#Hungarian Horntail
sithvampiremaster27 · 5 months
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Year of the Dragon
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ari-leah-arts · 2 years
I was kindly asked to show the method I used on the dragon that I had said I was fond of. Showing how I also drew Snape is a bonus.
The method is mostly choosing how much effort I want to put in certain areas of the art. My efforts were focused on Snape, where he was latched on and the Horntail’s head. This ‘forces’ the viewer to look at those spaces. I hint at the rest of the dragon. The further away from focal point, the less detail. This is done a lot in concept art. I have done this before as I have a Bachelors in Illustration with a Visual Development(concept art) focus, but I use it in my paintings. This is the first time I consciously used it in something like this.
I hope this is helpful.
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Hey does anyone remember a Harry Potter fanfic that the Horntails eggs hatched in the arena & pack bonded with Harry? That he later named them & one was called Ron? That at some point dragon baby Ron roars “FEAR THE WRATH OF RON!” (That might be how we find out his name??) - or was all that some fever dream of too much binge reading?
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phantomgrimalkin · 9 months
Lunacy Chapter 14 - Wolfstar raising Harry, Drarry, Wolfstar have a werewolf kid - T
To say his godfathers were not happy he was going to be facing live, adult dragons was an understatement. That passed quickly, though, and they grimly focused on the subject at hand. “First - Harry, you are fourteen years old and have already done more than most adult wixen ever will. You have nothing to prove to anyone,” Sirius said firmly, his grey eyes flashing in the mirror. Harry nodded, wishing he could fully believe that when faced with a stadium full of people. “I know humiliation sucks, but your priority is survival - okay?” “I’d rather not make a complete arse of myself,” Harry said, running a hand through his hair, “But - I have no idea what they’re going to ask me to do and there’s so many spells and –” he cut himself off, shaking his head. “Yes, that’s why you were supposed to have spent three extra years slowly learning and building a repertoire,” Sirius agreed bitterly. 
(the Triwizard Tournament, 1st Task)
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stabby-apologist · 7 months
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You never know what you're going to find in the Dark Forest.
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agatha-in-hogwarts · 2 years
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What did you get for Christmas?
What did you get for Christmas?
I got several Lego sets from the Harry Potter universe. I got “Dumbledore’s Office”, “#12 Grimmauld Place”, “Hungarian Horntail Dragon” and “The Shrieking Shack and Whomping Willow”. I haven’t put any of them together yet but I hope to have them built soon. I also have the movie “Willow” on blu-ray. I’ve seen this movie before but my husband has not. We sat down and watched this movie together…
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mcuon · 2 years
How To Draw Hungarian Horntail Dragon | Harry Potter Sketch Tutorial Welcome to the best Online Education Program for artists. Learn how to draw a Hungarian Horntail Dragon from Harry Potter with ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgK2xQ2Hg-0
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
I love all the unintentional drarry symbolism in the books. Dragons appear a fair amount throughout the books but always as antagonists…until book 7. First Norbert is a minor annoyance in book 1, then the Hungarian Horntail is a more serious obstacle in book 4 and then in book 7 Harry escapes danger by freeing a white dragon that he feels pity for and that saves him. This sort of parallels Draco’s arc.
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lex-hj0519 · 10 months
what do you think we’d do, let them starve?
Just a little drabble based on this line in OOTP, cause it always makes me think, "well, that is pretty much what you did to Harry..."
“And as for who’s going to look after Ron and Ginny if you and Arthur died,” said Lupin, smiling slightly, “what do you think we’d do, let them starve?”
Mrs. Weasley smiled tremulously.
As Mrs. Weasley mopped her eyes and muttered that she was being silly, Lupin’s words washed over Harry.
“What do you think we’d do; let them starve?”
That’s what they did to him, Harry thought bitterly. They’d dropped him off on his aunt and uncle’s doorstep and left him there for ten years. Nobody had cared about the days and nights he spent in his cupboard with his stomach grumbling, hoping that he could sneak out to steal food from the kitchen after the Dursleys fell asleep.
A sharp feeling of hurt shot through him as Lupin continued to comfort Mrs. Weasley, and Harry abruptly turned on his heel and left the room. He climbed the stairs two-at-a-time, desperate to get away from the others before they noticed that something was wrong. He climbed the stairs until there were no more stairs to climb, ending up in the attic. It was cluttered with furniture, trunks, boxes, and other knick-knacks, but Harry found a clear spot and squished himself in between a battered steamer trunk and a side table that had legs carved to look like snakes.
He tucked his knees up, wrapped his arms around his legs, and buried his face in his knobby knees. He was not going to cry. He was not going to get upset. He was going to sit here and breathe until all of these stupid emotions stopped stirring around in his chest, and then he was going to go back downstairs with no one the wiser.
Off in the distance, he could hear another set of footsteps climbing the stairs. He waited for them to stop off at one of the floors, but they kept coming and coming until the attic door creaked open. Harry didn’t move. He didn’t even lift his head. Maybe if he stayed squished here in this spot, whoever it was wouldn’t notice.
“Mind if I join you?”
Harry didn’t want to see anyone. But of all the people who had come after him, he was glad it was his godfather. Harry shrugged awkwardly, still not looking up. Sirius picked his way through the clutter, pushed the steamer trunk aside, and sank down beside Harry so they were sitting shoulder to shoulder.
Sirius bumped his shoulder gently. “Are you all right, Harry? That boggart scared me, seeing your dead body laying there.”
Harry slowly raised his head to look at his godfather. Sirius looked even more pale and drawn than he usually did. Harry hadn’t even thought of how the boggart would have affected him.
“I’m all right,” Harry muttered.
Harry was grateful when Sirius didn’t push him to say more. They sat in a comfortable silence for a long while, with Harry slowly slumping and leaning into Sirius’s side. Sirius tucked one long, skinny arm around Harry’s back and pulled him closer into his side.
“If you want to talk about it, I’m happy to listen,” Sirius said gently.
“Talk about what?” Harry asked grumpily.
“About why you ran off like there was a Hungarian Horntail on your tail,” Sirius replied. “Was it just the boggart?”
“No,” Harry admitted after another long silence. “It was something else.”
“Thought so,” Sirius said. Harry wanted to roll his eyes at his godfather’s smug tone.
“It was what Lupin said after,” Harry said.
“What Remus said after?”
Harry tilted his head to look up at his godfather, who was looking down at him with a furrowed brow.
“Mrs. Weasley was worried about what would happen to Ron and Ginny if she and Mr. Weasley died. And Lupin said that they wouldn’t let them starve,” Harry repeated.
“And that upset you?” Sirius asked curiously.
Harry shrugged and looked down at his hands, twisting the edge of his t-shirt.
“It didn’t matter when it was me,” Harry mumbled after a long silence. “I – I was hungry all the time growing up. And nobody ever checked on me.”
Sirius swallowed hard and tucked Harry even closer into his side. Harry buried his face in his godfather’s shoulder to hide the tears that he could feel prickling in the back of his eyes.
“I used to sit in my cupboard and dream about someone coming to save me. But no one ever did. Not until Hagrid brought my Hogwarts letter. And even then, I still had to go back. I always have to go back.”
“Oh, Harry,” Sirius whispered into his hair. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you then. But I’m here for you now. And I’m not going to let you go back.”
Harry didn’t want to get his hopes up. He had before, and they had been torn away from him as fast as a hippogriff could fly. But as he sank into Sirius’s comforting embrace in the dusty old attic of Grimmauld Place, he so badly wanted to believe that this could be it: this could be the day that he was finally saved.
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nixnight1 · 5 months
At first I was only going to write a funny scene of Regulus and Sirius underwater but I'm immersed now.
Another fragment of the Black brothers at the triwizard tournament:
We have dragons here too
Sirius' skin was itching under his clothes.  Sirius was the next one, the bag felt rough at his fingertips and the paper felt like fire when he grabbed it. He read it to himself, feeling his throat close and his tongue get heavier in his mouth. When the silence grew too long, he read it outloud, “Hungarian Horntail.” It meant only one thing, Regulus would have the Ukrainian Ironbelly. Sirius felt tears gathering at the corner of his eyes while seeing his baby brother grab the last paper in the bag. Regulus whispered the name so low that Dumbledore had to ask for him to read it again. And while he repeated the name, Sirius could swear to himself that he saw tiny shiny tears gathering in his brother's eyes too. 
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wild-jackalope · 6 months
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summary :: headcanons for Sebastian as a husband with a pregnant reader.
note :: Sebastian and reader are adults.
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Sebastian may have been jealous and overprotective during your teenage years but whilst you’re pregnant it’s a whole other story.
He hardly lets you get out of bed let alone do any taxing tasks.
Always buying potions to help with morning sickness or discomfort.
Isn’t a big fan of going to large events or having many people over.
Ominus once described him as a Hungarian Horntail with how fiercely he guarded you and your home. You laughed, but it wasn’t far from the truth.
Anytime you have a flux of emotions Sebastian handles it so gracefully.
If you’re feeling frustrated, Sebastian will give you space.
If you’re feeling lonely, Sebastian won’t leave your side.
If ever you feel useless or just plain tired, Sebastian has a mountain of kind words. The phrases usually include something like;
“You’re growing our child, you needn’t be so hard on yourself.”
“Rest. I’ll take care of it.”
“I’ve never seen you glow so much.”
He’s particularly a fan of commenting on how beautiful you look.
Even when you’re hardly pregnant he insists on doing just about everything.
He spoils you to no ends with sweets.
When cuddling, Sebastian adores resting his hand on your naked stomach.
He likes to feel it grow overtime and insists he can feel the difference, even if it’s only been a day.
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thick-woollen-socks · 14 days
look making fantastic beasts 4 shouldn’t be hard
• we let Anton Vogel give Albus a smooch i just think it would be good for him
• we drag Toby Regbo and Jamie Campbell Bower back for flashback scenes
• the movie opens on the story of the three brothers
• an engagement scene with Newt and Tina where Teddy the niffler is hiding the engagement ring in his little pouch
• we see an angry little Tom Riddle in a classroom
• maybe we see a little Tom Riddle whispering to the walls basilisk???
• we have Fawkes idk what he’s doing but he’s hanging around
• Theseus dies i feel like someone needs to die, and he had the least amount of things going on
• we get at least one Grindeldore kiss idc what age they are it can be in a flashback or in the present
• Albus tries a sherbert lemon for the first time he has a new lease of life
• something with Dragons, i want Grindelwald to have dragons pretty please can someone give him a dragon particularly a hungarian horntail pretty pretty please
• the 1899 flashback begins with the camera holding on a bumblebee resting on a patch of lavender
• the end of the film has a young Grindelwald being stung by a bumblebee he yelps and looks up, the camera focuses on Albus whose picking wild Lavender and has turned to see if his friend is okay foreshadowing for the final dual in 1945, credits play us out
• idk a fight somewhere maybe ? in some European capital???
• more Minerva pretty please can she have more screen time i love her she is everything to me
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stabby-apologist · 7 months
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"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus"
I ain't gonna lie: for the longest time, I thought this bit of trivia was actually Draco Malfoy’s full name.
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Here Is Gone - Charlie Weasley
A/N: ahhhh xD I am back, baby! as promised here is our winner, Mr. Charlie Weasley! :D I hope you loves liked it! this turned out suuuuuper long so :)  also, we are all going to pretend that Sirius and Remus are a lot older in this fic (like Molly’s age) because they have a daughter that is Charlie’s age AND Bill never worked in Egypt he always stayed at Gringotts!
Request -  Anonymous asked: Hi, love! I saw you wanted some angsty Charlie request, and although I'm not so good at coming up with angsty ideas I'll try... How about Charlie and you are best friends at Hogwarts, both pining for each other but neither says nothing, so when you graduate Charlie goes to Romania and you stay there, so don't see each other again for years. When he comes home, you are engaged to someone else, but you both still like each other. Okay, I don't know if that makes any sense at all and you can ignore it 🙈 Also, if you decide to write it, you can make the ending whatever you want (I love a happy ending, but you choose). Thank you ❤️
Warnings: wolfstar!daughter! this is a bit angsty but Bill is here to diffuse the tension xD jealous!Charlie, reader cheats on boyfriend with Charlie (one kiss) and please let me know if I missed anything! 
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :D gif isn’t mine :)
Here Is Gone
And I want to get free, talk to me I can feel you falling And I wanted to be all you need Somehow here is gone
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You weren’t sure what was the weirdest part of coming back to your childhood home. That your father hadn’t taken down the portrait of your stupid grandma. That it was now invaded by members of the order. Or…
Five years. It had been five years since you heard that nickname. Nobody else called you that. You made sure of it because that nickname was reserved for him. You slowly turned around, holding on to your mug to make your hand stop shaking and there he was.
“Charlie” you smiled. You always smiled when you saw Charlie.
He looked the same. But not really. He looked absolutely enthralling. His fiery red hair was longer than when you last saw him and tied in a small bun with some loose strands. There were burn marks on his (very) muscular arms and several tattoos were visible, peeking from under his shirtsleeves and collar. His eyes were the same deep blue eyes you loved so much. And now, the top of his face was covered in freckles, but the bottom part was decorated with a lazy beard.
You didn’t know it was possible. You couldn’t understand how your heart still fell to your stomach and your knees went weak just by looking at him, flashing you that bright smile he always had when he looked at you.
“Hello, sunshine” he said, opening his arms to you. “Don’t I get a hug?”
“Of course, you get a hug” you smiled, walking closer to him. You were going to wrap your arms around his waist but his arms quickly wrapped around yours and lifted you up, twirling you around, making your mug fall out of your hand and break on the floor.
“Shit! I’m sorry, love” he said, pointing his wand at your mug and fixing it in no time, placing it on the counter. “Please don’t tell your dad I broke your favorite mug” he chuckled, making you do the same.
“Your secret’s safe with me, Charlie” you smiled, feeling horrible at the fact that the word ‘love’ almost came out of your mouth so casually.
“It’s been so long, my little Hungarian Horntail” he laughed.
“Seriously? It’s been five years, Charles, I think we can retire that nickname” you smiled nervously, hating how much you had always loved that nickname too.
“No, never. That is the best way to describe you” he smiled, placing his hand on your cheek. He felt his heart racing as fast as it did every single time he saw you. He hadn’t felt that in five years and when Bill told him that they would be seeing you, he was 100% certain his feelings would come back. Well, not really because they never left. But this time, he was not going to let you go again. “I’ve missed you so much” he whispered.
The words were stuck in your throat. You wanted to say them out loud but something wasn’t letting you. You sighed in relief when you were quickly interrupted by your other favorite Weasley.
“CASSIOPEIA!” Bill burst into the room, pulling you away from Charlie and wrapping you in a bone-crushing hug like he always did. You couldn’t even protest at the fact that he still used your stupid middle name, which you hated. And Bill knew he was the only one that could get away with it. Other than your parents when they were reprimanding you for something.
“William” you laughed, trying to unglue yourself from him. Since he used your middle name, you used his full name, which he didn’t particularly love. “I kind of… need to breathe” you smiled.
“Oh, Merlin, I haven’t seen you in forever!” he said, finally putting you down.
“I literally saw you like two weeks ago” you laughed.
“You look bloody amazing!”
“Thanks, Bill, so do you” you smiled. “B-both of you” you said, turning to Charlie.
“Oh look, honey. The Weasleys are here” Sirius said, walking into the kitchen with his husband following him. “Broken any windows yet, boys?”
“Sirius” Remus warned him. “I’m sure these Weasleys are old enough now to not break any more of our windows” he smiled. “Hello Bill, Charlie” he smiled. 
You noticed Charlie widening his eyes at you and then at your now-fixed mug, making you laugh a little.
“Mr. Lupin” Bill and Charlie nodded at him. “M-Mr. Black” they said, looking at your other dad. You knew they were still a bit afraid of him. Or maybe a lot. “Sorry about that, again” Bill smiled nervously.
“It’s okay, boys” Sirius smirked at them. “It’s been a very long time since you’ve broken something of ours” he said, glaring a little bit at Charlie.
“Dad!” you rolled your eyes.
“Sirius, love, come help me in the other room” Remus quickly pulled him away and you thanked him with your eyes. Bill quickly followed them, nodding his head towards you to Charlie without you noticing.
“So, I see your father still hates me” Charlie told you.
“He doesn’t hate you” you chuckled.
“He doesn’t love me” he argued.
“Don’t take it personally. He doesn’t love anybody who’s not my dad, me, or Harry” you told them.
“Fair enough” he chuckled, walking closer to you. “I was wondering if… uh-” he said, suddenly getting nervous. “We could talk?”
“Talk?” you asked. “About what?” you smiled nervously.
“Hey, there you are pumpkin” Charlie felt your hand fall from his the minute a guy stepped into the kitchen. A very handsome man, with dark hair, blue eyes, and about as tall as Charlie, made his way towards you and kissed your cheek, hugging you to him, and making Charlie’s stomach drop. “Hi, you must be one of Bill’s brothers” he said, offering his hand to Charlie.
“Oh, darling” you smiled nervously and then looked at Charlie. “Um, this is Charlie” you corrected him. “Charlie, this is Nicholas” you said, looking back at the redhead. “My boyfriend” you informed him.
“Oh, right! The one that works with dragons” he smiled at the redhead, as Charlie shook his hand, still dumbfounded. “She has told me all about you and your brothers, but it might take me some time to get it correctly” he chuckled.
“R-right. No worries, mate, everyone gets us mixed up” Charlie said, still looking between the two of you. “Wait ‘till you meet Fred and George, they’re twins” he laughed slightly.
“Sounds fun” Nicholas smiled at you, kissing your head and pulling you closer by your waist. You quickly looked at Charlie and noticed his ears were getting the same color as his hair and beard. He was angry. “Your father says the meeting’s about to start, pumpkin” he told you.
“Oh, r-right. I’ll be right there, I’m just getting some tea” you said, motioning to your empty mug on the counter.
“I’ll save you a seat” he smiled before he gave you a small peck on the lips before he left and you smiled nervously. Why were you nervous? Why did you feel the need to explain this to Charlie? You didn’t owe him an explanation.
“So… pumpkin” Charlie smirked at you.
“Don’t be an asshole, Weasley” you glared at him as you started preparing your tea.
“I’m not being an asshole” he defended himself. “I just… thought you hated pumpkin” he said as he walked through your kitchen as if it was his own house and he grabbed the milk to bring it to you. “Milk and no sugar. Right, love?”
“Um… yes, thanks” you said, feeling your heart flutter at the thought that he still remembered. “And for your information, I don’t hate pumpkin!”
“You hate pumpkin juice, pumpkin pastries, and even that princess from the muggle story your dad used to read to you where her carriage turns into a pumpkin” he laughed.
“Well, I don’t mind the word pumpkin” you informed him as you finished making your tea and you started walking out of the kitchen.
“Mhm, sure you don’t” Charlie smirked to himself, following you.
It was currently day five. The day when the ‘kids’ (making you feel like 100 years old) left for school. Each passing day was worse than the last. You tried your hardest to avoid him. You really did. But it was easier said than done. He wasn’t even supposed to be here. Your father told you that Charlie was going to stay in Romania and recruit foreign wizards to join the Order. But at the last minute, he changed his mind. And you knew exactly what that meant. Bill told Charlie you were coming, and then, suddenly, Charlie was coming.
During the days, you tried to keep yourself busy and did whatever you could not to be in any room alone with Charlie. Because, if you were being honest, you didn’t trust yourself around him. You were with Nicholas. And you loved him. You were sure. On paper, he was probably the best boyfriend you could ask for. But Charlie had this stupid magnetic force that made you want to go back to him. Because that’s what he told you when the two of you went your separate ways. ‘We will always make our way back to each other.’ And now here you were. And you were with someone else. And you felt extremely guilty for the way your heart did a leap every time you saw Charlie. You hated the fact that you felt at home when he hugged you or when he smiled at you.
And at night. That was the worst time. You were staying in your old childhood bedroom and you knew Charlie was just a room away. With Bill. Like they shared when they spent their summers with you. And he would always sneak out of his room and come over to yours to spend the nights with you. And it made you sick to your stomach that some part of you still kept eyeing the door. Waiting for him. Not only because Nicholas was lying next to you. But because Charlie was no longer yours. He hadn’t been for five years.
When you walked into the room where today’s meeting was being held, you saw that your seat was between Nicholas and Charlie.
“Alright, now that we’re all here. We can begin” your father, Remus, started.
You tried extremely hard to concentrate on what your father was saying. You really did. But it was very hard when Charlie ‘casually’ threw his arm on the back of your seat. He was closer to you than Nicholas was and you started feeling extremely guilty for just wanting to lean into Charlie’s shoulder. Like you always did.
While your father kept explaining about the first order and what the ideas for this one were, Charlie finally removed his arm from behind you and placed it on his leg. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, hating the fact of how nervous Charlie still made you. But, surprisingly enough, Charlie wasn’t even your worst problem. It was Bill. The fact that Bill was sitting in front of you, with a look you knew all too well wasn’t helping.
“Sweetheart, did you hear what your father said?” you heard your other father snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Uh, what? Um, sorry I was distracted” you smiled nervously.
“Really? By what? Care to share this with the rest of the room?” Bill asked, fascinated, resting his head on his hand and you glared at him.
“Yeah. I was distracted by that stupid ugly fang in your ear” you smirked.
“Kids!” Mrs. Weasley warned the two of you, knowing how quickly you could get back into your old antics with Bill.
“Ah, you leave my fang out of this, Cassie” he laughed, making you roll your eyes.
“Cassie?” Nicholas asked, confused.
“That’s… uh your girlfriend’s middle name, mate” Charlie said as if it was obvious.
“No, I know that” you saw him glaring a little at Charlie. “But… she hates it when people call her that” he said.
“I do” you intervened. “Bill just doesn’t care” you informed him.
“Wrong! She gave me permission to be the only one to call her that” he smirked. “Isn’t that right, little Horntail?” he mocked you and you heard Charlie laugh next to you while Nicholas looked confused between them and you.
“WILLIAM!” you said, getting up. Could I see you for a moment?” you asked as politely as you could. You saw your fathers share a look between them but none of them said anything so you walked out of the room with Bill behind you. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing” he shrugged innocently.
“Why are you with him?” he blurted out.
“Excuse me?”
Bill knew about your relationship with Nicholas. Actually, you had met him through Bill since Nicholas worked at Gringotts. He had never seemed happy about you two being together and you assumed he had told Charlie, but apparently, he never did.
“You heard me. Why are you still with Nicholas?”
“What do you mean still? Because I love him!”
“Do you? Really? Because I honestly cannot think of two more opposite people in this world!”
“Yes! Really! How is this any of your business?”
“I have heard you like a billion times, whenever someone asks you about him, like my mum, saying how lucky you are to be with him” he said.
“I am lucky” you argued.
“Right, lucky, not happy” he said, making you frown your eyebrows at your best friend. You sometimes hated how much Bill could read you. “You know? When you have to remind yourself how lucky you are over and over again, it’s because you’re afraid to ask yourself how happy you truly are” he told you.
“That’s not true” you argued, nervously.
“Isn’t it? How happy are you, Cass?”
“I know that Nicholas has never been your favorite person, but I am plenty happy, thank you very much!”
“You sound so convincing” he said, sarcastically “Look, love” he said getting serious, making you pay closer attention since he rarely talked to you like that. “I am not saying this to be an asshole to you or your boyfriend. But I have known you for a very long time and I love you, and I care about you, and I just want what’s best for you.”
“Bill, why are you even doing this?”
“Because I love you, and I care about you. And I have seen how much this relationship has changed you. I’m not saying is a bad thing, but each day you become a completely different person! I know you think that being with Nicholas is the right thing to do because he’s like a grown-up that has his shit together-”
“He’s like your age” you interrupted.
“But is that what you really want? I have heard him many times referring to your job as a hobby. A job that I know you love, and I know that because you gave up going to Romania with Charlie so you could pursue it. You rarely come to the Burrow anymore, do you have any idea how much everyone missed you? The twins were so excited to see you and you didn’t even play one stupid prank with them! You never say no to them, especially when they prank Charlie!” he reminded you. “Look, if you can honestly tell me that Nicholas is the man of your life and you are the happiest woman on Earth being this way, I’ll back down but we both know that the man that you’re supposed to be with, was sitting on your other side, don’t we?”
“Hey kids, we kind of need you back in there because your father wants…” Sirius said, walking out and looking at you. “Honestly, I don’t know what he wanted. I didn’t pay attention, just come back, okay?”
“Sure, Mr. Black” Bill smiled before he walked back in. You were about to follow him but your dad stopped you.
“Princess, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, dad” you said, trying to smile at him.
“Are you sure? Did the Weasley boy do something? Because-”
“No dad, Bill didn’t do anything” you rolled your eyes.
“Okay” he said, still hugging you. “You let me know if one of them is bugging you-”
You were exhausted and you spent the rest of the day avoiding everyone, really. You just wanted to be by yourself but it was hard when your house was filled with people. So, you hid in your fathers’ bedroom, knowing nobody would go there. When it was late, you finally went over to your room, hoping to find some peace, but when you opened the door you saw candles and rose petals everywhere, as Nicholas stood in the middle. Shit. You felt your stomach get twisted in knots.
“Um… honey, what’s going on?” you chuckled nervously.
“Hey, pumpkin” he said, as you walked closer to him. “I know that you have been stressed these couple of days and I wanted to do something special” he smiled.
“Oh, that’s… very sweet of you” you said, walking closer to him.
“Also, I kind of had a whole thing planned for our anniversary a few weeks ago but, then you had to go back to work and I didn’t get to do it there, and then we came here so… I thought there’s no better time than this” he said, starting to kneel down.
Oh no.
“Um, N-Nicholas,-”
“Would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” he asked, smiling at you and getting out a small ring box, opening it.
“I- uh” you sighed. “I don’t know what to say” you admitted.
“This is kind of the part where you say yes” he chuckled nervously.
“Honey” you said, kneeling down to his level. “I love you very much, it’s just… this is too much right now” you tried to reason with him.
“Why? I can’t think of a better time” he insisted.
“Nicholas, I… I don’t know if I’m ready for such a big step” you told him.
“So… you’re saying no?”
“N-no, I just… I guess I need to think about it” you told him.
“You need to think about it?” he asked a little upset. “We’ve been together for two years!” he said, closing the ring box and standing up. “Is it because of Weasley?”
“Bill’s brother, the one that works with dragons” he continued. Maybe you hadn’t been as subtle as you thought you were.
“Charlie has nothing to do with this!”
“Doesn’t he? Do you think I haven’t noticed the way he looks at you? How he talks to you, the little nickname him and Bill have for you?”
“Bill calls me Cassiopeia! That is my least favorite name” you argued.
“You don’t even let me call you that! But you don’t seem to mind when Bill does-”
“I’ve known Bill my entire life! He’s like my annoying old brother!”
“And what about Charlie?”
“What about Charlie?”
“What went on with you two?”
“I told you we dated in school and then he left for Romania!”
“And that’s it?”
“Yes, that’s it!” you lied.
“There’s nothing else there?”
“So, why won’t you marry me?”
“Excuse me?” you scoffed. “Is that what this is about? Are you asking me to marry you because you what? You feel threatened by Charlie?”
“That’s not what I said-”
“What is this, some sort of possessive thing that you need me to flaunt a ring around so everyone knows that I’m yours?”
“How can you say that? I want to marry you because I love you! And I want to be with you!”
“And I told you a million times that I am not ready to get married right now! I told you I love my job and I have so many opportunities now where I can travel or even move-”
“Well, yes, but we both know that once we get married and have kids your job will be more like a hobby” he chuckled. You felt your entire heart shatter as you kept repeating Bill’s words in your head. ‘We both know that the man that you’re supposed to be with, was sitting on your other side, don’t we?’
“Nicholas” you said, quietly. “I love you, but I can’t give you an answer right now” you told him. He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair.
“Fine” he said, grabbing the small box and placing it in your hand. “Then, think about it okay? I love you and I want us to be together” he insisted.
“Okay. I will think about it” you said, as he stood to give you a peck on the lips before he made his way over to your bathroom.
As soon as the door closed, you grabbed one of your sweaters, which just happened to be Charlie’s Christmas jumper you had stolen at some point, and you made your way down to the kitchen to clear your mind. You were glad that it was empty because it was already a bit late and you started making yourself some tea. When you sat on the kitchen table you heard some footsteps coming towards you and you sighed.
“Nicholas, I don’t really want to talk right now-” you stopped when you noticed someone else standing there.
“Not Nicholas, love” Charlie smiled sweetly at you. “You alright?”
“I’m fine” you said, looking at your hands as the kettle announced that the water was ready. You were going to stand up but Charlie quickly stopped you.
“Let me” he said, making his way around your kitchen as he brought two cups of tea. Yours with milk and no sugar. You smiled grabbing the mug in your hands. “So… what’s wrong?”
“Love I have known you long enough to know that you can’t sleep when you’re upset” he told you. “Remember how you always sneaked into my dorm when you couldn’t?” he smirked.
“I just… have a lot on my mind, I guess” you said, quietly, taking a sip of your perfectly prepared tea.
“So, are you going to tell me about it or are you just going to keep avoiding me?”
“What are you talking about? I haven’t been avoiding you?”
“Really? This is the first conversation we’ve had since I got here” he told you. “Come on, love, please stop pushing me away” he said, placing his hand on yours. When he did, he noticed something under your arm. “Hey, what’s that?”
“Oh, n-nothing” you said, trying to keep your arm in place but Charlie pulled it up, revealing the ring box.
“Is that what I think it is?” he asked, quietly. You felt your heart racing.
“Charlie I uh-”
“You’re getting married?” he asked, grabbing the box and smirking. But you could see in his eyes that he was far from happy about this. “Congratulations, Mrs. Pumpkin” he mocked you. You glared at him, grabbing the box from his hand.
“You’re an asshole” you said, starting to get up but he quickly followed and pulled you back.
“No, come on, love. I’m only joking” he chuckled.
“Well, it is not funny!”
“Fine. Why are you so upset? Aren’t you marrying Mr. Perfect?”
“Why do you even care about this? Is not like you have any idea what’s going on since you have been away for the past five years!”
“That is not fair! We both made that decision!”
“Exactly! So why do you even care if I am with someone else?”
“Because you can’t marry him!”
“Oh, really?” you asked starting to breathe heavily. “And why not?”
“Look, even if I am not yours, you are still my best friend and I am allowed to care about you and say something when you’re about to make the biggest mistake of your life!”
“Excuse me?”
“I did not leave you here for you to follow you to get your fucking dream job and then throw it all away when someone asks you to be his trophy wife!”
“How dare you, Charles!? How can you claim you know me so well and then assume that’s what I’m gonna do!” you snapped.
“That’s how you’re acting! Whenever you’re around him you’re an entirely different person!”
“Well, then I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t end up together!”
“Oh, believe me, love. Best idea I ever made!” he snapped at you.
“And for the record, Bill is my best friend” you smirked evilly at him and he gasped offended.
“Take that back!”
“No” you shrugged and he started slowly walking closer to you.
“Take.It.Back.” he said with his deep voice between clenched teeth as you bumped into the counter behind you and he placed his hands on each side of you.
You were no longer able to ignore this. You felt how heavy your heart was pounding and you knew Charlie was the only one that made it beat like this.
“Make me” was the only thing that you were able to say before Charlie grabbed your face between his hands and he pulled you to his lips.
When his lips touched yours, the world seemed to melt away around you. Nothing mattered. Just you and him. His hands quickly started roaming around your body bringing you closer as he started deepening the kiss. It was like the first time he kissed you. Like the first time that he said he loved you. Like the first time that the two of you had sex. Nothing had changed. You couldn’t keep on denying it any longer. Your heart belonged to Charlie Weasley. You belonged with Charlie Weasley.
But then, you felt a pang of guilt pull at your heart. This was wrong. You were with Nicholas. Nicholas who had just asked you to marry him. Nicholas who was upstairs, waiting for you in your room. So, you pushed Charlie away.
“L-love” he said, breathing heavily.
“No!” you said, pushing yourself away from him and he finally let go. “I c-can’t do this, this isn’t right” you said, starting to feel sick to your stomach. You were a horrible person. “Fuck, what have I done?”
“Love, look at me” he tried, getting closer to you.
“No, don’t get near me!” you cried. “I can’t- I can’t think straight when you’re around me!” you said stepping closer to the entrance. “I need to leave” you muttered to yourself, running out of the kitchen and upstairs.
“Fuck” Charlie muttered to himself before he punched the counter.
“Hi, bug” you turned around to see one of your fathers, Remus, staring at you through his window.
“Hi dad” you smiled weakly as he climbed through the window and sat down next to you.
“What are you doing out here? Hiding?”
“No” you chuckled.
“You do know this is where you hid every time you stole the chocolate chip cookies, right?”
“Right” you smiled, looking down at yourself.
“What’s going on, bug?”
“Dad… do you think I'm a bad person?”
“What? Of course not, love why would you ask me that?”
“I did a terrible thing” you said, feeling tears streaming down your face.
“Sweetheart, whatever it is, you are not a bad person and your father and I love you very much” he insisted.
“Nicholas proposed to me” you said, taking out the small box and showing him the ring.
“And… you’re not happy about that?” he asked.
“I don’t know! I wasn’t expecting it. I don’t want to get married right now” you told him. “There are still so many things I want to do and so many places I want to go and…” you cried.
“You told him no?”
“I told him I’d think about it” you explained. “And he said it was fine, but I could tell he was upset” you said. “And so I said I needed some space and I went down to the kitchen to make some tea and then I ran into Charlie and I-” you took a deep breath. “We kissed” you told him.
“You kissed Charlie Weasley?!” the two of you turned around to find Sirius standing at the window.
“DAD!” you complained.
“Sirius, how long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough” he said, climbing outside and sitting on your other side.
“Dad, please don’t make me feel worse than I already do” you begged him.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing? Are you not happy with Nicholas?”
“I don’t know!”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“Sirius” Remus warned.
“You two have been together for two years now and you seem perfect! You are lucky to have a guy like that!”
“See, that’s the thing! I don’t think I am! I thought I was and then Bill started saying how if I have to remind myself how lucky I am, it’s because I am afraid to ask myself how happy I really am! And then… I can’t believe I got Bill stuck in my head! But he was right! I started to question how happy I really am and I realized how much I have changed since I have been with Nicholas, and… this isn’t me! I haven’t felt like myself in so long! Since… since I was with Charlie! And so, that’s why I told him I would think about it and then I ran into Charlie and he started saying that I shouldn’t marry Nicholas and I got mad at him and we started arguing and then… we kissed and now I don’t know what to do!” you cried as Remus hugged you closer to him. “Why can't I stop thinking about Charlie?”
“Because you're scared of the first real adult relationship with the perfect man” Sirius told you.
“Or because you and Charlie still have a special connection and you still love him” Remus said, widening his eyes at his husband.
“Honey, she’s with Nicholas. We like Nicholas. Stop defending Charlie!”
“Charlie would die for our daughter, and you know that!”
“Can you guys not talk about me as if I’m not here-?”
“Why are you rooting for him? He broke our girl’s heart! And I will be dammed if I let him do it again!” Sirius snapped, making you look at your dad.
He looked defeated. And then it clicked, why your father never liked Charlie. He didn’t seem to mind him when you were in school. Only the ‘hurt my little girl and I’ll kill you’ way. But after Charlie left for Romania, you came back home and stayed with your fathers for weeks. And you had cried every single day.
“Dad… Charlie didn’t break my heart” you said, pulling out of Remus’ embrace. “We both decided to break up. I didn’t want to stop him from following his dreams of working with dragons. And I was going to go with him. But he wouldn’t let me because he knew I wanted to stay here to follow my dream” you explained. “He said that if we were meant to be together we would always make our way back to each other” you told him. “I know you don’t like him and I know that you saw how hurt I was… but that wasn’t Charlie’s fault” you insisted.
“You see, Sirius? Charlie did everything he could so our girl would follow her dreams and do what she wanted instead of following him all the way to Romania. I’m sure you would have hated that” he said as Sirius hugged you.
“Of course, I would have hated that! He would have torn my only daughter away from me” he said, kissing your head.
“See? So, it is actually thanks to Charlie that she didn’t leave. So maybe cut the boy some slack” Remus said.
“Fine” Sirius said begrudgingly. “I guess… he’s not that bad” he admitted as Remus hugged the both of you.
“Can we go back to my problem please?” you said, pushing both of them away. “I still have no idea what to do! I feel like a horrible person!”
“Sweetheart, you’re not a horrible person” Sirius insisted. “As much as it pains me to say it… I guess… I kind of understand why you still feel drawn to Charlie” he sighed. “And… you should always be able to feel like yourself with the person you love” he told you.
“You’re going to have to make a decision, honey” Remus told you.
“They are both great guys but so different! How did you guys do it?”
“I’m not gonna be any help here from the minute I saw your dad I was done for” Sirius smiled at Remus. “I knew that I had met the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and I did everything I could to make him as happy as he made me” he admitted.
“That was really sweet, dad” you smiled at Sirius before you turned to your other father. “What about you?”
“Well, first of all, I’m a sucker for guys who say things like that” Remus admitted. “And… he always helps me find the fun in life” he smiled at his husband.
“Look, sweetheart, you should just ignore everything we said and try to imagine your life with each of them and… if there’s one of the two that you just can’t live without” Sirius told you.
“Well…” you said, taking a deep breath. “With Nicholas, I guess I see a big beautiful house lined with books and interesting people coming in and out, raising kids with a brilliant man” you said with a soft smile. “And with Charlie…” you said as your parents noticed your smile getting bigger. “I see us in a cute little place that needs a ton of work” you chuckled. “And we may not have all the nicest things but… there's music and laughing and I know I can always be myself and he’ll always love me for it” you finished with a few more tears running down your cheeks. “And as much as I love Nicholas, I can see myself living without him but… I don’t think I can picture my life without Charlie” you admitted.
“Well, sweetheart, I think you just answered your question” Remus said, as he and Sirius wrapped you in a hug.
“And we support you no matter what” Sirius assured you, kissing your head. “We just want you to be happy” he said.
“I know” you smiled back at them as you stood up. “Thank you” you said, kissing each of them on the cheek. “I love you guys” you told them, moving over to the window.
Remus turned back to hug Sirius closer to him. “That was very mature of you, Pads” he said, kissing his temple.
“Please, Moony, you act as if I am still the same immature boy from school” he laughed.
“You do know that since she is choosing Charlie and she can now easily move in her job, there’s a chance this might end up with her moving to Romania, right?”
“WHAT!? I never agreed to that!”
“Hi” you said, walking inside your room, and finding Nicholas sitting on your window nook.
“Hey” he smiled sadly at you. “I take it you couldn’t sleep either?”
“No” you admitted. “Um… I think… we need to talk” you said, grabbing the small ring box and placing it on your bed. You saw the look on Nicholas’ face and you were certain he knew what was coming was not good.
After about two hours, and the hardest conversation you had ever had since saying goodbye to Charlie, Nicholas was done packing all of his things and he walked towards the door. You had tears streaming down your face and he stopped in front of you, cupping your cheek one last time.
“I’m really sorry” you repeated. “I want you to know that I really did love you” you assured him.
“I know” he smiled like the gentleman he always was as his thumb brushed your cheek. “Just… not as much as him, right?” he said, kissing your temple. “I loved you too” he said before he opened the door and exited the room.
You followed him down the stairs where you found your fathers waiting for you. Acting as if they hadn’t just been outside your door, listening to your entire conversation.
Nicholas smiled awkwardly at them as he made his way out. “Uh, thanks for everything Mr. Lupin and Mr. Black” he told them.
“Take care, kid” Sirius told him.
"Keep in touch" Remus said, kindly before the door closed.
"I don't really see us keeping in touch" Sirius told his husband as you walked down the stairs. “How are you feeling, bug?”
“I’ve been better” you admitted, wiping away the remaining tears on your cheeks and yo sat down at the sofa. Your fathers quickly sitting next to you.
“You did the right thing, sweetheart” Remus said, kissing your head. “We’re really proud of you” he told you.
“We love you, bug” Sirius added before the three of you heard the door burst open and you saw Bill and Charlie walking in, laughing about something.
Their laughter quickly died down when they spotted you. You knew they were a bit drunk. Most likely, Charlie told Bill about what happened and Bill’s solution was to go out and drink.
“Boys” Sirius said, standing up. “Just coming in, are you?” he smirked.
“Y-you’re not gonna tell our mum, right?” Bill asked, a bit worried.
“Well-” Sirius started.
“No, we’re not” Remus said, standing up as well. Charlie’s eyes were glued to you. And your dad noticed. “Why don’t we make some coffee?” he suggested pulling his husband and the oldest Weasley with him into the kitchen. “Let these two talk” he said, ignoring the complaints from both of them.
“Hi” Charlie said, sitting down on the coffee table in front of you.
“Hi” you smiled at him as you tried to wipe some new tears away.
“Are you okay? Why are you crying?” he asked, worriedly, kneeling in front of you and placing his big hand on your cheek, making you smile sweetly at him.
“I’m okay, Charlie” you assured him.
“Love, I am really sorry for what I did” he started. “And for what I said, I had no right to talk to you that way and I had no right to kiss you, I know that I just-” he sighed.
“Charlie” you started but he kept rambling on.
“I was just scared because you are my favorite person in the entire world and not a day goes by that I don’t regret leaving you. I should have stayed here with you! I should have fought for you! Because I love you!”
“I know I have no right to dump all of this on you right now, but I at least owe you the truth. And the truth is that I am completely, madly, and hopelessly in love with you Cassiopeia Lupin-Black” he said, making you glare at him a little. “I have been my entire life. And I know I may not be able to give you the life that Nicholas can give you but, I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone and I promise to try and make you as happy as you make me if you let me and-”
You cut him off by leaning in closer and placing your lips softly against his. Charlie was taken aback for a moment before he wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you closer as you pulled away.
“I broke up with Nicholas” you told him.
“Y-you did?” he asked with hope waving over his heart as you nodded.
“I told him I couldn’t marry him” you explained. “A-and I love you so much, Charlie, it’s just…I just got out of a relationship. I’m a complete mess right now” you cried, smiling at him.
“I love messes. We can take this as slow as you need to, my little Horntail” he said, brushing your tears away as you chuckled. “So… that means that…”
"It's you" you said with a weary smile as Charlie wrapped his arms around your waist and you rested your head on his shoulder. "It's always been you, love" you told him, making his heart race faster when you called him that.
“Fucking finally!” Bill shouted.
The two of you turned around to see him at the entrance of the kitchen standing with Sirius and Remus before they disappeared into the room.
“We… kinda have to face them now, don’t we?” Charlie asked you, standing up and pulling you with him.
“We kinda do” you said, kissing his cheek.
“Are your dads gonna kill me?” he asked as you held his hand and started pulling him towards the kitchen.
“No” you assured him. “I promise they won’t” you smiled. You were about to enter the kitchen but Charlie pulled you to him once more, wrapping one arm around your waist and placing his hand softly on your cheek. “What?”
“I told you we will always make our way back to each other, my love” he smiled, kissing your temple. You smiled placing your head on his chest feeling completely content in his arms. This felt like home. You had never been more certain to have made the right decision. “I love you” he whispered.
“I love you too” you smiled, looking at him.
“My little Hungarian Horntail” he chuckled.
“I hate you again!”
“You love me!”
The End
A/N: ahhh I missed writing for Charlie so much xD I hope you all liked it! let me know what you think! Spencer’s coming up next! 
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Hello I am a big fan of your work But I have a request (if request are even open then u can ignore it) how would the HLC characters react to MC being able to transform into a Hungarian Horntail dragon? (Btw have a great day or night and drink water please)
A/N: Blog rules and request updates are put on the pinned post at the top of the blog! If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM :3
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MC still doesn't know the limits of ancient magic, but apparently, it includes being able to transform oneself into a powerful magical beast of their choice for a time. Today, the beast of choice was the ferocious Hungarian Horntail dragon. Admittedly, MC was just showing off.
They show their closest friends and mentor the full transformation and even a fireblast demonstration. Then they sit pretty to soak in the praise. They know they look cool.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: His jaw was already on the ground when MC transformed, but it somehow got lower when he witnessed the 40ft jet of fire rise from MC's maw. Such POWER. He wants to see MC decimate a dark wizard outpost. Set fire to EVERYTHING!
OMINIS GAUNT: He can feel the rumble of the earth beneath him with every step MC takes. The heat of the flames makes him turn away. Just the low rumble from MC's throat sends shivers down his spine. This is the closest he EVER wants to get to the real thing. Even though he knows it's MC, it's a scary experience.
ANNE SALLOW: She's more collected than her brother, but still as excited over MC's ability to burn everything in their path. Just thinking about what MC could do with a single breath makes her giddy. She's as much a firebug as Sebastian, she's just better at keeping her head.
IMELDA REYES: She is a simple woman with simple interests. See dragon, must race. Fly MC! Show her what you're really made of! Bet she could fly circles around them. Bet they can catch her? Prove it!
NATSAI ONAI: She'll beat Poppy to the punch about asking for rides. The spines make it challenging but she'll figure something out. She grabs MC by the nostrils and gets in their face. "Let me ride you! ...wait, that sounded-... You know what I mean!"
GARRETH WEASLEY: He NEEDS to hear them roar. Dragons are so strong that they don't even need to use fire. A roar from a fully grown dragon at close range can shatter eardrums. You feel the shockwave of sound go through your body. His ears ring for a bit even though he covered them.
LEANDER PREWETT: He's feeling so inadequate as a wizard. He can barely balance on a broom right and MC can transfigure themself into a mother loving DRAGON. No fair...
AMIT THAKKAR: He's dying to know how this works. This is magic that's either never been seen or never recorded, because he's never even heard of anyone capable of this without being some sort of rare animagus. MC needs to be studied, and he's the one to do it. Next to the stars themselves, MC is the universe's greatest mystery.
EVERETT CLOPTON: Dragons scare the ever living shit out of him. They're big, powerful and sometimes go after broom flyers when hungry. Hell admire MC from a distance. Like, way back behind the stoney hill, distant. Please don't come closer, he will cry.
POPPY SWEETING: She's absolutely ECSTATIC! She can examine a powerful dragon up close that isn't trying to eat her. It's a dream come true! She does circles around MC, taking in every detail. She takes out a small, leather bound book and a piece of charcoal and sketches every part MC lets her study. When MC puts their snoot right up against her, she actually squeals a little with excitement. She gets to TOUCH a live dragon. She's on cloud nine and never wants to come down.
ELEAZAR FIG: When MC tells him this is something they could do thanks to ancient magic, the only thing he can think is: "Miriam would have loved to see this." He's so proud. MC is capable of way more than he ever thought. He only hopes to live long enough to witness the rest of the wizarding world realize the same.
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