#Human Sacrifice
luimagines · 3 months
Sacrificial Dues
Another Commission!
They asked for a human sacrifice to the one and only Fierce Deity. The events are as follows. Enjoy!
Content under the cut!
It was at dawn, at the waking breaths of the earth when there was a shift of change in the air. It happened every now and then, but the air itself tasted different. Sweet. Sour. Acrid. Strange. It was strange. It was personal.
He had no name that he would have assigned himself. He was created with a purpose. His only job was to see it through. The humans however were less enthralled with the concept.
They had called him The Fierce Deity, a being worthy of praise or of contempt depending on who you ask.
He was fine with either, knowing that so long as no one was in his way to protect the humans from themselves and of other threats that sought to do them harm, he could handle any indignity that the universe threw at him. 
The way the humans looked at the way he worked was one of curiosity and reverence. The occasional unease trickled through the humans every now and then. More often than not, his presence was often followed by a surging sense of foreboding. The humans knew that wherever he went, violence was sure to follow.
Due to their misconceptions, they often sent him gifts for mercy- in vain hopes that his blade would never come against their people and to buy his peace and protection from the threats to them and their land.
The Fierce Deity would have done so regardless. It was his purpose. But the reason for his existence didn’t dictate that he shouldn’t accept the gifts and he wasn’t inclined to correct the people if it meant that they would give their continued cooperation. 
He was on his way to pick up the leftover gift when the stench in the air all but disturbed his very sense of balance. The humans were waiting for him. As in, multiple humans.
They had never bothered to wait for him before.
Cautious, he approached the no doubt fearful group. And it was a group. There were at least five individuals. Most appeared to be male (although he never considered himself very good at telling the humans apart from one another), but there was one in a bright, white gown that no doubt held significance to the humans he protected, but one he never bothered to learn.
All the humans bowed low to the ground at once, save for the one in the dress and waited until he stood in front of them to speak. They were all shaking, but only the one in the dress dared to look at him. Intriguing. The Deity noted this with a hidden grin. He favored the brave.
They were striking in appearance, adorned with many fine metals and jewels that were meant to accentuate their appearance. It worked. The god found himself fascinated by the particular shade of their eyes and the lines of their features.
“Oh great and mighty Fierce Deity.” One of the humans spoke with his face to the dirt. It had halted his blizzard fascination with the mortal they deemed worthy of being in his presence. “We have little to give. A famine has desecrated our lands and there is nothing of substance for Your Grace.”
The Fierce Deity stayed silent, for there was little he could do or say about the matter.
The human continued. “In hopes of mercy and time for the land to heal and produce, we offer the most beautiful of our people to you. They are yours to do with as you see fit.”
He stared at the pitiful man in the dirt by his boots. The deity… was perplexed  to say the least. He had no need for the humans to sacrifice to him to begin with. It was never part of his duties or his vows or purpose.
The human in question, now that the context was beginning to dawn on him, was tied by the wrists and no doubt tied by their ankles as well. 
Anger churred dangerously in his gut before he found the will to speak. He tried to cause as little fear in the humans as he could but this warranted the terror he’d produce in their hearts. “Are they a willing sacrifice?”
He may not be the most benevolent creature, but he wasn’t cruel. Ruthless, yes. Many a time. But cruel? He was built to protect, not destroy. The very thought made his blood boil. After all this time, had they thought so little of him? After everything he’s done for them?
His words had shaken the mortals to their core, giving the rope around his “sacrifice’s” wrists a deeper, far more twisted meaning. He raised his hand to the hilt of his sword before the mortal in question stepped forward, putting them between him and their captors.
“I am willing.” They said, swallowing the last of their fear, meeting his eyes at last. He could see their shoulders shake with the strength and force they exuded to keep their tremors hidden from his gaze. The Fierce Deity was trained to notice such subtleties in body language on all fronts, but once more, he admired their courage.
“Very well.” He rolled his shoulders, hoping to quell the unease and fury coiling around in his stomach. “And what am I to do with a human sacrifice?”
“Whatever you see fit.” Came a reply from the dirt before the sacrifice could answer for themselves. “A slave, a companion, a meal, a lover- just have mercy on us and our village.”
He growled.
The mortals flinched at the inhumane sound, attempting to burrow themselves into the ground as it was. Even his steely-eyed sacrifice had turned their gaze away with a wince at the otherworldly portrayal of rage.
“I may have to reconsider our arrangement.” He took a step back but took a breath to calm himself. Desperation drives even the most sane ones to madness. He will do himself no favors if he exudes punishment when they feel as if they have run out of options. Instead, he reaches a hand toward the adorned jewel among them, forcing his touch and demeanor into a more gentler tone. “Come. No harm will come to you… or your village.”
No matter how much he wanted to personally rain hell fire for this subordination. 
A life is a life and should never be used to curry favors.
The thought nearly had him growling once more at the back of his throat. He managed to quell the instinctual response for the sake of his impromptu guest, but he will have to have a heavy handed conversation with such village dwellers when he returns from his patrol.
Hesitantly, the mortal thrust into his care placed their hand in his, allowing their trust (and their very life) to be put into the palm of his hand.
“...Thank you.” Their near impossibly quiet voice was a gunshot through the tense atmosphere. He had thought they would be braver, more robust and forthcoming, but perhaps that had been in the moment of fear. And frankly, in comparison to the other mortals that had dropped to the earth at the sight of him, there was little contest between the two parties.
All the other mortals had all but fainted on the spot, relief filling every fiber of their beings as they went back to his domain. Once they had traveled a fair distance away from any more prying eyes, the Fierce Deity turned on his heel and took out his less impressive blade. A simple dagger, but just as sharp and deadly as his double helix sword.
He held the blade up and his… pet? The word felt infinitesimally wrong. Tossing the descriptors aside for now, he noticed that they had closed their eyes at the sight of a weapon in his hands. Their head had turned away and once more their shoulders shook with the effort they exuded to keep a calm facade.
He cut the ropes around their wrists.
It fell away at once.
Their head snapped to their wrists, taking in the weight of his actions. The Fierce Deity also took in the exposed flesh before him. Gently, he cradled their hands, looking at their abused wrists that had been rubbed raw from the coarse material that had bound them. He would need to find a salve for them. The skin was red and angry, flaking at certain parts to show that damage had taken place, but there was no blood. It would heal, unlikely to even scar.
Their breath had hitched under his consideration. He gently returned their hands to their sides. “Are you injured anywhere else?”
“You’re not going to kill me?” They blurted in response, clutching their wrists close to their chest. “I thought… I thought you’d-”
“I am not the cold hearted killer as you humans love to portray me.” He says in a not so quiet voice despite his best attempts. “I get no pleasure from the destruction of the innocent.”
Anger returned to the edges of his skin. It was bubbling with unrestrained energy at the implications of this so-called sacrifice. The mortal rubbed their wrists, following at the same slow pace he had kept them at despite his subconscious shift in speed. It was only when he had noticed they had begun to fall back did he remember his previous question and intent.
Groaning inwardly, he turned once more and stopped in front of the mortal. “I don’t like to repeat myself, but I am inclined to admit this was my own folly. However, for future reference, do not test my patience. I had asked if you were injured elsewhere.”
The mortal stood frozen to the earth before slowly lowering their head at long last. “...My ankles are also tied up.”
Inwardly, the Fierce Deity cursed, but that would have been very ungentlemanly behavior toward this poor soul. Scowling over this morning's events wasn’t beneath him however, so he lowered himself to the dirt and lifted the hem of the dress. “Excuse me.”
They squeaked, but made no move to stop him as he pushed the silken material aside. He reached in, taking their leg in his hand and pulled it towards him. His hands were rough and calloused from constant use and abuse from his battles and training regiment but their skin was nothing of the sort. It was soft, almost as silken as the dress they donned. He kept his gaze low, not wanting to appear too wanton but the skin contact was inciting reactions he hadn’t known he was capable of experiencing. 
He made no comment about it and said nothing to give away the thoughts in his head.
The Fierce Deity pulled the leg closer to him- until it was pulled taut against an opposing force. The rope. Leaning closer so that it would be easier for the both of them, he once again took up his dagger and reached for the rope within the fabric.
Their hands landed on his much larger shoulders to keep their balance as he quickly did away with the physical limitation to their mobility. Afterwards, he cut away the knot found at the base at their leg, right where they said it would be. His fingertips lingered for a moment longer.
They would have to apply more salve to the irritated skin than he initially guessed but their shoes (also adorned in a higher fashion to match the rest of the gown and jewels) had protected much of their flesh as it was.
Slowly, hoping to not startle this already shaken individual, he moved to the other side and repeated the process of gently moving the gown away and reaching for their leg. To his surprise, they cooperated quickly and allowed him to take the knot away from their other foot.
Once the job was complete, he detached himself quickly. No need to entertain strange and primal thoughts.
“Come.” He spoke again, leading them deeper in unknown territory. Since they were now free from their bonds, they were able to move at a much faster pace- however his stride was not easily matched by anyone and the Fierce Deity found himself needing to slow down in order to keep them close.
He may not live in the most dangerous part of the land (his very presence is enough to keep even the more foolish monsters at bay) but that didn’t mean that threats weren’t watching them both from within the shadows among them.
“Oh.” They exclaimed quietly to themselves when they had arrived at his home. They seemed surprised, although he could not fathom why. He looked at them and as if on cue, they were rambling to explain themselves. “I didn’t think you would have lived…. Like this.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I have never needed much. What were you expecting?”
“Not a hut.” Came their honest reply. “I thought… a palace would have been more suited to you. Somewhere big and grandiose… not… Well, not this.”
He chuckled, startling his companion once more. “You humans know so little about me. Your assumptions are amusing.”
They laughed in return but it was stunted and weak. They were still nervous. “If… I may be so bold… what happens to me now?”
That was the question, wasn’t it? The Fierce Deity sighed and closed the distance to the front door. Opening it, he gestured to his guest to follow him in. “I do not intend to cause you harm. You need not fear for your safety or your life. However, I have no need for a servant or a slave…. And I do not enjoy the taste of human flesh.”
He added that last part in jest, hoping to dispel any lingering reservations about his violent nature. It didn’t appear to stick as he had hoped, then again, his voice was unnaturally stoic. “I will give you the choice to leave if you wish. There isn’t anything for you here.”
“...May I stay?”
Once more, this mortal had left him perplexed and intrigued. He had noted before that their braver had kept their head up even as he, with all the wrong assumptions in their head, had approached them. He was willing to bet that they had more courage than all the sniveling fools in their village had to offer.
“Why stay? I have nothing for you.” Aside from protection of course, but that was a given due to his nature.
Shocking him once more as their gaze reached his eyes, they spoke. “I have nowhere else to go. I came here willingly, knowing that I would never be accepted back in my village. If I return, I will be shunned and exiled for failing my task to please you.”
Something stirred within him once more at their words. “...I see.”
Interestingly, he had noticed that he had spoken more in this instance, in their company, than he had in many, many years. It was nice. Enjoyable even.
“Then you may stay.”
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vexwerewolf · 9 months
If your religion prescribes death for certain crimes, that's human sacrifice. Sorry buddy, but entirely regardless of the secular ethics of capital punishment, a religious decree demanding the death of a person to balance moral scales is just a fancy way of demanding a human sacrifice.
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agentrouka-blog · 5 months
I find it infinitely fascinating that Dany - even outside a purely Targaryen context - follows the footsteps of her female ancestors and is married far too young, is pregnant with a prophecy baby, and would have likely died giving birth to a deformed stillborn half-dragon fetus. A disposable vessel for a flawed incarnation of war and conquest, given no room for her own desires, her own inherent worth.
And a healer saves her from this fate. She helps her survive the traumatic birth even though she is in conflict with Dany and her people, has been victimized by Dany and her people. Dany is allowed to escape the cycle of birthing a conqueror. Is allowed to escape the cycle of dying for men's ambition.
And then she turns that healer into a vessel for her weapon of war, burns her alive to birth herself a conqueror. Mirri screams in agony to give life to Dany's ambitions. The maternal sacrifice to Dany patriarchical consummation of her body and life.
Dany could have chosen a painful lesson and freedom. She chose to uphold the oppressive cycle, with herself at the top now. The half-human dead child fully replaced by reptiles that will kill for her within a year.
Mother, she calls herself.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I got kidnapped by a cult and were going to use me as a human sacrifice, but instead of chanting something creepy they chanted the lyrics to Big Lizard by The Dead Milkmen.
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grayrazor · 7 months
Eldritch cult takes over a major corporation. Refers to the Outer Gods as "The Shareholders." None of the old employees notice anything is any different.
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bloodybosom · 1 month
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Norman Saunders, The Devil's Mistress, 1961
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oriondrawsthings · 5 days
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Terzo's Rebellion - Page 6 of 8
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editsulli · 1 month
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oldschoolfrp · 11 months
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That old time religion -- Followers of Wakboth (the Devil, the Doom of the World) seek a return to the Great Darkness when Chaos reigned across Glorantha (Guillaume Sorel, Runequest supplement Les Dieux de Glorantha, Oriflam for Avalon Hill & Chaosium, 1987)
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oldmandoomer · 8 months
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The Offering - ink. 2023
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madame-helen · 18 days
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catwyk · 5 months
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silt verses s2e7 fav ep of anything ever forever and ever
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a-whispering-echo · 8 months
The God's.
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hehe, this is the first thing i've done for this au of mine here!
its the one au I have where Killer and Dust do NOT ike each other.
You can totally ask me about them if you want, and i might do some more stuff with hem, and the others <3
no text vers under the cut <3
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skarkkk · 5 months
Ok, ok, so, I read this post (and loved it) and the idea was instantaneous. Maybe I'll write it, maybe I won't, but I need it written down, so if anyone is interested.
Imagine a case of human sacrifices. The boys are called (Niko alive and with them!) to this case through a ghost who was sacrificed and seeks justice and can pay well. Then they find out that these people are being sacrificed to the Cat King. A witch turned one of his cats into a human (Esther and Monty style) and the cat becomes a bit fanatical and sacrifices people as gifts, secret admirer style. Edwin is clearly jealous. And the Cat King helps them with the case, just to get close to his ghost. In the middle of the case or when it ends, Edwin admits (by accident) that he was jealous and the Cat King simply loves that fact. Then he asks permission for a kiss, and it happens. And I would love a more explicit scene from them with lots of dirty talk and compliment kink, but I'll take any crumbs.
First time: in the middle of the case there may even be the cat finding out and going after Edwin and King Cat becoming super protective (and the team, obviously) and having another kiss in front of the people or later, in private. Or the second version, after the affair, like farewell sex, and Edwin talking about how he loved it to Charles or Niko and there's a cute moment of friendship.
Also in the scene there are two possibilities, either the boys and Crystal still living there with Niko to stay with her while she recovers or Niko finding out about the case through this ghost she found in the library or I don't know and talking to the boys and them coming from London (hence the farewell sex) and then returning there, or even the four of them living in London and the ghost going after them (or even Gato Rei asking for help) to ask for help and them going to city of Gato Rei (I forgot the name) and then returning to London (or maybe they stay and open an office?).
Anyway, maybe I thought about this a little too much.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
The class clown sacrificed my friends to a bunny cult.
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undeadorion · 5 days
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The unfiltered full panel of the latest comic page. Cause I'm very pleased without it came out. And it took S O L O N G
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