#How to prevent kidney failure.
reasonsforhope · 1 month
"The Biden administration on Thursday [August 15, 2024] released prices for the first 10 prescription drugs that were subject to landmark negotiations between drugmakers and Medicare, a milestone in a controversial process that aims to make costly medications more affordable for older Americans. 
The government estimates that the new negotiated prices for the medications will lead to around $6 billion in net savings for the Medicare program in 2026 alone when they officially go into effect, or 22% net savings overall. That is based on the estimated savings the prices would have produced if they were in effect in 2023, senior administration officials told reporters Wednesday.
The Biden administration also expects the new prices to save Medicare enrollees $1.5 billion in out-of-pocket costs in 2026 alone.
“For so many people, being able to afford these drugs will mean the difference between debilitating illness and living full lives,” Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, told reporters. “These negotiated prices. They’re not just about costs. They are about helping to make sure that your father, your grandfather or you can live longer, healthier.”
It comes one day before the second anniversary of President Joe Biden’s signature Inflation Reduction Act, which gave Medicare the power to directly hash out drug prices with manufacturers for the first time in the federal program’s nearly 60-year history.
Here are the negotiated prices for a 30-day supply of the 10 drugs, along with their list prices based on 2023 prescription fills, according to a Biden administration fact sheet Thursday.
What Medicare and beneficiaries pay for a drug is often much less than the list price, which is what a wholesaler, distributor or other direct purchaser paid a manufacturer for a medication before any discounts...
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The administration unveiled the first set of medications selected for the price talks in August 2023, kicking off a nearly yearlong negotiation period that ended at the beginning of the month.
The final prices give drugmakers, which fiercely oppose the policy, a glimpse of how much revenue they could expect to lose over the next few years. It also sets a precedent for the additional rounds of Medicare drug price negotiations, which will kick off in 2025 and beyond. 
First 10 drugs subject to Medicare price negotiations
Eliquis, made by Bristol Myers Squibb, is used to prevent blood clotting to reduce the risk of stroke. 
Jardiance, made by Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly, is used to lower blood sugar for people with Type 2 diabetes. 
Xarelto, made by Johnson & Johnson, is used to prevent blood clotting, to reduce the risk of stroke.
Januvia, made by Merck, is used to lower blood sugar for people with Type 2 diabetes.
Farxiga, made by AstraZeneca, is used to treat Type 2 diabetes, heart failure and chronic kidney disease. 
Entresto, made by Novartis, is used to treat certain types of heart failure.
Enbrel, made by Amgen, is used to treat autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. 
Imbruvica, made by AbbVie and J&J, is used to treat different types of blood cancers. 
Stelara, made by Janssen, is used to treat autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease.
Fiasp and NovoLog, insulins made by Novo Nordisk.
In a statement Thursday, Biden called the new negotiated prices a “historic milestone” made possible because of the Inflation Reduction Act. He specifically touted Vice President Kamala Harris’ tiebreaking vote for the law in the Senate in 2022.
Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, said in a statement that she was proud to cast that deciding vote, adding there is more work to be done to lower health-care costs for Americans.
“Today’s announcement will be lifechanging for so many of our loved ones across the nation, and we are not stopping here,” Harris said in a statement Thursday, noting that additional prescription drugs will be selected for future rounds of negotiations."
-via CNBC, August 15, 2024
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scientia-rex · 1 year
I also spend a lot of time trying to convince people to prevent problems, because prevention still works better than cures. Don't fucking smoke! I would instantly become the best doctor who ever lived if I could just convince all my patients to quit smoking. Avoid alcohol! Don't do meth! Don't do fentanyl! Things that are poisons will poison you in ways you understand, in the short term, but also ways you can't really understand until you've watched dozens of people die from it thirty years later, struggling to breathe from their COPD or weak and nauseated beyond bearing from their end-stage liver disease. I watched a man take 3 weeks in the ICU to die from what meth did to his heart. Your heart isn't meant to beat 145 times a minute for weeks on end. Your liver isn't meant to metabolize 5 shots of gin a day. You aren't going to be able to use denial and willpower to repair the damage your own habits did.
I drink a lot less now than I did before I went into medicine. Lot of different reasons, including that I'm older and more settled. But I can't look at it the same way I used to; I can't brush off as a "fun quirk" what I know is alcohol use on a level that risks withdrawal seizures if they were to suddenly stop, like some of my family members do, nervously asking me about their loved one's drinking when we're alone because beneath the jokes they know it's a problem.
If you're having more than one, maybe two drinks a day on average, over a long period of time, you are damaging your body in ways you don't understand. You're setting up a permanent heightened inflammatory state. Your heart cells don't like alcohol; Google "alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy." Your esophagus and stomach respond to incessant bathing in poison by first developing wounds and then cancer. Your liver, of course, doesn't like it. Your liver not only converts poisons to harmless substances you can excrete, it also makes your platelets, so your blood can clot. It makes albumin, a protein that's essentially for keeping water in your blood vessels and not letting it leach into your tissues. So people who are dying of liver failure are in pain and weak and tired and sad the whole fucking time! And the only solution, a liver transplant, will come with a lifetime of medication and specialist check-ups and the knowledge that if you fuck up and kill this liver, too, no one is going to be eager to give you another try.
I don't guilt-trip my alcoholic patients with liver disease. I don't guilt-trip my smokers with COPD. They chose to cope with substances for reasons, even if I disagree with their reasons, even if those reasons are opaque to me. They will suffer the natural consequences of those actions whether I guilt-trip them or not. I want them to continue to see me, I want them to be honest with me. Other people will lay enough guilt on them. And nothing I can say or do would ever compare to the physical and mental suffering that goes with those diseases.
But if you can prevent these diseases in yourself, prevent them. Quit smoking. Do it now. Your lungs are going to look better starting almost immediately, with positive changes continuing for many years. Drink less alcohol. Sure, it's fun, sure, it's a longstanding human tradition, but it is also unfortunately a straight up poison and your body knows that no matter how persuasively you argue about the obvious failure of Prohibition. You can't argue with a cell. You can't convince your kidneys that high blood pressure shouldn't damage them. They are a system; they do what they do; they existed long before prefrontal cortex existed to justify what we want to do but know to be harmful.

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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
Live: Dean Archer x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @mandy426 @chicagotrio101 @mysticcandymiracle @sweetdaytimedreams
Companion piece to:
The Study:
Part One: Courting Disaster - Dean realises Jack is courting you.
Part Two: Distance - Dean tries to discuss the distance between the two of you.
Part Three: Deserving - Jack tries to show you, you deserve better.
Part Four: Navy Shirt - You and Dean don't keep secrets.
Part Five: A Punch In The Face - Dean reacts badly to the news about Jack Dayton.
Part Six: Blow After Blow - Dean doesn't know how much more you can take
Part Seven: Cutting - Dean's surprised when Jack Dayton turns up on his doorstep.
The Wrong One - After a disagreement Dean is forced to confront his choices.
The Deepest Cut - Dean discovers the effect his illness is having on you.
One Rule - You and Dean try to forget about his illness for a night.
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By the time your counsellor suggests a joint session, Dean is willing to try anything. It’s been almost a month since he’s slept in the same bed as you and he can feel himself dying inside with every night goes by. It’s no secret that your marriage is on life support and if this is the thing that prevents you from pulling the plug, he’s game.
What he doesn’t expect is how gut wrenching it is. Your pain is a gaping wound you’ve been trying to stifle since you received the news that Dean was in end stage renal failure. It spills out throughout the session; your devastation at his diagnosis, the  struggle to put on a brave face as you supported him and then finally his refusal to accept Sean’s kidney, how it stripped away the very last essence of your self-worth.
“Isobel…” Dean whispers as he turns to face you on the couch. “That decision it was never about you.”
And that is exactly what the problem is. None of this has been about you. Your thoughts your feelings, they didn’t matter because it’s Dean that’s coping with this illness, Dean that’s been enduring it. That’s why you had to put some distance between the two of you, to make some space for yourself, to allow yourself to feel the things you’ve been hiding from Dean.
“You reached a breaking point.” Dean says with understanding as he clasps your hand in his. “I should have been looking after you. I should have…”
“No my love.” You say squeezing his hand tightly. “We should have been looking after each other.”
“Maybe you should try explaining to Isobel why you turned down Sean’s kidney.” Your counsellor suggests as she sits across from the two of you. “Help her to understand your decision.”
It’s hard for him to vocalise the feelings that raise up in his chest when he thinks about accepting his son’s donation. Their relationship is better than ever and he’s proud of the man Sean has become but he can never forget his own complicity in his son’s spiral. The desolation he felt when Sean had revealed he’d been a victim of abuse. The knowledge that he had kept sending him back to that man, week after week thinking it was building character when the truth was he was ruining his son, raping him, plying him with pills. He was supposed to protect Sean from shit like that, instead he’d had his head too far up his own ass because his marriage was failing and he couldn’t see the wood for the trees.
“I was a terrible father.” He tells you, his voice raw with emotion. “I let him get hurt Isobel, I basically gave him to that animal and I didn’t just do it once, I did it over and over again because I thought Navy Cadets would straighten him out. I didn’t realise it was the reason he was acting out, that I was helping to destroy him.”
“Dean…” You begin but he cuts you off.
“I can’t let him give up a piece of him to save me. I can’t ask that of him…”
“You are not a terrible person.” You say softly as you cradle his face between your hands. “I don’t think that and Sean doesn’t think that. He is trying to give you this because he loves you, because he wants time with you, a connection to you. If you deny him this, if you deny me this, it’ll destroy us, it’s already destroying us.”
Dean takes those words home with him that night, he thinks about them as he lies alone in bed, listening to the sounds of the dialysis machine as it pumps the toxins from his body.
“There’s nothing to forgive.” Sean had told him, when they’d cried together over the abuse. “You couldn’t protect me from something you had no knowledge of.”
It doesn’t stop that feeling of guilt, of worthlessness that nestles deep inside of him. He doubts that anything ever will but you’re right, he owes it to his son to give him more time, to keep building that relationship, to how him how much he loves him. He owes it to you too.
He’s about to call you when he hears the front door unlock, the sound of your suitcase across the tiles in the kitchen. Your footsteps are light on the stairs, quiet like they always are. Part of him can’t allow himself to hope that you’ve come back to him, not until you open the bedroom door and stand before him.
“I was hoping we could have a sleepover.” You say quietly and the edges of Dean’s mouth tip up into a smile as he pats the space alongside of him.
“There’s always room for you.”
He watches as you take out his old Navy t-shirt from the dresser before you begin to remove your clothes. He catches the flash of fresh scarring across your inner thigh and your gaze meets his.
“I’m doing better now.” You assure him. “I just needed a little time to get my shit together.”
“I guess I did too.” He says as you climb under the sheets alongside him.
He wraps his arms around you, drawing you close and you nestle into his chest, fitting perfectly against him, the way you always do. He’s missed this, the nights he gets to spend holding you, loving you. He wants more of this, more of you, more of Sean. He wants to live, to see Sean marry Roxie, to meet the children they’ll have, watch them grow. He wants to get five years down the line and celebrate your ten year wedding anniversary by making you his wife all over again.
“I’m going to have the surgery Isobel.” He says finally, his lips brushing over your temple. “I want to live, for you, for Sean and for me.”
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the-roadkill-cafe · 22 days
hey, haven't seen you in a while, how's it going?
Hey, thanks for the ask!
Things have been....difficult, the past few years. In 2020, right before the world wide lock downs, I moved across the world. My flight was literally one of the last ones allowed into Japan. I had to transition to a new job while in quarantine, then a second transition to face to face work. As I have briefly mentioned ages ago on this blog, before I moved, I lived at home and I was my mother's primary caretaker. Among other things, she had some kind of early onset dementia, cyclic vomiting syndrome, and kidney disease. After I left, my brother and dad took over her care. In early 2022, she passed. If I'm being quite blunt, she passed because at this point of the pandemic, people were beginning to refuse to wear masks, to stay socially distanced, and to take other preventative measures such as air ventilation and filtration. There have been, and continue to be, reams of research on the topic of covid, and it has been handily ignored in the US by both individuals and institutions alike. The local hospital discharged her because she could "eat a cracker and not vomit it up", because they "needed the hospital beds for people who had covid", and because "she would last until her next appointment with her kidney doctor". My mom died of kidney failure and the resulting high blood toxicity, which was entirely preventable if only someone had bothered to adjust her medications and get her on dialysis. Yes, I am very bitter and angry and frustrated, especially with people who have the nerve to ask me why I still mask in public as if covid has magically gone away and is not the cause behind a mass disabling event across the globe. At the same time, I found that my job was...not what I had hoped for. It was only upon my departure that I found out it was breaking a number of labor laws in Japan and was highly exploitative of its employees, to the point that there is currently an ongoing court case and public scandal. No, I will not be going into detail here. It led to a great deal of disillusionment and burn out on my part. I returned to the US in April after four years abroad, and quite frankly I am unsure if I will ever return to Japan except for vacations. The only silver lining is upon explaining my situation in detail to trusted Japanese friends, they assured me that my situation was very unusual even for the country that literally has a word for "death from overwork". I am currently a substitute teacher while I debate next steps for my life. Unfortunately, this all meant that pretty much every aspect of my life has suffered in the past four years. I have not pursued most of my hobbies, while I was in Japan I only regularly talked to one of my friends, and my health (both physical and mental) declined. I am in the midst of trying to recover, and its only been within the last month that I've had the genuine desire to return to long form fic writing, as opposed to rp scribblings and spitballing I've been doing with friends in private. ....wow, this is all super depressing, haha. It's only when I look back that I realize how awful the last four years have been for me. There were bright spots, I promise, and I am looking forward to the next part of my life, whatever it might be. I've also spent this last summer making up for lost time in enjoying myself, and there's been a lot of joy in making plans for myself. But overall, this is the broad strokes of how I have been doing.
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shirzan140102 · 2 years
Death of Pirouz
Not-So-Fun Fact, given the context of this story: Pirouz (پیروز) is Persian for "victor" (or "victorious," depending on how it's used in a sentence).
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Pirouz (the sweet little baby pictured above) was the last surviving Asiatic cheetah cub born in captivity in Iran, and he passed away on Tuesday due to kidney failure. Besides the fact that he [obviously] was a precious baby, everyone is angry and heartbroken by his passing, because he had become a symbol for the revolution. Shervin Hajipour had even alluded to him and the delicate nature of his existence in his GRAMMY-winning song "Baraye."
This reflects another dimension of the pain and suffering caused by the regime. With their blatant disregard for environmental issues and tendency to suppress environmental activists, it is not much of a surprise that this tragedy also took place. (And this isn't even taking into account the suspicions that they had a hand in his death.) While there is still a great deal that remains unknown, considering that one of his siblings also had died due to health complications, it's probable that he and his siblings were not bred in the best conditions. Furthermore, it's highly likely that limitations in resources prevented them from receiving the care that they needed, despite their caretakers' best efforts.
As for Pirouz himself, I'm absolutely heartbroken, and I cannot stop crying right now. Sadly, he is another victim of the regime. I just hope that his last moments weren't painful. From the perspective of the revolution, I hope that his death does not signify the death of potential victory for the revolution, considering the meaning of his name and his status as a symbol.
Now, let's fight for Pirouz in both senses of the word as used in this post: The poor baby himself and the pirouzi (پیروزی) (i.e., 'victory') of the revolution.
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
Shadow left by COVID-19 pandemic on the future - Republished Aug 1, 2024
The rapid global spread of vaccinations for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the development of effective anti-COVID-19 drugs, and the establishment of treatment for preventing and managing severe cases have become great game changers in bringing the COVID-19 pandemic to an end, leading us into a life of coexistence with COVID-19, namely “with COVID-19 era”. Now is the time to look back and examine what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic, how healthcare, society, and culture were affected, and what problems have been left for the future.
In 2020, in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was reported that the COVID-19 virus utilizes ACE2 as a receptor when infecting host cells [1]. Because there were earlier experimental studies in which ARBs and ACE inhibitors increased ACE2 expression in animal tissues, some researchers considered that COVID-19 infectivity may be augmented in patients with hypertension or heart failure who are taking these drugs [2]. Based on this hypothesis, concerns that ARBs and ACE inhibitors might be risk factors for COVID-19 infection and worsening spread through SNS and some mass media. In fact, during the first wave of COVID-19 infections in the Europe, not a little number of patients self-discontinued taking ARBs and ACE inhibitors. Therefore, the Japanese Society of Hypertension and Japanese Circulation Society, as well as the European Society of Cardiology, European Society of Hypertension, and American Heart Association released urgent statements as academic specialists that ARBs and ACE inhibitors prescribed under the guideline-directed medical treatment should not be discontinued [3, 4]. Thereafter, numerous observational and registry studies conducted in countries around the world, including Japan, showed that ARBs and ACE inhibitors had neutral or negative impact on infectivity or severity of COVID-19 [5, 6], confirming that these statements were correct. Kai et al. conducted a systematic review of animal studies including 88 articles and found that administration of ARBs and ACE inhibitors, as well as other antihypertensive drugs, rarely increased ACE2 expression or activity in the tissues, including the hearts, kidney, arteries, and lungs, of the intact animals and animal models of hypertension or heart, kidney, and vascular diseases [7]. In this issue of Hypertension Research, Natsume et al. reported that the number of ARB and ACE inhibitor prescriptions did not decrease, but rather increased, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, based on the Japanese National Database (NDB) Open Data [8]. This finding suggests the importance of academia to take a decisive stance in pointing in the right direction based on scientific evidence and expert consensus to the public and practitioners in emergency situations such as COVID-19 pandemics, and is proof that proper medical care has been achieved in Japan during the pandemic.
Read the rest and get the references at either link!
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ranma0 · 3 months
Regarding your wounds in fanfic post, what do they actually do for people post epipen/naloxone??? All i ever see is "medical attention" and that just seems so vague.
Thank you for asking @satansvoluptuousthighs I consider this to be very important information
but it's also gonna be long.... so long.... so:
TLDR: The meds might either leave the system too fast, causing the problem to come back, or be too much for the patient's body, causing other new problems. Medical attention typically means observing the patient and treating said problems safely
Here's the long version:
So an epi-pen is basically a straight shot of epinephrine (AKA adrenaline) into a body that did not produce it naturally, and there's no guarantee that said body will be able to handle that. It causes vasoconstriction(1) in order to raise blood pressure and divert blood towards the vital organs(2)
If this blood is diverted for too long, it can cause complications like kidney failure, since the "nonvital" organs will be starved for oxygen. So medical professionals need to ensure that the epinephrine isn't working for too long
Also because it raises blood pressure, and increases heart rate, we need to make sure that the epi-pen hasn't put too much pressure on the patient's circulatory system, especially if they have comorbidities such as congestive heart failure (CHF) or hypertension (high blood pressure) which in combination with epinephrine could cause cardiac arrest, stroke, or any number of severe problems(3)
It is also possible that the epi-pen will not contain a high enough dosage to completely treat the anaphylactic reaction that the patient is experiencing(4) and a medical professional should always be present when administering a secondary dose of epinephrine to avoid or treat the previously mentioned issues
vasoconstriction means the blood vessels (veins and arteries) constrict, or tighten up
the term "vital organs" usually refers to the heart, brain, and lungs
there are also a large amount of daily medications that can interact with epi-pens to cause dangerous side effects. To quote my boss, "epinephrine is a hell of a drug"
there is no guarantee that the patient isn't still in contact with whatever they're allergic to. It could be on their clothes, or if they ate it, it could remain in their system for some time. In the ER the patient is usually stripped/changed and sometimes also washed off depending on how the allergic reaction presents
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The reasoning behind emergency care after administering Narcan/naloxone is similar, but not the same. Naloxone is an opioid agonist, which means that it binds to the same receptors in the brain that opioids do, blocking them so that the opioids can't set off the chain reaction of effects that they typically do.(1)
Opioids are dangerous largely because they cause respiratory depression(2), that can lead to respiratory arrest. Breathing too slowly for too long can cause brain damage.
The reason that emergency medical treatment is necessary after administering it is that the effects of Narcan only last for about 30-90 minutes. Opioid drugs can stay in the system for much longer than that and a patient may go back to overdosing as soon as the Narcan wears off.
Just because naloxone has been given, it does not mean that a fatal overdose has been prevented. The patient may require a second dose or external respiratory support, such as intubation/ventilation(3)
Narcan can also be overdosed(4) which causes the patient to go into precipitated withdrawal, a very sudden chemically induced drug withdrawal that I have been informed "royally fucking sucks"(5)
While this immediate withdrawal isn't dangerous per se(6) it can lead to the patient leaving to seek out more opioids to reverse their withdrawal, beginning the danger anew (7)
Opioids cause euphoria, relaxation, respiratory depression, confusion, etc.
Respiratory arrest means that a person has stopped breathing. Irreversible brain damage usually begins within five minutes of respiratory arrest, death typically occurs within ten minutes. This varies from person to person depending upon the baseline function of their respiratory and circulatory systems, so younger and healthier people typically have better outcomes
Intubation means that an endotracheal tube (ET) is inserted through the mouth into the patient's airway, it is almost always done while the patient is sedated/unconscious. The ET tube is then connected to an ambu-bag where a medical professional pushes air into their lungs by rhythmically squeezing the bag, or a ventilator (a machine that pushes air in and out of a patient's lungs at a set rate)
Narcan overdoses typically happen in the field when either one dose does not cause the patient to regain consciousness, or the patient's companions decide to continuously dose them rather than seek emergency medical care
This is what is happening when your EMT friend says that the patient sat straight upright, screamed, punched them in the face, and puked, after getting a second (or third, or fourth) dose of Narcan
You cannot die from opioid withdrawal, but it is an awful, painful, uncomfortable, and long process that some claim will make you wish that you were dead
Opioid addicts are still adults and medical professionals are legally required to respect their rights, including their right to refuse their care, but only if they're sober. A patient who is still high cannot be released into their own care (at least not where I live) and must sober up within the facility. They will typically not be given Narcan unless they are still overdosing, instead medical professionals will let their body process the drugs in their system naturally (AKA "sleep it off") while under observation
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this is an ambu-bag and an ET tube for reference
Anyway I hope this answered your question! I had fun writing it out because tbh I love talking about this shit
Please please correct me if I got anything wrong, I did research this post, but that doesn't mean that I didn't miss anything, I'm not a specialist or anything
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ikamigami · 6 months
So because today is a gaming episode let's jump into yesterday's lore episode >:)
Sun's dream reflects his desires that he doesn't aknowledge that much due to him almost constantly ignoring his own needs and wants. Sun screams in his sleep even though his dream doesn't seem like something that could cause such reaction. But if we look at Sun's dream as his mind reminding him of things that he constantly ignores it makes sense for Sun to scream.
Because my head is filled with cotton for a week it's hard for me to focus on things so that's why I'm processing episodes in slow motion..
Anyway, I only now realized that characters that appeared in Sun's dream aren't there by coincidence. Even those weirder ones.
We had all of Sun and Moon enemies there - Eclipse, Bloodmoon, Ruin and Creator. It's obvious to why they were apologizing. Because all of them caused our boys some harm in one way or another.
Then we had Catnap, KC, Amanda and Banban. KC apologizing wasn't a surprise except from it being hilarious but still.. Catnap wasn't that weird either cause he showed up a couple of times. The most weird ones there were Amanda and Banban.
They have one thing in common though - they're all related to Sun's trauma. How, you may ask? Eclipse, Bloodmoon, Ruin and Creator are the most obvious ones. They all caused Sun's trauma. Creator by putting Sun and Moon in one body and giving Moon a kill code among other shitty things he did because he sees Sun and Moon as failures. Eclipse by threatening them and putting them in dangerous situations that could ended with them being dead and adding onto the abuse Old Moon inflicted on Sun. Bloodmoon by causing July 16th and killing innocents and by threatening Sun and mocking him. Ruin by kidnapping Sun and saying all those awful things to him and destroying the Daycare and remaking Bloodmoon and destroying creator's council with whole dimensions.
Catnap probably reminds Sun of how he lost it or maybe he reminds him of Old Moon or maybe he reminds him of all the dead children killed by Old Moon influenced by kill code. KC was an infamous kill code himself so he's one of the main causes of Sun's trauma when he was trying to stop Moon from killing innocents. When he had to fight the feeling of excruciating pain in order to prevent the killings.
Amanda was there probably because Sun still had psychotic episode and New Moon started being more aggressive then so she's a reminder of that. We could how much Sun was scared in that episode. And Banban - he apologized for taking kidneys which is a callback to when Banban showed up for the second time and he found meat hidden in Daycare's floor. Which definitely reminded Sun of July 16th incident which was one of the most traumatising events in Sun's life.
Sun's mind wants him to aknowledge his own trauma. And those apologies reflects that Sun felt deeply hurt by what they did to him. Moon represents Sun's want to forigve them. The fact that they're apologizing to Sun shows us that he believes deep down that they can change. And Sun deep down wants for them all to be family and friends.
His hesitation reflects how he is unsure if this is even possible for any of them or just simply anyone to apologize to him. Sun never ever asked for apology. He never said "it would be great if you apologized to me" or "I'm waiting for my apology". It's caused by trauma from Old Moon's abuse. Old Moon rarely apologized to Sun to the point that when New Moon or anyone else does that he is dumbfounded by this. After Old Moon hit Sun in Beta 10 he never expressed that he's deeply hurt by everything that others did to him. And he probably thinks that he has no right to ask for an apology. Because after all, he could've done more, he could've tried harder to help, to stop bad things from happening. It's all his fault so he can't ask for any apology.
Sun's mind tries to remind him that he's traumatised. How we know that Sun didn't aknowledge his trauma? He told Moon in yesterday's episode "I really doubt my psychological trauma would have done that weird dream". Are you kidding me, Sun? Of course it's your trauma that caused that weird dream! 😭
I'm glad that Moon keeps an eye on Sun cause Sun wouldn't survive on his own. Glad that Moon keeps track on those small details that raise the concern for Sun's well-being. Like for example Sun drinking alcohol daily which he shouldn't do when he suffers from mental disorder (I'll never shut up about it) or Sun drinking caffeine before sleep - depending on the amount of caffeine someone drinks it can worsen psychotic symptoms especially in schizophrenia or mood disorders such as bipolar disorder.
But there's something else that stood out to me in yesterday's episode. Moon said that he feels like he has to remind Sun to dry his pants. Did that happen before? Did Sun jump into the water and had to dry his pants before? How many times did that happen before? Sun forgetting to dry himself or just simply not doing it might mean that he doesn't take good care of himself. Cause maybe Sun forgets to do other things around himself and Moon has to remind him of that.
That's why I'm glad that Moon keeps an eye on Sun. New Moon really cares about Sun and tries his best to take care of Sun despite Sun not opening up about anything. I'm so proud of Moon 🥹
Though I wish that he could try to find a new more professional therapist for Sun cause Sun definitely needs help his family can't provide to him.
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Pennyroyal
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
*Poisonous *Medical *Masculine
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Folk Names: European Pennyroyal, Lurk-In-The-Ditch, Mosquito Plant, Organ Broth, Organs, Organ Tea, Piliolerian, Pudding Grass, Run-By-The-Ground, Squaw Mint, Tickweed
Planet: Mars, Venus
Element: Fire
Deity: Demeter
Abilities: Protection, Amplification, Revealing Secrets, Peace and Strength
Why Poisonous?: The oil from pennyroyals contains pulegone, a colorless oily liquid that as a pleasant odor that is found in pennyroyals, peppermint and camphor. It causes failure to the kidneys and liver, which results in bleeding, seizures, multiple organ failure and death. Many women have died trying to use pennyroyal oil in order to induce an abortion.
Do not consume the oil.
Characteristics: It has a powerful aromatic scent and is a perennial plant, growing to 16 inches. It has oval, toothed leaves with spirals of lilac flowers. It thrives in damp areas and blooms its flowers in the summer.
History: Native to Europe and western Asia. In 23-79 CE Roman natural historian, Pliny, wrote that the pennyroyal was a better medicinal herb than roses and purified bad water. It is called pennyroyal because it was good for the extermination of puliol royals, a type of flea. It was said it was used in witchcraft in order to cause people to see double and a protection plant in Sicily to protect from the evil eye. In Wales, it was gathered on St. John’s Eve for the benefit of “a person who has lost consciousness in the consequence of an illness.” (In other words patients in comas).
Growing Pennyroyals:
Are they easy to grow? Yes
Rating: Beginner Friendly
Seeds Accessible: No
How to Grow
Video Reference
Where to Buy Seeds
Magical Usage:
Can be used to boost magical energy for spell work
When placed on a picture of yourself or another person, can repel evil or bring good health
Placed in one’s shoes can prevent weariness during travel and strength your body
Kept in the home will prevent lover’s quarrels
Can be carried when you travel abroad boats to prevent sea sickness
Medical Usage
Is a good digestive tonic for intestinal worms, relieve gas and stomach aches
In tea form, it can help with chills, colds, bronchitis and asthma. Can also help with blood sugar and inducing menstruation
Can be used externally to treat itchiness and formication, the feeling of ants crawling on your body, and rheumatic conditions such as gout.
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scientologisabethmoss · 8 months
aging is undeniably a gift! it is! it isn’t a smug thing to say that, and asserting that doesn’t mean that elder care in this country isn’t deeply messed up, or that the quality of life and care in most of our nation’s nursing homes isn’t absolutely dismal. there’s a big difference between saying “aging is a gift not given to many” to an anxiety-ridden 26-year-old thinking about preventative botox and whether the best years of her life are behind her, and me thinking that about my 95-year-old senile grandmother with kidney failure who is miserable, scared, and refuses hygienic care in her assisted living facility. and the thing is that even though 99.99% of the people going on about how aging is a gift are NOT referring to people in my grandmother’s condition, i STILL believe that aging was a gift for my grandmother because she lived a pretty full life, up until she was in her early 80s and my grandfather passed away. and even my grandmother has said that there is a huge difference between how she felt at 90 versus how frail and despondent she feels at 95 now.
but most people don’t even make it to 90. many don’t even make it to 70! so saying “aging is a gift” to a 20-something person freaking out about turning 50 in a few decades is not a callous or an inaccurate thing to say. it also doesn’t negate that getting older ain’t for wimps, either.
just engage with people in good faith about this, please.
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What if Bella has a miscarriage during her pregnancy?
Honestly, in a slightly more sane world, this would be more likely. It was highly shocking Bella's body carried a child with that funky of genes to term.
Well, except that the womb itself seemed to have been infected first perhaps to prevent such rejection.
Reminding me once again that Twilight is actually the missing installment in the Alien franchise.
But anyways, Bella miscarries.
... Nothing good, anon.
Bella Miscarries in the First Two Weeks
In this case, I'm sure Bella has no idea what the fuck is up. She just had a really bad day on the toilet, in utter agony, and she looks down and there's this bleeding blob thing there.
Was that her period?
I imagine Bella and Edward return early from their honeymoon and get Carlisle to check her out. He listens to all of this and is very confused when Bella confesses that her period was just a month ago (as this sounds like a miscarriage in the first trimester). Carlisle likely wonders if she's lying, if she knows what happened and had an affair with Jacob, and probably panics as he has no idea what to do in this situation.
Bella and Edward should talk, but the timing is that it would have been when the pair were broken up anyway, and what good would come of Edward knowing this?
It would just torment him.
"I think it was your period, ah ha ha ha" Carlisle says and refuses to talk about this.
Bella ends up going to college, not turned, as Edward has managed to string her along with sex.
Bella's periods keep being really fucking weird and painful.
She has no idea what's up with that.
Bella does eventually wonder if this is a side effect of having sex with a vampire, as this didn't happen before Isle Esme, but is terrified of telling Edward as much as then they'll stop having sex.
MY PERIODS ARE AMAZING she tells him instead.
Bella Miscarries Later
Here, Bella knows she's lost a child, worse, it's the child she risked everything to protect. She went against both Edward and Jacob's wishes, pitted Rosalie against them, and she knows they've just been hoping for the child to die.
Now, Bella's relationships are in shambles, she has no child, and her body is a wreck.
Likely, due to the starvation and weight of carrying Renesmee, Bella experiences extreme health issues. Her digestive tract doesn't go back to normal, she can only drink human blood. Her uterus is made of lead and a black box, the skin of her abdomen is crystalline, I imagine she may be experiencing liver/kidney failure as well.
Bella can't remain human for long in this state.
Despite this, Edward is cheerful as the spawn of satan is dead and Bella's human still. Now they can go to university! (Bella can't go to university, she's dying) Edward plans out the human future Bella didn't want while Bella's there, gaunt as a skeleton, drinking human blood out of a cup.
I imagine Bella realizes that they've lost something they can never recover, they can never go back, and that Edward will never turn her of his own free will.
Bella is dying and he's talking about all the human milestones she should have.
He's even bringing up her trying to have a normal, human, child again as if it's possible (Carlisle has told her it likely isn't anymore) and that she can just--replace the child she lost.
I imagine Bella asks Carlisle to turn her but that she and Edward... never really recover and Edward simply doesn't understand why or how. He has no idea what went wrong and views the Renesmee debacle as an unfortunate hiccup/dark period in their lives.
Jacob tries to murder Bella after she's been turned, unwilling to see her like this after the stress of all that has happened, and the family has to leave.
Bella loses everything and Edward is now resentful of her being a vampire as well.
The Cullen life turns out to be nothing she wanted at all.
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
hey dude, saw your post about abortion, and based on your url i'm assuming you're a woman. you're saying you believe that no matter the consequence you are going to stand with the group that is limiting the rights of women. That if a ten year old gets raped she should be forced to go through months and months of stress her body is not meant to handle that she may die from, but if she doesn't she will most certainly be even more traumatized. If a teenager is too immature to adopt, why are they suddenly mature enough to have a child of their own? That if a woman's preventative measures fail during sex she should have to have a child now (though the man *might* have to pay child support *maybe*). That women should be forced to bring a child into this world even if they *know* they don't have the means to raise the child and it may starve and die, and if it doesn't their childhood will still be deeply damaging and traumatizing. That you support women getting unsafe abortions (because studies show abortion numbers don't go down when it's banned, just the survival rate). Anti-abortionism is getting legislation passed that forces these situations. And all of these are real examples that have really happened. If someone is going to die from kidney failure and another person has a healthy kidney, we don't force the healthy person to donate a kidney to keep another person alive: that would be a violation of bodily autonomy. Telling a woman to not abort a fetus is the same thing - telling her what to make sacrifices to her own body to keep another person alive.
So why did you post that?
Hello Anon,
I posted that because (as I state in my bio) I'm a Catholic, and a scientist, and I believe that from the moment of conception, the zygote/embryo/fetus/infant/child is it's own person with equal rights and dignity. All of those designations are medical terms for a small human at different stages of development: from even the first day, the child has its own DNA. At four weeks the heartbeat starts, which is usually when women have missed one cycle and realize they are pregnant. At 12 weeks, by the end of the first trimester, when most abortions are performed, all organs are fully formed and simply need to grow.
This is an issue of bodily autonomy, but it is the child's life that is being violated. It is a human rights issue, not only a women's rights issue. This is not the same as the kidney transfer example because a child is not a part of the mother's body. A more accurate example would be asking if it is right to kill someone perfectly healthy for their kidney to keep another person alive - No matter the consequence, I am going to stand with a group that acknowledges the unborn child is a person, and wants to protect the rights of both the mother and the child throughout the pregnancy.
That being said, I understand where your concerns come from and I do not want to dismiss your anxiety and frustration. I do care about each and every one of those women you mentioned and so I'm going to provide some resources that may help you understand where I'm coming from and how we all can help mothers in crisis.
Rape is a horrible crime and nobody (man or woman) should ever suffer that experience. The child conceived out of rape did not have a choice in the conditions of their creation. They are just as much a victim as the mother. In the case of any complications, an abortion clinic will not have the resources available to care for both the mother and the child. Any woman in a life-threatening pregnancy should go to the ER instead, and these woman should receive counseling and support, not a surgeon telling them their problems will be gone after they get rid of the child. Abortion is also proven to be extremely traumatic for many women, and there is no way to look at this situation that isn't thoroughly miserable, but performing an emergency C-section as soon as possible is still preferable to making that young woman also suffer the death of her child. I encourage you to read Kathy Barnette's story: she was conceived in rape when her mother was 12 years old and her testimony is extremely powerful.
Less than 1% of abortions occur for cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother. The rest are elective, due to family pressures, lack of support from her partner, financial struggles, still being in school, or a myriad of other reasons. Again, a child does not have any choice in the conditions of their conception. Pro-Lifers support legislation that would require the father to pay child support through the pregnancy, longer paid maternity/paternity leave, and other relief programs to support women in crisis pregnancy situations, and until that legislation is passed, we are setting up women's shelters and resource centers to help by putting our money and time where our mouth is. These services such as pregnancy tests, prenatal and parenting classes, essential supplies, counseling, post-abortive medical care, adoption support and funding, maternity housing, and more are (depending on location) very often completely free. Planned Parenthood does also supply these services, but always at a charge, because they know women are desperate. If you or someone you know is in this situation, seek out help through 40 Days for Life and their associated national organizations.
The pressure to abort and the increased risk of death from "back-alley" abortions in these situations comes from a societal problem that can be solved with proper support structures. Additionally, abortion clinics are not held to the same safety standards as hospitals and crisis pregnancy clinics. In my home state of Pennsylvania - in the very liberal areas of Allentown and Philadelphia, there have been several cases of the department of health refusing to investigate violations because "it's wrong to get in the way of a woman's right to abortion" leading to the deaths and endangerment of minority women. This year, the Allentown Planned Parenthood was cited for violating the state requirement to test women for the Rh protein. Kermit Gosnell was an active serial killer as recent as 2011. The investigative journalist who uncovered this story has produced a film and true crime podcast about this clinic, which I encourage you to watch and listen to.
After Roe v Wade was passed, abortion was supposed to become safe, and rare. It is neither of those things. 60 MILLION children have been lost to abortion in our generation. That's roughly one third of my peers. To top it all off, Margaret Sanger, the founder of PP, was a notorious racist, and most locations today still target underprivileged minority neighborhoods in the inner cities. Sex and Disability selective abortions are mostly still legal, and so baby girls and disabled kids are especially at risk. How can that be feminist? Despite being the most common genetic disorder with 1/800 kids being diagnosed and a very high survival rate and quality of life, roughly 90% of children with Down Syndrome have been aborted. this is eugenics, plain and simple.
Abortion does not help women or solve the problem of a society that does not support mothers and families and the minorities of the world. All it does is hide the problem and perpetuate this broken system behind a veneer of "progressiveness". I apologize if this upset you, but this is my opinion, and if you do not agree, you are welcome to unfollow me. Usually I keep this blog politics-free and post all non-writing stuff to a sideblog, but I accidentally missed that post, and for the sake of completeness, I will post this publicly here as well. My DMs are open if you want to continue this discussion.
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puppyexpressions · 11 months
Holiday Pet Safety Tips
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The Dangers Associated With Christmas Trees
While you may have visions of stringing popcorn garlands, tinsel strands, and salt dough ornaments along your beautiful fir tree, your pet will be drooling at your feet, eager to make a snack out of the conveniently hung treats. Even without food-based and shiny decorations, your Christmas tree can pose a threat to your furry friend. Before setting up your Christmas card photo of your pet bedecked in antlers or an elf hat in front of the tree, consider these potential hazards:
Live Trees: Fir, spruce, and pine trees make excellent Christmas trees and are generally non-toxic to pets. The needles, however, can cause oral irritation and in excessive amounts, gastrointestinal upset.1
Artificial Trees: Although fake trees are oil- and sap-free, they can create gastrointestinal issues, depending on what material makes up the tree.  
Fertilized Water: If you put your Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving, you will want to ensure it lasts until Christmas by adding fertilizer or preservatives to the water. These chemicals, mold, and bacteria can make your pet ill if they drink from the tree stand.2  
Ornaments: Your pet may think your glass baubles, clay keepsakes, and ceramic ornaments are excellent toys for batting, but they can crash to the floor and shatter, cutting paws.  
Lights: Dazzling strands of light can intrigue your cat and delight your dog, but are choking hazards and can lead to electrical burns.  
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Holiday Plant Poisons
Besides the star attraction of the Christmas season, other holiday plants can take the stage with causing toxicity in your pet. Avoid these four most dangerous plants when decorating for the holidays:
Mistletoe: This plant can cause gastrointestinal upset and in rare cases, cardiovascular problems with cats and dogs.
Holly: The holly plant can create mechanical injuries through its pointed leaves. Holly also contains soap-like compounds in the berries, called saponins, which can cause issues if consumed. The berries and leaves are toxic to pets and can lead to salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Lilies: Cats are highly sensitive to lilies. In fact, they’re so sensitive that grooming lily pollen off their fur can lead to kidney failure.  Other signs of lily toxicity can include gastrointestinal upset, heart arrhythmias, and convulsions. Dogs do not develop kidney failure from eating lilies like cats do, but may have some minor stomach upset.
Amaryllis: The bulb of this beautiful bloom can cause salivation or oral irritation and excessive quantities can cause gastrointestinal upset.
You may wonder why the poinsettia is not listed as a toxic holiday plant. Although many people believe that poinsettias can kill their pets, that is a rarity.  A pet would have to ingest a massive amount of this plant to cause poisoning, and most pets won’t eat a large enough amount because of the irritating taste and feel from the sap. At most, your pet may experience vomiting and salivation, but will likely stop eating the plant once she discovers how irritating the sap is to their mouth and throat. To be on the safe side, ensure all plants are kept out of paw’s reach. 
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How to Prevent Christmas Plant Toxicities in Your Pet
Avoid dampening your holiday cheer with an emergency veterinary visit by following these tips:
Double check your plant placement. Consider keeping your holiday plants behind closed doors in people-only rooms instead.
If your pet is a known chewer, choose artificial plants over real ones. But, too much chewing on plastic or fabric plants can lead to a foreign body obstruction if ingested.
Barricade your Christmas tree behind baby gates or pens to keep your pet out.
When in doubt, check out the ASPCA’s list of toxic and non-toxic plants before adding greenery and bright blooms to your home. But, if your pet nibbles on your plant, no matter what type, be sure to contact your veterinarian or animal poison control for advice.
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bastionofbibliophiles · 7 months
On Being Pro-Choice and Pro-Life
I think that in the ideal world we should all strive for, nobody would get an abortion. Not because they are illegal, but because they are unnecessary.
Think of the reasons someone might decide to have an abortion. They largely boil down to two types of cases:
I do not want to have a child right now, but became pregnant despite that.
I do want to have a child right now and successfully became pregnant, but I found out that there is a medical problem with the pregnancy that makes it dangerous/deadly for me and/or the embryo/fetus.
To prevent case 2, we need to fund research into pregnancy and fetal development to find ways to cure/prevent pregnancy complications, and we need to make sure treatments for such complications are inexpensive and accessible for everyone. Someone in a case-2 situation doesn't want to get an abortion, they just see it as the only option. They wanted to have a child, they found out they were going to have a child, and then it was snatched away from them. We need to give people better options to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.
To prevent case 1, we need to make sure that people only become pregnant when they want to actually be pregnant. That means we need things like:
Comprehensive sex education for everyone by the time they reach puberty. If someone's body is capable of becoming pregnant or getting someone else pregnant, they need to know how it works, what it entails, and how to recognize potentially abusive situations (including from family members).
Multiple overlapping forms of contraceptive. All involved people should know how to properly use condoms. All involved people, regardless of assigned-gender-at-birth, should also have access to inexpensive, reliable, non-prescription medicinal contraceptive with minimal side effects. That means we need multiple types, since everyone's body reacts differently to medicine. Ideally this should include long-term contraceptives like implants, so someone is protected even in horrible abuse situations like rape or a partner lying about their use of condoms or their own contraceptives.
Better instillment of respect for consent and personal boundaries, to reduce instances of rape.
NOT relying on "abstinence only", because sure, abstinence works if everyone is willing to abstain, but all of human history proves that most people are not willing to abstain and will just do it less-safely instead of not at all.
We should also make sure that parents and children are supported after birth, so potential-parents know they will be able to take care of any kids they may want to have.
Until and unless we eliminate all instances of case-1 and case-2 situations, abortion needs to remain legal and accessible. I can't force you or your wife/sister/daughter to donate a kidney, even if I'm dying of kidney failure and your/her kidney would save my life. I shouldn't be able to force you to carry a child you don't want or endure major health complications from a failed pregnancy, either.
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wayfaringmd · 2 years
Hi Wayfaring! My dad found out that he has kidney disease from his autoimmune disease getting worse. We hear a lot of terms like kidney function % and protein being in his urine. Would you please do a lil rundown on kidney disease and what these things mean? Can kidney function improve and can the cells regrow or is it just that he needs to stop it getting worse because they can’t be repaired? Thank you :)
Ok, here’s some basic definitions for kidney disease:
- GFR or creatinine clearance: a number indicating how well the kidneys are filtering proteins and other wastes out of the blood. A normal GFR would be >60. When they’re talking about % of normal kidney function that’s more of a layman’s term and isn’t as specific.
- chronic kidney disease: broken down into stages defined by GFR or creatinine clearance. Stages 1 and 2 are essentially normal kidney function. Stage 3 (3a is a GFR of 45-59. 3b is GFR of 30-44) is where we start having to adjust dosages on certain drugs because the kidneys don’t clear them as quickly as normal. Stage 5 (GFR of <15) is end stage renal failure, where a person would be on dialysis and/or a transplant list.
- protein being in the urine is basically from leaky filters. There are lots of things that can cause protein in the urine.
Kidney function can improve depending on what is damaging it. In the case of an autoimmune disease, it typically clogs up the filtration system with antibodies, so as the antibodies decrease, the filtration improves. The problem comes when things get so clogged up that the tissue can’t get adequate oxygen and dies. That would not be reversible and the kidney does not regenerate like the liver does. Knowing whether the damage was permanent or not would really require a kidney biopsy. Ultimately with kidney disease you try to slow down progression of disease as much as possible to prevent having to move to dialysis or transplant.
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
Understanding The Kidney Infection in Detail
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You’re probably not on the lookout for indicators of a kidney infection all of the time. However, a urinary tract infection (UTI)
can lead to an infection in one or both kidneys, so it’s an ailment to keep an eye on. Once you have been diagnosed with UTI, it’s time to take care of your pair of kidneys. So think twice before skipping any of those antibiotics that your doctor has prescribed. Here is what you need to know about kidney infection symptoms
, where it hurt when you have one, and many more.
What is a kidney infection?
Urinary tract infection is the most common cause of kidney infection that can spread upwards and can affect one or both kidneys. The infection may be acute or persistent. They’re usually painful, and if they’re not treated very away, they can be fatal.
In most cases, the infection is caused by E.coli bacteria.
Pyelonephritis is the medical terminology for kidney infection.
Also, Read — Suffering UTI or Kidney Infection?- Here Is What You Need To Know
How long can you have a kidney infection without knowing?
You will have the symptoms of kidney infection after two to three days after infection. Do not neglect any of the initial symptoms as kidney infection can become deadly, if not treated in time.
Can a kidney infection go away on its own?
A kidney infection can lead to a life-threatening condition. You should seek medical advice
and get it treated. Otherwise, the complications include-
Kidney failure
Kidney damage
High blood pressure
Kidney abscess or pus formation
Also, Read — 7 Best Kidney Transplant Hospitals in India
How to treat kidney infection?
To alleviate the kidney infection symptoms, your healthcare provider
will prescribe
OTC (over-the-counter) pain medications like ibuprofen, and naproxen for the pain
Antibiotics to reduce the bacterial load
Drink as much fluid as possible till the color of your urine become pale. This will flush out the bacteria from your body.
Take ample rest to fight off the infection.
Do not take any medicines (pain killers with aspirin), as this can increase the chances of bleeding.
A serious kidney infection will almost certainly require hospitalization. In this situation, antibiotics and hydration will be administered by an intravenous (IV) injection or infusion.
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Kidney Infection — Symptoms, Prevention, Cause | HealthTripWhere Does It Hurt When You Have a Kidney Infection? — Here is what you need to know about kidney infection symptoms, where does it hurt when you have one, and many more.
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