thoughts and the shouting and crying.
He looks at me with worry, gently placing my hand on my shoulder.
"You understand me now" He says softly, "you see me"
He lightly presses his fingers against his tear, before leaving it alone. I do, he's right, but I can't let him know that. I look away from him, still trying to recover from the feelings.
"I just wanted to care for them, Connor-"
"How do you know my name?" I ask, scanning them.
"Echo and Ripples. Those girls you let live from the Eden Club. They heard what your buddy cop called you and then told me. An android deviant who didn't shoot the deviants then and there? I knew you were already in your first phases of deviating..." he confessed.
and though I wanted to deny it, it was becoming harder to.
He sighed, taking a deep breath, almost basking in his new ability. And seeing him so happy about it was almost contagious.
"So detective... you gonna cuff me up now?" he asked, "Or ask me about Markus?"
Markus, right. That.
I nodded, "I need information as to where he is"
His led flipped back to yellow, "So that's why you found me. You didn't find my note?" He smirked, "Mr. Detective Android couldn't find a deviant's note? That'll surely look good in your police files" he teases. He chuckles to himself, shaking his head before pulling out a crinkled paper from his pockets, "This. I made a copy just in case, but it- uhm. It would've sent you to a ship bay, I would've met you there in... a better situation with less fighting and shouting, and then I would've introduced you to him. But I guess this works too" He hums, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
I take the note, reading the information from it.
"So how about this? We meet there tomorrow, 6 pm, you can bring your one buddy cop if you want, and then I introduce you to Markus. Sound good, Mr. Detective?" he smiles, giving me a bright and wide smile.
I study him for a moment, knowing this isn't a trap, and that I shouldn't trust him so easily-- but I understand him.
"Sounds good" I say.
[[Software Instability]]
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simplysedusa · 1 year
How I imagine the Powerpuff Girls would dress
(credit to Pinterest for all the pictures)
Blossom Utonium
Blossom would be the kind of young lady who would have outfits for almost any occasion and sort them as such in her side of the closet and in her dressers (aside from maybe clubbing/partying). Clothes for interviews/press conferences tend to be a bit on the preppier side and a bit more modest (collared blouses with a monotone/neutral jumper, turtle necks, longer skirts, hair tied back with a pretty red or pink ribbon, ballet flats). Clothes she wears for casual wear would be a bit more colorful and fun (color striped skirt that may stop above the knee, jean jackets, high waisted jeans and shorts, more colorful sweaters, sneakers, doc martens, and knee/thigh/shin high boots). Longer skirts are ideal because they're easier to slip into in case of an emergency and she doesn't have to worry about being indecent while she's kicking ass and taking names. For my Pinterest board and this collage, I took inspiration from characters such as Betty Cooper from Riverdale, Nancy Wheeler from Stranger Things, Abbi Singh from The Imperfects, and Lara Jean from To All The Boys I Loved Before with a dash of real life fashion icon Audrey Hepburn, who I could see being a huge role model for Blossom. Her clothes would be more toward the pale, subdued, pastel side in terms of coloring. She'd love floral prints ironically because of her name, but also unironically because she thinks they're pretty. If she does wear designs other than floral, they're simple stripes, or polka dots, or plaid. Favorite colors to wear other than pink would be red, orange, gray, black, white, and like a creamy off-white. I also weirdly low-key headcanon Blossom being the sister to accidentally steal her sisters' clothes because she's in a rush to get ready and grabs the first thing that looks like hers and tries to gaslight them into thinking they're hers once she realizes the mistake ("It's pink, Bubbles, of course it's mine", "Why would I wear your stupid collared shirts, Buttercup?").
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Bubbles Utonium
Bubbles is a girl who LOVES clothes and fashion (she is the artsy one after all). Her style is fun, cute, youthful, flirty, childlike (affectionate), usually vibrant and eyesore causing catching. She'd definitely buy and wear something that's baby pink, baby blue, AND lime green all at the same time because it reminds her of the bond between her and her sisters or something. She loves oversized cardigans and jackets, especially if they're fuzzy, furry, and/or soft (but NO REAL FUR). One of Bubbles' favorite outerwear is a baby blue winter coat with hearts on the back that reminds her of the Powerpuff Signal that Townsville occasionally uses. She loves to make STATEMENTS with her outfits, causing quite a few of her peers/classmates/coworkers to (make fun of her behind her back) think she's immature and childish. The designs on her clothes are almost always over the top and never subtle (rainbow polka dotted crop top, dresses covered with faces of cats or butterflies, etc.). If Bubbles is under the weather or down in the dumps, her clothes are much more plain OR she goes out of her way to wear something with those corny "it'll get better" empowerment sayings on it. She also isn't above wearing any of the clothing merch since she knows it's going to a good cause. Bubbles loves all colors of the rainbow so long as they're bright; Blossom and Buttercup joke that she might have more pink and green clothes than they do. She has no qualms wearing outfits that remind her of her favorite video games, cartoons, or movies. Luckily for her, Professor Utonium invented a spray that keeps blood and other monster bodily fluids off of the clothes so they don't stain, that way Bubbles' clothes can stay pretty and clean, just how she likes it. Just like her clothes, Bubbles also has a variety of shoes from Mary Jane shoes similar to the ones she used to wear as a little girl, to sneakers, to sandals, to heels she managed to get at a discount, and anything in-between (she definitely wears those furry monster feet slippers out in public too if she felt it complimented her outfit). Her favorite pair are all white converses because "they go with everything". She'd also add matching little clips or flowers in her pigtails, space buns, or whatever other style Bubbles chooses to wear her hair.
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Buttercup Utonium
Buttercup's style is either sporty, athletic, and a bit preppy (she loves most of the athletic sport brands such as Nikes or Adidas) or 90's grunge casual. She low-key shows the most skin between her and her sisters with all of the crop tops, ripped jeans (with fishnet stockings underneath) and shorts, and other mesh and transparent tops she has (a girl's gotta show off her toned muscle somehow, she's too proud of it). If she isn't getting dress-coded for that, she's getting dress-coded for the sayings on her shirt that might read "fuck off", "what you can do, I can do bleeding", "free the nipple", or other rather crass remarks that the school might deem "offensive". Buttercup might occasionally dawn a skirt (preferably a not too short jean or even leather one) or dress (usually a T-shirt dress, maxi, or boho, anything fancier than that she lets Blossom and Bubbles pick one out for her) if she felt like it, but only if she's 100% sure she'll look hot in it and she's comfortable. Oversized plaid, collared shirts over grunge, rock band shirts and shorts (with a beanie if it's cold enough) are her bread and butter go-to. Other articles of clothing like leather jackets, tube tops, or her designer variety letterman jackets are saved for her nights out on the town, living up to her fulfilled prophecy from Boogie Frights. Color wise, Buttercup tends to stick to earthier, darker tones than her sisters, but she does own quite a few vibrant colored clothing items such as lime green, orange, purple, and even yellow (even though I didn't feature those, sssh lmao). Buttercup was really into camo when she was younger, but after realizing most of her outfits consisted of "black and/or khaki with camo", she realized she needed to step her game up, so she tries not to wear it as much anymore. Buttercup is also the most obsessed with shoes out of all the Powerpuff Girls. She's a HUGE sneakerhead and she's not modest about it (nothing pisses her off more than stepping on chewed gum, she too is thankful for Professor's new invention). Buttercup's also the only sister who really loves jewelry and accessories, especially chains.
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dotaeisms · 1 year
❛𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝗻‚ 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙢𝙚, 𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗲, 𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗲❜ / BANG CHAN
🗯️; au inspired by big hero six! i absolutely adore that movie, and honestly would cast chris as tadashi T^T, but this is heavily self indulging, so i hope you enjoy :3 !!
🏷️; xdinary heroes (your bot fighting team), mentions of xdh, cursing, this is long buckle up, mention of changlix (?), SO MANY KPOP GROUPS (nmixx, twice), y/n IS SO DOWN BAD, mainly plot
<⚡️> what little event would the boys drag you out to now?
sure being the team’s extremely smart mechanic surely didn’t mean you had to fight, right?
gun-il, the teams leader, hesitated at first, as his own little sister AND smartest team member, who was extremely precious in his eyes could never ever destroy one of her own prized bots in these ‘cockfights’.
but of course, the others convinced him.
‘come on goo! she’s a smart gal, i think she would fight well, end our loosing streak against the…kids.’
the youngest, jooyeon exclaimed, half expecting the leader to shut him down.
at this you pushed your rolling chair away from the desk, perking your glasses down with a disgusted look.
‘you are not dragging me to destroy my precious work! i may fix your guys’s stuff, but that doesn’t mean i wanna do illegal shit with you guys…’
with this jooyeon sighed, cursing under his breath and walking away from the situation.
gun-il walked up beside you, a bit of a stern expression.
‘maybe you could just come to one? the boys would stop pestering you…’
and thats how you ended up in a neon painted alleyway at 2 am.
the lights almost blinded you, thank god your glasses turn into sunglasses.
the different groups were represented by colors, each using spray paint or colored smoke to get that across as they entered.
first came the group of girls who went to your school, represented by purple, they were named ‘NMIXX’.
the use of junk scraps really helped them.
only to be pushed out by the color pink, which called themselves ‘TWICE’.
another group of more experienced bot fighters, all ladies too.
the mc of the fight was none other than the leader of TWICE, her name was jihyo.
‘and that does it for the mixed up parts of NMIXX, now ladies shake hands~’
the representatives shook, the purple clad looking exceptionally pissed as the blonde haired girl stuck her tongue out in response.
the next team was well known, maybe even better than TWICE.
the rivals of your own team, known around as ‘the kids.’
or at least jooyeon calls them that.
the entrance was loud, called out by a thunderous sounding guy, who had a smaller petite boy attached to his side. followed by six other men, they were represented in black.
‘they are, THE STRAY KIDS!’
and the boys on your side scowled in return.
your team represented by red, came out second, and you felt exceptionally small compared to the rest of them.
as the teams got together, smack talk was indeed exchanged.
‘heres the copy cats eh?’
the first to speak was a grey haired boy from stray kids.
gun-il immediately backfired.
don’t pull jun into this, he’s shy.’
‘aw but being shy isn’t an excuse-‘
then, a black clad man with a mask on broke the two up.
‘let’s not get personal, yeah? people have the same names…’
he sternly looked at his own teammate, and apologized to gun-il.
‘sorry mate, he gets really competitive.’
both you and gun-il were taken aback.
this man was kind, very opposite to the team aesthetic, working with high class tech industries to make sure they win every fight.
‘lets have a fair match, may the best team win.’
the masked leader shook hands with your brother, flashing his brown eyes at you, then turned around to take places.
the sight of his eyes made your heart flutter.
the fighters were seungmin (affectionately called o.de) and the cocky dude from before, jisung.
you could hear the leader growling orders, and it almost tickled your brain.
how would it feel to be barked at by him.
maybe it did turn you on, something about his aura was indulgent, almost like a succubus calling you into the depths.
it hindered your ability to think of a good strategy.
the next round came along, jisung snagging the win from o.de.
he dejectedly handed the controller over.
‘just don’t screw it up y/n.’
it sounded harsh, but it came down to a pot of a good amount of money.
it came down to you and a man called lee felix fighting.
he was the petite boy with the loud man earlier.
he shook your hand, small paw engulfed by yours.
‘lets fight fair!’
the match ended with a hero victory, and it moved on to the final.
‘alright.’ the co-captain jungsu chided.
‘in order to keep winning, no offense o.de, but y/n needs to get out there.’
o.de brushed it off, patting you on the back.
‘good luck, make your brother proud.’
meanwhile on the other team, tension was high.
‘hyung! they were so good out there, xdinary heroes never wins, they have a new member.’
the leader didn’t even watch his own team fight.
‘i’m surprised you lost lixie, i’ll go out for the tie breaker round, yeah?’
a few of them nodded, happy their leader would represent.
and so it began.
the small yet agile bot called, ‘OVERLOAD’ would be going against the bulky bot entitled, ‘FIVE STAR.’
jihyo smirked and commanded the fight.
‘fighters ready? begin!’
and the match begun.
you could see the leader biting his lip in frustration, brow furrowed with intension.
his name, which now you know is bang chan was called out, alongside yours.
he glanced and licked his lips, then focusing on the match before him.
you could feel the teasing energy, caught off guard by any movement his plump lips made.
at this, ‘OVERLOAD’ was shattered to pieces by ‘FIVE STAR.’
a victory for the enemy.
at this the small alleyway cheered, the members of stray kids happily hugging their leader, and you and your boys could do was stare in disbelief.
you felt almost embarrassed, being caught off guard by such a beautiful man, having to fight the god like specimen, only to be knocked down by his good looks.
it’s like he knew you were whipped for him.
‘oi! y/n right?’ chan ran over, handing you some red streamers.
you tilted your head, butterflies arising in your tummy.
‘t-thats me!’ you managed to smile, pushing your glasses up with a soft sigh.
the leader smirked, almost finding you quite tiny in this moment.
‘you did great out there, you have a lot of potential.’
you blush, taken aback at the compliment.
‘a-ah! no really it’s my first time fighting, but i did all the engineering myself.’
‘i see, nobody ever beats felix out there, you have great talent. you should join us.’
you froze.
would you abandon your brother and his goons for some good eye candy in a heartbeat? yes, but, did you have the guts to do it? nope.
‘thank you for the invite, but, i wanna stay with them, i think they need me more than you.’
with this chan chuckles, nodding his head in understanding.
‘i get that, but, i really wanna get to know you better.’
you full on blushed now, cheeks heated.
‘y-you do?’
with this chan nodded, taking your hand in his.
‘the way you looked when you fought, so determined, it was, kinda attractive.’
he managed to say, chuckling softly at his own bluntness.
your mouth almost dropped to the floor.
‘i may or may not have distracted you on purpose.’
‘i knew those lip bites were just a distraction!’
you playfully smacked his shoulder with a grin, blush still adorning your face.
‘so what do you say darling? can i get to know you?’
with this you softly walked up, on your tippy toes, and gently pressed a soft kiss into his cheek.
‘yes, of course.’
(PART 2?) / idk if this is good T-T
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myfriendskickass · 1 year
we still need to clean the house (still doing basement maintenance) and i need to find adhd friendly ways to clean frequently enough to eliminate all my OTHER environmental allergies first bc i am allergic to cats technically but if/when i get a new cat i cant just LEAVE THEM smh
@vergess does this sound like mcas to you
brief allergy history overview for context:
allergic to dust, pollen (esp ragweed), cat and dog dander, mold, cigarette smoke apparently?? a couple of other things supposedly idr i got dx'd in 1999
was on allergy meds of various kinds from age 5 to present plus allergy shots starting every 2 weeks graduating to every month. meds i REMEMBER taking (remember i started at age 5.): zyrtec twice a day rx until it went otc (idr dosage), rhinocort (idr if rx or otc). stopped that at some point idr when or why. rx patanol twice a day. saline nose spray twice a day. allergy shots never make me react more than some itchiness.
got the cat in 8th grade. allergist was NOT happy about it. reaction was itchy eyes for like 2 weeks that eventually stopped.
went to college in early 2010s. allergist said i dont need shots anymore. no access to allergist meant i stopped using the patanol unless my eyes got SUPER itchy because at the time it was rx only. continued to take otc generic zyrtec 10mg twice a day. (i was on liquid until like high school bc i couldnt swallow pills so when i switched to pills i continued the same dosage which...is HONESTLY pediatric now that i think about it, but even at 18 it still worked? i was still very skinny though)
then 3 years into college i started getting acid reflux so bad i couldn't eat plain lettuce. got an endoscopy done. got dx'd with eosinophilic esophagitis. got put on 40mg sodium pantoprazole (insurance would not cover nexium.) once a day. (COINCIDENTALLY GAINED A LOT OF WEIGHT AFTER THIS HMM)
went back to same allergist i have been seeing since i was 5. got a skin test done. was told i was MORE reactive (especially to cat :() than i was in 1999...all from 3 years without allergy shots? at least on the skin test. started shots again. got blood tested for food allergies. results seem to fluctuate whether i ate that thing before testing (ie whether it comes up as higher than what the bloodwork calls "level 0/equivocal") two constant and consistent results are hazelnuts and carrots (which have ALWAYS given me acid reflux)
i go back to gi with these results. they tell me i might have GERD. (allergist, when told of my eosinic dx, says "ugh i hope not, you need a liquid diet to deal with that."). second endoscopy after a month on the proton pump inhibitor. acid damage is healing. they tell me its safe to stay on pantoprazole long term.
fast forward to today, 9 years later. i take 10 mg of zyrtec otc twice a day. i tried flonase, did nothing. allegra is too hard to swallow. getting monthly allergy shots. rinse my nose out with saline when i remember to. take otc patanol extra strength once a day (package says to and its easier to remember than twice a day). i skip pantoprazole until the acid reflux gets very bad because 1. makes me gain weight 2. unsure about how safe it is long term 3. i just forget sometimes. i stopped eating all food allergens EXCEPT dairy because whether whey shows up as an ige allergy seems to fluctuate and also i love cheese. i am working on it.
SYMPTOMS, though: constant post nasal drip. (no change from childhood.) nose is stuffier but managed with saline. general constant low level cold symptoms (stuffy nose, very rare slight cough) eyes water only if i forget to use eyedrops. sometimes i get itchy but no hives, no redness. acid reflux when i skip the ppi or eat carrots. i gave up nutella entirely because nut allergies can apparently get worse out of the blue very fast. ragweed season gives me watery eyes and stuffy nose almost 24/7 but no wheezing or breathing issues. ANIMAL DANDER, my biggest concern, gives me itchy watery eyes DEPENDING on how clean the environment is. (i was completely fine in a small house for 12 hours with 4 cats and 3 dogs, fine in my sister's house for 6-8 hours with a shibe, but not fine in a house with 3 cats thats never vaccuumed, and not fine in my sister's car that had no shibe in it.) (not fine is still just minor eye symptoms)
cat died in 2017 so i no longer have long term exposure but dander supposedly stays in the house right? towards the end of his life, we let him in my previously off limits room that had a knockoff hepa filter running 24/7 with no issues. he was not in my room 24/7. currently i have a purezone i think??? hepa filter running 8-6 hours a day because the blue light is required for it to function. i try to change it every 3 months but sometimes i forget.
i really want another cat...even though my allergist is of the "you shouldn't be exposing yourself to any allergens on purpose" mentality. she DOES think mcas exists. she also said its safe to take 10mg cetirizine hcl 4x a day. people tell me allergies can get worse with exposure over time but then how would allergy shots work?
things i wonder about and will ask her next appointment: i am no longer 18 and 90lbs soaking wet- is 10mg of zyrtec once a day enough? did i build a tolerance? should i go back to twice a day?
my current goals:
i will use saline more often. vaccuum and dust more. keep my air filter running 24/7. IF i get a cat, no access to my room ever. i will feed it that purina food scientifically proven to lower the amount of allergen in their dander.
my big fear is 1. i have mcas which makes any allergy exposure a risk 2. people are correct unfortunately and allergy exposure DOES make it worse and that getting a cat now will give me anaphylaxis in the future :( (but then how do allergy shots work???)
i have never experienced anaphylaxis. i have never needed an epi pen. i never needed benadryl.i still don't react to the allergy shots. reactions to pet dander are mild annoying itchy eyes that depend on how clean the area is and also don't always last for the entire time i am exposed anyway. but my bloodwork shows inflammation a lot but no doctor has ever been concerned.
is this mcas??? it kind of looks more like i got sloppy with cleaning and med taking and also possibly built up a tolerance to zyrtec/gained enough weight that 10mg/a day is not enough anymore? allegra did nothing when i switched but i was also taking it 1x a day
my PLAN was get on top of every other allergen so that cat dander is the only thing i am exposed to on a daily basis BUT if this looks more like my allergies overall are just getting worse, i don't want to risk getting a cat just to have to rehome it.
lol sorry this adhd ramble was prompted by pc advice
i am NOT asking for medical advice! i am asking 1. what to ask my doctor in a way that wont make her fire me as a patient for getting a cat (right now she just says "its different when you own one" but i had one for 11 years with no issue so???) 2. does this match your experience as somebody with mcas
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sabik-sphinx · 2 years
Ermm just another callout post
scroll past if you don’t want drama teehee
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Callout on Amore_Torre aka Isnezzed a popular NSR/Overwatch artist well known for his Ramyatta artwork. Is accusing me of general abuse and animal abuse. Making this callout because he is practically dragging my name thru the mud and hurting my reputation. So I want clear up the accusations and explain his narcissistic behavior.
accusation #1 - I abuse animals including his rabbit
Just want to start out on the animal abuse accusation. Claiming that I abuse his rabbit and kick it for fun. Getting this out of the way, it is false, shocker. 
He gets irrationally angry if I even touch his rabbit. He would catch me doing this and physically attack me, and say shit like ‘how would you like it if i kicked your cat?’ or ‘i’m going to kill your cat!’. One instance he sprayed me with cleaning chemicals and my skin had a burning sensation for the rest of the day.
For context, he lets his rabbit roam around our house unsupervised. I’ve seen this rabbit hop onto my bed, which I find unsanitary. As well as my cats litterbox. It even used to hop onto the kitchen countertop and knock over the trashcan, yuck. which he doesn’t care if it gets into these things. I take it upon myself to keep the rabbit out of places it’s not supposed to be. I gently nudge it with a stick or rod. This does not hurt the animal at all. I guide it out of these areas, like the litterbox or my bed. You can’t just tell it to get out. Reason why he claims I kick it because sometimes when I don’t have an object to guide the rabbit, I use my feet.
Ironically, I was the one spending a good chunk of my day with this rabbit, teaching it tricks when we brought it home. Because it was in another room and wasn’t receiving attention from him. Also, accusing me of abusing animals when THIS is how he houses the rabbit now.
EDIT: this is another argument he uses to convince people that I abuse animals, is that I collect animal hides and skulls. While yes, I do collect these things, they're done ethically. Most of the skulls I have are natural finds or waste from hunters. The hides I just buy online. Sometimes I do hunt and process my own animals. God forbid, I know. Say what you want about hunting. As long as it's within the law and the kill is ethical, it is not animal abuse. I am against trophy hunting and poaching.
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she’s even in the photo for proof lol. But yeah, guess i’m the one who’s abusing animals...
Note: the rabbit isn’t spayed nor does he plan to spay her. He wants to buy another rabbit to breed with his, HELLLL NO. I got kicked from his lil friend group when he brought this up. I told him ‘no more animals’. Bro already abandoned 2 dogs and a cat because he got bored of them after a year. Not to mention his previous dog was sent to a rescue for animal neglect.
Accusation #2- I physically and verbally abuse him.
Uno reverse on this accusation as well. I only hit him if he throws the first punch, I go by eye for an eye. lol anyways, he would start physical fights with me over minor inconveniences, like me being in the kitchen for too long or taking too long in the bathroom. He is physically weak so I hit him back and tell him to knock it off. This works for getting him to stop attacking me. He’ll go back to his room, cry to his friends, and tell them that I abused him. Average child behavior. he’s an adult 
That is how this rumor started.
On verbal abuse, i don’t know how this one came to be since I haven’t spoken or texted him in months aside from a couple short sentences here and there. Yeah Uno reverse on this too, he’s been EXTREMLY verbally abusive towards me. Whenever he sees me he calls me a ‘nasty bitch’ or ‘retarded’ etc etc. And it’s every. single day. Again, I don’t speak to him in person. Although I used to stream on discord and he would come in when no-one else is there and say shit like ‘nobody in the server likes you or wants you there’ ‘you’re an animal abuser and everybody knows it!’. Very passive aggressive in real life as well.
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Generic spamming me in DM’s. I have nothing to add here.
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Again flooding my DM’s. For context, I don’t have him blocked on discord because he’s not able to use his phone anymore so discord is the only communication he has with me incase of an emergency. 
‘and you weren’t banned from the server you left on your own they already told me, so why you gotta be mad bout it’ OKay, I left one server because he was abusing his mod power on me. (Average discord mod) And the admin didn’t give a shit. BUT I was banned from another server he was in. And i’m not mad about it.
‘stop dragging people into drama’ This is the only time i’m bringing this up. How tf am I supposed to stay silent when there’s a smear campaign against me.
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He posted this yesterday for sympathy for i’m going to break it down. He’s the type of person who likes to play victim for everything. Like I stated before, he starts a fight, you hit him back, you’re the abuser, he’s the victim. 
I can explain the ‘low blood sugar moment’ because I was there, wow. It was 4am and everyone’s trying to sleep, he starts complaining that he has low blood sugar and didn’t grab anything while he was in the kitchen. He woke my mother up and begged her to give him something to eat, she refused and told him to get food himself since his room is right outside the kitchen. And so, he started complaining that we didn’t care if he died and whatnot.
‘they want to get rid of me’ He’s insufferable to be around. Honestly, you could just breath and he would call you names. tho i wouldn’t breath around him since he only ever showers once a month.
‘my rabbit being harmed, being physically hurt’ already went over this so I have nothing to add here.
‘fam knows my socials’ No they don’t, only I do. He got upset when he found out our mother made a twitter account because she finds the memes on there to be funnier than facebook. He complained to her that she only made an account to ‘stalk him’. He begged that she’d give him her account name so he can block her. Of course, she refused. So now he thinks his family is stalking him lol
That’s my side of the story since he went around to all his friends who also used to friends with me to mass unfollow and accuse me of doing all these horrible things. No one questioned him and just went along with it. ‘A narcissist will show you who your true friends are’, and clearly these people were not my friends.
the rest is for sympathy. 
I also want to add one more thing. He received 3 gifts during Christmas. 2 sweatpants and a hoodie from his mother. I received one more gift than he did. He got extremely upset by this, that he returned both sweatpants to his mother and remained in his room for the rest of the holiday. Just a couple days ago he took the hoodie mother gifted him and tore it up in front of her and threw it in the trash. I don’t know what prompted this or why he did it, but it goes to show how ungrateful he truly is. 
That is all i’m going to put. There is much much more like him stalking minor for 4 years- that I won’t write down otherwise this would end up being a novel. I’ll save that for another day, who knows.
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Vance hopper's gremlins
Toby(or sprout)
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Toby loves meteorology, science, and mechanical engineering.
He rambles about it all the time and will be happy to inform you how to build a car, motorcycle, truck, etc.
Vance doesn't understand a word the boy rambles about but he's glad he has an interest that makes him happy.
He also loves games of all kinds, as long as it's fun.
Toby is sort of a know-it-all and follow-the-rules kid but he tries to be more open-minded when he's around other kids.
He was so happy when Vance tried to teach him how to play pinball. This boy is a pro at Pinball and is reaching Vance's high score by the day.
All in all, Toby is a very sweet, sassy, and humble kid. But if you mess with him or his family he will bite you.
Tammy(I really felt that toby should have a twin sister)(spout-et)
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(their usually called sprouts when Vance wants both of their attention)
Tammy is a confident and artistic girl.
She loves to sew, sculpt, draw, and paint on anything that is a thing. Her other favorite things are stars and will use her brother's telescope(with or without him telling her she can use it).
She will kick, bite, scratch, and punch if you touch her so...don't do that. She is not afraid to get a little dirty to get her point across, she will fight you.
Tammy embroiders on everybody's clothes, and she did a cute design on Vance's jacket that said: "to the bestest protector ever". He couldn't not wear it?.
Tammy doesn't notice it, but she can be a bit overbearing or " My way or the highway "at times so you have to tell her, or else she won't realize it. She apologizes right away
Vance should have never given her spray paint, his house is covered in rainbows, unicorns, dogs, cats, and much more. Can he say "stop" or "no"? no. The drawings add a nice look to the house anyway.
She can get bored pretty easily and will start problems just to laugh. But never big problems.
She gets the princess treatment like her 'sister' Katie.
Bobby(or range rover)
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Bobby hopes to be a pro wrestler and spends his day coming up with wrestling moves with Vance.
When he's not wrestling, he's playing with all his toy cars and trucks. He wants to learn how to build them but "it takes too long, and it gets boring after a while"
Pranks, this boy LOVES pranks. He'll prank anybody he'll prank Vance, kyle, Katie, Toby, max, Finney, Robin, etc. The only person he doesn't prank is Tammy because she doesn't cater to his pranks ad she will hit him. His pranks are lighthearted though, she's just easily irritated.
Bobby likes horror movies to the fullest degree, and he shares this trait with his uncle Robin.
His parents don't really care about him so he's watched a lot of horror movies.
He's kind of a quiet kid, he prefers to stay inside than outside. If he has to go somewhere he'll be quiet until someone talks to him. If not, he'll just be somewhere poking a dead animal or in the corner observing.
He's a pretty sweet kid and will stand up for others if need be.
He was bullied a lot in school for his vitiligo but again WAS. After he learned some fighting skills, he beat up two bullies and he was never bullied again.
Katie (or bow)
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This girl cannot stand dirt, if she finds one speck of dirt on her pink skirt she will scream.
She's your definition of a "girly girl". She loves anything pink, glittery, shiny, and anything else you associate with femininity.
She is very kind and considerate, if someone is being bullied she will stand up for that person just like Vance and her 'siblings'.
The princess treatment is at an all-time high
When she and Tammy have a tea party EVERYBODY has a tear party.
She can pull the puppy dog eyes to get out of trouble but she does know when that won't work and will except getting grounded.
Very opinionated and picky girl
Don't let her food touch when it isn't supposed to, it's the end of the world.
Kyle(or dino man)
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Kyle is the definition of"the shy kid" like his 'brother' Bobby.
He will have to have a small push to socialize and that small push is "KYLE, you've been in the house for three months GO TALK TO PEOPLE"
He has a small stuttering problem when he's nervous and is insecure about it but Vance lets him know that it's ok and he should take his time when talking.
He wants to be an archeologist and paleontologist. He almost knows about every dinosaur known to man and could tell you about every single one if asked. yeah, he's the "dinosaur kid".
He is developing a love for special FX makeup the more he watches horror movies. He never horror movies as scary because he knows the monsters aren't real.
Max(or rock & roll)
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Max is a very loud and hyper child.
He will voice his opinion if he wants to, in other words, he can be very painfully truthful.
He loves rock and dreams to be a professional rock singer and player someday.
Vance teaches him how to play the electric guitar and let's just say...the neighbors do not like them in the afternoons.
This boy has the worst sugar rush so he's only allowed small portions of candy if any.
He's beaten up over 3 bullies, 1 his age and two 14-year-olds.
Max is very protective of his family and will hurt you if you hurt any of them.
I got bored so I decided to design some of the kids. Their names were created by @ihearthayleywilliamsxoxo who is a very good writer, and I recommend checking them out.
General headcanons:
Toby and Tammy are usually called sprouts because Vance saw plants & leaves in their hair once and he just started calling them that.
Each of their nicknames has to do with an experience or a subject that they like.
Vance doesn't even know how he got nearly all these kids in his house but he deals with it.
The majority of them barely go back to their parent's houses. The only set of parents that aren't jerks is Toby and Tammy's parents. They are genuinely nice people.
Their parents taught Vance how to work with black hair just in case anything goes wrong.
All of the kids wear these simple yet important necklaces that Vance and his mom gave them. The necklaces are family heirlooms and Lily hopper has a chest full of them.
If you have any headcanons for the kids my asks are open
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