#Minerva questions her choice of friends
my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
Sirius Lupin
Thanks, @beautyoftheships for letting me write your idea!
"Mister Black!" Minerva McGonagall called across the classroom, not for the first time, as Sirius and his friends packed up their things.
Sirius ignored her. He seemed to be grinning to himself.
"Mister Black!" Her voice was more insistent, and she approached Sirius's desk, annoyed.
It was only when she stopped in front of him that he looked up.
"Oh! Were you talking to me?" He asked, clearly feigning innocence.
James Potter snorted beside him, but quickly smoothed out his face at the glare she sent him.
"Explain the meaning of this, Mister Black," Minerva demanded, pushing a paper in front of Sirius.
"Professor, that's my test," Sirius explained calmly, his face maddeningly blank.
Minerva briefly questioned why she was not already retired. "Then why does it say Sirius Lupin on it?" she asked, irritated.
"Well, Professor, Moony here's finally lost enough brain cells to consider dating me," Sirius explained sincerely, smiling a bit when he saw the way Remus Lupin, who was on his other side, blushed scarlet. "So I've decided to waste no time and made it permanent."
Minerva stared at him for several seconds, again contemplating her choice of career, before asking hesitantly, "You two haven't gotten ma-"
"No!" Remus interrupted, looking mortified. "No. He's just being ridiculous."
"I just wanted a better last name than mine, Professor," Sirius shrugged. "Merlin knows I don't want to be associated with my family. So who better to be associated with than my Moony, here?" he asked, eyes wide and genuine, a smile playing on his face.
Minerva blinked at this, and looked over at Remus, who looked quite as taken aback as she did, but also thoroughly smitten.
Perhaps it was the fact that she understood why Sirius wouldn't want to be associated with the horrible family he was born into, or maybe it was because she was just a hopeless romantic, but she sighed.
"Don't put it on any official paperwork," she grumbled, hating how she always seemed to have a soft spot for the two.
"Aye, aye, captain!"
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dinarosie · 10 days
What are your thoughts on Lily? I think she recieves too much hate. I get that she’s a flawed character but the way people are discussing her is like she’s a complete bitch and has been thhrougout her friendship with Sev, which I don’t agree on.
Thank you for asking this question. I had written a long meta about the relationship and friendship between Severus and Lily, but it became so lengthy that I wasn’t sure how to post it. Now, I've separated the parts that focus more on Lily’s character and written them here.(Yes, it's still long but it's shareable now)
I enjoy Snily fanfics and absolutely love Lily’s characterization in them, but I have different feelings about canon Lily. I’m not anti-Lily, but I don't think she holds any significant moral superiority or special virtues compared to other characters in the books.
Most of what we know about Lily comes from when she was 15. Yes, it’s admirable that she sacrificed her life at 21 to save her child, but that doesn’t necessarily say much about her character. Many mothers of any age and from any part of the world would do the same for their children. We don’t know how much she matured or grew as a person. We don’t know if she was satisfied with the choices she made as a teenager or what her feelings toward Severus were in her final days. That’s why I base my judgments on 15-year-old Lily.
I see her as a warm, charming, and somewhat immature girl who, coincidentally, really enjoys positive attention (though not to the extent that James does).She tries to be kind to everyone to be liked, yet feels that other girls don’t really like her and are envious. Unlike her son, she doesn’t have a complex moral code, she tends to see the world in black and white like her sister Petunia. To her, you’re either on her side and therefore her friend, or you’re against her and her enemy. She’s the type of person who can easily attract people at first glance but struggles to form deeper, more meaningful connections with them.
I think part of the reason people dislike her is that they see her as more than what she is and have high expectations of her. Fanon often portrays Lily as a girl from a high-status, wealthy family, a feminist, strong, and independent woman, which makes people expect her to have been able to solve many of the issues she faced. However, in canon, she clearly doesn’t have any of these traits. We don’t even know if her family was rich or poor, but since she lived near Snape, it doesn’t seem like there was much of a class difference between their families.
Yes, canon Lily is lively, smart, and kind, and she gets good grades, but that’s different from being ambitious, powerful, or having feminist or progressive views.
Lily marries and has a child immediately after finishing school, before she truly reaches intellectual and emotional maturity. In canon, we don’t see her play a significant role in the war, undertake any special missions for the Order, or even hold a notable job or career before having Harry. She fits more into the traditional role of a wife and homemaker. I think if she had survived and the war ended, she would have lived a life very similar to Molly Weasley (though not with as many children). She’d be a loving wife and warm mother. Of course, she would likely spoil her child more than Molly does, letting him off the hook easily. Like Petunia, she would overlook her child’s mistakes unless it involved dark magic.
I understand that most people in the wizarding world marry young, but we have characters like Minerva McGonagall, who remains independent, even refusing to change her surname after marriage. In Fantastic Beasts, we see women who, despite the war, maintain their roles as strong, independent individuals whose identities aren’t solely tied to being someone’s wife or mother. So, Lily isn’t an exceptional character in this regard. She’s more like the average woman of her time. When we view her as a very average woman, rather than the amazing, powerful, modern figure seen in fanfics, her behavior becomes much easier to understand.
As for her marriage, I can imagine what was going through her mind: everything with James Potter was easier, simpler, and more stable because, from birth, everything was handed to him. He doesn’t need to work hard for happiness or a future, as his high social status and vast family wealth are guaranteed. He probably promised Lily a successful marriage and a sweet and happy family, perhaps even on their first date, filling her with hope for what was to come. It’s only natural that a teenage girl like Lily, who sees the world in black and white and has a fragile social standing in the wizarding world, would quickly decide that marrying someone like James Potter — who is at the pinnacle of her moral scale ( he doesn’t use dark magic) — was the best choice for her future. This pattern of marriage reminds me of Petunia. She marries her boss, who is also much older than her because he can give her the stable, normal life she dreams of, with a secure income.
Sometimes I think the way Lily chose James and how Snape chose Voldemort are similar. Both were teenagers who made these decisions to secure their place in the wizarding world and cover their insecurities. Lily is fortunate to have an easier life than Severus, and as a woman, she can rely on the support of a wealthy and pure blood man. Snape, on the other hand, didn’t have Lily’s privileges. He had to work hard to secure his place, offering his life and loyalty to Voldemort, who promises him acceptance, security, and protection in return.
I also disagree with the idea that Lily is responsible for all of Snape’s problems or that if she had stayed friends with Severus, he wouldn’t have joined Voldemort:
Snape’s life was far more complicated and difficult for Lily’s presence to magically fix everything. Rowling says Snape sought acceptance, security, and peace. Clearly, Lily couldn’t provide those things for him (after all, she was just 15). Snape needed a strong, father-figure type of support at that age. Teenage Snape, contrary to those who want to portray him as obsessed with Lily, had a proud and independent personality. He didn’t base his entire life around Lily’s presence or absence. Yes, he apologized for his mistake, but when Lily threatened to leave him, he didn’t make any effort to change his circumstances. That’s why I don’t believe the people who say Snape only switched sides because of an obsession with Lily. His love for her lit the path for him later in life, but it was Snape who gave that love the power to guide him and help him grow.
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favourite twdg villain?
I'm a fond enjoyer of the St. John's as villains. I don't know if they're my favorite just because they're only in one episode, but I love the concept of this family almost immediately jumping into cannibalism toward the start of the outbreak, dealing in human flesh to bandits, and casually feeding this group their friend's legs.
Like... what the hell was this family like before the outbreak that all three of them were like, "Hey now listen... nothing should go to waste, the dead are eating people so why shouldn't we? We gotta survive and in our defense, we only target those who were gonna die anyway... like y'all."
Dude, Mark was shot in this shoulder with an arrow. He wasn't going to die from that injury. It's so fucked that these seemingly friendly people took the group into their home and then fed them Mark's legs.
If we take the idea that everyone is infected and have the capacity within themselves to become walkers, to become monsters, then the St. John's were infected long before the outbreak, y'know? Not literally, but something was wrong with them and the outbreak just further spread that infection and changed them.
But again, are they my favorite? I dunno if I can say that since I have a lot more appreciation for Lily now. Yeah, some of her writing gets a little wonky in ep3 of TFS when she goes on her monologues and shit, but y'know what? I'm into it.
You have to remember who we're talking about and the fact that she's the antagonist; Lily isn't some anti-hero in TFS who secretly has a heart of gold that's brought to light because she reunited with Clementine... she's a fucked up woman who did fucked up things in the name of survival. She's full of rot now. She sees kidnapping children and turning them into soldiers to protect her home as a means to an end, but she doesn't actually give a shit about the people she's taking. They aren't people to her, they're as the episode title suggests, toys in her game. The only one she sees as a person is Clementine, and while that makes her hesitate at first, she sees Clementine's a prize to bring back.
She remembers what happened in S1; her father had a heart attack and as she tried to save him, Kenny smashed his face in with a saltlick and then expected Lily to just stand up and help him get back to his family because "he did what he had to, he made the hard choice." Yes, Larry was a piece of shit. No one liked him, and you can even question Lily on him and she'll tell you that he has a lot of pain. Yes, it makes him an asshole, but he's still her dad and he's all she has. I mean... the simplification is daddy issues, but in all seriousness, I don't doubt for a second that many of Lily's issues stem from Larry being a shitty father to her.
Then everyone thought she was losing it when she insisted there was a traitor in the group, which she was right about, but she was unstable. She was unwell, but how do you help someone like that when you don't have training to go about it? Then Lily ends up killing either Carley or Doug and the group turns on her, and either she's left behind or she steals the van and runs away.
Then we don't know what the hell happened to her until we see her again in TFS, but like... a lone woman with decay festering inside of her joining the delta? Exposing her to their methods? I mean, what else did she have to lose? She had nothing, she lost everything, and she has a lot of issues. Survival is easy when you're numb, when you don't care about the individual; they're all just cogs churning to make the system run, and if a piece doesn't cooperate, you get rid of it and find a new one.
Plus I think there's something to say about Lily not wanting to be perceived as weak again. That whole display she put on in the cells? Telling the story of what happened to Minerva and Sophie? I get the criticism that it feels like Lily did a 180 between episodes but like... yeah dude, because it's a performance. It's not just her and Clementine anymore. It's a display of power and authority. She's playing the part and thriving in it as she ensures everyone else is terrified of her.
But then when Clementine and AJ get the upper hand? Again, she's not afraid to play up the pleading to earn enough sympathy to spare her- hell, just to let their guard down enough to strike and get the upper hand again. I mean, she's got nothing else to lose, right? If she doesn't go for it, she'll be killed and sure, you can kill her anyway but at least she tried.
Honestly, I look at Lily in TFS and still see that scared little girl playing the tough bitch, just like Carley said in S1. It's just now escalated from "tough bitch" to a downright vile person. She's so... lost? I suppose? Lost within herself and the monstrous means she's taken to survive.
I get the criticisms of how she was used in TFS, but for me, it's like when people complain about Minerva not getting the redemption arc she supposedly should've gotten, y'know? There's no saving her. Lily was never on our side, and there was no getting her on our side. She wasn't ever going to redeem herself. Even if you spare her and she drifts away on her raft, can someone like her actually find redemption? Or will she just find another group that'll feed into her rot?
Truly, I say let her be horrid. Let her be the piece of shit villain with a few fleeting moments of humanity. Let her drown in the blood she's spilled.
#asks#twdg lily#twdg andy st john#twdg danny st john#twdg brenda st john#twdg clementine#twdg minerva#twdg mark#twdg larry#twdg kenny#i know i used to complain about lily in tfs a lot years ago but past cj complained about everything tbh sksksks#now i'm just like babe lily's interesting as shit like not every villain needs a redemption arc just because you think they're hot#and don't wanna feel bad or because you want her to be like she was in s1 when she was sympathetic like... it's been years#that's like being mad that clementine isn't the same person as she was in s1... the difference is we got to see clementine grow#but what happened to lily is a mystery... but that doesn't mean she didn't change especially for the worst#i dunno sometimes i look at lady antagonists in media and then look at people's reactions and i'm like.......... hmmmm#c'mon now- if kenny came back in tfs the same exact way then y'all would be foaming at the mouth insisting he's complex#and morally grey and he's just really sad about his family dying and really he's a sad widdle meow meow but also the best villain#who should be spared because he always cared about clementine and aj and he's just traumatized and sad and amazing unlike OTHERS#like.................... okay sure mmhmmmm#side note but the worst thing about kenny is the fact that he IS a brilliantly written character but his stans tend to just be the worst#anyway i like lily she's a great tfs antagonist like i recognize there are some weak spots and i wish she has more of a presence in ep4#if she lived but y'know... gotta make room for minerva being the final bridge boss so... yeah
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Athena is an Awful Mother- Yes, Even in the Books
As a child of Athena myself, and as a professional Athena hater, I am honestly shocked at how many people think the show itself made her bad, when to me she was always this bad. The books kind of gloss over the stuff she does, and we’re expected to believe she’s one of the “better” godly parents.
I also think that because most of us read these books when we were 11-12, we didn’t quite actually understand the fucked up shit she was doing, but as I get older, the more I question alot of the the decisions she made as both a parent and a “wisdom goddess.”
Because, yeah, a lot of the decisions were straight up horrible. Like, I don’t think you guys understand that there is more issues to her specific brand of neglect, than most of the other gods.
Spoilers for the books below! Also, this will be talking about Athena in the books, not Greek Myth Athena.
I think my main issue with Athena has always been the way her children came into existence. Because children of Athena are born from thoughts in her mind, born to mortal men she admires. Now, as a child, this didn’t seem as bad, because I didn’t understand the complexities of parenting. I still don’t, but I know a bit more from having friends and peers who have children.. and now I see several issues with this.
First, it’s the idea that even at the beginning, she sees her children as commodities. Her children were made to be “gifts” for men, who she admired. And the messed up part, is based on Frederick’s reaction to Annabeth, she doesn’t actually have enough conversations with these men to know if they’re ready to be fathers. And the fact that men getting their PhDs is something she admires… I’m willing to bet a lot of these men aren’t (getting a PHD is already hard, but add a baby on top of that?!?!).
I still think Frederick’s neglect is his own fault, but to say that Athena cannot be blamed for choosing to have her, and then not even being sure if the man she had her with - who had no choice in the matter- even wanted a child? Yeah, that’s fucked up.
But Athena doesn’t even really care.
And I think that’s what bothers me in particular about Athena’s neglect. Is that she had a choice to have not have the children if she wasn’t going to raise them. She chose to have them, whether or not the men she liked even wanted kids.
But she had them anyways- because, again, she sees her children as a commodity.
Now this isn’t to say she has no redeemable qualities. She helped Annabeth find her way to Camp Half Blood. She gave her that invisibility cap. But here’s the thing- nearly every godly parent is seen helping their children in some form or another, or giving them gifts.
Even the bad ones.
Ares is probably a worse godly parent than Athena… but he still gave Clarisse her spear. Zeus turns Thalia into a tree to save her. And idk, I still feel like we all hate Zeus and Ares as parents.
That being said the Mark of Athena… that is what really confirms every negative thought I’ve had about Athena. That she sees her children as commodities and nothing else. Because as much as we love to try to explain it away by saying that it wasn’t actually Athena, it was Minerva… still Athena. Different form, maybe, but it is implied that these gods hold the same beliefs, so this is something that Athena thinks WHOLEHEARTEDLY.
Annabeth refuses to kill the Romans, and then her mother proceeds to call her nothing and disown her. Because again, Athena sees her children as commodities, nothing more. They are gifts given to men. They are resources for her to use to fight her battles- and this whole scene becomes worse when you considering what she was trying to get Annabeth to do-
To find the Mark of Athena, a quest so many of her children have died on, and yet she proceeds to keep sending her children on these quests. But she doesn’t care how many of her own children die on this quest- her pride is more important.
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isa-belle1367 · 6 months
Hi I hope you are well. I have a question for you. How do you think Desmond would react being flung back to Rome, 1500 (AC Brotherhood) shortly before Ezio arrived? Extra layer is he is sixteen again.
SAY LESS OMG but I kind of want Ezio to find Desmond right as he gets flung back when hes the most confused and still figuring everything out. For drama!
"Desmond, don't listen to her! She wants to trick you!" Minerva called out.
"If I don't the world will burn!" I countered.
"Better to burn then unleash her onto it."
Juno spoke up. "Desmond, this is the only way!"
She was right. The world was crumbling around us, the earth shook violently, nearly throwing me to the ground. There was no other choice. I needed to stop this.
I turned to my friends. "Get as far away as you can!"
My dad grabbed my shoulder. "No, we'll find another way-"
I cut him off. "There's no time. Go now!" I yelled at them.
He gave me a pained look; I could tell he wanted to argue, to drag me from the temple, but we both knew. I needed to do this, so the earth would be saved, so they would be saved.
He gave me one final hug, before quickly turning to push Rebecca and Shaun out of the temple.
I turned back to the eye.
"Don't do this Desmond!" Minerva cried.
"You have to!" Juno shouted.
I took a deep breath, hovering my hand over the eye. I knew I wasn't getting out of this; this was the end of my story.
"I'm sorry Minerva." I pressed my hand down on the eye.
The last thing I heard was Minerva crying out "Wait Desm-"
I was enveloped in pain; I felt my body burning from the inside out. My hand tried to pull away from the eye, but I couldn't. My hand was stuck to the eye.
Everything around me began to fade away. Soon even the pain faded away. I was left with nothing, floating in an emptiness forever.
I don't know how long I stayed like that, but soon a voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere spoke up.
"No, it's not right. He needs more time." The voice echoed. It sounded old, older than the earth. Older than the stars.
A new voice spoke up, but this one sounded like a young child, full of innocence and purity. "Then change it."
"But what to do with him?" The old voice asked.
"Put him with something familiar, he deserves it after all."
The old voice hummed in thought. "I know, how about this?"
With that, my entire world change, I could see, smell, and fuck feel again. While the void was peaceful, it wasn't me.
I gasped clutching my side, as I doubled over. My hand connected with stone. I felt like I had just woken up from a millennia long nap, my limbs felt numb. I looked down at my hand on the stone beneath me. It felt familiar?
I looked up, I was in an alleyway. Just outside of the alley was a bustling market. Everyone was dressed like it was the 1500s. Was this some kind of renaissance fair?
I looked down at my body, I was still in my jeans and hoodie, but they either grew, or I shrunk.
"What happened?" I muttered to myself. My voice was raspy like I hadn't drunken water for a month. I looked down at my body, something was different. I noticed my limbs were lankier and more awkward. I was also much skinnier and shorter than before. I also noticed my hair was longer, much longer. It covered my eyes making it slightly difficult to see.
Just then someone walked past the alley. His voice grabbed my attention.
"Machiavelli, we need the trust of the people."
I froze, looking up. It couldn't be...
Just a few feet ahead of me, was Ezio Auditore, speaking to Machiavelli. I blinked, then blinked again.
"Ezio?" I muttered out loud. It was barely audible.
Ezio glanced down the alley, his eyes landing on me. He quickly whispered something to Machiavelli before starting towards me.
My mind was racing. What do I do? Do I run, do I scream, do I ignore him?
before I could figure out what to do, he was in front of me, he crouched down next to me.
"Hey, are you alright?" He asked.
"U-um, yeah, j-just fell..."
"That cut doesn't look like a fall." He said while pointing to my lip.
I was suddenly aware of the pain on the left side of my face. I reached up a hand, wincing as I felt the cut. It was fresh, it then dawned on me. This was the same cut that I got when I was sixteen. But how had it reopened?
"I'll be fine." I said as I tried to stand up. I had to use the wall for support. My legs nearly gave out from under me.
Ezio quickly pressed a hand against my back, steading me.
"Your clothes are... different. Not from here?"
I silently cursed. If I was right and this was the 1500s, of course they wouldn't have jeans and hoodies.
"Um, no." I said as I began to make my way out of the alley.
Ezio stood in front of me before I could get any farther. "That cut does not look good, you should see a doctor."
I reached up a hand, blood continued to poor out of the cut, making me lightheaded. I should go to a doctor, but I had no money.
"I don't have money." I mumbled.
Ezio glanced around. "Well, I'm new to the city as well, so why don't we go meet up with my friend and find a doctor."
I paused for a moment. Walking with Ezio and Machiavelli could allow me to clear my head and help me figure out what the hell was going on.
I decided to take Ezio up on his offer, I nodded.
"Alright, c'mon." Ezio said while leading me out of the alley back towards Machiavelli, who was looking rather impatient.
Machiavelli, stood with his arms crossed, while tapping his foot.
"Are you finally done?" He asked impatiently.
Ezio just sighed. "Do you know where a doctor is, he's injured."
Machiavelli looked me up and down, clearly staring at my clothes.
I fumbled with my sleeve. I was now suddenly aware of the fact that my hidden blade had come with me, and the only thing that was hiding it was my sleeve.
He sighed, turning back to Ezio. "None that the Borgia will let us use."
"So, the Borgia's word is law now?" Ezio asked.
"What are you implying?"
While they talked, I looked at my surroundings. It was a crowded market near a blacksmith. I glanced to the other side, looking up. I saw a large Borgia tower looming nearby.
"And how would you even remove their influence?" Machiavelli demanded.
I spoke up. "Kill the captain, burn down the tower." I said while pointing to the nearby tower.
They both stared at me.
Ezio spoke up first. "I like his thinking." He said with a grin.
"Ezio, you can't possibly be considering this."
"I'm not considering it; I've already decided I'm going to do it." Ezio stated while beginning to make his way towards the tower.
"Do you even have a plan?" Machiavelli demanded.
"I'm improvising." He said with a shrug.
Once we made it over to the tower, Ezio turned to me.
"Kid, stay with Machiavelli."
I nodded, to tired and lightheaded to argue.
I sat down, leaning against the stable wall, I watch as Ezio disappeared into a crowd of people. Once I could no longer see him, I leaned my head against the stable wall, trying to stop my head from spinning.
What was even happening, based on my appearance, I had a pretty good hunch I was somehow sixteen again. I was also back in the 1500s. What was I going to do? Had I saved the world? Was this Minerva's doing? I had so many questions.
Machiavelli spoke up, breaking me out of my thoughts. "What's your name?"
I opened my eyes to look up at him, "Desmond."
His eyes widened a bit. "...Desmond?"
I nodded. "Hey, are you sure that there isn't a doctor nearby."
He was about to say something, but a loud explosion sounded from inside of the Borgia area.
I looked over to see Ezio leaping from a burning building into a cart full of hay.
Everyone was rushing around, panicking from the loud sound and fire. One of the Borgia guards came running out yelling "The captains dead!"
Ezio walked over to us. "I don't think the Borgia will give us any more trouble."
I stood up, bracing myself against the wall. "I think my unconscious body will give you some trouble if we don't find a doctor." I stated dryly.
Ezio looked over his shoulder, he scanned the area before his eyes lit up. "Look there's a doctor over there, let's get you patched up." He stated while helping me walk down the street.
After a long hour at the doctor, and me adamantly refusing to allow letches anywhere near me. I could finally leave.
I walked out into the street with Ezio, Machiavelli had left shortly after we made it to the doctor.
Ezio turned to me. "I never caught your name by the way."
"Desmond." I stated.
Ezio froze. "What?"
"My name is-" Then it hit me.
I silently cursed my scrambled memory. Desmond was the name Minerva spoke, the name that Desmond had thought about for most of his life.
I quickly cleared my throat. "u-um we should go find me some new clothes. my shirt is drenched in blood." I stated desperately hoping to change the topic.
I began to walk around looking for a tailor, but Ezio grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back to him.
Normally Ezio would only be about two inches taller than me. But now I was a scrawny teenager. Ezio now loomed over me, and he was quite intimidating.
"Your name is Desmond?" He questioned.
I swallowed, "Y-yeah, f-family name." I stuttered out.
He gave me a look before letting go of my shoulder. "We should go find a tailor to get you some new clothes."
I sighed, relaxing my shoulders a bit. "Yeah, we should." I said while turning away from him and beginning to make my way down the street.
I would have to be more careful with what I tell him now.
We quickly found a tailor. It was a small shop with not a lot of items, but it would have to do.
I bought a shirt, and pants that actually fit me. As I was getting changed, I looked down at my arm, and I nearly passed out.
Underneath my hidden blade, my hand and most of my forearm was completely blackened out. I quickly took off the hidden blade, to examine my arm closer. This was the hand that I had pressed onto the eye. On my knuckles were tiny circles with lines running up my arm.
I cursed, how the hell was I going to hide this. With my hoodie, it was way larger than me so I could use the sleeve to hide my arm. But now these clothes actually fit. I could hide the hidden blade, but not the discoloration. Ezio was already suspicious of me because my name was Desmond.
I sighed; guess I would just have to get some gloves and hope I can hide it until then.
I quickly strapped my blade back to my wrist, before pulling on my shirt and pants. They were quite comfortable actually.
I sighed, preparing myself. I walked out of the small dressing room. Ezio was waiting for me, chatting with the tailor.
I angled my arm so he couldn't see it. Once Ezio spotted me, he quickly walked over to me, grining.
"Now those clothes actually fit you." He stated.
I smiled, "Where too next?"
Ezio looked outside, "It is getting late, I was going to go meet up with Machiavelli. Do you have some where to stay?"
I pursed my lips. looking down at the ground.
Ezio seemed to understand. "Here, why don't I bring you with me to go meet up with Machiavelli until we find you some place to stay?"
I nodded. This way I could hopefully figure out more, and if all goes to hell, I could just find a way to convince Ezio to train me.
"Alright, let's go." Ezio stated, while directing me out of the tailor's
(This is so random but the 2 voices that were speaking right after Desmond touched the eye were meant to be the physical representations of time and wisdom, you guys can guess which is which)
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vigilskeep · 10 months
what would motivate Minerva not to do the dark ritual?
if she had called on alistair to duel loghain—something she might very well have done if i wasn’t going for a specific outcome, preoccupied as she is with fear of the optics of a mage slaying the hero of river dane—alistair would have killed him outright, rather than leaving her a choice. minerva is capable of asking loghain to do the dark ritual; he owes her life to her. alistair does not. i don’t think she is capable of asking it of him. so alistair is ironically capable of killing both loghain and minerva in one blow. i’m sure he’ll have fun with that later
i was also posing this as part of a playthrough where minerva betrays jowan during the origin. i think there’s a fun-awful arc where we go from the minerva who spits anything to survive. like an animal. or worse at a demon, and then does the exact same thing to her best and only friend in the circle, only to become the person who will die not just for her friend to live but for him to have the life he wants unpoisoned... but also doing that by not letting him make his own choice, and by leaving him behind and leaving everyone else who loves her behind. (maybe also acting on the circle-taught underlying assumption that her life is incapable of continuing unpoisoned, as his can, because she is a blood mage.) you know, where does that leave zevran? where does that leave morrigan, striking out alone again? where does that leave leliana, with no-one to turn to but the chantry once more? is that kind or cruel?
i like what sacrifices give you to play with. the sharp and sudden end, past which every question is left unanswered and everyone left behind has to grapple with whether it was selfish or selfless. it’s a really fun silence for the rest of the worldstate to play out in. i think it’s a characteristic choice of both minerva’s incredibly arrogant firm belief she knows best and her fiercely loving heart. and on practical concerns i think that she plays better in the later games as a larger than life ghost than as someone who is powerful and invested and motivated in all events but mysteriously, bafflingly not present
i’ve experimented with her using all her phenomenal ability to cast forcefield to hold her friends back as she goes, too strong for alistair to dispel fast enough
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auroramoon-draws16 · 2 years
Time for the current crossover stuck in my head:
Assassin’s Creed x Percy Jackson
Because no duh. Now the question is how would this work?
Assassin at Camp: isekai Desmond
- reborn as the son of Minerva/Athena or maybe Apollo (because of the sun shit and ha ha irony that the assassin is now a healer lmao)
- becomes a new minor god that builds up his own faction of assassins to help the demigods when he realized how unfair it is for them
- an immortal that trains the demigods at camp and definitely smuggles in some of the more mortal luxuries of life because fuck you gods let the kids be kids and enjoy things
- it’s just Desmond getting wrapped up in this shit and accidentally forms a new Brotherhood with demigods because he sees them and go “is anyone gonna parent them? No? Alright, mine now” or at least trains them with Assassin skills and hang out with Chiron and Mr D, who just sees this random ass man with suspicious glowing eyes and a knife strapped to his arm go “tf?”
Gods + Assassins: gods have always existed
- Assassins are a whole faction who focus their skills on mortal threats (the PoE shit), but are willing to assist the demigods occasionally because holy shit those are actual children
(maybe the PoE are left overs of another petty war the gods had? More lore needed)
- the Assassins were formed by a minor god (sort of like Artemis and her Hunters) who passed down the Eagle Eye trait and was determined to help humanity regardless of what the other gods say, because fuck y’all and the Templars
- maybe the Templars also aren’t a fan of the gods, but got their own god complex going on and said gods didn’t care enough to stop them, so the Assassins have to clean up that mess
- what pantheon was the minor god from? Who tf knows, I don’t know enough about the origins of the Brotherhood and the gods to know how to write this shit properly, maybe an interesting point could be that this minor god has turned their back on the gods so long ago that even they forgot their own origins, that’d be cool
- I think it’s fair to say that if this did function sort of like Artemis’ hunters, then they would pledge to the creed instead to one person, but whether they would be immortal or not is up to y’all
- considering that the Assassins are pretty big on Choice (at least the fanfics I read, lmao) if they do decide to leave the brotherhood, then the others have to respect that decision, but if they break the creed then either that immortality is broken, they get let go (or are stripped of their rank Idk), or are put to the blade (last one is unlikely, unless it’s something big)
- I imagine that they can be given a second chance, but shit like that requires a really big “prove yourself” mission (cough cough Altair and Arno cough)
- omg assassins all over the world seeing this godly bullshit all the time and go “oh wtf, anyway”
Everything else is up to y’all I just think it’d be fun to see how they’d interact with the Demigods and maybe Percy and his friends, Idk
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exhaustedcatte · 2 years
Professor Lupin
“The weirdest thing just happened,” Remus strides into the common room a little dazed.
James and Sirius are bouncing scraps of parchment on a snoozing Peter’s forehead when Remus makes his announcement.
The two boys flick the last piece of paper, with the combined force of two incredibly talented Quidditch players, onto Peter’s head to wake him up; it does the trick, the poor mouse jerks awake.
“Well, what gives, Moony?” James asks curiously.
Remus brews a cup of tea and heaves himself into the armchair beside Peter.
“I went to retrieve my books from Charms, right? Flitwick wasn’t there, but his first years had already seated themselves,” Remus explains. “And when I walked in all the chatter died down, and the class stood up to greet me.”
Sirius raises a manicured brow. “Isn’t the respect a good thing?”
“No, they said Good Morning Professor,” Remus pitches his voice high as he stresses the greeting.
His focus on the enactment leads him to stirring his peppermint tea with a quill instead of a spoon.
Peter gently removes the ceramic mug from his hand, setting about to brew him a proper cup. Relieved of the fragile object in his hands, Remus smiles gratefully at his friend – now able to gesticulate the severity of the matter.
James cackles wildly, “They assumed you were the professor?”
“So everyone is finally catching our drift,” Sirius adds, smiling like a proud mother. “Good on you, Moons.”
“What about me screams Professor?” Remus scoffs.
The response, unexpectedly, comes from Peter. “I wonder what about your white shirt, sweater vest and slacks make you look like a dignified Oxford grad, Moony, I really wonder.”
“But I wear our uniform,” the boy points out, “doesn’t that make it obvious that i study here and not teach.”
“But I don’t think I’ve seen you in robes since the first day of class, years ago Moony,” Sirius rebuttals with a laugh.
“You look like the muggles in the films that Lily brings in those cassettes,” James nods. “It’s definitely your sweaters.”
“It’s much too warm for a proper jumper, but cold enough for a vest,” Remus argues half-heartedly.
“It’s not just that, you’re tall and smart and so –” Sirius interrupts himself. “You just emanate this professor-y aura. I, personally, find it incredibly sexy,” he winks.
“The point, my dear Moony,” James pushes his glasses with his shoulder. “Is that you’re like a teacher, and it’s not just your clothes.”
Given Remus’ conflicted expression, he definitely disagreed.
“Mr Lupin,” McGonagall beckons him into her chamber. “Please sit. How are your classes?”
“I’m enjoying them, Professor,” Remus replies, nicking two sweets from her glass jar.
The sudden pursing of her lips indicates her increased efforts to hide her smile. Remus knows she loves it when he jests with her.
“And I have heard,” she composes herself, “that you have been a wonder in Ms Sharma’s class. She doesn’t spare kind words easily, but she speaks of you very highly.”
“Defence is especially interesting,” Remus deflects the compliment, but his pinking ears deceive him.
Minerva’s eyes glint. “And what of Potions? Are you glad you dropped it?”
“I think Professor Slughorn is happier about that,” Remus snorted.
“Well then, what are you thinking of pursuing after N.E.W.Ts?”
The conversation drew up to a blank.
Remus chewed on the inside of his cheek. She had asked him the same question the last two sessions as well, and he had replied with a half-hearted I’m still exploring my options. They both knew his array of choices were rather limited.
“Don’t think too hard Remus,” she pats his hand kindly. “You’ll do just fine in whatever you choose.”
“You don’t think Ms Pince would let me be a Librarian here, do you?” He jokes.
The Gryffindor house-head cracks a small smile, “I think she would be more disappointed that you’re selling yourself too short.”
Not much leaves Remus speechless, given his constant company of troublemakers (he can talk about objectively repulsive things now without batting an eye or blocking his nostrils, he’s developed an immunity to things that would leave others flabbergasted). But this does leave him a little stunned.
“Don’t you have a study group to attend to? Or is it the Duelling Club?”
Remus snaps out of his stupor in record time, piling his pockets with a few more toffees from McGonagall’s glass dish.
He looks at the clock hanging behind her wide-eyed. “Duelling Club. Merlin’s balls, I haven’t any time to prepare. Shit, I didn’t mean to swear. Ah fuck, I did it again, didn’t I?”
McGonagall covers her mouth with her fingers, physically restraining a laugh. It would be inappropriate to encourage his vulgarity so openly. Not that she actually minded it, she had grown used to the potty-mouth that Lupin was.
He pauses for a second, and smiles sheepishly. “You know what, I’ll let myself out. G’night, Professor.”
Minerva watches fondly, as the boy straightens out of his slouch to scurry to the library to tend to his younger peers. She hopes he will see in himself what the rest of the world sees in him.
The last moon was just under a week ago, and according to James’ dramatic renditions of their treks that night, Moony had gone mental. And now Remus was left with a muscle ache in his arms.
After his last class, Care of Magical Creatures, for the day, Remus trudges slowly across the grounds, inhaling the crisp autumn air. He mentally creates plans of lazing by the fireplace with a mug of tea and a Sirius Black, it would be the best way to unwind.
His plans don’t get the chance to develop any further because that’s when he hears a resounding crash.
“Mona!” he hears a terrified shriek. “Merlin! I knew we shouldn’t have tried it on our own!”
Trouble not only follows him, it also seeks him out specifically.
Remus speeds his walk to the source of the sound. The huge oak tree shelters two frightened girls, and by the looks of it, Mona – he assumes – has definitely snapped a bone.
“‘ello,” He smiles his kindly, “I’m Remus. Are you alright? I heard the yell.”
“I’m Imaan. This is Mona, she was trying the spin that got Regulus Black the snitch today afternoon,” the young Slytherin explains, her hands flitting over her friend in terror.
Remus makes a mental note to congratulate Regulus and then placate James and Sirius.
Mona groans in pain, shifting her weight onto her bottom and kicks her broken broom away feebly. “Turns out its not advisable to try it beside a tree.”
Remus kneels beside the pair, “D’ you mind if i take a look?”
She nods affirmatively, going pale in the face.
“It’s not mangled, is it?” Imaan panics about Mona’s pallid appearance.
“No,” he reassures them and gently draws her arm out from her body. His monthly visits to the infirmary have taught him a lot. And this was a clean snap, which was an easy fix for him.
One wand-less Episkey later, her limp hand is sturdy again. Remus taps on it a few times to check if it had healed.
“Right,” he helps her up, “you’re good as new.”
The stare at him with pure admiration. “Oh, thank you so much!! We would have gotten into so much trouble otherwise! Thank you, really!”
Remus laughs, “Don’t sweat it, it was no trouble. Now, I must remind you not to try such tricks alone. Besides, I’m sure Regulus would help if you asked.”
“Do you think?” they blink up at him.
“Yes,” he nods sagely. “He would love to help.”
The girls thank him again and skedaddle, heads together in excitement.
Remus also leaves, satisfied. James and Sirius would love the little harmless lark he just pulled on Regulus – who couldn’t entertain a child to save his life, because he was the youngest of the Black family.
“You’re somewhat of a legend now Moony,” Sirius throws his bag onto his bed before climbing into Remus’ bunk.
“That’s nice,” Remus replies, not really paying attention. His homework wasn’t going to write itself, even if it was due only next week.
“The youngsters are incredibly protective of you,” Sirius informs him, laying his head down on his boyfriend’s shin.
“Is that right?”
“A fourth year Hufflepuff sucker punched one of Snape’s goons.”
“Say what now,” he sits up, alarmed.
Sirius smirks, fiddling with Remus’ pant leg languidly. “Minnie allowed it, you know. Rosier was starting shit again and I was gearing up to crack his skull open but I got beat to the punch.”
Remus ignores the pun. “Was it worth a cuffing though?”
“He was saying something about you being a swot and a suck-up and other things that I will not repeat. Regular bullshit from a jealous person, seeing as his grades are plummeting worse than Malfoy on a broom. And next thing I know, this little runt stalks up to him and throws a feisty punch,” Sirius relays the incident excitedly.
Remus watches the mono-act with slight amusement.
Sirius punches the air, “Don’t you dare speak about Remus like that.” He turns back to Remus with an amused smile, “He walked off after that, with kids from your study groups following him in solidarity.”
“I… fuckin’ hell. Did he get hurt?”
“Looked proud of himself more than anything. Minnie docked points from Slytherin for unprovoked fighting and gave the kid a detention with Sprout. Convinced me that she loves you the most.”
Before Remus could reply, there’s a knock at their door. Sirius unlatches it, to reveal a cluster of tittering third years.
“Hi, Remus. Are you busy?” Quentin asks.
There goes his homework time.
“Erm, no, not really. Is something the matter?”
“Would you mind helping us out with Defence? Professor Sharma told us to ask you, if you were free to tutor us.”
Sirius grins elatedly. “Right then. Professor Lupin, why don’t you take this classroom down, eh, I promise I’ll do my homework.”
“Alright.” He kisses Sirius goodbye and follows the group into the common room where the third year girls were pacing in anticipation.
“He came!” they cried in delight.
“Quite a Casanova you are, Remus,” Marlene raises her brows emphatically. “Teach me your ways, Great One!”
“Take that stick out your arse and kiss Dorcas, god knows how long she’s been waiting,” he whispers back. Remus doesn’t stay to hear Marlene’s stuttering.
He makes a pot of tea and gathers the group beside the fireplace. They sit in an eager semicircle in front of him.
“Alright, let’s begin with Bowtruckles. That’s what Sharma is doing in class next week, right?” Remus rolls his sleeves up.
“Mr Lupin,” McGongall looks up from grading her essays, surprised. “Do come in, is something the matter?”
“Good evening, Professor. Terribly sorry for interrupting,” He prattles nervously.
She adjusts her glasses. “You didn’t turn the Great Hall upside down like last time, did you?”
“That wasn’t us,” he protests weakly.
McGonagall waves her hand dismissively. “No one else can manage that kind of magic, Mr Lupin. So what is it? Running interference for Potter? Sirius having trouble with his, ah, his family?”
“Er, no, it’s something else.”
She waits patiently for him to gather his bearings.
“Do you think,” he starts, “that I’d make a good teacher?”
The smile he gets from McGonagall is nothing short of proud.
“I think that would be a very wise choice. You know, Ms Clarksworth and Ms Hassan were singing praises of your wand-less magic? They didn’t give much context, but they were very taken by you.”
Remus blushes under his golden skin.
“And the first years?” she shakes her head. “Remus, I think you’ve got an extensive fanbase, but also a very loyal army. Take pride in your efforts; your passion is palpable. But your talents are also unmatched.”
“So you’d encourage it if i wanted to pursue teaching Defence?”
“Indeed. I look forward to teaching alongside you at some point,” she smiles.
“Then I’d like to become a Defence against Dark Arts professor.”
She pushes the bowl of sour candy towards him. “And a mighty good one, at that.”
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newgh0ul · 1 year
Madness (D.M.) Part One
I have never understood why life can change so fast.
One second, I'm top of my class at Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I don't have many friends, but I cherish the ones I do. My friends sit next to me at a long, wooden table. There are doodles and initials etched into this wood, it feels like a step through time. The professor drawls on and on, and in the back of this dimly lit classroom, I struggle not to fall asleep.
The door swings open, I hear the footsteps of someone new. I ignore it, as my arms are folded on the table and my head is rested upon them. Im too tired to care who it is.
"Miss Montgomery?" A voice pierces through the atmosphere of quiet chatter and boredom. I sit up, and my face goes hot as everyone's looking at me. I finally realize it's the Headmistress's aid standing next to the professor. "Come with me, please." He speaks. My professor waves me along, and I have no choice but to follow.
"Have a seat" The Headmistress tells me, as her aid leaves me behind without one word, slamming the door shut. An older woman stands beside her. She's intimidating, for an old lady. Her silver hair is pulled up, and her emerald robes flourish the ground. She has this look in her eyes, and for once, I can't tell what it is. Reluctantly, I take a seat before them.
"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Montgomery, I'm Minerva-" She begins to speak, but I'm quick to finish her sentence.
"McGonagall. My mother told me about you. Call me Leah, please." I find it hard to meet her eyes as a pit opens up in my stomach, and a feeling of dread hangs over me. She nods and moves closer to me. Gently, she places a frail hand on my shoulder. "I thought it would be appropriate for me to deliver this news myself, given the circumstances."
My breath stops, and I feel as if my heart has frozen in place.
"Your father passed early this morning, dear. I'm so sorry."
My eyes focus on a single speck of dirt on the cobbled floor. I suddenly realize this castle is always so cold. I understand it's old and ancient, but why is it always so cold?
"I assume you've met your aunt, Winifred Ollivander?" Minerva asks. I manage a nod, my eyes still studying this single speck of dirt. Doesn't anyone sweep in here? Surely, it's not that hard to charm a broomstick and get the job done.
"You'll finish your term here, at Ilvermony, but you are to live with your aunt in London when the term finishes. You'll be attending a new school. I understand this is a lot to take in, so if you have any questions..."
"No, I would just like to go now" My voice trembles as I speak. I thought I might not be able to at all.
"Very well then...your aunt asked me to pass along this letter for you. I'm so sorry we have to meet under these circumstances, my dear." She clears her throat as I stand to leave. I reach for the letter she's brought for me. As I do, I catch a glimpse of her face, and I can finally decipher the look in her eyes. It's pity.
First my brilliant, exceedingly smart mother, and now my no-maj father. What a pity.
London is weird.
Everyone here speaks differently. Everything is different. Even the magical world is different than what I'm used to.
My aunt drags me along crowded streets, filled with young witches and wizards. I can't help but shoot strange glances at them when I hear them speak. Someone steps on my toes, and I yelp, jumping closer to my aunt. "Be careful, love! Diagon Alley is probably a lot more crowded than what you're used to!" She's got that right.
With her grip tightened around my wrist, she yanks me into a store, Flourish and Blotts. It's less crowded here than the streets. I finally feel like I can breathe. "I'll take care of your books, dear. Leave it up to aunt Winnie!" She hoots and walks away with my parchment list of books, asking a shopkeeper where to find each one. I look around, taking it all in.
In the far back, I notice a boy my age. His strikingly blonde hair parts down the middle. I can only assume his family has money by the way his suit is tailored perfectly to his shape. He's not big my any means, but he's got a presence about him. I take him in as he flips through the pages of a purple-covered book.
"Secrets of the Dark Arts?" I ask him about the title as I approach. He jumps, turning to look at me. He quickly puts it down, and brushes his hands off on his dark black suit. "Didn't your mother ever teach you manners? Who do you think you are, sneaking up on me like that?"
I hold out my hand, "Leah Montgomery, nice to meet you." He brushes past me, I stumble a bit and bump my shoulder on the shelf beside me. He certainly does leave an impression, doesn't he? The book he held laid open on a display table in front of me. I close it, and a small smile plays at my lips.
I trace my finger over the author's name, Vivian Ollivander, my mother. Those her knew her best described her as bloody brilliant. Maybe even a little bit mad. I described her as my other half, just as she did me.
She dedicated so much of her life to research and writing. Although, I've never understood her fascination with the Dark Arts. She wasn't a cruel woman, she was quite the opposite. I guess it's just another thing I'll never come to understand about her.
Aunt Winifred pops up behind me, arms full of books. She lets out a heavy sigh and I turn to face her. "Your mother and that brilliant head of hers." She tsks. "I never understood why she wasted so much time on these silly books."
I smiled, "She always said that no knowledge is worth hiding...and she knew everything. She was a walking encyclopedia of all things magical."
"That she was, my love... Why don't we stop at Ollivander's and say hi to your grandfather while we're out this way?" Aunt Winifred suggests, presumably to get my mind off of mom and her books.
"That would be nice." I nodded, setting the book down, and following after my aunt.
(word count: 1116)
(posting on here until I can open an ao3 account, this is also posted on Wattpad under the same username)
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minervas-sandwich · 2 years
Something I find really interesting is this repeating motif in the Hatchetfield shows about “want.”
TGWDLM, “what do you want, Paul?” which is then twisted by the end of the show in Let It Out as Paul struggles with his desires, how his infected friends tell him they know this is what he really wants.
Black Friday hinges on Wiggly’s ability to hijack people’s fears and desires to frame himself in their eyes as the only solution to fulfill their wants. Wilbur gets Linda to help him by playing on her deepest desire to be worshipped. He goes on an entire anti-capitalist song rant to the President about greed.
And now in NPMD, we have the Lords in Black’s song, where Steph makes a deal to get rid of Max in exchange for “whatever they want,” and they want whatever she wants most. Grace Chasity grapples throughout the show with her desires for physical pleasure and spiritual purity. Steph and Pete continually deny their feelings for one another with the line “I never wanted you anyway.”
The Hatchetfield universe hinges on desire, and it’s a concept that works as well as it does because the characters are all written really well and very three-dimensional. They all have strengths, weaknesses, and unfulfilled desires that they’d do almost anything to achieve. And that’s why Hatchetfield is such a special place. Because every person in it has some deep, unfulfilled need that eats away at the core of their being until a being with slightly more power than they have can come along and whisper some sweet words into their heads and either puppet them into obedience or break them irrevocably.
And I know what you’re thinking, “Minerva, that’s just basic writing! Characters have to have desires to drive their actions!” and you’re right, but the difference is the way that Hatchetfield, specifically, uses want. The stories are all based around how want can twist us into completely different people. Nightmare Time isn’t putting people into conflict and letting them work it out- it’s about breaking them. It’s about taking the very core of their beings and bending it to the wills of heartless gods. Hatchetfield explores the question, over and over again, “what if we placed people right on the edge between satisfying their deepest desires and pushing them into their greatest fears? What will they do, what will they become, to ensure one option over the other?” And sometimes the story lets the protagonists find a way out of their dilemma (in Black Friday Lex frees the protagonists from Wiggly’s control, in NPMD Grace makes a sacrifice to save Steph and Pete), or they succumb to the impossible choice of their situation (TGWDLM Paul becomes part of the hive mind rather than killing himself, Black Friday Linda gives herself to Wiggly and sacrifices the world to be loved, NPMD Grace sacrifices what she treasures most after committing manslaughter to try to preserve it and we see in the ending how she’s broken and twisted into basically catfishing guys to sacrifice to the LiB).
And that’s why this world is so fun!
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ariel-seagull-wings · 11 months
@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @professorlehnsherr-almashy @theselfshippingwitch @amalthea9 @slimerspengler @janeb984 @inevitablemoment
Tumblr media
FULL NAME: Noemi Adina Melnitz Spengler and Miriam Sarai Melnitz Spengler.
NICKNAME(S): Nomi and Miri.
FACECLAIM: The twins Drusilla and Minerva from the cartoon The Garfield Show (both voiced by Laura Summer), Madeline and Chloe from the cartoon Madeline, Tommy Picles and Chuckie Finster from the cartoon Rugrats.
BIRTHDAY: September 06th 1988.
SEXUALITY: The only thing they know is that they think two adults kissing is gross.
GENDER: Assigned female at birth (just because their parents it was more easy than calling them "the babies" or "it", but they made sure that the girls can change their gender identity when they're older).
OCCUPATION: Playing and studying.
BIRTHPLACE: Upper East Side, Manhattan, New York City.
LIVE IN: Tribeca, Manhattan, New York City.
Egon Spengler (father)
Janine Melnitz (mother)
Nathan Spengler (grandfather)
Ruth Spengler (grandmother)
Elon Spengler (uncle)
Cyrus Spengler (great uncle)
Joseph 'Joe' Melnitz (grandfather
Miriana 'Mimi' Melnitz (grandmother)
Bella Melnitz (great aunt)
Sabine Melnitz Banner (aunt)
Cait Banner (cousin)
Victor Banner (cousin)
CHARACTERISTICS: Both are playful, hyperactive, caring and protective. Noemi is thoughtful towards the needs of others, optimistic, confident, intelligent, courageous, compassionate, hard working and very persistent, possessing good detective skills and acting as a leader in times of need. While Miriam is pessimistic and easily scared, shy and reserved, but loyal and brave, capable of facing her fears briefly to come through her friends and give them emotional support. They can also both be short-tempered and sometimes act stubborn, specially when they were babies.
LIKES: Playing with puppets, building houses and clothers for their dolls, watching cartoons, singing, helping their father in his lab, drawing, imitate their mother on the reception phone, cooking alongside Slimer.
DISLIKES: When grown ups try to force decisions upon them ( instead of asking for their opinions) and also act smug and talk down in a condescending way to them for being small children, and don't admit right away to not knowing the answer for their questions.
Walkie talkie
PKE Meter
Ghost Trap
Noemi wears green framed glasses and purple hair clips in half up pigtails, and has a hair fringe, while Miriam wears red framed glasses and blue hair clips in high pigtails and has no hair fringe.
Surprisingly, both turned their heads down when Janine reached the ninth month of pregnancy, so their mother decided to have them born in a natural birth instead of a C-section.
As babies, they tought Slimer was a toy, and even bite him. They were only playing, and didn't meant harm, but it took time till Slimer understood that and became one of the girls best friends. Meanwhile, their uncle Peter was just amused of seeing the spud being tortured by the two babies.
They are huge opera geeks ever since their parents took them to watch Engelbert Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel for the first time.
Noemi: pleasantness
Adina: delicate
Miriam: bitter
Sarai: princess
Melnitz: steward
Spengler: metal worker
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sonoroquiescing · 11 months
i think it’s pretty universally accepted fanon that Harry and Ron absolutely fucking do Not become aurors but personally i have a distinct timeline for that.
they both do auror training. war has disconnected them so much from their actual wants and needs that they don’t know how to do anything else. Ron makes it 2 years before he realizes, several nervous breakdowns too late, that he was not made to retraumatize himself every day for the rest of his life. Harry, of course, is supportive, if not a bit put out—he knows his best friend made the right decision, but it’s just so lonely.
which is why Harry doesn’t know how the hell he finishes all three years of training. he feels like a shell of himself by the end of it, but nobody completes a 3-year intensive training program and immediately quits. so he takes on cases. they go alright. if he thought he was famous as a child, it’s nothing compared to walking through a ministry full of adults—many of whom are old enough to remember the first war—and into a wing full of people who have devoted their entire lives to hunting down the man he ended twice.
it’s overwhelming. it’s tiring. it gets to a point where, not even a year in, Harry considers retiring. he’s wealthy enough. why not? who would he let down besides himself?
then he remembers McGonagall. sure, it had been in retaliation to Umbridge, but she'd once told him she'd help become an auror if it was the last thing she'd do. he thinks of disappointing her. it makes him feel sick.
but when he meets with her, and tells her he can't bear to be an auror anymore, he's surprised when she listens with a soft, sad smile on her face. that she tells him he should follow his heart. but then she asks him:
what else in your life has made you feel fulfilled?
harry thinks and thinks. he's so far removed from himself that he doesn't even know anymore. he cycles through the memories he uses to cast a patronus...
"teaching the D.A?"
he says it not as an answer, but a question—asking for her validation. it's a preposterous idea, a selfish fantasy he shouldn't have let leave his head. as soon as it's left his head he's mortified to have even suggested it.
but Minerva doesn't scoff. she doesn't laugh him out of her office. she tells him he would make a wonderful teacher, and that she's heard rumors that the DADA professor might be retiring at the end of the year, if he's willing.
it's hardly a difficult choice.
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hazelelel · 9 months
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Found these hiding in my old FLIPACLIP and idk what to do with them. I have no desire to clean them up or finish them
I think it was probably from this scene in an abandoned WIP about Jackson, this muggle dude who was an information gatherer for Dumbledore.
Context: He meets up for meetings with Minerva, Albus, Remus, and Severus each week to give reports. He's made a precarious deal to not be killed, as he is immune to Obliviation (idiot accidentally made friends with a trickster god). He's been to many meetings and now everyone is starting to like him except obviously Severus who hates him. Heheh.
Her- here- here's the scene:
Jackson sat stiffly in his chair in front of Albus's desk, watching as the headmaster flipped through his report. Minerva sat to the side, giving Jackson a stern look. Remus sat next to her and gave Jackson an awkward little thumbs up. Severus was sandwiched in a shadowy corner, looking perhaps even more murderous then the last time. The silence dragged on. Jackson was weary, not only from training with Wotton (thats the trickster god, m'dudes) in a futile attempt to gain any upper hand against a magical opponent with a major advantage, or living in the woods, but also by the issues he was having with his mind. It was all tangled up in there and every time he ventured in, meditating in an open field, he'd find himself thrown out violently. His own mind! It was as if there was something that didn't want him to know it was there. It sent a chill of unnerve down his spine.
Albus set his report down on the desk and finally smiled, pushing his half moon spectacles up on his crooked nose.
"Another excellent report, Jackson. I enjoyed your analysis on the 1930's in both the Muggle and Wizarding world." Albus slid the stack of papers back and Jackson took them. "Now, I believe I want to ask you a few questions."
Jackson swallowed thickly,
"Please." He gestured for the headmaster to continue, all cordial and shit.
"This… issue we've seen arise when trying to obliviate you, it's made for quite the conundrum. In every way, you are entirely normal, yet this sticks out as if there is something larger at play." Albus sobered, leaning forward and folding his fingers.
"I was hoping to attempt something a bit more… experimental." Albus went quiet for a sinister moment, then smiled. "Severus and I believe that you can see through illusion magic due to an abnormality in your mind. Perhapse some deformity of your psyche, but there can be no knowing unless we check. That would be through-"
"Occlumency." Jackson uttered, having read through the mind arts section of the Hogwarts library. "You want to enter my mind?" His eyes darted towards the door. Albus waved his hands gently. "Jackson, my dear boy… there is no need to fear. I only suggest we perform a very brief scan. I believe Severus here could do so and you won't even notice."
At the mention of Severus, Jackson broke into a cold sweat beneath his button-up. The man in question stepped forwards, a looming presence of perpetual anger towards Jackson.
Albus tilted his head, watching Jackson carefully. "That is, only if you consent to this process, of course." Jackson blinked. He was being given a choice? Why? That seemed off.
"Well… no, I would perfer if we-"
"For God's sake, Albus! We twiddle our thumbs for the likes of him now?" Severus hissed, a sneer frozen on his face. Jackson flinched under his intense stare of hatred.
Albus frowned, "Now Severus-"
"To hell with this." Severus shook his head and swooped forwards, bending over front of Jacksons chair faster then he could react.
"That's really won't be necesSSSARY-" Jackson trailed off as Severus grasped his face in both chilled hands and bent down uncomfortably close, his flared nostrils blowing puffs of pissed off air along Jackson's cheeks.
"Look at me." Severus demanded and Jackson immediately closed his eyes. If he'd learned anything living as a muggle in a wizarding world, it was context clues. Context clues told him to not listen for shit. Severus made a noise of frustration and tightened his grip. He leaned in and whispered directly into Jacksons ear, completely turning his brain off for the few seconds his words bounced around his skull.
"If you do not want to end up as potion ingredients, I would suggest you obey me, Muggle."
Jackson, with now very little reluctance, opened his eyes. They were met with a pair of black ones. So black he wondered how. As black as the black of a lake on an overcast night, or the darkest dark of a deep, deep well, or the deepest, most soul grabbing aggressive of- of... Okay, Jackson is no poet. Give him a break.
That was his last thought before the feeling of falling into a mile deep hollow took both of them in a vice grip.
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madraleen · 10 months
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The Promised Neverland - Kaiu Shirai/Posuka Demizu Vol.13-15: A complimenting commentary.
-oh yeah, that's too much kiddie reminiscence, yugo and lucas ain't making it out. they're gonna blow the place up like gilda threatened. that's my prediction
-oof i'm rooting for you guys, but it ain't looking good
-okay, not gilda's explosion, but an explosion all the same.
-one asset of this manga is that it can make the truly sad moments pack a punch. like the separation with norman, ray's intention to die, emma seeing yugo. they’re noticeably more effective than everything else. even if you don't care up to that point, they still make you sit up.
-ah yes the obligatory afterlife scene, nice
-oof, that was a lot. that was heavy.
-is it truly minerva?
-i'm sorry, mr minerva sent two kids that couldn't handle WILD demons to find us...? with no real protection...? that sounds irresponsible.
-hayato's design, i really like it
-i guess hayato is good at stealth but still, they were so powerless against wild demons, what is minerva or "minerva" teaching these kids. i guess not combat, but STILL, he sent them out there
-zazie killing the demons about to eat emma, what a great panel
-a town inside a tree, that's cool
-NORMAN?! also, lol, norman? he grew like three years more than the others. he's a young man (in appearance), and emma and ray are children.
-they've earned that hug, emma and norman, they've earned it so hard
-"oh, my left ear? i left it at the house." lmao, what a way to put it
-gosh, i remember so few names, it's such a huge cast, i'm sorry.
-yeah, i expected ray to hit norman :D
-aww bb ray crying <3
-experimenting on children? hayato a fast runner.
-dude, the babies hanging from the ceiling imagery, the experimented-on children. dark.
-is this the part where we clap for norman's exposition monologue? 'cause it was a good one. too good to be true even.
-aw ray, norman and emma falling asleep together, my heart
-ray with the questions, that's why i like ray. a voice of level-headedness, but not your typical aloofness. just more-aloof-than.
-yeah, see, that's nice, ray knowing what emma truly wants, because ray's lived with emma and grown with emma and seen emma grow for two years now, and norman hasn't
-the dynamic i'm getting is, norman and emma can cordially disagree, and norman won't back down but won't stop emma from doing her thing, and ray is emma's ride-or-die, so whatever emma says, he'll be beside her even if he doesn't quite agree, because he just can't let her face the risk alone
-this is interesting, because it's emma vs everyone and it's never been that way. it's always been emma WITH everyone.
-we stan a friend that meets you where you are, not where *he* is or where he thinks you should be (ray and emma, i'm talking about them).
-lol, not me following the 'how to draw ray' tutorial, lmao
-hm? i'm sorry, hm? barbara eats demon meat...?
-yeah, if emma hears of norman's plan, she'll blow a gasket. back-stabbing alliances. that's not emma stuff.
-hmmm, norman detaching himself from emma instead of opening up and hugging her back. hmmmmm. hm i say.
-ha, my prediction for cordial disagreement and emma and ray going on their separate mission was spot-on!
-okay, an imprisoned demon in norman's basement wasn't what i expected to see when zazie opened that door, niiice
-"that's not what the demons are like," barbara says, a panel away from transforming into a kimetsu no yaiba demon
-yeah, because no matter what, norman technically killed the mass farm kids, or let them die. even if he had no other choice, even if it was seen as merciful in comparison, their deaths are still by his actions and norman actually does have a conscience.
-i'm low-key curious to see how s2 of the anime screwed up as much as i've seen reported, bc the manga structure works really well.
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blazedrawsstuff · 2 years
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Meet Minerva Greymatter, daughter of the Brain Eating Meteor!
Minerva Greymatter
Daughter of The Brain Eating Meteor
The Brain Eating Meteor
Killer Style
As a monster who’s always excited to learn; Academia, naturally.
Freaky Flaw
I’m thirsty- nay, hungry for knowledge almost all the time. While you could argue that’s not a bad thing, sometimes I take my pursuit for wisdom a bit too far…
I still have yet to make an informed choice on what pet works best for me.
Favorite Activity
Not many people know this, but I’m a natural born singer. Sometimes I hum a little tune while working, other times I just burst into song.
Pet Peeve
Unanswered questions give me such a hollow feeling, it just doesn’t feel right. Everything MUST have an answer, right?
Favorite Subject
Hard to pick just one, but if I had to, as a musically inclined ghoul, I pick Music History.
Least Favorite Subject
Astronomy. Don't get me wrong, it's some fascinating stuff. It's just that I've seen and learned it all before. All that is just old news to me now.
Favorite Colors
Green and Pink
Favorite Food
For me, the best meal for a study session is a bowl of noodles, a couple of crullers, and a nice cup of peppermint tea.
Riley Innsmouth (OC) Ghoulia Yelps Astranova Viris Wideweb (OC)
Brain Absorption
Like her father, she is able to remove the brains from people via their ears, eat said brains, and grow in power with the more brains she eats. However she hasn’t done it since she came to New Salem.  Zombification  After removing someone’s brain, she can essentially zombify the victim, as their eyes turn green and they become, well, brainless.
Thanks to her eagerness to learn new things, Minerva is one of the most intelligent students at Monster High and has some of the highest grades of the entire student body.
Singing While not displaying it often, Minerva is quite the capable singer.
Minvera can be defined by her curiosity, intelligence, and eagerness to learn new things. Always seeming fascinated by any piece of information whether it be about other Monsters, humans, or the planet Earth as a whole. In contrast to Lucas, Minerva is much more humble about her intellect and is much nicer and eager to connect with others.
However, Minerva’s pursuit of knowledge can sometimes get the best of her. As sometimes she goes to crazy or even dangerous lengths to find out everything she can on something or someone. At best, it is just nosy and pushy behavior. At worst it can become downright obsessive.
Trivia/Additional Information
Her first name comes from the equivalent of Athena, goddess of wisdom (among other things). Her last name comes from what our brains are made out of (gray matter) and the lyric “It’s not a matter if it isn’t grey” from “Brains”.
Minerva’s birthday is October 18th, which is the day Little Rock of Horrors (the episode the Brain Eating Meteor debuted) first aired. This makes her a Libra.
Her headcanon voice actor is Christina Vee, who voiced Miki Makimura from Devilman Crybaby, Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon, and Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug. 
Minerva’s singing abilities come from the fact Little Rock of Horrors is a musical episode.
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missmeasured · 1 year
Oh my goodness the question I hoped and feared in equal measure. Back when I was inspired and writing at every available moment I began to spin many possible next things to SOTS. I promise I have had writers block on all fronts and will finish SOTS before anything else but he’s what has been partially begun with no promise of it becoming anything.
But please do let me know if something excites you.
Hiccoughs and Hufflepuffs
In a world where some witches and wizards are lucky enough to find their soulmates for life, happily mated Minerva is very excited to discover that her good, but frequently sad friend Severus has the early symptoms of a mating bond; hot pink ears and the appetite of an elephant. She sets out to find the matching pink ears.
Severus on the other hand is less than thrilled by all of it. To say nothing of the fact that his first love got hot pink ears for another before they even finished Hogwarts, he is utterly gobsmacked by the gall of Minerva to suggest that his mate is a student. Worse than that, a Hufflepuff.
Madelyn’s own shock turns to anger when instead of a supportive soon to be life partner she receives an extra bitter curmudgeon who is less than sympathetic toward her troubles, the fact her muggle parents are unlikely to accept that she just happens to be life bonded to a man double her age. To make matters worse the unbearable discomforts of the mating bond’s symptoms are only quelled by touching the bitter curmudgeon in question.
The Brilliant Miss Bones
Set in an AU where Severus never became a death eater but instead became the owner of an apothecary shop, financed by his good friend Lucius Malfoy. Despite its beautiful interior, the shop's location in Knockturn Alley keeps it from truly flourishing financially. The influence of he-who-must-not-be-named is ever on the rise and Severus is determined to stay out of it, and plod away at his shop, more interested in inventing potions than being in business.
Lucius is forever talking about his promise to people Severus would rather he not, but he can’t really blame the man, he must want his initial investment back out of the place. When the need arises to hire an assistant, the unlikely choice of a young curvy fashionista Miss Susan Bones breathes new life into the shop. She doubles his sales in a month from small changes. Half his age, her chattiness and joy sometimes confound him. She has a sense of humour of all things. She brings him tea cups full of snacks he didn’t know he wanted. She is exquisite and he hates that he wants her.
Amid rising darkness his assistant and he get closer. He is determined to protect her from the new laws being passed but more than anything determined not to allow himself to be one of those men having a mid life crisis and falling in love with someone who is ill suited, too young, and frilly for him.
Lily, very pregnant, is sent on a mission to check in on Severus Snape who has been seen in public with suspected Death Eaters. She finds out that, thanks to her husband, she has been holding a nasty false assumption about him for years. He is a grower not a show-er.
THEN I have not one but THREE WIPS where I write him as a bad man instead of a good one. I have nary a clue if I will finish or write any of these.
-Corruption- In a world where the ministry has fallen, our main character is moved from her job in muggle relations to a position in the department of mysteries as the secretary to Severus snape. He seems to be his own department. Little does she know he is working on transferring the power of Legilimency into physical objects like a portkey of bad thoughts. She is less of a secretary than a human Guinea pig left to languish with nothing to do in these dark hallways. Her mind begins to play tricks on her and when she loses the ability to sleep all together, she finds the open arms of her new boss the only place she can go.
-Sleeping Beside the Enemy- A dark arranged marriage story where the reader is a pure blood witch who had been hiding amongst muggles working as a librarian. Forced back into the fray, she hides in a library at a singles ball only to find her hiding place invaded by someone who orders her out of “his” hiding place. They have a small argument, little does she know the exchanges endears her to the man and before she knows it she finds herself engaged to this stranger. In the marriage she tries with all her might to stay distant from him which proves difficult as he seems intent on extracting as much pleasure from her body as possible.
-The Grey Area- Written in the style of Lolita this is a Severus POV where he sets out to seduce a student who has an obvious crush on him by slowly pushing her boundaries. When she finally develops a back bone later in the semester he has to be more creative to ensare her again.
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