thevellaunderground · 4 months
Die! Die! The Scout Element
by Chance Nix (Author) As posted by the author on Kindle Vella. Modern cowboys, the US Marines, ride across the vast desert in steel horses called humvees. The 1st war of the 21st century is no longer house to house. It’s moved mobile. With IEDs, mortar and sniper teams, as well as an endless road, the men who call themselves the Road Warriors are on a top secret mission. The kind where if you…
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defensenow · 4 months
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gameofthrones2020 · 1 year
Why Were There no Mass Style World War II Tank Battles During the Ukraine War
For the reader unaware of the Ukraine war, it has been taking place since 2014 until the present day. This is a conflict being waged by the Russian Federation led by Vladimir Putin against the free peoples of Ukraine.
For the reader unaware of the Ukraine war, it has been taking place since 2014 until the present day. This is a conflict being waged by the Russian Federation led by Vladimir Putin against the free peoples of Ukraine. The war is being waged for many reasons, such as the expansion of NATO since the end of the Cold War in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet…
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nocternalrandomness · 4 months
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USMC Super Stallion in action
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maxicaiman · 3 months
WELL it has been a hell of a journey! I started posting more consistently on this account last June shortly after I turned 18, back when I was hyperfixated on Spiderman. Shortly after I joined the Transformers fandom and have been a part ever since! It’s been amazing growing to over 900 of y’all following me, and now getting to share my birthday with you is something I’ve been super excited for!
I always draw myself something each year, and I figured I’d push myself a bit more this time! Happy Birthday to me, and thank you all for being here, I love you all /p
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Volunteer report pic Miku 🇺🇦
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radio-wavelengths2 · 2 months
Uhmmmmm, self-indulgent bullshit on my Twitter,,,,
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kayvsworld · 1 month
its been like a decade and a half and i always forget that im1 STARTS with the humvees getting attacked and then backtracks
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thecargays · 1 year
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Because ‘Murica 🇺🇸
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ultubik · 5 months
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...half a second later, LT arrives at your door, fresh and hot, like a pizza.
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mayasaura · 2 years
The thing about Nona the Ninth that really blows my tits off is the politics.
Like up until now yeah, we knew our protags lived in an empire, and we got a few tantalizing peeks at how it worked, but it was mostly just a Fantasy Empire In Space
And then wham! Nona opens with our main girl living as a refugee in a badly destabilized modern colonial state recently torn apart by the struggle for independence and controlled by an uneasy coalition of armed militia and it's like. Oh.
So it's an empire empire.
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bradnateism · 7 months
the scene of brad in his humvee with a laptop in his hand looking tired and disappointed as he gazes at his fellow marines losing their shit over that one female marine reminds of that book brad quote about how he wouldn't talk to any of these people under different cirumstances lmao
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whorangi1104 · 5 months
Ghoap AU: Frozen Hearts and Electric Souls
Chapter 8: Ghost Town
“Graves is bringing heavy reinforcements. They’ll need room.”
“My base is your base.”
“Good. Now where’s the Apollyon sightings?”
“All over the place. Seems to be rampaging across the continent. While we’re chasing them in the west they appear in the east.”
“So that’s why we needed Shadow Company.”
Ghost and Soap had followed the colonel into the humvees where they were introduced to his second in command, Sergeant Major Rodolf Parra, A.K.A. Rudy for short. They were given three barracks rooms in total, one for lasswell, one for Price and Gaz, and one for Ghost and Soap, grouped by their respective prowlers. (Surprise surprise, Zephyr doesn’t get along with the species that hunted her kind for more than a few hours.) But since Simon would get some more time with Johnny, he didn’t really mind the yellow furball streaking up the walls so much. In fact, in the few days they had been there, Johnny had showed him a sketchbook with detailed drawings of parts of Scotland, England, and Mexico, along with sketches of who he assumed to be Johnny’s family and friends, which he saw and painfully thought of Tommy and Joseph, but pushed the memories back behind the cold metal gate at the back of his mind. There were even some sketches of the 141, and doodles to go along with them as well. He full heartedly agreed with the comparisons of Price and papa smurf, the similarities being uncanny. Although Johnny had seemed to purposefully skip over some pages, he assumed their contents to be more private, so they were of no concern to him. But he still hoped one day, Johnny might decide to share their contents with him.
Soap understood that it was pure luck that he and Simon were assigned the same room, and especially thanked Cheeto for being what he was, and gave him extra treats for the week. While Cheeto managed to get Phantom to wrestle with him, Johnny shared the contents of his sketchbook with Simon, except for the pages where he had drawn him in some… more than friendly ways. And, apparently, Ghost had probably a million too many extra balaclavas, and he even managed to find two that Simon had accidentally misplaced in Johnny’s bag instead of his own, not that Soap was in any hurry to return them. It was also the first time Johnny noticed Simon had a scent- a hint of cigars and the fruitiness of bourbon, a tad of tea, and something Johnny can’t seem to put his finger on, not musty, but not fresh either, but comforting. Every time he sees the dirty bastard in his plain black sweats and hoodie with the only decoration being the words ‘LT. Ghost’ sewn above the heart, Johnny has the urge to bury his head in Simon's chest and just… exist. Simply feel the beating of their hearts and that comforting scent that reminds him of home even though he’s never detected it anywhere else before. And to gently lift the mask of Ghost to reveal-
“Earth to Johnny.”
“Dreaming of Scotland?”
“Uh, yeah. It’s cooler up there.”
“Well you’re gonna have to deal with it, we just got a ping on the location of some of the bloody Apollyons, and we’re wheels up ASAP.”
“Don’t know whether I should be excited or scared.”
“Probably a combination of both. Hurry up and get your gear on.”
“Sir yes sir.”
“And add a scarf or something, desert winds might get bad.”
“Sure thing.”
“Maybe some eye protection too.”
“And wear a helmet.”
“Olright, ye can stop yer naggin ya wanker.”
With a screech and squeal of the tires, the humvees stopped on the crumbling road of the ruined town, with Soap getting out after Ghost, raising his AK. The town had been a small ecosystem of people, but now there was no one in sight. An unnatural fog hung over the place, through which they could only see the crumbling buildings to the end of the street, giving it the appearance of a ghost town.
“This looks like some bloody horror movie shite, LT.”
“Looks about as inviting as my childhood home.”
“Sounds like a happy house. Recon those damned pollys left any survivors?”
Gaz flipped over a half torn newspaper on the ground, and read the date. It was from just this morning.
“The Apollyons cleared this town within hours, probably less. And without a single body in sight.”
Price approached them after talking with Graves and Alejandro,
“The shadows are going to scope the route to town square and forward, the Los Vaqueros are taking the west side of the town, we’re clearing the east.”
As they continued through the town in wedge formation, with Price in front, Soap to the left of him, Gaz to the right, and Ghost trailing behind Soap, he always seemed to see the shadows flicker and move, but when he turned his gun on them, the shadows were always empty of life just like the rest of the town, and Soap chalked it up to being paranoid. Occasionally there would be sounds other than the crunch of gravel beneath their feet, such as the call of a lone wolf somewhere far off, or the crack of rock from some mountain they couldn’t see, but it never failed to send a shiver down his spine. Completed with the otherwise silent and lifelessness of it all and fog, it felt as if he was walking through the abandoned city of Atlantis or some shite. Wouldn’t be too surprised if a statue of a mermaid appeared out of the mist. Maybe those few inventions of his would come in handy here if it came to that. Suddenly, Price’s radio crackled to life.
*crackle* “Shadow…to Bravo…copy?”
“Bad signal, message incomplete, I repeat, message incomplete, over.”
“No signal…Vaqueros…town square…clear…” *crackle*
“Shadow, repeat message?”
*crackle* *fizz*
“Damnit, lost signal. Sounds like the same thing happened to Los Vaqueros. We’ll just have to keep going. Keep your eyes and ears peeled in case we see any sign of them… or a lack of signs.”
Soap perked up his ears and suddenly heard a low rumble, but it didn’t even sound remotely like rocks or anything that occurred in nature, it was more of a reverberating call that shook him to the bone, more vibration than sound, like-
And the last thing Soap saw was a dark mass with a flash of white ramming into him from behind with a earsplitting shriek rising into the air.
I feel like this chapter was the best by far. Writing block overcame!
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gorrus · 1 year
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maxicaiman · 3 months
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sat outside for an hour and a half and drew some sillies! bunch of Entrap doodles (and Blitzwing/Byte)
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also. humvee. grins so wide
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snackugaki · 2 months
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the fucking price of heehoo hours
... l i n e w o r k
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